ECC Grapevine Aug/Sep 2013 - Issue 63

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ECC Prayer Centre - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Call for prayer on 020 8799 2199

ISSUE 63 Aug / Sep 2013

rapevine G Ealing Christian Centre


one family

of many nations proclaiming one gospel

through many disciples

An Pentecostal Church


A word from the SENIOR PASTOR



PICTURE: Training completed to the call to be committed to serving God as part of his body, under biblicallyconstituted, spiritual authority. This brings mutual accountability and the opportunity to serve God and one another. Discipleship Cells are a further opportunity to respond to this call. In this edition, we welcome many such new members to ECC.

esus once told a parable, about a king inviting people from all backgrounds to the wedding of his son, which ends by describing how many people refused the invitation to come. Through this parable, Jesus was explaining how God was inviting all to become part of his family, but concluded by describing how many refuse the invitation. Jesus’ final words were, “Many are called but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). There is more than one call that God gives to us and, in this edition, we see how people in ECC are responding to four different calls.

The call to salvation The call to salvation is the call that goes to every person. The truth is that God “…is not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). But we all have freewill, and some of us use it to accept God’s invitation to turn from our old way of life and to be eternally adopted into God’s family though faith in Christ, whilst others reject it. We are born imperfect, and no matter how hard we try, we can never attain by our own efforts the standard for entering into the presence of a perfect, righteous God, because that standard is total perfection. Being ‘good’ is not

We have one short lifetime to respond, but an eternity to live with regrets

The call to service

good enough, since “without holiness, no one will see God” (Hebrews 12:14). When we put aside our pride and recognise that Jesus Christ, the perfect Son of God, came and laid down his life to bear the penalty for our wrongdoing, by putting our faith in him, God can justly forgive us, since Jesus bore our punishment on the cross. He then rose again from the dead to lead us into eternal life in God’s presence. The normal response, once we have done this, is to be publicly baptised in water. In this edition, we have the testimonies of a number who, with joy, responded to the call to salvation and have been baptised.

The call to commitment Jesus calls us not simply to have our sins forgiven, but also to become his disciples. Once we have responded to the call to salvation, the call to commitment is the next response we are called to make. A follower of Jesus is extremely important and significant - not only to God, but also to the world in which we live. Each person must individually make their peace with their Creator. This can only be done through Jesus,

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013

who declared, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except though me” (John 14:6). We are therefore required to share the good news of the Gospel through our lifestyles of discipleship and witness. The local church is God’s way of facilitating discipleship. Paul describes, after his conversion, how the church gave him “the right hand of fellowship”, as they welcomed him as a member into the church (Galatians 2:9). Becoming a member of the local church is a response

There are many different ways to serve God in both practical and charismatic ministries – inside the church and outside. The important thing is that we find at least one way. If you are not sure how you can serve, speak to one of the pastors. Currently, as the numbers of children are increasing on Sunday mornings, there is a great need for more teachers or helpers in the Children’s Ministries. What a great way to serve God it is, by investing in the lives of children. Speak to a pastor or Children’s Ministries’ coordinator.

The call to training The Bible refers to this as, “equipping the saints for works

PICTURE: Young woman’s arm grows out as she is healed three years after an accident


GOD’S CALL of service” (Ephesians 4:1112). Once we have responded to the call to salvation and the call to commitment, God calls us to be thoroughly equipped so we can serve him well. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, and who correctly handles the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). This involves regular, personal reading and studying of the Bible. Again, being part of a Discipleship Cell is a very helpful way of learning together with a small group of others, and encouraging one another in different ways of serving God. The Equippers International Training Centre (EITC), located in ECC, is designed for working people, and many avail themselves of the opportunity to be equipped further in the areas of understanding and implementing God’s Word, being effective in using the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and in local and overseas evangelism and mission. Each year, an overseas mission is undertaken, and the students this year went to Finland, where they were engaged in a busy week of outreach to the unsaved, which was a life-changing experience - both for them and for those they led to Christ. Their exciting experiences also appear in this edition. Rajinder and myself have also revisited Nepal once again, where Bhab Ghale, our missionary there, flew us to the region of Surkhet for five days of intensive training for over 30 church leaders in that district. We were asked to train them in how to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit; how to heal the sick, and how to administer deliverance

Whatever stage you have reached on your journey with Jesus, don’t be one of those who dismiss the calls of God from evil spirits. Having first done the training, we then oversaw, as they prayed for the sick. There was great excitement as they watched people being healed, as short arms and legs instantly grew out when commanded in Jesus’ Name. The last meeting was for deliverance. About 70 came seeking help. We had trained the leaders, and so we released them to minister to set people free. It was an awesome sight to witness, as they quickly grew in confidence, seeing for themselves the power of the Name of Jesus to cast out demons. Whatever stage you have reached on your journey with Jesus, don’t be one of those who dismiss the calls of God. We have one short lifetime to respond, but eternity to live with regrets.

Richard Buxton 2013 EITC graduates

n behalf of the family here at Ealing Christian Centre, we would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we are glad to have you worshipping with us today. We hope you will feel at home in our fellowship - whether this is your first time or your umpteenth time with us. May God bless you.

CONTENTS 2 A Word from the Senior Pastor

4 EITC Mission to Finland by Pastor Mark King 6 Passing the Mantle to the Next Generation by Akin Osuntoki

7 Women’s Discipleship Cells - Focus on Greenford

8 Welcoming New Members to ECC 10 The Church Outside Four Walls 12 Prayer Centre Testimonies 13 Two-month Prayer Diary Pull-out 21 Sunday Services at a Glance /

Forthcoming Events

22 Finance & Attendance Statistics

23 Evangelism & Prayer Ministry Calendar 24 Fellowship & Congratulations

by Sharon Grant

by Roy McEwen

by Pastor William Anane-Forkuo

25 Equipped For Excellence by Pastor John Starr 26 Classifieds / What We Believe 27 How to Pray For What You Want 28 “Thank You, God!” by Children’s Ministries 29 Youth Ministries by Pastor Ruth Trbojevic 30 Baptism Special Would you like to contribute an item to the next edition of the Grapevine magazine? The deadline for the OCTOBER/NOVEMBER edition is FRIDAY 6th SEPTEMBER If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please email your article to, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. Editor-in-Chief: Pastor Richard Buxton Editor & Design: Berean Services UK Photography: Roy McEwen plus various contributors from ECC Cover picture: Roy McEwen Stock Images:,, Google images Print: Deluxe Printers Ltd, London NW10 7NR, Tel: 020 8965 1771 Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: Website: Grapevine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Grapevine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where Grapevine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2013. All rights reserved.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013


THE TEAM - Left to right: George Williams, Mary Gatu, Pastor Mark, Minel Shah, Carole Toleon, Karene Hunt, Adrian Hunt, Heather Trail Front: Janice Baker, Suzanne Warner

Mission to



rom 7th to 17th June, a team of nine students from the EITC, led by Pastor Mark, took part in an overseas mission trip to Finland as part of their course.

The purpose of the trip was to share the Good News of Jesus in Sastamala, Finland, and to support the evangelistic outreach strategy of the Vammala Pentecostal Church. Whilst there, the team had an opportunity to put into practice some of the theory they had learnt over the past year in the classroom. The mission was organised by Virpi Saha, who fellowshipped at ECC for four years whilst working in London, and who is now back at the Vammala church.



ach member of the Team was asked to lead the team devotions each day (pictured below). This was primarily to draw near to and to hear from God, and to encourage and strengthen the Team on a daily basis. Each day the Holy Spirit ministered to us supernaturally, and gave amazing strength to those who were ministering publicly for the first time.

“I give God thanks for the response of the people that we met on the streets...” Street Evangelism


lthough there was a huge language barrier - some statistics state that Finnish is in the top five most difficult languages to learn - the Team moved in the power of the Holy Spirit (with an interpreter) to share the Good News of Jesus, and invited people along to the evangelistic tent meetings. Carole Tolen commented, “I give God thanks for the response of the people that we met on the streets as we were evangelising. We had some powerful encounters; God gave us words of knowledge to some people; we prayed for them and some got saved.”

“Each day, the Holy Spirit ministered to us supernaturally...”

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013

Tent Missions


he local church arranged four nights of tent meetings, which were designed to attract non-believers so that they would be presented with the Gospel and the reality of their destiny. The Team performed evangelistic mimes; gave their testimonies; preached the Gospel, and sang worship songs alongside the local church team. There were opportunities for ministry at the end of each evening for people to receive healing.

FEATURE Church Ministry


lthough the main focus of the mission was evangelistic, God had arranged things so that the Team ministered to the members of the local churches. Many people received words of knowledge and prophecy, and the Holy Spirit ministered through the Team. There was an evident hunger for a move of God amongst the people, as pointed out by Janice Baker, “In spite of the people having a reputation for coolness, it was evident that hearts were very warm, and that many wanted a deeper experience of the Lord than they presently had.” Heather Trail, who was the Team co-leader, remarked, “I was honoured to have the opportunity to minister to the members of the church and to other people we met during the outreach. We saw many healings and prophetic words of knowledge given by the Team. The elders and the congregation were overwhelmed by the presence of God.”

“God has shown us so much, taught us so much. This trip has tremendously changed my perception of myself. It opened up a well of fresh ideas; taught me about servanthood, and gave me a stronger passion for the mission field.” – Carole Toleon

“I have found the EITC course extremely beneficial for discipleship, and very challenging to keep me growing spiritually...”

“My experience during the mission to Finland was life transforming, so amazing and truly humbling. I praise the Lord for His faithfulness each and every day throughout the mission trip, and for the manifestations of His Holy Spirit through miracles of healings, salvations, prophesies, encouragement towards the needy, and divine provision and protection upon the whole Team. My life will never be the same again!” – Mary Gatu

Youth Event


he day after the Team arrived, they ministered at the Vammala youth event. Heather, Carole and Mary (Gatu) had pre-planned the event, which included worship, mime, testimonies and preaching. The Holy Spirit was moving in an incredible way, and many of the young people - including the youth pastor and his wife - received prophesies and words of knowledge from the Lord.

Marketplace Outreach


he Team had an opportunity to hold an open-air outreach in the town of Satamala. They teamed up with a team from a Christian substance abuse rehabilitation centre, to minister to members of the public. The PA system was set up in a prominent position, right in the middle of all of the Saturday market stalls. 100s of people heard testimonies, worship and a Gospel message about the saving grace of Jesus.

