Hands can transmit or spread bacteria and viruses that can cause diseases like diarrhoea. Hands contract germs when touching surfaces and in everyday actions like when visiting the toilet, changing baby's nappy, etc. Germs from faeces can contaminate the hands and can unintentionally pass into the mouths when eating or feeding others with unclean hands. Children are more sensitive to germs and that may cause diseases such as diarrhoea if good hand hygiene is not practised. Washing hands with water only and no soap does not remove germs, it is always important to wash hands with clean water and soap in order to remove as many germs as possible.
As part of encouraging hand hygiene in workplaces and communities, the Northern Cape MEC for Health today visited Kimberley Hospital in an attempt to educate our people about the importance of washing hands on a regular basis to lessen the chances of contracting and spreading infectious and communicable diseases. The World Health Organization has for the month of May adopted a theme; ‗encouraging safe hand hygiene practices.‘ It has declared the 5th of May as the Global Hand Washing Day. The MEC used this day to urge medical professionals to be exemplary in practicing safe hygiene when carrying out their normal daily scope of practice, as this example will encourage communities to care for their wellbeing by following the practices that they observe when making use of our health facilities. ―I am here today to make a pledge with my Department that we will at all-time practice safe hygiene as we conduct our daily business. We will also make sure that our hands
are clean at any occasion in carrying out our daily professional responsibilities.‖ MEC Motlhaping said The campaign targets all surroundings where the provision of health care takes place, particularly hospitals as they are seen as health facilities that utilizes antibiotics. This campaign further seeks to promote continual, sustainable and best practices in hand hygiene at the point of care and to prevent the spread of infections. ―We will never win the war against infectious and communicable diseases if we do not observe the basic principles of hand washing.‖ MEC cautioned Hands can transmit or spread bacteria and viruses that can cause diseases like diarrhoea. Hands contract germs when touching surfaces and in everyday actions like when visiting the toilet, changing baby's nappy, etc. Germs from faeces can contaminate the hands and can unintentionally pass into the mouths when eating or feeding others with unclean hands.
Wil jy sigbaar wees? Adverteer dan vandag in Die Horison Koerant. Kontak ons by 083 416 4539 of epos by...diehorison@gmail.com. Ons advertensietariewe is bekostigbaar vir elke besigheid daar buite. Toe nou Moenie on-
The MEC also urged members of the community to always wash their hands after visiting the toilet, before and after handling food, after sneezing or coughing, after touching your hair or clothes or any part of their body, before and after handling raw meat, before putting on gloves and after using gloves, not forgetting their traditional practices after funeral ceremonies. Is this maybe the reason so many patients die at Harry Surtie Hospital??? Read page 4
Goeie dag my liewe dierbare en getroue lesers ek hoop dit gaan geweldig goed met julle !?!? Ek is heelwat aan die gang en bly steeds elke dag uitgespaar deur God se genade. Sy uitsonderlike genade is vir ons van veel groter belang as enigiets anders in die lewe.Ons sit hierdie afgelope tyd in ‗n geweldige situasie van motor ongelukke. Dit laat ‗n mens dink:- ―Weet somige motor bestuurders nog wat is die padreels?‖ As ek terug kyk en dink aan destyds toe daar nog wets gehoorsame burgers in ons land was sou jy nie hierdie ongeluk syfers in ons land gehad het nie. Destyds se man wat sonder lisensie gery het was die mees gehoorsame padverbruiker want hy wil nie onnodig die verkeerspolisie op hom hê nie. Die rede vir my uitlating is die feit omdat ek ook ‗n padverbruiker is en lelike ontkomings geondervind het, my voertuid is al driekeer van agter gestamp gelukkig net ligtelik. Kyk die mede bestuurders nog elke paar sekondes rondom sy voertuig om seke te maak dit is veilig of is die lewe so gejaag en speel die geld so ‗n groot rol dat jy liewer sal mense dood maak deur nalatigheid Nee, dit werk nie so nie veiligheid op ons paaie is natuurlik ons almal se verantwoordelikheid en nie net een person of die ―Verkeersbeampte‖. Die voertuie op ons paaie raak so baie daagliks dat die beamptes te min is om behoorlik wette toe te pas om sodoente die paaie te beveilig Kom Suid Afrikaners kyk agter jou land en sy inwoners en nie net agter jouself nie. GOD se woord se immers ―Dra mekaar se laste‖ Dit se nie jy moet my lewe kom lewe nee maar gee ten minste om vir mekaar. Lees 1Kor. 13:13 Dus nooit te laat om iets moois van jou lewe te maak nie, so gaan en strewe daarna om eendag ‗n mens,mens te wees ‗n omgeemens na wie ander kan opkyk.
The Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr Mzwandile Masina says that the damning unemployment figures recently released by Statistics South Africa were beginning to cause government to question the returnon-investment it is making in large-scale businesses. Masina was speaking at the official launch of the R350million MPACT Polymers facility that was funded by the Industrial Development Corporation, in Wadeville yesterday. The multi-million project enjoys the backing of the Departments of Trade and industry (the dti), Environmental Affairs (DEA) and Economic Development (EDD) in promoting job creation, the reduction of landfill waste and improving
the recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) production, that will ultimately help reduce carbon footprint of the food and beverage industry.
