DYMag December 2014 / January 2015

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Dhi Youth Movement began in early 2012 as a small initiative by a few young inspired individuals in Male’, with the vision to bring a positive change to society by empowering young people to actively contribute to society. Our group, with a strong following on Facebook, was used to mobilize volunteers for a flash freeze on 29th March 2012 and since then there has been no turning back. We officially got registered as an NGO on 12th of December 2012 as Dhivehi Youth Movement under the Associations and Societies Act of the Maldives (Act No. 1/2003). Any and all Maldivians between the age of 16 and 27 are welcome to join DYM. And everyone’s ideas and thoughts are welcome and appreciated.

Dhi Youth Movement

Youth for Youth, to empower and to lead


DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015

c Dearest Readers, A new year is a time of renewal. A time for giving thanks for the past year and a time for resolving renewed determination. It is with this spirit of self improvement we bring to you this issue of DYMag.


Letter to the Readers

In the tempestuous storm that is life, our tiny efforts to do something with what little we have is a laughable notion. Today we see and hear atrocities of stomach churning nature belittled as everyday occurrences. We are witness to so many wrongs that no one bats an eye anymore. This practiced apathy has led us to turn a deaf ear to the pleas of a young child. As a society we have a lot to answer for and even more to do. While not dismissing out of hand all the tireless hard work of the numerous NGOs, institutions and agencies working to tackle the issue of domestic violence the situation that has played out before our eyes today clearly and irrefutably proves that the mechanisms and protocols in place are in need of dire review. We must change. Hoodh

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The DYMag Team







Content Director

Hoodh is simultaneously rude, charming and arrogant. His only redeeming quality is that he is proficient. Relentless in his pursuit of knowledge and impartial truth. Self professedly classy & stylish. Unapologetically sapiosexual, he enjoys the company of bright and attractive young ladies. He is a basketball player, a stargazer, a gym rack, a philosopher, a librocubicularist but most of all a philomath & mind of science.



Deputy Content Director Jin loves anything and everything fiction and is more of a comical character himself. He is a sucker for creativity and has his own style of writing which makes the readers end up wanting more. Jin is also one of those guys who loves to float on the sea, staring at the sky when he is out of ideas and sit in parks and observe the world go around him.





Design Director

Photography Director

Imy is just a dreaming, believing, photographing, graphic designing, video gaming, good food consuming, tv series watching, constantly ranting everyday guy. Loves his friends and his family even more. Often dreams of traveling the world someday due to suffering from a terminal case of wanderlust.

Toby is a hermit wandering through life loving the unconventional method of doing things. He is a kind, self taught and friendly soul. Although he is left at a loss of words at times, he attempts to speak through his own form of art. At the end of the day there’s nothing more he enjoys than some solitude in his coffee spot listening to some tunes with a smooth expresso feeling at home in the world.

DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015


Shaha is a free spirit who enjoys classic literature, tea and lots of milk, good books and lots of sunshine. She dreams of huge closets and making a mark in the world. She believes in mismatching socks, breaking stereotypes and handwritten letters.








Marketing Director Dhum is known to be one of the smartest yet a gullible and a very innocent girl among her friends. She approaches everyone with a warming and friendly gesture and her enthusiasm in everything she does reflects a bright future and successful future ahead of her.











Infirmities in Life, Health

Yummy Talks

Nails with Naal






Shan Anees


Allam Naeem

Be kind to one another

Born to Lose, Coffee Republic


The Epidemic of Backbiting

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What’s the appeal of the caliphate? BBC

Green tea ingredient may target protein to kill oral cancer cells MDCNEWSDAILY

New research reveals extreme oxygen loss in oceans during past climate change THE GUARDIAN

Google is making fake human skin to test its cancer-detecting nanoparticles THE VERGE

The Human Behind ‘Humans of New York’ MASHABLE


DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015

The CONTENTS Regulars 02 Letter to Readers 03 The DYMag Team 04 The Contributors 05 Editor’s Choice

Specials 17 Yousuf Thahseen 25 Artsy People - Yarday’s Art

Fashion & Beauty 15 Nails with Naal

Entertainment 07 Born to Lose - Short Story 09 Kaylie - Long Story 11 DYM Recommends 13 On DYMag’s Radar


Columns 31 Infirmities in Life - Diabetus Mellitus 32 Religion - Priorities 33 Bloodwritings - Past Year 44 Health - Food Facts 45 Yummy Talks - Banana Bread



29 Be kind to one another

Lifestyle 34 Health - Switch to Atta Flour! 35 Yummy Talks - Coconut Pancakes

Misc 37 Coffee Republic - Poem


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Born to Lose

by Shan Anees

Chet Faker’s No Diggity played on my laptop. The laptop was connected to a woofer system I had bought back when I had money to spend on such luxuries. Faker’s high voice and slow groove resonated, the acoustics amplified by how small the room was. It may have been the perfect – or at least perfectly adequate - soundtrack for what conspired there. Shena lifted her head from under the sheets. She was completely naked. As was I, so I suppose it was a fair set of circumstances. She kissed me on the chest, and then on the lips. She bit my earlobes before sitting upright and letting the blanket droop to her waist, her small breasts didn’t provide much resistance. She took out a Marlboro Red and stuck it in her mouth, she fumbled for a lighter and I saved the day by handing her one. Her small frame dipped into the mattress and while one of her hands was busy putting the cigarette to her mouth, she fiddled around on the bed sheet with the other.


DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015

There was something about her skinny body, her cropped hair, her wide blazing eyes, the way she moved her fingers and her collarbones - so rigid and stubborn that you could knock someone dead with them - that made me want to jump her all over again. Go for a round two or in the immortal words of every gentleman ever, ‘make sweet love to her’. She crawled towards me and placed her face right in front of mine. She smelled of cigarettes with a hint of perfume – but it was strong and saccharin. She looked at me, through eyes that were dreamy and wanton. “When you look into my eyes, do you see a bad person?” she asked. I had no idea how to even begin answering her question. She was, by social convention, a bad person. She had confessed her love and committed to another – a musician no less, those voodoo masters of seduction – but here she was, in bed with me. Maybe she was lustful, maybe she was confused, or maybe she just wanted to hurt him. It didn’t really matter. People would still judge her, condemn her, and label her as just another ‘cheating whore’.

But people are rarely just ‘cheating whores’. People are curious creatures who struggle to understand how the world works. They fancy a lot of people at the same time. They make commitments with a lot of conviction but only to have said conviction wane. And they love too often– they give their heart to some careless buffoon only for them to drop and shatter it - and no one really wants to clean up someone else’s mess. Shena was a small and gentle girl who feels like she’s carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. Her boyfriend was addicted to every pleasure available to him and her mother is the benchmark for all neglectful mothers. So maybe she just wanted me to lend her a helping hand. But she has also sat in front of me countless times smoking one cigarette after another without saying a word. She is reticent and hard to figure out. Maybe she was so consumed by guilt that she felt like her words count for nothing. Maybe she just didn’t understand herself either and felt lost. After all, whatever cosmic reaction that caused her to exist hadn’t heard bothered with leaving an instruction manual . She might have just wanted her boyfriend to hold on to her. To believe that the kind of love they talk about in novels existed. And screwing me was her way of asking him to hold on to her.

She may not be a good person, but she isn’t a bad person either. I’ve been haunted by the human condition long enough to empathize with her. Her actions were born of innocence and fuelled by confusion. And she was a woman, the bane and blessing of my existence. There was always something about them. About their smile, curves, hair, laugh, voice, and lips. Something about the way they talked or kept a secret. I couldn’t help but fall head over heels in love them. Women are, to me, the most magnificent creatures to ever grace the crust of this earth. Her stare continued. But her eyes were now marred by delirium. She had noticed my reluctance to answer. I slung my arm around her neck and pulled her face into mine. I took her lips and kissed her. I kissed her confusion, her laughter, her love, her lust, her fear and her hypocrisy. I kissed her struggle, her heartache, her mortal flaws, her loneliness and her calluses. I kissed everything she was, is, and ever will be. I kissed her until I was blind out of breath. My kiss is her answer, her redemption, her guarantee that someone will hold her close to his heart.

image beeinherbonnet.tumblr.com DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015 DYMAG 8

Kaylie by Nuha Nasheed


DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015

The days were passing by the way one would rifle through a particularly disinteresting book or magazine. He clung to his routine and so did she. Simple. Safe. Boring. They didn’t do anything adventurous after the day of the hike, nor did they show any signs of not being happy with this arrangement. After reading the same page blankly for the umpteenth time, she threw her book down in frustration. Nothing was being absorbed. Biting her lip, she checked her phone for new notifications. Texts, voicemail, anything. But the screen was as blank as it had been for the past four hours. What was she even waiting for? Sighing, she put the phone back down and blew an errant strand of hair off her forehead. Michael. How had he suddenly gotten under her skin this way? It was as though he was the only thing she could focus on. When had she waited to hear from him like this? She hadn’t felt this way before, had she? Then again, he hadn’t gone this long without constantly texting back and forth either. She sighed again, feeling a headache bloom just behind her temples, and picked her book back up. She sighed as she realised she still hadn’t gotten past the page she was already on. Flinging the book down again, she glanced at her phone. Still silent. The screen starkly blank. But then what else had she been expecting? Oh she knew what it was. Michael. His name strummed through her head like an endless refrain. Usually he’d have called or texted by now. She’d gotten

used to talking to him every night and this awkward silence felt... well... awkward. Sighing again, she picked up her book again. Only to put it back down. She tilted her head back and close her eyes. She just couldn’t concentrate. Her thoughts were a whirlwind and at the eye of the storm was Michael. She didn’t really need to talk to him really. Right? Tossing her hair back, she looked at her phone again. Not really, no. She bit her lip, reaching for the phone. And yet...

