G rapevine
ECC Prayer Centre - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Call for prayer on 020 8799 2199
Issue 61 April / May 2013
Pentecostal Church
A word from the SENIOR PASTOR
hen a mother thoughtfully packed the lunch for her son one day, knowing he was going to be sitting on a grassy mountainside, listening over many hours to the charismatic Preacher who was teaching and healing people in their vicinity, she had no idea that the whole world would one day know she had made those five small loaves for him to take with two small fishes.
He was, of course, the boy who brought what he had to Jesus, when the disciples were pondering Jesus’ instructions to feed the five thousand. The crowds were so engrossed in listening to Jesus that the day had passed; nightfall was not far off, and it was too far to go to any nearby village for them all to buy food. What he brought to Jesus became what was used to miraculously feed that vast multitude. Moses had fashioned for himself a shepherd’s staff - the right size and shape to help him in his daily work of looking after sheep. He could have had no idea that that seemingly insignificant piece of wood would play such a significant role in the next forty years of his life. It became an instrument that would be used to usher in the miracles of God; turning into a snake; invoking the ten plagues of Egypt, and
parting the Red Sea. When the businesswoman, Lydia, arranged a weekly prayer meeting with a group of women, she could never have foreseen how that faithful group would one day suddenly become the springboard for a whirl of activity that would result in the birth of the very influential church in her town of Philippi, the first church in Europe, as recorded in Acts chapter 16. When a man called to our house thirty five years ago and gave us £40 because he felt God had prompted him, he had no idea that his action would be the confirmation that God had certainly called me into full-time ministry, being the exact amount and coming
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
at the exact time I had secretly asked God to provide for me, in order to be sure I had indeed heard his call correctly. Had this man not done so, I may never have stepped out, and would have missed the opportunity to impact many lives in different countries for Christ. When my wife and I sent a telegram from Tanzania with just three words on it, we could never have foreseen how that would be the beginning of a major move of God in saving members of her Sikh family in Malaysia. Nothing is insignificant when placed into the hands of God. It is all a question of our being willing to make available to God whatever we have, and then leaving it to him to use it for his glory. It is then up to him the
extent to which he uses it and us. Recently, a member of ECC returned to her native country of Finland. She had been very active in several ministries within the church whilst here in London, having seen the sick healed, and those troubled by spirits set free, as well as going out regularly with the street teams in evangelism. She wanted what she had seen here at ECC to happen there also. Having spoken to the leadership of her church, she asked to start monthly healing meetings and, gaining their approval, had already had the first one. Rajinder and I were invited there to minister. It was not a country we had been to before - nor probably would have considered visiting (especially in the middle of winter!) - had it not been for the relationship we had already formed with the church through her. They wanted
n behalf of the family here at Ealing Christian Centre, we would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we are glad to have you worshipping with us today. We hope you will feel at home in our fellowship - whether this is your first time or your umpteenth time with us. May God bless you.
HAVE us to have healing meetings and teaching sessions, giving us the freedom to bring whatever God laid on our hearts. This provided the opportunity to speak on deeper biblical truths. The first healing meeting saw God move freely amongst them, with many arms and legs growing out, as long-term back, neck and leg pains disappeared. We ministered from 7.00pm until 10.45pm. A second healing meeting saw similar results. They were excited to see this move of God, which reinvigorated their belief in God’s healing power, and they are now continuing to hold monthly healing meetings of their own. Also, Rajinder and I have been invited back at a later time to minister at one of their regional meetings of church leaders, about 100 or so, one aspect of which will be to show them how to use the authority of Jesus to heal the sick. And so a greater opportunity has opened up to help sow into the lives of believers in that country. On our way home, we reflected on a prophecy spoken a couple of years ago, that God had given ECC the tools which would be taken out to other nations, and also that healing and deliverance would be a vehicle of taking deeper truths to other nations. Shortly, a team from our EITC Bible College will also be going out to the same town on a ten-day short-term mission, to share the Gospel and to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit, putting into practice all they have learned. This is in addition to the Team going out on another short-term mission to Cebu in the Philippines.
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We all have something to offer that God can use for His glory. It is simply a question of whether we are prepared to make ourselves available enough for God, to enable Him to use us.
A Word from the Senior Pastor A Strong Sense Of Calling by Tim Williams Nothing Is Complicated For God
by Harriet Gomez
6 7 8
Hello! Get Off The Internet! by Akin Osuntoki Women’s Discipleship Cells: Hounslow Mission: Impossible - To Rescue The ‘Undead’
by John Baker
Soaked In The Anointing
by Pastor William Anane-Forkuo
10 Revival & Healing Meetings
12 Prayer Centre Testimonies
13 Two-month Prayer Diary Pull-Out
21 What’s On At ECC - Services and Events
22 Finance & Attendance Statistics/What We Believe 23 Evangelism & Prayer Ministries Calendar
24 Fellowship & Congratulations
25 Practical Truths: How To Understand The Power In Your Words by Roy McEwen 26 Classifieds
27 Coming Under Authority by Pastor John Starr 28 Look What The Lord Has Done!
Jesus – you never know what may be the consequences. There will be many surprised believers who, on the day they meet Jesus face to face, discover the effects of what they thought to be something insignificant, God used for farreaching consequences.
by Pastor Mark King
29 Here We Are To Worship! by Children’s Ministries 30 Live Lounge Ealing by Delyn Pindai
31 Human Statue? by Pastor Ruth Trbojevic
Would you like to contribute an item to the next edition of the Grapevine magazine?
Richard Buxton
The deadline for the JUNE/JULY edition is FRIDAY 3rd May.
If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please email your article to info@ecc.org.uk, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. PICTURE: Googleimages
We all have something to offer that God can use for his glory. It is simply a question of whether we are prepared to make ourselves available enough for God, to enable him to use us. Don’t bury your talent in the ground, make it available to
Editor-in-Chief: Pastor Richard Buxton Editor & Design: Berean Services UK Photography: Roy McEwen plus various contributors from ECC Stock Images: freepik.com, publicdomainpictures.net, Googleimages Print: Deluxe Printers Ltd, London NW10 7NR, Tel: 020 8965 1771 Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: info@ecc.org.uk Website: www.ecc.org.uk Grapevine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Grapevine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where Grapevine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2013. All rights reserved.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
PICTURE: Rebekah an
A strong sense of
CALLING Introducing Tim Williams to ECC
She means the world to me, and we complement each other’s ministries so well. I cannot wait to begin our married life together.
aving grown up with pastors all throughout the family, I have seen my fair share of what it was like to be a Pastor. At 11 years old, I had seen enough to realise and make a conscious decision that this was something I never wanted to do. Seven years later, however, I found myself applying to study a BA Honours in Applied Theology at Regents Theological College, with the view of going on to become a minister in an Elim Church. I can tell you one thing for sure: never tell God that there is something that you NEVER want to do. He has a way of changing our minds! My name is Tim, and you may have seen me around church at different times. I am currently engaged to the beautiful Rebekah, and we are due to be married in early July. She is also studying at Regents Theological College for her degree in Applied Theology and Youth Ministry. The wedding seems to be getting closer and closer, while planning seems to be getting harder and harder, as we live so far away from each other and are both such busy people! However, we are certain that God has everything under control, and that everything is going to go ahead smoothly.
Nearly three years ago now, I started my degree in Applied Theology, and it was the biggest change I had ever experienced. The biggest change, but yet also one of the greatest things I have ever done. After spending two years studying there, and also being the Worship Coordinator for the College, I felt a strong sense of God calling me into furthering my training in the Music and Worship Ministry. Due to this strong sense of calling, I applied for a Worship Training Course at Holy Trinity Brompton in Central London (South Kensington) called Worship Central. This course is run by Tim Hughes, and has hundreds of applications every year but only 15 places to fill. As I read more and more about the Course, my hopes of getting in seemed to dwindle, and heavy doubt set in that I would never be good enough to be accepted. However, with the support of Becky, and the fact that I knew God was with me, I applied. Four months later, I received a letter of acceptance from the training course. I had been accepted!
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
I am loving my time here, and you have all been a massive blessing. You make me smile with how welcoming you are, and just how supportive you have been. You all already mean a lot to me, and I pray for you daily and will continue to do so for years to come. God bless you all, and thank you for such a great welcome!
Tim Williams
You might be wondering what any of this has to do with me being at ECC. As part of the Course, we are expected to do a placement in a church every Sunday as part of, or leading, a worship team. The rest of the Academy students are placed in HTB church plants all over London, and I am the only person who is not placed in an Anglican HTB church. I must say, however, I am very glad to be in an Elim church! You have definitely all made me - and Becky when she has visited - feel very much at home.
I felt a strong sense of God calling me into furthering my training in the Music and Worship Ministry.
As well as being part of the Worship Team here at ECC, I have also taken on a role in the offices here as Worship Ministry Assistant three days a week. Pastor Sam has been a massive help and support to me since I have moved to London and, when I arrived here, he let me know of a position that was opening up three days a week at the church, to help out with the Music and Worship Ministry. I, of course, applied as soon as possible, and haven’t looked back since. It has been such an amazing time and opportunity working here, and I am learning more and more as every day goes by.
PICTURE: Tim minister
ing on stage
received news in July that my Dad was very sick but, after three weeks of being admitted and transferred from different – and the most expensive - hospitals in the Gambia, there was no progress. He ended up in the public hospital, because there was a specialist that the Government brought over from Cuba. I really wanted my Dad to come over here, knowing he would get better treatment. I didn’t want to waste money to go there, when we needed it for him to come here. So prayer started for God to help me decide, and it came to a point that the flight he was meant to board was told they couldn’t risk taking him on, because he was so sick the pilot thought he was going to die on the flight. I came to church for prayers for my Dad’s situation. I was prayed for by the ECC Prayer Centre, and by Pastor Rajinder after the services, praying with me that my faith would grow stronger and stronger. One Sunday at ECC, I cried so hard to GOD; it was so amazing that at the last song of the service, the worship leader said that he felt in his spirit there was someone going through something, and God says He is never too late. I knew God was with me in this situation, and I had to be focused and not let what I hear distract me. So I said, “I am going to book a ticket on-line for the next day, and if it goes through then I know God is in it.” So I prayed, and at 12am I bought a oneway ticket to the Gambia and was on my way home, arriving after the worst flight lasting six miserable hours. When I got to the hospital, I could never have been prepared for what I was about to see. All the
I knew God was with me in this situation, and I had to be focused and not let what I hear distract me
PICTURE: Harriet
is complicated for
‘But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.’ (Hebrews 11:6) time my Dad had been sick, he had never been in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), but on the same day I landed, the devil tried it, and my Dad was so bad and so changed, with the spirit of death all over him. Then I prayed, and we finally got him back to his room in the hospital in a private block. The specialist came and told us that there was nothing he could do, because all my Dad’s organs were failing according to the doctor’s report. Then I knew the only One who could heal my Dad is Jehovah, the
King of kings and the Lord of lords; the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Then I tuned myself into His Word, believing that only GOD could heal my Dad, and that the secret was not to believe the situation that I saw around me, but to know the God I serve, and know that He is the same; that He has raised people from the dead; healed the sick, and opened up the Red Sea, and so my Dad’s situation was not complicated for Him.
...the secret was not to believe the situation that I saw around me, but to know the God I serve, and know that He is the same... and so my Dad’s situation was not complicated for Him People in Africa came to visit, to chat and to carry gossip, and the culture is to entertain them and be sympathetic. So I decided to be different, and walked up and down the room in front of them and prayed. Soon news spread that I had gone mad and was rude. But I didn’t care, because I knew I was fighting a battle in the spiritual realm. I fasted, sometimes for two days in a row, and prayed from night to morning, declaring every second for the spirit of death to pass over. Then one night, I led my Dad to Christ and he became born again. As I was praying, I was still making preparations to bring him to the UK, and slowly things were working out. I soaked myself in the Word, and when my Dad had bad attacks, I remembered in the Bible in Mark 5:36, when Jesus healed Jairus’ daughter, and Jesus told him, “DON’T BE AFRAID, ONLY BELIEVE.” So I said in my mind and out loud, “No matter any situation that the devil brings to make me have doubts, I know if I only believe, no matter what the situation, God will surely show Himself.” After all the prayers and believing, we received the go-ahead, and we arrived here. By God’s grace and by God’s mercy, I am happy to say that my Dad has recovered fully.
