DYMag August 2014

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Dhi Youth Movement Youth for Youth, to empower and to lead

AUGUST 2014 | ISSUE #15

Dhi Youth Movement Youth for Youth, to empower and to lead


Dhi Youth Movement began in early 2012 as a small initiative by a few young inspired individuals in Male', with the vision to bring a positive change to society by empowering young people to actively contribute to society. Our group, with a strong following on Facebook, was used to mobilize volunteers for a flash freeze on 29th March 2012 and since then there has been no turning back. We officially got registered as an NGO on 12th of December 2012 as Dhivehi Youth Movement under the Associations and Societies Act of the Maldives (Act No. 1/2003). Any and all Maldivians between the age of 16 and 27 are welcome to join DYM. And everyone's ideas and thoughts are welcome and appreciated.


Letter to the readers

a Hello readers I'm Toby, and I'm new on the team as the Director of Photography. î‚ťough I'm not new to the magazine, I was a contributor before And I'd like to thank the DYM team for this opportunity! I will do my best to provide all you readers with great content!! î‚ťis magazine is a very special magazine, the works of youth displayed in one magazine is just nothing short of amazing, Impressive movie reviews,short stories,poems even dating advice is just a few of the content in this magazine provided by youths!! My personal favourite is the #ask DYM column done by our beloved Muranga Gasdhoshu Maalimee. In this issue, we're featuring a young and talented TV host Shamra Shameem also known to you all as Kudu or Kududhatha!! Our team had fun shooting the cover photos and centrefold and doing the interview with her. Read on to know more about her and get to know kudu like you have never known her before!Also look forward for the poems by blood , he's an excellent writer!! Also, Mooneys accurate and honest movie reviews, and our beautiful look book! Be sure to checkout all of our fruitful content, enjoy reading and if you guys have any suggestions or anything to add to the magazine that can enhance your reading experience let us know! "IPSA SCIENTIA POTESTAS EST" Happy reading :) Toby



Hoodh Editor-in-Chief Sifr is simultaneously rude, charming and arrogant. His only redeeming quality is that he is pro cient. Relentless in his pursuit of knowledge and impartial truth. Self professedly classy & stylish. Unapologetically sapiosexual, he enjoys the company of bright and attractive young ladies. He is a basketball player, a stargazer, a gym rack, a philosopher, a librocubicularist but most of all a philomath & mind of science.


The DYMag Team

f b. c o m / i m y. 1 1 7





Shaha is a free spirit who enjoys classic literature, tea with lots of milk, good books and lots of sunshine. She dreams of huge closets and making a mark in the world. She believes in mismatching socks, breaking stereotypes and handwritten letters.

Imy is just a dreaming, believing, photographing, graphic designing, video gaming, good food consuming, tv series watching, constantly ranting everyday guy. Loves his friends and making new ones. O�en dreams of traveling the world someday due to suering from a terminal case of wanderlust.








Dhum is known to be one of the smartest yet a gullible and a very innocent girl among her friends. She approaches everyone with a warming and friendly gesture and her enthusiasm in everything she does re ects a bright and successful future ahead of her.

Jin loves anything and everything ction and is more of a comical character himself. He is a sucker for creativity and has his own style of writing which makes the readers end up wanting more. Jin is also one of those guys who lives to oat on the sea, staring at the sky when he is out of ideas and sit in parks and observe the world go around him.







Toby is a hermit wandering through life loving the unconventional method of doing things. He is a kind,self taught and friendly soul. Although He is le� at a loss of words at times,he attempts to speak through his own form of art. At the end of the day there's nothing more he enjoys than some solitude in his coee spot listening to some tunes with a smooth espresso feeling at home in the world.

Sharky is a self-trained mythical beast who is said to be able to spew surprising amounts of creative works of art from either end of the body. Sharky lives in a world lled with chaos, and likes to isolate itself from society from time to time, taking that moment to draw, listen to music, read books, eat food, or just relax under a shady tree somewhere on a Hawaiian beach.












Calendar AUGUST 2014

3 ●Nadhu's Birthday! (DYMag Stylist) 6 ●Blood's Birthday! (DYMag Columnist) 9 ●International Day of World's Indigenious People 12 ●International Youth Day 13 ●International Lefthanders Day 17 ●Smile and Wave to Tourists International Day 19 ●World Humanitarian Day 21 ●World Fashion Day 26 ●Shaayan's Birthday! (DYMag Writer) 29 ●International Day against Nuclear Tests 30 ●International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances


EDITOR’S CHOICE READ WORTHY ARTICLES FROM AROUND THE WEB Pebble Beach Preview – records set to fall as the rare car market heats up

cnuhwf urwhwa 100 egIm InWncnoa ejcaWrihevid ?WbiawgIDwauDnwk urIvwh


MIT scientists use polymer scaffold to stimulate bone growth

Journalist and Democracy Advocate Ahmed Rizwan Abdulla Missing in the Maldives


Global Voices Advocacy

The 10 best new books to read

The amateur geneticist who surprised science

BBC Culture

BBC Future

urisWn urwgws cnuvumwmwh utwdcaum egumukuh ejcaevcnwvinim urIvwh

caemulihej :iawT iaWhImwg !Wmwlcaok utWfwt iten urIvwh

Brain stimulation 'helps in stroke’ BBC News

,wkwhWv egurisWn urwgws cniLum Wtog ignih cnwk ?cSwfWliK urIvwh

Infographic: The true price of Dodge's SRT Hellcat BBC









Photography by TOBY



by Nuha Nasheed images dynyasha.deviantart.com


She laughed as they walked along, glancing sideways every now and then at his dramatic gestures as he joked. She still had his coat over her shoulders, and she held onto it in case it slipped off. They were in her neighbourhood now, the street lamps casting small pools of light onto the cobblestones, illuminating them occasionally. The late hour meant that the streets were deserted and by the time they reached her door, it was eerily quiet. He looked at her as she grasped the doorknob, and leaned against the the shabby looking door. The faded blue paint was starting to peel. His hands twitched as he scanned her face, returning her languid stare. She straightened and they twitched again. This time he stuffed them in his pockets and shifted from one foot to the other. “So I guess I'll ––” “Do you want to come in?” He stopped short, not having expected that. She'd never invited him in before..

the sudden change, he turned to see her moving around the kitchen. “The only thing I have is tea. Do you mind?” The sheer ordinariness of this query was overwhelming. All he could think about, all he could focus on, was iguring out what she was thinking when she invited him in. Did this mean that she was starting to return his feelings? More and more thoughts swirled around his head, chasing each other around in circles. He stared blankly at her, both seeing and not seeing her, barely noticing when she pushed a steaming mug into his hands. “Are you going to take this or am I going to have to hold your mug for you?” The sarcasm in her tone snapped him back into reality, just enough to grin at her and throw back his own witty reply. “Only if you want to.”

