imagination becomesvision
2 0 0 5 A n n u A l R e p o Rt
Imagination gives you the picture. Vision gives you the impulse
to make the picture your own. R o b e Rt c o l l i e R AmeRicAn AuthoR, 1885-1950
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e h i s to Ry
Thanks to the support and
In 1978, a dedicated group of
generosity of individuals,
concerned community leaders
organizations, and businesses
united around a common goal:
that share this communal vision,
to make certain that the first
the Foundation’s assets have
college of the Manatee and
grown to more than $33 million
Sarasota region could meet the
through contributions of cash,
daunting challenges of higher
appreciated securities, and real
education in the 21st century.
and personal property.
Their imagination and vision
created a foundation that would
The Foundation for Manatee
make a great college better, a
Community College is dedicated
foundation that would provide
to securing and managing
deserving students with an
resources to enhance the
opportunity to earn a college
educational opportunities for
education through scholarships,
the students and faculty of
and a foundation that would raise
Manatee Community College.
funds to better equip classrooms and energize faculty development.
The founders visualized a
The Foundation’s vision is to
foundation contributing to the
become the leading provider of
cultural and economic heritage
scholarships, technology
of the greater community and
innovation funds, faculty
empowering the College through
enhancements, and program
financial flexibility.
support for the College and its students.
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
to u c h s to n e f o R to m o R Row
lifetime of
The standard for philanthropy
philanthropy makes
and outreach is high, she reports.
Sarasota resident
“We want our beautiful
Tana Sandefur a first-hand expert
community to be even better.”
at what one person can accomplish. When this extraordinary
The Summer Bridge Program
community leader was introduced
gives seniors who question going
to a new program at Manatee
to college the tools they need to
Community College by her
thrive and become strong partners
close friend, Jennifer Saslaw, she
in the kind of community building
immediately felt the need to get
that has been a hallmark of
involved. Together they led an
Tana’s life. Through scholarships,
initiative to raise $300,000 for the
classroom instruction, and
Summer Bridge Program, a goal
mentoring opportunities, the
they exceeded.
program helps ensure the success of students like teacher-to-be
Tana’s benevolence, often in
Jamaari Johnson and nursing
partnership with her husband,
student Kimberly L. Washington.
John, includes reaching out to friends and neighbors, who
Tana knows no one is an island.
comprise what this dedicated
Through her philanthropy, she
humanitarian describes as a
is building bridges to a better
“terrifically giving community.”
JAmAARi Johnson
Serious financial challenges and a learning disability have not stopped Jamaari Johnson from achieving and moving forward with his life. At 19, he is both a thriving student at MCC and a manager at a local theater, results of his determination and hard work. When he learned about CROP (College Reach Out Program) in high school he quickly enrolled, knowing he would need help in attaining his goal of becoming a middle school teacher in Special Ed. CROP led him to Summer Bridge and the scholarship that made college possible. “You need to progress,” said Jamaari. “If you stay in one spot, you’re not helping anyone.”
K i m b e R ly l . wA s h i n g t o n Summer Bridge student Kimberly L. Washington aspires to be a role model for other single mothers. She was headed in the right direction after graduating from high school with an excellent academic record despite tremendous financial challenges and her parenting responsibilities. Summer Bridge gave her the boost she needed to get a solid start in college: a scholarship, skills preparation, and the encouragement of faculty members. It will be a long road to becoming a nurse, but she is determined to build a good life for herself and her son. “When things get tough, I just look at my son, and that gets me ready for the next day,” said Kimberly.
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
A c h A n c e to to u c h l i V e s
oug DiVirgilio,
As both a parent and the son of
president of Bank
educators, Doug knows the value
of America for
of a well-prepared and dedicated
Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte
teacher. As the head of an institution
counties, saw great opportunity in
with an exemplary commitment
supporting Manatee Community
to helping its community grow
College in its plans to create a
and prosper, Doug recognized a
specialized classroom for its
chance to provide leadership in
teacher preparation program.
service to area residents.
The classroom would be a
Hundreds of teachers-in-training
high-tech environment to prepare
and certified teachers will pass
teachers who will be part of an
through the Bank of America
innovative initiative to incorporate
Teacher Technology Lab each
real-life computer skills into the
year, acquiring skills that will
education of all students in grades
enrich an incalculable number of
K to 12. What better way to fulfill
lives in countless ways now and in
the bank’s commitment to
the years to come.
education for these young learners than to assist in the education of their teachers?
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
An unexpected gift in giVing
struggles and dreams, sharing
their challenges and achievements.
Board member
“I never dreamed how much it
Beverly Beall inquired about
would mean to me, the feeling
the Adopt-a-Teacher Program at
that I am changing lives,” she said.
MCC, she did not foresee that her life was about to change.
