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Wang Zhiping 中国进出口商品交易会副主任兼秘书长 中国对外贸易中心(集团)董事长

Vice President and Secretary General of Canton Fair Chairman of the Board of China Foreign Trade Centre (Group) “虽然目前中国已经是世界贸易大国,但整体上仍处于国际产业 链的低端,面临的竞争压力也越来越大。正是在这种背景下,第 109 届广交会启动运行了广交会产品设计与贸易促进中心 ( 以下 简称 PDC)。目的是希望通过引入世界范围内优质的设计资源, 与广交会汇聚的中国优秀出口企业实现“强强联合”,从而加快 调整中国出口商品结构,提升中国出口企业在国际市场的竞争力。 过去的广交会见证了“中国制造”的崛起,今天的广交会正在见 证“中国创造”的起步 ! 我们相信 PDC 将引导和帮助广交会参 展企业加快产品研发设计创新的步伐,成为同享利益、齐达目标 的桥梁!”

Now China has been the trading nation of the world, but it is still in the low end of international industrial chain, facing more and more pressure from competition. Under such background, the 109th session of Canton Fair launched the Canton Fair Product Design and Trade Promotion Centre(PDC), aiming to introduce the superior design resources of the world to Canton Fair excellent Chinese exhibitors and global buyers. The past Canton Fair witnessed the emergence of "Made-inChina". Today's Canton Fair is witnessing the start of "Createdin-China". We believe PDC will lead and help the Canton Fair exhibitors and global buyers to upgrade their product design and innovation, being a bridge for sharing interest and achieving mutual goals.


What is 广交会产品设计与贸易促进中心 ( 简称 PDC) PDC 是同享利益 , 共达目标的桥梁 ! Canton Fair Product Design and Trade Promotion Centre (PDC) PDC is the bridge for sharing interests and achieving mutual goals! PDC 享有丰富的中国企业资源、国际买家与海外设计师资 源。我们将大量国外优秀设计师资源提供给渴望提高自身 产品设计水平的中国企业以及到广交会的国际买家。PDC 以帮助推动中国企业和国际买家提高自身设计和商品创新 为前提,致力达成将中国制造转变为中国创造,从而成为 连通世界设计资源的平台。PDC 已与多家境外设计公司、 设计师合作,正逐步开拓更多设计资源。同时,PDC 也已 成功举办设计展示、设计配对、设计论坛等活动,在不久 的将来,将陆续推出设计杂志、设计培训等服务,吸收更 多企业会员和设计师会员,为双方的交流提供最直接有效 的平台。

PDC boasts rich resources of Chinese enterprises, global buyers and designers. We share such abundant design resources with Chinese enterprises who aim to improve their own product design level from “Madein-China” to “Created-in-China”, and with those global buyers who are eager to innovate their commodities to enlarge market share in the world. PDC has already worked with many overseas design companies as well as designers and will tap more design resources. Meantime, it has successfully organized design shows, design forums, match-makings. In the near future, more events including design magazine and training will be available to attract more enterprise and designer members, providing the most direct and effective platform for mutual communication.



Canton Fair and 广交会是中国最大的贸易盛会 , 每届汇聚了超过 24000 家 的中国优质企业和来自世界各地的 20 万买家。中国商务部 下属—中国对外贸易中心负责承办一年两届的广交会。隶 属于中国对外贸易中心的 PDC,是为促进海外设计师和中 国企业及国际买家的交流合作而建立的。

Canton Fair is the largest trade fair in China, with more than 24,000 best Chinese enterprises and 200,000 buyers from all over the world. China Foreign Trade Centre, subordinated to Ministry of Commerce of China, is responsible for organizing the Canton Fair biannually. PDC of China Foreign Trade Centre, is set up to facilitate the communication and cooperation between overseas designers, global buyers and Chinese enterprises of Canton Fair.

中国进出口商品交易会 ( 广交会 ) 共分为 A、B、C 三个展区。展览总面积高达 116 万平方米, 是中国目前历史最久、规模最大、到会采购商最多、成交效果最好、综合性国际贸易盛会。

China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) is divided into 3 exhibition areas with more than 1,160,000 square meters in total. It is regarded as the most comprehensive fair with the longest history, the largest scale and the broadest distribution of overseas buyers in China.


