ECC Grapevine Feb/Mar 2013 - Issue 60

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Issue 60


ECC Prayer Centre - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Call for prayer on: 020 8799 2199

February / March 2013

rapevine magazine


Moment of Truth concerts help to feed the hungry page 4

SETTING THE CAPTIVES FREE! ECC working more closely with CSW page 5

MAN & MONEY page 6



BAPTISM SPECIAL pages 30 & 31


Pentecostal Church


A word from the SENIOR PASTOR



s a church, God wants us to be people of influence – those who can bring a message of hope in Christ to others. A message that can change the lives of individuals, both for now and eternity and that seeks to change the society in which we live. On an individual basis, our main impact will be in the local communities in which we live and work. And it is encouraging to see so many of us engaging in all different ways to achieve that end. Collectively, we also have the capacity to reach out far beyond our local borders into other lands. One of the features of Ealing Christian Centre is that, because its members are drawn from nations all around the world, it offers us the opportunities to have a global influence. A prophetic word, given some years ago, spoke of how ECC would become an apostolic church. Over the years we have seen how this has started to emerge.

One of the features of ECC is that, because its members are drawn from nations all around the world, it offers us the opportunities to have a global influence

A recent visit to ECC of our missionary to Nepal reminded us of the rapid progress of the vision to plant a church and a trained worker in every village in that nation. Supported by ECC, Bhab Ghale is heading up a team of workers who use innovative ways of spreading the Gospel and establishing churches there. A team of young people from ECC will soon be embarking on a shortterm mission to Cebu in the Philippines, to work alongside the thriving church there, pioneered and established by Pastor Mark and Cora King which, in turn, has also developed plans for new church plants. In Tanzania, students sponsored by the ECC Missions Department are still being trained for the ministry at the Bible College that

Rajinder and I went out to set up nearly 30 years ago. In the West Indies, we provide similar help to the Bible College in Guyana, and it is also heart-ening to hear how the Lord is moving in some of the churches there, including the one ECC came alongside them to help establish. A more recent opportunity is to help influence the nation of Japan, through giving support and encouragement to our

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 60 • February / March 2013

seeking to grow a church – unless it becomes part of the strategy.

ECC Japanese Fellowship (ECCJ). Pastor Aogu and his wife Chisato, aided by Pastor Tsuyoshi, have been working tirelessly to reach out to the local Japanese community with

the Gospel. They have done well to establish the church on a sound foundation in a short period of time. One feature of their community, however, is that, because the people are mainly working in England on contracts of three or four years, each year a sizable number from the church returns to Japan. This could be disheartening for a pastor

Pastor Aogu recently took Rajinder and me to Japan for the purpose of seeing the spiritual situation for ourselves, with a view to see how we at ECC could help provide strategic help to reach Japanese people. They are a wealthy nation, possessing all the latest technology (even the toilet seats play music as the water is flushed!) and operating very efficiently in all they do. It was an experience to travel on their 200 mph ‘Bullet’ trains. And visiting in autumn, the leaves on the trees provided a spectacularly colourful backdrop to their parks. It is a crowded, bustling country, but a safe society, where primary school children can travel alone on the trains to and from school. The people have everything - except hope. It was helpful to spend three days at a Christian conference, where talking to different people helped us gain further insight into the Christian community of Japan. The churches are, in the main, small and few and far between. It seemed to us they are in need of encouragement and a sense of empowerment since, being less than 0.5% of the population, they have become accustomed to being a tiny minority in a large population, where there is huge cultural pressure on individuals to

conform and not to become Christians. It was good for us to be able to meet up with some former members of ECCJ, whom we had known here and who had now returned to Japan, and to hear their experiences as Christians in Japan. There are two ways ECCJ are able to impact their own nation. The first is to train up the Japanese Christians while they are still here in London, so that when they leave the UK they can make an impact on the churches as they arrive back in Japan. It was good to meet one former ECCJ member, who is now a youth leader in a church in Japan. Another we met is coordinating the raising of funds in Japan, to help the work of the church here in London.

PICTURES and FRONT COVER supplied by Pastor Richard Buxton

The second way is to have annual conferences and seminars in Japan itself, for all

those who have been through the ECCJ Fellowship here in London and who are now back home, to inspire, equip and encourage them in their service for God. Already over 30 believers have returned from here, and an even greater number who attended the Japanese church here as sympathisers, even if they had not made a commitment to the

They are a wealthy nation, possessing all the latest technology and operating efficiently in all they do... The people have everything - except hope Lord. Each year, that number continues to increase as their work contracts come to an end. I have no doubt that there would be a great interest from other Christians in Japan also in attending such conferences. It would be a good means of impacting and reaching into this very spiritually-needy nation, which features well towards the bottom of the nations that are the least reached with the Gospel. As our Japanese church labours tirelessly to bring the Gospel to their fellow countrymen and -women, we have a great opportunity to come alongside to help them in these ways, in their missionary endeavours to reach their own nation.

Richard Buxton


n behalf of the family here at Ealing Christian Centre, we would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we are glad to have you worshipping with us today. We hope you will feel at home in our fellowship - whether this is your first time or your umpteenth time with us. May God bless you.

CONTENTS 2 A Word from the Senior Pastor

4 Soul Food: Moment of Truth by Roy McEwen 5 Setting the Captives Free!

by Pastor Mark King

by Pastor Rajinder Buxton

6 Man and Money by Dr Jidé Sogbetun 7 Living a Focused Life

8 Welcoming New Members to ECC

10 Church Outside Four Walls 12 Prayer Centre Testimonies

13 Two-month Prayer Diary Pull-out 21 Sunday Services at a Glance /

Forthcoming Events

What We Believe

22 Finance & Attendance statistics / 23 Evangelism & Prayer Ministry Dates 24 Fellowship

25 How to Walk in Full Restoration

by Roy McEwen


26 The Greatest Gift by Chris Matthews / 27 Who Are You? by Pastor John Starr

28 Live Lounge - Youth Ministries 29 Children United!!! - Children’s Ministries 30 Baptismal Service Would you like to contribute an item to the next edition of the GRAPEVINE magazine? The deadline for the APRIL/MAY edition is FRIDAY 1st MARCH 2013. If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the GRAPEVINE magazine, please email your article to, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. (For adverts, please email Editor-in-Chief: Pastor Richard Buxton Editor & Design: Berean Services UK Photography: Roy McEwen plus various contributors from ECC Stock Images:,, Google Images Print: DeLuxe Printers Ltd, London NW10 7NR, Tel: 020 8965 1771 Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: Website: GRAPEVINE magazine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. GRAPEVINE magazine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where GRAPEVINE magazine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2013. All rights reserved.

February / March 2013 • Issue 60 • GRAPEVINE magazine



Trussell Trust

Chuka Royalty



he mid morning drive up the A1 to Hatfield was pleasant; it was a nice clear day. When I arrived, a volunteer greeted me enthusiastically and said, “Come see our shelves.” There was just enough food for one more family, but they were expecting a few families that evening. The volunteers had just finished their morning devotion, praying that “Good Samaritans” would bring lots more food to stock their shelves. As I carried each box inside, containing food collected at the Moment of Truth Concert, at ECC, she exclaimed “Oooh, more!!!” There seemed to be more boxes than I had put in the car, perhaps it’s because they were heavy, I think. When we finished unloading, the shelves were full again – ready for families in need of assistance to pop along and top up their shelves at home. That was 2009. The Moment of Truth Concert raised over 650 tins of food, which were donated to a church food bank in Hatfield. This food bank provides necessary assistance to working families, struggling to make ends meet with increases in energy, petrol, food and, at the same time, income stagnation. When we first shared the vision for Moment of Truth, no one could predict where the journey was going to take us. This year will be concert number 8!! We have written and produced new songs; published the Moment of Truth Soul Food CD, which makes great Christmas and birthday presents, and which has helped

many to get to know Jesus Christ. Your food donations have fed thousands; every tin has been used by a family and, above all, they know for a fact that there are people in London who care enough to help relieve their burdens - without asking for anything in return. In 2010, I contacted a church in Harrow and offered the food to them. The pastor suggested we meet for a coffee, where I sat listening to his story in awe. Some years prior, as a much younger man, he

Food poverty statistics are shocking, but what was most impressive was this: within seven days of providing food from the Concert, this same food would be collected by families had come over from the US to London to plant a church. He had a clear vision: to provide food to the elderly and young families, build trust and win souls. In the first years of his church, he did just that, and his congregation grew beyond his imagination. Then, in his words, “compassion fatigue” set in and, one by one, his team shrank. The feeding programme ended, and so did church growth. We ended the meeting agreeing a

Mr K

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 60 • February / March 2013

drop-off date, and he vowed to restart his vision with the donated food. Is God good or what!! In 2011 and 2012, the food raised from Moment of Truth concerts were provided to the Trussell Trust, a national food bank charity. You may have seen them on the TV news. Food poverty statistics are shocking, but what was most impressive was this: within seven days of providing food from the Concert, this same food would be collected by families. Wow!!! Previously, the stereotypical thought about those requiring food assistance were people down on their luck, living on the streets or just too lazy. Perhaps, but that was then. Today, it’s people like you and me: working, ambitious, with mortgages and children and cars who, due to the economic conditions, find their salaries cannot meet their outgoings. Food banks and soup kitchens are a necessary lifeline. These great stories and your great contribution of time, effort and food to the Moment of Truth concerts only happen once a year. However, spare a thought for the food banks and soup kitchens who, on a daily basis, provide food, a warm smile, and hearty conversation to families. Please, continue your support.


Mandisa Knights




“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted; to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind; to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” (Luke 4:18-19)


that a person or organisation undertakes, including media campaigns, public speaking, commissioning and lobbying.) CSW has influenced and challenged many governments and organisations to rethink their policies and plans in line with human rights and justice. These are some of the accomplishments from last year alone!

ECCIM has been supporting Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) for many years, helping financially and through prayer, to impact the lives of our Christian brothers and sisters throughout the world, who are unjustifiably persecuted and imprisoned for their faith.

• Influencing the reporting of religious violence in Nigeria to ensure the truth was reported. • Breakthroughs in our

CSW is a Christian organisation working for religious freedom through advocacy and human rights, in the pursuit of justice. Their primary work is advocacy. (Advocacy is a political process by an individual or group, which aims to influence public policy and resource allocation decisions within political, economic and social systems and institutions. Advocacy can include many activities

It is unsettling to think that, right now, millions of people are suffering persecution on a daily basis because of their religious beliefs.

as acting CSW rep. Helen will be working closely with CSW to ensure that our church is mobilised to pray, protest and provide on behalf of persecuted Christians around the world and, by doing so, ECC will help to provide solidarity and support to those in need – in other words, to be a voice for the voiceless!

