Catalog Deutscher Kunstverlag Fall 2020

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Fall 2020

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Dear Friends of Deutscher Kunstverlag, Dear Readers, It is my great pleasure to be able to present our preview for the fall of 2020 in a new design. The Deutscher Kunstverlag has undergone many changes in the past few years. But our passion for books that capture the diversity of art and architecture has remained a constant. So, discover the cosmos of Aby Warburg and the connection between art and quilts with us. Encounter the Norwegian artist Johan Christian Dahl or learn more about the architectural history of the 1960s to 1980s. I wish you lots of interesting insights and inspiring moments! Dr. Pipa Neumann Editorial Director


Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg, Konstanz Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Pinakotheken, Munich Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, Munich Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich Berlinische Galerie, Berlin Dehio Vereinigung e.V., Wiesbaden Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte – Bildarchiv Foto Marburg Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte / Centre Allemand d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris Franz Marc Museum, Kochel am See Georg Kolbe Museum, Berlin Grisebach GmbH, Berlin Hans Purrmann Stiftung, Munich Institut für Architekturtheorie und Baugeschichte, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege, Technische Universität, Vienna Klassik Stiftung Weimar Kulturhistorisches Museum Magdeburg Kunsthistorisches Institut der Universität Bonn Max-Planck-Institut – Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Florence Kunstmuseum Basel Kunstmuseum Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen Magdeburg Kunstmuseum Stuttgart Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg Kunstsammlungen und Museen Augsburg Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern, Munich Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO), Leipzig Lindenau-Museum Altenburg Institut für Kunstgeschichte – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur, Münster Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern Museum Villa Stuck, Munich Museum Wiesbaden Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München, Munich Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz Staatliche Schlösser, Gärten und Kunstsammlungen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Staatliches Museum Schwerin Staatsgalerie Stuttgart Stiftung Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam Stiftung Seebüll Ada und Emil Nolde, Seebüll tim – Staatliches Textil- und Industriemuseum Augsburg Tiroler Landesmuseum, Tyrol Vereinigung der Landesdenkmalpfleger, Wiesbaden Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich


ART Passion Leidenschaft 4 Ada und Emil Nolde − Luise und Gustav Schiefler 6 Between Cosmos and Pathos 8 Von der Renaissance zum Barock (1570−1670) 10 Dehio-Handbuch. Polen 12 Dehio-Handbuch. Hessen 12 wohnen 60 70 80 13 Porzellan der KPM Berlin 1918−1988 14 Amish Quilts Meet Modern Art 15 Joachim Tielke 16 Zwischen Ems und Elbe 16 Jenseitsbilder 17 Christoph Schwarz 17 Ludwig Knaus 18 Dahls Norwegen 19 Disziplinierung der Pflanzen 19 Deutscher Expressionismus in Frankreich 20 Xanti Schawinsky 20 Stürmische Zeiten 21 Andere Horizonte 22 (Wieder-)Entdecken 23 Werkzeuge 24 Temperierung 24 Mathematisch-Physika­lischer Salon – Masterpieces 25 Italien in Potsdam (Art guide) 26

BACKLIST Selected titles 27



Pauwels Franck, known Paolo Fiammingo, “Amori”: Il frutto dell‘amore (The Passion), 1585/89, oil on canvas, 158,7 x 257,3 cm, Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Gemäldegalerie, Inv. No. GG 2360

Herrmann Arnhold on behalf of the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) (Ed.)

Passion Leidenschaft Die Kunst der großen Gefühle Pages Ills. Format

304 230 color 30.0 × 24.0 cm



ca. € 48.00 ca. $ 55.99 ca. £ 43.50 DEUTSCHER KUNSTVERLAG


Exhibition LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur (Westfälisches Landesmuseum), Münster October 9th, 2020 to February 14th, 2021 Ignaz Günther, St. Teresa of Avila with angel, 1771, limewood, h. 62 cm, Munich, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Inv. No. 54/4


Envy and anger, love and hate, desire and jealousy—the depiction of heart­ rending, very dramatic, deeply ex­ hilarating, or deeply upsetting figures and scenes has been a central theme throughout the history of European art. Great emotions change the world, influence our thinking and beliefs, lead to war and resistance. In politics and society, emotions are more relevant

Great emotions in the visual art of Europe: a fascinating and substantial foray from ancient times until today

With expert texts from the field of emotion research from the perspectives of art history, philosophy, and the history of medicine

than ever. In a large special exhibition at the LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur in Münster and the accompa­ nying catalogue, some 160 artworks provide a historical overview from the beginnings in antiquity until the pres­ ent day. Brought together are paint­ ings, sculptures, photos, and video installations by Matthias Grünewald, Leonardo da Vinci, Peter Paul Rubens,

Camille ­Claudel, Edvard Munch, Käthe Kollwitz, Bill Viola, Maria Lassnig, and many more. Essays by Stephanie Eichberg, Ute Frevert, Ursula Frohne, Ulrich Heinen, Petra Marx, Klaus Niehr, Kerstin Thomas, Susanne Witzgall

Martha Rosler, POINT & SHOOT, a mourning thought (though I am more enraged than in mourning), 2016, Digital print



Emil Nolde, “Johanna”, 1911, lithography with watercolor, 50 x 43 cm, Nolde Stiftung Seebüll

Indina Woesthoff, Nolde Stiftung Seebüll (Eds.)

Ada und Emil Nolde – Luise und Gustav Schiefler. Briefwechsel Volume 1: “Es ist immer ein Fest, wenn ein Brief von Ihnen ankommt.” 1906–1914 Volume 2: “Möchten wir noch ein recht weites und gutes Stück Leben mit­einander gehen.” 1915–1956 1100 (two-volume edition) 200 color 24.0 × 16.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-98257-4 € 119.95 $ 137.99 £ 109.00 GERMAN OCTOBER 2020

Over 700 letters in fifty years: a rare stroke of luck for the Nolde research

Access to an unparalleled source on Nolde’s life and work

A pleasure to read, also for non-experts


Pages Ills. Format


Gustav Schiefler, a lawyer from Ham­ burg, and his wife, Luise, were for decades among Emil Nolde’s trusted friends and patrons. It is a rare stroke of luck that the correspondence be­ tween the artist couple and collector friends, with over 700 letters, has been preserved nearly in its entirety. The correspondence shows a lively and detailed picture of Nolde’s life

and work from 1906 into the 1950s. This makes it possible for the dating of works, trips, and encounters to be veri­fied conclusively and in part anew and to shed critical light on the im­ age he cultivated. Journal entries by Schiefler and other letters and docu­ ments from the estates supplement the exchange of letters. An in-depth commentary makes the two-volume

Emil Nolde, “Steam-Trawler”, 1910, woodcut, 30.2 x 38.5/6 cm, Nolde Stiftung Seebüll

edition a pleasure to read, not only for art scholars. Indina Woesthoff, art historian Nolde Stiftung Seebüll

Emil Nolde, “Joy in Life”, 1905, etching, 17.9 x 12 cm, Nolde Stiftung Seebüll



Panel 55 from the Bilderatlas Mnemosyne, October 1929 (with Cat. 31, 32, 33)

Neville Rowley, Jörg Völlnagel (Eds.)

