Find your oasis – VISIT A NATURAL RESERVE ON GOTLAND Welcome to Sweden’s limestone “Hawaii”. There are around 140 natural reserves around the island. Each has its own particular characteristics and environment. You can find rare orchids, ancient fortresses and hike along cliff-lined coasts. There are lakes full of birds, barren beaches and limestone conifer forests. But most of all, there are ample opportunities to take a deep breath of fresh air. Some reserves have toilets, parking close by and a high degree of accessibility. Others are more difficult to reach and require planning before your visit. Still others may contain bird protection areas and may thus be closed during parts of the year. Please see the following website (under Besöksmål – in Swedish): In Sweden we enjoy the right of public access which welcomes everyone to nature. But this freedom also carries with it the responsibility to leave things undisturbed. For more information on the right of public access (in Swedish), see: Please keep in mind that other rules may apply in the nature reserves in addition to the right of public access.
5 TIPS FOR FINDING YOUR OASIS: • The power of knowledge. The more you read up on how things work in the nature reserves, the more time and energy you can spend enjoying the visit itself.
• Dress for weather and wind. Proper, comfortable shoes will make your visit more enjoyable, as will clothing that is suited to outdoor climates – remember that the weather can change rapidly. • Food and snacks. Bring some sustenance with you. For some reason, nothing tastes quite as good as a picnic outdoors. Because there may be a lack of shops and restaurants, it may be a necessity for longer excursions. • Toilet paper and bags. Nature inevitably calls, so it is good to have toilet paper on hand and bags to put it in, so nothing gets left behind in nature. • Get out and enjoy. Naturally, it's nice to have your phone with you to find your way or to call for help. However, we recommend that you allow yourself to disconnect.
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Hällholmen Jungfrun Gamla hamn Lergravsviken Digerhuvud Langhammars Husken S:t Olofsholm Malms-Kyllaj Lörgeudd Hideviken Stora Karlsö Husrygg Västra märgelgraven Snåltorp Lilla Karlsö Danbo Kallgatburg Skalahauar Ullahau Hall-Hangvar Ekstakusten Sandviken Högklint Brucebo Vaktbackar Grötlingboholme Storsund Folhammar Rone ytterholme Mulde Grausne källmyr Allkvie änge Alvena lindaräng Bosarve naturskog Träskmyr och Vasteån Grodde Laus holmar Sandarve kulle Mallgård källmyr Klosteränge Muskmyr Hörsne prästänge Närsholmen Salvorev-Kopparstenarna Lummelundagrottan Västergarns utholme Klinteklinten Kronholmen Hajdes storhage Torsburgen
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Paviken Bergbetningen Björkume Uppstaig Vitärtskällan Käldänge Millumträsk Hoburgsmyr Filehajdar Tiselhagen Krakvät Sävvät Galgberget Verkegards Hägsarve kärräng Mojner Ålarve Storholmen Västlands Bästeträsk Bräntings haid Russvätar Hässle backe Ollajvs Haugajnar Salmbärshagen Jusarve skog Pankar Smågårde naturskog Lindhammarsmyr Mallgårds haid Bluttmo-Gildarshagen Grodvät Botes källmyr Kvie källmyr Forsviden Ölbäck Östergarnsberget Källinghagen Marpes Gräne Blautmörskogen Bungenäs Lilla Mörby tidigare Lauks Stenstugu skog Grogarnsberget Gothem Suderbys Hajdkvie skog Horsan Alstäde Skog Holmhällar
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Själsöån Rongärde Bosarve lövskog Törrvesklint Langmyrskog Dagghagen Sajgs Guffride Sigdes Ryssnäs Herrgårdsklint Furilden Sigfride Ireån Lundar Bruten Bäcks Södra hällarna Mölnermyr Bräntings Mullvalds strandskog Hambrar Bojsvätar Helges hage Fide lövskog Storhagen Vivesholm Nors Slite Skärgård Fjälängar Burggathagen Maldes Bälsalvret Kistänge Siglajvs Träskvidar Snögrinde Lindeberget Hinser Västerhuse Sojdmyr Smaulmyrar Gerum prästänge Hajdhagen Bojsvätar södra Hajdhagskogen Hejnum Hällar Hejnum Kallgate Fonnsänget Västers myr