Portfolio 2021
Emma Diehl master of architecture
’axe se dessine par les réseaux dont il se fait le support. vers les différents espaces de la ville et les pôles multimodaux.

D’uNe fRéqueNtatiON Plus sOuteNue boulevaRd caRnot t5 t1 Marché De Saint-DeniS eauDelaire rOGer SéMat jeanRue Rue de PRaiRial RueGabRielPéRi Geïntegreerd sport en Bestaandebuitensportvoorzie-integrerenGrootIngroteintegrerenvingIngeorganiseerdecomplexenintensiverenveldenplexen,delen,routesmetbeweeglandschapverbindendetussenpark-sportcom-kleinereensportmeu-sport-voorstedelijkeomge-deelgebiedenmiddel-buitensport-parkomgevingWesterparktekleinesportcom-23 26 2116 29 11 241253 187 10 27 14 19 processesvariousstructures form studies systems

The thrill of climbing high, testing body limits and even falling have been proven to be valuable in the emotional and physical development of children. Through playing they develop their agility, strength and balance.
3 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication
new district under construction on the site of the former shipyard. Streams of people will use the public space which should offer livable and sustainable outdoor space. The playground A9 is located in a very constrained space; the street is narrow, the buildings high and the underground filled with pipes which need to stay accessible. To tackle these issues, this design proposes to use containers for the structure of the playground. This creates great flexibility as they can be moved when needed. The open container structures offer space and modularity for the children to play and they reassure parents by setting a frame and transparency.
speelplek A9
This design explores the making of an exciting and thrilling environment for the kids while fulfilling the numerous safety requirements of our time. It proposes a public space of play in which the sculptural aspect is as important as its primary functional

2021 - on going / g emeente Amsterdam for team Noordflank / m ain designer / with Gaby Getrouw / S O

doorsnedebenodigdaa’ doorsnede bb’

Maintenance of the pipes located under the containers can be done by removing it or removing the floors laying on the containers. This system decreases the pressure on the pipes and doesn’t need any paving removable in order to access the pipes.

Optie 1 containers verplaatsen: + volledig bereikbaarheid van de kables + geen verharding te handelen - kleine kraan

Guided by both technical research into building physique as well as intuition, this assignment of the pre master course explores the use of steel as a main construction material. It investigates structural behaviour of a single material to explore its potential and get an understanding of its physical properties. 10 technical details were created to explain both the concept and its implementation.
The volume specifically needed to be partly cantilevered. The use of steel allows for a light and elegant, yet sturdy structure. Visually this proposal centers around a curtain wall highlighting the cantilevered structure, while the rest of the building is covered by plain corrugated steel.

/ Jos Rijs, Jean-Marc Saurer en Adri Verhoef

steel works
5 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication
2020 / a cademie van bouwkunst
/ tools building course as part of the premaster architecture and technics
6 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication STRUCTURES

The house made out timber and recylcled bricks connects and slots into natural cycles. In that way, water is the connecting element between the landscape and the house. This translates through different functions around the house such as generating energy through a turbine, collecting rain water, and water purification by phytoremediation.
2020 / a cademie van bouwkunst / design assignment as part of the pre-master architecture and technics / Paulien Bremmer, Marlies Boterman and Jos Rijs
7 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication
Seyran Ateş is a feminist lawyer who founded a liberal and mixte mosque in Berlin. For that and for her very progressive positions on religion she is facing numerous threats. As a consequence the discinction between the different parts of her life, public, private and spiritual is very singular. The spiritual made public impacts the private life by the need of Theseprotection.overlappings can be conceptually translated in a composition of volumes that support different functions of the house relating to the different spheres: public (or social) private, and spiritual.. The social volume correspond to the living spaces, central and very open and bright. The private area which integrate the rooms, bathrooms and utilities is a close volume, the only one with doors. The last space dedicated to spirituality lays on the water almost. The light reflects from the water through a perforated brick wall providing a meditative environment. Those volumes coming together create folds, openings and transparencies allowing light to percolate through the different spaces. A brick envelop softly hugs the whole house in a protective manner. The overall space is organized around a patio opening the core of the house to the Ij river and further landscape

8 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication

The structure of the house is resting on 4 different systems, 3 made out of timber columns, following the composition of the main spaces and one brick envelop acting as a shear wall.

9 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication

3. De brug asymmetrisch doordat steunpunt uit het midden staat. Het steunpunt kan aan de zijde van het hotel 43b of aan de zijde van Jona, 42A
Brug 2052

Family of bridges on the Polygoongracht and graphics illustrating the requirements

1.Een eenvoudige strak silhouet, waarbij steunpunt en brug abstract beeld opleveren. De details van de brug dragen aan een abstract en bijzonder beeld.

4. Om de hoogte verschillen overbruggen kan de trap kan als lichter element onder het strakke geslotenere silhouet uitsteken. Dit kan mogelijk een luie trap met voorziening voor kinderwagens hellingbaan. Dit punt nader uitwerken.
2018 / g emeente Amsterdam for team Ijburg / ellaboration of the an analysis and preliminary design / u nder the supervision of Ellen Monchen

The bridges of IJburg 1st phase are divided into five families. Each family has its own design language, which suits the function and the environment. The bridges across the Inland canals are solid, made of steel or brick and have closed rai lings. The bridges over Openwater are more transparent with an open railing.

2.De brug leunt niet op de kade maar lijkt als het ware te zweven.
Luchtfoto Haveneiland West


10 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication De bruggen van IJburg fase zijn onderverdeeld vijf families. Elke familie heeft een eigen vormentaal, die past bij de functie de omgeving. De bruggen over het Binnenwater zijn massief, van staal of baksteen en hebben gesloten leuningen. Ze zijn onderdeel van de stoere wereld van het Haveneiland, van gesloten bouwblokken met een van buiten een stenig karakter. Over het Buitenwater zijn de bruggen transparanter met een open reling. zijn onderdeel van de luwe zijde met het open landschap. Om de samenhang de leesbaarheid van IJburg te vergroten zullen de bruggenfamilies ook weer in de 2e fase IJburg herkenbaar zijn. Hieronder een korte toelichting van de families. Het Buitenwater heeft type bruggen, de eilandbruggen, lange lijn en de groene Tunnel. Het binnenwater heeft typen, te weten over de Polygoongracht en de IJburglaan. Bruggen op IJburg1 1 IJburgopBruggen N (Right page) Localisation of the diferent families bridges N 8 5432117 page)(Left 4familiedevanBruggen page)(Right PolygonedevanProfielen 31,0053,00 27,0029,0032,00 46,00 m 40,00
The assignment concerns the last bridge of the family located on the Polygoongracht. However a number of technical and spatial requirements linked to the specific location of this new bridge create a very different assignment than for the other bridges. Considering all the principles, it is not logical to connect to the Sambeek family bridges. Nevertheless, characteristics of inland water bridges can be adopted, such as the use of materials in steel and a sturdy and powerful silhouette.
5. het silhouet een verfijning van gesloten en opener deel Dit kan door geperforeerd staal een subtiel vakwerk. Zie de referenties. De verlichting in de brug geïntegreerd in het ontwerp en ondergeschikt aan het silhouet. Ze benadrukt het zwevende karakter.
4 4 Ruimtelijke uitgangspunten 21 Ruimtelijke uitgangspunten
Therealized.ambitions for this project have been focused on 3 mains subjects which are: - creating a green environment on the scales of the neighborhood, the jetties and the houses which support biodiversity

11 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication Lot 124

- researching the design of the jetties through the lens of public space, creating interesting vistas, open spaces with a view of the water and the surrounding area, ‘communal’ green facilities.