You can become a CSW supporter It is unsettling to think that, right now, millions of people are suffering persecution


n Luke 4:18-19, Jesus lays out His vision statement for His ‘world-changing’ earthly ministry. Whilst He is mainly talking about the spiritual and eternal aspects of His ministry, He is also talking about the physical – and this is what ECC International Missions (ECCIM) continues to engage in, by the grace of God, to help set the captives free!

Burma work, when fourteen governments supported recommendations for a UN Commission of Inquiry. • CSW’s unique analysis of Nepal’s draft constitution was used to brief politicians to ensure that it enshrines religious freedom. • Providing evidence-based reports to the UN human rights reviews of some of the world’s worst abusers of religious freedom. From the beginning of 2013, ECC will be stepping up its influence in the support of the Persecuted Church, by partnering more with CSW. To this end, we have added Helen Cummings to the ECCIM team,

- including torture and harassment - on a daily basis because of their religious beliefs. Your support makes a huge difference, so if you would like to take the first step towards helping victims of religious persecution, why not sign up and become a regular supporter of the work?

Connect & Encourage Send encouragement to those persecuted for their faith! You can be an encouragement by sending a card or a letter to bring them hope. This touches them right where they are, demonstrating that they’re not forgotten, and that they are cared for.

Helen Cummings

One card: Double the impact! Your cards can also remind prison authorities that we haven’t forgotten the injustice of a prisoner’s situation, and are persistently advocating for their welfare in the international community. The people listed in Connect & Encourage – from human rights activists and lawyers to church leaders, persecuted Christians and their families – benefit tremendously from your letters or cards. If you would like to support in any way, you can contact Helen Cummings at h.cummings@, or visit the CSW website and register direct Throughout 2013, we plan to have regular slots within the weekly prayer and All-Night Prayer Meetings, where we will engage in focused intercessory prayer for the Persecuted Church and the overseas mission organisations we currently support.


February / March 2013 • Issue 60 • GRAPEVINE magazine




was joking with a friend recently and said, “Man and money don’t part easily.” There is, of course, a fundamental truth in this statement.

Man finds it difficult to part easily with money. There is always a well-thought-out excuse not to give, as money seems to have a hold on man. Little wonder Christ said, “…You cannot serve both God and Mammon.” For the Church, the whole principle of tithing and giving stirs up a lot of emotions and arguments in different quarters. “Tithing is under the covenant of the law” some say, while others claim that giving should just be a “love offering”, as we are under grace. Yet another group says, “I don’t give because I don’t agree with the way the money is spent.” It always baffles me why people find reasons not to give to God or the things of God, if we claim to love Him so much. Now, a point of correction to the first group: tithing and ‘sacrificial giving’ did not start with the law, but with Abraham who is also the Father of FAITH, and to whom the promise we so affirm was given. Abraham gave a tenth of all he got from the spoils of war to Melchizedek, the High Priest. He was not under the law, yet he gave a tenth! He didn’t stop there, but was also willing to sacrifice his beloved son to God. Giving to God thus has nothing to do

with the law, but with a sincere love for God and for the things of God.

To the “love offering” group, your argument sounds so spiritual but does not stand up to careful scrutiny. A true love offering always costs a lot more than 10% of what you have. Consider these facts: Isaac is worth a lot more than 10% to Abraham; Jesus is worth a lot more than 10% to the Father. True love offering would cost you everything! To the last group, not liking the way the money is spent is not a valid excuse not to give to God. Choose a church that follows the principles of the Word; become part of it; have a well-structured financial accountability, and stick to this!

It always baffles me why people find reasons not to give to God or the things of God, if we claim to love Him so much The irony of this group’s argument is that they still pay their taxes, even though they might not agree with half of what the Government spends money on. Just as we pay our taxes because it is our responsibility to the State, so is giving to God also our responsibility to God and to building His Kingdom. Indeed, “to whom much is given, much is expected.” Giving to God should be something we find joy in doing. Giving to God has eternal and enduring rewards. Giving to God is returning to Him a little of the abundance of His

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 60 • February / March 2013

blessings over us. It does grieve me, therefore, when people find excuses not to give. I started giving to God when I gave my life to Jesus, in my early years of medical school. I persisted in giving 10% of my pocket money, though this caused me some hardship as the money was really meant for my sustenance. However, I gave notwithstanding this, as the joy of doing so was enough for me! My desire, my passion was to be involved in Kingdom-building, and as my responsibility for being part of the body of Christ. My motive was not for the “good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over” reward, even though I trusted that, too, would come. Looking back now, I can confirm that I have been through thick and thin: times I had nothing, and times of plenty; many hungry nights, and nights I had to consciously refrain from eating more than I should, because God’s blessings were in abundance. All in all, and with hand on heart, I can confidently declare that, because I have shown commitment in giving to the Kingdom, God has proven more than faithful to me in return. He has seen me through really hopeless and dead situations, and has always supplied my needs. He has proven to be a ready Help in time of need, and His faithfulness continues to stir me to be more of a giver. My rambling has only one purpose: to stir you, as 2013 progresses, into committing your finances and other possessions to the work of God, here in this local assembly, as you and I render ourselves to Him as tools in His hand to build His Kingdom here on earth. After all, there is nothing we have that He has not blessed us with. So, let’s go!

Dr JIDÉ SOGBETUN Primary Cell Leader




ometimes, no matter how hard we try, we don’t seem to focus our time on the things that are most important. At the beginning of each year, we promise ourselves that we will spend our time more wisely. For example, we will spend more time exercising, and less time eating junk food; more time reading our Bible, and less time watching TV or using the Internet; more time with our children or grandchildren, and less time working overtime at our jobs.

Fourthly, she was demanding. She tells the Lord what she wants Him to do, instead of letting the Lord tell her what she should do: “…Tell her to come and help me…” (verse 40). So, how do we focus our time? Jesus answers for us in verses 41 and 42. We must find a balance between doing things and waiting on God. Luke 10:27 says that we should love the Lord our God (waiting on God, sitting and listening to God first) and love your neighbour (doing things for them).

It is the ‘Mary and Martha Syndrome’ (Luke 10:38-42).

PICTURE: Google Images

Before we read these verses, let’s take a little quiz… 1. When life gets busy, does your time with God tend to get pushed aside? 2. When you try to focus on something, do you find that you are easily distracted? 3. Overall, would you (or others) say that you tend to be a worrier? 4. Do you ever feel sorry for yourself? 5. In your opinion, do you think you do more than your fair share of work? 6. Do you find at times that you are easily angered by others? 7. Would you say that it’s easy for you to see the faults of others? 8. At times, do you find yourself questioning if God really cares about you?

If you find that you answered ‘Yes’ to four or more of these questions, then you will probably find that you are more like Martha. If you answered ‘Yes’ to fewer than four of these questions, you will most likely relate more to Mary. If you really think about it, many times we set our time with the Lord aside, to take care of other business that we think is really important. Have you ever considered that what we think is important, God often considers a distraction? The problem of a busy life is similar to what Martha faced. She was offered the opportunity to sit at Jesus’ feet, but found herself busy. She couldn’t spare Jesus any time.

What was Martha’s problem? Was her desire to serve Jesus the problem? No.

This is hard because we live in a Martha world. There are times when we need to just stop and be quiet and still, and rest in the presence of the Lord. Psalm 37:7 says, “Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” It is good for us personally; good for our relationship with others, and good for our relationship with God.

Firstly, she was distracted. Her preoccupation with serving distracted her from what was most important. Luke 10:40 says that Martha was worrying over the big dinner she was preparing.

Is your time a bit out of focus?

Secondly, she was depressed. She began to feel sorry for herself. Luke 10:40 says “Lord, don’t You care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me.”

It is time to focus our time correctly - on the Lord.

Thirdly, she became disapproving. She became critical of Mary for not doing her part.

Do you find that you spend too much time on things that are not the most important, and not enough time on the things that are?

Pastor RAJINDER BUXTON Primary Overseer Women’s Discipleship Cells


High Leigh Conference Centre: Friday 27th to Sunday 29th September 2013 (Speak to your Cell Leader for a booking form) February / March 2013 • Issue 60 • GRAPEVINE magazine



aving a place you can call ‘home’, and where responsibilities and commitment are placed upon each other, is vitally important to every individual. That is why the Bible says, in Hebrews 10:25, “ not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Jude Alphonsus

To identify myself with the body of Christ and possibly help build the body for the work of the ministry.

The Bible has several ways to describe ‘church’. I personally believe that one of the pivotal analogies used to describe church is found in 1 Corinthians 12:27, when the Church is described as the ‘body’. Looking at the human body, each unique part has its own function. Clearly, no two different parts have the same role, and we know that each part - whether visible or invisible - is very important for the entire body to function at its best. One can only imagine what would happen if one of the fundamental parts of the body ceased to work. For example, what would happen if the kidney stopped functioning as it ought? What would happen to the entire body? I believe every Christian should always remember the importance of being part of the church family. Not only does it benefit that individual person, but each Christian should come to the realisation that they, too, are a significant part of the body, and that they, too, are needed in the body, in order that the church family can reach its full potential. Remember, the body is definitely defective without you (Romans12:4-8)!

Nicole Gordon

I have been actively attending ECC for nearly five years, where I am part of the Youth Ministries. God placed it on my heart to become an official member.

Therefore, it is poignant to realise that whether you are a member, thinking of becoming a member, or undecided, you are valuable to the body of Christ. Just imagine what it would be like if we were all to use our God-given gifts and talents for the benefit of the body. To become a member of ECC, fill in an application form, which can be found at the back of the Auditorium. We will subsequently inform you when the membership classes will be held. You may have been attending ECC for a long time, and probably involved in ministries already. Why don’t you take the next step? After all, in every relationship comes responsibility and commitment.

Daniel King

I have been coming to ECC for many years and wanted to make my membership official.

Richa Thapa

Mylène Duevi

To be planted and to grow in a prayerful and dynamic church, and to benefit from the sound teaching and ministry.

Pastor William Anane-Forkuo

Georgina King

I have been coming to ECC for many years and wanted to make my membership official.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 60 • February / March 2013

Support the church vision. To open my life to serve God’s Kingdom, and for His glory to my church and the whole world.

Shantha Luxmi Srideva

I am a Christian, and have been attending ECC since 2007 and want to become a member.


Raj Fruzza

To follow the biblical principal of ‘one body’.

Noel Peters

The Holy Spirit has given me joy and peace.

Mary Gatu

To fulfil my commitment to God through fellowship and service within His local body at ECC.

Harriet Gomez

I feel at home with the church’s mission, teaching, and style of service.

Agnes Ogunseye

Warmth and preaching of diversity. God’s Word, accepting people the way they are.

Joyce Massaquoi

At ECC I feel at home. The people are friendly and lovely – God is in this church.

