Workforce Development
“Please Don’t Leave!” A guide to retaining and recruiting employees during the Great Resignation BY CHRISTINE WATSON MUCH HAS BEEN WRITTEN LATELY about the Great Resignation. Employees are leaving their jobs in record numbers, and this is creating stress for businesses, both small and large. In many cases, this phenomenon is really a great reshuffling. Many employees are not leaving the workforce, but rather they are taking this opportunity to change careers or change their work environment. Understanding the needs of employees is critical for any organization. Blackwell HR Solutions recently worked with a client, a small public relations firm, that wanted a better understanding of how their employees really felt about the work environment and culture. To obtain candid feedback, they engaged with Blackwell HR Solutions to conduct “stay interviews” with their team and used this feedback to develop a strategic approach to provide the work culture and benefits their employees truly valued. Companies should consider how conducting a “stay interview” now may prevent having to conduct an “exit interview” later. 48
While business owners and leaders may not be able to control all causes of employee departures, they should consider evaluating their company’s compensation and benefits philosophy. Compensation benchmarking is a great exercise to assess the competitiveness of your compensation and benefits offerings and can provide you with the confidence to make informed decisions. Another Blackwell HR Solutions client—who eliminated their prepandemic employee wellness benefit of in-person workout classes— conducted an employee benefit survey. After reviewing the results, they elected to offer all employees NOOM subscriptions and wellness webinars with a licensed counselor to provide mental health tools to help manage the pandemic-fueled stress. If budget constraints exist, take comfort in knowing that the number one indicator of job satisfaction remains an employee’s relationship with their direct supervisor. Business leaders can show their employees genuine Marc h / Ap r i l 2 0 2 2