ty-two years of hardship for our people. We have been elected to represent them, so we have to speak firmly on transformation, even to the discomfort of some of you present here today,‖ said ―We are beginning to ask ourselves difficult questions Masina. as government, whether these investments we are making in large scale businesses are worthy of the praise we give them. It has been twen-
Of the 26 clinics earmarked for refurbishment to enhance HIV counselling and testing in the Northern Cape, 12 facilities have been successfully completed – while the remaining 14 will be concluded by mid-May 2016. The Department of Health partnered with the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and the German Financial Cooperation (KfW) Development Bank in a bid to address health challenges including HIV/AIDS, foetal alcohol syndrome, TB, substance abuse and other primary health issues like diabetes and hypertension in the Northern Cape.
amenities to facilitate additional space for clinic staff and/or HCT practitioners, to make counselling space available in the clinics. This is part of a requirement to provide a ‗stigma free‘ and/or private space for counselling and testing. This assists the clinic in providing dignified services to patients.‖
―The project entailed the enhancement of the
three clinics
were considered to have completed works, or as already having funding allocated to complete an intervention – thus 26 clinics were earmarked for refurbishment in the R24,46 million project,‖ says Gabriels. ―It must be stressed that most planned interventions were specifically targeted as an extension to the clinic to improve privacy in HCT and to provide dignified care for patients.‖ While there are several public clinics available to communities, they are not used optimally for numerous reasons. Communities remain unaware of the services and benefits on offer; they cannot afford the time off or the transport costs to access clinics; and mostly do not understand the impact of taking care of their health.
DBSA construction project manager Cyril Gabriels confirms a small amount of furniture must still be placed in the 12 completed clinics – a process which is currently underway. ―The clinics were identified for refurbishment through a process of previous cyclical works completed, planned/budgeted interventions, and researching areas with the highest impact for HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing (HCT). For example, Mapule Matsepane Clinic was selected because of its location. This clinic would have a high impact (in terms of people throughput) if it had additional consulting rooms for HCT practitioners or general sisters/nurses consulting with patients,‖ says DBSA project manager Cyril Gabriels.
Gabriels adds the project started in 2003, and came about as a result of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) government collaborative initiative to combat HIV/AIDS.
In this regard, two Wellness Days will be held in the province to raise awareness about the upgraded clinics, and to increase the information available about the accessibility of the services obtainable at these clinics.
The family health day event held on Friday, 6 May at the Batlharos Stadium in the John Taolo Gaetsewe District was addressed by the Northern A first phase was successfully completed in Kwa- Cape MEC for Health, Lebogang Motlhaping, Zulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape in 2010. The under the theme ‗Banking on your wellbeing‘. next phase was initiated in 2013 when the Northern Cape clinics were selected by the Provincial Department of Health following an evaluation process which was completed in 29 clinics.
The Northern Cape MEC for Transport, Safety and Liaison, Ms Pauline Williams has raised concern over accidents that have occurred in the Province recently, with some claiming lives. This is a concerning trend that should worry all road users because human error is the major contributing factor in most of these cases. Together with our law enforcers we will step up our operations and Road Safety Education Campaigns as a Province in addressing this challenge. The MEC further makes a clarion call to all our communities as part of their citizenry responsi- lives. bility to make sure that everyone is safe and feels We are already en route to finalise our plans in safe on our roads. response to the major activities leading towards The Department is engaged through our Law the Local Government Elections, Festive Season Enforcement Directorate to enforce the law and our 365 Days Road Safety Campaign which throughout our Province so that we can save
is everyone‘s responsibility. Some of the concerning contributing factors to crashes and accidents are: ·
Driving under the influence of alcohol
Vehicle Fitness
Pedestrian Negligence
We are committed that we will continue to share road safety messages with communities in a bid to ensure that people are safe on the roads and we all work towards saving lives, because the loss of one life on the road is one too many.
Wayneeva “Precious” Josop ons kompetisie wenner is sy nie pragtig my kan wees nie want ek ly sleg op die oog af. Hulle stoot my onmiddelik na die operasie afdeling. Ek weet nie hoelank ek daar was nie maar toe ek uitkom was ek nie meer dieselfde. Terwyl ek stap na die afdeling ondervind ek ‗n geweldige brandpyn wat amper my asem laat staan. Nadat ek verhalings gekry het en weer kon praat het ek iemand geroep ,later uitgevind dit was ‗n portier, en hom gevra om ‗n rolstoel te vat en my wegvat.
Dit wys die fotos wat ons hier sien. Dit was eeers net ‗n klein septiese plekkie waar vir steke eers uitgetrek is op foto 2 het my maag heeltemal oopgebars want die steke was natuurlik te klein. Om die grrotman se maag toe te hou.
Dit was die Maandag nadat ek na vele Die suster wat aan diens was het gewag eendag gehelp word, is toetse onmiddelik gesien dat daar geen wag vir gedoen bloed getrek en so meer want volgens die naelbreuk wat ek nou al amper meer as 15jaar met my saam dra moet ek geopereer word. Die Maandag na alle bloedtoetse en allerhande toetse is ek terug na my woning en moes Dinsdag oggend aanmeld by Kliniek.
Nadat my rou en dogters opgetree het nadat hulle gesien het ek e nou al paardae met die oopwond hull behandel dit met Aquas cream want die Hospitaal het niks waarmee die wond skoongemaak kon word nie. Dit is hoe die wondgelyk het
Harry Surtie Hospitaal :Dit was einde Februarie die 29ste toegaan ek en my vrou na die bogenoemde Hospitaal op aanbeveling van Dr Diergaardt. Ek is ‗n baie gesonde man was nog nooit in ‗n Hospitaal opgeneem nie tot hierdie tydperk vir my begin het..