Afia Peters

I feel peace at ECC.

Monique Ibrahim

I believe this is the place God wants me to be. Since attending ECC, I feel I’ve grown spiritually as an individual.

Benjamin Olosinmo

Nicole Kabangu February / March 2013 • Issue 60 • GRAPEVINE magazine



he sun shone brilliantly, as it gave just the right setting for Lighthouse Evangelism in December. It was spearheaded by the Men’s and Women’s Discipleship Cell groups. As the people passed by the church, they had opportunity to hear the Gospel. Some team members handed tracts to the people getting on and off the buses at the bus stop in front of ECC. Many of the team members happily walked up and down the streets distributing tracts and witnessing to the people. Pastor Sam and the ECC choir sang carols outside the church. They put their whole heart and soul into singing, and shared the Gospel message through songs. Those waiting at the bus stop opposite ECC listened attentively to the singing. Free teas and coffees with edibles were served to the passers-by, and a number of people promised to visit the church. At our prayer meetings, we have regularly prayed for an open heaven over Northfields as, formerly, we felt Northfields a hard place to evangelise. But we are delighted to say that this is changing, and we are now experiencing responsiveness from the people in the Northfields area. Prayer is the key to driving out and breaking down the strongholds and powers of darkness over people’s lives, and thank God we are beginning to experience this in Northfields.



‘We explain to people how they can be born again’ “Ken, Michael, Kenny and I went out evangelising. We met a couple with teenagers, and explained to them that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with the true and living God. We explained to them how they can be ‘born again.’ We explained how everyone wanting a relationship with God needs to go through Jesus Christ first. We are all sinners, but God is love, and He is a holy God. He came to Earth to die on the cross for all our sins. They were very interested and started listened intently to us. As they listened, they expressed their desire to invite Jesus into their hearts. They prayed the Sinner’s Prayer along with us. We gave them tracts to read, and they came to church the following morning. They also received a welcome pack from us, and we are keeping in contact with them. Furthermore, a Russian bother has started coming to Ealing Christian Centre as a result of witnessing to him. We pray he will keep coming to church, so that he, too, will come to know Jesus Christ as his Saviour and Lord soon. He is from a Catholic background.


Two Nepalese young men, whom we have been witnessing to, have expressed

interest in coming to church. Another man, around 45 years of age, lived in the town we live in. The Lord led us to witness to him at least twice. The second time, he was arguing a lot with us about the salvation message. We managed to explain the salvation message to him. Sadly, we heard this very man was eating at a café and he suffered a heart attack there. He was taken to hospital and pronounced dead. We felt sad that he had passed away, but also thanked God He had given us the opportunity to witness to him about Jesus before he died. We never know when death can come our way. Everyone needs to hear about Jesus Christ. Another time, a mother was in town with her two daughters. One of the daughters was a born again Christian, but she was not. The mother and daughter were very happy to listen to us talk about Jesus. Again, we explained how she could receive salvation from Jesus, and that it was a free gift of God. The mother seemed much convicted, and she thanked us for the message and took the tract from us. We also receive many opportunities to pray for various people on the street.”

Jean Gato

“We felt sad that he had passed away, but also thanked God He had given us the opportunity to witness to him about Jesus before he died. We never know when death can come our way.” 10

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 60 • February / March 2013


‘Asking people questions about Jesus’ Jesus demonstrated the relaxed questioning of friendship evangelism. Here are some useful tips from Randy Newman on evangelism. He has written books called ‘Questioning Evangelism’ and ‘Bringing the Gospel Home.’ Some will ask the stranger a question, “Excuse me, can I ask you a question? Who do you think Jesus is?” Some will say, “He was a good man.” “He was a prophet,” etc. So we can say, “He was more than this, and He died and rose again for your sins. Do you believe this?” We need to have the unsaved question their own belief system, which is why a questioning form of evangelism is such a useful tool. It helps us focus on what is happening spiritually in their lives, so that we can work with what the Lord is doing as we talk. We can progress to, “The Lord wants to have a relationship with you. Is there any reason why you would not want to have a relationship with Him?” This could lead to a salvation prayer.

Rowena Osmond


‘Divine appointments, a direct result of prayer’ I stopped a lady and asked her a question: “Do you know that Jesus loves you and has a plan for your life?” She stopped and began to tell me that she had done so many bad things, and that she couldn’t believe Jesus would love her. She said she was an alcoholic, and has been out of a job for a long time. I shared the Gospel with her, and told her that we have all have sinned and that is the reason why Jesus went to the cross: to pay for our sins and that He is our risen Lord and Saviour, who is waiting for her to receive Him in her heart. I shared my testimony with her and about my changed life; how Jesus cleansed me of all my sins and is ready to do the same for her. As soon as she realised that Jesus is willing and able to forgive all her sins - past, present and future - she believed, and said she would like to give her life to Jesus. She said the Prayer of Repentance, and asked Jesus into her heart. She was overjoyed to learn that she was now born again, and then she burst into tears. I also got into conversation with an elderly Irish man, who seemed as if he could hardly walk because of the state of his legs. After chatting


with him for a while, I asked him whether he ever invited Jesus into his heart. He didn’t understand what I meant so I explained it to him. He said he had never even thought about it, but when I told him how important it was, he readily said the Sinner’s Prayer and accepted Jesus into his life. He said he was very grateful that I cared enough to speak with him and, even more importantly, make sure he is going to heaven! On one occasion, a lady approached the table and said I was a doing a great job. When I asked her if she was a Christian she said, “Yes, I was once a Muslim but I am now a born again Christian. I love Jesus because He visited me in my bedroom, and taught me to read the Bible on the computer.” She related her experience about how she came to reject Islam and believe in Jesus. She was on fire for Jesus – and still is.

Colleen Barry-Austin

February / March 2013 • Issue 60 • GRAPEVINE magazine



Testimonies from the PRAYER CENTRE The Prayer Centre operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as compassionate prayer partners are waiting to take your prayer requests and to pray for your individual needs over the telephone. Here are some of the amazing answers to prayer, as individuals ring back to share their answers with us.

020 8799 2199


A sister wanted to thank God for the Prayer Centre, because there is always somebody there to pray with. Also she wanted to thank God for the gift of a car she received recently. Praise God!


A lady called the Prayer Centre to thank God because she was able to get an earlier appointment to see the Consultant for treatment; she had previously been on a long waiting list.


A sister wanted to thank God for divine direction. She went to purchase a mattress for £400, but just as the payment was about to be made, she felt so strongly the Lord was saying No, so she stopped the purchase and returned home. To the glory of God, a few days later she found the same mattress for £160. Praise the Lord!


A lady called the Prayer Centre regarding her daughter’s passport which was missing. Praise God, they were able to find it the next morning, as she needed it for a job interview. God is always on time.


A young lady wanted to thank God because she was able to get to the airport, in spite rail disruption, also a friend was well enough to see her son off to the airport.


A gentleman called to thank God and the member of the Prayer Centre for their prayers. He was healed of kidney stones. He had been in severe pain suffering from kidney stones, and was due for a surgery but, while undergoing surgery, the doctors said they couldn’t find any stones in his kidney. Praise God.



Sonia prayed for a place at the Evangelism School of Fire, run by Pastor Bonnke at CfAN, and was so pleased to get a place there. Also her sister, Colleen, who does evangelism with her every Friday also got a place. They didn’t even expect this to happen due to the numbers of applicants for the same places, and the available seats left were just 120. Praise God, they are excited!

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 60 • February / March 2013

An anonymous caller rang the Prayer Centre to say that police officers were at her door; they had come to arrest her for overstaying her visa. She called back to give thanks to God, because she was not arrested but warned, and instructed to report herself to the Home Office. Praise God!



A sister called the Prayer Centre for healing in her body. After prayer, she went and had various blood tests, and the results all came out negative. She gives God all the glory, honour and adoration. Hallelujah!


A lady prayed with one of the intercessors in the morning, because she was going for a job interview. To the glory of God, she got the job and was due to start on 1st November.

A lady called the Prayer Centre to pray for her sister, who has been hospitalised some days ago. She couldn’t eat or drink; she had a very strong headache, and was very weak, but she is now back home feeling better. Also her 3-year-old nephew has a virus in his brain. He was paralysed, and couldn’t eat or move. She called for prayers back in September 2011. He is now getting better, and she is still praying for his second leg to start functioning properly.



A sister was feeling discouraged because of lack of progress in her calling, but after calling the Prayer Centre, she challenged her situation with the Word of God, and she is able to sleep peacefully and wants to give thanks to God.



Amazing testimonies abound at the Prayer Centre, and you can make a difference to someone's life. Are you willing to be used by God in this area? Please contact Rudy or Tom, our Prayer Coordinators, on 020 8799 2199.




hurch history tells us that Mark spent time ministering alongside the apostle Peter, and that Mark’s Gospel is a summary of Peter’s preaching. Mark was writing primarily to Gentiles, who had not heard the Old Testament, and were therefore not familiar with its prophecies or Jewish theological arguments. Mark, therefore, concentrates on showing who Jesus is, and what he has accomplished, both in his ministry and supremely through his death and resurrection.

Mark gives little by way of introduction, but starts off immediately in his first chapter by showing the power and authority of Jesus. He is announced by John the Baptist as the powerful Baptiser in the Holy Spirit, who is affirmed at his baptism by God the Father. He overcomes satan’s temptations; calls his disciples, and immediately begins performing one miracle after another. He preaches the Good News; heals the sick and drives out demons. The powers of darkness are early on revealed as being completely powerless in his presence, as Jesus is seen tirelessly doing the will of his Father as he moves from one situation to the next. Although he is often surrounded by crowds of people who want him to minister to them, nevertheless he still finds time to slip aside to be on his own to spend time in prayer. For those times alone in the presence of the Holy Spirit are where he is spiritually replenished, and are the secret of sustaining that level of anointed ministry. Mark ends his book by quoting the words of Jesus: “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my Name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands, and when they drink deadly poison it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people and they will get well” (Mark 16:15-18).

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

Mark Chapters 1 to 3

He concludes, therefore, by saying, in effect, “You have seen what Jesus did. He has set the example. He has delegated the power and authority of his Name to the Church, and commissioned it to go in the power of his Name and do the same things.” So, as we pray through these first three chapters of Mark, we are praying for the Lord to help us follow his example, and fulfil the Great Commission he gave us, and to do the work he has called us to do, in all the fullness of the power he has equipped us with.

1st – Mark 1:1-3 Jesus’ messengers 1. Lord, help us to be faithful heralds of the Gospel. 2. Lord, may our lives always be a testimony of your grace that is changing us into the image of Christ. 3. Fill us with the joy of the Lord that comes from living our daily lives in accordance with your will, we pray. 4. Help us always be prepared to give an account of the reason why we choose to follow Jesus, we pray. 5. Help us to deliver your Gospel message in a way that is clear and in every way faithful to the truth, we pray.

