Cybernetic Art Research Project Nr 3

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carp second life virtual art space

cybernetic art research project

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The metaverse symbol

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The word: „Cyberspace“ is known now as an artword, its born from the word „Cyber“ (a shortform from the english word „Cybernetic“ that again comes from the greek word „Kybernetike“; „The art of navigate“ and the word „Space“. On the worldfamous Macy-Conferences in the years 1946 till 1953 Cybernetik was something of high interest. Wellknown and famous scientists as Alan Turing, John von Neumann and Heinz von Foerster started here from scratch the modern computertechnics and the programm-architecture, today the basics for the Cyberspace. The real Cyberspace was opened by Secondlife. So you speak of web 3-D or so called Metaverses. The Metaverses are Internet-based virtual time-space-infrastructures. The miracle that we are experiencing today: the Cyberspace, the dematerialized virtual time-space, the worldwide webbed society. where we „surf around„ with lightspeed. An artist that is NOT using this virtual universe as a challenge and a goal doesnt deserve the name „Avantgarde“

This e-book dedicated to the pioneer of the Cybernetic Art

Nicolas Schöffer.

He was one of the most important artists of the second half of twentieth century. Father of Cybernetic Art, thus of so-called „interactivity“, he wanted to bring a prospective and non-backward-looking vision of Art, which could help mankind to develop itself with a good hold on true creative and liberating possibilities of our times.

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diabolus second life virtual art space (benvolio)

carp 3 cybernetic art research project 2008.02.01- 2008.03.01

texts: josina burgess edited by velazquez bonetto & caravaggio bonetto created by the carp team: caravaggio bonetto (naomi devil) velazquez bonetto (lรกszlรณ รถrdรถgh diabolus) josina burgess (jose den burger) nnoiz papp (tobias becker) juria yoshikawa (lance shields) debbie trilling (-----------) eden toll (Janine Miller-Fritz) junivers stockholm (-----------) kourosh eusebio (kourosh dini) abstract baroque (-----------)

6 carp 3 Diabolus Virtual Art Space: The Cybernetic Art Research Project 3. (CARP 3) Progam starting at 2008-02-01 ending at 2008-03-01 CARP 3 Project Program (English) In CARP 1 and 2, our group was concentrated on the learning and understanding of several SL Art-technical possibilities . In the next CARP we will, based on this technical knowledge, concentrate at first on creative progress, creative agglutination and creative techniques. Creativity (or „creativeness“) is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts. Creative innovation might require co-activation and communication between regions of the brain that ordinarily are not strongly connected. Creativity techniques are heuristic methods to facilitate creativity in a person or a group of people. Generally, most creativity techniques use associations between the goal (or the problem), the current state (which may be an imperfect solution to the problem), and some stimulus (possibly selected randomly). A random image, sound, or article can be used instead of a random word as a kind of creativity goal or provocation. In concrete: for the CARP 3 Project we have 3 Theme concepts. Collaborative Improvisation (Virtual JAZZ) (Initial idea: Juria Yoshikawa/Velazquez Bonetto) Collaborative Improvisation stand for the creative progress of 3D scenario pictures, concepts or ideas from different people. A Theme is offered to various persons. They will prepare different presentations into the reach of this Theme. Spontaneous collaboration without preparing anything is possible of course. In a session where all artists be together these presentations will be mixed to get a new audiovisual interpretation. The sessions where we sit together and share thoughts and audiovisual interpretations can lead to a deeper understanding or new assotiations. Bi-sociation (initial idea: Arthur Koestler) Bi-sociation stand for the creative progress of knowledge, pictures or presentations from different definitions and concerns. The definition was introduced by Arthur

the carp 3 idea tree

carp 3 7 Koestler leaned on the word: association. ( The Human, misdirected of the Nature, 1978) and is today the axiom in creativity as well as in humour research. As a creative axiom Bi-sociation describes the permeate of mind routines during associations of mind attachments. In fact bi-sociation arises over that when the concept is bonded from two standard not belonging together abstraction levels. From bonding things that normal don’t belong together comic can be a result. In the research of humour, people concentrate mostly on the first aspect. Humour and comedy are the result of the collision of different worlds and abstraction levels. This bonding of different never thought about elements can lead to a surprising insight. It can lead to a deeper understanding of fuses. Koestlers thoughts have lead to many different concepts and ideas in creative research. Bi-sociation becomes hereby a method that consciously fuse concepts and other ideas, that normally don’t belong together in routine thinking.. Semantic Intuition (inverse thinking) The Semantic Intuition is a creative technique, where the combination of ideas or/and pictures can generate new ideas. With semantic intuition you build words from 2 different words, or pictures out of picture-components that come from the world around us or the theme or the concept. The new word born from that can deliver new ideas. Often this is described as a inversion of the normal practice of thinking about name after the product is made. With semantic intuition a name is found for a possible product and after that how this product should look like. Practical out of the environment where the ideas should come from, a list will be gathered out of understandings and/or pictures. From this list two word/pictures will be formed into a new word/picture.It will be deliberated what is behind the new word/picture combination. How we Work: 1. Open communication, co-laboration and co-operation 2. Open idea and know-how exchange 3. Open audiovisual component and script exchange Rules: 1. There are no rules. Inovation is not bind to any rules. 2. Out of the first rule there are no further rules.

8 carp 3 Carp 3 vernissage 2008- 03- 01 2PM SLT Location: Virtual Art Space Diabolus (benvolio) Owners: Josina Burgess, Velazquez Bonetto & Caravaggio Bonetto Land : 14336 qm Prim : 3276 Website: CARP 3 Projekt Programm (Deutsch) In CARP 1 und 2 hat undsere Gruppe auf die Erlernen von unterschiedliche SL Kunst-technische möglichkeiten konzentriert. In der volgenden CARP Projekten weden wir auf diese technische Basis in erste linie auf kreative Vorgänge, kreative Verbindungen und Kreativitäts-Techniken konzentrieren. Kreativität bezeichnet die Fähigkeit schöpferischen Denkens und Handelns. Ursprünglich wurde der Begriff Kreativität als Bezeichnung für die Ursache persönlicher geistiger Schöpfungen (Urheberrechtsgesetz) von Künstlern verwendet. In jüngerer Vergangenheit wurde diese menschliche Fähigkeit vermehrt zum Gegenstand des Interesses von Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. Die Erforschung kreativer Prozesse und ihre Beherrschbarkeit und Berechenbarkeit gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Kreativität im weitesten Sinn beruht auf der Fähigkeit des menschlichen Gehirns, die Lücke zwischen nicht sinnvoll miteinander verbundenen oder logisch aufeinander bezogenen Gegebenheiten durch Schaffung von Sinnbezügen mittels freier Assoziation mit bereits Bekanntem und spielerischer Theoriebildung (Phantasie) auszufüllen. Das Spiel - auch als Gedankenspiel - gehört als wesentliches Element zur Kreativität. Dabei kommt der weniger begrifflich-isolierenden und logisch-kausalen, dafür aber nonverbal, assoziativ und ganzheitlich denkenden (in der Regel rechten) Hirnhälfte eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Beteiligt sind aber letztlich beide Hirnhälften. Da die kreativen Denkprozesse weitgehend unbewusst ablaufen, werden kreative Einfälle, wie schon das Wort nahelegt, oft als Eingebung einer überpersönlichen Intelligenz oder Wesenheit (göttliche Inspiration, Musenkuss usw.) oder als ein mystisches Geführtwerden erlebt ----Wikipedia In concreto: für CARP 3 Projekt diesbezüglich haben wir 3 Themenvorschläge: Kollaboratives Improvisation (Virtual JAZZ) (Initial idea: Juria Yoshikawa/Velazquez Bonetto)

