ECC Grapevine Oct/Nov 2013 - Issue 64

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rapevine G Ealing Christian Centre


one family

of many nations proclaiming one gospel

through many disciples

The Power of TESTIMONY

An Pentecostal Church

A word from the SENIOR PASTOR



henever something good happens to us, for example, passing an exam or test, getting engaged or married, getting a new job or promotion, we want to share our good news with others. As believers, we have good news – very good news - to share.

On one occasion, Jesus went out of his way to meet up with a particular woman. She lived in the region called Samaria, and had clearly had a troubled and difficult life up to that point. For whatever reason, she found it hard to live a stable life, and had gone through five failed marriages, ending up with a sixth relationship with a man she did not marry, but instead with whom she was cohabiting. Her reputation amongst her fellow villagers was not good. Life did not hold much hope for her; neither did the future present much hope. But one day, that started out just like any other day, she met with Jesus, who initiated a conversation that would end with remarkable

this Jewish man bothering to engage her in conversation. When he revealed, without being told, his knowledge of her past broken relationships and present unhappy situation, in fact her whole life, she moved her thinking to believe he was not just a man but a prophet. When he spoke of his ability to save her and give her eternal life, her understanding shifted once more to believing he was not merely a prophet but he was the Messiah, the Christ, the Saviour of the world. She was so radically transformed by her encounter with Jesus, she immediately went to her village and shared her good news with others. They could see something

You have a good news story that someone needs to hear

will sometimes argue over religion or over church or over the Bible, and try to present different views. But no

PICTURE: GoogleImages

The personal accounts of the Bible writers Matthew, Mark, Luke and John concerning the life and ministry of Jesus are called gospels, which mean ‘good news’. Jesus is the Good News – good news because of who he is, of what he has accomplished on our behalf, and of how he has changed our lives infinitely for the better. When we experience the impact he makes on our lives and the change for the better, as with any good news, we want to share it with others.

consequences. Her first reaction at meeting Jesus was surprise - and perhaps suspicion - at

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013

evidently had happened to her, as she was a different person, sharing her testimony of how Jesus knew everything about her. Prompted by her testimony, and curious about all she was saying, they went out themselves to meet with Jesus. As they did so, they too discovered personally, the reality of the woman’s good news, and also became believers themselves saying, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this Man really is the Saviour of the world” (John 4:42). The Great Commission Jesus gave to the Church was to do this very thing: share the Good News of Jesus Christ. People

one can argue with you over your testimony. It happened to you. You experienced it, and nobody can deny that or take it away from you. Jesus said to his followers, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). A witness is someone who recounts what they have seen, heard and experienced. In other words, they share their testimony – this is what happened to me! In the same verse, Jesus also said the Holy Spirit helps us also to be able to do so. People love listening to stories and to seeing dramas unfold in the lives of others. That is why films, TV soaps and books are always so popular. Our testimony is our very own story. And when it incorporates


TESTIMONY a personal encounter with the living God, who is able to do the impossible in any of our lives, then the potential for amazing experiences is unlimited. Encounters with God can produce the most exciting of dramas - good news in many forms. This we need to share with others to testify to the power of the living God, who not only transforms us, but can do the same to others when they surrender their lives to Jesus. Our testimony has three simple parts: • First, what our lives used to be like, before we came to know Jesus. • Second, how it was we came to know and understand the Gospel or Good News, believe in and accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord. This would include our understanding of sin, repentance, the cross and how we can begin and have a new life in Christ. • Third, what difference it has made to our lives now that we are following Jesus. We all have our own unique story of how we came to know Christ, and the difference he has made in our lives and, in this edition, we have included a number of different testimonies from individuals who tell of how, in one way or another, the Lord has intervened directly in their lives. The purpose of sharing our testimonies is, like what happened to the woman of Samaria, that others, who obviously see a difference it has made in us, then seek Jesus for themselves, and believe not because of our testimony, but because now they have a personal testimony of their own: “We no longer

People will sometimes argue over religion or over the Bible ... but no one can argue with you over your testimony. It happened to you. You experienced it, and nobody can deny that or take it away from you. believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this Man really is the Saviour of the world” (John 4:42). We live in a society and generation that is seeing rising numbers of people suffering from mental health issues and depression. The answer is not to prescribe more antidepressants, but to experience the life-transforming power of Jesus. That is good news. You have a good news story that someone needs to hear.

Richard Buxton

n behalf of the family here at Ealing Christian Centre, we would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we are glad to have you worshipping with us today. We hope you will feel at home in our fellowship - whether this is your first time or your umpteenth time with us. May God bless you.

CONTENTS 2 A Word from the Senior Pastor

4 Testifying of the Faithfulness of God by Mark and Fiona Awuah

6 From Bondage to Freedom! Testimonies of those set free by the power of JESUS

8 Women’s Discipleship:

- Sisters To Sisters by Heather Trail

9 Dateline 2020 by John Baker 10 Revival and Healing Testimonies 12 Prayer Centre Testimonies 13 Two-month Prayer Diary Pull-out 21 Sunday Services at a Glance /

Forthcoming Events

What We Believe

22 Finance & Attendance statistics / 23 Evangelism & Prayer Ministry Calendar 24 Fellowship & Congratulations

25 How to be Perfect... by Roy McEwen 26 Classifieds 27 Digging Out a Well by Pastor John Starr 28 Men’s Encounter Weekend

compiled by Akin Osuntoki

compiled by Ann Ko

30 God Uses Young People by Pastor Ruth 31 God Created You For a Purpose Would you like to contribute an item to the next edition of the Grapevine magazine? The deadline for the DECEMBER/JANUARY edition is FRIDAY 1 NOVEMBER 2013 If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please email your article to, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. Editor-in-Chief: Pastor Richard Buxton Editor & Design: Berean Services UK Photography: Roy McEwen plus various contributors from ECC Stock Images:,, Google images Print: Deluxe Printers Ltd, London NW10 7NR, Tel: 020 8965 1771 Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: Website: Grapevine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Grapevine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where Grapevine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2013. All rights reserved.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013


TESTIFYING OF THE FA MAIN PICTURE: Mark and Fiona Awuah, with baby daughter, Alyssa

“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death” (Revelation 12:11). A further explanation to this verse reads: “No accusation can stand against those whose sins have been forgiven because of Christ’s sacrificial death.”

Fiona Awuah


n the past nine years or so, my husband and I have seen amazing miracles and breakthroughs unfold in our lives and, although we have shared these testimonies with our families and close friends, we believe this is the time to share it with the rest of the community. We would like to thank God for His Word and His faithfulness because, throughout the past few years, we both have made mistakes, failed in many areas, lost relationships along the way and yet, by the grace of God, He continues to do amazing things in our lives. The Scripture above truly demonstrates in our lives that ‘No accusation can stand against us because of Christ Jesus.’ Whether great or small, the miracles that take place in our lives are all testimonies that glorify God, and below are just some that have taken place over the past nine years:

2004 I suffered with acute migraines, loss of my period for about a year prior to 2004, and my vision was weakening with the migraines. I went to my GP on numerous occasions, and he put it down to stress, as I was studying at the time. After my studies, however, the migraines continued and got

worse. I requested a blood test to be done, thanks to my aunt’s suggestion and, to our surprise, I was diagnosed with ‘macroadenoma’, which is a benign tumour of the brain. The tumour had already reached the size of a golf ball, and was pressing on my optic nerve, this is why my vision was weakening. This disease could also have led to infertility, so I was informed

I would not be able to have children. By 2009, I was taken off medication as the tumour had shrunk, but unfortunately I had a relapse in 2010 - the year I got married. Today, by the grace of God, the tumour has not returned.

2005 Through a letter that had been written between my deceased

In the midst of trials and tribulations, in the midst of isolation, in the midst of confusion, in the midst of destruction, He never left us, nor did He forsake us.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013


AITHFULNESS OF GOD “Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.” grandmothers in 1976 and found in an archive by my dad’s brother in the US, I was reunited with my father after 35 years of never knowing him. Today, we are still in contact with each other.

2008 I met my husband in church, and two years later we were married. The journey almost seemed to be one of the most challenging times of our lives. There were many times when doubt and fear almost destroyed us, but the grace and favour of God saw us through. I love the ECC Prayer Diary for June 2013, because the book of Exodus really demonstrated God victoriously at work on our behalf. In the midst of trials and tribulations, in the midst of isolation, in the midst of confusion, in the midst of destruction, He never left us, nor did He forsake us.

2013 Despite the discouraging news from the medical professionals in 2004 - which continued even up to 2011 - God has blessed us with a beautiful baby girl, who we believe is going to be an amazing woman of God. God sent two messengers to me at the beginning of 2012 about my fertility, which was very encouraging. I never thought in my wildest dreams that someone in church would approach me on such a sensitive issue. I am proud to let

Alyssa know of her two spiritual grandmothers; may God bless them and their families. We would like to take this opportunity to thank God for everything. For the trials and tribulations, they have made us stronger, wiser and able to trust Him more; for our families’ and close friends’ support and prayers, and this includes our senior pastors; for the amazing people He brought into our lives through these dark times; for His Word, which we held on to: Proverbs 3:5-6 and Romans 8:28. May these testimonies encourage anyone who may

help of my brother, who was already living in the UK, I was able to get a job by the grace of God. I moved from east to west London, due to a job offer, and here I met one of the managers who attended ECC and who invited me to a Caribbean Evening event. From here, I continued attending Sunday morning services and, as I began hearing the sermons and people’s testimonies, I started believing that I would get this money to return home. I was working very hard to make money for myself and to help my family back in Ghana, but whenever I saved, problems would arise and the funds disappeared. It was a very difficult time for me. During this time, I met Fiona and she became a good friend.

Fiona was always talking about God, and advised me to begin seeking God, and not the things around me, like ‘money’. be going through something now, or praying for something, to know that no matter how long it may seem or how tough it may be, God is faithful to His Word. He will never leave you nor forsake you, and what is impossible for man is very possible for God. There is a saying, which we hope will be embraced by all readers: “Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.”

Mark Kwaku Awuah


came to the UK with the intention of making money and going back to Ghana. With the

She was always talking about God, and advised me to begin seeking God and not the things around me, like ‘money’. She asked me if I was tithing which, at the time, I knew nothing about; but even when she explained, I thought I was not earning enough to be tithing and to save, too. After a while, I started tithing and found myself beginning to read the Bible at times, and praying to God to direct me in everything I do. It was not easy, as the challenges around me seemed to increase, but I also saw God come into my life and bring me to a place where I began to have a more intimate relationship with Him, to understand His Word.

I may have had my own plans of coming to the UK, but God had a greater plan for my life. He opened my eyes to see more than the money. He chose the right people to come into my life, and also had a beautiful lady for me who became my wife. I had interest in Fiona and decided to approach her, although this was not an easy thing for me to do, but I was able to win her over with God’s help. Our friendship got more serious and, although we talked about marriage, we had our eyes fixed on all the reasons it would not be possible: lack of finances, different cultures, what would others say, etc, but God made a way for us. From reading His Word, I clearly remembered Him saying in Joshua: “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” He truly was with us in this difficult season of our lives. Today, we have been married for 3½ years and have a beautiful little girl, Alyssa. What I and others around me thought was impossible, God demonstrated that ‘All things are possible with Him.’ I would like to thank God for His grace and mercy, for His unconditional love, for my wife believing in me, for our families’ and friends’ support and prayers. Be encouraged and know that God has a plan and purpose for each of our lives, as we were created by Him for Him. “I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27).