Harriet Gomez
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
ome time ago, I was waiting at the bus stop with my son when he asked, “Dad, what console did you have when you were a boy?” I must have looked at him as if he was from outer space! Console? I didn’t have one. I didn’t want one. I was happy to spend time with real friends (not Facebook friends whom I never met) and contend with playing football with local mates to prove who was stronger, or spend hours in my room reading and getting myself lost in the world of fiction. How ancient that seems today in the present technologically-driven age of iPad, iPod, iPhone, Facebook and Twitter! I must confess, the world has benefited immensely from advances in technology and I probably wouldn’t have it any other way. The convenience of mobile phones, the handiness of laptops and tablets, and the functionality of digital cameras… If the truth be told, someone like me, who grew up in Africa at a time when technology was rather basic, shouldn’t begrudge the trend in technology. More than once had my father sent me from Lagos to his father in Shaki, a town lying some 40 miles from Nigeria’s border with the Republic of Benin, and which used to evoke in my brain the picture of the Bible’s reference to the outermost parts of the world! Not that Shaki is a million miles from Lagos; no, only 160 miles. The problem was that, at the time, the roads leading to the historical town predated the dinosaurs, and were rather bad. Travelling to Shaki was therefore an ordeal. Imagine spending the whole day travelling, only to be told on arrival, that your grandfather had left for Lagos in the morning! Of course in the present
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
HELLO! Get off the Internet, the Wife needs
age of mobile phones, such a wasted trip would be unlikely. One could indeed go on and on about how technology has positively changed our lives and how many benefits we derive from our modern toys. Who would have thought when I was growing up that one could log onto Google Earth to view images thousands of miles away and in 3D, too?
or intrude some important conversation and you ignore it? Unless you are more disciplined than the rest of us, you probably find it difficult to ignore its incessant ringing.
Or your laptop (“your second wife” as my wife calls mine). Are you able to stay off it for long enough a time, without the urge to reply to an email or check the latest footie update? Let’s face it, technology has taken over our lives, and is destroying the unity that once existed between a husband and a wife and the link that ties a family together! So, what can we do to take back some control? Step away from the pressure and intrusion of the mobile phone! Switch it off for an hour at lunch time; the world will not end! Switch it off during meetings; the other people need your undivided attention! Ignore that text; it’s not a matter of life and death! Set a time to switch it off after work; you probably live with humans who would appreciate some TLC!
It is fair to conclude that all of these wonderful gadgets can stop being a blessing and start to affect the quality of our lives negatively, if not properly controlled Despite these obvious benefits, however, it is fair to conclude that all of these wonderful gadgets can stop being a blessing and start to affect the quality of our lives negatively, if not properly controlled. I speak particularly to the men who have become addicted to these gadgets. Be honest, how often does your mobile phone ring at an inopportune moment
Your computer needs a break from you as much as you need a break from it! You don’t have to check that email now; it can wait! And don’t let it share your bed; it’s not your spouse! Give Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Skype, WhatsApp, etc) a rest occasionally; try and find out what is happening in your wife’s world! Above all, develop an intimate relationship with your Bible; it’s life-changing! Let’s begin to fight back and recover some of the quality of life that technology has stolen from us. The world, I think, will be a better place for it. (Based on an article from www.day2dayfaith.com)
Cell Leader: Evelyn Afotey
Hounslow B
efore I became a Cell Leader, I was unaware of my potential and abilities. I was a senior nurse and had leadership skills, but they had laid dormant since my retirement. Then the opportunity came for me to do the Cell Leaders’ training. After completion of the course, though I rediscovered some hidden abilities and talents, I did not feel adequate enough to start a Cell Group. I had a meeting with Pastor Rajinder to discuss what was hindering me. I told her the reason was that I had not been baptised in the Holy Spirit. She advised me to keep on praying about it. She also reassured me that my nursing background would be of help in managing a Cell Group. Four weeks exactly to the day of our meeting, I was baptised in the Holy Spirit, and I realised that I had no excuse but to obey the Lord. It is written in John 15:16, “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit - fruit that will last.” I took this on board and, a year ago, on 4th April 2012, we started the second Hounslow Women’s Cell Group. For me, bearing fruit means to multiply. In our Discipleship Cell group, we have established solid relationships; enjoy each other’s company, and act as ‘our brother’s keeper’. We operate in a relaxed informal setting, which has helped us to develop
friendships. I would like the Group to grow and flourish; to be able to reach out to the unsaved, and to make more disciples to work in the Lord’s vineyard. I pray to the Lord, who chose and appointed me, to help me to be faithful and effective; to show me the personal responsibilities which He has called me to fulfil, and to give me strength and a willing heart to accept and act upon what He has called me to do. I feel more adequate now, and very committed as I set out to reach, root, raise and release more new Cell Leaders. This will achieve the goal of multiplication of Cell groups. Thanks be to God.
Evelyn Afotey
In our Discipleship Cell group, we have established solid relationships; enjoy each other’s company, and act as ‘our brother’s keeper’.
Below are testimonies from some of my Discipleship Cell members.
‘Being in a Discipleship Cell group has improved my personal time with God, as we have been learning about giving up time and making time for God. It has also helped me to form friendships and to fellowship with others whom I might not have known.’
‘Due to the nature of my job, it is not possible for me to attend church service on Sundays regularly. I have found that the Discipleship Cells bridge the gap, and help me to gain feedback and support from my Cell members. The Discipleship Cell group is an important part of my life. I can feel God’s presence, and I glorify His Name.’
‘My Discipleship Cell group is simply a God-centred family. I have experienced openness and honesty, as we share life experiences regularly during our discussion of the Scriptures. This has encouraged my spirit as an individual.’
‘It is written, “Now all who believed were together and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need” (Acts 2:44-45). I feel a sense of belonging and fellowship. We study the Scriptures together; exchange thoughts, and discuss questions arising from the Sunday sermon, and I can say it is truly an enriching experience. To God I give much thanks and praise to be a part of this Cell, and I have full confidence in all the members.’
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
TO RESCUE THE ‘UNDEAD’ T hose of you who can remember the Mission Impossible television series (and now the Hollywood films bearing the same name) will know that the heroes in the stories were given missions that were seemingly impossible to carry out.
most of the people we set out to rescue either don’t realise they need rescuing, or don’t want to be rescued! ‘… Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil’ (John 3:19).
And yet they always won through! They battled on to victory, sometimes at great cost to themselves, because they had put a higher value on the people they were rescuing,
With acknowledgements to the creators of Mission: Impossible, they have duplicated God’s idea. We are the Mission Impossible team. Our seemingly impossible mission is to rescue the undead! than on themselves. Indeed, there were some stories where the whole world was threatened, and the MI people were the only ones who knew the truth of the situation, and had the will to save people from the impending doom hanging over the world. They do this - as do most film and TV heroes - with NO recourse to God. These programmes push the agenda that Man is supreme and can do it
all himself, if he is clever/ knowledgeable/aggressive enough. Another genre of films are those about the ‘undead’ - the alive but not alive. You know them: the vampires, the ghosts not at rest in the afterlife, and the zombies and various offshoots from these. And, of course, ‘The Mummy’, who is nothing like my mum - or yours (I hope!). The ideas for this genre come directly from satan and his demons. You and I were once the ‘undead’. We were born into mortal life, but still dead in our sins. When we were born again of Holy Spirit, we
became fully alive. Until then, we were the undead. Satan mocks the undead people mortally alive but dead in their sins. He taunts them
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
and teases them, and pushes them further into their prideful sin. And he gives them films about themselves to entertain them while he mocks them. Well, my brothers and sisters, we are the Church of Jesus Christ. We are soldiers of the Commander of the King’s Army. We are (without being arrogant) blessed to be the ones who have met with and learned the Truth. With acknowledgements to the creators of Mission: Impossible, they have duplicated God’s idea. We are the Mission Impossible team. Our seemingly impossible mission is to rescue the undead! 2 Peter 3:9 says, ‘The Lord is … not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.’ Our weapon is the love of God, as shown in the Bible and in our daily lives. It seems an ‘Impossible Mission’ because
The Bible never promises that bringing the truth of God’s love to set people free would be easy. You may sometimes feel battered and wounded, and worn down by the enemy. It may sometimes be right to clamour for a break, but sometimes we need to realise that we are frontline troops of the Returning King, and duty would demand we fight on for the sake of the people we are here to rescue. This is what marks the Christian Mission Impossible Team: the will to carry on and be used to save souls in Jesus’ Name - no matter what. At ECC, we have regular outreaches, and we are, of course, commissioned to talk at anytime to anybody and everybody about the love of Christ. Someone cared enough to bring you the love of Christ, even if they thought you were a Mission: Impossible. Do you care enough about others to ‘choose to accept this Mission’?
Soaked in the
Anointing E
ven though God’s anointing is crucial to our success as Christians, many people ask for it but do not seem to receive it. One of the reasons for this is that some ask for the anointing with no purpose in mind whatsoever and, since God does not like to waste His resources, nothing happens. Matthew 7:6 says, “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.” One reason why some ask with no purpose is that they do not even know how to use the anointing they are asking for. I pray that we will know how important God’s anointing is, and flow in it. Especially after the month of February, where the whole church fasted and prayed, we are likely to have reached another level in our walk with God. The question is, why do we need God’s anointing? Firstly, I believe we need the anointing to be able to do good works. Acts 10:38 says, ‘…how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good, and healing
all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him.’ If Jesus, who is God, had to be anointed in order to do good, healing and all the miracles He performed on Earth, how much more His servants? Do not forget what the Bible says in Zechariah 4:6, ‘“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit”, says the Lord of hosts.’ • It is important to note that we cannot do God’s work in our flesh, and that if we do, we will not go far. • Thank God for the anointing which makes doing good possible. Isaiah 61:1-3 says, “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, because the LORD has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness...” Secondly, the anointing enables us to destroy the works of satan - just as Jesus
If Jesus, who is God, had to be anointed ... how much more His servants?
did when He was here on Earth. 1 John 3:8 says, ‘…For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.’ And Jesus told us in John 14:12, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” This is possible only with the anointing. The greatest works and plans of the devil is to take as many people to hell with him, hence blinding their eyes to his deception so that they do not respond to the Gospel. The devil is constantly making sure that Christians compromise their stand. 2 Timothy 3:5 says, ‘…having a form of godliness but denying its power.’ The devil would be happy for us to come to church, to even be involved in activities in church, but not to have any relationship with God nor receive this precious anointing. No, let’s continue to soak in the anointing, in order to continue to bombard the kingdom of darkness. Finally, as we continue to soak in the anointing, God’s will shall be established on Earth. In Matthew 6:10 Jesus prayed, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”
This occurs by helping us witness for Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8), since the will of God is that ‘nobody should perish, but that all should come to repentance’ (2 Peter 3:9). The anointing also equips us with the boldness we need to witness for Christ (Acts 4:8). Peter, who had earlier denied Jesus, could now boldly defend Him before the rulers and elders, after the Spirit and anointing of God had been released upon him. ‘…and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the Word of God with boldness’ (Acts 4:31). The anointing helps us to prevail in prayer. In Zechariah 12:10, the Lord promised to pour upon us the Spirit of grace and supplication. That way, we can pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) or losing heart (Luke 18:1). Soak yourself daily in the anointing and, without fail, you shall surely see the glory of the Lord. Amen.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
he flow of God’s divine healing power, through Jesus, to heal the sick was undeniable proof, and confirmed that Jesus was the promised Messiah, the Son of God. It was also the fulfilment of prophecy (Matthew 8:16-18). Seeing the miracles, many people believed on Jesus. Our Lord is a Lord of love and compassion. 2,000 years ago, He paid the price for all our sins on the cross, and He paid the price for all our sicknesses and diseases. His power is the same yesterday, today and forever. If you are sick, or have any problems in your body, reach out to the Lord and ‘touch the hem of His cloak.’ Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Below, you will read powerful testimonies of those who have received healings from the Lord, even as they reached out to Him. Healing can be a process, but sometimes it is instant. Be encouraged; keep your eyes on the Lord, even when your circumstances are discouraging you. You are welcome to the Revival and Healing meetings on the second Sunday of every month for personal prayers forPastor any situations you may have. Alternatively, you can ring our 24/7 Prayer Centre (see advert below), and compassionate Prayer Intercessors will be ready RAJINDER to take your call and pray alongside you.