“This was the first time that I have been on mission, so I was feeling a little apprehensive about what to expect and what was expected of me. One important thing that I learnt from this mission is to trust in Christ, and to rely on the Holy Spirit for help and guidance, for God will always come through for you.” – Suzanne Warner

Many people received words of knowledge and prophecy, and the Holy Spirit ministered through the Team “I believe that without the adequate training, I would not have been able to go on the two missions or be involved in the ministries at ECC. In the last three and a half years, I have found the EITC course extremely beneficial for discipleship, and very challenging to keep me growing spiritually. The course has helped me to stay grounded in the Word; equipping me in how to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit wherever I am, and how to daily walk with God in submission to His plans.” – Minel Shah

The mission was a complete success, both for the Vammala church and EITC Team. New relationships were formed; souls were saved; people healed, and God ministered in amazing ways. It was good to see the Team put into practice what they have learnt in the classroom which, after all, was one of the main purposes of the mission.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013




day or so after the senseless murder of Drummer Lee Rigby at Woolwich by two Islamic jihadists, both named Michael (a testament of their Christian heritage), a friend called me to raise her concern about the gap between generations in the Church, which she blames for the unhealthy trend of Christian youths being lost to other religions, and particularly to Islam. In reality, there are many young Christian youths growing up nicely in the faith, and developing a strong relationship with God. Indeed, we see that daily in our own thriving youth community at ECC, in their demonstrated passion for God. However, if we consider the general trend, there seems to be a sterling truth in my friend’s summation of a generational gap in the Church, and particularly between the adult males and the young male generation. So what can we do to bridge this gap? And bridge this gap we must, as the consequences of not doing so can be dire for the Church! Christ warns, in Matthew 12:25, that “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” We must make no mistake; satan is so adept at exploiting weaknesses that he will exploit any and every loophole of division to cause disunity within the Church, as a strategy to stunt the Church’s growth. How, then,

“To the elders among you ... Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing...” 1 Peter 5:1-2 do we become more intentional in building solid bridges across generational divides, as a means of passing the mantle of leadership from one generation to another and so achieve continuity? There are, of course, many approaches that can be taken to tackle the problem. I chose here, though, to concentrate on mentoring, which is a triedand-tested, biblically-approved method of mantle-passing between generations. So what is mentoring? From a general perspective, mentoring can be defined as a relationship

There are, of course, clear scriptural references to successful mentoring relationships, even if the word ‘mentoring’ is not used. 2 Timothy 2:2 - “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people, who will also be qualified to teach others.” 1 Peter 5:1-3 and 5 - “To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings, who also will share in the glory to be revealed: Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching

Empirical research has confirmed that young people ... crave advice and affirmation from older, more experienced ‘mentors’ where an experienced (often older) person equips, guides, encourages and challenges another (often younger) in the acquisition of specific skills necessary for the younger person’s growth and development. The omission of coaching from the menu of the mentor’s responsibilities towards the mentee is deliberate, though in practice the mentor often coaches the mentee. In my opinion, there is a great difference between mentoring and coaching, as the former is necessarily relational, whereas the latter is essentially functional.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013

over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders.” There are also clear biblical accounts of successful examples of mentoring relationships: Jethro mentored Moses, who mentored Joshua and the elders of Israel. Joshua mentored the leaders of his army. Eli mentored Samuel, who mentored Saul and David. David, of course, mentored the

commanders of his army and others, as well as Solomon, his son. Elijah mentored Elisha, who, in turn, mentored others. Jesus mentored the twelve apostles, who established the Christian Church even as they, too, mentored others, including Paul, who mentored Titus, Timothy and others. Mentoring, as a principle, is thus not strange to the Christian Church, and to pass on the mantle from one generation to the other appears to be an established biblical principle. Empirical research has confirmed that young people - whether in or out of church - crave advice and affirmation from older, more experienced ‘mentors’. If this is the case, the Church must break down the unnatural brick wall between the ages, and must begin to build on mentoring relationships based on trust, which will benefit the individual as much as the Church, and provide children of Christian families (like the two Woolwich Michaels) with stable relationships within the Church, rather than drive them into the waiting arms of devious peddlers of falsehood. Please email me at ao@ecc. with any feedback or comments you may have. God bless you.




Greenford Greenford “Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.” (2 Corinthians 3:5)


lthough we have all been called to make disciples, it can be a very challenging decision to step out and take up leadership of a Discipleship Cell group. I wanted to first feel competent, but I know that my competence would mean, “I’m ready to serve in my own strength”, and that would not be the calling of God. I thank God for choosing me to lead His wonderful people despite my limitations, and I can confidently testify that He has been with me and will continue to be with me all the way. I have been a Discipleship Cell leader for over five years, and have twice been involved in opening new Discipleship Cells. The Lord has given tremendous opportunities of seeing new believers grow in the Lord and stepping out in faith, trusting Him to lead them in various ministries, including leading Cell. During the time that I have been a Cell leader, I have been co-leading with other sisters because, as a nurse, my shiftwork would sometimes hinder me from being available at every Cell

meeting. However, towards the end of 2012, I believe the Lord spoke to me that I was challenging Him with the limitations of my shift-work, instead of releasing it to Him to sort it out for me. I discussed this with my co-Cell leader and my Primary Cell leader, and together we prayed about it. On 16th January 2013, we opened a new Cell group at my place in Greenford. I still do shifts, however since we opened the new Cell, I have been able to have the day off, so that I would be available for the Cell meeting. As a Cell group, we have already developed strong relationships as we encourage each other in the Lord. Although I am in a place of leadership, I have been so blessed by my sisters, through the various gifts given to them by the Holy Spirit, and this has been the case since my previous Discipleship Cell groups and is even the case today. We are so humbled with the powerful sense of God’s presence in our midst, as we share and learn from each other’s testimonies through answers to prayer. I thank God for all my Discipleship Cell members, and for the ones that the Lord will send to join us. Glory be to God!

PICTURE: Barbara (right)

Testimonies from some cell members Lisa Jin I had been looking for a Cell group for a long time, and I needed to fit this in with my son and my family’s timetable. I’m so glad Barbara is here for me. I feel I have a new home, with mum and sisters. Thank You, Lord; I’m now in Discipleship Cell group!

Angela Taylor I started in the Southall Cell in 2008. The Primary Cell leaders, Esther and Barbara, made me very welcome, allowing me to participate when I felt comfortable and confident to do so. Initially, I felt daunted by how well I felt other members prayed and their knowledge of the Bible, and how they interpreted the Scriptures or the sermons that were held on the previous Sunday. I continued meeting with the Cell once a week, and began to get to know the other members - particularly Barbara and Esther - fairly well. My confidence and knowledge began to grow; I was baptised in 2009. The Cell has now multiplied for another Cell to begin in Greenford this year, run by Barbara, which I am now a part of. My journey from then until now has been an epic one. I have learned so much, and my Cell sisters are like family. I am still learning and growing, and it is so reassuring to know that my sisters in Cell are there to share, grow and enjoy the journey in the Lord together.

BARBARA SEGUYA Discipleship Cell leader GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013







hurch membership is a way of officially identifying oneself with a local body of believers, where one decides to follow through his/her commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. One therefore recognises the need for accountability and to have a willingness to support the vision of the house. In the Bible, James, Peter and John gave Paul the right hand of fellowship as a sign of acceptance into membership of the church (Galatians 2:9).

to ECC

One’s decision to become a member to a local church should not be taken lightly, because you will not only be accountable to the leadership but to one another and to God, being an ambassador wherever you go. Church membership is a statement that a Christian is in agreement with that local church, and is willing to be identified as a representative of it. Church membership is also valuable for organisational purposes and determines those who can vote on important church matters, if any vote by members is required and/or who is involved in official church positions and functions. In Ealing Christian Centre, it is only members who receive letters for our Annual General Meetings.


I am becoming a member, because I think it’s important to make ECC my official home.

Membership requires a personal decision, so coming to church for a long time, or maybe having been born in the church, does not automatically confer membership. Please make known your intentions to us, by filling in a membership form and coming through our membership class.


On Sunday 14th July, some men and women were officially welcomed into membership of Ealing Christian Centre. Here, we asked them why they decided to become a member of ECC.

Kwesi Eduaful MILLS

I have been here for many years now, and have been shaped spiritually by the teaching and fellowship here. My roots have already been planted here, so there is no reason not to formalise my commitment.


London is strategic for telling the nations about Jesus and making Him known. ECC is equipped and ready, and I want to join them.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013

Juliette YARDE

When I am at ECC, the congregation are of one accord, friendly and welcoming, and I feel I will grow more spiritually here.

Emmanuel NATAN

I have been coming for about six years, and I like the word and the fellowship.


To join other believers for worship and service.





Harriet Anowaa MINTA

To be part of God’s Kingdom in this church.


It is a place for me to belong. I want to make the most of the invaluable opportunity to build myself up in the most holy faith.


I am becoming a member of ECC to make this my home church.


I have been coming to ECC for many years, and I think it’s about time I became an official member.


I have learnt more about God and the Bible here.

Marguerite MILLER

I have been attending ECC for about two years, and I like the teaching and uncompromising word taught. Plus I love Jesus.


I have been attending for many years and would like to be a member.


To grow and be more spiritually aware, etc.


I would like to be a member, so that it will become official, and also to grow in the Lord.

Natalie McLEAN

After much prayer, I feel this is the place where God wants me and my family to remain planted. To make ECC my home church and serve God.


ECC is a Word-based and Spirit-filled church. I have been coming for many years, and I wanted to make my membership official.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013



Gifts of wisdom and knowledge used – Sandra



ondon is ready for a great harvest! With great expectation and prayer, the Evangelism team has once again been in full force, witnessing and proclaiming the Gospel on the streets of Greenford. Below are some powerful testimonies of those who have been out in the harvest field and have come back rejoicing. We are in a season when ‘all hands on deck’ are needed to ‘fish’ for the lost. Jesus is coming back soon! Your opportunity to serve the Lord and to witness is NOW! Come and join the Evangelism team for borough-wide evangelism on the second Saturday of the month (always the Saturday before the Revival and Healing meeting). Lighthouse evangelism is on the third Saturday of each month from 11.00am to 1.00pm. Evangelism Explosion is on the last Wednesday of each month from 12noon to 2.00pm, and the weekly Tuesday evening evangelism takes place at 6.30pm to 7.30pm (before the prayer meeting). Join the winning team!

remember that we prayed at the prayer meeting on the Friday before the evangelism that God would give us the gift of wisdom and knowledge, in order for us to witness effectively in Greenford the next day. This was a prayer God answered immediately when I met a Caribbean man whom I spoke with. When I offered him the leaflet, he began by saying that he did not believe Jesus was the Son of God, nor that He had died for our sins. He asked me and Miriam: “how can you go and rob a bank and later say Jesus will forgive you?” He began to argue with us. I brought out my Bible and opened it to John 3:16, and gave it to him to read. As he began to read, “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son…” he stopped, and said that God never had a Son, and how could we be sure that this book called the Bible is accurate, since it was not originally written in English? As I was thinking about what to say next, the Holy Spirit prompted me to share my testimony, and I told him, “Please, sir, can we put this Bible aside for a minute, as I would like to share my testimony with you, since I used to think the way you do before I gave

my life to Christ.”He listened attentively to my testimony, and was even asking me to slow down and asking me questions along the way. Since my testimony was about God’s supernatural power to make the impossible happen, he was amazed, and told me that what I just said made a lot of sense to him. Glory be to Jesus! It was the Holy Spirit who arrested his soul. He then took the leaflet, which he had rejected from me earlier. I gave him the ‘Journey to Life’ booklet as well as the Prayer of Salvation tract. I further invited him to church, and he kept nodding as he went along. I was amazed by the power of the wisdom of God that can transform an unbeliever with a critical spirit to one who now believes in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to God for His wonderful gift to us to minister effectively.

