342 Union Cemetery Rd SW
FEATURES Brown Farm $235,000 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 945 Sq Ft MLS# 4052676 Welcome to this Charming Bungalow! Updated! Ready for 1st time Homeowners, Investors, or small home business (Zoned C-2)! Large lot with lots of mature trees and detached garage (with power!) behind the home, ready for parking or a workshop. Kitchen, Laundry Room and Bathroom updated with new LVP flooring and Granite counters; Living Rooms and Bedrooms include beautifully restored hardwood floors and walk-in closets! This home provides SO many possibilities and won’t last long! Visit dickensmitchener.com for more information 2330 Randolph Road | Charlotte, NC 28207 | 704.342.1000 just listedUpdated Charming Bungalow With Many Possibilities!
342 Union Cemetery Road SW, Concord, North Carolina 28027-6835
least one year
Spcl Cond: None
Rd Respons: Publicly Maintained Road
Room Information
Main Kitchen Living Rm Laundry Bath Full Bedroom Bedroom
Parking Information
Main Lvl Garage: Yes Garage: Yes # Gar Sp: 1 Carport: No # Carport Spc: Covered Sp: Open Prk Sp: Yes/4 # Assg Sp: Driveway: Gravel Prkng Desc:
Parking Features: Driveway, Garage Detached, Garage Faces Side, Garage Shop, RV Access/Parking Features
Lot Description: Level, Trees
Waterbody Nm:
Windows: Window Treatments
Fixtures Except: No
Foundation: Crawl Space
Lake/Wtr Amen: None
Laundry: Electric Dryer Hookup, Laundry Room, Main Level, Washer Hookup
Basement Dtls: No
Fireplaces: No
Construct Type: Site Built
Exterior Cover: Vinyl Road Frontage:
Road Surface: Gravel, Paved
Roof: Architectural Shingle
Security Feat: Smoke Detector
Appliances: Electric Range
Interior Feat: Entrance Foyer
Floors: Vinyl Plank, Wood
Comm Feat: None
Patio/Porch: Awnings, Covered, Front Porch
Other Structure:
Sewer: City Sewer Water: City Water
Heat: Central Cool: Ceiling Fan(s), Central Air
Restrictions: N/A
Subject to HOA: None
Association Information
Subj to CCRs: No
Remarks Information
HOA Subj Dues: No
Public Rmrks: Welcome to this Charming Bungalow! Updated! Ready for 1st time Homeowners, Investors, or small home business (Zoned C-2)! Large lot with lots of mature trees and detached garage (with power!) behind the home, ready for parking or a workshop. Kitchen, Laundry Room and Bathroom updated with new LVP flooring and Granite counters; Living Rooms and Bedrooms include beautifully restored hardwood floors and walk-in closets! This home provides SO many possibilities and Won't Last Long!
Directions: Follow GPS/Google Maps for accurate directions to property
Listing Information
Residential County: Cabarrus Status: ACT City Tax Pd To: Concord Tax Val: $75,510
Brown Farm Complex: Zoning Spec: C-2 Zoning: Parcel ID: 5529-19-8360-0000 Deed Ref: 2901-246 Legal Desc: LOTS 4-6 P/O 3 BLK C BROWN FARM 1.00LT Apprx Acres: 0.30 Apx Lot Dim: 79x157x76x161 Lot Desc: Level, Trees General Information School Information Type: Single Family Elem: Unspecified Style: Bungalow, Traditional Middle: Unspecified Levels Abv Grd: 1 Story High: Unspecified Const Type: Site Built SubType: None Building Information Level # Beds FB/HB HLA Non-HLA Beds: 2 Main: 2 1/0 945 319 Baths: 1/0 Upper: Yr Built: 1959 Third: New Const: No Lower: Prop Compl: Bsmt: Cons Status: 2LQt: Builder: Model: Above Grade HLA: 945 Additional SqFt: Tot Primary HLA: 945 Garage SF: 319 Additional Information Prop Fin: Cash, Conventional, FHA, VA Loan Assumable: No Ownership: Seller owned for at
MLS#: 4052676 Category:
$235,000 Subdivision:
DOM: CDOM: Slr Contr: UC Dt: DDP-End Dt: LTC: ©2023 Canopy MLS. All rights reserved. Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Generated on 07/24/2023 11:20:04 AM The listing broker’s offer of compensation is made only to participants of the MLS where the listing is filed.
