August 2014 Shorthorn Country

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august 2014

The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.

Waukaru ‘COW POWER’ Production Sale Dominate Numbers * Impressive Phenotype * Better Cattle

1:00 p.m. CDT • September 13, 2014, at the farm, Rensselaer, Indiana WAUKARU 2109 BETH 9193 *x Sire: Waukaru Gold Mine 2109 • MGS: Waukaru Goldship 5115 x CED %







6.2 3

-0.1 15

29 2

55 1

7 2

2.4 15

9 20




Adj. BW Ratio

Adj. 205 Wt: Ratio

Adj. 365 wt: Ratio


0.06 40

-0.02 15

-0.02 60

80 100.4

553 101.8

757 111.4

24.73 42.08 27.41

WAUKARU COVERGIRL 9070 Sire: Waukaru Coppertop 464 • MGS: Waukaru Carnegie *x CED %







3.5 10

1.4 35

33 1

60 1

6 10

8.9 1

20 1




Adj. BW Ratio

Adj. 205 Wt: Ratio

Adj. 365 wt: Ratio


0.17 20

0.00 60

-0.11 90

90 95.8

593 110.5

797 117

14.79 42.65 34.64

WAUKARU ADELINA 3188 ET x Sire: Waukaru Patent 8161 x • MGS: Ar Su Lu Vann x CED %







0.5 30

2.2 25

41 1

68 1

4 25

3.6 1

13 15




Adj. BW Ratio

Adj. 205 Wt: Ratio

Adj. 365 wt: Ratio


0.14 20

-0.01 35

-0.09 85

91 ET

644 ET

994 110

3.13 49.93 37.14

WAUKARU ADELINA 3193 ET x Sire: Waukaru Patent 8161 x • MGS: Ar Su Lu Vann x CED %







0.5 30

2.2 55

41 1

68 1

4 25

3.6 10

13 15




Adj. BW Ratio

Adj. 205 Wt: Ratio

Adj. 365 wt: Ratio


0.14 20

-0.01 35

-0.09 85

101 ET

708 ET

987 109

3.13 49.93 37.14

Go to WWW.WAUKARU.NET for updates 7577 S. 210 E. • Rensselaer, Indiana 47978 Barry and Anita Jordan: 219-866-3513 • cell: 219-819-0430 • Toby and Jodi Jordan: cell: 219-819-4603 Mark and Heidi Jordan: cell: 765-426-1990 • TB accredited and certified bangs free, Johnes tested. Sale Management by Sears Marketing Services: 970-396-7521 •

November 2, 2 0 14 • M a r i on, S outh Da kota

Featuringtwo full sisters to this popular champion. T hey could be her best yet

Sellingan outstandingset of show prospects sired by Swagger and also a full sister to our top sellingheifer fromour ‘13 sale. She’s pretty special too!

She just keeps doingit! Offeringshow headliners by Swagger, What’s Up and Good Life. You don’t want to miss these!

Featuringa maternal sister to this breed leadingsire. His service will be a sale attraction!

Also featuringour best set of herd sire prospects yet! Sired by Swagger, What’s Up, KOLT Kane Nitro. T rue herd changers! Cory, Melissa, Samantha and J axon Schrag 27664 444th Ave. • Marion, South Dakota 57043 605-925-4804 • 605-941-5241• schrag@

Shorthorn Country augus t 201 4 is sue 7 • volume 4 1

=Feature 2014 Junior National Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference................20 New Junior Board.................................................................................21 Shorthorn Heifer Show.........................................................................22 ShorthornPlus Heifer Show ..................................................................26 Bred & Owned Bull Show....................................................................30 Bed & Owned Heifer Show..................................................................32 Cow/Calf Pair Show .............................................................................34 Shorthorn/ShorthornPlus Steer Show ...................................................38 Delegate Voting Form...........................................................................54

=Departments Association Outlook ....................................................................8 Shorthorn Update ......................................................................12 Beef Business ..............................................................................18 Tartain Plaid ..............................................................................48 Beef Bits ....................................................................................50 News & Notes ............................................................................56 Show Schedule............................................................................64 Sales Calendar ............................................................................69 Ad Index ..................................................................................152

SHORTHORN COUNTRY 8288 Hascall Street • Omaha, Nebraska 68124 402-393-7051 • FAX: 402-393-7080 •

Don Cagwin, publisher Tracy Duncan, managing editor/art director =

Jennie Johnson, graphic artist = Amanda Cagwin, accountant = =Advertising Representative Cindy Cagwin-Johnston – 217-452-3051 Darryl Rahn – 217-473-1124


shorthorn country = august 2014

The July cover photo was taken by Jennie Johnson, Nebraska.

=Advisory Board Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co. =Subscriptions US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300 SHORTHORN COUNTRY (ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 8288 Hascall St., Omaha, NE 68124. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years toother foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Omaha Post Office, 1124 Pacific, Omaha, NE. POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 8288 Hascall St., Omaha, NE 68124.

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=Association Outlook

Montie asa executive Soules secretary/CEO

Shorthorn Family Strong

taught and learned as a family unit. the event. This is much more than a riving home from the Everyone chips in. Our children’s schedcow show in so many ways. Shorthorn Junior National ules can be hectic; sports, family funcand Youth Conference, I Youth Conference is part of the name tions and academics in addition to catthought about a number of youth and of this event. The non-cattle activities tle functions keep us all on their experiences during this great event. are just as important and the run. The family unit “It takes a huge team in some cases more It soon became clear to me that this establishes priorities and our effort to pull this off year important to many indievent has a profound meaning for our children learn this by being in and year out.” breed and all members. It is the largest viduals than showing catpart of it. The focus being gathering of people and cattle in our tle. The experiences of on the family as a whole is rare in this breed. The youth may be outnumbered preparing and competing in the many day and age. This is a way of life we can by parents, grandparents and supportcontests build character and confidence. thrive upon - Shorthorns bringing a ers, but all are agriculturalist and The number of young people particifamily together to reach a common Shorthorn enthusiasts. The rewards are pating in contests is extremely high goal. evident throughout this issue of the compared to other breeds that do not Shorthorn Country. This wonderful atmosphere cannot make it mandatory. This event is truly a be duplicated because it is a product of Youth Conference in every way. I hope One important facet of this everyone who attends and participates this part of the experience is never lost. Shorthorn event is the involvement of in this grand event. The youth get tired We have young people forming teams, families. Entire families are committed but they drive on for the individual satlearning skills, forging friendships and to this one event. The cattle may be the isfaction of doing the making memories that will last a lifetool that brings them togethtime. er, but the real value here is “Shorthorns bringing a job well and being the family working in har- family together to reach a totally prepared. It is The size and scope of the Junior impossible to attach a mony. When young people common goal.” National and Youth Conference and the dollar figure to the life experience this unified funding needed has put high expectalessons our youth learn because they are atmosphere, they tend to copy it in their tions on past state hosts. This year’s part of this special cause. The cost of own lives. The lessons for youth and Junior National is the first for which the attending a Junior National and owning parents are many. It begins at home, ASA was responsible for planning and the cattle is more each year. Families preparing to come and having the cattle finding funding. Gwen Crawford, our stay committed and new families join as just right as well as preparing for other Director of Junior Activities, was the is evident by the continual growth of contests and activities. Responsibility is responsible party for this event. She did a great job with the help of many breeders and committees members. This event could not take place without these ASA Board of Directors Mike Bennett, president, good folks and the generosity of our 559-534-2396 sponsors. Many of you made donations Mark Gordon, vice president and commitments to this grand activity; 217-737-7905 thank you. This will always be needed Marty Loving, 620-786-2018 in order to sustain this great celebration Mark Gordon, 217-737-7905 of our breed. Finding locations that are Lynn Nelson, 507-826-3184 large enough to implement this event Ed Kruse, 719-252-1084 becomes more difficult each year. The 8288 Hascall St. • Omaha, Nebraska 68124 James Freed, 405-370-1482 costs continue to rise, like everything 402-393-7200 • FAX: 402-393-7203 Rick Leone, 719-468-1981 else. When you see a person that has Montie Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO Tom Turner, 614-499-5248 helped make our Junior National and Robert Alden, 816-632-8509 Youth Conference a success, please take American Polled Jacob Alden, field services representative time to thank them, whether they are Shorthorn Society cell: 402-660-9048 • Tim Loudon, president sponsors or volunteers or parents or Gwen Crawford, director of junior activities Cindy Cagwin-Johnston, secretary friends. It takes a huge team effort to Shorthorn Foundation pull this off year in and year out. As Bill Rasor, president Heather Histand, registrations, soon as this show and conference American Junior wrapped up in Louisville, meetings Kathleen Prosser, financial manager/controller • Shorthorn Association began for next year’s event and the Ashley Vogel, president years after. This is a year round planning Megan Brehm, director of communications • National Shorthorn Lassies and funding job, all for one glorious Faye Korthaus, president Affiliated with National Cattlemen's Beef week of Shorthorn Family Fellowship. I LeAnna Mann, receptionist • Association • US Beef Breeds Council • encourage everyone to attend. This is Beef Improvement Federation • World Shorthorn


Shirley Miller, proofreader •


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Council • National Pedigree Livestock Council

not just for juniors, the doors are open teaming up to contend and succeed is and we should all particiawesome. The desire of pate in this an awesome “We adults can learn from these youth to be part of our strong youth; team the bigger team - the experience. The lessons are many as work can bring forth Shorthorn Team – is inspirI have mentioned for our greatness in most any- ing. The dedication to their youth at the Junior thing that is attempted.” animals and the activities National and Youth during this week has been Conference. We adults can take a lot rewarding. We adults can learn from our away from this, too. Seeing young peostrong youth; team work can bring forth ple from different parts of the country greatness in most anything that is

attempted. If we approach the needs of our breed as a team and work toward our common goals, like our young people, nothing can stop us. Our youth have demonstrated it; now it is time we uphold their examples, so they have a stronger and better breed to work with when they take the reins of the Shorthorn Breed. We owe them that! =

shorthorn country 8288 Hascall Street Omaha, Nebraska 68124 402-393-7051 FAX: 402-393-7080 Cindy Cagwin-Johnston217-452-3051 Darryl Rahn 217-473-1124 • advertising rates Full page 2/3 page 1/2 page-island 1/2 page 1/3 page 1/4 page 1/6 page Business card (1 1/2”) advertising rates Full page 2/3 page 1/2 page-island 1/2 page 1/3 page 1/4 page 1/6 page Business card (1 1/2”) color rates 4 color 1 color (advertiser’s choice) house color (magazine’s choice)



1x 565 420 335 315 240 195 135 41 12x 505 385 310 290 225 175 120 32

$200 $195 $175

* Color only available on ads half of page or larger. * Additional cost for e-mailed pictures, color corrections and photograph scans

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shorthorn country = august 2014


=Shorthorn Update ASA Dates of Note August Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 31

Oct 1 Election for Delegate Ballots available WHR Herd Inventory Sent Out Entry Deadline: Keystone International Livestock Expo

September Sept 1 WHR Herd Inventory Due Sept 1 ASA Office Closed for Labor Day Sept 2 Board of director applications Due Sept 2 Election for Delegate Ballots Due Sept 10 Ownership Deadline – American Royal Junior Show Sept 10 Entry Deadline: American Royal Sept 15 Ownership Deadline NAILE Junior Show Sept 15 First half of WHR billed October Oct 1

2014 Show Schedule Oct 1 Oct 5 Oct 15 Oct 31

Breeder’s Cup Nominations Due Entry Deadline: NAILE Steer Futurity KILE Major Show, Harrisburg, PA WHR 1st half assessments, payment is due American Royal Major Show, Kansas City, MO

November Nov 1 All performance & carcass data due Nov 15 Annual meeting in Louisville at NAILE Nov 15 Entry Deadline: Fort Worth Stock Show Nov 15-17 NAILE, Louisville, KY Nov 20 Entry Deadline: National Western Stock Show Nov 20 Ownership Deadline: National Western Junior Show Nov 28-29 ASA office closed for Thanksgiving

Entry Deadline: NAILE Major & Junior Show

Members & Breeders Members/breeders please check and update your email address and possible mailing address or any contact information with the ASA! If members /breeders have had or have multiple memberships or accounts to check with registrations for the proper name they are doing business under (example work sent in as John Doe family is not the same as John Doe Farm and breeders end up getting 2 accounts and the inventories are divided. Registrations try to call and verify when they feel it may be incorrect. ASA does not find all of these possible duplications.) Please check and make sure work is sent in with the same name or member number each time and that transfers made to you are in the proper name and/or member number you are using.

Region 1: Northeast Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Virginia Region 1: Northeast Regional Shows Super Regional... Keystone PA Regional ……….. Indiana State Fair Regional ……….. Ohio State Fair Region 2: Southeast Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi Region 2: Southeast Regional Shows Super Regional...Kentucky State Fair Regional .…Delta Fair Cordova, TN Region 3: North Central North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska Region 3: North Central Regional Shows Super Regional… American Royal Regional …… Minnesota State Fair Regional ………… Illinois State Fair Region 4: South Central Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana Region 4: South Central Regional Shows Super Regional…Fort Worth, TX Regional …….. Arkansas State Fair Regional ……….. Kansas State Fair Region 5: West Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California Region 5: West Regional Shows Super Regional.. California State Fair Regional ….... Washington State Fair Regional ……….. Oregon State Fair Regional shows may rotate annually and Super Regional may rotate if needed. Please check ASA website for more details at

2014 International Year Code: B

DELEGATE BALLOTS are available via regular mail upon request. The ballot can be found on-line at, or in the August issue of the Shorthorn Country. REMINDER: Ballots

must be post-marked by September 2, 2014 12

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Registration Hours Monday 8:00 to 3:30 Thursday 8:00 to 3:30 Tuesday 8:00 to 3:30 Friday 8:00 to 3:30 Wednesday 8:00 to 1:30 Saturday 9:00 to 1:30 Central Standard Time Zone

Office hours remain the same.

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= Beef Business Great State Feedout Recap The fifth installment of the American Shorthorn Association’s Great State Feedout (GSF) is in the books and once again proved that feeding Shorthorn genetics is a viable option for all. Profit was rampant for all participants this year with record fat cattle prices, lower than expected feed costs and the cattle’s performance while on feed. The average profit per head this year was $220.41 after feed and expenses were subtracted, one producer made over $300 per head on their 26 head consignment! Six different operations placed 108 steers and 35 heifers on feed at the TriCounty Steer Carcass Futurity Feedlots in Lewis, Iowa. Thank you to the following operations for your continued support of the GSF – Waukaru Farms, Bowman Superior Genetics, Peak View Ranch, Kelly Klein, Galbreath Farms


and Vogel Shorthorns. The cattle performed exceptionally well through the Iowa winter posting an average daily gain of 3.56 lbs. per day with an average feed to gain of 6.0. The average feed cost/cwt was $64.72 and the overall cost of gain/cwt was $84.36. The Shorthorn genetics continued their run of great disposition scores through the feedlot averaging a 1.7 (scale of 1-6). The cattle left the feedlot averaging 1,179 pounds with an average hot carcass weight of 725 pounds and had an average dressing percentage of 61.5%. On the rail the cattle were 63% low choice or better with an average marbling score of a Small 18. The average calculated yield grade for the group was 2.96. The cattle were harvested with .46 inches of backfat and had an average ribeye area of 12.3 sq. in. and a

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Jake field services representaAlden tive

REA/CWT of 1.70. This year’s cattle were not immune to discounts on the rail as 10 head were stamped YG 4 by the grader and one YG 5. It is worth noting that these were lighter muscled cattle that had an average REA/CWT of 1.48. Plans are already being made for delivery dates throughout the fall at the Tri-County Steer Carcass Futurity Feedlots. Please watch the ASA website, Shorthorn Insider and the Shorthorn Country for updates. If you have any questions or would like to see examples of the closeouts please don’t hesitate to call. =

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Shorthorn Juniors Ride for the Brand by Ashley Vogel

This years Junior Nationals was held in Louisville, Kentucky along with Chi and Maine Junior Nationals. It was definitely a week jam packed full of fun and excitement. This years theme was “Ride for the Brand” which allowed juniors to ride for the breed they were representing. Throughout the week in Louisville we saw juniors step into the spotlight and participate in many contests. Many participating in contests in every breed and excelling in their own way. Tuesday was the first official day of Junior Nationals with families and cattle showing up to check-in their cattle as well as themselves for many contests. This year the juniors helped the breed rise to the top by exhibiting 518 animals. It comes as no surprise that the contests yet again had record participation this year. Youth conferences began with the introductions of the current board as well as the eight candidates that would be running for a chance to wear the “Red Coat” and represent the Shorthorn breed. We also paired up our PI and PII juniors with an Intermediate or Senior for the mentor/apprentice program. This year the mentor apprentices took to selling Frisbees around the barn for a chance to throw it into a show box for the chance to win

a Sullivan’s chute. The juniors raised, as much as $4,000 by selling these Frisbees and this money will be put towards next years Junior Nationals in Grand Island, Nebraska. We ended Tuesday night with our opening ceremonies where we challenged everyone to bring as many cans of beans as they could for a local food drive in Louisville and listened to a speaker challenge us to make a difference in our own states. Wednesday morning we began the day with our Showmanship contests. Everyone gave it their all to try to make it to those top five positions. Following showmanship youth conference two was held and the candidates were put to the test when they were asked some difficult questions. Afterwards was an afternoon filled with more contest participation. Thursday morning we started the day off with the speech contest as well as youth conference three where the state delegates got to know the candidates a little better by participating in round table discussion. Each states delegates then voted on the new board of directors. We rounded out the day with team fitting where juniors worked together to fit and present their animal to a panel of judges. Friday morning we kicked off the

day with the Bred & Owned Show, the Purebred Bull Show, ShorthornPlus Show, the Cow/Calf Pair Show and the Prospect/Market Steer Show. After the conclusion of the show everyone changed into their best dress and went to the long awaited awards banquet. Many of the juniors who participated in contests throughout the week were then rewarded for all of their hard work and others for their dedication to the Shorthorn breed. Three new board members were announced and received their Red Coats. Saturday we held the National Junior Shorthorn Female Owned Show and the day was filled with animals being presented from all over the country. Champions were selected and people celebrated their success. With the conclusion of the show the week of Junior Nationals came to an end. A sincere thank-you to the planning committee, the junior board, the association staff, as well as all of the juniors and their families for making this show such a huge success! We look forward to seeing all of you in Grand Island, Nebraska next summer! =

Top 5: 1) SULL Wild Cherri 3269 ET, shown Dunlap, Iowa, 2) CF by Nick Sullivan, Cu Adrianne Trennepohl, mberland 334 SOL x ET, exhibited by Mi ET, shown by Nick Su ddletown, Ind., 3) SULL Red Traveler 24 05 lliv ET, exhibited by Andre an, Dunlap, Iowa, 4) SULL Crystal’s First w Hodges, Lebo, Kan., 221 ET. shown by Bailey 5) BO Core, Pleasantville, Iow Y Cumberland a.


shorthorn country = august 2014

New Junior Board of Directors Elected by Rachel Linder

The 2014-15 American Junior Shorthorn Association Board of Directors includes: Front row (l-r): Mackenzie Nickels, Kendra Davis, Brooke Pearson and Haley Alden. Back row (l-r): Dustin Smith, Mitchell Smith, Tyler Pierson, Gerrit Pearson and Marshall Allison.

This year at the American Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference, three Junior Board candidates were elected to serve on the AJSA Board of Directors. The new, nine member board elected their 2014-2015 officers as follows: President Dustin Smith of Decotah, Iowa is the 19-year-old son of Eric and Dianna Smith. He will be a sophomore at Iowa State University this fall studying Agricultural Systems Technology and Agronomy.

