Stein Lehre – Sammlung –Objekt
Das Mathematisch-Physikalische Kabinett des ehemaligen Jesuitenkollegs in Köln
Object Studies in Art History 8
Pages 536
Ills. 148 color
Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm
HC 978-3-68924-130-8 Ger € 89.00
$ 97.99 £ 81.00
E-Book 978-3-68924-008-0 Ger Open Access
A natural science collection from an art and science history perspective
New perspectives on collection research, the material history of science, and Cologne’s city history
ments. As early as the 18th century, but more especially in the French period around 1800, the Jesuit collection developed into one of mathematics and physics, which Georg Simon Ohm later used to prepare for his important discovery of Ohm’s Law. In the context of science’s historical development towards modern natural science, the Cologne chamber played
an active role, helping to shape this major transformation on a small scale.
Henrike Stein, Von der Heydt Museum, Wuppertal
Arnold Nesselrath
Francesco di Giorgio
Phantastische Antike
Pages 344
Ills. 215 color
Format 28.0 × 21.0 cm
HC 978-3-422-80266-7
This critical edition presents an unpublished album containing drawings of ancient architecture and architectural details, as well as imagined ancient buildings and sculptures by Francesco di Giorgio Martini, the Sienese architect, painter, sculptor and engineer, much admired by Leonardo da Vinci. The folios are tracings and constitute the largest known contigu-
Emphasizing the significance of drawings for the design and documentation processes of architecture
Analyzing unique examples of Renaissance drawings and their tracings that have been preserved
Re-evaluating Francesco di Giorgio’s travel notebook Taccuino dei viaggi
ous set of architectural drawings in the 15th century. They make intelligible the interrelation between the autograph sketches drawn on site and the illustrations in Francesco’s treatises. Throughout the 16th century, Francesco di Giorgio’s studies of antiquity are a benchmark for everyone from Raphael to Palladio and Montano to Borromini. His drawings demonstrate
the parallel practise of stereometric and perspective representations in the 15th century.
Arnold Nesselrath, art historian, museum director, university professor, exhibition curator, Berlin/Rome
In the last few years, manifestations of popularity have increasingly become a focus of cultural studies debate. Taking as its starting point the actuality and ubiquity of popular culture this edited volume is the first to fundamentally ask whether the category “popular” can be applied to the Middle Ages and Early Modern period. The interdisciplinary chapters in this vol-
Ekaterini Kepetzis, Maria Männig (Eds.)
Populäre Bildkulturen der Vormoderne
Prozesse der Produktion, Distribution und Rezeption
Pages 420
Ills. 26 b/w, 90 color
Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm
HC 978-3-11-117128-9 Ger € 99.95
$ 109.99
£ 91.00
E-Book 978-3-11-117268-2 Ger € 99.95
$ 109.99
£ 91.00
Popularization in the longue durée
Theoretical foundations of the “popular” in the pre-modern period as well as case studies of specific phenomena such as everyday culture, propaganda, the representation of power, production networks
Interdisciplinary perspectives on processes of popularization
ume draw on contemporary theories of popular culture to shed light on both the overarching theoretical and methodological level as well as processes of popularization in the form of case studies. They pay special attention to visual artifacts and phenomena, discussing their distribution, reproduction, variation, and serialization, while also outlining aspects of pop
culture’s politicization, its normative impact, and its anarchic potential.
Ekaterini Kepetzis and Maria Männig, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU), Germany
Julika Moos
Verhüllungsstrategien in höfischen Bild- und Textzeugnissen
Literatur – Theorie – Geschichte 32
Pages 578
Ills. 30 color
Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm
HC 978-3-11-154410-6 Ger € 119.95
E-Book 978-3-11-154964-4 Ger $ 131.99 £ 109.50
Brigitte Buettner, William J. Diebold (Eds.), Smith College
Sense, Matter, and Medium 11
Pages 390
Ills. 69 b/w, 69 color
Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm
HC 978-3-11-143681-4 En € 99.95
E-Book 978-3-11-143682-1 En $ 109.99 £ 91.00
Innovatively applies art historical methods to medieval narratives
Decodes courtly aesthetic strategies across media
New impulses for scholarship on image-text relations and visual culture studies
What exactly the reception of works of art looked like in the aristocratic culture of the Middle Ages is a mystery – but this interdisciplinary study takes the bold step of solving this question. Through the lens of art studies reception aesthetics, it comes up with a framework of work-immanent techniques that shape perception, examining works such as Rudolf’s Willehalm von Orlens, Gottfried’s Tristan, Wolfram’s Titurel, and Konrad’s Partonopier und Meliur to argue that the manipulation of the receiver’s viewpoint is a specific aesthetic con-
cept. This study analyzes images and texts together, suggesting that courtly culture had its own codes for the invisible – codes that only become identifiable as concealed instructions for reception when the subtle control of the gaze is revealed in such works as a cross-media aesthetic strategy.
Julika Moos, Philipps-University Marburg, Germany
Innovative perspectives on canonical monuments of medieval art and architecture
Highlights the political uses and misuses of works of art
Transnational examination of how images, objects, and buildings of the past legitimize modern political agendas
Medieval Art, Modern Politics examines the political uses and misuses of medieval images, objects, and the built environment from the 16th to the 20th century. In case studies ranging from Russia to the US and from catacombs, mosques, cathedrals, and feudal castles to museums and textbooks, it demonstrates how the artistic and built legacy has been appropriated in post-medieval times to legitimize varied political agendas. Entities as diverse as the Roman papacy, the Catholic Church, local arts organiza-
tions, private owners of medieval fortresses, or organizers of exhibitions and publishers are examined for the multiple ways they co-opt medieval works of art. Medieval Art, Modern Politics demonstrates the unavoidable (but often ignored) intersection of art history, knowledge, and power.
Brigitte Buettner, Smith College, Northampton, MA, USA
William J. Diebold, Reed College, Portland, OR, USA
Die Neue Sachlichkeit / The New Objectivity Ein Jahrhundertjubiläum / A Centennial
Johan Holten, Inge Herold (Eds.)
2024. 408 pages. 27.5 × 23.0 cm
350 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80250-6 En/Ger
€ 56.00 / $ 61.99 / £ 49.00
Plakatfrauen. Frauenplakate
Peter Forster, Museum Wiesbaden (Ed.), Peter Forster, Petra Eisele
2024. 128 pages. 26.0 × 21.0 cm 77 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80259-9 Ger
€ 28.00 / $ 30.99 / £ 24.50
Körper, Sprache, Raum Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe (Ed.)
