C O N C I E R G E The Insiders Guide to Wine Country
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©2016 Sonoma-C ut r e r V ineya r ds , W inds or, S onom a County, Ca lifor nia U S A
A T Iour O N S s Sr eUsponsibly. eaRV s eVA enjoy wine RR E ES SEPElR T I O N S S U GGGGEES ST TE ED D
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It a l l a wa i t s
c o n c i e r g e The Insiders Guide to Wine Country [President, Diablo Publications] barney fonzi — [Editor, Concierge] Peter Crooks [contributing writers] ethan fletcher, Stacey Kennelly, morgan mitchell — [Creative Director] David Bergeron [ART DIRECTORs] jake watling, Renate Woodbury — [wine country ADVERTISING director] WENDY TOGNETTI
[SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND ARIZONA] DOrie leo — [Marketing DIRECTOR] Melinda Solomon
Welcome to Concierge—The Insiders Guide to Wine Country, the premier in-room visitors guide for Napa and Sonoma. Our goal is to help you enjoy one of the world’s most exciting destinations—from wine tasting and fine dining to hot-air ballooning and shopping. Napa and Sonoma counties have long been recognized as world-class wine-producing locales. The region is equally rich in food, arts, and recreation. Our comprehensive guide will help you navigate the best that Wine Country has to offer. As publishers of Napa Sonoma magazine, a distinguished Wine Country luxury publication, and Diablo, the monthly lifestyle magazine of San Francisco’s East Bay, we are experienced tour guides to the best of Northern California. Through the voices of our experts as well as some beloved locals, we’ve captured the essence of the Wine Country lifestyle. So, read on: We promise to make sure your journey is nothing short of magical.
[Content Marketing Associate] Danielle Sensley [Marketing Associate] jessica shea — [director of Operations] Eileen Cunningham [Ad Production and production] jennifer brazil, debra donovan, ron henry, Renate Woodbury [project manager / ad coordinator] Barbara Rousseau — [Chief Financial Officer] Brendan Casey [staff accountant] Sylvia Bajjaliya [Accounts Payable] Ana Magaña [Accounts receivable / receptionist] cheryl Davis [help desk] nick rubalcaba [assistant to the president] jodie aranda — [Diablo Publications FOUNDER And Chairman of the Board] Steven J. Rivera
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© 2016 Diablo Publications Printed in China
Barney Fonzi
President, Diablo Publications
The Insiders Guide to Wine Countr y
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W E L C O M E Perfect Days in Wine Country
Wine Country: An Introduction
6 6C oTnhcei eI nr g s ied e r s G u i d e t o W i n e C o u n t r y
the agrarian rhythms of the farms that canvass the landscape. The Mayacamas Range, which runs roughly north from the edge of San Francisco Bay, divides Napa and Sonoma counties. Napa Valley, situated on the eastern side, which comprises most of Napa County, stretches north to Mount St. Helena. Sonoma County spreads west, over hills that lead to rocky cliffs pounded by the Pacific Ocean, and north, past the Russian River and into the redwood forests. Separated by mountains, the two counties are deeply intertwined, united in a history that revolves around the grape.
the roots of wine country
Napa County may have been the first to garner international recognition for its wines, but Wine Country’s first wines came from Sonoma County. In the 1820s, Franciscan monks planted vines at Mission San Francisco Solano (which stands today in the heart of the town of Sonoma), the last in the chain of missions established by the Spanish to “civilize” California’s indigenous peoples. The missionaries’ holy wine set the stage for all that followed. The Franciscans sent some of their vines over the Mayacamas Mountains
courtesy of Calistoga chamber of commerce
he best wines are grown in lovely places: the slate slopes of Germany’s Mosel; the tawny, sun-warmed hills of Tuscany; the hardscrabble terraces of Portugal’s upper Douro; the lush length of France’s castlelined Loire; and, of course, the rolling hills and verdant vales of California’s Napa and Sonoma counties. Welcome to Wine Country, a region defined by the land and the glorious bounty it produces. Though a mere hour’s drive from the bustling cities of San Francisco and Oakland, Wine Country is a world apart. The pace of life is set by
MO M E N T S IN W INE C OU N T RY HIST ORY 1823 The Mission
Spanish Franciscan monks found the Mission San Francisco Solano, the last of the California missions, in the town of Sonoma.
1836 Napa’s First Settler
Frontiersman George Yount founds the first homestead in Napa County, near what is now Yountville.
1846 Bear Flag Revolt
Settlers in Sonoma rise up against Mexican rule. Mexican General Mariano Vallejo surrenders without resistance, and the settlers declare the Republic of California. A homemade flag featuring a star and a bear is raised in the town of Sonoma. Within a month, the United States annexes Northern California.
1857 Wine takes root
B e a r F l a g S tat u e : F r a n k S c h u l e n b u r g
Agoston Haraszthy founds Buena Vista Winery, Wine Country’s first commercial winery, in the town of Sonoma. Haraszthy would later bring the first European grapes to the region.
with George Yount, a frontiersman who spent time at the mission before moving to Napa County, where he established the county’s first homestead. He planted his first vineyard in 1836. Wine took root toward becoming an industry in 1857, when an adventurous Hungarian rapscallion named Agoston Haraszthy opened Buena Vista Winery, Wine Country’s first commercial winery, in Sonoma Valley. German immigrant Charles Krug worked for Yount before starting Napa County’s first commercial winery in 1861, in St. Helena.
The early settlers did not live on wine alone. They grew wheat, potatoes, and fruit, raised livestock, and cut timber. Gold seekers wintered in the region, lawlessly fueling the local economy. But the region’s foggy mornings, cool and wet winters, and uninterrupted summer sunshine were ideal for growing grapes, and winemaking quickly became the most profitable enterprise. Robert Louis Stevenson, who visited winemaker Jacob Schram’s vineyard in the hills of Calistoga in 1880, wrote in The Silverado Squatters that his wines were “bottled poetry” and that “the stirring sunlight,
1859 A Spa is born
Sam Brannan purchases land at Indian Springs and founds the spa resort town of Calistoga.
1861 Napa starts wining
German settler Charles Krug founds Napa County’s first commercial winery, in St. Helena.
MO M E N T S IN W INE C OU N T RY HIST ORY 1871 The First Crisis
The root louse Phylloxera threatens to destroy the wine industry. Farmers fight back by using hardier rootstocks.
1905 A Writer at Work
Author Jack London, already famous for such works as The Call of the Wild and The Sea Wolf, establishes his Beauty Ranch in Glen Ellen.
1920 America goes dry
C o u r t e s y o f s o n o m a c o u n t y t o u r i s m / s o n o m a c o u n t y. c o m
Barndiva, Healdsburg
upping the demand for locally grown fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood, and dairy products. Agricultural land that’s not used for grapes is used to grow organic produce or feed free-range livestock. The interdisciplinary nature of wine growing has enhanced the cultural vitality of the region. The industry relies on science, intuition, aesthetic sense as well as business sense—and a dash of luck. The result is a creative, open-minded community. Wineries host musical and theatrical performances, and many are
home to art galleries. Likewise, countless artists have found inspiration in the land. Recreationists enjoy a natural playground in the varied landscape. Parks and open spaces stretch from inland valleys across mountains and through forests to the Pacific’s coastal bluffs. The region’s natural mineral springs have inspired spas that rival Europe’s finest. The region is also an ethnic melting pot. Descendants of Italian, German, French, and Spanish settlers still tend the land; Latino immigrants are a growing presence in both counties; and visitors from around the world give the region a cosmopolitan sensibility rarely found in such a rural setting. Despite Wine Country’s emergence as a travel destination—some 12 million visitors arrive each year—it hasn’t lost its charm. It is still a land of small towns, quirky characters, and hidden treasures. You can’t help but become enchanted by the magic of the vine.
The passage of the Volstead Act establishes Prohibition. Commercial wineries suffer, but grape growers survive by selling to home winemakers around the country.
1933 A nation Celebrates
Prohibition is repealed, but the damage to the California wine industry is slow to heal.
1966 The renaissance
Robert Mondavi opens his estate winery, spurring the resurgence of commercial winemaking in Wine Country.
1976 French Toast
California wines gain international fame when two of them win the top prize in a French wine competition.
Today wine for the world
Napa and Sonoma counties are home to more than 500 wineries. World-class wines, delicious food, beautiful scenery, and vibrant culture attract millions of visitors from around the world.
1 . 8 6 6 .9 5 5 . 6 0 4 0
CALE N DAR OF E VE NTS wine country is abuzz with activity year-round
Here’s a sampling of places to go and things to do Winter Holiday Candlelight Tour (707) 255-1836, napacountylandmarks.org Annual self-guided tour of historic homes, from small bungalows to expansive mansions. December, Napa.
Dickens Dinners (707) 433-4231, madronamanor.com An authentic Victorian Christmas at Madrona Manor, with period costumes, carolers, and a five-course meal. December, Healdsburg.
Napa Truffle Festival (888) 753-9378, napatrufflefestival.com Michelin-star chefs and truffle cultivation experts and scientists showcase the tuber in panel discussions and delicious meals. January, Napa.
Sonoma Valley Olive Season (707) 996-1090, olivefestival.com A Blessing of the Olives kicks off this annual festival, which includes food, wine, and numerous events. January, Sonoma Valley.
Napa valley Open Studios
Sonoma Wine Country Weekend
(707) 933-2600, sonomafilmfest.org A cinematic extravaganza featuring wine, food, celebrity events, and independent films from around the world. March–April, Sonoma.
(707) 254-2085, napavalleyopenstudios.org A self-guided tour of artists’ studios over two weekends. A catalog and map can be downloaded from the website. September, Napa Valley.
(855) 939-7666, sonomawinecountry weekend.com Three days of festivities, including Taste of Sonoma, Sonoma Harvest Wine Auction, winemaker dinners, and more. September, Sonoma Valley.
Taste of Yountville (707) 944-0904, yountville.com Celebrate Yountville’s gourmet bounty, at this annual event featuring food, olive oil, vinegar, mustard, fine wine, and microbrews. March– April, Yountville.
festival nApA Valley
Wine Road Barrel Tasting (707) 433-4335, wineroad.com Sample wines from the barrel and meet winemakers at more than 100 Alexander, Dry Creek, and Russian River Valley wineries. March, Northern Sonoma County.
Napa Valley Film Festival (707) 226-7500, napavalleyfilmfest.org Features, documentaries, shorts, and animation paired with fine food and wine. November, Napa County. Events are subject to change. For more Wine Country event listings, visit napasonomamagazine.com.
Sonoma County Hot Air Balloon Classic
California’s Artisan Cheese Festival
flavornapavalley.com This five-day event celebrates food, wine, and fun to benefit scholarships at the Culinary Institute of America at Greystone, in St. Helena. March, locations vary.
(949) 360-7800, russianriverfestivals.com Music legends and up-and-coming artists perform during this two-day festival at Johnson’s Beach. September, Guerneville.
(707) 963-3388, auctionnapavalley.org The world’s largest annual wine-related charity event, with several parties from blue-jean casual to white tie and more than 300 auction lots. June, Napa Valley.
flavor! Napa Valley
Russian River Jazz and Blues Festival
Auction Napa Valley
schabc.org More than 20 colorful balloons take to the air at this event, which also features tethered rides for kids, food, and crafts. June, Windsor.
artisancheesefestival.com Taste and purchase dozens of handcrafted cheeses, meet the artisans, and enjoy wine and beer pairings. March, Petaluma.
c o u r t e s y o f n a pa va l l e y f i l m f e s t i va l
Sonoma International Film Festival
(707) 346-5052, festivaldelsole.org World-class music, visual art, and culinary festival hailed by the New York Times as a “feast for the senses.” July, Napa Valley.
Napa County Fair and fireworks / Sonoma County Fair napacountyfair.org, sonomacountyfair.com Enjoy old-fashioned games, rides, parades, live entertainment, and fireworks. July–August, Calistoga and Santa Rosa.
Fall much ado about sebastopol muchadoaboutsebastopol.com This 16th century Renaissance fair celebrates the harvest. Expect parades, sword fighting, and costumed travelers. September, Sebastopol.
Napa Valley Film Festival, Napa
Arts & entertainment LISTINGS
Beau Wine Tours Napa and Sonoma (707) 938-8001, beauwinetours.com Private wine tours and VIP dinner transportation are just a few of the offerings from this chauffeur service.
Cornerstone Sonoma 23570 Arnold Dr., Sonoma (707) 933-3010, cornerstonesonoma.com Enjoy changing garden installations, plus a restaurant, shops, galleries, and wine tasting. Gardens: daily 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Shops: daily 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
The Culinary Institute of America at Greystone 2555 Main St., St. Helena (707) 967-1100, ciachef.edu/california CIA’s expansive campus houses the Wine Spectator Greystone Restaurant, Vintners Hall of Fame, and a demonstration kitchen. Demonstrations Sat.–Sun.
The French Laundry Culinary Garden Washington St., Yountville facebook.com/tflgarden Thomas Keller’s foodie fans and gardening enthusiasts can walk among the fruits, herbs, and chicken coop.
Graton Resort and Casino 288 Golf Course Dr. W., Rohnert Park (707) 588-7100, gratonresortcasino.com Find table games, slots, a live poker room, and 11 dining options at this casino. Always open.
Safari West, Santa Rosa
Jelly Belly Visitor Center
Safari West Wildlife Preserve and African Tent Camp
Fort Ross State Historic Park
1 Jelly Belly Ln., Fairfield (707) 428-2800,
3115 Porter Creek Rd., Santa Rosa
(707) 847-4777, fortrossstatepark.org
(707) 579-2551, safariwest.com
This 1800s Russian-American settlement was
Tour the factory where the famous treats are
Tours show some of this wildlife preserve’s
the site of California’s first windmills and ship-
made, and stop by the café for Jelly Belly–
900-plus creatures on more than 400 acres of
building. Visit the chapel, Kuskov House, and
shaped pizzas and burgers. Daily 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
land that resembles their natural habitat. Visits
blockhouses. Daily 10 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Napa Valley Wine Train
by appointment.
19005 Hwy. 1, Jenner
Jack London State Historic Park
1275 McKinstry St., Napa
2400 London Ranch Rd., Glen Ellen
(707) 253-2111, winetrain.com
25 North St., Healdsburg
(707) 938-5216, jacklondonpark.com
Enjoy lunch or dinner and wine tasting aboard
(707) 431-7433, healdsburgshed.com
The park includes the Beauty Ranch, Wolf House,
a train, as you journey through vineyard-
This market, café, and community gathering
and cottage where Jack London wrote many of
covered countryside from Napa to St. Helena.
space hosts workshops and sells wares and
his works. Charmian London’s House of Happy
See website for schedule.
specially prepared foods. Weds.–Mon.
Walls is now a museum and visitors center.
8 a.m.–9 p.m.
Park entry: daily 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Museum:
1299 Tubbs Ln., Calistoga
Sonoma Raceway
10 a.m.–5 p.m. Cottage: 12–4 p.m.
(707) 942-6463, oldfaithfulgeyser.com
29355 Arnold Dr., Sonoma
Litto’s Hubcap Ranch
One of three geysers in the world nicknamed
(707) 938-8448, sonomaraceway.com
6654 Pope Valley Rd., Pope Valley
Old Faithful, this one can throw thousands
Expect Indy, pro motorcycle, and pro drag races.
Drive by this remarkable art creation, a
of gallons of water 30 to 80 feet into the air
It’s also the home of the Simraceway Performance
California Historic Landmark, which Emanuele
about every 30 minutes. May through Aug.:
Driving Center (pdc.simraceway.com) and Audi
“Litto” Damonte built by using bottles, pull
daily 8:30 a.m.–7 p.m. Sept. through Oct.:
Sportscar Experience (audiusa.com/about/
tops, and more than 2,000 hubcaps.
daily 8:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m.
The Petrified Forest
Sonoma TrainTown Railroad
204 Santa Rosa Ave., Santa Rosa
4100 Petrified Forest Rd., Calistoga
20264 Broadway, Sonoma
(707) 524-5445,
(707) 942-6667, petrifiedforest.org
(707) 938-3912, traintown.com
This park is filled with ancient redwood trees
Ride in a train around a 10-acre park. Kids
The home, carriage house, greenhouse, and
that were turned to stone by a volcanic explosion
love the carousel, Ferris wheel, and petting
gardens were once the property of renowned
more than three million years ago. Spring and
zoo. June 10–Sept. 5: daily 10 a.m.–5 p.m.,
horticulturist Luther Burbank. House tours
Fall: daily 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Winter: daily
Sept. 6– May 31: Fri.–Sun. 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Apr.–Oct.: Tues.–Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Garden
10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Wine Road
self-guided audio tours: daily 8 a.m.–dusk.
498 Moore Ln., Ste. B, Healdsburg
Petaluma Adobe State Historic Park
(707) 433-4335, wineroad.com
3325 Adobe Rd., Petaluma
Museums, shopping, and winery tours in the
(707) 762-4871, petalumaadobe.com
Alexander, Dry Creek, and Russian River valleys.
The park’s historic ranch building is
Old Faithful Geyser of California
Historical Landmarks Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park
Luther Burbank Home and Gardens
decorated with period furniture. Tues.–Sun. 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
3369 N. St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena
Petaluma Historical Library and Museum
(707) 963-2236, parks.ca.gov
20 Fourth St., Petaluma
Home to the late Dr. Edward Turner Bale’s
(707) 778-4398, petalumamuseum.com
water-powered gristmill built in 1846.