2017 / g emeente Amsterdam for team Ijburg / e llaboration of block passport for a neighborhood of floating houses / with Huib Burger
The list of requirements and the 3 different topics of focus
Steigereiland is the experimental island of IJburg with all kinds of self-construction, wealth-free building and living on and at the water. Living on the water is part of IJburg’s identity and contributes to the nautical atmosphere. Tourists from all over the world regularly visit this special residential Thisenvironment.neighborhood, together with the other two water neighborhoods, forms an ensemble. This ensemble is the heart of Steigereiland. Here, a green and sustainable living environment on the water is required. Floating gardens provide a collective identity for the plan.
IJburg is a special neighborhood and lot 124 is a special place. That is why the Amsterdam’s ambitions for the development of this place are high. The urban and architectural concept requires an innovative approach, complementing the floating homes that have already been
- social cohesion is strengthened through a mix of different housing types, sizes and the sharing of collective facilities and outdoor spaces
Westerpark g emeente Amsterdam for team Aluvihare
1 P o r t a l10 Playground11 Pavement4 Passerelle9 Markings14 Lightings 17 Public toilets 715SkateparkBorders 16 Jeu de boules 12 Landmark3 Bridge 18 Bike parking6 Belvedere 5 Terraces 13 Trash bins 8 Tree signs2 Tunnel 2019 /

In that perspective, I started researching on the identity of the park through a system of objects or interventions which refers to the same visual family. Together they create a link and a reference throughout the different parts of the park. The systems considers the different typologies, categories of price and time line to investigate which ones can be imple mented first.
12 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication

The Westerpark is one of the biggest park of the city and is located very strategically between the city center and Ha ven-Stad, a new big part of the city in development. The park is mainly devided in two areas; The plot gardens represent a great historical heritage and a very unusual and beauti ful place in the city. However they are rarely open to public and they cover the biggest portion of the park. The rest of the park which is open to public is under the pressure of the amount of users and public events.
ontwerp publieke ruimte / preliminary study for project Grote Westerpark u nder the supervision of Ruwan

A next step in the project will develop on the design of the family of object.
The project Grote Westerpark investigate how to release some of the pressure on the public part by making the plot gardens more open to public while protecting their very spe cial character. Through this it is also important to work on the unity of the park as a whole.

13 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication SYSTEMS

14 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication
Energy systems and underground infrastructures play a major part on the organization of the city and on the design of the public space. Considering the shift of systems from fossil resources to sustainable energy, they nowadays particularly need to be thought in parallel to the spatial planning of the city. However, they tend to be considered as separate topics which laboriously permeate. This is most of the time due to a lack of communication and understanding between the different disciplines.
Energy systems
2016 / g emeente Amsterdam internship team Nieuwe Opgaven / i nternship research
To do so I developed a system of objects representing the different sources, infrastructures or users which can be placed and plugged to illustrate a system.

In this perspective, the assignment was to research on energy systems, theoretically and applied through examples and find a way to communicate graphically to make those information accessible for non-specialists.
All the elements playing a role in one of the system is here represented individually. They can be then orginazed in different combinaisons whth one another to express different systems.
Industrie Wind turbine Off shoreWind turbine Passive House Food waste Biofuel plant Gota river N r ch e u n m e
Chapter Systems42 Geemente Amsterdam
Centralisingblocks. the way buildings are heated and cooled through a main source means that the central plant can be advanced to use more sustainable and clean forms of fuel. Many district heating networks also make use of recycled heat from industries energy that would otherwise go to waste.

The B&O Bad Aibling Park, located Bavaria, Germany, occupies a 173-acre (70 ha) facility that originally served as an airbase. Although the site buildings were in good repair, their thermal quality was poor. The district heating system was in good condition, but the scale of heat generation was too large. This project described in this paper designed development plan that could be easily replicated and that could ultimately become model for zero energy city. The B&O Bad Aibling Park project employed rich diversity of technologies that may be scaled up for application larger urban areas. biomass-fired boiler and number of decentralized solar thermal facilities feed heat into an existing district heating grid in combination with gridfed heat pumps that generate hot water individually in buildings and that use central and decentralized hot water storage tanks. This configuration allows the system to operate with low grid temperatures, and makes use of optimized energy efficiency measures while intensively harvesting solar energy. The B&O Park model project test bed, small enough so that can address questions and problems in purposeful way, yet large enough to set standard that can be readily used in other urban areas or military installations.
Gothenburg, Sweden’s second-largest city, boasts district heating network which 1,200 kilometres long and heats 90 per cent of the city’s apartment blocks, along with 12,000 detached homes.
Cooling network

Chapter Systems44 Geemente Amsterdam
Chapter III Systems Geemente Amsterdam 43
Solar thermal panels Passive house
Natural gas boiler Natural gas HeatpumpsHeating networkElectricity network
Biomass Biomass firedboiler withcentral storage
15 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplicationChapter III Systems Geemente Amsterdam 37 Households CHP Power Plant Coal extraction Garbage Biomass Oil extraction Gas fields Chapter III Systems38 GeementesustainableAmsterdamsystemeis based on sustainable energy production from multiple producers. HeavyCHPIndustrie Bio gas plant Biomass Geothermal plant Domestic waste 3.2 SystemSustainable 03 systems Chapter III Systems Geemente Amsterdam 39 Passive HospitalhousesCommercial areas New Sanitation WKO Small industriesDataCentre Offices Wind turbine Electric cars Batteries Solar collectors Photovoltaic panels Deep lake Surface Water Chapter III Systems36 Geemente Amsterdam 3.1 Classical System The classical energy system based on centralized system based on energy production from fossil fuel. 03 systems Pages explaining how the electricity system works on different scales; the overall energy system; examples from different cities (in order) Chapter infrastructures18 Geemente Amsterdam National grid High Voltage 380-220 kV 150-110-50 kV Producers Regional grid Mid Voltage 230-400V Local Grid Low Voltage Physical structure Mid transformatorvoltage High TransformatorVoltage Bulkusers End Users End Users Electricity network is composed of three different scales the national scale, the regional scale and the local scale. Each of them is carrying different voltage. The more voltage is carried, the less losses there are. It is why the high voltage grid is used to carry electricity on long distances and the low voltage grid used for local Transformatordistribution. are used to enable the elctricity to be transfered to lower or higher voltage grid. 2 Distributing the energy Chapter II infrastructures Geemente Amsterdam 19 NationalgridTennet Programmanager Meteringcompany LocalgridLiander Energysuppliers(=20) Producers Information and energy movements End Users End Users The grid operators ensure electricity delivery from the producers to the end-users. They are responsible for the predictions made from the consumption data that generates the demand. They are also responsible for the balance of energy use between the different users to enable the electricity to stay on stable frequency on the grig. They communicates the consumption datas to the energy suppliers that charge end-users for their consumption. C nsump o data Dema d Pred ct n Daa Da a C n ol Dta DataDistribution Chapter infrastructures Geemente Amsterdam 20 GridTennetresponsiblenon-commercial LianderGridresponsiblenon-commercial Energysuppliers(=20commercialorganisations) Producers EU Stakeholerds’ relationship End Users End Users End Users The grid operators, both on national or regional scales are non-commercial organisations. The end-users get contract with energy suppliers that warrant electricity delivery against payment. This payment contains the price of production, taxes, and grid managment fees. Electricityprice€ managmentGrid€ €Taxes Guarantee€ofelectricityaccess Chapter infrastructures Geemente Amsterdam 21 Keep the system balanced The network needs the electricity to circulate on constant frequency of 50 Hz to be able to carry it. A stable frequency means that the demand corresponds to the amount of electricity produced and put in the network. The frequency changes the amount of electricity distributed does not correspond to the amount produced. The grid operator does not have to calculate and predict the energy consumption on these small systems and stands as a back up whenever the system does not balance by self the consumption and ask for some energy or to release some in the grid. The Smart-Grid is more sustainable because by increasing interaction and flexibility, the system becomes more efficent and improves the adoption of sustanaible energy. TimeTimeTime Time50Hz50 Hz 60 Hz VoltsVoltsConsumption Consumption producedEnergie producedEnergieusedEnergie usedEnergie Monofunctionnal Multifunctionnal In classical centralized system, the consumption data and the prediction of the future consumption go from the producer to the end user, via the grid operator and the energy supplier. The Smart-Grid offers to reproduce balance between different users that also become producers on smaller scales and by doing so, to create autonomous small systems in larger one. To be able to balance small scaled system, needs to integrate multifunctionnal users that need energy at different moment of the day.
Source From U.S Army Installation to Zero Energy Community The B&O Bad Aibling Park looks the Future Alfred Kerschberger, Ernst Boehm
Bad Aibling Germany
Public transport CHP Bio gas plant Sweden’s shift from oil to district heating in the early 1990’s perhaps the single most important factor in explaining the country’s reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, both in the housing and service sector. Today, district heating accounts for more than 80 per cent of the heat and hot water provided to Sweden’s apartment
Well-developed district heating and cooling systems hyper-efficient combined cycle gas power plant for electricity and heat production represents 30 per cent of Gothenburg’s electricity demand GoBiGas the world’s first plant for producing biogas from forest waste Biogas for vehicles, with the entire chain from waste to endWindproductpower, both land and offshore power plants, Chalmers Wind Power Centre LEED-certified commercial premises, for example the Skanska scraper and the ÅF house Energy-efficient newly built premises, such as Hamnhuset in Sannegårdshamnen Making properties more energy efficient during renovation, such as Gårdsten Passive house centre in Alingsås Modern biofuel plant, Mölndal Energi Two of the world’s most energy-efficient refineries Green chemistry energy conversion project in the chemistry cluster in Stenungsund Centre for Swedish wave power, part of OffshoreVäst
Wave power
Photovoltaic panelsHydropower plant onMoosbach stream