I may have had my own plans of coming to the UK, but God had a greater plan for my life. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013



Testimonies of by the powe

Set free from the spirit of death, psychic lines and witchcraft


am a born-again Christian, but my life was still in bondage to the past. I did the things that I detested. I was addicted to them. I was trying to live a godly life, but it was so difficult. I kept going back into my old sinful ways. I spent hundreds of pounds on psychic lines, trying to get people to tell me my future and what was going to happen in my life. I eventually stopped spending money on this, but the temptation was always there to do it. My family kept me in check when it came to psychic lines. I felt guilty. I lapsed and rang the psychic line again, because there was such a compulsion in me to

ring and find out about my future. I knew that my future was in God’s hands, but it was a compulsion.

Both my parents live a life of black magic, secret societies and voodoo. Both sides of the family practise it. My sister and I were initiated into some of these secret societies. I myself never practised this, but my life had never been right. It seemed there was a black void in my life. Nothing worked for me. I had had this string of bad experiences in my life. It was always negativity that came my way. It seemed to spoil anything that was good. I continued to have terrible nightmares, as if someone or something was chasing me. I had miscarriages at 8 to 12 weeks. The last one happened at 8 weeks after I had dreamed that my baby was being taken away. It happened; I had a miscarriage. I was afraid of death and afraid I would die young. All my experiences were stamped by my involvement in black magic. I was haunted by my past. I believed God would help me to come out of all these bad experiences. I realised I was demonised, and needed deliverance as the only way to get rid of the past baggage.

After receiving teaching on deliverance and going through the deliverance ministry, this person was set free from such bondages.

As a Christian, I knew that my future was in God’s hands, but it was a compulsion

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013

Backslidden, drugs and an immoral life, but set free by JESUS


n the past, I had been addicted to drugs and led an immoral life. I gave my life to Jesus, but then I backslid. As a teenager, I tried all kinds of drugs, and my boyfriend, who fathered three of my children, also took drugs. Strange things started happening to me; I had terrible nightmares. At times, an evil presence would disturb me. Something pressed me down in my sleep, and I often felt a choking sensation around my neck. Sometimes, I would put something in a particular place, and it would be taken and placed somewhere else,

but none of my children had touched those things. I even saw an evil presence living by my door. I was not imagining; I saw it. My friend came to stay with me, and even she saw this evil presence go through the door. I gave my life to Jesus, I broke up with my boyfriend, and I stopped taking drugs. I was aware there were unclean spirits living in my body, and I was desperate to be free from them.” After receiving teaching on deliverance this lady received deliverance ministry, setting her free from all kinds of demonic strongholds, so that she could fulfil God’s plans for her life.



f those set free er of JESUS

JESUS set me free from fear and generational spirits


y parents worshipped other demonic gods. They sometimes visited mediums if they had problems. Although I was never directly involved in worshipping other gods, as I grew up, I noticed I suffered from terrible fear; it tormented me. Sometimes I felt my soul was being tormented by these spirits.

to Heaven. After my deliverance, all fear left me; I was no longer tormented by the spirit of fear. The spirit of death also left me; I am no longer afraid of death. I also had the assurance that if I died I would go to Heaven.

I had to put on the armour I am now an person, of God and energetic a confident person grow in the in Jesus, and have very good selfLord and give esteem. It took sessions the enemy no many of deliverance I found foothold in my before relief. It was a slow process, but life

I was also afraid of death. The fear of death would come over me, and I felt, although I was a Christian, I would not go to Heaven. I also had a spirit of heaviness upon me. My head was always ‘fuzzy’. I was drained of all energy; I had no energy to do anything. I felt like sleeping all the time. I was also very doubtful of my salvation; I was not sure that I was saved and that I would go

I had to put on the armour of God and grow in the Lord and give the enemy no foothold in my life. God has made me whole. I love my Lord, and I serve Him and thank Him for my deliverance.

I received freedom from the occult and from tarot cards and became whole


had dabbled in the occult, visiting mediums and having tarot cards read, especially when I was going through changes in my life. I knew it was wrong, but because it was some form of entertainment, I allowed my friends to come into my house to read the cards. I also got into the habit of phoning tarot readers, whose numbers were in the back of magazines which I used to read.

were my ex-boyfriends, and would do unsavoury things. They would also hold me down, pressing on my chest. The only way to make them flee was to recite the Lord’s Prayer; that’s all I knew at the time. Attending church was becoming a problem, because I thought people did not like me. I would get attacked by negative thoughts going through

After this, I started to experience strange things in my flat: the misplacing of items, confusion and lots of ‘back luck’. I was also held paralysed by strange things, which would last for three minutes, and

then I would be free. I started reading the Bible and going to church. Things became worse, however. I started experiencing nightmares, and had aggressive visits by two ungodly spirits. They would trick me into believing that they

my mind. However, when I actually entered into the church, I would become alright. Such negative thoughts were not true, but they seemed very real to me. I had several deliverance sessions, and I started to feel a lot different. I feel free to talk to people now. I sleep well at night, and I don’t feel so tired and drained. I can also worship and praise the Lord a lot better.

DELIVERANCE MINISTRY If you would like to receive prayer for deliverance, and you are a regular attender of ECC, please first make an appointment to see Pastor Rajinder before attending the Deliverance meetings. For non-ECC attenders, please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060 or visit their website:

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013



he first annual seminar of ‘Sisters to Sisters’ took place on Saturday 6th July. The event is hosted by the Women’s Discipleship Cell Groups. The session kicked off with lively praise and worship, led by Chris Adjah and members of the ECC Worship team. This was followed by a time of prayer, led by Stephanie Antoine, with the Welcome and Introductions by Pastor Rajinder Buxton. The Seminar was divided into four sessions.

Session One:

‘What does your appearance say about you?’ This presentation by Mirriam Bwalya included biblical standards for women in church, and how we should present ourselves as women of God, being in the world but not of the world. This session also included an amazing session on tips for your body shape, from personal stylist, Nash Amber (below).

“Very informative on lifestyle, prayers and seeing yourself in a different light. We are God’s children, and this event has made it even clearer that we have to have that identity.” - Margaret Wartemberg

T PICTURE: Heather Trail

PICTURE: Nash Amber

Session Two:

‘Single parenting – What are the challenges and how can the Church better support single parents?’ This was presented by Sharon Grant, and gave us much food for thought, enabling us to have a better understanding of how we define and support single parents.

“First time at this event. I have been blessed by all the speakers, more on the power of a praying woman, please!” - Rebekah Chimfwembe

Session Four:

The fourth session was a lively Question & Answer debate, with questions from the attendees, and was moderated by Maud Wellington.

Special thanks to Kamie Jaundoo and her team for coordinating the event.

Sisters to Sisters (S2S) is a quarterly

Other topics include: Careers (Making the right choices for you), Friendships (Godly influences), and Life Challenges (How to handle stress, frustration, loneliness), Women’s Health Issues (Health and fitness). These are just a few of the sessions we have planned, and there are many more in the pipeline.

Session Three:

“Just one point: We need more of these, please!” - Buhle Dube

The purpose of this event is for women to come together to grow, share and learn from each other’s experiences. It was an opportunity for women of all ages to fellowship, talk and share about their experiences in order to realise where they are and to make godly choices.

group session with various topics ranging from Relationships, eg. The Do’s and Don’ts in Relationships; How to Handle Conflict; Choosing a Godly Life Partner; Lifestyles: The ‘Proverbs 31’ Woman, and the Praying Woman.

“Really appreciated the topics covered in today’s event. Every topic has touched me, and will enable me to grow.” - Bianca Hartley-Mitchell

‘Power of the praying woman – The importance of a prayer-filled spiritual life’ was presented by Dale Adebakin. She gave us many useful tips on how to improve our prayer lives, and challenged us to take our prayer lives to the next level.

he seminar was well attended by women of all age ranges; it was wonderful to see so many women there, and especially many who had not previously attended the workshop sessions. We received some very positive feedback from those who attended.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013

“It was very useful. I have learnt a lot about how I can practically live a life that pleases God. I am also going away with a stronger desire to pray.” - Shannon O’Neil

Heather Trail

Women’s Cell Group Supervisor


2020 DATELINE 2020

- A special report -

QUESTION: When is a Carrot not a Carrot? ANSWER: When it’s a Potato!

JOHN BAKER takes an imaginary look back at the Carrot/Potato Equality Act of 2013, and its effect on kitchens, particularly Cafés and Restaurants


ou will remember that the Government of the day decided in 2013 that Carrots were being marginalised by a society still preferring the traditional staple food of Potato, eating more Potatoes than Carrots. Though most of that society were now used to Carrots, and found them acceptable in many meals, in reality, in many situations, Carrots were already treated as the equal, or better of, the traditional Potatoes, and woe betide anyone who dared to disagree. Parliament pressed on with passing a new Law, on which there was cross-party agreement. Our Government was not the only government to push this agenda. Much of the Western hemisphere was at it. Were they treating voters as thinking people, or did they think we were all vegetables? The new Law stated that Carrots were now the same as Potatoes. Carrots from then on had all the same ‘rights’ as Potatoes – most of which they had anyway. The new Law made it illegal for almost anyone to

discriminate against the Carrots, regarding how they were cooked and how they were referred to verbally and on menus.

Chefs determined to still treat a Carrot as a Carrot, rather than as a Potato.

The Law did allow for certain Chefs to distinguish between Carrots and Potatoes in their restaurants and cafés, because of the special and traditional recipes they used. Parliament assured these exceptions were enshrined in the Law. These Chefs would be protected, and their ability to treat Carrots and Potatoes differently would be inviolate.

So what are we left with as a result of this astounding Law?

At first, the Carrots were pleased with the new Law as it stood. Some then started to take legal action in the High Courts and then to the European Courts of Vegetable Rights against the Chefs that were cooking them differently.

We have the traditional Potato, unmistakeable in its colouring, shape and taste. And we have - what we are told by Law - is a Potato. A new, must-beaccepted, form of Potato. We can see that we are supposed to accept this new form of Potato, but it is, surely, a form of Potato without the taste of Potato.

Eventually, and with hindsight a logical inevitability, the Courts decided it was morally wrong to classify Carrots as Potatoes and then allow exceptions. “They are Potatoes; it is morally wrong to treat them as Carrots.” So the safeguards were removed, and all Carrots had to be cooked as Potatoes.


There followed a spate of prosecutions and imprisonments of

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013


Testimonies from


od’s power had healed a crippled beggar in Acts 3:1-8. We notice that Peter didn’t pray for the man. He didn’t ask God to heal him. It was Peter’s responsibility to use the authority and power that God had delegated to him to use.