Ruth Chest pains gone ‘For two days, I was having pain in my right hand and my chest. I could not breathe properly without pain. This morning at the service, when we were asked to come forward if we had any sickness, I did not want to get up, but my husband encouraged me to go forward. He even helped me put my jacket on, because of the pain I was having. When the Ministry Team member asked me to hold her hand, I did so in pain, but soon the pain was gone and I could lift my hand and breathe without any pain.’ Ruth was in tears as she came forward to share her story with the church. She was so grateful to the Lord.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
Krishna “No one laid hands - Jesus healed me” ‘I was having pain in my right elbow for four months. When the call was given to come forward to receive ministry, I did not go forward, but stood where I was in the congregation.’ Krishna was utterly amazed that, even though no one had laid hands on her, all the pain in her elbow vanished after she had had four months of continual pain.
Shannon “Back pain gone healed as God’s heat came on my back” ‘I thank God this evening for His healing. I have had back pain for over a year. I went to see the doctor, and he said I needed to see a physiotherapist to get some exercises done, but the exercises did not help me. I even prayed a lot for myself, that my back would be healed, but nothing seemed to happen. I was feeling so disheartened with the pain. Tonight, as the Team ministered to me, I felt heat come on my back. God’s presence was on me, and I burst out crying because I was so shocked that Jesus had healed me. My back is now fine.’
CLAUDIA: “After years of pain, God healed me all over” In such a pitiful condition, she made her way to the Revival and Healing meeting on a Sunday evening.
laudia’s problem started in 2005. She had been attending ECC a number of years before, and then she bought a house in Derby. But, unfortunately, her knees started to play up, and she could not walk up the stairs easily. She ended up selling that house, and she could not work as a nurse anymore.
At the meeting, a command was given for all spirits of sickness to be gone in Jesus’ Name. She said, “I felt as if something moved away from me.” As that happened, her neck was loosened, and she was able to move it from side to side without pain, which she had not been able to do for a very long time. As she walked forward and received the ministry of healing, the Ministry Team prayed compassionately for
She went back to live in America, and started a teaching job. Again, she gave up her teaching job, because she could not bear the travelling, especially standing in the trains. Her whole body started to become affected: she could not move her neck easily from side to side; back problems affected her balance, and she had to see a neurosurgeon. Claudia and her husband moved to the Virgin Islands in America, hoping that the warm weather would help her body, but it made no difference to her health. Her husband spent years cooking in the kitchen, because she could not stand long enough to cook. She had to use a walking stick to steady herself from falling. She had even bought a zimmer frame to use in the house, due to difficulties with walking. “I was getting so despondent and fed up with my condition,” she said. She came to the UK to visit her children for a brief time, thinking it might be the last time she would visit the UK, since her body had become quite sick and she found it hard to travel or move around.
her, and suddenly her whole body started to loosen up. Pain in her knees and back had gone. Suddenly, she got up and started walking and going up and down stairs without any pain, and she felt so flexible in her body. She said, “Before, I felt like an old lady, but look at me now, I feel young and healthy!” She jumped and danced on the floor. “I could not do that before.”
Claudia travelled to America, and below is her email to show she is still healed. ‘On the journey to the US (having just had the healing), I was wondering why people kept bumping into me, especially at the airport. Then I realised it was because I no longer used a walking stick (ha ha!). I obviously walked like a normal human being again, and that was the penalty! I was sorry to be leaving the UK so soon after this little miracle happened, but I had already changed my departure date once before. However, the transatlantic journey was a breeze. No pain! Glory!!! I stayed in New York for four days before coming to the warmer climate (Virgin Islands). No problem! By His grace, I had four more planes to catch to get home. No pain. I have been able to declare that God’s healing power is still evident in my body. Hallelujah! The local church [in America, where Claudia attends] was
jubilant when they saw me running and jumping, shouting, “Look what the Lord has done!” Normally, the men in the church had to help me up and down the steps onto the stage, where I play keyboard with the band and, glory to God, many were happy as they, too, had been praying for me during my travels. You know what the doctors’ diagnosis had been for me for years before? ‘Chronic pain.’ In 1988, I underwent spinal surgery and, though it was successful, the rest of me was put out of joint, so to speak. Not to mention the arthritis that had set in. Now no more, in Jesus’ Name. I had bought a brand new walker (zimmer frame) to bring up to the UK with me, but decided it was too much to carry. I’ve come back to look at it, tags and labels intact ... and it’s just there looking back at me! Well, many others are hearing about my testimony, especially the unconverted who knew me struggling to walk. They are stunned; they have no answer for it. And I can confidently declare that all this was done in the Name of Jesus Christ. He is the sure Answer to all our problems. We need only but touch the hem of His garment by faith. His response is mercy and love, compassion and healing.
As she shared her testimony, she brought her stick to the platform and said, “I don’t need it. I am not taking it back to America!” She gave it to us to remind us of God’s power. She also came back the following Tuesday to testify of her healing at the Tuesday night prayer meeting, and was already making arrangements to go and live in New York and start working again.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
Testimonies from the PRAYER CENTRE
The Prayer Centre operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as compassionate prayer partners are waiting to take your prayer requests and to pray for your individual needs over the telephone. Here are some of the amazing answers to prayer, as individuals ring back to share their answers with us.
020 8799 2199
Books published
A lady from Qatar called the Prayer Centre at 18:35 one Monday evening to give thanks to God for the successful completion of her two books, which are being published.
Tumour shrunk by 30%
A sister was very anxious and stressed out about her operation, which had been booked since last October to take place in early January, and had called the Prayer Centre on several occasions. The operation was to correct the malfunction of the pituitary gland and to remove a tumour in the brain. But on the day she attended the hospital in preparation for the operation, they discovered that the tumour had shrunk by one third of its size, and decided not to go ahead with operation. We believe that God will finish what He has started.
Financial blessing
A sister called to give thanks to God for two financial blessings which she had been praying for: a cold winter payment and that her water bill would be reduced to a 10-month payment.
Mammogram clear
A lady said that she had a mammogram in December and had been recalled to have another on 16th January as there was a possible problem. She called the Prayer Centre on 15th January and was prayed for. The lady called back after the mammogram on the 16th to praise God that it was completely clear - no lumps, no problem. Praise God!
Anonymous blessing
A sister called the Prayer Centre to give thanks to God for meeting her financial needs. She called previously, because she needed money to pay her bills and to buy food for her two sons. The next day £100 came through the post anonymously. She believes this was an angelic visitation. God is faithful.
Cleared of allegations
A mother phoned the Prayer Centre because she had been reported to the Social Services about abusing her children. The Social Services came, and she was cleared of all the allegations. Praise be to God for answering all her prayers.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
Hearing restored
Unhealthy relationship
A gentleman called the Prayer Centre, because his left ear was not working properly; he could hardly hear with it. After prayers, however, his ear opened immediately, and he can now hear with it. Praise God.
A lady called the Prayer Centre to give thanks to God for His deliverance from the bondage of a relationship. She said she realised the relationship is not a priority but the Lord is.
Successful graduation
Suicidal feelings gone
A sister phoned the Prayer Centre to give thanks to God for answering her prayers because she graduated successfully.
A lady phoned to testify to the glory of God because, since the Prayer Centre started praying for her, suicidal feelings have disappeared and she feels her life is getting back on track. Praise the Lord.
A gentleman called the Prayer Centre as he was going to be reviewed for incapacity benefits. He just heard that he has been granted 18 months of benefits. He had also asked for prayer to receive a Freedom Pass, and has been issued with one for five years. So he wants to give thanks to God.
A lady rang the Prayer Centre to receive prayers, but surrendered her life to Christ while she talked with the intercessor. Praise the Lord.
Amazing testimonies abound at the Prayer Centre, and you can make a difference to someone's life. Are you willing to be used by God in this area? Please contact Rudy or Tom, our Prayer Coordinators, on 020 8799 2199.
MAY 2013
f the first eight chapters of Hebrews show us the greatness of the Person of Jesus, the next chapters show us the greatness of his sacrifice. For Jesus Christ is not only the eternal Son of God who, for a season became, as a sinless man, a little lower than the angels, in order to raise us up above the angels as children of God. Not only is he our eternal High Priest, but he is also the supreme Sacrifice through whom all sin can be totally forgiven. Since he is eternal, his blood is eternal. And since we are redeemed through his eternal blood, then our redemption is eternal. The blood of animals covered the sins of repentant sinners until the cross. They were a picture foreshadowing the great sacrifice of the eternal Lamb of God. For without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness. The book of Hebrews shows Jesus Christ as the Sacrifice that was acceptable to God on behalf of fallen mankind, and whose sinless blood was taken, not into an earthly Tabernacle or Temple, but into the heavenly courts and into the very presence of the living God. The power of the blood of Jesus changes our relationship with God in both time and eternity. “How much more, then, will the blood of Christ who, through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!” (Hebrews 9:14). As our Sacrifice and our High Priest, we now have access through Christ into the presence of the living God at all times, cleansed from sin, redeemed from our old nature, and transformed into his image.
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
Hebrews - Chapters 9 to 13
Our response to this understanding of who Christ is, and all that he has accomplished on our behalf, is “…since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great Priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience, and having our bodies washed with pure water” (Hebrews 10:19-22). Therefore, as a consequence, we do not look back; we learn from the men and women of the Old Testament who lived out their faith in many different ways; we endure hardships as God’s discipline to make us stronger spiritually, knowing he will never leave us nor forsake us. In the light of the knowledge of what Christ has done for us, we seek to fulfil the prayer: “May the God of peace who, through the blood of the eternal covenant, brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen” (Hebrews 13:20-21). God wants us to live out powerful and effective lives of holiness and faith that are based upon the incomparable greatness of the Person of Jesus Christ and the overcoming power of his eternal blood.
1st – Hebrews 9:1-5 Worship in the Holy Place 1. Thank you, Lord, that we have access into the most holy presence of God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour; may we not neglect that privilege. 2. Lord, help us remove all clutter and distractions from our lives that hinder us from coming regularly into your presence. 3. Burden our hearts to seek your face, and strengthen our desire to enter into intimacy with you, we pray. 4. Holy Spirit, help us to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls, strength and minds. 5. Let the intimacy of our relationship with you, O God, be reflected in us and through us in all that we do and say.
2nd – Hebrews 9:6-7 The power of the blood 1. We thank you, Lord, for the power of the blood of Jesus Christ that provides forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with
God; may we enable it to change us radically. 2. Teach us to understand the power of the blood of Jesus in all spiritual warfare, we pray. 3. Lord, forgive us for all our sins, and may we feel cleansed afresh, with peace of mind, by the blood of Jesus, enabling us to be good witnesses. 4. Reveal to us any sin in our lives that needs to be brought under the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus, so that we may deal with it today, we pray. 5. Help us to walk daily in the benefits of the blood of Jesus Christ applied to our lives, so that we may lead lives of spiritual power.