2024. 304 pages. 25.0 × 21.0 cm
180 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80072-4 Ger
€ 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50
Hermann Czech und die Dialektik der Architektur subtitle
Nott Caviezel, Robert Stalla (Ed.), Maximilian Müller
2024. 184 pages. 23.5 × 16.5 cm 102 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80225-4 Ger
€ 34.90 / $ 38.99 / £ 30.50
Berührung im Entzug
Struktur, Temporalität und Haptik des malerischen Handelns an den frühen Strukturreliefs Günther
Katharina Neuburger (Ed.), Nick Böhnke
2024. 120 pages. 21.0 × 14.8 cm 17 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80242-1 En/Ger
€ 28.00 / $ 30.99 / £ 24.50
Bilder des Textilen Mode und Stoffe in der Malerei
Pierre-Auguste Renoirs Agnes Sawer
2024. 336 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm
35 b/w ills., 34 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80243-8 Ger
€ 79.00 / $ 86.99 / £ 69.00
E-Book 978-3-422-80246-9 Ger
€ 79.00 / $ 86.99 / £ 69.00
Alberto Giacometti
Surrealistische Entdeckungen | Unveiled Surrealism | Le surréalisme dévoilé
Madeleine Frey, Friederike Voßkamp (Ed.( 2024. 212 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 140 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80258-2 En/Ger/Fr
€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 37.00
Jugendstil. Made in Munich
Roger Diederen, Anja Huber, Nico Kirchberger, Antonia Voit (Ed.)
2024. 272 pages. 29.0 × 24.0 cm
310 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80241-4 Ger
€ 45.00 / $ 49.99 / £ 39.50
Heilende Kunst Wege zu einem besseren Leben Sabine Becker, Ksenija Chochkova Giese, Elena Korowin (Ed.)
2024. 144 pages. 21.0 × 14.0 cm 64 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80226-1 Ger
€ 24.00 / $ 26.99 / £ 21.00
E-Book 978-3-422-80227-8 Ger
€ 24.00 / $ 26.99 / £ 21.00
Helen and Newton Harrison California Work Tatiana Sizonenko
titel subtitle holders
Impressions of the Land The Story of a Photographic Collection of Palestine-Eretz Israel Vivienne Silver-Brody edition
2024. 424 pages. 28.0 × 24.0 cm 300 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80263-6 En € 88.00 / $ 96.99 / £ 77.00
date. pages. format illustrations HC Graffiti Expressionism
€ 38.00 / $ 41.99 / £ 33.50
Leben im Exil Begegnungen mit Emigranten der Kunstgeschichte
Werner Busch
2024. 112 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 29 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80253-7 Ger
€ 28.00 / $ 30.99 / £ 24.50
E-Book 978-3-422-80256-8 Ger
€ 28.00 / $ 30.99 / £ 24.50
Friedrich von Amerling. Werkverzeichnis der Gemälde
Stella Rollig, Sabine Grabner (Ed.), Sabine Grabner, Katharina Lovecky, Martin Böhm, Udo Felbinger, Sabine Grabner, Katharina Lovecky, Stella Rollig
2024. 336 pages. 31.0 × 24.0 cm 640 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80223-0 En/Ger
€ 55.00 / $ 60.99 / £ 48.00
978-3-422-80224-7 En/Ger
€ 55.00 / $ 60.99 / £ 48.00
Koloniales Erbe in Thüringen subtitle Sahra Rausch, Christiane Bürger (Ed.)
2024. 144 pages. 28.5 × 21.0 cm 50 color ills.
978-3-422-80210-0 En/Ger
€ 32.00 / $ 35.99 / £ 28.00
Georg Eisler. Werkverzeichnis der Gemälde
Stella Rollig, Luisa Ziaja, Christian Huemer (Ed.), Ana Petrović, Marjana Uhde, Susanne Berchtold, Alice Hundsdorfer-Zhou, Lucia Klee-Beck, Dieter Kleinpeter, Susanne Neuburger, Ana Petrović, Marjana Uhde, Stella Rollig
2024. 400 pages. 31.0 × 24.0 cm 1400 color ills.
978-3-422-80239-1 En/Ger
€ 68.00 / $ 74.99 / £ 59.50
978-3-422-80240-7 En/Ger
€ 68.00 / $ 74.99 / £ 59.50
Friedrich Nerly - Von Erfurt in die Welt
Die Gemälde und Ölstudien des Nerly-Bestandes im Angermuseum Erfurt
Claudia Denk, Kai Uwe Schierz, Thomas von Taschitzki (Ed.)
2024. 560 pages. 29.0 × 25.0 cm 450 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80257-5 Ger
€ 62.00 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.00
Between Figure and Ground Seeing in Premodernity
Saskia Quené (Ed.)
2024. 652 pages. 20.5 × 14.5 cm 170 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80121-9 En/Ger
€ 78.00 / $ 85.99 / £ 68.00
978-3-422-80122-6 En/Ger
»All’antica« – Bauornamentik der Frührenaissance in Italien
subtitle Joachim Poeschke
2024. 1400 pages. 30.0 × 24.0 cm 1100 b/w ills., 500 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80229-2 Ger
€ 298.00 / $ 330.00 / £ 259.50
E-Book 978-3-422-80236-0 Ger
€ 298.00 / $ 330.00 / £ 259.50
La France à Potsdam
subtitle Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg (Ed.)
2024. 72 pages. 17.0 × 12.0 cm 3 b/w ills., 58 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80214-8 Fr
€ 6.95 / $ 7.99 / £ 6.50
Park Sanssouci
subtitle Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg (Ed.), Saskia Hüneke, Michael Rohde
2nd edition
2024. 52 pages. 17.0 × 12.0 cm 43 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80249-0 Ger
€ 6.95 / $ 7.99 / £ 6.50
Die Nacht von Sevilla. Fußballdrama in 5 Akten
Ein dokumentarisches Theaterstück
DFB-Stiftung Deutsches Fußballmuseum gGmbH (Ed.), Manuel Neukirchner
2024. 144 pages. 23.5 × 17.0 cm
SC 978-3-422-80135-6 Ger
€ 20.00 / $ 22.99 / £ 17.50
E-Book 978-3-422-80136-3 Ger
€ 20.00 / $ 22.99 / £ 17.50
Zwischen den Kulissen Der Maler Otto Erdmann und die Aufführung des 19. Jahrhunderts Maximilian Rück
2024. 376 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 60 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80254-4 Ger
€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 37.00
E-Book 978-3-422-80255-1 Ger
€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 37.00
Übersetzungsfragen Eine Neubewertung der Begriffe ‚Renaissance‘, ,Antik‘ und ‚Klassisch‘ in der Kunstgeschichte Ulrich Pfisterer (Ed.), Maria Fabricius Hansen
2024. 136 pages. 21.0 × 12.5 cm 25 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80252-0 En/Ger
€ 16.90 / $ 18.99 / £ 15.00
978-3-422-80268-1 En/Ger
€ 16.90 / $ 18.99 / £ 15.00
Das Historische Grüne Gewölbe zu Dresden Die barocke Schatzkammer Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Ed.), Dirk Syndram, Jutta Kappel, Ulrike Weinhold
4th edition
2024. 180 pages. 28.8 × 25.2 cm 17 b/w ills., 129 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80247-6 Ger
€ 26.00 / $ 28.99 / £ 23.00
Holland in Potsdam
subtitle Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg (Ed.)