REVIVAL AND Disappearance of a fibroid and of a painful cyst on ovary

Matthew 10:1 says, ‘He called His twelve disciples to Him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.’ On these pages, you will read of testimonies of two ladies, Sola and Rebekah, who attended the Revival and Healing meetings, and when the command was given for their healing, miracles took place. God is the Source of all power, but the born-again believer has been given the power and authority to use it to bring healing and restoration to those in need. All glory goes to Jesus. If you need personal prayers for any situation, please attend the Revival and Healing meeting on the second Sunday evening of each month at 6.30pm. You can also ring our 24/7 Prayer Centre, where a compassionate prayer intercessor will pray with you. Pastor RAJINDER BUXTON 10

report to the GP to say that there was no longer any need for an operation.


came to the Revival and Healing meeting in October 2012, and asked for prayer for myself, after being diagnosed with a cyst on my ovary and a fibroid. The pain in the cyst was sharp and excruciating. A simple prayer was prayed, and I agreed in faith that it was done. I said that I was scheduled for a second check-up in January 2013, but would come back with a testimony. I went for the second check-up scheduled for the 14th of January. A surprised look came over the surgeon’s face, as he tried to detect the cyst and the fibroid. She realised, after searching for a while, that there was nothing, and started staring into my eyes with a confused expression. Then I asked, feeling worried this time, what the report was. She said that she has been checking, but that everything was gone, because she couldn’t find it. She asked me to come off the ultrasound, and said that she would be sending the

Also, I used to have a lower back pain, which started in the summer of last year, precisely in August. It was equally sharp and excruciating, just like the cyst pain, but somehow I totally forgot to ask for prayers at the same time as the prayers for the cyst and fibroid. Perhaps I didn’t ask for prayer because I wasn’t feeling the pain at the time. To my surprise, and to the glory of God, I realised that God did not just heal the cyst on the ovary and the fibroid, but He equally healed the lower back pain, too, which I had been taking medication for. The pain left immediately just about few days after the prayer, and until today everything has been fine. I thank God Almighty, because that is why He is called Jehovah: what He says, He will do. He has never failed, and He will never fail. He also has kept His promises in Exodus 23:25, where He said, “Worship the Lord your God and His blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.

Sola Odeyemi

I thank God Almighty, because that is why He is called Jehovah: what He says, He will do. He has never failed, and He will never fail.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013



HEALING MEETINGS Healed from lower back pain three years after injury

my life back to the Lord Jesus Christ and believed God for my healing. I attended Pastor Benny Hinn’s services when he was in London at the church I was attending then, and I trusted God for His healing.


injured my lower back three years ago, whilst at University, after I had completed a 30-mile run, which I had not really warmed up properly for. I was in so much pain, worried I would end up in wheelchair. I visited the A&E department a couple of times due to the pain, and a GP arranged for me to go onto a Pilates class with the Physiotherapist, which did not help. I started seeking private treatment from the Osteopathy clinics. That didn’t help either, and it actually made my back worse. My friends would help me by massaging my back with a warm towel. I was on strong pain relief, and used heat pads which made things so bad I hardly slept. I used to have either a warm towel on my back, or pillows between my legs when going to sleep. I would not sit or stand or walk for a long time, and running was completely out of the question. I kept pursuing the medical assistance, and even prayed that I could get a scan done so that they can do an operation on me, but that was a wrong prayer, and I didn’t realise that. Things became so bad for me and my family, that towards the end of 2011, I decided to just rededicate my life to Jesus. I also went through deliverance, and surrendered

Things changed; I stopped using heat pads. I went through the scans, from which the doctors told me everything was OK, as they did not find anything. There was, however, a slight movement in my disc, and there was nothing to be done but to just manage the pain, and to accept that ‘it will get worse as I grow older’. I was given strong pain relief to help me get by. I took the tablets for months. However, as I spent time in the Lord, I started trusting God more for my own healing, especially when I saw people who were prayed for had received healing. The pain was there, and I was resolved to using a hot water bottle on my back as I went to sleep, until May this year, when I came to ECC. I attended the first Revival and Healing service, and asked the Ministry Team to agree with me for the healing of my brother-in-law. At the second Revival and Healing service, Pastor Rajinder said, “Anyone with a lower back pain, please come out and be prayed for.” I took a step of faith, and trusted God for my healing. I sat on the chair, and the Ministry Team prayed for me. They commanded the cells, bones, tissues, etc., to be aligned according to their original place, and that is exactly what happened. The brother on my left said, “As we prayed, I saw something shift,” and I knew in my heart, too, that this was it. God has done it; that slight move in the disc has been moved back to its original place. I did not know what to do, whether to jump or scream, and just remained calm. The

sister who prayed for me was asking me, “What has happened? Can you do what you have not done before?” But I was in shock, and just kept trying to understand the power of God. All these years, I knew something had moved out of its place and had caused me so much discomfort and frustration, especially that the doctors always told me it had to be managed. Sometimes, I would sit down, press on the bones, and push them back, but I had no clue which one was causing the pain was due to the slight move in the disc. I am a living testimony of the healing power of God through Jesus Christ by using His servants. The Word of God says He is the Healer (Exodus 15:26, Jeremiah 33:6, Psalm 107:20). Healing is a promise from God to us, so the best we can do is just cast out the spirit of unbelief and believe God for His Word; repent from all unforgiveness, bitterness, pride, all forms of sin, and just live a holy life because we serve a holy God. Please believe God through Jesus Christ, like a child. Be persuaded, as Abraham was, to know that God has the power to bring that healing to pass. It has taken me three years, but I have a testimony today to share. I walk to work, to church, etc.; I sit at work without any trouble, and don’t use pain killers or a hot water bottle. I am free, and I have learnt my lesson. I have been made whole by Jesus Christ. Just believe God for who He is, and do come and bring your friends and family to the ECC Revival and Healing services. God is at work, if only you can experience this truth. I pray for anyone reading this to be touched and healed by God in Jesus’ Name, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rebekah Chimfwembe

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Testimonies from the PRAYER CENTRE The Prayer Centre operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as compassionate prayer partners are waiting to take your prayer requests and to pray for your individual needs over the telephone. Here are a small selection of the amazing answers to prayer, as individuals ring back to share their answers with us. FILMING PROJECT

A sister has been regularly calling the Prayer Centre for prayers because she is making a film, and needs to get the right directors and actors, etc. God answered her prayers in His own time, and now everything is available for the filming project to begin.


A lady asked for prayer for daughter, who was sitting an exam at Uxbridge College. She called back to say that her daughter had passed her exam, and will be starting teacher training in September. Thank You, Jesus, for answered prayers.


A lady called the Prayer Centre concerning her uncle who had a brain tumour; the operation went successfully, as the surgeon was able to remove the tumour. We give God all the praise.


A sister called the Prayer Centre asking God to intervene in her financial situation, as she was expecting her grant to be paid. She phoned back, thanking the Lord for answered prayers, as the money she needed had been granted and she would be receiving payment the following day.



A sister called for prayers for healing from a severe headache. After receiving prayers, she got healed instantly. She also asked for prayers concerning her gas bill, because she had been overcharged. She later called the gas company to recheck the bill, and found out her meter had been misread; she only had to pay £5 instead of the original bill of £387.


A lady requested prayers for her husband, who is confused and normally stayed away from home, but she called later to give thanks to God, because there had been a huge change in her circumstances, and her husband had started to come around a lot more.


A lady called for the Prayer Centre to pray for healing of a sore throat, and also for her husband to be released from his condition. She called back a day later to give thanks to God for healing her and her husband completely; both were feeling very well. Hallelujah to the Lamb of GOD. Amen.


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A sister called the Prayer Centre on behalf of her son-in-law’s redundancy payment. To the glory of God, he was able to get his full payment, which had accumulated over the years.


A sister requested prayers for her daughter, who was having trouble with her right hand. She emailed to praise the Lord because He had done fantastic work, and her daughter’s hand was so much better. She thanked all who had diligently prayed for her daughter.


Be the person God can use at the end of the phone to pray with someone in need. Just a few hours per week will never be wasted. Please contact our Prayer Coordinators, Rudy or Tom, on 020 8799 2199 to make yourself available. Your prayers can make the difference.




he second section of Zechariah’s book contains some of the most specific and detailed prophecies, not only about the first coming of Christ, which happened about 500 years after Zechariah, but also many details of his second coming. Chapter 9:9-10 combine these two comings, the first as the Saviour riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. It was seeing Jesus fulfil this prophecy that sent the crowds wild on that Palm Sunday, as they expected the second part – his rule over all the earth - to begin immediately. They did not understand Isaiah 52:13 through to 53:12, Psalm 22:1-31, nor all the other related prophecies that spoke of his first coming as the suffering Servant and Saviour of the world. As Zechariah’s prophecies continue, he speaks of the time when, although Israel has been led by worthless shepherds and scattered, God will bring his people back from the nations where they live, to their own land once again. Looking ahead to the end of this current world era, he sets the stage for what will happen when Christ returns. Israel will be living in their own land. Jerusalem will be the cause of great trouble to all the surrounding nations, and the armies of the world will attack it. Yet the Lord himself will be fighting on their behalf. As Jerusalem is about to be overwhelmed, Jesus will descend from Heaven. All the nation of Israel will see the One whom they pierced, recognise the mistake they made, and repent in great mourning. This is the moment where the Apostle Paul says, “And so all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26). As Jesus’ feet touch down on the Mount of Olives, from where he ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:9-13), the Mount of Olives will split in two. The armies invading Jerusalem will be destroyed by their flesh melting away, before there is even time for their bodies to hit the ground. Jesus will then take up his reign over all the world, ruling from Jerusalem, which will become the capital and centre of his world-wide rule. Just as Zechariah was accurate with his prophecies of the first coming of Christ, so also will be the case concerning his detailed prophecies of Christ’s second coming. As we look at our world today, Israel once again a nation in her ancient homeland, with Jews returning continually to settle there from all over the world and Jerusalem the focus of the world’s attention, as Jew and Arab claim it as their capital, we know the time is short. Jesus said, “When these things begin to take place … lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28). As we pray this month, we recognise time is fast running out.

1st – Zechariah 9:1-2 People’s eyes on the Lord 1. Cause our eyes to be fixed on you at all times, O Lord, without distractions from less important things. 2. Shake our nation, O Lord, and when people find their certainties becoming uncertain, may their eyes turn to you. 3. Cause the people of our nation to become fed up with the shallowness of their material lives and turn to you to find true and deep eternal life. 4. We pray for people from all backgrounds in our nation to start to turn to you and find the fulfilment in life that so many lack. 5. Send revival in our land once more, O Lord.

2nd – Zechariah 9:3-4 Trusting in possessions is no help 1. Lord, help us keep a light hold on all our earthly possessions, knowing that our true treasure is laid up in Heaven. 2. May our trust always be wholly in you, O God, and not in what we possess. 3. Teach us always to live by the principle

that our God will supply all our needs according to his riches in glory, and not to be anxious. 4. Lord, we thank you for what we possess, whether it is much or little, and may we always honour you with our giving, no matter how much or little we have. 5. When we are going through times of lack, help our faith rise to trust you to meet all our needs, even if we do not receive all our wants.

3rd – Zechariah 9:5-8 God fighting for his people 1. Lord, surround us with a special sense of your presence whenever we are under spiritual attack from powers of darkness. 2. Help us to use every spiritual weapon you have given to us to fight spiritual battles, and to use them persistently and effectively, O Lord. 3. Give us the humility and faith to allow you to fight our spiritual battles on our behalf, without our interfering and letting our fallen nature get in your way, O God. 4. We pray for your people Israel, O Lord, that you would protect them from every plan of the devil to destroy them.

5. Rise up, O Lord, and let your enemies be scattered!

4th – Zechariah 9:9-10 Christ is Lord

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

Zechariah Chapters 9 to 14

1. As the people rejoiced at your first coming, Lord Jesus, may we always be filled with great joy and excitement, as we anticipate your second coming to this earth. 2. Help us to understand the difference between accepting you as our Saviour, and receiving you as our Lord. 3. Lord Jesus, may we always allow you to rule over every part of our lives, as we hold nothing back. 4. As King over our lives, cause us to be obedient to your will at all times. 5. As the Scriptures accurately foretold your first coming as Saviour of the world, may we make ourselves ready for your second coming as Judge of the world.