KITCHEN 12'-0"X11'-6"
BEDROOM2 12'-0"11'-6"
BEDROOM1 12'-0"X11'-6"
LIVINGROOM 17'-6"X11'-6"
1CARGARAGE (unheated) 13'-4"X21'-4"
ThisBOLDDOTTEDlinerepresentsthe calculatedheatedarea.ALLroomsinside thisshapeareincluded.NOTE:Thegarage isoutsideofthisshapeandnotincluded.
14'4" 22'-3" 11'9" 10'4" 2'4" 34'-5" 10'-1"
Iustructions to properer Owners
I ' The Residential Property Disclosure fu t (G.s. 478).("Disclosure Act') .requires owners of residential real estate (single-family homes, individual condbminiumr, to*rho,rr.., *a rh;Tid, il#d;lli;{ri6;i i""iji.ui* unlts) to turni-sh buyers a Residential Plgrerg and owners'Association oi"a"rur.'si"t rn..rt 1'flDir.lor"i. Srri.*."r"). Thi, form is the only one approved for this Purpose. A disclosure statemenr must be fur"irh.d i" .on"...i"""Jrf, *.'rrf., ...fr*i,-.rj.i, -a sale under a lease with-option to purchase where the.."*, a.* "", o""rpy or intend ro o..rpy?il ffi:iil?:' ,['i#jorur. statement is not required for some ffensacrions, induding rhe firsr rr[;'d"-;*;ll;; ;il;h'ffi;;; il;""il;bit? *d transactions of residintial properry made pursuan. to " l.r!. *i.h,._ojr:" ," p*.t r.. '*lr";A; l"; ;""pi* il i"i.""a, * occupy the dwelling. For i co-mpiete list 6f exemptiors, see G.5.47L2.
2' You must resoond to each of the questions on the following pages of this form by fitling, in the requested in-f_ormalion or by placing ?:lti* ({) in the fPropyle L.*. rn ,.rpondi,itl?. quotio*, you are only obligared to disclose information about which you have acnial linorivledge.
a' !f you check "Yes' fol any guestion, you mu"t explain your answer and eirher describe anyproblem or acach a reporr from an attorney, engineer, contractor, pest conrrof op.r"ro, or other.-p;"; t"blii
report, you will not be Iiable for pf ,"ii:Y_T^yiniomplete information contained fi it ,o rong as you were nor grossly negligent in obtaining or rransmirdng the information.
b' If you check "No," you are stating.that you lrave no acrual knowle{ge of any problem. If you check ,,No,, and you know rhere is a problem, you maF be liible for making
c' If you check "No Representation,'you are choosing not to disclose d-re condidons or characteristics of the properry, even if you have acrual knbwledge of thdm or should h*% k"o*"
d' If you check'Yes" or "No" and something \a.pp.rrs to the properry to make your Disclosure Sraremenr incorrecr or inaccurate (for,erample, rhe roof begin, to [.rki-yo,, *urt
correcr rhe problem.
3. Ifyou are assisted i
he or she"kno*" o, *o*bit;[ilJk";;.g";d*r ;iy";;6;es on tre Disclosure statement.
4' You must git= +: comgleted Disclosure Statement to rhe buyer no larer dran the time the buyer makes an offer to purchase E:!,5:'qy.:?r"#"":t*:,'l::;ruii#ff*'.'ffiu*n:i:.x,:kli;:'*kl#*mTm;T::;i;*-#r;";i the buyer for your records.
Note to Buyer: lf the owner does not give you a Residential Properly and Owners'Association Disclosure Statement by the time you make your offer to purchase the property, you may under certain conditions cancel any resulting contract without penalty to you as the buyer. To cancel the contract, you must personally deliver or mail written notice of your decision to can_ cel to the owner or the owner's agent within three calendar days following your receipt of the Disclosure statement, or three calendar days following the date of the contract, whichever occurs first. However, in no event does the Disclosure Act permit you to cancel a contract after setilement of the transaction or (in the case of a sale or exchange) after you have occupied the property, whichever occurs first.
5 In the space below, Properq, Address: type or print in ink the address of 342 Union Cemetery Rd SW the property (sufficient rc identify it) and your name, Then sign and dace. , Concofd, llC 28027
Owner's Name(s): Benaie Michael McClel1an , .Tanice B McClellan /i
examined this before and that all irtformatioru is true and correct as Darc-2: /{:p n^t *l:-E,AL of the sigrued.
