13 minute read

Metaverse Art a virtuális világ művészete

Why is the Metaverse as a medium interesting to you and why have you chosen this as a platform to express yourself?

because...... -It is a Paradigm shift for understanding time-space continuum, -It has a special quality between the Real World and the Visionary World, -It means the basic Paradigm exchange in communication and collaboration , -We are fascinated by the new dematerializing display options, -We are fascinated by the possibillities of borderless vision transfer,


These are the technical reasons

...and yes in spite of all, something remains a constant since 135000 years: the Joy of Creating. We must not forget that behind every avatar there is a human being, with feelings, his ambition to have a better world and life, with his joy and fear, with his intellect. The Human brain is capable with its capacity for abstraction to view our world in a special way, to understand and change it. With the help of our Sensory we are capable to accumulate the world in a dematerialized form and to insert that into a succesfull surviving strategy. To that we have to mobilize the cognitive abilities of our brain, rebuild our dematerialized world in a spiritual world of thinking. In comunication with other people temporarily our thoughts have to be materialized again, the lesser we use material resources to communicate, the faster and more direct we can exchange ideas and thoughts with other people. The virtual worlds are part of this since the cultural revolution of the 21th century. Metaversum is a new kind of language. In a complex mechanism we are able our thoughts to display as visions and to communicate with other people in real and worldwide. I work since 30 years as a designer, content-creator and programmer on virtual worlds and virtual humans (avatars) that help to display visions as simulations in many Industrial areas and make our material future more comprehensible. For me it was always clear that the Virtual Reality as a Elite technology will transfer as a linked vision machine (http://issuu.com/diabolus/docs/avatar_history), metaverse technology is ready now to open and available for concepts, visions etc, worldwide-for all that possess a computer and internet access. Culture was in the past, in the present and in the future a primary surviving strategy.

The possibilities to investigate this media was founded together with Josina Burgess and Caravaggio Bonetto on June 27th in the Diabolus Artspace and the Cybernetic Art Research projects (CARP)

Art space Diabolus CARP Team stand since its founding for Experimental Art on the most modern medium for Art. Our goal is: to produce technicaly and contentualy attempting and innovating ART with the possibilities of the worldwide web virtual media. In one word we call this: HyperArt (HAtr). The artistic creations we represent we name: Hyperfunktionalism. CARP Creators have created since then many innovations like: Virtual Architecture, Audio Art, Interactive Kinetic Art, complex Cybernetic Art, Worldwide collaborative Audiovisual Improvisation, Presentation Technics, Virtual Theatre, 4D cinema, Video, Collaborative Creations and Art-scripting. The CARP Team has published all their work, creations, creators and developments in the CARP e-book Series . (website: diabolus.ning.com)

Basically for me is all what human a displaying theme. Regardless of the media. The range of topics reaches from subjective emotional themes till political protest actions and social future visions. I always try to ask the right questions, The key for a right answer is always to ask the right question and that is the greatest art. If I get the right answers in the area of Art, Science or whatever don’t really matter. The metaverse structure is the ideal media to experiment with creative ideas without material consequences

I am not searching for themes, the themes find me. You only have to walk around with your eyes open. The virtual worlds have become a natural part of the real world. For me a important goal is: To create a always vivid communication between reality and virtual reality. I don’t think of formal and technical connections, like 2 camera images sending form here to there. I think in contextual connections. Use a new media for real problem solving, generate future visions. In the area of Science, Technics and construction it is already a long time practice. In the area of Art, Culture, Politics and Social Life the first steps are taken.

If a metaverse creation is a success is easy to measure from reactions of the audience. With attentives from the public like: - i love the colours and the textures, - nice visuals, - congratulation great exhibition I know its better to pack my stuff into my inventory and never rez it again. In such a case I know that what I have made has never touched someone and has no impact power

When after a production like THE WALL, THE RINGS, EMOTICON, LIVING ARCHITECTURE or V-JAZZ these or similar texts appear on my screen:

