barnabas wetton
cordy swope final day where solutions are talking to each other seeing conclusions
How might we design something which will help people make better choices - not by forcing, leading, manipulating or limiting them- but by providing them with the tools and interventions to make better ones? this is what we are trying to found out together (DNS)
combining nudge with design
a question of ambition and scope swimming in the ocean compared to swimming in the pool
a design challenge how might we reduce obesity?
a design challenge design projects about reducing obesity inspire a wide inquiry around context that challenge constraints nad can result in solutions that can be bold and subtle.
a nudge challenge how might we measurably increase fruit consumption?
A nudge challenge inspires quick prototypes, experiments and pilots whose narrower scope tends to yield incremental and measurable solutions
day 1
day 2
in pitchers we drank 4.5 litres in glasses we drank 13.5 litres (it would be more if it was pink!)
day 1 whole we ate 1 kilo in glasses we ate 10 kilos
day 2
a thought ... A nudge project should be easier to manage in your organisation since it is measured and thus easier to communicate. But this doesn’t mean that it is easier to design.
moving forward
make a distinction between form and idea showing the intention listen with your faculties
listening and talking
n? M? B? W? nudge measurable defined behaviour group collective
yourselves and others tak for the delegates thank you for the sponsors and not least the students let’s go
remember 48 hours?