Owner Owner Signature: Buyers acknowledge th^ is not /1 watranty representations are inspections from a
Buyer Signature:
Buyer Signature: Date Date
*;r*'9.;;;tj;;;. ifr,." r*f*
"" i"t""ri""J.*rrror.-"rr..
prf*id/gir. ,h. bJy;, " ."i..o.a oi..i.."r" S*r#Jr,, o,
REC 4.22. RIV 8/2] Created by Jay Cety ,ith Skyslot€ ross Page I of4
Properry Address/Description: 342 Union Rd sn Concord NC 28027
The followins ouestions addre*s the characteristics and condition of tfte oroperty identified above about which the owner lnas acrual Mo&ledse.Where the question refers to "dwellingr" it is intended to iefer to the dwelling unit, or units if more than one, to be conieyed with the froperty. The term "dwelliig unit" refers to any structure intendedfor human habitation.
1. In what year rvas the dwelling constructed? / ?sq
Explain if necessaryt
Is there any problem, malfi.rnction or defect wirh the dwellingt foundation, slab, fireplaces/chimqe).s, floors, windows (intluding storm windows and screens), doors, ceilings, inrerior and exterior walls, acached garage, patio, deck or other sructural components including any modifications to them?..
The dwelling's exterior walls are made of what rype of material? Ll Brick Veneer n \Wbod [] Stone f.(.Vinyl I Sinthetic Srucco E Composition/Hardboard l-l Concrete tl Fiber Cement tr Aluminum tl Asbestos
In wlraj I1a. y1. the dwellings roof covering installed? -+eUL- (Approximate if no records are available) Explain if necessary: -
Is there any leakage or other problem with the dwellingt rooft
Is there any water seepage, leakage, dampness or standing water in the dwelling's basement, crawl space, or slab?
Is there any problem, malfunction or defect with the dwellingt eleccrical system (outlets, wiring, panel, switches, fixtures, generator, etc.) ?..............
8 Is there any problem, malfuncdon or defect with the dwellingt plumbing system (pipes, 6xrures, water heater, etc.) I
9 Is there any problem, malfunction or defect wich the dwelling s
10. \Wlhat is heat source? fl Heat (Check the dweliing's all that apply) Age of system: Fwnac2D,l2- Pump Ll
heatins and/or air conditionine?. Brr.bo'"rdr orrr", 4nS 0n c.lc
1 1. V4rat is rhe dwelling's cooling source? y', Cenrral Forced Air lWall/\Vindow Unir(s)
(Check all that of
12. What are rhe dwellingt fuel sources? Ef,lectriciry Vfuatural Gas [ 1 Propane n Oil n Other
tr il,. fr.t
is rt above ground or it betow ground, and whether the tank is fl leased by seller or fl owned by seller. (Check all that apply)
13. 'S7har is the dwelling's water supply source? {CitylCguny n Community System f1 Private 'Well t lShared
14. thedwelling'swaterpipesaremadeofwhatrype.ofmaterial?flCopperilGalvanizedt-iPlasticlPolyburylene
I 5. Is there any problem, malfunction or defect with the dwelling's rvater supply (including water qualiry quantiry.
16. \7har is tlt dwelling's sewage disposal system? t.-i Septic Tank = Septic Tank with Purnp r I Communiry System N(Conr,..t..Ito Citv/Counry System Ll City/County Sys-tem available-tr Straight pipe (wastewater dbes not go into a septic or orher sewer_system [note: use of this type of system violates state law])
17. If the dwelling is serviced by a septic system, do you knowhow many bedrooms are allowed by the septic system permit? if yorr "nrw., is "yes," horv many bedrooms are allowed? - tr No records available
18. Is rhere any probiem, malfunction or defect with the dwellingt sewer and/or septic syste m?.
19. Is there any problem, malfunction nr defect with the dwelling s central vacuum, pool, hot tub, spa, attic fan, cxhausr Fari. ceiling fans, sump pump, irrigation s1,stem,TV cable wiring or satellite dish, garage door openers,
20. Is there any problem, m'alfunction ot defect with any appliances that may be included in the conveyance (range/oven, ittached microwave , hood/fan, dishwasher, disposal, etc.)?........'.....
XE Ns Nq Reoresentation
J. 4. 5. 6. 7.
!tr n tr E
rjaLi n n tr tr tr n tr u n
tr& TI NE Lr& i-] N
tr O*rer 20t
.o*." i, ,.*a i" " *rt, ia."(,ic#;[*l,!]mgYl
N !E x M.' Buyer Initials and Dare Bu,ver Initials and Date Ovmer Initials and Date Owner Initials and Date ftn Lr' P.EC,4.1,?RDV 8/2] Page 2 of 4 ! tr tr
21. Is there any problem with present infestation of the dwelling, or damage from past infestation of wood destroying insects or organisms which has not been repaired?.........