Zwischen Kosmos und Pathos / Between Cosmos and Pathos

Berliner Werke aus Aby Warburgs Bilderatlas Mnemosyne / Berlin Works from Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas 120 75 color 26.0 × 19.0 cm



€ 29.00 $ 33.99 £ 26.50



Pages Ills. Format

Exhibition Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Gemäldegalerie 2020


Aby Warburg, one of the most im­ portant art-historians of the late nineteenth and early twentieth cen­ tury, studied the “afterlife” of ancient motifs in European culture since the Renaissance. Warburg’s final work was his Mnemosyne Atlas, a collection of nearly 1000 images summarizing his studies and showing new directions in visual culture. The book for the exhi­

Catalogue for the special presentation of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin in cooperation with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, and the Warburg Institute, London

Restaging of the Mnemosyne Atlas with works from the collections in Berlin

bition at the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin, presents nearly fifty original artworks from ten collections of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin that Warburg select­ ed for the atlas. They illustrate rela­ tionships between works and cultures that transcend the boundaries of time and space and simultaneously explain the complex thinking that underlies Warburg’s atlas exemplarily.

Essays by Neville Rowley and Jörg Völlnagel


Andreas Bemer, Johann Scholz and Johann Pfister, Boim Chapel, L’viv (Lemberg), cathedral, 1609–17


Karel Škréta, “The Family of Precious Stone Cutter Miseroni”, 1653, National Gallery, Prague, Inv.-Nr. O 560

Agnieszka Gąsior, Marius Winzeler (Eds.)

Von der Renaissance zum Barock (1570−1670) Handbuch zur Geschichte der Kunst in Ostmitteleuropa 5 Pages Ills. Format

656 650 color 27.5 × 21.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-06962-6 € 98.00 $ 112.99 £ 89.00

A first in-depth consideration of the art history of Eastern Europe

A look at the production of art in the era of the Great Wars

The migration of artists in Bohemia, Poland, and Hungary




The Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe’s (GWZO) nine-volume edition project takes a look for the first time at 1500 years of cultural heritage in the re­ gion between the Adriatic, Baltic, and Black Sea from a transnational, overall European perspective. The era from 1570 to 1670 was shaped by big crises in Europe. The denominational and

military conflicts of the sixteenth and seventeenth century changed the con­ ditions for artistic work in East-Central Europe. But this in no way led to a de­ cline in art production. It instead de­ fined new tasks and functions for art, promoted artistic exchange and the migration of artists, helped ad­vance new artistic centers, and gave rise to new dynamics of representation.

Agnieszka Gąsior, The Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) Marius Winzeler, Director of the Collection of Old Mas­ ters, National Gallery Prague

Already published Christian Lübke, Matthias Hardt (Eds.) Vom spätantiken Erbe zu den Anfängen der Romanik (400–1000) Handbuch zur Geschichte der Kunst in Ostmitteleuropa 1 Pages 652 Ills. 600 color Format 27.5 x 21.0 cm HC 978-3-422-06958-9 € 98.00 $ 112.99 £ 89.00 GERMAN

Ottavio Miseroni and Jan Vermeyen, bowl with young Bacchus, ca. 1600/05, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Kunstkammer, Vienna, Inv.-Nr. 1871

Viewing Monuments Without Dehio?

NEW 3 volumes in slipcase

The Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler, a handbook of German cultural monuments established by Georg Dehio more than 100 years ago, has remained a highly reliable guide to Germany’s monument landscape. It is published by the Dehio-Vereinigung and the Vereinigung der Landesdenkmalpfleger (VDL, an association of state conservators). The Dehio-Handbuch is an ideal travel companion for informing readers about the origins and eventful histories of German monuments. Numerous plans, ground plans and maps make orientation easy.



Kleinpolen Volume I – III 2056 pages 92 b/w and 16 color illustrations Format 18,0 × 12,0 cm HC € 78.00 [D]; $ 89.99; £ 71.00 ISBN 978-3-422-03125-8 MAY 2020

NOW as a set



Hessen Volume I + II 2016 pages 149 plans and 17 color maps Format 18,0 × 12,0 cm HC € 68.00 [D]; $ 78.99; £ 62.00 ISBN 978-3-422-98215-4 JUNE 2020

Vereinigung der Landesdenkmal­pfleger (Ed.)

wohnen 60 70 80 Junge Denkmäler in Deutschland Pages Ills. Format

264 315 color 28.0 × 21.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-98154-6

€ 39.90 $ 45.99 £ 36.50

The 1960s, 70s, and 80s become a focus in historical monument preservation

Hitherto unknown references to residential architecture

Also for readers with no expert knowledge




This book provides an overview of residential buildings and housing de­ velopments in Germany from this time that have been recognized as histori­ cal monuments. Numerous buildings in various areas, including single-family houses, residential developments, high-rise buildings, and experimental structures are thus brought into the current research discussion anew

based on a broad range of ma­terials. In light of the current wave of re­ construction, the book focuses on an architectural era whose historical monument quality has not yet been accepted as a matter of course. The well-documented buildings vividly relate the history of construction and housing in the young Federal Republic of Germany and German Democratic

Meinhard von Gerkan, Volkwin Marg, Wilfried Köhnemann: Köhnemann house, garden view, Sarenweg 38, Hamburg, 1968/69

Republic. The book is richly illustrated and addressed to both experts as well as a broader audience. Members of AG Inventarisation, Vereinigung der Landesdenkmal­ pfleger (VDL)

Günther Vogel, Günter Meißgeier, Ralf Reif, Karlheinz Günther: high-rise building Heinrichstraße 27–45, Gera, 1959–63, block 14, upper floor, vesti­ bule, 2018

Tim D. Gronert

Porzellan der KPM Berlin 1918−1988 Pages Ills. Format

Vol. 1: 492 p. / Vol. 2: 440 p. / Vol. 3: 472 p. (3 volumes in slipcase) numerous 30.0 × 24.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-97147-9

€ 168.00 $ 193.99 £ 152.50




Three volumes in slipcase: First comprehensive standard and reference work on the KPM

For specialists, porcelain lovers, and laypeople

Photographs of 2,000 objects as well as hitherto unpublished original designs, archival pictures, and private photos

The three-volume work is dedicated to the years when the Königliche Porzel­ lan-Manufaktur (KPM) operated under the name “Staatliche Porzellan-Manu­ faktur Berlin” and thus closes a strik­ ing gap in the research. The author Tim D. Gonert presents the history of the factory in the twentieth century and provides an overview of the huge variety of forms and artistic decora­

tions in the modern porcelain pro­ duced in Berlin based on over 2,000 compiled objects. The objects, all of which have been photographed anew, are accompanied by scholarly texts and archival photos resulting from research and work with documentary materials over years. The volume of biographies describes the life and work of the most important designers

in over sixty essays and thus rounds off this wonderful reference work for craftsmanship and design. Tim D. Gronert, art dealer and porcelain collector, Berlin

Staatl. Textil- und Industriemuseum Augsburg, Karl Borromäus Murr, Tanja Kreutzer (Ed.)

Amish Quilts Meet Modern Art Pages Ills. Format

216 80 color 26.5 × 23.0 cm



€ 24.00 $ 27.99 £ 22.00

High-quality historical Amish quilts and contemporary art by Winfred Gaul, Robert Motherwell, Urs Lüthi, and Beate Passow, among others

New scholarly insights into the technique and subjects of original Amish quilts




How can historical Amish quilts and con­temporary art enter into a dialogue with one another that is not limited to merely formal similarities? This ques­ tion is addressed in the catalogue accompanying a special exhibition at the Staatliches Textil- und Industrie­mu­ seum in Augsburg (State Textile and Industry Museum; tim). The unique jux­ taposition of original Amish quilts from

the time between 1890 and 1950 with high-quality works by con­temporary artists breaks down bounda­ries be­ tween genres, time, and space. The focus is on a search for answers to fundamental questions of human ex­ istence. What thus result are illuminat­ ing insights into the foundations and abysses of life today, traditional moral concepts, and contemporary art.

