The shifts of nature IF YOU LIKE RAUKS (SEA STACKS)
There are rauks elsewhere in the world, but Gotland is known to have some of the most magnificent. The fact that they have formed in this particular location is because Gotland bedrock consists of hard reef limestone. The sea sanded away softer parts leaving behind stacks of different shapes – that is, rauks. Digerhuvud – Not only Sweden's largest rauk field, but also likely the most famous. The 3.5-kilometre long rauk field found on Fårö consists of hundreds of rauks of all kinds of sizes and shapes. There are special barbecue areas and a lovely setting to enjoy the sunset.
Lergrav – There are famous rauks such as the “Lergrav Gate” and the “Madonna and Child” up on the hill above little Lergrav's fishing village. A small yet popular rauk field to visit on the way to or from the island of Furillen. It is not uncommon to find sheep grazing around the stacks. The Maiden in Lickerhamn – Up on the cliff, overlooking Lickershamn's fishing village, harbour and beach, stands Gotland's tallest rauk, the “Maiden”. She stands at the cliff edge close to fifteen meters above sea level and is, herself, eleven metres tall.