Resemagasinet 2022 EN

Page 54

Tasteful impressions All year round you can find exciting flavours amongst the island's many restaurants and farm shops. As autumn nears, discover everything from Gotland truffles and whisky to a harvest festival.

Gotland is a culinary center all year round. And there are many who claim that it is particularly in the autumn and spring that you can experience the best flavours on the island. After the heat of August starts to fade and the stillness that follows the hectic summer months begins to approach, the season of colourful taste sensations begins. Not only does Gotland have a high-quality selection of off-season restaurants, but it is also during the autumn that the colourful harvest festival takes place and the truffles begin to ripen for harvesting. There is something special about sitting down in the warmth of one of the is-

land’s many inviting restaurants while the autumn winds howl outside the door, don’t you think? When the spring sun and heat slowly begin to return, restaurants and farm shops once again begin to feature early produce, the flavours of which are influenced by “Terroir” – the interplay of climate and soil conditions, which are so special on the island. Perhaps it will inspire you too cook something new, or perhaps you will let chefs do the honour of displaying their craft in the shifting environment that defines the limestone paradise in the middle of the Baltic.


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