Evelyn Townsley of Palmetto is
As committed philanthropists,
one of the future teachers whose
Beverly and her husband, Kemp
life Beverly is influencing. “If it
Riechmann, had already known the
weren’t for Beverly, I wouldn’t be
gratification of contributing quite
where I am,” said Evelyn. She calls
generously to the education of
Beverly her “lifeline.” Through
dozens of deserving students.
ongoing support and mentoring, Beverly is providing the assistance
Deeply concerned about a
and encouragement that Evelyn
shortage of teachers, Beverly
needs to meet her many
and Kemp put their resources
responsibilities as a full-time
behind the Adopt-a-Teacher
teacher’s aide, mother, wife, and
Program. Being part of an
college student, as she strives
innovative program that provides
toward her goal of becoming an
critical financial assistance to
elementary school teacher.
individuals studying to be teachers has been a unique and
With exceptional students like
moving experience for Beverly.
Evelyn come exceptional rewards.
She has become involved in their
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
mAsteR plAn foR building community
or Rex Jensen,
has lent his name and support to
president and chief
the Foundation’s annual signature
executive officer of
event, Evening Under the Stars.
Schroeder-Manatee Ranch, Inc.
The lavish affair, which will be
(SMR), supporting MCC is part
held May 6, 2006 at the Sarasota
of his commitment to building
Polo Club in SMR’s beautiful
a strong future for the Sarasota-
Lakewood Ranch, has been made
Manatee area.
possible through the company’s outstanding generosity. The
SMR is “building a community.
much-anticipated event will have
We partner with others who have
a Kentucky Derby theme.
‘community’ in their mission,” explained Rex. To be partners,
A vast and unbounded sky will
“we must share the same ‘genetic
be the perfect backdrop for
code.’ ” By Rex’s standards, the
community leaders as they
partnership with MCC is ideal.
celebrate the accomplishments
“There is no better ‘turnstile’
of MCC and envision its future,
through which to have a
while meeting Rex’s challenge
favorable and lasting effect
to support the College and its
upon the community than its
mission. As Honorary Chair,
educational system.”
he welcomes the unique opportunity to make the event
A well-respected leader and
a success, “bringing together
opinion maker in the business
forces” through his leadership.
world and his community, Rex
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
• The Foundation provided $1,200,176 in support to
MCC for the 2004-2005 fiscal year (October 1, 2004
to September 30, 2005), funding scholarships, faculty salaries and expenses, program funds, equipment, supplies, and institutional support.
• Its endowment topped $33 million, a record-breaking amount. • Under the State of Florida Matching Program, the Foundation qualified for $4.3 million. Scholarships are matched up to 100%, and gifts to endow faculty chairs, purchase equipment and for other purposes, up to 66.67%.
Corporations Individuals 6% 11% Foundations 36%
Organizations State Matching 1% 46%
Academic Support
Management & General
Student Support 52.56%
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
ReAlizing the Vision
s the first and largest institution of higher education in this region, Manatee Community College is proud of its heritage, its strong sense of community, and its second-to-none commitment to student success. MCC provides affordable, accessible, and high-quality education to its 9,000 credit-seeking students and
20,000 lifelong learning students. As one of the leading community college foundations, the Foundation for Manatee Community College is proud of its partnership with MCC and committed to providing greater levels of support for priority needs in the years ahead. We are deeply grateful to our loyal friends who understand the value MCC brings to our community. As parents, employers, taxpayers, you realize just what a precious jewel MCC is. Each of you plays a part in writing our success story. And what a success story the 2004-05 year has been. The Foundation for Manatee Community College achieved not one, but two historic milestones. The past fiscal year witnessed an unprecedented $9,268,474 in gifts and event revenue in support of College priorities, while the Foundation’s endowment topped $33 million! This success stands as a testament to the progress we have made towards advancing higher education for residents of Sarasota and Manatee counties. This progress reflects significant strides in our quest to provide MCC students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed at the university level and in the workforce. All members of the college community – faculty, staff, and students – benefit from the generosity and loyalty of those who have made these achievements possible. On their behalf, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for your confidence and personal investment in MCC. Your gifts enable us to continue our important work. It is our hope that you will continue to take an active interest in our College and Foundation as we engage the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Your support is essential to the continued success of MCC and our community. Gratefully,
Steven W. Prouty, Esq.
President, The Foundation for Manatee Community College, Inc.
Dr. Sarah H. Pappas
President, Manatee Community College
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
giVing is A “f A m i ly b u s i n e s s”
f you want to hitch a ride
our community,” explained Tom.
to a place where caring
A team in life as in their outreach,
and sharing prevail, get on
they take part in numerous and
board with Annette and Tom
diverse philanthropic endeavors,
Dignam of Englewood.
making generous donations to various causes as well as working
This altruistic couple has made
together to gain support from
philanthropy synonymous with
the Dignam family name. After decades of service to others, the
It’s all about hard work and being
two are still tireless givers of
proactive. “This community needs
time and resources, embodying a
people that ‘do,’ ” said Annette.
legacy of community involvement
Among her favorite causes is
handed down to them from their
MCC’s Foundation, for which
parents. It’s no surprise their
she serves as one of the Board’s
two children, Leslie and David,
directors. Always generous in
have become philanthropists in
their support of the College,
their own right.
the Dignams recently funded the Dignam Family of Englewood
For the Dignams, community is
Mathematics Classroom, an
family. “Like a father takes care of
exceptional addition to the
his family, we need to take care of
school’s Venice campus.
