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Kolding School of Design

Content Introduction 9 Department of Communication Design Graphic Design Illustration Interaction Design Portraits

10 12 12 13 14

Department of Product Design Fashion Textile Industrial Design Portraits

17 18 19 19 20

Graphic Design Kimie Melanie Breidfjord Birk Marcus Hansen Kirstine Skov Hansen Tenna Elisabeth Jacobsen Lukas Neige Nikoline Bitsch Nejsum Bitten Fangel Nielsen Cecilie Marie Skov Nina Wasland

34 50 52 62 88 90 94 116 134

Illustration Christian Engemand Blom 30 Mathias Botfeldt 32 Claudia Egholm Castrone 38 Rasmus Palmelund Kviesgaard 70 Sidsel Wittendorff Sørensen 120 Jonas Prip Thorsen 126

Interaction Design Lærke Thorst Balslev Silvia Bella Christoffer Hjelm-Hansen Jacob Keinicke Soleil Zumbrunn du Midi Alexander Muchenberger Patrick Gilbert Nielsen Bo Pedersen Benjamin Buus Pedersen Signe Mårbjerg Thomsen

26 28 48 64 80 84 96 106 108 124

Fashion Mea Andresen Michelle Volquards Hansen Laura Møller Henriksen Katja B. Knudsen Laura Locher Mathilde Maalouf Katrine Terese Nielsen Alexander Katchen Sehested Sarah Mi Svendsen Laura Trzebuchowska Merja Hannele Ulvinen

24 54 56 66 72 74 98 112 118 128 132

Textile Marie-Louise Dorothee Nathalie Buchholz Anne Woidemann Christensen Rosa Tolnov Clausen Gitta Foldberg Charlotte Bodil Hermansen Linea Lund Hjorhöy Ulla Næraa Mariager Kristina Mielec Krista Neergaard-Holm Maria Rokkedahl Nørholm Divya Sharma Johanna Ulfsak

36 40 42 44 58 60 76 82 86 102 114 130

Industrial Design Nina Guldager Lena Krogsgaard Nikolaj Lorentz Mentze Anne Ditlev Nielsen Naija Nygaard Osmund Olsen Pauline Joy Richard Ragnhild Lübbert Terpling

46 68 78 92 100 104 110 122

Department of Communication Design Portraits 138 Department of Product Design Portraits


Introduction I always look forward to the next Kolding School of Design graduation catalogue. Why? Because it represents the design language of a new generation and shows us how the new designers interpret our time and are able to generate products, services and systems that help us understand our present and our future. The new designers take their point of departure in individual fields of interest, different professional skills, and various views of the World and of design. Their projects are successfully completed in collaboration with companies, organisations, or public institutions, and build on the artistic and aesthetic subject knowledge that defines the school’s departments. The end result is a genuine contribution to the creation of a better world. Congratulations new designers! Happy reading! Mette Mikkelsen Prorector


De partment of Communication Design The Department of Communication Design focuses on students achieving a broad grounding in design as well as specific professional specialisations within the fields of Graphic Design, Illustration and Interaction Design. We have a firm belief in the power of storytelling and the magic to be found in everyday life, and we transform these into analogue, digital, sensory and spatial experiences where functionality and aesthetics merge in the most exquisite manner. By crossing aspects relating to perception with aesthetics, we are able to create beautiful experiences and intelligent interaction. With letters, images, drawings, video, animation, sounds, codes, shapes, objects, space, processe, and action, we educate innovative designers to make communication happen between and for people in local as well as global contexts. And because design is first and foremost about people, we centre social, ethical, moral, and human aspects.


Graphic Design Graphic Design establishes the context that enables powerful storytelling that will be noticed, absorbed and remembered. Material as well as immaterial contacts between the user and the communicator are designed, and the development and the planning and production of communication are approached from a theoretical as well as a practical angle. The output includes publications, identity design, typography, layout, branding, film, animation and script design.

Illustration Focusing on imagery as a primary communication form, we create visual worlds that enhance the written word or are able to stand alone. We work with books, animation, wall patterns, photos, games for smartphones, or cinema movies. In short, anywhere that an image can add an additional dimension, perspective, relevance and meaning to the message. We work to arouse people’s curiosity and engage their associative capacities emotionally and intellectually.


Interaction Design Interaction Design builds dialogues between people, objects, systems and spaces and incorporates technology as a fascinating new design material for experimentation. We focus on the individual and a need to engage with others as the point of departure for this work. An interdisciplinary approach is fundamental for designing contemporary interactions, experiences, and dialogues, as well as envisioning the future in the form of concepts, services, software, robots and objects.Â


Department of Communication Design Graphic Design

Kimie Melanie Breidfjord

Birk Marcus Hansen

Kirstine Skov Hansen

Tenna Elisabeth Jacobsen

Lukas Neige

Nikoline Bitsch Nejsum

p. 34-35

p. 50-51

p. 52-53

p. 62-63

p. 88-89

p. 90-91

Bitten Fangel Nielsen

Cecilie Marie Skov

Nina Wasland

p. 94-95

p. 116-117

p. 134-135

Christian Engemand Blom

Mathias Botfeldt

Claudia Egholm Castrone

Rasmus Palmelund

Sidsel Wittendorff

Jonas Prip Thorsen

p. 30-31

p. 32-33

p. 38-39

Kviesgaard p. 70-71

Sørensen p. 120-121

p. 126-127



Interaction Design

LĂŚrke Thorst Balslev

Silvia Bella

Christoffer Hjelm-Hansen

Jacob Keinicke

Soleil Zumbrunn du Midi

Alexander Muchenberger

p. 26-27

p. 28-29

p. 48-49

p. 64-65

p. 80-81

p. 84-85

Patrick Gilbert Nielsen

Bo Pedersen

Benjamin Buus Pedersen

Signe MĂĽrbjerg Thomsen

p. 96-97

p. 106-107

p. 108-109

p. 124-125


De partment of Product Design At the Department of Product Design, we educate the designers that will help generate products and solutions for our common future. Designers develop these while brilliantly meeting the classic requirements for design concerning shape, function and aesthetics. However, their products and solutions also contribute by being innovative in terms of materials, ecologically desirable, service-oriented, and by having a wide — sometimes offbeat — target audience. The Department of Product Design comprises the disciplines Fashion, Textiles, and Industrial Design. The common denominator for the specialist fields is that the solutions produced often involve a product; therefore, all of the students are very knowledgeable about materials, just as the workshops are often included as a natural part of the design process. The teaching is conducted by practicing designers as well as researchers, ensuring a knowledge generating interplay between practice-based knowledge and recent design research. This enables the students to decode and translate trends and needs into unique expressions.


Fashion Fashion focuses primarily on designing clothing which decodes, mirrors and reflects the present. The students are given time and space for thoughts, experiments, reflections and intuition to roam freely in the constant slipstream of trends, which also characterises Fashion. Form and concept development and materials knowledge are part of the core subjects of the curriculum, and the students learn to build entire collections aimed at target groups and production facilities.


Textile Textile Design students work with the classic tools of the textile fields: weaving, knitting, and print. The focus is on developing new design within the design areas fashion and interior design.  However, there is an increasing emphasis on transforming textile values into new contexts and technologies. Hence, digital instructional tools have gained a footing at the department and are now considered equally important as the analogue techniques. The textile designers are given ample opportunity to apply their competences to the creation of material surfaces other than yarn and fabric, e.g. glass, steel and concrete.

Industrial Design Industrial Design focuses on design solutions which incorporate function, form and production possibilities into one collective design solution. Industrial Design students study classic design disciplines such as sketching, 3D programming and model making, but they also spend more and more of their time on overall concepts focusing on the future of the users as well as immaterial values and aspects of the products. Hence, user studies and mapping of consumer behavioural patterns have become core subjects in the teaching.


Department of Product Design Fashion

Mea Andresen

Michelle Volquards

Laura Møller Henriksen

Katja B. Knudsen

Laura Locher

Mathilde Maalouf

p. 24-25

Hansen p. 54-55

p. 56-57

p. 66-67

p. 72-73

p. 74-75

Katrine Terese Nielsen

Alexander Katchen Sehested

Sarah Mi Svendsen

Laura Trzebuchowska

Merja Hannele Ulvinen

p. 98-99

p. 112-113

p. 118-119

p. 128-129

p. 132-133


Marie-Louise D. N.

Anne Woidemann

Rosa Tolnov Clausen

Gitta Foldberg

Charlotte Bodil Hermansen

Linea Lund HjorhĂśy

Buchholz p. 36-37

Christensen p. 40-41

p. 42-43

p. 44-45

p. 58-59



Ulla Næraa Mariager

Kristina Mielec

Krista Neergaard-Holm

Maria Rokkedahl Nørholm

Divya Sharma

Johanna Ulfsak

p. 76-77

p. 82-83

p. 86-87

p. 102-103

p. 114-115

p. 130-131

Nina Guldager

Lena Krogsgaard

Nikolaj Lorentz Mentze

Anne Ditlev Nielsen

Naija Nygaad

Osmund Olsen

p. 46-47

p. 68-69





Pauline Joy Richard

Ragnhild Lübbert Terpling

p. 110-111

p. 122-123

Industrial Design


Department of Product Design Fashion www.meaandresen.dk contact@meaandresen.dk +45 28 56 51 07


M e a Andresen Education


2013 MA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2012 Freelance Designer, Moonspoon Saloon, Copenhagen

2011 BA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2011- Design Intern, Hussein Chalayan, London /Pattern

2006- Scandinavian Design College, Fashion and Textile, DK



2010- Design Teacher, Ungdomsskolen Kolding, DK 11


Cutting and Show Manager  /After school classes

The most important thing to me as a designer is being able to create impressions; impressions on people and their bodies through experiences, aesthetics and intriguing constructions. My MA Project is about the experience of time. The experience that time stands still and slowly returns to its proper pace. I transform this feeling into women’s wear fashion using hand-painted and intelligent textiles, as well as complex pattern cutting and draping.


1 MA Project. 2 — 3 — 4 —

Photo 1 and 3 by Ida Buss.




Department of Communication Design Interaction Design www.cargocollective.com /larke gulsofa@gmail.com +45 29 87 32 23


Lærke Thorst Balslev Education 2013 MA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Exhibition Tool for Museological Communication 2012 CIRRUS Workshop, Local Holistic Sustainability

in the Progress of Global Reality, Iceland  /Social Design 2011 Exchange, Man and Leisure, Design Academy

Eindhoven, Holland /Experience Design and Sustainability 2011 BA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Installation and Cultural Meetings 2008 Skolen for Kunst og Design, DK  /Basic Training in

Design and Art 2004 Les Ateliers d’art Concemporain, Brussels  /Croquis 2003 Skolen for Kunst & Design, Aarhus, DK  /Fashion



Experience 2012 Design Intern, N55, Copenhagen /Concept and Art 2012 Freelance Designer, MUNDHUG Copenhagen

/Logo design

Other 2013 Installation, Kvinde kend din kropsholder, Rundkant,

Trapholt /Storytelling Through Textile and Film 2013 Sale of Silkscreen Print, TANK, Aarhus /Graphic Print 2012 Exhibition, FÆNGSLET, Horsens /Interactive Video

Installation 2012 Exhibition, Kvinde kend din kropsholder, Rundkant,

Carlsberghallerne /Storytelling through Textile and Video 2010 Happening and Exhibition, Tongji University Shang-

hai /Awareness of the Consequences of Pollution 2010 Exhibition, Hinderup Library /Paperwork and Slide



I like to investigate how storytelling and invitation can initiate dialogue with and between people. Throughout my work process, I consider the physical and social interactions between people. Being able to develop concepts with a presence and communicative forms are my professional spheres of interest.


1 MA Project, Tool

kit for planning

In my MA Project, I investigate how to cross experiences from design processes with museological communication and ethnographic fieldwork when arranging travelling exhibitions, and have created an exhibition tool for organising mobile exhibitions. The project is completed in collaboration with Moesgård Museum and is based on the exhibition about “The Collector”.

exhibitions at a culture-historical museum. 2 THE HOLE,

Interactive video installation about the experiences of prison inmates in solitary confinement. 3 MA Project,

Exhibition tool for culture-historical museums for arranging exhibitions of The Collector.


Department of Communication Design Interaction Design www.silviabella.dk silvia.bella89@gmail.com +45 53 40 12 26



Silvia Bella Education 2013 MA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Social Design 2011 BA Interior Design, Politecnico di Milano, Milan

/Design for Public Spaces 2007 Summer School, Course in Communication, Media

and Advertising, IULM University, Milan /Communication in media

Experience 2012 Design Intern, Rune Fjord Studio, Copenhagen

/Design for Public Spaces 2011 Design Intern, Bureau Detours, Aarhus /Concept

Design and User Analysis 2010 Showroom Assistant, Lago s.p.a, Milan /Marketing

Other 2012 Shanghai, Aalto-Tongji Design Factory, Safe Food

System Eat Your Darling 2012 Milan Design Week, Exhibition, Dennis Design

Centre part of Bureau Detours 2012 Milan Design Week, Exhibition, Il Formicaio Sensory

Analysis 2011 Kolding School of Design, Design Camp iSpeack-

Electricity /Sound Installation 2010 Urban Center Milano, Urban Planning, The Secret

Gardens 2009 École Boulle and Politecnico di Milano, Workshop

on Set Design in Newscasts



The core of my works relies on communication with society through beauty, nudge and awareness. The aim is to provoke rather than resolve. “What I'm trying to do is make something happen by throwing a pebble into the water and creating ripples. I don't want to control the ripples” — Yoko Ono. In collaboration with the educational programme of the Center for Rape Victims Aarhus, my MA Project aims to communicate to high school students the blurry concept of partner rape. Interviews with victims, meetings with psychologists, analyses of society taboos lead me to use media as physical interaction but also conceptual videos and photos as storyteller.

