July 2014

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Official Publication of

JULY 2014

Park It, Paunchy!

July is National Park and Recreation Month!

Exercise Your Freedom to Run! Flag the Dallas 7k/4k on your schedule

Bandera 100K

January 2014 (14:26:11, GP 16th female) By Claudia Zulejkic

Now in the Lineup! Friday, July 4th

First Round pick Elizabeth Jones

DOC IN THE BOX A Wrinkle in Your Run By Holly Johnson, M.D.

Letter from the Editor Chief Running Officer, Eric Lindberg

FLYIN’ LIKE A GIRL I didn’t notice until the TSA officer stopped me in the security line. I was headed down to Houston for a day trip for meetings with Texas Runner Triathlete, Saint Arnold Brewing Company, Blue Cure and the Dad’s Day 5K. On Your Left! If you have ever been questioned our pulled out of line by the TSA it can be relatively embarrassing. In my head I was thinking, “Did I leave something in my laptop bag from Joe’s Run like my Gerber Multiuse tool or channel locks?” Turns out it was something more complicated or simple depending on your perspective. I didn’t even notice it, probably because I didn’t pay attention. And I was actually the reason for it. Completely my fault. Southwest did their part when I booked my flight by asking me to review all the information that I input. They even sent me an email confirmation after I verified everything. Sounds eerily similar to the process runners go through when registering for a race doesn’t it? I will cut to the chase. The big issue was somehow when I was filling out all the info when booking my flight I checked my gender as female. Oops. So you can imagine my surprise when the TSA officer looked at me, my driver’s license and back to the boarding pass, several times, before asking me to step aside for additional screening. Luckily for me it didn’t get too personal as this wasn’t the first time nor will it be the last time this happens to travelers so the clarification was easy and I was headed to my gate in no time. Simple error and simple fix, but something I should have noticed

I am n t! I nn oce

“We’ll feature tips on what tools we will provide you to minimize any race day issues.”

Avoid delays, pat-downs, and TSA (Taking Someone’s Award)! Check page 8 for tips or call us at 214-339-7867.

WHO’S SHOUTING “On Your Left!”?

OWNERS & EDITORS IN CHIEF Eric Lindberg ericl@oylmarketing.com

Sharon Lindberg sharonl@oylmarketing.com


Cherilyn Wilson cherilynw@oylmarketing.com


Brandon Gillingham brandong@oylmarketing.com Paul Hutzler paulh@oylmarketing.com Jessica Kane jessicak@oylmarketing.com Elizabeth Jones elizabethj@oylmarketing.com Brentney Hamilton brentneyh@oylmarketing.com



and corrected along the way. Could you imagine if there were only a certain number of male passengers and female passengers allowed to book a flight. I would have been the reason someone wasn’t able to see their loved ones or take a vacation or travel for business. Of course this is not the case for air travel, however it is the case when it comes to race results. Especially the age group winners. And all it takes is one mistake like this for lots of domino’s to fall and impact all the passengers. A great example of this happened at our Cheeseburgers ‘N ParrotDise themed Joe’s Run last month. In a couple of categories there were two errors which threw off the results and impacted multiple age groups and yes, gender awards. The first was a young man (or his parent) who like me who on accident selected his gender as female. The other was an adult female who wanted to be younger than she really was, had no intention or idea she would place in her age category, and input her date of birth 10 years younger than reality. We know the age group awards at Joe’s Run are highly coveted. The unique hand carved parrots are one of the reasons the race has been a staple in the running community for 17 years. Unknown to OYL!, our race announcer and timer, the results were compiled with the errors mentioned above. As always we posted the preliminary results for 30 to 45 minutes for everyone to check and then eventually handed off to our race director to begin the awards ceremony. Participants are gathered around the stage and the announcements begin. Parrots are “flying” off of the awards table, photos are being snapped and lots of happy faces are showing off their new fine feathered friends. HIT THE BRAKES! The first issue arrives at the results tent midway through the 5K results. The second just as the 10K results are being read. Our fabulous race timer corrects the data but the damage is already done. The parrots have already been handed out and it would be nearly impossible to get everyone back in place as multiple age groups and genders have been effected. Errors like these are frustrating for everyone. It effects the entire event from the timer to the race director to the participants. Traditionally OYL!, along with the race timer makes the correction to



the results meaning someone who thought they had finished second in his or her age group actually may have finished first or even fourth. This person may have left the event with the award in hand, taken photos, posted them to social media and more. But because someone entered his or her age incorrectly doesn’t realize it the entire results could be incorrect. And the runner who actually ran faster gets nothing (not really, we typically order and ship a new award to him/her, but that has a cost to the benefiting charity so keep that in mind too). So my question to you is whose fault is it when these errors occur? And what should the race do, if anything to correct it? After all as a participant, you filled out the registration form, asked to confirm that the information that you provided was correct and even sent an email to verify it. So should you simply be disqualified? Post your thoughts on our facebook page or send us an email at info@ oylmarketing.com.