carp 3 9 Kollaboratives Improvisation bezeichnet den kreativen Vorgang der Verknüpfung von 3d Scenarien Bildern Begriffe, Visionen oder Vorstellungen aus unterschiedlichen Personen. Es wird ein Thema für unterschiedliche Personen mitgeteilt. Die sollen für diese Themenbereich Darstellungen und Komponenten vorbereiten. Auch spontane kollaboration ohne vorbereitung ist weitaus denkbar. In eine gemeinsamme Session werden die unterschiedliche Darstellungen miteinander gemischt für neue audiovisuelle Interpretationen zu ermöglichen. Das Zusammentreffen von Gedanken und audiovisuelle Interpretationen können zu einem tieferen Verständnis von neue Zusammenhängen führen. Bisoziation ( initial idea: Arthur Koestler) Bisoziation bezeichnet den kreativen Vorgang der Verknüpfung von Begriffen, Bildern oder Vorstellungen

aus unterschiedlichen begrifflichen Bezugsrahmen. Der Begriff wurde von Arthur Koestler in Anlehnung an das Wort „Assoziation“ eingeführt (Der Mensch, Irrläufer der Natur, 1978) und gilt heute als ein Grundbegriff in der Kreativitäts- sowie in der Humorforschung. Als kreativer Grundbegriff beschreibt Bisoziation das Durchbrechen geistiger Routinen. Während die Assoziation gedankliche Verknüpfungen auf einer Ebene bezeichnet, geht die Bisoziation darüber hinaus, indem sie Begriffe und/oder audiovisuelle Komponente aus zwei einander üblicherweise nicht zugeordneten Ebenen miteinander verbindet. Aus dem Zusammentreffen nicht zusammengehörender Dinge kann Komik entstehen.In der Humorforschung konzentriert man sich vor allem auf den ersten Aspekt: Humor und Komik entsteht aus dem Zusammenprall unterschiedlicher Ebenen und Welten. Das Zusammentreffen zweier bislang nicht zusammen gedachter Elemente kann zu einer überraschenden Einsicht führen. Das Zusammentreffen kann zu einem tieferen Verständnis von Zusammenhängen führen. Koestlers Überlegungen haben in der Kreativitätsforschung auch zu unmittelbaren Anwendungsvorschlägen geführt. Bisoziation wird dabei zu einer Methode, die bewusst Begriffe und Dinge miteinander in Verbindung bringt, die nach dem üblichen, routinierten Denken nicht zusammen gehören. Semantische Intuition Die Semantische Intuition ist eine Kreativitätstechnik, bei der durch Kombination von Begriffe und/oder Bildern neue Ideen generiert werden sollen. Bei der Semantischen Intuition bildet man Wörter aus zwei Einzelwörtern,oder Bildern aus Bildkomponenten die aus dem Umfeld der Aufgabenstellung entnommen wurden. Das so entstehende Wort kann neue Ideen liefern.Dies wird häufig als Umkehrung der üblichen Vorgehensweise beschrieben, nach der man zuerst ein Produkt erfindet, und sich dann überlegt, wie es genannt werden soll. Bei der Semantischen Intuition bildet man zuerst den Namen eines möglichen Produktes und überlegt sich dann, wie dieses Produkt aussehen könnte.Vorgehensweise Aus dem Umfeld, für das neue Ideen entwickelt werden sollen, wird eine Liste von Begriffen und/oder Bilder gesammelt. Aus dieser Liste werden zwei Wörter/Bilder zu einem neuen Wort/Bild kombiniert. Es wird überlegt, was sich hinter dieser neuen Wort/ Bildkombination verbergen könnte.

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carp 3 13 Name: José den Burger. SL name: Josina Burgess José studied at the Famous Artists Schools of America and graduated in illustration, advertisement,free painting and drawing. She studied under Ben Stahl, Al Parker, Jon Witcomb, Fred Ludekens, Peter Helck, got her papers in 1967 and then decided to become a ...........singer! As a singer she worked successfully in the Netherlands especially in the 70ties (was the first female protestsinger) . She made several albums , was a member of the Knokke Songfestival Team and had her own radio and personality show on the Dutch Television. She worked with the well known Ted de Braak in all Dutch Theaters and was a guest in many radio and television shows. She traveled around the world and performed in the Intercontinental Hotels,Theatershows, on Cruiseships and in many International Television Shows. In Spain she was appearing for 4 years on Spanish television and in the years after that she became the leading lady of the well known close-harmony trio „The New Shepherds“ and after that of „Close Encounter“ and was leader of her own 7 mans band „September“. Made several albums again and performed on Dutch radio and television. During all these years of traveling she continued painting and drawing and was inspired by the countries she visited. The work has many facets, just like a human has many sides in his or her personality. Feelings and impressions, sometimes subtile, but also powerful and above all the use of bright colors are specific for her Art. Non-figurative, abstract as well as figurative paintings, explosions of color, gold and bronze, memories and feelings are telling their story. In the end of 2006 I started Secondlife, after seeing something about it on the Dutch television. I was really interested to find out what happened there with Art. I Found that many galleries interested to exhibit my Art and started from there. But just showing images of my real life paintings was not enough and I started to search for new challenges. So I went into to making dresses using the images of my real paintings as textures on them and called them “Wearable Art”. It was an immediately success and after I met Velazques Bonetto I started to experiment more with different textures I made from images of projects in SL as well as images or designs I made specially for the dresses or other projects. From Velazques I learned how to use scripts and started to animate the dresses as well. Going from there I went into building sculptures and installations using scripts in an ”Innocent” way and some times the effects were amazing. It has my total interest now and I love the new challenges and possibilities to create a total NEW ART that never existed before elsewhere.

