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Don’t get caught with a winning fish but no ticket!


Grand Prize

$130+ Other Prizes, Cash Raffles & More!

JULY 14TH - 22ND, 2018 >> 2018 Rules: See pages 3-5 >> Memories for a Lifetime: See page 8 >> Weigh-In Station Map: See page 15 >> Special Events & Entertainment: See page 19 >> Events Ticket Locations: See page 25

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Presented by:

Salmon Unlimited of Wisconsin

A Letter From the 2018 Chairman Salmon-A-Rama 2018 is in full swing! Our event planning starts shortly after the previous tournament, and each year the tournament gets bigger and better than the last! This event would not be possible without the hard work, time, dedication, and talents of the Salmon-A-Rama Committee. The countless hours away from their children, spouses and significant others is a true testament of their desire to make this event memorable for all participants. This tournament would not be possible without the sponsors’ generosity and support from donations, which are raffled off on the final day of the tournament. The raffle consists of tens of thousands of dollars worth of prizes and is for all participants who buy a Salmon-A-Rama ticket. This raffle is a “Thank You” for all the participants who supported us, and you can buy three additional tickets at our Racine site (Tournament HQ) on the closing Saturday and Sunday. You must be present to win, so bring the whole family. The tournament dates are July 14th through July 22nd 2018. Weigh-in stations are located in three state’s, surrounding Lake Michigan, with minute-to-minute leader board updates. The main tournament headquarters is located at 800 Pershing Park in Racine, WI. The nine day tournament will host a variety of entertainment for all ages, from comedy acts to Rock-n-Roll bands. Be sure to check the Salmon-A-Rama website for updates and details! The website address is salmon-a-rama.com. We also have a Facebook page, so please like and share with your fishing buddies! Some exciting changes for 2018 include: In the Perch Division, anglers will weigh-in the five largest fish during the 9 days. This no longer has to be completed in one day. This year we will not have the Slam and Super Slam. Instead we will have the TOP TEN. The TOP TEN consists of your ten largest fish weighed throughout the 9 day event. This will have a Pro- and an Amateur- division. (See rules for which category you will need to participate in.) Instead of the selected fish of the day, we will have prizes for the largest fish in all five species categories daily. This year you can also place more than once in each of the five species categories. We have also made changes to the Preferred Charter ticket to encourage more participation. See official rules (on pages 3-5) for more details and information! Also new this year is the ACL Cornhole Tournament. There are three categories, including Pro Singles, Pro Doubles, and Social events. The ACL Cornhole Tournament will take place on July 14th along with Kids Day. Other exciting events include: • Gun Raffle, limited to 1,500 Tickets — See page 26 for details • Peanut Raffle, sponsored by Texas Roadhouse (Grand Prize is a Smoke Daddy Pellet Pro Smoker) — See page 26 for details • Music/Food Specials — Free Admission

• Cooler Raffle • 50/50 Daily Raffle

Salmon-A-Rama is an opportunity to spend time with family and friends on the lake and shore, creating memories that will last forever. It’s one of the World’s largest freshwater Salmon tournaments, and participation could result in winning the $25,000 cash and prize package. Good luck to all!

Jim LaFortune



Fish Anywhere on Lake Michigan – July 14- 22, 2018

SALMON-A-RAMA 2018 RULES GENERAL RULES 2018 SALMON-A-RAMA consist of 4 divisions, Shore, Boat, Kayak and Youth Divisions. All fish must be caught by hook and line, by an individual possessing a valid SALMON-A-RAMA ticket (all participants on a given boat must have a SALMON-A-RAMA boat ticket) for the Division to be entered, at the time that the fish is caught. All fish must be caught between 12:01 AM CST on July 14, 2018 and 11:00 AM CST on July 22, 2018. No fishing for species eligible is allowed by any participant 3 hours prior to the official start of the contest. All SALMON-A-RAMA tickets purchased after 12:00 AM on Saturday, July 14, 2018 must be purchased at an official SALMONA-RAMA weigh-in location or online and shall include a $5.00 late fee. In addition, such tickets will be stamped with the time and date of purchase. NO FISH will be eligible for registration on the ticket within 24 hours of the time indicated on the ticket. SALMON-A-RAMA contestants must comply with State, Federal, Local, and other pertinent fishing and boating laws and regulations. Any contestant issued a citation for violation of any fishing or boating laws during the tournament will have their violation reviewed by the tournament committee and based on their decision could be disqualified. No refunds will be made. All fish entered must be caught in the waters of Lake Michigan or its tributaries up to the first bridge crossing the tributary. There are no city or state boundaries. All fish must be registered at a designated SALMON-A-RAMA weigh-in station (refer to SALMON-A-RAMA website for up to date locations and weigh-in times). All fish will be weighed on certified scales by tournament officials or by tournament authorized personnel. Designated remote weigh-in sites will close two hours before tournament headquarters on the final day (9 AM CST / 10 AM EST). The Tournament Headquarters (Racine) which will be open during the following times: • July14 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM • July 15 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM • July 16-20 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM • July 21 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM • July 22 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM (contest ending time) The hours all designated remote weigh-in sites will be posted on the SALMON-A-RAMA calendar. In case of a tie by weight, the first fish registered will be awarded the prize. At the discretion of the tournament officials, the three largest fish in each division and category may be displayed during the week

