DYMag September 2014

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Dhi Youth Movement

Youth for Youth, to empower and to lead


Dhi Youth Movement

Youth for Youth, to empower and to lead

Dhi Youth Movement began in early 2012 as a small initiative by a few young inspired individuals in Male’, with the vision to bring a positive change to society by empowering young people to actively contribute to society. Our group, with a strong following on Facebook, was used to mobilize volunteers for a flash freeze on 29th March 2012 and since then there has been no turning back. We officially got registered as an NGO on 12th of December 2012 as Dhivehi Youth Movement under the Associations and Societies Act of the Maldives (Act No. 1/2003). Any and all Maldivians between the age of 16 and 27 are welcome to join DYM. And everyone’s ideas and thoughts are welcome and appreciated.


Letter to the Readers Shaha,

Content Director


Beloved Readers, You are the reason I am writing this letter, you are the creamer in our coffee, the light in our sky, and the words to all our poems. This journey we started, you’ve been with us all the way and I’ve gone through two dictionaries and haven’t found enough words to thank you, not in English and not in Latin either so here’s two words I know that I hope will encompass everything; thank you. At this point, I’d also like to apologize for how late we have been with our issues. I assure you, we are working really hard to try to bring each magazine as soon as possible but running a magazine is harder than we imagined and as more people get in the team, we have so many ideas we don’t even know what to do with half of them. I also promise you that the whole team is doing everything they can, and since we are all very occupied with our day jobs and all, sometimes it gets late but we will try to bring it out on time. We have decided to put Moyameehaa’s face on the cover this time because we stand in solidarity with him. He was our friend and supporter since the beginning of the mag and we are saddened everyday that passes without any news of him. We pray that he is found safe and sound and we call upon Police Service to do their job. Help return a son to his mother, a friend to friends, and a citizen to this country. We are all Moyameehaa. Here’s hoping that so far, this year has been wonderful to you and that you will continue to be our rocks as we take the muddy path and face the obstacles on the way, cutting through weeds and crossing rivers. Make a cup of coffee darling, cos you’re in for a lovely ride. Hope you enjoy this issue as much as we did making it; because we really did enjoy it. Pinky promise. Shaha


The DYMag Team

The Contributors













Content Director

Design Director

Photography Director

Hoodh is simultaneously rude, charming and arrogant. His only redeeming quality is that he is proficient. Relentless in his pursuit of knowledge and impartial truth. Self professedly classy & stylish. Unapologetically sapiosexual, he enjoys the company of bright and attractive young ladies. He is a basketball player, a stargazer, a gym rack, a philosopher, a librocubicularist but most of all a philomath & mind of science.

Shaha is a free spirit who enjoys classic literature, tea and lots of milk, good bookes and lots of sunshine. She dreams of huge closets and making a mark in the world. She believes in mismatching socks, breaking stereotypes and handwritten letters.

Imy is just a dreaming, believing, photographing, graphic designing, video gaming, good food consuming, tv series watching, constantly ranting everyday guy. Loves his friends and his family even more. Often dreams of traveling the world someday due to suffering from a terminal case of wanderlust.

Toby is a hermit wandering through life loving the unconventional method of doing things. He is a kind, self taught and friendly soul. Although he is left at a loss of words at times, he attempts to speak through his own form of art. At the end of the day there’s nothing more he enjoys than some solitude in his coffee spot listening to some tunes with a smooth expresso feeling at home in the world.






Marketing Director

Dy. Content Director

Dy. Design Director

Dhum is known to be one of the smartest yet a gullible and a very innocent girl among her friends. She approaches everyone with a warming and friendly gesture and her enthusiasm in everything she does reflects a bright future and successful future ahead of her.

Jin loves anything and everything fiction and is more of a comical character himself. He is a sucker for creativity and has his own style of writing which makes the readers end up wanting more. Jin is also one of those guys who lives to float on the sea, staring at the sky when he is out of ideas and sit in parks and observe the world go around him.

A professional doodler with an undying love for design, Razzan jumps though the many hurdles of life with a positive outlook and a sunny disposition. With high hopes and dreams of becoming great things, he finds inspiration in the littlest things. Perfectly content with his little observer’s bubble, he prefers to see things in the perspective of an outsider, comfortable and appreciative of all that is around him.