“As I was thinking about what to say next, the Holy Spirit prompted me to share my testimony...”



Another divine appointment – Rowena

arrived late for the Outreach, so was consequently at the book table at the same time as an older lady, for a divine appointment. The lady said that she knew of Jesus, as she had done an Alpha course. I asked her if she had prayed the Sinner’s Prayer to make Jesus Lord of her life, and she said she wasn’t sure that she had. She did not want to pray there and then, so I gave her a leaflet and said she could pray the Prayer at home, which she said she would do. She was unable to stay long, because she was the carer for her husband. I asked if he was mentally or physically disabled, or both. I


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013

told her he would still have the capacity to make a spiritual decision, because we had an account of a person who could not speak in response to the Gospel message, but who had indicated assent after prayer was made on her behalf. Although her husband had not been interested in receiving the Saviour all of his life, at this stage he had nothing to lose and everything to gain by asking Jesus to be his Lord. She was struck by the truth of this, and rehearsed the words, so that she could bring her husband to salvation when she got home.”

OUTSIDE FOUR WALLS PICTURE: Evangelism Team (supplied by Pastor Rajinder Buxton)

Great Commission fulfilled - Dupe


can truly confirm that we had the windows of Heaven opened to us as a team in Greenford that Saturday. I remember one of the prayer points - on the Friday prior to the evangelism day - was that the weather would be in our favour. To God be the glory, this was so. The Lord allowed us to fulfil the Great Commission within the scheduled hours. Praise God! Marie and myself led two ladies to the Lord. One was on crutches, following an accident on Greenford Road about two years ago. We prayed in agreement for her healing and salvation. We asked if she would like to give her heart to the Lord. She agreed, and repeated the Sinner’s Prayer after us, and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour. She provided her details for follow-up, and has agreed to visit ECC. The second lady also accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour. We prayed for her salvation, and asked her to repeat the Prayer of Repentance after us. She also requested that we pray for members of her family, especially her mum who has been unwell. We did as she requested. She was so full of joy.


Divine encounters - by Prosper

give glory to God for the three divinely arranged encounters I had with three people within the first hour of evangelism in Greenford with the Team. I had prayed for God to bring people He has prepared, and the Holy Spirit showed up. The first man was a young man in his late teens. He wanted answers to basic questions like: Why did Adam’s sin have to affect us? I realised the genuine interest in his heart, and patiently answered his questions, as led by the Word of God. Eventually, he prayed to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and he filled in the contact form. He desired also for Jesus to reveal Himself to him in dreams, so I gave him a DVD on how Jesus revealed Himself to Muslims. He was full of smiles, and surprised that his prayer had been answered almost immediately, and he promised to watch the DVD. The second encounter was with a Muslim man, who initially was arguing about why Jesus is the Son of God. I prayed for the Holy Spirit to take control and, in a short time, he calmed down when I mentioned that God loves him. He understood the word I shared, and agreed to view the

DVD about Jesus revealing Himself to Muslims. Eventually, he walked towards his motorbike slowly, and seemed to be pondering over what had been shared. As he left, Chris Matthews and I prayed for him. The third encounter was a man from an orthodox religious background. He was silent for a while when I asked him if he was sure of going to Heaven if he were to die today. He said that he had not thought about it. I used the opportunity to share salvation and assurance through Jesus Christ, and how he can be sure of his eternal destiny - even after death. He read the salvation prayer card and, though he declined to fill in the contact form, I believe the Lord Jesus has revealed Himself to him, and he promised to pray the Sinner’s Prayer that was on the card, which he took with him. I could go on with more, but will end by saying “Glory be to God.” The heavens are open over Greenford, and people are thirsty for Jesus Christ. We are in a time of harvest, with a window of opportunity. My daughter, Sarah, was with me, and she was delighted to observe what the Lord was doing. Sarah also gave out some children’s picture booklets about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013



Testimonies from the PRAYER CENTRE

The Prayer Centre operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as compassionate prayer partners are waiting to take your prayer requests and to pray for your individual needs over the telephone. Here are just some of the amazing answers to prayer, as individuals ring back to share their answers with us.

Prayer Line: 020 8799 2199 FREE FROM ALCOHOL A man called the Prayer Centre to thank God for setting him free from an alcohol problem after two sisters from ECC prayed with him on the street during evangelism.

COMFORTABLE NIGHT A lady called the Prayer Centre, thanking God for answer to prayer, because her daughter had a comfortable night and the pain in her body has subsided. OFF LIFE-SUPPORT A lady called the Prayer Centre on Tuesday on behalf of her friend, who had a heart condition and was on life support machine. She phoned back to thank the Lord for answering her prayers; her friend is doing well and is off the life support machine. Praise the Lord. COURT CASE RESOLUTION A mother rang the Prayer Centre, thanking the Lord for a successful outcome with regards to her son’s court case. There was a very peaceful resolution, and he is due to return home at the weekend. Praise be to God.


EXAMS SUCCESS A man called for prayers for God’s favour to be on him to pass his final examination that would qualify him as a dentist. He called back to give thanks to the Lord for passing his exams, and he has now qualified as a dentist. Praise the Lord.

NEGATIVE RESULT A lady called concerning her sister, who had a lump in her breast which was suspected to be cancer. After praying with her, the lump dissolved. She went for a scan/ screening and the result came back negative. She is free. Glory be to God.

DISCIPLINARY HEARING A lady rang the Prayer Centre because she was going for a disciplinary hearing at her work place, and there was a possibility she could lose her job. She called back thanking the Lord for answered prayers: everything went well, and her job was still safe.

ANOTHER NEGATIVE RESULT Another lady called for prayers on behalf of her sister in the USA, who had a lump in her breast. She was very worried, but called back to give thanks to God for her miraculous healing. The test results came back negative, as the lump was not malignant.

HEALING FROM FEVER A lady called the Prayer Centre to request healing from a fever and, after prayers, called back later the same day thanking God that her health was being restored, and that she was completely healed. She gave glory and honour to God for all His wonderful works. CHEQUE FOUND A lady called for prayers, because she had misplaced an envelope with a cheque inside, which was to be paid into the bank. After prayers, five minutes later, the Lord showed her where the envelope was.

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TROUBLESOME TENANTS A lady called the Prayer Centre to ask for prayer for God’s intervention over some the tenants who were giving her problems, and who she wanted out of her property. Thank the Lord, they were able to secure another accommodation, and will be moving out soon. SUCCESSFUL INTERVIEW A lady called the Prayer Centre to ask for God’s favour over a job she was applying for, because lots of people were also applying for the same job. To the glory of God, she was called for an interview, passed, and was offered the job. She wanted to return all the glory to God for answering her prayers.

SUCCESSFUL OPERATION A sister called for prayer, as she was scheduled to have a very delicate operation on her thyroid glands. She called back to give thanks to God, because the operation was successful and she is now recovering. In addition, a recent scan result showed that the sarcoidosis she previously had was no longer existing.

SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT A gentleman called the Prayer Centre to ask for healing, as he was going to see a cardiologist for treatment; a small tube was to be put through his vein. He called to say that he had the treatment and all went well. He is thanking God for that.



Amazing testimonies abound at the Prayer Centre, and you can make a difference to someone's life. Are you willing to be used by God in this area? Please contact Rudy or Tom, our Prayer Coordinators, on 020 8799 2199.




here is one major difference between following Christ and all other religions. All other religions believe that if you are first sanctified, you can then become justified. In other words, a person must first do sufficient good words to become a good person first (sanctification), so that this in turn will then lead to them to becoming accepted by God (justification), and earning a place in Heaven.

The Bible teaches precisely the opposite. To be accepted by God, a person must first be justified (be in right standing with God) before they can be sanctified (become a good and holy person accepted by God). There has only ever been one way to be justified, and that is not, nor ever has been, by trusting in our own efforts to be good. The apostle Paul explains why God introduced the Law of Moses under the Old Covenant. The Ten Commandments and all the other commandments were a measure of God’s standard of righteousness. If a person could live his entire life from birth, without ever once breaking a single command, he could be justified. But no one could possibly do that. The Commandments were given to reveal that very fact: that no one can attain perfection by themselves. Animal sacrifices never saved a person; they simply revealed that ‘the wages of sin is death’ (Romans 6:23). That innocent animal had to sacrifice its life to cover a person’s sin. Hundreds of years earlier, Abraham discovered how to saved: ‘He believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness’ (Galatians 3:6, quoting Genesis 15:6). We are saved by recognising our sinfulness; repenting of our sin, and trusting in the Lord to save us through our faith and with an innocent sacrifice taking our place. Under the Old Covenant or Testament, the Commandments were to show the people the impossibility of being able to keep them and so save themselves. They revealed our need of a Perfect Sacrifice, who could die in our place – Jesus Christ. When we ask Christ into our lives as Saviour and Lord, the Holy Spirit enters us, and enables us to live the life that pleases God; this was never possible beforehand, no matter how hard we tried to keep God’s laws. With the power of the Holy Spirit within us, we can be transformed in character from our old way of life to the new, growing in all aspects of the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We are praying this month, ‘Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit’ (Galatians 5:24).

1st – Galatians 4:1-2 No longer children 1. Lord, help us to set our hearts on seeking to grow in spiritual maturity. 2. Cause us to be people who do not remain dependant on others regarding spiritual matters, but instead are able to be teachers of others in the ways of God. 3. Bring us to the place of spiritual maturity, O Lord, where we are able to trust you completely, and so overcome in all situations. 4. We pray for those in our midst, who are still young in their faith, that you would help them to grow in leaps and bounds, Holy Spirit. 5. Cause us to be natural mentors of others, O Lord, as they follow our example of following Christ.

2nd – Galatians 4:3-5 Full rights as sons 1. Help us not only to understand the authority we have in Christ, but also to be able to use it effectively to build your Kingdom, O Lord.

2. Holy Spirit, we ask for a fresh infilling daily, so that each day we can accomplish in your power everything you desire us to do. 3. Cause us as a church to receive the full number of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and to learn to use them powerfully and effectively, we pray. 4. Help us to learn the power of intercession, and how to use the authority you have given us to pull down wicked spiritual strongholds, O God. 5. Fill us with the boldness to stand for Christ and for righteousness that comes from knowing we have the rights of children of the living God.