Dinsdag oggend nadat ek my leer getrek het gaan ek na die Kliniese afdeling.
na die vier steke uitgehaal is Ek was baie ongelukkig maar kon niks doen nie. Daar is
geen sins ‗n manier dat jy as individue kan se hierdie is my Dokter of daardie een. As hierdie situasie nie verander kan word nie sit ons met ‗n Hospitaal wat die grootste sterfte syfer sal het. Ons kan nie toelaat dat lewendige mense proefkonyne gemaak word nie deurdat ‗n klomp buitelandse leerders by ons Hospitaal kom kanse vat en sodoente mense laat sterwe.. Mense word geontslaan om net weer terug te kom om te kom sterwe. Die susters met jare ondervinding mag ook nie hul kennis gebruik nie. Dit raak nou verregaande.
9. Factors that cause rejection during early childhood 10. Problems in school caused by teachers or schoolmates (that cause rejection) Rejection is one of Satan's most effective forms of oppression. Rejection may keep a sinner from coming to God for salvation and a Christian from reaching his or her full poten-tial in God; it undermines, breaks, and prevents normal and harmonious relations between family members, marriage partners, fellow workers, and friends. It also distorts our image of God as a loving heavenly Father who loves us and who wants only the best for us.
malady within the Body of Christ today. Regrettably, a large majority of those coming for prayer suffer from feelings of rejection.
Symptoms of Rejection How do you feel about yourself (circle each one that applies)? low self-image insecure withdrawn personality self-condemning self-hate try to please others
The root causes of rejection can be found from one or more of a number of sources, which are listed below (a thorough explanation of each one follows):
1. Heritage rejection:
2. Generational rejection
6. Baby not bonding with the mother or father
2. Satan is the father of rejection. Rejection came with Satan's temptation of Eve and, ultimately, Adam. There was no rejection prior to Satan’s temptation, as "… God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good" (Gen. 1:31). In accepting Satan's suggestion to eat the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve rejected God and fell into disobedience and sin. They were being covetous (of what the serpent hinted God had denied them) and rebellious (by overstepping the only restriction God had made).
7. Rejection causes after birth
As a result, they were rejected by
7A. Symptoms of rejection after birth
God, cursed, and forced to leave the
8. Being an adopted child, or forced either to live with relatives or in a foster home, or to live in a different culture
came after her) were promised pain
3. Timing and manner of conception 4. Events and attitudes of the mother and father during pregnancy
worthless believe I am a failure agony within
4A. Factors that may cause rejection while in-utero
inferior question my identity display a facade
4B. Results of rejection occurring in-utero
starved for love promiscuous can’t love spouse
5. Rejection caused from the manner of birth
Being denied love is at the root of rejection. Rejection (whether active or passive, real or imaginary) robs Jesus Christ of His rightful position as Lord in the lives of His child-ren and keeps believers from experiencing the vitality and quality of life He alone can give.
unworthy fear of rejection don’t know who I am
Rejection results in wounding of the heart—sometimes so painful that the mind refus-es to deal with it, so we bury it in our subconscious. Later, it surfaces in other ways to cause us problems. Rejection is the greatest un-diagnosed and most untreated
Laat elke georganiseerde strategie van die gashere van die demoniese wêreld teen my lewe gelewer word tot niks in die naam van Jesus Ek beveel alle bose geeste oorgedra word in my lewe deur demoniese kontak te onttrek word en word in die naam van Jesus in die vuur gegooi Elke demoniese invloed wat gerig is op die vernietiging van my gesig, droom en bediening ontvang totale teleurstelling in die naam van Jesus Laat elke demoniese lokval teen my lewe gebreek word
self-accusing can’t accept love depressed can’t give hurt/pain
no lasting relationships earn acceptance by being good or by hard work
12. Factors that cause rejection within a marriage
1. Heritage rejection
The dictionary defines rejection as “an act of throwing away or discarding someone or something,” which implies a lack of value in the person or thing thrown away. Being rejected, then, makes us feel valueless or worthless.
approval-seeking selfrejecting feel abandoned
11. Multiple causes of rejection later in life
garden. Eve (and all the women who in childbirth and subjection to man. God cursed the ground and told Ad
Root Causes of Rejection 8A. Healing from the effects of am that he would eat bread by the (Outline) adoption sweat of his brow (Gen. 3:16-19).