3rd – Hebrews 9:8-10 Revelation by the Holy Spirit 1. Holy Spirit, bring your revelation to our hearts and minds daily as we wait on you, and give us the wisdom to follow it. 2. As we read the Word of God, Holy Spirit, enlighten our minds to understand all
that you are teaching us, and to put it into practice. 3. Make us a people who know the mind and the will of God: for ourselves, for others, and for our church, so we can be effective as salt and light in this world, we pray. 4. O Lord, give us ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches, and to implement it. 5. Speak to us in many ways: through your Word, dreams, preaching, wise counsel, and may we be doers, not hearers only.
4th – Hebrews 9:11-14 A clear conscience 1. Lord Jesus, may we worship you as a lifestyle, in response to the deep love for us that caused you to do all you have accomplished for us. 2. May the knowledge of what you have suffered and done for us cause us to hate sin and shun it completely. 3. As we understand what you have accomplished for us, Lord Jesus, let your peace, which passes all understanding, GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
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rule our hearts and minds. 4. Let not the world squeeze us into its mould, but renew our minds in all godliness, we pray. 5. Help us to bring our thought life into control, under the blood of Jesus, so that our minds may reflect all your desires.
5th – Hebrews 9:15-22 The New Covenant 1. Lord, teach us to continually remember our utter dependence upon you at all times, so that pride does not arise within us. 2. Holy Spirit, lead us deeper and deeper into the presence of God. 3. Give us the desire to walk closely according to your commandments, so that we may know you more in our lives, O Lord. 4. Teach us to examine ourselves, and root out anything unpleasing to you, Holy Spirit, as you reveal things to us. 5. Help us to live out the commands of the New Covenant: to love God and to love others, we pray.
6th – Hebrews 9:23-28 The Day of Judgment 1. Lord, let us not be ashamed on the day we stand before you, but let us walk now in the fear of the Lord. 2. Enable us to make the most of every day and every opportunity we have, to be faithful to you in this lifetime, we pray. 3. Quicken our desires and love for you, O Lord, so we live in such a way that we will hear you say on that day, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” 4. Help us remember we are mortal and will one day die, and so to redeem our time now because the days are evil. 5. In the light of the Day of Judgment, give us a compassion for the lost, we pray.
7th – Hebrews 10:1-4 Effective sacrifice 1. Thank you, Lord, that we do not need to sacrifice animals; may our lives reflect our gratitude for the all-sufficient sacrifice of Jesus. 2. Cause us to desire to offer our bodies as living sacrifices to you, O God. 3. Teach us how to be people, who are willing and able to commit ourselves to you sacrificially in every area of our lives. 4. Lord, we lay upon your altar any ambition, thing, relationship, thought or deed that is not in line with your will for our lives. 5. Give us the attitude of David, who would not offer anything to God that cost him nothing.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
8th – Hebrews 10:5-7 I have come to do your will, O God 1. Lord, let us be people who take time to seek your will for our lives in everything we do, so that you can bless what we do. 2. For all those of us who are walking in disobedience to you in any way, bring conviction of sin, repentance and change, we pray. 3. We pray for all our married couples, that both husbands and wives will submit fully to your will, so that families may be strong and blessed as powerful witnesses. 4. We pray for all our single people, that each will find and fulfil your destiny for every area of their lives. 5. For our children and youth, Lord, touch their young hearts deeply, that they may know your will for their lives at an early age, and be powerfully effective for you.
9th – Hebrews 10:8-14 Holy through the sacrifice of Jesus 1. Holy Spirit, help our minds and spirits understand how essential holiness is to you, and give us the ability to live it out. 2. Give us a deep understanding of sin, so that we may recognise it in our lives and deal with it accordingly. 3. Holy Spirit, convict us and cause us to love the things of God more than the things of the world. 4. Help us to hunger and thirst after the living God, we pray. 5. Cause us to grow deeper each day in our relationship with you, O Lord of holiness, so that all we do pleases you.
10th – Hebrews 10:15-18 God’s laws in our hearts 1. Lord, help us to crucify our old natures, so that the new spiritual nature within us may be pre-eminent. 2. Each time you speak to our hearts and our consciences, Holy Spirit, let us not quench your promptings. 3. Help us ruthlessly remove from our hearts and minds all attitudes and patterns of thought that are not in line with your laws, O Lord. 4. Let the law of love rise up in our hearts, overflowing towards God and others. 5. Holy Spirit, cause our hearts and our consciences to be tender and sensitive to your voice at all times.
11th – Hebrews 10:19-25 Hold on unswervingly 1. Lord, help all those amongst us whose faith is weak, and whose walk with you is wavering, and give them strength.
2. Touch those who are feeling depressed because of problems in their lives, and bring alongside others to encourage them, we pray. 3. Prosper all the Discipleship Cell leaders, as they help build up your body through encouragement and leadership, O God. 4. Prosper the Discipleship Cells, so that they may be places that cause your people to grow strong in faith and in spirit, we pray. 5. Multiply the Discipleship Cells, O Lord, so that many may be reached, taught and encouraged through them.
12th – Hebrews 10:26-31 Insulting the Spirit of grace 1. Lord, help us never to grow complacent in our Christian lives, so that we do not stumble or fall. 2. Keep us from hardening our consciences and falling into deliberate sin, we pray. 3. We pray for those amongst us who have backslidden; have mercy on them, and draw them back to you. 4. We pray for those who have given up the habit of meeting together; rekindle the flame within them, O Lord. 5. Have mercy on those we know who are rejecting Christ, and move in power through us as we witness to them.
13th – Hebrews 10:32-39 Suffering for Jesus 1. Lord, help us always to remember that any suffering in this present world is not worth comparing with the glory we will yet see. 2. Help all those in our prisons, who have accepted Christ, to continue to grow in the Lord, we pray. 3. Strengthen those amongst us who face any form of persecution because they are Christians, and bless their persecutors, O Lord. 4. In times of trial, help us to keep our eyes fixed on the eternal blessings of our future, and not just on our present, momentary problems, we pray. 5. Let the joy of the Lord always be our strength, no matter what our circumstances are.
14th – Hebrews 11:1-3 Faith (1) 1. Since only faith pleases you, help us develop and grow stronger in our levels of faith, we pray. 2. Enable us to conquer daily the giants of doubt, fear and unbelief that would rob us of our faith, O Lord.
his month, we focus upon the highest and greatest of all possible thought, contemplation, admiration and adoration. In these chapters, the writer to the Hebrews shows us that Jesus is greater than any other being. He is greater than all the angels, which include the mighty cherubim and seraphim, the archangel and, of course, all fallen angels (including satan himself). Angels are God’s servants, but Christ is God’s eternal, unchanging Son, enthroned by the Father to be the righteous Ruler over a Kingdom that will have no end. And yet, this eternal Son of God chose, for a season, to make himself a little lower than the angels, by becoming a man and experiencing all the trials of humanity, so that, through his triumph on the cross and resurrection, he could raise mankind higher than the angels, making them holy and members of the family of God. Moses was a giant of a spiritual figure in the Old Testament, but he was just a servant in the house of God. By contrast, Jesus is Head of the house of God, which is his Church. Joshua brought the people of God into a wonderful land of rest from their wanderings. Jesus, however, has brought us into the greater rest in God, so that we do not have to strive to merit his favour but, through Christ’s finished work on the cross, we can receive eternal rest for our souls as a free gift, if we sincerely endeavour to receive it. Melchizedek, whose name means ‘king of righteousness’, was the human king of the ancient city of Salem (meaning ‘peace’), later to be called Jerusalem. He was also an appointed priest of the Most High God, whom he knew intimately. Abraham acknowledged Melchizedek’s greatness, by giving him tithes. Yet Melchizedek was but a prophetic pointer to the great High Priest who was to come, who had no beginning and will have no end: Jesus Christ, the King of Righteousness, the Prince of Peace, who will one day take his place as Ruler over the whole world, reigning from the very same city of Jerusalem.
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
Hebrews - Chapters 1 to 8
There are a series of warnings in these chapters, as we are told more and more about the greatness of Christ and the enormity of his work through the cross on our behalf. Do not ignore this great salvation; do not let your heart become hardened through unbelief. Having tasted of the heavenly gift and shared in the Holy Spirit, and tasted the goodness of the Word of God and the powers of the coming age, do not fall away. To spurn God’s gracious love and sacrifice for us is a grievous and heinous act. As we pray through these chapters this month, we are gazing more at the greatness of Christ; are asking God to make us more like his Son, living in the power of his Spirit that he has graciously given to us, so that we can make a difference in our generation.
1st - Hebrews 1:1-4 The greatness of Jesus 1.Heavenly Father, as we thank you and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and supreme Ruler of the universe, may we live surrendered to his lordship. 2.Help us to understand your incomparable greatness and almighty power, that we may trust you completely, O Lord. 3. As you have given us your Word, and Jesus is “the Word”, enable us to understand, apply and live out your Word, the Bible. 4. Thank you that Jesus has made it possible for all our sins to be forgiven; forgive us now for any sin in our lives. 5. Let the radiance of the glory of Jesus shine out from our lives in all we do, O Lord.
2nd - Hebrews 1:5-8 Worshipping Jesus 1. As we understand your greatness Lord, teach us to worship you with our daily living that is pleasing in your sight. 2. We bring our lives before you now as living
sacrifices, as our act of spiritual worship. 3. Thank you for the righteousness of Jesus that you give to each believer, and help us to walk worthy of the Name of Jesus. 4. Develop within us a deepening desire to love righteousness and hate wickedness, we pray. 5. Fill us with your supernatural joy, as we worship you in prayer, song, word, deed and with all our being.
3rd - Hebrews 1:9-14 The end of this world’s systems 1. Thank you that you created the present universe, and thank you for the new Earth and heavens that you will create for us; help us to speed its coming through our witnessing. 2. Let your Kingdom come on Earth, O Lord, as it is in Heaven. 3. May we so live our lives now, that we will not be ashamed on the day we stand before you. 4. Use us to save many before you come to bring an end to this world’s systems, we pray.
5. We bow before you and honour you as Lord of Heaven and Earth.
4th - Hebrews 2:1-4 Working out our salvation daily 1. Holy Spirit, teach us the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom. 2. God forbid that we should ever become so familiar with the Gospel that we become complacent concerning the things of God. 3. May we always live in the remembrance of the cross, and how Christ has saved us from our sins and from a life of sin, to live a life of holiness. 4. Lord, give us a fear of straying from your ways, that we may never lose our focus on you. 5. Keep us from backsliding, and we pray you will restore all those we know who have backslidden.
5th - Hebrews 2:5-9 What is man that you are mindful of him? 1. Thank you, Lord, for the depth of your care GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
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and concern for each person you have created, including me; teach us to show our gratitude daily. 2. May we never be tempted to believe the devil’s lies that you are always anything other than deeply concerned for each of us, so we may remain strong. 3. When you seem far away, help us to realise that it is we who have moved, and bring us back into intimacy with you, we pray. 4. Let us never forget that, by the cross, you have saved us from eternal death and separation from the Father of love, and to daily show our gratitude in the things we say and do. 5. Lord Jesus, teach us to humble ourselves as you did, so that God may be able to raise us up in his own way.
6th - Hebrews 2:10-13 Part of the family of God 1. Lord, help us always to appreciate all you have done for us and to always be thankful, even in difficult times. 2. Since you are not ashamed of us, may we never be ashamed of you, but bold in our witness, we pray. 3. As members of the family of God, so work in us that we may love you and one another, as you want us to. 4. We bless you, and are deeply grateful that you have taken away our unrighteousness and given us your holiness; help us to live it out. 5. Help us, Jesus, to bring others into your family by their accepting you as Saviour and Lord.