Dallas 7k/4k Dallas, TX Friday, July 4, 2014 RACE WEBSITE

Rahr Oktoberfest Social Run Ft. Worth, TX Saturday, July 5, 2014 RACE WEBSITE

Should I not have been allowed on the flight because I was a security threat that could have delayed or cancelled a flight and impacted hundreds of other passengers who did it right. Obviously I am perfect and never make mistakes. It would have been impossible for me to select my gender as female. My article this month has two points. First is when you register for an event you are also making a commitment to provide us complete and accurate information about yourself and that you are being an honest and willing participant. You are expected to comply with the rules of the event take some responsibility for your own actions. That being said as event managers we too have an obligation back to participants by providing accurate and complete information about the event. It is almost like leading a dance. Your partner must be willing to follow otherwise you both trip. With that concept in mind over the next few months we are going to be featuring tips on what tools we provide you to minimize any issues on race day and first feature this month is on providing us with complete and accurate data, and should you make an error, excuse me, I mean the computer make an error, how you can correct it before getting to the starting line. Turn to page 8 for more details. Only a few of my high school buddies will understand this but Linda Berg is alive and well, flying Southwest airlines! Catch Me If You Can! – Eric Lindberg

Pub Run Social Run Dallas, TX Thursday, July 17, 2014 VIEW DETAILS

Rahr Oktoberfest Social Run Ft. Worth, TX Saturday, August 2, 2014 RACE WEBSITE




Run. Party.

Park it, Paunchy!

July is National Park and Recreation Month! By Cherilyn Wilson



hese summer months make it harder to hide things like those extra pounds that fit so nicely under a baggy sweatshirt. Those who had the guts to don this season’s bikinis anyway have kept it no secret that obesity continues to be a leading public health problem in the U.S. More than two-thirds of U.S. adults are overweight or obese (Ogden et al., 2014). Bad at math? More than twothirds of a bucket of greasy fried chicken means you’ll choke down at least seven pieces and twothirds of a large pizza translates to about six of your own cheesy slices. America! America! God shed some pounds off thee! Need a good reason to slog outside during the hottest season? No sweat! Each July since 1985, Americans are asked to recognize the importance of parks and recreation in establishing and maintaining quality of life. July

Pub Run Social Run Dallas, TX Thursday, August 14, 2014 VIEW DETAILS


ZERO Prostate Cancer Run Tampa, FL Saturday,September 6, 2014 RACE WEBSITE

was designated National Park and Recreation Month by Congress and sponsored by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) to encourage us to get out, visit our city parks, trails, playgrounds, swimming pools, and natural areas-- to embrace the active lifestyle and improve overall health. How is obesity still a problem when our cities continue to fund new outdoor public areas for frisbee, hiking, tennis, and splashparks? According to a survey released by the NRPA and conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs, “Nearly three


ZERO Prostate Cancer Run Napa, CA Sunday,September 7, 2014 RACE WEBSITE


ZERO Prostate Cancer Run St. Louis, MO Sunday,September 14, 2014 RACE WEBSITE

Pub Run Social Run Dallas, TX Thursday, September 18, 2014 VIEW DETAILS

LOS ANGELES • 2014 ZERO Prostate Cancer Run Ft. Myers, FL Saturday,September 20, 2014 RACE WEBSITE

The Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, for example, is “a hidden jewel-a wilderness comprised of forests, prairies, and wetlands reminiscent of how much of the Fort Worth/ Dallas Metroplex once looked.” It is one of the largest city-owned nature centers in the United States with more than 20 miles of hiking trails and offers a variety of education programs and hikes for individuals, schools and families. Our graphic designer, Cat Hutzler, is a member of the Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center and loves taking her dogs to hike on the trails in the park.


When it comes to being active OUT in the community, the nut doesn’t fall far from the tree. Our Chief Running Officer and Editor in Chief’s uncle, Wayne Nielsen, spent his entire adult life dedicated to serving some of America’s most astounding historical parks as Chief of Maintenance. Uncle Wayne met his wife back in 1970 at Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. Both were service attendees at the time and their connection seemed

Plano Balloon Festival Half Marathon & 5k Sunday,September 21, 2014 RACE WEBSITE

Rahr Oktoberfest 5k Ft. Worth, TX Sunday,September 27, 2014 RACE WEBSITE


in 10 adults in the U.S. do not spend time outside on a daily basis and half that number spends less than 30 minutes outside.” Don’t be one of those 3 this month! By utilizing your community parks, you generate funds to keep your city out and about in clean, safe spaces. National Park and Recreation month is NOW. Time to mobilize the masses, to contribute to the physical, economic and environmental well-being of our communities. This year’s theme, “OUT is IN,” beseeches residents to do something outside every day that they would normally do inside. “Whether that’s eating a meal, hosting a meeting, taking an exercise class or writing something for work, we bet you can find one thing you can take outside every day in July.” – Roxanne Sutton, ParksandRecreation.org So get OUT of here! You can read On Your Left! on your smart phone from a park nearby! Maybe you were born to just leave the “world” behind and go wild. There are hundreds of natural state parks and wildlife refuges, trails and forests to explore in the Dallas/Fort Worth area alone!


only natural. They married and enjoyed years working outdoors. Wayne ensured all roads, trails, park buildings — the entire infrastructure of the Park functioned perfectly, while his wife became Park Superintendent and led hikes, bird talks and campfires for visitors. More than 40 years later, he is retired but still fly fishing, hiking, and supporting America’s parks by using them, by traveling a regular 70 miles to, “a magical place”, as he refers to it, Yellowstone National Park. When asked if the proclamation will make a difference in maintaining such treasures, he seemed warily unsure. But he did agree that one of the best ways to reinforce the importance of properly funding our parks is to use them. There has been negative impact on our public land parks due to budget cuts. Such cuts have forced park hours to be shortened and less park rangers hired. He encourages people to go experience the natural world; be it for quiet contemplation or for rigorous exercise, or something in between, so these lands can be available and accessible and remain close enough to where we live and work.