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
tA K i n g A c u e f Ro m t h e i R f R i e n d
or Max Corzilius,
To share their joy in giving, Max
“the good life” means
matched their gift dollar for
happiness and success.
dollar – just one example marking
It is a deceptively simple vision,
a lifetime of exceptional
realized in part for Max by his
philanthropy for deserving
devotion to music. For more than
musicians and other worthy
three decades, Max combined a
causes. The value of the fund then
career as an accomplished
doubled in less than a year, thanks
musician with a career in
to the State’s matching gift
business. Commitment has been
program, one of the many
a hallmark of a life that has
benefits of funding a scholarship
touched and benefited many.
with the Foundation.
To honor him on his 80th birthday,
In fitting tribute, this year’s
Max’s friends surprised him by
scholarship recipients were MCC
establishing the Max Corzilius
students Eric Steele and Devin
Music Scholarship. They knew
Neel, percussionists like Max.
that Max, a musician and Board
In the last year alone, the
member of The Foundation for
generosity of donors like Max
Manatee Community College,
and his caring friends funded
would be delighted with their
more than $949,000 in assistance
selection of a music scholarship.
to students through the
For a man who seemed to have
scholarship program of the
everything, it was a perfect choice.
“That’s what good friends do,” said Max.
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
WORLD PREMIERE of an MCC original film
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
A t e A c h e R 's teAcheR liVes the mission
t is with tears of pride
Most recently, she funded an
that I conclude this
innovative film project in which
year after 45 years at
staff and students wrote, directed,
the college.” Professor Helen
and produced a short feature film,
Mallonee, when asked to reflect
The Southernmost Point, which
on her long and distinguished
will be part of the upcoming
career at Manatee Community
Sarasota Film Festival.
College, responds in her characteristically unassuming
Having seen the school grow and
manner with words that reflect
prosper tremendously, particularly
just how much she values the
in the last several years, no one
school that has been her life’s
knows better than Helen the
work. “I am humbled and proud.”
difference the generosity of donors has made for its students
These are the too-modest
and faculty – especially for a
sentiments of a dedicated
school committed to providing
educator who has given
access to all people, including
tremendously of herself and
individuals encumbered by
her resources. Besides an
economic obstacles. Only through
extraordinary commitment of
the love of dedicated friends and
time and talent, Helen has also
givers like Helen is MCC’s
contributed financially to fund
mission and vision attainable.
various projects and scholarships.
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
g R A d u At e l i V e s the legAcy
pportunity, hard
the efforts of its graduates. It is his
work, dedication,
way of advancing the work of the
and an abundance
college that gave him so much.
of dynamic role models have enabled Ryan Moore to succeed
“Values are contagious, and what
in life and business. In the midst
you practice, you become,” said
of building a career and caring for
Ryan, who wants to pass on the
his young family, Ryan has taken
principles that were instilled
on the additional responsibility
in him at MCC. A star pitcher
of being an ambassador of MCC
under the tutelage of demanding
and a champion of its future.
but inspiring coaches, he learned important values for life: “respect
To give back to the school that
for others, responsibility,
he credits with building both his
accountability, the importance
abilities and character, Ryan has
of teamwork, integrity, and
endowed a scholarship for
respect for authority.”
baseball students and established the Lancer Athletic Club, an
Through the example and
organization dedicated to
dedication of graduates like
furthering the goals of the
Ryan, the College’s mission is
Athletic Department through
realized and perpetuated.
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
thRough giVing, A n e d u c At o R w i l l be RemembeRed
etired guidance
programming, and students
counselor Nicholas
of Manatee Community College.
V. Rapalje has made
Through careful estate planning,
a lasting decision that will pass on
he has become part of the
a rich legacy.
College’s mission and vision.
Fifteen years into his retirement,
The trust he has established
he knew he should review his
benefits both deserving students
estate planning. Guided by
and Van, who retains control
financial planners and the
of its funds while receiving a
Foundation for MCC, Van,
substantial tax advantage and
as he is known by his many
guaranteed income for life.
friends and acquaintances,
His generous gift will endow
has established a Charitable
scholarships for graduates of
Remainder Annuity Trust
MCC who plan to pursue a
(CRAT), a life-income deferred
baccalaureate degree at a
gift that benefits both donor and
beneficiary. The Nicholas Van Rapalje In revamping his financial
Endowed Scholarship will carry
plans, Van reached out to the
both Van’s name and an inspiring
Foundation. He was impressed
and motivating message to its
with the serious academics,
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
Enjoying their
Evening Under the Stars
at the Polo Club are Drayton Saunders, Maryellen Paterson, lead volunteer, Brandon Clark, Jackie Fanara, and Geri and Sam Spano.
The Women’s Board of Venice, Sarah Young, Linda Bradway, Sophia Fong, Mary Lou Bale, Tina Marelli, Tish Scott, Jean Pickhardt, Cathy Kuhlman, Carol Binette-Snodgrass, and Barbara Robinson, joined forces with the Foundation.
Volunteer ushers for Sundays at Neel entertainment series take time out to pose for a picture.