Forest waste
Gothenburg, Sweden
Chapter III Systems Geemente Amsterdam 45
The purpose of the Framework is to create coherence between urban quality and facilities, (user) green space and sports, water and ecology, mobility and sustainability infrastructure. The Framework consists of a Basic Framework Map and a number of thematic maps. A tight collaboration between urban planners and landscape architects made possible the combination of a very high density development and a strong vision on the public space and green network, both qualitative and quantitative. Haven-StadplexenBestaandeningenbuitensportvoorzie-integrerenGrootInvoorzieningengroteintegrerenHaven-StadvingInveldsportengeorganiseerdecomplexenintensiverenBestaande,veldenplexen,delen,routesmetbeweeglandschapverbindendetussenpark-sportcom-kleinereensportmeu-tesport-voorstedelijkeomge-deelgebiedentemiddel-buitensport-parkomgevingWesterparktekleinesportcom-buiten

SYSTEMS 17.11.2020 Ruimte Duurzaamheid Sportvoorziening500mGeïntegreerd sport en
Haven-Stad (vereist) extrauitgebreedBestaandeonderzoekstructuurNieuwBestaandInfiltratiebuurt/projectniveau)Secundairegemaalgemaaln.t.b.)wordenpiekberging Haven-StadtoekomstigeConcepttekening reserveringHUBHUBgenvoornamelijkBuurtstraten,tingswegSnelwegvoorgemoto-mutlimodaalstrategische Netwerk visie auto EindbeeldNetwerkOpenbaarVervoerHaven-Stad SloterdijkStation Isolatorweg OVBus verbinding 2040+ (preciseBestaandeBestaandereserveringHUBondergrondsOost-ondergrondNoordzuidlijnNoordzuidlijnondergrondRinglijnstrategischetramlijnbuslijnlocatien.t.b.)Eindbeeld36 Station Station Isolatorweg Netwerk Voetganger Plusnet gebiedVoetgangersVoetgangersgebiedBrug,BasisnetwerkHoofdnetvoetgangersvoetgangersvanpreciezelocatie(centrum)

16 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication

With Haven-Stad, the municipality will work on the most extensive new district in the city over the next 35 years. The possibilities of Haven-Stad are therefore really great. The size of the area is considerable at 650 ha, without the water surface. By way of comparison, IJburg is approximately 220 hectares and Houthaven approximately 30 hectares. The location of Port-City is particularly favorable: within the Ring A10 and with large parts on the IJ. In Haven-Stad, 40,000 to 70,000 homes can be added to the city and there is room for 45,000 to 58,000 jobs. This concerns affordable housing for different target groups. In attractive neighborhoods where living and working are combined. Where all amenities such as schools, parks, sports, shops and healthcare are available in the area. In an area that is easily accessible by public transport, bicycle and car. And where, of course, sustainable construction is taking place.
2018 - on going / g emeente Amsterdam for team OPR / analysis, strategical thinking and graphic production under the supervision of Arjan Klok and Ruwan Aluvihare and in collaboration with Maaike Scheringa, Mark van Vilsteren, Tale Bjelland and Daan de Jong / integraal raamwerk I Noord, Sportpark Transformatorweg/AmsterbakenNoord, Sportpark Transformatorweg/Amsterbaken
Raamwerk Haven-Stad

(rondom de nieuwe Hemknoop), Minervahaven Zuid en het Groenbalans - stappen en monitoring Groen op basis van referentienormen van de nieuwe parken niet definitief worden vastgesteld. De terdijk
(rondom de nieuwe Hemknoop), Minervahaven Zuid en het Groenbalans - stappen en monitoring Groen op basis van referentienormen van de nieuwe parken niet definitief worden vastgesteld. De

17 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication SYSTEMS A set of sections illustrating the different typologies of streets and public spaces has been developped to research and test the combination of different functions that have been set in the rammwerk. It is not to been seen as a real design but a methode for observing their spatial impact and consequences. 124 Integraal Raamwerk Haven-Stad124 Integraal Raamwerk Haven-StadGemeente Amsterdam 125Gemeente Amsterdam 125

NDSM werf is very iconique for all amsterdamers, dutch and even internationals. The monumental ensemble tells the narrative of the industrial past of the city and its present cultural wealth. The large amount of open space, relict from its former activities, have been seen as an opportunity to develop more green and sports in the area. This haalbaarheidstudie has been investigating how this vergroening can be radical, tackeling nowadays challenges, while preserving and highlighting NDSM’s identity.
de radical vergroening van NDSM
In a couple of decades, past and to come, Amsterdam is developping areas with housing densities never experienced before by the city. The pressure keeps on increasing on the public space especially when talking about green space and sport. This is the reason why the gemeente Amsterdam recently introduced green and sports quantitative norms. However by then, some areas already far in the development did not fullfill these norms. This is the case of NDSM west which proposed only a quarter of the amount of square meters of green it was supposed to have. In reaction to that it has been decided to change the vision for NDSM oost from mixte housing development to a «radical vergroening».
A political wish for a bottom-up process led us to develop a methodology through which the area progressivelly develops not through a strict design but through initiatives. A framework for green and sport is first provided. The wharf then is devided in different zones based on their characteristics, spatial, historical, etc, to which apply playrules giving a frame for the development of initiatives.