7th - Hebrews 2:14-18 Freedom in Christ 1. We thank you, O Lord, that you have set us free from the power of sin, death and satan; may we not misuse that freedom. 2. Help us to use our freedom in Christ in a way that brings you glory and that points others to you. 3. For any believers we know, who still have a fear of death, we pray now that they will be fully released from that fear. 4. For any among us, who are weighed down by anxiety for any reason, we pray that they will walk in the freedom that is already theirs in Christ. 5. We rebuke, in Jesus’ Name, any lies from the powers of darkness that would seek to bring bondage or fear into our lives.
8th - Hebrews 3:1-6 Fixing our thoughts on Jesus 1. Jesus, be the centre of our lives!
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
2. Lord, we acknowledge you are worthy of every means of praise we are able to give and ascribe to you; cause our lives to praise you. 3. Lord, no sacrifice we can bring to you is adequate, but give us the desire to bring everything we can. 4. Help us never to be so distracted by events in our lives, that we start to lose sight of the need to keep Jesus as our daily focus. 5. We rebuke, in Jesus’ Name, every plan of the enemy to distract us and take us off the pathway of following Jesus wholeheartedly.
9th - Hebrews 3:7-11 Listening to the Holy Spirit 1. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for speaking to us in many ways; help us to listen and to understand and do what you are saying. 2. May we always obey the promptings in our spirits when you are convicting us, we pray. 3. Lead us, Holy Spirit, so that we may fulfil God’s plan and destiny for our individual lives, by making godly choices and decisions. 4. Lord, speak to us in dreams and visions, through your Word, and through the godly counsel and advice from others. 5. Lord, let us be channels through which your Holy Spirit can speak and work, to be a blessing to others.
10th - Hebrews 3:12-19 Encouraging one another 1. Lord, let your grace so work within us, that we can always be an encouragement to others and not a discouragement. 2. Manifest your presence continually in each Discipleship Cell, that the ministries of edification and evangelism may flourish. 3. Help us to speak lovingly into the lives of those whose walk with you is growing cold, O Lord. 4. For those whose walk with you is lukewarm because of lack of fellowship, motivate them to join a Discipleship Cell, we pray. 5. O God, give us the strength to hold on firmly to Christ until the end, no matter what life may throw at us.
11th - Hebrews 4:1-5 Faith and belief 1. Lord, help us to preach the Gospel, to witness to others, and to live the example of Christ, with the fullness of faith and belief.
2. We pray for all those unbelievers we meet on a regular basis - at home, at work, in our neighbourhoods; Lord, touch their hearts that they may have faith and believe in you. 3. We pray for every area in our hearts that may be hardened and unyielded to you; soften us, O Lord, and help us to yield all. 4. Give us confidence to be continually stretching our faith, so we may step out and do new and exciting things for you, we pray. 5. We rebuke, in Jesus’ Name, the spirits of fear and unbelief, and every spirit that blinds the unbelievers we know to salvation in Christ; release the captives, and let us see them saved.
12th - Hebrews 4:6-13 Nothing is hidden from God 1. Lord, reveal to us those thoughts, attitudes, prejudices and desires, which originate from our fallen nature and not our new spiritual nature, and enable us to crucify them. 2. Jonah tried to run from your presence, but help us only to run towards you, O Lord. 3. If there is any unconfessed sin in our lives that is hindering us, reveal it and convict us to seek your forgiveness, we pray. 4. Let your Word live in us and through us, that we see much fruit in our lives that will bring you glory. 5. Give us words of knowledge, and reveal to us covered things in the lives of unbelievers that they may acknowledge that you are God, and be saved.
13th - Hebrews 4:14-16 Approaching the throne of grace 1. Thank you, Jesus, that you know us and understand all our weaknesses; we bring them before you, asking for your help to change. 2. We boldly ask you for your manifest presence to be amongst us in our individual lives, in the church meetings, Discipleship Cell meetings, and wherever we are together. 3. We ask you for the gifts of your Holy Spirit to be liberally distributed amongst all of us, and the wisdom to use them in a way that brings you glory. 4. We ask for the salvation of our loved ones, our friends, and those we know, and we now stand in the gap on their behalf. 5. We ask for your favour upon us, that we may see revival in the church, the discipleship of all believers, and changes in our communities.
APRIL 2013 17th - Hebrews 5:11-6:3 Growing up!
1. Thank you, O God, for the privilege of coming directly to you through Jesus our High Priest; help us not to neglect the privilege, but instead to be prayerful people. 2. Since you have made a priesthood of all believers, help us not to neglect to bring every spiritual sacrifice to you, O Lord. 3. Bless and empower every aspect of the ministry of prayer in the church, we ask. 4. Let our sacrifices of prayer bring utter defeat to all enemy spirit powers in our area, that they may flee, leaving an open heaven above us. 5. As priests unto our God, use each of us to bring others to you, we pray.
1.Lord, cause us to grow spiritually daily, and not to remain as spiritual infants. 2.Cause us to mature in our emotions, so that we no longer act or react in a childish way, we pray. 3.Let us not be hearers of your Word only, but doers of it, so that we may increase in spiritual maturity. 4.Convict us when we act or react in a spiritually immature way, so that we may learn not to repeat such mistakes. 5.Deepen our walk with you and help us overcome worldly ways, so that we may be teachers of others concerning your ways, O Lord.
15th - Hebrews 5:4-7 Tearful prayers 1. Give us a compassion for the lost that moves us to water our prayers in tears, O Lord. 2. Move our hearts to see the depravity of the sin in our nation, so that we continually cry out for repentance and revival. 3. Bless all our intercessors, and give them godly burdens for prayer that they will bring to you and see amazing answers, we pray. 4. Give us a greater understanding of hell, that we may have pity for the lost, and seek their salvation, O God. 5. Lord, comfort all those amongst us, whose circumstances cause them pain and suffering, and hear their cries for help.
16th - Hebrews 5:8-10 Learning obedience 1. Teach us the truth of your Word that “obedience is better than sacrifice”, and help us to obey your Word, we pray. 2. Give us the grace to submit to one another, that you may then trust us with greater responsibility, O Lord. 3.Give us the grace to submit to those who lead us in every area of the church, with willing hearts that please you, O God. 4. When you are teaching us obedience, through allowing seasons of suffering in our lives, help us to learn and not to resist. 5. Thank you, Lord, that you are preparing your people for eternal glory, through all kinds of experiences; help us to become mature through such experiences.
18th - Hebrews 6:4-8 Mercy for those who fall away 1. Lord, have mercy on all unbelievers we know, and use us to save them from the horrors of a lost eternity. 2. We rebuke the spirits of unbelief, which blind their eyes, and we cry out for their salvation. 3 We pray for all the backsliders we know personally; have mercy on them, rekindle the desire to have an intimate relationship with you once again, and turn their hearts to you. 4. We pray for all those, who have attended ECC over the past 10 years and have backslidden; cause them to come back to you and to our fellowship again. 5. Give us a fresh vision of the cross, so that our passion for the lost may be renewed, we pray.
19th - Hebrews 6:9-12 Lazy Christians 1. Teach us, like Moses, O Lord, to number our days, so that we never waste our limited and precious time on Earth. 2. Help us to know what our individual giftings are, and not to bury them, but use them for your glory. 3. Show us when our Christian lives are becoming sloppy, and convict us and cause us to change. 4. Quicken our desire, so that we do not become lazy about prayer, reading your Word, tithing, serving you, and keeping your ways, O Lord. 5. Teach us to value our great salvation, and never to become complacent.
20th - Hebrews 6:13-14 Faithful promises
cause us also to become like you in this respect. 2. Make us people of integrity, whose words can be trusted because we let our “Yes be Yes” and our “No be No”. 3. Teach us patience to wait for the fulfilment of your promises, and not to give up through impatience, thus missing your blessings. 4.Thank you, Lord, for all your promises for this life and the one to come; let us be a thankful not a complaining people. 5. Teach us to pray persistently, never growing weary, even when we need to wait to see your answer, we pray.
21st - Hebrews 6:15-20 An anchor for the soul 1. May the knowledge that you cannot lie, and therefore we can always trust your promises totally, O Lord, cause us to grow ever stronger in you. 2. In the storms of life, O Lord, let us hold unswervingly to your promises that will hold us steady under all circumstances. 3. Keep our thoughts focused on the eternal life we have in Christ, that we may not let present circumstances cause us to grow weary, backslide or give up, we pray. 4. Cause us to remember constantly that the sufferings of this present age are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to come, and so persevere. 5. Teach us to constantly avail ourselves of the privilege of coming directly into your presence in prayer, to renew our spiritual, emotional and physical strength, O Lord.
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
14th - Hebrews 5:1-3 Priests unto God
22nd - Hebrews 7:1-3 The King of Righteousness 1. Thank you, Jesus, that you have taken away our sin and given us your righteousness; may we walk daily in that righteousness. 2. Convict us daily when we fail to think, speak and act in a way that does not reflect your righteousness, so that we can change. 3. Cause us to honestly examine ourselves, so that we may not deviate from your path of righteousness. 4. Give us favour with unbelievers, so that they may listen to the Gospel that can enable them to exchange their condemnation for salvation. 5. Have mercy on our nation that is rejecting righteousness in favour of ungodly ways and laws, and turn our nation back to you, O God.
1. Thank you, Lord, that you never lie, and are faithful to keep your promises; GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
APRIL 2013
23rd - Hebrews 7:4-10 Tithing
1. Thank you for all our material possessions, whether we have little or much; cause us to use it well. 2. Teach us to remember that all we have comes from you, and to return our tithe to you with gratitude. 3. We pray for all those who, for whatever reason, do not tithe; help them find the blessings in starting to do so. 4. Increase the number of people tithing in our church, that we may experience the full blessings of an open heaven, we pray. 5.As a church and as individuals, prosper us financially, and release more funds for your work, and give us the wisdom to use them wisely, we pray.
24th - Hebrews 7:11-17 An indestructible life 1. Teach us, O Lord, to use each day wisely and profitably for you. 2. Thank you for our eternal life, and let us remember that one day we will stand before you to give an account of our Christian lives and our degree of faithfulness. 3. Give us compassion for those we know who are lost, by remembering they will live forever separated from God if they die unsaved. 4. May we be open to let your Holy Spirit enable us to live in the resurrection power of our risen Lord, so that our fruit is seen by all. 5. Develop within us the gifts you have given each of us, so that we may function fully as your “royal priesthood” to all those around us.
25th - Hebrews 7:18-25 Always interceding 1. Let us never forget that Jesus is always watching and interceding for us, so that we may not fear or become discouraged. 2. Prosper and bless all our prayer warriors and all who intercede in the daily prayer meetings, enabling them to pull down spiritual strongholds, we pray. 3. Let the power of God increase mightily upon us, as we never cease to pray. 4. Multiply prophetic dreams, visions, words of knowledge, words of wisdom and words of prophecy amongst all those who pray and intercede, we ask. 5. Strengthen all our intercessors, and give us the joy of daily seeing answers to prayer.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
26th - Hebrews 7:26-28 Jesus meets our needs
29th - Hebrews 8:10 God’s laws written on our hearts
1. We pray for all those with spiritual needs in the church and who have not surrendered to Christ; cause them to find you, O Lord. 2. Strengthen those Christians who are spiritually weak, and help them renew their strength in you, we pray. 3. We bring all those we know in need of physical healing; let them find you as their Healer. 4. We pray for all those amongst us who are emotionally troubled or oppressed; let them find your peace, we pray. 5. For all those amongst us who are struggling with relationships or lack of them, O Lord, in meeting their needs, be glorified.
1. Thank you for the New Covenant and for your Holy Spirit who lives within us; may we cooperate with him to teach us the ways of God. 2. Enable us to remember always that we are temples of your Holy Spirit, and so not to mistreat or misuse our bodies. 3. Teach us your ways, O Lord, so that we may not sin against you, by strengthening us from within. 4. Help us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, we pray. 5. Give us the desire to draw closer to you daily, so that you may draw closer to us, O Lord.