Just step outside your door and into your immediate community. On Your Left! Marketing & Events manages many of our best races from our city public parks. We believe our clients add value to each community we touch, by use of each park in which we lay a starting line. The easiest way for you to kick off National Park & Recreation

month is to come out on July 4th to walk or run the Dallas 7K/4K adjacent to one of Texas’s most historical parks operated by a division of the Dallas Park and Recreation Department – Fair Park! This 277 acre venue contains one of the largest complexes of year-round cultural, entertainment, exhibit and sports facilities in the Southwest. With its history, along with multiple museums, an aquarium, swan paddle boats, fountains and picnic areas, it’s an ideal option for spending a leisurely Saturday or Sunday this July! By registering for the Dallas 7K/4K, you’ll automatically receive a complimentary admission ticket to access rides, games and concessions on the State Fair of Texas Midway in the park. Exercise plus experience, all while benefitting Dallas Park & Recreation Department’s scholarship programs. Now if that doesn’t spell out the theme of this month’s parks and rec movement across the sky in sparkly lights, then we don’t know what does! But SIGN UP NOW before ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES on Thursday, 7/3! Easily, one of our favorite place to put on events is Oak Point Park and Nature Preserve in Plano, TX. Venue for both the Plano Balloon Festival Half Marathon & 5K in September, and the Haunt Jaunt in October, this park offers more than running event success. The 800-acre park boasts 3.5 miles of concrete trails, 5 miles of soft surface trails along Rowlett Creek and through Bob Woodruff Park. Did you know that the nature trails were carefully and naturally formed only by foot so as not to disturb the natural flaura and fauna? The local Boy Scouts volunteered to walk the miles through nature in




s I hit the home stretch of the Muenster Germanfest 15K I knew I had run a good race. I had taken the speed class with Run On! and had trained hard for the infamous heat and hills. And I knew there were just a few runners ahead of me. I could hear the music and saw the crowd gathered around the finish. I started to hear the announcer as he excitedly announced me as I made the turn for the finish, his exact words, “Hey everyone here comes our first place girl.” Now this was not a registration error, it was my long hair and a near sighted race announcer. But as mentioned these errors can happen when registering and in the spirit of improving our service to you the participant, we want to remind you or introduce you to some of the tools we have to ensure your entire experience with us is top notch. We use the active network for registration processing for several reasons. One of which is it empowers you with many tools to track your events and races. It also allows you confirm, update and edit your registration info, including the ability to transfer categories, change your shirt size and more. How do you get there? Simple. Visit www.active.com and login using the email address and password you created when you registered for one of our customers’ events. In the top right corner click on My Events. There you will find miles of information. And lastly don’t ever hesitate to call or email active at 877-228-4881 or support@active.com. In addition never hate to email or call us too at 214.339.7867 or info@oylmarketing.com.


single file, over and over, until a light track formed under their feet. Thanks to their “Walk It In” program, you can go for an easy hike. While out there in the brush, don’t brush off the sister Oak Point Recreation Center this month of July either because if it’s too hot outside, the indoor facility includes a climbing wall, indoor track, racquetball courts, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a weight room and a gymnasium for a little basketball or volleyball. LIKE on Facebook: City of Plano Parks and Recreation. If you can’t get out there during July, you can still sign up for the Plano Balloon Festival Half Marathon & 5K or the Haunt Jaunt 5K as registration is open and powered by Active! Last, but not least, our Form Follows Fitness 5K returns to Klyde Warren Park in February (21), 2015. This one-in-a-billion venue not only stands above a city highway, but stands upon the exact values National Park & Recreation Day hopes to extend from downtown Dallas all the way out to Cedar Hills, from Austin to LA, from sea to shining sea! Klyde Warren Park has everything from a dog park, to a children’s play area, performance stage, library and even yearround ice-free ice skating, and has proven, in just under 4 years, to bring quality of life and foot traffic to the area, and to increase demand for surrounding properties. Park it in front of your laptop for just long enough to click on the REGISTER NOW button! To Summer-ize, July is your chance to get OUT! Challenge yourself to get outdoors every day this month, but, at the very least take a minute to register for one of our walks or runs from our awesome city’s parks in celebration of National Park & Recreation Month!


on Your Schedule!

By Cherilyn Wilson


n Friday, 7/4 at 7:40 AM, runners will dazzle Dallas like stars with racing stripes on these new, patriotically decorated routes. Crowds will crackle with applause as they watch what you so proudly hail thro’ this perilous fight to the finish while so gallantly streaming! But DECLARE to run or walk one of the unique distances (USTF Certified 7K or 4K) because ONLINE REGISTRATION closes pn Thursday, July 3rd! SIGN UP NOW before your spark fizzles! Bring the entire family to kick off your Independence Day celebration while helping our city’s youth to skyrocket through the Dallas Park & Recreation Department’s scholarship programs. Proceeds from the race will provide many lil’ firecrackers a structured and safe environment and a variety of physical and educational activities this summer. There’s no better way to celebrate America and National Parks &





Recreation Month than all wrapped up in this one event — moving our nation forward! Following the race, participants will enjoy a festive celebration with live music, refreshments, a complimentary admission ticket to access rides, games and concessions on the State Fair of Texas Midway — open 12 PM through ‘til the conclusion of


Wave hand-held flags (craft stores carry these in bulk). Wear a Flag T-Shirt (many styles available at Wal-Mart, Target, and Old Navy or rush order from theflagshirt.com). Smear red, white & blue battle paint under your eyes.