1 MA Project, Book-

let for students and their families. 2 Dennis Design

Center with Bureau Detours. Milan Design Week 2012. 3 MA project, Still

from video.


Department of Communication Design Illustration christianblomdesign@gmail.com +45 40 13 44  67



Christian Enge mand Blom Education 2013 MA Illustration, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Character Design and Concept Art 2011 BA Illustration, Kolding School of Design, DK


Experience 2012 Design Intern, Mountainwheel Games /Concept,

Artist and Storyboarding


To me, every project is about creating a world that enables a narrative to unfold. In my MA I wanted to build a universe that centres a group of children and youngsters, their neighbourhood and their imaginary worlds. The project consists of a cartoon series and a computer game that encourages outdoor play like we know it from our own childhood.

1 Character investi-

gations. 2 To be hung in

super markets encouraging collective play. 3 “Jens�. 4 Dut in search of




Department of Communication Design Illustration www.cargocollective.com /mathiasbotfeldt mathiasbotfeldt@gmail.com +45 20 71 92 71


M athias Botfeldt Education 2013 MA Illustration, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Concept Art 2011 Exchange student, Unitec, New Zealand /Illustration

and Animation 2010 BA Illustration and Graphic Design, Kolding School

of Design, DK /Motion Graphics 2007 Classical drawing course, The Drawing Academy,

Viborg, DK

Experience 2012 Conscientious Objector / Designer, DR, Copenha-

gen /Motion Graphics 2010 Design Intern, Fabulab, Copenhagen /Animation

and Motion Graphics

Other 2012 TV!TV!TV! live show, DR /Award Design and Motion

Graphics 2012 Reitir, international creative network project,

Siglufjörður Iceland /Installation: Voodoo Bacon – A musical junk yard playground 2012 Electrical car conference, Etrans /Graphic facilitation. 2011 Designcamp, Making Electricity Tangible, Kolding

School of Design /Service design 2010 Visual workshop in Syria between Department of

Communication Design, Kolding School of Design and Faculty of Fine Arts, Damascus University




I am an illustrator and a motion graphics designer. I love inventing and designing objects that have not existed before and that tell a story. I am fascinated by that strange perspective that allows you to look at the World with fresh eyes.

1 MA Project, Work

in progress. 2 MA Project,

Crustaurba fashion. 3 MA Project,


My MA Project “Searching for Loneliness in Crustaurba� consists of concept illustrations for a fictional society, Crustaurba, the design of which is based on invertebrate marine biology. The concept art is to be processed into a non-verbal graphic novel depicting everyday life and different levels of loneliness in Crustaurba, which, from the inside, very much resembles our own postmodern society.



Department of Communication Design Graphic Design kimiebreidfjord@gmail.com +45 27 35 95 44



Kimie M elanie Breidfjord Education


2013 MA Graphic Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2008- Production Designer /Set Designer on various music

2010 BA Graphic Design, Kolding School of Design, DK


2007 Scandinavian Design College, DK /Graphic Design

videos, short films, documentaries and conferences

Other 2012 Reitír, Creative Network Project, Siglufjörður, IS

/Workshop 2012 Exhibition Reitír, Tiny Things in Big Locations,

Siglufjörður, IS /Photo documentation that shows how similar people live in Siglufjörður 2010 Visual workshop between Department of Communica-

tion Design, Kolding School of Design and Faculty of Fine Arts Damascus University, Damascus, Syria



What drives me is creating designs that inspire discussions about the parameters which influence how we experience and understand spaces along with the considerations and strategies which define excellent design. My focus is on scenography, behavioural design and atmosphere design.


1 Production Design

– L’attrap, Photo series. 2 Film Direction,

Production Design, BA Project. 3 Production Design

– L’attrap, Photo series.

Speculative visualisations for the year 2039, which reflectively and critically supplements the debate concerning the influence of how Big Data alters the way we live. By working in the cross-field between research, fiction and design, I design for the future.

4 Film Direction,

Production Design, Music video made for Kristina Reneé.


Department of Product Design Textile www.maloubuchholz.carbonmade.com louise_buchholz@hotmail.com +49 151 201 57775


M arie-Louise Dorothe e Nathalie Buchholz Education 2013 MA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Interior Textiles 2011 BA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Interior Textiles 2008 Artist Basic Course, Sønderjylland Art School, DK

/Painting, Drawing, Sculpturing, Installation, Video and Photo as well as Land Art 2007 Preparatory Course, Europäische Kunstakademie

e.V. Trier, Germany /Painting and Drawing

Experience 2012 Textile Design Intern, Rubelli S.p.A., Mestre-Venice

/Design and Reconstruction of fabrics and patterns 2012 Interior Decoration, Neubert & Behrens, Flensburg

/Decorating, Client Counselling and Upholstery 2010 Shoemaker, Pingel and v. Scherrenburg, Flensburg

/Shoe Design 2003 Stage Designer, Schleswig-Holsteinisches-Landestheater,

Harrislee /Stage Design and Replicating of Paintings 2002 Glazier, Gallery Kruse, Flensburg /Framing and



Other 2011 Indigo Fair, Primière Vision, Paris /Fashion Textile

Collection 2010 Design Development, Ecco, Tønder /Shoe Collection 2010 Interior Decoration Design, Vejle Hospital /Decora-

tion for a children’s emergency ward


The unique fabrics I design and weave are focused on interior decoration and fashion. Beauty and detailed characteristics in environmental surroundings inspire this task. Transparency, manufacturing process, natural and locally available materials are essential and important. My aim and target is to create a tactile encounter between costumer and textiles.


1 Waffle blanket out

of wool and red fox fur. 2 Graphical carpet

border with red fox fur. 3 —

For my MA Project, I designed and created a textile collection on a digital- and handloom, based on the “Winter beauty”. Using different yarn qualities, comprising wool, paper, fancy polyester in combination with natural fox pelt, enabled me to create textile samples structured to invite a “sense of touch” attracting curios costumers. 37

Department of Communication Design Illustration www.cargocollective.com / ccastrone ccastrone@gmail.com +45 20 94 08 87



Claudia Egholm Castrone Education 2013 MA Illustration, Kolding School of Design, DK

Experience 2012 Freelance Designer, Lilian Brøgger, Copenhagen

/Graphic Design of a children’s book

/Photography 2013 Exchange programme, Hochschule für Angewandte

2012 Design Intern, Lilian Brøgger, Copenhagen /Book

Illustration and Graphic Design

Wissenschaften, Hamburg, Germany  /Illustration and Printmaking

2012 Freelance Illustrator, Maria Ørndrup / CD Cover


2012 Exchange programme, Bezalel Academy of Art

and Design, Jerusalem, Israel /Illustration and

2011 Freelance Illustrator, Johannes Torpe Studios

/Water Colour Paintings for Restaurant Decoration

2011 Photography

BA Illustration, Kolding School of Design, DK /Book

2010 Freelance Illustrator, HerDay, Copenhagen / CD

Cover, Illustration

Illustration 2008 Preparatory course in Art and Design, Skolen

2010 Freelance Illustrator, Cevea, Aarhus /Illustration for


for Kunst & Design, Aarhus, DK /Art, Design and Illustration

2010 Freelance Illustrator, LoveBike, Copenhagen and

Zanzibar /Logo Design 2009- Graphic Design Assistant, Triangle Region 12


Denmark, Kolding /Graphic Design of publications

Other 2013 Artists residency, Tvak Residential Art Studios,

Ahmedabad, India /Photography and Printmaking 2013 Exhibition, Café Nutid, Copenhagen /Photography 2013 Exhibition, Verdenskulturcentret, Copenhagen

/Photography 2013 Exhibition, Mascha Clothing, Hamburg /Woodcut 2012 Scholarship, Erasmus 2012 Scholarship, Oticon Fonden 2011 Scholarship, Knud Højgaards Fond



As a designer, I often take on the role of the observer. I like design to be open to the fact that everyone has their own individual experience of an image or a product. Yalla, GO! My MA Project consists of photos from Bethlehem. There, I document the preparations for the first Palestine Marathon; the runners, the spectators and the many volunteers. Although conflict is part of everyday life for all Palestinians, the Palestine Marathon is a tribute to sports, nature and culture, and this is reflected in the pictures.

1 Ahmed from

Ramallah gets ready for his first marathon. 2 Haitham on the

marathon route by the separation barrier in the centre of Bethlehem. 3 Jacky (on the

right) and Tamara are training for a half marathon. In the background you can see the separation barrier. 4 Lina runs 5K.


Department of Product Design Textile anne.woidemann@gmail.com +45 25 36 56 08



Anne Woide mann Christensen Education 2013 MA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Manipulating fabric into textiles for clothing 2010 BA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Women’s clothing with focus on textiles 2007 Scandinavian Design College, DK /Fashion and


Experience 2012 Design Intern, Prémiere Vision, Paris /Assisted in

putting up the fair for AW13 2011 Design Intern, Kono Business, Koidu, Sierra Leone,

/Design of Product Line and Responsible for Production

Other 2012 Prémiere Vision, Collection at Indigo SS13

/2 swatches sold to Peachoo + Krejberg 2010 Scholarship, Fællesfonden til fordel for beskæftigelse

i håndværksfagene i Kolding 2010 Fashion show, Copenhagen Fashion Week SS12

/Bachelor Collection: By the Northsea 2010 Exhibition, Kolding School of Design ⁄Folklore Project 2009 Published, Sustainable Fashion /Issues to be

Addressed by DK:Lab /Polyester and Sustainability 2009 Collaboration, Ecco /Shoe Design 2009 Exhibition, Illum, Copenhagen, COP15 /Sustainable

Shoe Design 2009 Published, Walk by DK:Lab /Sustainable Shoes 2009 Collaboration, The Danish Cancer Foundation

/UV-protective clothing 2009 Fashion Show, Institute of Technology, The Danish

Cancer Foundation 2009 Published, Sustainability in the Design Process,

Methods and Materials in Fashion and Textile Training by DK:Lab 40

As a textile designer, I work to create textiles that will give people an emotional experience. I build tactile spheres by experimenting and by manipulating materials, balancing between that what is contrasted and offbeat and that what is aesthetic and classically beautiful. My MA Project is about selfportrayal and self-representation. By doing a number of selfportraits expressing various sides of who I am, I have produced my own inspiration material. I have interpreted the material and conducted a series of material experiments and designed different textiles that I use to set certain moods in my collection of self-representative clothes.


1 Sketching with

textiles on the body. 2 Experiments on

how to express emotions through textile experiments. 3 Combining textiles

with shape. 4 —



Department of Product Design Textile rosa.tolnovclausen@gmail.com +45 20 82 53 59



Rosa Tolnov Clausen Education 2013 MA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Collection of Interior Textiles 2012 School Exchange, Aalto University, Finland /Textile

Art & Design 2011 Computer Textile Design, Fondazione Arte della

Seta Lisio, Italy, CAD for Jacquard fabrics 2010 BA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Sustainable Backpack 2009 School Exchange, Weißensee Kunsthochschule

Berlin /Textile and Surface Design 2006 Scandinavian Design College, DK /Fashion and


Experience 2013 Company collaboration, Blindes Arbejde (Works by

The Blind), DK /Woven Concept 2011 Company Collaboration, Campeche, Como, Italy,

/Woven Collection 2011 Design Intern, Crespi1797, Novara, Italy /Woven

Textiles 2010 Company Collaboration, Crespi1797, Novara, Italy

/Showpieces for Première Vision

Other 2013 Scholarship, Scandinavia — Japan Sasakawa

Foundation 2012 Scholarship, Oticon Fonden 2012 Scholarship, Knud Højgaards Fond 2012 Scholarship, Ingeborg Mule Henningsens Mindelegat 2012 Scholarship, Nordplus 2011 Scholarship, Erasmus 2011 Exhibition, Première Vision, Paris /Woven Show-

pieces for Crespi1797 2010 Exhibition, Premiere Vision, Paris /Participation with

woven silk collection 2009 Scholarship, Erasmus 2009 Exhibition, Illum, Copenhagen, COP 15 ⁄Sustainable

Shoe 2009 Exhibition, DMY — International Design Festival

Berlin, Think senses! /Textile Samples 2009 Fashion Show, Danish Technological Institute,

Copenhagen /Sun Protection Clothes




I specialise in woven textiles and European textile production and have completed company collaborations in Italy and exchange programmes in Helsinki and Berlin. I create textiles that point to the future while being rooted in the past. Process, quality, craftsmanship and colours are keywords of my work.