Vice President Tyler Pierson, Watertown, Minnesota attends South Dakota State University where he majors in Animal Sciences. He is the son of Tom and Sherri Pierson. Secretary Haley Alden is an Agribusiness Management major at the University of Missouri-Columbia. She is the 19-year-old daughter of Ron and Judy Alden of Hamilton, Missouri. Public Relations will be headed up by Mackenzie Nickels of Beloit, Wisconsin. She is a senior at the

University of Wisconsin-Madison majoring in Animal Sciences. Nickels is the daughter of Anthony and Cheryl Nickels. Director Brooke Pearson of Tea, South Dakota, represents the Nebraska Junior Shorthorn Association. She is the 21-year-old daughter of Brad and Bev Pearson. Pearson studies Animal Sciences at the University of South Dakota. Director Marshall Allison of Georgetown, Pennsylvania, is the 20year-old son of Michael and Sharon Allison. He currently attends Penn State University where he is studying Animal Science. This year’s elected board members include: Gerrit Pearson of Tea, South Dakota, the 19-year-old son of Brad and Bev Pearson. He attends South Dakota State University where he studies prechiropractic. Kendra Davis of Glenville, Minnesota, is the 18-year-old daughter of Lance and Sharon Davis. She attends South Dakota State University and studies Animal Science. Mitchell Smith is an Agricultural Economics major at Purdue University. He is the 19-year-old son of Neal and Jennifer Smith of Pendleton, Indiana. =

Livestock Judging

Livestock Judging winners Having an eye for quality cattle is a necessity in order to improve a breeding program and better your herd. This week’s judging contestants put

their knowledge of composition to the test as they sorted through a number of classes. Someday we will hear the following individuals on the microphone at shows across the nation. Congratulations to our winners in each division. Propector One 1) Hayden Fox, Ind., 2) Alexa Lane, Okla.; 3) Neecey Blakely, Okla.; 4) Tyler Loudon, Iowa; 5) Alexandria Raab, Ind. Prospector Two 1) Shaylee Sherman, Mich.; 2)

Sheridan Hank, Ill.; 3) Miller Smith, Ind.; 4) Aiden Raab, Ind.; 5) Jaxon Schrag, S. D. Intermediate 1) Desirae Logsdon, Ohio; 2) Gage Hank, Ill.; 3) Jaycie Heath, Kentucky, 4) Clay Allen Sundburg, Ill.;, 5) Cole Thomas, Ill. Senior 1) Kyle Shoufler, Ind.; 2) Lauren Thompson, Texas; 3) Caleb Dressen, Wis.; 4) Kaylee Miller, Iowa; 5) Coty Bell, Ariz. =

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National Junior Shorthorn Heifer Show 287 head – Judge: Jeff Gooden, Missouri Associate Judge: Rob Starkey, Indiana by Megan Brehm

L to R: Jeff Gooden, judge and Rob Starkey, associate judge.

Grand Champion Shorthorn Female was SULL Wild Cherri 3269 ET, shown by Nick Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa.

CF Cumberland 334 SOL x ET, exhibited by Adrianne Trennepohl, Middletown, Ind., was named the Reserve Grand Champion and Division VI Champion Female.

Two hundred eighty seven Shorthorn females were evaluated in the 2014 National Junior Shorthorn Female Show Saturday, June 28th in Louisville, Kentucky. Judges Jeff Gooden, Iberia, Missouri and Associate judge Rob Starkey, Greenfield, Indiana sorted the females over the course of the day. Receiving top honors as the Grand


Champion Shorthorn Female was SULL Wild Cherri 3269 ET, shown by Nick Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa. The April 2013 daughter of SULL Right Direction ET and SULL Cherri 205-2 ET also claimed the Division IV title. Adrianne Trennepohl, Middletown, Indiana exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Female, CF Cumberland

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334 SOL x ET, a February 2013 daughter of CF Solution X ET and CF FL Cumberland 7104 BS X. The female was also selected as the Division VI Champion. Third place distinction was awarded to Nick Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa, with his November 2012 female entry SULL Red Traveler 2405 ET, a daughter of SULL Traveler 9807 ET and RS Dreamgirl 421 09 who also topped the Division VII field. Earning fourth place was SULL Crystal’s First ET, exhibited by Andrew Hodges, Lebo, Kansas, who also received Division VI Reserve Champion honors with his February 2013 daughter of SULL Right Direction ET and SULL Lady Crystal 2 ET CL. Completing the top five, Bailey Core, Pleasantville, Iowa, was named fifth place overall with her October 2012 female BOY Cumberland 221 ET, daughter of CF Trump X and MDM Cumberland 988 TON X. The female was also named the Division VII Reserve Champion. Other Owned Shorthorn Female Champions: Division I Champion: RFC Demi 0593 ET, exhibited by Desirae Logsdon, Amanda, Ohio. Division I Reserve Champion: JS Miss Michelle 4J01 ET, exhibited by James Johnson, Niantic, Ill. Division II Champion: SULL Rosie Madison ET, exhibited by Madison McCormick, Dunlap, Iowa. Division II Reserve Champion: CYT Maxed Rosa 3255 ET, exhibited by Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa. Division III Champion: CF Revival

Third place overall and Division VII Champion was awarded to Nick Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa with SULL Red Traveler 2405 ET.

3115 SOL X E ET, exhibited by Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind. Division III Reserve Champion: SULL Traveling Ruby ET, exhibited by Shelby Olson, Hoopeston, Ill. Division IV Champion: SULL Wild Cherri 3269 ET, exhibited by Nick Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa. Division IV Reserve Champion: MAV Picture Perfect 326A, Payton Vogel, Hartley, Iowa. Division V Champion: CF HF Waco Rose 380 ET, exhibited by Emily Dahse, Thurman, Ohio. Division V Reserve Champion: SHOUFLER Purple Rose 1308, exhibited by Kyle Shoufler, Fortville, Ind. Division VI Champion: CF Cumberland 334 SOL X ET, exhibited by Adrianne Trennepohl, Middletown, Ind. Division VI Reserve Champion: SULL Crystal’s First ET, exhibited by Andrew Hodges, Lebo, Kan. Division VII Champion: SULL Red Traveler 2405 ET, exhibited by Nick Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa. Division VII Reserve Champion: BOY Cumberland 221 ET, exhibited by Bailey Core, Pleasantville, Iowa. Shorthorn Owned Female Class Placings: Class 47: Junior Heifer Calves (9 entries): 1) RFC Demi 0593 ET, Desirae Logsdon, Amanda Ohio; 2) JS Miss Michelle 4J01 ET, James Johnson, Niantic, Ill.; 3) CCR Reba 4105, Jess Carney, Collinsville, Texas; 4) MM Cumberland Rose 103 1B, Clayton Poppe, Jerseyville, Ill.; 5) Crimsons Red Kiss, Skylee Sherman, Grand Ledge, Mich. Class 50a: Winter Heifer Calves (6 entries): 1) CF December Margie 3150, Colby Lingo, Oak Grove, La.; 2) LT Sonnys Rose Mary, Lauren Thompson, Grandview, Texas; 3) RFC Red Mistress 203 ET, Ryan Lane, Jay, Okla.; 4) MM Darlene 103 131A, Cole

Fourth place overall and Division VI Reserve Champion was SULL Crystal’s First ET, exhibited by Andrew Hodges, Lebo, Kan.

Spencer, Jerseyville, Ill.; 5) FC Dream Chaser, Kelly Ann Morrison, Belle Plaine, Minn. Class 50b: Winter Heifer Calves (7 entries): 1) DREAMY 280 Carmele 58 ET, Hope Schlimgen, Blue Mounds, Wisc.; 2) CYT Mirage Money 3254 ET, Alisa Friesen, Arnett, Okla.; 3) Turners BOY Cumberland 221 ET, shown by Bailey Core, Pleasantville, Iowa, was selected fifth overall all and Division VII Reserve Champion. Princess 386, Gavin Cender, Mahomet, Ill.; 4) JA Nobody’s Niantic, Ill.; 4) PVF Rosewood 48A, Fool HC 3J55, Ty Jordan Harden, Whitney Miller, Shreve, Ohio; 5) Sibley, Ill.; 5) WHR Augusta Pride HCAT Cumberland Ella H491, Eli 3N08ET, Wyatt Obrecht, Harlan, Smallwood, Monticello, Ga. Iowa. Class 51c: Senior Heifer Claves (9 Class 50c: Winter Heifer Claves (8 entries): 1) FFS Hot Rosie, Zachary entries): 1) SULL Rosie Madison ET, Fanning, Chestnut, Ill.; 2) SULL Madison McCormick, Dunlap, Iowa; Demand Demi 3927 ET, James Brown, 2) RFC Margie’s Heather 670 ET, Mountain Home, Ark.; 3) FC Epic Anna Parnell, Stanton, Ala.; 3) Sweetheart, Kiley Weier, Siloam Beauty, Emily Fry, Danville, Ind.; 4) Springs, AR; 4) JAMS Marilyn SULL Teets Max Rosa ET, Gavin Georgia, Drew Brautigam, Sidney, Bunnell, Antigo, Wisc.; 5) PVF Beauty Ohio; 5) SULL Demi Red 3893 ET, Queen 37A, Gretchen Straits, Landon Bolin, Harrison, Ark. Millersburg, Ohio. Class 51a: Senior Heifer Calves (10 Class 54 a: Summer Yearling entries): 1) CYT Maxed Rosa 3255 Females (6 entries): 1) CF JBC Mona ET, Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa; Madness 3135, Aidan Raab, Markle, 2) SULL Rose Mary 3902 ET, Wyatt Ind.; 2) Lorenz’s Daddy’s Pearl, Stacey OBrecht, Harlan, Iowa; 3) CYT Dream Lorenz, Grant Park, Ill.; 3) Lane’s Lady 3252 ET, Ashley Holcombe, Jay, Princess ELSA 50A, Ryan Lane, Jay, OK; 4) CF Cumberland SOL 3142 ET, Okla.: 4) Homedale June Rosewood Alison Nichols, Sullivan, Ind.; 5) JS 3406, Lane Jabs, Saint Charles, Minn.; Augusta Pride 3J07, James Johnson, 5) DB Proud Shania 308A, Annika Niantic, Ill. Spring, Galesburg, Ill. Class 51b: Senior Heifer Calves (9 Class 54b: Summer Yearling entries): 1) SULL Lucy’s Crystal ET, Females (9entries): 1) STS Mysterious Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa; 2) P, Justin Shonkwiler, London, Ohio; 2) CF Picture This 3140 ET, Cole FS Snow Angel 314, Sheridan Fox, Whisman, Illinois City, Ill.; 3) WHR Bremen, Ind.; 3) LAY’S Heart of Dixie, Cecilia 3916 ET, James Johnson, Jacob Lay, Madisonville, Tenn.; 4) QK

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Division I Champion: RFC Demi 0593 ET, exhibited by Desirae Logsdon, Amanda, Ohio.

Division I Reserve Champion: JS Miss Michelle 4J01 ET, exhibited by James Johnson, Niantic, Ill.

Division II Champion: SULL Rosie Madison ET, exhibited by Madison McCormick, Dunlap, Iowa

Division II Reserve Champion: CYT Maxed Rosa 3255 ET, exhibited by Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa

Division III Champion: CF Revival 3115 SOL X E ET, exhibited by Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.

Division III Reserve Champion: SULL Traveling Ruby ET, exhibited by Shelby Olson, Hoopeston, Ill.

Division IV Reserve Champion: MAV Picture Perfect 326A, Payton Vogel, Hartley, Iowa.

Division V Champion: CF HF Waco Rose 380 ET, exhibited by Emily Dahse, Thurman, Ohio.

Division V Reserve Champion: Shoufler Purple Rose 1308, exhibited by Kyle Shoufler, Fortville, Ind,

Simply Cheeri, Kyle Bird, Prophetstown, Ill.; 5) JKN Lora 42A, Kourtney Branaman, Medora, Ind. Class 55a: Late Spring Yearling Females ( 6 entries): 1) MAV Emma 353A ET, Payton Vogel, Hartley, Iowa; 2) Lorenz’s Big Secret, Kelly Lorenz, Grant Park, Ill.; 3) BAH Helena, Hannah Imgrund, Lewisburg, Pa.; 4) DTR Miss Clara 340A, Jordan Hatcher, Morristown, Ind.; 5) PRIMS Rosebud 2013, Patrick McCord, Alexandria, Ky. Class 55b: Late Spring Yearling Females (10 entries): 1) CF Revival 3115 SOL X E ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.; 2) SULL Traveling Ruby ET, Shelby Olson, Hoopeston, Ill.; 3) Shoufler Binnie Ace 132 ET, Kyle Shoufler, Fortville, Ind.; 4) DJS Cherri BL 302, Allison Dragstrem, Amboy, Ind.; 5) KOLT Roo Dash 380 ET, Dylan Soutter, Seward, Neb. Class 55c: Late Spring Yearling Females (10 entries): 1) SULL Rose

Mary’s Reward ET, Stetson Klise, New London, Mo.; 2) LTW Prairie Red, Lane Williams, Duncan, Okla.; 3) Lane’s Bunny 13A, Ryan Lane, Jay, Okla.; 4) CF Mirage 3111 C9 X, Kenzie Kretzmeier, Fowler, Ind.; 5) CS&J Miranda Lustre 9A, Landon Allison, Georgetown, Pa. Class 55d: Late Spring Yearling Females (13 entries): 1) NBS Daphne 36A, Sydney Miller, Charlotte, Mich., 2) SULL Dynomite Crystal ET, Brad Johnson, Kimmell, Ind.; 3) BEVR Sissy’s Star, Cole Reiboldt, West College Corner, Ind.; 4) Lorenz’s Big Ali 13, Joshua Lorenz, Grant Park, Ill.; 5) SULL Rowdi Crystal ET, Renee Lock, Avon, Ill. Class 58a: Early Spring Yearling Females (10 entries): 1) MAV Picture Perfect 326A, Payton Vogel, Hartley, Iowa; 2) CYT Max Rosa Motion 313 ET, Kailey Davis, Glenville, Minn.; 3) Shoufler Starlight MX1320, Zachary Shoufler, Fortville, Ind.; 4) H/F Mattis

427 ET, Alton Holstine, Plainville, Ind.; 5) CYT Max Rosa AOD 3125 ET, Elizabeth Fleming, Merrill, Mich. Class 58b: Early Spring Yearling Females (7 entries): 1) D.S.F. Red Augusta 413, Jessica Millenbaugh, Crestline, Ohio, 2) DTR Roseanna 322A, Tayler Bacon, Powhattan, Kan.; 3) DJS Steck Daisy C 322 ET, Megan Dragstrem, Amboy, Ind.; 4) FR Roberta 25A, Curtis Williams, Blountsville, Ala. 5) KOLT Karen 22 ET, Tate Lueth, Curtis, Neb. Class 58c: Early Spring Yearling Females (10 entries): 1) SULL Wild Cherri 3269 ET, Nick Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa; 2) SULL Total Tina 3981 ET, Riley Ruble, Albert Lead, Minn.; 3) SULL Rose Mary Rave ET, Brant Krebs, Stonewall, Okla.; 4) RH Rose 13, Thomas Kirbach, Jerseyville, Ill.; 5) GW Charm Girl, Andrew Bailey, Orleans, Ind. Class 58c: Early Spring Yearling Females (9 entries): 1) CVF Montana


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Ryland 48A ET, Alexandria Raab, Markle, Ind.; 2) Little Cedar Sara Rose RS, Ryleigh Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa; 3) Lily Anna, Carlee Long, Paris, Mo.; 4) Dreamy 280 Maggie 325, Hope Schlimgen, Blue Mounds, Wisc.; 5) CYT Marty McFly 3119, Brittany Blankinship, Orlando, Okla. Class 58d: Early Spring Yearling Females (9 entries): 1) SULL Sable’s Envy ET, Sarah Moore, Jerseyville, Ill.; 2) JS Miss Michelle 3J04, James Johnson, Niantic, Ill.; 3) LMC Augusta Pride 443 ET, McKalynee Helmke, New Philadelphia, Ohio; 4) Austin’s Stoneflake SSS, Austin Branaman, Medora, Ind.; 5) Hales Royal Rosewood V 243, Danielle Wood0Seddon, Munger, Mich. Class 61a: Early Spring Yearling Females (8 entries): 1) CF HF Waco Rose 380 ET, Emily Dahse, Thurman, Ohio; 2) KOLT Chelesea’s Mirage 347 ET, Jacob Nikkel, McPherson, Kan.; 3) DLF Cant be Fooled 3S27 ET, Desirae Logsdon, Amanda, Ohio; 4) QK Summers Shining GEM, Emma Bird, Prophetstown, Ill.; 5) KOLT Temptress 359 ET, Annie Marie Blassingame, Shawnee, Okla. Class 61b: Early Spring Yearling Females ( 11 entries): 1) CLF Destiny Best 1306ET, Molly Williams, Gamaliel, Ky.; 2) SULL Glamour Blood ET, Sara Pieper, Stewardson, Ill.; 3) SH Rose 3107, Sterling Reichenbach, Bath, Mich.; 4) Little Cedar Wildrose 1328, Jessica Millenbaugh, Crestline, Ohio; 5) Miss Kay, Alyssa Carter, Oregonia, Ohio. Class 61c: Early Spring Yearling Females (9 entries): 1) Shoufler Purple Rose 1308, Kyle Shoufler, Fortville, Ind.; 2) RGLC Dotties Reward 312 ET, Lauren Burris, Sherman, Ill.; 3) PC Empress Peggy Sue, John Morrison, Belle Plaine, Minn.; 4) CF Lila 369 SON X, Emily Brautigam, Sidney, OH; 5) J&M Secret Rose, Kevin Judge, Perkins, Okla. Class 61d: Early Spring Yearling Females (10 entries): 1) CF August Pride 658 C9X, Xavier Ferris, Whiteland, Ind.; 2) KOLT Karen SY 827 ET, Silas Plate, North Loup, Neb.;

3) SULL Royal Rose Mary ET, Danielle Thompson, Grandview, Texas; 4) Pick Ten Queens 38A ET, Kylie Pickard, Hastings, Mich.; 5) KFSC Roan Queen, Brittany Muhlenkamp, Celina, Ohio. Class 64a: Junior Yearling Females (9 entries): 1) CYT Max Rosa 3123 ET, Samantha Schrag, Marion, S.D.; 2) CYT Myrtle Bo Bliss ET, Joshua Barbyshire, Morning Sun, Iowa; 3) SULL Sassy Crystal ET, Hayden Berenda, Earl Park, Ind.; 4) SULL Red BO 3273 ET, Haley Haverback, Atkinson, Ill.; 5) CF Cumberland 330 ET, Cole Clanton, Bucyrus, Kan. Class 64b: Junior Yearling Females (11 entries): 1) CF Cumberland 334 SOL X ET, Adrianne Trennepohl, Middletown, Ind.; 2) CF Caroline 345 SOL X E ET, Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.; 3) SULL Roses are Red ET, Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa; 4) SUll Mona Lisa 3999 ET, Mitchell Smith, Pendleton, Ind.; 5) CF Caroline 339 SOL X E ET, Hadley Levan, Woodstock, Ohio. Class 64c: Junior Yearling Females (11 entries): 1) SULL Crystal’s First ET, Andrew Hodges, Lebo, KS; 2) CYT Rool’s Dividend 313 ET, Jacob Barbyshire, Morning Sun, Iowa: 3) CF Caroline 325 SOL X E ET, Alison Nichols, Sullivan, Ind.; 4) MUHL Lady Luck 1302 ET, Taylor Muhlenkamp, Celina, Ohio; 5) SULL Beautiful BO 3196 ET, Stetson Klise, New London, Mo. Class 64d: Junior Yearling Females (10 entries): 1) SS Diamond’s Dreams ET, Samantha Schrag, Marion, S.D.; 2) MM Annadelle CM 26A, Clayton Poppe, Jerseyville, Ill.; 3) WHR DC Cumberland 0125A ET, Katelyn Carnes, Tyler, Texas; 4) Caligo Carmelle ET, Matthew Rogg, Rushville, Ind.; 5) FCC Bonnie Princess 303 ET, Cole Clanton, Bucyrus, Kan. Class 64e: Junior Yearling Females (10 entries): 1) BOY Cumberland 301, Jenna Tiach, Prole, Iowa; 2) WHR Cumberland 3111 ET, Miranda Dobbs, Argyle, Texas; 3) STECK Anndelle C306, Adam Erickson,