He looked down as he felt his chopsticks scrape the bottom of the takeout container. He laughed to himself as he realised the level of his absorption. He hadn’t even noticed when he’d finished eating his Chinese food. It was good timing since his movie was nearly finished, as it was. Looking at the time, he realised how much time had gone past... Time he’d usually have spent talking to Kaylie. Ah Kaylie. As always, his thoughts drifted back to her. Judging by the time, she’d be lounging somewhere, reading. If there was anything that Kaylie loved more than tea, it was reading. He frowned a little. This was the first time in weeks that they’d gone without one of their late nights conversations... But then again, he had said that he was going to give her space. Well... He’s said so to himself anyway.

The radio silence tonight made sense. Usually it was always him who initiated the conversation. It wasn’t like Kaylie ever showed signs of being eager to talk, unless he’d said something. Sometimes he wondered just how he’d fallen for this quiet, closed off person. While it wasn’t that they didn’t have long, in-depth conversations. It was just that he always emerged from them feeling like he didn’t know her any better than when he’d started out. There was something about her though. The way she made herself, her mind, so untouchable. How she seemed so strong and yet at times so delicate. And so breakable. The way she’d always think for a few moments before she said anything... ... And the way she looked when she laughed, that made him remember just why he fell in love with this beautiful, complicated soul. It was a little surprising, how she’d changed nearly all his idealistic notions about love. She was like a shifting storm. Fierce, and unfathomable. Unaware of the havoc she caused while just living her life as it came to her naturally. All the same, maybe some things should just be declared just be declared a lost cause, and be better left alone. Especially given the betrayed way she’d looked at him the other night. Sighing, he’d just gotten up from his chair when his phone lit up. “Hi...”

image bittersweetvenom.deviantart.com DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015 DYMAG 10


RECOMMENDS BOOKS All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven Two destructive people who cannot be anymore opposite meets each other and it’s unclear who saved who but as far as teenage life goes, this intense novel is a must-read for any YA fan. Theodore and Violet will make you pine for a life that could be yours if you only tried. Rating: 4/5

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins Hawkins debut psychological thriller will forever change the way you look at other people’s lives. Get ready to take a trip on the train with Rachel through a mundane life that one day changes into a chaos of cracking down everything she knew to be true. Rating: 3/5

The Secret Wisdom of the Earth by Christopher Scotton A novel about the importance of a single small element will have you wonder what the earth really has to offer. Go on an emotional journey to the depths of the wood with 14 year old Kevin and his friend Buzz as they discover the secrets of the Earth. Rating : 4/5

MOVIES SPARE PARTS Four students win a robotics competition by using very few resources. This film takes us to their journey and how they defeated the competing schools and groups while struggling with bigger personal and sociocultural problems. Rating: 3/5

mortdecai Based on the book by Kyril Bonfiglioli, the movie follows the life of a man who must race against time and an array of characters including angry Russians, the British MI5, his wife and more to recover a stolen painting. Follow along in this fun and incredible journey with Johnny Depp in the titular role. Rating: 4/5

Project Almanac A group of friends builds a time machine to undo past mistakes and as they get greedy, there are several consequences that will change the course of time for all of them. Release Date: 30 January 2015


DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015

MUSIC Blackheart by Dawn Richard Electronic music sees a great future with people like Dawn on the list. This album is filled with brilliant tunes ranging from Calypso to the titular Blackheart. The music gets darker as you progress but the emotions are so strong it will make you fully concentrate on the song and her voice. Rating: 3/5

MY GARDEN BY KAT DAHLIA Move over Nicki and Iggy because Kat’s got the groove and beats. We love this girl and her honest lyrics, her style. She brings into the scene a raw honesty singing songs about things that are true and heart-breaking , reminding us to connect to the deepest parts of or soul. We’ve got Walk on Water on repeat. Rating: 3/5

TITLE by Meghan Trainor The singer of All About that Bass comes with her debut album full of catchy songs that will take a permanent place in your head. We are loving her colourful spirit and her fun lyrics. Our favourites include 3am, Title and Dear Future Husband. Rating: 4/5

TV SERIES MAN SEEKING WOMAN This show might seem a bit off for some people but I found it to be rather clever. It basically depicts an exageration of what dating and society these days feel like. I mean who hasn’t felt like a genius after getting a number of a girl/guy he/she likes, right? Rating: 3/5