1 Toolkit for the

blind weavers. 2 Weaving process

In my MA, I work with a group of blind weavers and visually impared weavers from the organisation Blindes Arbejde (works by the blind). I have created a model and within this model, the weavers are able to make three choices using their sense of touch. The three choices can be combined in one textile. This allows the weavers to influence the aesthetics of the product within the framework that I as a designer have created.

with the blind weavers. 3 Finished textile

product woven by the blind weavers. 4 Finished textile

product woven by the blind weavers. Photos 1, 3 and 4 by Peter Hoiss.


Department of Product Design Textile www.gittafoldberg.dk gittafoldberg@gmail.com +45 29 24 82 52


Gitta Foldberg Education



2013 MA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2013 Internship, Soft Gallery, Copenhagen, DK


2011 BA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

1986- Teacher, Copenhagen, Esbjerg, Fanø

2012- Collaboration, Gabriel

2008 Textile College of Education, Viborg /Textile Inter-



1990- Teaching the Arts, Adult Education, Esbjerg

2011- Collaboration, Ecco



mediary 2006 College Skals /Felting and Print 1986 Teacher Training College, Blaagaard College of

Collaboration, Great Greenland


Article, Inform 3/13


Collaboration, Fritz Hansen

1990- Teaching the Arts, Esbjerg


Fair, Indigo, Premier Vision, Paris


2010 Collaboration, Sydvestjydsk Hospital, Vejle

Education, Copenhagen

1986- Participated in related courses in Visual Arts and 08

Crafts at the National Handcrafts Union of Teachers

2009 Collaboration, UNICEF 2009 Article, Jydske Vestkysten, November 2009 Collaboration, Kopenhagen Fur 2009 Nomination, The Golden Fur Pin Award /Textile

Design 2009 Exhibition, The Golden Fur Pin Award, Kødbyen,

Copenhagen 2009 Exhibition, Copenhagen Fashion Week, Bella

Center, Copenhagen 2007 Exhibition, Textile College of Education, Viborg




I develop textiles in an experimental way, primarily working with unconventional material compositions, surfaces and structures as well as creation of digital patterns and 3D installations for fashion and interior. I am usually inspired by a certain technique that I decide to advance, or by nature transformed into a new design giving priority to the experience and sensuousness that occurs in the encounter with the user. My MA Project “Seal on the Edge” takes its point of departure in Greenlandic nature and culture. This inspiration is transformed into a textile interior collection of assorted pillows and plaids with seal skin; a symbolic gesture to support Greenlandic sealer and whaler culture and draw attention to a material which is eco-friendly.


1 Details of “Combi-

nation”, seal skin, leather and wool. 2 “Combination”,

seal skin, leather and wool. 3 Details of “Edge”,

processed seal skin and wool. 4 Materials study

of seal for “Combination”.


Department of Product Design Industrial Design frkguldager@live.dk +45 31 22 39 93



Nina Guldager Education 2013 MA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2010 Exchange Greenside Design Center, Johannesburg,

South Africa 2010 BA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2007 Skolen for Kunst og Design, Aarhus /Art and Design


Experience 2012 Internship, Frama Copenhagen

Other 2013 Coorporation, Carpenter Gustav D., Billund, DK 2012 Glassblower Bente Sonne, Svendborg, DK



Delicate and coordinated; these are words that characterise my designs. I give priority to simplicity and noble materials. Using my strong analytical sense, I am able to lift my designs to a level that makes them classic and functional and thoroughly Scandinavian.

1 MA Project. 2 — 3 — 4 —

Generally, design has a function, art has a moral. My MA Project partner, Textile Designer Krista Neergaard-Holm and I work to identify some of the most specific values in the bohemian lifestyle and transform these into an interior collection.


Department of Communication Design Interaction Design chhjelm@hotmail.com +45 50 77 88 99


Christoffer Hjelm-Hansen Education

2008 Owner, Hjelm & Hansen, Kolding /Consultant

2011 BA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2012 Design Intern, Hatch & Bloom, Aarhus /Interaction

2006 Architecture Student, The Royal Danish Academy of

Architecture, DK /Architecture



2013 MA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK


Other 2010 DMY, Berlin


I believe that it is important for a designer to understand the context that should eventually embrace his /her design. Therefore, throughout my study years, I have focused on acquiring tools for exploring this context and creating solutions that take it into account. In addition to my design competences, my sense of curiosity has given me a broader understanding of sociology, anthropology, economy, marketing and philosophy.


1 Innovation course with pupils: making a sports cracker. 2 Teacher training innovation class. 3 Teacher training workshop: planning how to teach innovation classes.

My MA Project is about innovation and entrepreneurship in state schools. Globalisation is threatening our competitive position and requires us to become more innovative. For this purpose, I have developed a tool that will help teachers teach innovation skills. 49

Department of Communication Design Graphic Design www.birkmarcus.dk birkmarcus@gmail.com +45 40 94 76 69


Birk M arcus Hansen Education 2013 MA Graphic Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

Experience 2013 Art Direction and Graphic Design /CD, LP and EP

Other 2012 Exhibition in collaboration with Lego, commissioned

2011 BA Graphic Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

cover and promotion material for the female artist

by Kolding School of Design for Il Salone Design

2007- School of Visual Communication, DK

Linkoban’s first album: Pop Gun Track

Fair, Milan


2010- Guest Teacher, Kolding School of Design and

2006 Scandinavian Design College, DK


Scandinavian Design College /Courses focusing on Pictograms, Layout, Grid, Typography, Idea Development and Design Process

2012 Video Art, performed at the Danish pavilion at

EXPO in Shanghai 2011 Design Intern, MTWTF, New York /Signage, Picto-

grams, Concepts, Environmental Graphics 2010 VJ, On tour in China, Germany, Iceland and Den-

mark with the band Reptile Youth /Video Artist and Stage Designer 2009 Design Intern, Light Designer Jesper Kongshaug

/Animation of sequences as part of the stage design for the opera “Tomorrow in a Year” by Hotel Pro Forma, and more 2009 Video Art for the opera “Tomorrow in a Year” by

Hotel Pro Forma with music by The Knife 50




I work with research based, conceptual graphic design. I create graphic musicality centred around content, whether working with typography, print or animation. 1 MA Project,

My approach to working with the written language of the future is conceptual, playful and investigative. By focusing on the basic structures of the written language, I approach the challenge of future global communication. My studies are published in the paper “The Babel Issue�, which can be ordered on birkmarcus.dk.

Differences and similarities in Chinese and Latin investigated through experiments and studies. 2 Mixing outer shape

of Latin and Chinese characters. 3 Pictorial composi-

tions with Chinese characters. 4 The Betabet is

a collection of new ligatures and letters for the alphabet


Department of Communication Design Graphic Design kirstineskovh@gmail.com +45 60 64 17 77



Kirstine Skov Hansen Education 2013 MA Graphic Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2012 Design Graphique, Multimédia, École Nationale

Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France 2011 BA Graphic Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2008 Thorstedlund Art School, Frederikssund, DK

Experience 2013 Salon-Service /Music & Authenticity, event at Aar-

hus Music Academy, Aarhus, DK 2013 Inspiration for Entrepreneurship /Speaker Arbejds-

plads.nu, Kolding, DK 2012 Salon-Service Cultural Platform and Events

/Co-founder together with Laura Møller Henriksen and Michael Roloff, Kolding, DK 2012 Intern, Orphelins Sida International/Website design

for partner organisations in Africa, collecting and

13 2013 Scholarship, Kulturpuljen, Kolding, DK 2012 Scholarship, Ungepuljen, Kolding, DK 2012 Bienal Internacional del Cartel en México, Quereta-

ro, Mexico /Workshop 2011 Culture Salon, cultural event and debate about cul-

tural development in Kolding, in co-operation with Head of Culture Department in Kolding, DK

creating Text and Visual Material, Films on Humani-

2011 Utopia, Film Screening, Nicolai Biograf, Kolding, DK

tarian Aid and Missions, Paris, France.

2010 Illustration projects for children's library in

2012 ASDEB (Action Solidaire pour un Développement

Entretenu à la Base) /Website Design, Film and Photo Reportage, Lomé,Togo 2012 ONG Centre SAS (Le Centre Solidarité Action So-

ciale), Website Design /Film and Photo Reportage, Bouaké, Ivory Coast 2012 AJPO (Association des jeunes pour la promotion

des orphelins) /Website Design, Film and Photo Reportage, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 52

Other 2009- Pecha Kucha Kolding, DK /Project Manager

Valparaiso, workshop, Universidad Mayor, Santiago, Chile


I work within shifting contexts and human relations across disciplines, scientific fields and passions. My projects are born from an ongoing, analytical and reflective process centering people’s relationships with themselves, their surroundings and their cultures. My MA Project is completed in collaboration with Designers Laura Møller Henriksen and Michael Roloff. The project takes its point of departure in the concept Salon Service; a series of thematic salons for conversation, discussion and artistic performance within a private space. The salons work as a cultural platform across disciplines, institutions and environments and collectively explore characteristic trends of contemporary culture. For more information go to www.salon-service.info

1 Salon 4: “Fra

Krise til Opstand” (From Crisis to Rebellion), 11 April 2013. 2 “Sonic Explorations

on a Sunday”, 12 May 2013. 3 “Autenticitet der

Sælger” (Authenticity that Sells), 15 November 2012.


Department of Product Design Fashion www.michellevhansen.com michelle.v.hansen@hotmail.com +45 21 74 59 33



Michelle Volquards Hansen Education 2013 MA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Curvy Fashion


2010 Collaboration, Ecco /My Personal Shoe

2011 Design Intern, Munthe plus Simonsen, Copenhagen

2009 Collaboration, Unicef, Pregnancy and AIDS

/Graphic Design and Textiles

2011 BA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Fashion 2008 Scandinavian Design College, DK /Fashion and

2011 Print job, Munthe plus Simonsen, Kolding, DK 2011 Freelance Construction and Production of prom and

wedding dress, Kolding, DK


2008- Sales Assistant, Nielsens, Kolding 11 2009 AIDA World Championship, DK /Freelance Logo

Design 2008- Sales Assistant, Bebe, Kolding 09



2013 Sales Assistant, Companys, Kolding

2009 Collaboration, Kolding Municipality /Health care



The woman is the centre of my designs; her shapes, her desires and her personality. Her clothes must complement her figure and surround her femininity with a sense of well-being and mystique. To achieve this, I apply classic elements to the cutting process, print and draped details together with colours of the earth and a mix of materials. My MA Project is inspired by raw, Icelandic nature to capture the sense of the Nordic woman; her strength and fragility. The collection is designed for curvy women in order to challenge the conventional, feminine beauty ideal and focus on a fantastic and exciting target audience.

1 MA Project. 2 — 3 — 4 —



Department of Product Design Fashion Design www.salon-service.info lauramoellerhenriksen@gmail.com +45 26 39 58 06



Laura M øller Henriksen Education


2013 MA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2012 Co-founder, Salon-Service, Kolding, DK

2012 Exchange, École Nationale Supérieure des Arts

2012 Documentarist, Passages from a Space in Time,

Documentary on Mutinerie Coworking Space, Paris,

Décoratifs, Paris, France


2011 BA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2010 Existential philosophy, Aarhus University, DK

2012 Design Intern, Mutinerie Coworking Space, Paris,


2008 Scandinavian Design College /Fashion and Textile

2012 Concept Development, Unit I, Hørsholm, DK 2011 Concept Development and Project Manager, Salon

Culture meeting – new policy of Culture, Kolding, DK 2009- Guide, Trapholt Art and Design Museum, Kolding, DK 11 2008- Project Manager, Pecha Kucha, Kolding, DK 13


Other 2013 Public screening of documentary Passages from

a Space in Time, Paris, France 2013 Event, Performance lecture: Music & Authenticity,

Aarhus Music Academy, DK 2013 Scholarship, Kulturfonden Kolding, DK 2012 Scholarship, Ungepuljen Kolding, DK 2011 Public screening of the Short Film Utopia and

Guerilla Fashion Show, Nicolai Culture Centre, Kolding, DK 2010 Film workshop, open doors Grindsted Asylum

Centre, DK



My focus is on creating and staging concepts that enable reflection, inspiration and critical awareness; between people and by people. An ideal project challenges human perception, generates meaning and new ways of experiencing the World. My MA Project is completed in collaboration with Designers Kirstine Skov Hansen and Michael Roloff. The project takes its point of departure in the concept Salon Service; a series of thematic salons for conversation, discussion and artistic performance within a private space. The salons work as a cultural platform across disciplines, institutions and environments and collectively investigate characteristic tendencies of contemporary culture. For more information go to www.salon-service.info

1 Salon 1: “Auten-

ticitet der Sælger” (Authenticity that Sells), 15 November 2012. 2 Salon 4: “Fra

Krise til Opstand” (From Crisis to Rebellion), 11 April 2013. 3 Salon 1: “Auten-

ticitet der Sælger” (Authenticity that Sells), 15 November 2012. 4 Salon 2: “Creative

Writing”, 31 January 2013.