Members of the 2005 Party ‘til the Cows Come Home Executive Planning Committee: Stacey Fust, Eric Anderson, Mary Lou Bale, Bill Willson, Joan McGill, CJ Fishman, John Ryan, and Steve Boone.
The MCC employee campaign reached a 49% participation rate. Lori Holdren (l) won the “fill-up” by Dr. Pappas. Phil Van Ess served as the 2004-05 committee chairman. The theme was Fuel MCC’s Future.
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
A bAnneR yeAR: A time foR thAnKs
fter five years with Manatee Community College and the Foundation, I continue to be impressed with the College’s focus on openness, accountability, and response to the community’s needs. The College takes a team approach, with everyone working collectively toward one goal – successful students. With such an
invigorating, progressive stance, I can’t think of a better organization in which to invest one’s time, talents, or treasures. We have the chance within the Foundation to pair those who want to make a difference with those who want to make a better life. We are able to talk firsthand with the student who works two jobs and yet enrolls at MCC because he wants a chance at what he calls the American dream. We hear just what a difference a gift of a scholarship means to him and his family, and just what a motivating force it is to know that someone truly believes in him. We also have the honor of hearing from the faculty member who stops by to say thanks – with indescribably infectious enthusiasm in her voice – for a newly donated innovative laboratory. At intensely human moments like these, we see what can be accomplished in partnership with the Foundation’s supporters. One of the hallmarks of Manatee Community College is the philanthropic generosity of so many friends. As Executive Director of the Foundation, it is my privilege to offer heartfelt thanks to every contributor and volunteer who supported 2004-05’s growth in giving. Every year we call upon you to help us enrich and advance Manatee Community College, and every year you not only meet, but exceed this challenge. Thanks to you, it’s been a banner year. To all of you whose steadfast determination and commitment helped us achieve unprecedented success while broadening our base of contributors and encouraging so many to increase their level of annual support, thank you. Thank you for making higher education and MCC a priority. We pledge to continue to be good stewards of your trust. With heartfelt appreciation,
Peg Lowery
Executive Director
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
Founders Circle of the Manatee River Garden Club members Dixie Armbruster, Maureen Kerrigan, Ida Becker, and Janice Hamlin present a check to Peg Lowery, second from left, for hiring nursing faculty.
Celebrating the dedication of MCC Venice’s new nursing wing are Steve Prouty, Dr. Jim Woods, Jack Meyerhoff, Bob Ochs, Dr. Sarah Pappas, and Rip duPont.
Rip duPont, Vernon DeSear, Joanne Webster, Dr.a Sarah Pappas, Nicole Doran, and Brian Flynn at a Board of Trustees’ recognition of Manatee Memorial Hospital’s and theAuxiliary Foundation’s generous nursing scholarships.
Steve Prouty, Melody Trimble, Dr. Sarah Pappas, Joanie Jeannette, Kathy Turner, and Rip duPont cut the ribbon on the new Venice Regional Medical Center Nursing Classroom.
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
A locAl Response t o A n At i o n A l cRisis
egistered nurses play a
only regional two-year public
vital role in delivering
institution offering an RN
health care services
program, we have responded
in both inpatient and outpatient
to the need for nurses by
facilities as well as other
working collaboratively with
community health care delivery
nearby hospitals and other
arenas. Demographic analyses
healthcare organizations to
of nurses and nursing faculty
creatively address the shortage.
indicate that much of the
A gift of $2.5 million from the
country’s current nursing staff
former Hospital Foundation of
will soon retire, exacerbating an
Venice gave a real “shot in the
already critical shortage. As the
arm� to our Venice program,
number of registered nurses
endowing two faculty chairs,
continues to drop and the figure
thus allowing the College to hire
for new residents climbs, the
additional faculty. Through the
strain on the health care system
generosity of many others, we
limits the quantity and type of
have also increased the number
services available to each of us.
of nursing scholarships and acquired the additional
MCC is always striving to keep
equipment necessary to train
pace with the ever-changing
these students.
demands of our region. As the
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
o u t s m A Rt i n g the odds
lorida is currently
Selby Foundation, the program
ranked 44th out of fifty
provides an intensive six-week “get
states in the percentage
ready for college” combination
of high school students who
of coursework, mentoring, and
go on to college – and the U.S.
advising. Students who might not
Census Bureau statistics indicate
have considered college graduate
that by 2010, nearly 85% of the
from Summer Bridge with self-
jobs in this country will require
confidence, college survival skill
an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.
sets, and academic and financial
It’s a heart-wrenching statistic for
all of us who care so deeply about our Florida community.
Donations from Tropicana, the Gulf Coast Community
Too few students in Manatee and
Foundation of Venice, and many
Sarasota counties are oriented
individuals and corporations have
towards a college education. For
enabled this urgently needed
many, the idea of college is only
program to thrive. Our goal now
a dream with too many obstacles
is to endow the program; to do
making it seem impossible. These
so, we must raise $1.2 million. To
teens face an uncertain future.
help us meet this goal, Jane’s Trust has initiated an exciting challenge
MCC’s Summer Bridge Program
in which every gift marked for
is changing the prospects for
Summer Bridge will be matched
many of these students. Launched
375% - including a match by
in 2002 with a grant from the
Jane’s Trust and one by the State
William G. Selby and Marie
of Florida.
