Mazoon (camel milk powder) product extension strategy+design way forward.
A vast market opportunity for ‘Camel Milk’ powder in the milk category is waiting to be tapped. Mazoon could tap this emergent opportunity by extending its milk product range by introducing Camel Milk in the Sultanate of Oman market.
Understanding the mission & vision of Mazoon brand and bringing it to the forefront.
What we noticed that this novel effort of Mazoon brand is not high-lighted in all brand touchpoints. We believe it is a great brand story to tell; hence came up with a unit that could eventually go across all touchpoints, including ‘Camel Milk’ powder packaging design.
Understanding the mission & vision of Mazoon brand and bringing it to the forefront.
Another significant Mazoon’s contribution is increasing per capita milk consumption, which ensures children’s nutritional well-being. We could develop this as the base concept for the milk category, wherein we high-light Nutritional Health.
Mazoon Brand Identity Asset:
Infinity is an inherent concept of Mazoon, and it has a tremendous power that could be brought into the Camel Milk brand.
Furthermore, Mazoon’s core infinity concept could be extended into all brand touchpoints, including packaging, advertising, and promotional material.
Visual Language brand strategy+design tool:
Brand Identity Prism, is a concept for describing a brand’s identity through its characteristics. The prism diagram is a useful visualization for identifying not only a brand’s core characteristics, but how they relate to one another.