2011 年 4 月份第 109 届 广交会 , 广交会产品设计 与 贸 易 促 进 中 心 (PDC) 正式成立。中国商务部及 中国对外贸易中心 ( 集团) 有关领导出席 PDC 启动 仪式。

In April 2011, PDC was officially launched during Canton Fair. Leaders of Ministr y of Commerce, P.R.C and China Import and Expor t Fair (Group) attended the Opening Ceremony of PDC.


is here for 随着中国经济的蓬勃发展 , 中国企业对产品设计的需求日趋旺 盛,需要多元化的设计赢得更广泛的市场。同时 , 许多来广交 会的国际买家也存在大量的设计需求。PDC 正是为了顺应企 业和买家们的需求而建立,为中国企业、国际买家和国外设计 师的对接合作打造高效、便捷的平台。通过 PDC, 国际设计师 能快捷地进入中国市场;通过 PDC,中国企业能高效地提升 产品竞争力;通过 PDC,国际买家能寻找到有独特创意的设 计概念及产品。

With the booming development of Chinese economy, Chinese enterprises have increasing demands on diversified design, which can help gaining more market share. Meantime, Canton Fair global buyers have much design demand to improve their resourcing. PDC is set up to meet the demands of these enterprises and buyers, with an aim to build a most efficient and convenient platform for matching and cooperation between Chinese enterprises and international designers or buyers. PDC is a shortcut for international designers to explore Chinese market and an accelerator for Chinese enterprises to increase product competitiveness, also to help global buyers to find the unique design concept and product. 3


& designers 成为 PDC 设计师会员 , 在广交会期间将优先参与设计展示、 设计论坛、设计配对、交流晚宴等活动,与中国企业直接进 行交流互动。非交易会期间设计师会员除了定期收到企业设 计需求资讯外,还可优先获得广交会大厦设计廊展示活动的 参与权 , 更将有机会受邀聘任为广交会论坛主讲嘉宾、设计 培训活动特约讲师等。另外 , 设计师会员可优先接受媒体以 及 PDC 官方刊物上的专访,赢得广阔的宣传机会。 PDC 愿意协助境外设计师会员赴华工作并可协助设计师会 员对其设计作品在中国申请专利保护。PDC 可为企业与设 计师会员提供监督合约执行的服务。不久的将来,设计师会 员将有机会参加 PDC 组织的中国市场的考察活动,了解生 产中国企业产品设计的情况。

Being PDC members, designers will have priority to take part in design show, design forum, match-making and networking dinner with top-class Chinese enterprises during the Canton Fair. Besides, they will receive design demands of Chinese enterprises and global buyers out of fair time. PDC designers have priority to participate in the product design show in Design Gallery of Canton Fair Tower. Moreover, designers will be invited to be the keynote speakers in design forum or lecturers of design training, and to be interviewed by media and PDC publications to get more opportunities for promotion. PDC will also help overseas designers to work in China, and they will be assisted to apply for design patents in China. At the same time, PDC also provides contract supervising service for its members. In the coming future, designer members will have the opportunity to participate in Chinese market investigation activities organized by PDC to gain an idea of Chinese product design level.



& Enterprises PDC 凭借广交会良好的海外关系 , 通过与设计行业机构建 立战略合作关系 , 为中国以及海外企业会员提供面对面、 点对点的设计配对。PDC 是企业接触设计资源、物色设计 师的最佳平台。广交会期间,企业会员可直接参与设计配对、 设计论坛、交流晚宴等主题活动且优先接受媒体以及 PDC 官方刊物上的专访。企业会员更可率先获得广交会大厦设 计廊展示活动的参与权。除此以外,PDC 将为企业会员举 办长期的设计配对,以及设计培训、国外设计机构游学等 活动,开阔企业会员设计视野。

Taking advantage of extensive overseas network, PDC is aiming to provide “face-to-face” and “point-topoint” match-making service to Chinese and overseas enterprises by establishing cooperative relationship with overseas design organizations. PDC is a best platform for enterprises to access to designing resources and designers. During Canton Fair, PDC enterprise members are invited to take part in design forum, match-making and networking dinner with oversea designers. They have priority to product design show in Design Gallery of Canton Fair Tower and to be interviewed by media and PDC publications. In the future, PDC will organize long-term match-making service, design training and overseas training trip in order to broaden design visions.



Comments for

( 设计师 ) (designer)

米歇尔 米罗 Michel Millot 法国设计公司成立人、首席设计师 the founder and chief designer of a French design company

“本届广交会把工业设计服务推介给中国企业的同时也推介给了 来自全球的买家。这一事件本身,和对我们来讲都是值得铭刻的。 展会上,我们接触了来自各行业的众多企业,扩大了我们在中国 和世界范围的知名度。我们也将进而成为各企业新产品设计的有 效工具。” Canton Fair introduces industrial design service not only to Chinese enterprises but also worldwide buyers. In the fair, we have known all walks of industries which help to increase our company's reputation both inside and outside China. We will be a very useful way let enterprises have their new product design.