12 MONKEYS The present is 2043 and a deadly plague has wiped out more than 7 billion people. Humanity’s only hope left is James Cole, a time traveller, who now has to follow vague leads back into a time and place in the past, in order to change history and remake the future. Definitely the best SyFy show in ages! Rating: 4/5

MARCO POLO This adventure epic follows the famous explorer, Marco Polo, who because of his father’s need to trade in the silk route, ends up serving as a consultant to Kublai Khan, the Emperor of Mongolia. The writing, acting and characters are top notch but heads up on the NSFW-ness! Rating: 5/5

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Suneetha’s Award

This January, Suneetha who is the self-proclaimed #1 Fan of Priyanka Chopra was given an Award by Ms. Chopra herself for the contribution. We love how she kept going strong despite all the haters and her being noticed by Senpai.

The Tourist Arrival Countdown

The skies lit up with the fireworks and music boomed out of the speakers on the new years eve and on the 8th of January when major icons of the entertainment world appeared on the stages of Maldives. People moved to the beat and into the Galolhu Stadium with hands in the air and waving their glowsticks.


DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015

On DYMag’s Radar

Dhivehi Artists United

A page that we love who posts art of all kinds that needs to be appreciated. Pages like this give out art community the much needed exposure and tries to show the work of not only the professionals, but artists of all kind and craft. www.fb.com/DhivehiArtistsUnited


MESA kicked off their (hopefully annual) Gamefest after a 3 year break with a bang. The usuals like Need for Speed Most Wanted (classic), and CS (GO) were there but for the first time, we saw a lot more focus on console gamers than before. CoD (AW), FIFA 15, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and DOTA 2 were among the other games that were played in the tournament.

image sun.mv, fb.com/dhivehiartistsunited/, fb.com/mvesports

Male Water Crisis

On 4th December 2014, a damage to the panel boards due to a fire at MWSC lead to the Male Water Crisis. At the crisis, Water was donated to Maldives by numerous countries which was then distributed by MNDF, Red crescent and other various organizations. While the whole government tries their best to avert the crisis, our volunteers spend days in the distribution points, assisting the MNDF and Red Crescent to distribute water to the citizens. An honorable mention to Kickstart, for their awesome app which located water distribution centers at the crisis. DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015 DYMAG 14

Ombré Nails!

NAILS WITH NAAL by Naal photography by Nawaf

DYMAG SEPTMEBER 15 2014DECDYMAG 2014 / JAN15 2015 2015



Collection of your favourite colours- different shades of similar colours would be perfect + white polish, base coat and top coat Make up sponge - I use triangular sponges. If you cut up kitchen sponges, that should work fine as well 1. Apply your base coat- let it dry



2. Apply 2 coats of your white polish- let it dry 3. (I didn’t do this step) tape your fingers around your nails for easy clean up because this can get a bit messy (remove tape when completely dry)



4. Get your sponge, stripe on your colours in multiple coats ( you can use other designs- not just stripes- it can be horizontal or vertical- whatever you like) 5. Sponge on the polishes - 2-5 taps then let it dry. Re-apply polish on sponge and repeat for a more vibrant look 6. Clean up around your cuticles with your polish remover and a thin brush 7. Apply your top coat for long lasting and shiny finish Enjoy your ombré nails. Naal

Check out Naal’s blog at


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Dhi Youth Magazine



DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015

PHOTOGRAPHY Imy / Niyama “SNAP” Photo Studio INTERVIEW Jin

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DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015

Tell us a little bit about yourself. My name is Yoosuf Thahseen Ahmed. I was born in D. kudahuvadhoo. I have three siblings which I am the eldest of. Did my O’levels at the island. Completed my A’levels at CHSE and decided to work in the health sector. But I didn’t get chance to pursue the field so changed to tourism. How was your childhood like? I am the eldest in my family. I had a sibling when I was 10 years old. My parents loved me a lot when I was little, they provided me everything I ever wished for.. We used to live in our grandfathers house until my parents managed to build a house of their own. The support I get from my parents haven’t changed a bit. Considering then, the island has developed a lot now. Developed in the sense, the thought process of people and the infrastructure mainly. Actually Kudahavadhoo is the market hub of the area. They are building an airport right now actually. What was your childhood dream? The biggest dream as a child was to become the president of Maldives. I saw when he visited the island or wherever he went, there are crowds of people who came and met him and I thought it was a good way to serve the nation at that time.