Housed in the former Carnegie Library, the muse-
Fri.–Sun. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Mill tours
um offers historic downtown walking tours and
Fri.–Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m.
exhibits, many of which focus on local history.
Calistoga Depot
Thurs.–Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 12–3 p.m.
1458 Lincoln Ave., Calistoga (800) 648-4521, calistogawinestop.com
St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church/ Potter Schoolhouse
The depot is one of the oldest railroad stations in
17242 Bodega Hwy., Bodega
California, and its restored cars hold historical
17110 Bodega Ln., Bodega
memorabilia and shops. Daily 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
(707) 874-3812, stphilipstteresa.org
First Presbyterian Church of Napa
Built in 1860, the church has been used
1333 Third St., Napa (707) 224-8693, fpcnapa.org Built in 1874, this church is a striking example of late Gothic architecture.
continuously for more than a century. The 1873 schoolhouse, today a private residence, is the last standing landmark from Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds.
C o u r t e s y o f S o n o m a C o u n t y T o u r i s m / s o n o m a c o u n t y. c o m
arts & entertainment LISTINGS
Sonoma State Historic Park 363 Third St. W., Sonoma
Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society
221 Matheson St., Healdsburg
The park includes Mission San Francisco Solano,
(707) 431-3325, healdsburgmuseum.org
(707) 938-9560; the home of Mexican general
This small museum contains historical photos,
Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo, (707) 938-9559; the
artifacts, and a permanent exhibit on northern
Sonoma Barracks, a two-story adobe structure
Sonoma County. Wed.–Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m.
that housed the general’s troops, (707) 939-9420;
Free admission.
and the Toscano Hotel, (707) 938-0169. Daily
Military Antiques and Museum
10 a.m.–5 p.m.
(707) 763-2220, militaryantiquesmuseum.com
Bartholomew Park Winery
tary paraphernalia from a number of conflicts.
1000 Vineyard Ln., Sonoma
Thurs.–Sun. 10 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
(707) 939-3026, bartpark.com See artifacts relating to one of the county’s first vintners, Hungarian Agoston Haraszthy, and view Victorian-era viticultural photos and paraphernalia. Tours available by appointment only. Daily 11 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Ca’Toga Art Gallery 1206 Cedar St., Calistoga (707) 942-3900, catoga.com View the creations of Carlo Marchiori, an Italian-born artist renowned for his Venetianstyle artwork, including a 44- by 23-foot mural on the ceiling of the gallery. Thurs.–Mon. 11 a.m.–6 p.m.
Charles M. Schulz Museum 2301 Hardies Ln., Santa Rosa (707) 579-4452, schulzmuseum.org Honoring the late cartoonist and Santa Rosa resident, the museum features memorabilia, original works, and other cartoonists’ tributes to Schulz. Mon.–Fri. 11 a.m.–5 p.m., Sat.–Sun. 10 a.m.– 5 p.m. Closed Tues. in winter, fall, and spring.
Depot Park Museum 270 First St. W., Sonoma (707) 938-1762, depotparkmuseum.org This museum is a replica of Sonoma’s first train depot, which was destroyed by a fire. It offers exhibits on the history of the railroad and the town of Sonoma. Sat.–Sun. 1–4 p.m.
di Rosa 5200 Sonoma Hwy., Napa (707) 226-5991, dirosaart.org Explore three galleries and sculpture gardens that comprise one of the largest regional art collections in the country. Guided tours available. Wed.–Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. c o u r t e s y o f d av e g r a h a m
300 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma
Gordon Huether Gallery 1821 Monticello Rd., Napa (707) 255-5954, gordonhuether.com Fine art by the Napa artist known for his largescale artwork. Mon.–Fri. 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
This museum has an extensive collection of mili-
Museums of Sonoma County 425 Seventh St., Santa Rosa (707) 579-1500, sonomacountymuseum.org Located in the restored 1910 post office, this museum features rotating exhibits and a contemporary art project space. Tues.–Sun. 11 a.m.–5 p.m.
Napa Valley Museum 55 Presidents Cir., Yountville (707) 944-0500, napavalleymuseum.org Permanent exhibits comprise a look at the historic and geological formation of the area. Rotating exhibits focus on local art and the area’s history and environment. Wed.–Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m.
Pacific Coast Air Museum (at the Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport) One Air Museum Way, Santa Rosa (707) 575-7900, pacificcoastairmuseum.org This aviation history museum displays planes,
Dave Graham Dave Graham has created and run two successful companies, but he is most known in Wine Country for being the CEO of Latitude 38 Entertainment (L38), which produces the new and already beloved BottleRock Napa Valley. Here are his picks for his perfect day in Wine Country: “Start the day by hiking Mount St. Helena. It’s a solid hike but not too difficult, and you get the best view of the entire Napa Valley.” napavalleystateparks. org/robert-louis-stevenson-state-park.
pilot uniforms, equipment, and more. The third weekend of each month, visitors can climb aboard the airplanes and sit in the cockpit. Wed.–Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m.
Robert Louis Stevenson Museum 1490 Library Ln., St. Helena (707) 963-3757, stevensonmuseum.org This museum claims to have the first and largest collection of Stevensoniana on public display. Tues.–Sat. 12–4 p.m.
The Sharpsteen Museum
“Go wine tasting at Miner Family Winery. The view is great, the hospitality is incredible, and the wine is even better. It is an Oakville appellation: Some of the best wines in the valley come from this appellation.” minerwines.com. “Get a pizza at Oenotri. Certified Neapolitan pizza baked in an oven imported from Italy that cooks pizza in less than 90 seconds at 800 degrees. Incredible.” oenotri.com.
1311 Washington St., Calistoga (707) 942-5911, sharpsteenmuseum.org Exhibits and artifacts present the history of Calistoga and the upper Napa Valley from the native Wappo tribe to post-World War I life. Daily 11 a.m.–4 p.m.
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art 551 Broadway, Sonoma (707) 939-7862, svma.org Exhibits in a range of media feature work by local and international artists. Wed.–Sun.
“Grab a late dinner at Morimoto [morimotonapa.com]. Get the garden salad, a mix of nigiri, and then have some of Morimoto’s proprietary house sake. Or go to Il Posto Trattoria [ilpostonapa.com]. This is the restaurant that usually only locals go to. Have the Papa sauce and rigatoni. The Papa sauce is a family recipe handed down from generation to generation by the owner’s family. Then head to JaM Cellars [jamcellars.com] for a nightcap.”
11 a.m.–5 p.m.
Arts & entertainment LISTINGS
West County Museum
Jarvis Conservatory
261 S. Main St., Sebastopol
1711 Main St., Napa
(707) 829-6711, wschsgrf.org/
(707) 255-5445, jarvisconservatory.com
Housed in a 100-year-old stone winery,
Located in the restored 1917 electric railway
the conservatory presents films, operas,
depot, the museum offers exhibits on the history
and concerts.
of western Sonoma County. Thurs.–Sun. 1–4 p.m.
Performing Arts/ Nightlife Chamber Music in Napa Valley 4375 Atlas Peak Rd., Napa (707) 226-2190, chambermusicnapa.org These internationally known musicians perform numerous shows each year at the First United
1758 Industrial Way, Ste. 208, Napa (707) 266-6305, luckypennynapa.com This troupe performs plays and sing-alongs at the Lucky Penny Community Arts Center.
Luther Burbank Center for the Arts 50 Mark West Springs Rd., Santa Rosa (707) 546-3600, lutherburbankcenter.org
Methodist Church.
The center is among the world’s top 100 perform-
Cinnabar Theater
and spoken word.
3333 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma (707) 763-8920, cinnabartheater.org This charming theater presents contemporary
ing arts venues, featuring dance, music, theater,
Music in the Vineyards 1020 Clinton St., Ste. 201, Napa
and traditional opera and theater.
(707) 258-5559, musicinthevineyards.org
Festival Napa Valley
August in various venues, with free wine
Locations vary (707) 346-5052, festivalnapavalley.org This annual summer festival features celebrated musicians, five-star cuisine, dance performances,
This chamber music festival is held each tastings during intermission and breathtaking views of the Napa Valley.
Napa Valley Conservatory Theater
and wine from Napa’s top vintners.
2277 Napa Vallejo Hwy., Napa
Green Music Center
Napa Valley College students produce family-
(at Sonoma State University) 1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park (866) 955-6040, gmc.sonoma.edu World-class musicians such as Chris Young and Gavin DeGraw headline the performances in Weill Hall at this state-of-the-art music venue at Sonoma State.
Uptown Theatre, Napa
Lucky Penny Productions
(707) 256-7500, napavalleytheater.org friendly plays and musicals as well as the annual Shakespeare Napa Valley.
Napa Valley Film Festival Locations vary (707) 226-7500, napavalleyfilmfest.org Each November, this regional fest highlights feature films, shorts, documentaries, and animation paired with fine food and wine.
Wineries with art collections Artesa
The Hess Collection
Markham Vineyards
Robert Mondavi Winery
1345 Henry Rd., Napa (707) 224-1668, artesawinery.com
4411 Redwood Rd., Napa (707) 255-8584, hesscollection.com
2812 St. Helena Hwy. N., St. Helena (707) 963-5292, markhamvineyards.com
7801 St. Helena Hwy., Oakville (888) 766-6328, robertmondaviwinery.com
Clos Pegase
Imagery Estate winery
Mumm Napa
Sterling Vineyards
1060 Dunaweal Ln., Calistoga (707) 942-4981, clospegase.com
14335 Hwy. 12, Glen Ellen (707) 435-4500, (800) 989-8890 imagerywinery.com
8445 Silverado Trail, Rutherford (707) 967-7700, mummnapa.com
1111 Dunaweal Ln., Calistoga (707) 942-3345, (800) 726-6136, sterlingvineyards.com
4200 Napa Rd., Sonoma (707) 938-8822, nicholsonranch.com
1 California Dr., Yountville (707) 944-8844, chandon.com
Hagafen Cellars 4160 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 252-0781, hagafen.com
1991 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford (800) 782-4266, (707) 968-1100, inglenook.com
The Insiders Guide to Wine Countr y
Nicholson Ranch
Peju Province Winery 8466 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford (800) 446-7358, peju.com
St. Supéry Vineyards and Winery 8440 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford (707) 963-4507, stsupery.com
TURNBULL WINE CELLARS 8210 St. Helena Hwy., Oakville (707) 963-5839, turnbullwines.com
mitchell glotzer
Domaine Chandon
THE SWEETEST FACTORY TOUR IN THE BAY AREA. • See how candy is made on our free, self-guided factory tour • Experience fun, interactive and sensory exhibits • Chocolate & Wine Experience • Dine in our café, and shop an incredible selection of Jelly Belly merchandise in our gift store • Enjoy free candy samples
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Main Street Books
Olivier Napa Valley
1315 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-1338 New and used books.
1375 Main St., St. Helena (707) 967-8777, oliviernapavalley.com Gourmet olive oils, sauces, and savories.
Ma(i)sonry Napa Valley
On the Vine
6711 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-0889, maisonry.com Antiques, art, books, jewelry, wine, and more.
1234 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-2209 Women’s apparel and accessories.
Mario’s Fine men’s clothing
market at The Carneros Inn 4048 Sonoma Hwy., Napa (707) 299-4900, thecarnerosinn.com An assortment of wine, jewelry, and soaps.
Martin Showroom 1350 Main St., St. Helena (707) 967-8787, martinshowroom.com Architectural furnishings and decor.
Miyamo Boutique 1128 First St., Napa (707) 251-9058 Women’s clothing and accessories.
Montecristi panama hats
6505 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-0778, overland.com Leather, fur, and sheepskin items.
Palladium Fine Jewelry 1339 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-5900, palladiumjewelry.com Fine watches and designer jewelry.
Patina Estate and Fine Jewelry 1342 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-5445, patinajewelry.com Rare and unusual jewelry.
Pearl Wonderful Clothing 1219-C Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-3236, pearlwonderfulclothing.com Clothing, jewelry, and shoes.
6525 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-2870, panamahatsco.com Woven hats and accessories made in Ecuador.
1337 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-3198, facebook.com/pennyweightnapavalley Stationery and gifts.
Mustard Seed Clothing Co.
The Playful Garden
1227 First St., Napa (707) 255-4222, mustardseedclothing.com Casual, contemporary women’s clothing.
1201 First St., Napa (707) 258-8880, theplayfulgarden.com Garden accessories and gifts.
Napa General Store
540 Main St., Ste. 100, Napa (707) 259-0762, napageneralstore.com Gift, specialty foods, wine market, and café.
1302 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-0400 Fine women’s clothing.
Napa Premium Outlets
Round Pond Estate
629 Factory Stores Dr., Napa (707) 226-9876, premiumoutlets.com/napa Barneys New York, Kenneth Cole, TSE, and more.
886 Rutherford Rd., Rutherford (888) 302-2575, roundpond.com Olive oils, red wine vinegars, wines, and gifts.
Napa Soap Company
Scott lyall
655 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-5010, napasoap.com Handmade soaps and lotions using Napa Valley ingredients.
614 Main St., Napa (707) 255-5858, scottlyallclothes.com Men’s clothing and accessories with an edge.
Napa Valley Jewelers
1350 Main St., Napa (707) 226-2132 Old-fashioned kitchen shop.
1317 Napa Town Center, Napa (707) 224-0997, napavalleyjewelers.com Gold and gems, and designer lines.
Napa Valley Traditions 1202 Main St., Napa (707) 226-2044, napatraditions.com Fine gifts and gourmet food products.
The Olive Press 610 First St., Napa (707) 226-2579, theolivepress.com Olive-related gifts and tastings. Also in Sonoma.
Shackford’s Kitchen store
Shoes on First 1209 First St., Napa (707) 252-7280 Comfortable shoes by European brands.
sisters boutique 6525 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-8400, sistersnapavalley.com Jewelry, makeup, and brow bar.
The Insiders Guide to Wine Countr y
Debra de Martini As lead concierge at Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa, Debra de Martini is constantly asked about hidden secret spots around Sonoma. When not directing guests to the historic inn’s Willow Stream Spa or the nearby Sonoma Golf Course, de Martini recommends the following places for food and drink, shopping, and fun. fairmont.com/sonoma. “A great way to start the day is a hike on the Overlook Trail, which is easy enough for anyone with an average activity level. It’s a nice loop, and you can see all the way to San Francisco on a clear day. You can hike right down to the historic Sonoma Plaza.” sonomaecologycenter.org/sonoma-overlook-trail. “My favorite place for breakfast is the Sunflower Caffé, right on the historic plaza.” sonomasunflower.com. “The plaza has some great shopping, including Global Heart [globalheartfairtrade.com], which has home decor, jewelry, flowers, and gifts. Another nice independent shop is Artifax [artifaxsonoma.com], which features artto-wear clothing. Tiddle E. Winks Vintage 5 and Dime [tiddleewinks.com], which has lots of fun items for kids.” “In the evening, I like El Dorado Kitchen. It’s great for all ages, with a full bar, a good wine list, and a beautiful patio.” eldoradosonoma.com/kitchen. “For nightlife, Rossi’s 1906 is really fun. If you like to dance, this is the place to go.” rossis1906.com.
Courtesy of deborah de martritini
1223 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-1603, mariosnapavalley.com Fine menswear.
Every piece comes with a story
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Scott lyall
Simplicity by ielle
Summer Vine
447 Aviation Blvd., Ste. 3., Petaluma (707) 575-0255, portalais.com Antique and custom-made doors and architectural elements from France, Italy, and Spain.
115 E. Napa St., Sonoma (707) 933-8770, scottlyallclothes.com Men’s clothing and accessories with an edge.
492 First St. E., Sonoma (707) 938-5422 Fashionable clothing and accessories for women.
100 W. Spain St., Sonoma (707) 933-8810 Accessories for home and garden.
pottergreen and Co.
The sea ranch Golf Shop
Snoopy’s Gallery and Gift Shop
23586 Arnold Dr., Sonoma (707) 996-8888, pottergreen.com Plants and succulents, and garden containers and ornaments.
(at Sea Ranch Golf Links) 42000 Hwy. 1, Sea Ranch (707) 785-2468, searanchgolf.com/ course/golf-shop Golf apparel and equipment.
(near the Charles M. Schulz Museum) 1665 W. Steele Ln., Santa Rosa (707) 546-3385, snoopygift.com Gallery and a gift store.
23566 Arnold Dr., Sonoma (707) 939-6931, tesoroflowers.com Flower shop specializing in weddings.
Sonoma Country Antiques
Rabbit Rabbit fair trade
Seasons of the Vineyard
1327 Main St., St. Helena (707) 968-9182, rabbitrabbitfairtrade.com Handcrafted items from developing countries.
113 Plaza St., Healdsburg (707) 431-2222, seasonsofthevineyard.com Home accessories and gifts.
23999 Arnold Dr., Sonoma (707) 938-8315, sonomaantiques.com European antiques and home furnishings.
115 E. Napa St., Sonoma (707) 939-6933, tiddleewinks.com Collectibles, memorabilia, and gifts.
robindira unsworth
115 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma (707) 773-3147, robindira.com The style expert’s flagship store features jewelry, accessories, and treasures.
Salsa Trading Company, Inc. 20490 Broadway, Sonoma (707) 939-1710, salsatrading.com Furniture and art with flavors of Spanish colonial and early ranch, with Native American and Mexican influences.
25 North St., Healdsburg (707) 431-7433, healdsburgshed.com A marketplace of locally sourced food, home goods, and workshop classes.