[15:01] Foscos Barbosa: bellissimoooooooo [15:01] Giulia Janus: fantastico! [15:01] iTony Pleides: APPLAUSE!!!! [15:01] Foscos Barbosa: braviiiiiiiiiii [15:01] Giulia Janus: braviiiiii [15:01] Elin Egoyan: amazing!!! [15:01] Aloisio Congrejo ruft: BRAVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII [15:01] Henkie Barbosa: ..:::APPLAUSE:::.. [15:01] Giulia Janus: applause [15:01] Thirza Ember: wonderful [15:01] Myra Goodliffe: Great [15:01] Foscos Barbosa: fantastico [15:01] iTony Pleides: BRAVO!! [15:01] Tani Thor: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:01] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: ¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../)BRAVO¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../) [15:01] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: ¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../)BRAVO¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../) [15:01] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: ¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../)BRAVO¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../) [15:01] Thirza Ember: applause [15:01] Eliza Wierwight: ~applauds~ wonderful ~smiles~ [15:01] Sistagrlro Wei applauds! [15:01] Giulia Janus ruft: BRAVIIIIIII [15:01] Elin Egoyan: me bows her head humble to the creators [15:01] Giulia Janus: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:02] Annabelle Fleury: .-’`’-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-’`’-. [15:02] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: APPLAUSE!!! [15:02] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: Applause!! [15:02] Giulia Janus: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:02] Tani Thor: FANTASTICOOO BRAVIIIIIIIII [15:02] iTony Pleides: THANK YOU!!! [15:02] Tani Thor ruft: BRAVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII [15:02] Giulia Janus: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:02] Elin Egoyan: /applause [15:02] Annabelle Fleury: Hoooo! [15:02] Thirza Ember: braviii [15:02] Tani Thor ruft: BRAVIIIIIIIIIIII [15:02] Foscos Barbosa: bravissimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [15:02] Giulia Janus ruft: BRAVI [15:02] Dubby Loon: fantastic [15:02] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: ?(`’•.¸(`’•.¸ * ¸.•’´)¸.•’´)? [15:02] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: «´•..?WOOHOOOOO!?..•`» [15:02] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: ?(¸.•’´(¸.•’´ * `’•.¸)`’•.¸)? [15:02] iTony Pleides: APPLAUSE [15:02] Tani Thor: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:02] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: ¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../)BRAVO¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../) [15:02] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: ¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../)BRAVO¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../) [15:02] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: ¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../)BRAVO¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../) [15:02] Giulia Janus: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:02] Foscos Barbosa: braviiiiiiiiiiiiiii [15:02] Giulia Janus: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:02] Tani Thor: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:02] Elin Egoyan: CHAPEAU!!!! [15:02] Giulia Janus: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:02] Foscos Barbosa: *•.¸(‘*•.¸???APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE ??? ¸.•*´)¸.•* [15:02] Foscos Barbosa: *•.¸(‘*•.¸???APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE ??? ¸.•*´)¸.•* [15:03] Foscos Barbosa: *•.¸(‘*•.¸???APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE ??? ¸.•*´)¸.•* [15:03] Tani Thor: braviii braviiiiiiii [15:03] Aloisio Congrejo ruft: fantasticiiiii [15:03] Foscos Barbosa: *•.¸(‘*•.¸???APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE ??? ¸.•*´)¸.•*

[15:03] Foscos Barbosa: *•.¸(‘*•.¸???APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE ??? ¸.•*´)¸.•* [15:03] Tani Thor: BRAVIIIIIIIIIII [15:03] Josina Burgess ruft: THANK YOU!!!! [15:03] Velazquez Bonetto ruft: THANK YOU CARP TEAM FOR THE FANTASTIC PERFORMANCE [15:03] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: ¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../)BRAVO¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../) [15:03] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: ¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../)BRAVO¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../) [15:03] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: ¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../)BRAVO¨•._.•v°˜\/`°v•._)•´¯`•../) [15:03] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: *•.¸(‘*•.¸ ? ¸.•*´)¸.•* [15:03] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: ??? FANTASTIC ??? [15:03] MicheleR Wrigglesworth: ¸.•*(¸.•*´ ? `*•.¸)`*•.¸ [15:03] Annabelle Fleury: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:03] Tani Thor: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:03] Elin Egoyan: HOW DID YOU DO IT!!! [15:03] Giulia Janus: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:03] Ariana Mirabella: Amazing!! Thank you... So talented!! [15:03] Giulia Janus: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:03] Tani Thor: la cosa piu’ bella vista in sl....braviiiiiiiiiiii [15:03] Myra Goodliffe: Absolutly Great !!!!!!! [15:04] Foscos Barbosa: grandissima arte in sl [15:04] Tani Thor: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:04] Winston Ormega: wow !!!! [15:04] MillaMilla Noel: grazie [15:04] iTony Pleides: APPLAUSE! [15:04] Giulia Janus: SI DAVVERO [15:04] Giulia Janus: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [15:04] Giulia Janus: UNA COSA FANTASTICA [15:04] Foscos Barbosa: che bello [15:04] Giulia Janus: si [15:04] Tani Thor: BRAVISSIMIIIIII ..TANTO DI CAPPELLO PER IL LAVORO FANTASTICO..QUESTA E’ ARTE PURA.....BRAVIIIII