罗蒙 Roman Goronok 意大利设计公司市场总监 Marketing Director of an Italy design company

“我认为 PDC 和国外设计师、中国企业取得了很有成效的合作, 而且我相信三方一起都从 PDC 这座桥梁中获益了很多。” I think it’s quite fruitful cooperation between PDC and foreign designers, and also Chinese enterprises. And I believe that all the 3 parties together were enjoying very much the bridge which was made by PDC.

大卫 范恩 David Fannin 英国某设计公司执行总监 Managing Director of a UK design company

“借此机会 , 我十分感谢 PDC 给予了我司参与本届广交会 PDC 活 动的机会。PDC 的活动相当有成效。我们这次的展位位置也很不错, 吸引了不少企业和采购商与我们洽谈,同时我们也参加了各种各 样 PDC 的活动,我们也从中得到了很多帮助与收益。” I would like to thank PDC for giving us the opportunity to be part of the canton fair. They have been extremely helpful and accommodating throughout the whole process, providing an excellent central venue for the various events, meetings and networking.


布赖恩 罗德曼 Brian Roderman 美国设计公司首席创新执行官、合伙人 Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of a U.S. design company

“我非常喜欢 PDC 的活动。我很开心可以看到世界各地的人都在 谈论设计,参与有关设计的活动,与其它国家的设计师朋友相会。 这是我第一次参加 PDC 的活动,发现不仅中国的生产企业来咨询, 欧洲等国外买家也来询问。我很兴奋,因为这可以成为一种新的 商业模式:第三方市场需求 + 美中合作设计 + 中国制造。” I love it! It’s great to be here and see the international and global event. I love to see all the people from all over the world talking about design, participating in design, getting to meet the design friends from other parts of the world. This is my first time participating in PDC activities. I find not only Chinese manufacturers, but also global buyers from Europe and other countries come to consult us. I am excited about this, because this can become a new business mode: third-party market demand+American-Chinese design+made-in-China.

彼得 基斯顿 Peter Kersten 荷兰 BNO 设计师协会大使 Ambassador of BNO of the Netherlands

“广交会就像一个不可思议的微型宇宙,整个世界的生产商,采 购商,投资者,趋势预测者,企业大亨,研究人员,首席创新执 行官等都会集聚于此。我们的设计师应该充分利用这个优势,真 正意识到广交会 PDC 带来的巨大驱动力。” The Canton Fair is an incredible micro cosmos where the whole world gathers together: manufacturers, buyers, investors, trend watchers, business tycoons, researchers, chief innovation officers. We designers must make use of this unique event and understand the driving forces of all these entrepreneurs here gathered together.

马泰斯 波特 Matthijs Pot 荷兰设计公司亚洲区董事总经理 Managing director, Asia office of the Netherlands design company

“PDC 把西方设计和中国生产企业都聚集在一起,对于那些继续 通过产品设计与企业创新而开拓国外市场的企业而言,PDC 无疑 给予了他们一把开启成功大门的钥匙。” PDC brings together the western design and Chinese manufacturers. For those enterprises who want to explore the international market through product design and enterprise innovation, PDC has undoubtedly given them a key to success.



Comments for

( 企业 ) (Enterprise)

蔡雨衫 Cai Yushan 纽威 ( 厦门 ) 轻工有限公司总经理 General Manager of New Wish (Xiamen) Light Industrial Co., Ltd

“企业要注意吸收符合自己产品定位又熟悉国外市场的外国设计师,参与制定 产品开发的总体思路框架,之后再按市场、产品细分策略,充分发挥外国设计 师的主导作用、同时充分团结利用现有设计团队的力量,进行新产品的设计。” Enterprises should find overseas designers who not only understand your products positioning, but also know the international markets. Let the designers make the frame strategy of product development. Then take full advantage of the international designers’ leading role according to the strategy of market and product division, and at the same time, make full use of the creativity of your own design team.

李三新 Li Sanxin 美的制冷家电集团工业设计中心经理 Manager of Industrial Design Centre of Midea Group

“随着美的集团的国际化进程不断推进,工业设计在我们集团的战略地位日趋 重要,包括设计团队、设计资源和设计经费投入也越来越多。我认为,工业设 计在产品的综合竞争力中,可以说是一种先行竞争力,是对市场和消费者紧密 衔接的桥梁。” Along with Midea's internationalization, industrial design has played an increasingly important role in our group stragety. We invest more and more in design team, design resources and design budgets. I think, among all the comprehensive competitiveness of products, industrial design comes the first, which is also the bridge connecting the market with consumers closely.