Haskell, Okla.; 4) WHR BCL Cumberland 3108 ET, Landon Helmke, New Philadelphia, Ohio; 5) Martindell Duchess 304, Ally Knore, Paris, Ky. Class 64f: Junior Yearling Females (10 entries): 1) CF Painted Sable 31 SOL ET, Cole Whisman, Illinois City, Ill.; 2) CF Cumberland 22SOL X ET, Clayton Boyert, Seville, Ohio; 3) GCC Charming 71 ET, Clint Alan Leemon, Hoopeston, Ill.; 4) AF Revival 1301, Macy Collins, Meeker, Colo.; 5) OLSN Lady, Jessica Abrego, Bowen, Ill. Class 67a: Senior Yearling Females ( 9 entries): 1) CLF Proud Fool 1207 ET, Ben Harner, Xenia, Ohio; 2) Pick Augusta Pride 26 ET, Amber Pickard, Hastings, Mich.; 3) BXC Glory Girl, Corley Williams, Blountsville, Ala.; 4) GCC ESQ H Cumberland 79, Skylee Sherman, Grand Ledge, Mich.; 5) MB Mona Lisa Sierra, Brittany Blankinship, Orlando, Okla. Class 67b: Senior Yearling Females (6 entries): 1) SULL Red Traveler 2405 ET, Nick Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa; 2) SULL Traveling Margie ET, Renee Lock, Avon, Ill.; 3) Sharben POP Diva 598 ET, Alenandria Inouye, Clifton, Ill.; 4) RFC Rose 705 ET, Ashley Holcombe, Jay, Okla.; 5) Rocks Final Product, Houston Gillenwater, Tompkinsville, Ky. Class 67c: Senior Yearling Females (6 entries): 1) BOY Cumberland 221 ET, Bailey Core, Pleasantville, Iowa; 2) SULL Margie’s Traveler ET, Morgan Moore, Alton, Ill.; 3) SULL Lady’s Crystal ET, Aaron Lay, Madisonville, TN; 4) SULL Sable’s Roan 2415 ET, Jaxon Schrag, Marion, S.D.; 5) GHF Fool Waco G219 ET, Marshall Allison, Georgetown, Pa. Class 67d: Senior Yearling Females (10 entries): 1) CF Super Sable 2130 SOL ET, Cole WHisman, Illinois City, Ill; 2) BOY Cumberland 220 ET, Clayton Boyert, Seville, Ohio; 3) SULL Sunny Crystal ET, Joseph O’Sullivan, Maple Lake, Minn.; 4) GNCC-H Goldendrop 262Z ET, Anna Parnell, Stanton, Ala.; 5) Rockdale Kozy Kilmihill, Abigail Muck, Caledonia, Ill. =

Thank you judges! shorthorn country = august 2014


National Junior ShorthornPlus Heifer Show 100 head – Judge: Brigham Stewart, Kansas by Megan Brehm

Grand Champion ShorthorPlus Heifer was awarded to SULL Red Tamale 3260 ET, exhibited by Konner Kirkpatrick, Avilla, Ind.

Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb., exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, with SULL Timeless Tamale ET.

One hundred ShorthornPlus heifers were entered in the 2014 National Junior ShorthornPlus Female Show Friday, June 27th. Brigham Stewart, Washington, Kansas, evaluated the entries. Grand Champion honors were awarded to SULL Red Tamale 3260 ET, a January 2013 daughter of SULL


Right Direction ET and SUL Tamale, exhibited by Konner Kirkpatrick, Avilla, Indiana. Kane Aegerter, Seward, Nebraska, exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, with entry SULL Timeless Tamale ET, an April 2013 daughter of SULL Right

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Direction ET and SUL Tamale. Other ShorthornPlus Female Champions: Grand Champion Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Female: SULL Bobbi’s Sable 3292 ET, Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa. Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Female: JPV Cricket 320 ET, Hannah Vickland, Longmont, Colo. Division I Champion: SULL Miss Right Direction, Madison McCormick, Dunlap, Iowa. Division I Reserve Champion: DRCC Miss Anastasia, Wyatt Hancock, Oologah, Okla. Division II Champion: OHL Bluejeans 3104A, Gracie Danner, West Liberty, Iowa. Division II Reserve Champion: BFREE Sassy 684A, Brayden Freeman, Winchester, Ill. Division III Champion: SULL Timeless Tamale ET, Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb. Division III Reserve Champion: HOB Roan Foxx, Taylor Heim, Plattsmouth, Neb. Division IV Champion: SULL Red Tamale 3260 ET, Konner Kirkpatrick, Avilla, Ind. Division IV Reserve Champion: SULL Bobbi’s Sable 3292 ET, Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa. ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings: Class 31: ShorthornPlus Junior Heifer Calves (3 entries): 1) OWF Bernie, Danielle Fleming, Merrill, Mich.; 2) 4 D Maes Shining Star, Rachael Drumm, Winchester, Ky.; 3) WGR Celine’s Remedy, Mikayla Wetzel, Faribault, Minn. Class 32: ShorthornPlus Winter Heifer Calves (5 entries): 1) HAL Dollly’s Big Star 310, Hallie Dillard, Hickman, Tenn.; 2) CYT Blue Crystal 3257 ET, Renee Lock, Avon, Ill.; 3) TLLC Ruby 77A, Tyler Loudon, Creston, Iowa. Class 33a: ShorthornPlus Senior Heifer Calves (6 entries): 1) DRCC Miss Anastasia, Wyatt Hancock, Oologah, Okla.; 2) WHR SSC Special Lady 3006, Jess Carney, Collinsville, Texas; 3) Taylors Sure Thing 13, Kara

Division I Champion: SULL Miss Right Direction, Madison McCormick, Dunlap, Iowa.

Division I Reserve Champion: DRCC Miss Anastasia, Wyatt Hancock, Oologah, Okla.

Division II Champion: OHL Bluejeans 3104A, Gracie Danner, West Liberty, Iowa.

Division II Reserve Champion: BFREE Sassy 684A, Brayden Freeman, Winchester, Ill.

Division III Reserve Champion: HOB Roan Foxx, Taylor Heim, Plattsmouth, Neb.

Division IV Reserve Champion: SULL Bobbi’s Sable 3292 ET, Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa

Grand Champion Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Female: SULL Bobbi’s Sable 3292 ET, Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa.

Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Female: JPV Cricket 320 ET, Hannah Vickland, Longmont, Colo.

Baker, Jones, Okla. Class 33b: ShorthornPlus Senior Heifer Calves (5 entries) : 1) SULL Miss Blackberry, Ethan Crow, Lawton, Okla.; 2) PFC Lil Keyanna, Murray Perkins, Buchanan, Tenn.; 3) Chloe’s Kiss 425, Kash Long, Wheeler, Texas. Class 36: ShorthornPlus Summer Yearling Females (5 entries) : 1) BFREE Sassy 684A, Brayden Freeman, Winchester, Ill.; 2) CBF Clover’s Reward, Abigayle Pollock, Taft, Tenn.; 3) Augusta Pride Cocoa, Mattie Williams, Gamaliel, Ky. Class 37a: ShorthornPlus Late Spring Yearling Females ( 6 entries) 1) She’s Got Moxie, Rylee Parsons, Idabel, Okla.; 2) PSF Cinderella 9A, Aaron Allen, Elk Horn, Iowa; 3) SMS Bling Princess, Hannah Imgrund, Lewisburg, Pa. Class 37b: ShorthornPlus Late Spring Yearling Females ( 5 entries) 1) OHL Bluejeans 3104A, Gracie Danner, West Liberty, Iowa; 2) SULL Jalynn’s Princess ET, Hunter Prescott, Portland,

Ind.; 3) SS Mara 387, Aaron Lay, Madisonville, Tenn. Class 40a: ShorthornPlus Early Spring Yearling Females (9 entries) : 1) HOB Roan Foxx, Taylor Heim, Plattsmouth, Neb.; 2) HBEC Dream Girl 467 ET, Ashley Peterson, Remington, Ind.; 3) RFL Park Place Queen 3A, Xavier Ferris, Whiteland, Ind. Class 40b: ShorthornPlus Early Spring Yearling Females (8 entries) : 1) SULL Timeless Tamale ET, Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb.; 2) JPV Cricket 320 ET, Hannah Vickland, Longmont, Colo.; 3) SULL Sable’s Candy 3350 ET, Carter Schweer, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Class 40c: ShorthornPlus Early Spring Yearling Females (10 entries) : 1) NFSC Stand BY Me, Abbie Collins, New Paris, Ohio; 2) SULL Sable’s Lady 3174 ET, Sara Pieper, Stewardson, Ill.; 3) MCNF Fancy MC44A, Katie McNinch, Enola, Ark. Class 40d: ShorthornPlus Early Spring Yearling Females (8 entries) :

1) Caligo Mona, Kayla Fogg, Rushville, Ind.; 2) SULL Cherri Avenue ET, Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio; 3) SULL Tamale’s Hot 3236 ET, David Smith, Boulder, Colo. Class 43a: ShorthornPlus Junior Yearling Females (7 entries): 1) SULL Blue’s Best 3274 ET, Katie Pieper, Stewardson, Ill.; 2) Sull Jalynn’s Direction ET, Kylie Blanding, Wolcott, Ind.; 3) AFSC Latisha, Luke Prill, Wichita, Kan. Class 43b: ShorthornPlus Junior Yearling Females (9 entries): 1) SULL Red Tamale 3260 ET, Konner Kirkpatrick, Avilla, Ind.; 2) CCLT Paris 3A, Cole Clanton, Bucyrus, Kan.; 3) SULL Lady Heat 3046, Megan Schroeder, Albion, Ind. Class 43c: ShorthornPlus Junior Yearling Females (6 entries): 1) SULL Bobbi’s Sable 3292 ET, Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa; 2) GCC Blackberry 113, Jamie Limes, Bowling Green, Ohio; 3) SULL Dede’s Money 3460, Jarrin Goecke, State Center, Iowa. Class 44a: Senior Yearling Females ( 4 entries): 1) SD Miss Crystal, Desirae Logsdon, Amanda, Ohio; 2)SUN Lil Mo, Abigayle Pollock, Taft, Tenn.; 3) SCF Dee’s Claim to Fame, Cassidy Catrett, Luverne, Ala. Class 44b: Senior Yearling Females ( 4 entries): 1) MLCO Lady Isabella 32Z, Payden Smith, Cullman, Ala.; 2) MSC Sammi, Taylor Morbitzer, Grove City, Ohio; 3) WHR Red Robin 2903, Noah Womack, Oak Grove, La. =

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Memories from 2014

Memories from 2014

National Junior Shorthorn Bred & Owned Bull Show Judge: Brigham Stewart, Kansas by Megan Brehm

Lane’s Mr. Colt, owned by Ryan Lane, Jay, Okla., was selected as the Champion Shorthorn Bred and Owned Bull.

Fifteen bulls were exhibited at the 2014 National Junior Shorthorn Bred and Owned Bull Show, Friday, June 27th. After evaluating all entries, judge Brigham Stewart, Washington, Kansas, selected Lane’s Mr. Colt, a November 2013 son of ELBEE Throwback 040W and KOLT Foxxy 29S ET as the Champion Shorthorn Bred and Owned Bull. The bull was exhibited by Ryan Lane, Jay, Oklahoma. BWCC Jack of Spades 112Z was selected as the Reserve Champion Shorthorn Bred and Owned Bull, exhibited by Morgan Denzer, Pulaski, Wisconsin, a February 2012 son of Hi View’s Ace of Diamonds and NPS Desert Rose 928 W ET.

BWCC Jack of Spades 112Z, exhibited by Morgan Denzer, Pulaski, Wisc., was selected as Reserve Champion Shorthorn Bred and Owned Bull.

Shorthorn Bred and Owned Bull Class Placings: Class 17: Junior Bull Calves (3 entries): 1) HFS The Cajun 401, Leah Horton, St. Charles, Ill.; 2) WJM Lucky Strike C1B, William Milashoski, Minonk, Ill.; 3) TS Rose Bud, Hunter Tilton, Bellville, Ohio. Class 18: Winter Bull Calves (2 entries): 1) Lane’s Mr. Colt, Ryan Lane, Jay, Okla.; 2) SCF Silver Lining, Cameron Catrett, Luverne, Ala. Class 19a: Senior Bull Calves (4 entries): 1) MAV Ragnar 361A, Payton Vogel, Hartley, Iowa; 2) DT Diamonds Big Kaboom, Danielle Thompson, Grandview, Texas; 3) NYE Tornado Twister, Austin Nye, New Prague,

Minn. Class 19b: Senior Bull Calves (2 entries): 1) DEFY Divergent 904A, Landon, Bolin, Harrison, Ark.; 2) Woodcamp Chunk of Gold, Tyler Hough, Mt. Airy, Md. Class 21: Late Spring Yearling Bull (1 entry): 1) BAH White Willy, Blake Herman, Beavertown, Pa. Class 23: Junior Yearling Bulls (2 entries): 1) LORENZ’S Big Ignition, Stacey Lorenz, Grant Park, Ill.; 2) JLS Roan Duke SP ET, Jakob Long, Vinton, Iowa. Class 25: Two-Year Old Bull (1 entry): 1) BWCC Jack of Spades 112Z, Morgan Denzer, Pulaski, Wisc. =

Shorthorn Sidekicks by Jordan Albiani Shorthorn Sidekicks was developed to get the youngest members of the AJSA involved in all the fun activities here at Junior Nationals. This year Sidekicks enjoyed revealing the “Secret Slogan” on posters geared towards promoting the beef industry and had


the challenge of placing an ear tag correctly while playing “Pin the Ear Tag on the Heifer. Special thanks go to Judy Alden for helping keep the youngest members of the association engaged during the week. =

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Shorthorn Sidekicks

2014 All-American Junior Breeders by Jordan Albiani

This year four individuals were recognized for their efforts in conveying their knowledge of performance records, EPD’s and selection tools to improve their cow herd. After taking a written test based on breed knowledge, genetics, and performance data collection and evaluation, finalists were interviewed to determine how well they apply that knowledge to their own herd. Each winner receives $1,100 to be used for purchasing Shorthorn cattle to improve their herd. The winners were announced at the Shorthorn Banquet at the National Junior Shorthorn Show in Louisville, Kentucky. This year three breeders received the title of All-American Junior Breeder. Coty Bell from Arkansas showed progress in understanding how EPD’s apply to his herd and reaching his target market. Tyler Pierson from Minnesota received his second AllAmerican Breeder award this year by setting an example for other members

demonstrating how understanding of performance data can improve your herd and the Shorthorn breed. Sarah Moore is a legacy Shorthorn Breeder who uses her knowledge of sire selection to show the many different roles Shorthorns can play in the beef industry. This is also Sarah’s second year receiving the All-American title. The “Unanimous All-American Junior Breeders Coty Bell, Ark., Tyler Pierson, Minn., Selection” All and Sarah Moore, Ill. American Breeder cafeteria was serving beef from his herd. this year was rewarded to Zach Congratulations to all the All-American Knutson. Zach demonstrates clear goals for the future of his herd and has Junior Breeders this year. = worked very hard in making them a reality. This past year his own school

Arts and Etc. by Haley Alden

Junior members set aside their talents in the show ring and picked up their creative side before traveling to Louisville. The juniors participating in the Arts and Etc., contest definitely put their creative side to work this year and created some works of art that were inspired by their love of the Shorthorn breed. Final Placings include: Prospector I 1. Carlee Long, Mo., 2. Tyler Loudon, Iowa; 3. Caden Kephart, Indiana; 4. Ryleigh Obrecht, Iowa, 5. Addison Obrecht, Iowa.

Prospector II 1. Miller Smith, Ind.; 2. Shaylee Sherman, Mo; 3. Wyatt Obrecht, Iowa; 4. Dellana Much, Ill.; 5. Lane Blankinship, Okla. Intermediate 1. Skylee Sherman, Mo; 2. Jaycie Heath, Ind.; 3. Landon Allison, Pa.; 4. Ashley Peterson, Ind.; 5. Elizabeth Fleming, Mo. Senior 1. Coty Bell, Ark.,

Arts and Etc. winners


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National Junior Shorthorn Bred & Owned Heifer Show 65 head – Judge: Brighman Stewart, Kansas by Megan Brehm

Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa, exhibited the Champion Shorthorn Bred and Owned and Champion Division IV Female with SULL Roses Are Red ET.

Reserve Champion Bred and Owned and Reserve Champion Division IV Female, was BOY Cumberland 220ET, exhibited by Clayton Boyert, Seville, Ohio.

Sixty-five Shorthorn Bred and Owned Females entered the ring in front of judge Brigham Stewart, marking the start of the 2014 National Junior Shorthorn Shows on Friday, June 27th. Claiming top honors in the 2014 National Junior Shorthorn Bred and Owned Female Show was Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa, with


her entry SULL Roses Are Red ET, a February 2013 daughter of SULL Red Reward 9321 7/8 and SULL Red Rosemary -2 ET CL, who also was selected as the Division IV Champion. Earning the Reserve Champion Bred and Owned Female title, was BOY Cumberland 220ET, exhibited by Clayton Boyert, Seville, Ohio, with his

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September 2012 daughter of CF Trump X and MDM Cumberland 988 TON X. The female was also named the Division IV Reserve Champion. The Champion Pair of Bred and Owned Females designation was awarded to James Johnson, Niantic, Ill. Other Shorthorn Bred and Owned Female Champions: Division I Champion: SULL Lucy’s Crystal ET, exhibited by Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa. Division I Reserve Champion: JS Miss Michelle 4J01 ET, exhibited by James Johnson, Niantic, Ill. Division II Champion: MAV Emma 353A ET, exhibited by Payton Vogel, Hartley, Iowa. Division II Reserve Champion: CCLT Fallon 525A, exhibited by Cole Clanton, Bucyrus, Kan. Division III Champion: MAV Picture Perfect 326A, exhibited by Payton Vogel, Hartley, Iowa. Division III Reserve Champion: Shoufler Purple Rose 1308, exhibited by Kyle Shoufler, Fortville, Ind. Division IV Champion: SULL Roses are Red ET, exhibited by Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa. Division IV Reserve Champion: BOY Cumberland 220 ET, Clayton Boyert, Seville, Ohio. Shorthorn Bred and Owned Female Class Placings: Class 1: Junior Heifer Calves (5 entries): 1) JS Miss Michelle 4J01 ET, James Johnson, Niantic, Ill,; 2) GCF Margie 411B, Brooke Pearson, Tea, S.D.; 3) CCR Reba 4105, Jess Carney, Collinsville, Texas. Class 2: Winter Heifer Calves (6 entries): 1) FC Dream Chaser, Kelly Morrison, Belle Plaine, Minn.; 2) Dreamy 280 Carmele 358 ET, Hope Schlimgen, Blue Mounds, Wisc.; 3) EC Frosted Poptart 3147, Colby Erickson, Haskell, Okla. Class 3: Senior Heifer Calves (6 entries): 1) SULL Lucy’s Crystal ET, Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa; 2) JS Augusta Pride 3J07, James Johnson, Niantic, Ill.; 3) CULL Valentine 345A, Karly Cull, Oakland, Neb. Class 6: Summer Yearling

Division I Champion: SULL Lucy’s Crystal ET, exhibited by Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa

Division I Reserve Champion: JS Miss Michelle 4J01 ET, exhibited by James Johnson, Niantic, Ill.