2024. 56 pages. 17.0 × 12.0 cm
0 b/w ills., 61 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80215-5 Ger
€ 6.95 / $ 7.99 / £ 6.50
Made in Japan
Farbholzschnitte von Hiroshige, Kunisada und Hokusai Judith Rauser, Hans Bjarne Thomsen (Ed.)
2024. 224 pages. 28.0 × 21.0 cm 110 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80183-7 Ger
€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 37.00
24! / Fragen an die Konkrete Gegenwart subtitle Mathias Listl, Henrike Holsing, Theres Rohde (Ed.)
2024. 176 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 100 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80222-3 En/Ger
€ 34.00 / $ 37.99 / £ 30.00
Caspar David Friedrich und die Transparentmalerei
Der Kasseler Mondschein Hessen Kassel Heritage (Ed.), Christiane Lukatis
2024. 88 pages. 22.0 × 14.7 cm 66 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80244-5 Ger
€ 15.00 / $ 16.99 / £ 13.50
E-Book 978-3-422-80245-2 Ger
€ 15.00 / $ 16.99 / £ 13.50
Transformationen der Antike bei Raffael und seinem Umkreis Concetti anticamente moderni e modernamente antichi in der Sala di Costantino Michail Chatzidakis
2025. 416 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 60 b/w ills., 50 color ills.
Albrecht Dürer und sein Kreis Beschreibender Katalog der Zeichnungen, Band III. Die Zeichnungen des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts, Teil 2C Öffentliche Kunstsammlung Basel, Kupferstichkabinett (Ed.), Christian Müller
2024. 272 pages. 30.0 × 22.3 cm 270 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80202-5 Ger
Park Sanssouci für Kinder & Familien subtitle
Dorothee Hohenthal, Silke Hollender, Wilma Otte
2024. 32 pages. 17.0 × 12.0 cm 38 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80230-8 Ger
€ 6.95 / $ 7.99 / £ 6.50
In Motion Art and Football Manuel Neukirchner (Ed.)
2024. 344 pages. 30.0 × 24.0 cm 120 color ills. HC 978-3-422-80178-3 En € 48.00 / $ 52.99 / £42.00
Michael Müller. Ernstes Spiel. Catalogue Raisonné Vol. 4.1, Am Abgrund der Bilder – „Birkenau“
Michael Müller. Ernstes Spiel. Catalogue Raisonné Vol. 4.2, Lektüre und Ablenkung Alien Athena Foundation for Art, Hubertus von Amelunxen, Anne-Marie Bonnet (Ed.)
2023. 216 pages. 31.5 × 24.0 cm 134 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80187-5 En/Ger/Cn
€ 58.00 / $ 63.99 / £ 50.50
978-3-422-80190-5 En/Ger/Cn
€ 58.00 / $ 63.99 / £ 50.50
Macht und Makel der Bilder
Gedächtnisrufe zu Kunst, Bilderstreit, Kultverbot und Erinnerungskultur
Jacques Picard
2024. 424 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 96 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80192-9 Ger
€ 48.00 / $ 52.99 / £ 42.00
E-Book 978-3-422-80193-6 Ger
€ 48.00 / $ 52.99 / £ 42.00
Günther Ueckers künstlerische Handlungen
Eine interkulturelle Untersuchung anhand der daoistischen Begriffe wuwei, ganying und ziran Katharina Neuburger (Ed.), Xiao Xiao
2023. 94 pages. 21.0 × 14.8 cm 23 b/w ills.
SC 978-3-422-80133-2 En/Ger
€ 28.00 / $ 30.99 / £ 24.50
„Die wahre Kunst ist immer da, wo man sie nicht erwartet“ / “True art is where it is not expected”
Dubuffet, Chaissac, Soutter, Gill, Held, Wölfli
Brigitte Hausmann, Bezirksamt
Steglitz-Zehlendorf von Berlin (Ed.)
2023. 112 pages. 26.0 × 21.0 cm 40 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80177-6 En/Ger € 32.00 / $ 35.99 / £ 28.00
Walter Kaesbach und die Kunstakademie Düsseldorf subtitle Vanessa Sondermann (Ed.), Kunibert Bering, Susanne Deicher, John Morgan, Cornelia Nowak, Vanessa Sondermann, Hans-Peter Thurn, Alexander Zschokke
2024. 312 pages. 30.0 × 22.5 cm
96 b/w ills., 105 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80203-2 Ger
€ 44.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 38.50
Michael Müller. Ernstes Spiel. Catalogue Raisonné Vol. 7.1, Deine Kunst Hubertus von Amelunxen, Anne-Marie Bonnet, Susanne Pfleger (Ed.)
2025. 300 pages. 31.5 × 24.0 cm 150 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80188-2 En/Ger/Cn
€ 58.00 / $ 63.99 / £ 50.50
978-3-422-80189-9 En/Ger/Cn
€ 58.00 / $ 63.99 / £ 50.50
Zeitfenster. Stephan Balkenhol trifft Alte Meister
Peter Forster (Ed.)
2024. 120 pages. 28.0 × 24.0 cm 77 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80209-4 Ger
€ 36.00 / $ 39.99 / £ 31.50
Zeugnis. Zweifel. Zeichen Zeitgeschichte in der abstrakten Malerei in Deutschland nach 1945 Anne-Kathrin Hinz
2024. 456 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 82 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80200-1 Ger
€ 59.00 / $ 64.99 / £ 51.50
E-Book 978-3-422-80201-8 Ger
€ 59.00 / $ 64.99 / £ 51.50
Hej rup! Die Tschechische Avantgarde im Kontext der Europäischen Moderne subtitle
Tobias Hoffmann (Ed.), Julia Meyer-Brehm
2023. 240 pages. 26.0 × 22.0 cm 150 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80184-4 Ger
€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 37.00
Flora ad infinitum
Bead Craft from France and Venice to the World L'artisanat des perles : francais, vénitien et universel
Georg Ragnar Levi
2023. 216 pages. 22.5 × 24.5 cm 186 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80151-6 En/Fr
€ 48.00 / $ 52.99 / £ 42.00
Frans Hals inspiriert
Der Mann mit dem Schlapphut
Hessen Kassel Heritage (Ed.), Justus Lange, Dorothee Gerkens, Christiane Lukatis
2023. 88 pages. 22.0 × 14.7 cm
5 b/w ills., 50 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80174-5 Ger
€ 15.00 / $ 16.99 / £ 13.50
Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach 1656-1723
Studien zu Werk und Rezeption
Andreas Kreul
2024. 224 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm
80 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80195-0 Ger
€ 38.00 / $ 41.99 / £ 33.50
E-Book 978-3-422-80197-4 Ger
€ 38.00 / $ 41.99 / £ 33.50
Malerei mit Licht und Glas Baugebundene Glaskunst in und aus Magdeburg Landeshauptstadt Magdeburg (Ed.), Cornelia Heller, Doreen Pöschl, Sabine Ullrich, Holger Brülls
2024. 267 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 260 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80191-2 Ger € 54.00 / $ 59.99 / £ 47.00
Wissenszirkulation zwischen Kunst und Design Akteure - Objekte - Bedeutungen Susanne König
2025. 432 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 120 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80207-0 Ger
€ 76.00 / $ 83.99 / £ 66.50
E-Book 978-3-422-80208-7 Ger
€ 76.00 / $ 83.99 / £ 66.50
Faulheit in der Kunst Studien zu Acedia und Müßiggang vom Mittelalter bis zur Frühen Neuzeit
Johannes Hartau
2025. 496 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 184 color ills.