林伟集 Lin Weiji 广东骅威玩具工艺股份有限公司海外事业部经理 Manager of Overseas Business Department of Guangdong Huawei Toys Craft Co., Ltd

“随着原材料价格的提升,人力资源价格的提升,导致现在产品的利润空间, 我们唯一的出路,就是多开发出自己的产品,创造自己的产品。因为国外的设 计师的品味,设计理念,都是跟世界接轨的。所以我们聘了一些国外的设计师, 把我们的产品提升起来。帮我们产品的定位也提升起来。” With the soaring prices of raw materials and human resources, we can hardly get any profit from our products. The only way for us is to develop and create more products of our own. Because overseas designers' taste and design concept integrate with the world's standards, we employ some overseas designers to improve our products and make our product positioning more practical and precise.


吴志华 Alan Wu 厦门市合联鑫进出口有限公司总经理 General Manager of Xiamen Horison Commercial&Trade Co., Ltd

“加入 PDC 的企业会员后,提升了企业的竞争力和产品的附加值,使自己在 同行业里会有更好的竞争力。希望 PDC 越办越好,使我们得到的好处越来越多。” After becoming the enterprise member of PDC, we have increased our company's competence and added our product value, making us more competitive among our industry. I hope PDC will become bigger and better so that we can get more and more benefits.

陈学冰 Chen Xuebing 浙江新秀集团总经理助理 General Manager Assistant of Newcomer Group Co., Ltd.

“这(广交会设计中心)更加方便了我们和境外设计师对接,对于我们企业 来说是非常必要和便利的交流机会。这次通过与荷兰、法国、西班牙设计师 的交流,给我们的产品设计带来了不同程度的启发,相信下一届广交会,我 们会推出更多与众不同的特色产品。” PDC makes it easier for us to match with overseas designers, which is a great opportunity for we enterprises. Through communicating with designers from the Netherlands, France, and Spain, we got different inspiration for our product design. I believe we will bring out more special and characteristic products for next session of Canton Fair.

张杰 Zhangjie 新疆亚鑫国际经贸股份有限公司总经理助理 General manager assistant of Xinjiang Yaxin International Economic & Trade Co., Ltd

“新疆拥有非常优质的土特产,就是因为没有品牌,再好的产品都只能贱卖。 我们希望通过 PDC 的活动,比如设计配对,找到优秀的设计师,把我们的产 品推广出去,让产品增值。” Xingjiang owns much native produce of high quality, but they don't have brands, and be sold only at a sacrifice. We hope to find excellent designers from PDC through its activities like match-making to help us increase our product value and promote our products.




have done 在第 110 届广交会上,PDC 根据广交会不同展期的产品 类别,举办了设计展示、设 计论坛、设计配对、品牌企 业与设计师交流晚宴等活动。

During 110th Session of Canton Fair, PDC held a series of activities such as design show, design forum, matchmak ing and appreciation dinner in accordance with product categories of different phases in Canton Fair.



Product Design Showw 设计专题论坛

Design Forum 设计配对

Match-making 品牌企业与设计师联谊

Networking Dinner


产品设计展示活动 Product Design Show PDC 组织了来自美国、英国、法国、荷兰、意大利、西班牙、日本、中国台 湾及中国香港等 9 个国家和地区的 35 家境外机构参加设计展示活动。在广交 会琶洲展馆内人流最密集的珠江散步道上设立专业展示点,向广交会优秀参展 企业和国际买家近距离展示境外设计师的创意、设计能力和设计概念,促进设 计供需双方的现场互动。

PDC invited 35 design organizations from 9 countries and regions including U.S., U.K., France, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Japan, Hong Kong SAR and China Taiwan to join product design show. Designers set up display units to show their design innovation, design ability and design concept to Chinese enterprises exhibitors and international buyers at Pearl River Promenade, which has the densest traffic of fair visitors inside Canton Fair Complex.

中国进出口商品交易会副主任兼秘书长王志平先生参观 PDC 设计展示点 , 与设计师们亲切交谈。

Mr.Wang Zhiping,the Vice President and Secretary General of Canton Fair visited the PDC Product Design Show, talked with PDC designers friendly.