of the contest and must be available for this purpose. Division leading fish outside the area will be kept by the official weigh-in site which the fish was weighed at. The contestant upon purchasing a SALMON-A-RAMA ticket agrees to the following: • To abide by all rules established by the SALMON-A-RAMA committee. • Salmon Unlimited of Wisconsin is not responsible for any injuries, damages or theft. Each person fishes the derby at their own risk and shall hold nobody but themselves liable for personal injuries or property damage. • To take a polygraph test at the discretion of tournament officials. Any person wishing to protest any fish or fisherman registered in any division for a violation of any contest rule or unsportsmanlike conduct, must submit the protest in writing plus a $500 cash, protest fee to a Tournament Official in person at an official weigh in station. The protest must state the rule violated and facts known to the protester. All protests must be submitted either within 24 hours of the time the protested fish was registered or by 10:30 AM CST on the last day, whichever is earlier. Tournament Officials will review all protests. If the protest is found valid, the fee will be returned. If a protest is denied, the $500 protest fee will be forfeited. The overall Grand Prize fish must be saved at the respective weigh-in station and brought to Tournament Headquarters for display at the SALMON-A-RAMA award ceremony at the discretion of the committee. If a person possesses both a Shore AND a Boat registration and catches fish in accordance with the rules of the Shore division, that fish may be entered in either the Shore or the Boat Division, but not both. The participant must declare which division the fish is being entered in at the time the fish is registered and prior to it being weighed. The declaration cannot be changed once the fish is weighed-in. Daily prizes may be awarded for the largest fish by weight in each category on a daily basis. In case of a tie, earliest fish weighed received the prize. All eligible fish must be kept fresh (never frozen) and weighed in within 24 hours. Anglers are allowed to weigh only 5 salmon or trout (2 lake trout) per day regardless of the state(s) they are fishing in. Anglers are only allowed to weigh 5 perch per day regardless of the state they are fishing in. The $25,000 grand prize package will be awarded to the largest fish registered from either the Shore or Boat Division. All anglers that enter a fish must be able to provide a witness to their catch. In the event that a witness is not present, the angler will be subject to a polygraph test.

Salmon-A-Rama, Racine, WI




Boat Division participants are eligible to be on the top ten leader board more than once for each eligible species. The following species are eligible in the Boat Division: Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Brown Trout, Lake Trout and Rainbow (Steelhead) Trout. Everyone on a boat age 6 and over must be registered in SALMON-A-RAMA.

Boat Division Master Angler Award: 1. Anglers must legally catch all Boat Division eligible fish species to be qualified (Lake Trout, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon). 2. If no one angler catches all of the eligible species, the Boat Master Angler Award will not be awarded. 3. Prizes will be awarded to the top three anglers that catch the largest total accumulated weight of the 5 eligible Boat Division species over the duration of the tournament. 4. In case of a tie, the angler that weighs in first all 5 will be awarded the prize.

Shore Division:

Youth division anglers are only eligible to be on the leader board once. If a youth division angler registers a fish that weighs more than the Youth’s previous entry, the larger fish will be added to the leader board and the smaller fish will be removed from the leader board. (This does not apply to daily prizes). Youths possessing a youth division ticket can fish from Shore or on a Boat. Participants in the Youth Division can purchase a Boat and/or a Shore Division ticket. Youths possessing a Youth division ticket can only enter a fish in the Youth Division unless they possess a Boat or Shore division ticket. In this case, the participant is only eligible to enter the fish into one division and must choose which division to enter the fish into prior to weighing the fish.

Youth Division JR SLAM: 1. 2. 3.

The youth with the 5 heaviest fish entered within the youth division, regardless of species, will be crowned the youth Division Jr. SLAM winner. If the fish is weighed under a shore or boat division ticket then the fish will not qualify toward the Jr. SLAM. Top 3 Jr Slam winners will receive a trophy.

Youth Master Angler:

1. Shore division anglers must access the shore fishing location by foot. Boats, Kayaks or any flotation devices cannot be used to access shore fishing areas or restricted areas. 2. The shore division Grand Prize fish will be the largest fish caught overall. 3. Shore division anglers are allowed to be on the leader board more than once. (Chinook, Brown Trout, Rainbow, Coho) 4. Shore division participants are eligible to win the $25,000 grand prize package. 5. Additional Shore division rules are in the General Fishing Rules section of this page.

1. Anglers must legally catch all eligible fish species to be qualified (Lake Trout, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon). 2. If no one angler catches all of the eligible species, the Youth Master Angler Award will not be awarded. 3. Prizes will be awarded to the angler that catches the largest total accumulated weight of the 5 eligible species over the duration of the tournament. 4. In case of a tie, the angler that weighs in first will be awarded the prize. 5. Top 3 Youth Master Angler winners will receive a trophy.

Shore Division Master Angler Award:

Kayak Division:

1. Anglers must legally catch all Shore Division eligible fish species to be qualified (Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon). 2. If no one angler catches all of the eligible species, the Shore Division Master Angler Award will not be awarded. 3. The first place prize will be awarded to the angler that catches the largest total accumulated weight of the 4 eligible Shore Division species over the duration of the tournament. 4. In case of a tie, the angler that weighs in first will be awarded the prize.

Youth Division: 1. Youth division is open for all children ages 6 through 15. 2. No fish species categories exist in the youth division. Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Brown Trout, Lake Trout and Rainbow (Steelhead) Trout are eligible to be registered into the Youth Division. 3. Prizes will be awarded for the top 20 eligible fish caught in the Youth Division.


4. 5. 6. 7.

Fish Anywhere on Lake Michigan – July 14- 22, 2018

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The kayak division is open to all participants, at least 12 years old, possessing a kayak division ticket. The following species are eligible in the kayak division: Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Brown Trout, Lake Trout and Rainbow (Steelhead) Trout. A kayak division angler is only eligible to be on the leader board once. If a kayak division angler registers a fish that weighs more than the angler’s previous entry in that given category, the larger fish will be added to the leader board and the smaller fish will be removed from the leader board. This does not apply to daily prizes. This division is only open to kayaks, paddleboards, canoes or any other manually propelled vessels (hereby referred to as “kayak”). The interpretation of a kayak is up to the discretion of tournament officials. All fishing must be done from a kayak in the water. No electric or combustion motors or sails are allowed on the kayak. No assistance can be made from a motorized vessel except in the case of an emergency.