verpletter in die naam van Jesus Beveel ek alle demoniese aktiwiteite teen my roeping skande en oproer te ontvang in die naam van Jesus Alle vennote in demoniese besighede teenwerk my lewe, ontvang oproer en word in die naam van Jesus war Vader Here, laat my lewe, bediening en gebed lewe uiters gevaarlik vir die koninkryk van die duisternis in die naam van Jesus Alle demoniese georganiseerde verleidelike
voorkoms my af te trek, word nietig gelewer en nietig in die naam van Jesus
gawes en talente in my lewe begin vir julle eer funksioneer in die naam van Jesus
Vader Here, wys my 'n onmeetbare vergifnis daagliks in my lewe in die naam van Jesus
Ek verwerp alle onbeheerbare gehuil, bekommernis en berou in die naam van Jesus
Vader Here 10., Moet asseblief nie my Goddelike geestelike opdrag op aarde te beëindig, maar help my om hulle te bereik in die naam van Jesus
Vader Here, help my sodat my Goddelike geestelike opdrag mag nie in die naam van Jesus aan 'n ander persoon oorgedra word
My Here en my God verwek voorbidders altyd in die gaping vir my om op te staan in die naam van Jesus Vader Here, laat al die bewegingloos geestelike
Beveel ek alle georganiseerde magte van die duisternis teen my lewe en familie oproer, weerlig en donderweer te ontvang in die naam van Jesus Alle demoniese georgani-
seerde netwerk teen my geestelike en fisiese ambisie, in die naam van Jesus beskaam word
bediening in Jesus se naam
Beveel ek alle demoniese spieëls en monitering van gadgets teen my geestelike lewe te breek in stukke in die naam van Jesus
Verwyder ek my huis uit elke sataniese netwerk in die naam van Jesus
Laat die demoniese rekenaars en operateurs teenwerk my lewe ontvang 'n dubbele verbreking in die naam van Jesus Vader, moet asseblief nie my ongeskik vir jou werk in die naam van Jesus lewer Vader nie my lewe te neem nie voordat ek vervul my
Elke geestelike spin singel probleme in my lewe, wat in die naam van Jesus
Al die sataniese gadgets gebruik my vordering te monitor deur die donderweer vuur van God in die naam van Jesus vernietig word
VOORWAARDES VIR AANVAARDING Die Horison behou die reg om enige advertensie terug te hou en om enige advertensie wat aanvaar is te kanseleer.Die Horison aanvaar geen verantwoordlikheid vir enige advertensie wat per telefoon of anders gemaak is. Die Horison aanvaar geen verantwoordlikheid vir enige spel fout of verkeerdelike bewoorde advertensies nie,of vir enige koste wat as gevolg van die foute is nie. Geen herdruk van advertensies sal verleen word as enige tipografiese foute voorkom wat op die waarde van die advertensie „n uitwerking het.Slegs foute wat tot verliese kan lei sal in ag geneem.Die Horison aanvaar geen verantwoordelikheid vir enige foutiewe plasing van enige advertensie
The Northern Cape Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development has extended its date for entries for the province‘s best Female Entrepreneur Awards 2016. The closing date for the submission of entries is on the 13th May 2016, however has since been extended to May 20th. This is to give more female farmers an opportunity to enter the competition. The call for the applicants in the competition is set to be heartened by the widespread publicity in an attempt to draw the ever increasing number of participants. Since from the previous years the scope of the competition has expanded in alignment with the new mandate of government to include Fisheries and Forestry sectors. Entries are awaited in the following categories.
tor Best subsistence producer Top Entrepreneur: Smallholder Top Entrepreneur: Processing Top Entrepreneur: Export Top Entrepreneur: Commercial MEC Special Awards Youth – Disabled – Former entrants are also encouraged to re-enter this year‘s Female Entrepreneur Awards 2016, with past category winners expected to vie for honours in the improved categories. Female Farmers are also encouraged to visit departmental offices in the five districts of the province for any clarity. The price money will be disclosed towards the run up to the award ceremony. To date about 49 entries has been submitted for the competition.
Best Female Farmworker in the secAmong them are former deputy ANC secretary general Cheryl Carolus, former intelligence minister Ronnie Many ANC grassroots members have also been vocal about their desire for the president to
leave office. Members from several ANC branches in the Free State last month joined a small group of anti-Zuma marchers in Bloemfontein.
must be the president, my region never supported him, and now we have been proven right," one marcher and a regional working committee member, Thokozile Mokoenan"In 2007, when other ANC comrades said Zuma yana
President Jacob Zuma is willing to step down in order to recover the ANC's ―integrity‖, a newspaper on Friday reported senior party sources as saying. The top ANC members told the Mail & Guardianthat they had been secretly working on an "exit strategy" for Zuma, who has been under fire in recent months over scandals involving the Guptas, the Constitutional Court‘s Nkandla ruling and a high court judgment over his corruption charges that were dropped by the NPA. The M&G‘s report comes just under a month after the Sunday Times reported that ANC head honchos were working on a plan to remove Zuma. ANC leaders had told the Sunday Times at the party‘s manifesto launch in Port Elizabeth that those behind the plan needed to "buy time and only act after the elections". They said they were giving Zuma a "long rope to hang himself". The M&G reported that a report will be presented to the ANC‘s National Executive Committee two weeks from now with recommendations for Zuma and the party going forward. But an NEC member, speaking to the Friday weekly on condition of anonymity, said they have to work carefully so as not to ―destroy the ANC‖. In the weeks after the ConCourt‘s Nkandla ruling, many former leading ANC members and struggle stalwarts urged Zuma to step down as president
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Hy hom goedkeur. Toe Jesus gedoop is, het Jehovah uit die hemel gepraat en gesê: ―Jy is my Seun, die geliefde; ek het jou goedgekeur‖ (Lukas 3:22). Jesus het nooit getwyfel dat sy Vader hom liefhet nie. Wat kan ‘n “Vaders, moenie julle kinders verbitterd laat mensevader uit God se voorbeeld leer?
bruik, insluitende dié in My boek met Bybelverhale.* Toe sy seun ouer word, het Felix ander Bybelpublikasies gebruik wat vir sy seun se ouderdom gepas was.
probeer om my kinders te verseker van my liefde deur nie net vir hulle te sê dat ek hulle liefhet nie, maar ook deur persoonlike belangstelling in elkeen van hulle te toon. Ek het gehelp om hulle doeke om te ruil en hulle te bad.‖ Daarbenewens moet jou kinders weet dat hulle jou goedkeuring wegdra. Moet dus nie te krities wees en hulle voortdurend teregwys nie. Prys hulle eerder gereeld. Donizete, wat twee tienerdogters het, beveel die volgende aan: ―‘n Vader moet na geleenthede soek om sy kinders te prys.‖ As jou kinders weet dat hulle jou goedkeuring wegdra, kan dit hulle help om ‘n gesonde gevoel van eiewaarde te hê. Dít kan hulle help om nader aan God te kom.
aangesien kinders teenstrydighede gou raaksien.‖ Carlos, wat drie seuns het, sê: ―Ons hou ‘n weeklikse vergadering om die gesin se behoeftes te bespreek. Elke lid van die gesin het die geleentheid om te kies wat bespreek moet word.‖ Kelvin het altyd probeer om met sy kinders oor God te praat, ongeag waar hulle was of waarmee hulle besig was. Dit herinner ons aan Moses se woorde: ―Hierdie woorde wat ek jou vandag beveel, moet in jou hart wees; en jy moet dit by jou kind inskerp en daaroor praat wanneer jy in jou huis sit en wanneer jy op die pad loop en wanneer jy gaan lê en wanneer jy opstaan.‖—Deuteronomium 6:6, 7.