HC 978-3-422-80185-1 Ger
€ 98.00 / $ 107.99 / £ 85.50
E-Book 978-3-422-80186-8 Ger
€ 98.00 / $ 107.99 / £ 85.50
Die Barockbaumeister Fischer von Erlach
Bibliographie zu Leben und Werk
Andreas Kreul
2024. 224 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 10 color ills.
SC 978-3-422-80196-7 Ger
€ 38.00 / $ 41.99 / £ 33.50
978-3-422-80198-1 Ger
€ 38.00 / $ 41.99 / £ 33.50
Resist, Reclaim, Retrieve
The Long History of the Struggle for the Restitution of Cultural Heritage and Ancestral Remains Taken under Colonial Conditions
Larissa Förster, Jan Hüsgen, Sarah Fründt, Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste (Eds.)
2024. 208 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm
22 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-099968-6 En
€ 49.00 / $ 53.99 / £ 45.00
E-Book 978-3-11-098924-3 En
€ 49.00 / $ 53.99 / £ 45.00
An Anarchitectural Body of Work
Suzanne Harris and the Downtown New York Artists’ Community in the 1970s Friederike Schäfer
2023. 384 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm
79 b/w ills., 56 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-073868-1 En
€ 69.00 / $ 75.99 / £ 63.00
E-Book 978-3-11-170439-5 En
€ 69.00 / $ 75.99 / £ 63.00
Under Construction Kunst, Männlichkeiten und Queerness seit 1970
Änne Söll, Maike Wagner, Katharina Boje (Eds.)
2024. 231 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 43 b/w ills.
SC 978-3-11-099109-3 En/Ger
€ 59.00 / $ 64.99 / £ 54.00
978-3-11-134732-5 En/Ger
€ 59.00 / $ 64.99 / £ 54.00
L’homme-machine – L’utopie d’un Homme nouveau ? Regards sur la masculinité dans les œuvres des artistes français et allemands de l’avant-garde
Catherine Frèrejean
2024. 390 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm
15 b/w ills., 65 color ills.
HC 978-3-11-123904-0 Fr
€ 64.00 / $ 70.99 / £ 58.50
E-Book 978-3-11-123950-7 Fr Open Access
Glass in Architecture from the Pre- to the Post-industrial Era Production, Use and Conservation Sophie Wolf, Laura Hindelang, Francine Giese, Anne Krauter (Eds.)
2024. 335 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 165 color ills.
978-3-11-079340-6 En/Ger/Fr
€ 59.00 / $ 64.99 / £ 54.00
978-3-11-079346-8 En/Ger/Fr Open Access
Networks and Practices of Connoisseurship in the Global Eighteenth Century Valérie Kobi, Kristel Smentek, Chonja Lee (Eds.)
2023. 250 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 78 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-099695-1 En
€ 49.00 / $ 53.99 / £ 45.00
E-Book 978-3-11-098508-5 En Open Access
Ambassadors of Beauty Italian Old Master Exhibitions and Fascist Cultural Diplomacy 1930-1940
Matilde Cartolari
2025. 552 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm
160 b/w ills., 10 color ills.
HC 978-3-11-133125-6 En
€ 72.00 / $ 79.99 / £ 65.50
E-Book 978-3-11-133154-6 En
€ 72.00 / $ 79.99 / £ 65.50
Francis Bacon – In the Mirror of Photography Collecting, Preparatory Practice and Painting Katharina Günther
2022. 446 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 107 b/w ills., 51 color ills., 1 tables
HC 978-3-11-072062-4 En
€ 59.90 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00
E-Book 978-3-11-072064-8 En
€ 59.90 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00
Exhibiting Abstraction Strategies in the Propagation of an Avant-garde 1908–1915 Christina Bartosch
2025. 360 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 489 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-075584-8 En € 79.00 / $ 86.99 / £ 72.00
E-Book 978-3-11-075590-9 En Open Access
Lumières nouvelles sur le sacré Arts verriers du Groupe de Saint-Luc Camille Noverraz, Valérie Sauterel, Vitrocentre Romont (Eds.)
2024. 204 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 143 color ills.
HC 978-3-68924-116-2 Fr
€ 59.00 / $ 64.99 / £ 54.00
E-Book 978-3-68924-000-4 Fr Open Access
The Sculptural in the (Post-) Digital Age Mara-Johanna Kölmel, Ursula Ströbele (Eds.)
2023. 242 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 68 b/w ills.
SC 978-3-11-077505-1 En € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.50
E-Book 978-3-11-077514-3 En Open Access
China and the West Reconsidering Chinese Reverse Glass Painting Elisa Ambrosio, Francine Giese, Alina Martimyanova, Hans Bjarne Thomsen (Eds.)
2022. 292 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 152 color ills.
HC 978-3-11-071175-2 En
€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50
E-Book 978-3-11-071177-6 En Open Access
The Colors of Photography
2020. 333 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 113 color ills.
Image Controversies
Contemporary Iconoclasm in Art, Media, and Cultural Heritage
Birgit Mersmann, Christiane Kruse, Arnold Bartetzky (Eds.)
2024. 256 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 14 b/w ills., 62 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-077348-4 En
€ 69.00 / $ 75.99 / £ 63.00
E-Book 978-3-11-077357-6 En Open Access
werkbund – bauhaus - hochschule für gestaltung ulm / werkbund – bauhaus – ulm school of design
Wegmarken des Industriedesigns in Deutschland / Milestones of Industrial Design in Germany
Eva-Maria Seng
2025. 224 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 90 b/w ills., 60 color ills.
978-3-11-077668-3 En/Ger
69.00 / $ 75.99 / £ 63.00 E-Book 978-3-11-079379-6 En/Ger € 69.00 / $ 75.99 / £ 63.00
Réinventer l’art sacré Le Groupe de Saint-Luc (1919–1945)
Vitrocentre Romont (Ed.), Camille Noverraz
2024. 480 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 156 color ills.
HC 978-3-11-138370-5 Fr
€ 82.00 / $ 90.99 / £ 75.00
E-Book 978-3-11-138378-1 Fr Open Access
Objects and Organisms Vivification – Reification –Transformation Ella Beaucamp, Romana Kaske, Thomas Moser (Eds.)