She scoffed and moved across the room to perch on the bed. After a split second, he followed her and sat down next to her. They sipped their tea in silence, him stealing looks at her, and her staring straight ahead. “Yes, I'm sure. Come in.” With this, Draining his mug, he nudged her she let herself in, leaving no room shoulder gently. She nudged back, for further discussion. He followed her up the narrow light but still didn't look at him. of stairs up into the loft like space that was her apartment. Casting his “Kaylie?” eye around, he took in the various details of the small space. The small “Yes?” She turned her head slowly, and under her full on gaze, he lost kitchen, the bed pushed into the his train of thought. Yet he didn't corner, the large worn armchair look away. beside the window. There were no walls between the different sections After what seemed like forever, but of the place. He noted a door off to was really just an in initesimal one side and igured it led to the bathroom. Moonlight was spilling in pause, he swallowed and tried again. For some reason, it felt like his voice through the big windows, was slowly ebbing away. He tried highlighting the over lowing again, but this time it came out in a bookcase. low whisper. He winced a little as she lipped the light switch, looding the room with “Kaylie...” luorescent light. Blinking against “Are you sure? It's late isn't it..” He trailed off slowly. He watched as her shoulders tensed a little, as though she was steeling herself.


When had he leaned in this close? All of a sudden she was mere millimeters away and as he looked on, her eyes luttered shut. He moved in to close the distance. Their lips had merely brushed against each other when she pulled away. He opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong, but she sat back with her hand over her mouth, looking horri ied. He felt panic rise up in him as well. She looked nervous, but still most worrying of all, she looked like their almost kiss was the worst thing that could have happened. “I think you should go.” Her statement was abrupt, and a red lush was creeping up her neck. He could feel all the leeting happiness that had arisen in him die out slowly. After sitting frozen for a minute or two, he tried to say something, but she cut him off swiftly. “Please. Go.” He heard the pleading in her tone and sighing resignedly, he got up to leave. She too stood up and for half a moment he hoped she'd changed her mind. “Your mug...” He looked down to see that he was still holding the empty mug. Feeling embarrassed upon everything else, he handed over the mug and left quickly, without so much as a goodbye. After shutting and locking the door behind him, she leaned her forehead against the cool wood. What on earth was she thinking, inviting him in? She'd broken her one rule. And she'd almost kissed him! Never mind that they'd held hands earlier, because friends do that, right? But kissing... No. She couldn't let this happen again. This whole day was a luke. She ran a frustrated hand through her hair and decided to call it a night. Lying in her bed, half asleep, she wouldn't remember her last thought before dreams took over. “Michael...”


Am I Wrong

by Nico & Winz

Shiki no Uta by Minmi

PLAYLIST Galvanize

by Chemical Brothers

Winter Winds Telemiscommunications by Deadmau5 feat. Imogen Heap

by Mumford & Sons

ShutEmDown by Celldweller

Isis (Deep Mix) by Seven Lions

You make me

by Avicii

Beast and the Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold


by Magic!

Don’t Think. Feel

by UVERworld

Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap 13


Floral French Tip Photo credits to Nawaf

Items used A variety of colors of your choice to make the flowers 타 Dotting tool (if you don't have one use a pencil or back of a paint brush) 타 A piece of paper to dab your colors on 타 A good quality base and top coat, I have used Revlon. 타

1. Apply your base coat, let it dry for 30 seconds or until dry


2. Using the brush from the polish, at the tip of your nail paint from one side to the other, so that it looks like a classic french tip. Even if u don't get it correct the first time, you can use a cotton bud dip it into nail polish remover and shape it as you like. 3. Dab the colors you want to use on to a piece of paper.


4. Grab your dotting tool and start doing them half on to your french tip in the shape of flowers in colors of your choice. I used a yellow for the middle.


5. Once your flowers dry, put on a top coat for long lasting and strong nails! Hope you liked the super easy floral french tip for any occasion!




5 14


Photography by Toby Makeup by Leykoka Looks Interview by the DYMag Editorial Team




1. Tell us a little bit about yourself Kudu. Okay. So yeah a little bit about me right? My name was Aishath Shenali Shameem till I was 6 years old. And for some reason or the other my parents had to change my name to Aishath Shamra Shameem. But everyone calls me Kudu even from the beginning. I am 19 years old and I am a student. I am not a big fan of the combination of garudhiya and roshi. I don’t think it should exist. 2. What do you like most about Ellen DeGeneres? I love how she dresses up. Its really cool and I love her sense of humor and how she is really. When I watch her shows I get a feeling how down to earth she is. She is really simple and she is not full of herself. But mostly, its her dance moves. It’s cute. 3. How did you get the opportunity present TV shows? I was watching TV one day and then I saw an announcement on ‘Kokkomenge’ program on TVM. They were looking for people interested in presenting so I applied because I was interested, obviously. And two months I think, passed by with no news at all so I wasn’t really thinking about it and then one day I get a call to come for the audition and when I got there. The only kids there were myself and one other kid, I think, myself and shamin, we were the youngest. I remember one person was working in the President’s Of ice, you know they were looking for a hardcore job. You know, I was obviously nervous but the audition went well. In the end only four of the us were selected, and I was among the chosen few. That was 2006. 4. Describe how you feel when you are ON AIR. You have three cameras in front of you, in different angles, right in front of you, on your left and on your right and sometimes there is a crane, I think that’s what it’s called. So basically you have three cameras in front of you. You have huge lights like above you and below. There is an earpiece from which the producer would be talking to you while you are speaking to the audience on live TV. And you have to know your angles, you have to know which camera to look at and you have to know that once something is said, you CANNOT bring it back. As you talk you have to know what you are saying and you have to listen to what the producer says. That’s dif icult but when I’m on air, I try not to think about anything else, like no matter how hard or stressful the day was, that one hour it’s all about the live broadcast, it’s all about that program, just forget it all. It’s a really great feeling actually. It’s an escape. It’s more of an escape from the daily stressful, hard and boring life. But then you know, it’s stressful because by itself. The whole country is gonna see you and all that is going around in your head. I like it.