2021 - on going / g emeente Amsterdam for team Noordflank / g enuis loci analysis, strategical thinking, methodology development / with Clemens Nuijens, Elisa Brunelli and Mirjam Koevoet
18 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication
Entrée SeizoensinitatievenS,MGeen belemmering vrije doorgang Alleen groenelementen die flexibel inzetbaar of verplaatsbaar zijn
RaamwerkVrijeruimte 29
op het sorteerterrein, de kranen langs de afbouwkades en de drijvende kranen op het water.Het groen en de zonering wordt ingezet om het monumentale ensemble en het productieproces afleesbaar te maken, te versterken. De precieze uitwerking daarvan met behoud en versterking van de cultuurhistorische karakteristieken volgt in de ontwerpfase.
Kerngebied Uitlichten productieroute en bestaande relicten Relatie centrale ruimte/gebouwen ensemble Bestaande barrières wegnemen en continuïteit van de ruimte bewerkstelligen Openbaarheid garanderen

GOEDE BASIS Spelregels
Open ruig veld TijdelijkeSeizoensinitatievenevenementen S,M,LGeen belemmering zicht minimale ruimtelijke impact Aanwezige biodiversiteit moet in stand gehouden worden, en mag worden verbeterd
Hellingen Relatie met het water Renovatie deur van helling 2/3 en pomp Renovatie dak helling 4 Behouden open zichtlijnen Openbaarheid garanderen
49 42
Open ruig veld Groene ruigere velden (flexibel) met permanente vlakken van laag- en middenhoge planten met hoge ecologische waarde
Hellingen Tijdelijke evenementenS,M,LGeen permanente belemmering vistas Alleen groenelementen die flexibel inzetbaar of verplaatsbaar zijn
NB dit is een eerste aanzet voor de invulling van de matrix. Bij de uitwerking van het plan zal de matrix worden aangescherpt. 40
3. Openbare ruimte De Goede basis is terughoudend in vormgeving en respecteert primair de bestaande waarden en betekenis van de werf. Met andere woorden: de historische en culturele werf is er al, de groen- en sportlaag wordt toegelaten in bepaalde zones, maar verdringt deze niet. Ingezet wordt op het handhaven van het ruige, industriële karakter en groenaanleg die daarbij aansluit. Een belangrijk aandachtspunt is het beheer en het voorkomen van ‘truttigheid’, aanharken, en het primaat voor verkeers- en veiligheidsregels (hekjes, drempels, rood asfalt etc).
Water LangdurigeSeizoensinitatieveninitatieven S,M,LMaximaal 75% bezetting van de havenAanwezige natuur moet onaangetast blijven
NB dit is een eerste aanzet voor de invulling van de matrix. Bij de uitwerking van het plan zal de matrix worden aangescherpt.
Zone Groen en ecologie Sport Verharding Beheer

Ruig veld Groene ruigere velden (flexibel) met permanente vlakken van diverse hoogtes van planten, met hoge ecologische waarde

Ruig veld Bestaande barrières wegnemen en continuïteit van de ruimte bewerkstelligen
Kerngebied Verplaatsbare planten in potten en bakkenOpen ruimte voor informele sport Bestaande verharding Minimum
Oever Zachte oever met hoge biodiversiteit waardeInformele sportroute langs het water Doorlopende route van bestaande verharding of herbruikt verhardingsmateriaal
Zone Erfgoed Ruimtelijke inrichting
1. Condities In hoofdstuk 3.1 worden de condities benoemd waaraan voldaan moet worden om de goede basis te kunnen realiseren.
Water Verbeteren biodiversiteit boven en onder water dmv verzonken en drijvende groene elementen Kansen voor waterrecreatie Minimum beheer voor veiligheid
Open ruimte voor informele sport Paden van bestaande verharding of lokaal verhardingsmateriaalhergebruikt
Zone Duur initiativenSchaalRuimtelijke conditie Conditie actie op groen
The strategy developped is based on 3 different layers, the frame work based on the existing qualities an characteristics, a new framework of spaces, green and sports and the layer of activities and initiatives. To each of them are connected some playrules, conditions, or actions that specified per each zone.

Medium Aanleggen van basisaansluitingen voor vrije ruimte Ja, minstens 1m schone grond benodigd Autovrij
Ruig veld LangdurigeSeizoensinitatieveninitatieven S,M- Aanwezige biodiversiteit moet in stand gehouden worden, en mag worden verbeterd
Docklands Tijdelijke evenementenM,LGeen belemmering vrije doorgang Voornamelijk open, losse elementen Alleen groenelementen die flexibel inzetbaar of verplaatsbaar zijn
Kade SeizoensinitatievenSGeen belemmering vrije doorgang en vistas Aanwezige natuur moet onaangetast blijven
Kade Behoud en renovatie van historische kadesOpenbaarheid garanderen
Docklands Verplaatsbare planten in potten en bakkenSportvoorzieningen implementeren Harde sportondergrond Medium
Open ruig veld Behouden open zichten gekoppeld aan historische functies Openbaarheid garanderen
Aandachtspunten bij de goede basis
Verhouding verharding en groen op het terrein exclusief gebouwen Nieuw
Bij de uitwerking van de goede basis hoort ook het maken van een verlichtingsplan. Het doel van dit plan is enerzijds een plan te maken voor de functionele verlichting en een veilige openbare ruimte en anderzijds het op subtiele wijze omgaan met het monumentale ensemble.
Met de voorgestelde strategie worden hoeveelheden groen en sport die hoort bij de verdichtingsopgave uit de Actualisatie van het Investeringsbesluit (AIB 2020) behaald die tussen het in de tabel van pagina 17 genoemde minimum en maximum in zit. De grondposities van de in erfpacht uitgegeven haven en de grond langs de Ms. van Riemsdijkweg worden niet betrokken in deze groenopgave. Dit betekent dat het niet mogelijk is het maximum van toe te voegen oppervlakten groen en sport te realiseren. Mochten in de toekomst deze gronden ooit vrijkomen dan kan overwogen worden ook dat gebied te betrekken bij de groene inrichting van de werf.
VRIJE RUIMTE spelregels
Entree Uitlichten industriële identiteit Verbindingen met NDSM-werf West en andere gebieden
❸ Vrije ontwikkeling van initatieven waar kan
❷ Investeren in goede basis
Minimum Aanleggen van basisaansluitingen voor vrije ruimte Ja, minstens 1m schone grond benodigd Autovrij
Kerngebied Tijdelijke evenementenS,M,LGeen belemmering vrije doorgang Voornamelijk open, losse elementen Alleen groenelementen die flexibel inzetbaar of verplaatsbaar zijn
Water met vrij zicht Tijdelijke evenementenSDoorzichten naar water Aanwezige natuur moet onaangetast blijven
Water Uitlichten van de functineel verleden
Oever Relatie land- oever herstellen Bereikbaarheid langs de oevers garanderen
Vrije ruimte: alle inititatieven en zonering
Bestaand 9,5 % 63 % 90.5 % 37 %

19 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication 25 ❶ Bestaande kwaliteiten behouden

Oever TijdelijkeSeizoensinitatievenevenementen S,MGeen permanente belemmering doorgang en vistas Aanwezige natuur moet onaangetast blijven
Docklands Uitlichten productieroute en bestaande relictenBestaande barrières wegnemen en continuïteit van de ruimte bewerkstelligen Openbaarheid garanderen
Water met vrij zicht Verbeteren biodiversiteit onder water dmv verzonken groene elementen Kansen voor waterrecreatie Minimum beheer voor veiligheid 43
De laag van de vrije ruimte kent een eigen indeling die over de goede basis wordt heen gelegd. De combinatie van de tijdsduur van het initiatief en de bijbehorende zone van de goede basis zorgt voor een set van spelregels. Deze regels zijn omschreven in de matrix vrije ruimte. Initiatieven worden uitgedaagd iets te doen met het zichtbaar of tastbaar maken van de productieroute.

