Subscriptionplan (3)latest may22nd

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Dear InSpire Team and Affiliate: On behalf of the InSpire Enterprise Family, thak you for taking the time to making InSpire your own. This plan is designed to assist all those who will participate ways that we will be come the number one subcription base magazine in the country. We strongly believ we have a great product that will capture the inspirationalspiritof those who will read and embellish our magazine. I know with everything in me that we can secure 1Million subscribers by June 30, 2020. With your help and diligence, you will make history! Join us as we become More Than a Magazine, We are an Answer! Please call on us at the central office if wemay help to make your charge manageable! Thank You!


Lee Jones, President and CEO InSpire Magazine


It is the philosophy of InSpire MAGAZINE® to provide a well designed, content filled, and professionally delivered publication. Our aim is to ensure that each edition of the publication is presented after having attended to the smallest detail, thus ensuring its’ readers are satisfied with a first class publication. InSpire takes great pride in exploring topics that directly affect ways that will assist its readers in creating balance and staying self-motivated amidst the daily pressures of life. The InSpire Team values: • A Commitment to Customer Service • A respect for diversity of ideology, race, culture, gender creed, etc. • A caring and hardworking team who will provide the highest level of professional journalism aimed to lift the human spirit


InSpire Magazine is committed to EXCELLENCE

Excellence will never be an accident within the InSpire Enterprise Team. It will be achieved as a result of an unrelenting and vigorous insistence on the highest standards of performance. It will require an unswerving expectancy of quality from each member of the InSpire Team, its volunteers and all people who represent by InSpire (i.e. InSpire Magazine, the InSpire Us Foundation, ILEAD Institute, InSpire Attire, Be-Inspired Talk Radio, Your Voice TV, etc.)

Excellence is contagious. It infects and affects everyone in the organization. It charts the direction of every program. It establishes the criteria for planning. It provides zest and vitality to the organization. As it is achieved, excellence has a talent for permeating every aspect of life in the organization.

Excellence demands commitment and a tenacious dedication from the leadership of the organization. Once accepted it must be nourished, allowing for continual review and renewing. It is a never-ending process of learning and growing. It requires a spirit of motivation and boundless energy. It is always the result of a creatively conceived and precisely planned effort. Excellence inspires. It electrifies. It affects every phase of the organization’s life. It unleashes an impact, which influ-

ences every program, every activity, every team, and every team member. To instill excellence in an organization is difficult; to sustain it, is even more so. It demands adaptability, imagination and vigor. But most of all, it requires a constant state of self-discovery and discipline, from the leadership.

Excellence is the lifeline and the vessel of InSpire. It will be the most compelling answer to apathy and inertia. It en-

ergizes as stimulating and pulsating force. It is the expected standard of performance, and it nurtures as a fiercely driving and motivating philosophy of operation. Excellence is a state of mind put into action. It is a road map to success. When a climate of excellence exists, all things come more easily. Simply put, InSpire will strive each day for nothing short of EXCELLENCE!

SUBSCRIPTION PLAN The Concept The original concept and idea behind InSpire MAGAZINE® is to provide a positive publication, which seeks to build on the growth and development of readers who desire and are committed to enhancing their lives and the lives of others. The magazine’s concept is to provide a publication that will accentuate the positive as our customers deal with daily life challenges. The birth of InSpire is derived from years of research, analysis, life’s experiences and lots of input from the elders and those who are determined to make life better for themselves and others. InSpire has several departments aimed to encourage, inspire, inform, counsel, and uplift (e.g. health and wellness, spirituality, education business, culture and arts, etc.) It is the desire of the InSpire team to provide the highest level of journalistic integrity while simultaneously offering consistent and excellent customer service.

The Look The Creative Design Team (Art Directors) will develop a unique design. The design will be based on the content, the ads, book reviews, one-one-interviews, etc. Our look will present and showcase at least one local, regional, and or national Motivator per edition. The special interview segments and editorials will include work from contributing illustrations and sketch artists and photographers. With full-color illustrations and photography, spot color pallets will be displayed with basic duotones (two colors) that will again tie the artistic structure of the magazine together. The monotone backing for the reversed heading will correlate to the full-color photo with captions and tags in eye-catching, elegant, and appealing presentation. From daring to be different to living your life with a purpose, InSpire will aim to capture the human spirit while pushing its readers to heights unknown and untapped. Each cover/edition will feature and highlight at least one local, regional, and/or national Motivator, whose work has transcended the social, political, and motivational consciousness of a hard-working and results-oriented culture. Our ultimate goal is to present a creative layout designed to invite our audiences into a welcoming and professional publication

The InSpire Magazine Subscription Team under the direction of the Director of Subscriptions has developed goals and strategies that will assist InSpire Magazine achieve its goal of 1Million Suburbia’s by July 1, 2020. Working with the marketing team and all facets of the InSpire Operation, the Subscription Campaign Plan (SCC) offers flexibility for additional strategies that may come from the upcoming strategic planning meetings. This plan is designed to provide InSpire Magazine with a results-driven campaign that would provide brand recognition and educate the general public, other media outlets and businesses. This plan is a five-point outline that includes ongoing communication activities and describes what will be required to meet the magazine’s stated directives:.