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
Margaret and Ray Mason attend a VIP Reception at MCC’s Family Heritage House for Summer Bridge.
Pat Drabik, John Bean, Alexandra Jupin, and Bob Drabik enjoy An
Evening of Beautiful Music, a fund raiser
for Summer Bridge.
Jennifer Saslaw, Dr. Sarah Pappas, and Tana Sandefur host a Brunch with the Bunch
Summer Bridge fund raiser.
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
Exxon Mobil Scholarship recipient Andres Caicedo receives a Foundation Scholars pin from Exxon Mobil representative Lois Crowell.
Jan Noah, John Schaub, and Bob Richardson at the Foundation’s Annual
Scholarship Luncheon.
Rowlett Family Scholarship recipient Kaiman Triplett meets her benefactor, Kay Rowlett.
JELD-WEN recipient Theresa Scully, Dr. Sarah Pappas, and Cara Smith, representing JELD-WEN.
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
e m p ow e R i n g to m o R Row
early fifty percent
For others, receiving a scholarship
of the Foundation’s
is an additional incentive to study
annual allocated
hard and truly earn the assistance
funds go directly towards scholarships
they’ve been given.
for deserving students. Many donors recognize the impact their
Each year the Foundation hosts a
generosity can have on future
luncheon where student scholarship
generations and seek to help bring
recipients have the opportunity
to life the hopes and dreams of
to meet their benefactors. The
students by creating a scholarship
day is always full of chatter, with
students sharing stories of their lives and families as well as their
Scholarship support makes a
experiences in the classroom, and
direct and visible impact on a
benefactors contributing advice,
student’s life. For some, “winning”
excitement, and encouragement.
a scholarship is their first
It is a wonderfully rewarding
experience with public recognition.
Jason Stoll receives the Foundation Scholars pin from benefactor Elise Price.
T H E F O U N DAT I O N F O R M A N AT E E C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E , I N C .
Professor Amy Santos reviews student work in the new SMART Accounting Classroom funded by the Bank of America Client Foundation Julius Brandenburg Fund.
Employees of PGT Industries dedicate a classroom in the new MCC Venice Professional Development Center (PDC) to former CEO Randy White and his wife, Gail, as a surprise retirement gift.
Cutting the ribbon on the new Venice PDC community room are Steve Prouty, Selby President Debra Jacobs, Dr. Sarah Pappas, and Rip duPont.
Celebrating the dedication of the Dignam Family of Englewood Mathematics Classroom are Rip duPont, Richard and Leslie Edwards, Annette and Tom Dignam, Dr. Sarah Pappas, David and Laurie Dignam, and Steve Prouty.
A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 0 5
o longer confined
the College allocates up to $1.2
to the areas of
million to purchase and upgrade
science and math,
classroom equipment. This past
technological advances are changing
year, the Foundation equipped
the face of today’s classrooms and
a state-of-the-art Professional
benefiting English, accounting,
Development Center (PDC).
music, and even theater students.
The Bank of America Client
Ensuring that students continue
Foundation through the Julius
to receive high quality learning
Brandenburg Fund contributed
experiences meaningful to new
to the establishment of a
generations of learners and
cutting-edge interactive classroom
relevant to contemporary
for accounting students. And
workplace expectations is a
when science faculty found
priority for Manatee Community
themselves in need of additional
College and the Foundation.
microscopes to accommodate increased nursing student
As state and federal funding
enrollment, the Foundation
decreases and costs rise, the need
purchased new high-powered
to raise private funds to assist
microscopes to help alleviate the
MCC in meeting the technology
challenge is critical. Each year
Marion Gabler looking through one of the 24 new high-powered microscopes purchased by the Foundation.
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
MCC serves our area in so many meaningful ways, and the Foundation helps those who recognize the College’s important role to give back to education and their community. I am proud to be a part of that relationship.
The growth and success of our community depends upon having a population that is well educated. The Foundation enhances the ability to educate more people through scholarships and additional faculty as well as equipment and facility improvements.
Corporate Secretary, Key Agency Foundation Board of Directors
I serve on the Foundation Board because it enables me to participate in the betterment of the lives of the men and women of all ages in Manatee and Sarasota counties through education – education that is both affordable and accessible to all.
I serve on the Foundation Board because I believe we are making a positive difference. I also know that our family has been blessed – so we want to give back.
to m h Ay e s
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Annette dignAm
I serve on the Foundation Board to be an ambassador for making a difference in the educational programs provided to our communities. MCC has taken a very positive direction in recent years and I am proud to be part of that direction.
Kerkering & Barberio hires MCC graduates. We’re proud of our association with MCC, and serving on the Board is an effective way to give back to an institution that gives so much to our community.
mAx coRzilius
President, Emcee Electronics Foundation Board of Directors
CNO, Doctors Hospital Foundation Board of Directors
Kerkering, Barberio & Co., PA, CPAs Treasurer, Foundation Board of Directors
Senior VP/Senior Trust Officer, Gold Bank VP Foundation Board of Directors
pA m e l A c A R Ro l l
RichARd goble
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s t e V e p Ro u t y, Principal, Porges, Hamlin, Knowles, Prouty, Thompson & Najmy, PA President, Foundation Board of Directors
Dean Hanewinckel, PA Foundation Board of Directors
MCC’s middle name – community – is what has attracted me….It’s our community and our college. I believe in supporting the community that supports my family and me.