Sign of the Bear Kitchenware 435 First St. W., Sonoma (707) 996-3722 Kitchenware, tabletop items, and specialty foods.
Sonoma Outfitters 2412 Magowan Dr., Santa Rosa (707) 528-1920, sonomaoutfitters.com Outdoor clothing and equipment.
Sonoma Silver Company 491 First St. W., Sonoma (707) 933-0999, sonomasilver.com Silver jewelry and gifts.
Stewarts Point Store 32000 Hwy. 1, Stewarts Point (707) 785-2011, stewartspointstore.com Historic store with everything under the sun.
Tiddle E. Winks
WhistleStop Antiques 130 Fourth St., Santa Rosa (707) 542-9474, whistlestop-antiques.com Anitiques, collectibles, and books.
williams-sonoma 605 Broadway, Sonoma (707) 939-8974, williams-sonoma.com The original location of the famed kitchen and home store.
wine Hardware of Sonoma 536 Broadway, Sonoma (707) 939-1694, winehardwaresonoma.com Wine accessories and tools.
European Antiques & Home Furnishings
Sonoma Sonoma Country Country Antiques Antiques Mon.-Sat. 10 10 am-5:30 am-5:30 pm pm Mon.-Sat. Sunday 11 11 am-5 am-5 pm pm Sunday 23999 Arnold Arnold Drive Drive (Hwy (Hwy 121) 121) 23999 Sonoma Sonoma CA CA 95476 95476 Phone: 707-938-8315 707-938-8315 Phone:
Six Six miles miles South South of of Sonoma Sonoma Gloria Ferrer Champagne Gloria Ferrer Champagne
SonomaCountryAntiques.com Plaza Plaza on on Hwy Hwy 121 121 between between Caves and Cline Caves and Cline Cellars Cellars Concierge
Destination: All in.
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r e c r e a t i o n C o u r t e s y o f s o n o m a c o u n t y t o u r i s m / s o n o m a c o u n t y. c o m
Hit the Trail, Grab a Paddle, or Take to the Air
Sonoma Canopy Tours, Occidental
Aerial Fun Napa Valley Biplane Co. (707) 647-3758, napavalleybiplane.com
NorCal Skydiving
262 W. Napa St., Sonoma (707) 996-6800, winecountrycyclery.com
(888) 667-2259, norcalskydiving.com
Bocce Ball
Vintage Aircraft Co.
Crane Park
(707) 938-2444, vintageaircraft.com
360 Crane Ave., St. Helena (707) 967-2792, ci.st-helena.ca.us
Depot Park
Balloons Above the Valley (707) 253-2222, balloonrides.com
270 First St. W., Sonoma (707) 938-3681, sonomacity.org
Calistoga Balloons
Veterans Memorial Park
(707) 942-5758, calistogaballoons.com
Napa Valley Aloft (707) 944-4400, nvaloft.com
Napa Valley Balloons, Inc. (707) 944-0228, napavalleyballoons.com
Up and Away Hot Air Ballooning (707) 836-0171, up-away.com
Wine Country Balloons (707) 538-7359, balloontours.com
Biking (tours and rentals) Calistoga Bikeshop 1318 Lincoln Ave., Calistoga (707) 942-9687, calistogabikeshop.com
Getaway Adventures 2228 Northpoint Pkwy., Santa Rosa (800) 499-2453, getawayadventures.com T o p t o b o tt o m : c o u r t e s y o f s o n o m a c o u n t y t o u r i s m / s o n o m a c o u n t y . c o m , T h i n k s t o c k
Wine Country Cyclery
Goodtime Touring Company 373 First St. E., Sonoma (707) 938-2080, goodtimetouring.com
Napa River Velo 680 Main St., Napa (707) 258-8729, naparivervelo.com
Napa Valley Bike Tours
Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-8712, townofyountville.com
Yountville Community Park Lincoln Ave., Yountville (707) 944-8712, townofyountville.com
Golf Adobe Creek Golf Club 1901 Frates Rd., Petaluma (707) 765-3000, adobecreek.com
Bennett Valley Golf Course 3330 Yulupa Ave., Santa Rosa (707) 528-3673, bennettvalleygolf.com
Chardonnay Golf Club 2555 Jameson Canyon Rd., American Canyon, (707) 257-1900, chardonnaygolfclub.com
Eagle Vines Vineyards and Golf Club 580 S. Kelly Rd., American Canyon (707) 257-4470, eaglevinesgolfclub.com
Foxtail Golf Club 100 Golf Course Dr., Rohnert Park (707) 584-7766, playfoxtail.com
Healdsburg Golf Club at Tayman Park 927 S. Fitch Mountain Rd., Healdsburg (707) 433-4275, healdsburggolfclub.com
6500 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-2953, napavalleybiketours.com
The Links at Bodega Harbour
Sonoma Valley Bike Tours
1254 Broadway, Sonoma (707) 996-2453, sonomavalleybiketours.com
1240 Mayacama Club Dr., Santa Rosa, (707) 569-2900, mayacama.com Members and guests only.
Spoke Folk Cyclery
21301 Heron Dr., Bodega Bay (707) 875-3538, bodegaharbourgolf.com
201 Center St., Healdsburg (707) 433-7171, spokefolk.com
Napa Golf Course at Kennedy Park
St. Helena Cyclery
2295 Streblow Dr., Napa (707) 255-4333, playnapa.com
1156 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-7736, sthelenacyclery.com
Up and Away Hot Air Ballooning, Sonoma County
Northwood Golf Club 19400 Hwy. 116, Monte Rio (707) 865-1116, northwoodgolf.com
Old Faithful Geyser, Calistoga
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The Insiders Guide to Wine Countr y
Wine Flies Free with
When sam brannan set out in 1845 to lead a mormon settlement expedition to the West, no one could have predicted he’d become the father of California spas. At the time, few people other than the native Wappo Indians were paying heed to Northern California’s bubbling brew of sulfurous hot springs and gushing geysers. Brannan, however, knew the moneymaking power of New York’s Saratoga Springs and saw an opportunity. He began snatching up acreage at the northern end of the Napa Valley, and supposedly announced, in a tongue-tied drunken moment, that he would build “the Calistoga of Sarafornia!” Thus—at least according to lore—was the great spa town named. Today, Calistoga’s spas and resorts offer everything from locally ubiquitous mud and mineral water baths to exotic treatments such as olive and rosemary scrubs and caviar facials. And Calistoga is just one slice of Wine Country spa heaven: You’ll find all manner of destinations in Napa and Sonoma counties guaranteed to leave you feeling relaxed and pampered. 40
The Insiders Guide to Wine Countr y
Courtesy of Calistoga Chamber of Commerce
Calistoga Spa Hot Springs, Calistoga
Napa County Auberge Spa (at Auberge du Soleil) 180 Rutherford Hill Rd., Rutherford (707) 963-1211, aubergedusoleil.com Treat yourself to the Himalayan massage or one of the spa’s signature grape-seed treatments. Guests only.
Auberge Spa (at Calistoga Ranch) 580 Lommel Rd., Calistoga (707) 254-2800, calistogaranch.com Luxuriate in the Calistoga Cure treatment. Guests only.
Bardessono Spa and Shop 6526 Yount St., Yountville (707) 204-6050, bardessono.com Get your treatment at the spa or in your room.
Baths at Roman Spa (at Roman Spa Hot Springs Resort) 1300 Washington St., Calistoga (707) 942-2122, bathsromanspa.com Try the mud-water massage.
Calistoga Spa Hot Springs
c o u r t e s y o f b e n c h m a r k h o s p i ta l i t y i n t e r n at i o n a l
1006 Washington St., Calistoga (707) 942-6269, calistogaspa.com Take a soak in the bathhouse or mineral pools.
Dr. Wilkinson’s Hot Springs Resort
Indian Springs
North Block Spa
1507 Lincoln Ave., Calistoga (707) 942-4102, drwilkinson.com Enjoy three mineral pools, blanket wraps, massages, and mud baths.
1712 Lincoln Ave., Calistoga (707) 942-4913, indianspringscalistoga.com Mud baths with pure volcanic ash and mineral baths are specialties.
GC Day Spa and Boutique
Lincoln Avenue Spa
(at the North Block Hotel) 6757 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-8080, northblockhotel.com/spa Try the Un-Corked, a signature exfoliation treatment performed with freshly ground grape seeds.
1027 McKinstry St., Napa (707) 226-7980, gcdayspa.com Expect restorative and luxurious spa and skintreatment therapies.
1339 Lincoln Ave., Calistoga (707) 942-2950, lincolnavenuespa.com Indulge in the salt scrubs and mud masks.
Golden Haven Hot Springs Spa
900 Meadowood Ln., St. Helena, (707) 967-1275, meadowood.com/spa Meadowood’s renovated spa offers private suites for individual or couples treatments.
1713 Lake St., Calistoga (707) 942-8000, goldenhaven.com Try a mud bath for couples or a massage or herbal facial.
Greenhaus European Day Spa 1300 Pearl St., Napa (707) 257-8837, greenhausspa.com Relax with a custom facial, body wrap, or deep-tissue massage.
Health Spa Napa Valley 1030 Main St., St. Helena (707) 967-8800, napavalleyspa.com Experience Éminence Organic Skin Care treatments.
The Meadowood Spa
Milliken Creek Inn and Spa 1815 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 255-1197, millikencreekinn.com The grape-seed exfoliation detoxifies and rejuvenates.
Mount View Hotel and Spa 1457 Lincoln Ave., Calistoga (707) 942-6877, mountviewhotel.com Enjoy an array of treatments, from massages to facials and wraps.
The Painted Lady Tanning and Spa 1643 Jefferson St., Napa (707) 251-5633, thepaintedladynapavalley.com Pamper yourself with a spray tan, red light therapy, or a massage.
The Preserve Spa (at the Napa Valley Marriott) 3425 Solano Ave., Napa (707) 254-3330, napamarriottspa.com Relish in treatments that nurture the mind, body, and spirit.
Pure Skin Spa 1401 Lincoln Ave., Napa (707) 738-9511, pureskinspanapavalley.com Relieve stress with a relaxation facial or warm-oil scalp treatment.
Silverado Resort and Spa 1600 Atlas Peak Rd., Napa (707) 257-0200, silveradoresort.com For full-body relaxation, try the Hawaiian Lomi Lomi rhythmic massage.
The Spa at Bardessono, Yountville
enjoy the seasonal bounty of Sonoma farmers and winemakers with a nightly changing menu Husband-and-wife team, formerly of Chez Panisse and La Toque, create a European countryside dining experience, set on Sonoma’s historic plaza. Seasonal al fresco dining on their garden patio.
Zagat rated as one of “the best in town” and an experience “you won’t soon forget.” Dinner 5:30–9:00 p.m., weekends to 9:30 p.m. 487 First Street West, Sonoma | (707) 933-8160 | harvestmooncafesonoma.com
Clark miller
Savor All the Flavors of Wine Country
Pizzeria Tra Vigne, St. Helena Concierge
$=$10 or less per entrée $$=$11–$17 $$$=$18–$24 $$$$=$25 or more
Bistro Jeanty
Napa County
The Boon Fly Café
Ad Hoc and Addendum 6476 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-2487, adhocrestaurant.com Thomas Keller’s casual dining venue, serving upscale comfort food. $$$$
All Seasons Bistro 1400 Lincoln Ave., Calistoga (707) 942-9111, allseasonsnapavalley.net A local favorite, offering a sophisticated menu and wine list. $$$
Andaz Farmers Table 1450 First St., Napa (at Andaz Napa by Hyatt) (707) 687-1234, andaznapa.com Breakfast and afternoon snacks. $$
Angèle Restaurant and Bar 540 Main St., Napa (707) 252-8115, angelerestaurant.com The atmosphere and cuisine of the French countryside. $$$$
Archetype 1429 Main St., St. Helena (707) 968-9200, archetypenapa.com Simple, rustic fare. $$–$$$
Atlas Social
4048 Sonoma Hwy., Napa (707) 299-4870, boonflycafe.com Down-home comfort food. $$$
Bottega 6525 Washington St., Yountville (707) 945-1050, botteganapavalley.com Michael Chiarello’s project at V Marketplace. $$$–$$$$
Bouchon 6534 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-8037, bouchonbistro.com French bistro food, including a raw seafood bar. $$$$
Bounty Hunter Wine Bar and Smokin’ BBQ 975 First St., Napa (707) 226-3976, bountyhunterwinebar.com A barbecue menu featuring pulled pork and beer-can chicken. $$
Brannan’s Grill 1374 Lincoln St., Calistoga (707) 942-2233, brannansgrill.com Grill specialties and a wine list with rare vintages. $$$–$$$$
3111 St. Helena Hwy. N., St. Helena (707) 302-5101, brasswood.com Farm-to-table comfort food in an elegant space. $$$-$$$$
Auberge Bistro and Bar
Brix Restaurant and Gardens
Azzurro Pizzeria e Enoteca 1260 Main St., Napa (707) 255-5552, azzurropizzeria.com Family-friendly eatery offering thin-crust pizzas, pastas, and salads. $$
Bank Café and Bar 1314 McKinstry St., Napa (at The Westin Verasa Napa) (707) 257-5151, bankcafenapa.com The casual side of Ken Frank’s La Toque. $$$
Basalt 790 Main St., Napa (707) 927-5265, basaltnapa.com Seasonal California cuisine with a Spanish influence. $$$-$$$$
Bistro Don Giovanni 4100 Howard Ln., Napa (707) 224-3300, bistrodongiovanni.com A Mediterranean bistro. $$$–$$$$
Bottega, Yountville
Brasswood Bar and Kitchen
1124 First St., Napa (707) 258-2583, atlassocialnapa.com A global, small-plates bistro. $$
180 Rutherford Hill Rd., Rutherford (707) 963-1211, aubergebistro.com California/Mediterranean cuisine, overlooking Napa Valley. $$$
top to bottom: courtesy of bottega, Clark Miller
6510 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-0103, bistrojeanty.com An authentic French bistro. $$$–$$$$
7377 St. Helena Hwy., Napa (707) 944-2749, brix.com Seasonal selections of farm-fresh cuisine. $$$$
Bui Bistro 976 Pearl St., Napa (707) 255-5417, buibistro.com French Vietnamese dishes, including curries and clay pots. $$–$$$
BurgerFi 967 First St., Napa (707) 927-5373, burgerfi.com All-natural beef patties, specialty hot dogs, and fresh-cut fries. $
Cadet 930 Franklin St., Napa (707) 224-4400, cadetbeerandwinebar.com A hip beer and wine bar offering tasty charcuterie and cheeses. $–$$
Cafe Sarafornia 1413 Lincoln Ave., Calistoga (707) 942-0555, cafesarafornia.com Everything from burgers to spaghetti and meatballs. $
Basalt, Napa
The French Laundry
Hurley’s Restaurant
6640 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-2380, frenchlaundry.com Innovative American cuisine and classic French sensibilities. $$$$
6518 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-2345, hurleysrestaurant.com Mediterranean cuisine in Wine Country. $$$–$$$$
Fumé Bistro and Bar
Hydro Bar and Grill
4050 Byway E., Napa (707) 257-1999, fumebistro.com Wood oven–grilled entrées. $$$
1403 Lincoln St., Calistoga (707) 942-9777 Breakfast and pub food. $–$$
Galpão Gaucho
Jax White Mule Diner
1990 Trower Ave., Napa (707) 255-5121, galpaogauchousa.com A casual Brazilian steak house. $$$-$$$$
1122 First St., Ste. A, Napa (707) 812-6853, jaxwhitemulediner.com A neighborhood diner, offering burgers and more. $$
gather café by stewart cellars 6752 Washington St., Yountville (707) 963-6161, stewartcellars.com Sandwiches, salads, and coffee. $
Charlie Palmer Master chef, author of six cookbooks, and the culinary force behind high-end restaurants across America, Charlie Palmer certainly has his hands full. But since he settled down in Wine Country 12 years ago, he’s managed to carve out time from his busy schedule to explore and enjoy. Here are his picks for a perfect day: “Have early morning coffee at Downtown Bakery & Creamery in Healdsburg. The bakery has been there a long time, and there’s a hometown feel; whether you’re a local or a visitor, it will give you the flavor of Healdsburg.” downtownbakery.net. “The beauty of Wine Country and its state parks is spectacular. Hike or fish up by Lake Sonoma. It’s 20 miles outside of Healdsburg, in the middle of this incredible, beautiful part of the world.” lakesonoma.com.
c o u r t e s y o f C h a r l i e pa l m e r
“If you’re into Pinot or Chardonnay, one of my favorite wineries is Rochioli on Westside Road in Healdsburg. Rochioli is the benchmark for Pinot Noir.” rochioliwinery.com. “When I get a night off, I go for a cocktail and then go off to dinner. Barndiva [barndiva.com] in Healdsburg is a great option, with a nice outdoor garden where you can enjoy one of their interesting cocktails. My Dry Creek Kitchen [drycreekkitchen.com] in the Hotel Healdsburg is a true example of farm-to-table. Chef Scott Romano has taken it to another level.”