22. Is there any problem, malfunction or defect with the drainage, grading or soil stabiliry of the properry?..........
23. Are there any strucrural additions or other structural or mechanical changes to the dwelling(s) to be conveyed
24. ls rhe properry ro be conveyed in violation ofany local zoning ordinances, restrictive covenants, or other land,,se reitriitiorls, or building codes (including th; failure to o6tain proper permits for room additions or other
25. Are there any hazardous or toxic substances, materials, or products (such as asbestos_, formaldehyde, radon gas, merhan; gas, lead-based paint) which exceed government safety standards, any debris (whether buried or forercd) o, uid.rground stoiage tanks, or any environ*eutally hazardous condirions (such as contattrinatcd soil or warer, o, o,[", environniental contamination) Iocated on or which otherwise affect the property?......... p,
26. Is there any noise, odor, smoke, etc. from commercial, industrial, or military sources which affects the property? [.1
27. Is the properry subject to any utiliry or other easements, shared driveways, parry walls or encroachments from
28. Is the liens, could
property the sublect o[any lawsuits, foreclosures. banluuptry, Ieases or rental agreemcrrts. judgments. tax prnpnr.i assessmenrs. m.ihanics' liens, marerialmens'liens, or notices from any governmental agcncy that alIect title to the properry?
29. Is the property subject to a flood hazatd or is the property located in a federally-designated flood hazard areal n
30. Does the properry abut or adjoin anv private road(s) or $reet(s)? tr
31. If there is a private road or street adjoining the ProP€fiy, is there agreementsdealing*fuh the maintenance of the road or sreet?
in existence anyowners' association or maintenance
Ifyou answered'?"r'to any ofthe questions listed above (1-31) please explain (attach additional sheets ifnecessary):
In lieu of providing a writren explanation, you may attach a written report- to this Disclosure Statement by. a public agency' or b.y. an arrorney, eirgineer, iind r.rru.yor, g.ologist, pest conirol operator contractor, home inspector, or other expert, dealing with matters within r-he scope of-that public agenry's firnctions or the expert's license or expertise. The following questions pertaio to the property identified aborre, including the lot to be convqrcd and arry dwelling unit(e), sheds, detached g:rages, or other buildiags located thereon No
32. Is the properry subject to governing documents which impose various mandatory covenants, conditions, *d b No RePrqotatioa
If you answered '!cd' to the question above, please explain (attach additional sheets if necesraty):
3J. Is the properry subiecr to regularion bv one or more owners associarion(s) including'. bur.,not limited to, Y. obliearioni to pay regular rrrirrrn.nt, or dues and special assessmenrs] Ifyou answer is "yes," please provide rh. infur-.tio'n i.qr"..t.d below as to each owners' associatior ro which the properry is subject [insert N/A into any blank that does not apply]:
' (speci$, name)
are $ association manager are
whose regular assessments ("dues") per The name, address and telephone number of the president of the owners' associ.ation or the
(specif, name) =-_
per association manager are -._Owner Initials and Date Owner Initials and Date REC 4.22 RF,V 8/21 Page 3 of 4
The name, address and telephone number of the president of the owners' association or the
<. n 2l
Ys No Reorenation n tr n u d p x ry E x x x F F. N n n n tr n n tr
tr L] n u
whose regular assessments ("dues") are $ - Buyer Initials and Date Buyer Initials and Date
)lty.g" answerjd "Yes" to-question 33 1bov9,-yo3 must complete the rcmainder of this Disclosure Statement. If you answered *No" or "{9 -kp"T"t:tatiorf' to guestion 33 above, Ig" dt not need to ,urswer the remaining questions on this Disclosue statement skip to the bottom of the last page and initiar aad date the page
; charged^by the association or by the association's management company in connecdon widr the or ffansfbr of the lot or property to a new ormer? If your answer is "yes," please state the amount