5th – Zechariah 9:11-13 Setting captives free 1. Lord, may every believer in the church be set free from every hindrance and bondage that prevents them from experiencing the full freedom in Christ.

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NOVEMBER 2013 2. We pray that we will see many people set free from their sins, as they accept Christ as Saviour and Lord. 3. Cause us to walk in righteousness and holiness, O Lord, so that we will not allow ourselves to become entangled once again in bondage to sin. 4. We take authority in Jesus’ Name over every spirit that holds people in bondage to pornography, or other sexual sins by any member of the church, and break its hold. 5. We take authority in Jesus’ Name over every spirit of poverty holding anyone in the church in bondage, and break its hold.

6th – Zechariah 9:14-17 God’s protection and blessing 1. Lord, protect us from all diseases, and may we enjoy the blessings of good health. 2. Protect our families from every plan of the enemy, O God, and may they know the blessings that come from walking in your ways. 3. Protect our jobs, businesses and finances, O Lord, and may we know godly prosperity in these areas. 4. As we go about our daily lives, watch over and protect us from all dangers, seen and unseen, and may we know the blessings of your divine intervention at such times. 5. As we share the Gospel, O Lord, protect us from every strategy of the enemy to oppose, discourage or harm us, and may we know the blessing of fruitfulness.

7th – Zechariah 10:1 Rain down, O Lord! 1. Holy Spirit, rain down on our personal lives, refreshing us to go to a higher level in you. 2. Teach us how to drink deeply from the fountain of life, and to be filled to overflowing with the Spirit of God. 3. Rain down in the church, Holy Spirit, causing each member to be renewed and reinvigorated to seek and serve you. 4. Rain down in revival power amongst us, Holy Spirit, and bring new life to a spiritually parched nation. 5. Pour out your blessing on our land, O Lord, that causes a river of revival to flow from one city to another.

8th – Zechariah 10:2 The deception of the occult 1. We pray for all Hindus we meet, that you would enable us to turn them from idols to the living Christ. 2. We pray for all Catholics we meet, that you


would use us to open their eyes to idolatry and instead turn to the risen Christ. 3. We pray for all we meet, who have involvement in any form of the occult, that their eyes would be opened to the reality of demons, and turn instead to the one true God. 4. We pray for all our young people in the church, that you would help them understand the reality of evil powers, and cause them to shun any involvement with the occult. 5. Protect your people from being deceived by false prophets and teaching in the church, but instead to know your truth.

9th – Zechariah 10:3-6 Praying for leaders 1. We pray for the pastors of our church, that you would give them all the wisdom they need to shepherd the flock with which you have entrusted them. 2. Help our church leaders to clearly hear your voice in all areas of the church, O God, so that your will is fully carried out. 3. When having to make difficult decisions, give them the courage always to make the right choice, even if it is not the easiest. 4. We pray for all the elders of the church, that you would guide them as they oversee all the affairs of your church. 5. May the spirit if unity continually be maintained amongst us, O Lord.

10th – Zechariah 10:7-9 Becoming mighty in God 1. Help each of us reach our full spiritual potential in you, O God, so that we can accomplish all you want us to do. 2. Cause us to trust fully in you, O Lord, and not in our own strength, so that we can achieve far more than our own natural abilities would allow. 3. Make even the most timid among us to be bold, O Lord, because you have not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. 4. Holy Spirit, enable each of us to see ourselves, not as we are now, but where you can take us to higher levels. 5. Lord, make us mighty men and women of God.

11th – Zechariah 10:10-12 Bring back the outcasts 1. Lord, for all those we know, who were once in fellowship with your church but have now slipped back into the world, bring them back to you. 2. For the children of all parents in the church, who were brought up in the ways

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of the Lord but have wandered away, restore them, O God. 3. For any of the youth in the church, who have struggles in their walk with you on leaving home for university, strengthen and draw them back, we pray. 4. For those who have put their trust in you, Lord Jesus, but think they can ‘be a Christian on their own,’ open their understanding and draw them back into fellowship. 5. For any we know, who have backslidden because they have allowed a time of difficulty to overwhelm them, restore them and let them know your great love, O Lord.

12th – Zechariah 11:1-6 God’s judgment 1. Lord, give us a fresh revelation of your holiness, so that we can understand the reality of the Day of Judgment, and so that our priorities remain focused on what is really important. 2. Give us a fresh revelation of your righteous judgment, O God, so that we remain motivated to seek to win the lost for Christ. 3. As followers of Jesus, help us to maintain the highest standard of righteousness in all we do, as a testimony to others of the reality of your presence in our lives. 4. Understanding that time is running out and that people need to be saved, prosper all our witnessing and evangelism, so that we can see many led to Christ, we pray. 5. Move in power amongst us, Holy Spirit, so that in all our meetings - whether large or small, inside or outside the church building - we may see the lost come to Christ.

13th – Zechariah 11:7-9 Exercising agapé love in the church 1. Give us a heart like yours, Lord Jesus, so that we can show true agapé to one another. 2. When frictions arise between believers in the church, help each to act with the agapé love that causes each to choose to let go of resentment and so forgive, we pray. 3. Help us to develop a spirit like that of Barnabas, who was always looking to help others to a higher level in Christ. 4. Enable each of us to make every effort to keep unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 5. Help us to speak the truth when we need to point out wrongdoing or problems, but to speak it in love.




he book of Zechariah may seem difficult to understand at first, because much of it contains visions that God showed him. But the prophetic revelation he brings is nothing short of astonishing, stretching right down to a graphic description of the second coming of Christ. Knowing the situation and background in which Zechariah was living and prophesying is helpful to understanding the message he brings.

Zechariah lived at a difficult time in the life of the nation of Israel. They had been exiled some 70 or more years earlier, and he was part of the group of around 50,000 people who returned from Babylon to the ruins of Jerusalem under the leadership of Zerubbabel, as recorded in the book of Ezra. They came to rebuild the Temple but, after starting, the work ground to a halt because of sustained opposition by their enemies. Ezra 5:1-3 records how, together with the prophet Haggai, Zechariah encouraged the people to continue the work of rebuilding the Temple of the Lord, which they did successfully. The first eight chapters of Zechariah are a series of visions, in which God reveals what is happening behind the scenes in the spirit world compared to what the Jews were experiencing in the natural world. Angelic beings were active, travelling throughout the world. Whilst God’s people saw themselves as a small group, vulnerable to many powerful enemies, in the invisible, spirit world that God inhabits, the scene is very different. God is overseeing what is happening in Jerusalem, and it will be rebuilt despite opposition. The power of their enemies, represented by ‘horns’ is being cut down. Chapter three is a courtroom scene, where Joshua - the High Priest at the time - is seen in filthy clothes (representing his sin) before God, and being accused by satan. The ‘Angel of the Lord’ (Jesus) removes Joshua’s filthy clothes and sin, dressing him instead in righteousness, and gives him authority and a place of standing. In Chapter four, the vision of the unending oil poured out while God declares, “Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit” prophetically demonstrates how Jesus takes the sinner from a place of defeat to a place of victory over sin, and is given the delegated authority of Jesus to move in the fullness and gifts of the Holy Spirit. The subsequent visions in this part of the book show the Lord dealing with sin in the nations, and of the need for his people to walk in the ways of God. Then they would be taken from a place of total defeat to a time when Jerusalem would once again be a powerful international city. In the same way, if we do likewise, he will do the same for us, namely take us from total defeat to total victory.

1st – Zechariah 1:1-6 Return to the Lord 1. Lord, as individuals, help us to seek you unreservedly with all our heart, soul, strength and mind. 2. As a church, cause us to be one in spirit, with the unswerving desire to see your Kingdom come amongst us in the fullness of its power, we pray. 3. We pray for all those in government, leadership and authority in the institutions in this country that rule us, that they would turn from their folly of rejecting your righteous ways, O Lord. 4. We pray for all the churches in this land, that they would seek you with all their being, desiring to see righteousness established in our land. 5. We pray for a revival in our midst and in the churches of this land that will touch and change our nation.

2nd – Zechariah 1:7-11 God is watching 1. In all our ways, help us to remember that your eyes are watching us at all times,

O God, so that we remain firmly on the narrow path that leads to eternal life. 2. Guide us in all we do, O Lord, so that as you watch us you will be pleased with all that you see. 3. As we commit all our thoughts, plans and ambitions to you, O Lord, may you lead us in the pathways you desire us to go along. 4. Open our eyes to see the things in the same way that that you see them, O Lord, so that we may learn to grow more like you. 5. Give us revelations of the things you see, O Lord, so that we can pray and intercede with understanding and effectiveness.

3rd – Zechariah 1:12-15 God’s anger at the nations 1. Have mercy on our nation, O Lord, that feels secure in its prosperity and therefore has turned away from you; cause the people to seek true riches. 2. We pray for all the Western nations, which once built their laws and societies on your Word but which are now turning away;

open the people’s spiritual eyes before it is too late. 3. We pray for the nations that reject Christ and follow false religions; cause there to be a great move of the Holy Spirit amongst them in these last days. 4. For all those nations that are based on atheism and that persecute Christians, send a revival amongst their people, we pray. 5. As the days draw closer for the return of Christ, move mightily throughout all nations of the world in the great end-time global revival, Holy Spirit, we pray.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

Zechariah Chapters 1 to 8

4th – Zechariah 1:16-17 God’s prosperity 1. Lord, in the midst of a rebellious generation, prosper your Church with a great spiritual harvest. 2. We pray that you would prosper your people in all areas of jobs and businesses, O Lord. 3. Cause our finances to prosper, O God, as we honour you with our giving.

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OCTOBER 2013 4. As we seek you, O Lord, we pray that you would prosper our children and families in all they do. 5. Prosper us spiritually individually, as we wait on you day by day, we pray.

5th – Zechariah 1:18-21 God’s power to overcome 1. For every adverse circumstance that comes our way, O Lord, give us the strength and help to overcome. 2. When we are facing sickness or ill-health, enable us to overcome and recover our strength, we pray. 3. When we are experiencing opposition or hostility in our workplaces because we follow Jesus, help us to overcome evil with good, we pray. 4. When discouragements and setbacks come our way, may your power within us cause us to face them head on, and overcome, O Lord. 5. Whenever we feel afraid or anxious, for whatever reason, O God, give us the power to overcome all fears.

6th – Zechariah 2:1-6 God’s measuring stick 1. As we measure ourselves against the straight measure of your holiness, O Lord, cause us not to be found crooked in any way. 2. Cause us to diligently read, meditate on and understand your Word, O Lord, so that we may be fully aware of what your standards are, so we can follow them. 3. As a church, we pray that we may measure up to your righteous standards at all times, we pray. 4. In all our dealings in life outside the church fellowship, cause us to be careful to ensure all we do measures up to your standards, O God. 5. Holy Spirit, as we go through life, may we be conscious of you saying to us, “This is the way, walk in it.”

7th – Zechariah 2:7-9 The apple of God’s eye 1. Help us to understand how precious we are to you, O Lord, so that we live in a way that demonstrates to others our worth to you. 2. For any amongst us, who are suffering from a sense of low self-worth, cause them to understand the depth of your love towards them, so they can understand who they are in Christ. 3. Enable us to grasp the full measure of your love for us, O Lord, so that we can always face the future with confidence.