5. What is the most dif icult part of the day for you? That would be night time. I hate night. Like I would wish and pray when I was a kid, I would just sit somewhere and pray like ‘Please please don’t let the nightfall today’, I wish it would be day time all day long so basically, when I have to sleep, that would be the most dif icult part of the day for me. I hate sleeping alone, I cannot sleep alone. And when I am supposed to choose from really good food that would always be really hard. Every day when you are shown food and when you are asked to choose from them but the most dif icult is when you have to sleep that sucks. I wish we all could be awake all the time. 6. Inspirations and Role-models? Well I don’t have anybody else other than my parents for role models. Like my mom and dad, that’s how it’s always gonna be. All that I am today all that I will ever be, I will owe it to them. So they are gonna be my role models. When it comes to inspirations, it is also them. I think truly, one can be inspired by their parents like no other. 7. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done both off air and on air? OFF AIR: That would be this year. During the presidential election time, we just lew to Malaysia from Bangkok, to vote. Right after we came, we checked into a hotel, we as in my aunt and myself we went to shopping, to Masjid Jamek. So, I was walking in through the streets of Masjid Jamek and I felt like people were staring at me and I thought maybe it was because we were Maldivians in Malaysia maybe that’s why they are staring. Suddenly my aunt just pulls me to side and she is like, hey, don’t freak out, but your pants are ripped from the back. It was just a little bit okay. That was really embarrassing, I didn’t know it was ripped and I was walking, through the streets of Masjid Jamek and people laughing at me probably, I had no clue. So then I pulled my t-shirt a little bit down and it was all okay. That was the most embarrassing moment. On AIR: That was 2007 maybe, I don’t remember exactly. It was a live game show. A kid’s game show which had this game where you have to open cupboards, there are four cupboards and you have to open the cupboards. As the presenter I open the cupboards the caller asks me. So I did open a cupboard with one caller on air, in the live show, and I open a cupboard to my surprise the door comes to my hand. The cupboard door just comes loose and I am left holding it. It’s a live show and what am I gonna do you know so just kept it down on the ground and I was doing my best to hold my laughter in and continuing to talk but that was really embarrassing. Can’t believe the door came to my hand.



8. What is that something you always do to remain as a happy person? I make sure that I pray. Everyday. And recite a bit of Qur’an. It actually makes all the problems seem so little you know, it keeps you grounded. You have all these stress and all these problems in your life and when you do that ive times a day you know, it’s just so easy. I don’t know, there is something magical about it. I do that. PLUS plus, CLOTHES. I love clothes. Walking into a boutique, you know, like a clothes shop, that is so amazing. So that would be it. But praying is irst. And then clothes. Buying clothes makes me happy. 9. Why do you dislike reading? So there is a story book. You know, the irst page of the story book tells you about the characters, about the introduction and the last page of the story book tells you the end, like what actually happened in the story book. So I don’t actually get why you would read hundreds of pages in between just to know what happens in the end. You know, read the irst page, get an idea and you read the last page and you know what happens. That’s how it is and I think you can tell that I am not a fan of reading. But that’s just what I think. 10. What is the greatest compliment and criticism you have got? When I’m outside, walking on the road people sometimes call out in rowdy fashion. Kududhahtha ey kiyaa meehun dhimaa kuraane sometimes. But then there are kids who come up to me and get all excited you know and be like they wanna shake my hand and give me a hug and take a picture and all that you know. When that happens, it’s really sweet, it’s really sweet. When I was younger people would tease me and bully me but then there are some parents who will come and be like, I have this kid at my home who adores you. When I hear all those things and when I see the kids, being all happy and smiley, when they recognize me, that’s a compliment. That’s a really huge compliment for me. When people say nice things about me and then each and every time a producer calls me up you know asking me if I want to do their show that is a huge compliment for me. Because if I was really bad in the previous program, they wouldn’t call you know. It’s gonna be nine years, I’m counting the ninth year and I’m still doing this. And I’m doing adult programs now, I started with kids program and now I’m doing adults program, I see that as a huge achievement. Biggest criticism: My grandfather gives me the best criticism. He would ask me why I run around the bushes instead of going to the exact point. So when on air, I always try to be short and sweet though sometimes I don’t completely achieve that. 11. Is there something you always wanted to do in front of the camera, and you yet haven’t got the chance to do it? If so, what is it? I like what I do on TV right now. I don’t want to sing in

front of the TV or dance or play a drama. What I do right now is okay for me. That’s enough for me. I don’t think about anything else. But who knows. Let’s just end it with a “who knows.” 12. High heels or Flats? Flats. Like I DO NOT understand how people wear heels and how people survive in that. Why do you wanna be like lifted above you the ground six seven inches and walk in that. I don’t understand that, you know. I love lats. Heel are like a NO NO. 13. What are your phobias? Syringes. I cry to this day when I have to like take blood from my hands. I cry. It’s so scary. It feels like the whole world is like shutting down on my face. I hate the syringe, taking blood. That’s one. And I cannot be in the dark. Cannot breathe in the dark. That’s two. And when the motorbikes does a near miss I feel like the world is ending. That’s scary. 14. If you were to produce a TV show, what would it be about? Criminal minds. Like I love to know how they think, why they killed someone, and what went through in their minds while they did it. I don’t think there is a program like that, I don’t think I have seen any program in Maldives, you know, where they bring that concept, why the criminal, why the murderer, did what they did. Why a person killed someone, instead they bring the story of the family of the victim. I would like to bring the other side. You know, side change. 15. A little something from you for the readers. People say whatever we do, the society judges us. The society is so judgmental but what we forget is the society IS US. You know, so instead of being so judgmental about what the other person does, just go and do that yourself. You know, sitting in the back and judging it. Instead of trying out something new or just going and doing what you like. It might be really fun. So stop being so judgmental and be happy. Live your life. Let everything go with the low. Everything. And eat all you can. There is no shame in eating. And be really happy about yourself and don’t think about what other people say or what other people think about you, I know you do, I do, but try not to. Just take each day as it comes. I would like to thank irst and foremost, God almighty. Then my parents for being there for me always unconditionally. My family too. All of my friends, I love them all even though they don’t miss a chance to tease me. All of my producers and co hosts. Also everyone who has said good things about me and otherwise too. For DYMAG for giving me this opportunity and Toby, I loved the pictures. Thank you for that. The list could go on and on because you don’t get the chance to thank and appreciate everyone often. If I’ve missed anyone, I thank you too.