2nd – Mark 1:4-5 Repentance and confession of sins 1. Holy Spirit, help us to be quick to respond when you impress on our spirits that we have stepped out of line, we pray. 2. Help our repentance to be total and complete, O Lord, never turning back in any way to following the ways of our old nature.

3. O Lord, help us to live in an attitude of continual confession to you, so that nothing may hinder our relationship with you. 4. May your presence be so strong amongst us, O God, that all who come into our meetings may be convicted of sin. 5. We pray that we will see many people genuinely understanding they are sinners before God, and confessing Christ as Saviour and Lord.

3rd – Mark 1:6-8 Baptism in the Holy Spirit 1. We pray that all in the church will seek and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 2. Holy Spirit, we ask that you would distribute all your spiritual gifts amongst the members of your church. 3. Holy Spirit, help us to step out in faith and use the spiritual gifts you have given us. 4. May we seek you daily, Holy Spirit, to be full to overflowing, and from that outflow to minister of those around us. 5. Stir up the spiritual fire within us, Holy Spirit, we ask.

4th – Mark 1:9-11 Pleasing God 1. May it be our will to please you at all times, O Lord, and not just ourselves. 2. Help us to please you, O God, in everything that we say, 3. May our actions always be ones that are pleasing to you, O Lord, 4. Holy Spirit, may we be willing to be moulded by you to always have the same attitudes as Jesus. 5. When we have to make a hard choice, cause us to conclude: ‘Your will be done, not mine’.

5th – Mark 1:12-13 Overcoming temptation 1. Lord, help us to remain strong against every attempt of the enemy to cause us to fall, we pray. 2. We pray for all our Discipleship Cells that they would be places where we can be built up spiritually, and so be able to overcome temptation. 3. Help us to stay spiritually strong in our schools, colleges, places of work, and everywhere where we daily come across the values of the world.

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MARCH 2013 4. Enable us to be disciplined in our times of personal devotion, so that we are always dressed in the spiritual armour to overcome any temptation. 5. Cause us to be a people who know how to resist the devil, and so see him flee from us, we pray.

6th – Mark 1:14-20 Fishers of men 1. Lord, in our own way, and with the opportunities you give to us individually, help us to be fishers of men. 2. We pray that seeing people come to Christ will be our normal experience, and not the exception. 3. We pray that every evangelistic outreach from the church will result in a harvest of souls, O Lord. 4. Help every Discipleship Cell to be fruitful in leading people to know and follow Christ, we pray. 5. We pray that not only may we be able to see people give their lives to Christ, but to become committed disciples of Christ also.

7th – Mark 1:21-26 The authority of Jesus 1. Help us to understand, Lord Jesus, that you have delegated your authority to your Church to minister in the power of your Name. 2. Give us the boldness to minister in the power of the Name of Jesus each time the need arises, for your glory, O Lord. 3. Cause us to rise up in power as a church, O Lord, as we go forth in the power of the Name of Jesus. 4. Multiply miracles, signs and wonders in our midst, that will point people to the truth of the Gospel, O God. 5. We pray for your Church across the land to rise up in power, and to see the tide of evil begin to be turned back.

8th – Mark 1:27-28 Spreading the Good News 1. Grant us fruitfulness each time we share the Gospel, O Lord. 2. We pray that you would use every tract and literature that is given out to reach a lost soul for Christ. 3. We pray that each time your Word is preached, O Lord, it may go forth in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. 4. As the laws of the land seek to suppress the witness of the Gospel, may your Church respond by finding a new boldness in every public place, we pray.


5. Cause your Church to grow in this land, O Lord, and may the gates of hell be unable to overcome it.

9th – Mark 1:29-31 Healing the sick 1. Give us a compassion for the sick, and may we minister to them through the love of Christ. 2. Multiply healings amongst us, we pray. 3. Help us to have the boldness to pray for the sick, expecting to see them healed, O God. 4. We pray that healing the sick, wherever they are, may be a normal part of our sharing the Gospel. 5. We pray that all our Revival and Healing meetings will be powerful witnesses to the presence of the Lord amongst us.

10th – Mark 1:32-34 Overcoming demons 1. Give us the wisdom to discern when problems are caused by spirits, and the wisdom to deal with them. 2. Holy Spirit, release the gift of discerning of spirits amongst your church so that we may be spiritually aware of the works of the enemy. 3. Guide us in all areas of wisdom, Holy Spirit, so that we are not ignorant of the schemes of the devil. 4. Expose every plan of the powers of darkness against your church, O Lord, so we can extinguish every fiery dart of the Evil One. 5. Heavenly Father, deliver us from evil, we pray.

11th – Mark 1:35-39 Time to pray 1. Lord, teach us to pray. 2. Lord, teach us to prioritise prayer, so that it does not become something we do only if can find time, but is consistent and habitual. 3. As we wait on you in prayer, O Lord, reveal your thoughts, plans and strategies to us. 4. Cause us to grow spiritually strong, as we take time to wait on you in prayer, O God. 5. As we wait on you in prayer, O Lord, give us the mind of Christ.

12th – Mark 1:40-42 The compassion of Jesus 1. Give us a compassion for the lost, and the burden to pray for their salvation, O Lord. 2. Give us a compassion for the lost, and the burden to do all we can to see them saved, we pray.

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3. Give us a compassion for those in need and, where we have the ability to help, the desire to give it. 4. Give us a compassion for one another that seeks to build each other up in every way, we pray. 5. Holy Spirit, help us to become more Christlike day by day.

13th – Mark 1:43-45 Learning obedience 1. Cause us to know when it is better to speak and when to remain silent, we pray. 2. Enable us to be master of our tongues, O Lord. 3. Lord, teach us to be obedient to you, even when we don’t understand. 4. Help us, O Lord, to understand when you are disciplining us through hard circumstances that are designed to help us grow in obedience and to change. 5. Cause us never to take short cuts, even when it is easier to do so, but rather always to be fully obedient to you, even when it is hard to do so.

14th – Mark 2:1-4 Bringing people to Jesus 1. Holy Spirit show us different ways we can reach the unsaved people we know to lead them to faith in Jesus, we pray. 2. We pray for regular ‘divine appointments’ as you lead us, Holy Spirit, to those whose hearts are ready to hear and receive the Gospel. 3. Give us a faith that can believe and pray for the salvation of even those whose hearts seem totally hardened to the Gospel, we pray. 4. We pray that you would save all our unsaved friends and family, O Lord. 5. We pray for a great move of the Holy Spirit amongst us, that will enable us to see many people brought to salvation in Christ.

15th – Mark 2:5-11 Hard hearts 1. Keep us close to you at all times, O God, so that we do not allow our own hearts to become cool or hardened. 2. We pray for our nation, O Lord, that has hardened its heart against you; break down its resistance to you. 3. We pray for all those we know, who choose to believe in atheism; break down their hardened hearts. 4. We pray for all those we come into contact with, who engage in the occult; touch their hardened hearts to repent before it is too late.




hese three chapters in the book of Acts demonstrate the Church doing what it has been called to do. It shows us how the apostle Paul pioneered new churches. He adapted his strategy to the local circumstances. In Corinth, he went first to the Jews in the town, who would have already been familiar with the Old Testament, and then to those Gentiles who had a familiarity with the teachings in the synagogue, who were known as the “God-fearers” and, finally, to those Gentiles who had no knowledge at all of the Old Testament. He spent a year and a half pioneering the church in Corinth, which was a city that, in many ways, had a number of things in common with London. It had a population drawn from many nationalities, and contained people from all social classes and backgrounds, who Paul sought to mould into one family in Christ. His subsequent letter to the Corinthians shows they were converted from all kinds of ungodly backgrounds, including idolatry, sexual immorality and prostitution; some had been thieves, drunkards, slanderers and swindlers. But they came to know Christ; were radically changed, and were fully familiar with the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit, even if Paul did have to give them a lot of subsequent correction and teaching to bring them to spiritual maturity. His good friends, Priscilla and Aquila, who were running a tent-making business in Corinth, were examples of church members using their business and talents to further the work of the Lord, including using their homes for church meetings. After working with Paul in Corinth, they then moved their business to Ephesus, in preparation for Paul to later plant a church there. They are seen encouraging and enlightening Apollos on his way to becoming a very motivational international Bible teacher.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

Acts Chapters 18 to 20

Later in Ephesus, starting with just twelve believers, whom he led into the experience of the baptism in the Holy Spirit and, helped by his friends, Paul proceeded to build up the church over the next two years, through Bible studies and discussions in the local community hall. In his meetings, he prayed for the sick and saw people healed and delivered. Prayer cloths also were used effectively for those who could not attend the meetings. There followed a mass revival in the city, where people turned wholesale from witchcraft to Christ, bringing transformation to the neighbourhood. The church soon went on to become internationally renowned. The Book of Acts shows the Early Church in supernatural action. God’s purposes have not changed, nor has the Holy Spirit. This month, as we pray through these strategies and moves of God, we are asking to see the same things in our midst.

1st – Acts 18:1-4 Persuading others 1. Give us the wisdom to know how to share the Gospel convincingly to people from all kinds of backgrounds, we pray. 2. Holy Spirit, as we spend time in prayer, give us a growing confidence to speak about Jesus, we pray. 3. Give us ‘divine appointments’ with people, who you know are ready to hear and receive the message of the Gospel and respond, we pray. 4. Anoint our words as we share the Gospel, O Lord, so that they are effective in opening the eyes of those who do not yet believe, we pray. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

2nd – Acts 18:5-6 Discharging our responsibilities to all 1. O Lord, grant us favour as we witness to atheists and agnostics.

2. Give us favour as we witness to Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists, we pray. 3. As we witness to Muslims, grant us divine favour to cause them to listen and respond, we pray. 4. O Lord, as we witness to nominal Christians and to those from cults, give us your favour to help their spiritual eyes to be opened, we pray. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

3rd – Acts 18:7-8 Many believed 1. As we seek to extend the Kingdom of God, cause us to see many come to faith in Christ, we pray. 2. Grant success in our times of individual witnessing, O Lord, that many may come to faith in Christ. 3. We pray for our times of joint evangelism, O God, that as teams go to out to share the Good News, they may see a great harvest.