27th - Hebrews 8:1-6 Gifts and sacrifices 1. Cause us to be a generous people, O Lord, willing to give of ourselves and of what we have. 2. For all those who have not recognised the gifts you have placed within them, reveal it to them, we ask. 3. Help us to develop the practical gifts you have given us, and to be willing to give of our time to use them, O Lord. 4. Help us to develop the charismatic gifts you have given us, and not to be afraid of making mistakes, but rather to learn from them, we pray. 5. Let us lay down our lives daily to you as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to you, O God.
30th - Hebrews 8:11-13 Teaching others to know the Lord 1. Holy Spirit, move in conviction on the lives of many, and send revival amongst us, we pray. 2. Stir up the fire, and fan into flames the spiritual sparks within us, and change lives radically, O Lord. 3. Let us see many giving their lives to you in our services and in our Discipleship Cells, we ask. 4. Let the numbers getting baptised in water multiply, and let it be the cause of many friends and family coming to know you also, O God. 5. Cause each person in the church to be baptised in the Holy Spirit, and let your Spirit continually flow through us, we pray.
28th - Hebrews 8:7-9 Faithfulness 1. Lord, help us not to become unfaithful to you, like the Israelites were, but rather to grow in faithfulness. 2. Let our men stand up and become powerful role models of faithfulness to God, we pray. 3. Let the glory of Jesus be seen in our women, by their faithful adherence to your ways, we ask. 4. Strengthen our youth, so that as they grow up physically they may grow up spiritually also, and shine with the glory of Jesus. 5. Enable our children to learn from an early age lifestyle patterns of faithfulness to Jesus that will stay with them throughout their lives.
CAPPUCCINO COMMUNICATIONS Receive these monthly podcasts by Rev John Glass - simply email sharon.millar @elimhq.net to be added to the mailing list
MAY 2013
3. Thank you that evidence of your creation all around us testifies aloud to the presence of our Creator; help those who are spiritually blind to see it. 4. We believe, O Lord, but help us in any times when we are attacked by doubts. 5. Help us to remember how you have helped us in the past, O God, so our faith may grow for present trials.
15th – Hebrews 11:4-7 Faith (2) 1. As Abel discerned the true meaning of sacrifice, cause us to be a people who know how to bring pleasing sacrifices to you, O God. 2. Lord, give us the spiritual walk of Enoch, that we may know you intimately in all areas of our lives. 3. Help us to be people who walk by faith not by sight, who see you unlock great doors to us as we trust you, O Lord. 4. Cause us, like Noah, to be able to be patient in faith and to be faithful in waiting, however long it may take for your perfect timing, O God. 5. As Noah lived righteously by faith in a sinful world, help us to walk continually by faith in all the sinful surroundings we live and work in, we pray.
16th – Hebrews 11:8-12 Faith (3) 1. O Lord, like Abraham, give us the courage to give up anything that you prompt us by your Spirit to give up. 2. Let us not be held back by fear when you are calling us to step out, O God. 3. Help us to serve you faithfully, encouraged by our future eternal rewards, rather than by present gain, we pray. 4. When calling us to step out, keep our eyes fixed on you, Lord Jesus, rather than on any storms around us. 5. Holy Spirit, move upon us to give ourselves in faith fully and wholly to you.
17th – Hebrews 11:13-16 Faith (4) 1. Give us a measure of faith to believe for the impossible, when you call us to do so, O Lord. 2. As we remember that we are merely strangers in this world passing through, keep our focus on you, O God, and not on the world. 3. Help us to live this life as a preparation for eternity, and not merely for present personal gain, we pray. 4. May we never be ashamed to live out and uphold the values of Jesus, despite any
opposition or ridicule, O Lord. 5. May you never have cause to be ashamed of us, O Lord, but keep us strong and upright at all times.
18th – Hebrews 11:17-22 Faith (5) 1. When we are tested, O Lord, may we not succumb, but rather be found faithful. 2. Let nothing we love, however dear to us, become an idol or a stumbling block to our love for you, we pray. 3. Give us sturdy hearts that can believe your promises, O God, no matter how baffling our circumstances are. 4. Lord, we offer up to you now any ‘Isaacs’ in our lives that you are calling us to. 5. Let us rejoice in blessing others and speaking blessings into their lives, by faith, we pray.
19th – Hebrews 11:23-29 Faith (6) 1. Let our faith, O Lord, cause us not to fear any circumstance, person or trial. 2. Guide our lives, our choices and decisions, like you did for Moses, so that we may accomplish all your plans for our lives. 3. Help us, when necessary, to ‘choose to be ill-treated along with the people of God, rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time’. 4. When we encounter ‘Red Sea’ experiences, may our faith enable us to pass through, O Lord. 5. As Moses chose to identify with God’s people, cause our hearts to be ever closely knitted together as the people of God.
20th – Hebrews 11:30-40 Faith (7) 1. Thank you, Lord, that like Rahab, all our sins have been washed away by our faith in Jesus; may we seek to always walk now in the pathways of holiness. 2. Thank you for the encouragement we receive from reading about the experiences of men and women of old in your Word, O Lord; help us to imitate their faith. 3. Teach us to meditate on your Word, so that our faith may strengthen and grow daily. 4. Lord, may we not be discouraged by our lapses of faith, but rather use them as springboards to leap higher in future. 5. O Lord, help us in our frailties and weaknesses to become men and women of faith.
21st – Hebrews 12:1-3 Fixing our eyes on Jesus 1. Jesus, be the centre of our lives always in all we do, we pray. 2. Jesus, be our first thought in the morning and our last thought at night, as well as each moment in between. 3. Jesus, we pray that your love within us will deepen, grow, well up and overflow in our lives more and more. 4. Jesus, teach us more of your ways, that we may follow you more nearly. 5. Jesus, you are our world, our life, our present, our future; without you we are nothing, with you we are everything; cause our lives to worship you in all we do.
22nd – Hebrews 12:4 Struggling against sin 1. Lord, let your Spirit so move within us, that we will always be people who say “No” to sin of any kind. 2. Enable us to discern subtle sins, and open our eyes to anything that would cause us to stumble or that would hinder our walk with you. 3. Move in our church, and cause sin to be exposed, dealt with, removed, and for the blessings of obedience to follow. 4. We pray for all the non-believers we live with; move on their hearts to turn to Christ, as we witness to them. 5. We take authority over every spirit that seeks to entice us into sin, including the spirits of unbelief, immorality and lawlessness.
23rd – Hebrews 12:5-13 God’s discipline 1. Lord, help us to receive your discipline in our lives without resentment, but to learn from it. 2. Cause us to understand that trials in our life are often allowed by you, to cause us to grow spiritually. 3. Lord, help us discern when problems come from the devil, our own mistakes, or are allowed by you, so we may work them out in the right way. 4. Enable us to endure your times of discipline for us, so we may produce a harvest of righteousness, we pray. 5. Strengthen those of us who feel weak because of continual pressures, O Lord.
24th – Hebrews 12:14 Live in peace with all men 1. Lord, give us your grace when people hurt us. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
MAY 2013
2. Right now, we forgive and release from our anger and resentment all those who have hurt us. 3. If we have offended anyone, Lord, bring them to our minds and give us the grace to apologise. 4. Holy Spirit, show us if any strife around us is caused by our attitude and, if so, help us to change. 5. Let your peace reign in our hearts, and help us to be peacemakers.
25th – Hebrews 12:15-21 Missing the grace of God 1. O Lord, grant us your divine favour, in our lives and in our church. 2. Reveal to us any root of bitterness in our lives, that we may cut it out, we pray. 3. Keep our minds and our bodies pure from sexual immorality, and cause us to confess and repent of all past sins. 4. Cause us to value our spiritual inheritance in Christ, and not take your blessings lightly or for granted, but to walk in the fear of the Lord. 5. Thank you, Lord, that we can approach you freely through Jesus; help us not to abuse our privilege.
26th – Hebrews 12:22-24 Our names written in Heaven 1. Lord, encourage our hearts as we meditate on the glorious future that awaits us, and may it motivate us to serve you faithfully now. 2. Thank you for the angels that invisibly minister to your people; may our prayer life be active enough to keep them busy. 3. Lord, you are the Judge of all; may we keep our hearts pure, as nothing is hidden from you. 4. Cause us to remember, O Lord, when circumstances or people get us down, the glorious truth that our names are written in Heaven, and so be able to overcome at all times. 5. May we move forward in life and ministry in the strength and power of the blood of Jesus Christ, continually growing spiritually stronger.
27th – Hebrews 12:25-27 Don’t refuse God 1. Lord, help us to be obedient to you at all times, since “obedience is better than sacrifice.” 2. Speak to us and give us open ears to listen, Holy Spirit. 3. For every action or ministry you have called us to do, may our hearts be ready and willing to respond, we pray.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
4. Let the calling you have on each of our lives be revealed to us, so that we may say “Yes.” 5. Release manifold blessings on your people, as we step out in obedience to your Word, we pray.
5. Thank you that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever; rise up, O Lord, let your enemies be scattered, and let your Kingdom come amongst us.
28th – Hebrews 12:28 “Our God is a consuming fire”
1. Give us thankful hearts, O Lord, and may we always remember to give you thanks in all things, without grumbling. 2. May we not neglect our regular times of prayer, and for all those who are struggling in this area, encourage them, we pray. 3. Cause us, O God, to worship you at all times in words and in song, with the mind and with the Spirit, so that you are blessed with our praise. 4. Thank you for every testimony of your blessing, and may we not be slow in sharing our testimonies in order to bless others and glorify you, O Lord. 5. Before men, angels and demons we confess, “Jesus Christ is Lord.”
1. Thank you for your deep love for us, O Lord, but help us remember your awesome holiness and hatred of sin, so we are careful to live according to your standards. 2. Help us rescue the lost, O Lord, so that they may not experience your wrath. 3. Teach us to walk humbly before you, understanding your holiness with reverence and awe, so that you may lift us up to accomplish all you desire to do through us. 4. Cause every area of witnessing and evangelism to be fruitful, O Lord, so that we can see many who are perishing come to faith in Christ. 5. Send revival in our midst, O Lord, that will see many people saved and rescued from your holy wrath.
29th – Hebrews 13:1-8 Love for God and for others 1. Lord, cause us always to love one another as you have loved us. 2. Help us to love you, O Lord, by living righteous lives free from any form of sexual immorality or impurity of any sort. 3. Thank you for our possessions and, as we obey you, meet all our physical needs, yet keeping our hearts free from the love of money, which is idolatry. 4. We pray for all our leaders of Discipleship Cell groups, departments, elders, pastors, and for our secular leaders in national and local governments, and for our Queen.
30th – Hebrews 13:9-16 A continual sacrifice of praise
31st – Hebrews 13:17-25 Equipped to do good 1. Help us to have submissive hearts that can work willingly under authority, O Lord. 2. Forgive any struggles we may have towards any person you have called us to submit to, we pray. 3. We pray for one another, for our leaders, fellow church members, family members and work colleagues. 4. Lord, equip us with everything good from your hand for doing your will, we pray. 5. May you work in us what is pleasing to you, O Lord.
CAPPUCCINO COMMUNICATIONS Receive these monthly podcasts
by Rev John Glass
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SUNDAY SERVICES at a glance 9.00am, 11.15am, 6.30pm APRIL 2013 7th 14th 21st 28th
PRAISE & COMMUNION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton GOSPEL CONCERT with Ian Yates (Elim Sound) CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Evangelist Mike Harris
MAY 2013 AM PM
(Ignite Ministries)
AM PM 12th
CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton ASIAN EVENING Celebration & Praise - Asian style! Speaker: Pastor Mark King
AM PM 19th
CELEBRATION SERVICE Speakers: Russ & Kim Kline
AM PM 26th
REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Evangelist Mike Harris
(Shatter The Darkness Ministries)
PROPHETIC EVENING Speakers: Russ & Kim Kline
PRAISE & COMMUNION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton CELEBRATION & MINISTRY EVENING Speaker: Pastor Ruth Trbojevic CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Stuart Windsor
(Christian Solidarity Worldwide)
BAPTISMAL SERVICE Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton AFRICAN EVENING Celebration & Praise - African style!