American Center Workshop for kids


Exhibition 2012

Blind Association Workshop 2012


Coke slippers

A passion, ignited in childhood and selfnurtured throughout the years, in the basis of the how the creator of the recycle Arts & Cras company “Artful”, Ferlin, got the initiation of her life occupation. She did not study art as a subject in school, but she recalls how she grew up drawing pictures on every sheet of paper she could nd. is early passion coupled with her vision to do something that she loves as her occupation, led her to nd the company that is now running high on their past successes and ongoing projects, ever so expanding their vision and scale for a better future. e start of Artful came in 2010, when Ferlin started collecting discarded water bottles from her home with the mindset to start and an art project. To her surprise, she collected 170 water bottles in just a week and proceeded to make a light xture with it. Amazed by how simple waste items could be turned into useful objects, and with a need to let others know about it, Artful was born.

Han’dhaan Illustrated story


Artful's main aim is to make people more aware about waste recycling by making unique, arty products from waste materials. Ferlin's cites her upbringing in Male' and the poor waste management system employed here as an inspiration to start the project to make the waste management system a little more manageable in the form of art. ey have successfully held their rst ever Recycled Art Exhibition, “Trash to Treasure” in 2011. Since then, they have been carrying out recycle art workshops for various schools, private clients and individual parties requesting the service, with the help of their volunteers. Some of these include various associations of the Maldives such as the Blind Association of Maldives, Hearing Impaired, Care Society, Girl Guide and American Centre. In addition to that, they have also taken active part in events relating to the environment, like Hay Festival, Environs, Maali Road Show and Earth Hour, to name a few.


Despite all this, Ferlin doesn't consider Artful as her biggest achievement just yet. What takes the crown there is Lavain Bunelaa, the recent art project she started with her close friend Munshi. Stemmed from her passion of illustrations and drawings, and her love for Dhivehi music, this art project comprises of artistic illustrations of song lyrics. According to Ferlin, she initially had the idea to create a Dhivehi comic, but upon the suggestion of Munshi, her rst creation for the project was an illustration of the famous Dhivehi song, “Mooney ee Hiy Edhey”, and it impressed Munshi so much that they ended up sharing it with close friends and then came the idea to create a Facebook page for the project. To say that the public responded well to it would be an understatement, since the page has gotten over 20,000 “Likes” in just 2 months. Another highlight of her career came in the form of the Maldivian television program “Han'dhaan”, for which she created more than 30 detailed gure drawings for each episode. For Ferlin, it was also a rewarding learning experience since she had not done such detailed gure drawings before, and it has no doubt allowed her to grow more as an artist. Furthermore, she has also designed posters and books for children.

light xture made by bottle caps

‘Dhohokkobe’ Lavain Bunela

Newspaper dress


Smile Project 2013

Ferlin's successful entrepreneurship has not being without its many challenges. For someone who takes great passion in recycling waste to create art, Ferlin mentions the struggle to get her products sold, since Maldivians are not accustomed to the concept of recycling and reusing. î ˘e workshops and awareness programs held by Artful contributes highly to changing this attitude among Maldivians and hence, what Ferlin sees as future projects for Artful are more of these workshops and programs. She is also planning to start a clothing line for children in the name of Artful Kids.


Ferlin is no doubt a huge inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs. For someone not familiar with the art scene in the Maldives, it may not seem like a potential high career eld in the country. However, Ferlin mentions just how viable a career one could have in this eld, with tourist resorts all around us with many tourists willing to buy local art. However, artists do need to be better trained a wider platform is de nitely needed for them to showcase their work to make a successful career out of art in this country, according to Ferlin. Her advice to up and coming entrepreneurs is to never give up on their dreams. She herself had no professional quali cations or assist in getting started with Artful and Lavain Bunelaa. And yet, she has followed her passion and made something remarkable out of it.

As Ferlin looks to the future, she name checks her daughter and family and friends as her biggest supporters. Her favorite thing about Artful, she says, is the team that has stuck around with her since the very beginning, and now feels like family. She is grateful to them for their support and inspiration but her heartfelt gratitude also goes to the customers and fans of her work. It is their appreciation of her work that is one of the main reasons that she is able to keep continuing to work. It is their continuous support that has helped her get where she is right now. Find Artful and Lavain Bunelaa on Facebook!



Earth Hour 2014



image ickr.com/photos/shamcool/

Anyone who is familiar with the term “Opium” knows it’s a drug. So what is the drug of the masses? Karl Marx, who is the father of communism answers the question with his famous quote that “Religion is the opium of masses”. So is this true? In my opinion, Karl Marx could not have been so right about anything else. e numerous wars waged on the name of religion is evidence enough that it is the opium of masses. e one thing that can easily tick someone off is religion. e most debates, arguments and wars are even on this topic. Maldivians are certainly not excluded from the masses. It’s not without a reason that I say Maldives is no exception. is nation is

religiously stagnant and boasts of being a 100% Muslim country. e constitution itself dictates this fact. However, that is not the reason why Maldives is part of the masses it is the actions of our beloved fellow civilians that proves the above mentioned point. e way our people reacted to a very recent event abhorred me but went on to prove that religion really is the opium of masses. e attacks on Gaza by the Israeli administration drew the attention of many people. It made international headlines and it spread like rapid re on the social networking sites. e reaction to these attacks by many Maldivians took me by surprise. Without any doubt the


attacks violated human rights and are inhumane. However, the many status updates and tweets did not condemn these attacks but was used to spread hate against the Jews. Moreover, the many posts that condemned these attacks was disappointing as it was followed by condoning the mass genocide Adolf Hitler committed. e racial slurs and profane language just went on to show our disability to be civilized and unbiased people. As an arts student I was horri ed at what people were posting. I knew very well about Hitler and his policies. Statistics show that he killed 6 million Jews out of the 9 million Jews in Europe. He tortured them and blamed the troubles of an