[15:05] Tani Thor: braviii grazieeeee dello spettacolooooo.....GRANDIIIIIIIIIIII [15:05] Foscos Barbosa: sempre a questa ora giusto [15:05] Giulia Janus: fantastico! [15:04] Foscos Barbosa: bravissimi [15:04] Vel Alchemi: APPLAUSE!!!! APPLAUSE!!!! APPLAUSE!!!! APPLAUSE!!!! [15:04] Foscos Barbosa: bravi [15:05] Rux Anatra: **********APLAUSE!!!************** [15:05] Radiance Rosewood: yaaaaa woooooot [15:05] EdDereDdE Laval: ?(`’•.¸(`’•.¸ * ¸.•’´)¸.•’´)? [15:05] EdDereDdE Laval: «´•.¸¸.•HOOOOOOOOOO!•.¸¸.•`» [15:05] EdDereDdE Laval: ?(¸.•’´(¸.•’´ * `’•.¸)`’•.¸)? [15:05] MillaMilla Noel: grazie a tutti [15:05] EdDereDdE Laval: «´•.¸¸.• ?(`’•.¸(`’•.¸ * ¸.•’´)¸.•’´)? «´•.¸¸.•>> [15:05] EdDereDdE Laval: «´•.¸¸.ARTIST IS DOING AN AWESOME JOB •.¸¸.•`» [15:05] EdDereDdE Laval: «´•.¸¸.• PLEASE SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION! •.¸¸.•`» [15:05] EdDereDdE Laval: «´•.¸¸.• ?(¸.•’´(¸.•’´ * `’•.¸)`’•.¸)? •.¸¸.•`» [15:05] Tondy Treves: :::::::::::APPLAUSE:::::::::::::::::: [15:05] Betty Tureaud: great work . . [15:08] blanche Argus: . .. ...? ? _ ? ? ? ¦ ? ???? APPLAUSE!!!!???? ? ¦ ? ? ? ? ?... .. . [15:08] blanche Argus: ? ¦ ? ? ? _ ? ???? ? APPLAUSE!!!!? ???? ? _ ? ? ? ¦ ? [15:08] blanche Argus: . .. ...? ? _ ? ? ? ¦ ? ??? ?APPLAUSE!!!!???? ? ¦ ? ? ? ? ?... .. . [15:08] Olympia Fizzle: FANTASTICI!!!! . . [15:16] Imnotgoing Sideways: Thank you all very much for a very wonderful show. It was simply beautiful. I’m left speechless and breathless. You have truly created magic in Second Life™ (^_^)

[15:16] Elynni Jewell: I can’t even imagine how much work has gone into this

.... 15 minutes standing ovation , Then I know the message has arrived in the emotional and rational level. The production hat the needed aesthetic impact power, the audience is enthusiastic whatever nationality, age, culture or language.

To follow a “style” is the certain sign of lack of imagination. From the other site it is in my opinion needed to have an artistic concept. What kind of expression I use depends on the content what I want to communicate. So it gives a close functional relationship between communicated content and expressions. For example: when it is about a audiovisual artwork that has musical components, I like to use hyperformal, emotional effects and expression forms. When it is about concrete rational messages I try to use easy to recognise, all popular icons, for all to use -understandable for everyone-forms. The possibillities in the metaverse are endless. I only use 1 rule: First the communication content. Then I choose the for me best fitting expressionform. HFFHF = Hyperform follows the Hyperfunction. That is the only rule of Hyperfunctionalism.