diabolus art space

josina burgess

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caravaggio bonetto 9.The first SL solo exhibition 2007

Name: Naomi Devil Lives and studies in: Budapest, Stuttgart, Wien E-mail: Studies: 2002-2003-2006: Sommerakademie für Bildende Kunst Salzburg 2004-2007: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Kontextuelle Malerei: prof. Muntean/Rosenblum prof. Elke Krystufek prof. Angela Hans Schreil 2006-7: Technisches Universität Wien Architecture BA Solo exhibitions: 1.Gallery Tetõ: The Digital Oil, 2004,Budapest 2.Gallery Mucius, The PINKFERNO, 2005, Budapest 3.Gallery Nagyhàzy, Happy Birthday, 2005, Budapest 4.Galery Art Position, 2005, Wien 5.MOYA (Museum Of Young Art), Einzelaustellung Naomi Devil, 2005-2006, Wien 6.Gallery Mucius, DOWNLOAD::MEDIA, 2006, Budapest 7.Hungaryan Cultural Center Prague,SACE WARP, 2007, Prague 8.Gallery Bast-Art,Du bist was du siehst (You are what you se), Wien, 2007

Group exhibitions: 1.The closing exhibition of prof. Caroline Broadhead‘s class, 2002, Salzburg 2.The closing exhibition of prof. Rivka Rinn‘class, 2003, Salzburg 3.Gallery Vertigo: The Vertigo Chronicle, 2003-2004, Canada 4.Artshole / Vinopolis: Art In MIND Part 4, 2004,London 5.Gallery Zsidró: Zsuzsa Gesztelyi Nagy‘s, Márta Kucsora‘s, Naomi Devil‘s and Melitta Németh‘s paintings , 2004, Budapest 6.Mucius Gallery Coffee: 9 artists of Gallery Mucius, 2004, Budapest 7.Selfportait UK 14-19 2005 Touring exhibition: Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens, Manchester Art Gallery, National Museum & Gallery Cardiff, Peterborough Digital Arts Museum & Gallery, The New Art Gallery Walsall, National Portrait Gallery London, London Underground 8.Gallery Mucius, Budapest, 2005 A könyv utóélete 9.Art Position 2005, Ottakringer Brauerei, Wien 10.II. Keruleti Alkotok Tarlata 2005, Budapest (Exhibition of the artists from the 2. district) 11.MOYA (Museum Of Young Art)- New Romantics- from 2005 August- Wien 12.IZD Tower Vienna- Devil, Garcia Pozo, 2005 13.With Adrien Kiss and Istvan Szanto, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, Projektraum, 2005, Wien 14.Mucius & Diabolus Contemporary Fine Art Gallery (László Fehér, András Halász, András Koncz, Mucius, Naomi Devil, István Orosz), 2006, Budapest 15.Exhibition Room of Ernst Museum Budapest: Dorottya Galeria, Dorottya Open Show, 2006 JUne 6-10., Budapest 16.II. Keruleti Alkotok Tarlata 2006, Budapest (Exhibition of the artists from the 2. district) 17.Galerie Exner: Junge Sommer 2006, Wien 18.Art Fair KÖLN 2007 19.Öszi tárlat Köszeg 2007

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carp 3 17 RL Name: László Ördögh Diabolus What motivates a designer, human engineer and virtual reality software developer to go to Second Life and getting involved in this incredible world? Playfulness, the happy Homo Ludens? Maybe that too. But I have much more serious motivations: 1: - What I enjoy in SL is the pioneer spirit that rules in this world. In my daily real life working with industrial virtual reality I am also pioneering. But in RL you cannot make everything what you could imagine in your fantasy. There the discussion goes about much money, resources, management, hierarchy, organisation, economical efficiency and so on, not really about things that really matter. SL is a dematerialised world with a high degree of abstraction to realize all possible and impossible associations . It’s the perfect playground, for thinking „Bioavatars“, to experiment with substantial subjects without the material consequences. 2: - I started in SL with the idea to build a Avatar Museum there, had to be there because SL is the Future and its useless to stay in the past being busy with that. 3: - The most valuable what I got from SL are the good friends I have there: Josina the best Muse ever and the most reliable Partner in all the adventures, Caravaggio, Jan, Juria, Noizz, Terri, Whyzzer, Manax and all the others in my friends list. 4: - An Avatar in SL is the real metacommunication. Behind every avatar there is people and the avatars are very able to present or show their mentality and norms. 5: - SL is a concept for creative competence, the ideal platform to research and experiment art of the future. 6: - SL is also in the Social Surroundings with simple rules and a Global Community without any borders. Maybe an example for our RL community. Short RL bio: Research and development: Human Engineering Simulation, Industrial Avatars (1981-1988 OMFB IFTI) (1989-1998 IST GmbH. ) Human Symulation Technology Project DFKI German Research Center for Artiffical Intelligence (19992002). Senior Software Developer: Virtual Reality Industrial Avatars (ICIDO GmbH 2002-) Experience in: Industrial design, graphical design, corporate design, system design and organisation, software development and programming. Languages: C++, LSL Special skills: Traditional Art Technics Computer Graphics 3D Visualising & Special Effects+ Computer Aided Design CAD Engeneering Data Management (EDM) in Intranet and Internet environment. Advanced Information Technology (AIT) (Digital Mock-Up) Ergonomics Virtual Reality & Simulation Technology Design and manufacturing of medical appliances Design of comunication systems (2000-2001)

diabolus art space

velazquez bonetto

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juria yoshikawa

After two decades of creative pursuits - ranging from conceptual art, installation, poetry, performance, computer art, animation, photography and digital design - Juria Yoshikawa (a.k.a. Lance Shields, Tokyo-based new media artist and designer) arrived in Second Life in the winter of 2007 looking for a new artistic spark. Rather than bringing in rl artwork, Juria is compelled to use mainly the elements that make up sl itself. A typical Juria Yoshikawa virtual artwork mixes kinetic objects, light sources, animated texture, ambient noise and av animations. She inevitably chooses scales larger than conventional gallery work because she is interested in people experiencing the work in a physical way - flying through them, riding on them and socializing within the art. To Juria virtual art is about freeing oneself up to create in ways she finds impossible in real life. In my real life, I am Lance Shields, a new media artist, creative director, interactive designer and social media specialist. Graduating with a BFA in new media from San Francisco Art Institute in 1992, sculpture and installation are where I started my rl creative career but I became progressively more involved in the digital and interactive. I see Second Life as a return back to my artistic roots yet at the same time combines my newer interests in the phenomenology in the virtual world. Phenomenology is defined as “the reflective study of the essence of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view�. In my commercial life, I am a social media strategist a global company embrace social networking, blogging and Second Life.