Division II Champion: MAV Emma 353A ET, exhibited by Payton Vogel, Hartley, Iowa.

Division II Reserve Champion: CCLT Fallon 525A, exhibited by Cole Clanton, Bucyrus, Kan.

Division III Champion: MAV Picture Perfect 326A, exhibited by Payton Vogel, Hartley, Iowa.

Division III Reserve Champion: SHOUFLER Purple Rose 1308, exhibited by Kyle Shoufler, Fortville, Ind.

Females (6 entries): 1) STS Mysterious P, Justin Shonkwiler, London, Ohio; 2) Lorenz’s Daddy’s Pearl, Stacey Lorenz, Grand Park, Ill.; 3) FS Snow Angel 314, Sheridan Fox, Bremen, Ind. Class 7a:Late Spring Yearling Females (5 entries): 1) MAV Emma 353A ET, Payton Vogel, Hartley, Iowa; 2) M BAR FLS Gwendoline 324A, Faye Smith, Walton, Kan,; 3) Shoufler Binnie Ace 132 ET, Kyle Shoufler, Fortville, Ind. Class 7b: Late Spring Yearling Females (6 entries): 1) CCLT Fallon 525A, Cole Clanton, Bucyrus, Kan.; 2) Lane’s Bunny 13A, Ryan Lane, Jay, Okla; 3) LTW Prairie Red, Lane Williams, Duncan, Okla. Class 10a: Early Spring Yearling Females (9 entries): 1) MAV Picture Perfect 326A, Payton Vogel, Hartley, Iowa; 2) CVF Montana Ryland 48A ET, Alexandria Raab, Markle, Ind.; 3)

JS Miss Michelle 3J04, James Johnson, Niantic, Ill. Class 10b: Early Spring Yearling Females (8 entries) : 1) Shoufler Purple Rose 1308, Kyle Shoufler, Fortville, Ind.; 2) SH Rose 3107, Sterling Reichenbach, Bath, Mich.; 3) M BAR Castle Princess 306, Faye Smith, Walton, Kan. Class 13: Junior Yearling Females (7entries) 1) SULL Roses Are Red ET, Sara Rose Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa; 2) WHR DC Cumberland 0126A ET, Katelyn Carnes, Tyler, Texas; 3) J/F Jake’s Roxanne, Jacob Farrer, Bremen, Ind. Class 14a: Senior Yearling Females ( 3 entries) 1) MB Mona Lisa Sierra, Brittany Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.; 2) Rocks Final Product, Houston Gillenwater, Tompinsville, Ky.; 3) Ganines White Diamond, Coty Bell, Searcy, Ark.

The Champion Pair of Bred and Owned Females designation was awarded to James Johnson, Niantic, Ill.

Class 14b: Senior Yearling Females (4 entries): 1) BOY Cumberland 220 ET, Clayton Boyert, Seville, Ohio; 2) Dream Girl, Kameran Collier, Adrian, Mo.; 3) BFS Augusta Pride P 285 ET, Connor Bollum, Austin, Minn. =

Congratulations to all who participated! shorthorn country = august 2014


National Junior Shorthorn Cow/Calf Show by Megan Brehm

Wernacres Duchess 2 with bull calf HFS Cajun Flyboy 407, owend by Leah Horthon, St. Charles, Ill., was selected as Champion Shorthorn Cow/Calf Pair.

Reserve Champion Cow/Calf pair was CVF Montana Ramele 512U ET and her bull calf CVF Renegade 324B, exhibited by Aidan Raab, Markle, Ind.

FCC Beautiful Rose 204Z with her bull calf ML Nebula 143 was selected as the Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Cow/Calf Pair, exhibited by August Bertz, Mayview, Mo.

The Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Cow/Calf pair was BLSC S Ali Flair with her heifer calf BLSC S Exile Affinity 42, exhibited by MacKenzie Nickels, Beloit, Wis.

Although numbers were low, quality was high in the 2014 National Junior Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus Cow/Calf Show June 28th. Judge Brigham Stewart selected Wernacres Duchess 2 with bull calf HFS Cajun Flyboy 407 as Champion in the Shorthorn Cow/Calf Show. Exhibited by Leah Horton, St. Charles, Illinois, the cow is a 2010 daughter of PET NBS Flyboy 747 ET and Wernacres Duchess ML 918. Bull calf at side is sired by MAV Bellringer 804U, 7/8. Named as the Reserve Champion Cow/Calf pair was CVF Montana Ramele 512U ET with March bull calf CVF Renegade 324B sired by Free KKim Hot Commodity ET. Exhibited by Aidan Raab, Markle, Indiana, the cow is a 2008 daughter of Little Cedar Reno 301 ET and NPS Miss Montana 973 X. Shorthorn Cow/Calf Class


Placings: Class 26a: Purebred Cow/Calf Pairs (2 entries): 1) RL Dellarado 1N01ET and heifer calf DC Stella CN, Darci Cash, Fay, Okla.; 2) JJ Minute COL and heifer calf JJ’S Patty, Kameran Collier, Adrian, Mo. Class 26b: Purebred Cow/Calf Pairs (4 entries): 1) Wernacres Duchess 2 and bull calf HFS Cajun Flyboy 407, Leah Horton, St. Charles, Ill.; 2) CVF Montana Ramele 512U ET and bull calf CVF Renegade 324B, Aidan Raab, Markle, Ind.; 3) HFS Regina and bull calf HFS The Cajun 401, Leah Horton, St. Charles, Ill. ShorthornPlus Cow/Calf Show FCC Beautiful Rose 204Z with bull calf ML Nebula 143 earned the Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Cow/Calf Pair title. FCC Beautiful Rose 204Z is a 2012 daughter of ASH Valley Duty 7155 and CYT Beauty 0159. The

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February bull calf is sired by Beckton Nebula M045. The pair was exhibited by August Bertz, Mayview, Missouri. The Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Cow/Calf Pair was BLSC S Ali Flair, a 2011 daughter of Cowman’s Ali 4M and BLSC S Sincerity. Heifer calf BLSC S Exile Affinity 42 is the March daughter of Millpond Exile. The pair was exhibited by MacKenzie Nickels, Beloit, Wisconsin. ShorthornPlus Cow/Calf Class Placings: Class 27: ShorthornPlus Cow/Calf Pairs (3 entries): 1) FCC Beautiful Rose 204Z and bull calf ML Nebula 143, August Bertz, Mayview, Mo.; 2) BLSC S Ali Flair and heifer calf BLSC S Exile Affinity 42, MacKenzie Nickels, Beloit Wis.; 3) Sharben Mae Rae 550 and heifer calf 4D Maes Shining Star, Rachael Drumm, Winchester, Ky. =

Juniors Bring Culinary and Entertainment Skills to Cook-Off Contest By Marshall Allison

Beef Cook-Off Winners

Champion Recipe - “Chop Suey”

We aren’t short of competition at the Shorthorn Junior Nationals and the Beef Cook-Off was no different. Thursday was when states faced off for the annual Beef Cook-Off contest. Teams of four are made up of prospectors, intermediates, and seniors from all over the country and I’ll tell you right now these juniors really know their stuff when it comes to the kitchen and grill. This year the Beef Cook-Off teams were faced with presenting a dish using the meat cut of chuck roast. The

Beef Chop Suey

Beef Cook-Off Winning Team & Champion Showmanship - “Indiana Team 1”

team competition was judged on the presentation, the taste, and originality of each teams’ plate of choice. Receiving top honors in the Beef Cook-Off was: 1) Indiana Team 1; Miller Smith, Emily Fry, Claire Trennepohl and Megan Dragstrem 2) Indiana Team 2; Aiden Raab, Alexandria Raab, Adrienne Trennepohl and Allison Dragstrem 3) Illinois Team 2; Abigail Muck, Sara Moore, Julia Schmid and Clayton Poppe 4) Michigan; Danielle Fleming, Clay

Sundberg, Katie Reid and Danielle Wood-Seddon 5) Missouri; Bailey Collier, Kameron Collier, Marlena Long and Carlee Long. Champion Recipe: Indiana #2 Beef Chop Suey, Aiden Raab, Alexandria Raab, Adrienne Trennepohl and Allison Dragstrem. Champion Showmanship: Indiana Team 1; Miller Smith, Emily Fry, Claire Tennepohl and Allison Dragstrem. =

Indiana Team II

Ingredients 2 to 2-1/2 pounds of Beef Chuck Roast, fat trimmed and thinly sliced Two large cloves of garlic peeled and minced ¼ cup Tamari Sauce Oil as needed 4 Cups boiling water 2 Onions halved and thinly sliced 2 carrots thinly sliced 3 ribbed celery thinly sliced 1-2 green red peppers thinly sliced 6 large ribbed bok choy sliced with leaves 6 cups fresh bean sprouts 8 oz canned sliced water chesnuts (save juice) 5 oz canned bamboo shoots sliced (save juice) 2 Beef Bouillon cubes 1 tblsp fresh grated ginger 1 tblsp brown sugar ¼ cup cornstarch

Directions 1.In a large stock pot, brown meat well with the garlic and tamari sauce, add four cups water. Simmer meat for 30-45 minutes. Prepare vegetables by washing, slicing, or draining as needed. 2. Cook rice according to package instructions. While rice is cooking, heat a heavy skillet over medium heat. Add a tablespoon or two of oil. Stir fry vegetables one at a time until tender. After the vegetable is tender, put it into a heat safe bowl while you continue to cook the other vegetables. 3. When vegetables are tender, add them to the meat. Add the beef bouillon, ginger and brown sugar. Add salt to taste. Whisk together the reserve juice from the canned vegetables and the corn starch. Add to the hot beef mixture and cook and stir to thicken slightly. 4. Serve hot meat and vegetable mixture over ice.

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National Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Steer Show Judge: Brigham Stewart, Kansas by Megan Brehm

Champion Shorthorn Steer was SULL Pick Me ET, shown by Andrew Hodges, Lebo, Kan.

Whitney Miller, Shreve, Ohio, exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer, PVF Rambo 10A.

CYT BLK Billy 3997, shown by Jake Brandt, Clarion, Iowa, was selected as Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Steer.

Kaleb Miller, Lacona, Iowa, exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Steer, LHMN Silverado.

Forty-four steers were showcased for judge, Brigham Stewart during the 2014 National Junior Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus Steer Show Friday, June 27th. Receiving top honors at the 2014 National Junior Shorthorn Steer Show as the Grand Champion was SULL Pick Me ET, shown by Andrew Hodges, Lebo, Kansas, a March 2013 son of SULL GNCC Asset ET. Whitney Miller, Shreve, Ohio exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer, PVF Rambo 10A, a February 2013 FSF Jazz Leader 918 ET son. Receiving Grand Champion honors at the 2014 National Junior ShorthornPlus Steer Show was CYT BLK Billy 3997, shown by Jake Brandt,


Clarion, Iowa. The steer was a March 2013 son of Monopoly. Kaleb Miller, Lacona, Iowa exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Steer, LHMN Silverado, a March 2013 son of Two Tone. Other Shorthorn Purebred Steer Champions: Grand Champion Bred and Owned Shorthorn Steer: Chigger, Harley Sargent, Denison, Texas. Reserve Grand Champion Bred and Owned Shorthorn Steer: PVF Rambo 10A, Whitney Miller, Shreve, Ohio. Grand Champion Prospect Shorthorn Steer: Chigger, exhibited by Harley Sargent, Denison, Texas.

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Reserve Grand Champion Prospect Shorthorn Steer: T-Bone, exhibited by Harley Sargent, Denison, Texas. Champion Bred and Owned Prospect Steer: T-Bone, Harley Sargent, Denison, Texas. Reserve Champion Bred and Owned Prospect Steer: AF RJA 319, Haley Alden, Hamilton, Mo. Purebred Shorthorn Steer Class Placings: Class 28: Purebred Prospect Steers (4 entries): 1) Chigger, Harley Sargent, Denison, Texas; 2) T-Bone, Harley Sargent, Denison, Texas; 3) AF FJA 319, Haley Alden, Hamilton, Mo. Class 29a: Purebred Steers (8 entries): 1) SULL Pick Me ET, Andrew

Grand Champion Prospect Shorthorn Steer: Chigger, exhibited by Harley Sargent, Denison, Texas.

Reserve Grand Champion Prospect Shorthorn Steer: T-Bone, exhibited by Harley Sargent, Denison, Texas

Grand Champion Bred and Owned Shorthorn Steer: Chigger, shown by Harley Sargent, Denison, Texas.

Reserve Grand Champion Bred and Owned Shorthorn Steer: PVF Rambo 10A, shown by Whitney Miller, Shreve, Ohio.

Grand Champion Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Steer: Lorenz’s Big Blue, Joshua Lorenz, Grant Park, Ill.

Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Steer: Woodcamp Premier JJ 02A, Tyler Hough, Mt. Airy, Md.

Hodges, Lebo, Kan.; 2) White Lighting, Adrianne Schaunaman, Aberdeen, S.D.; 3) CLF Mighty Whitey, Logan Test, Cedarville, Ohio. Class 29b: Purebred Steers (4 entries): 1) TRNR 83 ET, Ally Knore, Paris, Ky.; 2) Reuben, Erin Beisbier, Reedsburg, Wis.; 3) Woodcamp Prince Charming, Lisbon, Md. Class 29c: Purebred Steers (5 entries): 1) LF Louie V, Hadley Levan, Woodstock, Ohio; 2) White Stone SSS, Brian Hayse, Mauck Port, Ind.; 3) FSF Starburst 395 ET, Clay Kretzmeier, Fowler, Ind. Class 29d: Purebred Steers ( 4 entries) 1)PVF Rambo 10A, Whitney Miller, Streve, Ohio; 2) Kershaw steer 23A, Brayden Freeman, Winchester,

Ill.; 3) HFS Mr. Big 302, Julia Schmid, Teutopolis, Ill. Other ShorthornPlus Steer Champions: Grand Champion Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Steer: Lorenz’s Big Blue, Joshua Lorenz, Grant Park, Illinois Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Steer: Woodcamp Premier JJ 02A, Tyler Hough, Mt. Airy, Mary Land. ShorthornPlus Steer Class Placings: Class 30a: ShorthornPlus Steers (3 entries): 1) J-ART Jack Frost, Jacklyn Prochaska, Chickasha, Okla.; 2) Steve, Hayden Ankrum, Tracy, Minn.; 3)WGR Ruben, Lexi Wetzel, Faribault,

Minn. Class 30b: ShorthornPlus Steers (5 entries): 1) LHMN Silverado, Kaleb Miller, Lacona, Iowa; 2) JAZZ’s Monopoly ET, Caitlin Gallagher, Amherst, Ohio; 3) FS Hokie Pokie 38, Hayden Fox, Bremen, Ind. Class 30c: ShorthornPlus Steers (8 entries): 1) VMA Max, Taylor Goering, McPherson, Kan.; 2) KLLR Big Blue 12A, Kylee Dameron, Silex, Mo.; 3) UDELL Worm 17A, Jaxon Schrag, Marion, S.D. Class 30d: ShorthornPlus Steers (3 entries): 1) CYT BLK Billy 3997, Jake Brandt, Clarion, Iowa; 2) Blue, Hannah Reid, Columbia City, Ind.; 3) Marco, Aaron Allen, Elk Horn, Iowa. =

u o y k Than



Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University Team Fitting Contest by Tyler Pierson

well as the final result. Three judges made the tough decision of deciding what teams would comprise of the top five of each age division. The competition this year was so close some would say judges were splitting hairs with their placing’s. Prospector 1. Sarah Sullivan, Jaxon Schragg, Xavier Ferris; 2. Wyatt Obrecht, Madison McCormick, Josh Darbyshire; 3. Miller Smith, Aiden Raab, Allie Raab; 4. Colby Erickson, Ryan Lane, Bryant Krebs; 5. Shaylee Sherman, Hayden Fox, Sheridan Fox.

Team Fitting Winners

The number of teams in the fitting contest continues to rise and the talent in each heat gets deeper every year. Each team was given 20 minutes to prepare an animal with a total of three team members. Teamwork and communication played a key role as teams were evaluated by technique as

Intermediate 1. Kane Aegerter, Harley Sargent, Samantha Schrag; 2. Jake Nikkel, Ben Nikkel, Taylor Bacon; 3. Clay Sundburg, Andrea Urbach, Skylee Sherman; 4. Elizabeth Fleming, Danielle Fleming, Macy Collins; 5. Emily Dahse Landon Helmke, Hadley Levan. Senior 1. Clayton Boyert, Hank Levan, John Reasor; 2. Reid Nichols, Cody Vogel, Payton Vogel; 3. James Johnson, Josh Lorenz, Stacy Lorenz; 4. Riley Ruble, Joseph O’Sullivan, Grady Ruble, 5. Jamie Limes, Jessica Millenbaugh, Landon Richards. =

Battle of the Breeds by Chandler Steele

Food insecurity is a growing problem in the United States. Today, one in four children do not know where their next meal will come from. On Tuesday June 24th, over 720 Shorthorn, Chianina, and Maine-Anjou exhibitors gathered in Broadbent arena and listened to Michigan Junior Shorthorn Association Member Andrea Urbach speak about hunger in America and what we, as cattle producers and exhibitors, can do to help make sure that no one goes hungry. Andrea encouraged exhibitors to be aware of hunger in their communities and to rise to the challenge of feeding a growing world.


To kick start the week in Louisville, the Ride for the Brand campaign issued its own challenge to junior exhibitors and their state breed associations. Each exhibitor was asked to bring at least one can of beans to the “Ranch RoundUp”. The Battle of the Breeds competition pinned title sponsors, Sullivan Supply and Sure Champ in a head-to-head battle to see which team could raise the most cans of beans for the Dare to Care Food Bank of Louisville. Teams pushed, pulled and rode their carts full of canned beans into Broadbent Arena on Tuesday night. When the last can was counted,

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it was announced that junior exhibitors from these three outstanding junior associations donated 1,626 cans of beans to the Dare to Care Food Bank of Louisville! Team Sullivan Supply won the Battle of the Breeds competition, bringing in an astonishing 1,226 cans! The 1,671 pound donation was one of the largest single donations Dare to Care has ever received! Shorthorn, Chianina, and MaineAnjou juniors should be extremely proud of their generosity! The donated cans will be distributed by Dare to Care to families in need in the Louisville area! =

Golden Comb by Rachel Linder

For some younger members going to their first Junior Shorthorn National can be a little overwhelming. The mentor apprentice program is a way to help the younger members in the prospector divisions get to know older members and to help them prepare for the contests. In the 2014 mentor apprentice program a senior or intermediate was paired with a prospector and they were given a number of tasks to complete before the banquet. The tasks included

getting to know your partner, selling fling rings for a chance to win a chute and writing thank you letters to some of the show sponsors. The teams that completed all their tasks were then entered into the golden hopper for a chance to win the coveted Golden Comb. The Golden Combs were given out during the awards banquet Friday, June 27, 2014. This year’s Golden Comb recipients were Emmet LaHay of North Carolina and Caroline Tilton = of Ohio. Golden Comb recipents Emmet LaHay of N.C., and Caroline Tilton of Ohio.