Display unit of an Italian design company


Pearl River Promenade--the busiest place inside Canton Fair exhibiton areas


Display unit of the Dutch design team


设计专题论坛 Design Forum PDC 组织多场针对各类设计领域的论坛活动,邀请优秀设计师与品牌企业代 表担当论坛嘉宾,让他们就行业设计流行趋势、产品设计理念、国际市场品牌 营销、研发创新的经验与技巧畅所欲言。

PDC organized design forums in many field of designs, and invited Chinese excellent designers and enterprises representatives to be guest speakers, sharing experience and knowledge on industry design trends, product design concepts, and brand marketing in international market.

在 2011 年 10 月份广交会第一期 PDC 论坛活动中 , 我们邀请了中国知名企业代表 , 来自广东志高空调有限公司、格 兰仕集团有限公司、美的制冷家电集团、温州百特电器有限公司与海外设计师围坐讨论 , 畅所欲言。

In October 2011, during Phase I of Canton Fair, PDC invited Chinese representatives of Guangdong Chigo Air-conditioning Co.,Ltd,Guangdong Galanz Group Co., .Ltd,Midea Air-conditioning and Refrigeration and WenZhou Paiter Electric Factory and PDC designers to be speakers, sharing design experience with audience altogether


在 2011 年 10 月 份 广 交会 PDC 活动中 , 美国 色彩协会常务董事受邀 担 任 PDC 家 居 用 品 设 计流行趋势论坛演讲嘉 宾。 与 企 业 分 享 2012 年的家居设计趋势。

During Canton PDC in October 2011, managing director of Color Association of United States is invited to be guest speaker in the design trend forum of household items to share with enterprises the design forecasting in 2012. 中国对外贸易中心副主 任、中国对外贸易中心 (集团)副总裁陈朝仁 先 生 在 PDC 论 坛 上 给 到会来宾致欢迎辞。

Deputy Director General of China Import and Export Fair, Vice President o f C h i n a Fo r e i g n Trade Centre (Group), M r. C h e n C h a o re n gave a welcome speech in PDC design forum.

PDC 论坛结束后 , 设计 与企业代表们相互交流 认识 .

Designers and e n t e r p r i s e s representatives chatted with each other after PDC design forum.


设计配对 Match-making 为撮合广交会参展企业和国际买家与设计机构在设计服务方面的无缝对接,共 同发掘合作共赢良机,PDC 提前为设计师和企业及国际买家预约现场洽谈业 务,并设立专门的时间和场地进行现场配对,为设计师与国内企业和国际买家 提供深入了解的机会,直接切入设计项目的洽谈。

Match-making is to provide direct interaction and communication opportunities between designers and Chinese enterprises along with international buyers for further cooperation on design projects. PDC made appointments before the fair for all parties to meet face-to-face, and organized on-site match-making at appointed time and place during the fair. It provides designers, domestic enterprises and international buyers the opportunity of an in-depth and direct communication for design projects.

配对活动是 PDC 的重头戏之一。中国企业代表与国际买家积极参加 PDC 的配对活动,期待与设计师擦出合作的火花。

Match-making is one of the most important activities of PDC. Chinese enterprises representatives and global buyers take part in it very actively, hoping to cooperate with designers very soon.


配对活动上 , 中国企业代表 , 国际买家们与设计师就设计项目 , 热烈交流。

During match-making, Chinese enterprises representatives, global buyers and designers have hot discussion on design projects.


品牌企业与设计师联谊 Networking Dinner PDC 邀请参加活动的境外设计机构及设计师代表与广交会品牌参展企业代表 共进晚宴,进行更多更深入的交流,增加彼此之间的了解,建立长期的友谊。

PDC invited all participants from overseas designers and Canton Fair Brand enterprises to have dinners together. They could take the opportunities to have more and deeper communication to enhance the understanding of each other and establish long-term relationships.

PDC 邀请中国品牌企业代表与设计师们在轻松愉快的气氛中共进晚宴 , 增进双方的交流。

PDC invites designers and Chinese brand enterprises to have dinner in a very relaxing atmosphere.


设计师与企业在 PDC 感谢晚宴相互 交流

Designers and Chinese enterprises representatives communicated with each other happily in PDC Appreciation Dinner

广交会副秘书长、 中国对外贸易中心 (集团)副总裁马 春 志 向 参 加 PDC 感谢晚宴的设计师 和企业朋友表达谢 意。

Mr. Ma Chunzhi, t h e V i c e Pr e s i d e n t a n d Vice S ecretar y General of Canton Fair proposed a toast to all designers and enterprises representatives in the dinner.

荷兰设计师协会 大 使 Peter 先 生 为 PDC 感谢宴致辞。

M r . P e t e r Kersten, the ambassador of the Netherlands d e s i g n organization, BNO, gave a thank-you speech in the dinner.