2023. 236 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 59 color ills.
978-3-11-069415-4 En/Ger € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.50
978-3-11-119970-2 En/Ger
A General History of Chinese Art, vol. 1–6 Xifan Li (Ed.) 2022. 2701 pages. 26.5 × 21.0 cm 185 b/w ills., 545 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-079063-4 En € 799.00 / $ 920.00 / £ 726.50
Bettina Gockel (Ed.), Nadine Jirka, Stella Jungmann
Can Art History be Made Global?
Meditations from the Periphery
Monica Juneja
2023. 348 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm
20 b/w ills., 40 color ills.
978-3-11-071629-0 En
€ 49.00 / $ 45.00 / £ 44.50
E-Book 978-3-11-121706-2 En
€ 49.00 / $ 45.00 / £ 44.50
Taking the Alhambra to St. Petersburg Neo-Moorish Russian Architecture and Interiors
Katrin Kaufmann
2023. 312 pages. 28.0 × 21.0 cm
312 color ills.
978-3-11-071065-6 En
€ 84.00 / $ 96.99 / £ 76.50
E-Book 978-3-11-114137-4 En Open Access
New Apelleses and New Apollos Poet-Artists around the Court of Florence (1537–1587)
Diletta Gamberini
2022. 296 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm
21 b/w ills., 7 color ills.
HC 978-3-11-074355-5 En
€ 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 61.00
E-Book 978-3-11-074366-1 En
€ 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 61.00
The Belvedere: 300 Years a Venue for Art subtitle
Stella Rollig, Christian Huemer (Eds.)
2023. 398 pages. 28.0 × 23.0 cm
268 color ills.
978-3-11-118631-3 En
€ 49.00 / $ 56.99 / £ 44.50
978-3-11-118651-1 En
€ 49.00 / $ 56.99 / £ 44.50
Bare Bodies – Thresholding Life
Mariella Greil (Ed.)
2023. 208 pages. 24.0 × 16.5 cm
3 b/w ills., 43 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-134137-8 En
€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 38.50
978-3-11-134144-6 En
€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 38.50
Ricarda Denzer – ganz ohr / all ears
Audio Trouble, Para-Listening, and Sounding Research
Ricarda Denzer, Christian Höller (Ed.)
2023. 192 pages. 23.5 × 16.5 cm
61 b/w ills., 92 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-134216-0 En/Ger
€ 45.00 / $ 49.99 / £ 41.00
978-3-11-134223-8 En/Ger
€ 45.00 / $ 49.99 / £ 41.00
Broken Myths
Charles Sheeler’s Industrial Landscapes
Andrea Diederichs
2022. 267 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm
102 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-076945-6 En
€ 89.95 / $ 103.99 / £ 82.00
Les Français et la Renaissance Idées et représentations de l’architecture, 1760–1880
Antonio Brucculeri
2024. 408 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 218 color ills.
HC 978-3-11-069956-2 Fr
€ 82.00 / $ 90.99 / £ 75.00
Restoration as Fabrication of Origins
A Material and Political History of Italian Renaissance Art
Henri de Riedmatten, Fabio Gaffo, Mathilde Jaccard (Eds.)
2023. 190 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 92 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-107227-2 En/Fr
€ 49.00 / $ 56.99 / £ 44.50
E-Book 978-3-11-107273-9 En/Fr Open Access
New Media in Art History Tensions, Exchanges, Situations Régine Bonnefoit, Melissa Rérat, Samuel Schellenberg (Eds.)
2023. 144 pages. 21.0 × 14.7 cm 44 color ills.
HC 978-3-11-118592-7 En
€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 38.50
E-Book 978-3-11-118600-9 En
€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 38.50
The Octopus On Diversities, Art Production, Educational Models, and Curatorial Trajectories Başak Şenova (Ed.)
2024. 256 pages. 26.0 × 18.0 cm
13 b/w ills., 330 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-136534-3 En
€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 38.50
E-Book 978-3-11-136554-1 En
€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 38.50
Ruth Schnell – WORKBOOK Mirrors of the Unseen Peter Weibel, Katharina Gsöllpointner (Ed.)
2023. 360 pages. 27.0 × 21.0 cm
33 b/w ills., 354 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-124998-8 En
€ 45.00 / $ 49.99 / £ 41.00
E-Book 978-3-11-125010-6 En
2021. 528 pages. 28.0 × 21.0 cm 124 b/w ills., 117 color ills. HC 978-3-11-072961-0 En
99.95 / $ 114.99 / £ 87.00
€ 45.00 / $ 49.99 / £ 41.00 Britain and the Continent 1660–1727 Political Crisis and Conflict Resolution in Mural Paintings at Windsor, Chelsea, Chatsworth, Hampton Court and Greenwich Christina Strunck
Wenn der Wind weht / When the Wind Blows Luft, Wind und Atem in der zeitgenössischen Kunst / Air, Wind, and Breath in Contemporary Art
Liddy Scheffknecht, Ernst Strouhal (Eds.)
2022. 232 pages. 30.0 × 24.0 cm
65 b/w ills., 125 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-078520-3 En/Ger
€ 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 43.50
978-3-11-078524-1 En/Ger
€ 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 43.50
Jari Genser – It Is about Time 10 Jahre – 16 Werke / 10 Years – 16 Works
Jari Genser
2023. 132 pages. 32.0 × 24.5 cm
35 b/w ills., 16 color ills.
978-3-11-106650-9 En/Ger
€ 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 38.00
978-3-11-106656-1 En/Ger € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 38.00
Liddy Scheffknecht –Points in Time
Arbeiten/Works 2010–2020
Ernst Strouhal (Ed.)
2021. 248 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 28 b/w ills., 306 color ills.
HC 978-3-11-076943-2 En/Ger
€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50
978-3-11-076956-2 En/Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50
Toxic Temple An Artistic and Philosophical Adventure into the Toxicity of the Now
Anna Lerchbaumer, Kilian Jörg (Ed.)
2022. 256 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 112 color ills.
HC 978-3-11-076914-2 En
€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50
978-3-11-076924-1 En
€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50
Oskar Kokoschka: Neue Einblicke und Perspektiven / New Insights and Perspectives
subtitle Régine Bonnefoit, Bernadette Reinhold (Ed.)
2021. 452 pages. 21.0 × 14.7 cm 20 b/w ills., 43 color ills.
978-3-11-072420-2 En/Ger
€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50
978-3-11-072422-6 En/Ger
€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50
Arts & Dementia Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Ruth Mateus-Berr, L. Vanessa Gruber (Ed.)
2020. 400 pages. 24.2 × 17.0 cm
32 b/w ills., 182 color ills.
HC 978-3-11-072047-1 En
€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50
E-Book 978-3-11-072055-6 En
€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50
Friedl Dicker-Brandeis Works from the Collection of the University of Applied Arts Vienna
Stefanie Kitzberger, Cosima Rainer, Linda Schädler (Eds.)