3rd – Galatians 4:7 Heirs and sons of God 1. As heirs of God, may we inherit and develop the character of Christ. 2. As your heirs, O God, may we move boldly and confidently in the power of Christ delegated to us. 3. As sons of God, use us, O Lord, to help build your Kingdom in power.

4. As sons of God, help us to use our authority through prayer, and command to pull down every wicked spiritual stronghold that seeks to prevent us seeing great spiritual fruit. 5. As your sons, grant us success to see your Kingdom come and your will be done in ever-increasing abundance, we pray.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

Galatians Chapters 4 to 6

4th – Galatians 4:8-9 Slaves to other gods 1. Lord, we pray for all Muslims we know and meet, that you would give them a revelation of who Christ really is and save them. 2. We pray for all Hindus and Sikhs we know and meet, that they would understand the reality of the gods they worship, and come to know the one and only eternal Living God. 3. We pray for all those who believe they are Christians but, in reality, are slaves to a religion only, that you would help them understand the necessity of salvation through faith in the Christ.

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SEPTEMBER 2013 4. We pray for all those we know and meet, who worship the god of materialism, that you would show them their spiritual poverty and cause them to seek true riches in Christ. 5. For all those atheists we know and meet, who have man as the focus of their worship, open their blind eyes before it is too late for them, O Lord.

5th – Galatians 4:10-11 Wasted efforts 1. Holy Spirit, daily guide and lead us, we pray, so that none of our efforts in sharing the Gospel through word or deed will fall on stony ground. 2. We pray for every word we speak about you, O Lord, to those who are currently unbelievers that, in due time, our words may produce a spiritual harvest. 3. We pray for every tract that we have handed out, that each one will be read and that what is written may make a lasting impression that will lead to salvation. 4. We pray that every word taught to our children and youth about you, O God, will not remain ineffective, but will cause them to grow into salvation and spiritual maturity. 5. Lord, give us wisdom in whom we speak to and how we speak to them about you, so that we do not simply end up trying to win an argument.

6th – Galatians 4:12 Being an example of Christ 1. Holy Spirit, help us to become more and more like Jesus, we pray. 2. May we move in all the power of the Holy Spirit that you, Lord Jesus, have enabled us to receive. 3. Give us the words of wisdom whenever we are speaking to people, that you, Lord Jesus, always had. 4. We pray for all the teachers in the ministries of our children and youth, that they may convey the example of Christ even without realising it. 5. We pray for all our Discipleship Cell leaders and Cell members, that they may help each other to become examples of Jesus.

7th – Galatians 4:13-14 Not hindered by adversity 1. O Lord, we know in this world we will have trouble, but since you have overcome the world, cause us always to overcome any adversity in our lives. 2. Help us to regard adversity as a means to grow in faith, rather than as an obstacle that causes us to backslide, we pray.


3. Help us to always be able to say with Job, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.” 4. Give us the discernment to know the difference between a problem allowed by you, O Lord, to enable us to grow spiritually, and an obstacle sent by the enemy. 5. Enable us to be in that place, O God, where, like Paul and Silas in prison, we can still praise you in times of adversity, and so overcome our situations.

their relationship with you, O God; bring them back to you. 4. We pray for all those in the church, who have backslidden because they have been tempted into sin; help them break its hold on them, repent and be restored, O Lord. 5. We pray for those in the church, who have backslidden because of the cares and the busyness of life; help them re-prioritise their lives, so they can once again know the joy of their salvation.

8th – Galatians 4:15-16 Shouldering one another’s burdens

11th – Galatians 4:21-23 Children of promise

1. Give us your compassion for others, O Lord. 2. We pray for all our Discipleship Cells, that they would flourish as places for the weak to become strong in you, O God. 3. Help us to be and to remain strong, O Lord, so that out of our position of strength, we can help those who are weaker than we are. 4. Teach us to be people who seek to invest in the lives of others, O Lord, and not just to be focused on our own needs. 5. Give us the wisdom we need to know how best to minister to those who are experiencing times of trial, we pray.

9th – Galatians 4:17-18 Zeal properly focused 1. Lord, increase our zeal to be servants of Christ in all we do, we pray. 2. Lord, we pray you would banish all apathy from within us as your people, and to cause our eyes to be focused on the urgency of the task before us. 3. Give us a zeal that is focused on the lost, O Lord, and the passion to seek to see them saved. 4. If our zeal is currently not focused fully on you and your service, O Lord, then we pray you would help us to become re-focused to align with your will. 5. Breathe afresh on us, Holy Spirit, we pray, and cause the spiritual fire within us to become roaring flames.

10th – Galatians 4:19-20 Interceding for backsliders 1. O Lord, for all those who once walked with you alongside us, but who have now fallen away; restore them, we pray. 2. Bring conviction on all those we know who once served you, O Lord, so they understand the true poverty of their current condition. 3. We pray for all the family members of those in church who have backslidden in

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1. Lord, we ask that your promise to fill with the Holy Spirit those who ask, seek and knock, may be fulfilled throughout the church. 2. Lord, we pray that your promise to pour out a blessing upon us if we bring our tithes and offerings may be outworked in our lives. 3. Lord, may we grow ever closer to you so we regularly see fulfilled your promise that, if we call upon you, you will answer. 4. Lord, we pray that we may see fulfilled in our midst your promise that we will do the same works that you were doing, and even greater works also. 5. Lord, we pray that the promise to the Philippian jailer, that he and all his household would be saved, may be applied to our unsaved families also.

12th – Galatians 4:24-27 Producing children of freedom 1. As children of the Most High God, free us from all fear, we pray, since your perfect love casts out all fear. 2. Help us not to remain bound by any bondage of unforgiveness, O Lord, but instead to choose to forgive those who have hurt us, so we can be free. 3. In Jesus’ Name, we take authority over every spirit that seeks to bring us into bondage and hinder our effectiveness, and we pull down its plans. 4. Make us fruitful in our endeavours to lead people from the bondage of the kingdom of darkness into the freedom of the Kingdom of light, we pray. 5. Enable us to lead new believers into the fullness of the freedom in Christ, Lord.

13th – Galatians 4:28-31 Freedom in Christ 1. As we witness to the unsaved, O Lord, cause the spiritual chains holding them to be broken, we pray. 2. As we witness to those burdened with worries, open their spiritual eyes, so that




hen the apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Galatians, he was desperately concerned for them. At an earlier time, when he had travelled in their region, he had preached the Gospel to them. Many had responded by embracing faith in Jesus Christ crucified and, as a consequence, had been baptised in the Holy Spirit, seeing God work miracles amongst them. They had begun so promisingly. But after Paul had left to continue his missionary travels, something had gone badly wrong with the Galatian believers. False teachers had come among them, and had started to lead them astray with heretical teachings. They convinced the Galatian believers that salvation by faith in Christ alone through God’s grace was not sufficient. Instead, they needed to add certain religious activities to their belief in Christ. In other words, salvation came not simply by believing in Jesus, but by the need to earn salvation by doing good works as well. Here, we have the beginnings of turning the simple relationship with God through the faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross, into a ‘Christian’ religion. The idea that so long as we do more good things than bad, we can be assured of a place in Heaven. This is the belief that many people hold today. It enables a person to maintain, in their pride, the idea that they can contribute to their own salvation. This diminishes the all-sufficient sacrifice of Christ, and leads the person to destruction. Paul was livid. Twice he declares, “If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!” (Galatians 1:8-9). As a once-proud Pharisee, he had dedicated himself to earning his salvation by good works. But he had discarded such attempts as worthless upon meeting with the Risen Christ, and understanding his sacrifice on the cross, Paul scorned such worthless attempts at self-justification. “You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? … After beginning in the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?” (Galatians 3:1-3). All those who rely on their good works to save them are under God’s curse, because no one can be good enough. “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us; for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree’” (Galatians 3:13). He redeemed us, enabled us to receive his Holy Spirit and, as sons of God, to live our lives being led by the Spirit. As we pray through this month’s prayer points, we are asking God to help us, in all we do, not to rely on our natural strength and abilities alone, but to led by his Holy Spirit in power.

1st – Galatians 1:1-2 Fulfilling God’s mission 1. Lord, as we always remember that we are here on Earth not just for our benefit, but as your representative, keep our ears ever tuned to what you are telling us to do. 2. Holy Spirit, as we wait on you, help us to know the calling you have given each of us, and help us to fulfil it diligently. 3. As we go about our daily tasks, Lord, enable us to have a positive and godly influence that makes a difference in the lives of those people we mix with today. 4. As we surrender each day to you, O Lord, lead us in our conversations and actions with people in a way that will fulfil your will. 5. Anoint us with your power, O Lord, so that even our ordinary daily routines are transformed into Spirit-led events.

2nd – Galatians 1:3-5 Rescued from the present evil age 1. We thank you for the salvation we have received in Christ, and pray we may never be tempted to backslide.

2. We pray for all in the church who, though saved, are struggling to maintain their walk with you, O God; strengthen them to rise up and overcome. 3. Deliver us from all temptation that continually surrounds us, O God, and instead enable us to grow stronger in Christ. 4. Give us daily opportunities, in different ways, to share and live out the good news of the Gospel to those who are unsaved, we pray. 5. We pray for all our unsaved family members and friends, O Lord, that you would open their spiritual eyes so that they can be rescued from this present evil age.

3rd – Galatians 1:6-7 Preaching a different gospel 1. We pray for all we know or meet, who are involved in a cult; open their eyes and save them, O Lord, we pray. 2. We pray for all those we know and meet, who believe they will be saved by their good works; open their eyes to the truth and save them, O God.

3. We pray for all churchgoers we know or meet, who think that attending church will ensure they will be saved; reveal to them the truth, O Lord. 4. We pray for all those who attend churches that mix the occult with what they do; rescue them from this deceit, O God. 5. We pray for all we know and meet, who are trusting in different religions to save them; help them understand the truth about who Jesus is, and save them, O Lord.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

Galatians Chapters 1 to 3

4th – Galatians 1:8-10 The true Word of God 1. Holy Spirit, keep our lives solidly based on the Word of God, so that we do not preach anything that is false. 2. Enable us to spend regular time reading and understanding your Word, O Lord, so we do not wander from the truth. 3. Open our minds, Holy Spirit, whenever we read the Bible, to receive your true Word that will find a resting place in our hearts. 4. In all we do, may we always seek to please you, O Lord, rather than simply trying to be men-pleasers.

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AUGUST 2013 5. Give us courage always to act according to your Word, O God, even when it takes great courage.