Junior Exhibitors Aim High by Jordan Albiani

Junior Nationals is jam-packed with activities for all members. The individuals recognized in High Point enjoy the challenge of juggling multiple responsibilities. These individuals not only present their cattle in the upmost condition, they also spend countless hours preparing for the entire week of contests. Every junior who entered a contest or exhibited at this year’s Junior National is entered into the High point Contest. Points were given to individuals for excellence in the contests as well as participation in the cattle show and other activities that were held throughout the week.

This year’s winners in each division this year are as follows. Prospector I 1) Tyler Loudon, Iowa; 2) Alexandria Raab, Ind.; 3) Carlee Long, Mo.; 4) Hayden Fox, Ind.; Caden Kephart, Ind. Prospector II 1) Miller Smith, Ind.; 2) Shaylee Sherman, Mich.; 3) Xavier Ferris, Ind.; 4) Tanner Reese, Tenn.; 5) Wyatt Obrecht, Iowa. Intermediate 1) Abigayle Pollock, Tenn.; 2) Taylor Bacon, Kan.; 3) Skylee Sherman,

High Point Winners Mich.; 4) Landon Allison, Pa.; 5) Jaycie Heath, Ind. Senior 1) Coty Bell, Ark.; 2) Melinda Perkins, Tenn.; 3) Marshall Allison, Pa.; 4) Lauren Thompson, Texas; 5) Bailey = Core, Iowa.

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American Shorthorn Foundation Scholarship Recpients by Rachel Linder

While at the American Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference juniors were not only competing and receiving recognition for their work in the barn, but applied to receive scholarships to help further their education. Eleven of the junior exhibitors walked away from the awards banquet Friday, June 27, 2014 with a little extra support for school. The scholarships are all funded by the American Shorthorn Foundation by friends and family as memorials or dedications to people with strong lasting ties to the Shorthorn breed. All of those represented through the scholarships are known as “Builders of the Breed.” An honor granted to members of the Shorthorn breed. Shorthorn Foundation board members who reviewed the applications commented on the quality of the applications and the difficult decision they had of selecting the best recipient. Don Longley Memorial Scholarship The Don Longley Memorial Scholarship is a $1,000 scholarship awarded to four high school seniors or college freshmen based upon their Shorthorn interest, grades, need, and participation in other activities. The following four deserving individuals received the award: Mitchell Smith, Indiana, Kaila Williams, Oklahoma, Dallis VanderWal, South Dakota, and Adrianne Trennepohl, Indiana. The Don Longley Memorial Scholarship is awarded through the Shorthorn Foundation in honor of Don Longley, past publisher of the Shorthorn World magazine. He followed his father’s footsteps and continued the empire of the Shorthorn magazine, insisting his staff attend every Shorthorn show, sale and conference possible in order to bring Shorthorn breeders the most accurate and expansive information of the time. He worked effortlessly to promote the breed, and his greatest delight was to publish a journalistically superior book. The Shorthorn World was never the same after the Longley era, with more than 50 years of father and son work towards the magazine and breed. Smith is a 19-year-old freshman at Purdue University where he is an Agricultural Econ major. He has been an active member of the Indiana Junior Shorthorn Association, as well as the


American Junior Shorthorn Association. Throughout his years he has been actively involved in extracurricular activities including Purdue Agricultural Business Club, Purdue Cattlemen’s Club, FFA and Purdue Agriculture Student Council. Williams is the 18year-old daughter of Kenneth and the late Deanna Williams of Duncan, Oklahoma. She will be a t t e n d i n g Back row (l-r): Megan Dragstrem, James R. Johnson, Dallis Oklahoma State VanderWal, Mitchell Smith, Houston Gillenwater and Jacob Raper. From row (l-r): Ashley Vogel, Sarah Moore, Adrianne Trennepohl, University majoring Haley Alden and Kaila Williams. (Not pictured Levi Bakenhus). in Animal Sciences and Agricultural the John C. “Jack” Ragsdale Youth Communications. She has been active Scholarship. This scholarship is in the Oklahoma Junior Shorthorn awarded to a high school senior or Association and her FFA chapter. college freshman who is an active During high school she was heavily member with a sincere interest in involved in many community service learning how to evaluate livestock and activities. an appreciation for the purebred VanderWal is the 18-year-old son of livestock industry. Kevin and Kari VanderWal of Volga, The recipient of this award should South Dakota. He is currently a exemplify the qualities of Ragsdale, freshman at South Dakota State who is considered by many Shorthorn University majoring in Animal Science. Breeders to be “Mr. Shorthorn.” At SDSU, VanderWal is a member of FFA and Block and Bridle Club. In Ragsdale, originally from Indiana, has high school he was involved in been active in the Shorthorn business National Honor Society, Basketball, his entire life. He was the High Point Football, 4-H and FFA. He is also an Individual at the International active member in the South Dakota Livestock Judging Contest in Chicago and American Junior Shorthorn in 1948, and his high score held the Associations. record until 1961. Ragsdale was on the Trennepohl is the 18-year-old Purdue University Intercollegiate daughter of Scott and Judy Trennepohl Livestock Judging Team. He began his of Middletown, Indiana. She will be servitude at the American Shorthorn attending Purdue University majoring Association in 1965, where he began a in Biochemistry with a minor in 12-year term on the Board of Directors, Agricultural Marketing. She has been eventually being named president. an active member of the Indiana Junior Ragsdale was also instrumental in the Shorthorn Association where she has inception of the North American served in various leadership positions International Livestock Exposition, and including president and has been he also implemented the first Youth involved in the American Junior Conference for Shorthorn Youth in Shorthorn Association. Additionally, 1968, which was the start to the she has been in 4-H, FFA and school American Junior Shorthorn activities. Association. Ragsdale’s portrait is hung The John C. “Jack” Ragsdale in the Purdue University Livestock Hall Scholarship of Fame in Indiana, and he has also Houston Gillenwater, of been inducted into the Saddle and Tompkinsville, Kentucky, was awarded Sirloin Portrait Club.

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Gillenwater is the 19-year-old son of Timmy and Dana Gillenwater of Tompkinsville, Kentucky. He is currently a freshman at Western Kentucky University where he is studying Agricultural Education. He has been actively involved and committed to several leadership rolls including the American Junior Shorthorn Association, his local 4-H and FFA chapters and livestock judging. Charles B. “Chuck” Leemon Memorial Scholarship The Charles B. “Chuck” Leemon Memorial Scholarship is sponsored by the family of Chuck Leemon in cooperation with the Shorthorn Foundation. The scholarship is awarded to a college student who is an active AJSA member, and also based upon grades, need, and future goals and career plans in agriculture. This year’s recipient is James R. Johnson of Niantic, Illinois. Johnson is the 18-year-old son of Philip and Nancy Johnson of Niantic, Illinois. He has been actively involved and committed to several leadership rolls including the American Junior Shorthorn Association, his local 4-H and FFA chapters and livestock judging. Kyle and Kathryn DeWitt Memorial Scholarship The DeWitt Scholarship was adopted by the Shorthorn Foundation in memory of Lyle and Kathryn DeWitt and their contributions to the Shorthorn breed. The scholarship is awarded to a high school senior or college freshman who is an active AJSA member, and also based upon grades, need, and participation in other activities. Haley Alden is the 19-year-old daughter of Ron and Judy Alden, of Hamilton, Missouri. She is currently a freshman at the University of MissouriColumbia, majoring in Agribusiness Management. She is a fifth generation Shorthorn breeder and is a director on the American Junior Shorthorn Association’s Board. Alden is very involved with extra-curricular activities at school by being a member or the Sigma Alpha Professional Sorority and the Mizzou Collegiate Farm Bureau. Jesse M. and Jennie S. Duckett Memorial Scholarship The Duckett Scholarship was adopted by the Shorthorn Foundation in memory of Jesse M. & Jeanie S. Duckett and their contributions to the Shorthorn breed. The scholarship is awarded to a high school senior or college freshman based upon the applicants’ involvement in agriculture, educational background, ACT scores,

and high school and/or college GPA. Levi Bakenhus is the 18year-old Son of Ward and Shay Bakenhus. He will attend the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the fall, majoring in Agribusiness, with a minor in Agricultural Entrepreneurship. He has also been very involved in his high school FFA, county 4-H club, and the Nebraska Junior Shorthorn Association. Mike Dugdale Memorial Scholarship The Shorthorn family lost one of its long time members with the passing of Michael Dugdale in 2006. Dugdale was involved in the first importation of Irish Shorthorns in the late 70’s and early 80’s. He served both Nebraska and Iowa Shorthorn Associations, holding several offices in each. In the early 80’s, he was elected to the board of directors of the American Shorthorn Association. In his history of being a manager, herd consultant, and order buyer, Dugdale attended hundreds of Shorthorn sales throughout North America and Canada and has purchased untold numbers of Shorthorn cattle. The Shorthorn Foundation funds a memorial scholarship because of his dedication and inspiration to the breed. Sarah Moore is a dedicated Shorthorn member who has exhibited a passion for the Shorthorn breed through being involved with her family and other fellow juniors. Not only has she been involved with Shorthorns, but the agricultural industries as a whole. Moore has, been involved in 4-H, FFA, and CFFA to name a few of her leadership rolls which should guarantee her continued success at the University of Illinois. John Miller Scholarship The new John Miller Scholarship was awarded to Megan Dragstrem, of Amboy, Indiana. The John Miller Scholarship is sponsored by the John Miller Family in cooperation with the Shorthorn Foundation. The scholarship was established this year by the family to help support younger American Junior Shorthorn Association members. The $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a college student who is an active AJSA member, and also based upon need and participation in other activities Dragstrem is the 18-year-old daughter of Robert and Elaine Dragstrem of Amboy, Indiana. She plans on attending Ivy Tech Community College and then transferring to Kansas State where she will major in Animal Sciences,

From left: Houston Gillenwater (John C. “Jack” Ragsdale scholarship recipient) and Jack Ragsdale.

minoring in Agricultural Business. Jared & Justin Bedwell Memorial Scholarship The Jared and Justin Bedwell Memorial Scholarship is sponsored by the Bedwell Family of Isabella, Oklahoma, in cooperation with the Shorthorn Foundation. The scholarship was established by the family to honor the memory of the brothers, who were both active AJSA members. The $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a high school senior or college student who is an active AJSA member, and also based upon need and participation in other activities. Jacob Raper is the 19-year-old son of Cheryl Raper of Chandler, Oklahoma. He has been an active member of 4-H, FFA, Redlands Community College Beef Team, Phi Beta Kappa, Oklahoma Junior Shorthorn Association and the American Junior Shorthorn Association. He is currently a freshman at Redlands Community College majoring in Animal Sciences, minoring in marketing. The Outstanding Junior Board Member Scholarship The Outstanding Junior Board Member Scholarship was created to honor a Junior Board Member who has gone above and beyond in their service to the American Junior Shorthorn Association during their time in office. This recipient has been selected to receive this $500 scholarship by the members themselves in acknowledgment of their hard work and determination. Ashley Vogel is the 22-year-old daughter of Todd and Kris Vogel of Hartley, Iowa. She recently finished her term as the AJSA Board of Directors President and graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in Agricultural Communications. Vogel has been showing Shorthorn cattle since she was a child and plans for her future family to follow on the same = path.

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Photography Contest by Mackenzie Nickels

Creativity is one word that describes exhibitors that participated in the Photography Contest. From frozen landscapes to creative summer perspectives, Shorthorn youth have dedicated themselves to finding the perfect view through their lenses. Judges for each age group commended the youth as a whole, as they found it tough to choose which photos would end up in the Top Five. Shorthorn exhibitors also showcased their skills of enhancing photos in the Digitally Enhanced Photography contest. Intermediates and Seniors took to their computers and enhanced their photos by changing the saturation and hues, adding quotes, or even combining two different photos. Congratulations to the Top Five individuals in their respective categories!

Photography Prospector I 1. Curt Williams, Ala.; 2. Reagan Ferris, Indiana; 3. Tyler Loudon, Iowa; 4. Carlee Long, Mo.; 5. Allie Raab, Ind. Prospector II 1. Tanner Reese, Tenn.; 2. Kameron Collier, Mo.; 3. Xavier Ferris, Ind.; 4. Annika Spring, Ill.; 5. Corley Williams, Ala. Intermediate 1. Abigayle Polluck, Tenn.; 2. Maggie Vogle, Iowa; 3. Emily Dahse, Ohio; 4. Landon Allison, Pa.; 5. Lexi Wetzel, Minn. Senior 1. Abigail Stier, Ill.; 2. Nicole Wynsteker, Minn.; 3. Hayley Alden, Mo.; 4. Maddy Udell, Iowa; 5. Gerrit Pearson, Neb.

Photography Winners

Digital Photography Intermediate 1. Landon Allison, Pa.; 2. Murray Perkins, Tenn.; 3. Morgan Wise, Kan.; 4. Aaron Lay, Tenn.; 5. Marlena Long, Mo. Senior 1. Marshall Allison, Pa.; 2. Bailey Core, Iowa; 3. Coty Bell, Ark.; 4. Maddy Udell, Iowa; 5. Melinda Perkins, Tenn. =

Red Coat Award Outstanding State by Jordan Albiani

This year’s Outstanding State winner is no stranger to statewide success. For the tenth year running Indiana swept the competition. With 70 members competing in all 12 contests alongside exhibiting cattle Indiana truly came out on top. Congratulations to Indiana exhibitors on all their hard work! =


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by Jordan Albiani


Every year the junior board gives an award to Prospector aged exhibitors who went above and beyond throughout the week of Junior Nationals. This year’s Red Coat Award recipients could be found participating in contests, working with their cattle, and helping other members all week long. Congratulations to Hayden and Sheridan Fox and Elizabeth Jabs for winning this year’s Red Coat Award. =

Quiz Bowl by Joseph O’Sullivan

Quiz Bowl winners

This year’s Quiz Bowl competition was held on Wednesday afternoon. Each team consisted of two prospectors, an intermediate and a senior. The questions ranged from Shorthorn history and facts to the beef and agricultural industry. Every division was asked a question appropriate to their age with some free for all questions that anyone on the team could answer. As the competition progressed, the competitive spirit of the participants became apparent, and the matches became very intense. All of the spectators were extremely impressed

with the knowledge of the juniors and it is safe to say that the future of the Shorthorn breed will be in good hands. The top 5 teams were: 1) Minnesota 2- Liz Jabs, Emily Bollum, Connor Bollum, Tyler Pierson; 2) Minnesota 1- Hayden Ankrum, Lauren Verlinde, John Morrison, Kelly Morrison; 3) Indiana 1 – Xavier Ferris, Allie Raab, Jacob Schoufler, Kenzie Kretmeier; 4) North Carolina – Hunter Tilton, Logan Murphy, Grace Lahay, Damin Hadorn- Papke; 5) Arkansas – Abigail Muck, Emma Bird, Bodie Cotter, Coty Bell. =

Promotional Poster & Graphic Design By Haley Alden

Promotion is the most important part of enhancing a business or enterprise. Juniors took the challenge to promote a specific entity within each age division. Those in the Prospector I division promoted the Shorthorn breed while those in the Prospector II division promoted membership in the AJSA. Intermediate and senior contestants used graphic designs to promote KEY Conference and Shorthorn University respectively. There is no doubt that this year’s participants have a future in the promotional area! Final Placings include: Prospector I 1. Caroline Tilton, Ohio; 2. Lauren Fry, Ind.; 3. Regan Ferris, Ind.; 4.

Madison Small, Minn.; 5. Caden Kephart, Ind. Prospector II 1. Xavier Ferris, Ind.; 2. Emily Fry, Ind.; 3. Shaylee Sherman, Minn.; 4. Mckaylynne Helmke, Ohio; 5. Miller Smith, Ind. Graphic Design Intermediate 1. Tayler Bacon, Kan.; 2. Allison Dragstrem, Ind.; 3. Murray Perkins, Tenn.; 4. Skylie Sherman, Minn.; 5. Cassidy Catrett, Ala. Senior 1. Coty Bell, Ark.; 2. Megan Dragstrem, Ind.; 3. Nicole Wynsteker, Minn.; 4. Melina Perkins, Tenn.; 5. Sarah Moore, Ill. =

Promotional Poster & Graphic Design Winners

State Basket The state basket contest gives state associations to creatively represent their state. As an added bonus these baskets serve a second purpose to help generate funds for its respective state. This year

we had an outstanding number of creative entries. The top five state baskets this year were: 1) Oklahoma, 2) Missouri, 3) Tennessee, 4) Maryland, 5) Alabama. =

State Basket winners

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Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University Showmanship Contest by Ashley Vogel

National Shorthorn Lassie Queen, Vistoria Osburn presents the Lawrence Grathwohl Memorial Scholarship to Champion Senior Showman, Bailey Core, Iowa. Showmanship Winners

The contest many work towards all year round is showmanship! The work towards this contest begins long before arriving at Junior Nationals. After many hours of practice the juniors made their way to the show ring for the competition. There was no question that these juniors were determined to earn themselves a seat in the Top Five in their respective age divisions. This did not make our judges jobs any easier. This years judges included Jordan and Amanda Holt (Prospector I & Intermediate) & Brandon and Rachel Cutrer (Senior and Prospector II). These judges were allowed to do

whatever it took to sort the most deserving showmen to the top. Final placings include: Prospector I Division: 1) Alexandra Raab Ind.; 2) Tyler Loudon, Iowa, 3) Addison Holstine, Ind.; 4) Lauren Fry, Ind.; 5) Ryleigh Obrecht, Iowa. Prospector II Division: 1) Sheridan Fox, Ind.; 2) Miller Smith, Ind.; 3) Brayden Freeman, Ill.; 4) Xavier Ferris, Ind.; 5) Sara Sullivan, Iowa. Intermediate Division: 1) Samantha Schrag, S.D.; 2) Kane Aegeter, Neb.; 3) Samuel Lawrence,

Ind.; 4) Payton Vogel, Iowa, 5) Renee Lock, Ill. Senior Division: The Champion Senior Showman and winner of the Grathwohl scholarship goes to: Bailey Core, Iowa. 1) Bailey Core, Iowa, 2) John Reasor, Ga.; 3) James Parnell, Ala.; 4) Nick Sullivan, Iowa; 5) Joseph O’Sullivan, Minn. Congratulations to all of the participants, it was a very tough competition as usual. Keep working hard at home and your efforts will continue to pay off inside as well as outside the show ring. =

Plan to attend the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference June 20-25, 2015 in Grand Island, Nebraska!