Department of Product Design Textile Design www.cargocollective.com /charlottebodil charlottebodilhermansen@gmail.com +45 22 90 88 26


Charlotte Bodil Hermansen Education 2013 MA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

Experience 2012 Design Internship, Fritz Hansen, Allerød, DK

2011 BA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Model Work, Material Experiments, Concept

2006- Decorative Painter, Svendborg Vocational School,

Development, Cooperation with external designers


DK /Traditional Craft Techniques

2004- The Independent Academy for Free School Teach06

ing in Ollerup, DK /Majoring in Visual Arts, Danish, English and Outdoors

2003- Clothing and Crafts, TEC Frederiksberg, DK / 04

Technical Skills

Other 2013 Installation, Kvinde kend din kropsholder, Rundkant,

Trapholt /Furniture Design 2012 Scholarship, Gerda Hennings Mindelegat, Otto

Bruuns Fond, Klint-Fonden 2012 Workshop, Created4Kids, Spinderihallerne, Vejle, DK 2012 Exhibition, Kvinde kend din kropsholder, Rundkant,

Carlsberghallerne /Furniture Design and exhibition build-up 2011 Winner of The Golden fur Pin /Home Wear Cate-

gory, Copenhagen Fur, DK 2011 Pop-up workshop at IKEA, Älmhult, Sweden 2011 Workshop on developing from leather remnants,

Fritz Hansen, Allerød, DK 2010 Exhibition, My Ecco-Shoe, cooperation with Ecco,

Kolding School of Design, DK


Sensuousness and a playful approach are my focal areas in terms of process and design. Intuition, courage and challenging habitual thinking is the driving force behind my work as is my artisan approach to industrial production. In my MA Project I apply different moulding methods to transform 2D materials into 3D to further develop moulded objects for use in homewear and accessories. The combination of natural and artificial materials adds a new dimension, odd details evoke instinctive desires to explore and discover.


The MA Project is realized in cooperation with: Fritz Hansen, Great Greenland, North Atlantic Fur Group, Hat Factory Andersen & Berner, Ecco, Vink Plast, Modulex, Smurfit Kappa.

1 Prototype wall

modules of moulded leather and acrylic. 2 Asphalt blue seal

fur, PP bowl, cork, elegance walnut leather, melamine Margrethe bowl. 3 E-type seal fur

(rejected), moulded over wooden ball.



Department of Product Design Textile Design lineahjorhoy@gmail.com +45 40 56 61 65



Line a Lund Hjorhöy Education 2013 MA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Textile Print and Women’s Wear 2010 BA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Print and Wallpaper Design 2006 Women’s Tailor, EUC-Syd, DK

Experience 2011 Internship, Munthe plus Simonsen, Fashion, DK

/Textile and Pattern Development for the collection A / W 2011 and S / S 2012 2011 Internship, Casa De Luxe by Naja Munthe, DK

/Pattern Development for the collection 2012, Home Collection 2010 Internship, Susanne Schjerning, Home Collection DK

/Pattern Making and Collection Development 2009 Collaboration with Ecco, DK /Sustainable Footwear 2009 Collaboration with Teijin Eco Circle, Tokyo, Japan

/Sustainable Polyester


Other 2010 Indigo Fair, Premiére Vision, Paris, France 2010 Book, Sustainable Fashion – Issues to be Addressed,

DK: Lab 2010 Book, Walk!, Shoes for a Sustainable Future,

DK: Lab 2009 e_COLLECTION /Exhibition, Illum Copenhagen 2009 Folklore project, Dresser of Mayianne Dinesen on

Model for 1 day Finals

As a textile designer, I love the process of working with the materials to be a hands-on process; to touch and feel how the materials develop and allow unpredictable things to become part of the design. My passion is working in the cross-field between the organic mode of expression and the graphic stroke. My process is distinctly colourful and playful, and I am passionate about print. My MA Project Below the Surface — Deep Down is about developing textiles inspired by organisms living at the bottom of the ocean. My collection focuses on form, tactility, detail and organic textile design integrating the keywords of the title in the materials and in the silhouettes.


1 MA, Below the

surface — deep down. Digital knit. 2 MA, Below the

surface — deep down. Detail of reversible, knitted cardigan. 3 MA, Below the

surface — deep down. Detail of a knitted dress. 4 MA, Below the

surface — deep down. Knitted textiles.



Department of Communication Design Graphic Design www.tennaelisabeth.dk hello@tennaelisabeth.dk +45 60 10 07 45



Tenna Elisabeth Jacobsen Education


2013 MA Graphic Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2012 Design Intern, Scandinavian Designlab

2011 Course in Online Communication, Web Kompetence

2011 Art Director Trainee, Bessermachen Designstudio

2010 BA Graphic Design, The Danish School of Media

and Journalism 2007 First year core course in Technology and Communi-

cation, KTS Frederiksberg


Brandhouse 2011 Freelance Graphic Designer, Artwork for the Danish

Jazz singer Signe Galting

Other 2010 Scholarship, Staugaards Mindelegat



I am a graphic designer with a passion for developing visual concepts for print and digital media. I love to experiment with analogue and digital design processes, and to me, aesthetics, a strong concept and excellent execution are essential to any project. 1 Visual concept for

My MA Project is a visual identity for the Copenhagen Songwriters Festival. The focus of the project is to challenge the concept of a classic, visual identity and create a design solution that is dynamic and flexible. The final solution comprises a series of symbols (inspired by the note system) which reflects the context. This changeability conceptualises the diversity of the artists, while the combination possibilities symbolise the act of composing and writing your own music.

Firekites’ album “The Bowery�. 2 Bodoni relief.

Font experiment. 3 MirrorMirror

poster series. Screen-printed reflections on mirror-paper. 4 MA Project,

Dynamic visual identity for CPH Songwriters Festival inspired by the note-system.


Department of Communication Design Interaction Design www.jacobkeinicke.dk jacobkeinicke@gmail.com +45 42 29 38 37


Jacob Keinicke Education



2013 MA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2011 Danish Artists’ Autumn Exhibition

2011 BA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2010 Winner of the Gaffa Photo Awards

I work with interaction, imagery and four to the dance floor. I like setting up stories. Good imagery you can sense in your stomach; a good message you can breathe in like air. Aesthetics is overrated, misleading and worth living for. Existentially challenged at the last moment in the arena My moves are mild and soft but I slip in the banana All red I shout and make the clouds flicker and loom Don’t you dare make cardboard wine from our grapes after bloom


1 Section from

“The Closer Book”. See more on jacobkeinicke.dk 2 — 3 —



Department of Product Design Fashion Design www.katjaknudsen.dk katja0504@hotmail.com +45 25 36 15 39



Katja B. Knudsen Education 2013 MA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Handbag Design 2012 Pelleteria Alexandra, Padova, Italy ⁄Bag Construction 2011 Scuola del Cuoio, Florence, Italy /Making and

Construction of Handbags 2010 BA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Women’s Wear

Experience 2012 Freelance Handbag Designer, Diffus, Copenhagen,

/Handbag Constructor and Production Assistant 2012 Handbag Designer, Ecco, Denmark, Holland

Other 2013 Collaboration, Ecco tannery in Holland /Design

and development of leathers for my Final collection of bags

/Development of design language for bags and

2012 Scholarship, Le Klint legat


2012 Collaboration, Le Klint, Kolding School of Design, DK

2011 Handbag Designer, Previous Prime Minister Lars

Løkke Rasmussen, Kolding School of Design, DK /Design and handcrafting of a bag for the Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt 2010 Fashion Design Intern, Margit Brandt, Copenhagen,

/Design Assistant

/Design and development of a lighting surface for Ventura Lambrate in Milan 2012 Award, Henriette Hørlück’s Culture Award

/Upcoming Designer 2010 Bachelor Fashion Show, Copenhagen Fashion Week 2010 Exhibition of sustainable rainwear, Innovating

Sustainable Fashion, Danish Design Centre 2009 Exhibition of sustainable shoes, Design City

Kolding, Copenhagen


I create handbags with a certain atmosphere /feeling that women can connect with. It is very important to me to achieve high quality handbags through craftsmanship, materials and functionality. My aesthetics is inspired by authentic and raw details in everyday life that I transfer into delicate, edgy and pleasurable bags. My collection of bags is inspired by the silent and modest walls of Marrakech that encapsulate the noise and intensity of the city. They create a base on top of which the city applies itself, layer by layer. I would like to capture that senses-awakening experience in my collection of leather bags.


1 MA Project. 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 —




Department of Product Design Industrial Design Lena_krogsgaard@hotmail.com +45 25 67 82 13



Lena Krogsgaard Education 2013 MA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2011 BA Product Design, ZHDK, Switzerland, Exchange

Student 2011 BA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2008 To draw what you see, Drawing class, DK 2006 Scandinavian Design College, Denmark /Product



Experience 2012 Design Intern, Judith Seng and Alex Valder, Berlin

/Art and Product Design 2011 Interior Design, Children’s Care, Kolding /Interior

Design of three rooms 2010 Interior Design, Kolding Children’s Library, Kolding

/In charge of the Interior Design at Children X

Other 2012 Dokumenta, Kassel  ∕Happening, Food as a

Communication Tool




An Important Meal is a project that deals with food as a communication tool. Investigations show that Danish nursing home residents are losing weight. The reason could be that they lose their will to live and with that, their desire to eat. The kitchen staffs report that they put an extra effort into every meal because they never know when it will be the residents’ last. Yet, the residents still keep losing weight.

1 Whom you share

a meal with greatly influences the taste experience. 2 A successful meal

requires the presence of one or more elements.

I focus on making the service in relation to the meal as unique and exciting as possible in an attempt to recover the residents’ zest for life. My work process is experimental and investigative. My primary strength lies in conceptual design and focusing on narration and the world behind the product.

3 Presentation

and service are expressive of one’s identity. 4 Small anecdotes

from the lives of the residents are embroidered on to place mats. 5 Ergonomic service

adds a personal touch to the meal. 69

Department of Communication Design Illustration www.foreningen-tegnerne.dk/om/rasmus-palmelund-kviesgaard rasmuskviesgaard@hotmail.com +45 29 84 57 94



Rasmus Palmelund Kviesgaard Education 2013 MA Illustration, Kolding School of Design, DK 2011

Open Workshop Viborg, The Animation Workshop, DK /Comic Book

2010- BA Illustration, Hamburg University of Applied 11

Sciences, Germany /Children Book Illustration

2008- Visual Designer (2009), Art Director (2010), DADIU 10

(the National Academy of Digital, Interactive Entertainment), DK /Computer Game Development

2005- Art Academy of Aarhus, DK /Basic Drawing and 06


2003 Art School of Vejle, DK /Basic Drawing 1997 Art Folk High School of Thorstedlund, DK /Basic

training in Drawing and Painting


Experience 2010 Internship, Gimle Drawing Studio, Copenhagen,

Comic Book /Writing and Drawing

Other 2011 Scholarship, Svend Grams Mindelegat /Comic Book



I am a classically oriented illustrator and my main focus is on the craft of drawing by hand. I include digital media in my work when it fits my working methods. When possible, I research reference materials and places. In terms of style, I am inspired by American superhero comic books, Japanese Manga as well as some European comic books. My MA Project is a decoration assignment completed for the children’s recovery room at Randers Hospital. The hospital wants a decoration which builds on the healing effect of colours on humans. My choice of colours is based on most recent knowledge of this field. The thematic framework for the illustrations is the historic town of Randers.


1 Dronningborg Castle. Reconstructed from an old 18th century drawing. 2 The Jutlandic stallion breed Sculpture by Helen Schou. 3 Steam locomotive from the Frichs factory. 4 Niels Ebbesen. The slayer of the charred count. 5 Machine for making rope. Randers used to be famous for its rope.


Department of Product Design Fashion Design www.lauralocher.com lauralocher.design@gmail.com +45 30 28 45 90



Laura Locher Education 2013 MA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

Experience 2012 Artist In Residency, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School

/Women’s Wear 2010 BA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Women’s Wear 07


of Creativity, Hong Kong /Teaching Sustainable

2013 Scholarship, Pestalozzi Foundation


2013 Collaboration with DTU (Danish Technical

2012 Research Assistant, Kolding School of Design

/Research Project about Tactile Clothes Experience

2006- Scandinavian Design College, DK /Fashion and

2011 Design Intern, Ida Gut, Zürich /Research Swiss folk

dress 2010 Design Intern, threeASFOUR, New York /Tailoring

and Production 2009 Design Intern, Moonspoon Saloon, Copenhagen

/Tailoring and Merchandise 2008- Creative animator, Nicolai for børn, Kolding 13

Other 2013 Fashion Show, Aarhus Sustainability Festival, Aarhus

/Creative Workshops for children and adults

University), Copenhagen 2013 Collaboration with Jewellery Designer Lene Hald,

Copenhagen 2012 Exhibition, Chreated4Kids Conference, Shoe Design 2011 Featured in Book In on and Behind Fashion by

Gavin Davies 2011 Competition, Designers Nest, Copenhagen Fashion

Week 2010 Bachelor Fashion Show, Copenhagen Fashion Week 2009 Fashion Show of sustainable rainwear Danish

Design Centre /Innovating Sustainable Fashion


I have a great passion for experimenting with the newest materials and techniques and using them for artistic and conceptual purposes. I am inspired by philosophical questions that I try to answer in a playful way. My women’s wear collection is inspired by the symbolic meaning of a memorial day and by fire. Instead of fire being destructive, I use its heat to fuse garments into shape, using a special heat fusible thread. I play with hardness and softness within the same material; like a lit candle when the wax softens. Like the uncontrollable fire, my shapes are asymmetrical and reaching up.