2 Kinders het ‟n goeie voorbeeld nodig
Kinders het dissipline nodig om produktiewe en verantwoordelike volwassenes te word. Party ouers dink blykbaar dat hulle hulle kinders op ‘n harde manier, soos met kwaai dreigemente of neerhalende beledigings, moet behandel wanneer hulle hulle dissiplineer.
Donizete sê: ―Dit is werklik ‘n uitdaging om gesinstud-
voel nie, anders sal hulle mismoedig word.”— Moet nooit aarsel om vir jou kinders te sê dat jy hulle ie van die Bybel aangenaam te maak. Dit is belangrik Kolossense 3:21, liefhet nie. Kelvin, ‘n vader van vyf, sê: ―Ek het altyd dat ouers toon dat hulle geestelike dinge waardeer, HOE kan ‘n vader dit vermy om sy kinders verbitterd te laat voel? Dit is noodsaaklik dat hy besef hoe belangrik sy rol as vader is. ―‘n Vader speel in werklikheid ‘n komplekse en unieke rol met verreikende gevolge vir die emosionele en intellektuele ontwikkeling van kinders‖, sê een tydskrif oor geestesgesondheid. Wat is die rol van ‘n vader? In baie gesinne word die vader hoofsaaklik beskou as die een wat dissipline uitoefen. Menige moeder het al vir ‘n stout kind gesê: ‗Wag net totdat jou pa by die huis kom!‘ Ja, kinders het gebalanseerde dissipline en ‘n mate van fermheid nodig om goed aangepaste volwassenes te word. Maar om ‘n goeie vader te wees, behels veel meer. Ongelukkig het nie elke vader ‘n goeie voorbeeld gehad om hom te help nie. Party mans het sonder ‘n vader in die huis grootgeword. Maar in ander gevalle is mans wat deur ‘n onbuigsame, streng vader grootgemaak is, soms geneig om hulle kinders op dieselfde manier te behandel. Hoe kan ‘n vader so ‘n kringloop verbreek en sy vaardighede as ouer verbeter?
Jesus kan ―net [doen] wat hy die Vader sien doen‖, sê Johannes 5:19. Let op dat die teks sê dat Jesus gesien en gedoen het wat sy Vader ―doen‖. Kinders sal dikwels dieselfde doen. As ‘n vader byvoorbeeld sy vrou met respek en waardigheid behandel, sal sy seun vroue heel moontlik ook met respek en waardigheid behandel wanneer hy grootword. Dit is nie net seuns se Daar is ‘n bron van praktiese en betroubare raad oor gesindheid wat deur hulle vader se voorbeeld geraak hoe om ‘n goeie vader te wees. Die Bybel bevat die word nie; meisies se beskouing van mans kan ook deur beste raad oor die gesinslewe. Die raad daarin is nie hulle vader se voorbeeld beïnvloed word. blote teorie nie; en die riglyne wat dit gee, benadeel ons nooit nie. Die Bybel se raad weerspieël die wysheid van Vind jou kinders dit moeilik om om verskoning te vra? die Outeur daarvan, Jehovah God, die Insteller van die Weer eens is die voorbeeld wat gestel word, belangrik. gesinsreëling (Efesiërs 3:14, 15). As jy ‘n vader is, sal Kelvin onthou ‘n keer toe twee van sy seuns ‘n duur dit goed wees as jy kyk na wat die Bybel oor ouerskap kamera gebreek het. Hy het so kwaad geword dat hy met sy vuis op ‘n houttafel geslaan het en dit in twee sê.* gebreek het. Later het Kelvin baie sleg gevoel en vir Om ‘n goeie vader te wees, is nie net belangrik vir die almal, insluitende sy vrou, om verskoning gevra dat hy fisiese en emosionele welsyn van jou kinders nie, maar sy humeur verloor het. Hy meen dat sy verskoning ‘n ook vir hulle geestelike welsyn. ‘n Kind sal dit dalk selfs positiewe uitwerking op sy kinders gehad het; hulle makliker vind om ‘n hegte en intieme verhouding met vind dit glad nie moeilik om te sê dat hulle jammer is God op te bou as hy ‘n baie liefdevolle en hegte vernie. houding met sy vader het. Die Bybel toon immers dat Jehovah, ons Skepper, in sekere sin vir ons ‘n Vader is 4 Kinders moet geestelike waardes geleer word (Jesaja 64:8). Kom ons kyk nou na ses dinge wat Jesus is deur sy Vader geleer. Jesus kon dus sê: ―Die kinders van hulle vader nodig het. Ons sal sien hoe die dinge wat ek by hom [die Vader] gehoor het, dié spreek toepassing van Bybelbeginsels ‘n vader kan help om in ek in die wêreld‖ (Johannes 8:26). In God se oë is ‘n elkeen van hierdie behoeftes te voorsien. vader verantwoordelik vir die sedelike en geestelike 1 Kinders het hulle vader se liefde nodig Jehovah stel die volmaakte voorbeeld as ‘n Vader. Die Bybel beskryf hoe God oor Jesus, sy eersgebore Seun, voel en sê: ―Die Vader het die Seun lief‖ (Johannes 3:35;Kolossense 1:15). Jehovah het by meer as een geleentheid sy liefde vir sy Seun uitgespreek en gesê dat