4. As we understand how precious we are to you, O God, help us to bring others into the same blessed position also, who as yet do not know you. 5. For those we know who have backslidden, give them a fresh revelation of your love for them, we pray, that will bring them back to you.

8th – Zechariah 2:10-13 God amongst us 1. May your presence be manifested amongst us in an ever deeper way, O Lord. 2. As you move amongst us, O God, may the consequence be that we see many men, women and children saved. 3. Cause your manifest presence to bring healing to sick people, even before they are prayed for, O Lord. 4. We pray that your presence will increase so greatly, that signs, wonders and miracles are common in our midst. 5. Manifest your presence amongst us by moving in revival power, O God.

9th – Zechariah 3:1-2 Satan’s accusations 1. Cause us to live so closely to you, O Lord, that no accusation against us is founded. 2. If there is any sin in our lives, bring it to our minds and consciences, Holy Spirit, we ask, so that we can deal with it immediately. 3. When we do make mistakes, O Lord, help us to quickly acknowledge it, seek your forgiveness, and determine not to repeat the same mistake again. 4. Give us the wisdom to be able to live in this fallen and backslidden generation and world, but not to be influenced by it, we pray. 5. If anyone hostile to God accuses us of following Christ, may there be sufficient evidence for us to be declared ‘guilty’!

10th – Zechariah 3:3-5 Sin forgiven 1. Help us understand the fullness of your forgiveness of our sins that causes us to never want to act in a sinful way again. 2. As we take up our cross and follow you, Lord Jesus, release us from the ties of the past to live a life worthy of your sacrifice for us. 3. Cause the knowledge that we have been totally forgiven through Christ to motivate us to bring that good news to others, we pray. 4. Since you have taken away our sin and clothed us with your righteousness, Lord Jesus, cause us to pursue a lifestyle of righteousness.

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5. As we understand all you have done for us to enable our sin to be forgiven, Lord Jesus, may our love for you grow demonstrably.

11th – Zechariah 3:6-7 God-given responsibilities 1. Open our eyes to understand the great responsibilities you have called each of us to fulfil as your ambassadors here on earth, O Lord. 2. Help us discover the specific roles and ministries you have planned for us, we pray. 3. Cause us to seek your will for our individual lives, in order to know how to carry out those roles and ministries, O Lord. 4. Help us to understand the authority we already have in Christ, and to use it effectively, we pray. 5. As we walk faithfully in the responsibilities you give us, O Lord, take us up to the next level in you.

12th – Zechariah 3:8-10 Revival in the land 1. Lord, revive your people in this land. 2. Revive the churches up and down this land, O Lord. 3. Bring a new attitude to those who govern us, O God, that seeks your wisdom, and not the foolishness of man’s ‘wisdom’. 4. Break down the strongholds of unrighteousness in our schools, colleges and national institutions, and replace them with godliness, we pray. 5. May this land ring out once more to the praises of people turning to you through conviction of sin and embracing the new life in Christ, we pray.

13th – Zechariah 4:1-3 The light of the world 1. Lord, cause us always to take the light of Christ wherever we are and into whatever we do. 2. Help us not to allow the light of Christ within us to be kept in the shade by people or circumstances. 3. Shine through us in every circumstance, good and bad, O Lord, simply by the way we conduct ourselves, demonstrating our total trust in you. 4. May the demonstration of our faith in every area of daily life be a light that points people to Jesus. 5. When our circumstances cause things to grow dark around us, may the light of Christ within us grow stronger, we pray.


OCTOBER 2013 14th – Zechariah 4:4-6 Not by might but by God’s Spirit

15th – Zechariah 4:7-9 God’s work will be accomplished 1. Cause us to seek you diligently, O Lord, so that the work you have for each one of us to do will be accomplished. 2. As we each consecrate our lives to you, O God, we say, “Here I am, Lord, send me.” 3. As a church, may we collectively work together in the fullness of your Spirit to accomplish the plans you have for us, we pray. 4. Use us to build your Church, Lord Jesus, with the gates of hell being unable to prevail against it. 5. Cause us to carry your anointing that enables us to change the communities in which we live and work, O Lord.

16th – Zechariah 4:9 Sent by God 1. Help us, O Lord, to understand the importance of the calling you have placed on our lives as your ambassadors sent out into the world. 2. Use our mouths, our wisdom and our passion for Jesus to speak to show others the love of the God who has sent us to them, we pray. 3. We pray for our missionaries who have obeyed the call to go to the nations, that you would make them fruitful for your Kingdom and in all they do. 4. Help us to understand that we are all missionaries sent by you, O Lord, even to those who live locally to us. 5. We pray for the whole Church, O Lord, to effectively fulfil our part in the mission you have called us to, to impact this world, both locally and overseas.

17th – Zechariah 4:10 Don’t despise the day of small beginnings 1. As we serve you, O Lord, help us to understand that you often start things in

18th – Zechariah 4:11-14 Flowing in the Holy Spirit’s anointing 1. Fill us afresh daily, Holy Spirit we ask, as we wait on you. 2. Whatever we are doing during the day or night, may our ears be open to what you want to say to us, Holy Spirit, and may we be we quick to respond. 3. As we walk with you, Holy Spirit, guide us to always be in the right place at the right time, to be available to do whatever you desire us to do. 4. Help us to grow in using the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we pray. 5. May all we do at home, school, college, work or in the neighbourhood be anointed service for you, O Lord.

19th – Zechariah 5:1-4 God’s curse on the land 1. O God, we cry out against the curse of unbelief in this nation; deliver us, we pray. 2. Deliver us from the curse of lawlessness in our land, we pray. 3. Save us from the curse of rampant immorality in this nation, O God. 4. Deliver us from the curse of godlessness and the occult, we pray. 5. Save us, O God, from the curse of false religions that give a form of godliness, but deny the power of Christ.

20th – Zechariah 5:5-11 Wickedness in the land 1. Deliver this nation from the ever-increasing emphasis on self-centred individualism that applauds people for choosing any ungodly lifestyle. 2. We pray for our schools, that any teaching that is ungodly would be replaced by godly teaching.

3. We pray for our universities, that they would be a place of growing young people in right ways, rather than being places to learn the ways of immorality. 4. Deliver this nation from greed and selfinterest, O God, and may the nation begin to embrace selfless values. 5. Deliver this nation from the wanton destruction of the unborn, we pray.

21st – Zechariah 6:1-8 Heavenly influence in the world 1. Help us to understand the significance of what is happening in the spirit world around us, so that we can intercede effectively with persistence and power, we ask. 2. Give us understanding, Holy Spirit, of all you are doing in our midst, so that we can cooperate fully with your plans and will. 3. Help us, Lord, not to be fooled by any activity of the powers of darkness, since we know that satan can appear as an angel of light. 4. We take authority and bind in the Name of Jesus any power of darkness that seeks to hinder or stop the work of our church. 5. We take authority and bind in the Name of Jesus any wicked spirit that seeks to cause trouble or division in our midst.

22nd – Zechariah 6:9-13 Building God’s house 1. Anoint each of us to be effective soulwinners for you, O Lord. 2. Help us fulfil the vision you have given us to build your church here in power, we pray. 3. Cause every form of outreach and evangelism to bear lasting fruit, we pray. 4. Cause our Sunday services to be overflowing with people who are seeking and finding Jesus as Saviour and Lord, we pray. 5. We pray that we will see people saved from all backgrounds: children, youth, men, women, from all ages, nationalities and religions.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

1. Help us to draw closer to you, Holy Spirit, so that we understand you more. 2. Teach us how to let you live through us, Holy Spirit, we pray. 3. Teach us how to walk by the power of your Spirit, O God, and not in our own strength. 4. Give us the understanding, boldness and wisdom to be able to move in all the Godgiven authority you have delegated to us, we pray. 5. Cause us to see and experience marvellous things, as we allow your Spirit to work through us, O God.

a small way and grow them according to our faith. 2. Thank you for all the things we are currently able to do for you; cause them to grow in effectiveness for your Kingdom, we pray. 3. When we start something we believe you have guided us into, give us the diligence and perseverance to see it though to fruitfulness, we pray. 4. Give us the grace to be able to do things for you that, to others, may seem small or insignificant but which you can grow to become very significant, O Lord. 5. As we humble ourselves under your mighty hand, O God, raise us up in due course, according to your will and purpose.

23rd – Zechariah 6:14 God’s crowns 1. Lord, help each of us to so live our lives, that when we see you we will receive a crown of righteousness. 2. Help us in our own ways to do exploits for you, O Lord, so that we may receive a crown of glory from your hands. 3. Help us endure, no matter what may come our way, so that we may receive the crown of life from your hands, O Lord. 4. May we seek in this lifetime not the corruptible things of this world, but an incorruptible crown from your hands, O Lord.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013



OCTOBER 2013 5. May we not forget that everything comes from your hands and that, in eternity, you will mean so much to us that our desire will always be to lay our crowns before you, O Lord.

24th – Zechariah 6:15 Diligently obeying the Lord 1. Help us to understand those promises of yours, O Lord, that are conditional upon obedience, so that we do not miss them through disobedience, but experience their fulfilment. 2. May we have a godly fear of the Lord, which causes us never to want to sin against you, O God. 3. Holy Spirit, keep our minds steadfast on our God, so that we would never even think of straying from your ways. 4. Give us the strength and determination to always make the right choices in life because they are godly, even if they are hard choices, we pray. 5. Cause us always to remember, O Lord, that for you, obedience is better than sacrifice.

25th – Zechariah 7:1-3 Fasting 1. Guided by you, help us to deepen our prayer lives with times of fasting, O Lord. 2. Knowing that fasting with prayer is sometimes needed to overcome difficult spiritual situations, help us to fast. 3. As we fast, may it be done in a way that is wholly effective, because we are doing it with the right attitudes, we pray. 4. As with the Psalmist, help us to humble our souls with fasting, so that we can be effective instruments for you, O Lord. 5. When we set aside times with you for fasting and prayer, may those times be ones of fresh revelation by your Sprit to us, and the impartation of power.

26th – Zechariah 7:4-7 Putting God first 1. In all we do, may we always put you first in our lives, O Lord. 2. Help us to seek first your Kingdom and your righteousness, O God, so that you can add to us all the other things we need. 3. In all the busyness of life, cause us to keep our priorities in the right order, with you on top. 4. If we have given priority to things that we should not have done, show us, Holy Spirit, and help us to put it right. 5. Cause us to have no idol or thing in our lives that we hold more dearly than you, O Lord.


27th – Zechariah 7:8-14 God’s concern for the vulnerable in society 1. We thank you for all the elderly men and women in the church, whose lives have been an example to younger generations; bless them, we pray. 2. We pray for all the older men and women in the church, that the godly wisdom they have accumulated over the years may be used to benefit younger generations. 3. We pray for all the widows amongst us, that you would help them find fellowship in the church a blessing, O God. 4. Even in all the busyness of life, help us always to seek to be a blessing to all those around us, we pray. 5. Help us in the church to continue to be one family in Christ across the generations, nationalities and backgrounds, O Lord.

28th – Zechariah 8:1-6 A fresh visitation from God 1. Visit each of us with a fresh outpouring of your Spirit, we pray. 2. Visit us in power in every part of the church with a fresh visitation, Holy Spirit, we pray. 3. Visit our borough and all the churches in it with a fresh visitation, Holy Spirit, we ask. 4. Visit our city and all the churches in our city in a new move of your power, Holy Spirit, we pray. 5. Visit our nation with a mighty new outpouring of your power, Holy Spirit, we ask.

flood, give us courage to know that you will put him to flight. 4. Help us not to neglect our times of devotion with you, O Lord, knowing that it is in that secret place where we find our strength. 5. May we experience as with Moses, “Fear not, and see the salvation of the Lord.”