What is


going to do PDC 将 致 力 于 丰 富 设 计 师 资 源,进一步提高设计师整体水 平,同时集合更多对设计有需 求的企业会员,力求成为中国 最专业、最大的连接设计师和 企业的平台。

PDC is devoted to enriching the international design resources and gathering more high- quality enterprises to become our members, striving to become the most direc t and largest platform in China connec ting designers with enterprises.


PDC 将会在第 111 届广交会扩大设计展示规模,邀请更多来自不同国 家地区的设计师与设计团体在广交会展馆珠江散步道举行设计展示活 动,分三期展出,产品展示类别如下: PDC will expand the scale of design show and invite more designers to display their design ability and design concept during 111th Session of Canton Fair. The products categories are as follows:

第一期:2012 年 4 月 15 日 -19 日 电子产品,家用电器,卫浴设备,建材,照明,机械,车辆及配件 第二期:2012 年 4 月 23 日 -27 日 日用消费品,礼品,家居装饰品,家具,玩具,陶瓷 第三期:2012 年 5 月 1 日 -5 月 5 日 纺织服装,鞋,办公用品,箱包,医药及医疗保健,食品

Phase I: 15th-19th April, 2012 Electronic products, Household Electrical Appliances, Sanitary and Bathroom Equipment, Building Materials and Lighting Equipment, Machinery, Vehicle and Spare Parts Phase II: 23rd-27th April, 2012 Consumer goods, Gifts and Premiums, Home Decorations, Furniture, Toys, Ceramics Phase III: 1st- 5th May, 2012 Textiles & Garments, Shoes, Stationary & Office Supplies, Cases and Bags, Medicines, Medical Devices and Health Products, Food


除了组织设计展示、设计论坛、设计配对活动及交流晚宴外,今后还 将陆续开拓设计比赛、设计杂志、设计培训、网络配对等服务,吸收 中国企业会员、国际买家会员和境外设计师会员,为彼此的交流和合 作创造最直接、最有效的平台。 在广交会大厦琶洲威斯汀酒店大堂设立的 PDC 设计廊里 , 将常年安排 设计师会员进行创意品展示和会员活动。设计廊是一个充满着无限设 计感与潮流感的殿堂,在这里,设计师独特的设计能力将得以展示; 在这里,您将会被设计师的想象力而打动。

PDC creates the most direct and efficient platform for interaction and cooperation between Chinese enterprises and overseas designers by organizing series of activities, such as Design Show, Design Forum, Design Service, Match-making, Design Competition, Design Magazine and Design Training etc. And PDC will develop members among Chinese enterprises overseas designers and international buyers. In Pazhou Westin Hotel of Canton Fair Tower, PDC Design Gallery will be set up in the lobby to present designers’ innovation permanently. It is also going to organize member activities regularly to enrich PDC services. Design Gallery is a window for designers to fly out their design to the world; Here, visitors will be impressed by everything!



Designer Members


Sorcit 国籍: 英国 领域:厨用纺织品、户内户外家具、家居用品、园林用品、陶 瓷、电子产品、礼品 Nationality: UK Specialise:Kitchen Textiles, Indoor & Outdoor Furniture, Household Goods, Planting Accessories, Ceramics, Electronics, consumer hard goods and Gifts

In2 Innovation 国籍: 美国 In2创新 – 我们的国际团队集合了中美设计师与工程师,擅长全 面的产品设计开发,包括: 人种学研究、工业设计、 机电研发 与生产展开。 Nationality: USA In2 Innovation: Our global teams includes designers, engineers in U.S and China who are capable of all facets of product design and development including ethnographic research, industrial design, electro-mechanical development and production deployment.

Millot Design 国籍: 法国 领域:家电、电子、卫浴、灯具、婴童用品、工具、园艺用 品、机械设备、建材、礼品等。 Nationality: France Product Category: electronic and electrical products, consumer electronics, lighting fixtures, kids care products, tools, toiletries, machinery, building materials, gifts and premiums.

Sunlit Design co., Ltd. 国籍: 法国 主要从事家电,电子产品,厨房用具,家具,灯饰,医疗设 备等行业的产品设计 Nationality: France Mainly work in field of home appliance, electronic, kitchenware, furniture…

Dessin & Cie


国籍: 法国 产品行业:家用纺织品 陶瓷 纸 文具 设计类别:产品设计 平面设计 Nationality: France Product Industry: Home Textile, Ceramics, Paper, Stationary Design Category: Product Design, Graphic Design

Studio CQ 国籍: 荷兰 领域:消费电子品、家用电器、汽车、医疗器械、家具、 家居用品、灯具、厨具、文具、室内设计 Nationality: the Netherlands Field: Consumer Electronics, Household appliances, Automotive, Medical Equipment, Furniture, Home Appliances, Lighting, Kitchenware, Stationery, Interior design

3House Productions 国籍: 荷兰 亚洲最大的产品设计和设计咨询供应商之一。 Nationality: the Netherlands One of the biggest suppliers of design support products and design consultancy services in Asia.

