On Your Left! June 2013

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Official Publication of

JUNE 2013

Dallas Sport & Social Club Kicks Grass! Don’t Drop the Ball by Losing Your Spot on the Roster!


DOC IN THE BOX By Holly Johnson, M.D.


ABBY ROAD By Abby Werner


JAUNT JUNKIE By Maggie McCarthy


Letter from the Editor Chief Running Officer, Eric Lindberg


I absolutely love what I do and I’m so proud of what DFWRUNS has become. Don’t get me wrong, I feel all the frustrations that any small business owner does but like anything in life you can choose to focus on the positives or dwell on the negatives. I tend to lean more toward the positives! All of this ties back to finding balance. The month of June is a very busy time for DFWRUNS with five events in five different cities — Chicago, Houston, Fort Worth, Dallas and Atlanta. On Your Left! Three of those events raise funds for charities fighting prostate cancer, in this month which hosts Father’s Day, we see some balance between races benefiting charities that fight breast cancer (women) and charities fighting prostate cancer (men). Awww yes, balance. I don’t want to be misunderstood here and I certainly don’t want to start a gender battle. After all women make up more than half of the participants in active lifestyle, events which keeps DFWRUNS in business! Way to go ladies! Races that benefit charities fighting breast cancer are amazing and do incredible work. It is a positive to see more awareness for fighting prostate cancer through running.

Whether it’s raising participation numbers, funds or awareness, DFWRUNS raises the bar. Raise your phone and dial 214-DFWRUNS! (214-600-3914)


Before writing this “Letter from the Editor”, I took a look back to what I wrote about a year ago for some inspiration. In that article I talked about where I find ideas about what to write in my monthly letter, invited the CEO of American Airlines to our National Running Day promotion (he didn’t show) and most importantly I wrote about finding balance between work and play.

“On Your Left!”?

OWNERS & EDITORS IN CHIEF Eric Lindberg elindberg@dfwruns.com As you may know and from a recent Doc in the Box article, guys don’t talk like to talk much about health issues nor do we ask a lot of questions. Dudes especially don’t like to talk about prostate cancer, mainly because of, well, the exam. Side note, guys I am over 40 and have had the exam. It is no big deal. Toughen up and get checked! Plus, do you know what the ladies have to go through? We got it easy. Sorry, back on task here. So we have more races that are raising the awareness of prostate cancer which is a great first step. But now we have to take the second step to register to participate and fundraise for these events. The goal of all these events is to grow as large and raise as many dollars as events like Race for the Cure but we can’t do it without your help. So I ask you during this Father’s Day month to find a local race that supports prostate cancer (hopefully it is one of our clients’ events), run like the wind and donate whatever you can to help SAVE THE MALES! I hope you take advantage of our National Running Day gift to you! Thanks again for you tremendous support. Catch Me If You Can! – Eric Lindberg


Sharon Lindberg slindberg@dfwruns.com


Cathy Hutzler cat@dfwruns.com

WRITING & EDITING Cherilyn Wilson cwilson@dfwruns.com


Paul Hutzler phutzler@dfwruns.com Gabriella McCord gmccord@dfwruns.com Maggie McCarthy mmccarthy@dfwruns.com Jessica Kane jkane@dfwruns.com




Dallas Sport & Social Club Kicks Grass! Don’t Drop the Ball by Losing Your Spot on the Roster!


his is Texas. It gets hot in the summer. Either you can turn the A/C to full blast and sink into the cold leather of your couch all alone, or you can pull up your Texas Strong britches and get out! Get social! With Dallas Sport & Social Club — the largest and most established group in Dallas organizing adult coed sports leagues and social events such as Flag Football, Kickball, Softball, Soccer, and Sand Volleyball, you’ve got a full menu of options on and off the courts. As their website sums up, “We’ve got every level of adult recreational sports leagues and they’re almost all coed giving you the perfect opportunity to play the field or get to second base.”

Right now, the play is at home. Their homepage, that is. To find out what’s going on for your summer fun, slide right into www.dallassocialclub.com. The club is not only home of biggest co-ed softball leagues in the city but is also currently taking registrations for Men’s Basketball and Men’s, Women’s and Co-ed Volleyball. Spots are filling up fast so don’t drop the ball by waiting to sign up! Still not sure how to get your kicks this summer? How about kickin’ it old school with some kickball or kickin’ some grass at soccer? Dallas Sport & Social Club has something for everyone. Here are some other ways to get out and get social this summer:


Two options for intermediate play in men’s basketball are Monday evenings or late Saturday mornings. Decide if you’d rather dribble away the workday or sweat out the Friday leftovers and then CLICK HERE to get registered.