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nnoiz Papp (RL name: Tobias Becker) scoremusic-composer / music for animated movies / sound-designer / keyboarder /oboist / 3D / video-installations carp 3 21 diabolus art space 1980-1986 Musikhochschule Köln (studying music for teaching in schools, oboe and (jazz-)piano) since 1985 ca. 250 musicproductions for german children´s TV (Sendung mit der Maus) since 1982 working as an studiomuscian with oboe (for example Klaus Schulze) and keyboards (since 1984 with computers) in many different styles (from pop to heavy metal with U.D.O. and AXXIS) 10 CD´s productions (4 under the pseudonym „SVENSSON“ - electronic & oboe, 4 archivmusic cd´s for selected sound, Koch-music-library and sonoton) live music with TRIOGLYZERIN, a trio thats playing live with old silent movies in cinemas ( since 1996different internet activities (quicktime vr - flash - 3d) see the links below.... 2006 live-video-installation at „Wuppertaler Bühnen“, visualizing Nyman´s opera „The man who mistook his wife with a hat“ nnoiz Papp (RL name: Tobias Becker) scoremusic-composer / music for animated movies / with VJ software sound-designer / keyboarder /oboist / 3D / video-installaIn SL since end of may 2007, trying to put the things together..... tions

nnoiz papp

1980-1986 Musikhochschule Köln (studying music for tea-

SL-related: ching in schools, oboe and (jazz-)piano) since 1985 ca. 250 musicproductions for german Internet: children´s TV (Sendung mit der Maus) since 1982 working as an studiomuscian with oboe (for example Klaus Schulze) and keyboards (since 1984 with computers) in many different styles (from pop to heavy (oboe&electronic) metal with U.D.O. and AXXIS) (acoustic&electronic lounge sound) in german...sorry...english 10 CD´s productions (4 under the pseudonymversion „SVENS- coming SON“ electronic & oboe, 4 archivmusic cd´s for selected soon.... sound, Koch-music-library and sonoton) (dark ambient) live music with TRIOGLYZERIN, a trio thats playing live with old silent movies in cinemas ( since 1996different internet activities (quicktime vr - flash - 3d) see the links below.... 2006 live-video-installation at „Wuppertaler Bühnen“, visualizing Nyman´s opera „The man who mistook his wife with a hat“ with VJ software In SL since end of may 2007, trying to put the things together.....

SL-related: Internet: (oboe&electronic) (acoustic&electronic lounge sound) in german...sorry...english version coming soon.... (dark ambient)

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debbie trilling Debbie Trilling entered Second life in October 2006, and immediately began creating. As a Technical Artist she combines the elegance of mathematics with the visual aesthetics of colour, movement and shape to produce work unique to Second Life. Within the Second Life virtual metaverse Debbie has found the medium of Particles a perfect outlet to bring these visualizations to life, and her particle work has been acclaimed for its sophistication and imagination. ‚The Particle Garden‘, Debbie‘s installation for CARP2, combines traditional SL particle techniques with complex coding algorithms to produce never-before-seen visual effects breathtaking in their beauty. Debbie also works with a number of Real-World science museums with a Second Life presence, including ‚Exploratorium - The Museum of Science, Art and Human Perception‘ and ‚Sploland - The Museum of Science, Art and Human Imperfection‘. On 30th Jan 2008 she will be creating the particle effects for a meteor collision with Mars scheduled for that date.

Debbie hails from Cambridge, England. It rains a lot there.

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TheEvil Chemistry: Who are you? carp 3 25

MANAX: I am me.

diabolus art space

TheEvil Chemistry: Why do you play sl?

eden toll

MANAX: I get some sort of sick, twisted enjoyment out of using virtual reality to make myself more busy and neglecting to relax more than it would occour in rl. TheEvil Chemistry: What do you do on sl? MANAX: I usually get myself into a bunch of messes that I can‘t work my way out of, then I get banned a few times, then I build something. Toll (RL Janine Miller-Fritz) TheEvil Chemistry: How many times have you been banned? Eden Artistic Summary: I am Technical Artist that works in mixed media (metal, wood, pyrotechnics, neon, fiber optics mo-

saics, glass,who kinetics, visual MANAX: Justly, twice. The third time was because I orbited someone wasand trying topoetry) grief me on my land, because eject wouldn‘t work. Recently, my account broke, and i had toEducation: switch over to a fifth one.and Hardware Enginereeing Computer Science

TheEvil Chemistry: Are you afraid of being banned? MANAX: Not as much as I‘d expect myself to be. TheEvil Chemistry: How do you get your ideas for your MANAX: I ask native leprechauns their opinions.

Artist Statement I have lived in Boise, Idaho USA for the last 30 years and worked in the high tech industry for over 18 years. Light and electricity as an art form is not a common one. I found this to be a great way to integrate my love of technology with my love of art. My goal is to create art that is aubuildstomated, on sl? interactive and can be touched, handled and played with in a public arena. By doing so I believe I am deliberately blurring the distinction between spectator and participant, thus redefining the way we look at art. We find ourselves as part of the art and the beauty of it

TheEvil Chemistry: What is your favorite thing to make in sl? About Second Life

I have found that my interests in second life are the same as my real life pursuits. My focus for the last several have been on creating events to support local chariMANAX: Weapons and vehicles have usually proven the mostyears entertaining. ties and non-profit foundations . I have found the opportunity to do so also in Second life, United Kingdom Cancer Research,, American Breast Foundation, Uthango, Virtual TheEvil Chemistry: What skills do you have in sl? Africa and Burningman\Burninglife are some of the event that have benefited from firework displays. MANAX: Building, mostly. I‘m also a par scripter. I do customWhile charachters, too, obviously. currently working in pyrotechnics in the RL as a Burningman artist, I have found this real world application helpful while designing particles sculptures that utilize, TheEvil Chemistry: What are the favorite groups you are in? scripting , music and animation in cyberspace. I look forward to pushing the limits of this technologies and developing some innovative designs with the Carp3 team.

MANAX: Probably the ones I made, lol. The Robot Comedy Nipple., MEVco, and People Against Negative Gormabs TheEvil Chemistry: Could you explain those groups to me?

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TheEvil Chemistry: Who are you? MANAX: I am me.

