QUESTION 4 To what extent do Technological developments in production and distribution impact on Illustration? I'm really interested in this topic as a starting point for my COP3 module. As a student in illustration, I find myself drawn more and more to the digital side of making pictures. I have always had a certain worry, that although I feel I am technically more capable using digital media, the fact that my work only exists on a screen is devaluing my efforts. Why is authenticity such a valued element in upcoming contemporary work? Is society bored of the digital age and yearning for an element in artwork that has been carefully considered and hand crafted? Does this give an image more value as opposed to using digital brushes?
SUBJECTS/THEMES Digital vs Analogue Media Is society bored of the digital age? Does the use of Digital Media effect the development of a “Style”? How Important is having a "style" as an Illustrator, in today's society? Does the use of digital media devalue illustrative work? How can an artist stand out, in a society of digitally capable creatives? The end of Illustration? Why are students in the creative arts currently so intrigued by ‘old’ technologies?
“Why all the hubbub about style? It could be that we are confusing it with quality.” - Kyle T Webster, The Style Problem For Artists “The alchemy of the analogue is more unpredictable, and therefore more alluring.” - Future Places, The Lo-Fi Phenomenon
“So many creative people are turning to mediums that take them away from their computers. Methods of making work that involve making real, tactile items to be cherished and kept, instead of being consumed and forgotten.” – Made You Look, Directors Statement
”The Invention of Photoshop is far more threatening than any technological advance in history of illustration."
“Once graphic designers depended on the rendering skills and conceptual acuity of illustrato Now they can assemble ersatz illustration-collages by themselves.” - Illustrator’s Partnership “Things that we create, if that just exists in a digital cloud, then I think that’s an incredible shame.”
– Sam Arthur (Nobrow) Made You Look
”The Invention of Photoshop is far more threatening than any technological advance in history of illustration." - Illustrator’s Partnership I find this quote really interesting - is it true though? I believe that photoshop has created a way to make art more accessible to hobbyists/amateurs, which may be dangerous to an illustrator in terms of creating more competition. I don’t think that it has taken over the creative industry process completely, as there are alot of practitioners who have used the development of digital processes to give there hand crafted work more value.
“The alchemy of the analogue is more unpredictable, and therefore more alluring.” - Future Places, The Lo-Fi Phenomenon In this quote, “analogue” refers to the use of physical, hand crafted medias. The quote refers back to the idea of people getting bored of the development in digital technology to make art, and find that analogue media is alot more creative?
RESEARCH Norman Rockwell - Covers for The Saturday Evening Post Rockwell is considered to be one of America’s greatest artists, and a pioneer in illustration. I have chosen these images to display the contrast between this traditional way of working and contemporary illustration.
Kyle T Webster Known for his incredibly diverse way of working, avoids sticking to a particular visual style like alot of contemporary illustrators. He says that his diversity makes his practice more successful and efficient.
He is also the developer of thousands of custom photoshop brushes that are used by creative practitioners around the world. His brushes are designed to mirror the aesthetic of analogue medias, e.g Charcoal on Wet Paper. Relates to the argument of analogue vs digital media.
Tom Clohosy Cole Helen Musselwhite
Made You Look documentary A film about creativity in the digital age
Creative UK: Overview of the Digital Transformation of the UK Creative Economy
The Lo-Fi Phenomenon Analogue versus Digital in the Creative Process
New media and the creative industries: fifth report of session 2006-07, Vol. 1: Report, together with formal minutes, Volume 1
Steal Like An Artist Austin Kleon
The Conversation Why does analogue still feel good in a digital world?
Confessions of a Creative Maniac: Pixel Pushing with Analog Digits