What better way to sack some stress then with some co-ed football where it’s legal to grab!? Grab your opponent’s flag Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays beginning in July! Sitting the sidelines this summer is not an option. Check out Flag Football leagues playing at Fair Oaks Park and Norbuck Park before the flag is thrown for having too many players on the field!

DASH4DAD - Atlanta Saturday, June 15, 2013 RACE WEBSITE

Dad’s Day 5K Saturday, June 15, 2013 RACE WEBSITE

ZERO Prostate Cancer Run Los Angeles Saturday, July 20, 2013 RACE WEBSITE

Heroes for Children - Plano Saturday, September 7, 2013 RACE WEBSITE

Volleyball offers the choice to play either competitively or in the recreational league. As long as you’re set to get active, you can spike it out on the sand or up at the bar — play it how you want, just get signed up before there are too many toes in the sand!

VOLLEYBALL: MEN’S, WOMEN’S & CO-ED (+CLINICS) Six matches of regular season play followed by single elimination playoffs for qualifying teams, one league participation t-shirt, equipment, league administration, prizes for winners at Sandbar Cantina and Grill in Deep Ellum.



Seven games of regular season play followed by single-elimination playoffs, one league participation t-shirt, umpires, balls, bases, league administration, prizes for winners, and drink and food specials at the sponsor bar. SUNDAYS - Coed Recreation/Intermediate Softball @ Glencoe - Begins July 14 MONDAY - Coed Recreation/Intermediate Softball @ Glencoe - Begins July 15

Seven games of regular season play followed by a single-elimination playoff, one league participation t-shirt per player (15 maximum), equipment, umpires, league administration, and food and drink specials at sponsor bars.

TUESDAYS - Coed Recreation/Intermediate Softball @ TBD - Begins July 9 WEDNESDAYS - Coed Recreation/Intermediate Softball @ Fair Oaks - Begins July 31 THURSDAYS - Coed Recreation/Intermediate Softball @ Glencoe/Norbuck - Begins August 1

TUESDAYS @ Glencoe – Begins July 9 WEDNESDAYS @ Glencoe – Begins July 31


Did you catch the Dallas Sport & Social crew at Joe’s Run? We all had a beachin’ time with our active client and are cheering for you to meet them for summertime fun too!

ZERO Prostate Cancer Run Cincinatti Saturday, September 7, 2013 RACE WEBSITE

Plano Balloon Fest Half Marathon & 5K Sunday, September 22, 2013 RACE WEBSITE

ZERO Prostate Cancer Run Kansas City Sunday, September 22, 2013 RACE WEBSITE

Rahr Oktoberfest Saturday, September 28, 2013 RACE WEBSITE



Upcoming Social Runs Run 4 Fun. Run 4 Beer.



un for fun, run for beer. Say that four times fast! Local and national award winning beer is brewed at the corner of Singleton Blvd. and Herbert Street. Starting June 18, you can sample these tasty refreshments for free and all you have to do to get it is run for beer! We took a test run of the Trinity Levee Trail from Four Corners Brewery with some friends and had so much fun we’re going to become regulars. Once per month, come walk, jog or run for beer with us! Even though we’ll have leaders of all levels out there, it doesn’t matter how you keep up as long as you LIKE the DFWRUNS facebook page in order to keep up with the dates and times! Mark your calendar for Tuesday, June 18th and Wednesday, July 17th now!


June 18 & July 17

3rd Thurs. Starting



Get out to a few of Dallas’s hot spots to cool off after a little run. We’ll be running from some great pubs that have Corona Light and wild fun on tap! Reserve the 3rd Thursday of each month beginning in July!

ZERO Prostate Cancer Run Fort Wayne Saturday, October 12, 2013 RACE WEBSITE

Life Wak and Run - Plano Saturday, October 12, 2013 RACE WEBSITE

ZERO Prostate Cancer Run Austin Saturday, October 26, 2013 RACE WEBSITE

ZERO Prostate Cancer Run Tucson Saturday, October 12, 2013 RACE WEBSITE

By Holly Johnson, M.D.