5 Kinders het dissipline nodig
Kinders moet beskerm word teen onheilsame invloede en assosiasie wat vir hulle skadelik kan wees. Ongelukkig is daar ―goddelose mense‖ in hierdie wêreld wat daarop uit is om onskuldige kinders te misbruik (2 Timoteus 3:1-5, 13). Soek God se hulp Die grootste geskenk wat ‘n vader sy kinders kan gee, is om hulle te help om ‘n sterk persoonlike verhouding met God op te bou. ‘n Vader se voorbeeld is uiters belangrik. Donizete sê: ―Vaders moet toon hoe kosbaar hulle verhouding met God vir hulle is. Dit moet veral duidelik wees wanneer hulle voor persoonlike probleme of moeilikhede te staan kom. By sulke geleenthede toon die vader hoe groot sy vertroue in Jehovah is. Gesinsgebede, waarin God herhaaldelik bedank word vir Sy goedheid, sal kinders leer hoe belangrik dit is om God as hulle Vriend te hê.‖
Wat is dan die sleutel tot goeie vaderskap? Raadpleeg die een wat die beste weet hoe om kinders groot te maak—Jehovah God. As jy jou kinders volgens die riglyne in God se Woord oplei, sal jy heel moontlik die opvoeding van sy kinders. Een van jou verant- resultate sien wat in Spreuke 22:6 beskryf word: ―Ook woordelikhede as ‘n vader is om die regte beginsels in as hy oud word, sal hy nie daarvan afwyk nie.‖ jou kinders se harte in te skerp. Hierdie opleiding moet op ‘n vroeë ouderdom begin (2 Timoteus 3:14, 15). Felix het vir sy seun Bybelverhale begin lees toe hy nog klein was. Hy het kleurvolle, interessante verhale ge-
Lesers word uitgenooi om met ons medelesers te deel wat God vir hulle gedoen het. Deel die storie wat jou lewe verander vandag met ander en raak lewens aan. Stories moet nie meer as .180 woorde oorskry nie. Epos ons by die horison@gmail.com Of kom lewer stories met aangehegte foto by ons kantore af. Markstraat 20, Bokant Vispa Meubels
Northern Cape: The Honourable Minister of tal impact. Transport, Ms Dipuo Peters will officially open the Kimberley Airport Solar Power Plant on FriKimberley Airport dispatches a remarkable range day, 13 May 2016. of cargo, from game trophies to industrial equipThe Solar Power Plant is a clean energy source ment and is also the hub for many businesses designed to supply the airport with 500 kWp of that operate from it such as car rentals and airpeak production and forms part of Airports line operators. Company South Africa‘s (ACSA) broader focus on sustainability and minimising its environmen-
In celebration of Africa month, Limpopo born, Mahlatze Vokal takes first leg of his African Tour in Botswana. Last weekend Mahlatze Vokal draws Botswana crowd during private performances for China and Botswana bilateral visit, which saw Vokal crowd pulling the Chinese to the dance floor. Mahlatze continues the African tour in Gaborone with a stella performance at the Three Chiefs Monument, during Fashion without borders. The performance was designed for Gaborone audience; he rendered his new single Prayer for Africa, which saw Botswana Government officials appreciating the set. Left the crowd asking for more. Part of the tour is to promote unity amongst Africans. Mr. Vokal is an activist and motivational speaker. He shared his life experiences in his song writing. Mahlatze Vokal dreamed of a united front, in one accord standing for peace. Growing up in South Africa is a privilege, so as born in Africa. ― I was shaking as I got the Microphone then I decided I am doing this for my mother land, Africa. I will continue spreading the message of peace.‖ Adds Vokal His music stand like an African elephant and speaks over the oceans and through mountains to the African soil. Mahatze Vokal begins his African tour dubbed #prayerforafrica on 1st of May 2016, next stop is Lesotho, followed by Swaziland and Namibia in June.
The Minister will be joined, during the launch by captains of industry in the aviation sector, CEOs of transport entities as well as key stakeholders in the transport and aviation sector. Minister Peters will further celebrate Mother‘s Day with the elderly at Smidsdrift Intermediary School.