Most of the people were being warmongers and being very bitter about the entire situation. Blaming the attacks initiated by the Israeli administration on all the Jews and promoted mass murder of the Jews and justi ed their claims with certain verses of Qur’an. Not being a religious scholar I can’t say anything against that but what I do know is that Islam is not a religion of dispute and hatred, it is a religion of peace and tolerance. Our hypocrisy meant that we could not practice what we preached. While we take a stand against the generalization that all Muslims are terrorists why are we in a hurry to generalize that all Jews are bad and they don’t deserve to live? If you don’t believe others deserve what you deserve then you don’t really believe in it. Yes, we should stand up for our Muslim sisters and brothers in Palestine but there is a huge difference in being Pro-Israel and

Anti-Semitic. It is also important to realize that we have to stand up for them not only because they are Muslims but because they are human beings. Above everything what matters most is that we are all humans and acts of injustice, prejudice and torture against any innocent human is wrong regardless of your race or religion. Qur’an itself condemns acts of violence against innocent humans. It is not only in Palestine that people are dying, in Ukraine there has been a lot of tension and strife. ere is a civil war in Syria, there are disputes in Africa. As a matter of fact our own nation is in political chaos and we have a thousand problems that is a threat to our social fabric. Should we not stand up for all of those people in distress? Why are we blind to their sufferings? Is our nation’s cry for help not deafening?

peace? War can never bring peace. Sincere prayers will be heard and that is something that can actually bene t the Palestinians. e fundraisers are vital as they are used for relief for the refugees. However, for how long can we keep raising funds and donating money to them? Is this a permanent solution? A real stand would be pushing our leaders to consider a two-state solution. Many will disagree but just come to think of all the Jews that has nothing to do with the war and will be homeless if the international community drives them out of that land.

entire nation on this one race. When I say torture I fall short of words to explain how appalling they were. Crematoria ovens, mass shootings, Euthanasia program, gassing them with dangerous chemicals are part of the concentration camps like Auschwitz. e Holocaust was openly condoned, while I just sat staring at the screen in disbelief because I had read Anne Frank’s diary and I knew that all Jews were not ‘evil’ and they actually suffered during the ird Reich. In addition to all of this Hitler had a race table and if he had succeeded in exterminating the Jews he would have proceeded with the next one until it was all ‘Aryans’, the most superior race according to Hitler.

Israel and Palestine is in the Middle East surrounded by the Arab countries. Why aren’t the Arab leaders doing nothing to help these helpless people? Why is the international community considering ignorance bliss? It is all part of a complex political game in which the lives of civilians are at stake. Palestine deserves a ghting chance but any group that ghts for their freedom killing any innocent human is not at all justi ed. So should religion really be our opium? Should we let practicality and rationality be ruled over by propaganda? I believe we can peacefully co-exist if we put our differences aside. Negotiations Sharing gory pictures of dead boys cannot be carried out unless we all sure helps to spread awareness but compromise and become more does it really help the cause? Does statuses and ranting help? No, taking understanding and open minded. ere is a reason why god created all a real stand does. Educating the types of people, if we were to masses and spreading awareness conform to others needs then god does. Sure, the protest was a good would have created all of us the way to show our support but an entire nation calling to exterminate a same. Our motto should be LIVE AND LET LIVE! A better world is race is disturbing. ere seemed to possible if we believe and work for it. be an ulterior motive to it, which was warmongering. Does war ensure

LIVE AND LET LIVE! A better world is possible if we believe and work for it.



Cataracts In celebration of August being Cataract Awareness Month ♼ by Thihnan

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e human eye as we all know is responsible for our sight. One of the most important parts of the eye is an inner lining of the eye known as the retina. e retina is what contains pigments sensitive to light which become active and send impulses to the brain creating an image. However, due to the many contents inside the eye, light can hit the eye at different angles. In order to prevent this, the eyeball is circular to give a curved window known as the cornea. e cornea is able to bend the light in such a way that it is more concentrated to the retina. e lens in the eyes then further focuses the light so that it hits straight on the speci c regions of the retina providing us with a full clear image of whatever we look at. You may notice that with age, many people begin to have blurry vision. e eyes of a young boy may be sharper than that of an old man. Lenses are made mainly of water and certain proteins. When we age, the protein tends to clump together resulting in cloudy regions. e cloudy areas spotted in the eye are referred to as cataracts.

♥♥♥♥♥ While aging is the most common reason for formation of cataracts there are many other risk factors such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure (hypertension) and family history. is is proof that even young people can develop cataracts. Cataracts that develop in one eye does not travel to the other.

Cataracts are quite serious because if le untreated they can grow resulting in blindness. In fact it is referred to as the principal cause for blindness all over the world. erefore it is important to be able to identify early if you have a cataract or not. A cataract, like many others, start small. is means it has little effect on your vision and you may even nd it hard to notice at rst. Overtime, you will notice that you have difficulty viewing letters or focusing on objects because things seem blurry. Another symptom is that your eyes become more sensitive to light. Sun light or light from sources may seem too bright and cause glares straining your eyes more than it used to. Moreover, colours may appear duller to you.

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If you notice these changes it's important to get your eyes checked out immediately. Nowadays cataracts can be treated quite efficiently usually through surgery. Following the thought that prevention is better than cure, there are many preventive measures you can take to live your life with a healthy clear vision. One of the easiest measures you can take is to wear good Polaroid or protective sunglasses. is can signi cantly maintain your vision because sunglasses block out ultraviolet radiation (UV rays) which is a type of light that is harmful to the body, especially the eyes. It is important to prevent smoking and passive smoking as chemicals in smoke can result in worsening or leading to formation of severe cataracts. Another measure is to indulge in leafy green vegetables. ese provide you with enough vitamin E much like almonds and sun ower seeds. Eating berries with a high amount of antioxidants can help the lens keep its form. Moreover this is further assisted by the action of omega3 fatty acids.