SALMON-A-RAMA 2018 RULES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 8. A participating kayak angler must comply with all SALMON A-RAMA general rules. 9. Prizes will be awarded to the 5 largest fish caught in the kayak division. All fish species listed in the general SALMON A-RAMA rules are eligible. 10. A kayak angler possessing only a kayak division ticket may only enter fish in the kayak division. 11. A kayak angler possessing only a boat division ticket may only enter fish in the boat division. 12. A kayak angler possessing both a boat division AND a kayak division ticket may enter their fish in either the kayak or boat division, but not both. The angler must decide which division to enter the fish into prior to weighing in the fish. 13. Kayak division participants are NOT eligible to win the $25,000 grand prize package.

Perch Division: 1. 2. 3.

All participants possessing a SALMON-A-RAMA ticket are eligible for the perch division. The perch division will be based on the total length (in millimeters) of up to 5 fish. Only 5 perch can be weighed per day. Over the 9 day period the top 5 fish entered by length will be the total score. Prizes will be awarded to the top 5 places in the perch division.

Awarding of Prizes: 1. Prize list will be available on the SALMON-A-RAMA website. Contest prize list is subject to revision as late prizes may be contributed and may be slotted according to policy as set by the prize committee to enhance the prize list. 2. Prize ceremonies will be held on July 22, 2018, starting at approximately 1 PM CST on the SALMON-A-RAMA grounds.

3. 4. 5.

All prize money will be mailed to each winner within 30 days of the end of the tournament provided all federal, state, and local paperwork has been submitted to the Salmon-a-committee. Paperwork must be completed within 14 days of completion of tournament or prizes can be forfeited. The official daily standings will be determined at the end of each day. The SALMON-A-RAMA website (salmon-arama.com) has the official standings. Every participant will be eligible for the Super Raffle which will be on the closing Sunday. To be eligible for the Super Raffle, all SALMON-A-RAMA participants must pick up their raffle tickets on July 21-22 at the SALMON-A-RAMA grounds prior to the Super Raffle on Sunday at See.salmon-a-rama. com for more details.

RULE CHANGES 1. The Tournament Committee may change or modify any of these rules, as necessary. Any changes will be communicated on this website or social media.


Each contestant shall accept responsibility to protect persons and property from injury or damage during the contest, and Salmon Unlimited of Wisconsin shall not be responsible for the safety of persons or property of participants, regardless of cause. All participants further agree to hold Salmon Unlimited of Wisconsin, its officers, tournament committee, sponsors and volunteers harmless from any liability for damage incurred as a result of participation in the Tournament, in whatever form or manner said liabilities or damages might be incurred


Salmon-A-Rama, Racine, WI



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Fish Anywhere on Lake Michigan – July 14- 22, 2018


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On the first day of the Salmon-a-Rama tournament in 2016, my dad (Chris Schmoldt) and I woke up at 3:00 a.m. and went to Port Washington. We had a good year of fishing before the tournament started, so we didn’t know how this tournament was going to end up. We had a great first day with ten fish all around 10 lbs., so they really didn’t help out with the tournament - but it was still a fun day. The second day, my dad and I woke up at the same time and drove to Port Washington again. We had nine fish: 17 lbs., a 15 lbs., and the rest were all under 10 lbs. Monday and Tuesday, the water was really rough, so we didn’t go fishing. On Wednesday, we woke up late and went fishing at 4:30 a.m., and we ended with six fish - the biggest fish being 10 lbs. Thursday, I went out with My dad and our friend at 3 O’clock, and in the first hour we had a fish hit. The line was going crazy - just screaming out line - I grabbed the rod and it took three separate runs. It took 20 minutes for me to reel it in. It weighed out at 23.30 lbs. We also had an 18 lb. fish the next hour and ended up with 14 fish by 9:40. The next morning I went out with my uncle (Ben Schmoldt) at 2:00, and we didn’t have a fish until 7:00. The first fish started it all; the first rod got hit, then the second rod got hit, then we had a double, then another rod got hit, then another, then another!

On Saturday, I went with my uncle and my dad to Sheboygan because Port Washington had Fish Days. When we went to Sheboygan, we didn’t really know where to go, so we set up outside of the harbor and just went towards Port Washington (because that’s where we usually fish). Our first fish was a 20 lb. King salmon. The next fish was a 3 lb. Brown trout, and the rest were rainbow trout under 8 lbs. We ended up with 6 fish. When we weighed in, we had to go to the Bait Box because we had to show Jim Champeau our fish. The last day was Sunday; just me and my dad went out fishing out of Port Washington. It was rough out and calling for a storm at 8:00, and 9:00 was the end of the tournament. We had seven fish and hoping for a big fish. We started to take our lines out of the water at 8:15 to try to get out of the storm. The last two rods were in the water and they were the down riggers. I picked up the left side, and when I turned around to put the rod on the side wall, I then turned to pick up the last rod - when I looked at it was screaming line, so I grabbed the rod as fast as could. It took 15 minutes to reel it in and it was 22.95 lbs., which put me in first place in the Junior Slam. I also took second in Youth division. I mounted the 22.95 lbs. Chinook salmon because of the story behind it. This was my favorite week ever - so many things happened in just that week. I would say this was one of the best experiences in my life.

By that time, we had five fish on at once and we got four out of the five fish in the boat. One was a 19 lbs. Chinook and the other ones were 12 lbs. and under. We ended the day with 9 fish.



Fish Anywhere on Lake Michigan – July 14- 22, 2018

Service Marine Supply Store Indoor Heated Storage

Salmon-A-Rama, Racine, WI





The buoyant spinning action of the Spin-N-Glo has been catching salmon, lake trout, steelhead, walleye and more for decades. Available in 10 sizes and over 100 color combinations in white or black wings, colored mylar wings and in ALL NEW GLO wing finishes, there is a Spin-N-Glo that’s perfect for whatever you’re fishing for.

Mag Lip


7 Sizes - 5.0, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5 and New 2.0

Over 50 Finishes

Mag Lip is the hottest trolling plug going. Available in 7 sizes from 2” to 5”, the Mag Lip Strike Producing dives deep and features a unique “skip beat” action “Skip-Beat”™ that incites fish to strike with reckless abandon. Action Mag Lip can be fished on planer boards, flat-lined, fished on downriggers or with divers --- fish can’t resist its incredible action!