Ask4Me Group 国籍: 荷兰 产品设计和风格设计 Nationality: the Netherlands A Dutch design and engineering company.

dEEEsign 国籍: 荷兰 dEEEsign的领域包括运动、休闲、时装、食品、美容、健 康、(个人)护理、家用消费品。 Nationality: the Netherlands dEEEsign’s sectors are sports, leisure, fashion, food, beauty, health, (personal) care, domestic and consumer products.

A Fish Named Fred 国籍: 荷兰 为男士、女士和儿童服装以及饰物提高生活时尚品牌。 Nationality: the Netherlands Raising Lifestyle brand for Men, Ladies and Childeren clothing and accessories.

Studio PLOT 国籍: 荷兰 我擅长设计男士(男孩)服饰,运动装,颜色和印花。但 是,我也在设计少女及女士服饰方面拥有经验的丰富。 Nationality: the Netherlands Specialist on Mens’ (Boys’) wear, Sportswear, Color and Prints, however, I have enough experience on girls and women too.


Silver Lining 国籍: 荷兰 我们为中高档服装市场设计一套完整的时装系列。 Nationality: the Netherlands We design integrated fashion collections for the middle and upper market.

Spizes 国籍: 荷兰 主要服务领域为移动设备、体育用品、家用电子产品、青少年 产品、品牌开发及公共设备设计。 Nationality: the Netherlands Design fields: Product design, Branding & marketing, Commercial space design, Integrated Product Design and Communication.

SST! Design Collective 国籍: 荷兰 SST!设计团队能为您提供一下设计:时装及配饰 家居装饰 陶瓷 玩具 纺织品和印花 平面设计 礼品 Nationality: the Netherlands SST! design team offers: Fashion & Accessories,Home Decoration, Ceramics,Toys,Textile and Prints,Graphic Design,Gifts

Ineke Otte 国籍: 荷兰 Ineke Otte是位成功的设计师/设计桌子艺术家、台灯、室内 产品、珠宝、披肩、雕塑和玻璃制品。 Nationality: the Netherlands Ineke Otte is a successful designer/artist designing tables, lamps, interior products, jewellery, shawls, sculptures and glass objects.

Manualise 国籍: 荷兰 相关经验:用户手册 大会手册 安装手册 服务手册 使用说明书 技术文档 快速开始指南 保养说 Nationality: the Netherlands Experienced in: User manuals, Assembly manuals Installation manuals, Service, manuals, Instruction manuals, Technical documentation, Quick start guides,Maintenance instructions

Spizes 国籍: 荷兰 Spizes为时装、饰品和家居装饰提供顾问咨询和设计服务。 Nationality: the Netherlands Spizes offers consultancy and design for fashion, accessories and home decoration.


Studio Mango 国籍: 荷兰 芒果工作室(Studio Mango)是一家为广大客户创造创新产 品的设计公司。我们在荷兰和香港的工程师和设计师团队, 拥有有多年的产品设计和参与项目的实践经验。 Nationality: the Netherlands Design fields: Product design, Branding & marketing, Packaging, Commercial space design

Studio STOUT 国籍: 荷兰 Studio STOUT 为世界范围内的一流公司提供着优异的产品设 计,包括生活用品、医疗产品、通信产品、灯饰、家具等。 Nationality: the Netherlands Studio STOUT creates inspiring successful product designs for international leading companies in consumer goods, medical, mobility, lighting and furniture.

Studio tanjasoeter 国籍: 荷兰 创意咨询,潮流动向演讲, 产品开发和色彩研究。 Nationality: the Netherlands Creative consultancy, trend presentations, product development & colour research.

Ytrends 国籍: 荷兰 Ytrends 是一家知名的专营鞋业的预测及培训机构。 Nationality: the Netherlands Ytrends is a renowned forecasting and training agency specialized in footwear.

Ping-pong Design 国籍: 荷兰 Ping-pong正是一家与众不同的设计代理公司。 Nationality: the Netherlands Ping-pong is the design agency with a difference (or two).