Kade Oplossingen om biodiversiteit te verbeteren langs de kades- met behoud van het industriële karakter Informele sportroute langs het water Bestaande verharding of lokaal hergebruikt verhardingsmateriaal Minimum saansluitingen voor vrije ruimte
Entrée Verplaatsbare planten in potten en bakken en spontane vegetatie Open ruimte voor informele sport Bestaande verharding of lokaal hergebruikt verhardingsmateriaal Medium beheer, afhankelijk van het initiatief en mogelijk beheer door initiatiefnemer Hellingen Informeel trainen op hellend vlak Minimaal beheer- alleen wat nodig is uit oogpunt van veiligheid
Open ruimte voor informele sport mogelijkheid voor tijdelijke formele sporten Paden van bestaande verharding of lokaal verhardingsmateriaalhergebruikt
Zoneringsplan PROCESSES

Water met vrij zicht Vrij zicht over open water Openbaarheid garanderen
Medium Aanleggen van basisaansluitingen voor vrije ruimte Ja, minstens 1m schone grond benodigd Autovrij
As it is not possible to show a final design of the project it has been decided to visualize the space through the making of animated pictures (GIF) to express its dynamic aspect.

20 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication PROCESSES

The dutch Ministry of foreign affair in cooperation with the Municipality of Amsterdam, started in 2015 by developing the scenario planning tool to assist the local authorities in its process of planning at the local level. Scenario Planning is a tool that enables local stakeholders to make decisions in a participatory and futuristic vision. The Scenarios were developed along two axis representing dominant key uncertainties: the economical situation of the country and the socio-political situation.

different elements

21 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication1000N 2000 m Al RefugeeZaatariCamp Al Mafraq DamascusSyriaIrbid BagdadIRAQ SAUDI AqabaAmmanARABIA KingAirHusseinBase UNHCR N Al RefugeeZaatariCamp Al Mafraq DamascusSyriaIrbid SAUDI AqabaAmmanARABIA KingAirHusseinBase 1000N 2000 Al RefugeeZaatariCamp Al Mafraq DamascusSyriaIrbid SAUDI AqabaAmmanARABIA King HusseinBase 1000N 2000 Al RefugeeZaatariCamp Al Mafraq DamascusSyriaIrbid BagdadIRAQ SAUDI AqabaAmmanARABIA KingAirHusseinBase Water WaterWaterWater Food FoodFoodFood Jordanians JordaniansJordaniansJordanians Need Refugees RefugeesRefugeesRefugeesMarket Market Market MarketMarket Market Market Market UNHCR UNHCR UNHCR UNHCRUNHCRUNHCR UNHCR UNHCR Jordan gov. Jordan gov. Jordan gov. Jordan gov. Jordan gov. Jordan gov.Jordan gov. Jordan gov. Stakeholders JD StakeholdersStakeholdersStakeholdersPopulation PopulationPopulationPopulation 3. Local playing field Opportunies in and around the camp 4. National playing field Opportunities for Mafraq 2. Regional playing field Searching Thereopportunitiesforlotofskilledand unskilled labour available, but the job opportunities are limited Donors are very strict on how donor funds can be Socialspentgroups largely live alongside each other without interacting much Restrictions on water use for agriculture International roads suffer from backlog in maintenance Mafraq’s airport is an important national logistic Increasedhub national trade creates job opportunities for Jordanians and Syrians alike Health and education services are overcrowded Pockets of extremism arise within Jordan Military actions in Syria have been suspended, but Assad remains power Jordanian UNHCR centres have started to facilitate voluntary repatriations, but the majority of refugees stay Borders open up for trade Foreign donor aid has been declining as result of the improving prospects in Syria Opportunities for regional tourism More instabilityMore instability Less EconomicInstabilitystagnationEconomic growth Economic stagnation Continued unrest Syria and Iraq causes another influx of refugees Emerging economies support Jordan with investments in Za’atari and Azraq refugee camps Employment opportunities in the international aid Pressuresectoron housing and public facilities Jordan remains a stable factor in region dominated by instability Syrian refugees continue to come to Jordan Foreign aid directed towards both refugees and the hosting communities Mafraq becomes the third largest city in Jordan There has been an urban expansion between the city and the camp Za’atari camp has been dismantled, leaving many refugees without aid Rising unemployment and poverty rates cause people to move out of the region Infrastructure and public services are KingdeterioratingHussein Bin Talal Development Area has closed its doors Mafraq’s population declined to it pre-war state Eoo Eco Po alsabliy Plia ably onomy P ii l ably tca tbit E nomy يداصتقا دوكر ةيلحم لمع ةقطنمةينطو لمع ةقطنم ليود لمع ةقطنم ةيميلقإ لمع ةقطنم ميخلما لوحو لخاد صرف دوجوقرفلما في ةحاتلما صرفلا صرفلا نع ثحبلا يداصتقا ونم يداصتقا دوكر مام اهدعاصتو قارعلاو ايروس في ةمزلأا رارمتسا ينئجلال رخآ قفدت لىإ يدؤي. للاخ نم ندرلأا معدب ةئشانلا تاداصتقلإا مايق ينئجلال قرزلأاو يترعزلا يميخم في تارماثتسا تادعاسلما عاطق ةرغاش فئاظوةيلودلاداجيإ ناكسلإاو ةماعلا تامدخلا لىع طغض دجو ماظن ءاقب عم ايروس ةيركسعلا لماعلأا فقوتدسلأا. ةدحتلما مملال ةيماسلا ةيضوفلما زكارم تأدب ينئجلالا نوؤشل (UNHCR ةدوع ليهستب ندرلأا في ينئجلالا مظعم ءاقب عم ،ينئجلال ةيرايتخا ةراجتلا ضارغلأ دودحلا حتف. ببسب صقانت ةيجراخلا تادعاسلماو حنلما ايروس عضولا سحت ةيميلقلإا ةحايسلا لىع لابقلإا ةدايزل ةصرف دوجو. كانه نكل ةرهالما يرغو ةرهالما ةلماعلا يديلأا فوت ةرغاشلا فئاظولا في ةيدودحم. حنلما فصر ةقيرط لىع ةمراص طوشر ينحنالما ضرف نود بنج لىإ ابنج ةيربك ةيعماتجا تاعومجم شيع اهنيب مايف يربك لعافتو كاكتحا دوجو ةعارزلا ضارغلأ هايلما مادختسا لىع دويق دوجو قرطلا ةزجنلما يرغ لماعلأل تماكارت دوجوةلمتكلما يرغ ةنايصلا لماعأ نع ةجتان ةيلودلا ةبهتلم ةقطنم رارقتسا لماعك ندرلأا ءاقب ةرقتسم يرغو ندرلأا لىإ ينيروسلا ينئجلالا قفدت رارمتسا. ينئجلالا لىإ ةيجراخلا تادعاسلما ميدقت ةفيضلما تاعمتجلماو ةيندرأ ةنيدم بركأ ثلاث نوكتل قرفلما لوحت ينب ةدتملما ةقطنلما نيارمع سوت ثودح ميخلماو ةنيدلما مهم ينطو يتسيجول زكرم قرفلما راطم دعي لمع صرف قلخت ةينطولا ةراجتلا ةدايز ءاوس دح لىع ينيروسلاو ينيندرلأل صرف ةيحصلا تامدخلا لىع بلطلاميلعتلاوظاظتكا ندرلأا رهظت فرطتلا بويج ينئجلالا نم ديدعلا كرت مام يترعزلا ميخم ةلازإ مت ةدعاسم نود. لىإ سانلا عفد مام ةلاطبلاو رقفلا تلادعم عافترا ةقطنلما نم لاقتنلإا. ةيتحتلا ةينبلاو ةماعلا تامدخلا ىوتسم رادحنا ةيومنتلا للاط نب ينسح كللما ةقطنم قلاغإ لبق هيلع ناك ام لىإ قرفلما ناكسلا ددع ةدوع ةيروسلا برحلا 1. International playing field everywhereOpportunities Cease-fire agreement Syria Only small amount of refugees returns Trading routes are reopened Increasing exports of materials and services Refugees receive temporary working permits and move out of Za’atari Donor funds are reduced Opportunities for international tourism Less EconomicInstabilitygrowth Innovations support efficient use of water Focus on international infrastructure Largernetworksdemand for both skilled and unskilled labour The government supports entrepreneurs with access to capital and networking Internalopportunitiessecurity is strengthened ناكم لك في ةرفوتميداصتاقلإاصرفلاومنلا ايروس في رانلا قلاطإ فقول ةيقافتا لىإ لصوتلا ينئجلالا نم ليلق ددع ةدوع ديدج نم ةراجتلا قرط حتف تامدخلا داولما نم تارداصلا ةدايز ةتقؤم لمع حيراصت لىع ينئجلالا لوصح يترعزلا ميخم نم مهجورخو صلقتت ينمعادلا حنم ةيلماعلا ةحايسلل صرف ةرفوتلما هايلما رداصلم لاعف مادختسا ةيلود ةيتحت ةينب ءاشنا لىع زيكترلا ةرهالما ةلماعلا يديلأا لىع بركأ بلط ةرهالمادوجويرغو لىع لوصحلاب لماعلأا يدايرل ةموكحلا حماس ةكاشرو ةيليوتم صرف. ليخادلا نملأا ةيوقت More instability ُارارقتسا 2027Growthونميداصتقا Less instability ًارارقتسا Stagnationدوكريداصتقا ةيئالما تاجايتحلااةيئاذغلا تاجايتحلاا مملال ةيماسلا ةيضوفلما مملالةيضوفلماةيماسلاقوسلا قوسلا ةيندرلأا ةموكحلا ةيندرلأا ةموكحلا ق ثر قوسلا قوسلا ةيندرلأا ةموكحلا ةيندرلأا ةموكحلا ينئجلاينيندرأ ةيئاذغلا تاجايتحلااةيئالما تاجايتحلااصقثركأ قوسلاقوسلاةجاحرفوتم ةيندرلأا ةموكحلا ةيندرلأا ةموكحلا ينئجلاينيندرأ مملال ةيماسلا ةيضوفلما مملال ةيماسلاةيئاذغلاةيضوفلماتاجايتحلااةيئالما تاجايتحلاارلأمملال ةيماسلا ةيضوفلما مملال ةيماسلا ةيضوفلماةيندرلأا ةموكحلا ةيندرلأا ةموكحلا قوسلا قوسلا ينئجلاينيندرأ ةقلاعلا باحصا ةيئاذغلا تاجايتحلاا ةيئالما تاجايتحلااقلأ ةقلاعلاةقلاعلاباحصاباحصاةقلاعلا باحصا Available A ab A ةم AAva e ج Need ةجاحرفوتم AvailableNeedAvailable Need ةجاحرفوتم Available ُارارقتسا لقأ رارقتسلاا مدع نم ديزلما رارقتسلاا مدع نم ُارارقتساديزلمالقأ JD مملالةيضوفلماةيماسلا مملال ةيماسلا ةيضوفلما JDJD ينئجلاينيندرأ ةجاحرفوتم 11 1122 2233 3344 44