How did you become a butler? When I worked in the health sector, there were no resorts near our island. And at the time Niyama resort was opened, some people in the executive ranks from Niyama came to interview the local people. And since I saw no progression in the health sector for me, I went to the interview. And at the interview, there were people from the senior management team and what they did was…… When I went there, I did not apply for a specific post. So what they did was, they grouped us and asked these four or five groups to stack the materials they provided to the groups up to make the tallest structure. And the team I led got to make the tallest structure. And since I led the team, they congratulated me and said I did well. At the interview, they told me that they were checking skills like teamwork and whatnot. They offered me whichever job I pleased.. And since I was new to the tourism industry, I told them I have no idea which job to select. So they asked me what kind of job interested me. I replied saying that if I can serve guests, that would be fine. And they said that they will give me a good job but didn’t tell me what kind of job it was. After a month later, they call me and inform me that I have been selected as an “assistant thankuru”. At that point of time, I had no idea that the job description was assistant butler. So I asked them what kind of job it is. They told me that I have to assist guests and related work like that. A month later, when I went to sign the contract I asked them what it was again. And this time

they told me that the job was being an assistant butler. And that was the first time I heard of the word too. Butler. So I asked them what that was. They told me that butlers are people who serves the guests. I googled about it and asked a friend what a butler was. And this friend of mine told me that it’s the modern day servitude. Modern slavery. After a lot of research, I found out that butlers are people who provides services in big households and luxury hotels. After I went to resort, I underwent a lot of training in the first five to six months. After that I started my work. I wanted to become a butler because I wanted to help other people, and that’s the main reason why I enrolled in the health field. The only difference now is that before I used to work in a hospital, and now I work at hospitality. Actually, at first, I was an assistant butler and then I was promoted to a butler. With the help of my parents and the hotel management I got a lot of support from them and I wanted to work hard, gain more experience and training and as someone who is new to this field, I wanted to learn more and give a better service. Actually I wanted to be the best butler at that time too.

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What is a normal butler routine like? We would start our duty at 9 in the morning, if there is no arrival or departure. There would be arrivals or departures at dawn some days, around 5 in the morning or 7. There is always a start time. There is no end time, though we get breaks from time to time. Basically, a 24 hour job. A 24 hour on call job. I have to be at a state where I could attend to any needs of a guest at any time. There are no specifics in the job. If the need presents itself, I have to become a waiter, a housekeeper. The important part is at the end of the day you need to fulfill the needs of the guest. Because we have to take care of all the responsibilities for the guest. Coordinating is the only thing I have to do physically. There is a direct contact between the guest and the butler. And the butler has to coordinate for example, when they go for tea, notify the housekeeping to clean their room, ready the tables for the guest before they go to have the breakfast and so on. Guests are given a mobile phone from which they could call the butler directly. Hollywood or Bollywood? Hollywood. I like all kind of movies and especially the action movies and also the romantic ones and historical ones too. My favorite movie is The Count of Monte Cristo.


DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015

Can you tell us your incident with the Arabs? What ran through your mind when they asked to name anything you want. The Arabs stayed at Niyama for a week. Three people came, on a chartered private jet and they stayed at the high category rooms there. And I handled them. They said they don’t care about the money and all they cared about is getting what they want done when they want it. Everything. So I was always on standby, and at the end of the stay they told me that they really liked my service and so they would like to do something in return. I told them I did not want anything and they asked me which island I was from. I told them that there is a small island nearby, D. Kudahuvadhoo. They asked me to take them to the island so I took them there. When we went, the island council welcomed them warmly. They visited the institutions there, hospitals, schools, pre-schools all the government institutes and asked if we needed anything and they will provide it. And the amounts heads of the institutions proposed were given to them. If I was to be honest, I actually did not want anything. I have almost everything which I want so I don’t want more than what I have. I think I am very happy with everything I have. Even if someone offers me money, the same rule will apply. Actually the service which I provide to the guests is not about money or expecting something in return. It is just to make their holiday special and happy.

What do you think is the key element to become successful? First, you have to dream. And you have to be very passionate about it. Actually being passionate about it is the most important thing. Without being passionate you cant achieve anything. You can work hard, but if you are not passionate you cant make things perfect. You need to work hard. We need to dream and be passionate. Would you consider yourself as someone who works hard or works smart? I see myself as someone who works smart. I want to work like that. Anyone can work hard, but not everyone can work smart. The important part here is that, if you work smart you can save time and sometimes it becomes inefficient when you work hard. Our management advises the employees not to work hard. Don’t work hard. Work smart. And provide the best for the guest. What are your plans for the future? I have many dreams. Right now I’m focusing to work better. I also have a dream of going for higher education. And I got the opportunity for that too. But the thing is, the hotel which im working right now, Niyama, we are opening the extension part next month and we are trying to be the number one hotel in Maldives. Insha Allah we will become the best. That’s my biggest dream. Working hard with the team to make our hotel the number one destination in the coming days.