35. As of the date this Disclosure Scatement is signed, are there any dues, fees, or special assessmenm which have n been duly approved as required by rhe applicible declaration oi bylr*r, and tha'r are payable ro an associarion to which che lor is subject? IFyour ansrver is "yes," please state the nature and amount ofthe dues, fees, or special assessments to which the properry is subiccr:
36. As of the date this Disclosure Statement is signed, are there any unsacisfied judgments against, or pending I lawsuirs ituoluing th! ProPffty or /ot to be conTqteil If your ans,,rer is "yes," pleie srate tie natur.'uf cr.fi' pcndinglawsuit'andrheamounto|eachunsaris6ediudgment:
34. Are any fees conveyance of the fees: 37
38. '!7hich of the following services and amenities are paid for by the owners' association(s) identified above out of rhe association's regular assessments ("dues")? (Check all that apply). ys
b uo r.po*aroo
Exterior Building Maintenance of Properry to be Conveyed.................... u Exterior Yardllandscaping Mainrenance of Lot to be Conveyed.................... fl Common Areas Maintenance............... al Recreadonal Amenity Maintenance (specify amenities covered) il fl ry F u No Rcoroenation tr Pest Tieatment/Extermination.... \fater.. tr Storm water Management/Drainage/Ponds n Parking Area l\,{aintonenro No F fl ry M d g ts q x tr q{ g tr m X K tr D u tr n T tr n u n n n n tr n tr u D C)ther: (speci$,) Bul,er Initials and Date Buyer Initials and Date Owner Initials and Date Owner Initials and Date REL- 4.22 REV 8/21 Page 4 o{ 4 1 ,//.<l n
Instructions to Property Ovr'ners
1. The Residential ProPertY Disclosure Act (G.S. 47E) ("Disclosurc Act") requires owners of cerGin residential real estate such as singlefamilv homes, individuai condominiums, torvnhouses, and the like, and buildings with up to lour dwelling uni$, to lurnish Purchasers a Mineral and Oil and Gas Rights Disclosure Statement ("Disclosure Sratemenr"). This fbrm is the only one approved for rhis PurPose'
2. A disclosure statement is not required for some ffansactions' For a complete list of see G.S. 47EZG). A DISCLOSURE including transfers involving the fimt sale of a dwelling never inhabited, lease rvith oPtion to purchase cofltracts where the lessee occupies or intends to occupy the drvelling, and transfers bem'ecn panies when bodr partie-s agree not r'o provide the Residendal Propeny and Ownerl Associadon Disclosure Sutemcnt.
3. You must resPond to each of the fbllowing by placing a check I in the aPProPriate box'
Mineral rights and/or oil and gas rights ",,,.b" *rJil- *" tu" - "*l p;P;tqy blr pnv.eyan* (deeo of the mineral rights and/or oir and ga" rights liom-th" #,,"" o, by .J;;i-o.f*" -i""*r-rig$,o l"allr Lil *a gas righrs bv the owner' [f mineral rieht atrd/or ol *a gr",lfr-t '* "'.ru t iliil;.1il*g"ttv' a""t#ffi?t* t+?--Jv h# the p"'ptt',"l right to dIIl, -ir,., explone, ",rd ,.ff;;;;;.#J;#;;;i*l/"i"ll * s"" .*"urces on-or &om the property either direcdv fiom the;urface of the property or ftom *.otUyfJ,f-. Wtth *g,'d *o"tht *ooo of mineral rights and/or oil and gas dgfuts, sdler makes the foflowing disdocures: yes No No Representation
B-rrIrt t"b
l,Minetalrigh$w€fesever€d&omthepropertybyapreviousownef' n d tr
2. Seller has senered the mireral rights &om the property' n
3. Seller intends to sever the minerat rights &om the property prior to tl trarsfer of title to the BuYet
4 Oil andgas rigfutswueserrudfromtrepropertybyapreviourownec t]
5. Seller has serered the oil and gas righe from the property' Il
6. Setler intcnds to esvcr the oil and gae rights &om the property prior D to transfer of tide to BuYen
Note to Purchasers
Properry Address: 342 Union Rd sw NC 7
Owner's Name(s) Bennie Michael B Owrrcr(s) achnouledge examined this Disclosure Statement before anrl that all inJitnnatiort is true ltnd cotrecr as of the date signed.
D.,.e ?*/t'-.?j
D^rr'7- /4 ,eJ
examined it before signin.q: rhat' made by the owner and not the Purchaser(s) receipt ofa co?t of'this Dkclosure Statement; that thqt haue
thdt this ir not a or subagent(s). by ou,ner ar otufier
Owner Owner Purchaser Purchaser
's agent; and tbat tlte representations are owner
they understand 's agent(s)
( fr d
B""t h,.ttt U"y* I"tat"t. Buyer Initials
-, -
RF,C 4.25 llt 115 Created by JaY cdcy,iS 5lYSl6IS Fo@