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TheEvil Chemistry: Why do you play sl?

junivers stockholm

MANAX: I get some sort of sick, twisted enjoyment out of using virtual reality to make myself more busy and neglecting to relax more than it would occour in rl. TheEvil Chemistry: What do you do on sl?

email: website: junivers stockholm is an avatar in SL. He has an operater

MANAX: I usually get myself into a bunch of messes that I can‘t my way of,The then I get banned a few and work he influences juniout a lot. operator of junivers is times, then born in the early 50th. His influences started with classical I build something. music, but over the years all things he ever heard had some kind of impact. Sometimes he loved it and Toll (RL Janine Miller-Fritz) sometimes he didnt. junivers operator musicinfrom the TheEvil Chemistry: How many times have you been banned? Eden Artistic Summary: I am Technical Artist loved that works mixed very start of his life. Before he learned how to stand up and media (metal, wood, pyrotechnics, neon, fiber optics mowalk stole his poetry) heart. Then Elvis Presley saics,Louis glass,Armstrong kinetics, and visual MANAX: Justly, twice. The third time was because I orbited someone trying to grief meit. on my land, because stole it andwho thenwas he let The Beatles steal eject wouldn‘t work. Recently, my account broke, and i had toEducation: switch over to a fifth one.and Hardware Enginereeing Computer Science His life has been a journey in wich he saw many music styles being born. The musical revolution and fusion between Artist Statement music styles the thing that had impact on TheEvil Chemistry: Are you afraid of being banned? I have lived inisBoise, Idaho USA forthe thegreatest last 30 years and him. The ultimate king of collaboration, Miles Davis, finally worked in the high tech industry for over 18 years. Light brought together notartonly the styles butone. alsoI the and electricity as an form is music not a common found body, mind and soul of all cultures. The new born music MANAX: Not as much as I‘d expect myself to be. this to be a great way to integrate my love of technology from this time finally brought some of the greatest jazz with my love of art. My goal is to create art that is aumusiciansinteractive into the rock music. handled and andand canpop be touched, TheEvil Chemistry: How do you get your ideas for your buildstomated, on sl? Its hard to pick out some names but Jaco and played with in a public arena. By doing soPastorious I believe I am Weather Report would be the choice if only one could deliberately blurring the distinction between spectatorbe and mentioned that had everlasting impact on the operator of participant, thus redefining the way we look at art. We find MANAX: I ask native leprechauns their opinions. junivers. ourselves as part of the art and the beauty of it junivers stockholm was born in SL 21th november 2006. I have found that my interests in second life are the He found thereal hyperinstrument after in SL. same as my life pursuits. Myright focus for he thewas last born several He started to jam and introduce the instruments for people have been on creating events to support local chariMANAX: Weapons and vehicles have usually proven the mostyears entertaining. he some people he formed SL opportuArt tiesmet. and Together non-profitwith foundations . I have found the Ensemble and composed for the SL instruments. They had nity to do so also in Second life, United Kingdom Cancer performances in SL and kept on inspire people to start and Research,, American Breast Foundation, Uthango, Virtual TheEvil Chemistry: What skills do you have in sl? play with virtual instruments and to join the jam sessions. Africa and Burningman\Burninglife are some of the event junivers tried tofrom jam on skype displays. and had some expirithat havealso benefited firework ence from this technique when voice cameintothe theRLfirst MANAX: Building, mostly. I‘m also a par scripter. I do custom charachters, too, obviously. While currently working in pyrotechnics as alook viewer of SL. Since then voice was integrated in the jams Burningman artist, I have found this real world application that juni participated in. juni also played with AOM and helpful while designing particles sculptures that utilize, inhyper incyberspace. the orchestra. Theforjams TheEvil Chemistry: What are the favorite groups you are in? troduced scripting ,the music andinstruments animation in I look was something more and more people wanted to participaward to pushing the limits of this technologies and develote in so juniinnovative formed thedesigns group world peace jammers. ping some with the Carp3 team. At the VJAZZ performances junivers uses stream for theGormabs MANAX: Probably the ones I made, lol. The Robot Comedy Nipple., MEVco, and People Against Negative first time and its also his first solo performance in SL. Second Life TheEvil Chemistry: What is your favorite thing to make in sl? About He is a guy that loves to learn things and push the limits.

TheEvil Chemistry: Could you explain those groups to me?

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abstract baroque

Abstract Baroque is a relative newcomer to the world of SL, but found himself immediately excited by the creative potential this medium has for effects and experiences impossible to create in any other art form. Being a painter in RL, his work will often uses his own paintings which are then fractured in Photoshop and recombined in this 3d world at different levels of translucence and spatial depth. The results are non-representational and decorative…to which the form the style ‘abstract baroque’ might well be given! For this project, (his first public outing!), Baroque exploits the superimposition, movement, and translucency of three dimensional forms which reveal spontaneous imagery beyond the conscious control of the creator. His work as a consequence is often subtle and slow, to allow the beholder time to ‘go with’ the imagery that manifests by such a dynamic interchange. Baroque, in currently exploring these dynamic visual relationships, welcomed the opportunity to work on a project with a complementary art form of particle effects provided by Eden Toll, and the music of Junivers Stockholm. He resides in Herefordshire, UK, and exhibits with a local co-operative of artists and craftsmen.

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TheEvil Chemistry: Who are you? MANAX: I am me. Kourosh Eusebio (aka Kourosh Dini) is a musician/artist

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working in the medium of piano and synthesizer. The he createsWhy has been described as relaxing and TheEvilmusic Chemistry: do you play sl? soothing, yet gripping and hypnotic. Performed in a state of concentration, Kourosh invites the listener to participate in a meditative mind-state to reflect uponenjoyment the nature of theof MANAX: I get some sort of sick, twisted out mind’s natural ebbs and flows.

to relax more than it would occour in rl.