Goose and Gander 1245 Spring St., St. Helena (707) 967-8779, goosegander.com A pub with a stone fireplace, leather booths, and hearty entrées. $$$
Gott’s Roadside 933 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-3486; 644 First St., Napa (at Oxbow Public Market) (707) 224-6900, gotts.com Hormone-free burgers and hot dogs, fries, and shakes. $
Grace’s Table 1400 Second St., Napa (707) 226-6200, gracestable.net Global cuisine celebrates the great American melting pot. $$$
The Grill 1600 Atlas Peak Rd., Napa (at Silverado Resort and Spa) (707) 257-5400, silveradoresort.com Artisanal cuisine with specialties like fish tacos and burgers. $$$
The Grill at Meadowood Napa Valley 900 Meadowood Ln., St. Helena (707) 968-3144, meadowood.com Garden-picked cuisine. $$$–$$$$
Harvest Table 1 Main St., St. Helena (707) 967-4695, harvesttablenapa.com Another knockout from chef Charlie Palmer. $$$–$$$$
Hog Island Oyster Bar 610 First St., Napa (at Oxbow Public Market) (707) 251-8113, hogislandoysters.com Oysters on the half shell or grilled with a gourmet twist. $$$
Kitchen Door 610 First St., Napa (at Oxbow Public Market) (707) 226-1560, kitchendoornapa.com Seasonal, multiethnic comfort food. $$–$$$
La Taberna 815 Main St., Napa (707) 224-5551, latabernanapa.com Spanish-inspired small plates. $
La Toque 1314 McKinstry St., Napa (707) 257-5157, latoque.com Seasonal and organic cuisine. $$$$
Lucy Restaurant and Bar 6528 Yount St., Yountville (707) 204-6030, lucyrestaurantandbar.com A menu that features produce grown on the property. $$$$
Market 1347 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-3799, marketsthelena.com American dishes, such as fried chicken and lobster rolls. $$
Méthode Bubbles and Bites 1400 First St., Napa (707) 254-8888, bubblebarnapa.com An Asian-fusion offshoot of the former restaurant, Empire. $–$$
Miminashi 821 Coombs St., Napa (707) 254-9464, miminashi.com Chef Curtis Di Fede’s izakaya serves up Japanese dishes done with a seasonal California twist. $$
Mango on Main 1142 Main St., Napa (707) 253-8880, mangoonmain.com California/Thai cuisine. $$
Molinari Caffè 828 Brown St., Napa (707) 927-3623, molinaricaffe.com Sandwiches, salads, and breads from local artisanal bakers. $
Morimoto Napa
610 Main St., Napa (707) 252-1600, morimotonapa.com Asian and Western elements with traditional Japanese techniques. $$$-$$$$
587 St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena (707) 967-0550, pressnapavalley.com Simple dishes from the wood-fired grill and rotisserie. $$$$
Mustards Grill
7399 St. Helena Hwy., Napa (707) 944-2424, mustardsgrill.com Imaginative California cuisine. $$$$
6488 Washington St., Yountville (707) 415-5035, proteayv.com Daily-changing menu featuring Latin-inspired food. $-$$
Napa General Store 540 Main St., Ste. 100, Napa (707) 259-0762, napageneralstore.com An eclectic mix of culinary classics. $$
Napa Palisades Saloon 1000 Main St., Napa (707) 296-1552, napapalisades.com An Old West–inspired modern sports bar. $$–$$$
Napa Valley Bistro 975 Clinton St., Napa (707) 666-2383, napavalleybistro.net Quintessential American flavors and local ingredients. $$
Napkins Bar and Grill 1001 Second St., Napa (707) 927-5333, napkinsnapa.com American cuisine with global influences. $$$
Ninebark Napa 813 Main St., Napa (707) 226-7821, ninebark-napa.com Garden-driven California cuisine, plus a rooftop bar. $$$$
Norman Rose Tavern 1401 First St., Napa (707) 258-1516, normanrosenapa.com Elevated burgers and other traditional American dishes. $$
Oakville Grocery 7856 St. Helena Hwy., Oakville (707) 944-8802, oakvillegrocery.com Prepared salads, fine cheeses, and charcuterie. $$
Oenotri 1425 First St., Napa (707) 252-1022, oenotri.com Authentic Italian cuisine. $$$
courtesy of calistoga visitors bureau
Pacific Blues Cafe 6525 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-4455, pacificbluescafe.com A different take on American comfort food. $$$
The Pear Southern Bistro 720 Main St., Napa (707) 256-3900, rodneyworth.com/ pear-southern-bistro Southern soul food. $$$
Pizzeria Tra Vigne 1016 Main St., St. Helena (707) 967-9999, pizzeriatravigne.com Salad, pizza, and wine. $$
The Q Restaurant and Bar 3900-D Bel Aire Plaza, Napa (707) 224-6600, barbersq.com Memphis-style barbecue. $$–$$$
R+D Kitchen 6795 Washington St., Yountville (707) 945-0920, rd-kitchen.com Classic American food, including sandwiches and burgers. $$–$$$
Redd 6480 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-2222, reddnapavalley.com Contemporary California cuisine paired with local wines. $$$$
Redd Wood 6755 Washington St., Yountville (707) 299-5030, redd-wood.com Artisanal pizzas and pastas, and plenty of plates to share. $$–$$$
The Restaurant at Meadowood 900 Meadowood Ln., St. Helena (707) 967-1205, therestaurantatmeadowood.com Seasonal ingredients from Meadowood’s own gardens. $$$$
Rutherford Grill 1180 Rutherford Rd., Rutherford (707) 963-1792, rutherfordgrill.com American comfort food and an extensive wine list. $$$–$$$$
Siena Restaurant 875 Bordeaux Way, Napa (707) 251-1950, meritageresort.com A traditional Tuscan menu. $$$–$$$$
Solbar at Solage 755 Silverado Trail, Calistoga (707) 226-0860, solagecalistoga.com/dine Sustainably and locally sourced bistro food. $$$–$$$$
St. Helena Bistro 1146 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-3371, sthelenabistro.com Fresh American fare. $$
Sushi Mambo 1631 Lincoln Ave., Calistoga (707) 942-4699, napasushi.com Traditional Japanese dishes. $$
Calistoga Farmers Market, Calistoga
FARMERS MARKETS Wine Country is known for its variety of agricultural products, and farmers markets are the perfect place for the public to access this delicious food. Many towns hold markets weekly during the summer months; some have markets year-round. Call for more information. Calistoga
Santa Rosa
Sharpsteen Museum Plaza Saturdays, 8:30 a.m.–noon (707) 812-2640, calistogafarmersmarket.org
Downtown Wednesdays, 5–8:30 p.m. (May–Aug.) (707) 524-2123, srdowntownmarket.com Luther Burbank Center for the Arts Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m.–1 p.m.; Saturdays, 8:30 a.m.–1 p.m. (707) 522-8629, thesantarosafarmersmarket.com
Healdsburg North and Vine streets Saturdays, 9 a.m.–noon (May–Nov.) Purity/Cerri Lot on North St. Wednesdays, 3–6 p.m. (June–Oct.) (707) 694-9763, healdsburgfarmersmarket.org
Napa 195 Gasser Dr. Tuesdays, 8 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (May–Oct.) Saturdays, 8 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (May–Oct.) (707) 501-3087, napafarmersmarket.org
Petaluma Second Street Wednesdays, 4:30–8 p.m. (June–Aug.) Walnut Park Saturdays, 2–5:30 p.m. (May–Nov.) (707) 762-0344
Sebastopol Sebastopol Plaza Sundays, 10 a.m.–1:30 p.m. (707) 522-9305, sebastopolfarmmarket.org
Sonoma W. First Street Fridays, 9 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (707) 538-7023, svcfm.org
St. Helena Crane Park Fridays, 8 a.m.–1 p.m. (May–Oct.) (707) 486-2662, sthelenafarmersmkt.org
701 McClelland Dr. at Market St. Thursdays, 5–8 p.m. (June–Aug.); Sundays, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. (April–Dec.) (707) 838-5947, windsorfarmersmarket.com
Tarla Mediterranean Bar and Grill
1480 First St., Napa (707) 255-5599, tarlagrill.com Kebabs, appetizers, and entrées inspired by Greece and Turkey. $$$
231 Center St., Healdsburg (707) 431-0100, barndiva.com A fresh menu in a rustic setting. $$$$
460 First St. E., Sonoma (707) 935-7687, basqueboulangerie.com Coffee, pastries, and sandwiches. $
1313 Main Restaurant and Wine Bar 1313 Main St., Napa (707) 258-1313, 1313main.com A menu emphasizing wine and food pairings. $$$
Torc 1140 Main St., Napa (707) 252-3292, torcnapa.com A seasonally changing American menu. $$$$
Two Birds/One Stone 3020 St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena (707) 302-3777, twobirdsonestonenapa.com Japanese-inspired restaurant centered around skewered grilled meats and vegetables. $$-$$$
Velo Pizzeria 807 Main St., Napa (707) 492-3975, velopizzeria.com Order a pie or by the slice. $$
Villa Corona 1138 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-7812; villacoronash.com Good burritos and enchiladas. $
Vineleven 3425 Solano Ave., Napa (at Napa Valley Marriott) (707) 253-8600, marriott.com Contemporary menu with garden-fresh items. $$–$$$
Wine Spectator Greystone Restaurant 2555 Main St., St. Helena (707) 967-1010, ciarestaurantgroup.com Casual Wine Country cuisine. $$$
ZuZu 829 Main St., Napa (707) 224-8555, zuzunapa.com Spanish cuisine with Mediterranean influences. $–$$
Sonoma County Amy’s Drive Thru 58 Golf Course Dr. W., Rohnert Park (707) 755-3629, amysdrivethru.com Locally sourced fast food. $
Bay View restaurant and lounge 800 Highway One, Bodega Bay (707) 875-2751, innatthetides.com Steaks, seafood, and Italian fare. $$$–$$$$
Bear Republic Brewing Co. 345 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg (707) 433-2337, bearrepublic.com Burgers and bar bites. $$
Bird and the Bottle 1055 Fourth St., Santa Rosa (707) 568-4000, birdandthebottle.com Korean-, Jewish-, and American-influenced small plates. $$
Brasserie Restaurant 170 Railroad St., Santa Rosa (707) 636-7388, vineyardcreek.hyatt.com French country cuisine showcasing seafood. $$
Bravas Bar de Tapas 420 Center St., Healdsburg (707) 433-7700, starkrestaurants.com/bravas.html Tapas and savory small plates. $$
Breakaway Cafe 19101 Sonoma Hwy., Sonoma (707) 996-5949, breakawaycafe.com An American-style café. $$
Cafe La Haye 140 E. Napa St., Sonoma (707) 935-5994, cafelahaye.com Creative, seasonal American dishes. $$$–$$$$
Café Lucia 235 Healdsburg Ave., Ste. 105, Healdsburg (707) 431-1113, cafelucia.net Authentic Portuguese tascas (snacks), along with heartier entrées. $$$
Campo Fina 330 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg (707) 395-4640, campofina.com Wood-fired pizzas, fish, and an all-day menu of small bites. $$
Carneros Bistro 1325 Broadway, Sonoma (707) 931-2042, thelodgeatsonoma.com Classic American cuisine with a sophisticated twist. $$$$
14301 Arnold Dr., Glen Ellen (707) 934-8911, aventinehospitality.com Italian osteria–inspired cuisine. $$$–$$$$
The Insiders Guide to Wine Countr y
Scott Beattie While many know the Napa and Sonoma Valleys for wine, Meadowood’s Beverage Director, Scott Beattie, has a different focus. After moving to the area in 2005, Beattie spent years crafting culinary cocktails that are deeply rooted in the flavors of Wine Country, before publishing his first book, Artisanal Cocktails. Here are Beattie’s picks for a unique Napa/Sonoma day: “The Solbar Restaurant at Solage does the best brunch. They have a healthy side of the menu, if you want to be more conscientious, but then they have the awesome, really good bad-for-you stuff.” solage.aubergeresorts.com/dine. “My favorite thing of all is hiking to the top of Mount St. Helena at Robert Louis Stevenson State Park. On a clear day, you can see San Francisco and the Farallon Islands.” parks.ca.gov. “The burger at Goose and Gander is incredible. It’s supergreasy with Gruyere cheese and bacon and pickles, and it totally holds together when you’re eating it, which is a challenge with a good burger.” goosegander.com. “Diavola is my favorite dinner spot in Wine Country. I love everything that chef and owner Dino does. It’s all amazing farm-to-table Italian food: full of flavor, handmade pasta and pizza, and everything done with a lot of passion.” diavolapizzeria.com.
1345 Railroad Ave., St. Helena (707) 963-8931, terrarestaurant.com Creative dishes and tempting pastries, while Bar Terra offers seasonal drinks and lighter fare. $$$$
Basque Boulangerie Café
Central Market
Della Santina’s
The Fig Café
Guiso Latin Fusion
42 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma (707) 778-9900, centralmarketpetaluma.com Dining spot focused on hospitality and farm-tofork fare. $$$
133 E. Napa St., Sonoma (707) 935-0576, dellasantinas.com Spit-roasted meats, poultry, and game. $
13690 Arnold Dr., Glen Ellen (707) 938-2130, thefigcafe.com California/Mediterranean food served in a stunning setting. $$–$$$
117 W. North St., Healdsburg (707) 431-1302 Authentic Latin American and Caribbean dishes. $$
The Fremont Diner
Harvest Moon Cafe
2698 Fremont Dr., Sonoma (707) 938-7370, thefremontdiner.com Locally sourced Southern food. $$
487 First St. W., Sonoma (707) 933-8160, harvestmooncafesonoma.com A changing menu of Wine Country specialties with Mediterranean flavor. $$$
18350 Sonoma Hwy., Sonoma (707) 509-5480, cochonvolantbbq.com Barbecue joint that incorporates organic ingredients. $$
Diavola Pizzeria
110 W. Spain St., Sonoma (707) 938-3634, thegirlandthefig.com French country cuisine. $$–$$$
Community Cafe
Dry Creek Kitchen
875 W. Napa St., Sonoma (707) 938-7779, ccsonoma.com Home-style cooking using locally farmed products. $–$$
317 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg (707) 431-0330, drycreekkitchen.com Fresh Sonoma County food. $$$$
The country bench kitchen and bar
405 First St. W., Sonoma (707) 996-3030, eldoradosonoma.com Eat around a communal table or alfresco in a private cabana. $$$
29 North St., Healdsburg (707) 473-8030, chalkboardhealdsburg.com A menu of small plates that changes daily. $$$
Cochon Volant BBQ Smoke House
535 Fourth St., Santa Rosa (707) 535-0700, thecountrybench.com Brunch, lunch, and dinner with shareables and individual plates. $$$–$$$$
C o u rtes y of f a i r m ont sono m a m i ss i on i nn
Dempsey’s Restaurant and Brewery 50 E. Washington St., Petaluma (707) 7659694, dempseys.com Food that pairs well with handcrafted brews. $$
21021 Geyserville Ave., Geyserville (707) 814-0111, diavolapizzeria.com Wood-fired pizzas and panini. $$
El Dorado Kitchen
The Girl & the Fig
Glen Ellen Inn 13670 Arnold Dr., Glen Ellen (707) 996-6409, glenelleninn.com California-style French-fusion cuisine. $$$
Glen Ellen Star 13648 Arnold Dr., Glen Ellen (707) 343-1384, glenellenstar.com Wood-fired pizzas and starters, and internationally inspired main dishes. $$$–$$$$
Hazel 3782 Bohemian Hwy., Occidental (707) 874-6003, restauranthazel.com A family-owned restaurant that celebrates Mediterranean-style cooking. $$$
Healdsburg Bar and Grill 245 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg (707) 433-3333, healdsburgbarandgrill.com Casual American eats. $$
HopMonk Tavern 230 Petaluma Ave., Sebastopol (707) 829-7300; 691 Broadway, Sonoma (707) 935-9100, hopmonk.com Upbeat locale with rotating taps and pub grub. $–$$
Santé at the Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn, Sonoma
The Culinary Institute of America at Greystone, St. Helena
e p i c u r e a n a dv e n t u r e s Eat, drink, and cook your way through wine country
C o u r t e s y o f S t. H e l e n a C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e
If you are passionate about food, Wine Country is the ultimate vacation destination. These organizations can help you cook up the ideal culinary adventure. You can eat fabulous meals, meet renowned winemakers, walk through fields of organic fruits and vegetables, and sharpen your cooking skills. You will return to your kitchen inspired. Be forewarned, however: Once you’ve tasted the good life, there’s no going back! Cakebread cellars
cooking with Julie
8300 St. Helena Hwy, Rutherford (800) 588-0298, cakebread.com Culinary Director Brian Streeter has been teaching for 20 years at this winery, where classes emphasize seasonal food paired with Cakebread wines.
(707) 227-5036, cookingwithjulie.com Learn to cook authentic Wine Country–style meals, hands-on with ingredients from local family farms.
Camp Napa Culinary
The Culinary Institute of America At Greystone
Food and Wine Trails epicurean tours
707-A Fourth St., Santa Rosa (800) 367-5348, (707) 526-2922, foodandwinetrails.com Culinary tours around Sonoma and Napa.
450 W. Spain St., Sonoma (707) 933-0450, ramekins.com Centrally located near downtown Sonoma, Ramekins offers a smorgasbord of classes and lectures that cater to the home chef.
Gourmet Retreats at CasaLana
Relish Culinary adventures
(707) 252-9773, hughcarpenter.com Chef Hugh Carpenter’s packages include cooking classes, fine dining, and trips to sites of culinary interest.
2555 Main St., St. Helena (707) 967-1100, ciachef.edu/california The CIA offers professional training in the food, wine, and hospitality fields, and courses and lectures for the amateur chef.
1316 South Oak St., Calistoga (877) 968-2665, (707) 942-0615, gourmetretreats.com Enjoy cooking classes and culinary learning vacations based out of Calistoga.