2022. 352 pages. 24.0 × 16.5 cm 50 b/w ills., 120 color ills.
HC 978-3-11-078906-5 En
€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50
E-Book 978-3-11-078913-3 En
€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50
Barbara Holub –Stiller Aktivismus / Silent Activism Başak Şenova (Ed.)
978-3-11-079081-8 En/Ger
€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50
978-3-11-079082-5 En/Ger
€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50
Linda Berger, Maria Christine Holter (Eds.)
2021. 224 pages. 25.8 × 21.9 cm 12 b/w ills., 78 color ills.
HC 978-3-11-074475-0 En/Ger
€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50
978-3-11-074703-4 En/Ger
€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50
inframince infra-mince infra mince TransArts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna / TransArts an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Stephan Hilge, Roman Pfeffer, Nita Tandon, Gudrun Ratzinger, Franz Thalmair (Ed.)
2021. 304 pages. 21.6 × 16.3 cm 303 color ills.
978-3-11-072418-9 En/Ger
€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50
978-3-11-072424-0 En/Ger
€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50
Barbis Ruder. Werk – Zyklus – Körper / Work – Cycle – Body Madeleine Frey (Ed.)
SC 978-3-11-106146-7 En/Ger
49.00 / $ 56.99 / £ 44.50
Judith P. Fischer –Linie Form Raum / Line Shape Space
Theresia Hauenfels (Ed.)
2022. 256 pages. 26.0 × 20.5 cm 123 b/w ills., 169 color ills.
978-3-11-054250-9 En/Ger
/ $ 45.99 / £ 36.50 E-Book
978-3-11-076986-9 En/Ger
/ £ 36.50
Rini Tandon. to spaces unsigned Works, Concepts, Processes 1976–2020 / Arbeiten, Konzepte, Prozesse 1976–2020
Sabine Folie (Ed.)
2020. 328 pages. 30.0 × 23.0 cm
304 color ills., 96 duplex
978-3-11-070045-9 En/Ger
€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50
Plastic Ocean: Art and Science Responses to Marine Pollution
Ingeborg Reichle (Ed.)
2021. 272 pages. 25.0 × 20.0 cm 164 color ills.
978-3-11-074472-9 En
€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50
Kabarett Fledermaus @ Bar du Bois Aktualisierung eines Experiments der Wiener Moderne / Update of an Experiment of Viennese Modernism
Cosima Rainer (Ed.)
2020. 176 pages. 29.7 × 21.0 cm 73 b/w ills., 125 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-072306-9 En/Ger
€ 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00
COMPANY. Fotografien und Fragmente über das Arbeiten Photographs and Fragments on Working subtitle
Beatrix Zobl, Wolfgang Schneider, Ruth Horak, Monika Mokre, Erzsébet Pilinger, Tasos Zembylas
2019. 296 pages. 24.5 × 21.0 cm Numerous ills.
SC 978-3-11-065766-1 En/Ger
€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50
Being in Contact: Encountering a Bare Body
Mariella Greil
2021. 368 pages. 24.0 × 16.5 cm
168 b/w ills., 365 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-073939-8 En
€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50
E-Book 978-3-11-073598-7 En
€ 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50
The Amden Atelier 1999–2015 Roman Kurzmeyer
2015. 256 pages. 24.0 × 15.5 cm
40 b/w ills., 122 color ills.
SC 978-3-11-044042-3 En
€ 34.95 / $ 49.00 / £ 30.50
5 above Brigitte Meier-Denninghoff (Brigitte und Martin Matschinsky-Denninghoff): Spitzen (Form in Zinn Nr. 1), 1955, brass, tin, 28 × 27 × 13 cm, Berlinische Galerie –Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst, Fotografie und Architektur, © Stiftung Matschinsky-Denninghoff, Berlin 2024, Foto: Berlinische Galerie, Kai-Annett Becker; below Marie-Louise von Rogister, Fallende Stämme, 1960, oil/ fiberboard, 65 × 53,5 cm, Hessen Kassel Heritage, Neue Galerie, © Nachlass Marie-Louise von Rogister, photo: Ute Brunzel
6 left Otto Dix, Sonnenaufgang in Randegg, 1935, © 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich; right Adolf Dietrich, Frühling in der Stadt, 1923, © 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
7 above Otto Dix, Aufbrechendes Eis mit Regenbogen über Steckborn, 1940, © 2024, ProLitteris Zurich; below Adolf Dietrich, Abendseebild, 1917, © 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
10 left Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart, K 116, 1940, Museum Wiesbaden; right “March study” of the Ilse Leda - Hanover dance school, photographed by ErnstErnst, 1931, Museum Wiesbaden, Vordemberge-Gildewart archive
11 above Portrait of Ilse Leda, photographed by Hugo Erfurth, 1932, Museum Wiesbaden, Archive Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart; bottom Portrait of Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart, photographed by Hugo Erfurth, 1932, Museum Wiesbaden, Archive VordembergeGildewart
12 left The Main Hall of TŌ-JI 東寺金堂, Etching and aquatint 30 × 30 cm 1999 ⁄ Edition 100 TR 626; right Summer Day No. 1 夏日 No. 1, Etching and aquatint 27 × 35 cm ⁄ 1985 Edition 120 ⁄ TR 373
13 top Gansen-Ji 岩船寺,Etching ⁄ 24.5 × 21.5 cm 1980 Edition 120 TR 264; below Summer Day No. 2 夏日 No. 2, Etching and aquatint 27 × 35 cm 1985 Edition 120 TR 374
14 left to right Jacopo Amigoni (Naples 1682–1752 Madrid), male head study in profile facing right, ca. 1720, black and white chalk, 285 × 230 mm, Inv.-Nr. 31718 Z (00000922); Jacopo Pontormo (Empoli 1494–1557 Florence), Two standing women, ca. 1520, red chalk in lighter and darker shades, wiped, mounted on paper and outlined in gold pen and ink in several lines, 391 × 261 mm, Inv.-Nr. 14042 Z (00019745); Fra Bartolommeo (Savignano near Prato 1472–1517 Florence), Portrait of a monk with a beard, ca. 1515, black chalk, heightened with a white brush, on paper, 397 × 274 mm, Inv.-Nr. 2157 Z (00057417), all © Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München
15 Federigo Barocci (Urbino ca. 1535 – 1612 Urbino), Studies for the painting “Jesus Christ appears to Mary Magdalene”, 1589/90, black chalk, heightened with