Exhibition Staatliches Textil- und Industriemuseum Augsburg (tim) May 19th to October 25th, 2020

Karl Borromäus Murr and Tanja Kreutzer, Staatl. Textil- und Industriemuseum Augsburg (tim)


Barbara and Friedemann Hellwig

Joachim Tielke

Neue Funde zu Werk und Wirkung Pages Ills. Format

80 50 color 28.0 × 21.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-98211-6

€ 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00


Presentation of newly discovered musical instruments made by Joachim Tielke

New insights into Tielke’s work

Clarification of the dating of his instruments

Joachim Tielke was an outstanding in­ strument maker in the Baroque period who is famous above all for his elab­ orately decorated works. The book presents new musical instruments made by him that have only recently become known. This has made it pos­ sible to expand on various aspects of his work and to clarify questions re­ garding dating more precisely. This book provides new insights into Tielke’s work and supplements the extensive volume Joachim Tielke. Kunstvolle Musikinstrumente des Barock (2011).

Friedemann Hellwig, violin maker, restorer of historical musical instruments Barbara Hellwig, art historian, Hamburg


Urs Boeck

Zwischen Ems und Elbe

1200 Jahre Kunst in Niedersachsen, Hamburg und Bremen Pages Ills. Format

256 120 color 28.0 × 19.5 cm

HC 978-3-422-07441-5 GERMAN JUNE 2020

€ 39.90 $ 45.99 £ 36.50

A unique survey of the art-historical development of Lower Saxony, Hamburg, and Bremen from 800 to the present

Urs Boeck’s survey undertakes nothing less than an integrated view of the art landscape of Lower Saxony, Hamburg, and Bremen since Saxony was incor­ porated culturally into the Frankish realm around 800, up to the World Expo in Hannover in 2000. As the for­ mer main conservator of Lower Saxo­ ny, Boeck confidently leads readers through the disparate art landscape between the Rhine and the Elbe, the North Sea and the Harz. With in-depth expert knowledge and an eye for the big picture, he sheds light on central artistic achievements in architecture,

sculpture, and painting and classifies them within their temporal and spatial context. References to artistic events across national borders in Europe in particular make this book a unique ref­ erence work for art in Lower Saxony, Hamburg, and Bremen. Urs Boeck, Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege


Dantes Commedia und ihr Weiterleben im Weltgericht bis 1500 Italienische Forschungen des Kunsthisto­ rischen Institutes in Florenz, I Mandorli 29 Pages Ills. Format

368 132 b/w, 30 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-98131-7

€ 48.00 $ 55.99 £ 43.50


Innovative consideration of the relationship between text and image in the Middle Ages

New understanding of the reception of Dante in medieval visualizations of the afterworld

Contemporary study on Dante’s Commedia and its continued life in the arts shortly before the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death in 2021

Dante’s Commedia intensively influ­ enced the concept of the afterlife for people in Italy. But how did artists react to Dante’s imaginary world of images in their visual constructions of the Last Judgment? Based on cycles of wall paintings by artists from Giotto to Signorelli, the author shows how the Commedia altered the traditional picture theme of Judgment Day for the first time. Dante’s landscape of the afterlife enabled painters to visu­ alize new pictorial spaces that did not necessarily have a direct connection to the text, but make reference to it

nevertheless. The consideration of this complex pictorial program that is un­ dertaken in this book in turn opens up new ways of understanding the recep­ tion and interpretation of the Commedia, so that text and image enter into a productive dialogue.


Theresa Holler

Theresa Holler, University of Bern


Sandra-Kristin Diefenthaler

Christoph Schwarz Hofkünstler der Wittelsbacher im konfessionellen Zeitalter Pages Ills. Format

600 190 b/w, 182 color 28.0 × 21.0 cm

HC 978-3-422-07465-1 GERMAN JUNE 2020

€ 68.00 $ 78.99 £ 62.00

First in-depth monograph on Christoph Schwarz

Includes a complete overview of his works and a catalogue of works by artists he influenced

With summaries in English

Christoph Schwarz (ca. 1545–1592) was among the most influential artists at the court of the Bavarian Dukes Albrecht V and Wilhelm V in Munich. In his early years, he designed much acclaimed façade paintings whose lively compositions reveal an exam­ ination of Venice. With Wilhelm V’s accession to power, he became the preferred painter for the monumental altar pictures of the Jesuits. For the first time, an in-depth mono­ graph is being dedicated to one of the most important court painters of the end of the sixteenth century.

It examines Schwarz’s ambivalent position between city and court and the signifi­cance of his pictorial themes in the period of the Protestant Ref­ ormation. The extensive publication includes a complete overview of his works and a catalogue of works by artists he influenced. Sandra-Kristin Diefenthaler, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart

Museum Wiesbaden, Peter Forster, Rebecca Krämer (Eds.)

Ludwig Knaus Homecoming Pages Ills. Format

224 300 color 25.6 × 24.3 cm



€ 44.00 $ 50.99 £ 40.00



“New York is the market for Knaus.” (Samuel Putnam Avery, 1889) – major works never shown in Germany before, which were already sold overseas during the artist‘s lifetime

For the most part, drawings by the master of poetic realism being published for the first time


Ludwig Knaus (* 1829 in Wiesbaden † 1910 in Berlin) is one of the most important German artists of the 19th century. With his works, which were successful both in Germany and abroad, he shaped a genre and helped genre painting achieve a unique popu­ larity. He thus set new standards, but was also successful as a portraitist. With the exhibition and the catalogue,

Exhibition Museum Wiesbaden February 14th to August 2nd, 2020

a link is made to the zenith of Knaus’s career. The fact that important major works by the artists were sold to the United States during his lifetime plays a central role in this. His captivating drawings of outstanding quality pub­ lished in the catalogue can by all means be regarded as equal to his those of Adolph von Menzel; they pro­ vide important insights into the gen­

esis of his paintings and contribute to understanding Knaus’s artistic cosmos. Essays by Jo Briggs, Peter Forster, Nikolas Werner Jacobs, Rebecca Krämer, Bernd Küster, Matthias Memmel

Dahls Norwegen

Die künstlerische Erfindung einer norwegischen Nationalkultur Pages Ills. Format

368 80 b/w, 30 color 28.0 × 21.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-98140-9 € 69.95 $ 80.99 £ 63.50 GERMAN JULY 2020

First German-language monograph on Johan Christian Clausen Dahl

First translation and incorporation of numerous Scandinavian sources

Presentation of Dahl’s national-cultural “discovery” of stave churches as Norwegian cultural monuments

At the start of the nineteenth cen­ tury, Johan Christian Clausen Dahl (1788–1857) recognized the political potential of landscape painting. Firmly an­chored in the discursive surround­ ings of the European cultural elite, from Dresden, he contributed to form­ ing the national identity of Norway, his home country. Less well known is the fact that his work was also reflected in the protec­ tion of historical monuments and in journalism. As a painter, monument conservationist, and journalist, Dahl combined scholarly, topographical,

aesthetic, historical, political, and mythological aspects with a Nordic and national discourse on identity. The first German-language mono­ graph on Dahl addresses the multi­ faceted work of this artistic personal­ ity from the perspective of the history of art and culture.