Chef John Ash culinary classes
Epiculinary (520) 488-2792, epiculinary.com Epiculinary offers a Bounty of Sonoma package that includes cooking classes.
Napa Valley Cooking School
chefjohnash.com Renowned chef John Ash offers cooking classes at Relish, the Culinary Institute of America, and various shops and wineries.
1088 College Ave., St. Helena (707) 967-2900, napavalley.edu/cookingschool This school at Napa Valley College offers certificate programs for chefs, along with classes and events for food enthusiasts.
14 Matheson St., Healdsburg (707) 431-9999, relishculinary.com Unique Wine Country cooking classes and other culinary events at private homes, art galleries, wineries, and farms around Sonoma County.
Silverado cooking school 1552 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 927-3591, silveradocookingschool.com Hands-on and demonstration cooking classes with fresh ingredients from Chef Malcolm de Sieyes’ own Stone Tree Farm. Private and group classes are also available.
Taverna Sofia
300 Via Archimedes, Geyserville (707) 857-1485, francisfordcoppolawinery.com A menu of recipes that Francis Ford Coppola has collected over a lifetime of travel, filmmaking, and family gatherings. $$$–$$$$
244 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg (707) 431-1982, tavernasofia.com Grandmother’s heirloom recipes and other Greek delectables. $$
Saddles Steakhouse
1580 Eastshore Rd., Bodega Bay (707) 875-2700, terrapincreekcafe.com Neighborhood spot with global fare. $$$-$$$$
29 E. MacArthur St., Sonoma (707) 933-3191, macarthurplace.com A cozy steak house that occupies a restored Victorian estate. $$$
Santé Restaurant 100 Boyes Blvd., Sonoma (707) 939-2415, fairmont.com/sonoma/dining Regional, contemporary California cuisine. $$$$
Scopa 109-A Plaza St., Healdsburg (707) 433-5282, scopahealdsburg.com Italian-influenced cuisine. $$
Sea Thai Bistro
Specialty food stores Dean and Deluca
607 S. St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena (707) 967-9980, deandeluca.com
25 North St., Healdsburg (707) 431-7433, healdsburgshed.com
Freestone Country Store
Soda Canyon Store
500 Bohemian Hwy., Sebastopol (707) 874-1417
4006 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 252-0285, sodacanyonstore.com
Glen Ellen Village Market
Sonoma Cheese Factory
13751 Arnold Dr., Glen Ellen (707) 996-6728, sonoma-glenellenmkt.com
2 Spain St. W., Sonoma (800) 535-2855, (707) 996-1931, sonomacheesefactory.com
Jimtown Store 6706 Hwy. 128, Healdsburg (707) 433-1212, jimtown.com
Market at the Carneros Inn 4048 Sonoma Hwy., Napa (707) 299-4820, thecarnerosinn.com
napa valley olive oil 835 Charter Oak Ave., St. Helena (707) 963-4173, oliveoilsainthelena.com
Oakville Grocery Oakville and Healdsburg (707) 944-8802, (707) 433-3200, oakvillegrocery.com
oxbow Public Market
sonoma gourmet 21684 Eighth St. E., Ste. 100, Sonoma (707) 939-3700, sonomagourmet.com
Sonoma Market 500 W. Napa St., Ste. 550, Sonoma (707) 996-3411, sonoma-glenellenmkt.com
Sunshine foods market 1115 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-7070, sunshinefoodsmarket.com
Vella Cheese company 315 Second St. E., Sonoma (800) 848-0505, (707) 938-3232, vellacheese.com
610 & 644 First St., Napa (707) 226-6529, oxbowpublicmarket.com
Petaluma Market 210 Western Ave., Petaluma (707) 762-5464, petalumamarket.com
The Insiders Guide to Wine Countr y
2350 Midway Dr., Santa Rosa (707) 528-8333, seathaibistrobar.com Modern Thai cuisine with global influences and sustainable ingredients. $$
The shuckery at hotel petaluma 100 Washington St., Petaluma (707) 981-7891, theshuckeryca.com Oyster bar and seafood restaurant. $$$–$$$$
Sonoma’s Best 1190 E. Napa St., Sonoma (707) 996-7600, sonomas-best.com A combo grocery store, wine shop, and coffeehouse that offers a daily menu of fresh sandwiches, panini, salads, and desserts. $$
Spoonbar 219 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg (707) 433-7222, spoonbar.com Contemporary American flavors prepared with locally grown produce. $$$$
Stark’s Steak and Seafood 521 Adams St., Santa Rosa (707) 546-5100, starkrestaurants.com/stark_steakhouse.html Vintage charm and a modern approach to a classic steak-house menu. $$$–$$$$
The Steakhouse at Equus 101 Fountaingrove Pkwy., Santa Rosa (707) 578-0149, fountaingroveinn.com/dinner A hardwood grill. $$$$
The tides wharf restaurant and bar 835 Highway One, Bodega Bay (707) 875-3652, innatthetides.com Breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a seafood emphasis. $$-$$$
Valette Healdsburg 344 Center St., Healdsburg (707) 473-0946, valettehealdsburg.com Local-focused cuisine. $$$–$$$$
Water Street Bistro 100 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma (707) 763-9563, waterstreetbistro.net A French-inspired California café. $
Weromocowoco 22281 Chianti Rd., Geyserville (707) 735-3575, virginiadarewinery.com Hearty American Native cuisine. $$–$$$
Willi’s Seafood and Raw Bar 403 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg (707) 433-9191, starkrestaurants.com/ willis_seafood An extensive list of small plates and an eclectic drink menu. $$
Willi’s Wine Bar 4404 Old Redwood Hwy., Santa Rosa (707) 526-3096, starkrestaurants.com/willis_winebar.html International small plates, which can be paired with wines available by the taste. $$
Yeti Restaurant 14301 Arnold Dr., Ste. 19, Glen Ellen (707) 996-9930; 190 Farmers Ln., Santa Rosa (707) 521-9608, yetirestaurant.com A creative menu of South Asian specialties. $$–$$$
Zazu Kitchen and Farm 6770 McKinley St., Ste. 150, Sebastopol (707) 523-4814, zazukitchen.com Rustic northern Italian–American cuisine. $$$–$$$$
Sunflower Caffé 421 First St. W., Sonoma (707) 996-6645, sonomasunflower.com Local and international wines from the cafe’s garden wine bar, plus breakfast and lunch. $–$$
courtesy of carrie brown
Jimtown Store, Healdsburg
Terrapin Creek
C o u r t e s y o f S o n o m a C o u n t y T o u r i s m / s o n o m a c o u n t y. c o m
Valette, Healdsburg
experience more than a century of napa valley excellence Enjoy Responsibly Š2016 Beaulieu Vineyard, Rutherford, CA
open daily: 10am - 5pm retrospective reserve tasting available daily featuring a flight of library selections www.BVWines.com | 1960 St. Helena Highway, Rutherford, CA 94573
touring wineries should be a sensory experience, not an intellectual one. However fascinating the technology of winemaking—from the gleaming finish of the stainless steel tanks to the hulking oak barrels lining the cool walls of the cellar—wine tasting is the best, most fun, and most efficient way to understand wine. The wine-tasting room offers a relaxed, cordial setting in which to investigate intriguing blends, challenge and expand your palate, and find out what you like and don’t like. Your hosts will help you understand how a wine’s color, aroma, taste, and texture—the teeth-etching acidity of a Sauvignon Blanc, the silky suppleness of a Pinot Noir—engage the senses. Ask your host to explain why Cabernet Franc often evokes the flavor of a bell pepper or why a little Semillon is blended into their Sauvignon Blanc. Tour a winery to understand the complex processes involved in making a sparkling wine. Take part in a wine and food pairing to learn how certain varietals and foods complement each other. Tasting wine will help you learn to trust and value your palate—an ability that will come in handy when a waiter hands you the wine list. 68
The Insiders Guide to Wine Countr y
Clark Miller
Chimney Rock Winery. Napa
Some wineries require appointments or are not open to the public; please call for more details.
B Cellars Vineyards and Winery
Napa County
1006 Monticello Rd., Napa (707) 254-1460, beaucanonestate.com
Acacia Vineyard 2750 Las Amigas Rd., Napa (707) 226-9991, acaciavineyard.com
AdamVS 501 White Cottage Rd. N., Angwin (707) 965-0555, adamvs.com
Alpha Omega Winery 1155 Mee Ln., St. Helena (707) 963-9999, aowinery.com
Amizetta Estate Winery 1099 Greenfield Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-1460, amizetta.com
Ancien Wines 4047 E. Third Ave., Napa (707) 255-3908, ancienwines.com
Anderson’s Conn Valley Vineyards 680 Rossi Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-8600, connvalleyvineyards.com
Andretti Winery 4162 Big Ranch Rd., Napa (707) 259-6777, andrettiwinery.com
Antica Napa Valley 3700 Soda Canyon Rd., Napa (707) 265-8866, anticanapavalley.com
Ardente Estate Winery 2929 Atlas Peak Rd., Napa (707) 226-7669, ardentewinery.com
Arkenstone Vineyards 335 West Ln., Angwin (707) 965-1020, arkenstone.com
Artesa Vineyards and Winery 1345 Henry Rd., Napa (707) 224-1668, artesawinery.com
August Briggs Winery 1307 Lincoln Ave., Ste. B, Calistoga (707) 942-4912, augustbriggswinery.com
Baldacci Family Vineyards
c o u r t e s y o f l a s s e t e r f a m i ly w i n e r y
6236 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 944-9261, baldaccivineyards.com
Ballentine Vineyards 2820 St. Helena Hwy. N., St. Helena (707) 963-7919, ballentinevineyards.com
Barlow Vineyards 4411 Silverado Trail, Calistoga (707) 548-8317, barlowvineyards.com
Barnett Vineyards 4070 Spring Mountain Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-7075, barnettvineyards.com
703 Oakville Cross Rd., Oakville (707) 709-8787, bcellars.com
Beaucanon Estate
Beaulieu Vineyard 1960 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford (707) 967-5200, bvwines.com
Beau Vigne Tasting Room 6795 Washington St., Yountville (707) 947-7058, beauvigne.com
Bello Family Vineyards 8424 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford (707) 967-8833, bellofamilyvineyards.com
Bell Wine Cellars 6200 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-1673, bellwine.com
Benessere Tasting Room 1010 Big Tree Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-5853, benesserevineyards.com
Bennett Lane Winery 3340 Hwy. 128, Calistoga (707) 942-6684, bennettlane.com
Beringer Vineyards 2000 Main St., St. Helena (707) 302-7592, beringer.com
Black Cordon Vineyards Napa (707) 226-6860, blackcordonvineyard.com
Black Stallion Winery 4089 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 227-3250, blackstallionwinery.com
Boeschen Vineyards 3242 Silverado Trail, St. Helena (707) 963-3674, boeschenvineyards.com
Bouchaine Vineyards 1075 Buchli Station Rd., Napa (707) 252-9065, bouchaine.com
Bourassa Vineyards 190 Camino Oruga, Ste. 5, Napa (707) 254-4922, bourassavineyards.com
Bravante Vineyards 300 Stone Ridge Rd., Angwin (707) 965-2552, bravantevineyards.com
Brown Estate 3233 Sage Canyon Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-2435, brownestate.com
Buehler Vineyards 820 Greenfield Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-2155, buehlervineyards.com
Buoncristiani Family Winery (at the Caves at Soda Canyon) 2275 Soda Canyon Rd., Napa (707) 259-1681, buonwine.com
Nancy AND JOHN Lasseter While the name Lasseter is known worldwide in association with Pixar’s wildly popular animated movies, there’s also a Wine Country connection. Nancy and John Lasseter opened Lasseter Family Winery in Glen Ellen in 2010, with a focus on blended wines to pair with food. We asked Nancy to take us on a tour of her favorite spots around Sonoma County. lasseterfamilywinery.com. “For breakfast, we love Pearl’s. They have ‘Nancy’s Eggs’ on the menu, named after an idea I gave them for a pesto egg omelet.” 561 Fifth St. W., Sonoma, (707) 996-1783. “Jack London State Historic Park is awesome. You can take wine and have a picnic there, and my sons love mountain biking there.” jacklondonpark.com. “Whenever I need to buy a wedding gift, I go to Chateau St. Jean. The gift shop always has something special.” chateaustjean.com. “There are so many great places for dinner: Cafe La Haye [cafelahaye.com] is great for a special occasion. Depot Hotel Restaurant [depotsonoma.com] is where we celebrate family birthdays. I love Yeti [yeticuisine.com], which has amazing Himalayan food.” “Sonoma’s beautiful Sebastiani Theatre is the one place that my husband makes sure gets Disney and Pixar movies.” sebastianitheatre.com.