Decorate a wagon or running stroller with red, white and blue streamers and/or balloons. Wear your Rangers or Cowboys cap to shade your face under its patriotic colors while supporting your favorite American city.



Alternate your fingernail polish between red, white & blue or take it further and use star stickers. Learn the words to the Star Spangled Banner, the National Anthem of the United States and get others to sing with you on the course.

the evening’s fireworks. Each registered participant will also receive a commemorative, “Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Running” t-shirt courtesy of the Dallas Parks Foundation.

SIGN UP FOR THE INAUGURAL RUNNING OF THE DALLAS 7/4! Whether you’re oh! beautiful gals, or spacious guys who run for amber beers of grain, you don’t have to feel guilty this fourth for overeating, drinking too much and sleeping in the following day (although praise heaven for 3-day holiday weekends)! Pledge allegiance to keep Dallas ranked as one of the top 5 cities in the world to be young! It doesn’t matter if you’re 4 or 74, you’re as young


as you feel and, as with so many areas of life, the secret to staying young, and aging well, is proven to have everything to do with taking care of yourself. Eat right, drink plenty of water, get 8 hours of sleep each night and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. The Surgeon General’s report states, “60 percent — well over half — of Americans are not regularly active. Worse yet, 25 percent of Americans are not active at all. For young people — the future of our country — physical activity declines dramatically during adolescence. These are dangerous trends. We need to turn them around quickly, for the health of our citizens and our country. We will do so only with a massive national commitment — beginning now!”


Inadvertently creating red and white stripes on your shoulders where you miss with the sunscreen.


Not properly considering that white spandex just may not be for everyone.


Using “washable” red and blue hair dye which will undoubtedly leave your light summer locks with hot pink and purple hues for a good week.


Letting your British friends tag along in their color coordinated FIFA jersey.

July 4th * Independence * Freedom * Celebration * Music * Tradition * Red, White & Blue * Stars and Stripes * Statue of Liberty * Fireworks * Flags * Star Spangled Banner







Bandera 100K

January 2014 (14:26:11, GP 16th female) By Claudia Zulejkic


andera 100k was my training run for Rocky Raccoon 100. Why run a 62 mile run 3 weeks before your 100 miler? Well, the schedule calls for a long run, 62 miles would be the peak of my training, so why not… I love the trails, I love that burning feeling that comes from fatigue and I loved running Bandera 50k last year, so figured it would be perfect. Training so far had consisted of back to back long runs, usually the weekends, basic mileage during the week with cross training that consisted of Bikram yoga and weights. I think the most challenging aspect of my training was trying to figure out what nutrition would work best. So for this particular run I would have some Vega protein powder in shakers at each of my drop bags. (Vega would be my primary form of nutrition along with whatever seemed appealing at the aid stations.) Both dear friend, Sally, and my amazing husband were gracious enough to support me during my adventure on the trail by registering for the 25k. Feeling the love? Bandera is a technical trail, hilly and rocky in certain areas making for a challenging run. We all love challenges... right!?


Always fun, the energy is incredible and seeing so many familiar faces is great. I don’t care how many races I run, those butterflies in my stomach and the

nerves don’t ever go away, (which could be quite the contest come race morning and my multiple visits to the porta-potty!).


It’s where you let go of all the nerves and trust your training. One of the many and powerful motivational signs placed along the way became my mantra, “The finish isn’t given, it’s earned!”


A bit too warm for my taste. Ran with a group and told myself to stay on pace. So much positive energy and people sharing remarkable race stories certainly added to the beautiful surroundings.


My mother. An incredibly strong woman battling cancer who never complains and takes such pride in talking about her crazy running daughter.


Moving through every aid station, I’m not only welcomed by the amazing volunteers, (we could not run such distances without the volunteers!) but also my husband and wonderful friend. How fortunate I am to be able to run and share the trail with such amazing runners.


Not the finish line, but the one indicating the completion of my first 31 miles I was greeted, once again, by such helpful volunteers. I’m so thankful for each and every single one of them. Going back out: I knew the 2nd half of the race would bring new challenges, running a trail in the dark (yes, at times I get freaked out when I can’t see what’s around me!) without a running partner would be the most challenging and I found myself jumping at every little sound once the sun went down. I focused some serious attention to the trail markers — did not want to make a wrong turn. Although, at times, that’s inevitable, but I just wanted to make sure this was not one of those times! Making each aid station was such a welcoming sight, “yay people!” I loved seeing the gang.


It seemed as if my body knew that was the longest distance I had ever run and expected me to stop. “Keep her moving!” I would tell myself. Sally ran with me for a while and my husband joined in the last 5 miles. The sound of generators as we approached the finish was so welcomed. I loved being able to finish with my husband. The Bandera 100k was an amazing training run. Will certainly be back next year!