4. We pray that in and through our Discipleship Cells, there may be a harvest of souls won for Christ. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

4th – Acts 18:9-11 Do not be silent 1. Lord, put an urgency in our hearts to be messengers of the Gospel in every way, we pray. 2. Cause us to be a people who can comprehensively overcome the works of evil in our nation, by persistently engaging in intercessory prayer to pull down every spiritual stronghold. 3. May we be a people always ready to count the cost of standing up and being counted for Christ, we pray. 4. Holy Spirit, give us a boldness to speak out for Christ in all circumstances, together with the wisdom to know what to say. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

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FEBRUARY 2013 5th – Acts 18:12-17 Enemies in confusion

8th – Acts 18:26-28 Instructing one another

11th – Acts 19:11-12 Extraordinary miracles

1. Lord, we pray you would bring confusion to any plan of the enemy against us as individuals and our families. 2. Lord, we pray you would bring confusion to any plan of the enemy that is directed towards us as a church. 3. As we seek you with intercessory prayer, rise up in our midst, O Lord, and let all your enemies be scattered. 4. Keep us close to you, O Lord, so that the enemy is not able to gain any foothold in our lives and therefore make us ineffective. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

1. As we learn more of the things of God, motivate us to seek to guide others also in God’s ways, we pray. 2. Raise up within your church, O God, willing mentors in word and example, to those who are young in the Lord. 3. Raise up teachers of children and youth within your church, O Lord, who can pass on godly wisdom, instruction and teaching to the next generation. 4. Make us conscious of the fact, O Lord, that as ambassadors for Christ, we should be good role models to others at all times. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

1. Lord, may we see the greatest miracle of many people giving their lives to Christ, as you move amongst us in revival power. 2. We pray for an increasing anointing to see amazing healings whenever we pray for the sick, in our services, on the streets, in homes and everywhere. 3. We pray we will see the lame walk, the blind see, and the dead raised by the power of the Name of Jesus. 4. We pray for each prayer cloth that is taken out and laid on the sick, that you would do extraordinary miracles, O Lord. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

6th – Acts 18-23 Strengthening the disciples

9th – Acts 19:1-7 Baptism in the Holy Spirit

12th – Acts 19:13-16 Overcoming evil spirits

1. Help us to always seek to build one another up, O Lord, and not to bring discouragement. 2. Enable us to see the full potential in Christ in others, and to help them achieve it for the sake of your Kingdom, we pray. 3. Help us also, O Lord, to reach the spiritual maturity where, like David, we know how to encourage ourselves in the Lord. 4. Cause us to change from glory to glory, O God, as we seek to draw ever closer to you. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

1. We pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will cause everyone in the church to be baptised in the Holy Spirit. 2. We pray, Holy Spirit, for the revelatory gifts of word of knowledge, words of wisdom and the discerning of spirits. 3. We pray, Holy Spirit, for the power gifts of healings, faith and miracles. 4. We pray, Holy Spirit, for the spoken gifts of tongues, interpretation of tongues and words of prophecy. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

1. We pray that you would open up the eyes of your church to the reality of the spiritual battle we are in, and help us to overcome the powers of darkness, O Lord. 2. We take authority in the Name of Jesus over every spirit of unbelief, religion and materialism that blinds the eyes of those we witness to; save them, O Lord. 3. We take authority over every spirit of immorality, godlessness and lawlessness that operate around us, and break their influence in Jesus’ Name. 4. We break the power, in Jesus’ Name, of any plan of the enemy sent to frustrate the full purposes of God being fulfilled in our lives and in the life of the church. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

7th – Acts 18:24-25 Thorough in knowledge of the Scriptures 1. Give us a passion to read and study your Word, O Lord, so that we can be continually putting it into practice. 2. Holy Spirit, we pray that you would enlighten our minds to understand new and deeper revelations of truth each time we read the Bible. 3. May we not be simply readers of your Word, O God, but people who strive to live it out in every area of our lives. 4. As we read and believe your Word, O Lord, quicken our faith with a powerful anointing to move in the miraculous, we pray. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.


10th – Acts 19:8-10 Persistence in sharing the Good News 1. Give us opportunities to share our faith in different ways in all of our everyday activities, we pray. 2. Anoint our evangelism teams each time they go out to share the Good News of Jesus, we pray, and may they bear increasing spiritual fruit. 3. Help us to overcome all forms of discouragement, so that we remain persistent and never give up being a testimony to the reality of the risen Christ in our lives, O God. 4. Help us, we pray, to be people who make a difference to the lives of others because we share the Good News of Jesus. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 60 • February / March 2013

13th – Acts 19:17 The fear of the Lord 1. Lord, let your church experience a holy fear that causes us to walk carefully in all your ways, we pray. 2. May your presence be so manifest in our midst, O Lord, that any who come in our midst are convicted of sin and choose to turn to Christ. 3. May your mighty acts in our midst cause those outside to hear and to fear the Name of the Lord, we pray. 4. Be glorified in our midst, O God. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.


FEBRUARY 2013 17th – Acts 19:32-34 False religions

20th – Acts 20:4-6 Teamwork

1. Visit us in power, Holy Spirit, we ask, so that we see true and genuine repentance in those who confess the Name of Christ. 2. We pray that many will stand and testify publicly in our midst that they have turned from ungodliness to Christ. 3. We pray that all those around us, who follow false gods and religions, may turn to Christ and publicly confess the change in their lives. 4. We pray that all those around us, who involve themselves in any form of witchcraft and the occult, may come confessing their sins and turn to Christ. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

1. We pray for all those we know, who believe that they will be saved by their good works; break their pride, and open their eyes to their true fallen condition. 2. We pray for all those we know, who believe in the godless theory of evolution; reveal yourself to them before they die in their sins, O Lord. 3. We pray for all Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists we know; reveal to them their dire need of a sinless Saviour. 4. We pray for all nominal Christians and churchgoers, who have no personal knowledge of salvation through Christ; save them, we pray. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

1. Teach us how to fully implement the biblical teaching on each of us being a member of the body of Christ, so that we each fulfil the full role you have given us. 2. May we recognise one another’s Godgiven abilities, and seek to promote them to their fullest potential without any rivalry, we pray. 3. Help us achieve our greatest potential by working together in the unity of the Spirit, O Lord. 4. Help us to be part of teams in the church, where we are different but complimentary, and therefore can accomplish much more than trying to minister alone. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

18th – Acts 19:35-41 Peacemaking

21st – Acts 20:7 Communion

1. As far as it rests with us, help us to be at peace with all people around us, we pray. 2. We pray for every family in the church, that you would bring a godly harmony amongst the members of each household. 3. In the church, may we always make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace, we pray. 4. May your peace, which passes all understanding, permeate our individual lives, our Discipleship Cells, and in every one of our meetings together. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

1. Lord, bind us together as members of your church, in a way that the devil cannot succeed in bringing any form of division. 2. As we take communion together, O Lord, may our commitment to living out the benefits and commitments of the New Covenant grow stronger and deeper. 3. As we remember your great sacrifice on the cross, Lord Jesus, help us to lay down our lives for you as living sacrifices, we pray. 4. As we remember your shed blood, Lord Jesus, may we learn to live and minister under the power of your blood. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

15th – Acts 19:23-27 Strong in the face of opposition 1. Make us fearless in the face of opposition to our faith in Christ, we pray, enabling us to always make a bold stand. 2. Cause us to remain close to you in our private times of devotion, O Lord, so that in public we can always remain strong. 3. Keep us safe, we pray, from all enmity that may come against us, purely because we follow Christ. 4. When we come under attack, may we end up stronger, not weaker, as a result, O Lord. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

16th – Acts 19:28-31 Wisdom when to remain silent 1. Lord, give us the wisdom when to speak, but also when to remain silent. 2. May we be a people, who use our words as peacemakers, and not as ones who inflame a situation, we pray. 3. Help us keep a watch and a guard over our lips, O God. 4. May our lives be such powerful witnesses for Christ, that even when we are silent our actions speak for themselves, we pray. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

19th – Acts 20:1-3 Encouraging one another 1. We pray for all the leaders in the church, that you would encourage them in their service for you, O Lord. 2. We pray for all the teachers in the church, that you would encourage them by seeing those they teach being changed by the Word of God. 3. We pray for all the Discipleship Cell leaders in the church, that you would encourage their hearts by seeing growth in those they lead. 4. We pray for the members in the church, that you would encourage them in every ministry they are engaged in, by seeing fruitfulness from their labours. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

14th – Acts 19:18-22 Repentance

22nd – Acts 20:8-12 Raising the dead 1. Lord, may we see the spiritually dead come alive in Christ, through our witnessing and spreading the Good News, we pray. 2. Lord, when the conditions require it, give us the faith to raise the physically dead, we pray. 3. Release the gift of faith among us, Holy Spirit, we pray, so that we see you moving in astonishing ways. 4. Lord, glorify yourself in our midst, by the signs and wonders you use to confirm the preaching of your Word, we pray. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

February / March 2013 • Issue 60 • GRAPEVINE magazine



FEBRUARY 2013 23rd – Acts 20:13-19 Humility and tears 1. Deliver us from pride, O Lord, so that you can take your rightful place in our lives and be glorified through us. 2. May we weep in sorrow over our sin, O Lord, and weep with joy over all the blessings you give to those who are humble before you. 3. In our concern for the lost and the backsliders, help us water our intercessory prayers with tears that see a joyful answer to prayer, we pray. 4. When we weep through the pressure of adverse circumstances, may we press on until we come through in victory, O God. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

24th – Acts 20:20-21 No hesitation to preach 1. May we be a people always ready to give an account of our faith in Christ, whenever the occasion arises. 2. Help us to speak the truth in love to those who are lost, O Lord. 3. Help us to speak the truth in love to those of your people who are going astray, we pray, and if we ourselves are straying, help us to receive those words of correction also. 4. Holy Spirit, whenever we need the words to speak to someone about Christ, bring to our remembrance all we have read, heard and learned through your Word, we pray. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

25th – Acts 20:22-27 Ready to face hardships for Christ 1. Help us to always remember, O Lord, that you have not promised us a trouble-free life but, rather, to never leave us nor forsake us in all our experiences. 2. Recognising that we are in a spiritual battle against evil spiritual powers that war against the church, make us strong and determined to fight until we overcome. 3. Keep our eyes fixed on the finishing tape, O Lord, and not on any present trials, so that we keep momentary hardships in their true perspective. 4. Help us to remember, O Lord, that hardships can cause us to develop both perseverance and true Christlike character, so that we do not let hardships overwhelm us.


5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

26th – Acts 20:28-31 Wolves amongst the flock 1. Give us the wisdom to recognise wolves who enter the church in sheep’s clothing, and also the wisdom how to deal with them, we pray. 2. As you move more and more amongst us, O Lord, we recognise the enemy will do more to cause harm from within; help us to resist such ploys, we pray. 3. Lord, we pray that our leaders will always have the spiritual insight and the gift of discernment to discern the false from the genuine, and so no never be beguiled. 4. May the God of peace soon crush satan underneath our feet, 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

27th –Acts 20:32-34 Tears 1. Lord, cause us to weep for the lost, as we intercede for their salvation. 2. Lord, cause us to weep over the gross sins of our nation, as we pray for a national repentance. 3. Lord, cause us to weep over the godlessness of our nation that once put God and biblical values as the foundation of all they did, as we pray for a turning back. 4. Lord, cause us to weep for those who are sincere in following their false religions, but are sincerely wrong, as we pray that their eyes may be opened to the truth. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.