Burgess Cellars
Ceja Vineyards Tasting Room
Chimney Rock Winery
Cornerstone Cellars
1108 Deer Park Rd., Deer Park (707) 963-4766, burgesscellars.com
22989 Burndale Rd., Sonoma (707) 931-6978, cejavineyards.com
5350 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 257-2641, chimneyrock.com
6505 Washington St., Yountville (707) 945-0388, cornerstonecellars.com
Cade Estate Winery
Chappellet Winery
Cliff Lede Vineyards
Cosentino Winery
360 Howell Mtn. Rd. S., Angwin (707) 965-2746, cadewinery.com
1581 Sage Canyon Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-7136, chappellet.com
1473 Yountville Cross Rd., Yountville (707) 944-8642, cliffledevineyards.com
7415 St. Helena Hwy., Yountville (707) 921-2809, cosentinowinery.com
Cain Vineyard and Winery
Charbay Distillery and Winery
Clos Du Val
Cuvaison Estate Wines
3800 Langtry Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-1616, cainfive.com
4001 Spring Mountain Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-9327, charbay.com
5330 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 261-5251, closduval.com
1221 Duhig Rd., Napa (707) 942-2455, cuvaison.com
Cakebread Cellars
Charles Krug Winery
Clos Pegase Winery
8300 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford (800) 588-0298, cakebread.com
2800 Main St., St. Helena (707) 967-2229, charleskrug.com
1060 Dunaweal Ln., Calistoga (707) 942-4981, clospegase.com
4240 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 257-2345, darioush.com
Cardinale Estate
Château Boswell
Conn Creek Winery
David Arthur Vineyards
7600 St. Helena Hwy., Oakville (707) 948-2643, cardinale.com
3468 Silverado Trail, St. Helena (707) 963-5472, chateauboswell.com
8711 Silverado Trail, St. Helena (707) 963-9100, conncreek.com
210 Long Ranch Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-5190, davidarthur.com
Casa Nuestra Winery and Vineyards
Chateau Montelena Winery 1429 Tubbs Ln., Calistoga (707) 942-5105, montelena.com
Constant Diamond Mountain Vineyard
Davis Estates
3451 Silverado Trail N., St. Helena (707) 963-5783, casanuestra.com
Castello di Amorosa
Chiarello Vineyards Tasting Room
Caymus Vineyards
6525 Washington St., Ste. A-2, Yountville (707) 220-8307, chiarellovineyards.com
8700 Conn Creek Rd., Rutherford (707) 967-3010, caymus.com
Corison Winery 987 St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena (707) 963-0826, corison.com
4060 Silverado Trail, Calistoga (707) 942-0700, davisestates.com
Del Dotto Vineyards 1055 Atlas Peak Rd., Napa (707) 963-2134; 1445 St. Helena Hwy. S., St. Helena (707) 963-2134, deldottovineyards.com
Charles Krug Winery, St. Helena
The Insiders Guide to Wine Countr y
Clark Miller
4045 St. Helena Hwy. N., Calistoga (707) 967-6272, castellodiamorosa.com
2121 Diamond Mountain Rd., Calistoga (707) 942-0707, constantwine.com
Delectus Winery
Farella Vineyard
1091 St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena (707) 244-5080, delectuswinery.com
2222 N. Third Ave., Napa (707) 254-9489, farella.com
Domaine Carneros
Far Niente
1240 Duhig Rd., Napa (707) 257-0101, Ext. 150 domainecarneros.com
1350 Acacia Dr., Oakville (707) 944-2861, farniente.com
Domaine Chandon
950 Galleron Rd., Rutherford (707) 967-8333, fleurywinery.com
1 California Dr., Yountville (888) 242-6366, chandon.com
Duckhorn Vineyards 1000 Lodi Ln., St. Helena (707) 963-7108, duckhorn.com
Dutch Henry Winery 4310 Silverado Trail, Calistoga (707) 942-5771, dutchhenry.com
Eagles Trace 680 Rossi Rd., St. Helena (707) 280-3418, eaglestrace.com
Ehlers Estate 3222 Ehlers Ln., St. Helena (707) 963-5972, ehlersestate.com
Elan Vineyards 4500 Atlas Peak Rd., Napa (707) 252-3339, elanvineyards.com
Elizabeth Spencer Wines 1165 Rutherford Rd., Rutherford (707) 963-6067, elizabethspencerwines.com
El Molino Winery 3315 St. Helena Hwy. N., St. Helena (707) 963-3632, elmolinowinery.com
Elyse Winery 2100 Hoffman Ln., Napa (707) 944-2900, elysewinery.com
Entre Nous Wines 7688 St. Helena Hwy., Oakville (707) 982-8000, entrenouswines.com
Envy Wines 1170 Tubbs Ln., Calistoga (707) 942-4670, envywines.com
Etude Wines 1250 Cuttings Wharf Rd., Napa (707) 257-5782, etudewines.com
Failla Wines 3530 Silverado Trail, St. Helena (707) 963-0530, faillawines.com
Falcor Winery 2511 Napa Valley Corporate Dr., Ste. 115, Napa (707) 255-6070, falcorwines.com
Fantesca Estate and Winery Clark Miller
2920 Spring Mountain Rd., St Helena (707) 968-9229, fantesca.com
Fleury Estate Winery
Flora Springs Winery 1978 Zinfandel Ln. W., St. Helena (707) 967-6723, florasprings.com
Foley Johnson Winery 8350 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford (707) 963-1980, foleyjohnsonwines.com
Folie à Deux Winery 7481 St. Helena Hwy. S., Napa (707) 944-2565, folieadeux.com
Fontanella Family Winery 1721 Partrick Rd., Napa (707) 252-1017, fontanellawinery.com
Forman Vineyard 1501 Big Rock Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-3900, formanvineyard.com
Franciscan Estate 1178 Galleron Rd., St. Helena (707) 967-3830, franciscan.com
Frank Family Vineyards 1091 Larkmead Ln., Calistoga (800) 574-9463, frankfamilyvineyards.com
Freemark Abbey Winery 3022 St. Helena Hwy. N., St. Helena (800) 963-9698, freemarkabbey.com
Frog’s Leap 8815 Conn Creek Rd., Rutherford (707) 963-4704, frogsleap.com
Girard Winery Tasting Room 6795 Washington St., Yountville (707) 921-2795, girardwinery.com
Goosecross Cellars 1119 State Ln., Yountville (707) 944-1986, goosecross.com
Grgich Hills Estate 1829 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford (707) 963-2784, grgich.com
Groth Vineyards and Winery 750 Oakville Cross Rd., Oakville (707) 944-0290, grothwines.com
Gustavo 1021 McKinstry St., Napa (707) 257-6796, gustavowine.com
Hagafen Cellars 4160 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 252-0781, hagafen.com
The Hess Collection, Napa
courtesy of marlow bruce
Ma(i)sonry Napa Valley
Nickel and Nickel
6711 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-0889, maisonry.com
8164 St. Helena Hwy., Oakville (707) 967-9600, nickelandnickel.com
Markham Vineyards
Oakville Ranch Vineyards
2812 St. Helena Hwy. N., St. Helena (707) 963-5292, markhamvineyards.com
7781 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 944-9665, oakvilleranch.com
Mark Herold Wines
Odette Estate
710 First St., Napa (707) 256-3111, markheroldwines.com
5998 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 224-7533, odetteestate.com
Marston Family Vineyard
Olabisi Wines
St. Helena (707) 963-8490, marstonfamilyvineyard.com
1226 Washington St., Calistoga (707) 803-0333, olabisiwines.com
Mason Cellars Oxbow Tasting Room
Opus One
714 First St., Napa (707) 255-0658, masoncellars.com
7900 St. Helena Hwy., Oakville (707) 944-9442, opusonewinery.com
McKenzie-Mueller Vineyards
O’Shaughnessy Estate Winery
2530 Las Amigas Rd., Napa (707) 252-0186, mckenziemueller.com
1150 Friesen Dr., Angwin (707) 965-2898, oshaughnessywinery.com
Orin Swift Tasting Room
1000 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-7777, merryvale.com
1325 Main St., St. Helena (707) 967-9179, orinswift.com
Miner Family Winery
Palmaz Vineyards
7850 Silverado Trail, Oakville (800) 366-9463, minerwines.com
4029 Hagen Rd., Napa (707) 226-5587, palmazvineyards.com
Moffett Vineyards
Paoletti Vineyards
340 West Ln., Angwin (707) 290-8123, moffettvineyards.com
4501 Silverado Trail, Calistoga (707) 942-0689, paolettivineyards.com
Monticello Vineyards
Paradigm Winery
4242 Big Ranch Rd., Napa (707) 253-2802, corleyfamilynapavalley.com
1277 Dwyer Rd., Oakville (707) 944-1683, paradigmwinery.com
Morlet Family Vineyards
2825 St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena (707) 967-8690, morletwine.com
7257 Silverado Trail, Napa (888) 354-8885, paraduxx.com
Moss Creek Winery
Patz and Hall Tasting Room
6015 Steele Canyon Rd., Napa (707) 252-1295, mosscreekwinery.com
21200 8th St., Sonoma (707) 265-7700, patzhall.com
Mount Veeder Winery
Peju Province Winery
(at Franciscan Estate) 1178 Galleron Rd., St. Helena (707) 967-3993, mtveeder.com
8466 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford (800) 446-7358, peju.com
Mumm Napa 8445 Silverado Trail, Rutherford (707) 967-7700, mummnapa.com
(at Laird Family Estate) 5055 Solano Ave., Napa (707) 945-0542, peterfranus.com
Napa Cellars
Phifer Pavitt
7481 St. Helena Hwy. S., Napa (800) 535-6400, napacellars.com
4660 Silverado Trail, Calistoga (707) 942-4787, phiferpavittwine.com
Newton Vineyard
Philip Togni Vineyard
2555 Madrona Ave., St. Helena (707) 963-9000, newtonvineyard.com
3780 Spring Mountain Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-3731, philiptognivineyard.com
Nichelini Family Winery
5901 Silverado Trail, Napa (800) 575-9777, pineridgevineyards.com
2950 Sage Canyon Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-0717, nicheliniwinery.com
Peter Franus Wine Company
Marlow Bruce As Director of Public Relations and Communication for Francis Ford Coppola Winery, Marlow Bruce lets visitors know why they should check out the Geyserville winery. “Our tasting rooms feature the property’s numerous wines, a terrific restaurant, and a performing arts pavilion. Plus, there is movie memorabilia everywhere,” she says. We asked Bruce, a Napa resident, to recommend some favorite spots in Wine Country. francisfordcoppolawinery.com. “I love to start the day at the Oxbow Public Market. It’s got all these artisan vendors, lots of delicacies, and its very lively. You can go there again and again and always try something new.” oxbowpublicmarket.com. “There is a great little boutique in downtown Napa called Miyamo, which stocks creative clothes and jewelry.” 1128 First St., Napa, (707) 251-9058. “For wine tasting and dining, I have to recommend Virginia Dare Winery and its new on-site restaurant, Werowocomoco, which features American Native cuisine— lots of hearty ingredients that the earliest inhabitants of this continent used in their cooking.” virginiadarewinery.com.
Pine Ridge Vineyards
PlumpJack Winery 620 Oakville Cross Rd., Oakville (707) 945-1220, plumpjackwinery.com
“I love visiting the gallery at The Hess Collection in Napa. It’s a multistory building and it’s always very interesting.” hesscollection.com.
Pope Valley Winery
Raymond Vineyards
Robert Biale Vineyards
Round Pond Estate Winery
6613 Pope Valley Rd., Pope Valley (707) 965-1246, popevalleywinery.com
849 Zinfandel Ln., St. Helena (707) 963-3141, raymondvineyards.com
4038 Big Ranch Rd., Napa (707) 257-7555, robertbialevineyards.com
875 Rutherford Rd., Rutherford (707) 302-2575, roundpond.com
Prager Winery and Port Works
Regusci Winery
Robert Craig Winery
Rudd Oakville Estate
1281 Lewelling Ln., St. Helena (707) 963-7678, pragerport.com
5584 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 254-0403, regusciwinery.com
625 Imperial Way, Napa (707) 252-2250, Ext. 1, robertcraigwine.com
500 Oakville Crossroad, Oakville (707) 944-8577, ruddwines.com
Pride Mountain Vineyards
Revana Family Vineyard
Robert Keenan Winery
RustRidge Ranch and Winery
4026 Spring Mountain Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-4949, pridewines.com
2930 St. Helena Hwy. N., St. Helena (707) 967-8814, revanawine.com
3660 Spring Mountain Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-9177, keenanwinery.com
2910 Lower Chiles Valley Rd., St. Helena (707) 965-9353, rustridge.com
Provenance Vineyards
Reverie Vineyard and Winery
Robert Mondavi Winery
1695 St. Helena Hwy. S., Rutherford (707) 968-3633, provenancevineyards.com
1520 Diamond Mountain Rd., Calistoga (707) 942-6800, reveriewine.com
7801 St. Helena Hwy., Napa (888) 766-6328, robertmondaviwinery.com
Rutherford Grove Winery and Vineyards
Reynolds Family Winery
Robert Sinskey Vineyards
1463 First St., Napa (707) 226-3046, purecruwines.com
3266 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 258-2558, reynoldsfamilywinery.com
6320 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 944-9090, robertsinskey.com
Ritchie Creek Vineyard
Rocca Family Vineyards
1601 Silverado Trail, Rutherford (707) 286-2730, quintessa.com
4024 Spring Mountain Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-4661, ritchiecreek.com
129 Devlin Rd., Napa (707) 257-8467, roccawines.com
Quixote Winery
Rivera Vineyards
Rombauer Vineyards
6126 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 944-2659, quixotewinery.com
(at Ma(i)sonry Napa Valley) 6711 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-0889, riveravineyards.org
3522 Silverado Trail N., St. Helena (800) 622-2206, rombauer.com
The Insiders Guide to Wine Countr y
Rutherford Hill Winery 200 Rutherford Hill Rd., Rutherford (707) 963-1871, rutherfordhill.com
Rutherford Ranch Winery 1680 Silverado Trail S., St. Helena (707) 968-3200, rutherfordwine.com
Saddleback Cellars 7802 Money Rd., Oakville (707) 944-1305, saddlebackcellars.com
Courtesy of Calistoga Chamber of Commerce
Schramsberg Vineyards, Calistoga
1673 St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena (707) 963-0544, rutherfordgrove.com
OUR NEW PREMIERE PINOT NOIR TASTING showcases distinct single vineyard wines from appellations spanning 1,000 miles of Pacific Coast terroir. These uniques wines are paired with seasonal bites from Sonoma eatery “the girl & the fig.” Celebrate the flavors of wine country in our newly renovated Sonoma Square tasting room. Call or visit us online to book. 380 1ST ST. W, SONOMA, CA 95476 707.933.4440 WALT W INE S .CO M # Root 101
Spring Mountain Vineyard
1500 Los Carneros Ave., Napa (707) 252-0592, saintsbury.com
2805 Spring Mtn. Rd., St. Helena (707) 967-4188, springmountainvineyard.com
Salvestrin Winery
Staglin Family Vineyard
397 Main St., St. Helena (707) 963-5105, salvestrinwinery.com
1570 Bella Oaks Ln., Rutherford (707) 963-3994, staglinfamily.com
Schramsberg Vineyards
Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars
1400 Schramsberg Rd., Calistoga (707) 942-4558, schramsberg.com
5766 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 261-6410, cask23.com
Schweiger Vineyards
Stags’ Leap Winery
4015 Spring Mountain Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-4882, schweigervineyards.com
6150 Silverado Trail, Napa (800) 395-2441, stagsleap.com
Seavey Vineyard
St. Clement Vineyards
1310 Conn Valley Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-8339, seaveyvineyard.com
2867 St. Helena Hwy. N., St. Helena (707) 257-5783, stclement.com
Sequoia Grove
Starmont Winery and Vineyards
8338 St. Helena Hwy., Napa (707) 944-2945, sequoiagrove.com
1451 Stanly Ln., Napa (707) 252-8001, starmontwinery.com
Seven Stones Winery
Sterling Vineyards
840 Meadowood Ln., St. Helena (707) 963-0993, sevenstoneswinery.com
1111 Dunaweal Ln., Calistoga (800) 726-6136, sterlingvineyards.com
Shafer Vineyards
Stonehedge Winery Tasting Room
6154 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 944-2877, shafervineyards.com
1004 Clinton St., Napa (707) 257-1068, stonehedgewinery.com
Sherwin Family Vineyards
Stony Hill Vineyard
4060 Spring Mtn. Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-1154, sherwinfamilyvineyards.com
3331 St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena (707) 963-2636, stonyhillvineyard.com
Signorello Estate
Storybook Mountain Vineyards
4500 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 255-5990, signorelloestate.com
3835 Hwy. 128, Calistoga (707) 942-5310, storybookwines.com
Silverado Vineyards
St. Supéry Estate Vineyards and Winery
6121 Silverado Trail, Napa (707) 257-1770, silveradovineyards.com
Silver Oak Cellars 915 Oakville Crossroad, Oakville (707) 942-7022, silveroak.com
Sky Vineyards Mount Veeder, Napa Valley (707) 935-1391, skyvineyards.com
Smith-Madrone Vineyards and Winery 4022 Spring Mtn. Rd., St. Helena (707) 963-2283, smithmadrone.com
Somerston Ranch Estate Vineyards and Winery
8440 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford (707) 963-4507, stsupery.com
Sullivan Vineyards 1090 Galleron Rd., Rutherford (707) 963-9646, sullivanwine.com
Wine Collectives Wine collectives and cooperatives are tasting facilities run by groups of small wineries, offering boutique winemakers the opportunity to share their wines with the public. ma(i)sonry Napa Valley
2000 Summit Lake Dr., Angwin (707) 965-2488, summitlakevineyards.com
6711 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-0889, maisonry.com Blackbird Vineyards, Casa Piena, Coup de Foudre, Entre Nous Wines, Fisher Vineyards, Husic Vineyards, Juslyn Vineyards, Lail Vineyards, Ma(i)sonry Napa Valley, Pahlmeyer, Pedras Wine Company, R.A. Harrison Family Cellars, Recuerdo Wines, Renteria Wines, Rivera Vineyards, Skipstone Ranch, Tor Kenward Family Wines, Uvaggio.
Summers Estate Wines 1171 Tubbs Ln., Calistoga (707) 942-5508, summerswinery.com
Summit Lake Vineyards and Winery
Sutter Home Family Vineyards
Silenus Vintners
3450 Sage Canyon Rd., St. Helena (707) 967-8414, somerstonwineco.com
277 St. Helena Hwy. S., St. Helena (707) 963-3104, Ext. 4208, sutterhome.com
Spottswoode Estate Vineyard and Winery
Swanson Vineyards
5225 Solano Ave., Napa (707) 299-3930, silenusvintners.com Cielo Malibu Estate Vineyards, Fifty Row, Gentleman Farmer, Highlands Winery, Ideology Cellars, Idell Family Vineyards, Le Chanceux, Nakamura Cellars, Napa Valley Connection, O’Connell Family Wines, Rouge Adieu, Rowdy Red Wine Company, Roubaix Vineyards, Scott Harvey Winery, Silenus Winery, Thorn Hill Vineyards, Tognetti Family Winery, Webster Cellars.
1902 Madrona Ave., St. Helena (707) 963-0134, spottswoode.com
1271 Manley Ln., Rutherford (707) 754-4018, swansonvineyards.com
Tamber Bey Vineyards 1251 Tubbs Ln., Calistoga (707) 942-2100, tamberbey.com
The Insiders Guide to Wine Countr y
The tasting room at napa wine company 7830–40 St. Helena Hwy., Oakville (800) 848-9630, trnapawineco.com Acre, Apriori Cellar, Blackbird Vineyards, Dylan’s Ghost, Elizabeth Rose, Eponymous, Flying Horse, Ghost Block, Hoopes Vineyard, Jelly Jar, Johndrow Vineyards, Kelly Family Vineyards, Levendi, Liparita, Michael Pozzan Wines, Mirror Napa Valley, Nova Wines, Oakville Winery, Ottimino, Pavi Wines, Red Mare, Vinum, Volker Eisele Family Estate, Voss Vineyards, William Knuttel.
Vintner’s Collective 1245 Main St., Napa (707) 255-7150, vintnerscollective.com Ancien Wines, Azur Wines, Bardessono Vineyards, Buoncristiani, Clark-Claudon Vineyards, D Cubed Cellars, Ellman Family Vineyards, Entre Nous Wines, Flanagan Wines, Gemella Wines, Krupp Brothers, Las Bonitas, Longfellow, Mi Sueño Winery, Parallel Wines, Tournesol, Vinoce.
Discover Our Winery Exclusive Wines Let us welcome you to our historic tasting room, housed in the original winery built in 1847. Taste the wines you know and love along with our winery exclusive offerings.
Mention this ad for a 10% discount on your purchase. Complimentary tastings 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily 277 St. Helena Highway, St. Helena, CA • 707-302-3296 • sutterhome.com ©2016 Sutter Home Winery, Inc., St. Helena CA
WHAT IS AN AVA? American Viticultural Areas (AVAs) are regions whose climate and soil create unique growing conditions. Grapes from a particular AVA have distinct characteristics— flavors, acidity, textures. Most winemakers blend grapes from various AVAs to maximize these characteristics. If an AVA is named on a label (just beneath the wine’s name or grape variety), at least 85 percent of the wine’s grapes come from that AVA. See the winery maps starting on page 94 for the location of each AVA.