5th – Galatians 1:11-12 Divine revelation 1. Lord, in many different ways, give us divine revelations of what you would have us do for you. 2. We pray for the multiplication of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in use amongst us, revealing your mind and will. 3. Give us the ability to discern the difference between our own thoughts, your thoughts, and thoughts from the enemy, we pray. 4. Give us open minds and expectant hearts ready and willing to hear from you, O Lord, and the faith to act upon what you are saying. 5. May we always be in that position where we can say, “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”

6th – Galatians 1:13-14 The Persecuted Church 1. Lord, we pray for the Church in all those parts of Africa, where it is being openly attacked and persecuted. 2. For the churches in India and Sri Lanka that are being attacked and persecuted, we pray you would help and strengthen your people, O God. 3. We pray for the churches in South East Asia, and particularly North Korea, where God’s people are treated badly; help them, O Lord. 4. We pray for all churches in the Middle East, whether they are caught up in conflicts or are simply being persecuted because they follow Christ. 5. We pray for the Church in the West to grow stronger, as their governments seek to marginalise them through political correctness.

7th – Galatians 1:15-17 Set apart to serve God 1. Cause us never to forget that we are set apart for a higher purpose, which is to serve you, O Lord. 2. As we remember that we have been called by you, O Lord, help us daily to live up to the great calling of being an ambassador for Christ. 3. We pray for all of our children and youth teachers in the church, that you would help them deposit the truths of Christ in the lives of those they teach.


4. We pray for all our Discipleship Cell leaders, that you would encourage them and give them all wisdom as they faithfully serve you in this ministry, O Lord. 5. We pray for all our intercessors who, often unseen, labour tirelessly in praying on behalf of others, that they may see great fruit from their labours, O God.

8th – Galatians 1:18-19 Accountability 1. We pray for our church leaders, O Lord, as they keep watch over us, that you would strengthen them and endow them with your wisdom. 2. May we not be tempted to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, O God, but instead live in mutually accountable relationships, so that we may remain spiritually strong. 3. We pray that you would multiply our Discipleship Cells, raising up leaders and adding more members. 4. We pray for all believers we know, who do not fellowship regularly in any church; help them to experience the blessings of regular fellowship. 5. We pray for all those who attend our local church intermittently or irregularly; help them to be able to fulfil their full destiny through the local church.

9th – Galatians 1:20-24 Radical conversions 1. In our personal witnessing, help us to see people radically coming to know Christ, we pray. 2. As we witness on the streets, lead us to those people whom you know, Holy Spirit, are going to be radically converted to Christ. 3. We pray for Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists to be radically changed by the power of the Gospel. 4. We pray for atheists and God-haters that, when we confront them with the truth of the Gospel, the Holy Spirit will totally turn their lives around as they accept Christ. 5. We pray for all those caught up in crime to be radically changed after being introduced to Jesus.

10th – Galatians 2:1-2 Not running the race in vain 1. Keep us close to you, O Lord, so that we do not go astray. 2. Help us not to be influenced by those who would seek to influence us negatively, but instead may we be influencers of others.

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3. We pray for all those we know, who have backslidden for different reasons; bring them back to yourself, O God. 4. Help us not only to start the race strongly, but to finish it well also. 5. Holy Spirit, enable us to grow deeper in Christ each day.

11th – Galatians 2:3-4 Discerning the truth 1. Give us wisdom to discern true believers from false, we pray. 2. Holy Spirit, help us move in your gifts of discernment and wisdom, so we are not led astray. 3. Keep us from all compromise when it comes to matters of your Word and standards, we pray. 4. Knowing that satan can appear as a angel of light, deliver us from every subtle or devious attack of the enemy, O Lord. 5. Help us to discern our own motives, O Lord, and give us the honesty to recognise when our motives are not aligned to yours, so we may change.

12th – Galatians 2:5-6 Not being pressured by others 1. Since man looks at the outside but God looks at the heart, enable us to keep our hearts right before you, O Lord. 2. Keep us strong and unmoved, O Lord, when the world pressurises us to conform to its ungodly standards. 3. We pray for all the young people in the church to be able to stand up to any peer pressure, so that they do not act in any ungodly way. 4. Holy Spirit, bring to our remembrance every spiritual and biblical truth we need to stand firm when we are under pressure from the world. 5. Give us the words of wisdom we need, Holy Spirit, when confronted with difficult situations where we are being pressured to dilute our godly standards.

13th – Galatians 2:7-8 God working through us 1. In our schools, colleges, places of work and communities, work through us, Lord, to minister to those in need who do not yet know you. 2. Deepen our prayer life, O Lord, so that we can stand in prayer to pull down every evil spiritual stronghold that stands against us or the church. 3. Make us effective in the ministries we carry out in church, and for those not



14th – Galatians 2:9 Pillars in the church 1. Help each one of us to become ‘pillars’ in the church – solid and dependable, with our foundations firmly on Christ. 2. May we always be people who can be trusted to keep our word and our commitments at all times. 3. Holy Spirit, help us grow in every practical and charismatic gift that you have given us, so we can use such gifts to help others, and so bring you glory. 4. Make each of us instruments of your glory, O God. 5. Cause us to be committed members of the body of the local church, so that we can maximise our potential to become ‘pillars’ in the church.

15th – Galatians 2:10 Remembering the poor 1. Give us open and generous hearts, O Lord, to be ready to give willingly whenever the occasion arises. 2. Cause us to give to those ministries helping the poor and orphans that the church is supporting on a regular basis, so that those who receive it are blessed. 3. We pray for all those in the church, who need a job, a promotion, or an increase in their business; as they seek first your Kingdom, add to them all they need, O God. 4. Help us to learn the secret of being content in any and every situation, so that we appreciate what we already have, knowing you will never leave us nor forsake us. 5. We pray for all we know who are poor in spirit, because they don’t know Christ; save them, O God.

16th – Galatians 2:11-13 Avoiding hypocrisy 1. Help us always to live according to the truth of your Word, O Lord. 2. Even when under pressure from unbelievers, keep us from acting differently

to the values of the Bible we profess, we pray. 3. Help us to be certain of what we believe, why we believe it, and never to deviate from it, O God. 4. May the lives we live always be a testimony of your presence within us, Holy Spirit, even when we are not sharing our faith verbally. 5. Help us to be like Nathaniel, in whom Jesus could see nothing false or hypocritical, we pray.

17th – Galatians 2:14-16 Faith in Christ Jesus 1. Lord, help us to live as the people of faith that you want us to be, in all that we do, we pray. 2. May our walk of faith continue to grow step by step, as we learn through exercising it in new and different situations. 3. In those areas of our lives where our faith is weak, give us the grace to see it strengthen and develop, O Lord. 4. Free us from fear and, instead, enable us to enjoy the peace of God that comes through complete trust in you, O God. 5. Teach us how to be led by the Holy Spirit in every aspect of our daily lives, we pray.

18th – Galatians 2:17-19 Living for God 1. Lord, we commit our spirit, soul and body into your hands for you to use for your glory. 2. Holy Spirit, as we submit our thoughts to you, cause us to be totally transformed by the renewing of our minds. 3. We submit all our emotions to you, O Lord, and pray you would enable us to express them always from our new spiritual nature, and not from our old nature. 4. As we start each morning, submitting each day into your hands, may we accomplish everything you intend us to do for each day, we pray. 5. May you always be the first priority for our lives, O Lord.

19th – Galatians 2:20 Crucified with Christ 1. Lord, help us to crucify our old nature, and ensure it does not rise up again in any situation. 2. Develop within us self-control as part of the fruit of the Spirit, we pray. 3. For those areas of our nature that fall short of your standards, O Lord, enable us to recognise them, and seek your help to change.

4. Lord, cause us to crucify any and every thought that comes to our minds that belongs to our old nature. 5. As we seek to allow the agapé love you have given to us, may we become more Christlike in all we are and in all we do.

20th – Galatians 2:21 The grace of God 1. Lord, as we seek to grow closer to you, by your grace anoint us to be effective witnesses for you, both in word and action. 2. By your grace, O God, may we see a harvest of souls, with many people from all backgrounds giving their lives to you. 3. By your grace, O Lord, may we know your manifest presence in all our meetings, with your Holy Spirit feeling free to do whatever he wills amongst us. 4. By your grace, O God, help each person in the church to desire to grow deeper and stronger in every area of discipleship, we pray. 5. By your grace, O Lord, send a revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray.

21st – Galatians 3:1 Bewitched 1. In the Name of Jesus, we bind the power of every wicked spirit that is seeking to operate against this church. 2. We break every plan and scheme of the powers of darkness that seek to frustrate the effectiveness of this church in fulfilling the Great Commission. 3. In Jesus’ Name, we break the power of every wicked spirit that is seeking to bring any of us into bondage or ineffectiveness in any way. 4. Help us, O Lord, to continue to see breakthroughs in every area of salvation, healing and deliverance. 5. Rise up in our midst, O Lord, and let every enemy of yours be scattered.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

carrying out any ministry, cause them to find and fulfil the role you have for them, O God. 4. Make us effective in seeing your church grow in all areas of outreach that we are involved in, either as individuals, teams or as a church. 5. Continue to work through the church to extend your Kingdom, O Lord, in every country we are involved in regarding mission.

22nd – Galatians 3:2 Receiving the Spirit 1. Come, fill us afresh right now, Holy Spirit, so that we overflow into the lives of those around us. 2. For those among us not yet baptised in the Holy Spirit, as they earnestly seek you for this purpose, fill them, we pray. 3. Cause us to want to seek to go deeper in the things of the Spirit, and not simply to be content with the little we may already have, we pray.

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AUGUST 2013 4. Draw our hearts to you, O Lord, so that we may prioritise enough time in your presence, where we can receive more of your Spirit. 5. Breathe afresh upon us, Holy Spirit, and may our dry bones live.

23rd – Galatians 3:3-5 Moving in the miraculous 1. Use us to see more and more of the sick healed, both inside and outside the church building, we pray. 2. Enable us to operate more effectively in the gifts of words of knowledge and words of wisdom, O Lord. 3. Use us to minister powerfully to others through words of prophecy, we ask. 4. Holy Spirit, help us to move in the gifts of faith and miracles. 5. Enable us to effectively use the gift of discerning of spirits, so that we are always one step ahead of the enemy, we pray.

24th – Galatians 3:6-7 Trusting like Abraham 1. Lord, give us a trust in you as strong as that of Abraham, we pray. 2. As Abraham was prepared to be led by you, O Lord, though he did not know where you were taking him, give us that same total trust to be led by you, we pray. 3. Cause our love for you, O Lord, to exceed our love for any ‘Isaacs’ in our lives. 4. Help us to have the faith to hold on to every prophetic word you have given to us - as individuals or as a church - until we see its fulfilment, we pray. 5. As you made the descendants of Abraham into a populous nation because of his faith, cause us to see countless, spiritual children being born again into your Kingdom, O Lord.

25th – Galatians 3:8-9 Bringing the blessing of the Gospel to the nations 1. Continue to send revival that will reach all parts of Africa, we pray. 2. We pray that the Middle Eastern countries will all experience a mighty move of the Holy Spirit in revival power. 3. Send a revival across every nation in the continent of Asia, O Lord. 4. We pray for all the European countries that, in the midst of their backsliding, you would move in revival power, O God. 5. Move in revival power in North and South America, together with all the island countries of the world, we pray.