His studies began at five years of age and progressed way of individual tutoring of do theon classical TheEvilby Chemistry: What do you sl? composers. Influences during this early period of musical development included Chopin, Bach, Beethoven, and Rachmaninoff. He would also listenget to myself and improvise of the MANAX: I usually into aaround bunchthe of music messes that Beatles, Metallica, and Mike Patton. Later influences incluI build ded something. Phish, Tool, Simon Posford, Bill Laswell, Pete Namlook, James Bernard, among others.

diabolus art space

junivers stockholm kourosh eusebio

using virtual reality to make myself more busy and neglecting

I can‘t work my way out of, then I get banned a few times, then

Eden Toll (RL Janine Miller-Fritz) TheEvilThe Chemistry: How many times have you been pursuit of understanding the mind, language, andbanned? Artistic Summary: I am Technical Artist that works in mixed

communication by way of sounds, symbols and words is media (metal, wood, pyrotechnics, neon, fiber optics moreflected in both his music as well as his real life occupasaics, glass,who kinetics, visual MANAX: Justly, twice. The third time was because I orbited someone wasand trying topoetry) grief me on my land, because tion as a psychiatrist. His medical degree and residency in adult psychiatry were obtained through broke, the University eject wouldn‘t work. Recently, my account and i had toEducation: switch over to a fifth one.and Hardware Enginereeing Computer Science of Illinois at Chicago. He pursued further studies in child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Chicago. Artist Statement TheEvilPresently, Chemistry: Are you of learn beingatbanned? he continues to afraid work and the Institute for I have lived in Boise, Idaho USA for the last 30 years and Psychoanalysis, and maintains a private practice seeing worked in the high tech industry for over 18 years. Light clients in therapy and medication management. and electricity as an art form is not a common one. I found MANAX: Not as much as I‘d expect myself to be. this to be a great way to integrate my love of technology He is presently self-publishing a book describing the bewith my love of art. My goal is to create art that is aunefits and potential detriments of video games and virtual tomated, interactive and can be touched, handled and TheEvilspace Chemistry: How do Play youand getAddiction: your ideas for your on sl?with called Video Game A Guide for buildsplayed in a public arena. By doing so I believe I am Parents. Kourosh also maintains a blog titled Mind, Music, deliberately blurring the distinction between spectator and and Technology reflecting his thoughts of this unique participant, thus redefining the way we look at art. We find MANAX: I ask native leprechauns their intersection as he continues his path of opinions. artistry and healing ourselves as part of the art and the beauty of it through these media. TheEvilHeChemistry: What is your favorite thing to make in sl? About Second Life has done score for short films, both recorded and live I have found that my interests in second life are the MANAX: Weapons and vehicles have usually the mostsame entertaining. and has collaborated on work presented at theproven 4Arts Galleas my real life pursuits. My focus for the last several ry, Landmark Artand Gallery, the Fast Forward Filmproven Festival and have been on creating events to support local chariMANAX: Weapons vehicles have usually the mostyears entertaining. Chicago Indymedia. Music video/machinima collaboratities and non-profit foundations . I have found the opportuTheEvilons Chemistry: WhatMadonna skills doinclude you have in sl?“Beast” with SL’s Sitearm the tracks nity to do so also in Second life, United Kingdom Cancer “Impart.” What skills do you have in sl? Research,, American Breast Foundation, Uthango, Virtual TheEviland Chemistry: Africa and Burningman\Burninglife MANAX: Building, mostly. I‘m include, also a par charachters, too, obviously. are some of the event Albums written and produced Turnscripter. of the YearI do custom that have benefited from firework displays. EP (2008), Live atmostly. Red RockI‘m (2007), LiveI do customWhile MANAX: Building, alsoSkya Lily par(2007), scripter. charachters, too, obviously. currently working in pyrotechnics in the RL as a at Bliss Garden (2007), Ontogeny (2005), Fidelio (2003), Burningman artist, I have found this real world application TheEvilThe Chemistry: What are the favorite groups you are in? Color of Tea in Sunlight (1999), and The Beckoning of helpful while designing particles sculptures that utilize, TheEvilAgora Chemistry: (1998). What are the favorite groups you are in? scripting , music and animation in cyberspace. I look forward to pushing the and limitsPeople of this technologies and develoMANAX: Probably the ones I made, lol. The Robot Comedy Nipple., MEVco, Against Negative Gormabs He performs music weekly as Kourosh Eusebio in the virtuping some innovative designs with the Carp3 team. MANAX: Probably theLife. ones I made, lol. The Robot Comedy Nipple., MEVco, and People Against Negative Gormabs al world of Second

TheEvil Chemistry: Could you explain those groups to me? TheEvil Chemistry: Could you explain those groups to me? MANAX: Well, MEVco is my buisness. It‘s the group of peope I go to and pay to get things made, that I couldn‘t do,

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vjazz & majam events

diabolus art space

One day I created a bigger sculpture where I used 5 different scripts to get the special effects I wanted. I called it “Monster Attack” and showed it to Velazquez. He stood there for a while, watching it and read the scripts I used, the he laughed and said: “Well Josi, you did something genius here, nobody used this before, but I got an idea now, we can use this in another way!” For CARP 3 we had the idea to bring artists together in a collaborative way and let them all work together on 1 project and with the “Monster Attack” the idea got a form… We started talking about how to use the scripts and Velazquez came the next day with an article about Semantic Intuition and Brainstorming.

Then we started to build VJAZZ Sets. Using 5 cubes and a torus in the beginning, link them, add textures we made, and the scripts Velazquez wrote. Then we started trying that out and it was in one way Spectaculair! By steering the menu we could be free and improvise on the music. Let the Vjazz set flow and bend, circle, change textures and colour, get transparent and let particles fly out in many different ways. It was beyond our expectations and we were stunned about the effect and the beauty of it. Other artist came to look at it, musicians too, they all were very interested to take part in this experience and so Velazques and me started with Kourosh Eusebio and Junivers Stockholm, 2 great musicians with different styles. They both played live on stream and Velazquez and me improvised on the great music, as well the musicians were inspired by the forms and colours. It was fantastic and a real working together of all of us creating on the spot, improvising and inspiring each other. The Dome was full of people watching it and everybody agreed this has great possibilities.

During a Virtual Jazz session (VJS) collaborative components will be combined and varied to create new audiovisual effects. The essence of this Art-technique is: to call the unexpected and let it help in the creative process. Velazquez wrote a total new script where he gathered all the scripts I used for “Monster Attack” and rewrote them, he also made a menu to steer the script. Up in the Diabolus sim, high in the air he build a Dome where the VJAZZ Sessions could take place. He also wrote scripts and menu’s to steer the colour of the dome, to open or close the roof to create different backgrounds. Installed a sound automatic installation for more effects and a menu for streaming music. Improvisation: ( f. ital. Improvviso: unexpected. Proviso : expected) means: to build, act or create something without planning but ad hoc, spontaneous in the momentum. Improvisation means in normal language the spontaneous, practical use of creativity to solve problems at the spot. Improvisation as a creative method was used until now in music, dance, theater, television moderation etc.

We did build more sets, also more artists participated, Eden Toll, Abstract Baroque, Calimera Lane, Noizz Papp, Juria Yoshikawa, Caravaggio Bonetto we all made our sets and started VJAZZ sessions together or in teams. Every time we announced a new Vjazz session, the Sim was full of people enjoying the momentum. Juria started a project he called :”Seeing Spots, being Dots”, where he let people wear “clothes” of spots and dots and let them fly inside the forms he created. This way they became part of the Art and Eifachfilm Vacirca came to film it all and created fantastic video’s so everybody could watch it again and again. A New Artform was born on SL and the end is not to see yet. We are developing the sets and add more prims, experiment with it and its again a journey and an adventure to see where it leads us.