Ian Yates, of Elim Sound, is passionate about seeing lives changed and transformed by the presence of God. He will be at ECC on Sunday EVENING for a Gospel concert.
RUSS & KIM KLINE of Shatter The Darkness Ministries
3.00pm to 5.30pm
Hair Maintenance • Face Painting Health Seminars • Bouncy Castle Entrepreneurialship • BBQ Dance Aerobics • Music Live Entertainment • Bazaar and much, much more!
ALSO... ASIAN EVENING on 21st April & AFRICAN EVENING on 26th May CHRISTIAN MEN’S NETWORK on 9th-11th May (see page 26 for details)
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
ECC Attendance and Finance Statistics January/February 2013
Children Children ATTENDANCE 9.00am 9.00am 11.15am 11.15am 6.30pm 06 Jan 2013 239 29 444 80 70 13 Jan 2013 213 35 431 90 121 20 Jan 2013 184 20 348 57 51 27 Jan 2013 247 42 430 80 52 03 Feb 2013 251 27 478 97 52 10 Feb 2013 238 27 419 75 102 17 Feb 2013 272 37 459 75 271 24 Feb 2013 256 43 416 87 125
Jan Feb Tithes & Offerings £33,539.62 £44,396.54 Building Fund £80.00 £365.00 Standing Orders £14,729.30 £13,690.57
GIVING is WORSHIP. You will surely REAP if you remain FAITHFUL! Thank you!
A NOTE from the Treasurer How should we give, according to the Word of God? • Give Secretly
Matthew 6:1 - Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in Heaven.
• Give Sacrificially
2 Corinthians 8:1-2 - Moreover, brethren, we make known to you the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia: that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded in the riches of their liberality.
• Give Exactly
2 Corinthians 9:7(a) - So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity…
• Give Cheerfully
2 Corinthians 9:7(b) - … for God loves a cheerful giver.
• Give Expectantly
Luke 6:38 - Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.
• Give Willingly
2 Corinthians 8:11-12 - ...but now you also must complete the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to desire it, so there also may be a completion out of what you have. For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have.
May God richly bless us all, as we continue to faithfully give to His Kingdom’s work. Amen
Sandra Dawodu
PLEASE NOTE: You can now pay your tithes and offerings through the ECC website at www.ecc.org.uk
WHAT WE BELIEVE - Elim Pentecostal Churches 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error,
the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and coeternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.
EVANGELISM & PRAYER @ ECC “Evangelism without intercession is like an explosive without a detonator.” - Reinhard Bonnke
6.30pm to 7.30pm
Call our confidential prayer line for ANY need 24 hours a day 7 days a week
in front of ECC Every Tuesday evening
in front of ECC Last Wednesday of each month
020 8799 2199 DAILY
Wednesday 24th April Wednesday 29th May
12noon to 2pm
Saturday 13th April NO EVANGELISM - Training Day Saturday 11th May Location GREENFORD For all those wanting to take part in Evangelism, there will be meetings in the Auditorium on: Sunday 5th May - after 2nd service PLEASE NOTE: There is NO Borough-wide Evangelism for April due to Training Day taking place
LIGHTHOUSE EVANGELISM in front of ECC Third Saturday of each month
11am to 1pm
Saturday 20th April Saturday 18th May
POLISH FELLOWSHIP Elim Springs Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Auditorium (Please use side entrance)
Monday to Friday
Morning meetings 10.00am to 11.00am - Annexe Room 2*
(*on the main street to the left of ECC's main doors and can be accessed directly from the street)
EVENing meetings 6.00pm to 7.00pm - Foyer
MONTHLY ALL-NIGHT PRAYER MEETING Last Friday of every month 10.00pm to 5.00am - Auditorium A night of intercession, celebration, thanksgiving and praise Friday 26th April Friday 31st May
ECC Japanese Fellowship Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Foyer For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA
For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder Saturday 20th April Saturday 18th May For non-ECC attenders: Please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060
REVIVAL & HEALING MEETINGS Second Sunday evening of every month 6.30pm - Auditorium Sunday 14th April Sunday 12th May Receive personal prayer and hear powerful testimonies of God’s provision and healing
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
If you would like further information about the details on this page, please email Sharon at sg@ecc.org.uk, or call her on 020 8840 7508.
Kenneth & Ernestina CHARLES-OBI on the birth of their daughter Gabrielle Ogochuku Ewurafua Born: 7th December Weight: 8lbs 2oz
EVERGREENS A group for the Over 55s or Early Retired All welcome to come and join us MONDAY 15th APRIL
NB: Event change
“STAY SAFE AND STAY INFORMED” Time: 1.30pm to 4.00pm Cost: £3.50 for lunch
Mark & Fiona AWUAH on the birth of their daughter Alyssa Samantha Born: 13th January Weight: 7lbs 5oz
Sonia Myrie (Information Adviser, Age UK Ealing) and Jenny Moore (Keep Fit & Aerobic Instructor, ECC)
Time: 1.30pm to 4.00pm Bring & Share Lunch NB: Advance notice
MONDAY 10th JUNE “LUNCH AT HARVESTER (BOSTON MANOR)” Time: 1.30pm Cost will be according to menu choice
EALING SOUP KITCHEN The next dates for the ECC Team are
Saturday 27th April Saturday 22nd June Start at 2pm
Meetings start @ 2pm
APRIL 3rd Rudy Brann 10th Merle Aqui 17th Prayer & Praise 24th Merle Aqui MAY 1st Jenny Moore 8th Merle Aqui 15th Prayer & Praise 22nd Merle Aqui 29th Outreach
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
Please contact Sharon or Sherine (Office: 020 8840 7508) in advance if you are able to join the Team. MONDAYS 12.00pm to 1.00pm
Please confirm attendance before date for seating purposes. Contact Sharon on 020 8840 7508 for more information
with fun, fitness and flexibility ONLY £2.50 - at ECC THURSDAYS 2.00pm to 3.00pm
Inspirational moves and grooves (please bring a mat) ONLY £2.50 - at ECC
ords are great and language is fascinating. Imagine... we make sounds, and other people can recognise those sounds, and those sounds mean something. Amazing! We can create an unlimited range of possibilities with each word we choose to use in a given situation. Our words can generate love, fear, anxiety, uncertainty, clarity, confusion, understanding, opportunity, loss, gain, benefit… the list is endless. It’s like humans are constructed to communicate! If this is true, communicating should never be taken for granted. The Word tells us there is power in words. As a matter of fact, life and death are in ‘words’, and binding and loosing are also in ‘words’. So we need to be very careful when using words. We see this in the “Get thee behind Me, satan” statement, which Jesus said when Peter used words that, on the face of it, appeared to be harmless. However, these words were, in fact, encouraging Christ to reject His entire mission on Earth, that is, death on the cross for the sins of man and resurrection to eternal life. Christ knew He HAD to die, so
How to... UNDERSTAND THE POWER IN YOUR WORDS any statement to the contrary couldn’t be from God and couldn’t be an encouragement - however well-meaning the person. Likewise, each one of us needs to be transformed into being like Christ, agreed? When the challenging times come to us, or to brothers and sisters, how do our words encourage? This shows us that words, when they are used and how
This shows us that words, when they are used and how they are used, are mega important, and we cannot underestimate this fact.
they are used, are mega important, and we cannot underestimate this fact. Interestingly, Jesus didn’t use Peter’s name in the rebuke, He used satan’s name. We’re all guilty of using a person’s name in the rebuke, and forgetting the fight isn’t against flesh and blood. Part of the renewing of our minds requires a clear understanding of this fact: the fight is against spiritual wickedness in high places, and not against flesh and blood. Who do we rebuke with our words? Many times, when our brothers and sisters need prayer, with gusto we get stuck in, praying for all sorts of stuff. However, we have been taught to trust the Holy Spirit and follow His leading. A small prayer asking for the right words is good practice, to ensure that the words we use achieve the intentions of the Holy Spirit. So, let’s pray (use words) with gusto through the Holy Spirit. In all situations, especially when we are comforting others, it’s of vital importance to be Holy Spirit-led with our words. We may be asked to pray for a particular outcome, say, money to pay bills. However, we don’t know the circumstances of the situation; there may be underlying problems which, once solved, means there will no longer be a finance issue. I recall reading
a prayer request. I started praying, but something wasn’t right, so I prayed for clarity. Immediately, I knew what to pray for, which was completely different from the prayer request, and real breakthrough was achieved. In the Peter example, being available, being obedient, being enthusiastic are all necessary foundations. However, being in tune with the Holy Spirit; using words that are Holy Spiritinspired, and taking actions that are Holy Spirit-led are what make the difference in effectiveness. What has all this got to do with the power of words? Everything! God understands the power of words; hence we are given countless warnings in the Bible re our use of words. Words can have the potential to distract from the original mission, and set in place a series of decisions which run contrary to what God intended. When we speak, it has to be Holy Spirit-led, and from that place of being yoked to Jesus. There’s power in your words - use them wisely!
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
hen we are born again as Christians into the Kingdom of God, we discover that we are caught up in a war with an opposing spiritual kingdom—the kingdom of satan. We have no option in this.
Because the Kingdom to which we belong is at war, we are part of the war. We also discover that we have various kinds of enemies, but the most powerful and the most formidable is a kingdom of rebellious angels in the heavenly places, under the rule of God’s archenemy, satan. Because we have such powerful enemies, we all need to avail ourselves of the protection which God has provided. Every Christian needs the protection of being under appropriate, scriptural authority. A Roman centurion sent some Jewish elders to Jesus to ask
Every Christian needs the protection of being under an appropriate authority. A Christian not under authority is an unprotected Christian.
for the healing of his servant, who was at death’s door. Jesus offered to go and pray for the healing of the servant, but the centurion responded, “Lord, do not trouble Yourself, for I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof. Therefore, I did not even think myself worthy to come to You. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes, and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes, and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” By saying, “I also am a man placed under authority,” the centurion recognised that Jesus’ authority in the spiritual realm operated like the authority that he had in the military realm. In each case, their authority was derived from submission to a higher source. For the centurion, as an army officer, the source was the Roman Emperor. For Jesus, the source was God the Father. The centurion understood a basic principle of Scripture: TO HAVE AUTHORITY YOU MUST BE UNDER AUTHORITY. And this earned him the highest commendation from Christ. Authority always flows downwards. There are chains of authority that descend from God the Father through Jesus the Son into every situation in the universe. In Ephesians 1:22, Paul says that God gave Jesus to be “Head over all things for the Church.” Every Christian needs the protection of being under an appropriate authority. A Christian not under authority
is an unprotected Christian. God’s concern is that we have an attitude of love and submission to Him, and to those He has placed in authority in our lives. This is often the opposite of what we see today – people are more concerned about being right in their own eyes,
... people are more concerned about being right in their own eyes, and insist on ‘doing their own thing’. and insist on ‘doing their own thing’. We see how Korah rose up in rebellion against Moses’ and Aaron’s authority, with 250 leaders in Israel. Rather than appealing to Moses’ and Aaron’s authority, they rebelled. The next day, the ground opened up and swallowed all of them alive (Numbers 16:3-4). God hates rebellion. “Rebellion is as bad as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as bad as worshipping idols” (1 Samuel 15: 23 NLT). Submission to God’s authorities in our lives gives us protection against the devil’s influence, who is,
by nature, rebellious and deceitful. God has placed delegated authorities in our lives: government, family, employment, in the Church (Romans 13:1ff). All authority comes from God, and we must learn to obey those delegated authorities God has placed in our lives. The Lord can release tremendous favour when His people respect authority. When we understand the principle of God’s delegated authority, it should change the way we think.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE! Miracles from The Philippines
any miracles are recorded in both the Old and New Testaments. The Gospels also record at least 35 miracles by Jesus, and John’s Gospel records, “Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His Name” (John 20:30-31). God continues to perform miracles today so that, as Christians, our faith in Him would increase daily, and that He would draw non-believers to Him. Whilst serving God on the mission field in Cebu, Philippines, I experienced many signs and wonders, as God moved upon people and situations in extraordinary ways. My prayer is that when you read the accounts recorded below as a Christian, your faith will increase or, as someone searching, you will believe that God is real, and that He desires to have a relationship with you through Christ Jesus.