Dark Side of the Moon by Mahid My housemate recently relayed to me an encounter he had with a gentleman in our university. During their brief introduction, the man preemptively stated that all space missions were elaborate and strategically planned hoaxes by the US government to fool a gullible public. He went on to suggest that the moon-landing actually took place in a remote part of the Egyptian desert. At some point during the conversation my friend was asked what degree program he was in. I imagine an excruciatingly awkward few seconds which followed when he mentioned that his major was aerospace engineering. It must have been disconcerting to be blatantly told -that too, by a stranger that you have wasted a stupendous amount of time and money to become a pawn and perpetuator of an international farce. I have since then consoled my friend by reassuring him that, apart from the scorching heat and volatile politics, Egypt would be lovely for an internship.

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It has been 46 years since Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin rst walked on the lunar surface, and 10 men have followed suit, yet the disbelief in moon-landing is still widespread. ere have been a number of objections raised by “sceptics”, not only r e g a r d i n g t h e au t h e nt i c i t y o f t h e photographs published by NASA, where Armstrong is seen near a ag of USA, but the very viability of such a mission itself. e video transmission of the rst steps of man on moon, which was seen by more than half a billion people across the globe, is also thought to be a cinematic trick. On the surface, a part of the populace denying a scienti c and historical event might seem inconsequential; however in doing so they are missing out on the wonder of one of the greatest achievements of our race. On a sinister note, the persistency of an opinion among general public in the face of overwhelming opposing evidence is not to be brushed off as trivial. Buzz Aldrin when he was asked, for the umpteenth time I imagine, whether he had really walked on the moon, threw a light punch on to the questioner’s face. While I understand Aldrin’s impulse, I am going to resort to a more paci stic approach to convince the inquirer. References are oen made to the photographs in which the y of the USA ag is apparently uttering in an airless (and therefore windless) environment. While most of us know that the moon does not have a perceptible wind on the surface, most of us are in the dark about the fact that the ag planted by the astronauts was not made of regular fabric, but tinfoil. e absence of air was the very reason tinfoil was used for

the y and was bent into shape to give an illusion of waving. Indeed it would have been an example of horrendous PR if NASA had spent 25 billion dollars of the tax payers money to travel to the moon, and due acknowledgement was not given to the nation due to a accid ag, particularly when the patriotism of the American people was requiring a rattle in a period of tense rivalry between the Soviet Union. Similar objections are made about the inconsistency of the alignment of the shadows in the photograph. e shadows exist because of a shining Earth and sun sunlight hitting the objects on moon and the dark spot which was out of order with the rest of the shadows was proven to be a part of the lunar module equipment. ere has also been innumerable third party evidence discrediting the “hoax” claim. Photographic capabilities have advanced exponentially since the 70s and high resolution photos, clear enough to discern the various landing sites and the byproducts of each mission (including the notorious ag), have been commonplace for a while. Institutes which are independent of NASA have uniformly con rmed the moon landing, by a series of experiments which involved emitting a laser pulse from Earth and detecting the pulse again as it bounces off retro re ectors placed on the moon during the Apollo missions. e results of these experiments have also been fascinating; one of which is the revelation that the moon is moving away from us 4 cm every year! e nal straw in an argument over moonlanding is the inevitable question: why aren’t they doing it now? Shouldn’t the


missions be more frequent and common aer the drastic improvement of space technology? ese are of course very valid questions. Aer all, the last manned mission to Moon was back in 1972. Let us remind ourselves what prompted the moon landing in the rst place. e USSR and USA were racing each other for world dominance and a moon-landing was rightly seen as an establishment of technological superiority. ere was also a hyped sense of mystery surrounding the moon. For example, a colony of extraterrestrial life on moon did not seem completely implausible back then. Hence it is not a surprise that the plaque on Apollo 11 which was signed by President Richard Nixon read “we come in peace for all mankind”. e supreme irony of it all was that as the plaque was travelling towards its destination, the US government was carpet bombing Cambodia and other regions of East Asia with seemingly callous indifference. I digress. e point, simply put is that we have exhausted the need for manned missions to moon long ago. Any data required can now be collected remotely using probes, satellites and equipment such as the aforementioned retro re ectors. We have moved on to more exciting horizons like Mars and Comet-67P. It has to be said that the moon-landing was not, by any stretch of the imagination, a meek task and should border on the realms of incredibility for any rational person. But the beauty of science is that it makes the ostensibly impossible, a reality. Pardon me the cliché.

MOCKING THE BEARD by Mohamed Allam Naeem

In the not-so-distant past, Maldives witnessed an increase in men who grow their beards, perhaps to a level unprecedented in the history of Maldives. is resulted in them being called names, jeered at, ridiculed and insulted by the masses who shaved. In spite of this, the size of this certain group of people did not decrease. Rather, as it will be clear to anyone who was there to witness that and is here to witness this, both their size and in uence continued to grow over the years. In fact, it is still on the rise. e reason for this is simple: they were inspired to grow their beards by a force that is far bigger and stronger than any amount of ridicule can match. e one who ordered the Muslims to grow their beards was ridiculed and insulted by his opponents on a greater scale (although not merely because of his beard, but due to pure jealousy and similar grudges). His followers and in uence too grew over the years, even aer his death, so much so that his followers today account for more than a quarter of the current world population.


He was inspired by his Lord. And this inspiration caused him to order his nation (or followers) to grow their beards and trim their moustaches. Following that order is undoubtedly a must for everyone who claims to follow that man. Giving this order, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Cut the moustaches short and leave the beard (as it is)."[narrated by al-Bukhari]. ere are numerous other ahaadeeth (i.e. sayings of the Prophet) of unquestionable authenticity that states the very same order. Moreover, no man has ever been born to this world who can prove that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was clean shaven, or he ever shaved his beard. Growing the beard is an established Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him), and not in the sense that it is optional. ose who argue that it is optional are mistaken. eir argument is weak and is seldom provided with any evidence—let alone being authentic in themselves. ere is no evidence whatsoever to support any claim that makes the shaving of beard permissible. e most strongly debated limit is cutting what is longer than a st, because some of the companions (may Allah be pleased with them) reportedly cut what is longer than a st. Some scholars are even of the view that even this cannot be used as evidence, because any order of the Prophet (peace be upon him) takes precedence over any action or saying of any of the companions (may Allah be pleased with them). Our pious predecessors were very strict with regard to this. Some of them would consider those who shave their beards as effeminate, while some others would not allow them to lead others in prayers or even accept their testimony.