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carp 3 35 The 1th. VJAZZ session (diabolus Benvolio VJAZZ DOM) 2008 02. 03. Sunday 1 PM SLT - 5 PM SLT visual artists:

Josina Burgess, Velazquez Bonetto

Kourosh Eusebio junivers Stockholm

audio artists:

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carp 3 41 The 1th. MAJam session (diabolus Benvolio VJAZZ DOM) 2008 02. 07. Thursday 1 PM SLT - 5 PM SLT visual artists:

Josina Burgess, Velazquez Bonetto

junivers Stockholm Jce Emoto

audio artists:

MAJam MA JAmming (metaverse audiovisual jamming) = an informal, semi-improvised collaborative performance by a group of audio and visual artists in a metaverse infrastructure.

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carp 3 47 The 2 th. MAJam performance (diabolus Benvolio VJAZZ DOM) 2008 02. 09. Saturday 1 PM SLT - 2 PM SLT visual artists:

Eden Toll, Velazquez Bonetto

Pink Floyd nnoiz Papp

audio from stream files:

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carp 3 53 The 2. VJAZZ session (diabolus Benvolio VJAZZ DOM) 2008 02. 10. Sunday 1 PM SLT - 2 PM SLT visual artists:

Caravaggio Bonetto, Josina Burgess

Kourosh Eusebio

audio artist:

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carp 3 59 Second Life programme TWO 09:15 slt, part of the CARP3 Show, Diabolus Art Space 2008 02. 14. Friday 1 PM SLT - 5 PM SLT visual artists:

Juria Yoshikawa

nnoiz Papp

audio artists:

Juria Yoshikawa: Kinetic environment and participatory performance Nnoiz Papp: Musical composition and musical performance Olga Wunderlich: Curator in sl and rl The performance is open to all attendees of the virtual event. People will receive a dot outfit and large kinetic props to wear to take part in this improvised performance. In celebration of all of our dottiness and spottiness, virtual installation artist Juria Yoshikawa will join up with composer-artist Nnoiz Papp to perform „Seeing Spots, Being Dots“ at Diabolus Island as part of the current art show CARP3. The performance will be simultaneously shown in real life Berlin at the Scala Theatre as a part of the Directors Lounge Festival. I’d like to send out my thanks to Olga Wunderlich, the curator of this event, for inviting myself and Nnoiz Papp to to collaborate in this performance and giving us an audience in Berlin. Also, Velazquez Bonetto deserves the credit for creating the most of the scripts that made this thing actually run. Not to mention his hosting this improv series on his land Diabolus Island. I’d get no where without him. To Nnoiz Papp for our first and hopefully not last collaboration together I’d like to say it was very cool to work with him and I felt we were really in sync in this work. And I just loved the beautiful music. For their video documenting, I’d like to express my appreciation and respect to Evo Szuyuan and of course Eifachfilm Vacirca. Will share their videos later on this blog. I can never forget to say thank you to our favorite connector Bettina Tizzy of Not Possible in Real Life for feeding the word-of-mouth fire and so generously promoting my work. Not to mention giving me lots of sagely advice. Last and not least, I have to say thanks to all of you who came out on your Friday morning or evening to be a part of this performance. I loved seeing what you would create with this and went beyond my expectations for the haphazard and energetic quality. Thanks you guys!

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Olga Wunderlich Directors Lounge on Second Life Second Life art at Directors Lounge On two nights during Directors Lounge, the media art festival during Berlinale, we will present art from Second Life in Berlin, live at the venue in Friedrichstraße. The events will be inworldevents which will be show live in the cinema in Berlin. • SL two • Live from Second Life Fri 15th 6pm (Freitag, 15.2. 18 Uhr) Art Places, Performance and Filmmaking in Second Life Curated and guided by Olga Wunderlich presentation with excerpt from the film „Kinshasa 2.0 „ Followed by A Guided Tour through newBERLIN and the newBERLIN Art Festival . Virtual JAZZ with Juria Yoshikawa (visuals and installation) and Noizz Papp (sounds) on Diabolus Island as part of the current art show CARP3 „Gaz of the Desert“ film by Gazira Babeli, artist in Second Life, filmed entirely on Odyssey Island The NewERLIN Art Festival will be presented in two cities in RL on that day, in Kopenhagen and Berlin. We will start in Berlin with the meeting of the two moderators of NewBERLIN, Lastchancer Nomura, who will just have made the tour from a Kopenhagen gallery and January Lightfoot, who will

carp 3 61 be in Berlin at Directors Lounge, and who will give the the tour to the Berlin audience. Meeting point: the Directors Lounge Pavillon at NewBERLIN.

Both artists are incredibly active in Second Life will almost weekly, sometimes even more frequent, activities.

NewBERLIN is a stunningly realistic reconstruction of Berlin in Second Life starting from the most prominent spot in Berlin, Alexanderplatz with inclusion of the most recent buildings and still expanding. NewBerlin also hosts art festivals and regular exhibitions in the „Kulturbahnhof“ the platform of the S-Bahn and in the Cubix building, the close-by cinema. On the day of our guided tour, NewBerlin is hosting the NewBerlin Art Festival which will also be shown life in Kopenhagen at that same day. ... of the crew, the owners of NewBerlin will show us around and will be present for Q&A.

Finally, the Berlin audience will be presented the film „Gaz of the Desert“.

In the short intermission, the Berlin audience will see some excerpts of a film made in Second Life and Kenia. „Kinshasa 2.0“ of which we will see an excerpt, plays both in Second Life and in the Real world and tells the story of a prominent family in Democratic Republic of Congo whose members have been divided through political exile and who can only meet in the virtual world of Second Life. The film will be premiered in full length on this year’s Berlinale. The Berlin audience will then be let to Diabolus Island, where another exhibition takes place: CARP3, but we will see an inworld performance of two artists live on Diabolus. This will be a public online event Diabolus Island, on the other hand, is a much more „artificial“ generic environment, where selected artists experiment with the in-world possibilties of building, sculpting and scripting in Second Life. Velazques Boneto, one of the owners and founder of Diabolus is a professional programmer and IT professor provides hands-on help for the artists with programming solutions for the individual and collaborative projects which are being realized here. CARP3 is the name of the current exhibition we will visit. We will attend the Collaborative Improvisation (Virtual JAZZ) by Juria Yoshikawa, visual artist and nnoiz Papp, sound artist.