1 MA Project, Womenswear Collection, Trousers and top with 3D-print.

2 MA Project, Womenswear Collection, knitted top, skirt.

3 MA Project, Womenswear Collection, knitted top, skirt.

4 MA Project, Womenswear Collection, Jacket.


Photos by Natascha Skow


Department of Product Design Fashion Design www.mathildemaalouf.com mathilde_maalouf@hotmail.com +45 25 36 93 57



M athilde M aalouf Education 2013 MA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

Experience 2012

/Women’s Wear 2010 BA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK


Show Preparations and Show

2009 Scholarship, Samsoe and Samsoe, collaboration

Rebekka Bay, Bruuns Bazaar /Assistant: Lookbook,

2010- Design Intern and assistant, COS, London /Techni11


Scholarship, Erasmus Stipendium


Show Preparations and Show

/Women’s Wear


Rebekka Bay, Bruuns Bazaar /Assistant: Lookbook,

cal Sketches, Fittings, Handovers, Colour Library

of design 2009 Scholarship, FællesFonden til fordel for

beskæftigede i håndværksfagene


My work reflects an appreciation of clean and minimalistic silhouettes and attention to fabrics. I will in the shaping and the choice of colours and materials interpret Finn Juhl's home and thereby his aesthestical Universe. In the same way he did with his house, I will create an artistic unity in my collection of clothes, shoes and bags. As a furniture designer wood, leather and weaved furniture textiles were some of Finn Juhl's main components. And will also be elements in my collection, which can infuse a new aesthestic into fashion.

1 MA project, Home

of Finn Juhl, Kratvænget 15. 2 — 3 — 4 —



Department of Product Design Textile Design ullamariager@gmail.com +45 26 21 03 75


Ulla Næraa M ariager Education



2013 MA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2011 Living Lightly /Textile Assistant

2013 Exhibition, Living Lightly, Shangtex, Shanghai

2010 BA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2010 Intern, Isabel Berglund /Dance performance Stitch,

2011 Exhibition, Living Lightly, the Ministry for the Envi-

2010 El Taller De Gráfica, Cuba /Graphic Workshop

ronment, Copenhagen

Knitting /Scenography, Costumes

2005 Skolen for Kunst & Design, Aarhus /Drawing

2011 Scholarship, Mule Henningsens Fond

2003 Higher Preparatory Examination Course

2011 Scholarship, Edelweiss Fonden

2002 Skrædderskolen, Aarhus /Tailoring

2011 ISEND11, international symposium and exhibition

on natural dyes, La Rochelle, France

2002 Krabbesholm /Products, Painting, Art, Graphic 2001 Vejle Sy & Tilskærerskole /Cutting and Sewing

2010- Volunteering, in Fairtrade shop, Karibu, Odense, DK  11

/Workshops, Sales

2009 The Square Project, finalist in the competition Inno-

vation Sustainable Fashion /Exhibited and shown during COP15 in Copenhagen 2009 Textile Collection, Premier vision, Paris 2008 Fashion Show at A.P. Møller School in Schleswig

/Attending with two pieces





I am captivated by the role of the designer; that we as designers can help create change. My objective is to develop products and processes that centre sustainability. In terms of materials, my work process is artistic, intuitive and experimental.

1 MA Project. 2 — 3 — 4 —

Plant dyeing and the processes involved fascinate me. I want a practice which enables new possibilities for a sustainable textile production. My collection is based on material and plant experiments inspired by the changing of the seasons.


Department of Product Design Industrial Design www.lorentzmentze.com nikolajlorentz@gmail.com +45 25 38 75 23

I work in the cross-field between art and design. I have a holistic view on objects, and my work combines fine detailing with honest materials reinforcing the elegance and simplicity of the designs. I do various design commissions, and my work ranges from life style products to installations, exhibitions and set design. In collaboration with Henning Larsen Architects, I have created a piece of furniture for Ny Moesgård Museum, the first new-built prehistoric museum in Denmark. The specific architecture of the museum enables a different communicative approach, and the piece of furniture plays an essential role as it must be included in the context, it must tie together space and exhibition, and it must allow the visitor to contemplate and reflect.

Nikolaj Lorentz M entze Education 2013 MA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2011

Experience 2013 Designer, Trip Trap, DK


2012 Internship, Søren Rose Studio, NYC

BA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2009 Internship, Design by Us, Copenhagen

2010 Workshop of 5 weeks, Tongji University, Shanghai,

China 2006 Crafts, Copenhagen Technical School, DK

Other 2013 The Tube, collaboration with Grundfos and Kolding

School of Design. Il Salone, Milan 2013 Conversation pieces, The Danish business promo-

tion and state visit, Chile 2012 Fashion Installation /Fashion Show, BA’12,

Copenhagen 2012 Annex East, Custom-made Interior, Bar / Pop Up

Restaurant /Gallery, London 2012 Á bóndadag, Guest Artist, Reykjanesbær Art

Museum, Iceland 2011 FSC Exhibition, Trapholt, Playhouse 2011 Experience and Play Area, Kolding Hospital 2010 FSC Design Award 2010 Design on display, La Biennale Internationale du

Design de Liège Musée d’Art moderne et d’Art contemporain (MAMAC) 2009 Design WEEK09, Copenhagen Showhow, Sculpture 2009 Formland, New Note, Herning, DK 2009 Show, Il Salone del Mobile Satellite, Milan


1 MA Project, Cast Bronze.



Department of Communication Design Interaction Design www.alien.ch soleil@alien.ch +45 51 95 44 66 / +41 79 705 42 89


Soleil Zumbrunn du Midi Education 2013 MA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

Experience 2012 Design intern, IKONMAN, LTD, San Francisco

/Short Film Post-Production

/Short Film 2012 Erasmus Exchange, Zurich University of the Arts,

2012 Freelance Graphic Work, Einstein-Newton Books,

San Francisco /Graphics and Layout for eBooks

Switzerland, Department of Art & Media 2011

BA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2010- Freelance Webdesign, Multiple Artists,

/Video Installation


2007- Preparatory School, The Scandinavian Design 08


College, DK


Other 2008- Educational Scholarship, Canton of Bern, 13


2012 Video Installation, Horsens State Prison Museum, DK




Rather than working to create the solution to a given problem, the main focus of my work has been to enhance the viewer’s insight into the subject matter, operating with the belief that people are capable of solving problems themselves, once they understand the actual complications. My communication of these insights has primarily been through film and video installations.

1 MA Project, Short Film/Still. 2 — 3 — 4 —

The short film's storyboard is as follows: “Sometimes it is only in great darkness that we can fully see the light”. My work is an attempt to create a visible void while still maintaining the form of portraiture; an observation of what is infinite from the inside although finite from the outside.


Department of Product Design Textile Design www.kristinamielec.com kristinamielec@gmail.com +45 22 28 94 39



Kristina Miele c Education 2013 MA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2011

BA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

Experience 2012 Intern 6 months Marie I Dali, Copenhagen

/Costume and Stage Designer, Copenhagen,

2007- School of Art & Design, Aarhus /Drawing

2012 Intern, Tartuffe, Grønnegård Theatre, Copenhagen


2012 Intern, Fanny og Alexander, The National Venue of

Theatre, Bergen 2012 Intern, Den Gyllene Draken, Helsingborg City

Theatre, Helsingborg





I have an analytical approach to inspiration materials and ways of transferring these to textiles, and I like experimenting with surfaces, materials, techniques, structures, colours, and contrasts. Identifying the right technique and the right materials is essential to me.

1 Digital printet

dress, crackled trousers. Photo

My MA Project takes its point of departure in decay aesthetics. My inspiration material is collected in Grabowsee and Beelitz, Berlin, with a view to translate surfaces of the pictorial material into textiles. The textiles are for garments and contain different usages of materials and techniques in order to impart the textiles with the appropriate expression, mood and atmosphere.

from Heilst채tte 2 Grabowsee.

Rust dyed dress. 3 Crackled neo-

prene sweatshirt. 4 Dress with effect. 5 Beelitz-Heilst채tten.


Department of Communication Design Interaction Design www.publichygge.dk / www.bureau.biz alexander@publichygge.dk +45 27 38 11 06




Alexander Muchenberger Education 2013 MA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

Experience 2011 Design Intern, Observatorium, Rotterdam /Concept

and Storytelling

/Social Sculpture 2011

BA Interaction Design Kolding School of Design, DK

2009- Partner, Bureau Detours, Aarhus /Concept, Story13

telling and Craftsmanship

2011- Senior Designer, DENNIS Design Center, DK 13


/Concept, Storytelling and Craftsmanship

Other 2011 Prize, Danish Arts, Crafts and Design, DENNIS

Design Center



One of the great things of being an interaction designer is that the job is varied; you get to meet different customers within different fields and get to learn about their needs.

1 Prototype af Dig Deeper Collection. 2 Prototype af Dig Deeper Collection. 3 Beach probe #2. 4 Container is god.

I am looking for something beyond ‘good design’ — something extra.

5 Beach probe #2 in USE.



Department of Product Design Textile Design kristaneergaardholm@gmail.com +45 26 16 66 23



Krista Ne ergaard-Holm Education 2013 MA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2009 Exchange, Artakademi, Aarhus, DK 2009 BA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2006 Higher Commercial Examination, International

Business College, Kolding, DK


Experience 2010 Internship, Weaver Lise Frølund

Other 2013 Cooparation with companies: Carlsberg, Ecco,

Weaver Elise Housgaard 2010 Exhibition, My Shoe, cooporation with Ecco,

Kolding School of Design, DK



I work ambitiously, flamboyantly, intuitively, yet consciously. My designs are raw and unpolished and never compromise on quality. I value design with an edge, and I trust and believe in my calling as a designer. Process management, ideation, aesthetic flair, sensuousness, trend-spotting, and a solutionoriented approach are my specialities. Generally, design has a function, art has a moral.

1 MA Project. 2 — 3 — 4 —

My project partner, Industrial Designer Nina Guldager and I work to identify some of the most specific values in the bohemian lifestyle and transform these into an interior collection.


Department of Communication Design Graphic Design www.facebook.com, find Lukas Neige

Lukas Neige



Department of Communication Design Graphic Design www.nikolinenejsum.dk nikolinenejsum@gmail.com +45 26 27 86 98




Nikoline Bitsch N ejsum Education 2013 MA Graphic Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Aesthetics 2011

Exchange, Willem de Kooning Academie, Netherlands /Graphic Design, Data Design


BA Graphic Design, Kolding School og Design, DK /Infographics

2007 Krabbesholm College, DK /Graphic Design


Experience 2012 Graphic Design Intern, ArtRebels, Copenhagen

/Logo Design, Banners, Web Design, Festival Decoration 2012 Freelance Graphic Designer, Himmelfabrikken,

Kolding /Logo Design

Generally, I care for simple, stringent graphics as well as loose, artistic or humorous graphics. I like spending time on research and the design process and doing experiments before deciding the form of my design. Yet, my end-design is always specific and completed. In my recent projects, I have enjoyed combining graphics and knowledge by experimenting with creating a visual overview of complex issues; my BA Project focused on “the good life” and my MA Project on aesthetics.

1 BA Project, 2011,

Philosophical perceptions of “the good life” 2 systematised. 3 — 4 Anti-commercial

Project: 1 of 3 posters, 2012.



Department of Product Design Industrial Design anneditlev@gmail.com +45 31 42 24 77


Anne Ditlev Nielsen Education 2013 MA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Furniture Design and Shoe Design 2010 Product Design, Aarhus School of Architecture,

Exchange student, DK /Furniture Design 2010 BA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Furniture Design 2009 Five week workshop, Tongji University, China /Bike

Design 2007 Krabbesholm Højskole, DK /Product Design

Experience 2012 Design Intern, Ecco, Tønder /Shoe Design 2011 Design Intern, Schmidt Hammer Lassen Design,

Other 2011 Scholarship, Fællesfonden til fordel for beskæftigede

i håndværksfagene i Kolding

Aarhus /Furniture and Interior Design

2010 Exhibition, World Expo2010, China /Bike Design

2010 Exhibition, Illum /Sustainability Shoe Design 2009 Exhibition, Shanghai Creative Industry Week, EXPO

/Bike Design 2009 Exhibition, Odense Robot Festival, Robots that move

you, Ambulances and children 2008 1st price, Sydvestjysk Hospital, DK /Poster Compe-




Being a designer, I take great interest in the objects that surround us and the feelings and thoughts that are put into making them. I am fascinated with how the way we experience products influences the way we live and how this might be used to design products that add meaning to our lives.


My MA Project is inspired by modern family structures and our need to form emotional attachments within this ever changing family life. I have investigated how furniture can influence human interaction in a positive way and help create a personal space for each individual.