Hassan, Writer




Editor’s Choice

‘Look back over the past,with its changing empires that rose and fell,and you can foresee the future,too’ - Marcus Aurelius

1000 Islands, 2 The Chairless Chair lets you sit Worlds NY Times anywhere

The physics of proton therapy The Guardian


Unusual Maldives culinary competition - Soups and cakes brought in boats Sunday Times Lanka

Skywatch Stars Planets Sky

Why I took off my headscarf... The Guardian only to put it back on again BBC News Magazine

Government of the Maldives Find Ahmed Rilwan Petition The Internet Is Avaaz Learning to Avert Its Eyes Mashable

Editor’s Choice Reuters

The Ingestible And Stick-On Micro Tech Powering Your Healthcare

Escaping Death in Northern Iraq NY Times




02 Letter to readers 03 The DYMag Team/Contributors 04 Editor’s Choice


15 Moyameehaa

Fashion & Beauty

13 Nail Tattoos - Nails with Naal


07 Kaylie - Long Story 09 Reviews, Previews and News 10 DYM Recommends


21 Ebola - Infirmities in Life


17 Be the Captain of your Ship 19 Dear Grammar Nazi


23 Fighting Body Odor - Health 24 Munshi’s Chai - Yummy Talks


on the cover: Moyameehaa SEPTMEBER 2014 DYMAG 6

She woke up due to a bright shard of sunlight that had deigned to fall across her face. For a few blissful moments, she enjoyed that warm feeling of being well rested. Then everything came crashing back; the hike, the walk back, the near kiss, Michael... Oh God. She felt herself sinking into the rush of thoughts and straightened abruptly. No. She wasn’t going to let herself think too much about this. Better to pretend it didn’t happen. Sighing, she dragged herself out of bed and into the bathroom. Gripping the sides of the sink, she stared into the mirror. Worried, scared eyes stared back. Like a deer in headlights. “Shit!”, he swore as the blade bit into his skin. Dropping the razor, he examined the small cut on his chin. He’d remembered his dream from the night before. Sighing, he finished shaving and rinsed his face slowly. Closing his eyes, he let himself go over the dream for what must have been the umpteenth time that day. It was the scene from yesterday, only this time she’d let him kiss her. Tentative at first, she’d melted into him and his heart? It felt like it would implode. It was just as the kiss was deepening that he first felt the tingling. It grew stronger and stronger until he could no longer ignore it. Opening his eyes, he was nearly blinded by the light


Kaylie by Nuha Nasheed

she was giving off. With a helpless cry, he jumped back, staring at her in horror as her skin went from a fiery yellow to a bright, hot white. Shaking, he raised a trembling hand to touch her face. She was akin to a supernova by now. His fingertipshad just barely come into contact with her when she abruptly dimmed, and then died out. Her skin turning a dark, dark black. The sort you’d expect to see in space and other places where the light was just too far away. He could see cracks ebbing their way across her, and as he cupped her cheek, she fell away to ashes... Groaning frustratedly, he stalked out of the bathroom and got dressed. After pulling on a blue T-shirt, he ambled over to the kitchen to eat breakfast and gather his thoughts. Yesterday, last night, it had all gone so well up until that one moment when everything had collapsed. Clutching his head over a bowl of cereal, he couldn’t help but wonder what had gone wrong. Maybe it had been too forward of him? But she was the one who’d invited him into her home. She hadn’t leaned in, but she hadn’t moved away either... Oh God what if she never spoke to him again because of this? He couldn’t lose her now... Not when... ...Sighing again, he stared into the bowl, watching as the cornflakes soaked up the milk and slowly sank underneath the surface. Wrapping her favorite scarf, around her neck, she stepped out

of her house and into the brisk morning air. Breathing in deep, she locked her door and started off on her daily commute. It wasn’t a long walk and less than ten minutes later, she was at the doorfront of the small shop she owned. As she let herself in, she was met with the familiar smell of the many books spread out around the room. Smiling, she let her fingertips trail along their spines and over the corners of the shelves as she made her way to the back of the store. After rechecking the old fashioned till, and making sure everything was set up for the day, she made herself a cup of tea, and waited for Michael to arrive. Interestingly enough, she’d first met Michael through her store. Having decided that just selling second hand books wasn’t enough, she’d gotten the idea of branching out by selling CDs, both new and old. It was at this point that she’d realised the fact that she knew nothing about buying and selling music. Books were easy enough. She’d managed to collect enough over the years and with a little capital, had set up her store. But music? She’d need to ask for help. Thus the little advertisement in the newspapers and online, asking for a part-time worker to handle this section of her store. Most of the applicants were teenagers, looking for some easy money and were not serious about it, therefore not worth her time. She’d just about given up hope, when in walked Michael.