Financial Consultant, Smith Barney Foundation Board of Directors
As to why I serve on the Foundation Board: Education is the answer to most of society’s ills. And, there is never enough.
President, Des Champs & Gregory Foundation Board of Directors
“ ”
Serving on the Foundation Board gives me an opportunity to participate in the next generation of my community.
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
Private support ensures MCC can be the institution this community deserves - a high quality college with top notch faculty. There’s nothing more important in today’s world than a quality education!
MCC’s presence in Venice ensures continuing educational opportunities for all of our residents, helps meet the workforce needs of our businesses, and adds the vibrancy necessary for a thriving community.
Foundation Administration, Beall’s Inc. Foundation Board of Directors
MCC is a valuable resource for Manatee and Sarasota counties. It is accessible for our residents and provides an exceptional educational experience. I am proud to be associated with the College and its students.
chARles hAcKney
A n d y g R e g o Ry
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Owner, The Crow’s Nest Marina Restaurant & Tavern; Bogey’s Restaurant & Sports Pub Past President, Foundation Board of Directors
Executive Director, The Foundation for Manatee Community College, Inc. Secretary, Foundation Board of Directors
Vice President, Global Concentrate Juice Procurement, Pepsico/Tropicana Products, Inc. Foundation Board of Directors
I have a sincere desire to support public education. Generations of my family have been active with their city’s educational system. Through the Foundation Board, I am able to support the effort to make MCC the choice for higher education.
My involvement on the Foundation Board is not only an honor, but also my number one community priority today – there is no other more worthy institution doing real and measurable good in the region than MCC.
Partner, Turbine Weld, Inc. Foundation Board of Directors
My association with MCC spans twenty years, as a student, and as a member of the District Board of Trustees and the Foundation’s Board of Directors. I’m honored to be part of an organization that changes lives by making college available to those who may not otherwise afford it.
J A m e s f. K u h l m A n
President, White Dog Design Foundation Board of Directors
As a graduate of Manatee Junior College, it is my privilege to give my time and expertise back to such a worthy cause. I enjoy knowing my contribution has a direct impact on someone’s life as well as my community family.
Property Appraiser, Manatee County Foundation Board of Directors
c At h y K u h l m A n
lo u i s e K e n n e d y
Vice President. Sales, Des Champs & Gregory Foundation Board of Directors
Retired Bank President and CEO Foundation Board of Directors
” “
Working with the Foundation is a great way to invest in the future of our community.
I joined the Foundation Board because I was interested in doing whatever I could to help more students receive an excellent education. Serving on the Asset Management Committee is the best way to accomplish this goal.
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
College Textbook Author and Retired Professor Foundation Board of Directors
As a local business owner, I know first-hand the value of having a well-trained and skilled labor base. That’s why I decided to invest my time and support in MCC – it’s all about value added.
Executive Vice President, 1st National Bank and Trust of Manatee Foundation Board of Directors
I am active on the Foundation Board to support bringing the benefits of higher education to our entire community. An education at MCC expands students’ intellectual horizons and gives them tools for social and economic mobility.
c h R i s p fA h l e R
d R . s A R A h h . pA p pA s
Managing Executive, Doctors Health Journal and Living Out East Magazine Foundation Board of Directors
J o h n w. s c h Au b i i i
MCC is a prized possession in our community. As a Board member, I take pleasure in knowing my time will help make a difference for today and tomorrow. I believe in MCC’s mission and I know it needs extra resources.
ph d
Imagine sharing and receiving rewards while helping others achieve their goals. That’s why I’m active with the Foundation and support MCC.
Access, affordability, and closeness to home are three important elements that make MCC such a desirable entity to support. I am personally impressed with the culture of MCC, and I have been proud to dedicate many years to telling its story.
JeffR ey R. oRenstein,
President, Waterford Companies Foundation Board of Directors
Retired CFO and CHRO, Brunswick Foundation Board of Directors
to m m o s e l e y
miKe milleR
As an educator, it’s important to me that the causes or institutions that I support financially provide the highest quality of service. In the case of MCC, it’s pedagogical services. Eventually, I would like to establish a “Women in Transition” program at MCC.
JAcK meyeRhoff
dR. elAine mARieb
m i K e loV e l l
Owner, Interior WooDesign Foundation Board of Directors
President, Manatee Community College Foundation Board of Directors
To support new initiatives and continued enrollment growth, MCC must look to our friends in the community. State funding provides the basics for a college. Private funding ensures that MCC will be an excellent college.
President, Florida Coast Realty of Sarasota, Inc. Foundation Board of Directors
Community Volunteer Foundation Board of Directors
Serving on the Foundation Board provides me the opportunity to advance two of my passions – promoting higher education and encouraging philanthropy in our community.