26th – Galatians 3:10-12 Freedom in Christ 1. As we submit our lives fully to you, O Lord, help each of us find total freedom in Christ. 2. For all those amongst us, who are held in ungodly bondages, help them, O Lord, to recognise their need and find deliverance through Christ. 3. For all those we know, who are struggling because of generational sins and curses, cause them to seek release through the power of Christ, we pray. 4. Deliver us from every bondage to legalism into complete freedom in Christ, we pray. 5. May we experience the truth that, ‘he who the Son sets free shall be free indeed’.

27th – Galatians 3:13-14 Redemption in Christ 1. Help us, Holy Spirit, to present the lifechanging message of the cross, clearly and in power, whenever we have the chance to speak to others about salvation. 2. Lord, help us lead many to the redemption and salvation found in Christ. 3. We pray that in all our personal witnessing, you would continue to guide us to those whose hearts are ready to receive the Gospel. 4. We pray for an ‘open heaven’ each time our street teams go out to witness, so that they lead many to salvation in Christ. 5. Move in convicting power during our services, O Lord, to cause many unbelievers to see their sin and their need to accept Christ as Saviour.

29th – Galatians 3:19-22 The 10 Commandments reveal God’s standards 1. Lord, may we love you with all our heart, soul, strength and mind, and never permit any kind of idol in our lives. 2. Help us always to honour your Name by living righteously, and to prioritise a weekly day of worship. 3. Help us to honour our parents and to fulfil our roles within the family in the way you have called us to do. 4. Help us to love our neighbours by not acting in anger, being tempted by lust, or stealing from anyone, we pray. 5. Keep our lips from lying, O God, and our thoughts from coveting that which is not rightfully ours.

30th – Galatians 3:23-25 Being led to Christ 1. Lord, use us to bring many people to salvation in Christ, both individually and in our meetings, we pray. 2. We pray specifically for unsaved family members, friends and colleagues that even now, Holy Spirit, you will convict their minds and consciences of the need to turn to Christ. 3. Move powerfully in our midst, Holy Spirit, we pray, whenever your people meet together. 4. Begin your revival in us as individuals, O Lord, and may we then take it out to others. 5. Send a revival to our church, borough, city and nation, O God.

28th – Galatians 3:15-18 God’s covenantal promises

31st – Galatians 3:26-29 Living as sons of God

1. Since you are a God who always keeps his promises, enable us to rest fully in your promises, so that we do not live in anxiety. 2. For any of us who are troubled by anxiety, help us to live in the knowledge, Lord, that you have promised never to leave us nor forsake us. 3. As we remember the New Covenant, cause us to be ever watchful, as we examine ourselves, to live as befits one who has been redeemed by the blood of Christ. 4. Lord, we pray for all in the church who have made a covenant of marriage; keep each one totally faithful to those vows at all times. 5. Since you always keep your Word, O God, may we be people who are always true to our word.

1. Lord, help us to seek after holiness, as individuals and as a church, so that your glory may be seen in us. 2. Help us, Lord, to fulfil your Great Commission to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, and move in the gifts of the Spirit. 3. Bring upon everyone in the church a burden to pray that will lead to our seeing a great move of the Holy Spirit in our midst. 4. Cause us to be radical in the outworking of our faith, so that we influence the communities we live and work in. 5. Fill us, Holy Spirit, with your power, so that we can minister effectively to others at all times.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013



14th – Galatians 5:1 Stand firm 1. When people come against us because of our faith in Christ, Holy Spirit, help us to stand firm. 2. When we are experiencing adverse circumstances that put us under great pressure, help us to stand firm in Christ, we pray. 3. When we feel we are under a spiritual attack from the powers of darkness, enable us to stand firm, we ask. 4. When we feel let down by others, help us to look to you, O Lord, and so stand firm. 5. When our faith is under pressure for whatever reason, may no doubts ever enter our minds, but instead enable us to stand firm, we pray.

15th – Galatians 5:2-4 Not falling from grace 1. Keep us from falling away from your grace by our own foolish actions, O Lord. 2. Give us the discernment when it comes to the company we keep, so that we do not allow ourselves to be influenced negatively by the ungodly. 3. Cause us to remain close to you, O God, so that we do not find ourselves backsliding. 4. Keep us from allowing the spiritual fire within our souls to grow cool, but rather to be constantly stirred up and hot, we pray. 5. For those we know who have fallen from your grace, we pray they would repent, turn back to you, and renew their relationship once more.

16th – Galatians 5:5-6 What counts is faith 1. Give us a faith that can move mountains, O Lord. 2. We pray for those in the church, whose faith is currently weak for whatever reason; cause them to become strong, O Lord. 3. Give us the faith that enables us to give generously without being bound by fear of poverty, we pray.

4. Give us a faith that enables us to step out courageously in the spiritual gifts, Holy Spirit, we pray. 5. Help us to use effectively for you, the faith we already have, O Lord.

17th – Galatians 5:7-10 Staying on track 1. Keep us running a good race for you, O Lord, never stopping or slowing down, but remaining fully focused until we reach the finishing tape. 2. Cause us to remain steadfast, persistent, uncompromising and passionate about our life and service for you, we pray. 3. Help us discern those who come into the church sincerely seeking you, O God, whom we can help, and those who come in as wolves in sheep’s clothing, to cause harm. 4. Lord, help us to remain firm in biblical truth, letting nothing and no one undermine our rock-solid faith in the Word of God. 5. We take authority in Jesus’ Name over every plan of the enemy to stir up division, strife or confusion in the church, and we break its power to have any effect.

18th – Galatians 5:11-12 The offence of the cross 1. May we never flinch from preaching the message of the cross in all its fullness, even when that causes offence, O Lord. 2. Give us wisdom in how we present the message of the cross, O God, but may we never water it down in an attempt to make it more acceptable. 3. As we preach the message of the cross, Holy Spirit, move in power upon all those listening. 4. Help us to fully understand the allencompassing nature of the cross to save and restore all people, so that we remain passionate about sharing the message without compromise. 5. Cause us never to be ashamed of the cross, for in it alone is the power to save.

19th – Galatians 5:13-15 Love your neighbour 1. Teach us the power of servanthood, O Lord, so you can raise us up to places of power and influence, as we humble ourselves before you. 2. Help us to learn how to put your divine love into practice towards all those we know and meet, we pray. 3. For ourselves or any others in the church who have any form of resentment against others, Holy Spirit, help us to let it go.

4. As we look on the unsaved who surround us, give us a compassion for those we realise are heading for a lost eternity, we pray. 5. Cause us to work hard at being encouragers of others, O Lord, rather than bringing people down.

20th – Galatians 5:16-18 Live by the Spirit 1. Teach us how to become completely unselfish, as we seek to live by the Holy Spirit. 2. Help us to recognise and to overcome all sinful desires of our fallen nature, we pray. 3. Teach us how to live by the Spirit, we ask. 4. We bring any strongholds or bondages in our lives to you, O Lord, asking that they would be broken completely. 5. Although we are not yet sinless, enable us to live a life that consciously avoids sin in all its forms, we pray.

21st – Galatians 5:19-21 Avoiding sinful acts (1) 1. Guard all in the church from the folly of sexual immorality, we pray. 2. Keep us from any form of idolatry, whether obvious or subtle. 3. Guard us from ever being tempted to have any involvement with any form or expression of the occult, we pray. 4. Where there is hatred or resentment in our hearts, turn it into the forgiveness that comes from your agapé love, O Lord. 5. Keep us from being those who bring division, but instead may we be people who bring reconciliation, we pray.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

they can experience a salvation in Christ that is full of joy. 3. As we pray for the sick, cause them to know the power of Christ to heal their bodies, and also to save their souls. 4. As we witness to those in bondage to false ideas, break the chains that bind them, and release them into the fullness of salvation in Christ. 5. Help us to be people who regularly see the lost saved, the sick healed, those in bondage delivered, and Christ-rejecters turned into ambassadors for Jesus.

22nd – Galatians 5:19-21 Avoiding sinful acts (2) 1. Guard our thoughts from jealousy, O Lord, but instead may we be secure in our relationship with you. 2. Keep us from selfish ambition, we pray, but instead seek to outwork your perfect destiny for our lives. 3. We pray for unity in the Spirit at all times, O Lord. 4. Give us wisdom to be good role models for others to follow when it comes to alcohol, we pray. 5. Help us to be people who are seen to be different from the world, because of the godly standards we adhere to, we ask.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013



SEPTEMBER 2013 23rd – Galatians 5:22-23 Living out the fruit of the Spirit

26th – Galatians 6:2-5 Carry each other’s burdens

29th – Galatians 6:11-16 Standing up to be counted

1. Develop within us the full measure of the divine characteristics you desire to see in us, Holy Spirit, we ask. 2. Help us to outwork the unconditional agapé love that you want to develop within us, Holy Spirit, so that we incorporate it into every area of our daily lives. 3. Help us learn to experience the joy and peace of the Lord - joy even in times of trial, we pray. 4. Cause us to be people who can exhibit at all times the fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is patience, kindness and goodness. 5. May our characters be marked with the Christlike qualities of gentleness, faithfulness and self-control, Holy Spirit, we ask.

1. Give us hearts of compassion for one another, we pray. 2. Holy Spirit, help us to exhibit to one another at all times the agapé love you have put within us. 3. We pray that each of our Discipleship Cells will always be places where those who are burdened may quickly find wholeness. 4. Help us always to desire to sow into the lives of others, rather than always seeking to receive from others, we pray. 5. Cause us to remain strong in you, O Lord, so that out of our position of strength, we can help those who are weak.

1. In this backslidden generation and society we live in, strengthen us to stand up and be counted as unashamedly fervent followers of Christ. 2. In our schools, colleges, workplaces, homes and neighbourhoods, make us people who are not afraid to stand up for Christ. 3. Raise up your people to have positions of influence in every part of society where we can bring a godly influence for good, we pray. 4. As our society becomes increasingly hostile to the message of the Gospel, may we not be intimidated by the spirit of Antichrist that is already evident in this world. 5. As we declare we are not ashamed of the Gospel, may we experience its power to reach others with salvation.

24th – Galatians 5:24-26 Keeping in step with the Spirit 1. Enable us to keep our old nature fully crucified, O Lord, so that it does not have an opportunity to flare up at any time. 2. Teach us daily how to walk in step with you, Holy Spirit, as we hand each day over to you to guide us. 3. Speak to our consciences at all times, Holy Spirit, we ask, guiding us to keep in step with you. 4. May we not remain as spiritual infants, but help us to be continually growing in spiritual maturity, Holy Spirit, we ask. 5. Cause us to remember at the beginning of each day to commit all our ways into your hands to be led by you, Holy Spirit.