image forgottenx.deviantart.com SEPTMEBER 2014 DYMAG 8



by Moony Top Geek News of August 2014

Rumors of Blade: This past month has been remarkably dry for geeky news for some reason. Maybe everyone emptied out their baskets at the San Diego Comic Con the previous month, who knows? Whatever the reason, I’m left scraping the bottom of the barrel for any news I can find and this is what I found. Since Marvel owns the license for Blade and since Wesley Snipes is still inter ested in playing him, there is a rumor going around that Marvel plans to revive the movie franchise. Personally, I don’t think they need to rehash that for a long while because they’ve got plenty of untouched properties to make into movies *coughInhumanscough* so let’s wait and see…

Underworld franchise reboot: image github.com, alphacoders.com, twimg.com, nerdlocker.com, mashable.com, publicbroadcasting.com



Let’s take a look at some geeky news from across the board and see what’s been making the most waves this past month.


Here’s something no one wanted, that absolutely no one asked for. The first Underworld movie was badass in that ‘style over substance’ kind of way. The second one was not terrible but was noticeably less stylish and had even LESS substance. The third one? It’s a better movie in hindsight because the 4th movie is a damn atrocity. It was so awful that I couldn’t sit through half an hour of it. They threw out almost every character and did something totally awful to the reasonably well-made world. It sucked. Hard. And so, they are rebooting it now, WITHOUT giving any closure to the previous franchise. Nice. That’s exactly how you do these things. What could go wrong? [P.S.: I am suddenly overcome with a need to see a Blade x Underworld

The “No-Joke” DC movies rumor: What is it about DC Comics movies that creates the worst news? This is just a rumor but apparently, Warner Bros don’t want there to be any jokes or humor in any of the upcoming DC movies. Movies like Batman v Superman: Yawn of Justice. I don’t even know what to think now. This can’t be true, right? It sounds too ludicrous to be true. But if it IS true, I’m going to blame Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy for being super successful and making the morons at WB think that what the audience liked about the movies was how dreary it was. [Hint: It was not what we liked.] Not every character is a Gloomy Gus like Batman. This sounds stupid.

Antonio Banderas’s new movie:


Guardians of the Galaxy


I’ve been wondering what this guy’s been up to recently and now, I have my answer [aside from Expendables 3]; he’s been making a movie called Automata. The trailer dropped this past month and it looks very cool. It looks like a more intellectual version of iRobot [in the sense that it’s about Artificial Intelligence, robotics, etc]. I don’t have much to say here other than “Gimme it now pls!” It looks damn good. Go watch the trailer. Banderas is BACK, baby!

The Maze Runner

It’s official; Marvel can do anything. This movie is now the highest grossing movie of the year and it is based on one of the more obscure comic book properties and has a talking raccoon and a giant tree as two of the 5 main characters. I’ve been waiting for this movie to come out for ages because every single thing I heard about it promised me an amazing experience. The cast, the director, the music, the trailer, the posters, the promotional campaign, etc all made me hold my breath for what I hoped would be the best movie experience of the year and I was not disappointed at ALL. This movie is like the genetically modified baby of Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly and Mass Effect with a 70’s soundtrack and a talking tree. It is so bizarre and fun and exciting that I’m amazed someone in Hollywood LET it happen. This is a great movie. Watch it. No excuses.

Young adult books these days have some pretty cool concepts. Take this one, for instance. Some dude wakes up in the middle of a maze with no memories of how he got there and a girl by his side. He then has to team up with the kids already in the maze [all boys for some unknown, undoubtedly mysterious reason] to try and escape. Also, there is a monster in the maze [maybe]. ALSO, also, the maze changes every night. Doesn’t that sound very interesting? I certainly think so and I want to check this movie out. Oh and ALSO, also, also, the movie stars that guy from Teen Wolf. Stiles. The funny, normal guy. Look out for this one, guys. It’s gonna hit Schwack this September.