Our readers got a little heated over last month’s survey question. But the results are in and they tell us that, if we can provide cold, frosty towels amidst some mist out on the course, you’d be running our summer race! Now we’re feelin’ hot, hot, HOT! There are so many opportunities to create various distances during the summer months, but one question weighing on the business sides of our minds has been, would you sign up? Now that we know 37% of those runners we surveyed do not race in summer because they are training for fall races, (34% can’t PR in the heat, 17% said no good races were available, 4% recovering from spring races, 3% had safety concerns, 8% N/A), that half of those who responded said they were only likely to run shorter distance races, but that nearly all were continuing to run on their own through the heat anyway, we can conclude that offering more races of shorter distances that fit into fall training schedules would be a success. Good thing, then, that we’ve already taken the LIBERTY of offering unique 7K and 4K distances with the inaugural Dallas 7/4. Online registration is open through Wednesday, July 2 until 3 PM so SIGN UP NOW! In the meantime, while we draft concepts for additional summer 2015 races to meet both your training needs and your running wishes, check our social run calendars and burn up some miles at either a Rahr Social Run or with our Pub Run Series. Multiple runs throughout this summer, big crowds and various pace leaders! Beat the Heat!


Take this month’s survey now!


Now in the Lineup!

First Round Pick Elizabeth Jones


ourth down, 3rd and long, 0:59 on the clock, down by six. To whom do you give the ball? Elizabeth Jones, Spectacle Specialist! After nine years of working in NFL stadiums, Liz has started running on new turf. Following graduation from University of Iowa, this Hawks Alumn flew south to escape the cold of her hometown, Monline and found a cozy spot race directing at On Your Left! Marketing & Events. Liz is known for being a playmaker and getting things done. In her past career, she helped open the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona, before joining the Dallas Cowboys at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. She has managed all kinds of events — known fondly to her as spectacles — ranging from dog shows

to concerts to the most recent NCAA® Men’s Final Four®. Her knack for reviewing plays — the processes and procedures, ensure tasks are being quickly completed with utmost efficiency. The Game Plan: take the client from contract to execution while building a long-term relationship. When guests to have a fantastic event experience and leave with smiles on their faces, TOUCHDOWN! When Liz is not training for her next race (just ask, she will talk your ear off about her cool finisher medals), she keeps busy working around her house, cooking, playing kickball & softball in a rec league, golfing, gardening, trying new things, and riding her bike to brunch on patios. If you find yourself seated next to her at various sporting events, be ready to talk X’s & O’s1 There are players and there are spectators. Elizabeth will have the active community doing the wave while also raising your participation numbers. You just need to know hers: 214-339-7867 or elizabethj@oylmarketing.com

At On Your Left! Marketing & Events, Liz will put together the playbook and coach the race management team to victory.



e’ve all heard about the Fitbit, but have you heard the latest technology that is out to help you reach your fitness and daily goals and turn your intentions into accomplishments? Well, look no further because we recently uncovered the Jawbone UP24. You know the song...”your jawbone’s connected to your arm bone and your arm bones connected to your...”, well the UP24 connects to your wrist in stylish colors and design including pink coral, onyx, persimmon and lime and comes in three sizes.


The UP24 is way more than a plastic band or a basic app on your phone. It tracks your sleep, movement and what you eat and drink. But the system takes it one step further and delivers insights, celebrates milestones and features wireless real time syncing as it’s continuously connected to your Smartphone via Bluetooth. The UP24 wristband plugs into your phone with a syncing connector and works alongside the UP App’s Insight Engine technology that puts everything together to showcase your connections and patterns in your daily activities and habits so that you become more successful in reaching overall fitness goals.


The UP24 is an extremely easy-to-use and pleasing fitness tracker that counts steps, sleep, and calories; its also comfortable to wear. The device syncs with iPhones and Android phones over Bluetooth and offers insights and ‘gentle nudging’ to encouragement along the way.


It does not have a screen and so you are not able to quickly check your progress in an instant. Not waterproof.


PC Magazine, March 25, 2014: Comfortable, sleek, mid-priced, and with great sleep features, the Jawbone UP24 could be the activity tracker for you, as long as you don’t mind mobile-only access to your data, and a few other downsides. CNET, November 13, 2013: If having a screen or Android support isn’t a priority, the Jawbone Up24’s superb app, clever advice, and comfy fit are hard to resist.


Though there’s no screen, the average person looks at their phone screen approx.150X per day. So why end your fitness awareness at the end of your morning workout? (Best Buy, Target, Walmart)

everything you need for your


Fist Bumps and High Fives



ou will never walk away from a Pub Run without meeting some interesting characters. It’s our guaRUNtee! Our social run crowds have grown in size over the last couple months (60-80 participants) and are a barrel of fun, so you’re sure to run into someone with something new and interesting to share. Maybe you’ve already shared a Corona Light with our bubbly Pub Run Mascot. Maybe you’ve already met Dave, or McClain, or Tiffany. Maybe you’ve already met Brandon Cumby or maybe you just feel like you have after the vast publicity of his recovery from severe electrocution gripped the Dallas running community (Dallas Morning News, KDFW Fox 4 News, The Lakewood Advocate). In recognition of the support which poured out from his running club (White Rock Running Co-op) and from so many in and around the run communal, Brandon committed to become more involved in, and to give back to, the running community, “to help build it in any small way that I can.” Come out to the Social House in on July 17th and meet all the great people, like Brandon and the rest of MDA Team Momentum. RRCA certified coach Brandon explains, “We are training runners and run/ walkers of all levels for four different events around the country – Chicago, Marine Corps, Boston 13.1, and Dallas Half/Full.” Look for them at our Pub Run Series all summer in their bright yellow shirts! You can

high-five them for training hard to raise funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, or learn how you can build on your running — all the way to Boston, Chicago or DC! “The program gives beginners and endurance pros alike the opportunity to participate in an endurance race — a marathon or half-marathon — and dedicate their efforts to the fight for muscle health. Offering world-class training, mentors, a solid community of support and inspiration every step of the way, MDA Team Momentum not only will change the lives of more than one million Americans affected by muscle disease, but also those of the walkers and runners who make every mile count for good.”