Even if one does not grow his beard (whatever might be the reason), he does not have the right to make fun of anyone just because of his beard. Even if he does not believe that it is obligatory to grow the beard, there is no room for him to deny the fact that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) indeed had a thick beard. For this reason, if someone grows his beard because his Prophet did, he is to be commended, rather than lampooned. How can a Muslim make fun of another Muslim just because he grows a beard, which he does on the orders of the Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him), whose orders every Muslim is supposed to follow? If that mockery is aimed at Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), or to him giving that order, then the one who mocks will be Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) reported that Allah's Messenger out of the fold of Islam and a kaa r. (peace be upon him) said: “Be different e scholars of Islam are unanimously agreed on this point. from the Mushrikeen; trim your moustaches and save your beards” [Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Today, this ridicule and mockery in our Maldivian society have decreased to a In the unfortunate time that we live in, level almost negligible. However, insults related to the beard seem to many Muslims approve of the ways of crop up every now and then. A certain the disbelievers and throw away the guidance and ways of the Messenger of group of people will be labeled, oen in Allah (peace be upon him). ey see a rude way that is meant to degrade clean-shaved face as an adornment and them, as people who grow their beards. are so ashamed of growing a beard that With what one might call 'a political they shave every single morning! ey urge to lose one's manners', these types of insults are taken as ways of winning admire the glazed and shiny look of a clean shaved man while ridiculing the an argument and to practice one's right of the freedom of expression. May beard and anyone who grows it! Allah guide us. With the existence of direct orders by In short, growing the beard is not the Prophet Muhammad (peace be optional; rather it is an obligation on upon him), and the unanimous every Muslim man. In addition, agreement of the Imams of the four ridiculing the beard can take a man major schools of thought—more commonly known as Mazhabs—about beyond the pale of Islam and make him the obligation of every Muslim man to a kaa r. If you choose to be more like a grow his beard, one has to wonder why woman and do not grow yours, then do not mock anyone else for growing his the beard is mocked in a society beard. No one living under the sky has claiming to be 100% Muslim. the right to give you that right. Shaving the beard is a clear disobedience to Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him), a deviation from the guidance of the one whose guidance is the best guidance and in whom is a good example (cf. the Holy Qur'an, 33:21), and a deviation from the ways of his rightly guided caliphs and companions (may Allah be pleased with them all). Moreover, it is an imitation of unbelievers, as it is clear from some other ahaadeeth like the following two: Abu Umaamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “Cut your moustaches and leave your beards alone. Be different from the people of the scripture (i.e. Christians and Jews)” [Recorded by Muslim].


Hope in Curses by D. Blood

Fall for love that is now. Impressed by the bannerman's sycophancy, walk yourself into the charming web of deceit. Come tomorrow will you realize, now was not forever. Forever was here by my side.

image wallpaperseries.com/yazeen

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ACE AN EXAM by The Right-Hand Girl

What's that one word that is enough to scare the daylight out of a student? EXAMS of course! Going through the process of preparing for an exam, executing it, and then waiting for the results can be a pain in all the wrong places! However, passing the most grueling ordeal with ying colours is undeniably one of the best feelings we would ever experience. It may sound tricky but you don't need any sorcery to accomplish that feeling aer every test! Just follow these simple steps and you'll be one your way to success! STARTING FROM DAY ONE; 1. PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS: Yes, this is certainly easier said than done since there are A LOT of distractions that won't allow you to focus on what your teacher is saying. ough you'll have to agree that this is one infallible method that would prevent you from lagging behind in your lessons on so many levels. You will be able to clarify your doubts on time, thus you'll understand the whole a lot better. Plus, you'll stumble upon exam tips that your teachers mention – in other words, SNOOZING IN CLASS IS A BAD IDEA. 39

2. DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE: Homework, notes, coursework and so on – sounds boring but you have to do them anyway. You'll end up feeling more prepared for the upcoming chaos. Additionally, you'll be more familiar with the content and structure of the ultimate assessment. While making notes, consider using highlighters and writing in diagrams and pictures or whatsoever. e aim is to make it more interesting for your mind and eventually you'll remember more! 3. PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Waiting till the last minute is a bad idea and it will never work out well. Do that and you'll end up being stressed, tired from lack of sleep and regrettably unprepared! Getting a study schedule is a good idea as it will help you to make it through to the test systematically and consequently it will give you a boost of con dence and attentiveness. I would recommend you to start studying as soon as you

4. STUDY IN GROUPS: Everybody needs some help and group studies are effective when it comes to preparing for exams. e interactions make whatever you are studying more memorable. Discuss your lessons, clarify your doubts and help each other out. Make sure not to forget that you are supposed to STUDY and NOT GOOF AROUND. Wasting your time is the last thing you would want to do while your exams are just around the corner! 5. TAKE BREAKS: Another reason why I would suggest you to prepare in advance is this – Your brain needs rest! Your brain won't be able to perform well if you try to stuff everything in at once. Take 10 or 15 minute breaks every hour while you are studying. Go easy on yourself. Listen to some music or have a cup of tea during your breaks. But of course, you can't do this if you start preparing the night before your exam, can you? 6. EAT WELL, SLEEP WELL: Maintain a good diet and a proper sleep routine (not only during the week before your exams but at all times, although that's another story). Include nutritious food stuff in your diet, such as bananas (the high levels of potassium keeps you alert and makes you smarter and also maintains the happymood!). A good diet and good sleep will make you healthier and you know what they say – a healthy mind dwells in a healthy body!

8. HAVE A SUITABLE MEAL: You are neither allowed to stuff yourself nor to skip your meals. Take a balanced meal and ensure that you have sufficient energy to make it through the test. Again, I recommend bananas (It provides energy too!) 9. COLLECT AND ORGANIZE ALL YOUR MATERIALS/STATIONERY: You'll know what you need to take to your exam. Pens, pencils, student ID, entry pass and etcetera! Having them all set in advance would cut down the chances of you panicking at last minute because you couldn't nd your eraser or something. It's a good idea to carry a few backups too.