Marie-Louise Monrad Møller

Marie-Louise Monrad Møller, art historian


Judith Elisabeth Weiss

Disziplinierung der Pflanzen

Bildvorlagen zwischen Ästhetik und Zweck Pages Ills. Format

200 100 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-98293-2 € 29.90 $ 34.99 £ 27.00 GERMAN NOVEMBER 2020

New insights into vegetal patterns and plants as a figure of knowledge

Artworks by Karl Blossfeldt, Moritz Meurer, Fratelli Alinari, Ernst Haeckel, et al.

In the second half of the nineteenth century, plants gained great popular­ ity as providers of ideas for artistic form. Collections of designs whose didactic imagery has so far been little research­ed circulated at art schools and in the applied arts. The book not only makes a contribu­ tion to the theory and history of imag­ es of plants, but also shows the great topicality of the vegetal in the art of today. It examines notions of cultural renewal, which are always connect­ ed with the rhythm of the sprouting, growing, and blooming of plants as

well as the political exploitation of flora in the categories of the home­ grown and the national. The image of plants thus unfolds at the intersection of botany and aesthetics. Judith Elisabeth Weiss, Leibniz Centre for Literary and Cultur­ al Research (ZfL), Berlin


Sandra Duhem

Deutscher Expressio­ nismus in Frankreich Späte Anerkennung im Pariser Musée national d’art moderne 1960–1978 Pages Ills. Format

336 3 b/w, 17 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-98141-6

€ 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50


Multifaceted source material on the process of cultural reconciliation between Germany and France

New insights into the belated recognition of German Expressionism in France

Bilateral perspective on exhibition history as a contribution to the writing of art history from a transnational perspective

German Expressionism was first pre­ sented in France’s most important museum of modern art, the Musée national d’art moderne in Paris, start­ ing in the 1960s, more than fifty years after its emergence. In light of the numerous contacts between German artists and the art scene in Paris at the start of the twentieth century, this is surprising. Based on source material on four spe­ cial exhibitions in Paris between 1960 and 1978 that presented Expression­ ist works from Germany, the author analyzes an eventful German-French

history of perception that was shaped for a long time, until into the 1970s, by national and nationalistic discourses. Written from a bilateral German-­ French perspective, the book makes an important contribution to the writ­ ing of art history from a transnational perspective. Sandra Duhem, France Centre of Saarland University, Saarbrücken


Annegret Laabs, Torsten Blume, Kunstmuseum Magdeburg, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation (Eds.)

Xanti Schawinsky Vom Bauhaus in die Welt From the Bauhaus into the World Pages Ills. Format

128 70 color 28.0 × 21.5 cm




€ 29.90 $ 34.99 £ 27.00

New insights into hitherto unpublished sources from the estate

A look at the up to now almost undiscovered early work of Schawinsky

Xanti Schawinsky (1904–1979) was a master of improvisation – in the field of stage design, as a photographer, and as a creator of exhibition build­ ings and large-scale photomontages. His early works have remained nearly undiscovered. New documents from the estate facilitate an unobstructed view of this protagonist of the Bau­ haus Dessau. The publication focuses on Schawin­ sky’s early work, his position as head of the graphic design department of the building authority in Magdeburg starting in 1929, his designs for theater

stages in Zwickau, and the photomon­ tages that he created in cooperation with Gropius for the German Building Exhibition of 1931 and the Pennsylva­ nia Pavilion for the World Fair of 1939. These works show Schawinsky to be an innovative photographer and trail­ blazer in modern design. Annegret Laabs, Kunstmuseum Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen, Magdeburg Torsten Blume, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation

Felix Billeter, Maria Leitmeyer (Ed.)

Stürmische Zeiten Eine Künstlerehe in Briefen 1915–1943 Hans Purrmann und Mathilde Vollmoeller-Purrmann Edition Purrmann Briefe Pages Ills. Format

256 50 color 21.0 × 13.5 cm


Annotated selection of 100 letters from the holdings of the Purrmann House in Speyer and the Hans Purrmann Archive in Munich

With an essay by Karin Althaus, Lenbach­ haus, and texts by the editors Felix Billeter and Maria Leitmeyer


SC 978-3-422-98242-0 € 18.00 $ 20.99 £ 16.50


The correspondence of Hans Purr­ mann (1880–1966) and Mathilde ­Vollmoeller-Purrmann (1876–1943), an important painter couple of classi­ cal modernism, provides fascinating insights into the art world of the first half of the twentieth century. Following the volume Sehnsucht nach dem Anderen (Longing for the Other) about the years in Paris at the

Académie Matisse, which was pub­ lished in 2019, the second volume, Stürmische Zeiten (Stormy Times), continues the story of the artists’ mar­ riage in the years from 1915 to 1943. While in Berlin, Langenargen, Rome, and Flor­ence, Hans Purrmann and Mathilde Vollmoeller-Purrmann were also firmly anchored in the artistic avant-garde of Europe at this time,

with all its historical, artistic, and per­ sonal upheavals. Felix Billeter, Hans Purrmann archive Munich Maria Leitmeyer, Purrmann-Haus Speyer

Already published Felix Billeter, Maria Leitmeyer (Eds.) Sehnsucht nach dem Anderen. Eine Künstlerehe in Briefen 1909–1914 Pages Ills. Format

184 50 color 21.0 x 13.5 cm

SC 978-3-422-89286-6 € 14,90 $ 17.99 £ 13.50 GERMAN Hans Purrmann, portrait of Mathilde Vollmoeller, 1924, oil on canvas, private

The Purrmann family visiting Pompeii, ca. 1923, Hans Purrmann archive, Munich

Anna-Carola Krausse

Andere Horizonte

Ostdeutsche Nachkriegsmoderne im Schatten des Sozialistischen Realismus Pages Ills. Format

320 300 color 28.0 × 24.0 cm


HC 978-3-422-07483-5 € 34.90 $ 40.99 £ 31.50 GERMAN NOVEMBER 2020

Multifacetted presentation of artists of the early GDR, whose work defies the common cliché of uniform state art

Unique visual material, with some works published for the first time

Published in the anniversary year: thirty years of reunification

Anna-Carola Krausse

andere horizonte Ostdeutsche Nachkriegsmoderne im Schatten des Sozialistischen Realismus


The richly illustrated publication presents artists who were repeatedly accused of “formalism” in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) of the 1950s and 1960s. The presentation of this early artistic opposition impres­ sively shows how purposefully and self-confidently painters and graphic artists clung to the autonomy of art even in phases of rigid cultural pol­

icies, and successively contributed to expanding the artistic corset by persistently testing out and boldly overstepping narrow boundaries. The presentation of representative pictures by some thirty artists and the exami­ nation of the genesis of exemplary works facilitate a differentiated view of the art of the early GDR, in which it is not so much art policy, but instead

the artwork itself that is the subject of interrogation and assessment.