As an alumnus of MCC, I am thankful for the availability of a first-class college education in my hometown. Many MCC students would not be able to continue their education without the wonderful opportunity that MCC provides.
A n n u A l R e p o Rt 2 0 0 5
the sAmuel R. neel society One of the Foundation’s endeavors is to recognize alumni and friends of the College who have demonstrated their heartfelt support of the College’s mission and their steadfast commitment to its vision. The Samuel R. Neel Society is an elite giving association named in honor of the first president of Manatee Community College through which, in joining or by renewing your membership, you lend assistance that immediately benefits the College. Funds go directly to the priority that you designate, whether athletics, equipment, technology, faculty support, library acquisitions, program support, scholarships, or a specific academic department. All gifts made to the Samuel R. Neel Society are eligible for matching contributions by the State of Florida. Membership is renewed on a yearly basis. T h e S a m u e l R . Ne e l S o c i e t y
f o u n d e R ’ s c i Rc l e foundeR’s club
$25,000 and above $10,000 to $24,999
f o u n d At i o n f e l low s
$5,000 to $9,999
tRustees' society
$2,500 to $4,999
co R n e R s to n e c i Rc l e
$1,000 to $2,499
loyA lt y s o c i e t y
$500 to $999
deAn’s club
$250 to $499
If you have not yet joined this distinguished group of donors, we invite you to do so today! We need your help to carry on the tradition of the region’s premier community college.
t h e f o u n d At i o n f o R m A n At e e c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e , i n c .
c At c h t h e s p i R i t. shARe the pRide. to u c h t h e f u t u R e . In 1957, the State Board of Education established the region’s first institution of higher education – Manatee Community College. For the first time, men and women living in Manatee and Sarasota counties would have the opportunity to pursue a college degree close to home. The Founders opened wide a door of opportunity for an appreciative community already rich in pride and spirit. They also began a practice of philanthropic leadership committed to sustaining the illustrious institution they had created. As heirs of this abundant legacy, we inherit a responsibility to plan for both the academic and financial future of our community’s college. Our challenge today is to ensure the College’s proud tradition endures. In recognition of the generous friends and alumni who have made MCC part of their own personal legacy through a planned gift, the Foundation has established The Legacy Society. This society underscores the importance of planned gifts to MCC’s future and expresses the College’s grateful appreciation to a very important group of benefactors. Membership in the Society denotes a desire to secure a financially strong and academically vibrant future for Manatee Community College. To become eligible, notify the Foundation that you have included MCC in your estate plans. There are numerous planned giving opportunities available, including bequests, living trusts, retirement beneficiaries, life estates in a personal residence, life income gifts such as charitable gift annuities, and a variety of charitable remainder trusts as well as life insurance and other financial vehicles. Your gift today will serve to grow tomorrow’s bright promise. RSVP: The Legacy Society o I have included MCC in my estate plans. Please send me additional information about The Legacy Society. o I am revising my estate plans. Please send me information about The Legacy Society. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________ State: _________ Zip Code: ____________________ Home Phone: (
) _______________________ Other Phone Number: (
) _________________________
E-Mail: _________________________________________________ Please check: o Alumnus/Alumna o Friend Please mail your completed RSVP to The Foundation for Manatee Community College, Inc. P.O. Box 1849, Bradenton, FL 34206 or 8000 S. Tamiami Trail, Venice, FL 34293
Named gifts represent one of the most meaningful and lasting ways to support the College. The Foundation for Manatee Community College is grateful to the individuals and organizations that have demonstrated their generous support by
named gifts
establishing a named fund. Named funds may be established during one’s lifetime, through a bequest, or in honor of loved ones.