www.MDATeam.org facebook.com/MDATeamMomentum mdateam@mdausa.org UPCOMING 2014 FALL RACES Bank of America Chicago Marathon: October 12, 2014 (Chicago, IL) – Marathon Marine Corps Marathon: October 26, 2014

(Washington DC) – Marathon & 10K

Michelob Ultra Boston 13.1 Half-Marathon:

September 14, 2014 (Boston, MA) –Half Marathon

Metro PCS Dallas Marathon & Half-Marathon:

December 14, 2014 (Dallas, TX) – Marathon and Half Marathon

We at On Your Left! Marketing & Events thank the Muscular Dystrophy Association, Brandon Cumby and MDA Team Momentum for bringing new opportunities, bright, positive attitudes and inspiring personalities to our Summer 2014 Pub Run Series!



By Holly Johnson, M.D.

ne thing that makes me smile and wrinkle my crow’s feet is that you can run no matter what your shape, your style, or your age. Check this out: A gentleman named Fauja Singh ran his first marathon at age 89. At age 100, he became the oldest person to run a marathon when he ran the Toronto Waterfront Marathon in eight hours, twenty-five minutes. At age 92 he ran his personal best marathon in five hours, forty minutes! He joyfully says of his running, “The day I stop running will be the day that I die. The first 20 miles are not difficult. As for the last six miles, I run while talking to God.” It doesn’t take a rocket scientist, years of reproducible, sound research, a physician, or a personal trainer to tell you that running is a great form of exercise with loads of benefits at any age: it enhances cardiopulmonary health, decreases the risk of obesity, cancer, and diabetes, improves flexibility and strength, and increases metabolism. Running also will increase bone mineral density which strengthens your bones. This translates into a lower fracture risk and less injuries. So far, so good, right? According to World Masters Athletics, runners slow down about 7% per decade in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, and more rapidly after that. Naturally as we age, our rate of maximum oxygen use per unit of body weight (VO2 max) declines. A sedentary

couch potato’s VO2 max decreases by about 10% per decade after the age of 30. On the other hand, an in-shape, regular exerciser’s rate of decline is held to half that! What a difference being a runner makes! Our lean muscle mass diminishes as we age starting at about age 40 and speeds up after age 65 or 70. The rate of loss is greater for fast-twitch fibers than the slow-twitch ones. Once you lose these fast twitch fibers you can’t ever get them back! Running into the graying years, however,


“You dictate what kind of body you want…”

TAKE FLIGHT! 1/2 MARATHON 5K RUN/WALK 1K FUN RUN/WALK We are celebrating four years so of course the half marathon finisher medal features 4 hot air balloons and a customized ribbon. Wear it proudly after knocking out 13.1 scenic miles!

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Oak Point Park – Plano, Texas



NEW FOR THE 1/2 MARATHON Custom designed ring for the half marathon champions!

NEW THIS YEAR Technical shirts for all adults in the half marathon, 5K and 1K. Plus capes for youth running the 1K!


will help slow this process by maintaining muscle mass. (article in Runner’s World) Running will certainly improve your muscle tone, give you a fit body, enhance your aerobic health, and decrease your risk of chronic diseases, but does it make you look old? Is there any truth that running will give you a gaunt, slack, wrinkled “runner’s face” or is it mostly urban legend? Dr. Brian S. Glatt, a cosmetic surgeon in New Jersey, said in a press release that runners literally “run their faces off” especially after the age of 40 when fat and collagen diminishes beneath facial skin. “The marked loss of fatty tissue results in a loss of volume, which leads to a prominent appearance of the bones, accelerated development of skin laxity, and deepening of wrinkles.” Others disagree. Kevin Burns, licensed fitness instructor and American Council on Exercise spokesperson states that “runner’s face” is just as likely to be caused by strict diet, rapid weight loss, or other rigorous exercise. “Comments like Glatt’s aren’t doing very good things for the running community...” (www.everydayhealth.com) Dr. Gerald Imber, plastic surgeon, told Shape magazine that many factors influence “runner’s face” including genetics and lifestyle habits. “Any high impact exercise, like running, causes a jolt to the skin, which can tear up the collagen in the skin (over time).” Aging skin can’t be reversed, but there are some things you can do to slow and maybe even prevent some of the process: if you are trying to lose weight, do it steadily and slowly (one to

two pounds a week), always wear broad spectrum sunscreen, eat a healthy diet, and do your hard training on a treadmill which decreases pounding on facial ligaments and collagen over time. Skin, especially on the face, is exposed to wind, sun, and gravity (accentuated by pounding the pavement) during running. All of these factors might lead to sagging skin, but looking and being in shape isn’t all about the face. Running is rather about entire body fitness — whole health — mind, body, and spirit. Just look to now 103 year old marathoner, Mr. Singh, for truth in that. You know he has a healthy body if he has lived a full century, and you have to believe he is filled with spirit when he says that while running he feels closer to God. You dictate what kind of body you want when you exercise. I don’t know about you, but I would rather have a few extra running wrinkles on my face to go along with my lean leg and arm muscles and strong core as I get older than possibly having fewer wrinkles and lumpy love handles. So regardless of your shape, your style, or your age, smile for those race photographers this summer because the good news is that while racing, you’ll be well on your way to a healthy 100! Please Note: The info in this article is not a substitute for medical advice from your own physician. Dr. Johnson and DFWRUNS/OYL! are not responsible for your crow’s feet, laugh lines, or your birth year. We do, however, believe that anyone, any age can become a runner, just like Mr. Singh. However, please check in with your doctor before you start any rigorous exercise program. And Happy Birthday, America!