couldn’t think of a good way to start this month’s issue, so let me just blurt it out right away — “Well, excuuuuuse me!” (Go ahead, say it using your best Steve Martin voice.) I think someone just burped or passed some gas; maybe it was me, but of course, I don’t want to admit it. Gas: all of us have it, none of us want it. As our bodies break down food (with the help of tiny bacteria in our gut) for energy, gases are released as flatulence, belches, burps, farts, bloating, hiccups, and eructation. (Isn’t that a great word–eructation?) The volume of our gas is caused by hydrogen, nitrogen, and methane gases. The odor of flatus is from sulfur gases. Carbon dioxide and oxygen are also released as our bodies urp it up and urp it out. A belch, or burp, otherwise known as eructation, is an involuntary (or voluntary!) release of air from the tummy or esophagus which can sometimes be rather noisy, as we all have heard, but never have done on purpose . (Yeah, right.) It is normal to belch about three to four times after a meal, commonly caused from air swallowing or a nervous habit, but can also be caused by an ulcer, reflux, or gallbladder disease. In some cultures, belching is a sign of appreciation of a good meal, so burp away and blame it on your practice of embracing new habits from far-away lands! Flatus, passing gas, and farts also come out of all people (yes, both you people from Mars and from Venus), but some produce more than others. It usually comes stuttering out — sometimes noisy, sometimes not, around six to twenty times a day and though often annoying and embarrassing, but is usually not a sign of any serious medical conditions. It is caused from swallowing air that passes through the intestines and out the other end — yes, through the anus. Bloating is a feeling of fullness in your abdomen that is from air released from the breakdown of foods and

drinks, constipation, some medications and nutritional supplements, a change in hormones, pregnancy, weak abdominal muscles (such as post-op), or obesity. Hiccups are caused by excessive air swallowing from eating or drinking too fast. This leads to a spasm or contraction of the diaphragm, the primary breathing muscle just under your ribs. This spasm leads to an intake of air that is suddenly stopped by vocal cord closure, giving a hiccup its unique sound. They usually resolve on their own in a few minutes or a few hours. Food culprits that are gas producers are mainly carbohydrates. As certain foods move undigested through the small intestine into the large intestine, bacteria goes to work to digest these foods, gas is released, and out the anus it comes! Some of the most famous food gas-producers are beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, apricots, peaches, apples, pears, melons, dairy, whole grain foods, eggs, fried and fatty foods, and sugar and sugar substitutes. Carbonated beverages and beer and wine can cause flatulence as well. Medications, especially vitamins, iron supplements,


Doc in the Box

©2013 Paid for by the U.S. Air Force. All rights reserved.


Deploy by land, air or sea in the most remote regions of the world. Rescue a downed pilot or victims of a national disaster. Know the meaning of “That Others May Live.” Be a part of an elite group known as Air Force Pararescue. Discover the power within you.

meds that are used to treat constipation, and narcotic pain meds can also cause an increase in gassiness. When is gas signaling something worse than just gas? To cite a few examples, chronic belching could indicate underlying gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) or ulcers. Bloating that hangs around for awhile could indicate irritable bowel syndrome, colon or other cancer, or Crohn’s disease. Uncontrollable, ongoing flatulence could be a sign of lactose intolerance. To treat gas you may have to make an adjustment in the foods you are eating. Walking or exercising, especially for 15-20 minutes after a meal, will help move things through and make your bowels happy. Prevent gas by slowing down when you eat — don’t gulp! Avoid sucking on hard candy and chewing gum, and stop using straws, which all can cause excessive air swallowing. Besides preventative measures, there are some medications that may help with gaseousness. Probiotics decrease the number of flatus episodes and associated discomfort. Alpha-galactosidase (Beano) has an enzyme that helps digest sugars in beans and veggies. Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-bismol) will help decrease the odor of flatus, but contains aspirin, so not everyone can take it, and there is a concern of salicylate toxicity if it used too often. Using only as needed in social situations to prevent embarrassment is probably safe. There is inconsistent evidence that antacids with simethicone (like Gas-X and Mylicon) help dissolve gas bubbles, so these may be a waste of moola. Odor-reducing external devices (yes, they seriously make these things!) such as activated charcoal briefs, pads worn in underpants, and charcoal seat cushions also decrease the odor of flatus. (Go ahead and laugh!) Lastly, a nonabsorbable antibiotic called rifaximin can decrease bloating, distension, and flatulence, but must be prescribed by a doctor. Holding it in won’t hurt you, but eventually something’s gotta give. So, excuuuuse you! Please Note: The info in this article is not a substitute for medical advice from your own PCP; you should always discuss any ongoing abdominal symptoms and gaseous problems with your own doc. Dr. Johnson and DFWRUNS/OYL! are not liable for your eructation noises or other gassy passings from your post-run Muscle Milk or other libations.


The story of Dr. Holly Johnson’s cancer journey and the prescription she wrote for her own healing. Watch for it soon on amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com and tatepublishing.com.




Two Admissions to the InTouch Credit Union Plano Balloon Festival Live Music



Dri-Fit Technical Tee

Awesome Finisher Medal

Oak Point Park – Plano, Texas


REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! WWW.PlanoBalloonFest.org Halt deine Lederhosen! [hahlt dey-neh leh-dehr-hoh sehn!]