1 Asymetric angles

create dynamics that enable better social interaction. 2 Asymetric angles

create dynamics that enable better social interaction. 3 Sponsored by:

SDE College, Vejle. Dan Vals AtS. Kvadrat. Fredericia Furniture. JH St책ldesign. Especially children 4 can get into a tight 4

corner when two families merge into one.


Department of Communication Design Graphic Design www.bittenfangel.com bittenfangelnielsen@gmail.com +45 20 67 47 17


Bitten Fangel Nielsen Education 2013 MA Graphic Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2011

BA Graphic Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2007- Scandinavian Design College, DK /Graphic Design

York /Poster Design 2012 Workshop participant, International Poster Biennial

of Mexico, Querétaro, Mexico

08 2005- Aarhus University, DK, Department of Aesthetics 07

Experience 2013 Graphic designer, Carne Vale, Flux Factory, New

and Communication /Art History

2012 Graphic designer, In Words Drown I, Copenhagen

and Roskilde /Logo, Poster and Catalogue Design 2012 Graphic designer, Fri Lyd — Sound Art Festival,

Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen /Poster Design 2012 Graphic Design Intern, Den Frie Centre of Contem-

porary Art, Copenhagen 2011 Graphic Designer, worgw.org, Copenhagen

/Visual Identity 2010 Freelance Illustrator, Scandinavian Design College,

10th anniversary illustration 2010 Danish Championship in Drawing for kids

/Animation and Book Workshops


Other 2009 Electronic Music Festival, Sønderborg, Suro

/Interactive Installation

Working with visual communication, I find myself to be inspired by the possibilities of new and old technologies. I use systems and dogma to experiment with aesthetics and discover new ways of generating images and graphic design. Experiments may lead to mistakes but to me, a mistake is a new opportunity. My MA Project deals with methods for visualising sound; methods that explore various aspects of the translation from sound to graphics. The project focuses on everyday sounds, and by applying the methods, the sounds are used to create a graphic product.


1 MA Project, “Eye

Hearing Ear Looking”. 2 — 3 —



Department of Communication Design Interaction Design www.cargocollective.com/patrickgilbertnielsen patrickgilbertdesign@gmail.com +45 26 28 38 49



Patrick Gilbert Nielsen Education 2013 MA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK


Experience 2012 Design Intern, DR Grafik, Aarhus, TV Production

/Motion Graphics

2011 BA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2012 Design Intern, Mountainwheel Games, Graz,

2007 Scandinavian Design College, DK /Graphic Design

Austria /Environmental Concept Artist



Animation and games have a huge future potential in terms of storytelling and the creation of engaging spaces. The tools that are available to us today have really opened up the field of possibilities. My passion is to build a reality from scratch and make it come to life.

1 MA Project. 2 — 3 —

My MA Project concerns the reality that we as individuals construct. For some, depression is a condition that they have to face on a daily basis. I have created a short film to describe the nature of this condition.


Department of Product Design Fashion Design www.cargocollective.com/katrineterese katrine_terese@hotmail.com +45 28 49 18 28



Katrine Terese Nielsen Education 2013 MA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Women’s Wear 2010 BA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Women’s Wear 2007 School for Visual Arts, Denmark /Drawing

Experience 2012 Design Intern, Iris van Herpen, Amsterdam 2011 Design Intern, Nikoline Liv Andersen, Copenhagen 2010 Company cooperation, Barbara I Gongini,


Other 2013 1st prize, Aarhus Sustainability Festival, fashion

show, Nomads 2012 First runner-up, The Golden Fur Needle, A Love

Story 2012 First runner-up, H&M recycling, Aura 2012 Among the exhibiting, Ghost project exhibition,

Serbia, Dough Shoe


I work in the cross-field between fashion and art developing conceptual silhouettes for the female body. Each silhouette comprises masculine, feminine and animal elements that melt together and express the pulsating, sexual impulses which occur between a man and a woman who experience a physical attraction. The marks they leave on one another inspires the collection visually.

1 MA Project,

Loop Dress. 2 MA Project,

Leather Jacket. 3 MA Project,

Ostrich Cape.



Department of Product Design Industrial Design www.naija.dk naija_nygaard@hotmail.com +45 30 22 86 12

Throughout my study years, my designs have been a reflection of my fascination with light and space. I have focused on human behaviour in relation to light and explored how light affects spaces and materials. My fixture designs are created based on the many possibilities and qualities of LED, which challenge materials and form anew.  1

In relation to my MA project I carried out observations at Rigshospitalet Patient Hotel in Copenhagen. These observations have resulted in a soundreducing fixture designed to hang above the reception desk; an area that requires discretion, peace to work and efficient work light. To fit these needs, I have created a design made from glass wool and LED.

Naija Nygaard Education 2013 MA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2012 Exchange Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam

/Spatial Design and Interior Architecture 2011 BA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2006- Copenhagen Technical School, Goldsmith /Basic 07


Experience 2013 Rigshospitalet Patient Hotel, reception area /Light

and Sound solution 2012 Farmateket Internship, 4 month /Store Concept and

Lighting Design 2011: Internship Hotel Pro Forma, 3 weeks /Lighting

Design for new performance 2011 Vejle Emergency Hospital, Children’s Ward, Interior

Design, in collaboration with Industrial Designer Julie Damhus 2010 Ideriget Aarhus, Interior Design on entrance hall in

collaboration with Industrial Designer Stine Weigelt Nielsen

Other 2013 Jonker Fransstraat in Rotterdam, Urban Planning

project, exhibiting suggestion for the renewal of the North Square in Rotterdam, in collaboration with students of the Willem de Kooning Academy 2012 Lightyears, collaboration on suggestion for new

lighting design 2010 Tongji University of Shanghai, exhibiting charging

station for electrical vehicle 2010 Belgium Biennale, wind turbine Maple, in coopera-

tion with Vestas 2010 Vestas, Aarhus, wind turbine Maple, in cooperation

with Vestas 2010 DMY Design Festival, Berlin, exhibiting Polar Array

lamp 2010 Hinnerup Library, Art Project — Design Children,

in collaboration with Industrial Designer Signe Mårbjerg Thomsen




1 Initial drawing model inspired by fungi lamella. 2 Model for testing size over a reception counter. 3 Lamp module put together in one of many possible patterns. 4 Single module separated into parts.



Department of Product Design Textile Design www.choose-me.dk mariarokkedahl@gmail.com +45 23 45 27 52


M aria Rokke dahl N ørholm Education 2013 MA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2012 Portfolio course, KTS, DK 2011

Fashion Jewellery, Exchange, London College of Fashion, UK

2007 BA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2007 Scandinavian Design College, DK /Fashion and



Experience 2012 Record cover, Os med Kælder, Rekompileret,

Other 2013 Great Greenland and Ecco /Collaboration MA


Copenhagen, DK /Pattern made by a repetition of a rubber stamp

2011 The Golden Fur Pin, Danish Design Center, Design

Museum Denmark, Trapholt /Accessory Collection

2011 Internship, Norman Copenhagen, Copenhagen, DK

in fur

2010 Workshop, Kopenhagen Fur, Copenhagen, DK

/Designing my own fur collection 2010 Internship, Interior Stylist Mette Helena Rasmussen,

2011 Collaboration Kopenhagen Fur, DK /Fur collection 2010 1st prize The Golden Fur Pin, DK /Accessories

Copenhagen, DK /Styling for the Danish lifestyle

2010 Indigo Fair, Paris

and interior magazine Boligliv /Styling a Danish

2009- Erasmus Schoolarship, Kolding Kommunes Kunst-

second hand shop, Fashion department and other


styling projects

2009 e-COLLECTION, Collaboration with ECCO, Exhibited

håndværker legat, Toyota Fondens Rejselegat

2009 Swatch, Desigual, Spain /Sold a swatch to the fash-

at Illum, Copenhagen /Shoe Design

ion company Desigual at Indigo Fair in Paris

2009 Teijin, Collaboration, Japan /Textile design



4 5

In my work as a textile designer, I process my materials by investigating them and let my discoveries lead me to the final design. I have a strong eye for material composition and find myself drawn to current trends which I then reinterpret. Oftentimes, my designs take a commercial direction; yet, with audacious material compositions and play as the mainspring.

1 Compositions;

Copper, leather and cork. Seal, plastic, acrylic and wood. 2 Combination;

Three surfaces, three scents, same method.

The Personal Project takes its point of departure in three interviews. It challenges classic forms and materials by presenting a jewellery collection made from seal, copper, leather, cork, plastic, wood, and acrylic that displays untypical material clashes: Natural meets artificial, hot meets cold, hard meets soft. The collection has a brave, Nordic and graphic expression.

3 Collar; Natural

meets artificial. Hard meets soft. Seal and plastic. 4 Cluster; Cork,

leather and copper foil. 5 Classic; Sharp

meets round. Acrylic and wood. Double ring. 103

Department of Product Design Industrial Design www.osmundolsen.com osmund@osmundolsen.com +45 30 66 72 18


Osmund Olsen Education 2013 MA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Industrial and Product Design 2011 BA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Industrial and Product Design 2008 Multimedia Design, NoMA Nordic Multimedia

Academy, DK 2007 Drawing Course, Den klassiske tegneskole, DK

/Classic Drawing 2007 Business College Syd, DK /Sales Assistant

Experience 2012 Design Summer Camp, House of Design, Kolding

/Assistant Teacher

Other 2012 Cargo bikes parking, Workshop, City of Copenhagen

/Concept and Product Design

2012 Design Intern, SHL Design, Aarhus /Product Design

2011 International DesignCamp, Etrans /Product Design

2009 Designer, Teknistovan Spf, Faroe Island /Web

2010 Publication, My Shoe, Ecco /Shoe Design

Designer 2007 Sales Assistant, Vr — bilar, Auto parts, Faroe Island 2004 Volunteer Worker, OM — Logos Hope, Copenhagen

/Project Worker

2010 Publication, Report 3, Etrans, Kolding /Electric

Charging Station Design 2010 Exhibition, etrans, Dong Energy headquarter,

Gentofte /Electric Charging Station Design 2010 Exhibition, Biennale Internationale du Design de

Liège, Belgium /Ocean Wind Turbine 2010 Exhibition, Vestas, Aarhus Headquarter /Ocean

Wind Turbine Design 2010 Publication, Wind, Vestas /Ocean Wind Turbine

Design 2010 Vestas, Aarhus, Ocean Wind Turbine /Wind Turbine

Design in cooperation with Vestas 2009 Faroe Island represents, ICHY 2009, Island /Product

Design 2009 Nani, Raadvad cooperation, Silkeborg /Knife Design



Born in the heart of the North Atlantic Ocean, I am a Scandinavian designer with a passion for form and aesthetics. I am inspired by elegance and driven by the excellence of perfection.

1 MA Project. 2 —

My MA Project is a LED lamp collection inspired by the movement of a ballerina and the strength, discipline and elegance she possesses.


Department of Communication Design Interaction Design www.cargocollective.com/bopedersen botegenerting@gmail.com +45 28 57 76 23


Bo Pe dersen Education 2013 MA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Interaction and Illustration 2011 BA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK


Experience 2012 Design Intern, Nordisk Film A/S /Animation and


Other 2010 3rd prize, Ecco 360 Challenge /Interaction and

Recycling, New Store Concept

2 parts interaction, 2 parts illustration, 2 parts think tank, 1 part graffiti and 1 part gaming. This is pretty much the sum of me as a designer. Usually, this mixture results in playful interaction projects that visually reflect my long-time background in drawing and graffiti. My MA Project is an installation carried by illustration. It loosely revolves around the theme “Copenhagen in the year 2018, after the civil war�. Visually it brings the horrors of the World closer and forces the spectator to experience some form of emotional reaction.

1 Final sketch for the

illustration part of the installation. 2 Old building

waiting to be torn down creates the framework.



Department of Communication Design Interaction Design benjaminbuus@hotmail.com +44 74 48 16 86 06 / +45 29 82 28 99



Benjamin Buus Pe dersen Education 2013 MA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Service Design and Interaction 2011

2011 Design Intern, 1508 A/S, Copenhagen

Other 2012 Represented Kolding School of Design at The Hong

Kong Business of Design Week

INDEX-YONSEI Design to Improve Life /Summer

2009 Shanghai Design Week

School, South Korea

2009 Odense Robot Festival

2010 BA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Service Design and Interaction 2005 Kompetancehuset, Aarhus /Drawing and Design


Experience 2012 Designer, Windowvation Ldt, London



I ask stupid questions. What is the context and what metaphor might describe it? Can you say it, or should it be drawn? Maybe experienced through play? Behind the numbers and letters are colours and stories, secrets and possibilities! We are in an endless stream of data and the future belongs to those who can decipher the stars and dare to navigate. As a child I loved the treasure hunt. The journey of riddles and clues, people with masks, and the mysterious treasure chest. The journey is magical and vital to how we understand design; whether good or bad.