//////// DYM RECOMMENDS //////////// PLAYLIST // Loveblood by King Charles Tired from work? Did the your fortune teller tell you that you are going to have stormy days up ahead of you? Fear not. Listen to the victorian lover boy sing and see all the grim thoughts go away. He might be love struck and high on poetic verses, but he doesn’t fail to bring a good beat to your ears. He might just hypnotize you.

Xscape by Michael Jackson He passed away but none of his memories were buried with him. The PopKings presence still lingers in the music world and this right here is the second compilation of his unreleased gems. Grab your earpiece and listen to them, brought to you by your favorite artists. Because love didn’t feel so good, until this.

V by Maroon 5 Adam Levine successfully managed drop our jaws (and other droppable objects) by his voice and very clear cut lyric. Now put your hands together for Maroon 5’s next studio album, V, loaded with more Adam Levin’s magic. “Maps” by Maroon 5 took the world by storm, possibly playing as a loop song on ChannelV while youtube counted it accurately as 23 million (and counting) plays of the song. Was Maroon 5 testing their limits when they teamed up with Gwen Stefani? You be the judge of that.

MOVIES // Guardians of the Galaxy At this point of time, it goes without saying that Guardian of the Galaxy is one of THE best movies so far in the year 2014. Its no exaggeration when critics say that Marvel has taken up a notch in its film business compared to DC with this movie. We are not going to spoil the movie for you, but if you haven’t watched the movie, PLEASE, head to the closest theatre as soon as possible. This is one of those 121 minutes you wont regret. Drax and his reactions to metaphors: definition of movie gold.

Expendables 3 If macho guys, big guns, and blowing up stuff is your kind of thing, then Expendable 3 is for you. But unlike the other times, this time, the Team Expendables are fighting against their co-founder, Conrad Stonebanks. Watch as this personal fight turns into something you never saw coming…… not here, on the screen.

The Equalizer There is a new cop in town. And his name is Robert McCall. Except, that he is not a real cop. He just kicks ass. It is one of those movies which you would call ‘The one man army’ movie. It has all the aspects of a one man army movie: A woman who the hero thinks is worth fighting for, lots of bad guys, a hero with a background of military training and a notorious gang. In addition to all that, there is a new element to this movie. Care to watch?

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/////////////////////////////////////////// BOOKS // Attachments by Rainbow Rowell An internet security guy at work has to read people’s e-mails and he finds himself fascinated with two girls who talk about their lvies in e-mails and he falls for one of them. In this brilliantly narrated story, Rowell brings us to meet adorkable Lincoln and shows us that even in between e-mails you can get your chance at true love. This was a truly amazing book, a light read.

I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

Nelson gives us the sun in this brilliant coming of age novel about twins, Jude and Noah who were inseparable but something big has ripped them apart and we are taken in a journey along with them to find ourselves and get back with our inner selves. Nelson’s fantastic storytelling is bound to take this book to Young Adult charts in no time.

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mendel

This story is set in a post apocalyptic world after an epidemic breaks down and a theatre group has to deal with the aftermath when one of the actors die and they find answers while running from the tragedy and keeping themselves safe. A fast paced book that will keep you turning the pages burning your midnight oil.

TV SERIES // Forever Forever takes quite a unique approach on immortality. Dr. Henry Morgan died 200 years ag. Since then, he’s actually died many times. To date, he has no idea what exactly happened to him but whenever he dies, his dead body disappears and he gets “reborn” in a water body nearby (in his birthday suit!) as the 30 something he was when he died first with only a scar or two to show for it. As a Medical Examiner in New York, he gets to live life as a “normal” person but all the while being cautious about his secret being discovered. A secret which only his best friend Abe knows about.

Gotham Gotham is about the city of Gotham before Batman was Batman. The show follows Commisioner Gordon back when he was just a freshly promoted Detective on the Police force. Evil always loomed in the city and the Detective is forced to make choices that he would never take if the lives of his loved ones depended on it. Even before the time of supervillains, Gotham was quite an interesting place. If you’re a DC fan, you’d definitely enjoy this.

Scorpion The series follows a computer genius who gathered together a group of just-as-smart misfits in order to do something better as a team. Things weren’t looking too good for them till the Department of Homeland security realized they needed a unique team of that exact sort in order to protect the U.S or even the World from various digital threats.