Big Al’s Fish Flash

Handles trolling/ current speeds up to 4mph


No Drag Flasher®

Fish Flash calls ‘em in with bright, strobe-like flashes. More flash means more attraction. There’s virtually no drag with Fish Flash making it ideal for use with wire line, leaded line, downriggers or divers.

Original “No Drag” design

Emits strobe-like horizontal flashes of light that call fish in

Stainless steel grommets eliminate binding and add strength Premium, dual rotation, double ended, ball bearing swivels



Fish Anywhere on Lake Michigan – July 14- 22, 2018


FOR FISH CAUGHT ON SPIN-N-GLO, FISH FLASH AND MAG LIP BY JIM LAFORTUNE Yakima Bait® is a major sponsor for the 2018 SalmonA-Rama fishing tournament. Anglers who fish the Great Lakes depend on their favorite lures to successfully catch fish. This has made Yakima Bait a popular name among amateurs and professional fishers alike. In addition to Mag Lip®, Spin-N-Glo® and Fish Flash® the company makes FlatFish®, Lil Corky® egg imitation bait floater, and Rooster Tail®. This year, four (4) lucky winners will earn extra cash if their winning fish is caught on Mag Lip, Spin-N-Glo, Fish Flash or combination of Fish Flash rigged in combination with any one of the above lures.

$1,000 “Yakima Bait Rewards Program” will pay $250 for largest tournament fish caught while using a Big Al’s Fish Flash, $250 for largest fish caught on Mag Lip, $250 for largest fish caught on Spin N Glo, $250 for largest fish caught while trolling Fish Flash in combination with Mag Lip or Spin N Glo. (Cash prizes awarded separately – same winner cannot win more than once; fishing success photo with product shown required to win.)

Big Al’s FISH FLASH: The Big Al’s Fish Flash is designed to produce horizontal, strobe-like flashes of light that draw fish in as it’s pulled through the water column and does so without the drag associated with other flasher/fish attractor styles. The unique shape of the Fish Flash means you can rig it in-line ahead of lures or bait, snap it directly to your divers, and its no-drag feature make it ideal for use in combination with wire-line or lead-core trolling. This flasher style is

most commonly used in combination with live bait, spoons or plugs. I found success rigging my lures 36-to-48 inches behind my Fish Flash. Try this proven combination and you could be taking home cash this year.

Mag Lip: The Mag Lip is a high-action, extra-deep-diving diving plug that produces a unique “skip-beat” action that teases fish into striking as it randomly darts to the side while being trolled. It’s available in five (5) sizes with 4.0 (4 inch) being the newest member of the Mag Lip family. While the Mag Lip will work when trolled on a flat line, many anglers (including me) have reported success when trolling the Mag Lip plug in combination with planer boards.

Enter to Win: An equal number of Spin-N-Glo and Mag Lip lures will be distributed free, on a first come/first serve basis, to anglers signing up for the 2018 Salmon-A-Rama tournament, so buy your tickets early to receive free product. In addition, Fish Flash, Spin-N-Glo and Mag Lip are available for sale at your local tackle dealer, so get your favorite colors early. To be eligible to win cash from Salmon-A-Rama/Yakima Bait your fish must be caught using Fish Flash, Spin-NGlo, Mag Lip, or combination of Fish Flash with these lures. Those who weigh-in a fish caught on Fish Flash, Mag Lip or Spin-N-Glo will receive a free hat (while supplies last) at each weigh in station.


RULES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Fish must be caught on Fish Flash, Spin-N-Glo, Mag Lip, or combination of Fish Flash with said lures. (Big Al’s Fish Flash, Spin-N-Glo, and/or Mag Lip must be attached to the line the fish is caught on when photographed.) Fish must be declared as eligible Fish Flash, Spin-N-Glo, Mag Lip fish at weigh-in time. A photo of the fish still attached to the line with qualifying lure/flasher visible must be submitted within 24 hours of being weighed in. (No exceptions) Photo to be submitted by e-mail to chairman@salmon-a-rama.com and must be received by 11:00 A.M. July 22rd in order to win. Photo’s will become property of “Yakima Bait Rewards Program” contest committee. To be used for advertisement purposes. Angler who catches the fish must have purchased a 2018 Salmon-A-Rama ticket to qualify. Winner’s will be declared at awards ceremony. Winner’s are subject to polygraph test at discretion of the Salmon-A-Rama Committee. Salmon-A-Rama committee will have the final say on all winners, at there discretion.

Rules are subject to change at the discretion of the Salmon-A-Rama rules committee.

Salmon-A-Rama, Racine, WI


Managing Lake Michigan Fishery BY TOM KLEIMAN JR. The Wisconsin Lakeshore Business Association (WLBA) was founded in the spring of 2016. Salmon Stocking cuts prompted many on Wisconsin’s shoreline to join together as a unified voice and take their fight to Madison. Since our inception, we along with the WDNR have partnered together to revolutionize the way Wisconsin will be moving forward managing our Lake Michigan fishery. Sound science and economics have fueled our vision while maintaining a diverse, thriving, world class fishery. In just a couple years we have accomplished many milestones that have anglers across the state applauding: • Stopped a 62% King Salmon cut • Reintroduced Skamania (rainbow trout) strain • Increased Brown Trout stocking (Seeforellen) • Decreased Lake Trout stocking (recovered species) • Widespread use of net pens (protecting fingerlings while letting them imprint better) • Aqua Culture Bill (allows WDNR to partner with private hatcheries to reach stocking quotas) • Coho Salmon will be released at a larger size improving return to creel


• Helping local clubs partner with WDNR to improve fishing opportunities • Increased Steelhead stocking • Improving predator/prey modeling • 3yr Lake Michigan Plan We have worked relentlessly to improve our fishery for everyone to enjoy. Please join the cause and have your voices heard. Great things are in the works and we look forward to accomplishing many more goals while working hand in hand with the WDNR. Please visit us on Facebook or go to our website and use our pay pal account to join this effort www.wlba-wi.com!


