Providing the Right Service for Each Customer Photos Carolyn Wright
mailman walks into Capitol Computer & Network Solutions to deliver a few envelopes to Steve Resnick, the owner. While the mailman is in the shop, he casually asks if Resnick could help him free up space on his computer hard drive after work. “Sure, what time?” Resnick asks. “7 p.m. or 7:30,” replies the mailman. “Great, we’ll connect then. Here’s my cell phone number,” says Resnick as the mailman prepares to carry on with his route. It is this
attitude toward customer service that is emblematic of Capitol Computer & Network Solutions. Resnick purchased the business in December of last year. Before then, he worked in corporate strategy and finance for pharmaceutical and biotech companies for about 25 years. Throughout his career, he built an unparalleled understanding of business, science and, most aptly, computers.
“A lot of the roles I had over the years worked very closely with IT, or information technology,” explains Resnick. “It was a great run but I got tired of the corporate politics and moving where the company told me to move. My wife and I had visited Santa Fe for years, so we finally decided to move somewhere we want to be.” After looking at a variety of possible businesses to buy, Resnick chose Capitol Computer, because to him, “It felt right.”
L–R: William Ivey, Steve Resnick (owner) and Anthony Norris
The former owner had built the business with a personal boutique approach to customer service, upon which Resnick happily expanded. Currently, Capitol Computer & Network Solutions serves a nice mix of both residential and business clients. Resnick’s business particularly excels at network support for small businesses. Current clients include dental offices, art galleries, real estate agencies and home inspection companies — basically any company with under 15 employees. “Past that it turns into corporate-type support and we start to lose the one-on-one connection,” says Resnick. The P3, or Preferred Partner Program, is Capitol Computer & Network Solutions’ support solution for small businesses. “For a fixed rate per month, we deploy
monitoring software to all the computers or servers at the business, allowing us to remotely monitor the health of the machines, both hardware and software. We also proactively update software and keep the system operating at peak efficiency. This way we can prevent 95 percent of issues ahead of time. The other five percent we fix remotely or go on-site. With our small business partners, our goal is to keep their business up and running in a proactive way,” notes Resnick. Capitol Computer & Network Solutions offers expertise in both mac and PC, and the reasonable flat rates make it easy for residential neighbors to come into the shop with any variety of issues. “We get several people a day who walk in with performance-related issues. We’ll
clean up and optimize their operating system, remove unwanted software and physically clean their hardware — inside and out,” describes Resnick. When someone comes in with a virus, the Capitol Computer & Network Solutions team is well-equipped to deal. “We aren’t about selling at a high volume. We want to spend the time to discern what you need and how you use your computer, and then design the right solution for each customer,” says Resnick. “It’s about providing the right service to each person we work with.”
Capitol Computer & Network Solutions 518 Old Santa Fe Trail #6 505.216.1108