NAPA county
American Viticultural Areas Atlas Peak The mountainous terrain here is cooler year-round than the valley floor, and the volcanic soil, which often requires irrigation, yields higher acidity Cabernet Sauvignons and Sangioveses, and crisp Chardonnays laced with floral and pear flavors. calistoga This historic winemaking region—known for Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel, and Syrah—gained official AVA status in 2010. The area is distinguished by high elevation, volcanic soil, and the highest diurnal temperature variation in the valley. Chiles Valley Protected by the surrounding hills, Chiles Valley is mostly warm, but its higher elevation means cooler nights. The Cabernet Sauvignons, Merlots, Rhône varieties, and Zinfandels from here are strong and juicy, with unmistakable blackberry, chocolate, and plum flavors. Chardonnays and Sauvignon Blancs are on the lighter, crisper side. Coombsville Napa’s newest AVA (designated in 2011) is tucked away in a quiet southeastern corner of the valley, with soil containing abundant rock, gravel, and layers of volcanic ash. The area’s Cabernet Sauvignon and other Bordelais varietals are marked by soft but significant tannins and underlying layers of earth and mineral flavors. Diamond Mountain Afternoon breezes and marine air keep this region cool. The Cabernet Sauvignons, Cabernet Francs, and Merlots are firmly structured, rich, and very tannic when young, with strong black currant, mineral, and cedar flavors, and have excellent aging potential. The Chardonnays are full-bodied with peach and green apple aromas. Howell Mountain Across the valley from Spring Mountain, this AVA is warm and dry thanks to abundant afternoon sun. High elevations and cool nights help maintain good acidity. The soil is volcanic and shallow, but the red wine grapes are powerful and rich in tannins, with superb aging acidity. Los Carneros Breezes from San Pablo Bay keep Carneros cool year-round, ideal for sparkling wines. The main varietals from this shallow, clay-filled soil are spicy pear and apple Chardonnays; lightly herbal Merlots; spicy, intense Syrahs; and Pinot Noirs that yield cinnamon and cherry flavors. Mount Veeder The fog rarely reaches these vineyards, making for warmer nights. Wines from these grapes are intense and age well, yielding Bordeaux-style tannic reds such as Cabernet Sauvignons, Merlots, and Zinfandels, as well as Chardonnays with good acidity. Oak Knoll District of Napa Valley AVA The marine morning air and fog keep this region cool, producing Merlots and Cabernet Sauvignons that benefit from the longer growing season and are defined by cassis, tobacco, and spices typical of Bordeaux-style reds. The Chardonnays yield apple and tropical fruit flavors. Oakville This AVA is moderately warm, cooled by early morning and night fog, which maintain consistent acidity levels. This is Cab country, with Cabs the main varietal, along with Merlots, which are heavy with currant and mint. The Sauvignon Blancs are full-bodied. Rutherford Early-morning fog moderates the year-round warmth here, and the volcanic soil’s deep and fertile gravel and sand have made this region Cabernet country as well. The cherry flavor is intense, but the tannins are supple enough to withstand longer aging. Spring Mountain High elevations and cool nights maintain good acidity here. Thanks to great drainage and low fertility, the Cabernets, Merlots, and Zinfandels yield powerful and rich tannins and superb aging acidity. The chardonnay grapes emit less juice but deliver an intense citrus flavor. Stags Leap This AVA is on the warm side, and the heat radiating from sun-soaked rocks then cooled by the bay yields Cabernet Sauvignons, Merlots, and Sangioveses that have a velvety texture. The wines are defined by rich cherry flavors and supple tannins. Chardonnays and Sauvignon Blancs yield citrus and apple flavors. St. Helena Little fog or wind penetrates this valley, where the sun and the gravelly, claylike soil yield Cabernets, Merlots, and Zinfandels, which all have rich berry flavors and are well structured. Rhône varietals such as Syrah are slightly earthy and supple. Wild Horse Valley This warm AVA in the east is cooled by the winds of nearby Suisun Bay. The volcanic soil often requires irrigation and yields cherry-like Cabs and Sangioveses, along with crisp, floral, pear-like Chardonnays. Yountville The moderate climate here—cool, foggy mornings and breezy afternoons—yields Cabernet Sauvignons and Merlots that are rich in flavor and firm in tannins. The Chardonnays are crisp and apple-like, and the Sauvignon Blancs are loaded with lemon flavor.
The Insiders Guide to Wine Countr y
Sonoma county
American Viticultural Areas Alexander Valley Named after pioneer Cyrus Alexander, this AVA is adjacent to the Russian River. The area’s tame Cabernet Sauvignons rarely need to be mellowed by blending with Merlot. Earthy Zinfandels, Merlots, French Syrahs, Italian Sangioveses, and Chardonnays are all prolific here. Bennett Valley With fewer than 700 acres, and farmed mainly by small independent growers, this AVA is defined by a long growing season that maximizes flavors, increases concentration, and softens tannins. Cool weather produces varietals such as Merlot, Syrah, Chardonnay, and Pinot Noir. Carneros Carneros’s cool morning fog blankets lightly soiled hills that roll over into Napa County. Pinot Noirs that evoke strawberries, Chardonnays with light peach notes, and spicy, intense Syrahs thrive here. More recently, the area has begun to produce Merlots full of cassis flavor. Chalk Hill Named for its whitened volcanic-ash hillsides, which afford excellent drainage, this central AVA produces mineral-filled Sauvignon Blancs, sturdy Chardonnays, and black currant and cassis Cabs, as well as Cabernet Francs and Merlots. Dry Creek Valley The valley’s stony soil and warm days tempered by morning Pacific fog yield excellent Sauvignon Blancs and what’s considered by many the quintessential Zinfandel. Fort Ross–Seaview Carved out of the large Sonoma Coast AVA in 2011, this mountainous area near the Pacific Ocean is above the fog line, with longer periods of sunlight. It is known for its Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Fountaingrove This 38,000-acre appellation in central-eastern Sonoma County has a long history of Pinot Noir, Riesling, and Zinfandel grape production. Top varietals include Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Franc, Zinfandel, Syrah, and Viognier. Green Valley T he coldest AVA in Wine Country, Green Valley is where a grape variety’s fruity components can best mature. Chardonnays, Gewürztraminers, Pinot Noirs, and Sauvignon Blancs are flavored by nutmeg, cinnamon, and floral aromas. Knights Valley In the warmest AVA, Sauvignon Blancs with hints of fig and melon ripen best here. Rich reds and Bordeaux Meritage varietals such as Cabernet Sauvignons and Francs, Merlots, Malbecs, and Petit Verdots are also excellent. moon mountain This district east of Glen Ellen, with elevations ranging from 400 to 2,000 feet above sea level, has been producing prized wine grapes since the 1860s. Cabernet Sauvignon and Zinfandel are this AVA’s longtime heavy hitters, with Pinot Noir also playing a key role. northern sonoma The second-largest AVA within Sonoma County at 329,000-acres, nearly every grape variety grown in Sonoma County grows on vines in Northern Sonoma. Wines bearing the appellation include Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Zinfandel, and Sauvignon Blanc. pine mountain–cloverdale peak One of the highest viticultural areas in Sonoma County, altitude-wise, this 4,600-acre AVA produces a majority of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, as well as Malbec, Merlot, Muscat, Riesling, and Sangiovese. Rockpile In the county’s northwest corner, this AVA is defined, as its name suggests, by bare ridgelines and demanding soils. The higher elevations mean cooler temperatures but greater sun exposure, producing intense, defined Zinfandels, Petite Sirahs, Syrahs, and Cabernet Sauvignons. Russian River Valley This is Pinot Noir territory. Where most red wines strive for flavor, Pinot Noirs are about texture, and here the morning river fog combines with the afternoon sun to develop mature fruit with complex flavors. Sonoma Coast The coolest part of Sonoma County, this AVA receives twice as much rainfall as the other AVAs. Grapes achieve their fullest flavor here by growing above the morning fog line on slopes farther inland. Known wines here include creamy Chardonnays and black-cherry Pinot Noirs. Sonoma Mountain Well above the morning fog line, this diverse AVA yields Cabs that are of the Bordeaux style as well as excellent Pinot Noirs and Sauvignon Blancs. Steep slopes, well-drained soil, and full morning light conspire to yield an intense currant flavor with touches of blackberry. Sonoma Valley Chardonnays and Pinot Noirs for table and sparkling wines are produced from this AVA’s cooler areas. Chardonnays with hints of apple and Cabs heavy with the flavor of currants come from varieties grown up-valley. Zinfandels with peppery, spicy, and raspberry flavors come from grapes even higher up the ridges.
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The Insiders Guide to Wine Countr y
F. Teldeschi Winery
Imagery Estate Winery
3555 Dry Creek Rd., Healdsburg (707) 433-6626, teldeschi.com
14335 Sonoma Hwy., Glen Ellen (707) 935-4500, imagerywinery.com
Gary Farrell Vineyards and Winery
Inman Family Wines
10701 Westside Rd., Healdsburg (707) 473-2909, garyfarrellwinery.com
3900 Piner Rd., Santa Rosa (707) 293-9576, inmanfamilywines.com
Geyser Peak Winery
Inspiration Vineyards and Winery
2306 Magnolia Dr., Healdsburg, (707) 857-2500, geyserpeakwinery.com
3360 Coffey Ln., Ste. E, Santa Rosa (707) 237-4980, inspirationvineyards.com
GlenLyon Vineyards and Winery
Iron Horse Vineyards
2750 Johns Hill Rd., Glen Ellen (707) 833-0032, glenlyonwinery.com
9786 Ross Station Rd., Sebastopol (707) 887-1507, ironhorsevineyards.com
Gloria Ferrer Caves and Vineyards
Jacuzzi Family Vineyards
23555 Hwy. 121, Sonoma (707) 933-1917, gloriaferrer.com
24724 Arnold Dr., Sonoma (707) 931-7575, jacuzziwines.com
Grove Street Winery
Jordan Vineyard and Winery
1451 Grove St., Healdsburg (800) 399-1074, grovestreetwinery.com
1474 Alexander Valley Rd., Healdsburg (800) 654-1213, jordanwinery.com
Gundlach Bundschu
Joseph Swan Vineyards
2000 Denmark St., Sonoma (707) 938-5277, gunbun.com
2916 Laguna Rd., Forestville (707) 573-3747, swanwinery.com
Hamel Family Wines
J Vineyards and Winery
15401 Sonoma Hwy., Sonoma (707) 996-5800, hamelfamilywines.com
11447 Old Redwood Hwy., Healdsburg, (888) 594-6326, jwine.com
Hanna Winery
Keating Wines
5353 Occidental Rd., Santa Rosa (707) 575-3371, hannawinery.com
23564 Arnold Dr., Sonoma (707) 939-6510, keatingwines.com
Hanzell Vineyards
Keller Estate
18596 Lomita Ave., Sonoma (707) 996-3860, hanzell.com
5875 Lakeville Hwy., Petaluma (707) 765-2117, kellerestate.com
Hartford Family Winery
Kendall-Jackson Wine Estate and Gardens
8075 Martinelli Rd., Forestville (707) 887-1756, hartfordwines.com
Harvest Moon Estate and Winery 2192 Olivet Rd., Santa Rosa (707) 573-8711, harvestmoonwinery.com
C o u r t e s y o f s o n o m a c o u n t y t o u r i s m / s o n o m a c o u n t y. c o m
Hawkes Winery
5007 Fulton Rd., Fulton (800) 287-9818, kj.com
Kenwood Vineyards 9592 Sonoma Hwy., Kenwood (707) 282-4228, kenwoodvineyards.com
6738 Hwy. 128, Healdsburg (707) 433-4295; 383 First St. W., Sonoma (707) 938-7620, hawkeswine.com
Kokomo Winery
Haywood Estate Winery
13250 River Rd., Guerneville (707) 824-7708, korbel.com
18000 Gehricke Rd., Sonoma (707) 996-4298, haywoodwinery.com
HKG Estate Wines 6050 Westside Rd., Healdsburg (707) 433-6491, hkgwines.com
Homewood Winery 23120 Burndale Rd., Sonoma (707) 996-6353, homewoodwinery.com
Ledson Winery and Vineyards, Kenwood
4791 Dry Creek Rd., Healdsburg (707) 433-0200, kokomowinery.com
Korbel Winery
Kunde Family Winery 9825 Sonoma Hwy., Kenwood (707) 833-5501, kunde.com
La Crema 235 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg (800) 314-1762, lacrema.com
La Follette Wines
Hook and Ladder Vineyards and Winery
180 Morris St., Sebastopol (707) 395-3902, lafollettewines.com
2134 Olivet Rd., Santa Rosa (707) 526-2255, hookandladderwinery.com
Lake Sonoma Winery 135 Church St., Sonoma (707) 721-1979, lakesonomawinery.com
Mazzocco Vineyards and Winery
4085 W. Dry Creek Rd., Healdsburg (707) 431-9600, lambertbridge.com
1400 Lytton Springs Rd., Healdsburg (707) 433-3399, mazzocco.com
Lancaster Estate
Meadowcroft Wines
15001 Chalk Hill Rd., Healdsburg (707) 433-8178, lancaster-estate.com
23574 Arnold Dr., Sonoma (707) 934-4090, meadowcroftwines.com
Landmark Vineyards
Medlock Ames
101 Adobe Canyon Rd., Kenwood (707) 833-0053, landmarkwine.com
3487 Alexander Valley Rd., Healdsburg (707) 431-8845, medlockames.com
La Rochelle Winery
The Meeker Vineyard
233 Adobe Canyon Rd., Kenwood (707) 302-8000, lrwine.com
21035 Geyserville Rd., Geyserville (707) 431-2148, meekerwine.com
Larson Family Winery
Merriam Vineyards
23355 Millerick Rd., Sonoma (707) 938-3031, larsonfamilywinery.com
11650 Los Amigos Rd., Healdsburg (707) 433-4032, merriamvineyards.com
Laurel Glen Vineyard
Merry Edwards Winery
969 Carquinez Ave., Glen Ellen (707) 933-9877, laurelglen.com
2959 Gravenstein Highway N., Sebastopol (707) 823-7466, merryedwards.com
Ledson Winery and Vineyards
7335 Sonoma Hwy., Kenwood (707) 537-3810, ledson.com
4155 Wine Creek Rd., Healdsburg (707) 433-7427, michelschlumberger.com
Limerick Lane Cellars
Mietz Cellars
1023 Limerick Ln., Healdsburg (707) 433-9211, limericklanewines.com
602 Limerick Ln., Healdsburg (707) 433-7103, mietzcellars.com
Little Vineyards Family Winery
Mill Creek Vineyards and Winery
15188 Sonoma Hwy., Glen Ellen (707) 996-2750, littlevineyards.com
1401 Westside Rd., Healdsburg (707) 431-2121, millcreekwinery.com
Lynmar Estate
3909 Frei Rd., Sebastopol (707) 829-3374, lynmarestate.com
2355 W. Dry Creek Rd., Healdsburg (707) 433-9499, montemaggiore.com
MacPhail Family Wines
Moondance Cellars
6761 McKinley St., Sebastopol (707) 824-8400, macphailwine.com
4901 Blank Rd., Sebastopol (707) 823-0880, moondancecellars.com
MacRostie Winery and Vineyards
Mounts Family Winery
4605 Westside Rd., Healdsburg (707) 473-9303, macrostiewinery.com
3901 Wine Creek Rd., Healdsburg (707) 292-8148, mountswinery.com
Madrone Vineyards Estate
Muscardini Cellars
777 Madrone Rd., Glen Ellen (707) 939-4500, madronevineyardsestate.com
9380 Sonoma Hwy., Kenwood (707) 933-9305, muscardinicellars.com
Marimar Estate Vineyards and Winery
Mutt Lynch Winery
11400 Graton Rd., Sebastopol (707) 823-4365, marimarestate.com
Martinelli Winery and Vineyards 3360 River Rd., Windsor (800) 346-1627, martinelliwinery.com
Martin Ray Vineyards and Winery 2191 Laguna Rd., Santa Rosa (707) 823-2404, martinraywinery.com
Matanzas Creek Winery 6097 Bennett Valley Rd., Santa Rosa (800) 590-6464, matanzascreek.com
Mauritson Wines 2859 Dry Creek Rd., Healdsburg (707) 431-0804, mauritsonwines.com
9050 Windsor Rd., Windsor (707) 942-6180, muttlynchwinery.com
Sonoma County
Wine Collectives Wine collectives and cooperatives are tasting facilities run by groups of small wineries, offering boutique winemakers the opportunity to share their wines with the public.
Nalle Winery
Cornerstone sonoma
2383 Dry Creek Rd., Healdsburg (707) 433-1040, nallewinery.com
23570 Arnold Dr., Sonoma (707) 933-3010, cornerstonesonoma.com Keating Wines, Meadowcraft Wines, Poseidon Vineyard and Obsidian Ridge, Prohibition Spirits Distillery Experience.
21023 Geyserville Ave., Geyserville (707) 857-4900, localstastingroom.com Arbios Cellars, Bedarra Vineyards, Bodkin Wines, Eric Ross Winery, Kitfox Wines, Munselle Vineyards, Parmeson Wines, Pendleton Estate, Peterson Winery, Praxis Cellars, William Gordon Winery.