• General public • Media • Businesses and corporate partners • Education, Government, and other Professional Associations The plan will raise the awareness of InSpire Magazine and drive audiences to action through an integrated communications plan that includes public relations, social midis, media relations, marketing and advertising, all of which will reach the audiences.


• To establish InSpire Magazine as the country’s leading voice when it comes to inspirational messages. • To establish InSpire Magazine as a recognizable brand among targeted audiences while promoting its mission to educate, encourage and inspire readers to greatness. • To drive targeted audiences to subscribe to the publication. • To market InSpire Magazine as a resource for corporate partners to use as an advertising mechanism to get their message out.

Communication Activities

Strategies and tactics outlined in this plan include public relations, media relations, collateral and advertising that will occur throughout the campaign. While the plan points to specific deliverables on a timetable, it maintains flexibility to take advantage of additional opportunities throughout the campaign that could assist in the marketing and branding of InSpire Magazine and its mission.

I. Public Relations

• Provide feature articles for internal publications or newsletters. • Develop a media plan with PR Newswire, Black and other media distribution outfits to disseminate press releases. • Develop an e-cast or live simulcast of the subscription parties that are held in various cities. • Collaborate with radio talk shows, public television to schedule appearances of InSpire officials to promote the magazine and talk show. • Customize trade show booths with visuals to coincide with branding of the magazine. • Investigate and compile database of trade shows and conferences InSpire will want to consider. • Set up exhibit booths at key statewide trade shows and conferences such as o Women’s Expo o NABJ Conference (National Association of Black Journalists o NAHJ Conference (National Association of Hispanic Journalists) o African American Business Summits o Urban League o NAACP o Laitino/a Connections o Tribal Associations o Etc. • Draft talking points and Power Point presentation or compose a video that can be used by InSpire Regional Directors to set up speaker bureaus to talk about the magazine with community groups, business associations, etc. • Continue to reinforce the InSpire brand at the local, regional and national level. • Conduct one-on-one phone calls, telephone conference calls and in-person meetings when necessary.

SUBSCRIPTION PLAN More Specific and Immediate Strategies beginning ASAP will include the following: • • • •

Request each member of the InSpire family to secure a minimum of 100 subscribers by December 30, 2015 (this can be done through positing on face book page and other social media). Secure 100 companies and organizations to adopt InSpire Magazine as their official Magazine, thus encouraging people affiliated with the magazine to subscribe Participate in 24 National/international conferences (starting January 2015-June 2017) Secure funding to give 5,000 free copies of the magazine each edition with an expected 75% return

II. Media Relations

• Conduct a press conference for the kick-off launch of the magazine in 4-5 major cities each year—in conjunction with ILEAD Sessions. The press conference will target local, state and some national media. In organizing the press conference, InSpire subscription team members will provide recommendations for speakers, talking points, draft of media materials and pitch to the media. • Conduct a magazine release party at local bookstores throughout the country to coincide with the first issue or first few issues that is scheduled to hit mailboxes. The event, which could be held in each of our markets, would sell the magazine on the spot to those who may not have gotten subscriptions and it would provide them with subscriptions cards and encourage bookstores to carry the magazine. • Update media materials including press kits, fact sheets, backgrounders, etc. • Send articles highlighting the latest happenings and milestones InSpire experiences to the major daily papers Target Georgia and business magazines such as Black Enterprise to provide editorial coverage. • Create an editorial briefing kit. • Promote Executive Editor and President Dr. Lee Jones’ national speaking platform and other editors as experts on motivational and purposeful living issues. • Conduct additional media events when appropriate.

III. Collateral Development

• Create collateral materials for InSpire Magazine, including fliers, e-cast announcements, and signage for press conferences, book marks, posters, brochures and Web site promotional cards. • Create additional collateral materials as necessary, which can include direct mail pieces, promotional fans, mouse pads, etc.

Projected Subcription Campaign Income 1 Year 2Year Total Subcriptions Subscriptions Year Number of Subscriptions ($19.00) ($34.99) 2015-2016 55,000 25,000 15,000 2016-2017 110,,000 50,000 30,000 2017-2018 220,000 100,000 60,000 2018-2019 490,000 250,000 120,000 2019-2020



1, 185,000

250,000 675,000

Single Edition

Table Top

($4.99) 10,000 20,000 40,000 80,000

($39.99) 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000





10,000 85,000

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