2017-2018 / g emeente Amsterdam for team ruimtelijke kwaliteit / a ssisting on the elaboration of the game and production of the / wi th Eric van der Kooij
A methodology was developed through the game in order to discuss and involve various stakeholders during workshops. The outcome was a list of propositions of projects according to the scenario chosen during a session. The different elements of the game were thought in a way which give the possibility to bring new elements by the Severalparticipants.workshop were organized gathering an important amount of stakeholders. The game format of the discussion generated a lot of participation and a great amount of new ideas. The results of those sessions were reported to the local authorities in order to bring the process further.
Al Zaatari refugee camp

Zaatari is a refugee camp in Jordan, located 10 kilometers east of Mafraq, which has gradually evolved into a permanent settlement; it is the world’s largest camp for Syrian refugees. It was first opened on 28 July 2012 to host Syrians fleeing the violence in the ongoing Syrian Civil War.
The different scenarios are explained in a serie index and data represented on the wide board on which the different sets of cards are placed.
Opportunities Opportunities
Mafraq governorate is awarded a large grant from USAID Scenario 3. Local playing field تاديدهتلاThreats Threats The informal sector reaches its largest size in years Scenario 3. Local playing field Agreement between US and Russia leads to ceasefire agreement in Syria. Move to scenario 2. Scenario 3. Local playing field
UNHCR decides to close Za'atari camp Scenario International1. playing field Opportunities Opportunities The retail business suffers from Syrians returning to Syria Scenario International1. playing field Threats Threats Tension around Jordan's borders cause a declince in foreign investment. Move to scenario 3. Scenario International1. playing field 3412 changersGame changersGame Opportunities Opportunities
3412 changersGame changersGame Threats Threats Tension in the relation between the Governorate and UNHCR Scenario 4. National playing fieldThe national railway is completed. Move to scenario 2.

The border with Syria opens fully for people commerceand ScenarioRegional2. playing field Threats Threats The campunderneathaquifertherisksdepletion