25th – Galatians 6:1 Guarding against temptation 1. Help us to resist all temptation, and deliver us from evil, O Lord. 2. Cause us to watch and examine ourselves closely to see that we are not allowing temptation to overcome us in any area of our lives, we pray. 3. Give us wisdom, tact and gentleness with those caught in sin, and make us successful in bringing restoration, we pray. 4. Cause us to be on our guard most when things are going really well, since this is the time we are often most vulnerable to temptation. 5. When we do miss the mark and fail you, O Lord, make us quick to repent and seek your forgiveness, and help us not to repeat the same mistakes.


27th – Galatians 6:6-8 Reaping what we sow 1. As we sow in evangelism, O Lord, give us a harvest of souls. 2. As we sow with our tithes and offerings, bless your people in good measure, we pray. 3. As we sow in faith, praying for the needs and physical healings of others, cause us to see a multiplication of miracles, O Lord. 4. As we sow with intercessory prayer, on behalf of our unsaved family, friends, colleagues and neighbours, enable us to reap revival, O God. 5. As we sow your Word into our children and youth, cause us to reap a new generation that is on fire with a passion for Jesus, we pray.

28th – Galatians 6:9-10 Don’t become weary of doing good 1. Lord, may we never tire of passionately seeking to win the lost to Christ. 2. May we never grow weary of interceding for revival in our church, our borough, our city and our nation, O Lord. 3. Lord, may we never tire of seeking to become more and more like Christ. 4. Lord, may we never tire of seeking to grow closer to you, so that we can move in signs, wonders and miracles both inside the church building and outside. 5. May we never tire of seeking to encourage one another, mentor one another, and spur one another on to good works for Christ, we pray.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013

30th – Galatians 6:17-18 Suffering for Christ 1. We pray for Christians suffering in Middle Eastern countries, that you would sustain them in their hour of trial. 2. We pray for all those Christians in South East Asian countries, who are being persecuted for following Christ; give them strength to overcome, O God. 3. We pray for all those Christians suffering persecution in northern African countries; watch over and keep them, O Lord. 4. We pray for all those believers, who live in countries ruled by dictatorships which persecute Christians; grant them extra measures of your grace, O God. 5. We pray for Christians in the West, who are losing their jobs because they will not compromise their biblical standards; provide all their needs, O Lord.

CAPPUCCINO COMMUNICATIONS by Rev John Glass Send your email address to sharon.millar@ to be added to the mailing list


SUNDAY SERVICES at a glance 9.00am, 11.15am, 6.30pm SEPTEMBER 2013

AUGUST 2013 4th 11th 18th 25th

PRAISE & COMMUNION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Mark King CELEBRATION & MINISTRY EVENING Speaker: Pastor Sam Blake with the New Wine team CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton CELEBRATION & MINISTRY EVENING Speaker: Pastor Mark King CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton FILM: “LATE ONE NIGHT” followed by BARBECUE Convenor: Pastor Rajinder Buxton


1st 8th

PRAISE & COMMUNION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton CELEBRATION & MINISTRY EVENING Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton

AM PM 15th

CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo

AM PM 22nd

CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton




CELEBRATION & MINISTRY EVENING Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo CELEBRATION SERVICE Guest speaker: Pastor Jeremy Griffiths Heights Christian Church, Adelaide

CELEBRATION & MINISTRY EVENING Guest speaker: Pastor Jeremy Griffiths





takes place on


is the Senior Pastor of Heights Christian Church in Adelaide, Australia. He is making a welcome return to ECC and will be ministering at the MORNING and EVENING services on



Invite your family, friends and neighbours to an evening of fun, fellowship, food and laughter

ENCOUNTER WEEKENDS: Speak to a Discipleship Cell leader for details... GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013


ECC Attendance and Finance Statistics

ATTENDANCE 05 May 2013 12 May 2013 19 May 2013 26 May 2013 02 Jun 2013 09 Jun 2013 16 Jun 2013 23 Jun 2013 30 Jun 2013

MAY / JUNE 2013

Children Children 9.00am 9.00am 11.15am 11.15am 273 36 438 102 271 26 456 109 256 47 411 77 212 36 376 81 265 52 432 100 236 47 437 99 287 24 455 123 295 38 455 103 246 30 437 81

6.30pm 106 125 175 575 87 127 91 70 101


MAY JUNE Tithes & Offerings £37,115.61 £50,512.42 Building Fund £145.00 £111.60 Standing Orders £13,446.42 £12,157.02


A NOTE from the Treasurer



od owns everything in this world, ie. ‘the cattle on a thousand hills’ are His. It might seem that He doesn’t really need our tithes and offerings. Actually, He doesn’t need them, but we need to give them, for in so doing, God is helping us to understand the law of reciprocity in this area. In addition, failure to tithe means we are actually robbing God of what is due Him.

PICTURE: Olga Dias

In Malachi 3:8-9, God spells out the results when the nation of Israel does not repay Him what they owe: “Will a man rob God? Yet you rob Me. But you ask, ‘How do we rob You?’ In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse, the

whole nation of you, because you are robbing Me.” When we tithe, we actually receive many blessings from God. Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.” We are also told that when we give to others, we give to God. Proverbs 19:17 says, ’He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done.’ Yet, we should give not only because God expects us to. Our sincerity in returning to God a portion of His bounty is equally important. We’re told in II Corinthians 9:7, ‘Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’

The apostle Paul also tells us that we receive according to the way we give. 2 Corinthians 9:6 says, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” Luke, likewise, admonishes in Luke 6:38 - “For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” However, we are warned against making public our acts of giving in Matthew 6:1 - “Be careful not to do your ‘acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in Heaven.” I will encourage us to give our tithes to the place that feeds you spiritually. If you’re a church member, you should honour your own church with consistent, financial support, since membership entails responsibilities as well as privileges. I pray that as you remain obedient in this area of your worship to God, He will make all grace abound to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Sandra Dawodu

PLEASE NOTE: You can now pay your tithes and offerings through the ECC website at 22

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013

EVANGELISM & PRAYER @ ECC “Evangelism without intercession is like an explosive without a detonator.” - Reinhard Bonnke



6.30pm to 7.30pm

Call our confidential prayer line for ANY need 24 hours a day 7 days a week

in front of ECC Every Tuesday evening



in front of ECC Last Wednesday of each month

020 8799 2199 DAILY

Wednesday 28th August Wednesday 25th September


12noon to 2pm


Saturday 10th August Location ACTON Saturday 7th September Location SHEPHERD’S BUSH For all those wanting to take part in Evangelism, there will be meetings in the Auditorium on: Sunday 4th August - after 2nd service Sunday 1st September - after 2nd service

LIGHTHOUSE EVANGELISM in front of ECC Third Saturday of each month

11am to 1pm

Saturday 17th August Saturday 21st September


POLISH FELLOWSHIP Elim Springs Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Auditorium (Please use side entrance)

Monday to Friday

Morning meetings 10.00am to 11.00am - Annexe Room 2*

(*on the main street to the left of ECC's main doors and can be accessed directly from the street)

EVENing meetings 6.00pm to 7.00pm - Foyer



Last Friday of every month 10.00pm to 5.00am A night of intercession, celebration, thanksgiving and praise Friday 30th August Friday 27th September


ECC Japanese Fellowship Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Foyer For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA

For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder NO MEETING IN AUGUST Saturday 21st September For non-ECC attenders: Please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060

REVIVAL & HEALING MEETINGS Second Sunday evening of every month 6.30pm Sunday 11th August Sunday 8th September Receive personal prayer and hear powerful testimonies of God’s provision and healing

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013



Mervyn & Priscilla MENSAH on the birth of their SON Caleb Born: 4th March 2013 Brother to Caiden




MONDAYS 12.00pm to 1.00pm


with fun, fitness and flexibility ONLY £2.50 - at ECC THURSDAYS 12.00pm to 1.00pm


Inspirational moves and grooves (please bring a mat) ONLY £2.50 - at ECC


Stephen & Shobica FERNANDO on the birth of their DAUGHTER Ariella Andrea Born: 6th May 2013 Weight: 2.66 kg

Meetings start @ 2pm Please note there are


We hope you have an enjoyable summer break Congratulations

Ivor & Tecla THOMAS on the birth of their DAUGHTER Arielle Shekinah Melody Born: 5th April 2013 Weight: 7lb 3oz Sister to Yohann & Giovanni


SEPTEMBER 4th Peter Holmes & Peter Brider 11th Merle Aqui 18th Prayer & Praise 25th Merle Aqui

evergreens Please contact Sharon Grant for details of events

Paul & Rachel MEREDITH on the birth of their DAUGHTER Anna Faith Born: 25th June 2013 Weight: 6lb 5oz Another granddaughter for Pastors Richard & Rajinder (pictured) and sister to Chloe


to Tim WILLIAMS and Rebecca MULHOLLAND on their WEDDING which took place on Friday 12th July 2013


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013

recommences Wednesday 11th September


recommences Saturday 7th September


Equipped for

PICTURE: EITC 2013 graduates


o you know how to prophesy and to heal? Are you equipped to move in the Holy Spirit? Do you know the Word of God? Are you equipped to know how to use it? Do you want to see others come to Christ? And are you equipped?

‘School of the Miraculous’ and ‘School of Evangelism’ equip and train people like you in the Message, Ministry and Mission. Not only are people taught what the Bible teaches, but also how to practically demonstrate its truth through prophecy, healing and deliverance; and, in so doing, impact others’ destinies. God’s heart is for the nations

You will realise that you need to be more fully equipped to serve God in our generation and in our time If you are honest, you will probably not be able to simply answer Yes to all those questions. You will realise that you need to be more fully equipped to serve God in our generation and in our time. There is, however, an answer. Equippers International Training Centre (EITC) has been set up for people like you.

of the world. While many Christian colleges put their emphasis on theology knowing and

understanding the Word of God - not many give much attention to its application. Few give much importance to the Great Commission to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’, and even fewer give much importance to the value of the supernatural spiritual gifts. EITC is different. EITC, a partnership of the Elim Pentecostal Churches (Metropolitan Region), began in September 2007 at Ealing Christian Centre. We offer Certificate and Diploma courses in Practical Ministry. Students are of all ages and from all walks of life, but all have the same desire to be equipped in His Word and Spirit to change nations. What about you? Are you ready to be so equipped? Part-time courses run on a choice of days: Tuesdays from 9.30am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 4.30pm, and Thursday and Friday evenings from 7.00pm

Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations... Matthew 28:19a

to 9.30pm. Why don’t you give us a call and find out more? Call the church office on 020 8840 7508 and ask for EITC, and take your first step on the road to know the Word of God, move in the Spirit, and impact others for Jesus Christ. Blessings.


NEW TERM STARTS Thursday 19th/ Friday 20th September Brochures available in Auditorium

EITC’s three modules: ‘School of the Word’, GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013



Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds

EALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE does not in any way endorse any advertised company or products, and cannot guarantee rates, levels of service or workmanship Advertising space is offered on a first come, first served basis. ECC reserves the right to publish the advert where space is available, and not necessarily on the Classifieds page. ECC reserves the right to alter any advertisement to improve reproduction quality. ECC excludes liability for any loss due to noninsertion or any errors in the advertisement. ECC reserves the right to refuse publication of any advert that it does not deem suitable for Grapevine magazine; the Editor-in-Chief's decision is final.