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Team Salesmanship by Dustin Smith

Team Salesmanship winners Whether you are selling a choice of bulls, antibiotics, or a heifer calf, it takes skill to convince the buyer your product is what they need. The skill of a salesman or saleswoman is a work of art. The work of art requires smooth talking, prepared, and determined individuals. The shorthorn breed has many outstanding sales men and women, many of which participated in the team sales contest at the junior national show this year. 52 teams competed for the top spots in their

division. This contest is not an easy one to prepare and participate in; not to mention the practice that each team has to do in order to get everything complete and rehearsed down to each second. It is truly amazing seeing the youth of our industry practice their sales pitch. Whether they pretended to be a semen service business or an antibiotic sales team, the skill level truly did shine through. Prospector I Division: 1) Kylee Damerion, Carlee Long, Mo.; 2) Hayden Fox, Allie Raab, Ind.; 3) Alexia Lane, Kara Baker, Okla., 4) Addison Obrecht, Tyler Loudon, Iowa. Prospector II Division: 1) Ella Pollock, Tanner Reese, Tenn.;

2) Xavier Ferris, Caden Kephart, Ind.; 3) Kara Pinkerton, Katelyn Carnes, Texas; 4) Carson Kretzmeier, Sheridan Fox, Ind.; 5) Emma Bird and Kyle Bird, Ill. Intermediate Division: 1) Faye Smith, Taylor Bacon, Kan.; 2) Elizabeth Fleming Mich., Mary Collins Colo.; 3) Skylee Sherman, Andrea Urbach, Minn.; 4) Claire Trennepohl, Kayla Fogg, Ind.; 5) Jake Nikkel, Ben Nikkel, Kan. Senior Team Sales Division: 1) Abigayle Pollock, Melinda Perkins, Tenn.; 2) Kendra Davis, Minn., Caleb Dressen Wis.; 3) Coty Bell, Bodie Cotter, Ark.; 4) Marshall Allison Pa., Gerrit Pearson, Neb.; 5) Clayton Boyert, Hank Levar, Ohio. =

Speech By Brooke Pearson

Palms are sweaty and hearts beat fast. The contestants in this contest are braver than most and are ones we can find to represent our breed any day! We’re talking about the speech contest and it started earlier than ever this year. Prospector I 1) Victoria Thompson, Ala.; 2) Tyler Loudon, Iowa; 3) Rylee Galemore, Okla.; 4) Madison Small, Minn.; 5) Allie Raab, Ind. Prospector II 1) Miller Smith, Ind., 2) Jewel

Thompson, Ala.; 3) Xavier Ferris, Ind.; 4) Clayton Smith, Kan.; 5) Colby Erickson, Okla. Intermediate 1) Murray Perkins, Tenn.; 2) Abigail Pollock, Tenn.; 3) Jaycie Heath, Ind., 4) Marlena Long, Mo.; 5) Macy Collins, Colo. Senior 1) Melinda Perkins, Tenn.; 2) Kendra Davis, Minn.; 3) Coty Bell, Ark.; 4) Kelly Morrison, Minn. Senior Extemporaneous

Speech Winners

1) Lauren Thompson, Texas; 2) Sarah Moore, Ill.; 3) Marshall Allison, Pa.; 4) Tyler Pierson, Minn.; 5) Jacob Lay, Tenn. These contestants really know how to “Ride for the Brand” and we can’t wait to see you all again next year! =

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=Tartan Plaid Summer Class - check, Junior Nationals - check, relax - one can dream! By: Sydney Miller

Lassie Tea Now as my year of reign rounds down it seems to be getting busier than ever. These past eight months have been one for the books, including being crowned at the North American International Livestock Expo and attending my first National Western Stock Show. I’ve also been proud to represent Michigan at various state events such as our annual breeder association meeting and the Michigan Beef Expo. Most recently, I got to spend a week in Louisville, Kentucky, at the National Junior Shorthorn Show. Throughout these different events I’ve had a blast meeting and interacting with breeders, juniors, and past and aspiring Lassie Queens of all ages. The Lassie Tea and 101 are both annual events at the National Junior Shorthorn Show put on by the Lassie Board and current Lassie Queens. Lassie Tea is a fun and exciting opportunity for young girls to spend the day as a Lassie, full of crowns and sashes. On the other hand, Lassie 101 is for older girls interested in serving as a state and or national queen. For the many state queens that helped Victoria and I at Junior Nationals, we thank you deeply! Now as we change gears and head into State Fair season and with the start of fall sales not too far behind, I will be traveling across the Midwest and across the nation to represent the Shorthorn breed and the Lassie organization. Currently, I hope to attend three state fairs with many sales to follow. But I’m excited to attend as many events as I can. If you would like me to attend please email me at and I will do my best to have queen representation there. See everyone this = fall!


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2014 Show Schedule Region 1: Northeast Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Virginia Region 1: Northeast Regional Shows Super Regional... Keystone PA Regional ……….. Indiana State Fair Regional ……….. Ohio State Fair Region 2: Southeast Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi Region 2: Southeast Regional Shows Super Regional...Kentucky State Fair Regional .…Delta Fair Cordova, TN Region 3: North Central North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska Region 3: North Central Regional Shows Super Regional… American Royal Regional …… Minnesota State Fair Regional ………… Illinois State Fair Region 4: South Central Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana Region 4: South Central Regional Shows Super Regional…Fort Worth, TX Regional …….. Arkansas State Fair Regional ……….. Kansas State Fair Region 5: West Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California Region 5: West Regional Shows Super Regional.. California State Fair Regional ….... Washington State Fair Regional ……….. Oregon State Fair Regional shows may rotate annually and Super Regional may rotate if needed. Please check ASA website for more details at

Connect with us American Shorthorn Association @ShorthornAssn


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= Shorthorn Beef Bits “Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance” “Remember, prior planning prevents poor performance.” These were the words of a wise college accounting professor I was given the opportunity to learn many things from. At the beginning of the course’s first semester, I comprehended the scope of the quote to apply only to class materials and the importance of studying for exams. However, as the year progressed, I began to understand that the concept of prior planning encompassed far more than my accounting homework. Today, as I continue to think about the significance of this saying, its importance in the cattle business becomes clear. So oftentimes, in the hectic nature of our day to day activities at a cattle operation, future planning becomes tossed aside in lieu of more pressing tasks at hand. However, to ensure our future success, planning for the future is of utmost importance. Do you know where you want your operation to be in the future? Today is the best day to set goals for tomorrow. Be proactive in making your operation even


better than it is now. Learn more about a topic that could help improve your bottom line, try a new idea, the opportunities are endless. Today’s beef cattle market is the highest on record. How can you plan ahead to make sure your operation is profitable when markets become narrow? • Establish an effective record keeping system. Incorporating a system that accurately records expenses and profits will be a valuable decision making tool. Decisions can be made with real world numbers, in turn helping to increase productivity and profitability. Are your cattle performance records up to date? Do you have a performance record keeping system in place? If not, take the time to learn more about record keeping and to find a system that best meets your herd’s needs. • Gain knowledge about industry trends and technology. Today’s fast paced, technology based world has

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Megan director of Brehm communications & marketing

not overlooked the cattle industry. Today, there are many products, innovations, and technology available that can help your herd and operation improve. Areas that technology continues to touch include: reproductive, feed efficiency, and herd health technology. Oftentimes, looking to the future can be overwhelming; however, the task today will reap benefits over and over in tomorrow’s world. Agricultural producers have a multitude of resources available to help answer questions and provide educational materials. State extension services are a great place for producers looking for useful information. As you transition and prepare for the future, I hope you too will remember that “prior planning prevents poor performance.” =

Also offering: •Bred Shorthorn Females •Purebred Shorthorn Heifers •ShorthornPlus Steers •Simmental Heifer •Embryos: Sunny x JS Miss Michelle 0J02 JS Miss Michelle 4J01 ET Reserve Division I Champion Bred & Owned Female Junior Nationals. Reserve Division I Champion Owned Female Junior Nationals

Johnson Shorthorns

JS Miss Michelle 3J04 Second in class at Junior Nationals. She Sells bred to Daddy’s Money

Phil, Nancy, and Rob Johnson Phil cell: (217)971-2164 Rob cell: (217)454-3418

Email: • Website:

shorthorn country = august 2014


Home of AF KF VG Step Ahead 525 -2007 Show Bull of the Year



- National Champion Bull, 2008 NWSS

Jason Smithers & girls - 217-491-2140 • Greg & Pam Smithers - 217-285-6280 Bill & Kate Smithers - 217-285-2678 36739 205th Avenue • Pittsfield, IL 62363 1.Quality cattle for sale at all times. Located just a few miles south of Route 36/I-72.

Sunnyland Farms Wayne Hinderliter Family 629 Co. Rd. 350 North Albion, IL 62806 618-375-7047 cell: 618-384-8250 Visitors always welcome! Cattle usually for sale. 4. Four miles north of I-64. Exit 130 on Illinois 130.

Scott and Janet, Cody, Wes and Clint 42274 N 1300 E. Rd. • Hoopeston, IL 60942 2. 217-283-7922 • Scott’s cell: 217-304-0057

Route 2, Box 55 Beecher City, Il 62414 home: 618-487-5559 Trey: 618-367-0764 Steve: 618-267-3229 5.

Check our website for our current list of herd sires. SULL Roan Goose 9020

12604 Albrecht Road • Alhambra, IL 62001 Three miles north of I-70, Exit 30


Hugh: 618-729-4448 • Tom: 618-498-5848 Ron: 618-729-3258

Visitors always welcome.


Bulls, Females, Club Calves For Sale at all times. Full Irish calves available. 40 miles north of St. Louis.

Darrel: 309-375-6568 Dave: 309-342-0813 cell: 309-299-0335 2413 US Hwy 34 Wataga, IL 61488

Bulls, heifers and steers for sale at all times.


Quality seedstock for sale at the farm

Gary Chesnut Family 11.

16145 N 100 East Road • Fithian, IL 61844 217-582-2910

Herd Sires: Wise’s Reflection 710 Wise’s Promise Land 002 ET




Dale Wernicke 12611 Fisher Rd • Lena, IL 61048-9754 815-369-2857


ORDAN cres

JERRY AND KIM LORENZ 9131 No. 16000 East Road Grant Park, IL 60940 Jerry: 815-465-2501



545 E. 900 N. Road • Sibley, IL 61773 217-784-4854 • CELL: 217-202-2865 email:



31056 Old Fidelity Road • Jerseyville, IL 62052






10.Stop by any time - four miles east of I-74 on Route 34.


contact: L.E. Mathers III: cell: 309-678-4230 • or Scott Wall, Herdsman: cell: 309-212-5450 Farm: 10442 N Co Rd 2980 E • Mason City, IL 62664

Trey Wright Steve & Marsha Wright

Scott Horton, Owner Ryan Wernicke, Herdsman


Come visit us any time. Heifers, bulls and steers for sale.


HORTON FARMS SHORTHORNS Horton cell: 630-965-1710 Wernicke cell: 815-739-7754 4N010 Town Hall Rd. • St. Charles, IL 60175 Office: 630-365-1444

1963 Kelley Road • Caledonia, IL 61011 815-885-3679 cell: 815-494-5588

Club calves for sale at all times. 14.

shorthorn country = august 2014


Bred females for sale at all times. Albert Larry Hill 7272 NCR 3350 E • Mason City, IL 62664 217-737-1023 • 217-482-3765



12 7

Get on the map!



20 10 16


For details contact: Cindy Cagwin-Johnston, 217-452-3051 or Darryl Rahn, 217-473-1124 This ad runs six times a year. What better way to insure your customers can find you?


13 15 6 19 17 21


23 1


8 9


Dunphy Shorthorns Mike & Sandy Dunphy

Cagwin Farms Visitors Welcome . . . Stop by any time!

Don Cagwin, owner

1690 Kenny Street Dahinda, IL 61428 309-368-6759

P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, Illinois 62691 VIR IS GIN IA, ILLINO office: 217-452-3051 cell: 217-341-7552 • fax: 217-452-3053 Kerry and Cindy Johnston: 217-452-3056 Kerry’s cell: 217-370-6033 •

1/2 mile west of the Dahinda post office. 16. Home of the Ruby group, including MSD Line One 132 x.


Becky, Jason and Clay


Farm located 3/4 mile south of Toluca on Route 117. AI SIRES: Radio Active, CCS Equity’s Charmer *x, Rodeo Drive *x, Waymar HSFWL Karisma ET (Full brother to Vegas) TH Free, and JM Vortec *. HERD SIRES: SS American Pride 248 *x (Sonny X SS Augusta Pride 886) TH Free and J&J Spearmint 402 *x (Gold Spear son) TH Free

Visitors always welcome! 19.

An Investor In Fine Shorthorn Cattle.

t d om


Morris and Lloyd

1160 600th Ave. Middletown, IL 62666 Bob: 217-732-7596 Mark cell: 217-737-7905 Shelden Tibbs, Herdsman

2230 90th Ave. • Aledo, IL 61231 Located 40 minutes from I-80 and 30 minutes from I-74. Zwillings: 309-754-9158

Dave & Mary Lou Kearns Dave and Karen Kearns Scott, Lynette & Koby Kearns 11600 Shabbona Grove Rd. Waterman, IL 60556


77 Horseshoe Drive Springfield, IL 62702 217-546-9641

Farm located five miles east of Virginia on Route 125, 17. then one mile south of the elevator at Philadelphia, Illinois.


The Ehrnthallers 437 State Route 117, Toluca, IL 61369 Sam, Kamie and Jerryd: 815-452-2755 •



815-264-3468: home 815-739-3578: Dave’s cell 815-739-3575: Dave, Jr.’s cell 22.

Visitors Welcome!

Farm: 309-582-2727


ROLLING HILLS FARM Investing in top genetics for over 30 years. Visitors Welcome!


Harold, Regina, Richard and Hope 22698 E. Co. Rd. 920 N • Ashmore, IL 61912 217-349-8366 email: Driving directions from Ashmore: two miles west on 23. Rt. 16 to Enon Baptist Church sign; then one mile south to farm

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AMERICAN SHORTHORNASSOCIATION IMPORTANT CONFIDENTIAL ELECTION OF DELEGATES Below is your ballot for the election of Delegates to the 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Shorthorn Association, to be held at the North American International Livestock Exposition on Saturday, November 15, 2014. It is your responsibility to write in the names of members in your voting district whom you wish to represent you. You may vote for yourself no more than one time. BALLOTS MUST BE SIGNED AND RETURNED BY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 TO BE COUNTED. THIS IS A CONFIDENTIAL ELECTION. Impartial personnel count the ballots and tally the results. At this year's Annual Meeting, 3 Directors will be elected for three-year terms. The following seats will be considered: Mark Gordon (IL) (served one term, eligible for re-election) Martyt Loving (KS) (served one term, eligible for re-election) Lynn Nelson (MN) (served one term, Deceased seat open for election) You will find a map along with this ballot outlining the ASA voting Districts. The attached ballot also indicates the number of delegates your District must select. To enhance participation in guiding the affairs of your Association, one delegate will be provided per 25 members, or fraction thereof, within each voting district. Delegates are to be elected without regard to affiliation. Proceed as follows in the selection of delegates: 1. As indicated on the ballot, determine the District in which you live or in which your herd is located. 2. Note the number of Delegates to be named from that District. 3. Write in the names of your choices for DELEGATES IN YOUR DISTRICT ONLY. (No more than the number indicated.) 4. You may vote for yourself only once. 5. PRINT AND SIGN YOUR NAME OR YOUR BALLOT WILL NOT BE COUNTED. 6. INCLUDE YOUR ASA ACCOUNT NUMBER. 7. Return the completed ballot in advance of the Tuesday, September 2, 2014 deadline. The Delegate who receives the largest number of votes will serve as the Chairman of the delegation from your District. This ballot will be made available to all active senior members in good standing of the ASA. This is your chance to elect delegates to represent your voice during the annual meeting. Take advantage of this opportunity and return your completed ballot by Tuesday, September 2, 2014. Montie D. Soules Executive Secretary/CEO American Shorthorn Association


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FORM FOR ELECTION OF DELEGATES To The 2014 Annual Convention Of The American Shorthorn Association To Be Held In Louisville, Kentucky, Saturday, November 15, 2014 This ballot must be filed with the Executive Secretary/CEO of the American Shorthorn Association, 8288 Hascall Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124, by TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2014. Each member should vote for as many candidates as there are delegates to be elected in his district as indicated by the number following the name of the state and group of states (District) shown below. Vote only for breeders in your district. You may vote for yourself one time only. Example - District No. 1 selects a total of two Delegates representing Alaska and Oregon. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE 1. Name ____________________________________________City, State______________________________________ 2. Name ____________________________________________City, State______________________________________ 3. Name ____________________________________________City, State______________________________________ 4. Name ____________________________________________City, State______________________________________ 5. Name ____________________________________________City, State______________________________________ 6. Name ____________________________________________City, State______________________________________ 7. Name ____________________________________________City, State______________________________________ 8. Name ____________________________________________City, State______________________________________ 9. Name ____________________________________________City, State______________________________________ 10. Name ____________________________________________City, State______________________________________ 11. Name ____________________________________________City, State______________________________________ 12. Name ____________________________________________City, State______________________________________ 13. Name ____________________________________________City, State______________________________________ The above ballot is cast by the undersigned, a member of the American Shorthorn Association. BALLOTS MUST BE SIGNED TO BE COUNTED. Name (print) ______________________________ State _________________ Signature_________________________ ASA Account #__________________ (Sign Name in Ink) ATTENTION: All members of the Association are urged to file ballots for delegates from the District in which you live, or in which your herd is located. In voting for delegates it is desirable to select members who, if elected, will attend the meeting, as it is important that every District be represented at the Annual Meeting. For voting purposes the United States is divided into Districts comprising the following states or group of states. Numbers of delegates are in the proportion of one delegate to 25 eligible members. In case there are less than 25 eligible members in a District, one delegate is allowed. The delegate receiving the largest number of votes will be considered Chairman for that District.

District 1. Alaska, Oregon 2. Washington 3. Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming 4. North Dakota, South Dakota 5. Nebraska 6. Iowa 7. Minnesota, Wisconsin 8. Illinois 9. Indiana 10. Michigan, Ohio 11. Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont

#Delegates 2 1 3 4 6 9 10 9 11 14 5

District # of Delegates 12. Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia 5 13. Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina 3 14. Kentucky 2 15. Tennessee 2 16. Missouri 4 17. Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi 3 18. Oklahoma 6 19. Kansas 4 20. Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico 2 21. California 3 22. Texas 9 23. Canada 1


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=New & Notes Farewell Roy H. Schroer, 86, of California, Missouri, passed away on Sunday, April 27, 2014 at Good Shepherd Care Center in Versailles, Missouri. He was born on June 18, 1927 in Boone County, Missouri, the son of Charles and Olinde (Grate) Schroer, both of whom preceded him in death. He was married in 1954, at Christian College

Chapel to Dorty Hood, who survives at the home. Roy was a member of the united Church of Christ in Columbia, Missouri. Roy was a farmer and raised Shorthorn cattle. He was a member of the American Shorthorn and Missouri Shorthorn Associations and Missouri Cattlemen’s Association. He graduated from the University of Missouri High

School. He was in the United States Army in Korea. He is survived by two daughters; Ellen Blair and husband Jim of Columbia, Missouri, Rebecca Voss and husband Carl of Henley, Missouri, one brother; Carl Schroer of Tucson, Arizona, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by one sister Dorthy Kaiser. =

Meet Your American Shorthorn Association Board of Director Member: Mark Gordon by Megan Brehm, Director of Communications and Marketing

Shorthorn Country is featuring articles aimed to help you become more familiar with each Board of Director member. The board is passionate about serving the needs of members and ensuring the success of Shorthorn cattle well into the future. “I wanted to spread the word about the breed of cattle I love.” These are the words of Mark Gordon, Vice President of the American Shorthorn Association, when asked what motivated him to become a member of the association’s Board of Directors. Gordon was elected to the board three years ago, and he hasn’t looked back since. As an individual and board member, ideas and goals for the breed continually evolve to make a positive difference. Shorthorn cattle are easily the “most versatile” breed of beef cattle, Gordon added. As a board member, Gordon takes his job to help consumers become more aware of the Shorthorn breed seriously. In 1972, Mark’s parents John and Judith Gordon, purchased land adjacent to his grandparent’s farm to continue their

family’s involvement in row crop and cattle production. In this same year, the Gordon’s selected their first Shorthorn heifer for a 4-H project. Since then, Shorthorns haven’t left the farm. Mark Gordon and his father John now operate Rockin’ G Land and Cattle, a purebred Shorthorn herd near Middletown, Illinois. The Gordon’s primary objective is to sell breeding stock, with emphasis being placed on high quality service to customers. Most cattle are marketed through private treaty and Shorthorn consignment sales. In addition to duties at the farm, Mark is the manager of Croft Fertilizer Service, Inc., a full service fertilizer, chemical, and seed distributor. Serving on the Board of Directors has further appreciated Gordon’s passion for Shorthorns. While serving as a board member, “I have come to appreciate how versatile and industry relevant the Shorthorn breed is. Shorthorns are thriving in various conditions across the country, all while meeting the standards beef producers have set for them.”