/////////////////////////////////////////// SEPTMEBER 2014 DYMAG 12

Nail Tattoos

Nails with Naal by Naal photography by Nawaf








Things used:

1. A good base and a top coat, I used Revlon 2. A color of your choice for the base color 3. Nail tattoos - I have used heart2art nail tattoos from Fingrs Australia

Check out Naal’s blog at



1. Put on your base coat and let it dry for 30 seconds or so 2. Cut the stick on tattoos for appropriate sizes so it fits on to your nails 3. Paint on the base color of your choice. I used a pastel coral color from L’oreal 4. After peeling off the cellophane (read directions on the tattoos you choose to use), dip it in to water 5, And then simply place it on your nail, press around the edges and slowly take it off *makes everything easier when you use something like tweezers. 6. Lastly, put on a top coat to seal in your tattoos and to ensure it lasts longer and prevents your nail polish from chipping!!



#FindMoyameehaa Who is Moyameeha?

Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla (@moyameehaa on Twitter) is a Maldivian Journalist for Minivan News. He is a son, brother, an uncle and a friend. He’s also a human rights activist and free thinker who openly voices out his concerns about human rights violations and extremism in the Maldives.

What happened?

He was last seen on CCTV at the Hulhumale’ ferry terminal. He has been missing since 8 August 2014 He was wearing a black shirt, black trousers, black shoes with white soles and carrying a black backpack. Rilwan is 28 years old, of medium build and 5 feet 10 inches tall, sporting a short beard and moustache.

How can you help?

Sign the petition. Signed petitions can be emailed to findmoyameehaa@gmail.com Tell people you meet: friends, family, neighbours. Do your best to increase awareness of his disappearance & get them concerned. Most importantly, demand updates from Police. Take a minute of your day to call or text your MP and urge them to hold the government accountable in ensuring a thorough investigation on Rilwan’s case. Check this list to find the contact information of your MP: http://goo.gl/Cfi0dI Show your support to #FindMoyameehaa. Add this twibbon (http://goo.gl/jcQHhO) to your profile picture. Download and print this poster (http://goo.gl/qTtrxa) to distribute and put it up at public places. If you know Rilwan (@moyameehaa) fill this form (http://goo.gl/Bx1EHa) tto help. We urge anyone with further information to contact the Police Hotline 332 2111, or Serious and Organised Crime Department at 991 1099. Alternatively, Rilwan’s family can be contacted on 775 4566 or 977 3250.


We all think that each of our individual life is the most difficult. That everything seems to be going wrong only for us. But we are dead wrong. Every person in this world, of every color, every race is fighting their own one man battles. The difference being the difficulty levels in varying stages. For some you could have an awesome childhood and then things just might go all wrong. Here is the story of a young man, who had a lot of tough times, but is turning out to be an amazing individual right now. I just want to share a bit of his story, because he has inspired me and by reading this I hope someone out there can be inspired and someone’s life might be changed.

Be The Captain of Your Ship by Izu


Having passed high school with flying colours, everyone would assume that your future is sorted, but no. In a generation where almost everyone graduates from high school, there is university next. For him the support of those closest and dearest was lost at this most important point in life. If it were a lot of us we would become hopeless and give up, right? Maybe even settle for an ordinary job? But not him, he struggled for placement in a good university. With his results, that should have been be a piece of cake. But no, the battle was just beginning. It kept on going, the process to confirm the placement didn’t get any easier, the qualification authority to the administra-

tive work from university side and attaining visa was a tough mission. Things were double difficult having to be done all by himself, with the minimum financial support. From the endless hour walk to see why his documentation weren’t being processed by the qualification authority to getting on a plane to reach the university with no idea of what feats lay ahead of him, he just kept on moving forward. He wasn’t moving forward because everything was falling into place, he was still searching. Meanwhile he didn’t want to risk the opportunity he has got. Two modules. Two modules of university, and his fees were still not paid. For some of us, that would feel like a cue to give up. Not for him, he did average in his first module and second module he went above good to great. Someone heard his story, paid his fees. Being a quiet person he wanted to hide behind the shadow of others in class and had to suffer from roommate issues. The three years at university did not get easier, each day giving him a new problem. The problems didn’t seem to lessen, but being the fighter he is, he just kept on going. He stood up, slowly got out from shadows into the light, spoke his mind, never fearing to speak the truth. Not just that, though people turned their back

on him, he didn’t turn his back on others, he gave back to community in every way he could. If a fellow student asks him for his help, he hardly ever says no. If he does, that means he is truly busy, which he usually would be. Apart from studies, involvement in community work and being a sportsman, his days are very packed. With all these ups and downs, in July 2014, he completed his Bachelor’s degree, and currently is studying for his minor, with confirmed placement for internship with a great company who are very eager to welcome him to their team.

when you could be doing extraordinary things? Ask yourself these simple questions. Why can’t that be me? Why can’t I do that?