white, traces of red chalk, on blue-grey paper, the contours of the central figure are traced; verso: black pencil, red chalk, heightened with white, 418 × 277 mm, Inv.-Nr. 13759 Z (00017696), © Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München
16 left Johann Evangelist Holzer (Burgeis/ South Tyrol 1709–1740 Clemenswerth), Triumph of Art Over Ignorance and Envy, Pen and brown ink, watercolor, squared in chalk, 84 × 122 mm, Inv. Nr. G 2011-28; right Johann Wolfgang Baumgartner (Ebbs/ Tyrol 1702–1761 Augsburg), Allegory of the Continent Asia, Pen and black ink in black and brown, over traces of pencil sketch, gray wash, heightened with white, 124 × 194 mm, Inv. Nr. G 1997-28, all © Grafische Sammlung, Kunstsammlungen und Museen Augsburg
17 Georg Petel (Weilheim 1601 – 1635 Augsburg), St. Jerome in Penitence, ca. 1630, red chalk, 237/252 × 171 mm, Inv. Nr. G 2024-7, © Grafische Sammlung, Kunstsammlungen und Museen Augsburg
18 left to right Muschelschale mit Bacchusknaben, Ottavio Miseroni and Jan Vermeyen, ca. 1600/1605, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum; Die Kunstkammer des Prinzen Wladislaw Sigismund Wasa, Flemish painter at the Warsaw court, 1626; Zamek Królewski w Warszawie; Bibersburg (Červený Kameň), Sala terrena, Fresko, Carpoforo Tencalla, 1654/55, Foto: Martin Mádl
19 Venus and Cupid, standing on a dolphin, Benedikt Wurzelbauer after Nikolaus Pfaff, Nürnberg, 1599, Bronze, Praha, Národní galerie
24 from left to right View of the Julius Freund Collection auction, March 21, 1942, Galerie Fischer, Lucerne, from: DU, Zurich, no. 6/June 1942, p. 2; Leonardo da Vinci (Werkstatt oder Nachfolge), Der heilige Johannes der Täufer (c. 1505), verso, oil on canvas, 71 × 52 cm, Kunstmuseum Basel, inv. no. G 1879; 5-b Minutes of the art commission meeting (Lehmbruck), June 13, 1938, in: Kunstmuseum Basel, archive, B
25 above Camille Pissarro, La Maison Rondest, Hermitage, Pontoise (1875), oil/panel, 55 × 46 cm, Kunstmuseum Basel, inv. no. G 2021.2; left Albrecht Altdorfer, Das Martyrium des heiligen Erasmus (1518 – 1520), oil/ fir wood, Kunstmuseum Basel, inv. no. G 1979.19; right Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Weiblicher Torso (1910), cast stone/cement cast, h: 117 cm, inv. no. P 69
26 left to right Na terra sem males, Jaider Esbell, 2021, Archiv Centre George Pompidou, Paris; Mona Lisa Kunha, Denilson Baniwa
28 left Kiki Kogelnik, Untitled (Hanging), ca. 1970, vinyl and chrome-plated metal hanger, 160 × 50 × 4 cm, © 1970 Kiki Kogelnik Foundation. All rights reserved; right Sigalit Landau, Proposal for a Monument, 2023,
bronze casting, 38 × 38 × 32 cm, © Sigalit Landau. Photo: Yotam From
29 left to right Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Home: As You See Me, 2017, acrylic, transfers, colored pencil, charcoal, collage, and commemorative fabric on paper, 213 × 211 cm, © Njideka Akunyili Crosby, courtesy the artist, Victoria Miro, and David Zwirner. Photo: Brian Forrest; Ramses Wissa Wassef, Art Centre, Harrania, Egypt, 1952–74, wool yarns colored with natural vegetable dyes, © Ikram Nosshi; Ana Lupas, Humid Installation, 1970, collective action, Mărgău (Romania), CITAM Archives, Toms Pauli Foundation, Lausanne. Unknown photographer
30 left to right Banz & Bowinkel, Mercury (detail), 2016–2017, interactive virtual reality installation for HTC Vive, computer, head-mounted display (HMD), 3D-printed porcelain interface button, web cameras, monitor, plexiglass, various cables; set up in a black anodized aluminum frame structure, © Banz & Bowinkel; Bruckmann Verlag/unkown photographer, Bust of a Young Man (Museo Archeologico, Naples), bronze, negative with covering in black and red retouching color, 1894, 27.0 × 21.1 cm, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich, Photothek/Bildarchiv Bruckmann, Brunn-Denkmäler, Lfg. 73, Taf. 364a; Bruckmann Verlag/unkown photographer, Bust of a Young Man (Museo Archeologico, Naples), bronze, negative with covering in black and red retouching color, 1894, 26.8 × 20.6 cm, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich, Photothek/Bildarchiv Bruckmann, Brunn-Denkmäler, Lfg. 73, Taf. 364b
31 left Zach Blas, Fag Face Mask – October 20, 2012, Los Angeles, CA, aus Facial Weaponization Suite 2012, painted, vacuum-formed recycled polyethylene terephthalate. Courtesy of the artist; right Sterling Crispin, Data-Masks, 2013 – 2015, 3D printed nylon, mirror, facial recognition and detection algorithms, genetic algorithms, 46 × 66 cm, installation view, ZKM Karlsruhe, GLOBALE: Infosphere, Karlsruhe 2015. Work Courtesy: The artist, photo: Anatole Serexhe
34 left selbstgefährdung II / self-endangerment II, 2017 / acrylic on canvas, 200 × 270 cm / Courtesy Hans-Hendrik Grimmling, photo: Stefanie Ketzscher, Berlin, © VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2024; right selbst-betrachtung / self-reflection, 2023 / acrylic on canvas, 100 × 80 cm / Courtesy Hans-Hendrik Grimmling, photo: Stefanie Ketzscher, Berlin, © VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2024
36 left Title page and an illustration from Tytus Czyżewski and Tadeusz Makowski’s Pastorałki (Christmas Pastorals), published in Paris in 1925; right Enrico Prampolini’s African masks for Marinetti’s Cocktail at the Théâtre de la Madelaine, Paris, 1927, reproduced in Leon Moussinac: Tendances nouvelles du théâtre: Choix de décors, costumes, détails et mise en scène utilisés dans les représentations les plus originales de ces quinze années. Paris: Les Éditions
Albert Levy, 1931, p. 34, and Enrico Prampolini’s 1925 sketch of Josephine Baker, on a postcard advertising the 12th season of the Teatro degli Indipendenti in Rome.