Artists: Manfred Böttcher, Fritz Dähn, Kate Diehn-Bitt, Achim Freyer, Wasja Götze, Dieter Goltzsche, Erhard Hip­ pold, Hedwig Holtz-Sommer, Edmund Kesting, Hans Kinder, Ulrich Knispel,

Hans Körnig, Siegfried Korth, Wilhelm Lachnit, Roger Loewig, Carl Lohse, Harald Metzkes, Otto Niemeyer-Hol­ stein, Georg Pütter, Hans Theo Richter, Ernst Schroeder, Hanfried Schulz, Max

Schwimmer, Hans Vent, Herbert We­ gehaupt, Horst Zickelbein, Gerhard Al­ tenbourg, Kurt Bunge, Hans Christoph, Heinrich Ehmsen, Hermann Glöckner, Ernst Hassebrauk, Elisabeth Voigt

Horst Zickelbein, Liegender Akt, Darß, 1965, Gouache and tempera on cardboard, 45,5 x 64,5 cm

Anna-Carola Krausse, art historian and curator, Berlin

Dieter Goltzsche, Strahlen, 1966, Watercolor on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm

Roger Loewig, Untitled (Leskowiak dreimal), 1957, Gouache on paper, 91 x 95 cm


(Wieder-)Entdecken – Die Kunsthalle Mannheim 1933 bis 1945 und die Folgen Pages Ills. Format

120 numerous ills. in color 28.0 x 20.5 cm



€ 19.50 $ 22.90 £ 17.50


Die Kunsthalle 1933 bis 1945 und die Folgen

Insights into the fascinating investigations of provenance research

Reconstruction of the modernist collection of the Kunsthalle Mannheim destroyed by the National Socialists

Honoring the Jewish benefactors of the Museum


(Wieder-)Entdecken – Die Kunsthalle 1933 bis 1945 und die Folgen

Johan Holten, Mathias Listl (Eds.)


On the occasion of the opening of the new museum complex in 2018, the Kunsthalle Mannheim occupied itself intensively with the impacts of Nation­ al Socialism on the institution. A per­ manent exhibition and catalogue shed light on the complete loss of over 500 works due to the seizures of “de­ generate art” in 1937, but also on the propaganda exhibition that was pre­

sented in 1933, at the beginning of the National Socialists’ smear campaigns against the modern avant-garde. The book also traces the life journeys of five Jewish families from Mannheim, who, despite flight and expulsion, still remained connected with the museum as benefactors after 1945. The compli­ cated search for art looted by the Na­ tional Socialists becomes comprehen­

sible—and also the museum’s efforts to reveal the injustices committed and, if possible, to right the wrongs. Mathias Listl, Kunsthalle Mannheim

Exhibition Kunsthalle Mannheim June 2nd, 2018 to October 4th (at least), 2020

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Gelbes Engelufer, Berlin, 1912


Gitta Böth, Manfred Hartmann, Viktor Pröstler


Eine Typologie für Museen und Sammlungen Volume 1: Axt; Feile, Raspel, Schaber; Hacke, Haken, Harke, Haue MuseumsBausteine 20, 1 Pages Ills. Format

144 numerous 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-07477-4 € 14.90 $ 17.99 £ 13.50 GERMAN JULY 2020

Defining tools reliably

Richly illustrated guide through the world of tools

Tools are found in the collection hold­ ings of most museums of history and culture. They reflect the work and hand­craft of past centuries. Defining tools and their function always pres­ ents a challenge as a result of their diverse tasks or special uses. This fully illustrated compendium deals with three groups of tools, and explains their use and history: axes and hatchets; files, rasps, and scrap­ ers; and picks, hooks, rakes, and hoes. The book thus proves to be an indis­ pensable resource for inventorying collection objects and is sim­ul­tane­ously

a knowledgeable compendium for everyone who is interested in historical and modern types and forms of hand tools. Gitta Böth, Manfred Hartmann, Viktor Pröstler et. al.; ed. by Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern, LWL-Freilichtmuseum Hagen and LWL-Museumsamt für Westfalen


Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern (Ed.)


Ein Leitfaden für die Museumspraxis MuseumsBausteine 21 Pages Ills. Format

96 20 b/w, 16 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm

SC 978-3-422-97994-9 € 19.90 $ 22.99 £ 18.00 GERMAN JUNE 2020

THE handbook on temperature control – concise, comprehensible, and practical

A practical manual on stabilizing climate

A guide for the correct use of temperature control in day-to-day operations

Museums – which are often housed in historical buildings – require a partic­ ular climate: sensitive museum pieces need special temperature and humidi­ ty values, while visitors and personnel are nonetheless supposed to feel comfortable. This can be achieved by means of temperature control, a simple and effective method of heat distribution. Its main characteristic is the continuous heating of the shell of the building. The book clearly explains fundamental aspects of interior climate and heating and the nature of temperature control.

It provides practical tips on operation, for instance, in the phase of fine-­ tuning, on measuring climate, and on installation and operating costs. An­ other chapter deals with supplemen­ tary building technology: ventilation, humidification and dehumidification, cooling and heating. Ed. by Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern

Peter Plaßmeyer

MathematischPhysikalischer Salon – Masterpieces

Collection at the Zwinger, Staatliche Kunst­ sammlungen Dresden Pages Ills. Format

160 30 b/w, 120 color 25.5 × 21.0 cm € 22.00 € 22.00 $ 17.99 £ 13.50


Presentation of the collection of the oldest museum in the world

mathematisch-physiKalischer salon

A first overview after the reopening in 2013

staatliche KunstsammlunGen dresden

Milestones in the history of science and our civilization

zwinger im semperbau meisterwerke


SC En 978-3-422-97987-1 SC Ger 978-3-422-07186-5


In 1728, Augustus II the Strong erected the “Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments” in the Royal Palace at the Zwinger in Dresden as an independent museum that collect­ ed tools and scientific instruments for calculating the altitude of stars or the next solar eclipse, or for aligning cannons. Until today, the Salon houses numerous showpieces from the world-­

famous collection. It includes terres­ trial and celestial globes, fascinating optical, astronomical, and geodesic devices, and historical aids for calcu­ lating, drawing, and measuring. The new museum guide takes readers and/ or visitors through the large exhibition, which reopened in 2013, documents the sovereigns’ passion for collecting, and shows laypeople and specialists

the foundations on which our world of today is based. Peter Plaßmeyer, Director of the Mathematisch-Physika­ lischer Salon, Staatliche Kunstsamm­ lungen Dresden

Other titles planned in the series


Jutta Charlotte von Bloh Kurfürstliche Garderobe – Meisterwerke

Jutta Charlotte von Bloh Auf dem Weg zur Kurfürstenmacht – Meisterwerke

Rüstkammer im Residenzschloss Meisterwerke

Pages Ills. Format

200 190 color 25.5 × 21.0 cm


978-3-422-98128-7 € 22.00 $ 17.99 £ 13.50


auf Dem Weg zur fürstenmacht staatliche Kunstsammlungen DresDen

rüstkammer im residenzschloss meisterwerke

Pages Ills. Format

180 180 color 25.5 × 21.0 cm


978-3-422-98129-4 € 22.00 $ 17.99 £ 13.50


Italy in Potsdam

Have you ever noticed how much from Italy can be found in Potsdam?


Approx. 52 pages 50 illustrations SC € 5.95 [D]; $6.99; £5.50 ISBN 978-3-422-98424-0 MAY 2020

Frederick the Great was the first person to want to give the small city on the Havel River a more cosmopolitan spirit and elegance and thus had numerous Italian buildings and squares recreated there. A Palace Barberini is found, namely, not only on the Quirinal in Rome, but also on the Alter Markt in Potsdam, an ancient round temple not only in Tivoli, but also not far from the Glienicke Bridge, and Roman Baths are found near the Charlottenhof Palace. The art guide accompanies you on a stroll through Italian Potsdam, with more than thirty points of interest, and takes you from large, magnificent squares to unique parks and small, hidden details that first reveal their kinship to Italy at second glance.