31st – Zechariah 8:20-23 Praying for Jews 1. Lord, we pray you would open the eyes of all Jews living in Israel to the reality of Jesus as their Messiah, so they may be saved. 2. We pray for all Jews living in our country, that their hearts will be open to receive the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 3. We pray for all the Jews scattered throughout the nations; save them, O Lord, we pray. 4. We pray for all Jewish and Arab believers living in Israel and the surrounding countries of the Middle East; bless, encourage and help them as together they spread the Gospel of Christ. 5. As your Word encourages us to do, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

29th – Zechariah 8:7-13 Salvation from the nations 1. Save many out of all the nations of Europe and the West, we pray. 2. Save many out of all the countries of Africa, we pray. 3. Save many out of all the countries of Asia, we pray. 4. Save many out of all the countries of South America, we pray. 5. Save many from all the island nations of the world, we pray.

30th – Zechariah 8:14-19 Don’t be afraid 1. In a society quickly changing for the worse, help us to continue to trust in you, O Lord, and not be afraid. 2. When we feel we are in a minority as followers of Jesus, in our schools, colleges or places of work, enable us to be bold and not to fear. 3. When we see the enemy coming in like a

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013

CAPPUCCINO COMMUNICATIONS by Rev John Glass Send your email address to sharon.millar@ to be added to the mailing list


NOVEMBER 2013 1. Help us, Lord, to walk wholeheartedly in your ways, and not to stray from them. 2. Holy Spirit, bring to our minds and consciences anything about our lives that is not conforming to God’s ways, and give us the resolve to immediately correct it. 3. If we are holding anything back at all in our lives that we have not surrendered to you, O Lord, move us to do so. 4. On each occasion we have to make important life choices, O Lord, may we always seek your will and obey it. 5. Take my life and let it be wholly consecrated to you, my God.

15th – Zechariah 11:14-17 Leaders not walking with God 1. We pray for all the leaders of our nation’s Government, who are not walking in your ways, O God; touch them with your power and change them. 2. Have mercy on every member of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and keep them from making ungodly laws, we pray. 3. We pray that you would give wisdom to all the leaders in our local councils, who govern our local affairs, and keep them from ungodly ways. 4. For all the ministers, who lead churches but are themselves as yet unsaved, save them, O God. 5. Put your people in every influential place of leadership, in all institutions up and down our land, O Lord.

16th – Zechariah 12:1-2 Praying for Jerusalem 1. In accordance with your Word, O Lord, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem. 2. We pray for all the Israelis living in Jerusalem, that you would open their eyes to the true Messiah, so they accept Jesus as their Lord. 3. We pray for all the Arabs living in Jerusalem, that they, too, would come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. 4. For all the messianic Jews in Jerusalem, who already have accepted Christ as Saviour, use them mightily to lead others to Christ, O Lord. 5. As prophecies relating to Jerusalem are being fulfilled before our very eyes, help us realise that time is short, and so remain close to you, O God.

17th – Zechariah 12:3-5 War in the end days 1. Lord, help us to understand the days before you come are short, so that we always use our time profitably and wisely.

2. As the trouble that your prophetic Word promises starts to come on the world in increasing measure, cause us to continually look up, knowing your coming is near. 3. As the world begins to fear, as it sees the developments of war in the Middle East, may it be our opportunity to lead them Christ, we pray. 4. When the world fears what is happening around it, cause our faith to grow stronger, remembering that your perfect love, O God, casts out all fear. 5. As the world gets darker, cause our prayer life to become more effective, O Lord.

2. Holy Spirit, we rely totally on you, and we pray that anything in us, which may be a hindrance to your moving in power amongst us, would be removed. 3. Lord, in the churches, may there be repentance for all times when there has been a lukewarmness to you which has allowed evil to rise in our land. 4. Lord, we repent on behalf of our successive governments, who have abolished your laws and replaced them with ungodly ones; have mercy on our land, we pray. 5. Holy Spirit, move in revival power throughout every part of our land, bringing repentance in the midst of wickedness.

18th – Zechariah 12:6-9 Praying for nations hostile to Israel

21st – Zechariah 13:1-3 Removing false religions

1. Lord, we pray for Russia, that you would send a mighty revival to that nation before it is too late. 2. We pray for all the European nations that are hostile to Israel; send a move of your Spirit in their lands before their time runs out. 3. For all those Muslim nations that maintain open hostility to Israel, sweep over their people with a wave of revival, we ask. 4. For the African nations that are hostile to Israel, cause many of their people to turn to Christ in these last days, we pray. 5. For the nations of the Americas who are hostile to Israel, have mercy on them, and save many from amongst their populations before the end comes, O Lord.

19th – Zechariah 12:10-11 Looking on the One who was pierced

1. Lord, we pray for a move of your Spirit amongst all Muslims in our land, revealing Jesus as the Son of God and as their Saviour. 2. Cause a great turning amongst the Sikhs and Hindus in our land to accept Christ as the only Lord and Saviour. 3. Cause an emptiness to arise in the hearts of all atheists in our land, that causes them to search for fulfilment through a saving knowledge of Christ, we pray. 4. For all those involved in any occultic practices in our land, open their eyes to discern its true nature, and may they turn to the true and living God. 5. For all who are deceived by the false religion of evolution, cause them to find faith in the true Creator, and salvation in Jesus Christ.

22nd – Zechariah 13:4-6 The price Jesus paid

1. Lord, give us a fresh vision of the cross and of your resurrection in power, to motivate us to give you our all, at all times. 2. Help us to stay focused on serving you, O Lord, and not get distracted by unnecessary matters. 3. Pour out your Spirit upon us afresh today and every day, we pray. 4. Help us to move in all the strength and power of the authority you have delegated to us, Lord Jesus, so that we may be continually effective as your servants. 5. Lord, before you return in power and time has run out, cause us to be able to point many to the risen Christ, and see them saved.

1. Lord, help us to understand the depth of your suffering for us, so that we may continue to be motivated to serve you out of our gratitude. 2. Enable us to understand the depths of the sinful nature, and the cost of having our sins paid for on the cross, so that we may be careful to walk in righteousness. 3. Holy Spirit, help us not to grieve you by straying from a life of holiness. 4. Lord, may we never glorify in any of our own accomplishments, but only in the cross through which we receive all your riches in glory. 5. Recognising what you paid for us, Lord Jesus, help us to surrender all we have to you.

20th – Zechariah 12:11-13 Repentance in the land

23rd – Zechariah 13:7-8 Standing firm in the day of trial

1. Send a move of your Spirit in our land, as you have done in the past, O God, where many are convicted of sin and weep in repentance.

1. Lord, you never promised us an easy life, but rather to never leave us; help us stand firm in times of difficulty.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

14th – Zechariah 11:10-13 Not rebelling against the Good Shepherd



NOVEMBER 2013 2. Knowing that evil will get worse before the end comes, O Lord, cause us to grow strong spiritually, to be ready to face those times. 3. Help us to understand that earthly rewards have no comparison to the eternal rewards that are our promised inheritance, so that we may labour for true riches. 4. Keep us from compromising, especially when being persecuted for actively living out our faith. 5. For all those believers around the world, who face beatings and death simply for following Christ, help them to stand firm in such difficulties, O Lord.

24th – Zechariah 13:9 Refined by God 1. Cause us to remember, O God, that faith sometimes requires us to endure hardships rather than seeing an instant answer. 2. Give us the courage to endure hardships, knowing that through them you can strengthen us and draw us closer to you, O Lord. 3. Help us always to choose the pathway of holiness, even when it means forgoing happiness, knowing that eternal joy waits before us. 4. Cause us to understand that suffering produces perseverance and perseverance character, that is, the fruit of the Spirit, which you desire to produce in us. 5. Help us not to resist when you are trying to refine us through hardships, O God, but instead to allow you to finish your work in us, so we may grow spiritually.

25th – Zechariah 14:1-7 The return of Christ 1. Lord Jesus, your coming again is soon; help us not to sleep, but to be alert and active for you. 2. As the time draws near for your return, Lord Jesus, may we be increasing and growing more powerful and effective in every area of our prayer lives. 3. Lord, as a church, help us to accomplish everything you desire us to do in the time that still remains. 4. In our individual lives, cause us to accomplish every plan and purpose you desire of us in the days that still remain. 5. In these last days, let nothing move us, O Lord, giving ourselves fully to your work, knowing that our labour in the Lord is not in vain.


26th – Zechariah 14:8 Living water 1. Holy Spirit, may your streams of living water constantly flow from within us, bringing spiritual refreshment to all we meet each day. 2. Cause us to draw near to you each day, O Lord, so that your anointing on us enables us to successfully point people to the living waters found in Christ. 3. We pray that everyone in the church would desire to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and to experience it. 4. Multiply your gifts amongst all in the church, Holy Spirit, so we may be effective in all our work for the Lord. 5. Pour out your Spirit in revival upon us, O God, so that streams of living water flow abundantly through your church to a spiritually dry and thirsty nation.

27th – Zechariah 14:9-11 The Kingdom of Christ on earth 1. Lord, let your Kingdom come and your will be done on earth. 2. Help us to bring your Kingdom reign into the lives of individuals, as they receive Christ as Saviour and Lord. 3. May we serve you faithfully now, Lord Jesus, so that we may take up our responsibilities in reigning with you on this earth during your Millennium Rule. 4. Help us endure to the end, O Lord, no matter how dark and evil the days become, knowing that you will end this current evil on earth with your personal return. 5. Come soon, Lord Jesus, and we welcome you with praise and thanksgiving.

28th – Zechariah 14:12-15 The Lord’s enemies in disarray 1. As we read your Word, and recognise you will destroy your enemies in an instant, O Lord, give us the courage to press on in this wicked generation, not giving up. 2. Lord, we pray for all those nations that will join together to attack Jerusalem in the last days, that you would save many individuals from among them before that fateful day. 3. Knowing your power over all your enemies, O God, help us to have confidence to go about our service for you without concern. 4. As we see your prophetic Word being fulfilled before our eyes, may it strengthen our faith and our resolve, to use our time wisely and profitably for you, O Lord. 5. Lord, may the certainty of your victory over all this evil present age cause us to see any present troubles we have in

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013

true perspective, so we may rejoice at all times.

29th – Zechariah 14:16-19 Worshipping the King 1. Lord, help us to worship you by a lifestyle of holiness. 2. Lord, help us to worship you through effective and powerful prayer that moves mountains. 3. Lord, help us to worship you through effective witnessing that brings much fruit. 4. Lord, enable us to worship you through moving in confidence in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 5. Lord, bring revival to our midst, where we see countless people worshipping you in Spirit and in truth.

30th – Zechariah 14:20-21 Holy to the Lord 1. Lord, we consecrate our lives fully to you, and pray that the whole church would know the power that comes from living close to God. 2. We consecrate all our jobs and businesses to you, O Lord, and pray you would use us in those places for your glory. 3. We consecrate our talents and abilities to you, O God, and pray they may all be used to build your Church and expand your Kingdom 4. Move amongst us in such power, Holy Spirit, that your presence alone will cause countless people to confess their sins and surrender their lives to Christ. 5. Manifest the fullness of your glory amongst us, Lord, we pray.