ADVERTISE YOUR GOODS OR SERVICES Contact ECC Office for details on 020 8840 7508 or email

WHAT WE BELIEVE - Elim Pentecostal Churches 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error,

the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and coeternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013

and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.

How to...




ome time ago, I found myself developing a really bad habit, using very bad words... Yes, really bad! When praying, I found myself repeating the word ’don’t’; that’s the very bad word. Not once, but multiple times. I was actually praying to God about what I don’t want. Where on earth did I get that bad habit from? Now, the reason this is truly troubling is that this has been a personal soap box issue for me, and I go on and on about it: Ask God for exactly what you want. So, you can imagine my horror when I heard myself praying, using the word ’don’t‘, and realised I was asking God for things I clearly did not want!!!! Before you continue, turn to Matthew 6:9-13 and read the Lord’s Prayer. Observe how many times the word ‘don’t’ is used. You will find it’s zero, nada, zilch! The reason is so obvious. God is in the giving business, and knows what we want before we ask. But if we have only informed Him about things we don’t want...

‘Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven’

This line isn’t praying against anything but for something. Oh man. I repeat, this line is not praying against anything, it’s praying ’for‘ something. When praying from our feelings, it’s easy to pray for things not to happen.

I had a serious disciplinary a few years ago; it was an allegation of gross misconduct. The process was supposed to end with me being fired. And I was both aggrieved and angry. I lost weight, because it was a malicious accusation. I had never been in this position before. I got into prayer mode; called members of my Discipleship Cell group, and asked them to pray that the accusation would not succeed.. However, before the hearing, I’m not sure what happened, but my prayer had changed: I was asking for the allegations to be proved false. Guess what? The allegations were proved false. The challenge is to turn our feelings of “Oh no, I don’t want that to happen”, into a prayer for something positive to happen.

‘Deliver us from evil’ This is a fantastic line. It’s also daunting. From the perspective that ‘deliver’ means I haven’t avoided the evil, I am facing it. But I don’t want to be facing it... I don’t want ’it‘ to happen! Asking for what I don’t want, rather than what I do want - deliver me from evil! The Lord’s Prayer is so perfect, it’s perfect. It continuously asks for what we want. ‘Give us this day our daily bread.’ ‘Forgive us our debts.’ The Lord knows evil abounds, and that we don’t have to go searching for evil to be found in situations requiring escape. So, here,

we see that God is capable of delivering us, whether it’s our decision that landed us there or circumstances. Isn’t it great to know we can simply ask God to deliver us from evil?

Spiritual self-preservation Now, after some time, I realised the problem. I was attempting spiritual selfpreservation. In other words, I had started looking out for my own ’spiritual‘ skin, instead of relying on my Father’s protection. It’s difficult facing all the different issues that life throws at you and, at times, it’s easy to enter ’self‘ defence mode -I must protect me! As much as that feeling is appealing, it is wrong on many, many levels. Spiritual self-preservation is a deception. It is based on the deception that I can protect myself... Well, I can’t, you can’t. Within the Kingdom, our protection comes from the King and the King alone. And it’s about trusting the King to protect you. When Moses hit the rock instead of speaking to it, God said something I found strange. You would think He would say, “Moses, why are you being so disobedient?” Or, from a Caribbean context, “Moses, why your head so hard?” Instead, He said, “You

don’t trust me.” God said, “You don’t trust Me” - that’s heavy! Fast forward to the New Testament. A picture of total reliance on God can be seen when Jesus said, “You don’t take My life, I lay it down.” That’s big! Imagine facing certain death, yet being totally convinced that your protection - beyond the grave - is in the King’s hands. Oh man! Since that experience, I spend loads more time focusing on what I want, and asking for exactly that. I have also noticed that answers are coming faster, too. Now, it’s not saying, because you are waiting for answers, that you are not asking for what you want. It may well be that you have asked for a long-term item, let’s say, a house purchase. We must be realistic; deposits, conveyancing, etc are all required, so with the best will in the world, a house purchase isn’t an overnight enterprise. Reflect on what you’ve asked for, and see that God is actually busy making a way. Our God is an awesome God, so pray for what you WANT!


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013



“Thank You, God!”


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013



Rogene COLLINS Life before knowing Jesus was an unproductive dead end. Since knowing Christ and putting God first, everything is possible through Him. I’m bursting with praise, because He has set me free.

I became a Christian in 2010 in a church in Manchester. I was born in a Catholic College, but it didn’t feel right - something was missing - so I stopped going at the age of 18. At age 23, I found God, and now I would love to get baptised because I want to follow Jesus’ footsteps.

Ade ONAYIGA I became a Christian when I was about 15 or 16. My brother and sister attended a Pentecostal church and became born again, and when they became part of the church, I was touched and understood the meaning of being made new.

Izabela PAWLUK I was born into a Catholic family, and was always searching for God but couldn’t find or hear Him. Six months ago, when I had a difficult time in my life, my friends told me the Good News and I accepted Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I want to be baptised to follow His example.

Sarah Araba ESHUN I grew up in a Christian home, where the couple were pastors. I accepted Christ at school, aged 13, but have had my ups and downs. I have never been baptised by immersion in water, and wanted to do it, as it is part of being a full disciple of Christ.


The candidates were baptised by Elder CHRIS LEE on Sunday 19th May 2013.


esus commanded everyone who believes and accepts Him as Saviour and Lord to be baptised, and therefore said, in Matthew 28:1819, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” To be ‘baptised’ means to be fully immersed in water, which comes from the Greek word baptizo. Grasping the meaning of water baptism as total immersion is one of the keys to our victorious and liberated Christian life. The act of going under the water and rising up from it again is a picture that demonstrates a powerful, spiritual significance to the Christian. There are four stages of water baptism that Christ demonstrates. Firstly, He died, hence we died with Him. Romans 6:6-7 says, ‘knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin, for he who has died has been freed from sin.’

I was led to Christ by my Dad. I decided to follow Jesus’ example by being baptised to show my full commitment to my faith, and to follow His footsteps.

Kenan QUARTEY I was led to Christ by my Dad, and wanted to find Christ for myself and to follow His ways. I decided to be baptised just as Jesus was, and also to share Christ with my friends.


Colin FU I used to be an anti-Christian. I hated Christians, especially the Bible verse “I’m the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am the only way to God.” Eventually, I decided to accept Christ as my Saviour and Lord at the age of 21. After a while, I finally found ECC and it was at ECC that I became full of the Holy Spirit. I was baptised in the Holy Spirit and fire. That was about two years ago. I always wanted to wait for the right time for water baptism. I felt that it was the right time for water baptism and decided to do it now.

Pictures supplied by Roy McEwen


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013

al Service Secondly, He was buried, so we were buried with Him. Romans 6:3-4 says, ‘Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptised into Christ Jesus were baptised into His death? Therefore, we were buried with Him through baptism into death...’ Thirdly, He was raised, so we have a new life in Him. Romans 6:4-5 says, ‘… that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For, if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection.’ Finally, He ascended, and we ascended in Him. Ephesians 2:6 says, ‘… and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus..’ Water baptism by immersion, therefore, has a powerful, spiritual meaning, which every born again believer must experience; this should not be substituted with a splash of water.


BAPTISM Sebastian JANCZAREK I was born into a Catholic family. Seven months ago, I became a Christian. Every day Jesus is changing me and my approach to many things. I cannot imagine my life without Him. Jesus is my Lord, and I want to follow Him. Baptism is a stepping-stone in my life as a baby Christian.

Roneil MULCHAN I was tired of how my life was when I was unsaved. I gave my life to Jesus in January 2013, and recently I’ve had an undeniable touch from God, and baptism is the next step in obedience to Christ.


Richard BAIDEN I awoke to find the house on fire. Jesus saved me, and I made a commitment to Christ.

Juliette YARDE I became a born again Christian last year when I was introduced to God by a friend on an Alpha Course. I believe Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and I want to be obedient to God and follow His command.

I became a Christian when I was aged 11 or 12. It was at an evening service, and the Pastor was asking people to give their lives to the Lord, and it just influenced me to do it. After that, I felt a sense of relief and all the heaviness was gone. I want to be closer to God; I want to make a bigger commitment.

Madeline MUZONDO I was brought up in a Christian family, and I came to know Jesus while at boarding school at the age of 16. I am getting baptised because I would like to become a ‘disciple’ of Jesus by following His steps, and to fulfil all righteousness.

Varsha SHAH In 2011, I started going to church because I saw my sister change. I have made a commitment to follow Jesus, and I want Him to change me, heal me and set me free.

If you would like to be baptised, please speak to PASTOR WILLIAM ANANE-FORKUO.

Meera Lennie MOYO I felt empty within me, as if I lacked something but didn’t know what, so I accepted Jesus to be my Lord and Saviour in June 2011 when I became sick. I started believing that my situation would change, and I felt peace within me, regardless of the different health issues I was facing.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 63 • AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2013


Weekly MEETINGS Sundays



09.00 09.30 09.30 09.30 11.15 11.45 11.45 14.30 14.30 18.30 20.00

FIRST MORNING SERVICE Little Seekers (Age 2-5yrs) Finders (Age 6-10yrs) Teens Talk (School years 7-11) - single gender classes SECOND MORNING SERVICE Crèche (18mths-3yrs) Adventurers (Nursery 3-4 yrs) Discoverers (Age 5 yrs) Explorers (School years 1&2) Investigators (School years 3&4) Pioneers (School years 5&6) Nu Talk (School years 7&8) Talkin' God (School years 9,10&11) - single gender classes Polish Church Service Japanese Church Service SUNDAY NIGHTS AT THE CENTRE (see page 21 for details) Refreshments in Coffee Lounge


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.30-21.15 Tuesday Night

Prayer Explosion


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 14.00 Wednesday Afternoon


18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College

Registration required

18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College

Registration required

(Last Friday of every month)

22.00-05.00 All-Night Prayer Meeting


11.00-13.00 Street Evangelism

Evangelism & Missions • Fellowship for all Ages • Praise & Worship • Prayer • Teaching BOROUGH-WIDE EVANGELISM | LIGHTHOUSE EVANGELISM | EVANGELISM EXPLOSION Discipleship Cells | Children’S ministries | Youth Ministries | Evergreens (Ministry for the Retired) DAILY PRAYER MEETINGS | WEEKLY PRAYER EXPLOSIONS | ALL-NIGHT PRAYER MEETINGS | Deliverance EQUIPPERS INTERNATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE (teaching ministry) | REVIVAL & HEALING MEETINGS

For further information: tel 020 8840 7508, email, or visit EALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE • 268 Northfield Avenue • Ealing • London W5 4UB Registered Charity No. 251549

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