Nicholson Ranch 4200 Napa Rd., Sonoma (707) 938-8822, nicholsonranch.com
Optima Winery 101 Grant Ave., Healdsburg (707) 431-8222, optimawinery.com
Pangloss Cellars 35 E. Napa St., Sonoma (707) 933-8565, panglosscellars.com
The Insiders Guide to Wine Countr y
Dry Creek cooperative tasting room 4791 Dry Creek Rd., Healdsburg (707) 433-0100, familywineriesdrycreek.com Collier Falls, Dashe Cellars, Forth Vineyards, Lago di Merlo Vineyards and Winery, Mietz Cellars, Philip Staley Vineyards and Winery.
timber crest farms collective 4791 Dry Creek Rd., Healdsburg timbercrest.com Amphora Winery, Kokomo Winery, Papapietro Perry Winery, Trattore Wines, Peterson Winery.
courtesy of sonoma county tourism
Lambert Bridge
Hans Fahden
Summit Lake
Lamborn Family
Pope Valley
Lake Berryessa
St. Helena
Venge/Phifer Pavitt Sterling Adamvs Cuvaison O’Shaughnessy Dutch Henry Barlow Angwin S I LV Paoletti E Davis Estates Cade Clos Pegase W.H. Smith Frank Family Bravante Ladera CH IL Larkmead ES Tank Garage T-Vine Odette Estate Madrigal Family & Twomey ReverieR D PO Benessere PE Von Strasser A I N Arkenstone Tudal Viader VA T N LL U Burgess Cellars Schramsberg E MO Y E D Failla R RO GT Rombauer ON I AD Chateau Boswell B Constant-Diamond Mountain Castello Di Amorosa AM Duckhorn I Casa Nuestra D Hunnicutt Anderson’s Conn Valley Boeschen Ehlers Estate Philip Togni Barnett Freemark Abbey Smith-Madrone Robert Keenan Pride Mountain St. Clement Volker Eisele El Molino Schweiger Ritchie Creek RustRidge Ranch I SP Revana Family Sherwin RING OD L Ballentine MO Forman UN Amizetta Markham TA Seavey ÙTo Santa Rosa Charles Krug R D Hill Trinchero Stony Joseph Phelps Y RO R Domaine Charbay Eagles Trace Merryvale T Vintners A Dozen AD Buehler Kuleto Estate Guilliams St.GClement Rasmussen Quintessa Terra Valentine Beringer Louis M. Martini Brown Estate William Harrison PE Rutherford Hill Heitz Cellars Newton PO Nichelini VGS Chateau Potelle Spring Mountain Spottswoode V. Sattui Orin Somerston Corison Salvestrin Round Hill EL CANY Prager Port Works D ON R Sullivan Rutherford Ranch N OAD Bello Family FA Raymond N Sutter Home ZI Cain Fleury Estate Mumm Napa Hall Cloud View Kelham Arger-Martucci Franciscan Estate Flora Springs Marston Whitehall Lane Frog’s Leap Chappellet Alpha Omega Del Dotto Caymus The Terraces Beaulieu Rutherford Grove Round Pond Estate Miner Family Honig D Provenance OR ZD PlumpJack RF HE Sequoia Grove Grgich Hills T Rudd RU Krupp Brothers Estate Sawyer Cellars Oakville Ranch Elizabeth Spencer Groth Cakebread Peju Province Vine Cliff Continuum Estate Turnbull Saddleback St. Supery Rivera Silver Oak Ingelnook Jocelyn Lonen Nickel & Cardinale S Swanson Krupp OS Nickel CR Staglin E Long Meadow Bialla Opus One ILL Robert Mondavi KV Paraduxx Tres Sabores OA Cult Wine Central Antica Entre Nous Robert Sinskey Far Niente Paradigm Baldacci Cliff Lede Folie À Deux/Napa Cellars Lokoya Shafer Quixote S Vin Roc Wine Caves Cosentino Goosecross OS Steltzner CR Silverado E L G R Stag’s Leap E Domaine Chandon L A L D I E IL TV Vigne KV Beau Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars UN OA Regusci YO Pine Ridge W Hestan DR Chimney Rock A Girard Y Hartwell Clos Du Val CR Hope and Grace Jessup Cellars EE K Cornerstone Cellars Maisonry LA
Bennett Lane Storybook Mountain Tamber Bey Summers Envy
Chateau Montelena Vincent Arroyo Laura Michael Onthedge/Vermeil Lava B Cellars Rios August Briggs
Helena View/Johnston
ÙTo Santa Rosa
Pope Valley
Aetna Springs
Aetna Springs
Girard Hope and Grace Cornerstone Cellars
Hartwell Clos Du Val Jessup Cellars Maisonry Hill Family Estate
Michael Mondavi Family Estate
Van Der Heyden Ardente Reynolds Family Silverado Trail William Hill
Darioush Hagafen White Rock Black Stallion
Luna Jarvis Del Dotto
To San Francisco and the East Bay Ü à
Rocca Family Bourassa
Falcor Delectus Patz & Hall Dominari
Gustavo Olabisi/Trahan
Mark Herold Ancien
Kenzo Whetstone Wine Cellars Judd’s Hill
1 ST
Mason Cellars
X Winery
Twenty Rows
Vintner’s Collective
Saintsbury Etude McKenzie-Mueller Acacia Bouchaine
Robert Craig Stonehedge Bayview Cellars VA L L E Y R Wines Vermeil OAD PureCru Ceja
Domaine Carneros Cuvaison Estate
Silenus Vintners L Laird N O L
Astrale e Terra Signorello Estate
O Trefethen Monticello Black Cordon Robert Biale Andretti Soda Canyon
Hopper Creek
Hess Collection Yates Hendry Fontanella
Mount Veeder
Madonna Estate/Mont St. John
ÙTo Sonoma
N a p a c o u n t y WINERIES
ÙTo Glen Ellen
Pedroncelli Geyser Peak Meeker
Leonhardt Silver Oak Preston Frick David Coffaro
Clos Du Bois
Locals Tasting Room Francis Ford Coppola
Geyserville Yoakim Bridge Kokomo Mosaic Forchini Dutcher Crossing Murphy-Goode Peterson Amphora Raymond Burr Hafner Michel-Schlumberger Mazzocco Rued Stonestreet Ridge/Lytton Springs Papaprietro Perry Stryker Sonoma Jordan Family Wineries White Oak Simi of Dry Creek Valley Seghesio Deux Amis Mounts Family Alexander Valley Grove Street Quivira Wilson Soda Rock Stuhlmuller A. Rafanelli Mueller Nalle The Wine Carriage Dry Creek Mietz Sapphire Hill Hanna Passalacqua Banshee Montemaggiore Field Stone F. Teldeschi Selby Lancaster Mauritson/DaVero Lake Sonoma Vérité Huntington Souverain Archipel Pezzi King Unti Davis Family Toad Hollow Lambert Bridge Optima Christopher Creek Everett Ridge Huntington Limerick Lane Vineyard of Pasterick Macphail Foppiano Ramey Gallo of Sonoma Mutt Lynch Family Moon Mountain MurphyAlderbrook Acorn/Alegria La Crema Goode Merriam Mill Creek Armida Rodney Strong J Vineyards Chalk Hill C. Donatiello Toad Hollow Twomey De Natale Hop Kiln Rochioli Inman Family Wines Arista Davis Bynum K-J Wine Center Windsor Korbel Copain
Fritz Underground
To Mendocino County
To Calistoga
s o n o m a c o u n t y WINERIES
To Bodega Bay
Arista K-J Wine Center Copain River Bend Ranch Porter Creek Gary Farrell Sonoma-Cutrer Martinelli
Valley Ford
Keller Estate
Cline Cellars
Robledo Family Hanzell
Ram’s Gate
To Vallejo
Homewood Larson Family Schug Carneros Estate Grange Sonoma Gloria Ferrer Jacuzzi Family
To Napa
Gundlach Bundschu Scribe Peter Cellars MacRostie Nicholson Ranch
The Adobe
Ravenswood Haywood Estate Bartholomew Park Roche Castle Buena Vista Carneros Sebastiani Sonoma Enoteca
Hamel Family Wines
Hamel Family
Sonoma Corner 103
To San Francisco
Adobe Road
Eric Ross Little Robert Hunter Moon Mountain
Glen Ellen Moondance
To Napa County
Kenwood Kunde Deerfield Ranch Coturri Hawkes/Roesslar Sky Laurel Glen Vineyard Audelssa Estate Imagery Estate Arrowood B.R. Cohn Madrone
St. Francis Ledson Chateau St. Jean Loxton
Rohnert Park
Smothers/Remick Ridge Flanagan Benziger Family GlenLyon
VJB Matanzas Creek Sable Ridge
Fisher Paradise Ridge
Landmark Muscardini/Ty Caton B Wise Coturri
Ancient Oak Cellars
Santa Rosa
La Crema
Harvest Moon Sunce Hook and Ladder De Loach Siduri/Novy Graton Balletto r Re d C a Hanna Rutz Inspiration Dutton Taft Street Marimar Torres Estate River Road Merry Edwards
Wine Guerrilla
Davis Bynum
Hartford Topolos Joseph Swan Iron Horse River Road Martin Ray Paul Hobbs Lynmar Dutton Estate
T O U R S Offbeat Tours
Balloons Above the Valley
3810 Cypress Dr., Petaluma (800) 429-4549, (707) 763-1700, mrsgrossmans.com The guided tour includes a video, craft activity, and visit to the company store.
(800) 464-6824, (707) 253-2222, balloonrides.com
Calistoga Balloons (888) 995-7700, (707) 942-5758, calistogaballoons.com
Napa Valley Aloft (855) 944-4408, (707) 944-4400, nvaloft.com
Napa Valley Balloons, Inc. (800) 253-2224, (707) 944-0228, napavalleyballoons.com
Up and Away Hot Air Ballooning (800) 711-2998, (707) 836-0171, up-away.com
Wine Country Balloons (800) 759-5638, (707) 538-7359, balloontours.com
Bike Tours
Mrs. Grossman’s Sticker factory
Organic Farms sustainable agriculture Van Tour (415) 971-5201, californianaturetours.com Drive and nosh your way through artisan shops and organic farms. Available June through October.
the wine carriage 8644 Hwy. 128, Healdsburg (707) 849-8989, thewinecarriage.com Travel through at least three vineyards in a horse-drawn carriage, and enjoy wine tasting and gourmet lunch.
River Tours napa valley adventure tours
(888) 396-5383, (617) 776-4441, duvine.com A four-day biking excursion starting in San Francisco and ending in Napa.
1147 First St., Napa (707) 259-1833, napavalleyadventuretours.com Kayak the tranquil Napa River on solo or guided trips year-round. Bike and hiking tours also available.
getaway Adventures
Soar Inflatables
DuVine cycling and Adventure
2228 Northpoint Pkwy., Santa Rosa (800) 499-2453, (707) 568-3040, getawayadventures.com Bike and kayak through Wine Country.
napa valley bike tours 6795 Washington St., Yountville (707) 944-2953, napavalleybiketours.com Six-hour tour rolls through three winery properties. Tandems available.
Wine Country Bikes 61 Front St., Healdsburg (866) 922-4537, (707) 473-0610, winecountrybikes.com Flexible day or weeklong, guided or self-guided bike tours in Dry Creek and Napa valleys.
20 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg (707) 433-5599, soar1.com Rent inflatable canoes and float down the Russian River.
Vehicle Tours Beau Wine Tours and Limousine Service (707) 938-8001, beauwinetours.com Create your own itinerary or have Beau do it for you.
California Wine Tours and Transportation 4075 Solano Ave., Napa; 22455 Broadway, Sonoma (800) 294-6386, californiawinetours.com Specializes in corporate wine tours.
Napa Valley Limousine Services
Sonoma Walking Tour
(707) 258-0689, nvlimo.com Offers full concierge services.
(707) 815-1277, sonomawalkingtour.com Includes cheese tasting and visits to a variety of local points of interest.
Napa Valley Tours and Transportation
Wine Country Trekking
407 Soscol Ave., Napa (707) 251-9463, nvtt.net Tour boutique wineries in Napa Valley.
(888) 287-8735, winecountrytrekking.com Self-guided custom walking tours that include meals, wine tasting, and hotels.
Napa Valley Wine Country Tours
Wine-Tasting Tours
(707) 226-3333, winecountrylimos.com Scenic and wine tasting tours.
Napa Wine Country Tours (925) 262-8156, napawinecountrytours.com Guided tours from Napa to Calistoga.
Napa Winery Shuttle (707) 257-1950, wineshuttle.com Tour includes wineries, picnic, and an optional river cruise.
Open Air Jeep Tours (800) 539-5337, jeeptours.com Go off-roading in vineyards and visit boutique wineries.
Pure Luxury 4246 Petaluma Blvd. N., Sonoma; 30 Case Ct., Napa (800) 626-5466, pureluxury.com Choose from pre-arranged tours or create your own.
sonoma valley wine trolley (877) 946-3876, (707) 938-2600, sonomavalleywinetrolley.com Tour historic Sonoma Valley aboard a replica of a late 1890s San Francisco cable car.
wine country tour shuttle
Blue Heron custom Tours and travel 275 Staples Ave., San Francisco (866) 326-4237, (415) 337-1874, blueherontours.com Explore wineries, shops, and sites with an experienced guide for up to six people.
Eclectic tour (888) 411-8687, (707) 224-2265, eclectictour.com Offbeat wine tours by local guides.
Esperya Wine Country Tours 201 Temelec Cir., Sonoma (707) 227-8988, winecountryesperya.com Del Dotto Vineyards and Vine Cliff Winery are two of this company’s favorite stops.
Valley Wine Tours (707) 975-6462, valleywinetours.com Tours focus on historic and family wineries.
Segway Napa (707) 280-1348, napavalleysegwaytours.com Tour historic Napa, Yountville, or Calistoga on a Segway; price includes lesson.
sonoma Segway
(866) 991-8687, winecountrytourshuttle.com Tour includes picnic lunch, winery visits, and a ferry cruise back to San Francisco.
(707) 938-2080, sonomasegway.com Tour includes instruction, two hours riding time, and visits to a winery and the Vella Cheese Factory.
Walking Tours
verve napa valley
Napa WineWalk napawinewalk.com Visit 25 different tasting rooms and taste wines from more than 200 wineries on this self-guided tour.
2063 N. 3rd Ave., Napa (707) 253-2269, vervenapavalley.com Curated tours for the luxury clientele complete with a Mercedes-Benz van for transportation.
Wine and Dine Events (707) 963-8930, wineanddinetour.com Customized tours and event planning.
Hot-Air Balloon Tours
NUMBERS to Note Chambers of Commerce Calistoga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (707) 942-6333. . . . . calistogachamber.com Healdsburg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (707) 433-6935. . . . . healdsburg.com Napa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (707) 226-7455. . . . . napachamber.com Petaluma Area. . . . . . . . . . . (707) 762-2785. . . . . petalumachamber.com Russian River. . . . . . . . . . . . (707) 869-9000. . . . . russianriver.com Santa Rosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . (707) 545-1414. . . . . santarosachamber.com Sonoma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (707) 996-1033. . . . . sonomachamber.org St. Helena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (707) 963-4456. . . . . sthelena.com Yountville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (707) 944-0904. . . . . yountville.com
Airport Transportation
Visitors Bureaus
Apex Transportation. . . . . . . (888) 546-6120. . . . . apex-trans.com
Napa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (707) 226-5813. . . . . legendarynapavalley.com
Bayex Airporter . . . . . . . . . . (800) 299-0058. . . . . bayexairporters.com
Petaluma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (877) 273-8258. . . . . visitpetaluma.com
Black Sky Limousines. . . . . (800) 536-0559. . . . . blackskylimo.com
Santa Rosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . (707) 577-8674. . . . . visitsantarosa.com
City Connection. . . . . . . . . . (888) 880-1055. . . . . citytransportation.com
Sonoma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (866) 996-1090. . . . . sonomavalley.com
Evans Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (707) 255-1559. . . . . evanstransportation.com
Yountville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (707) 944-8851. . . . . townofyountville.com
Go Lorrie’s Airport Shuttle. . . (415) 334-9000. . . . . gosfovan.com Pacific Town Car . . . . . . . . . (877) 722-4305. . . . . pacifictowncar.com
Ride Fly Reservations. . . . . (877) 300-4826. . . . . rideflyreservations.com
Napa Valley Vintners. . . . . . (707) 963-3388. . . . . napavintners.com Silverado Trail Wineries Association . . . . . . . . . . . silveradotrail.com
Public Transportation Napa Public Transit. . . . . . . (707) 251-2800. . . . . nctpa.net
Sonoma County Vintners. . . . (707) 522-5840. . . . . sonomawine.com Sonoma Valley Vintners & Growers Alliance. . . . . . . . (707) 935-0803. . . . . sonomavalleywine.com
Sonoma Public Transit. . . . . (707) 576-7433. . . . . sctransit.com
Wine Road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (707) 433-4335. . . . . wineroad.com
BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit). . . . . (415) 989-2278. . . . . bart.gov
attractions and entertainment Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport. . . . . . . . . . . . . Graton Resort and Casino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Green Music Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Healdsburg Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau. . . . Jelly Belly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sonoma Canopy Tours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
38 32 14 50 22 99
dining Aventine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Bay View Restaurant & Lounge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bear Republic Brewing Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ca’ Momi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crush Ultra Lounge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harvest Moon Cafe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harvest Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Napa Valley Wine Train. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
58 59 65 60 61 44 62 63
Santé. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Spoonbar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 The Tides Wharf Restaurant & Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
health and beauty Osmosis Day Spa Sanctuary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
shopping Creations Fine Jewelers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inside front cover Salsa Trading Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Sonoma Country Antiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Transportation Pure Luxury Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
wineries Beaulieu Vineyard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Beringer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Bouchaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . back cover Chateau St. Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Domaine Carneros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Domaine Chandon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Folie à Duex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 The Hess Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Ménage à Trois. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Mumm Napa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Napa Cellars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Sonoma-Cutrer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Stags’ Leap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Sterling Vineyards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Sutter Home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Trinchero Napa Valley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inside back cover Walt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Wine Country Amenities
carneros premium wines
n a pa va l l e y
ONE OF THE TOP TASTING ROOMS IN NAPA AND SONOMA — best enjoyed casually, walk-in style, with its exceedingly friendly and impressively knowledgeable staff.
— Esther Mobley, SF Chronicle Wine Country Guide 2016