28th – Acts 20:35-37 More blessed to give than receive 1. Lord, may we know the blessings that come from giving of our time that is due to you in seeking and waiting on you. 2. Lord, may we know the joy that comes from giving our all in serving you. 3. Lord, may we experience the blessings that come from giving of our income that is due to you. 4. Lord, may we know the blessings that come from blessing others with our time, finances, help or any other form of unselfishly giving of ourselves.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 60 • February / March 2013



MARCH 2013 5. For all we know who once walked with the Lord, but have grown cold, restore them, we pray.

16th – Mark 2:12 Amazing scenes 1. Holy Spirit, so move amongst us that we regularly see amazing scenes in our midst. 2. Help us to live a life that enables us to see you at work in all we do, O Lord. 3. We pray we may see amazing scenes of people being convicted and surrendering their lives to you, O God. 4. We pray for amazing scenes of signs, wonders and miracles accompanying the preaching and witnessing of your Word. 5. We pray for amazing scenes of revival in our midst, O Lord.

17th – Mark 2:13-14 Following Jesus 1. Help us to follow you unconditionally, O Lord. 2. Enable us to follow your ways, even when it means standing up against the crowd, we pray. 3. Cause us to strive to attain your righteous standards in everything we do, O God. 4. Help us always to put you first, O Lord, even when the consequences do not make our life easy. 5. Enable us to be strong enough to take up and bear the cross as we follow you, O Lord.

18th – Mark 2:15-17 Reaching out to all 1. Give us a heart to reach all people, no matter how far they seem from God. 2. We pray that you would enable us to reach with the Gospel all those young people in our society who are in gangs. 3. We pray that those we live amongst, who are addicted to drugs or drink, may find through us the message of salvation and freedom, and be set free. 4. We pray that the rich in our society would not gain a false sense of security from their wealth, but understand their spiritual poverty and need of salvation. 5. We pray that those we live amongst, who are in a cycle of repeated crime, may be set free by responding to the Gospel.

19th – Mark 2:18-20 Time to fast 1. Lord, give us the desire to add fasting to our times of prayer, and to use this spiritual weapon powerfully and effectively.

2. As we fast and pray, bring new revelations of your will to us as individuals and as a church, we pray. 3. As we fast and pray, anoint our intercession to see spiritual bondages and strongholds, broken in the Name of Jesus. 4. As we fast and pray, powerfully revive us as individuals, O Lord. 5. As we fast and pray, may we see revival break out in the church, O God.

20th – Mark 2:21-22 New wineskins 1. Give us open hearts and minds, O Lord, to be the new wineskins you desire us to be. 2. Holy Spirit, may we be willing to receive any new thing you desire to do in our midst. 3. Help us not to stand in your way, Holy Spirit, by holding on to the old wineskins that were good for yesterday but not for today. 4. Have your way amongst us, Holy Spirit, even if it is radically different from what we are used to. 5. Fill us afresh, Holy Spirit, we ask, both as individuals and as a church.

21st – Mark 2:23-27 Lord of the Sabbath 1. We pray for a growing sense of your presence at our Sunday services, O Lord. 2. Help us come to the Sunday meetings with hearts and minds already prepared to give ourselves in worship to you, O God. 3. Enable us to always worship you in spirit and in truth, we pray. 4. Help us to be one in the Spirit each time we come together for collective worship, we pray. 5. May our walk with you always be the same on each day of the week, O Lord.

22nd – Mark 3:1-4 Doing good 1. Give us a heart to always choose to do good to those who are deserving and to those who are not, O Lord. 2. Cause us to choose to go the extra mile when it is necessary to do so, we pray. 3. Help our good works to bring glory to you and not ourselves, O God. 4. May we not trust in our good works, O Lord, but see them only as a grateful response to our salvation by your grace alone. 5. As we seek to do good to others, may the only reward we seek be that of knowing we have accomplished your will, we pray.

23rd – Mark 3:5-6 Praying for those who reject Christ’s divinity 1. We pray for all those we know, who are in cults; save them, O God. 2. We pray for all Muslims we know; give them a revelation of the deity of Christ. 3. We pray for all Hindus and Sikhs we know, that you would open their eyes to Jesus being the only God incarnate. 4. We pray for all Buddhists and those who follow New Age beliefs; cause them to find Christ as their only Saviour. 5. For all those we know, who regard Jesus as merely ‘a good man’; open their eyes to the truth, we pray.

24th – Mark 3:7-12 Ministering to the needy 1. In our outreach to the homeless, through the meeting of their physical needs, may they also experience the spiritual provision of salvation in Christ. 2. In our missions work, where the poor and disadvantaged are ministered to, we pray they may be helped to progress in both physical and spiritual areas. 3. We pray that those in our midst, who are struggling emotionally and finding life difficult to bear, may find peace and strength through fellowship in Christ. 4. May those believers among us, who are physically sick with long-term illnesses, know the peace of God and strength to persevere, even when they do not understand. 5. We pray that all those in our midst, who are struggling financially, may see breakthroughs in their personal circumstances.

25th – Mark 3:13 The mountaintop experience 1. Give us the desire to have those ‘mountaintop’ experiences, where we are alone with you, seeking your will, O God. 2. Help us to plan our lives, so that it is possible to have those times alone with you, O Lord, which cause us to grow in spirit. 3. Prevent circumstances from robbing us from the opportunities to be able to draw aside from the pressures of daily life, and to spend quality time in your presence, O Lord. 4. Give us fresh insights into your power and glory, O God, so that we are freshly enthused to serve you with all our being. 5. Cause us to seek those intimate times with you, O Lord, so that we can emerge from them full of the power of the Holy Spirit.

February / March 2013 • Issue 60 • GRAPEVINE magazine



MARCH 2013 26th – Mark 3:14-19 Those sent out

29th – Mark 3:29-30 Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

1. Help us to remember, O Lord, that as members of your church, you have sent us out to be your representatives in this fallen world. 2. Cause us to be effective as your representatives, O Lord, amongst all the people we mix with daily. 3. Enable us to use all the personal gifts and talents you have given us to be good witnesses for Christ, in word and in deed, we pray. 4. Help us to fulfil the plans and purposes you have for each of us as individuals, O Lord. 5. May we remember, O God, that we are your ambassadors 24 hours a day and seven days a week, so that we do not slip in maintaining your standards.

1. May the warnings on the lips of Jesus, of the reality of hell for Christ-rejecters, motivate us to reach the lost, O Lord. 2. As we consider the reality of eternal damnation, move us to pray for the lost, O God. 3. Use us in all manner of ways, O Lord, to bring those who do not know you to the eternal security of faith in Christ. 4. May the knowledge of the free gift of salvation through faith in the finished work of Christ always keep us grateful for our great salvation. 5. Help us always to guard our lips from all careless and godless talk, O Lord, but to speak only that which is honourable in your sight.

27th – Mark 3:20-21 Speaking to crowds 1. Grant us spiritual fruitfulness, Holy Spirit, each time we speak to the crowds on the streets. 2. We pray that each time the Gospel is preached in our services, there may be those who respond and give their lives to Christ. 3. We pray that each time your Word is preached in our services, believers would respond by growing deeper in their spiritual walk. 4. We pray for the faithful preaching of the Gospel through the radio, TV and internet, that many may hear, believe, be saved and built up in Christ. 5. Put a spiritual longing in the hearts of the people of this nation, O Lord, that will cause crowds to be drawn back to church once again.

28th – Mark 3:22-28 Overcoming satan 1. Open our understanding, O Lord, to realise the authority we already have within us to overcome the works and plans of the enemy against us. 2. Strengthen our resolve to be people of prayer, O God, so that we remain spiritually strong to stand up against the enemy. 3. Keep us rooted in your Word, O Lord, so that we always know how to deal with temptation, and avoid the traps of the enemy. 4. Give us humble hearts before you, O God, so that we will always be able to resist the devil and see him flee from us. 5. Help us to be careful not to give the devil any kind of foothold in our lives, we pray.


30th – Mark 3:31-34 The family of God 1. We pray for the family of God, that you would make us strong to live for you in this fallen world, O Lord. 2. We pray that the whole church will be built up in love, as every member does his or her work. 3. Keep us together in the unity of the Spirit and in the knowledge of the Son of God, we pray. 4. Help us to grow together in all spiritual maturity, we pray. 5. We pray for all our unsaved family members, O Lord, and ask that you would save them.

31st – Mark 3:35 Doing God’s will 1. May we do your will today, O Lord, whether it turns out to be mundane or really exciting. 2. As we begin each day, may our first prayer be: ‘Heavenly Father, let your will be done in and through my life this day’. 3. Cause us always to remember, O Lord, that obedience is better than sacrifice, and so be careful to follow your ways in all we do. 4. Help us to be disciplined with our time, O Lord, so that we find opportunity each day to spend time reading the Bible and in prayer. 5. Help us each day, in accordance with your Word, O God, to ‘work out our salvation’, not through fear of punishment, but through a fear of letting you down.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 60 • February / March 2013



SUNDAY SERVICES at a glance 9.00am, 11.15am, 6.30pm FEBRUARY 2013 3rd 10th 17th 24th

PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo WORSHIP, PRAYER & MINISTRY Speaker: Pastor Sam Blake CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton



PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor Mark King PROPHETIC WORSHIP & MINISTRY Speaker: Pastor Sam Blake CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

AM PM 10th

REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton UNITED PRAYER WITH ‘ONE EALING’ for our borough, mission and youth Speaker: Pastor Ruth Trbojevic

AM PM 17th

CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton


AM PM 24th

CELEBRATION SERVICE “Christ in the Passover Meal” Speaker: Simon Lissak, Jews For Jesus CELEBRATION EVENING Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo


EASTER CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton EASTER CELEBRATION & WORSHIP with ECC Choir Speaker: Pastor Sam Blake


PRAYER & MINISTRY EVENING Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo

GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Friday 29th March 10.30am


WELCOME EVENING with ECC’s Pastoral Team







There will be a SPECIAL WELCOME EVENING for those who are new to ECC; a chance to meet and hear from the Pastoral Team about the different ministries at ECC.



Another evening of lively debate and discussion around the theme of ‘The Proverbs 31 Women Living in the 21st Century World’ This is a special event for women of ALL ages and is FREE. The evening starts at 7.15pm with light refreshments and ends at 9.00pm.