„Gaz of the Desert“, on the other hand, is a film shot entirely in Second Life and tells dreamlike encounters of artist Gazira Babeli with other characters in an environment, which was an art piece by itself, and which was built by the same artist. Gazira Babeli, main actor, protagonist, stage designer and filmmaker in one person is a well-known artist who is only active in Second Life. LINKS: DirectorsLounge at Newberlin: NewBerlin „Kinshasa 2.0“ - film Gallery Diabolus SLURL: Juria Yoshikawa - artist nnoiz Papp - artist Gazira Babeli - artist Directors Lounge in Berlin: Olga Wunderlich‘s interviews with artists: Olga Wunderlich‘s public events:

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carp 3 83 „When swirlies invaded my brain“ by Juria Yoshikawa Culture is a virus. It spreads hard and fast, straight to the head and heart. I have been stricken by what I‘ve come to know as the swirlies. I‘ve spent some time among them taking in their whimsical attitude. My brain is tingling and I fear that this isn‘t art but some other form of time wasting. Some people have hobbies, I let swirlies invade my brain. Join me?

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carp 3 89 The 3. VJAZZ session (diabolus Benvolio VJAZZ DOM) 2008 02. 16. Sunday 1 PM SLT - 1:30 PM SLT visual artists:

Josina Burgess Caravaggio Bonetto,

audio artist:

Kourosh Eusebio

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carp 3 93 The 3. VJAZZ session (diabolus Benvolio VJAZZ DOM) 2008 02. 16. Sunday 1:30 PM SLT - 2 PM SLT visual artists:

Eden Toll Abstract Baroque,

audio artist:

junivers Stockholm

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carp 3 103 The 3 th. MAJam performance (diabolus Benvolio VJAZZ DOM) 2008 02. 09. Saturday 2 PM SLT - 4 PM SLT visual artists:

Eden Toll, Josina Burgess Caravaggio Bonetto Velazquez Bonetto Abstract Baroque

audio from stream files:

nnoiz Papp

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carp 3 115 The 4. VJAZZ session (diabolus Benvolio VJAZZ DOM) 2008 02. 23. Sunday 1:00 PM SLT - 1:20 PM SLT visual artists:

Velazquez Bonetto

audio artist:

junivers Stockholm

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Josina Burgess Calimera Lane

audio from stream files:

nnoiz Papp

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carp 3 131 The 5 th. VJAZZ session (diabolus Benvolio VJAZZ DOM) 2008 02. 24. Sunday 1 PM SLT - 1:30 PM SLT visual artists:

Josina Burgess Caravaggio Bonetto,

audio artist:

Kourosh Eusebio

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Josina Burgess Calimera Lane Velazquez Bonetto

audio from stream files:

nnoiz Papp

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Josina Burgess Calimera Lane Caravaggio Bonetto Velazquez Bonetto


juniverse Stockholm

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Pink Floyd On July 21 1990, nine months after the dismantlement of the Berlin Wall, Roger Waters and an all-star cast performed „The Wall“ at Potzdamer Platz in Berlin. The performance was watched by a live audience of 250,000 and half-billion people on TV. And now, the Cybernetic Art Research Project (CARP) bring „The Wall“ to SL...

The SL Wall Mother, should I trust the government?

visual artists: Co-ordination and direction: Debbie Trilling (CARP) Choreography and dancing: Eden Toll (CARP) Arena design and build: Velazquez Bonetto (CARP) Wall design and build: Elfod Nemeth (tbc) Puppets: Duggy Bing (tbc) Special effects: Debbie Trilling Josina Burgess and Velazquez Bonetto scripting: Debbie Trilling Velazquez Bonetto

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invers visual thinking

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carp 3 165 Lamb-Scorpio SL sculpture based on semantic intuition concept, & realisation: caravaggio bonetto

Semantic Intuition (inverse thinking) Method: The method overturns the : “Discover a invention” and “Give this invention an name” Accidental names are build by using the method of calling up intuitive meanings (=semantic intuition) and it is to find out how and how far they will be a useful innovation. In most people use names and concepts already known and list them. These words now will be combined with a goal to create new imaginations for ideas. The Semantic Intuition method is as old as abstract thinking is. Abstraction is an operated thinking, deviated from concrete objects in reality and build from that into a new concept. So certain aspects of real objects have to be rejected to let the abstract mark be useful on more and other objects. This thinking process with abstract concepts make it possible that in the material reality not existing combinations can be showed or created. All historical Mythology are such free fantasy products based on semantic intuition (such as: Anubis (Egypt mythology) shown as a human with a dog or jackal head Some of these semantic intuition products could become new meaning. But this new meaning has at most nothing incoming with the earlier meaning or concern. The fresco cycle of Ambrogio Lorenzetti about the good and the bad government (Sienna Palazzo Communale Sala della Pace 1337-39) shows a painting of Proditio (Verrat) (Lamb-Scorpio) Proditio is dressed as a good city resident and wears the normal textile coat and hat. All is weaved out of the finest material. On his lap he holds a lamb – but don’t be mislead , because where normally is the back of the lamb curls the poisonous tail of a scorpio. The virtual sculpture of Carvaggio Bonetto combines the same Semantic Intuition product in association with the mass-media of today.

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diabolus second life virtual art space (benvolio)

the village exhibition by

kaaarl merlin

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performance by

Eifachfilm der bio tue ich mir schwer aber ich hab schon ne vorlage gemacht muss mal nen guten moment eriwschen ich geb dir fertig gelayoutete seiten ich hab alles bereit etwa so wie josinas setite da bin ich gut nur mit meinem leben na da bin ich nicht so sicher was ich da schreiben soll am liebsten würd ich einfach schreiben ich bin gut und habe erfahrung glaubst mir hahaha ich werde den moment finden bin ich sicher also so etwas ist für mich die hölle ne BIO !!!! lol, aber es muss sein weiss ich schon, ich hab schon so viel gesehen, das kann ich gar nicht alles sagen. Ach weisst ich hab studiert ökologie, dann hab ich VHS kasetten kopiert, studium abgebrochen ja schlamm viel schlamm, wir waren die grössten in der schweiz, ich war der mann im studio, das epizentrum, kenne alle. Dann TV, auch im schnitt, TV journalist am desk, hab modis für news geschrieben reuters gescannt, AP, dann pay per view verträge gemacht, hollywood, filme marketing, pakete weisst dann schauspielhaus, theater video meister, wir waren 3 mal theater des jahres, ja wegen der videos, und dann, streaming red bull TV, UNO, ärtzte, ich hab wirklich viel gesehen, und dann SAP events, n edel club gebaut dann burn out und nun 444 :)

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