ONE CALL... THAT’S ALL! Port-Of-Call Live Bait & Fishing Tackle 10075 S. Chicago Road Oak Creek, WI 53154 414-762-1960 12

Fish Anywhere on Lake Michigan – July 14- 22, 2018




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Fish Anywhere on Lake Michigan – July 14- 22, 2018

Sturgeon Bay

Howie’s Tackle

Hooked Up Tackle Shop LLC

Green Bay




Accurate Marine & Storage


207 Steele Street Algoma, WI 54201 (715) 451-1697


Captain Chucks Great Outdoors

203 Dodge Street Kewaunee, WI 54216 (920) 388-2326

5770 US-10 Ludington, MI 49431 (231) 843-4458

Manitowoc Man

The Warf


733 Riverfront Drive Shebygan, WI 53081 (920) 458-4406

Ludington Sheboygan


The Bait Box 43

3781 Hwy KW Port Washington, WI 53074 (262) 284-9355

Port Washington Remote Weigh-In McKinley Marina


Lake Michigan


1750 N. Lincoln Memorial Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53202

Big Lake Outfitters


640 Water Street Saugatuck, MI 49453 (269) 857-4762

Oak Creek Salmon-A-Rama Tournament HQ 2 Christopher Columbus Causeway Racine, WI 53403


1038 90 Sheridan Road Winthrop Harbor, IL 60096 (224) 789-7627

Holland H Saugatuck

41 4


Tackle Haven

Winthrop Harbor Lake Michigan Angler


741 Riverview Drive Benton Harbor, MI 49022 (269) 281-1951





Arlington Heights Schaumburg

Benton Harbor



1309 Green Bay Road Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 (920) 746-9916

Chicago Michigan City

Cicero Oak Lawn

57 55





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SNYDER DISTRIBUTING 20781 Chileen Rd. Irontown, MN 56455


myfishoptics.com • fishoptics.net Jim Champeau Cell: 1-262-689-9254 DEALERS WELCOME!

Salmon-A-Rama 2018 Headquarters are located at: Pershing Park Racine, WI 53403 16

Fish Anywhere on Lake Michigan – July 14- 22, 2018


Salmon-A-Rama, Racine, WI


Salmon-A-Rama is a proud supporter of

Cancer. The word strikes fear in everyone’s heart; but for the ones who hear it in a doctor’s office, the fear is not only for their health, but also for their family, their job, their everything. Cancer doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care about your age, your gender or how much money you make, and the results it has on lives are devastating. January 8, 2015 my husband, Steve Koss, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The weeks that followed were filled with sleepless nights and days of endless appointments and procedures. By June, the cancer was winning, progressing to Stage 4. That August, family and friends held a benefit to help us financially. Cancer had robbed us of the stability of successful careers. We were overwhelmed that over 900 people attended. My husband’s tear-filled speech thanking everyone convinced me that I had to pay it forward. Sadly Steve lost his cancer battle on November 11, 2017, after a 34 month struggle. No one should have to choose between treatment or rent, treatment or groceries, treatment or utilities. No one should fear losing their home or car when they fear losing their life. Hospitals have programs to help with medical expenses, but it’s the daily expenses that become the burden. The Koss Family Foundation’s goal is to help those fighting this disease maintain their financial quality of life so they can focus on recovery and treatment. Salmon Unlimited has been a Kossff supporter from the beginning. SalmonA-Rama would like to honor Steve Koss by re-naming the “Two Men in a Boat” to “Steve Koss Memorial Two in a Boat.” Proceeds from this year’s ticket sales will be donated to the Koss Foundation.


Apply for help

Learn more

by visiting

kossff.org or call (262) 497-9074


Fish Anywhere on Lake Michigan – July 14 - 22, 2018

SPECIAL EVENTS & ENTERTAINMENT Bring your friends and family, and join the fun at the 2018 Salmon-A-Rama! The celebration runs all week long. There’s something for everyone!

Friday, July 13th - Event Kick-Off! Entertainment: “The Now” – a staple of the SE Wisconsin cover band scene. 7:30-11:00 pm

Saturday, July 14th - Kid’s Day Cornhole Tournament, featuring the ACL Cornhole tournament with amateur division too. For $3.00 unlimited use, the children will be able to bounce in a variety of bounce houses provided by Blue Sky Inflatables. Salmon-A-Rama will also be having minnow races and make-your-own-boat races for the entire family (there will be a nominal fee), and coloring contests. Free lunch for kids under the age of 12, and more!.1:00-5:00 pm Fish Boil: $10.00. 4:00- 7:00 pm Entertainment: “The Cheap Shots” – Classic Rock, 80s Rock, 90s Rock, New Rock, Pop, Country, Rap. 7:30-11:00 pm

Tuesday, July 17th Concealed Carry Class: 6:00-9:00 pm

Thursday, July 19th Entertainment: “Bullfrog” – a mixture of stories and sounds that will take you backwards, forwards and somewhere in between. 7:30-10:00 pm

Friday, July 20th Entertainment: “Boys and Toys” – a diverse mix of Rock music and a dynamic stage performance. 7:30-11:00 pm

Saturday, July 22st Entertainment: “Mean Jake” – Rock music. 2:30-6:30 pm Entertainment: “Blues Disciples” – Blues music. 7:30-11:00 pm

There will also be a variety of vendors displaying products, fish being weighed in, cooking/smoking demonstrations provided by Smoke Daddy and so much more.

Peanut Raffle: For more information, see page 24 Schedule subject to change — watch our Facebook page and website for more information, changes, and additions to the entertainment line-up.