An evening of celebrating the Gospel - Asian-style. Invite your family and friends to this special event.

Simon Lissak, of Jews For Jesus, will be joining us for our MORNING services. Simon will be speaking on ‘Christ in the Passover Meal’ - a unique, prophetic insight, presented through the eyes of a Jewish Christian.

Russ and Kim Kline and their daughter, Shekinah, have a powerful, prophetic ministry, and will be with us for our MORNING services.

February / March 2013 • Issue 60 • GRAPEVINE magazine


ECC Attendance and Finance Statistics NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2012

Children Children ATTENDANCE 9.00am 9.00am 11.15am 11.15am 6.30pm FINANCE NOV DEC 04 Nov 2012 206 35 400 92 472 Tithes & 11 Nov 2012 272 31 440 90 120 Offerings £34,777.01 £62,619.96 18 Nov 2012 232 38 409 80 118 25 Nov 2012 221 45 458 94 85 Building 02 Dec 2012 219 42 412 121 224 Fund £414.00 £462.00 09 Dec 2012 235 34 365 92 106 16 Dec 2012 224 26 343 54 438 Standing 23 Dec 2012 205 33 376 45 252 Orders £14,312.89 £13,722.38 30 Dec 2012 255 NONE 518 NONE NONE GIFT AID RECEIVED FOR PERIOD JULY TO SEPTEMBER 2012 WAS £29,582.88


A NOTE from the Treasurer: PLANT A SEED AND WATCH IT GROW! ‘Again He said, “What shall we say the Kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet, when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade”’ (Mark 4:30-32)


esus compares the workings of the Kingdom of God to planting seeds in the earth. “When the seed is sown,” He said, “it grows up....” Notice He didn’t say that it would occasionally grow up. Or it grows up if it’s God’s will. He said, “It grows up and becomes greater.” Period. God’s economy isn’t like ours. It isn’t up one day and down the next. It’s always the same, and it always works perfectly. If you have good earth, good seed and good water, you’re going to have growth. It’s inevitable.

So, if you’re facing a need, don’t panic... plant a seed! That seed may take the form of money, or time, or some other resource you have to give. But, no matter what form it takes, make sure you put life into it, by giving it in faith and surrounding it with praise and worship. Say, “Lord, as I bring You my goods, I bring myself. I give myself to You - spirit, soul and body.”

Sandra Dawodu Treasurer

PLEASE NOTE: You can now pay your tithes and offerings through the ECC website at

WHAT WE BELIEVE - Elim Pentecostal Churches 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error,

the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and coeternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 60 • February / March 2013

and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.

EVANGELISM & PRAYER @ ECC “Evangelism without intercession is like an explosive without a detonator” - Reinhard Bonnke



6.30pm to 7.30pm

Call our confidential prayer line for ANY need 24 hours a day 7 days a week


020 8799 2199

12noon to 2pm


Wednesday 27th February Wednesday 27th March




in front of ECC Every Tuesday evening

in front of ECC Last Wednesday of each month


Saturday 9th February WEST EALING (in front of Sainsburys) Saturday 9th March EALING BROADWAY For all those wanting to take part in Evangelism, there will be meetings in the Auditorium on: Sunday 3rd February - (after 2nd service) Sunday 3rd March - (after 2nd service)

LIGHTHOUSE EVANGELISM in front of ECC Third Saturday of each month

11am to 1pm

Saturday 16th February Saturday 16th March


POLISH FELLOWSHIP Elim Springs Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Auditorium (Please use side entrance)


Monday to Friday

Morning meetings 10.00am to 11.00am - Annexe Room 2* (*on the main street to the left of ECC's main doors and can be accessed directly from the street) EVENing meetings 6.00pm to 7.00pm - Foyer



Last Friday of every month 10.00pm to 5.00am A night of intercession, celebration, thanksgiving and praise Friday 22nd February Friday 29th March (Good Friday)


ECC Japanese Fellowship Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Foyer For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA

For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder Saturday 16th February Saturday 16th March For non-ECC attenders: Please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060

PRAYER & HEALING MEETINGS Second Sunday evening of every month 6.30pm Sunday 10th February Sunday 10th March Receive personal prayer and hear powerful testimonies of God’s provision and healing

February / March 2013 • Issue 60 • GRAPEVINE magazine





10am to 12noon - Term time only

FEBRUARY MARCH 6th Pancake Day

6th Mother’s Day 13th Valentine’s Day 13th Donate & Sell 20th HALF TERM 20th tbc 27th tbc 27th Last day of term The DONATE & SELL EVENT will be hosted by Little Stars in memory of the second anniversary of the Japan Tsunami. All proceeds will go towards survivors of the March 2011 disaster.

MONDAY 11th February

‘MINISTERING IN THE SPIRIT’ Living life abundantly Speaker: Pastor Chris Ragg Director of Studies, EITC Come and encounter life in the Spirit 1.30pm Bring and share lunch

MONDAY 11th March ART AND CRAFT DAY 1.30pm Cost: £3.50 for lunch



MONDAYS 12.00pm to 1.00pm

STAY ACTIVE 4 LIFE with fun, fitness and flexibility ONLY £2.50 - at ECC

THURSDAYS 2.00pm to 3.00pm

LOW IMPACT AEROBICS Inspirational moves and grooves (please bring a mat) ONLY £2.50 - at ECC


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 60 • February / March 2013


will be ministering during the Easter season. Come and join us as we share the reason for the Easter season. For additional information, please contact Sharon in the ECC Office. All welcome.



This image (below) is of the children’s Christingle artwork. The word ‘Christingle’ means ‘Christ Light’, and celebrates the light of Jesus coming into the world.

Meetings start @ 2pm

6th 13th 20th 27th 6th 13th 20th 27th

FEBRUARY Jenny Moore Merle Aqui Prayer and Praise Merle Aqui MARCH Peter Holmes & Peter Brider Merle Aqui Prayer and Praise BREAK


How to... Walk in


RESTORATION “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten...” (Joel 2:25)


e know these words verbatim, and we speak them over our lives regularly. We often think about God just restoring the things I ‘had’. But is that the FULL story of restoration? Are those years that were devoured, the only ‘lost years’ that God wants to restore to us? Intrigued? Read on... OK, in the physical realm, to be restored, like insurance, means ‘replacing’ all that was lost with new items. I recently heard a song with the words, “I’m taking back everything the devil has stolen from me...” and the singer listed among the things, health, job, children, etc. Question: Is that all we should want to take back?

Declared Blessings Now, in the spiritual realm, God has declared blessings over our lives. He has confirmed those declarations to us through His Holy Spirit, confirmed through His people, such as pastors and prophets and even through signs. We have accepted those declarations, and some of them may seem so

outrageous, we’ve kept them secret, or maybe only told a few trusted people. The big question is this: Do you believe God wants to restore those spiritual years, too?

Do not stop short As an example, the Lord told Abraham to leave his father’s house and go to a land He will show him. We know the story: Abraham took his father but settled along the way, and died where he settled - a little


way off the Promised Land. He’d stopped short of his destination. As I understand it, Abraham and his offspring were supposed to live in the Promised Land.

God’s fulfilment However, did God give up the promise He had made to Abraham? We know that story, too. A few hundred years later, God brought about the fulfilment of the ‘promise’, and facilitated the great,

great, great, great, great, grandchildren of Mr Israel into the land that was promised, by God to Mr Abraham. Talk about restoration... Wow! Can we recall the promises God has declared over our lives? Are we walking squarely within those promises, or have we settled some way off achieving them?

Full Restoration So, what does that mean practically? Walking in full restoration requires restoring the things we ‘had’, but also those things promised by God, which we may not have experienced just yet. Walking in FULL restoration is challenging; it requires us to go to the exact destination God has determined, no matter what the challenges. It requires us to understand when we’ve settled in a place some way off, and having the courage to get up and move on to the place where God has determined for us. As we’ve seen time and again, circumstances that may seem disheartening are, in fact, ‘enabling’ factors in our lives. Recently, Pastor Richard spoke about the trials of Job, and the spiritual significance his sufferings held. We also read that Job was restored not just to his original position, but

Walking in FULL restoration is challenging; it requires us to go to the exact destination God has determined, no matter what the challenges to where God determined he should be. So, for 2013, if you determine to do anything, determine to walk in FULL restoration.


February / March 2013 • Issue 60 • GRAPEVINE magazine


FEATURE Let us learn in every attitude, thought, word and deed to display love - love for one another’s good, not for their downfall.


The Greatest Gift


ithout agapé love, it is impossible to please God. Every relationship has to start somewhere. We often think about what God can give us, instead of getting to know Him for who He is, and building a relationship by spending time with Him in His presence.


Paul taught that the absolute priority in a believer‘s life must be God’s love (1 Corinthians 13:1-3). For any form of ministry, and for the spiritual gifts to be effective in a believer’s life, the motivation must be love. This becomes more evident as we grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ, and know the full magnitude of the price He paid for us on the Cross. We will desire to grow more like Him and show love to others.


EALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE does not in any way endorse any advertised company or products, and cannot guarantee rates, levels of service or workmanship Advertising space is offered on a first come, first served basis. ECC reserves the right to publish the advert where space is available, and not necessarily on the Classifieds page. ECC reserves the right to alter any advertisement to improve reproduction quality. ECC excludes liability for any loss due to non-insertion or any errors in the advertisement. ECC reserves the right to refuse publication of any advert that it does not deem suitable for Grapevine magazine; the Editor-in-Chief's decision is final.

In the Bible School (EITC), we have been learning from a DVD entitled “Furious Love”, where teams of Christians have got involved with reaching out to prostitutes, lady boys, drug addicts, people involved in witchcraft, and the demon-possessed. You cannot reach marginalised people such as these with a condemnatory spirit. We often forget where we have come from, and act as judge, jury and executioner. That is the attitude of somebody in the world but, whilst we do not agree with the sin, we must show love for the personal sinner if they are going to be won for Christ. These days, whenever I see a person and judge them in my heart, a small voice echoes within me saying, “I died for him/ her, too. Nobody is so bad that they cannot be saved, and there is no little or big sin; sin is sin.”

In our Christian lives, we go through stages and seasons, but our ultimate goal is to become more like Jesus Christ. Let us learn in every attitude, thought, word and deed to display love - love for one another’s good, not for their downfall. Let us rejoice when a brother or sister is given a promotion. Let us learn to encourage others and build them up. Let us say a positive word over their lives.



(Prices per mono advert per issue)

Full page Half page Quarter page Eighth page/ Smaller sizes (by agreement)

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 60 • February / March 2013

£80 £50 £30 £15


Who are D


o you know who you are? Do you have a true or distorted self-image?