When you set out to do things, there are people who won’t believe in you, who will try to drag you down. If you have to, cut those rocks that are preventing you from flying, and fly. There is a whole world of possibility out there. Put your faith in god, faith that he would protect and give you what’s best for you. Just know that it won’t happen with you just sitting there on your bum the whole time, you have When you hear his story, you to get up, and work and fight to would want to ask, did all those get there. There is no promise things really happen to just one that it’s going to be easy. You person. Truth is yes. So what need to work hard at it every does make him different set him day. And know that there are apart from the rest? From the no off days. Also, the world is obvious, he is smart and hard not all bad, every day someworking. He never stops push- where someone does something ing himself; he does not think wonderful for another person good is enough, he wants more so if you speak up about your than good. He listens to inspiproblems, the chances are there rational speeches. He thinks would be someone out there about every little thing, let it be who could help you out. the possible things that lecturers could ask after he is done preKeep in mind, your life is too senting his work, to throwing precious to be wasted. You are the leftover bit of an apple. For the captain of your ship. Live him there seems to be no limit. everyday as if it is your last, grab His story continues, brighter every opportunity and always and promising than three years know ordinary is boring. Attach ago. What about you all smart that extra and make it somepeople? Why are you sitting thing amazing, maybe somethere accepting ordinary things thing astonishing. SEPTMEBER 2014 DYMAG 18

Dearest Grammar Nazi by Hassan

image memecenter.com SEPTMEBER 2014 DYMAG 19

Whilst the title might have peeked your curiosity, it will not quiet hit the piques you wood be hoping for. I intended to complement you on your noble efforts, taking up the mantel of grammatical justice and all that, but then I realized in your endeavour, you have ran the gauntlet from errors you wood not believe were possible to the uppity ones that insist on following this fowl thing known as “good grammer” i.e. yourselves. I do not apologise for the dissonant cord I may have struck, and the amount of people that mite be balling there eyes out over my wreckless letter. Infact, I could care less about any of these issues, irregardless of how trivial they may be. It makes me literally explode with rage just to think about them. It’s inconceivable! Off cause, I spent a wile on this letter. I hope your all going to sea the funny side, but I’m cynical of that. XOXO, The Grammar Rebel ---x---

…. Ahem. So people are corrupting the language via abusing contractions and by toking laik dis. People are the worst aren’t they? However, go back 100 years and try speaking English. Language is constantly changing, and if I want to say “ain’t” to save time, you’re just going to have to learn to understand it instead of telling people what to do. And I can skip a punctuation mark, use all lower case, or start a sentence with ‘and’ and you should understand that I am trying to communicate, not write a dissertation. However: In the words of one N.H Kleinbaum, “Language was invented for one reason, boys – to woo women – and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do.” Therefore, keep in mind: Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse. Understanding of contractions is the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you’re shit. Spelling is the difference between licking rear and kicking rear. So let the choice be yours. Indulge in your inner grammar rebel, but make sure you know the rules of the game so that you can break them properly.



Infirmities in Life by Thihnaan In light of the many reports around the world regarding the spread of a new and dangerous disease, as always, it is important to stay alert and informed. Therefore, I dedicate this article to educating us all on the Ebola fever.

image playbuzz.com, cnn.com, bbc.com


Ebola is a fatal fever caused by a virus that is currently spreading at an alarming rate in the world. It has come a long way since the virus was first discovered in 1976 in the Democratic republic of Congo in the Ebola River, giving the name to the virus and its respective disease. There have been several minor outbreaks since then, the last being in 2012. Currently in the world, the most severe outbreak in history is occurring where the disease is spreading to parts of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. Research indicates the virus survives and spreads with the aid of animals, most commonly the fruit eating bat species which is native to Africa. This also explains the rapid spread of Ebola in the African continent.

