Process Book Visual Communications Portuhondo

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DRYLQD PRODUCT PACKAGE DESIGN Visual Comunication 220 Eli Portuhondo Dyan Gulovsen Fall 2014

Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


CONTENT 01 . D e s i g n B r i e f 02 . R e s e a r c h 03 . M o o d b o a r d 04 . T h u m b n a i l S k e t c h e s 05 .

Die lines

06 . L o g o / s u r f a c e g r a p h i c s 07 .

Package progress

08 . P a c k a g e i t e m s 09 . f i n a l p r o d u c t

Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


design brief Design Brief ￟PROJECT 3D Package Design OBJECTIVE: Design and assemble a 3D package for a product of your choosing using paperboard and other materials as needed. You will also be designing all of the surface graphics that go on the package and this includes barcodes and ingredients if food related. You will be expected to develop a name for your product and a logo. Also - think about packaging green- meaning don’t develop a pack- age just because its cool- think about the waste. Is there any way it can be reused or repurposed or uses as little packaging material as possible. This an extensive project so put some serious thought into all of your decision making. PROCESS: Normally the process for starting a project is Re- search. However since you are coming up with the project that adds and extra step. And it is perhaps the most difficult part of the process- trying to come up with an product for a 3D package. Part A: Product Ideas- Brainstorming- Lists Brainstorm and write a list of possible products that you might like to develop for your 3D package design. It should not be associated with a name brand, since you will be creating one- un- less you decide to rebrand an existing product. You might also choose a toy that has not been branded, like the ones you will often find in a dollar store. Games, food, beauty products, a new invention. Whatever you choose you better like it because you will spend the entire semester work- ing on this one project. For ideas on unique and cool

Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220

01 package designs search Pinterest: search/pins/?q=pack- age%20design&rs=ac&len=7 terns that you can look through. It has templates for every imaginable package. This way you will not have to come up with the designs yourself. DUE Wednesday 9/10 Paste the list or type it in your process book with the header: Product Ideas. Also due is the pro- cess book template with running headers, footer, pagination and cover. The cover does not need to be de- signed yet, but it should have the title, your name, course, semester, instructors name. Upload to dropbox a pdf of your process book. I do not want the Indesign file because the links will be broken. The inDesign file should be on your flash drive. Part B: Research Brainstorm ideas for the package design. Decide on 1 product and begin doing research on package designs that would work well for your product. Due Wednesday 9/17: Paste examples of packages in your process book- you should have a number of pages for this section. Make comments on the packages you are leaning towards or prefer and say why. Upload your updated process book pdf to drop- box. Part C: Thumbnail Sketches Select the ideas with the most potential, and move on to the thumbnail stages of your design. You should have at least 5-10 different concepts. Create a series of paper dummies to test your concepts. Modify the die line as needed. Remem- ber, at this 3

stage you should be working with the structure only —not the graphics. Reference your textbook for template ideas. Once you have decided upon the design you would like to use, proceed to construct it out of Bristol Board or any other paperboard. This dummy needs to be actual size and should be flawless. Pay close attention to the tabs, scores, and folds. Due Wednesday 10/7: Photo-document this piece and place on the cor- responding pages of your process book. Upload an updated pdf of your process book to dropbox. Part D: Branding Brainstorm possible product names and logos. Select the ones with the most potential, and move on to the thumbnail stages of the process. You should have at least 5-10 different concepts. Your process book should contain the name of the product, the brand name you selected, sketches of your logo, the product specifics, the unique selling point (what makes that product different from the rest), a description of the target audience, and the retail price. Include a short paragraph describing your choice for the structural design, and explain the special feature. Include your structural pictures. Your pictures should show details of the tuck tabs, dust flaps, and glue flaps. Due Part D: Surface Graphics Sketches 10/15 Paste ideas in your process book. Upload updated pdf to dropbox. Part E: Finalize your logo designs Begin the creative process on the surface graph- ics. Place sketches in multiple pages of the pro- cess book. When developing the surface graphics, take all sides and angles of the package into consideration. Make changes based on feedback received from the discussion boards. Prepare a full-color render- ing of the surface graphics. Show all sides of the package. Post a document with the final render- ings in the process book. Include a short design brief. Due Part D: Surface Graphics logo 10/30

Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220

Part F: Construction Begin constructing your package from bristol board or heavy cover stock paper. Cover the surface with your graphics. The package should be perfect, no sloppy construction of poor crafts- manship. You will be graded on the overall look and feel, how well the surface graphics and logo represent the product, craftsmanship. Due 11/20 final package Part G: Beauty shots The final part of the project will be taking beauty shots of your project which will be placed in the process book. The process book should be updat- ed and completed and posted to or your own website. Also you need to print your process book onto individual pages and place on the cork boards in the hallway for everyone to see. Due 12/1 Other Project Criteria: Both the structure and the surface graphics should reflect the nature of product. The package must include at least one lock tab. The package must include dust flaps where nec- essary. The package must be more than a standard box. It must have a special feature. The package must be functional. Anyone should be able to open the package, pull the product out of it, and then put it all back together without damaging the package or the product. The final package must be able to stand up on a tabletop. displayed when designing it. Will it stack? Hang from peg board? Surface graphics must contain all required information, including UPC. Materials:Consider how and where you will be printing the final piece. This will help you identify your material choices. Some inkjet printers can accept heavy stock, and others can’t. You may have to consider printing your graphics on text-weight paper, then mount- ing them onto a heavier stock.


3d Package research Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220



Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220



Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


mood board Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220




I am looking for different clothing packaging that will inspire me to make my own clothing package which will be containing hats and stickers.

Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


thumbnail sketches Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220



Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220



Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220





I decided on creating a package for my clothing line DRYLQD for a couple of reasons. First, I want to create a package that attracts my consumer, because of its art work. Second I wanted to have a package that contains many items that can be purchased at a lower cost than just buying them individually. I also want to start creating packages of this sort once a year with a different theme so that it can become a tradition, and so that my consumers can know how much we appreciate them. I want my clothing line to be something that individuals get excited to see whats next to come, because our propose is to inspire individuals to be the best that they can become. Lastly our packages will becoming a collectibles item so that individuals keep the boxes instead of throwing them away.

Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


die lines Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220



Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220



Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


The locking tabs didn’t work on this mock-up I had to reinvent the style of the locking tabs so that the box could close properly. Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


Logos & surface graphics Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


logos & surface graphics 06 The following pages present the current logos and art work that my clothing line is currently advertising.

Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


I decided to get this illustration embroidered on a custom 5 panel hat, the hat is constructed out of suede and cotton. I designed two different styles of the 5panel hats so that I my customer would have two different verities to choice from. The colors I decided to go with are gray top (cotton), brown bill (suede)and black top (cotton), brown bill (suede).

Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


This logo represents the brand (Dry Liquid) the name is a representation of two elements that cant coexist with one another, so a balance has to be put in place just like yin and yang. This logo was use on both the cover of the package, and the beanies that where manufactured from scratch. The beanies came in three different colors black, maroon and heather gray.

Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


This is the final design for the interior of the package.

Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


This is the final design for the exterior of the package.

Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


package progress Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


package progress


Cutting and scoring the final package.

Scoring the final package. Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


Folding the box to its final shape.

The final shape of the package. Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


Sorting out the final suface graphics.

Applying and pasting the surphace graphics to the final package. Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


package items Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


package items


These are the final stage of the product that I designed. All of the following hats where made from scratch here in the United States of America.

Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


DRYLQD 5 panel hat gray and brown Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


DRYLQD 5 panel hat black and brown Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


DRYLQD beanies black, heather gray and maroon Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


final product Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


final product

Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220



Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


Eli Portuhondo | Professor Dyan Gulovsen | Viscom 220


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