PIck It and Flick It! By Holly Johnson, M.D.

PURCHASE NOW LEARN MORE tatepublishing.com


They say that doctors make the worst patients. In Pick It and Flick It, Holly Johnson, M.D. affirms that it doesn’t have to be that way as she shares the emotional, spiritual, and physical reality of how she conquered a potentially devastating diagnosis and kept away the demons of hopelessness, uncertainty, and fear that commonly paralyze any person who is faced with a life-altering event. In this true story of doctor-turned-patient, she squashes her inner enemies with a hit of humor, a punch of grace, and a few temporary tattoos. Written just for you, Dr. Johnson shares her own prescription for healing that she wrote when her body staged a revolution so she could undergo an evolution.





e all know that stretching is beneficial to a healthy body. But as event planners for charity events, we are asked to stretch dollars and budgets to maximize the overall return for the charity through the event. So, not only are we managing the race, we are also fiscal stewards in search of producing healthy experiences and strengthening the bottom line to ensure profits for our partners. Stretching is a form of exercise where muscles are stretched to provide flexibility and relieve tension. But stretching is actually a subject of controversy in athletics and sports with some disagreement among experts, athletes and coaches about its benefits. Training programs for runners tend to focus on endurance and speed and building these areas to become a better or more efficient runner. Stretching compliments this since a flexible body is more efficient, has a better range of motion, is less prone to injuries, recovers quicker and ultimately sees more gains in endurance and strength through proper regular stretching. Just like runners aim to build endurance, speed and overall efficiency, these principles are also focus areas in building a well-managed executed & solvent event. The foundation to growing and keeping an event in existence is to build and keep a streamlined budget that manages expenses

efficiently. In order to ensure that the basic building blocks are in place, we often stretch our dollars as far as we can in order to logistically manage the costs to production; such as permits, coning/ barricades, police fees, medical, timing fees, shirt costs, food/water costs, insurance, and all of the other expenses that seem to add up, $1,000 here, $2,500 there and $500 over there! Though it’s believed you should never stretch cold muscles that are not warmed up, and that most stretching should be done after you run, event planning requires we implement our initial budgets to manage costs, and to look for ways to reduce and stretch dollars long before the running begins. Just as multiple studies suggest it is more beneficial to use a variety of stretching routines in order to experience the full effects of the stretching exercises, the same holds true for how we do this for each different event. We see a lot of variety in ways to stretch our dollars such as, sponsors donating water, or working with companies who have a passion for our charities and are willing to donate in-kind services or equipment that is needed. There is never one methodology but we know we have to be flexible as the needs for each event varies from City to City, from venue to venue, as well do the stakeholders and community supporting the mission. – Sharon Lindberg

Want to hire us to stretch, strengthen and strategize your next event? Call us! We can keep you in top running form!





www.BravestRace.com OCTOBER



Race Director's Block KEEP ON TRUCKIN’ By Jessica Kane


n my second year managing the ZERO Prostate Cancer Run – Chicago in Joliet, IL., everything was running so smooth throughout the months of planning. We were excited to premier our 10K course this year and on race morning, everyone seemed relaxed and ready to go. This was all going to be a piece of cake, right? Wrong! We woke to a beautiful sunrise and perfect weather to start the day. As we were walking up to Advanced Urology Associates, where the event was being held, we noticed that there were two eighteen wheelers parked on the beginning section of our course. There should have no reason for them to be there, since, in addition to signage clearly stating “No Parking,” the truck drivers were told the day before not to park there due to the event. Joliet police showed up around 7 AM to ticket the trucks and call a tow truck to get the trucks off the course. That left us an hour and half before the 10K began to clear them off the course.

The tow truck finally arrived 15 minutes before the 10K was to kick off, but there was only one tow truck in town that could handle towing an eighteen wheeler. Joliet Police and I decided it best to delay the race about 5 minutes so we could clear at least one truck off the course. Five minutes later, I get a call back from the police requesting that we delay the race a “little longer.” JESSICA: “How much longer?” POLICE: “Like 30 minutes… basically begin at 9 AM.” JESSICA: “May I ask why?” POLICE: “Well the tow guy was rigging the one eighteen wheeler to the tow and it slid off the rig and into two cop cars behind it. It’s about a couple thousands of dollars of damage. So, we need more time to clean this up.” Luckily we had a great emceewho tactfully made the delay entertaining and seemingly kept runners composed. Everyone was extremely understanding, even though it pushed everything back another 30 minutes. Overall, it was a successful event with lots of positive feedback. The team is definitely looking forward to next year, but hopefully without the traveling road show in the beginning.

Fun for the whole family! 4TH ANNUAL




Klyde Warren Park

21 WE HAVE ARCHITECTED A GREAT RACE! Just as the iconic Dallas skyline represents some of the world’s best architecture, the Dallas Center for Architecture has designed one of Dallas’ best 5K events to showcase some of the city’s most impressive architectural icons.