The symptoms of the disease begins within 8 to 10 days after the virus settles in the human body, the first being tiredness, fever, headaches and joint pain similar to that of dengue fever. However, you can tell the difference between the two fevers because in Ebola fever, the main symptom is different types of bleeding. It is very common to have reddened eyes and bloody vomit. Blood may also appear while coughing. However, many of the patients diagnosed with Ebola fever result in death due to the rapid internal bleeding. In fact, a patient with the disease has a 50-90% chance of dying. By 26th August 2014, 1552 deaths due to Ebola has been reported making it one of the most feared in the world today. Efforts are under way to develop a new vaccine for the disease. Till then, patients are being quarantined or isolated to minimize the spread. It has also been discovered recently that even dead patients infected by the virus can be highly contagious. Therefore, rather than ablution and traditional or religious acts, a modified burial is carried out for these people to prevent any further risk. As there is almost no cure for the disease discovered as of right now, the only option is to steer clear from anything that might lead to contacting with the Ebola virus. Since the virus survives in animals, it is important to screen all animals whether it is animals we eat or domestic pets we keep in our household. Animal meat should be cleaned and cooked thoroughly. Moreover, it is important to properly clean or dispose of animal carcasses and to avoid direct contact even during hunting. This is to ensure there is no transmission as there is a possibility the animal may be infected. With proper care and awareness among the society, it is believed there will be an end to this epidemic in the near future.


Fighting Body Odor

by Thihnaan

For some people, dealing with body odor isn’t simply as easy as showering daily or using body spray. Some people tend to sweat a lot and their sweat are unfortunately also have a stronger scent than others. This isn’t an issue or a sign of uncleanliness. It simply means if you have this problem you are going to have to work a little bit harder than others. The good news is body odor can be very easily dealt with by including a few things in your everyday routine. Here are some tips to help you move things along: Never underestimate how much showering and using deodorant or perfume can help. All you have to do is be pay extra attention and do this more frequently. If you have a strong scent in your sweat, it’s usually best to stay in cool places and keep well hydrated.

Deal with your clothes Some types of fabric are tightly wound which not only makes you sweat but makes it stick to the body like polyester. On the other hand materials like cotton or wool are more open and breathable allowing good ventilation so you smell better. While it is obvious that washing clothes regularly is a helpful tip, sometimes for people who have difficulty dealing with body odor, their clothes tend to smell even after washing. If this is the case, try soaking your clothes in diluted vinegar overnight and washing afterwards. Vinegar is a natural antiseptic and can help kill bacteria and fungi in sweat that causes body odor.


Find the root of the problem Try figuring out where you sweat the most from. For most people it is under the arms. For problem areas like this, it is important to shave or trim the body hair regularly. This can significantly cool up your body so you sweat much less. Another technique that could work is rubbing lemon slices or a washcloth with diluted lemon juice on the problem areas, Like vinegar, lemons are also natural antiseptics.

Remember that you are what you eat Most often than not, one of the reasons you may have difficulty dealing with body odor could be due to what you eat. Red meats such as beef, garlic, onions, spicy food and heavily processed food are all contributors to bad body odor. For some people, caffeinated drinks can be an enemy too. Instead, eating leafy greens, whole grains, raw nuts and seeds, parsley, celery and oregano can cleanse your body and help rid odor

image intimatehealthhelp.net

Stick to the basics

Yummy Talks

Munshi’s Chai by Munshi


Serves 3 cups Ingredients: • 1 cinnamon stick (cut in thin rounds) • 5 whole cloves • 3 cardamom pods • 3 cups of cold water • 3 bags of black tea • 1 cup whole milk • ¼ cup brown sugar • 1 inch piece of fresh ginger, cut into thin rounds (optional) • 1 tsp black peppercorn (optional)

1. Lightly bruise the spices with the back of a knife or a kitchen hammer. Place them in a saucepan, add water, and bring to boil on high heat. Add ginger and peppercorn at this stage if you are using them. I personally do not like them, so I don’t add them into my tea. 2. Once the water starts boiling, reduce the heat to a medium/low, partly cover the saucepan with a lid, and simmer for 10 minutes. 3. Remove the saucepan from heat. Add the teabags, and steep for five minutes. 4. Discard the tea bags, add milk and sugar. 5. Bring the mixture to simmer over high heat, whisking continuously until the sugar melts. 6. Strain into lovely teacups and serve hot! asd

Visit the Yummy Talks Blog at:



Thank you for reading. See you in October!

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