Book 2016 x4

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For teachers, advanced students and begginers

06 parshva janu shirshanana

parshva janu shirshasana

Intuitive History - This Asana was also born after sitting for a long time in a meditative posture, from feeling compression in the lumbar spine. extend sides of the lumbar spine & stretch out the connective muscles between pelvis & lumbar area till bottom of the rib cage. Internal Anatomical Adjustments - Intense extension of the side of the lumbar area. Stretches the Ligamentus lumbarum in the deep & intense stretch. as we start rotating the belly upward,then there is an intense stretch in the obliquo muscle. Soft stretch in the dorsal ancho & rodondo mayor. * Need to maintain a soft stretch on the back of the other leg to maintain balance in the hips. If not, injury could appear at the compressed part of lumbar area or inner thigh in longterm practice.

03 uthita parivrita trikonasana

uthita parivrita trikonasana

Intuitive History: The oblicuo muscle becomes lazy and tight by sitting too much or by a slow digestion in the colon. Then the hip muscles become contracted & it increases sciatic nerve irritation.This posture was born with its processed postures to stretch intensively the legs, hips & sides of the abdominals to create enough flexibility & to create a better flow of sciatic nerve to avoid inflammation. Anatomy - Main muscle is medium hip muscle & then the stretch continues on to the Obliquo. hip flexibility is related to the back of the legs, BĂ­ceps femoralis & calf muscles). Basically its a sciatic reginal stretch & a strong twist of the lumbar spine.


Do not practice this while suffering from sciatic nerve inflammation or do it in guidance of the expert on anatomical Yoga.


Do not push if you feel burning sensation in the stretch on the inner tendon right behind your isquionic hip bone

Benefits - Helps to maintain the sciatic nerve flow. Brings a lot of hip-muscle flexibility

Historical intention- This asana was born from Setubandhasana & Supta vajrasana. After 17 years with an old injury, It was a deep adjustment to my own pelvichip area to stretch & stimulate deep, inner tissues of the Pelvic-hip area Inner Anatomical adjustment 1-From Setubandhasana, placing our feet & toes curved on the floor we engage our feet muscles so that calf muscles start to strech. 2-Bringing the knees on the ground the cuadriceps Muscles start to stretch intensely. 3-By curving the lumbar spine the psoas Muscle streches . 4-& as we bring our elbows backward, the redondo mayor & triceps stretch to avoid cervical compression. It is a complete spinal extention.

upendra vajrasana


Intuitive History - Pull your self up as a bow string. Our arms behave like the bow string & thorax & legs like the main bow structure.This asana could be born from the need to stretch the chest & arms. It’s a very practical posture for the people who have to lift lots of weight on their arms or holding weight for a long time. Like newly became parents, who have to lift their baby for a long time on their arms. Arms & chest slowly form tightness & knots. This could heal the tightness & circulate oxygen & other nutrients in the chest muscles & front arm muscles. Internal Anatomical Adjustment 1-As we hold our ankles with our palms, forhead on the ground & push our tibial bones backwards, the biceps & pectoral muscles start to stretch intensely. 2- The chest lifts up from the floor & creates stretch in the chest & diaphragm muscles .

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