Hold onto your Lederhosen! Join us at the world famous Rahr & Sons Brewing Company for the Rahr & Sons Oktoberfest 5k! • GERMAN TREATS AND FOOD • LIVE GERMAN POLKA

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 Rahr & Sons Brewery – Fort Worth






Abby Road By Abby Werner

IT’S SUMMERTIME! YAY! Summer is finally here! That means time for swimming, sleeping in, and 5Ks! Summer is full of opportunity to get into running shape and to stay active. I look forward to hopefully improving and having a blast at future DFWRUNS events! There’s this amazing trail that goes through my neighborhood that’s great for running. It’s about a quarter of a mile away from my house, and once you get to where it begins, it’s shaded. It’s about a mile long, but it’s flat concrete. You would only find the entrance if you knew where it was, so it’s never crowded. The whole path is surrounded by trees and about halfway through, there’s a pond. It goes behind a bunch of handsome, larger houses, so the scenery is peaceful. Once you reach the end, it’s half a mile back to my house. I’m usually really lazy during the summer, so to keep in shape, I’m thinking about joining a gym. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a very goal-oriented person, which keeps me motivated. A few of my goals are to do at least two 5Ks a month and to run the trail at least three times a week. If I join a gym, I’ll also have goals associated with that, but I haven’t decided yet. Another resource I have is that I live right behind Mansfield High School, so I can always run on their track. My goal for that, is to go from my snail-like time of eighteen seconds for a 100 meter race to a quicker, less embarrassing sixteen seconds. I don’t want to set goals that are too high, otherwise I’ll just be unreasonably hard on myself when I don’t reach them. Sound good? Oh, and before school ended, we tested for our mile

“Summer is full of opportunity to get into running shape and to stay active.”

in athletics to see if we improved at all. Since my time from the beginning of the year was nothing short of stinking, it’s easy to say I improved. It went from being nine minutes fifty-four seconds to seven minutes forty-eight seconds! I was very happy with myself, because I knew I had earned it. My goal is by the end of the eighth grade it will be under six minutes thirty seconds. I can’t wait to see if I can do it! Two 5Ks I’m thinking about doing are Drenched on Saturday, May 25th and Joe’s Run Saturday, June 8th. Who knows, maybe I’ll see you there!





» Technical T-Shirts for 5K & 3K

» Super Hero Capes For 1K » Amazing

Refreshments From Randalls







Jaunt Junkie By Maggie McCarthy



here does this Junkie get her high? Being a Los Angeles transplant, I’m used to having a variety of options for my running pleasure. When I first moved to Dallas over two years ago, I was introduced to the Katy Trail in Uptown. That trail, and the neighboring Highland Park area, has been kept in my back pocket for when I’m in a stitch and just want to log some miles. But as anyone knows, that scene gets old real fast! A few months ago, however, I came across a new gem-- one that I never expected to enjoy so much! The trail is the levy next to the Trinity River in Oak Cliff, right next to Four Corners Brewery. DFWRUNS did our first social run with Four Corners Brewery back in April and the route we took was on the levy which overlooks the Trinity River with a scenic backdrop of Downtown Dallas. The trail itself is a little rugged, definitely full of gravel, but a whole lot awesome! It had been so long since I’d run on anything but pavement that this terrain seemed foreign to me. I know I may be late to the party with experiencing this area but I’m glad my time has finally come. It reminded me of my days in Los Angeles

where I had a choice of sand, dirt, canyons, and roads. Finding this trail reinvigorated my love for running and even got me thinking about training for trail races. We’ll see! This junkie may have found her a new high! If you haven’t already, come check out this awesome trail! If you find yourself thirsty or needing some motivation, there’s a brewery that is just a short jaunt down the street where DFWRUNS starts and finishes a 4-mile social run each month… wink wink. Cheers and happy running!

COMPLIMENTS DEPARTMENT Keep sending us your compliments!

In order to create the best events for you, we need to continue showing our city officials what is working. With a quick CLICK HERE, we can all make great changes together.


COMPLIMENT: Far and away the BEST short course (>4miles) I have done! My

friend & I hit it 3 times. I truly enjoyed everything — the Greenville Parade, news segment, but especially the event. So many of these promotions talk big and have great videos & pic’s on their website. But when they come to this area they find a crappy venue, put some stakes in the ground to follow dig a hole dump a bucket of water in & front a trail 5k as a mud run. Thank you for bringing an “A+” event!


COMPLIMENT: This was an excellent event! Great course, delicious post-race food and beer for runners, and big trophies instead of medals! The only thing that could have made it better is some Czech music and chicken dancing! We were ready to POLKA!

PHONE: 214-DFWRUNS EMAIL: info@dfwruns.com WEB: www.dfwruns.com /dfwruns


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