38 above Alexander Bassano, Queen Victoria, carbon cabinet card, 1887 (1882), 137 mm × 97 mm, National Portrait Gallery Archive, London, NPG x38284, © National Portrait Gallery, London; below left W. & D. Downey, Queen Victoria (1872), albumen carte de visite, 93 × 57 mm, National Portrait Gallery Archive, London, NPG Ax38601, © National Portrait Gallery, London; below right By and after John Jabez Edwin Mayall, Group of Royal Family (early 1860s), albumen carte de visite photomontage, 83 × 57 mm, National Portrait Gallery Archive, London, NPG x132718, © National Portrait Gallery, London
39 left to right Vilma Parlaghy in front of the completed portrait of Kaiser Wilhelm II in the uniform of the Uniform of the Garde du Corps, 1893, Artothek, Bildagentur der Museen; The Austrian writer and salonière Berta Zuckerkandl, 1886, oil/canvas, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien; The engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla, 1916, oil/canvas., 107 × 93 cm, Nordfriesland Museum. Nissenhaus Husum
40 above Karl-Marx-Allee I – Block G residential complex by Hanns Hopp, © Bettina Cohnen; left Hansaviertel – Row house by Paul Schneider-Esleben, © Bettina Cohnen; right Karl-Marx-Allee II – residential building QP-61 by Josef Kaiser, © Bettina Cohnen
41 above Karl-Marx-Allee II – high-rise point building by Josef Kaiser, © Bettina Cohnen; middle Hansaviertel – Atrium house by Arne Jacobsen with a view of the Schwedenhaus, © Bettina Cohnen; bottom Hansaviertel –Row house by Paul Schneider-Esleben, © Bettina Cohnen
44 left to right Synagoge Trier, Alfons Leitl, 1958, photo privat; Hermann Zvi Guttmann, Ansicht, um 1957, descendants Guttmann and archiv des Jewish museum, Berlin; Walter Brockhaus, draft synagogue Dortmund, not carried out, photo privat
45 left to right Photographer not documented: Class of Otto Rohloff, School at the Museum of Decorative Arts Berlin, around 1902, photograph on collodium paper; © Universität der Künste Berlin, Universitätsarchiv, inv. no.: 305-A 91, 4F; Photographer not documented: Kunstgewerbeschule Bezalel in Jerusalem [School of arts and crafts Bezalel in Jerusalem], c. 1913, © Kunstgewerbeschule Bezalel in Jerusalem, in: Preisverzeichnis der Erzeugnisse der Kunstgewerbeschule Bezalel in Jerusalem, Berlin 1913; Jüdisches Museum Berlin, II.1.2. Preis 38
46 left The “Swan Theatre”, contemporary copy of a lost drawing by Johannes de Witt, ca. 1595/96. Quelle: wikimedia commons: Swan-theatre-johannes-de-witt-ms842-f132r-1596.jpg; right Zurich from the
Waid, steel engraving, ca. 1857, unknown artist. Private property Küster family
48 left West wall of the Goethe Gallery, © Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Fotothek Collection; right Detail of the bronze door from the Goethe Gallery into the Wieland Room, © Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Photographic Collection
49 left Adrian Zeelst (attributed), Astrolabe, ca. 1600 (after 1583), brass, 46 cm diameter, Kölnisches Stadtmuseum, L 184. Photo: Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds; right Johann Georg Vogler, equatorial sundial, ca. 1750, brass, silver, partly gold-plated, 8 cm diameter, Kölnisches Stadtmuseum, L 200. Photo: Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds;
50 left fol. 31, Perspective view of the Arch of Constantine in Rome, pen and brown ink on brown paper, dimensions: 340 mm × 268 mm; right fol. 42, pedestal and base with the shaft base of Trajan’s Column in the Forum of Emperor Trajan in Rome, pen and brown ink on brown paper, 375 mm × 275 mm
51 Francesco di Giorgio Martini, drawings of antique architectural details from Naples; Florence, Uffizi Galleries, inv. 333 A v
52 left Jaques Callot, Die Belagerung von Breda, 1628; London, The British Museum (Mus.-Nr.: 1838,0621.1), © The Trustees of the British Museum, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.; right Ambrosius Gabler: Ausruffende Personen in Nürnberg mit Prospecten der Stadt. Nürnberg 1790. Nürnberg, Stadtbibliothek
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Neumarkter Straße 28 81673 München
Böhnke, Nick 35
Bruhin, Linus 10 Buettner, Brigitte 53
T +49 (0)89 76902 0
F +49 (0)89 76902 491
Dehio, Georg 20
Dewey, Anne 25
Diebold, William J. 53
Dimog, Jan 40
Dohe, Sebastian 48
Dorn, Annika 25
Ehninger, Eva 38
Engel, Franz 37
Enterlein, Michael 48
F Finzi, Daniela 28 Fischer, Günther 42 Franz, Michael Markus 24
Gasior, Agnieszka 18
Geisler, Thomas A. 45
Gerkens, Dorothee 4 Golestani, Raha 35 Göttmann, Frank 46
Hahne, Charis 25
Haldemann, Anita 22
Henning, Andreas 10 Hinz, Ann-Kathrin 4
Kepetzis, Ekaterini 52
Kohlmann, Paula 35
Kölmel, Mara-Johanna 31
Könches, Barbara 35
König, Sandra 45 Krämer, Gode 16 Krügel, Katharina 48
L Laabs, Annegret 34
Lange-Wittmann, Kirsten 44
Laug, Anna-Sophie 45
Lehmann, Hannah 25
Lewandowsky, Mirjam 47
Lintig, Johannes von 25 Loop, Jan 27
Lotz, Rouven 4
Männig, Maria 30, 52
Moos, Julika 53
Muysers, Carolin 4
N Nesselrath, Arnold 50
Nettels, Ole 25
Neuburger, Katharina 35
Dr. Katja Richter
Editorial Director
Otterloo, Chris van 12
T +49 (0)89 769 023 13
Overhoff Ferreira, Carolin 26
Kathleen Herfurth
Panzert, Alexandra 45
Parvu, Ileana 29
Pawel, Anja 37
Pönitz, Christian 48
Acquisitions Editor Deutscher Kunstverlag T +49 (0)30 279 076 61
Prange, Peter 16
Dr. Pablo Schneider
Rosebrock, Tessa Friederike 22
Rüfenacht, Andreas 6
Acquisitions Editor Deutscher Kunstverlag
T +49 (0)30 260 054 50
Scheller, Tessa 25
Schmeller, Jordan 25
Schönfelder, Konstantin 35
Dr. Anja Weisenseel
Schrading, Fiona 47
Schulte-Wülwer, Ulrich 39
Acquisitions Editor De Gruyter / Deutscher Kunstverlag
Seng, Eva-Maria 46
Shapira, Elana 28
Stein, Henrike 49
Stephany, Antonetta 25
T +49 (0)89 769 023 88
Stöver, Kerstin 45
Ströbele, Ursula 30
Luzie Diekmann
Editor – Art Guides Deutscher Kunstverlag
Tannert, Christoph 34
Trepesch, Christof 16
M +49 (0)173 385 291 7
Valstar-Verhoff, Arta 10
Nicole Schwarz
Management Press and Marketing
Weller, Matthias 25
Wenzel, Leva 25
Wieland, Janna R. 47
M +49 (0)174 584 501 7
Winter, Georg 35
Winzeler, Marius 18
Xiao, Xiao 35
Max Dornemann Press and Marketing
T +49 (0)30 260 051 63
Zeitler, Kurt 14
Zieglgänsberger, Roman 10
Zuschlag, Christoph 4
Jennifer Harris Social Media
T +49 (0)30 260 051 83
Kevin Schneider Press and Marketing
T +49 (0)30 260 053 70