22 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplicationProject to promote the culture of solar energy use in homes and population centres HOUSING HOUSING HOUSING Constructing homes for Project to develop veterinary services to serve livestock farmers AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE Develop nontraditional agriculture AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE Investing in techniquesagriculturalthatuse Upgrade Mafraq traffic system INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE Traffic safety on roads INFRASTRUCTURE Construction improvementandof INFRASTRUCTURE Organise Syrian workers and make them source of ةميلعتو Accreditation of hospitals and health ةميلعتوحص HEALTH&EDUCATION HEALTH&EDUCATIONMedical suppliesequipmentdevices,andforhospitals ةميلعتو Rehabilitation of Al Dafyaneh water SANITATION&WATER Water line Al Za’atar SANITATION&WATER Project to support and utilize grey water in homes to plant aromatic plants and other crops in home gardens SANITATION&WATER SANITATION&WATER HOUSING Invest in immediate solutions for hosting Establish craft zones for light industries INDUSTRY&EMPLOYMENT INDUSTRY&EMPLOYMENT Cold storage rooms for INDUSTRY&EMPLOYMENT Construction of garments factory HOUSING Invest in low residencescost HOUSING Invest in high end residential apartments Agricultural land AGRICULTURE Greenhouse farming Construction and INFRASTRUCTURE Improvingtransportpublic INFRASTRUCTURE ةميلعتو Restructuring the VocationalCorporationTraining ةميلعتو Improve quality of basic education Harvest rainwater SANITATION&WATER SANITATION&WATER Sanitation projects for large population centres and utilise the SANITATION&WATERCartonfactorypackages INDUSTRY&EMPLOYMENT فيلغتلل نوترك عنصم ةعانصفيظوتو ةعانصفيظوتو HOUSING Invest in permanent shelter solutions for Al Za’atari Project to utilise volcanic pulp for agricultural purposes Expansion RehabmaintenanceandofMafraqroad INFRASTRUCTURE Establish fund to finance small and agriculturalfamiliy-basedprojects AGRICULTURE Develop regulation for the water sector SANITATION&WATERInvest in waste water treatment plant quality SANITATION&WATERLabour skills analysis to determine gaps and opportunitiesbridging INDUSTRY&EMPLOYMENT TalalDevelopmentinvestmentpartnershipsPublic-privateforKingHusseinbinZone Mafraq road Duty Free Zone INFRASTRUCTURE Where are we NOW? theUNDERSTANDINGscenarios. ScenarioScenario ScenarioScenario ScenarioScenario Scenario 3 Scenario 2 ScenarioScenario ScenarioScenario Where are we GOING? Game changer cards Threat Opportunitycards cards Each individual indicates which scenario he/she believes most likely to occur in the future. Take an ‘opportunity card’ and discuss the impact on the scenario. Take ‘game changer card’ and move to another scenario. Discuss the next scenario in the same. Take a ‘threat card’ and discuss the impact on the scenario. repeat Each individual indicates in which scenario he/she believes Mafraq is currently. Start with the scenario that deemed most likely in the future. Discuss threats and opportunities per scenario. Elaborate on people’s assumptions for this expectation. (see appendix for more cards) ? ? 1 3 2 B C D E A supportingverifiedDecisionsdataandkeyindicators Every Game requires moderator, who takes the leading role with neutral standing point. Decisionsforecaststrendsverifiedand An consideringcargointernationalcompanymovinglogisticshubtheMiddleEastJordan InternationalScenario packagingmultinationalfactory InternationalOpportunities UNHCR decides close Za'atari camp Scenario Innovations irrigation become InternationalScenario funds for education projects because rising schoolsextremism InternationalScenario ISIS planning Scenario International1. Oil prices go up, impacting the logistics sector Scenario The retail business suffers from Syrians returning Syria Scenario International1. International trade plummetsbetweentradebecausewartheUSscenario International TensionchangersGame around Jordan's borders foreign investment. Move to scenario International arises Iraq and Jordan.scenarioMove InternationalScenario12 changersGame Regional roads Marfraq suffer congestionfrom Scenario 1. STAKEHOLDERS DIAGRAM Determine ROBUSTNESS of options Preparation of options for presentationand decision makingExplaining options and translating these into concrete projects Discussing OPTIONS Strategic option cards STAKEHOLDER analysis Select ‘strategic option card’ and discuss whether this good idea for this scenario. Discuss how the scenarios would influence the stakeholder landscape. Influence by scenario Influence scenario Influence by scenario Influence scenario Score the relevance of the strategic options in each of the scenarios. Select number of strategic options. These can be options suggested by the participants or options from the exercise. Score their relevance in each scenario (see step of the methodology) ++ = very relevant option this scenario becomesrelevantrealityoption this scenario becomes +/-realityneutral option = irrelevant option very irrelevant option Generate possible solutions such as projects, investments, priorities. (see appendix for more cards) 4 5 67 Project promote culture solar energy use homes and population centresConstructing homes poor familiesInvest low residencescost Invest high end residential apartments Organise Syrian them Jordanianexpertisesourceworkers ميلعتو hospitalsAccreditationandhealth ميلعتو Restructuring the VocationalCorporationTrainingequipment and supplies for hospitals secondaryConstruction(international)MafraqConstructionAlSafawiroadUpgradeMafraqandimprovementandruralConstructionagriculturalmaintenanceandroads Cartonfactorypackages Cold storage rooms for fruits vegetablesand Labour skills analysis determine gaps and opportunitiesbridging TalalDevelopmentinvestmentpartnershipsPublic-privateforKingHusseinZone Water lineProjectZa’atarsupport and utilize grey water homes plant aromatic plants and other crops home gardensHarvest rainwater ميلعتو RehabilitationDafyanehwaternetwork AgriculturalreclamationlandGreenhouseagriculturalfamiliy-basedfarmingprojects Project to develop veterinary services

The different steps of the game are explainde in order to be repeted in a series of workshop gathering various stakeholder.

Different sets of card guide the participants through the different possibilities in each scenarios. They also give the possibility to the participants to come up with new ideas through unfilled white cards which can be then added to the game.

ScenarioRegional2. playing field The armed conflict in Syria intensifies. Move to scenario 3. ScenarioRegional2. playing field 3412 changersGame changersGame


Scenario 4. National playing fieldchangersGame changersGame Opportunities Opportunities Syrian refugees petition the Governorate to allow them to open op retail shops Scenario 4. National playing field

2016 / gra duation project - thesis (4 months) / r esearch and analytical work on the project site
Saint-Denis is a very interesting study case. Very old city where used to be buried french queens and kings, it is nowadays very fragmented from all the large scale infrastructures that pass through it as highways, canals, train tracks and large boulevards. This fragmentation created enclaves consisting mostly of social housing towers from the 60’s, where rise social tensions. These areas are not included in Grand Paris’ projects, and despite their proximity they cannot take advantage of it because they are not well connected.
23 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication

Urban mobility is a very important theme that gathers nowadays big issues such as social, environmental and energy issues. In that perspective, Le Grand Paris is currently developing a large and expensive mobility network in order to connect the different thematic hubs on the metropolis scale to enhance the attractivity and the dynamism of the whole region. However, a regional connection between hubs is not relevant if these ones are not first connected on a smaller scale to their territory.
When the river supports mobility
This thesis reflect on soft mobility as a tool in the connection of fragmented territories on a small scale, from neighborhood to neighborhood. It questions the rôle of the landscape architect on this subject through public space design.

2016 / gra
Saint-Denis duation project - design assignment on project
Theterritory.design along side the river structure creating a continuity through the different neighborhoods it goes through. It focuses on one section of the river as a study case to develop a methodology that can be adapted to each part of it.

24 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication Emma Diehl Département Ecole Nature et Paysage INSA-CVL Saint-Deni S Le S mobi L ité S D ouce S comme outi LS D e reconnexion au S ein DeS quartier S DeS tourS à La confLuence tramway 8 r r b 1 t8 La briche e haLLe D a briche 6b t amway 8 maison associationsdes JaRdins familiaux et paRtagés médiathèque RueDesmoulinsGémeaux RuePieRReBRossolette avenuemauRicethoRez RueDelaPoteRie RuePauleluaRD paul éluarD Delaunay-belleVille Session 2016 Planche /5 tRamway 5 tRamway 1 tRamway 5 tRamway Rpa dionysia JaRdin éducatif facollègeBien espace delaunay-BellevillecultuRel institut educatifmedicofRanpRixRueGastonDouRDin Marché De Saint-DeniS beauDelaire rOGer SéMat RuejeanmeRmoz Rue De PRaiRial RueGaBRielPéRi 4 When the river supports mobility
site (6 months)
To research on a possible network of connections between neighborhoods I used a geographic line which crosses the city from East to West. The old river called Vieille Mer (the Old Sea) is nowadays underground however we can still follow its shape in the morphology of the city. Using this axis as a support for a design implementing and encouraging soft mobilities can reconnect the different part of the cities to each other and reconnect the inhabitants to their geographic


De DiOnySia Vue
chaque mercredi matin les élèves maternelle l’hermitage retrouvent les résidents volontaires dionysia pour mettre les mains dans terre et apprendre comment pousse que l’on mange. depuis terrasse du café, des étudiants peuvent voir dans les parcelles jardinées les bénévoles de clinamen échanger sur qualité du compost avec des femmes du quartier.
GasætonDouRDin Rue PieRRe bRossolette avenuemauRicethoRez jeanRue EspacE pErMéaBlE au potENtiE dE stockag EspacE VErt, ErMéaBlE aux ruissElNt géréEs par la NouE possibilité d’une réouverture de la rivière à long terme. a coMpositioN dE la NouE EN troNçoNs offrE uNE altErNaNcE dE MiliEux plus ou MoiNs huMidEs. d’une rivière entérrée comme Lien dans La viLLe our les habitants du quartier comme pour les cyclistes venus du hemin des cs, l’atelier vélo est devenu indispensable. Comprendre les dynamiques qui organisent le quartier et offrir des supports aux pratiques locales. Valoriser les productions du quartier et de la ville et mettre en relation les différents publics dans des lieux partagés. SaiSir Le PotentieL DeS eSPaceS De vie