How would you describe Maldives to a tourist? I will be describing Maldives as a paradise, as well known for. This is the most peaceful place on the planet. In Maldives, we don’t have much natural resources but we have beautiful coral reefs beaches and beautiful islands. The people here are very kind to each other and we all welcome to the guests. In ancient times we always welcome the guests to our islands warmly and we always try to fulfill their needs and it becomes our pleasure to serve them. Everybody will be treating a guest like a friend here. A close friend or relative.

Special thanks? I would like to thank almighty Allah, my parents, my friends, my islanders, Niyama management team, because everyone has helped me a lot and encouraged me. I would also like to thank the GM of Niyama: Mr. Dietmar Koegerl (DiDi) and my team at Niyama. Without all of their support, love and care I wouldn’t have been able to achieve whatever I have today. Especially my parents, whoever I am today is because of them.

Message for the readers. I would advise all the youth to dream, to study, gain experience and serve the nation. The most important thing is to respect people. Especially parents. Parents plus the elderly. We need to respect each other and keep away from doing bad things. Always listen to your mom and dad. Love them, care for them and try to fulfill their dreams because they have sacrificed a lot for you. And once you are grown up, it must be your responsibility to make them happy and to fulfill some of their dreams too. Be truthful, be honest, and don’t lie to anyone.

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DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015

Yarday’s Art NAME

Ismail Yanim Abdulla AGE


Yarday’s Art


Illustration, Abstract art, canvas painting, doodle, sketching, portrait drawing HOW DID YOU GET INTO THE ARTS AREA?

My parents used to tell me that I always loved drawing and had to buy me a lot of drawing blocks since I drew a lot. Growing up I learnt a lot by doing researches and looking it to many artists’ works. Their work really encourage me to do drawing and stuff. WHAT ARE YOUR INSPIRATIONS?

Every creative artwork was my inspiration. I always want to do better than the ones I see. It is something that really kept me going. HOW MUCH ARE COMMISSIONED WORKS FOR?

It depends upon the size and the effort put into the work so most of the time it varies. For a normal drawing is between 150-250rf and much more complex works are above 500Rf. PLANS FOR THE FUTURE:

I want to be a great artist in Maldives. And I want feature in worldwide art exhibition. CUSTOMIZATION POSSIBLE?

Yes, I will do my very best to make it up to the expected level. HOW TO CONTACT:

You can contact me through my phone: +9609697986 or through email. Ismail.yanim12@gmail.com SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:


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{ } Be kind to one another by Yuna


DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015

November 13 is World Kindness Day. What do we really know about kindness? We throw the word around just like the word love, and soon it loses its meaning. We think we are kind people but are we really? Hateful has become the new cool. The more you hate people, the cooler you are and kindness has been taken as a sign of weakness. We treat people who are different in the most negative way possible, we treat them worse than how we treat our enemies, with no dignity, as if they are the dust that is coating us so that if we remove them, we might shine but do we not realize that our shine comes from within and by demeaning someone else’s shine it doesn’t make us light up any brighter? A typical day in the life of a Maldivian. We wake up too late, run to our favourite place to get brunch or coffee. How do we address the waiters? Excuse Me are the two words we mercilessly throw around to get the attention of them and sometimes if we aren’t even feeling like they deserve two words, it’s merely a flicker of the hand, a syllable if we are feeling generous. Where is the kindness we have to show to people who serve us? Are they inferior to us? If you think about it, we are the inferior for we can’t even make our own food and we are slaves to coffee houses. Yes, sure that’s the way the economy works but can you at least be a bit more well-mannered?

Next we run to work. We bump into one or two people. We blame them for running into us. If we bump into an expatriate, then god save that person because we will make sure to demean and dehumanize them because obviously they are to blame. For building our houses, taking care of our children, cleaning our streets, making us food and for throwing our own waste. How dare they come to this beautiful country and ruin it with their ugly faces, their stupid language and their smell? How dare they steal our jobs? The jobs that we are too ashamed to do. No, I won’t thank you for doing any of that but I will spit on your face because I bumped into you and because you exist, you are the scum of the earth. I am the mighty even though we are the same race and religion because my religion taught me that if I wear the hijab or share three pictures of dua’s online, I’m more pious than you and therefore I am given a free pass to publicly mock other people for their flaws. Islam is the religion of kindness. We are supposed to treat people with respect with dignity no matter how they treat us because we are always to forgive others and to ask forgiveness ourselves. We are taught that we are to be simple and to always appreciate the good things and to help those in need and be humble. We were taught to treat people equally no matter what their religion or race or anything. Where is our religion when we are shaming people? Where is our religion when we are spitting or calling names at anyone who is different than us?