Cristino – Raised back to life!
Ledely – Healed from polio!
After one such Sunday service, the members of the church were enjoying some refreshments and the usual fellowship, when all of a sudden a big commotion - with shouting and screaming - broke out.
When we entered her small, dilapidated hut, we saw Ledely lying in the corner, literally in her own squalor. She had been left there, because her parents had to go out each day to earn money in order to feed the family.
he services at Portland Christian Center are always vibrant and energetic and, invariably, we experience the move of the Holy Spirit.
When my wife, Cora, and I went to investigate what had happened, we discovered that Cristino, a man in his late forties, who regularly attended our services but had not committed his life to Jesus, was slumped in his seat, and seemed to be lifeless. His lips had turned blue, and he was showing no signs of life, so Cora, being a nurse, examined him. She quickly discovered that he had no pulse and had stopped breathing. Cora then gave the order for all the members to pray and ask God to bring him back to life but, as much as we prayed, nothing seemed to change. Cristino’s wife, also a nonChristian at the time, was going hysterical and was pleading for us to do something. Cora then noticed that Cristino had an amulet around his neck, and the Lord told her that this was preventing Him from performing a miracle. Cora then asked Cristino’s wife if she could remove the amulet, and she cried out, “ Yes! Whatever you want, just bring my Dodong (pet name) back!” Cora then pulled off the amulet and commanded all of us to pray again; she prayed in tongues and, within seconds, Cristino took a deep intake of breath and came back to life. It was an amazing miracle which was witnessed by over twenty people, all of whom were totally astonished at the sight. One of the members shouted out repeatedly in Cebuano, “It’s a miracle! Now I know that nothing is impossible for God.” At the following service, both Cristino and his wife, Justina, committed their lives to Jesus, and serve Him at PCC to this
bout five years ago, whilst visiting a small mountain village, Cora and I were asked to visit a young 15-year-old girl suffering from polio.
Filled with pity, Cora and I decided to help Ledely, and believed that, through prayer and care, God would perform a miracle in her life. For months, we visited Ledely, praying, encouraging her with God’s Word and care. Shortly afterwards, Ledely accepted Jesus as Lord, and we could see a smile on her face for the first time. Gradually, she gained strength and was able to sit up. She then shared her desire to go to school and, with the help of one of the members of ECC, we arranged for her education to be sponsored. Each year, Ledely came top of her class. However, the desire to be completely healed of the side-effects of polio was at the forefront of her mind, and she longed to see the day when she could look after herself. She joined the Worship team at the church, and performed solos at special events. Then one day, while I was speaking to her, she said to me, “Kuya (big brother), I want to show you something.” With that, she raised herself out of her seat, and stood on her own for the first time. I was amazed at what I had witnessed and, as Ledely, myself and other staff members rejoiced, we prayed and claimed that God would complete the healing process one day. Last September, Cora and I visited Cebu again, and witnessed the on-going miracle of healing in Ledley’s body, as we saw her walk the length of the church building unaided – the event we recorded on our camcorder!
These are just two of the many miracles we have witnessed on the mission field. Others include: a woman healed from appalling ulcers on her legs, which led to a church being planted; a man accepted Christ, got healed in an instant from alcoholism and smoking 40 cigarettes per day, and a woman, who was on the verge of death, was healed and, as a result, her whole family received Christ! Malachi 3:6 says, “I am God and I do not change.” God still heals, provides, sets free and delivers, and sometimes these events manifest as miracles. May God bless you.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
Here we are to worship! performed a skit on “Daniel in the Lions’ Den”, dramatising the Word that was preached, much to the delight of all the children.
Kidz Worship Jam and Kidz Act
ello to all our parents H and guardians. We are very grateful to God for His
abundant blessings to the Children’s Ministry, which are more and more evident as the year progresses. The Ministry is growing from strength to strength, with classes running without fail, Sunday after Sunday.
month, for all the children. The aim is for children to mimic what goes on in the adult service. We believe the Worship Service will engage children, and enable them to interact with each other, with teachers getting to know them on a larger scale. They
During the recent half term break, Children’s Ministry organised two introductory workshops for children, namely, Kidz Worship Jam and Kidz Act. Kidz Worship Jam introduced children to what real worship is, and how to worship. They were given the opportunity to compose their own worship songs, and to play using their musical instruments.
We will continue to engage children in activities such as these, so watch out for the next sessions, and do not allow your children to miss out!
Our volunteer teachers have shown dedication, love and team spirit in their work with the children, bringing the Ministry to where it is today. We say ‘Thank you’, and ask for God’s blessing on you all. Will you volunteer to join this rewarding Ministry?
Joint Worship Service This year, Children’s Ministry introduced a Joint Worship Service, to be held once a
had grown in their understanding of worship, using musical instruments and songs, and had gained confidence to act.
will grow in confidence, be assertive, and their skills and talents will shine. In the long term, they will gradually learn to practise the fundamentals of Christian living, and grow in their faith. So far, two of these services have taken place this year, and children and teachers together worked to make it a real time of fellowship with God.
Kidz Act enabled children to exercise their gifts and talents to serve and to minister to others. They got the opportunity to sing, and dramatised a Bible story. At the end of the two days of two-hour sessions, children
We pray that God will continue to energise us and give us wisdom and knowledge to teach the children, bringing home the truth of His Word in a fun, engaging and creative way, and using stories, quizzes, drama, dance, songs and music. May God’s love continue to move us into ACTION.
Children’s Ministry Team
Quizzes, skits, singing and dance - amongst others - will take place during these services, so that, gradually, children will take ownership of their praise, worship and prayer to God. In one of these services, children GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
t is 20:20 on the third Wednesday of the month, and the second half of the evening is just starting. Costa Coffee is filled with a vibrant atmosphere, consisting of melodic music, conversation, laughter; the aroma of coffee and hot beverages is unmistakeable, creating an environment second to none. The room is buzzing with interactions of up to 60 people in this intimate place: introductions, new friends made, familiar faces met, friends catching up; couples, the young and the not so young. As the harmonious music fills Costa, in walks a group of five girls, drawn to the music that captured their attention whilst walking by. Casually dressed, perhaps on their way from college, or maybe this is a stop on their way out this evening. Curiosity fills their expressions. With Costa in hand, they remain standing by the bar. Body language says, ‘We’re not staying,’ yet they remain rooted in place - almost
unintentionally - as the evening progresses, only moving closer to take photos and to film an inspiring song being performed by the artists; soaking in the atmosphere, completely engaged, swaying to the music, clapping, two-stepping as the evening continues towards the end. The Performers tonight are Daughters of Davis - a folk/ soul sister duo. Their authentic sound and vitality captivate the audience. Their faith is evident in their performances and in the preludes to their songs, without being imposing but rather inviting. What inspires them is their faith in Jesus; experiences they have gone through, and people in their lives. Bible verses interwoven effortlessly whilst speaking to the audience, with an open willingness to share themselves. The receptiveness of the audience is best illustrated by the sound of them singing Daughters of Davis’ lyrics: “Take my soul down to water…” - a song about a fresh start. Lyrics continue, “…my red hands have nothing to offer, pack up, was lost. I was
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
loved from the start. There was a price on my heart. I was loved from the start...” Among those singing these lyrics is a young lady, invited to the event by her friend. She sings with such heart, the lyrics almost like a prayer. She radiates unmatched enthusiasm and excitement of being there this evening, engaging in conversation with those around her; sharing how great this event is, and how amazing it is to have such an environment where people in the community can come and be inspired, meet new friends, whilst having great entertainment for free - championing this cause, yet a personal relationship with Christ is not yet a reality in her life. Next to this young lady is her friend, who invited her this evening. As part of the Live Lounge Ealing Team, the hope and aspirations held for her friend also apply to all those who walk by and into Costa on every third Wednesday of the month, from 19:30 to 21:00 and beyond. The event creates
an opportunity to invite friends - who might be reluctant to come to church - to enjoy entertainment with a twist of faith, be inspired and meet new friends. The hope is that all those, to whom Christ is still unknown, will get to know Him through having church in the heart of the community; aspirations that young adults from ECC (and beyond) will come, and will also bring their friends to be encouraged by the quality performers who have been inspired by their faith, and also to engage with others around them. The evening draws to an end, and a good number are involved in the clearing and tidying of Costa. The people linger, and conversations with new acquaintances and familiar faces continue to flow. There is a reluctance to leave.
Delyn Pindai
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 61 • April / May 2013
of many nations proclaiming one gospel through many disciples
one family
ALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE (ECC) is part of the Elim Pentecostal family of churches, of which there are around 600 in the UK, and which is in fellowship with approximately 8000 churches worldwide. Year by year, ECC has continued to grow steadily with people coming from every continent, joyfully blending into a multi-ethnic family, drawn from approx 100 nationalities. With its emphasis on prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship and evangelism, the church seeks to live out its motto. Now hundreds of Christians - of all ages and backgrounds - meet together for lively celebration on Sundays in the beautifully-restored decor of the 1200seater auditorium, a former Odeon cinema, and in small Discipleship Cell groups during the week.
CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION Women’s Discipleship Cell leaders, with over five years’ service, were recently presented with Certificates of Appreciation.
09.00 FIRST MORNING SERVICE 09.30 Little Seekers (Age 2-5yrs) 09.30 Finders (Age 6-10yrs) 09.30 Teens Talk (School years 7-11) - single gender classes 11.15 SECOND MORNING SERVICE 11.45 Crèche (18mths-3yrs) Adventurers (Nursery 3-4 yrs) Discoverers (Age 5 yrs) Explorers (School years 1&2) Investigators (School years 3&4) Pioneers (School years 5&6) 11.45 Nu Talk (School years 7&8) Talkin' God (School years 9,10&11) - single gender classes 14.30 Polish Church Service 14.30 Japanese Church Service 18.30 SUNDAY NIGHTS AT THE CENTRE (see page 21 for details) 20.00 Refreshments in Coffee Lounge
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.30-21.15 Tuesday Night
Prayer Explosion
The ladies received their certificates from Pastor Richard and Pastor Rajinder during the morning services.
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 14.00 Wednesday Afternoon
18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College
Registration required
18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College
Registration required
(Last Friday of every month)
22.00-05.00 All-Night Prayer Meeting
11.00-13.00 Street Evangelism
Evangelism & Missions • Fellowship for all Ages • Praise & Worship • Prayer • Teaching BOROUGH-WIDE EVANGELISM | LIGHTHOUSE EVANGELISM | EVANGELISM EXPLOSION Discipleship Cells | Children’S ministries | Youth Ministries | Evergreens (Ministry for the Retired) DAILY PRAYER MEETINGS | WEEKLY PRAYER EXPLOSIONS | ALL-NIGHT PRAYER MEETINGS | Deliverance EQUIPPERS INTERNATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE (teaching ministry) | REVIVAL & HEALING MEETINGS
For further information: tel 020 8840 7508, email info@ecc.org.uk, or visit www.ecc.org.uk EALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE • 268 Northfield Avenue • Ealing • London W5 4UB Registered Charity No. 251549