Throughout the last three years as a member of the board, Gordon has had the opportunity to express ideas for the breed and put them into action. “Serving on the board has been a tremendous honor; members of the board truly have the best interests of the Shorthorn breed in mind.” When asked what has been most enjoyable about serving as a board member, Gordon is quick to mention the membership base of the American Shorthorn Association. “Our people are the strength of the Shorthorn breed; the values and close-knit family atmosphere, make involvement in the breed all the = more worthwhile.”

Panhandle Parade of Breeds Judge: Ryan Rathmann & Jon DeClerck The 32nd Annual Panhandle Parade of Breeds Junior Livestock Show was held June 12-14, 2014 at the Ollie Liner Center, Plainview, Texas. 73 heifers were exhibited in Ring A while 62 heifers judged in Ring B. Dr. Ryan Rathmann, Texas Tech University, selected Ella 912Z*, his Champion Shorthorn heifer as the Supreme Champion in the Gebo Inc., sponsored


heifer show for Ring A. Ella 912Z was exhibited by Myka Blissard, Big Spring. Jon DeClerck, Iowa State University, judged the steers in Ring A. He used his British Champion, a 1,025-pound Shorthorn exhibited by Kacy Bland, Idalou, as his Grand Champion Progress Steer over the 36 entries. Dr. Ryan Rathmann evaluated the steers in Ring B. He used the

shorthorn country = august 2014

Champion and Reserve Champion British steers for his Grand and Reserve Grand Progress Steers (calves weighing 850 pounds and above). Stiles Patin, Thorndale, guided his 965-pound Shorthorn steer to the Grand Champion Progress Steer spot over 28 entries. Kacy Bland, Idalou, showed her Shorthorn calf as the Reserve Grand Progress Steer. =

Arkansas State Fair

Champion Bull: RFC Answer 719 ET, William Lane, Siloam Springs, Ark.

Reserve Champion Bull: Lane’s Freedom 30Z, Ryan Lane, Siloam Springs, Ark.

Champion Female: TNT Little Darling 409, Tracy Asher, Pomona, Mo.

Reserve Champion Female: SULL Fancy Sable 2195, Landon Bolin, Harrison, Ark.

Champion ShorthornPlus Bull

Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Bull

Champion ShorthornPlus Female

Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Female

Congratulations Send us your News & Notes

Grand Champion Chi Female, 2014 National Junior Chianina Show SULL Timeless Tamale, shown by Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb. She is a dual registered female.

-Wedding Announcements -Birth Announcements -State Fair Shorthorn results, Grand and Reserve pictures, for open, junior and plus shows with judges name and dates. Send to: OR shorthorn country = august 2014




Club Calves Show Heifers


AAA Shorthorns



Cattle For Sale At All Times Route 1, Box 41 • Revere, MO 63465 660-948-2786 Hwy. 81 North of Kahoka 9 miles, or 7 miles south of Farmington, IA.


Alan • Adrian and Mary • Angela

Tecumseh, NE Leroy: 402-335-2613 Roger: 402-335-2667


Bernie Bolton Family 38995 Honeysuckle Road Oakland, Iowa 51560-4326 712-482-3386 • cell: 402-350-9430

Bigelow Farms



Phillip Bowman & Family 9898 Garrett Rd. Greens Fork, IN 47345 TEL: 765.886.5777

Frank and Barbara, Frank Jr., Kasey, Matt, Stacey, Taylor, and Tenley Bigelow P.O. Box 43, 47233 Road 200 • O’Neals, CA 93645 Matt: 559-647-2817 • Frank: 559-868-3433


Polled Shorthorns

Broken Road Cattle Company

Bulls and females for sale at all times.

Show Cattle

Ken Fairchild 318-282-7411


500 Township Road 2802 • Loudonville, OH 44842 JEFF BYERS, D.V.M.: 419-994-5054 • FAX: 419-994-3702 JON BYERS: 419-994-3440

3209 Roundhill Rd Oak Grove, LA 71263


Modoc, Indiana


R.R. 1, Box 358 •  Modoc, IN 47358 Brian/FAX: 765-853-5255 • cell: 765-969-0373 Randy: 765-853-5819 • Tyler: 765-576-0035

John R. Hagie Gordon & Sally Crawford 519.287.3837 519.870.2396 Glencoe, ON, Canada

1001 8th Ave. NW • Clarion, IA 50525 Days: 1-800-247-4885 • Evenings: 515-532-3005

Reed & Jane Crawford 519.287.5286 519.857.7333 Glencoe, ON, Canada

Herdsmen: Pete Hunter: 515-571-5630 Jess Recknor: 507-383-8529 Cody Sherwood: 515-851-2492 McOllough Boys: 515-532-3447

View cattle on-line at

DIAMOND C SHORTHORNS 903-566-3780 cell: 903-521-0774

Raymond and Judy Carnes & Family 14227 CR 220 Tyler, Texas 75707


shorthorn country = august 2014

Our featured herd sire DF Tuscaloosa 8T

DAVE MCFARLAND & FAMILY Cattle in Minnesota and Illinois Dave: 618-401-0744 Stuart: 561-912-0788 • cell: 561-289-9009

Dean, Janice Craig and Crystal Steck 501 N. Line Street • Knoxville, IL 61448 309-289-2367 Craig cell: 319-453-7937 • home: 402-453-7937 •

DUIS FARMS DTR Cattle Company

Breeders of Australian Shepherds

Visitors welcome!

2 Lake Metonga Grant Park, IL 60940 815-228-7458


Our cow herd is strong with outcross genetics. Our first cows came from Gordon Brockmueller. His guidance provided us a strong foundation.

EA-RA-BA-H Farm The southeast’s largest herd . . . bulls, bred and open females for sale at all times. Performance is our by-word


Ryan and Nancy Grathwohl Heter Josie and Ryder 745 Ave. S • Raymond, Kansas 67573 785-587-7947

in Studer’s Crazy Tra Our extended family has been in the Shorthorn business for over 40 years. We’ve been building on that foundation for over 20. We truly belive we’re breeding - Genetics That’ll Work & Win.

Bruce Humble

Franz Farms

6653 Smithwood Road • Liberty, NC 27298 Bruce: 336-264-1496

Todd, M.K., Ryan & Tayler Rae • Bingham Lake, MN 507-678-2347 (home) • 507-920-8601 (Todd) 507-822-1671 (M.K.) •

Polled Shorthorns

Dean Fieser Box 363 Plains, KS 67869 620-563-9533 cell: 806-979-0027 Lori Working Border Collies available.

TIME For *xAR58091 GOLD



LLC Dave and Josh Greenhorn 3450 Middle Run Road • Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Gregg, Leann, and Stacey Fischer Jeff Stump, Herdsman 1853 N. US Highway 281 Great Bend, Kansas 67530

Dave’s cell: 937-470-6552 Josh’s cell: 937-681-1948

Home: 620-458-3621 Jeff: 620-282-8364 Stacey: 620-786-0752

John and Pam Gunn Family Patrick, Creed, Jordan, Garrett 2835 W. 400 S. Greenfield, IN 46140 317-861-6767 cell: 317-695-4015

Consultant: Col. A.E. Greenhorn Herdsman: Kolten Greenhorn

1919-2014 Beef-Milk-Dual Registry 100% Native- True Dual Purpose

Bulls For Sale all year, Heifers: Nov.-May Kevin Cooksley Family 80165 Rd 451 • Weissert, NE 68814 308-872-2617 •

Burke N. Allison & Co.

925 E. 400 S., Washington, IN 47501-7533 Dale - 812-254-6185 •



U.S. 36

U.S. 383

Homeplace Farms

1 mile Washburns

2 mile

Shorthorn Breeders Since 1915

GJD Cattle Co. 513-288-6991 513-896-7260 RC Show Cattle 937-603-1319 937-533-7051 Michelle Neagle •937-993-4973


Haumont Shorthorns

Watch JJC Wild Side on youtube.


Steve & Cynthia Washburn 8717 Road K • Norton, Kansas cell: 785-202-0338 • home: 785-877-3004 53 years of breeding over 100 head of attractive, productive beef type Shorthorns. Heifer, Steers & Bulls Available.

Carey Thomas Johnston 219 Johnston Rd, Kingsbury, Que, Canada J0B 1X0 TEL 819-826-5779 • CELL 819-574-4350 EMAIL

Winkie Barnes CELL 613-885-6904

IndianLand Hills & Cattle Co. Greg Ruehle Family 1798 168th Rd. • Garland, NE 68360 402-430-9440 •


For S Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus heifers, steers and bulls. Calves sired by Sonny, Eldorado, Final Solution, Primo, Grey Goose and other leading sires.

Inness Shorthorns


Doug, Nancy, Matt & Nick Inness 1339 Knox Hwy 25 Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-6462 - 4th Generation Shorthorns -

Don Washburn & Family


3306 W 1250 S Kentland, IN 47951 219-474-5008 cell: 219-869-0758

Cody Nelson 507 720 2998 Jeff Morris 320 212 9291 Doug Bruns 320 905 6510

shorthorn country = august 2014



Come By And Talk Cows


Herd Bulls CF Star Bucks *x TG/RRA Complete 421U *xar A&T Renegade 124 *x

J&J Show Cattle

Josh & Tiffany Moreland 2273 Israel Somers Rd • Camden, Ohio 937-336-1088 • Dave & Mary Lou Kearns Dave Kearns Scott, Lynette & Koby Kearns 11600 Shabbona Grove Rd. Waterman, IL 60556

815-264-3468: home 815-739-3578: Dave’s cell 815-739-3575: Dave, Jr.’s cell Visitors Welcome!

Kilgore Shorthorn Farm 22195 Hand Rd., Acthison, KS 66002 Shorthorn Bulls and Show Calves For Sale call for information 913-773-8359 • cell: 913-758-7892

Jeremy, Jaime, Preston & Triston Kennedy

Family, Friends & Shorthorn cattle

Joe & Marla Metzger

Taylor & Torie Schwartz 7504 N. 250 W., Rossville, IN 46065 765-379-2926 • A.J. & Tonya Metzger, Paiton, Parker & Tate George Jerod, Tracy, Madison & Tucker Metzger Tanner & Andrea Schwartz

2250 L Rd • West Point, NE 68788 Jeremy: 402-380-9164 • Jamie: 402-380-3259 jjkr_74 •

KJ German’s G Shorthorns Cattle available For Sale! K. Justin, Colene, Ryan and Emilia German 21360 E. 24th Rd Nokomis, IL 62075 217-827-1465 •

Laban’s Roanoke Farm Registered Shorthorn Cattle Breeding Stock & Club Calves

Joe and Linda Laban

26846 S. Garryowen Rd Bernard, IA 52032-9288 Home: 563.879.3154 • Cell: 563.542.3155

The Workman Family 54905 Fulton Hill Rd Bellaire, Ohio 43906

Bob: 740-676-5112 • Brent: 740-310-4361 Rick: 724-344-8056


contact: L.E. Mathers III: 309-263-4233 or or Scott Wall: cell: 309-212-5450 10442 N Co. Rd 2980 E • Mason City, IL 62664 309-678-4230

Visit our website at

Lincoln Reds Not following any fads, just focusing on Larry and Sarah Pedelty quality. Chatfield, MN • 507-867-9041 Straws Available

Ron: 319.560.9433 - John: 319.560.9158 - Jim Sr.: 319.560.9680 - HM: 319-472-4465 • JD: 319.560.9344

Vinton, Iowa

Masonic VillageFarm


Gerald Tracy and Frank Stoltzfus

One Masonic Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717-371-0798

Meadow Lane Farms The Bertz’s

15186 Wheatley Road Mayview, MO 64071 Ron: 816-661-1980 FAX: 660-237-4989

Located just east of Kansas City on I-70 at the 44 mile marker!


shorthorn country = august 2014

Alan, Kathy, Allison, and Craig Greensburg, IN

812-663-4967 Alan cell: 812-525-4615 • Craig: 812-525-3428 Allison: 812-525-3993

Resgistered Shorthorns & Club Calves

McKee Family Shorthorns Wayne and Aileen McKee 5827 155th Avenue • Indianola, IA 50125 515-961-2073



1550 E. 450 S. Rushville, IN 46173 765-938-1204 • Ed cell: 765-561-1232

Danny Holland: 918.413.1212 Marie Cole, MD: 918.413.5435

12186 SE 230 Road • Talihina, OK 74571



Greg, Julie, Grant & Jillian


Chaddrick R. Sumner

1885 Cranford Sumner Rd. • Lenox, GA 31637 229-546-4512 • cell: 229-388-7038 Eph. 2:8-9 New Herd Sires: Code Red • PLM Blanco

7234 E. 2700 Rd • Sidell, Il 61876 217-822-2506





Registered Shorthorn Show Cattle


Steve & Cindy Oler

9058 Manning Road Home: 765-886-5737 Economy, IN 47339 Cell: 765-993-0839 Business: 765-886-4444

Fred Ripberger

7234 E. 2700 Rd Sidell, Il 61876 317-694-4273

Ron Martin & Family

2699 E. 700 N. Greenfield, IN 46140 317-326-2568 cell: 317-727-4904

RC Show Cattle Ron Rutan • 937.603.1319

Christy Campbell • 937.533.7051

Shorthorns Sammy and Wilma Richardson

3703 Hwy 29 • Marlow, OK 73055 580-658-2709

Damn Proud

Ripberger Farms


Ricky and Lance Guidry 9256 Robinson Rd. Bell City, LA 70630 337-598-3258 • cell: 337-540-2825 office: 337-775-5928

If it says R O B J O Y in the pedigree, you know they’re gonna be good!


Bob and Joyce Wilson Home: 217-348-6750 Dr. Larry Wilson Cell: 217-276-5964

Home: 847-814-7301 28 Buchanan Court • Charleston, IL 61920

Rocky Branch Shorthorns Lee & Joy Kerby Hannah Lynch 1581 Paint Rock Valley Road Philadelphia, TN 37846 home: 865-213-3357 cell: 865-250-8809 email: RCKYBRNCH@AOL.COM

SharBen Shorthorns Ben & Sharon Wilson

947 Bald Eagle Road • Sharpsburg, Kentucky 40374 606-247-3023 • cell: 606-782-0754

Rob Sneed Shorthorns 28402 Griessen Road • Sedalia, MO 65301 home: 660-826-1718 • cell: 660-620-1718

1160 600th Ave, • Middletown, IL 62666 Bob: 217-732-7596 Mark: 217-737-7905 Shelden Tibbs, Herdsman

Bob and Mark Gordon

ROD Shorthorn Farms

21965 3150 East St. • Arlington, IL 61312 office: 815-849-5700 • cell: 815-703-4553 email:

Rodney, Cynthia, Rodney II, Brody & Jolett Rod

✰ Home of the Rock Stars! ✰

“The Choice For Choice”

27634-443 Avenue • Marion, SD 57043

Cory, Melissa, Samantha and Jaxon Schrag 605-925-4804 • 605-941-5241

Don and Marylou Mayse 8090 E. Highway AB • Columbia, MO 65201 573-449-4250 •

shorthorn country = august 2014








Strode Family Shorthorns






Purebred Shorthorns Since 1967


Rick, Sandy, Blane & Clay Osterday 31728 US Hwy 12, Java, SD 57452 605-285-6761 Rick: 605-281-1175 Blane: 605-281-0301


tone prings Shorthorns

The Jay Benham Family

Nick, Patti, Savannah, Lane and Lily Steinke

9504 W. 300 S. • Rensselaer, IN 47978 219-866-5814 • cell: 219-863-7072 •

John, Dede, Sara and Sage cell: 712-263-0263 John Elder - cell: 402-650-1385 701 Iowa Ave. • Dunlap, IA 51529

Sutherland Shorthorns David Ragsdale Semen $5 a straw


Doug & Rhonda North 5544 Stone Road Clinton, IL 61727 217-622-4466

Visit us at


Ten Mile Farm Shorthorns LYNN, GALE, AND JEFF NELSON


25994 725TH AVE. ALBERT LEA, MN 56007 507-826–3184 • cell: 507-402-4772

4163 HALMAN ROAD CEDAR HILL, TN 37032 615-384-3355 • CELL: 615-730-0132 STEVE ELAM: 615-268-5630

Ar Su Lu Spear 320 x

Hauxdale Shorthorn Farm 5106 169 R Ave SE Kindred, ND 58051 Steve: 701.261.3426

TYNYWTRA’S J&J Humphreys John: 219-279-2374

Bulls, females and show prospects for sale.

Andy: 219-279-2971 • Josh: 219-863-3984 7229 W. 200 N. • Wolcott, IN 47995

Vogel Shorthorn Farm 10631 24th St SE • Rogers, ND 58479 Justin: 701.320.4054 • Whitney: 701.261.1667

The coffee pot is always on!


Cattle available For Sale!

3100 Locke Lane • Prospect, KY 40059 cell: 502-396-6533

building maternal legends . . .

4733 LeFevre Road Troy, Ohio 45373 937-335-1622 Visitors Always Welcome!

9300 Boyd Farm Rd. • Rochester, Il 62563 home: 217-498-9621 Curt: 217-836-9621 • Rob: 217-725-4955


Marti 7577 S. 210 E. • Rensselaer, IN 47978 Barry & Anita: 219-866-3513 • cell: 219-819-0430 Toby & Jodi: cell: 219-819-4603

Barry Jordan Families

1502 Missouri Valley Road Riverton, WY 82501 307-857-4240

TB accredited and certified bangs free.


Follow us on Facebook 62

shorthorn country = august 2014

America’s Convenient AI Brand Daily shipping from mid-Missouri 866-356-4565

Wilson Livestock Agency Stuart D. Wilson

Online Ordering Available!

Route 1, Box 55 Findlay, IL 62534 217-756-8828 cell: 217-454-9355

No handling charges ✗ No minimum number of units ordered ✗ No hassle ✗

One Stop Shop

SULLIVAN SUPPLY Livestock Grooming Products Sullivan Supply South Hillsboro, TX 800-588-7096 FAX: 254-582-7114

Sullivan Supply Inc. Dunlap, IA 800-475-5902 FAX: 712-643-5154

Call today for free mail order catalog.


Semen sales • AI certificate sales Order online at

or call 1-888-530-4925 today!

DELEGATE BALLOTS are available via regular mail upon request. The ballot can be found on-line at, or in the August issue of the Shorthorn Country. REMINDER: Ballots


Semen available on today’s hottest sires!

must be post-marked by September 2, 2014

Jeff K. and Darla Aegerter 520 South Evergreen Dr. • Seward, NE 68434 402-641-4696 •

Bert Moore Independent Consultant Know the Cattle - Know the People

Finding Shorthorns that fit your operation 701.541.5035





Auctioneer P.O. Box 349 Marietta, OK 73448 580-276-5137 cell: 580-695-2036

Montana Shorthorn Association

Real Estate Farm Equipm ent

Building Lasting Relationships

FRANK SULLIVAN • 612.860.6665 JOSEPH O’SULLIVAN • 612.868.8580 PO BOX 894 • MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358

Shorthorns With Integrity

Selling nation-wide!

Kevin Wendt

cell: 419-566-1599 23855 State Route 161 Irwin, Ohio 43029

Plan to attend the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference June 20-25, 2015 in Grand Island, Nebraska! shorthorn country = august 2014




Bruce Brooks MARKETING

Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc.