image orgspring.com

When at work, we talk about others behind their back. We viber and laugh to ourselves and we never even think of how they would feel. We curse away and spend too much time bullying the weaker ones. We go to coffees and backbite even more. We forget to say thank you once we are done. We forget to open doors for others, to wish them a good day or to even smile. We harass a bunch of girls walking down the road, we make fun of the niqabi calling her a “ninja” and then to make ourselves feel better, we call ourselves moderate and we tell that those people in niqab steal or are probably a man under that. We procreate. We don’t teach our children manners. If something goes wrong, we teach them to blame. Blame teachers, other students, school, the government. Anyone but us. Our children never learn to say thank you, or please. They aren’t shown the beauty of how a kind word could make someone’s day. They are never taught to behave and to give without expecting. We go on. The life goes on. By the end, we are nothing but a speck of ungrateful dust wandering and by the time we want to say we are sorry, it’s too late. We are six feet under and our mouths can no longer utter the words we wish we could before. We wanted to be kind but we waited too long. Start today to be kind to everyone you meet. Start giving without expecting. Smile more. Be more thoughtful. Love openly. This world, it doesn’t need any more guns, or more arguments or more weapons. It needs love. Kindness. Openness. Togetherness. Peace. DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015 DYMAG 30

Infirmities in Life:

Diabetes Mellitus by Thihnaan Diabetes is one of the most common conditions in the Maldives and I am pleased to note that most people are aware of it. Therefore the aim of this article is to not only educate those who may not know, but to clarify any doubts you may have had before and to enhance your knowledge on the matter. Put simply: Those with diabetes are people who are advised to not consume carbohydrate or sugar rich food because their body is unable to regulate the level of glucose in the blood. How is this caused? When sugary food are consumed and digested, the level of glucose in the blood shoots up and must be brought back to normal. This is done by storing the glucose in the body after converting it into another form known as glycogen. The hormone responsible for this conversion is insulin. The purpose of storing glucose is to make sure the body always has a backup supply for energy need there be a shortage of food (such as during fasting). DYMAG 31

DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015

For people with diabetes, this conversion is not able to happen. This brings us to the two types of diabetes you may have heard of: Diabetes type 1 and type 2. Some of these people do not produce insulin due to a defect in the gene that is responsible for it. These people have Diabetes type 1 and since the influence is genetic, this condition is mostly inherited. They are also able to be diagnosed much earlier in life and need to have insulin injected into them on a regular basis. However, it only accounts for 10% of the diabetic cases worldwide while the rest has Diabetes type 2.

In order to regulate the high levels of glucose, the body tries to excrete the sugar out along with urine. Therefore, even if you eat enough, the body feels starved as no glucose is stored so you develop a strong appetite but lose weight at the same time. High levels of glucose can decrease the concentration of water in the blood. This will cause water to move out of all cells to compensate for this so they dry up and stop functioning properly. This can have severe side effects such as blurred vision, confusion, strokes and even comas. This is why diabetes should be taken seriously.

People with diabetes type 2 do produce insulin but they either do not produce enough insulin or the insulin does not function. The main reason identified is lack of physical activity, obesity or weight gain. Being overweight causes the body to release chemicals which destabilizes your metabolism which is a pathway for diabetes. This means even if your parents are healthy, due to bad habits in your lifestyle, you could develop diabetes.

On the bright side, diabetes is manageable with changes in lifestyle. However this requires you to be diagnosed as soon as possible. Regular medical checkups is the safest way to ensure you are healthy and normal. In addition to this, reduce the risk of diabetes by proper balanced eating and regular exercising. It is also important to have a healthy sleep pattern to keep you energized so your metabolism is active. image doctor.ndtv.com, doctorpulse.co


by Mohamed Allam Naeem

Do you remember parents freaking out when their kid is caught smoking? I do, and it seems that most mothers and fathers do that. Smoking is bad, both religiously and health wise. Parents are right in condemning their kids if they smoke and they have a right to do so. Every parent should save their kids from any kind of harm. Unfortunately, most parents do not understand or are ignorant about some other matters which should be given precedence over stopping their kids smoking or something similar. For instance, they wake you up for school, even if by hitting, but do not wake you up for Fajr prayers. One has to wonder about this seriously flawed logic, especially since the consequences of missing Fajr prayer are a thousand times more severe than skipping school. Not just the Fajr prayer, but all the five daily prayers are one of the most serious matters of our religion. They are considered the pillar of Islam, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The head of the matter is Islam, its pillar is prayer and its top is jihad.” But most of us are unable to grasp the significance of what this means. Just like a building cannot stand without its pillars to support it, Islam cannot be established without the prayers. Moreover, some scholars are of the opinion that the one who neglects prayers becomes a kaafir, who is beyond the fold of Islam. This would mean very harsh consequences for such a person. If we assume that this is correct, then such a person will be treated how an apostate is to be treated in Islam. Firstly, he will be asked to repent and to start praying, and he will be executed if he doesn’t. Secondly, he will not be buried in a image flickr.com/photos/ainst