mentslede en ministers wat van hom Congress of the People sê president afhanklik is vir hulle poste. Jacob Zuma behoort in dieselfde Brasilië se waarnemende president, bootjie te M i c h e l gewees het as Temer, sê president Dildit is noodma Roussef saaklik om van Brasilië die vrede te wat gister in herstel, die ‗n staat van land te beskuldiging herenig en geplaas is. Sy ‗n regering word beskuldte vorm wat ig van die onwettige manipulering die nasie sal red. Hy het na Roussef van syfers om ‗n groeiende be- se skorsing gesê Brasilië se geloofgrotingstekort te verbloem voor haar waardigheid moet tuis en in die buiherkiesing in 2014. Cope sê die swak- teland herstel word om nuwe belegheid van Suid-Afrika se kiesstelsel is gings te lok en die ekonomie weer oor die afgelope paar maande aan die gang te kry. uitgewys toe talle pogings om teen Zuma op te tree, misluk het omdat die ANC-koukus bestaan uit parle-
Die minister van Vervoer, Dipuo Peters, het die Burgerlugvaartowerheid gevra om ‗n ondersoek te doen na die oorsaak van drie ongelukke met ligte vliegtuie die afgelope twee dae. ‗n Vliegtuig het eergister in Midrand in ‗n veld neergestort, maar albei insittendes het oorleef. Dieselfde dag is ‗n man dood toe ‗n vliegtuig by Herbertsdale in die Suid-Kaap geval het, en gister het een mens gesterf toe ‗n vliegtuig neergestort het naby
President Jacob Zuma was innocent until proven guilty in the spy tapes saga and remained ANC leader, the party in KwaZulu-Natal said on Wednesday. "This is of course a national matter. But we maintain that President Zuma is our leader and we support him. He is the head of our organisation." The High Court in Pretoria ruled on Friday that former National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) head Mokotedi Mpshe‘s decision in April 2009 to drop cor-
die Kitty Hawk-vliegveld in Pretoria. Peters sê die ondersoek moet die optrede en geestelike ingesteldheid van die vlieëniers insluit, asook hulle kwallifikasies om te vlieg.
ruption charges against and former National Zuma was irrational and Prosecuting Authority should be set aside. head Bulelani Ngcuka. The full bench of the court found Zuma should face the 783 charges of corruption. The charges relate to Zuma‘s alleged involvement in the country‘s multibillion-rand arms deal.Mpshe based his decision on the socalled spy tapes recorded conversations between then-Scorpions boss Leonard McCarthy
The two were recorded
discussing the timing of bringing charges against Zuma. Mpshe felt this showed political interference in the case.
erings-gapings vir Adjunkpresident Cyril Ramaphosa sê ekonomiese en maatskaplike infrastruktuur kan oorbrug. Ramaphosa ‗n sentrale spilpunt om alle infrasê infrastruktuur was ‗n sleutelstruktuur-projekte te bestuur kan werk in die res van Afrika net soos in ekonomiese aandrywer in SuidAfrika en die streek en die koörSuid-Afrika. Hy het op die Wêreldekonomiese Forum Afrika in dinering van die ontwikkeling daarRwanda gepraat tydens ‗n bespreking van het groot voordele ingehou. oor vennootskappe wat finansi-
About 63% of young South African children live in poverty, which can affect their physical, cognitive and emotional development, a new study has found.
63% of children growing up in poverty was a big improvement on 2003‘s 80%, although this percentage was still too high.
The study found that about 3 969 000 young South African children live in poverty, with the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo having the highest rates.
While poverty may affect children, the parents also sometimes became subject to depression and anxiety due to the stress of having a child.
According to Katherine Hall - coThe study, a joint publication beauthor of the report and researcher tween Ilifa Labantwana, the Chilat the Children‘s Institute - the redren‘s Institute at the University of view found that there had been some Cape Town and the Department of improvements with regards to the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation healthcare sector, where the percentin the Presidency, was published in age of children who were completely the South African Early Childhood immunised by their first birthday had Review. increased from under 70% in 2002 The publication provides data, analy- to 90% in 2014. sis and commentary on over 40 sta- "This needs further improvement, tistical indicators measuring the pro- however," Hall said, referring to regress of Early Childhood Develop- search showing that 46% of pregment (ECD) service delivery across nant woman were still having their multiple government departments, first medical check-up only after 20 including health, social development weeks. and education. ECD focuses mostly Parents were urged to visit health on children, from birth to six years facilities in order to prevent Vitamin of age. A deficiencies.
"Both antenatal and postnatal deAccording to the study, children pression and anxiety are huge probgrowing up in poverty may be affect- lems, affecting an estimated oneed later in life due to not receiving third of mothers," Hall added. the services and care they need. Giese said that the Child Support "Shortfalls in early childhood devel- Grant (CSG) has seen the highest opment are difficult to correct as rate of growth of all social grants in time goes by. These children are al- South Africa, reaching almost 12 ways playing catch up and the educa- million children. tion gap between them and their "The CSG has been shown to have a peers widens over time," Sonja Giese, executive director of Ilifa La- substantial developmental impact on children and their families living in bantwana – an NGO working to promote ECD, and co-author of The poverty. Our challenge now is to enSA Early Childhood Review - said at sure that caregivers access the grant as soon as possible after the child is the launch of the publication. born, so as to ensure that the child is 'Needs further improvement' able to benefit when it matters According to Giese, the figure of most."
Eskom se uitvoerende hoof, Brian Molefe, het beloof dat Suid-Afrika nooit weer beurtkrag sal hê nie en sê as dit wel sou gebeur, sou dit weens sabotasie wees. Hy sê die kragvoorsiener se beskikbare energie het verbeter van sewentig persent in Oktober tot 76 persent verlede maand. Eskom het ook voldoende steenkoolvoorraad vir die volgende vyf jaar. Molefe het egter verklaar dat Eskom
n Bekende skrywer, Winnie Rust, is in haar huis op Wellington in die Boland vermoor. Volgens berigte het die 77jarige Rust se 87-jarige man,
gedwing kan word om weer diesel te gebruik as daar onverwagte probleme by kragstasies in die winter voorkom. Eskom het verlede jaar meer as ‗n miljard Rand per maand vir diesel betaal.
Manie, op haar liggaam afgekom toe hy van sy middagslapie wakker geword het. Haar hande en voete was vasgebind en sy het kopbeserings opgedoen. Rust was volgens Media24 nou betrokke by die geskiedenis van die dorp se verskillende gemeenskappe. Geen verdagtes is nog aangekeer nie.