1 MA Project,

Context. 2 MA Project, Focus. 3 MA Project,

Research. 4 MA Project, Proto-

typing. 5 MA Project, Test. 5


Department of Product Design Industrial Design www.paulinejoyrichard.com paulinejoyrichard@gmail.com +33 63 24 10 907 / +45 50 38 75 97


Pauline Joy Richard Education 2013 MA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2011 BA Product Design, Central Saint Martins, London, UK 2008 Product Design Exchange Course, Nuova Acca-

demia Di Belle Arti Milano, Italy 2007- Art Foundation School, L’Atelier de Sèvre, Paris, 08


Experience 2013 Freelance, ERES, Paris, Window Display for Saint

Valentines in Paris and France 2012 Design Intern, Chanel, Paris /Interior and Industrial

Design 2012 Lead Designer, Bamboa, Hong Kong /Industrial

Design 2011 Product Designer, Bureau Detours, Aarhus /Furni-

ture Design

Other 2012 The little black Jacket, Chanel, Seoul, Korea 2012 Collaboration, Ecco, DK /Project exhibited at the

Salone del Mobile in Milan 2011 Head of the Central Saint Martins BA Product De-

sign Degree Show, London /Space Design, Curation and Organisation 2011 FashionForShow, London, Catwalk and Space Head

/Design and Construction 2011 Collaboration, Design Against Crime (DAC)

Research Centre, London /Social innovation project in collaboration with the NCR and the Royal Bank of Scotland, UK





You find beauty, delicacy and humour in the unexpected, the surprising. Design practice should challenge conventions and cultures, whilst combining fine detailing and honest materials, reinforcing the elegance and the simplicity of an object. My work aims to channel and benefit from these values, through product design and installations. HONGKONGmade is a collection of objects designbased on the undefined identity of Hong Kong; the combination of traditional Chinese with Western modern, made in collaboration with designer Emil Søgård Jacobsen. These products reflect the history and the roots of Hong Kong that are already embodied in the city, hence produced by craftsmanship and artisans of Hong Kong, and destined to be distributed locally.

1 MA Project,

Objects found in the streets of Hong Kong. 2 MA Project,

Hong Kong sketchbook page. 3 MA Project,

Hand-carved wood stamp logo. 4 MA Project,

Prototype models of The Collection.


Department of Product Design Fashion Design ajks31@hotmail.com +45 60 94 22 15



Alexander Katchen Seheste d Education 2013 MA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Fashion 2012 Exchange, Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin

/Fashion 2012 London College of Fashion, England /Menswear

Fashion 2011 BA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Fashion 2007 The Scandinavian Design College, DK /Product



Experience 2011 Design Intern, Patrik Ervell, New York,

Other 2009 1st prize, The Golden Fur Pin, Kopenhagen Fur

2011 Design Intern, Yigal Azrouël, New York

/Fur outfit, in collaboration with Designer Louise

2010 Freelance Designer, The Golden Fur Pin /Design

Fenger Hvilsted

and Production of trophies 2010 Design Intern, Vilsbøl De Arce, Copenhagen 2009 Design Intern, Femmes Regionales, Copenhagen

I am fascinated by functionality and purpose in relation to menswear, and so I mix sports references with details of classic tailoring. My MA Project is inspired by the contemporary Romany. I combine their sense of aesthetics with their use of second hand clothes, love of patterns and gold to create my menswear collection. The collection is a mixture of elements ranging from sportswear to classic suits.


1 MA Project. 2 — 3 — 4 —



Department of Product Design Textile Design nift.divyasharma@gmail.com +45 50 34 88 40



Div ya Sharma Education 2013 MA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Home Furnishings 2009 BA Textile Design, National Institute of Fashion

Technology, India /Home Furnishings

Experience 2011 Textile Designer, Varnali Exports Pvt.ltd, New Delhi,

India /Fashion Accessories and Home Textiles in Prints and Surfaces 2010 Textile Designer, Decosit and Texworld International

Fairs, Bharat Tissus Pvt.ltd, Bangalore, IndiaPrinted Textiles for Home and Fashion 2009 Design Intern, Graduation project, Heimtextil’09 Inter-

national Fair, Bharat Tissus Pvt.ltd, Bangalore, India /Home Furnishing Collections in Embroidery Surfaces Design Intern, National Botanical Research Institute, 2008 Lucknow, India /Revival of Natural dyes for Eco-

friendly Fabrics Design Intern, Craft project, Kala Raksha, Gujarat, 2007 India /Home Textiles inspired by Indian arts and crafts

Design Intern, Craft project, Heimtextil'07 Internation2007 al Fair, SEWA, Gujarat, India /Home Textiles inspired

by Indian arts and crafts


Other 2009 Gold Medal, Best Academics Performance Award in

Fashion Textile Design, National Institute of Fashion technology, India 2009 1st prize, Best Graduation Project Award, National

Institute of Fashion technology, India

My journey in design has been a process of finding inspiration in the shapes of nature as well as the different arts and cultures of the World, in order to develop innovative ornamented textiles in prints and embroidery surfaces, adding aesthetic visual pleasure to our homes and to ourselves. “Decoration and the pursuit of visual pleasure are constants in human life, and by better satisfying customer needs it may be possible to reduce the rate at which design products are replaced”. These words, stated by David Brett and Sandy Black, have inspired my MA Project in which I develop ornamentations inspired by the living botanical world around us for the already existing sustainable woven linens, thus finding for myself as a designer the connection between “Ornamentation, pleasure and sustainability”. 3

1 Nature motifs developed by live sketching at the Botanical Garden, Copenhagen. 2 — 3 Prints and surfaces for bed linen developed from the flora-fauna motifs sketched by me providing “the original and ecological feel”. 4 — 5 Nature motifs 5

developed by live sketching at the Botanical Garden,


Copenhagen. 115

Department of Communication Design Graphic Design www.cargocollective.com/cecilie cecilie_ms@hotmail.com +45 24 91 07 56


Ce cilie M arie Skov Education 2013 MA Graphic Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Visual Communication 2012 Design Camp, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Nudging 2011

BA Graphic Design Kolding School of Design, DK /Visual Communication

2007 Multimedia Designer, Business Academy Aarhus, DK

Experience 2012 Graphic Designer, Jutland Art Academy, Aarhus

/Catalogue Design for the final exhibition 2012 Graphic Designer, Rundkant, Copenhagen /Visual

Identity 2011 Design Intern, DR Design, Copenhagen /Graphic

Design for the Danish Broadcasting Corporation 2011 Graphic Designer, Trifork, Aarhus /Book Layout 2007 Design Intern, Lower East, Aarhus /Graphic Design

and Web Design




Being a graphic designer, I work with visual communication. I use my graphic tools to design messages that will challenge and engage the spectator. I give great priority to the fact that my designs should be able to interact with the spectator/user. I want to make a difference and speak to people’s hearts.

1 Poster from my

MA Project 2013. The campaign Look up! 2 Selected collection

of my work at

For my MA Project I have designed an information campaign intended to make people contemplate the way they live their lives; put day-to-day life in perspective and enjoy the moments that make up a lifetime. The campaign encourages individuals to take a stand and eliminate what is not important. The proverbial glass is either half-full or half-empty; I want people to focus on the glass that is half-full and stop stressing about what is lacking in their lives and start enjoying what is.

Kolding School of Design. 3 Poster from

the exhibition “Kvinde kend din kropsholder� 2012 by Rundkant.


Department of Product Design Fashion Design www.sarahmi.dk sarahmi.sarahmi@gmail.com +45 30 13 33 37



Sarah Mi Svendsen Education 2013 MA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2010 BA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK


Experience 2012 Internship, Anne Sofie Madsen, 8 months,

Copenhagen, DK

2006- Skolen for Kunst og Design, Aarhus, DK

2011 Internship, Bibi Ghost, 6 months, Copenhagen, DK


2010 Internship, Mandy Coon, 3 months, New York, US

When I start a process, I like to establish a framework or a set of rules within which to explore my inspiration, build concepts and experiment. I work with feminine silhouettes and clean, stringent lines. Contrast and balance are recurring elements of my creations, both in terms of colour, cut, materials and form, and give my designs a complete look. The architecture of the art museum Le Centre Pompidou in Paris and the ideas that it builds on serve as the inspiration for my MA Project “Exhibition�. I have reinterpreted the layers and the construction of the building, its architectural lines and its integrity and readability, and translated these into a fashion collection consisting of a mixture of traditional and high-tech materials.


1 Part of the collec-

tion AW14. 2 Swarovski Sweat

Shirt, inspired by the Centre Pompidou at night. 3 Centre Pompidou. 4 SteelCut Jacket,

tight look in hightech materials. Inspiration board:



Department of Communication Design Illustration www.sidseldraws.com sidseldraws@hotmail.com +45 20 76 95 78



Sidsel Wittendorff S ørensen Education 2013 MA Illustration, Kolding School of Design, DK

Experience 2013 Freelance Illustrator, Væksthus Midtjylland, Aarhus

/25 Book Illustrations

/Storytelling 2009 BA Honours Illustration, Cambridge School of Art,

2013 Freelance Illustrator, Saint Motel — band, L.A.

/Illustrated Portrait

UK /Narrative Illustration

2012 Freelance Illustrator, DR P4, Aarhus /Postcard 2012 Intern, DR, Aarhus /Storyboarding, Illustration,

Animation, Concept 2012 Intern, Barq Video, Kolding  /Illustration, Concept,

Animation, Explainers 2009- Freelance Illustrator and Graphic Designer, SF Sorø 11

/Posters, Flyers and Cinema Spot

2011 Freelance Illustrator, Huset i Magstræde, Copenha-

gen /Poster and Flyer 2010 Freelance Illustrator, Darwin i Danmark, Aarhus

/Poster and Flyer 2010 Freelance Illustrator, Women in Politics: The 100

year anniversary, Sorø /Poster Design


Other 2012 Highly commended, House of Illustration & Folio

Society Book Illustration competition, London /Book Illustration 2011 Collaboration, Unicef /Explainer Animation 2011 DesignCamp, Kolding School of Design /Service

Design, Making Electricity Tangible 2009 Exhibition, New Designers, London /Illustration 2009 Exhibition, CSA Degree Show, Cambridge

/Illustration 2009 CSA Degree Show, Cambridge  /Fundraiser and



I always start out with pencil and paper but I love mixing the analogue and the digital. The analogue gives a human presence, and the digital allows me to experiment freely. My work focuses on storytelling, a fascination with everyday life and humour expressed through a flat, illustrated landscape, personal mark making and patterns.

1 MA Project, Stills

from music video for the band Saint Motel. 2 —

For my MA Project I have developed a music video for the L.A. band, Saint Motel. The animation is done by hand in pencil, the backgrounds are ink painting and collage, and finished digitally. The narrative of the film has emerged from the development and the mood of the music and illustrates its primary theme: Unrequited love.

3 —


Department of Product Design Industrial Design www.gooddesign.dk rlterpling@gmail.com  / ragnhild@gooddesign.dk +45 25 88 48 09




Ragnhild Lübbert Terpling Education 2013 MA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Urban Rough Sleeping 2012 Journalism Additional Training, School of Media

and Journalism, DK 2012 Exchange student, Aarhus School of Architecture, DK 2010 BA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2009 Design Camp, Tongji University, China 2006 Sketching Techniques, Art & Design School, DK 2004 Writer’s course, Kompetencehuset, DK

Experience 2013 Owner, Good Design, Aarhus /Product Design,

Graphic Design and User Research 2012 Industrial Designer, 3PART, Aarhus /Product Design,

Graphic Design and User Research 2011 Design Intern, 3PART, Aarhus

Other 2012 News article: “Designere: Vi har svært ved at

forklare, hvad vi kan”, published by Danish Design Association, DK 2009 Exhibition Ecco Shoe, Ecco, Illum Copenhagen, DK 2009 Publication: Robots That Move You, Kolding School

of Design, DK 2009 Exhibition, Odense Robot Festival, Robots That

Move You, DK 2008 Scholarship, Fællesfonden til fordel for beskæftigede

i håndværksfagene i Kolding, DK 2008 Publication, Transitioning Stigma, GN Resound, DK


It is important to me to understand the context and the people that I design for. In order to be able to successfully involve users in the design process, I have supplemented my design education with a degree in journalism. The interplay between design and journalism has provided me with valuable tools that I am able to use as joint owner of the design company Good Design. My MA Project builds on the experiences of homeless people living on the street. The result is a multifunctional product which combines storage of personal belongings with a place to sleep at night. The tent bag supports and improves the current lifestyle of the target group by meeting some of their most basic needs.


1 Ulrik has been

homeless for five years. 2 Ulrik sets up camp

in less than one 5

minute. 3 Mobility is

extremely important to Ulrik. 4 The tent bag

resolves sleeping and storage issues for homeless people living on the street. 5 Having his tent

bag, Ulrik is able to sleep safely at night.


Department of Communication Design Interaction Design www.signemaarbjerg.dk signemaarbjerg@gmail.com +45 61 31 91 11  1

Signe M årbjerg Thomsen Education 2013 MA Interaction Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Behavioural Design 2012 Exchange, Copenhagen Institute of Interaction

Design, DK /Interaction Design 2011

BA Industrial Design, Kolding School of Design, DK /Industrial Design

2007 Krabbesholm College, DK /Product Design

Experience 2013 Design Intern, INudgeYou-Development, Copenhagen.