Muslim graveyard. Thirdly, he will be denied access to Makkah and al-Madhinah, because disbelievers are not allowed entry to these two blessed cities. Fourthly, his marriage will be nullified and he will be divorced from his wife. Fifthly, no Muslim will inherit from his wealth when he dies (rather his wealth will be taken by the authorities (i.e. to the Muslim treasury)), nor will he inherit from his Muslim family. But today, it is among the things we have neglected most. Perhaps that is because most of our minds are preoccupied with this world, and we do not remember the afterlife at all. If not, why would anyone stress about their kids smoking and skipping school but does not have qualms about them missing prayers? Let’s let parents be for a minute and shoulder some responsibilities ourselves. After all, just like the parents are ordered to save themselves and their family from the Hellfire, we ourselves are ordered to pray five times a day. How many prayers do we pray every day? Most of us do pray, but hardly a day goes by without us missing a prayer or two. We work hard to get good grades and work for a better future for ourselves and our kids. That is perfectly fine. If, by our hard work, we achieve—for example—world peace, that is going to benefit mankind, perhaps for centuries. But, the harsh reality is that that too is going to end someday. Unlike that and unlike the life of this world, the Hereafter is never going to end. It is one the basic things of our belief. Does it not make sense to work harder for that and be more careful about what harms our Hereafter more than we do now? DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015 DYMAG 32


Past Year by Naail

Another year fades Into the tome of my dark past Another tale to begin Another chapter to scribble The demon in me yearns The memories he wish to gain Satisfied are you? He asks The sins you committed past year Satisfied are you? He asks The wrath you brought past year Satisfied I am. I reply The ‘thawab’ I earned past year Satisfied I am. I reply The love I brought past year Tell me boy. He leans in closer What you lost past year Tell me boy. His face next to mine What you gained past year A dream and a friend. I lost Faith and trust in some too A dream and a shot of confidence. I gained A ring to say I tied the knot too


DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015

Switch to Atta Flour! by Thihnaan

Whole wheat flour or most commonly known as Atta flour, is a special kind of flour which is shown to decline the rate of increase of blood sugar by 19% making it ideal for diabetic people. However though, its time our society changed this point of view because Atta flour is not just for diabetic people. With its truck load of nutritional benefits, Atta flour should be preferred over normal flour any day for anybody Let’s take a look at the top 7 reasons why you should switch to Atta flour

1. Atta flour contains some of the healthiest forms of carbs and proteins essential for your diet 2. It has been found that it helps to lower risk of: a. Developing metabolic disorders b. Wheezing and asthmatic symptoms in young children c. High cholesterol in blood d. Breast cancer by 34% in women after menopause e. Cardiovascular diseases f. Alzheimer’s disease g. Cancer 3. It helps to keep your body weight under control 4. Atta flour reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes 5. Whole wheat flour is a source of insoluble fiber. This fiber helps to prevent formation of any stones in your gallbladder 6. It acts as a laxative giving a solution to constipation 7. It contains vitamins that boost your immune system

image tradeindia.com

DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015 DYMAG 34

Yummy Talks

Coconut Pancakes by Munshi Here’s what you’ll need:


- Makes around 8 pancakes -

1. Combine the flour, sugar and bicarbonate of soda in a medium bowl. Make a well in the centre. Pour the milk, butter, vinegar and vanilla into the well and whisk until smooth.

• 1 cup (150g) self-raising flour • 1/4 cup (55g) caster sugar • 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda • 1 cup (250ml) milk • 2 tbsp coconut oil • 2 teaspoons white vinegar • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 1 cup coconut flakes • Coconut oil, extra, to grease • Mixed berries or chopped banana, and walnuts to serve • Maple syrup, to serve • Vanilla yoghurt, to serve (optional)

2. Heat a medium non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Lightly brush with coconut oil to grease. Pour a ¼-cupful of batter into the pan. Cook for 1-2 minutes or until bubbles rise to the surface and the base is golden brown. Use a spatula to turn and cook for a further 1-2 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. Transfer to a plate and loosely cover with foil to keep warm. Repeat with remaining batter. 3. Place the pancakes on serving plates. Top with mixed berries (or chopped banana) and walnuts and drizzle with maple syrup. Serve immediately.

Until next time, M.


DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015

Visit the Yummy Talks Blog at yummytalks.wordpress.com for more recipes

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DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015


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To the Youth?

DYMag is always on the lookout for expressive youth! If you’re interested, please leave us a message! fb.com/dhiyouthmovement dhiyouthmovement@gmail.com DEC 2014 / JAN 2015 2015 DYMAG 38

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