CAPPUCCINO COMMUNICATIONS by Rev John Glass Send your email address to sharon.millar@ to be added to the mailing list


SUNDAY SERVICES at a glance 9.00am, 11.15am, 6.30pm OCTOBER 2013 PRAISE AND COMMUNION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton



13th 20th 27th

CELEBRATION SERVICE Guest Speaker: Joseph Steinberg Church Mission Society

REVIVAL AND HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Mark King CELEBRATION AND MINISTRY EVENING Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton CARIBBEAN EVENING Worship and Gospel presentation - Caribbean style!



AM PM 10th AM PM 17th AM PM 24th

PRAISE AND COMMUNION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo CELEBRATION AND MINISTRY EVENING Speaker: Pastor Ruth Trbojevic CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton REVIVAL AND HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton CELEBRATION SERVICE Guest Speaker: Dr Elias Malki Middle East Gospel Outreach

HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton CELEBRATION SERVICE Guest Speaker: Bhab Ghale ECC’s Missionary to Nepal






‘Bhab Ghale is the General Secretary of United Vision Nepal and Coordinator of Prayer For Nepal Global Network. He is an ELIM Missionary (sent out from ECC) with a vision to see one church and one trained leader in every village in Nepal.’

Venue: Ealing Christian Centre

Guest speaker: Heidi Baker


Joseph Steinberg is Mission Stewardship Director of the Church Mission Society. ‘A gifted communicator, he has shared his story and been a featured speaker on mission and evangelism at many conferences and events.’

DON’T FORGET: CARIBBEAN EVENING Sunday 27th October at 6.30pm Theme: Words of My Father

For more information, please visit


‘Dr ELIAS MALKI is the founder and President of MIDDLE EAST GOSPEL OUTREACH, the Host and Executive Producer of the GOOD NEWS PROGRAM and the President of COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL. He is one of God’s ambassadors, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Arabic language via satellite on eight channels throughout the Middle East, North Africa, Europe - over 180 nations - daily.’ GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013


ECC Attendance and Finance Statistics

ATTENDANCE 07 Jul 2013 14 Jul 2013 21 Jul 2013 28 Jul 2013 04 Aug 2013 11 Aug 2013 18 Aug 2013 25 Aug 2013


Children Children 9.00am 9.00am 11.15am 11.15am 6.30pm 270 33 412 96 73 247 32 445 100 112 236 39 453 121 221 255 28 417 113 85 266 27 407 103 111 280 10 424 73 86 214 29 432 73 86 205 22 373 56 330


JULY AUGUST Tithes & Offerings £41,174.14 £38,524.73 Building Fund £95.00 £80.00 Standing Orders £14,755.52 £13,826.52



Maximise your giving - at no extra cost to you - simply by enrolling for Gift Aid. Please speak to a member of the Finance Team for further details.

A NOTE from the Treasurer - Reasons to Tithe 1.God commands it. In Malachi 3:10, God says,

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse.” The storehouse refers to the place where we worship. The tithe is to be given to our home church, the place where we are spiritually fed. When we give to support charities and other ministries, we should be giving out of our offerings. The whole tithe belongs to the local church.

of Jesus Christ, the enemy targets us and our finances. We need God’s help if we’re going to make it financially in today’s world and through the tough times that we are living in. God actually challenges every believer to “put Him to the test” in their giving, and watch what He does in their lives. It’s time for us to put God to the test, and watch God’s blessings flow towards us.

spiritual babies, because they are not faithful to obey God in their tithes and offerings.

2.Tithing proves God’s Word is true. God says

4.Tithing teaches us to put God first. According

7.Tithing is an investment for eternity. In

3.God will rebuke the devourer. According to

5.Tithing is essential to spiritual growth. God

May the Holy Spirit direct our hearts to a deeper revelation and understanding of the purpose and benefits of tithing, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

that if we will put Him to the test in tithes and offerings, eventually we will see great blessings overtake our lives, even to the point that we will see God open the windows of blessing upon us and our families. Malachi 3:11, we have an enemy that will steal all our finances but, when we bring God the whole tithe, and give offerings as He leads us, God will rebuke the enemy. When we become a follower

to Deuteronomy 14:23, the purpose of tithing is to teach us to always put God first in our lives. If God has our finances, then we know He has our hearts. If we refuse to tithe, we prove that He really isn’t our priority in the first place.

tells us in Luke 16:11, “If, therefore, you have not been faithful in the use of money, how can you expect Him to entrust greater riches to you?” Many Christians don’t grow spiritually and remain

6.Tithing proves we love the Lord. In 2

Corinthians 8:8, God says that our giving tests the sincerity of our love. We say we love the Lord, but we prove we love Him when we give. Talk is cheap, and actions speak louder than words! Matthew 6:19, Jesus told us to “store up treasure in Heaven”. When we give our tithes and offerings to the Lord’s work, we are investing our money in souls for the Kingdom, and helping to get people to Heaven.

Sandra Dawodu

PLEASE NOTE: You can now pay your tithes and offerings through the ECC website at

WHAT WE BELIEVE - Elim Pentecostal Churches 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error,

the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and coeternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013

and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.

EVANGELISM & PRAYER @ ECC “Evangelism without intercession is like an explosive without a detonator.” - Reinhard Bonnke



6.30pm to 7.30pm

Call our confidential prayer line for ANY need 24 hours a day 7 days a week

in front of ECC Every Tuesday evening



in front of ECC Last Wednesday of each month

020 8799 2199 DAILY

Wednesday 30th October Wednesday 27th November


12noon to 2pm


Saturday 12th October Location SHEPHERD’S BUSH Saturday 9th November Location SOUTHALL For all those wanting to take part in Evangelism, there will be meetings in the Auditorium on: Sunday 6th October - after 2nd service Sunday 3rd November - after 2nd service

LIGHTHOUSE EVANGELISM in front of ECC Third Saturday of each month

11am to 1pm

Saturday 19th October Saturday 16th November


POLISH FELLOWSHIP Elim Springs Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Auditorium (Please use side entrance)

Monday to Friday

Morning meetings 10.00am to 11.00am - Annexe Room 2*

(*on the main street to the left of ECC's main doors and can be accessed directly from the street)

EVENing meetings 6.00pm to 7.00pm - Foyer



Last Friday of every month 10.00pm to 5.00am A night of intercession, celebration, thanksgiving and praise Friday 25th October Friday 29th November


ECC Japanese Fellowship Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Foyer For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA

For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder Saturday 19th October Saturday 16th November For non-ECC attenders: Please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060

PRAYER & HEALING MEETINGS Second Sunday evening of every month 6.30pm Sunday 13th October Sunday 10th November Receive personal prayer and hear powerful testimonies of God’s provision and healing

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013



WEDDING CONGRATULATIONS “For this reason, a man shall leave behind his father and his mother and be joined to his wife and cleave closely to her permanently, and the two shall become one flesh, so that they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has united (joined together), let not man separate or divide” (Mark 10:7-9 Amplified)

Unell FELIX and Kishma SAMUEL who were married on Saturday 22nd June 2013

Robin PETER and Richa THAPA who were married on Saturday 13th July 2013

Ebenezer TUTU and Gemma CARSON who were married on Saturday 27th July 2013

Kwesi MILLS and Jenaé FOSTER who were married on Saturday 10th August 2013

evergreens MONDAY 14th October TIME OUT WITH GOD: Day Retreat at Mulberry House from 8.30am ‘til 6.00pm. Cost: £19.50 - lunch included. Coach cost discounted at £6. Please contact Sharon to book. Spaces are limited and deposit of £11 is required by 30th September. Balance to be paid by 14th October. MONDAY 11th November “IT’S A LONG WAY TO TIPPERARY” with guest speaker: Pastor Robert Seare. Since leaving the Army, which he joined in 1964 as a Junior Bandsman, Bob has been teaching and preaching about Jesus. He and his wife, Chris, now pastor the Elim Church in East Sheen. He has a passion for the Lord and for the Word of God, and can think of nothing better than to minister Jesus to people. Cost: £3.50 for lunch. All are welcome to join us for lunch and a time of ministry. MONDAY 9th December CHRISTMAS LUNCH - Details tbc.


MONDAYS 12.00pm to 1.00pm

Meetings start @ 2pm

with fun, fitness and flexibility ONLY £2.50 - at ECC


OCTOBER John Baker Merle Aqui Prayer & Praise Merle Aqui to be confirmed

6th 13th 20th 27th

NOVEMBER Denzil Jarvis Merle Aqui Prayer & Praise Merle Aqui

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013


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How to...


Like Our Father in Heaven


hat do you think about Matthew 5:48... “So, be perfect, just like your Father in Heaven is perfect”? Have you convinced yourself that we ‘cannot’ be perfect? How, then, do we square the circle?

Pastors Richard and Rajinder would like to say a big ‘THANK YOU’ to all in ECC for his wonderful 60th Birthday gift. “The cruise was blessing, and visiting archeological sites of Biblical significance was truly inspiring. We very much appreciate your generosity.”

PICTURES: Top: Pastors Richard and Rajinder walking through the streets of ancient Ephesus Below: Pastor Richard receiving his Book of Appreciation from the family of Ealing Christian Centre in March 2013

On one hand, we believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God. On the other, we may think we ‘cannot’ be perfect.... Let’s look practically at what ‘being perfect’ may look like. But, before continuing, read Matthew Chapter 5 - it only takes five minutes.

Know the Relationship You Have With God Now, God has called us into a relationship with Him, not in our flesh, but ‘in spirit and in truth’. To achieve this, God provided His Son to shed His blood to forgive our sin for all time. As a result, this sacrifice enables God to set up His temple directly in our hearts. What does this mean? Jesus explained it perfectly in one of His last prayers on Earth, in John 17:21-23: “Father, as You and I are one, let them also be one with Us.”Wow!!! Jesus declares the ultimate relationship between God, us and Himself is to be one with Jesus and God. Now, interestingly, are we called to be ‘one’ in the Spirit or in the

flesh? If in the Spirit, could this be a clue to the ‘Be perfect’ statement?

Be Careful... Distractions Abound! When thinking about being ‘perfect’, there is a distraction that occurs. We may start thinking about ‘perfection’. Flesh perfection is about having zero faults; this is definitely impossible to achieve. The distraction of “I can’t be perfect” is the flesh focus. “Be perfect as your Father in Heaven” (John 17:21-23) speaks about living in spirit and in truth, which is 100% possible! Being ‘perfect’ looks like Jesus’ prayer: Jesus in the Father, and you/me in Jesus. Now that’s serious! Being perfect is also detailed in Matthew 5. Read that chapter if you haven’t already done so. This Chapter lists things that we face as the body, and details the rewards

quite capable of saying “Don’t make mistakes”; He never said that. Instead, He simply said, “Be perfect”. So, being ‘perfect’ is about our spiritual approach to life, and not about the things we get wrong.