Salmon-A-Rama, Racine, WI



Open 7-Days a Week




Good luck Salmon-a-Rama paRticipantS

(269) 925-0341 Tackle Haven 741 Riverview Drive Benton Harbor, MI 49022 (269)925-0341 or (269)281-1951 SHOP ONLINE or STOP BY THE STORE sales@tacklehaven.com

t windisc .com


Blue Sky Inflatables was created with the blessing of family and friendship. We too, share in the similar struggles of parenthood; toddler tantrums, chicken nuggets, long days and sleepless nights. Our journey is to share with you a passion for parties and fun, as every occasion should be a celebration of living life to the fullest. Good luck to all of the participants of Salmon-A-Rama!!!

www.BlueSkyInflatables.com (262) 676-9001


Fish Anywhere on Lake Michigan – July 14- 22, 2018

Blackened Salmon Fillet Recipe Source: allrecipes.com Recipe by: Jeff Calkins



2 tablespoons ground paprika 1 tablespoon ground cayenne pepper 1 tablespoon onion powder 2 teaspoons salt 1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme 1/4 teaspoon dried basil 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano 4 salmon fillets, skin and bones removed 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted

1. In a small bowl, mix paprika, cayenne pepper, onion powder, salt, white pepper, black pepper, thyme, basil and oregano. 2. Brush salmon fillets on both sides with 1/4 cup butter, and sprinkle evenly with the cayenne pepper mixture. Drizzle one side of each fillet with 1/2 remaining butter. 3. In a large, heavy skillet over high heat, cook salmon, butter side down, until blackened, 2 to 5 minutes. Turn fillets, drizzle with remaining butter, and continue cooking until blackened and fish is easily flaked with a fork.

TIP: Aluminum foil can be used to keep food moist, cook it evenly, and make clean-up easier.

Glazed Smoked Fish Fillets Fillet and de-bone trout or salmon leaving skin on. Fillets should be once frozen to break down the muscle tissue to accept the brine.

Ingredients: 1 gallon water 2- ½ cups brining salt ½ cup dark brown sugar 6 tsps lemon Juice ¼ tsp liquid garlic ¼ tsp liquid onion

TIP: Fish can be prepared and stored in brine (STEP 1) and frozen in airtight bags prior to starting recipe.

Directions: 1. Mix all ingredients together. Submerge fillets in brine in zip top bags and keep cold. Leave in brine for 12 hours. 2. Remove from fridge and rinse fillets with water. Pat dry. 3. Place fillets 1 layer deep, skin down in a clean container. Rub each piece with brown sugar. Let sit for about a hour in the fridge to dry meat for smoking. 4. Place fillets on a cookie sheet covered with aluminum foil and bake in preheated 350° oven for 30 minutes. Do not clean off excess brown sugar before baking. 5. Separate meat from skin and scrape away all dark areas (fat) from the skin side of the fillet. Rub both sides of the meat with brown more sugar and put in smoker for 2 hours.

Salmon-A-Rama, Racine, WI


Need a boat so you can join in on the fun? Kinn’s Sport Fishing ALGOMA, WI KINNSKATCH.COM • 800-446-8605 Legacy - Alex Ackerman Redemption - Hunter Jossie Kinndred - Bret Cook Cook’s Catch III - Eric Tracy Cook’s Catch II - Brad Eastman Midnight - John Nandory Obsession IV - Zach Vandertie, Troy Mattson, Mark Kirtsten, Ritchie Stephenson Cook’s Catch - Bill Classon Obsession III - Steve Luedke, Kory Nell

Big Daddy Charters LLC ALGOMA, WI BIGDADDYCHARTERSLLC.COM • 800-446-8605 Big Daddy II - Bryan Wiesner Battalion 1 - Brad Wiesner

Your credit score doesn’t tell your whole story. But you can. At Marine Credit Union, we don’t check boxes; we get to know you and offer products and services that make sense. Visit MarineCU.com or stop by a local branch: 6310 Green Bay Rd in Kenosha | 262.657.5020 3039 S Green Bay Rd in Racine | 262.554.7440 5133 Douglas Ave in Racine | 262.639.1975


Fish Anywhere on Lake Michigan – July 14- 22, 2018

PREFERRED CHARTERS Why Choose a Preferred Charter Company? Booking with one of these Preferred Charter Services gains you automatic entry into the contest. (Some limitations apply. See charter ticket rules for further details)

A-1 Big Fish Charters

Fish On Charters

Lucky Lyle Fishing Charters

Captain Michael Hanke Email: mike@albigfishcharters.com Website: A1bigfishcharters.com Port: Racine WI Phone: 262-989-9102

Captain Charles Email: charles@fishonchartersllc.com Website: fishonchartersllc.com Port: Port Washington WI Phone: 414-704-1209

Best Chance Fishing Charters

Gone Fishing Charters

Captain Tom Pataska Email: info@luckylylefishing.com & captomllfc@gmail.com Website: luckylylefishingcharters.com Port: Kenosha WI Phone: 262-748-0101

Captain Hunter Engel Email: bestchancetoo@hotmail.com Web address: bestchancetoo.com Port: Saugatuck MI Phone: 616-218-4718

Best Chance Too Fishing Charters Captain Dave Engel Email: bestchancetoo@hotmail.com Website: bestchancetoo.com Port: Saugatuck MI Phone: 616-292-4812

Big Fish Guide Service Captain Eric Haataja Email: ehfishing@gmail.com Website: www.wibigfish.com Port: Milwaukee WI Phone:414-779-0479

Blue Ribbon Outdoors Fishing Charters Captain Matthew Sonnentag Email: matt@blueribbonoutdoors.com Website: blueribbonoutdoors.com Port: Mc Kinley Marina (Milwaukee WI) Phone:608-698-3332

DJ’s Fish Tales Charter Service Blue Ribbon Fishing Charters Captain Dennis Brede Email: fatboysbaittackle@yahoo.com or djsfishtales@gmail.com Website: djsfishtales.com Port: Port Washington WI Phone: 262-536-4374

Captain Mark Wautelet Email: markwautelet@sbcglobal.net Web address: gonefishin-charters.com Port: Kewanee WI Phone: 920-255-2865

Hakuna Matata Fishing Charters

Manhardt Fishing Charters Captain Robert Manhardt Email: robertmanhardt@yahoo.com Website: manhardtcharters.com Port: Mc Kinley Marina (Milwaukee WI) Phone: 608-314-5215