Link Design 国籍: 荷兰 Link Design (始于1996年)运用创意策略和视觉概念为您的 产品或组织取得确实的成果。 Nationality: the Netherlands Link Design (since 1996) develops creative strategies and visual concepts with tangible results for your products or organization.


AKKA DESIGN Inc. 国籍:日本 成立于2001年在日本大阪,和设计各种产品。 Nationality: Japan Founded in 2001 in Osaka Japan, and design various products.

Stimulo 国籍:西班牙 设计领域:电子电器、照明产品、机械、五金工具、礼品、消费 品、家居装饰、医疗保健产品 Nationality: Spain Specialize in:Electronics & Household Electrical Appliances, Lighting Equipment, Machinery, Hardware&Tools, Consumer Goods, Gifts, Medicines, Medical Devices & Health Products

Simplicity Urban Solutions 国籍:意大利 擅长于户外园林家具、公共设施、卫浴产品、厨房用品、家居及 公共照明设备、餐具用品、电子消费品、高新科技产品、箱包等 等的设计。 Nationality: Italy Design development range includes outdoor/ garden/ street/ bathroom/ kitchen furniture, bathroom/ kitchen accessories, indoor and outdoor lighting, table ware, household products, electronic accessories, high technology gadgets, bags and many other product categories.

Oobiq Architects 国籍:意大利 作为亚洲地区最具影响力的设计团队之一,OOBIQ Architects 提供的设计服务包括项目总规、建筑设计、室内设计、项目管理 等。 Nationality: Italy OOBIQ Architects has become one of the most successful international design firms in Asia and is involved in a wide variety of business: from master plan to architecture, from interior design to project management.


Plant 216 国籍:中国香港 产品行业:服装 礼品 箱包 设计类别:产品设计 品牌设计 Nationality: Hong Kong, China Product Industry: Apparel, Gifts, Bags Design Category: Product Design, Branding solution

Milk Design 国籍:中国香港 产品行业:家居用品 餐具 浴室用品 航空设备 电子消费品 设计类别:品牌设计 平面设计 Nationality: Hong Kong, China Product Industry: Homewares, Tableware, Bathroom Accessories, Airline Equipments, Consumer Electronics Design Category: Product Design, Graphic Design

Xcellent Products International Ltd. 国籍:中国台湾 产品行业:家具 办公用品 设计类别:产品设计 Nationality: China Taiwan Product Industry: Furniture, Household Items, LED Design Category: Product Design

Olga's and Fotis 国籍:希腊 自2008年以来,Olga一直与中国很多企业合作,从事家 具、陶瓷、照明产品和季节性装饰品设计。 Fotis专业从事于灯光设计,使用光纤,全息图,霓虹灯、太阳 能和项目建设。 Nationality: Greece Since 2008 Olga is cooperating with Chinese enterprises designing furniture , ceramics, lights and seasonal decorations . Fotis is specialized in lights design , using fiber optics, holograms, neon, and solar power ,and construction projects.

GAHOO DESIGN 国籍:日本 设计领域:产品设计 Nationality: Japan Design Category: Product Industry



Contact 请联系广交会产品设计中心推广部 企业联络组 : 李小姐 朱小姐 秦小姐 电话: 0086-20-89181837 0086-20-89181839 0086-20-89181831

Canton Fair Product Design and Trade Promotion Centre Oversea Promotion Team: Ms. Trulia Huang Mr. Thomas Shi Ms. Francis Lau Ms. Fancy Fang Ms. Connie Qin Tel: 0086-20-89181834 0086-20-89181835 0086-20-89181836 0086-20-89181840 0086-20-89181831 Design Team: Mr. Johnny Yang Ms. Filicity Zeng Tel: 0086-20-89181834 0086-20-89181836 传真 Fax: 0086-20-89181800 邮箱 Email: pdc@icecf.com 网站 Websit: www.pdc.org.cn







PDC 网站通过网络架起设计师、中国企业与国际买家的桥梁, 成为快速有效的网上平台。 PDC website is built up as a bridge between designers and Chinese enterprises along with international buyers to become the most effective and efficient cooperation platform for each other. 设计师和设计公司可寻找合适的中国企业或国际买家 , 从而 进行设计项目洽谈。 Designers and design companies can get suitable Chinese enterprises and international buyers on design projects negotiation. 企业和国际买家可随时发布设计需求和企业信息 , 促成自身 项目的完成。 Chinese enterprises and international buyers can post their design needs in PDC website 专设博客 , 让会员朋友们随时更新自我信息,增强自我宣传 的效果。 Blogs for members to update and share information at anytime and anywhere

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