Positive Declaration It takes confidence to say “I’m Jesus’ brother (or sister).” It also takes confidence to say, “I can be perfect as my Father in Heaven is perfect.” However, once you declare “I can be perfect as my Father in Heaven”, you are declaring a relationship in spirit and truth with God through Jesus the Christ. And what happens when we declare things in faith? They become reality. Matthew 5 gives an interesting insight into how God sees things, and ends with that “Be perfect” statement. It’s a miracle. It’s like declaring,

...the fact that ‘it is difficult’ to be perfect should never be replaced with ‘it is impossible’ for standing firm. It further lists challenges to our thinking and consequences for maintaining those patterns. Our decision to ‘be perfect’ is about choosing to see life the way God sees life, and follow through in spirit and truth. OK, the that ‘it is to be

fact difficult’ perfect should never be replaced with ‘it is impossible’. Also, we must be aware of the distraction of trying to achieve ‘perfection’ in our own flesh, that is, the idea of never making a mistake! Jesus was PICTURE: Be intentional

“I accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour” and immediately your spirit man is awakened. When you say, “I can be perfect as my Father in Heaven is perfect”, and understand it’s a calling in spirit and truth, it becomes possible, and another miracle happens. Make that declaration today, and be perfect like our Father in Heaven.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013


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Marriage Enrichment Conference Married couples are invited to a Marriage Enrichment Conference on 1-3 November 2013 in Ascot, Berkshire, just west of London. The Conference is entitled “Growing Closer... and Enriching Your Marriage”. It takes place at Sunningdale Park, a great conference centre, which has lovely meeting rooms, well appointed double bedrooms, a good variety of well cooked food and beautiful grounds. The conference costs £280 per couple which includes all food and overnight accommodation from Friday 6pm to Sunday 2pm and the conference fee. A romantic candlelit dinner on the Saturday evening is also included. The speakers include Richard & Maria Kane (the leaders of National Marriage Week) and Roy & Lainey Hitchman (Europe 2=1 Directors) plus Mike & Lyn Thomas (UK 2=1 Directors). 2=1 is a Marriage and Family organisation which provides pre-marriage, marriage and parenting courses for couples, based on Biblical principles.

To book, or ask for more information about the conference or our courses, please visit, email, or phone 01494 675615.


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GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013


Digging Out A Well


esus speaks of the Holy Spirit as ‘living water’.

We access the flow of the Spirit of God within us by focusing on His nature. As we behold the greatness of the ‘I AM’, we connect with His Presence, and His Presence changes and transforms us into Christ’s likeness.

‘“Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life …. If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.’ (John 4:14; 7:37-39)

God has put His Spirit within Christian disciples. Think of it this way: When you gave your life to Christ, God put a ‘well’ within you (Isaiah 12:3) and, in that well, He put the ‘living water’ of His Spirit as a permanent presence. To drink that ‘living water’, we need to draw upon it. And to do that, we need to keep our well free from blockages. A blocked well will produce a dehydrated Christian. Life in the Spirit is about digging out our well. God wants to remove any debris that obstructs the access to the living water of His presence within us. The Lord has to take out what should not be there to give the Holy Spirit enough room inside us to move and accomplish what He wants to accomplish. Whatever we do not remove

What we behold we become. Maintaining our inner well properly is mostly concerned with getting to know the Father intimately, and developing our deep love for Him. We need to cultivate strong reliance upon the Presence of the Spirit within.

Life in the Spirit is about digging out our well attracts the enemy’s attention, and strengthens resistance against God’s will, making the blockage bigger. In giving territory to the enemy, we fail to partner the Lord in our on-going personal development, and that gives the enemy certain rights over our lives. Water is crucial to life. It is power. In some countries, whoever controls the water supply has power and gets wealth. In the same way, whoever develops the ‘inner well’ of their spirit has power over life and the enemy. When we maintain our ‘inner well’, we are always refreshed. We are spiritually strong, mentally renewed and emotionally balanced. Life in the Spirit is refreshing. But those who neglect their ‘inner

When you gave your life to Christ, God put a ‘well’ within you (Isaiah 12:3) and, in that well, He put the ‘living water’ of His Spirit as a permanent presence.

well’, the life of the Spirit, become stale, get mentally tired and emotionally weary. They become beaten down, defeated, dried out – spiritually dehydrated! Dehydrated Christians are prone to dejection, depression and despondency – too easily downcast, with negative attitudes and stuck in a rut. These are signs that someone is not partnering the life of Jesus properly. There is only one way to live this life, and that is how Jesus lives it! “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”, says Jesus. “As He is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17). Digging out our well is about deliberately taking out the negativity in our thinking and feelings - by focusing and exposing them to the goodness and kindness of God - and replacing the negativity with His own attributes: - - - -

love instead of fear trust instead of anxiety faith instead of doubt the oil of gladness instead of being miserable - praise instead of despondency.

The Holy Spirit is our ‘alongside Friend’ and personal Tutor, who trains us for everything we will encounter in life. Even when we are going through a wilderness experience, it is the Holy Spirit who refreshes us with living water, from our own internal well. The Children of God are the only people in the world who can walk through a desert and not be thirsty. “Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst.” Take your spiritual life to a next level – the one that God intends for you. What needs to grow and develop in your relationship with the Father? Ask Him what negativity in your thinking and feelings needs to be replaced. Don’t just say, “I don’t know.” Ask Him….and wait around for the answer! If you want to know more about developing a strong relationship with the Lord, you might like to enquire about what EITC has to offer.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013



A time of great


Reflections of the Men’s Encounter Weekend


n Friday 16th August 2013, 32 men left for High Leigh Christian Conference Centre to attend the annual Men’s Encounter Weekend, returning on the afternoon of Sunday 18th August. It proved to be a time of great refreshing, and on this page are pictures and a selection of the comments received from a cross-section of the delegates. Akinpelu OSUNTOKI


t was indeed an amazing time at the Encounter. Please send me the details of the Discipleship Cell group local to me, as I am sure I will enjoy Cell.

Moses Santos

“indeed an amazing time”


attend the annual Men’s Encounter Weekend for the purpose of renewing my relationship with God. Year after year, the usual testimony of many delegates, including myself, is that whilst the weekend brings a peaceful refreshing spiritual experience, it is often too common that we return into the swing of our mundane existence: family, jobs, cars, etc.; losing the benefits of the encounter we had with God at the weekend! My experience of the last one was, however, a departure from the norm. On the last day, and as we worshiped with hardly a dry eye in the room, you could feel the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit. As we all soaked Him in, Akin had asked a reflective question of the men, asking why we come to this event year after year, and testify of the touch of God, but lose the benefit of our wonderful encounter with God at the weekend over a matter of days. He asserted that he believed that God was asking each of us to make His touch permanent and to truly change.


he Encounter Weekend was full of wonderful experience and sound teachings, and I thank God for making it possible for me to attend. I am left with the desire to seek God more in prayer and through fasting, and with a desire to get to know Him more.

Christopher Matthews 28

“this time, it would not be ‘business as usual’ when I returned home”

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013

This so hit a chord with me, and caused me to reflect on my true purpose as a Christian man. I realised that, whilst we cannot all become pastors or elders or deacons, we are nonetheless called to be leaders within our immediate families. I, therefore, made a commitment with God there and then that this time it would not be ‘business as usual’ when I returned home. I thank God that since we returned, I have found that I have become more focused on God, on living for His glory day after day, and a beacon of God’s light for all.

Dennis Collins

“I have felt refilled to the brim with the Holy Spirit”



hanks again for encouraging me to attend the Encounter Weekend. It was indeed a time of spiritual renewal and a weekend of God’s immense blessings for me.

Timothée Warzecha


his is a note to acknowledge that the Weekend was an awesome time with God.

Sam Minta

“a time of spiritual renewal”

“ “


his was indeed an amazing weekend. I am really looking forward to what God will do with us next, as a result of the wonderful encounter we had with Him.

Micah Stapleton


am struggling to put into words what I experienced at the Encounter Weekend; I just cannot describe it! One thing I cannot deny, however, is that since we returned, I have felt refilled to the brim with the Holy Spirit. My prayer is for God to enable me to carry on in His presence and with His power and with His authority. My experience was so remarkable that for a week after the weekend, I had this profound fear of God that I could hardly talk; I felt tamed but, at the same time, felt this immeasurable love, a great peace and comfort within. Through this experience, I could clearly hear Him say: “Fear not, son, I am with you. Be still and know that I am God.”

Divine Osei


was really blessed with the great spiritual depth of the teaching at the weekend, and with the very inspiring DVD that we watched. Additionally, the younger brothers were a great joy to interact with. At the Encounter, I was overwhelmed by the spontaneous openness of men to the ministry of deliverance. I felt God was saying that, as we open to Him more, we will experience more men at ECC reaching another level in God, and we will become like a river of blessings for men in other churches. I returned from the Encounter with a number of personal reflections, including the need to be confident of my personal identity in God, and I am more determined than ever to continue in the ministry to men in the church, as well as leading my family in taking Bible study and prayer more seriously as a medium of communicating with God.

Prosper Doe GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013



GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013



Purpose “You made my whole being; You formed me in my mother’s body. I praise You because You made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What You have done is wonderful. I know this very well. You saw my bones being formed as I took shape in my mother’s body. When I was put together there, You saw my body as it was formed. All the days planned for me were written in Your Book before I was one day old.” Psalm 139:13-14 (NCV) “God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing.” Ephesians 2:10 (NCV)

Our children were asked to complete a “My Purpose in Life” activity worksheet. Our goal is for children to understand that God has placed us in this world for a purpose. Here’s what some of them had to say… My name is Faith (7 yrs)

My purpose is preaching. God who made me wanted me to worship. Although it’s not supposed to be my purpose, I can be used to clean. I am happy when I preach. I am sad when I am not worshipping.

My name is Joy (7 yrs)

God who designed me wanted me to be nice. Although it’s not my purpose, I can use it to make friends.

My name is Caleb (9 yrs)

My purpose is to work for God and help my parents. God who designed me loves me.

My name is Tomisin (11 yrs)

My purpose in life is to serve God. God who designed me wanted me to spread the Word of God. I am happiest when I am not bored.

My name is Samuel (11 yrs)

My dream is to become a professional footballer or a doctor. God who designed me wanted me to become the ultimate footballer. Although it’s not my purpose, I can be used to assist people with academic work.

My name is Eden (10 yrs)

My name is Steve (11 yrs)

My purpose in life is to study. God who created me wanted me to worship Him. I am happiest when I am at Sunday School.

My name is Ansaa (11 yrs)

My purpose in life is to be a politician or a handball player. God who designed me wanted me to teach people handball. I am sad when I am turned down. I am happy when my team win.

My purpose is to serve God. God who designed me wanted me to tell people the Word of God. I am happy when I’m having fun. I’m sad when I’ve done something wrong.

My purpose in life is to be a lawyer. God who designed me wanted me to help people fight their problems. I am happiest when I get the job I want in future. I am sad when I don’t get the job that I don’t want.

My name is Kenan (11 yrs)

Compiled by ANN KO

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 64 • October/November 2013



Weekly MEETINGS @ Sundays 09.00 09.30 09.30 09.30 11.15 11.45 11.45 14.30 14.30 18.30 20.00

FIRST MORNING SERVICE Little Seekers (Age 2-5yrs) Finders (Age 6-10yrs) Teens Talk (School years 7-11) - single gender classes SECOND MORNING SERVICE Crèche (18mths-3yrs) Adventurers (Nursery 3-4 yrs) Discoverers (Age 5 yrs) Explorers (School years 1&2) Investigators (School years 3&4) Pioneers (School years 5&6) Nu Talk (School years 7&8) Talkin' God (School years 9,10&11) - single gender classes Polish Church Service Japanese Church Service SUNDAY NIGHTS AT THE CENTRE (see page 21 for details) Refreshments in Coffee Lounge


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.30-21.15 Tuesday Night

Prayer Explosion


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 14.00 Wednesday Afternoon


18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College

Registration required

18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College

Registration required

(Last Friday of the month)

22.00-05.00 All-Night Prayer Meeting


11.00-13.00 Street Evangelism

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