Maritime Charters

Captain Byron Broerman Email: hakunamatatafishing@gmail.com Website: hakunamatatafishing.com Port: Algoma WI Phone: 715-451-1697

Captain Marc Sobeski Email: captmarc@att.net Website: maritimecharters.com Port: Mc Kinley Marina (Milwaukee WI) Phone: 414-397-6492

Jack’s Charter Service

Migrator Fishing Charters

Captain Ken Poludnianyk Email: catken@jackscharterservice.com Website: jackscharterservice.com Port: Mc Kinley Marina (Milwaukee WI) Phone: 414-482-2236

Captain Caleb Email: fishing.migrator@gmail.com Website: migratorcharters.com Port: Winthrop Harbor WI Phone: 815-338-8093

King of Kings Fishing Charters

Milwaukee Offshore Fishing Charters

Captain Mark Hering Email: letsgofishing@kingofkingscharter.com & mkhering3@gmail.com Website: kingofkingscharter.com Port: Mc Kinley Marina (Milwaukee WI) Phone: 262-707-9693

Captain Mark Scaffidi Email: captainmark@offshorefishingcharters414.com Website: milwaukeeoffshorefishing.com Port: Mc Kinley Marina (Milwaukee WI) Phone: 414-617-9331 or 414-899-9809

Kinn’s Katch Sport Fishing

Rainmaker Fishing Charters

Captain Troy Email: kinnsfishing@gmail.com Website: kinnskatch.com Port: Algoma WI Phone: 1-800-446-8605

Captain Al Johnson Email: al@rainmakersportfishing.com Website: rainmakersportfishing.com Port: Kenosha WI Phone: 262-697-0783 Continued on page 25 Salmon-A-Rama, Racine, WI


PEANUT RAFFLE PRIZE SPONSORS Play the Peanut Raffle – Every Bag Wins! Friday, July 15th - Sunday, July 23rd HOW TO PLAY: Purchase a bag of Peanuts any time during Salmon-A-Rama from SAR headquarters at Pershing Park. Each bag contains a prize! In addition to that prize, each purchase qualifies you for one entry in the Grand Prize Drawing for a Pellet Pro® Deluxe 1190 Pellet Grill with Accessory package (Valued at $1285), donated by Smoke Daddy Inc. (Pellet Pro® )! Must be present at time of Grand Prize drawing, on July 22nd, to win.

Peanuts donated by

SAVE THE DATE 2019 Salmon-A-Rama July 13-21st 2019


Fish Anywhere on Lake Michigan – July 14- 22, 2018

PREFERRED CHARTERS Continued Reel Action Sport Fishing Charters

Salmon Chaser Fishing Charters

Southport Fishing Charters

Captain Scott Gutschow Email: scott@reelactioncharters.com Website: reelactioncharters.com Port: Sturgeon Bay WI Phone: 920-360-2136

Captain Shane Lemke Email: salmonchasercharters@yahoo.com Website: salmonchasercharters.com Port: Mc Kinley Marina (Milwaukee WI) Phone: 262-939-3191

Captain Arnie Arredondo Email: arnie@southportcharter.com Web site: southportcharter.com Port: Kenosha WI Phone: 262-620-6411

Reel Retirement Fishing Charters

Sea Bronc ll Fishing Charters

Top Gun Fishing Charters

Captain Randy Hemb Email: rhembcnr@gmail.com Port: Sturgeon Bay WI Phone: 989-297-9710

Captain David Scott Email: dscott446@gmail.com Port: Kenosha WI Phone: 262-620-8205

Reel Sensation Fishing Charters

Silver King Fishing Charters

Captain Jason Woda Email: info@reelsensation.com Website: reelsensation.com Port: Mc Kinley Marina (Milwaukee WI) Phone: 414-384-8096

Captain Kurt Pokrandt Email: kpokrandt@xactedm.com Website: silverkingfishon.com Port: Mc Kinley Marina (Milwaukee WI) Phone: 414-460-1467


Captain Nolan Email: nolan@nolantopguncharters.com Website: nolanstopguncharters.com Port: Port Washington WI Phone: 262-305-3938


Reefpoint Marina

Howie’s Tackle

Big Lake Outfitters

2 Christopher Columbus Causeway Racine, WI 53403

1309 Green Bay Rd Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235

640 Water Street Saugatuck, MI 49453

Kortendick Ace Hardware

Accurate Marine & Storage

Lake Michigan Angler

3806 Douglas Avenue Racine, WI 53402

203 Dodge St. Kewaunee, WI 54216

The Bait Box

Jalensky’s Outdoors

(262) 633-7171

(262) 639-4820

(262) 284-9355

(920) 746-9916

(920) 388-2326

3781 Cty Rd KW Port Washington, WI 53074

5307 Green Bay Road Kenosha, WI 53144

The Wharf

R & R Sporting Goods

(920) 458-4406 733 Riverfront Dr. Sheboygan, WI 53081

(262) 654-2260

(414) 481-6888

3115 East Layton Avenue Cudahy, WI 53110

(269) 4762

(224) 789-7627

1038 Sheridan Rd. Winthrop Harbor, IL 60096

Tackle Haven (269) 925-0341

741 Riverview Benton Harbor, MI 49022

Sandy’s Port of Call (414) 762-1960

10075 S. Chicago Rd Oak Creek, WI 53154

Captain Chucks II (231) 843-4458

5756 US-10 Ludington, MI 49431 Salmon-A-Rama, Racine, WI


Salmon A Rama


1. Smith & Wesson M&P Sport II 556 2. Browning X Bolt 300 Win 3. Mossberg 835 12 Gauge 4. Glock 20 10MM 5. Smith & Wesson M&P .45 6. S & W Shield 9MM 7. Savage Axis XP .243WIN $10.00 per ticket or 6 for $50.00 Raffle Drawing held on July 22nd 2018 @ 2:00PM at Pershing Park