Print SC € 4.95 [D]; $5.99; £4.50 ISBN 978-3-422-04035-9 DAS MARMORPALAIS IM NEUEN GARTEN

SC € 4.95 [D]; $5.99; £4.50 978-3-422-04034-2 SCHLOSS CECILIENHOF

SC € 5.95 [D]; $6.99; £5.50 978-3-422-98308-3

Steven D. Lavine. Failure is What It’s All About A Life Devoted to Leadership in the Arts Jörn Jacob Rohwer

2020. 336 pages 30.0 × 23.0 cm 320 color ills.

2020. 160 pages 16.0 × 22.0 cm 34 duplex ills.

HC 978-3-422-98052-5 En € 29.90 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00

HC 978-3-422-98155-3 Ger € 33.95 / $ 39.99 / £ 31.00

Hans Baldung Grien heilig | unheilig Holger Jacob-Friesen (Ed.)

Hans Baldung Grien Neue Perspektiven auf sein Werk Holger Jacob-Friesen, Oliver Jehle (Eds.)

2019. 504 pages 30.0 × 24.0 cm 500 color ills. HC 978-3-422-97981-9 Ger € 39.90 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

Carl Haag Viktorianischer Hofmaler und reisender Abenteurer zwischen Orient und Okzident Walter Karbach, Catherine Allison 2019. 328 pages 22.5 × 14.0 cm 26 b/w ills., 16 color ills. HC 978-3-422-07481-1 Ger € 34.90 / $ 40.99 / £ 31.50

Der Tierbildhauer Josef Pallenberg (1882–1946) Martin Bartelmus, Stefan Schweizer (Eds.), Stefan Curth 2020. 256 pages 28.0 × 22.0 cm Numerous ills. HC 978-3-422-97983-3 En/Ger € 34.90 / $ 40.99 / £ 31.50

Die Kunst der Interpretation Rubens und die Druckgraphik Hans Jakob Meier

2019. 320 pages 30.0 × 24.0 cm 260 color ills.

2019. 424 pages 32.0 × 22.5 cm half-cloth bound 9 b/w ills., 732 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-97982-6 En/Ger € 29.90 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00

HC 978-3-422-98064-8 Ger € 98.00 / $ 112.99 / £ 89.00

Von Barbizon bis ans Meer Carl Malchin und die Entdeckung Mecklenburgs Tobias Pfeifer-Helke, Staatliche Schlösser, Gärten und Kunstsammlun­ gen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Ed.)

herman de vries, all all all – Werke 1957–2019. Gerhard-Altenbourg-Preis 2019. Roland Krischke, Lindenau-Museum Altenburg (Ed.), Laura Rosengarten

2019. 256 pages 30.0 × 24.0 cm 280 color ills. HC 978-3-422-98028-0 Ger € 29.90 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00


The Multicultural Modernism of Winold Reiss (1886–1953) (Trans)National Approaches to His Work Frank Mehring (Ed.)

2019. 160 pages 30.5 × 24.0 cm 100 color ills. HC 978-3-422-98125-6 Ger € 39.90 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50


Emy Roeder. Bildhauerin und Zeichnerin Das Kosmische allen Seins Henrike Holsing, Marlene Lauter (Eds.) 2018. 248 pages 28.0 × 23.0 cm 190 color ills. HC 978-3-422-07490-3 Ger € 24.90 / $ 28.99 / £ 22.50

Sep Ruf 1908–1982 Irene Meissner 2nd edition 2018. 512 pages 28.0 × 21.0 cm 382 b/w ills., 132 color ills.

Walter Leistikow − Briefe von 1889 bis 1908 Erschlossen und kommentiert von Sabine Meister. Mit zwei Essays Margrit Bröhan (Ed.), Sabine Meister 2018. 192 pages 24.0 × 21.6 cm 21 b/w ills. HC 978-3-422-07484-2 Ger € 24.90 / $ 28.99 / £ 22.50

Philipp Hainhofer Handeln mit Kunst und Politik Michael Wenzel 2020. 456 pages 28.0 × 21.0 cm 91 b/w ills., 99 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-07494-1 Ger € 49.90 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

HC 978-3-422-98073-0 Ger € 98.00 / $ 112.99 / £ 89.00

Artistische Wanderer Die Künstler(e)migranten der Französischen Revolution Gerrit Walczak

Piranesi und sein Museum / Piranesi and his Museum Die Restaurierung der Antike und die Entstehung des Style Empire in einer sich globalisierenden Welt / The restoration of antiquity and the genesis of the empire style in a globalizing world Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (Ed.), Caroline van Eck

2019. 448 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 148 b/w ills., 18 color ills. SC 978-3-422-98120-1 Ger € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 43.50

2019. 144 pages 21.0 × 12.5 cm 25 color ills. SC 978-3-422-90000-4 En/Ger € 14.90 / $ 17.99 / £ 13.50

Lotte Laserstein Meine einzige Wirklichkeit Anna-Carola Krausse 2018. 248 pages 28.0 × 23.0 cm 72 b/w ills., 92 color ills. HC 978-3-422-07454-5 Ger € 29.90 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00

Kunstschätze der Zaren Meisterwerke aus Schloss Peterhof Christof Trepesch, Kunstsammlungen und Museen Augsburg (Ed.) 2019. 288 pages 28.0 × 24.0 cm 321 color ills. HC 978-3-422-98193-5 Ger € 29.90 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00

Treue Freunde Hunde und Menschen Frank Matthias Kammel, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum (Ed.) 2019. 320 pages 27.0 × 21.0 cm 265 color ills. SC 978-3-422-98108-9 Ger € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00

Johann Gottlob von Quandt (1787−1859) Kunst fördern und ausstellen Andreas Rüfenacht, Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) 2019. 288 pages 28.0 × 21.0 cm 5 b/w ills., 140 color ills. HC 978-3-422-96683-3 Ger € 52.00 / $ 59.99 / £ 47.50

Königliche Geschenke Die Porzellane der Berliner Manufaktur am mecklenburgischen Hof Antje Marthe Fischer, Staatliches Museum Schwerin (Ed.) 2019. 136 pages 27.0 × 21.0 cm 80 color ills.

Lehrer Rembrandt – Lehrer Sumowski Achim Riether (Ed.) 2019. 136 pages 23.0 × 17.0 cm 8 b/w ills., 80 color ills. HC 978-3-422-98060-0 Ger € 24.95 / $ 28.99 / £ 22.50

SC 978-3-422-98149-2 Ger € 19.95 / $ 22.99 / £ 18.00


E-Book 978-3-422-98145-4 Ger

Echters Werte Zur Bedeutung der nachgotischen Baukultur um 1600 unter Fürstbischof Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn Stefan Bürger, Iris Palzer (Eds.) 2019. 224 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 80 b/w ills. SC 978-3-422-96901-8 Ger € 24.90 / $ 28.99 / £ 22.50

Maximilianus Die Kunst des Kaisers Lukas Madersbacher, Erwin Pokorny (Eds.) 2019. 350 pages 24.5 × 28.0 cm numerous illustrations HC 978-3-422-98038-9 Ger € 34.95 / $ 40.99 / £ 32.00

Das erweiterte Museum Medien, Technologien und Internet Regina Franken-Wendelstorf, Sybille Greisinger, Christian Gries, Astrid Pellengahr (Eds.) 2019. 160 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 58 color ills., 1 monochrome drawings SC 978-3-422-07436-1 Ger € 19.90 / $ 22.99 / £ 18.00 E-Book 978-3-422-98101-0 Ger

Valenciennes' Ratgeber für den reisenden Landschaftsmaler Zirkulierendes Künstlerwissen um 1800 Claudia Denk (Ed.) 2019. 280 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 70 b/w ills.