/Behavioural Design 2011 Co-Founder, Rundkant, Copenhagen /Administration

and Curating 2011 Design Intern, Laboratory for Social Inclusion, Kold-

ing School of Design /Method Development 2011 Costume Designer, Carnivalesque of the Prejudice

2.0, Aarhus /Costume Design


Other 2013 Installation, Kvinde kend din kropsholder, Rundkant,

Trapholt /Exhibition Concept 2012 Exhibition, Kvinde kend din kropsholder, Rundkant,

Carlsberghallerne /Exhibition Concept 2010 Design fair, DMY Berlin /Product Design 2010 Exhibition, Hinnerup Library and Cultural House





To me, design is more than just form. Design is new structures in an existing world. Therefore, I spend time exploring the trivial life because this is the life that I wish to build on. I have a critical approach; however, I do try to communicate my rebellion with a twinkle in my eye. My strength lies in concept development and working closely with users.

1 Product design.

LED lamp with a physical interface. 2 Critical design.

Visualising the problems of people with dementia when interacting with machines.

This is also the case with my MA Project which focuses on developing solutions that will make students at SOSU Aarhus (the social and health care assistant school) increase their level of physical activity.

3 Interaction design.

Making prostheses which do not hide a physical disability. 4 Behavioural

design. Getting students to drink more water.


Department of Communication Design Illustration www.jonasprip.com jpript@msn.com +45 20 61 95 67



Jonas Prip Thorsen Education 2013 MA Illustration, Kolding School of Design, DK

/Visual identity for the organisation Børns Voksen-

Copenhagen /Illustration, Websites, Logos, Posters


and Magazine Design

2012 Exchange student spring semester, HAW Hamburg,

Germany /Illustration 2011

BA Illustration, Kolding School of Design, DK /Illustrated Textbook for 3rd and 4th grade pupils

2007- Scandinavian Design College, Randers /Graphic 08


Experience 2011 Design Intern, Lower East – Graphic Design Studio,

and Product Design

Other 2011 3xPrip Exhibition, Hans Falcks Hus, Aabenraa

/Drawings and Paintings 2010- Illustrator, Medievark Study Magazine /Illustrations 11


Being an illustrator and graphic designer, I build visual universes designed to engage the spectators and make them open their eyes wide, smile and think. I experiment with expressions and materials. I am particularly interested in lifting motifs from 2D to 3D.

1 MA Project,

Børns Voksen-

My MA Project is a redesign of the visual identity of Børns Voksenvenner (Children’s Grown-up Friends). Through 3D illustration, using cardboard and paper, the project suggests a new visual mode of expression for the organisation.

venner (children’s grown-up friends) poster. 2 Make a donation

and support the volunteer work at Børns Voksenvenner (Children’s Grownup Friends). 3 Outline of 3D

paper illustrations. 4 Remote controlled

racing car. 4


Department of Product Design Fashion Design www.lauratrzebuchowska.com laura.trzebuchowska@gmail.com +45 52 79 56 54



Laura Trze buchowska Education 2013 MA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

Experience 2012 Design Intern, Anne Sofie Madsen, Copenhagen,

/Draping, Designing Demi Couture Garments

2011 BA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2008 School of Art & Design, Aarhus /Drawing Course

2009- Course at Kolding School of Design, DK /General 11

knowledge of Textile, Textile Production and Textile Manipulation, Designing and Creating Digital Prints

2009- Course at Kolding School of Design, DK /Ideation, 11

Research and Concept Development

2009- Course at Kolding School of Design, DK /Pattern 11


Construction and Sewing Techniques

Other 2013 Collaborations with Kvadrat A/S 2010 Collaborations with Ecco

Processing inspiration material is a large part of my design process. It is important to me that what inspired me to begin with, is visible in my final collection. My MA Project focuses on entropy in relation to sand, and the way the grain of sand strives for chaos. My inspiration material consists of 43 grains of sand that have been magnified 250 times through a microscope. The images serve as the starting point for my use of materials and colour. In addition, I have included various elements from the history of sand in order to maintain my focus on entropy as the mainspring. The outcome of the collection is a stylistic chaos involving elements from the fashion trends of different times.



1 MA Project. 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 —



Department of Product Design Textile Design www.ulfsak.com johanna.ulfsak@gmail.com



Johanna Ulfsak Education


2013 MA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2013 Boessert Schorn /Jewellery and Accessory Production

2012 Kasuri weaving course, autumn semester, Kawashima

2012 Design Intern, Boessert Schorn, Berlin /Jewellery

and Accessory Design

Textile School, Japan 2010 BA Textile Design, Kolding School of Design,

Erasmus exchange programme, DK 2010 BA Textile Design, Estonian Academy of Arts,

Estonia 2007 BA Leather Design, Estonian Academy of Arts,


2008- Freelance Illustrator

Other 2013 Collaboration with Graphic Designer Marke

Saaremets, Graduation Project, Tallinn 2013 Collaboration with company Mott Tailoring

/Graduation project, Copenhagen


2013 Graduate Exhibition, Municipal Museum of Art, Kyoto

2009 Intern, Kuukulgur Film, Tallinn /Stylist Assistant

2012 Scholarship, Estonian Ministry of Culture 2012 Scholarship, Estonian Cultural Endowment 2011 Scholarship, Estonian Cultural Endowment 2010 Advertising Award Golden Egg, Gold /Illustration

Category 2010 Advertising Award Golden Egg, Bronze /Outdoor

Ad Category 2009 ADC Estonia Design Award, Gold /Illustration




Having dedicated the past three years to studying the language of weaving technique, my aim is to use the acquired knowledge in order to integrate this tradition — its creative and ethical potential — into the context of contemporary design. As a textile designer, I want to create transparent design and as a weaver, I want to represent the slow fashion movement.

1 Combination of

Estonian merino wool and Japanese silk. 2 MA Project, woven

niche products for men

My MA Project explores the ethical prospective of the consumer-product relationship through developing a niche brand for men. My objective is to bring back the enchantment of luxury of traditional weaving and discover my potential position in the textile/fashion industry.

3 Mushroom dyed

silk and wool.


Department of Product Design Fashion Design merja.hannele.ulvinen@gmail.com +45 81945270 / +35 8408474977

2  1

M erja Hannele Ulvinen Education


2013 MA Fashion Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2012 Design Intern, Moonspoon Saloon, Copenhagen

2011 BA Fashion Design, University of Lapland, FIN

2011 Design Intern, Daniel Palillo, Helsinki

2009 Exchange, St. Petersburg State University of Tech-

2007 Intern, IVANAhelsinki, Helsinki

nology and Design, Russia 2005 Oulu Vocational College of Crafts and Design, FIN

/Fashion Design 2004 Oulu Vocational College of Crafts and Design, FIN

/Textile Design 2003 Liminka School of Art, FIN /Comic Drawing


Other 2011 Exhibition, Cheongju International Design & Crafts

Biennale, Cheongju 2011 Fashion show, ERKI, Tallinn 2010 Fashion show, ERKI, Tallinn, in collaboration with

Minna Ylitalo 2010 Fashion show, Northern Lights, Helsinki, in collabo-

ration with Minna Ylitalo

I see things as entities. To me, shapes, textures and colour combinations are inseparable. My visual language derives from my interest in the complex beauty of human emotions. I am curious to discover the different nuances in all the elements and to bring them together in collections in unexpected compositions. My MA Project focuses on the space between cause and effect, where something changes, an emotional reaction occurs and a memory is created. Through juxtaposition of different structures, colours and materials, I have created a collection in which every silhouette represents a different reaction on a human body.



1 MA Project,

REACTION. MOMENT, 2013. 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 —

Photos by Balder Skånström-Bo.



Department of Communication Design Graphic Design www.wasland.dk   /   feedmyprint.tumblr.com nina@wasland.dk +45 21 18 42 61



Nina Wasland Education 2013 MA Graphic Design, Kolding School of Design, DK 2011

BA Graphic Design, Kolding School of Design, DK

2007- Scandinavian Design College, DK /Graphic Design

Experience 2012 Intern, Drucksalon, Berlin /Screenprinting

Other 2013 Installation, Kvinde kend din kropsholder, Rundkant,

2007 Production Assistant, Keno Advertising, Kristiansand

∕Signage Decoration

Trapholt /Furniture Design 2012 Natural Colors, Solo Exhibition, Drucksalon, Berlin

08 2004- Rogaland Art School, Norway /Art Studies

/Screenprinting 2012 Exhibition, Kvinde kend din kropsholder, Rundkant,

Carlsberghallerne /Furniture Design & Exhibition


Build-Up 2010 Collaborative project with Universidad Mayor,

Santiago, and Libro Alegre, Valparaiso Ideas /Design and Presentation 2010 Creative Workshop, Danish Championship

in Drawing, Horsens /Ideas and Communication 2006 Graduation Exhibition, Rogaland Art School,

Stavanger Kulturhus, Stavanger /Photographs and Drawings 2004- Volunteer Work, Gallery Folken, Stavanger 06


/Curating and Presenting Exhibitions


The field of graphic design is a large space of opportunity. This fascinates me, and I explore this space by incorporating craftsmanship, spatiality and research in my projects. Craftsmanship, in the form of a beautiful binding or a unique handmade print, appeals to me, as does a work of graphics which evolves into something spatial.

1 Natural Colours.

Screenprinted poster printed with the colours of the depicted

Over time, I have started integrating research elements in my projects, including my MA Project. In addition to being an in-depth exploration of thae potential of colours, my MA Project involves a production process in which I produce my own colours using exclusively natural raw materials.

vegetables. 2 Natural Colours.

Screenprinted poster with colour derived from parsley. 3 The Chemistry of

Colours, MA Project, Colour Map.


Department of Communication Design Graphic Design

Kimie Melanie Breidfjord

Birk Marcus Hansen

Kirstine Skov Hansen

Tenna Elisabeth Jacobsen

Lukas Neige

Nikoline Bitsch Nejsum

p. 34-35

p. 50-51

p. 52-53

p. 62-63

p. 88-89

p. 90-91

Bitten Fangel Nielsen

Cecilie Marie Skov

Nina Wasland

p. 94-95

p. 116-117

p. 134-135

Christian Engemand Blom

Mathias Botfeldt

Claudia Egholm Castrone

Rasmus Palmelund

p. 30-31

p. 32-33

p. 38-39

Kviesgaard p. 70-71

Sidsel Wittendorff

Jonas Prip Thorsen

Sørensen p. 120-121

p. 126-127



Interaction Design

LĂŚrke Thorst Balslev

Silvia Bella

Christoffer Hjelm-Hansen

Jacob Keinicke

Soleil Zumbrunn du Midi

Alexander Muchenberger

p. 26-27

p. 28-29

p. 48-49

p. 64-65

p. 80-81

p. 84-85

Patrick Gilbert Nielsen

Bo Pedersen

Benjamin Buus Pedersen

Signe MĂĽrbjerg Thomsen

p. 96-97

p. 106-107

p. 108-109

p. 124-125


Department of Product Design Fashion

Mea Andresen

Michelle Volquards

Laura Møller Henriksen

Katja B. Knudsen

Laura Locher

Mathilde Maalouf

p. 24-25

Hansen p. 54-55

p. 56-57

p. 66-67

p. 72-73

p. 74-75

Katrine Terese Nielsen

Alexander Katchen Sehested

Sarah Mi Svendsen

Laura Trzebuchowska

Merja Hannele Ulvinen

p. 98-99

p. 112-113

p. 118-119

p. 128-129

p. 132-133



Marie-Louise D. N.

Anne Woidemann

Rosa Tolnov Clausen

Gitta Foldberg

Charlotte Bodil Hermansen

Linea Lund HjorhĂśy

Buchholz p. 36-37

Christensen p. 40-41

p. 42-43

p. 44-45

p. 58-59


Ulla Næraa Mariager

Kristina Mielec

Krista Neergaard-Holm

Maria Rokkedahl Nørholm

Divya Sharma

Johanna Ulfsak

p. 76-77

p. 82-83

p. 86-87

p. 102-103

p. 114-115

p. 130-131

Nina Guldager

Lena Krogsgaard

Nikolaj Lorentz Mentze

Anne Ditlev Nielsen

Naija Nygaad

Osmund Olsen

p. 46-47

p. 68-69





Pauline Joy Richard

Ragnhild Lübbert Terpling

p. 110-111

p. 122-123

Industrial Design



Editor Prorector Mette Mikkelsen Department of Communication Design Josephine Jensen Co-Editor Rikke Hansen Josephine Jensen Layout www.josephinejensen.dk Jens Christian Hansen Photo Graduate students and others Zeuner Grafisk as Print Munken Pure 100g  /  m² Paper Munken Pure 300g  / m² Futura Std. Medium, Medium Oblique Font Rikke Hansen Advisor 978-87-90775-43-8 ISBN 9788790775438 EAN

Kolding School of Design Ågade 10 6000 Kolding www.designskolenkolding.dk © Kolding School of Design /Designskolen Kolding 2013 All rights reserved. No part of the book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocoping, recording or information storage and retriever) without permission in writing from the publisher. Thank you Rikke Hansen /Marianne Baggesen Hilger /Bo Severin Bilde Bruun /Søren Grønning Iversen /Lotte Eggert Kiil /Bitten Fangel Nielsen /Graduates 2013.

Tage Vanggaard og Hustrus Fond


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