*ONLY 1500 TICKETS WILL BE SOLD* *Winner is responsible for firearm background check at Chambered *Winner must be of legal age to posses a firearm. *Need Not Be Present To Win Raffle License #R0002845-A-65191

a ramatickets at: Purchasesalmon Gun Raffle 2018 GUN RAFFLE The Salmon-A-Rama Grounds name:during the event, or by messaging us on Facebook address: Or at Bliffert Lumber:

10050 Durand Avenue, Sturtevant WI phone: ( )- Friday 7:00 - 5:00 Monday Saturday 8 a.m. – Noon


Fish Anywhere on Lake Michigan – July 14- 22, 2018

Lake Michigan Fisheries Management Strategies BY WISCONSIN DNR

Organization or Company Name

Fish stocking trucks are starting to deliver the first trout and salmon for Lake Michigan under a new stocking plan that seeks to sustain diverse fishing opportunities and expand partnerships to make sure more stocked fish survive to catchable size and wind up on Wisconsin anglers’ lines. The plan, developed over more than two years of discussion and input from more than 500 anglers, business owners and other stakeholders, calls for stocking Skamania Steelhead for the first time in a decade, stocking larger salmon and trout that survive better, and expanding efforts with fishing clubs to place stocked fish in pens in Lake Michigan to get acclimatized and grow bigger before they’re released. The plan also calls for DNR to contract with private fish farms to help meet stocking needs, and enhance data sharing with sport and charter anglers to continue improving the information DNR uses to make proactive and innovative management decisions.


“Our Wisconsin waters of Lake Michigan not only have world class Kettle Moraine Springs Fish Hatchery staff transfer Chambers fisheries, they have world class Creek steelhead from raceways to Brief description of event can include anglers, businesses, stakeholder anames stocking truck for delivery Lake of speakers and/or to sponsors, groups, and communities committed Michigan tributaries contact phone number, website, and/ to keeping the Lake Michigan fishery strong,” says or e-mail address. Department of Natural Resources Secretary Dan Meyer.

EVENT “With their input, expertise, and discussion, we’veNAME created a collaborative plan that embraces partnerships to enhance Day, Month, Date,fishing Year opportunities and success for all anglers, while sustaining a healthy Lake Time Michigan fisheries community.” Fee: $00.00

List notices and related DNR’s 2018-2020 plan calls for stocking levels similar to 2017’s and information here. remains within the guidance recommended by the Lake Michigan Committee, which is composed of state and tribal agencies on Lake Michigan, says Brad Eggold, DNR Great Lakes District fisheries supervisor.

“We’re cognizant of the complex interaction within the prey base,” Eggold said. “Our plan stays within Lake Michigan Committee guidelines but also maximizes the bang we get for our investment. We include innovative approaches and partnerships to make sure we are maximizing the survivability of the fish stocked and anglers’ success in catching them.” •

Chinook salmon stocking numbers remain consistent at about 810,000 fish total a year, recognizing the popularity of this fish and that angler catch rates are highest for Chinook. Eight Lake Michigan stocking sites will get more fish (1,800 to 4,200 fish per year) under a reallocation of 25,000 fish from Marinette and Strawberry Creek. Marinette will get

• •

20,000 more brown trout per year, to offset the Chinook reallocation. The annual lake-wide brown trout stocking target will increase from 356,000 to 376,000 and coho salmon stocking will focus on larger yearlings versus smaller fingerlings for stocking. The number of yearling fish stocked is targeted to increase over previous years, with a target of 400,000 yearlings stocked annually. Wisconsin research indicates that coho stocked as yearlings are nearly twice as likely to be caught by anglers than coho stocked as fingerlings. Steelhead stocking targets will increase from 300,000 to 350,000, and lake trout targets will continue to be evaluated, but will remain 300,000 per year for now. DNR partnered with Indiana to bring Skamania Steelhead to Wisconsin hatcheries, which will be stocked into Lake Michigan in 2018, and the additional Steelhead stocking is expected to occur under a new collaboration with the private aquaculture industry. DNR is developing a Request for Proposals to solicit private aquaculture interests to raise Steelhead to supplement DNR stocking into Lake Michigan beginning in 2019.


In addition, the DNR fisheries bureau is: expanding the salmon and trout net pen projects to maximize survivability of stocked fish; committing to working with Sea Grant in collecting additional information from charter and commercial fishers to better inform future management strategies; enhancing outreach and communication by more actively engaging stakeholders in communication initiatives; and exploring enhanced electronic reporting options that will increase the efficiency and accuracy of fishing report data. Eggold says that DNR staff greatly appreciate the continued involvement, expertise, and collaborative efforts of all Lake Michigan stakeholders. “We will continue to seek creative, constructive, and diverse input to inform management strategies to maintain diverse and sustainable fishing opportunities for current and future sport, commercial and charter anglers.” For more information, contact a Lake Michigan fisheries biologist or search the DNR website, dnr.wi.gov, for “Lake Michigan fisheries.”


Algoma, WI

100 LB.


AVAILABLE ONLY IN ALGOMA, WI • 8/15-9/15 $499 Each (6 persons)

• Four five-Hour Charters aboard one of our Deluxe sport fishing boats • Three nights lodging in our fully furnished condos. • All Licenses and trout stamps. • Continental Breakfast. • A deposit of $600 is required. The cost for 4 persons is $669 each, 5 persons $569 each.

Our Guarantee: If your group fails to catch the 100# of live fish weight for any reason we will deduct $10 for any pound short from your package!

SUPER S AVER $ 259 each


(6 Perso • Two Fiv ns) e-h charter fo our charters (u su llowed b y an morn ally an afternoon • One nig ing chart hts lodgin er). g • All lice (2 motel rooms). nses and trout sta • Contin m ps. (2-da ental bre y only). akfast • A depo sit of $30 0 deposi • The co t is requ st for fou ired rp (5 perso ns is $29 ersons is $359 e ach, 9 each).

For Reservations



Wisconsin’s Busiest Lake Michigan Charter Service! 3/18/16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30 - MN Salmon-A-Rama, Racine, WI 4/18/8,10,12,14 - WI






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