About 63% of young South African children live in poverty, which can affect their physical, cognitive and emotional development, a new study has found.
over 40 statistical indicators measuring the progress of Early Childhood Development (ECD) service delivery across multiple government departments, including health, social developThe study, a joint publication between ment and education. Ilifa Labantwana, the ECD focuses mostly Children‘s Institute at on children, from birth to six years of the University of age. Cape Town and the Department of Plan- The study found that ning, Monitoring and about 3 969 000 Evaluation in the young South African Presidency, was pub- children live in povlished in the South erty, with the Eastern African Early Child- Cape, KwaZulu-Natal hood Review. and Limpopo having The publication pro- the highest rates. vides data, analysis and commentary on
According to the study, children grow-
ing up in poverty may be affected later in life due to not receiving the services and care they need. "Shortfalls in early childhood development are difficult to correct as time goes by. These children are always playing catch up and the education gap between them and their peers widens over time," Sonja Giese, executive director of Ilifa Labantwana – an NGO working to promote ECD, and co-author of The SA Early Childhood Review said at the launch of the publication.
Maleisiese en Australiese woordvoerder het bevestig dat wrakstukke wat in SuidAfrika en Mauritius uitgespoel het, afkomstig is van die vermiste Maleisiese vliegtuig MH370. Die vliegtuig het in Maart 2014 spoorloos verdwyn op ‗n vlug vanaf Kuala Lumpur na Beijing met 239 mense aan boord. ‗n Argeoloog, Neels Kruger, het in Maart ‗n
President Jacob Zuma missed door-to-door meetings in Shoshanguve in Pretoria on Friday morning, apparently because his plane malfunctioned in Uganda, causing a delay in his flight.
wrakstuk op ‗n strand naby Mosselbaai aan die Kaapse Suidkus gevind terwyl ‗n hotelgas verlede maand die ander stuk gekry het op die
eiland Rodrigues in Mauritius. Vyf bevestigde wrakstukke is nou reeds van die vliegtuig gekry.
week announced that a new jet would be bought for the Presidency. Zuma and Deputy President Cyril Rama-
"We have come here to do his work... to represent him, Mokonyane said over a loudspeaker from the back
phosa have been left stranded several times this year due to breakdowns of the presidential Boeing 737, known as Inkwazi.
of a bakkie.Kgosientso Ramokgopa and Nomvula Mokonyane visit houses in Soshanguve
Nomvula Mokonyane, the head of the ANC's election campaign, told disappointed supporters that Zuma had only arrived in South Africa in the early hours of Friday morning, and that he had important meetings to attend, including one with Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng. "The government jet was unable to depart in Uganda," she said in Sotho, adding that the plane would not start. Mokonyane did not elaborate further and it was not immediately clear exactly what had happened and how Zuma had eventually returned to South Africa. The Presidency was not immediately reachable for comment on Friday morning. The defence ministry this
Mokonyane said she and other ANC officials were there in Soshanguve on Friday to do party work.
Verslag oor die dood van die Australiese krieketspeler Phil Hughes het bevind dat die British Standardkopskerm wat nou verpligtend is, nie sy lewe sou gered het nie. ‗n Bal het hom teen die kop getref tydens ‗n wedstryd in Sydney in No-
Die legendariese krieketkommentator van die Wes-Indiese Eilande, Tony Cozier, is op 75 oorlede. Hy het in 1958 oor die Karibbiese Eilande se krieketspan begin verslag doen en ‗n huishoudelike naam geword nadat hy saam met mediaorganisasies soos BBC en Sky begin werk het. Die Windies se beheerraad sê hy
vember 2014 en hy is twee word om ‗n kopskerm te dra dae later in die hospitaal wanneer hulle kolf teen medood. Volgens die ondersoek diumsnel- of snelboulers. sou ‗n ander kopskerm nie ‗n verskil gemaak het nie weens die posisie waar die bal sy kop getref het. Die ondersoek beveel aan dat alle eersterangse spelers verplig
het ‗n reuse bydrae tot die spel gemaak. Die hoof van Krieket Australië, James Sutherland, sê Cozier was ‗n ingeligte en kleurvolle joernalis wit die krieketwêreld ingelig gehou het oor die eksotiese streek.
Australiese krieketspeler Phil Hughes het bevind dat die British Standard-kopskerm wat nou verpligtend is, nie sy lewe sou gered het nie.
Michel Platini het aangekondig dat hy gaan bedank as president van die Europese sokkerbeheerliggaam Uefa nadat sy appèl teen sy skorsing uit die sport in die Sport-arbitrasiehof misluk het. Die wêreldbeheerliggaam, Fifa, het hom vroeër vir ses jaar geskors oor ‗n verdagte betaling wat hy ontvang het. Die hof het wel die skorsing tot vier jaar verminder. Die sestigjarige Fransman sê hy is uiters
teleurgesteld oor die beslissing, maar sal op Uefa se volgende kongres bedank.
Vir sportnuus kontak ons kantore by 083 416 4539 of epos: diehorison@gmail.com
inne ‘n verbasend kort tydjie verander ‘n enigsins middelmatige atleet as ‘t ware in ‘n superster. Almal word verlei om te glo dis vanweë ‘n strawwe oefenprogram wat hy of sy volg. In werklikheid word ver-bode middels gebruik weens die alles oorheersende versugting om beroemd te raak. In hierdie artikel word ‘n vyftal soorte verbode middels bespreek... wat ‘n mens ‘n goeie idee gee van die verskillende onge-wenste opkikkers wat sportadminstrateurs in vandag se
After the visit, the ball was passed to Danny Carter, of Victoria Junior School, by academy student James Richardson.