And inally, when you arrive at your examination hall, continue to be positive. Believe in yourself and your hard work – it will pay off! Read the questions carefully and attend each and every one of them. Stay calm and everything will be alright. P.S. Remember to pray throughout every phase of your life. Pray for success in your studies and watch how miracles work! After all, Dua is the most powerful weapon, isn't it? ;)

THE NIGHT BEFORE & THE DAY OF ASSESSMENT; 7. GET SOME SLEEP: I hope that by now you would know why you are supposed to do this. You don't want to appear as a sleep-deprived zombie at your exam hall, do you? 40

image academyoearning.ab.ca wikihow.com


art by sharky

Hit Girl

from Kickass


Oberyn Martell

from Game of Thrones


Visit the Yummy Talks blog at yummytalks.wordpress.com

YummyTalks by Munshi

Raspberry and white chocolate cake



Pre-heat oven at 180C Here’s what you will need: 2 cups (300g) plain lour 2 tsp baking powder 1 cup (165g) caster sugar 1 cup (240g) sour cream 2 eggs 1 tsp inely grated lemon rind ⅓ cup vegetable oil 1 tsp rose essence 1 ½ cups (225g) frozen raspberries (thawed & crushed) Ÿ 1 cup (175g) chopped white chocolate Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Method: Ÿ Sift the lour and baking powder in a bowl. Add

the caster sugar into the lour mixture. Ÿ Combine sour cream, eggs, lemon grint, vegetable oil and rose essence in a separate bowl. Add the combination to the lour mixture. Ÿ Add the raspberries and white chocolate to the mixture and fold carefully. Ÿ Pour the mixture into a tray lined with baking powder and bake for 45 minutes or until cooked when tested with a skewer.



When it comes to lifestyle, if you are quite active in sports or vigorous exercises you may nd it much harder to deal with glasses. Another great in uence comes from your level of comfort. Some people nd it highly irritating to put on contacts and take them off. While other people prefer this to the distortion of vision provided by glasses.

CONTACTS VS GLASSES In celebration of August being Children's Eye Care and Safety by Thihnaan With a high proportion of people, whether young or old, being in need of some sort of correction due to poor vision, the question arises; should we opt for contacts or have spectacles? erefore a lot of us would be bene tted with a guide to help you choose which suits you the best. Now both glasses and contacts have pros and cons. at means there is no right or wrong answer here. is is all about appearance. Glasses come in different shapes with varying frames. is can oen help you out to choose which compliments your face the best. However, if you feel glasses don't look too good on you and alters your natural appearance then it's probably best to go with contacts. Another factor is the environment. If you live in a dusty area with a lot of wind it's probably best to opt for spectacles. ese can help act as a shield to prevent particles from getting into your eye and scratch it. However, if you live in a cool environment or if the weather is a bit rainy or so, glasses tend to fog up and obstruct your view. In this case it would be obviously more convenient for you to wear contacts.

Now let's look at the medical point of view ; Safety and medical opinion. It has been found that contacts reduce the amount of oxygen reaching your eyes and overtime can cause it to become severely dry. Moreover contacts require you to be strictly clean and careful to avoid serious eye infections. In this sense, contacts require more maintenance and its better to opt for glasses if you cannot commit. On the other hand, glasses aren't perfect either. Some frames and prolonged use can exert constant pressure on the nose and behind ears causing headaches and general discomfort. erefore, your choice would heavily depend on how you prioritize things and the lifestyle you lead. Bottom line is, you should be aware and ready to commit to taking the best care as you can of your eyes to avoid any serious damages in the future.

image browlineglasses.net


Reminiscence My teacher rants on and on As my friends gawk forward blankly Somebody yawns, another dozes off A gentle snore rises from the back benches Please stop right now; My teacher writes on the board Some chicken scratching, nothing legible Or worthy to note down. The noisy chalk reminds me of the chicken’s leg Reedy thin yet holding the plump body upright; But on the other end, a lump of lesh Oh, that scrumptious fried chicken leg Incomplete without some fries to go A side of salad, dripping with mayonnaise Pass the salt, maybe some gravy with peas; Wind ruf les the leaves on trees outside Oh yes, some crispy lettuce in my burger Did I say burger? A nice, soft, round bun Around that chicken would be oh, so nice; A cold gust of wind blows in from an open window A chilled drink would be nice to go. Hold the ice, too cold and slippery Wouldn’t want to spill like he did at the movies And look like you peed yourself laughing Should go to the movies tonight Heard the gang would go But they have yet to call me Did they forget me already, Or wait, is my cell even on?

by Fazu Shahym

Think I packed my charger Crazy, unreasonable battery, always dying on me Tiny brained inventors, think we wouldn’t want A bigger battery. Maybe I forgot the charger, Now I‘d have to hunt for them at lunch; Serves me right, should have packed my stuff ahead Or chucked the assignment and not stay up The night before it’s due, or done it ages ago No thanks, not than mundane work I rather read comics or watch TV; The late night comedy show is always fun Too bad I missed last night’s show Now I have to wait at 2am for the re-run. The dog hid the remote too, now I’d have to Stand to change the channels; The sofa is much comfortable to sleep on Than the bed, these benches are so wicked Better suited for a park, perhaps then People would better appreciate These annoying benches, but I rather not jog; You’d think these joggers dress for show, with Those colourful running shoes, stretchy out its, Miniature gadgets that measure every breath they take How much they bounce, every calorie they burn and Their so conceited heart rate, rat-a-tat-tat I bolt upright in my seat As my teacher raps on the desk, calling my name Reality comes into focus, and I hear her say ‘No dreaming in my class, not today.’

image nile-can-too.deviantart.com 46

July 22, 2014

Thank you for reading. See you in September! In the meantime, find us at: fb.com/dhiyouthmovement @dhiyouth d h i y o u t h m o v e m e n t. b l o g s p o t. c o m dhiyouthmovement dhiyouthmovement@gmail.com

photo by Imy 47

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