The message of an artwork comes on several channels and addresses both the emotional and the rational side of the viewer. Every work may have many different interpretations. There is nothing more boring than explanations how it should be understood and nothing more exciting and thrilling than a simple and clear artistic language that can talk in a second of visual delight about human questions of huge magnitude. My works are all reflections of such moments that have forced me to think and to talk on my own language. I have achieved my goal if my metaverse creations have launched a chain of thoughts in the viewer’s mind.

Very important, I try to link the attention on important themes. Attention is a very limited resource of the human brain. It does matter what for this important resource is used for. It does matter if we surrender for commercial media. Do we allow to occupate our thinking of the world by Multi nationals or do we aim our attention towards important themes that influent our life, our social life, surroundings primarily. I don’t think much of the sterile artistic masturbation. L’art pour l’art is nonsense. Maybe in the 20th century it was a interesting beginning. Art for People is absolutely more interesting and Meaningful. For that it is extremely important what the public thinks and how they react

Very important. We ask always for reflections of the audience and it is important to know if my communicative goal was succesful or not. The best is when the audience is so enthusiastic that they react from themselves without asking. Nothing is better then a spontaneous aesthetic emotion or a positive aesthetic judgement.

Also very important. In Diabolus/CARP projects most of the time many different artists work together on a project. (soundtrack creator, content creators, text content creators, scripters, animators, machinematograper, art director, producer etc. very artist has its own style and way of thinking. Still all have to work together. Without hearing and listen what the others feel or think, what concepts they have , is not possible. A major production is based on the consensus of many different artists. Often we invite colleagues that are not participate in a production, just to ask for feedback. And also it is important how our work is described in publications.

I use all and everything this technology offers, build space structures, textures, script writing, develop kinematics and more then that all what is installed on my computer from photo manipulation, sound, video editor till 3D visualisation programs or sculpti programs. As a professional Graphic and Industry designer and VR software developer I use all the competencies I also use in RL and for me working and fun is the same. It is obviously that Metaverse art is very technical oriented. The artistic experiences and ideas are very important but not enough. You need more technical competency to raise an idea to a higher level. In RL I work daily with virtual reality and avatars. In SL i developed many ideas that today help in RL products. It starts as a idea, playing around with different possibilities. Then the ideas are coming of from what is born as Art can be used in industrial vision machines. Most of the time it helps to fit in a simulation method. SL frees from the daily work routine and simply helps to be free in the creating process.

The trends for the metaverse are already visible, in fact there are 2 essential concepts.

1. Linden Lab is stuck in a rather restrictive system. When LL is not able to change its concept on many levels it will die like the dinosaurs. Secondlife is just still at this moment the only good and stable functioning metaverse system.

2. Open grid has a significant more open and flexible concept, but still with many operational problems. When the OSG developer community succeeds to stabilize this technically, this environment will have a significant better development potential. I am following the development on both platforms.

I prefer to develop new artistic ideas or technics alone. For smaller objects or for architecture there is no need to work in bigger groups. I simply need the concentration for that. In such a case I use my alt or I work in a OSG at the Metropolis grid or in my local simulator.

There is a special way to work together, where new ideas arise, by brainstorming. With communication and wild trying out many different possibillities, the most interesting pieces of art or techniques were created. With Josina, Caravaggio and Debbie together we developed and implemented many new ideas.

There are also very complex productions that without the collaboration of many avatars would not be possible to make. Here the many competencies need to be integrated in a production. This kind of creating needs a lot of communication from all participants, precise work and coordination. The participants often are in different continents, we never set a deadline for completion and still all comes together.

I find all possibilities and technics to express great as long it has a meaningful function. Even RL art displaying in SL has a function; to discover and learn art pieces they otherwise never would see and would stay unknown. Artworks have the primary function to bring a message to the rational and emotional level. All these are possible to be shown in many forms. But yes I prefer primary immersive art, like everything that is not possible to create in RL.

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