Fair Indiana State Fair Indiana State Fair Wisconsin State Fair Wisconsin State Fair Indiana State Fair Illinois State Fair Wisconsin State Fair Montgomery Cnty Agricultural Fair Montgomery Cnty Agricultural Fair West Virginia State Fair Illinois State Fair Illinois State Fair West Virginia State Fair Wyoming State Fair Montgomery Cnty Agricultural Fair West Virginia State Fair Missouri State Fair Missouri State Fair Iowa State Fair Western Idaho State Fair Kentucky State Fair Kentucky State Fair Maryland State Fair Colorado State Fair Maryland State Fair Kentucky State Fair New York State Fair Colorado State Fair Colorado State Fair Colorado State Fair Nebraska State Fair Nebraska State Fair Nebraska State Fair Eastern Idaho State Fair Kansas State Fair Tennessee State Fair Tennessee State Fair Western Washington Fair Kansas State Fair Kansas State Fair Tri-State Fair Tri-State Fair New Mexico State Fair New Mexico State Fair Tri-State Fair State Fair of Oklahoma State Fair of Oklahoma World Beef Expo AkSarBen Livestock Show AkSarBen Livestock Show Tulsa State Fair AkSarBen Livestock Show World Beef Expo World Beef Expo Tulsa State Fair State Fair of Texas Tulsa State Fair State Fair of Texas Tulsa State Fair Keystone International Keystone International Georgia National Fair Keystone International Keystone International Arkansas State Fair


Location Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Milwaukee, WI Milwaukee, WI Indianapolis, IN Springfield, IL Milwaukee, WI Gaithersburg, MD Gaithersburg, MD Lewisburg, WV Springfield, IL Springfield, IL Lewisburg, WV Douglas, WY Gaithersburg, MD Lewisburg, WV Sedalia, MO Sedalia, MO Des Moines, IA Boise, ID Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Timonium, MD Pueblo, CO Timonium, MD Louisville, KY Syracuse, NY Pueblo, CO Pueblo, CO Pueblo, CO Grand Island, NE Grand Island, NE Grand Island, NE Blackfoot, ID Hutchinson, KS Nashville, TN Nashville, TN Puyallup, WA Hutchinson, KS Hutchinson, KS Amarillo, TX Amarillo, TX Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque, NM Amarillo, TX Oklahoma City, OK Oklahoma City, OK West Allis, WI Omaha, NE Omaha, NE Tulsa, OK Omaha, NE West Allis, WI West Allis, WI Tulsa, OK Dallas, TX Tulsa, OK Dallas, TX Tulsa, OK Harrisburg, PA Harrisburg, PA Perry, GA Harrisburg, PA Harrisburg, PA Little Rock, AR

shorthorn country = august 2014

Show 4-H Heifer Show 4-H Steer Show Junior Heifer Show Junior Steer Show Open Show Junior Show Open Show Junior Heifer Show Open Show Junior Heifer Show Polled Show Horned Show Junior Market Steer Show Open Show Junior Steer Show Open Show 4H/FFA Show Open Show Open Show Junior Show Junior Steer Show Junior Heifer Show Junior Steer Show Junior Steer Show Junior Heifer Show Open Show Open Show Junior Heifer Show Bull Show Open & ShorhtornPlus Show Open Show 4H Breeding Beef 4H Market Beef Junior Heifer Show Junior Steer Show Open Show Junior Heifer Show Open Show Junior Heifer Show Regional Shorthorn Show Junior Heifer Show Open Show Junior Market Steer Show Junior Heifer Show Junior Steer Show Junior Show Open Show Open Show Feeder Calves Market Beef Open Show Breeding Heifer Junior Heifer Show Junior Steer Show Junior Prospect Steer Show Junior Prospect Steer Junior Market Steer Show Junior Market Steer Junior Heifer Show Major Atlantic PACE Show ShorthornPlus Show Junior Heifer Show Junior Market Steer Show Junior PACE Show Junior Show

Date 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/11 8/11 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/15 8/16 8/16 8/17 8/20 8/21 8/21 8/22 8/22 8/23 8/23 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 8/31 9/1 9/2 9/6 9/6 9/6 9/6 9/7 9/12 9/13 9/14 9/17 9/18 9/20 9/20 9/20 9/26 9/26 9/27 9/27 9/28 9/28 9/28 9/30 10/1 10/1 10/2 10/4 10/4 10/4 10/4 10/4 10/5 10/11

Time 8 a.m. 8 a.m. 8 a.m. 8 a.m. 8 a.m. 8 a.m. 8 a.m. 10 a.m. 4 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 8 a.m. 1 p.m. 4 p.m. 3 p.m. 10 a.m. 9 a.m. 8 a.m. 8 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 2 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 8 a.m. 6 p.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 8 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 9 a.m. 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 8 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 9 a.m. 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 8 a.m. 9 a.m. following 8 a.m. 1 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 8 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 9 a.m. 8 a.m. 8 a.m. 8 a.m. 8 a.m. following 8 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 8 a.m. 10 a.m.


Joel Judge

Ronald Moore

Jeff Bedwell

Matt Copeland Dan Shike

Fair State Fair of Texas Arkansas State Fair Arkansas State Fair South Carolina State Fair South Carolina State Fair South Carolina State Fair State Fair of Louisiana State Fair of Louisiana American Royal American Royal NAILE North Florida Fair North Florida Fair NAILE NAILE NAILE NAILE NWSS NWSS NWSS

Location Dallas, TX Little Rock, AR Little Rock, AR Columbia, SC Columbia, SC Columbia, SC Shreveport, LA Shreveport, LA Kansas City, MO Kansas City, MO Louisville, KY Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Denver, CO Denver, CO Denver, CO

Show Junior Heifer show Open Show Market Steer Open Show Junior Steer Show Junior Show Junior Heifer Show Open Show Junior Heifer Show Major PACE Show Junior ShorthornPlus Show Junior Steer Show Junior Heifer Show Junior Shorthorn Show Open ShorthornPlus Show Steer Futurity & Breeders’ Cup National Shorthorn Show Pen Show Junior Heifer Show Major PACE Show

Date 10/12 10/12 10/14 10/17 10/17 10/18 10/25 10/25 10/30 10/30 11/15 11/15 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/17 1/17 1/18 1/18

Time 8 a.m. 1 p.m. 4 p.m. 12 p.m. 6 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 9 a.m. 2 p.m. 12 p.m. following 8 a.m. 7 p.m. 1 p.m. 8 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 3 p.m. 8 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 1 p.m.


Shorthorn Country Subscription ASA account number

Farm Name Name Address

Email address

Phone number Credit Card Type




Credit Card #



Canadian Subscribers - All First Class

United States Subscribers ❏ One Year ..............................$24.00 ❏ Two Year ..............................$38.00 ❏ ThreeYear..............................$52.00 ❏ First Class - One Year............$54.00

❏ One Year..................................................$60.00 ❏ Two Years ..............................................$110.00 ❏ Three Years ............................................$130.00 Other Foreign Subscribers ❏ One Year Air Mail....................................................................$120.00 ❏ Two Years Air Mail ..................................................................$220.00 ❏ Three Years Air Mail ................................................................$300.00

shorthorn country = august 2014


North American National Heifer Futurity Sunday, November 16, 2014 Show - 3:00 p.m. - Broadbent Arena Sale - 4:30 p.m. - New Market Hall

The Top Heifer Sale Held Anywhere!

A National Sale held under the guidelines as set forth by the American Shorthorn Assc. and its Board of Directors. The NATIONAL PUREBRED HEIFER AND SHORTHORNPLUS Futurity Sale has established itself as the premier futurity event, not only within the breed, but it has also gained the breed promotional value and visibility outside the breed. It is one of the top breed sales year after year at the prestigious North American International Livestock Exposition held in Louisville, Kentucky.

Updated Rules, Regulations and Guidelines

1. ALL registration papers with current EPD’s, all test results and all entry fees MUST be in the possession of the Sale Manager at entry deadline date. NO ENTRY will be cataloged if this information is not in the Sale Manager’s possession as directed by the ASA Board of Directors. NEW THIS YEAR – Older Females are being added as well as Steers. 2. Eligibility– HEIFERS– Purebred and ShorthornPlus – Born Jan. 1, 2013 to May 15, 2014. STEERS– Purebred and ShorthornPlus – Born Jan. 1, 2014 to May 15, 2014. 3. ENTRY FEES MUST ACCOMPANY THE ENTRY: One heifer- $400 per consignor; two heifers- $750 per consignor; three heifers- $900 per consignor. STEER entry fees are the same. All entry fees are put in a jackpot fund and paid back to the consignors in the form of prize monies. 4. Sale catalog will appear in the October issue of the Shorthorn Country with each animal receiving a ¼ page in color at a catalog cost not to exceed $175. 5. The judging and final placings will be determined by a panel of 10 judges as in the past. 6. All heifers must be entered in the NAILE Open Shorthorn and Shorthorn Plus shows. 7. All heifers MUST BE TESTED for TH and PHA unless determined to be FREE by parentage on the pedigree. Heifers testing positive WILL BE ALLOWED TO SELL with test results noted in the sale catalog.

Entry Deadline - September 1, 2014

NORTH AMERICAN HEIFER FUTURITY Entry Form Name of Individual or Firm __________________________________________________________________ American Shorthorn Association Membership Number _____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State __________________ Zip ________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________________________________ I wish to enter ___________heifer(s) in the 2014 Futurity. Enclosed find $ ____________ for the entry fees. Don’t cut your magazine; photocopy and send entry fee, photo and copy of heifer(s) registration to: Cagwin Cattle Services, LLC • P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, Illinois 62691


shorthorn country = august 2014

Ron Rutan: 937-603-1319 Christy Campbell: 937-533-7051 Sale Location: Rutan Farm 4727 Oxford Gettysburg Rd, Eaton, Ohio 45320 shorthorn country = august 2014



shorthorn country = august 2014

=Sales Calendar Aug. 30 - Cates Farms, Star Search Sale, Modoc, Ind.

Oct. 14 - Turner Shorthorns On-Line Sale. Somerset, Ohio.

Aug. 30 - R-C Show Cattle, Early Bird Sale, Eaton, Ohio.

Oct. 17 - Cyclone Trace Cattle Co, Shorthorns UpFront Sale, Clarion, Iowa.

Sept. 1 - Weeping Fox Ranch Private Treaty Sale, Hartley, Iowa. Sept. 6 - Shadybrook Farms, Decades of Excellence Sale, West Brome, Quebec. Sept. 6 - Missouri State Sale, Sho-Me sale Facility, Columbia, Mo. Sept. 13 - Waukaru Shorthorns, Share the Harvest Sale, Rensselaer, Ind. Sept. 14 - Bonnell Club Calves OnLine Private Treaty Sale. Sept. 20 - 21 - Johnson Shorthorns, Third Annual Private Treaty Sale, Niantic, Ill.

Your Marketing Professional

Oct. 17-18-19 - DTR Cattle Co., Open House, Raymond, Kan.

If we can help you with further information regarding these sales, feel free to contact us.

Oct. 18 - Studers, Family Legacies Sale, Creston, Iowa.

Aug. 30 - Cates Farms, Star Search Sale, Modoc, Ind.

Oct. 18 - Leading A Legacy Sale, Shorthorn Junior National Fundraising program, Dunlap Iowa.

Sept. 6 - Shadybrook Farms, Decades of Excellence Sale, West Brome, Quebec.

Oct. 18 - Keystone Autumn Klassic, Waynesburg, Pa.

Sept. 13 - Waukaru Shorthorns, Share the Harvest Sale, Rensselaer, Ind.

Oct. 19 - Sullivan Farms, Maternal Legends Sale, Dunlap, Iowa.

Oct. 5 - KOLT Cattle Company, Simple Choices Sale, Seward, Neb.

Oct. 21 - DTR Cattle Co., On-Line Sale, Raymond, Kan.

Oct. 17 - Cyclone Trace Cattle Co, Shorthorns UpFront Sale, Clarion, Iowa.

Sept. 21 - Ohio Fall Showcase Sale, Newark, Ohio.

Oct. 25 - Shorthorn 500 Sale, Marietta, Okla.

Sept. 21-22 - Cannondale Primetime Productions Sale, Breeders’ World online sales.

Oct. 25 - All Star Classic Shorthorn Female Sale, Crooked Post Shorthorns, Lacombe, Alberta, Can.

Sept. 22 - Sullivan Farms, Pasture Sale, Dunlap, Iowa.

Oct. 26 - Cedar Valley Sale, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Oct. 26 - Cagwin Farms Selection Day and On-line Sale, Philadelphia, Ill.

Sept. 27 - Great Shorthorn Revival, Little Cedar Cattle Co, Beaverton, Mich.

Oct. 26 - Matlock Stock Farm, Hill Country Classic Sale, Loydminster, SK.

Nov. 16 - North American Heifer Calf Futurity, Louisville, Ky.

Oct. 26 - Cagwin Farms Selection Day and On-line Sale, Philadelphia, Ill.

Jan. 18 - The Summit, National Shorthorn Sale, Denver, Colo.

Sept. 28 - Steinke Shorthorns, Partners in Excellence On-Line Sale, Rensselaer, Ind. Sept. 30 - Meyer Family Shorthorns, On-Line Sale, Greensburg, Ind. Oct. 4 - Fall Harvest Shorthorn Production Sale, Grand Island, Neb. Oct. 4 - Stecks Bid-off Female Sale, Woodstock, Minn. Oct. 5 - KOLT Cattle Company, Simple Choices Sale, Seward, Neb. Oct. 11 - Greenhorn Where Great Females Make a Difference Sale, Waynesville, Ohio. Oct. 11- Farrer Farms, 41st Annual Sale of Stars, Royal Center, Ind. Oct. 12 - Swing the Gate Production Sale, Dixon, Ill. Oct. 12 - Turner Shorthorns Open House, 2 pm to 6 pm, at the farm, Somerset, Ohio.

Oct. 19 - Sullivan Farms, Maternal Legends Sale, Dunlap, Iowa.

Nov. 1 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm, Durham Nation Sale, Kathryn, ND. Nov. 2 - Schrag Shorthorn Farms, The Family Event Sale, Marion, SD. Nov. 8 - Bakenhus Cattle Co. All Breed Heifer Sale, Columbus, Nebraska Nov. 15 - Donors On Ice Sale, Louisville, Ky. Nov. 15 - Four State Sale, Diamond, Mo. Nov. 16 - North American Heifer Calf Futurity, Louisville, Ky. Nov. 16 - Greenhorn Cattle Co., Where Future Generations Are Created, Louisville, Ky. Nov. 27 - Saskatchewan Shorthorn Association Sale, Regina, Sask. Jan. 18 - The Summit, National Shorthorn Sale, Denver, Colo.

Auction Sales • Private Treaty • Semen • Embryos

= Cagwin Cattle Services, LLC P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, IL 62691

217-452-3051 • FAX: 217-452-3053 email:

shorthorn country = august 2014


=Ad Index AAA Shorthorns ............................................58 Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc.....................63 AMS Shorthorns ............................................58 Bartels Bros ....................................................58 Bennett Land & Cattle ..................................58 Berg Shorthorns ............................................58 Bern-A-Dale Shorthorns ................................58 Bert Moore ....................................................63 Bigelow Farms ................................................58 Bo’s Shorthorns ..............................................58 Bonnell Club Calves ......................................13 Bowman Superior Genetics ............................58 Broken Road Cattle Company........................58 Brooks, Bruce ................................................63 Byland Polled Shorthorns ..............................58 Cagwin Cattle Services LLC ..........................68 Cates Farms ............................................6-7, 58 Cattle Visions ................................................63 Crawfdown Farms ..........................................58 Cross Country ........................................,68, 71 Cyclone Trace Cattle Co. ................................58 Dav Mar Way Farms ......................................58 Diamond C Shorthorns..................................58 Diamond M Shorthorns ................................58 DJS Shorthorns ..................................10-11, 59 DTR Cattle Co ..............................................59 Duis Farms ....................................................59 Ea Ra Ba H Farm ..........................................59 Fieser’s Polled Shorthorns ..............................59 Fischer Cattle Company ................................59 Franz Farms....................................................59 GJD ..............................................................59 Great American Insurance ..............................63 Great Shorthorn Revival............................36-37 Greenhorn Cattle Company, LLC ..................59 Gunn Shorthorns ..........................................59 Haumont Shorthorns ....................................59 Hauxdale Shorthorn Farm ..............................62 High Ridge Farm LTD ..................................59 Homeplace Farms ..........................................59


Hub Ranch Shorthorns ..................................59 Illinois Breeders Unitd For Impact ............52-53 ImmuCell ......................................................14 Indian Hills Land & Cattle Co.......................59 Inness Shorthorns ..........................................59 Iroquoian Shorthorns ....................................59 J&J Show Cattle ............................................60 James F. Bessler, Inc. ......................................63 JDMC Cattle Company ................................59 JM Cattle Company ......................................60 Johnson Shorthorn ........................................51 JT Moreland Farms, LLC ..............................60 Kearns Farms..................................................60 Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm ............................60 Keystone International ..................................49 Kilgore Shorthorn Farm ................................60 KJG German’s Shorhtorns ..............................60 Kolt Cattle Company ....................................17 Laban Roanoke Farm ....................................60 Leveldale Farms ..............................................60 Lincoln Reds ..................................................60 Little Cedar Cattle Co. ..................................60 Long Family Shorthorns ................................60 Maple Brook Farms ........................................60 Masonic Village Farm ....................................60 McKee Family Shorthorns ..............................60 Meadow Lane Farms ......................................60 Meyer Family Shorthorns ........................51, 60 Meyer Farms ..................................................60 Missouri Shorthorn Association State Sale ......50 Montana Shorthorn Association ....................63 Moon Creek Ranch ........................................61 New River Cattle............................................61 Norman Farms ..............................................61 North American Heifer Calf Futurity ............66 O’Sullivan Auctioneer ....................................63 Ohio Shorthorn Fall Showcase Sale ..................9 Oler Farm ......................................................61 Phildon Farms ................................................61 RC Show Cattle........................................61, 67

shorthorn country = august 2014

Richardson Farms Shorthorns ........................61 Ripberger Family Farms..................................61 RL Cattle Company ......................................61 Robjoy Shorthorns ........................................61 Rockin’ G Land & Cattle ..............................61 Rocky Branch Shorthorns ..............................61 Rod Shorthorns ..............................................61 Saskatchewan Shorthorn Association ..............70 Schrag Shorthorn Farms ............................3, 61 Shadybrook Farm ............................................5 SharBen Shorthorns........................................61 Sho-Me Shorthorns ........................................61 ShorthornPlus Foundation ............................48 ShorthornShop ..............................................63 SLS Family Shorthorns ..................................61 Sneed, Rob Shorthorns ..................................61 Stangl Shorthorns ..........................................62 Steinke Shorthorns ........................................62 Stone Springs Shorthorns ..............................62 Strode Family Shorhtorns ..............................62 Sullivan Farms ........................................62, BC Sullivan Supply ..............................................63 Sutherland Shorthorns....................................62 Ten Mile Farm Shorthorns ............................62 The National CUP Lab ................................63 Top Notch Stock Farm ..................................62 Townview Shorthorns ....................................62 Trennepohl Farms ..........................................19 Tynywtra’s ......................................................62 V8 Shorthorns................................................62 Vermeer..........................................................18 Vogel Shorthorn Farm ....................................62 Warner Ranch ................................................62 Waukaru Polled Shorthorns............................62 Waukaru Shorthorns ........................................2 Weeping Fox Ranch ......................................16 Wendt, Kevin ................................................63 Whispering Hills Farms..................................15 Wilson Livestock Agency................................63

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