You’re Hired Detroit Job Magazine December 19, 2021, issue

Page 88

•Compet i t i vepayst r uct ur es •Heal t h,dent al ,vi si on,andl i f eopt i ons •401( k)wi t hcompanymat ch •FSA( Fl exi bl eSpendi ngAccount ) •EAP( Empl oyeeAssi st ancePr ogr am) •Pai dt i meof f ,pai dhol i daysandpai dbi r t hdayof f •Except i onalpai dt r ai ni ngandongoi ngsuppor t •Mot i vat i ngandpr of essi onalwor kpl ace •Excel l entadvancementoppor t uni t i es •I nnovat i vet echnol ogyf orst af fandcl i ent s •Char i t yandot hercommuni t yevent s Cust omerSer vi ce I nsi deSal esRepr esent i ve Col l ect i onSpeci al i st You’ l l Pr ofitFr omOurDi ffe r e nc e !


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