f u n d s b e n e f i t s t u d e n t s A n d t h e c o l l e g e b y:
f Endowing scholarships that recruit and retain students
f Establishing and sustaining degree programs that provide the funds needed to hire new faculty
f Funding new classroom and laboratory equipment and technology, giving students the “competitive edge” whether they transfer to a university or go into the workforce
f Building new buildings to assist with enrollment growth. Beall/Riechmann Scholarship b u i l d i n g s A n d Ro o m s R.M. Beall, Sr. Scholarship Bank of America Client Foundation Emil H. Beck & Rose Anne Beck Julius Brandenburg Fund SMART Nursing Scholarship Classroom | Bradenton Jeremy L. Bomar Scholarship Bank of America Teacher Technology Janice Simkus Bonial Memorial Scholarship Lab | Bradenton Bootstrap Scholarship Raymond D. Cheydleur Academic Resource Wilbur H. (Bur) Boyd Scholarship Center | Bradenton Dignam Family of Englewood Classroom | Venice Bradenton Rotary Scholarship Elise & Edgar Price Learning Laboratory | Bradenton Bright House Networks Scholarship Broadcast Pioneers Scholarships in memory of William G. Selby & Marie Selby Community Dallas Townsend & Wallace “Wally” Dunlap Room | Lakewood Ranch Ruth Brown Nursing Scholarship William G. Selby & Marie Selby Community Building Construction Technology Scholarship Room | Venice Elton Louise Bunderman Nursing Scholarship Service Insurance Company Executive Center for Sight Non-Traditional Student Conference Room | Lakewood Ranch Scholarship Venice Hospital Foundation Endowment Raymond D. & Janet L. Cheydleur Educational Nursing Wing | Venice Endowment Scholarship Venice Regional Medical Center Nursing Lawton Chiles Memorial Scholarship Classroom | Venice Christopher Cobb Memorial Scholarship Weichel Family Rotunda |Lakewood Ranch Juel T. Cook Nursing Scholarship Randy & Gail White Classroom | Venice Max Corzilius Endowed Music Scholarship Michael Waite Culver Memorial Scholarship e q u i p m e n t s u p p o Rt Loan Fund James W. Corse Trust Fund Dance the Next Generation Scholarship Elizabeth Eaton Foundation Fine Arts Fund Davis Family Scholarship Bernice & Tull Kinsey Health Science Fund Rudy H. & John L. Edwards Scholarship Evelyn Timm Koenig Fund Franz Engle Music Scholarship Cecil J. & Violet W. Newton Family Fund Ethics in Business Scholarship Carl & Vera Redenbarger Trust for Nursing Exxon Mobil Scholarship Joseph W. Snyder Trust Fund Bayard & Arther Fawcett Memorial Scholarship Vogt Family Foundation Fund Christiane Felsmann Scholarship Florida Police Foundation Scholarship fA c u lt y s u p p o Rt Founders Circle, Manatee River Garden Club/ HCA Nursing Enhancement | Bradenton & Robert E. & Judy T. Cook Scholarship Venice Christopher Robert Gafkowski Memorial The Venice Hospital Foundation Endowment Scholarship Fund Chair in Nursing | Venice Georgiades Family Scholarship The Venice Hospital Foundation Endowment Bertha Gibbons/Lucia Freeman Memorial Fund Faculty/Staff Position in Health Scholarship Science | Venice Giving Heart Scholarship George R. & Lillian B. Greene Scholarship l i b R A Ry s u p p o Rt Elizabeth Eaton Foundation Library Fund Maudelle H. Giles Nursing Scholarship Wayne Gulbrandsen Academic Scholarship for Single Parents p Ro g R A m s u p p o Rt James J. Gunn Scholarship Bernice & Tull Kinsey Health Science Deanna Hall Scholarship Recruitment Fund Helena Ruth Hall Loan Fund Palmer Fund Genevieve and Granger Husted Scholarship Wilson & Ruby Isherwood Scholarship s t u d e n t s u p p o Rt Kamin Grants in Aid Fund Dr. Willis J. Apple Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Bradenton Scholarship Ashby Scholarship Lawrence R. Klien Scholarship Adopt-a-Teacher Scholarship Evelyn Timm Koenig Scholarship Adult Singles Club Sarasota/Manatee Korcheck Memorial Scholarship Counties Scholarship
Patricia Kuebler Scholarship Land Education Scholarship Lucille H. Laughrey Music Scholarship Robert E. & Caroline G. Lombardo Scholarship Manatee Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Foundation Scholarship Manatee Memorial Hospital Nursing Scholarship Doug Mark Memorial Scholarship Math Memorial Scholarship MCC Alumni Scholarship MCC Chapter of FACC Member Scholarship MCC Chapter of FACC Non-Member Scholarship MCC Venice Lemon Bay High School Articulation Scholarship MCC Venice Math, Science & Technology Scholarship MCC Venice High School Articulation Scholarship William & Gaile McCracken Sholarship William O’Brien Principal’s Scholarship O’Brien Quy Scholarship Palm Aire Women’s Club Scholarship Max H. Pepke Memorial Scholarship Pepsi Scholarship Dorothy Plumb Trust Scholarship Elise Ingram Price Scholarship Edward & Ethel Reinke Scholarship Ed Roberts Scholarship Rowlett Family Scholarship Sarasota Succulent Society Scholarship Therese Gerda Sauer Scholarship Walter & Katherine Seeger Endowed Scholarship William G. Selby & Marie Selby Foundation Scholarship Willis A. Smith Construction, Inc. Scholarship Clayton E. and Helen Grey Sorenson Scholarship Pam Stewart Scholarship Ralph F. Stratton Scholarship Hazel C. Stroud Educational Trust Loan Fund Sun Trust Bank Gulf Coast Scholarship Tapp Family Scholarship Taylor Memorial Scholarship Kenneth A. & Ruth E. Harvey Thompson Endowed Nursing Scholarship Robert C. Tongue Scholarship Tropicana Minority Scholarship Elmer Trulaske Scholarship Vercheski – Student Government Association Scholarship Vogt Family Foundation Scholarship Joseph P. Vona Scholarship G. T. Wendling Scholarship Cecilia Wolman Scholarship Ralph Wolman Family Scholarship Woman’s Board Scholarship Robert “Bob” C. Wynn Achievement Scholarship Robert “Bob” C. Wynn Athletic Scholarship New in 2004-05
The Foundation for Manatee Community College, Inc. P.O. Box 1849 Bradenton, FL 34206
For more information, please call or write: P.O. Box 1849 8000 S. Tamiami Trail Bradenton, FL 34206 Venice, FL 34293