Das inszenierte Meisterwerk Alexandra Enzensberger 2019. 320 pages 26.0 × 19.5 cm 94 b/w ills., 73 color ills. HC 978-3-422-96536-2 Ger € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 43.50

SC 978-3-422-97991-8 Ger € 49.90 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

Licht und Leinwand Fotografie und Malerei im 19. Jahrhundert Leonie Beiersdorf, G. Ulrich Großmann, Pia Müller-Tamm (Eds.) 2019. 288 pages 30.0 × 24.0 cm 236 color ills. SC 978-3-422-97984-0 Ger € 32.00 / $ 36.99 / £ 29.00


Herbert von Einem Erinnerungen Roland Kanz (Ed.), Thomas W. Gaehtgens 2020. 120 pages 21.5 × 13.5 cm 9 b/w ills. SC 978-3-422-98172-0 Ger € 14.90 / $ 17.99 / £ 13.50

Parlare dell'arte nel Trecento Kunstgeschichten und Kunstgespräch im 14. Jahrhundert in Italien Lisa Jordan, Annette Hoffmann, Ger­ hard Wolf (Eds.) 2020. 288 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 39 b/w ills., 16 color ills. SC 978-3-422-98051-8 En/Ger/It € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 43.50

Platz-Architekturen Kontinuität und Wandel öffentlicher Stadträume vom 19. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart Elmar Kossel, Brigitte Sölch (Eds.), Claudia Tittel, Klaus Jan Philipp, Magdalena Nieslony, Felix Schmuck, Ole W. Fischer, Leonie Beiersdorf, Ulrich Knufinke 2018. 384 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 242 b/w ills. HC 978-3-422-07457-6 En/Ger/Multi € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 43.50

Alltag als Exemplum Religiöse und profane Deutungsmuster der frühen Genrekunst Jürgen Müller, Sandra Kaden, Stefano Rinaldi (Eds) 2020. 176 pages 30.0 × 23.0 cm 120 b/w ills. HC 978-3-422-07453-8 Ger € 34.90 / $ 40.99 / £ 31.50

Projektionen Der Platz als Bildthema Stephanie Hanke, Brigitte Sölch (Eds.) 2019. 272 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 80 b/w ills., 33 color ills. HC 978-3-422-98135-5 En/Ger/It € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 43.50

Victor Burgin Gradiva Eva Schmidt, Joseph Imorde (Eds.), Alexander Streitberger 2019. 90 pages 20.0 × 13.0 cm 12 b/w ills. SC 978-3-422-98057-0 Ger € 19.80 / $ 22.99 / £ 18.00

Zwischen “exemplum” und “opus absolutum” Studien zum Abzeichnen im italienischen Tre- und Quattrocento zwischen Mustertransfer und Kopie Marion Heisterberg 2020. 608 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 324 b/w ills., 84 color ills. SC 978-3-422-98123-2 Ger € 94.00 / $ 108.99 / £ 85.50

Rahmenbilder Konfigurationen der Verehrung im frühneuzeitlichen Italien Isabella Augart 2018. 352 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 107 b/w ills., 10 color ills., 2 mono­ chrome maps SC 978-3-422-07486-6 Ger € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 43.50

Das Museum im Buch Paolo Giovios Elogia und die Porträt­ sammelwerke des 16. Jahrhunderts Lea Hagedorn 2020. 367 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 140 b/w ills., 14 color ills. SC 978-3-422-98122-5 Ger € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 43.50

Raumerzählung Narration und räumliche Disposition hagiographischer Bilderzyklen des Tre- und Quattrocento Hanna Christine Jacobs 2019. 480 pages 28.0 × 21.0 cm 257 b/w ills., 99 color ills. HC 978-3-422-07491-0 Ger € 98.00 / $ 112.99 / £ 89.00

2018. 624 pages 25.0 × 17.0 cm 651 color ills. HC 978-3-422-07461-3 Ger € 58.00 / $ 66.99 / £ 52.50

Planen und Bauen im Grenzraum Klaus Tragbar, Volker Ziegler (Eds.) 2019. 215 pages 24.5 × 17.4 cm 86 b/w ills., 45 color ills. SC 978-3-422-98018-1 En/Ger € 39.90 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

Glanzlichter der Raimundsreuter Hinterglasmalerei Eine Bilddokumentation Wolfgang Steiner

2018. 400 pages 28.0 × 21.0 cm 255 b/w ills.

2018. 352 pages 31.5 × 24.0 cm 335 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-07485-9 Ger € 78.00 / $ 89.99 / £ 71.00

HC 978-3-422-91317-2 Ger € 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 62.00

Bildnis – Maske – Galanterie Das portrait historié zwischen Grand Siècle und Zeitalter der Aufklärung Marlen Schneider

Von allen Seiten anders Die akademische Aktstudie 1650–1850 Susanne Müller-Bechtel

2018. 272 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 86 b/w ills., 16 color ills. SC 978-3-422-07487-3 Ger € 38.00 / $ 36.99 / £ 29.00

Neues Bauen Neues Leben Die 20er Jahre in Magdeburg Christian Antz, Christian Gries, Ute Maasberg, Regina Prinz (Eds.) 2018. 252 pages 28.0 × 21.0 cm 175 b/w ills., 14 color ills. SC 978-3-422-92628-8 Ger € 29.90 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00

2018. 520 pages 28.0 × 21.0 cm Numerous ills. HC 978-3-422-07422-4 Ger € 98.00 / $ 112.99 / £ 89.00


Hafnergeschirr aus Altbayern Bayerisches Nationalmuseum (Ed.)

Camillo Rusconi Ein Bildhauer des Spätbarock in Rom Birgit Laschke-Hubert, Stefan Nehlig (Eds.), Frank Martin

Ruf des Progressiven Jugendstil und Symbolismus im Museum Wiesbaden Peter Forster, Museum Wiesbaden (Ed.) 2019. 336 pages 30.0 × 24.0 cm 225 color ills. HC 978-3-422-98137-9 Ger € 29.90 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00


Radikal schön – Jugendstil und Symbolismus Die Sammlung Ferdinand Wolfgang Neess Peter Forster, Sabine Panchaud, Museum Wiesbaden (Eds.) 2019. 608 pages 30.0 × 24.0 cm Numerous ills. HC 978-3-422-98049-5 Ger € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

Franz von Pocci Phantasie und Spott Max Oppel, Andreas Strobl 2019. 128 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 85 color ills. SC 978-3-422-92200-6 Ger € 19.90 / $ 22.99 / £ 18.00

Dolche und Schwerter Erkennen. Bestimmen. Beschreiben Ulrike Weller 2020. 312 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 360 b/w ills., 100 color ills. SC 978-3-422-97992-5 Ger € 19.90 / $ 22.99 / £ 18.00

Einblattholzschnitte des 15. Jahrhunderts Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München (Ed.), Achim Riether

Biografien der Bilder Provenienzen im Museum Berggruen Petra Winter, Doris Kachel, Sven Haase (Eds.)