de Vieille Mer depuis
Les habitants quartiers et les touristes ne sont pas les seuls profiter des espaces preservés de promenade de Vieille-Mer. Quelques fois dans l’année les moutons des Bergers urbains viennent paturer.
le café braSSerie GaStOn DOurDin mardi soir, les habitants du quartier retrouvent m. kersanté d’autres agriculteurs du departement pour récuperer leurs légumes dans le cadre de l’aMap. MaiSOn DeS SSOciatiOnS Delaunay-belleVille
sportifsEquipements universitéarisiii parc Valbongeorgesparc des Confluences zaE potEriE grdf sQuarE couQuEBErg sQuar faBiEN MaisoN dE la solidarité collègE faBiEN Emma Diehl Département Ecole Nature et Paysage INSA-CVL Session 2016 Saint-Deni S Le S mobi ité S D ouce comme outi LS D e reconnexion au S ein DeS quartier S PL anche /5 ’axe se dessine par les réseaux dont il se fait le support. offre un itinéraire doux vers les différents espaces de la ville et les pôles multimodaux. organiSer Le mouvement et LeS uSageS uN laRge liNéaiRe DéDié aux DéPlacemeNts DOux à la ROisé De ces DifféReNts Réseaux le mObilieR allieR DeNsité Des usages et ResPiRatiON Des sOls les Placettes miNéRales, suPPOR D’uNe fRéqueNtatiON Plus sOuteNue ateRiaux et jallONemeNts GasætonDouRDin RuedesmoulinsGémeaux Rue PieRRe bRossolette avenuemauRicethoRez PoteRiede RuePauleluaRd RuePauleluaRd boulevaRd caRnot t5 t1 Marché De Saint-DeniS eauDelaire paul éluarD Delaunay-belleVille rOGer SéM meRmozjean Rue PRaiRial GabRielPéRi 050100150 m nOrDur-LArgEur xE D LA ILL MEr SPAC fortE fréQuEN NxE urBAI M ort Nt NNEx oN LIAISoN Dou Eu EMENt PIétoN t8 E réSEAu DES MoBILItéS un réseau hierarchisé en fonction des différents modes de déplacements et des densités de fréquentation. NORDolarités et dans Saint-Denis t8 M13 t1t8rErt8t1 t5 3 Emma Diehl Département Ecole Nature et Paysage INSA-CVL Session 2016 Saint-Deni S Le S mobi L ité S D ouce S comme outi LS D e reconnexion au S ein DeS quartier S PL anche /5 L’axe se dessine par les réseaux dont il se fait le support. I offre un itinéraire doux vers les différents espaces de la ville et les pôles multimodaux. organiSer Le mouvement et LeS uSageS uN laRge liNéaiRe DéDié aux DéPlacemeNts DOux à la cROisé De ces DifféReNts Réseaux le mObilieR allieR DeNsité Des usages et ResPiRatiON Des sOls les Placettes miNéRales, suPPORt D’uNe fRéqueNtatiON Plus sOuteNue mate iaux et jallONemeNts RueGasætonDouRDin RuedesmoulinsGémeaux Rue PieRRe bRossolette avenuemauRicethoRez PoteRieladeRue RuePauleluaRd RuePauleluaRd boulevaRd caRnot t5 t1 Marché De Saint-DeniS eauDelaire paul éluarD Delaunay-belleVille rOGer SéMat meRmozjeanRue Rue de PRaiRial RueGabRielPéRi 050100150 m nOrDur-LArgEur D x AxE D LA V ILLE MEr SPAC S E fortE fréQuEN t oNxE urBAIN MPortANt CoNNEx oN Et LIAISoN ouC S Eu EMENt PIétoNS t8 LE réSEAu DES MoBILItéS un réseau hierarchisé en fonction des différents modes de déplacements et des densités de fréquentation. NORD 0,20,4 0,6 kmPolarités et C dans Saint-Denis t8 M13 t1t8 rEr B t1t8 t5 3 The river as an natural axis, used for biodiversity, water managment and recreation.
l’e pace culturel Gabriel leS bac jarDinéS sur la promenade l’espace dans lequel sont exposés les masques fabriqués les enfants de l’école honoré de Balzac avec les artistes Briche pour dernière Briche foraine.
050100150briche m nOrD structurEs culturEllE ajouté éQuipEMENts ExistaNts EspacE coMMErciaux ajoutésEspacE coMMErciaux ExistaNts structurEs culturEllE ajoutéEs éQuipEMENts ajoutésdEs éQuipEMENts au sErVicE dEs usagEs un quartier tourné vers un public intergénérationnel à travers les nombreuses structures éducatives ou au service des personnes agées. 48 6 7 sportifsEquipements universitéarisiii parc Valbongeorgesparc des Confluences RuedesmoulinsgémeauxatEliEr dE la BrichE MaisoN dEfuturl’éclusiErportdE plaisaBcE 6B créatioN Et pluridiscipliNairEdiffusioN gyMNasE MauricEcollègEBaQuEtlsa triolEt MaisoN du pEtit ENfa à Etit pas dahlauNaNtENNEaysQuar zaE potEriE sQuar couQuEBErg sQuar faBiEN collègE faBiEN crous résidENcE uNiVErsitairE lycé d’applicatioN dE ENa écolE atErNEllE BrisE échalasfootBrisEsQuaréchalasBaskEt théâtrE gérard philippE écolE éléMENtairE j. VallEs écolE MatErNEllE dE accuEstréE Es loisirs Comprendre
leS halleS De la les dynamiques qui organisent le quartier et offrir des supports aux pratiques locales. Valoriser les productions du quartier et de la ville et mettre en relation les différents publics dans des lieux partagés. Le PotentieL DeS eSPaceS De vier ocLe

RaconteR le socle

l’atelier De réparatiOn DeS VélOS
RueGabRiel RuePauleluaRd boulevaRd caRnot Le SocLe

leS pelOuSeS De la prOMenaDe c’est sur les terrains ouverts qui sont entre la Vieille Mer le canal que des gens du quartier, ville même de toute l’ile de france sont retrouvés pour faire fête lors de la Briche foraine.

Onfluence après représentation des jeunes musiciens du collège fabien veille, c’est au tour de l’association dechet d’art d’animer un atelier de construction dans les halles Briche. les chutes de bois récuperées par les jeunes ébenistes du lycée professionnel Bartholdi serviront pour les sculptures de la prochaine Briche foraine.
25 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication Evoquer la Vieille Mer dans un axe naturel au service des enjeux de biodiversité et de gestion des eaux dans le quartier.

26 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication Photography 2016 - on going / w ork with analogue cameras daily life, travels, architecture VARIOUS

2019 - on going / w ork on the wheel and glazing for tableware and vases

27 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication
28 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication VARIOUS

2017-2018 / g emeente Amsterdam, team ruimtelijke kwaliteit
The book presents 60 projects organized in four categoris being squares, streets, parcs and garden and bridges.

/ coordination, production, graphic design, photography for some of the projects / with Eric van der Kooij
With this publication we wanted to reflect on the question of public space in Amsterdam by presenting a panel of realiza tions from 2012 to 2017 as well as a series of articles developing on different aspects of the topic.
The compact city has become one of the well-known great challenges of nowadays urban life to answer the rising pres sure on housing and services.
With higher densities of population in the city, the role of pu blic space as bonding element, support of social life and urban flows is increasingly important. We expect public space to be safe, accessible, to bring fluently together the different users of the city and to fulfill all the technical requirements such as the rainwater management and organization of the underground. But we also want public space to be comfor table, beautiful and green.
Openbare Ruimte
Amsterdam 2012-2017
29 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication
30 2021-BouwkunstvanAcademietheatarchitectuurinmasterApplication

Thank you for your time and consideration