FormFollowsFitness.com /FormFollowsFitness

Jaunt Junkie

A LITTLE BIRDIE TOLD ME By Brandon Gillingham


y first weekend ever in Austin took place in January, 2014. I was down in Austin with Eric Lindberg for the 3M Half Marathon Expo, marketing an awesome half marathon we’re producing in September, the Plano Balloon Festival Half Marathon. This was my first time in Austin ever, as well it was the farthest south I had ever been in my life too. Don’t forget, I’m originally from Pennsylvania so to me this was an awesome first time experience all-around. On Friday morning, Eric and I went downtown to hit the Lady Bird bike trails for some miles. I was stoked because I had seen pictures of the trails and heard how sweet the dirt paths were for running. We parked near South Congress Avenue bridge, across from downtown, and hit the trails for about 7-8 miles total. To my mindset, it’s a daring movement to run in shorts and not pants in January. In Pennsylvania, it’s so cold and believe me when I say running in shorts hardly ever happens! On this run though, I was experiencing something I hadn’t in so long. I could run in shorts in January! I am still amazed by this! I was completely absorbed into the feeling of the soft surfaced dirt trails and the excitement of being in Austin that I hadn’t realized how many miles I had actually put in. The time and miles flew by as we made way through crowds of people running, walking and biking that morning. A sighting of a few elite runners too made me excited to not only come back the next morning for more

miles here, but it made me want to come back for more miles, on another trip. A few weeks later, I took a weekend trip to watch another race event happening in Austin. I was going to participate in the race of which I was down watching, but I wasn’t in shape at the time to race. I got down there on a Saturday afternoon and immediately hit the trails for 10 miles. I’ll leave the pace out of the story, but I was moving fast and quite happy to be running on the dirt trails again. The next morning was the same story as before. I believe I got about 11 miles in then and I know my joints couldn’t have been happier to be running on some softer surfaces. Not sure when I plan to go back down to Austin, but hopefully I’ll get a chance to sometime soon. It’s not that far away from here and it’s well worth a trip down for some miles on the trails. I hear 6th street is quite fun also (if you’re old enough for that kind of entertainment). If I had a recommendation on a new, primarily close place to head out for some miles on a new path, I’d say go check out Austin’s Lady Bird Trails. Let me know if you’re rolling down for miles! I’ll go down and run some too!

Abby Road AS LIFE TAKES ITS COURSE By Abigail Werner


ost people don’t remember learning to walk. They just know that they learned at an early age and will continue doing it for the majority of their lives. You don’t really think about it, you just do it. You may slouch, sway your hips, or not even be able to walk in a straight line on your own. It doesn’t really seem to matter. That is, until it’s your first week of marching band. In my May column I mentioned how I picked Marching Band over Cross Country. If you read that column, then you would know my reasoning. Anyway, a few weeks ago, I had Freshman Marching Band Camp. It was only three days, and we’ll all return towards the end of the summer. Those three days were no picnic. We were extremely lucky with the weather, but I still got a small taste of the heat. Anyone who tells you that band kids “When you limit aren’t fit or that they yourself to one don’t work out, is thing, you lessen lying with a capitol L. When I go back your chances on July 31st, I’ll be of encountering expected to be able to march around on really great a nonshaded parking people.” lot for about 8 hours a day without suffering from heatstroke. Anyone who’s been in Texas during August knows that is no small feat. We’ll be marching and playing at the same time, learning our show. During our show all of our heart beats

will be accelerated at the same speed as when an Olympic athlete is sprinting. Except instead of it staying like that for ten seconds, it will be like that for our whole twelve minute show. I’ve also recently learned that it’s the skinnier students who are more likely to pass out or not be able to handle the work rather than the larger students. That is why it is now more important than ever that I drink water and eat a good, nondairy breakfast. This may not seem all that relevant to running, but truthfully, running in the heat of the day will help me just as much as learning my music; because it doesn’t matter if I’ve memorized my music if I pass out in the middle of our show during halftime at a football game. I’m also not that great at drinking water throughout the day and if I’m running late, I’ll sometimes skip breakfast. Marching band will take care of my body even better than I am now.

The idea of not fainting will be great motivation to go out and run at 2:30 in the afternoon. It still amazes me how running and just taking care of my body connects to so many areas of my life. These are lessons that I’ll take with me for the rest of my life. I’ve also met some pretty great people through band as well. One person in particular I’d like to mention is one of my section leaders, Parker. I play the flute and there’s this awful stereotype that it’s a girl instrument. Yes, mostly girls play it, but guys play it too. What really bothers me is when some of my male flute player friends are called gay, just because they play the flute. Now Parker is this really masculine looking guy, and it’s hard to picture him playing such a small instrument at first. Turns out, he picked the flute not just because he had a knack for it, but because he wanted to defy the gender stereotype. I think that’s something to admire even f you aren’t in band. One of the reasons I like doing a wide range of activities like band, student council, and 5ks is because I get to meet such amazing people. When you limit yourself to doing only one thing, you lessen your chances of encountering these great people.


Send us your compliments for our running events (or any other races) you’ve done recently.


CITY: Ft. Worth, TX COMPLIMENT: (In regard to managing foot traffic over narrow pathways and bridges) “I just wanted to follow up and say that this walk went great… Great Job with planning! See you next year!”


COMPLIMENT: “I just wanted to thank you for being so good at your job. You put out fires before they start and handle everyone with such grace. I’m deeply appreciative that, no matter how many questions I have for you, you always answer me with patience and sweetness. A woman came up to me and said that she was just bicycling along and happened upon the event. She said she puts on events and that this was so well organized and presented.” –Client


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