2019. 560 pages 29.0 × 23.0 cm 600 color ills.

2019. 224 pages 27.0 × 21.0 cm 26 b/w ills., 251 color ills.

HC 978-3-422-97985-7 Ger € 58.00 / $ 66.99 / £ 52.50

SC 978-3-422-07482-8 Ger € 29.00 / $ 33.99 / £ 26.50

Grande Decorazione Italienische Monumentalmalerei in der Druckgraphik Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München (Ed.), Kurt Zeitler

Florentiner Malerei Alte Pinakothek. Die Gemälde des 14. bis 16. Jahrhunderts Andreas Schumacher, Annette Kranz, Annette Hojer (Eds.)

2018. 352 pages 30.0 × 24.0 cm 230 color ills.

2017. 744 pages 28.5 × 23.5 cm Numerous ills.

HC 978-3-422-07489-7 Ger € 58.00 / $ 66.99 / £ 52.50

HC 978-3-422-07413-2 Ger € 78.00 / $ 89.99 / £ 71.00

Fibeln Erkennen. Bestimmen. Beschreiben Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern, Archäologisches Landesmuseum Konstanz et al. (Eds.), Ronald Heynowski

Äxte und Beile Erkennen. Bestimmen. Beschreiben Ulrike Weller

3rd edition 2019. 168 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 260 b/w ills., 55 color ills. SC 978-3-422-98098-3 Ger € 19.90 / $ 22.99 / £ 18.00

2018. 112 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm Numerous ills. SC 978-3-422-07243-5 Ger € 19.90 / $ 22.99 / £ 18.00


A Allison, Catherine 27 Antz, Christian 29 Archäologisches Landesmuseum Konstanz 29 Arnhold, Herrmann 5 Augart, Isabella 28 B Bartelmus, Martin 27 Bayerisches Nationalmuseum 27, 29 Beiersdorf, Leonie 28 Billeter, Felix 21 Bloh, Jutta Charlotte von 25 Blume, Torsten 20 Boeck, Urs 16 Böth, Gitta 24 Bröhan, Margrit 27 Bürger, Stefan 28 C Curth, Stefan 27 D Denk, Claudia 28 Diefenthaler, Sandra-Kristin 17 Duhem, Sandra 20 E Eck, Caroline van 27 Enzensberger, Alexandra 28 F Fischer, Antje Marthe 28 Fischer, Ole W. 28 Forster, Peter 18, 29 Franken-Wendelstorf, Regina 28 G Gaehtgens, Thomas W. 28 Gąsior, Agnieszka 11 Greisinger, Sybille 28 Gries, Christian 28, 29 Gronert, Tim D. 14 Großmann, G. Ulrich 28 H Haase, Sven 29 Hagedorn, Lea 28 Hanke, Stephanie 28 Hartmann, Manfred 24 Heisterberg, Marion 28 Hellwig, Barbara 16 Hellwig, Friedemann 16 Heynowski, Ronald 29 Hoffmann, Annette 28 Hojer, Annette 29 Holler, Theresa 17 Holsing, Henrike 27 Holten, Johan 23 I Imorde, Joseph 27 J Jacob-Friesen, Holger 27 Jacobs, Hanna Christine 29 Jehle, Oliver 27 Jordan, Lisa 28 K Kachel, Doris 29 Kaden, Sandra 28 Kammel, Frank Matthias 27 Kanz, Roland 28 Karbach, Walter 27 Knufinke, Ulrich 28 Kossel, Elmar 28 Krämer, Rebecca 18 Kranz, Annette 29 Krausse, Anna-Carola 22, 27 Kreutzer, Tanja 15 Krischke, Roland  27 Kunstmuseum Magdeburg 20

L Laabs, Annegret 20 Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern 24, 29 Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) 5 Laschke-Hubert, Birgit 29 Lauter, Marlene 27 Leitmeyer, Maria 21 Lindenau-Museum Altenburg 27 Listl, Mathias 23 M Maasberg, Ute 29 Madersbacher, Lukas 28 Martin, Frank 29 Mehring, Frank 27 Meier, Hans Jakob 27 Meissner, Irene 27 Meister, Sabine 27 Monrad Møller, Marie-Louise 19 Müller-Bechtel, Susanne 29 Müller-Tamm, Pia 28 Müller, Jürgen 28 Murr, Karl Borromäus 15 Museum Wiesbaden 18, 29 N Nehlig , Stefan 29 Nieslony, Magdalena 28 Nolde Stiftung Seebüll 7 O Oppel, Max 29 P Palzer, Iris 28 Panchaud, Sabine 29 Pellengahr, Astrid 28 Pfeifer-Helke, Tobias 27 Philipp, Klaus Jan 28 Plaßmeyer, Peter 25 Pokorny, Erwin 28 Prinz, Regina 29 Pröstler, Viktor 24 R Riether, Achim 28, 29 Rinaldi, Stefano 28 Rohwer, Jörn Jacob 27 Rosengarten, Laura 27 Rowley, Neville 9 Rüfenacht, Andreas 28 S Schmidt, Eva 27 Schmuck, Felix 28 Schneider, Marlen 29 Schumacher, Andreas 29 Schweizer, Stefan 27 Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) 28 Sölch, Brigitte 28 Staatl. Textil- und Industriemuseum Augsburg 15 Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München 29 Staatliche Schlösser, Gärten und Kunstsammlungen MecklenburgVorpommern 27 Staatliches Museum Schwerin 28 Steiner, Wolfgang 29 Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau 20 Streitberger, Alexander 27 Strobl, Andreas 29 T Tittel, Claudia 28 Tragbar, Klaus 29 Trepesch, Christof 27

V Vereinigung der Landesdenkmal­pfleger 13 Völlnagel, Jörg 9 W Walczak, Gerrit 27 Weiss, Judith Elisabeth 19 Weller, Ulrike 29 Wenzel, Michael 27 Winter, Petra 29 Winzeler, Marius 11 Woesthoff, Indina 7 Wolf, Gerhard 28 Z Zeitler, Kurt 29 Ziegler, Volker 29 Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte 27

IMAGE CREDITS Cover: Agnolo di Donnino del Mazziere, Portrait of a Young Woman, 1485–1490, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemälde­ galerie (cat. 16), Photo: Jörg P. Anders; 4: © KHM-Museumsverband; 5 at the top: © Bayerisches Nationalmuseum München, Photo: Bastian Krack; 5 bottom: © Martha Rosler, Courtesy: the artist and Galerie Nagel Draxler Berlin/Cologne/Munich; 6/7: all: © Nolde Stiftung Seebüll/photo: Dirk Dunkelberg, Berlin; 8: © The Warburg Institute, London; 10 above: photo Jan Mehlich; 10 below: National Gallery, Prague, Inv.-Nr. O 560; 11: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Kunstkammer, Wien, Inv.-Nr. 1871; 13 left: © Heiner Leiska; 13 right: © Werner Streitberger, TLDA Erfurt; 15 left: Cat. p. 128/129; 15 right: Cat. p. 190/191; 21 left: © VG Bild-Kunst; 21 right: Hans Purrmann archive Munich; 22 left: © Wolfgang Schönborn, Berlin; 22 middle: © Herbert Boswank, Dresden; 22 right: © Roger Loewig Gesellschaft, Berlin; 23: © Kunsthalle Mannheim, Bildarchiv.

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