One of the most fundamental issues Christians can struggle with is a sense of self-worth. Our pre-Christian conditioning can be so strong that an equally strong or greater influence is required to break that stranglehold, and replace it with the Christian one. Insecurity, fears and worthlessness predominate where a negative self-image exists. As the Bible says, “As a man thinks within himself, so he is.” The Scriptures have a lot to reveal about the true identity of those who are

You are as much loved by the Father as He loves Jesus. You are as secure in the Father’s love and acceptance as Jesus is. Can you believe it?

in Christ. And it is entirely positive.

Try this on for size: “You are a new creation. The old nature has gone; you have a new nature” (1 Corinthians 5:17). Notice that the old nature is referred to in the past tense. The Bible says that, as you are in Christ, you have an entirely new nature. What’s the implication? According to God’s way of thinking, you don’t have some type of “yingyang” mixture of good and bad within, and you are not in a continuous civil war with yourself. Is that credible? Now think about this: the Bible says that you died on the cross with Christ, and your sin nature died with Him, even though you were not born at the time (Romans 6:6-11). Therefore, as far as God is concerned, as a redeemed new creation, God reckons you as no longer having a sin nature, and He treats you accordingly (Galatians 2:20). In fact, the Word of God says, “For by one offering He has perfected in perpetuity the ones being sanctified” (Hebrews 10:14, Greek Interlinear Bible). Can you believe that? Consider this: Do you consider yourself to be a sinner who struggles to be holy, or are you a saint who sometimes struggles with sin?

Because God sees you “in Christ”, He doesn’t see you as a sinner. There is no sin in Jesus, and you are in Him. Therefore, the Father has no more condemning thoughts toward you as He does toward His beloved Son, Jesus (Romans 8:1, 32-34). You are as much loved by the Father as He loves Jesus (John 17:23). You are as secure in the Father’s love and acceptance as Jesus is. Can you believe it? The Son of God came to raise many sons to glory, and to set them free from worthlessness, fear and insecurity. He came to set us free from comparing ourselves with others; from competing with others; from competing for recognition and status; from seeking to earn significance. His salvation gives us for free a new nature, total acceptance, complete security and astonishing significance. It’s a “done deal” achieved through the finished, complete and perfect work of Christ on the cross. Grace! All we need to do is learn how to possess (lay hold of) such a magnificent inheritance, by believing and confessing the full provision of God made available to us through Christ’s sacrifice. You could do nothing better than to review the New Testament checklist of whom

God declares you to be in Christ. Put a tick against any declaration you may struggle to believe, and confess them daily for a whole month, until your head and heart come into agreement with the truth of God’s Word. Liberty, peace and joy will eventually flood your being. What you experience is what the Father feels for everyone who is in His Son, Jesus Christ. How much pastoral counselling, healing and deliverance among the saints would not be necessary if they were “transformed by the renewing of your mind” according to the truths of God’s Word (Romans 12:2)! “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Our Bible School (EITC) is available precisely for the purpose of helping believers appropriate the full provision of their inheritance that Christ has won for them.


February / March 2013 • Issue 60 • GRAPEVINE magazine



GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 60 • February / March 2013




e wish all our beloved Parents and Guardians a happy and prosperous New Year. Thank you for supporting us throughout 2012 and for making it a fantastic year! May God’s blessings continue to be with you and your families.


During the past year, we held training workshops for teachers. Children were also introduced to Creative Dancing. The Sunday School lessons were based on the Old Testament, where children were taught about serving God with faithfulness; knowing that God is on our side and gives wisdom to those who ask; that God always provides for His children; and also that God hears and answers prayer. These lessons were taught through, among others, the lives of Moses, Joshua, Ruth and Hannah. Children thoroughly enjoyed these lessons, and eagerly worked on the activity sheets for each story. Our Family Service was fabulous and well attended, and enjoyed by you all. We are proud of all the children; they did so well.


During the first quarter of this year, children will learn about the Life of Christ: His Miracles, Parables and Mission, leading to His Death at Easter. They will hear the story of Jesus’ Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem during Palm Sunday. We are also introducing Joint Worship for all the classes once a month, with the first one having taken place on 27th January. The aim is to enable children get to know other children in Sunday school; to learn new songs, and to worship and pray together. Our teachers will also interact with each other, and get to know the children better. Twice this year, we will introduce children to Lighthouse Evangelism. It will be done in a creative way to enable them to enjoy sharing their faith. We also plan to hold Easter/Vacation Bible School Activities for children during their vacation breaks. We look forward to your continued support and encouragement, as we teach your precious ones. We hope you enjoy the Family Service pictures.

Children’s Ministry Team

February / March 2013 • Issue 60 • GRAPEVINE magazine




16 candidates from four churches got baptised at ECC on the evening of Sunday 2nd December 2012. Below are some of their reasons for doing so. ECC candidates were baptised by Pastor Sam Blake and Pastor Ruth Trbojevic.

Agnes Ogunseye

Teeda Kintern

I was born and brought up as a Catholic, until one Sunday in July 1990 when I gave my life to Jesus.

I became a Christian in October 2011. I went to a church in Warren Street where I received deliverance. Since then, I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour, and want to be baptised to follow God’s command.

Miriam Rahim I was brought up as a Christian, but due to circumstances I drifted away from the Lord. I came to ECC, and heard through the singing that Jesus loves me, and I knew then that He was my Lord and Saviour when I accepted Him. My life is completely changed, and I want to be baptised to show my love for God and to follow His command.


Afia Peters In 2009 I gave my life to Jesus. I want to be baptised to follow the footsteps of Jesus.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 60 • February / March 2013

Rachel Chellapah

Anna Janczarek

I was born and raised in a Christian family. I gave my life to Jesus at the age of eight. Through church and my family, I accepted Jesus as my personal Saviour, and I want to get baptised to outwardly express my commitment and devotion to God.

I was baptised in the Catholic Church as an infant. In the last two years, I have been looking for answers, truth and real hope. I have given my life to Jesus and want to be baptised as the Bible says, the way that Jesus was baptised.

Monica Martyn

Troy McIndoe

I became a Christian in July 2012. I have a very good friend who introduced me to ECC, and I made my decision to join. I am understanding Bible readings for the first time, and attend regular weekly Cell meetings.

My auntie invited me to church because I was searching for the truth. I now believe that Jesus died for me and have accepted Him as my Lord and Saviour, and I want to be baptised in obedience to God.



e praise God that we continue to see many saved from their sins and baptised into the family of God. As you can see from the testimonies of those baptised on Sunday 2nd December 2012, some were saved from different religions and backgrounds. Most significantly, they all now believe and accept Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. Water baptism is done in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ. “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). Jesus Himself had to be baptised in order to fulfil all righteousness. The disciples of Jesus have continued this act of obedience until today. Peter, in Acts 2:38, explains what is required for baptism: repent and be baptised. He also ordered that the entire household of Cornelius the centurion be baptised (Acts 10:48). It’s important to note that we baptise because we have believed and accepted Jesus as Saviour and Lord. You should not go to the baptismal pool thinking that baptism will save you. All this will mean is that you are going into the water as a dry sinner and coming out as a wet sinner! It is important that, before you get baptised, you are certain of your status as a child of the King. At this point, you will understand that full immersion in water is merely a public declaration of what has already happened on the inside of you.

Wherever you are in the world, reading these testimonies, and wondering how you, too, can have a personal relationship with God, I want to assure you that God desires to have this relationship with you even more (John 3:16). Just know that Jesus Christ died for you once and for all. • Romans 3:23 “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” • Romans 6:23 “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life.” • Romans 10:9-10 “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Whenever and wherever you do this personally, as long as you mean it with all your heart, you become a child of God (John 1:12). Look for a Bible-believing church or, if you are in West London and want to know more, visit us at Ealing Christian Centre, and you will not regret it!


Susan Vernon

Howard Taylor

Since coming to ECC, I have re-connected with Christ and become closer to God. I went through some turbulent times recently, but God heard my cry and carried me. Today, I give myself to Him completely.

I lost a good friend in a very sudden manner. My sister invited me to church; I have accepted Christ as my Saviour, and I am now friends with my friend’s mother.

Emelia Yador I was raised in a Christian home but attended church more out of habit than desire. I gradually went away from the Lord but was never happy and couldn’t fill a void. I began attending church, where I felt a great peace and purpose and, in August 2012, I gave my life to the Lord and try to live my life according to His teachings.

February / March 2013 • Issue 60 • GRAPEVINE magazine


one family of many nations proclaiming one gospel through many disciples


ALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE (ECC) is part of the Elim Pentecostal family of churches, of which there are around 600 in the UK, and which is in fellowship with approximately 8000 churches worldwide. Year by year, ECC has continued to grow steadily with people coming from every continent, joyfully blending into a multi-ethnic family, drawn from approx 100 nationalities. With its emphasis on prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship and evangelism, the church seeks to live out its motto. Now hundreds of Christians - of all ages and backgrounds - meet together for lively celebration on Sundays in the beautifullyrestored decor of the 1200-seater auditorium, a former Odeon cinema, and in small Discipleship Cell groups during the week.


Weekly MEETINGS Sundays 09.00 09.30 09.30 09.30 11.15 11.45 11.45 14.30 14.30 18.30 20.00

FIRST MORNING SERVICE Little Seekers (Age 2-5yrs) Finders (Age 6-10yrs) Teens Talk (School years 7-11) - single gender classes SECOND MORNING SERVICE Crèche (18mths-3yrs) Adventurers (Nursery 3-4 yrs) Discoverers (Age 5 yrs) Explorers (School years 1&2) Investigators (School years 3&4) Pioneers (School years 5&6) Nu Talk (School years 7&8) Talkin' God (School years 9,10&11) - single gender classes Polish Church Service Japanese Church Service SUNDAY NIGHTS AT THE CENTRE (see page 21 for details) Refreshments in Coffee Lounge


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.30-21.15 Tuesday Night Prayer Explosion


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 14.00 Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College

Registration required


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College

Registration required

(Last Friday of every month)

22.00-05.00 All-Night Prayer Meeting


11.00-13.00 Street Evangelism

Evangelism & Missions • Fellowship for all Ages • Praise & Worship • Prayer • Teaching BOROUGH-WIDE EVANGELISM | LIGHTHOUSE EVANGELISM | EVANGELISM EXPLOSION Discipleship Cells | Children’S ministries | Youth Ministries | Evergreens (Ministry for the Retired) DAILY PRAYER MEETINGS | WEEKLY PRAYER EXPLOSIONS | ALL-NIGHT PRAYER MEETINGS | Deliverance EQUIPPERS INTERNATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE (teaching ministry) | REVIVAL & HEALING MEETINGS

For further information: tel 020 8840 7508, email, or visit EALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE • 268 Northfield Avenue • Ealing • London W5 4UB Registered Charity No. 251549

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