07-30-2010 Airlift Dispatch

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Dispatch AIRLIFT

Vol. 49, No. 30

628th Air Base Wing, Joint Base Charleston, S.C.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Photo by James M. Bowman

Charleston Airman is 'on fire,' selected for 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year award Senior Airman Samuel Siewert receives a congratulatory phone call from Gen. Raymond Johns July 27, 2010, at Joint Base Charleston, S.C., informing him he was selected from nominees across the entire Air Force as one of the 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year. Airman Siewert was declared the number one life-saver out of 50 candidates and earned advanced Personal Protective Equipment Officer Designator and Breathing Apparatus Technician certifications. Airman Siewert volunteered for Habitat for Humanity, the civil engineer haunted house, blood drive and provided briefings on fire education at Joint Base Charleston's Child Development Center. General Johns is the commander of Air Mobility Command, and Airman Siewert is a 628th Civil Engineer Squadron fire protection journeyman.

ONE?YEAR?LATER Pilot recounts experiences at multinational wing

COUNTDOWN Nine weeks until JB CHS full operational capability

Worldwide departures Cargo moved (tons) (Jan. 1 to July 29, 2010)

11,615 54,445

Active duty deployed Reservists deployed

436 179

(As of July 23, 2010)

Page 6

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Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010

Col. Martha Meeker 628th Air Base Wing commander

Becoming part of something larger is one of the key reasons many of us join the military, and it often gives us the strength to carry on when times are challenging. Because of this, Joint Base Charleston is looking for ways to continue this concept and grow as we look to connect our military members, spouses, dependants, retirees and community. One area we're beginning to review is what we can do to team up with the community to provide fitness and childcare to members living off base. The Army has been pursuing this for the last few years with some success, and it is something we'll pursue as we look to adopt the best practices from across the military services as part of joint basing. It won't be a quick implementation, as we need to scope out the requirements and other issues, but you'll hear more on this during the next few months on our new Facebook site. Another item we'd like to bring over from our sister services is a more focused pro-

gram on getting our families fit, and there is no bigger advocate for this than our lead at the Airman and Family Readiness Center, Flora Hoss-Mason. She has a particular passion for fighting childhood obesity, and I look forward to her leadership as well as leadership from others across the base on combating this problem and highlighting family health overall. The Company Grade Officers' Council, under the direction of 1st Lt. Robert Payne, 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron, is also working to help us connect with the community. In particular, the CGOC is leading the way to marshal 1,000 members from Joint Base Charleston to join the United Way in the single largest Day of Caring in the United States this September. We'll follow this with a true honor all our military can appreciate as we join with Charleston's Medal of Honor Society to provide escorts and other support to the 2010 National Medal of Honor Convention. To connect and talk with 55 to 60 of the remaining 90 Medal of Honor recipients is something we truly look forward to starting Sept. 29 and running through Oct. 3. I want to personally thank Master Sgt. Scott Levesque, 628th Communications Squadron, for taking the lead on this superb effort to support our nation's heroes. Finally, I'd like to thank Maj. Pat Pohle, 628th Medical Operations Squadron, as he takes point on connecting with our team, ranging from junior enlisted, spouses and senior leadership, through upcoming focus groups. The intent is to roll information from these sessions into the key focus areas for Joint Base Charleston. Look for more information on this sometime in the October to November timeframe. It is a busy time here at Joint Base Charleston as we prepare for our full operational capability designation Oct. 1, but I get more excited each day by the opportunities joint basing provides. There is nothing more fulfilling than caring for and supporting the great men and women of Joint Team Charleston as we continue to win today's fight.

D IAMOND T IPS By Master Sgt. Stephen Wilkerson 437th Maintenance Operations Squadron first sergeant

Eyeglasses, sunglasses: wear them properly I know it's hot outside and the sun is so bright that we need to wear sunglasses. So when you do, remember there are few regulations about sunglasses. Air Force Instruction 36-2903, Table 2.6, Item 7, points out some of the rules: Sunglasses and eyeglasses can have conservative ornamentation on frames and lenses. A big thing to remember is that the frames may be black or brown material, or gold or silver wire. There are times we get in a habit of doing things a certain way, and sometimes those habits carry over when we put on our uniform. The AFI also states that glasses will not be worn around the neck or on top of the head. This is an easy one to forget about because we do it all the time in civilian clothes. Take some time to read Table 2.6 in AFI 36-2903, and you will find some other things we typically forget about.

ly the official views of, or endorsed by, handicap, political affiliation or any the U.S. Government, the Departmentother non-merit factor of the purchas Address/Numbers/E-mail of Defense, or the Department of the Editorial content is provided -and edit er, user or patron. ed by the Air Force. Editorial content is edited, prepared, The appearance of advertising in and thisprovided by the 628th Air Base 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, - sup Wing Public Affairs Office. All -photo The Airlift Dispatch is published bypublication, including inserts or Room 312. graphs are Air Force photographs Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412- plements, does not constitute Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963endorsement by DOD, Air Force or unless otherwise indicated. 5861 , a private firm in no way con 3464 Diggle Publishing, Company, of the Deadlines nected with the U.S. Air Force, under Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd. The deadline for submitting stories for exclusive written contract with theproducts or services advertised. Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154 space-available publication is prior to Everything advertised in this -publi 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian E-mail to: noon cation shall be made available for pur of the Friday preceding the desired enterprise Air Force newspaper is an publication date.Airlift The Dispatch staff 628ABW.Dispatch@charleston.af.mil use or patronage without regard authorized publication for members chase, of reserves the right to edit all copy submit Advertising to of race, color, religion, sex, national the U.S. military services. Contents Classified and display advertisements may ted for publication. origin, age, marital status, physical are not necessari the Airlift Dispatch

Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010


14 AS commander: Why integrity first? By Lt. Col. Randy Huiss 14th Airlift Squadron commander “In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don't have the first, the other two will kill you." - Warren Buffet, Chief Executive Officer, Berkshire Hathaway A number of years ago while interviewing for a flying assignment I was asked a simple question, "Which Air Force core value do you consider the most important?" I immediately thought to myself ... finally, an easy question. Then answered with a simple "Integrity first." That interview was approximately 12 years ago, but my response today would be exactly the same. Why integrity first? While I expanded my answer during the interview, I simply pointed to a few different examples that all revolved around being able to trust the word of those around you without having to question whether or not what was said was true. For example, a simple question to the crew chief asking, "How's the jet?" and getting a response, "Good to go, sir." Is it? I sure hope the maintainer has integrity when he tells me this as my life and those on board with me are counting on him and the rest of the maintenance team each and every time I strap the jet onto my back. The same holds true with the pilot sitting next to me or my loadmaster in the back. How about the weight of the cargo being loaded? It is imperative that the Port Dawg

By Michael Simmons Joint Base Charleston Traffic Management Officer Team Charleston, did you know the Department of Defense spends nearly $3 billion annually to transport and store household goods for you and your family? It's a considerable cost, but surprisingly, I have experienced poor service, excessive loss or damage to my property and high claims costs from transportation service providers throughout my career during moves. In an effort to improve the system which manages the shipment of household goods during a move, the Air Force has been performing re-engineering efforts for more than 10 years. The result is a product derived from lessons learned during four pilot programs - the Defense Personal Property System. It is the engine of the new personal property shipping program. DPPS is a next generation, fully integrated, centralized, internet-based system designed to manage your shipment. It provides you the convenience of 24-hour, 7days-a-week access to your shipment information and acts as a conduit for direct interaction between you and your transportation service provider throughout the entire

does his job correctly and avoids cutting corners. Otherwise, I may be unknowingly handed a jet that is out of "balance," which could have deadly consequences. Our profession is a dangerous one, but most of all, it is one that requires teamwork and trust in order to be successful. Integrity goes well beyond answering simple questions honestly though. Your personal "integrity meter" should have absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you get caught. If it is wrong, it is wrong ... period. Is the Article 15 and $1,500 fine worth the $65 cab ride that you supposedly "lost" the receipt for? I think not, but integrity issues go well beyond any monetary figure associated with them. Once you have lost the trust of those around you, you may never gain it back. Additionally, there is always the "man in the mirror" that will be looking at you every day knowing the true

story. I need to be able to count on the honesty and integrity of those around me as they require the same of me. Otherwise, we are merely fooling ourselves and destined to fail. I have been extremely lucky throughout the course of my career to work with some absolutely incredible people. I have witnessed way more good examples of integrity than bad, as we are held to a higher moral and ethical standard than our civilian counterparts ... and we should be. We should never sacrifice our own standards or integrity because "everyone else is doing it." We should be setting the example and making those around us better. Maria Razumich-Zec once said, ""Your reputation and integrity are everything. Follow through on what you say you're going to do. Your credibility can only be built over time, and it is built from the history of your words and actions." As your integrity and reputation are built over time, they can also be destroyed in an instance of weakness. Never allow this to happen. It always takes less time to do the right thing, then to have to explain why you chose to do it wrong. Finally, I leave you with a quote I found by Francis Bacon Sr. whose meaning is really quite simple ... with integrity you are judged on your actions, not simply your words: "It`s not what we eat but what we digest that makes us strong; not what we gain but what we save that makes us rich; not what we read but what we remember that makes us learned; and not what we profess but what we practice that gives us integrity."

moving process. This system is the focal point for all members of the personal property community, including you, transportation service providers, personal property shipping offices, the military services and others who participate in the personal property moving process. It is a customer-focused program developed to help improve your quality of life with superior personal property shipment processing. To help reinforce transportation service provider cooperation, your shipment is awarded to a transportation service provider under a performance-based, best-value shipment distribution system. What this means is that cost is no longer the primary factor for selecting a service provider. Each TSP wishing to do business with the DOD must show their past performance clearly indicates they are capable of providing the quality service you deserve. Other features of DPPS include a full range of customer friendly applications, such as internet-based selfcounseling, online move initiation and status tracking, full-replacement-value protection and direct claims settlement with communication between you and the TSP.

DPPS can be accessed through a site which was designed to meet your needs at www.move.mil. As a centralized service, the site provides key features with various functionalities, such as access links, newsletters, frequently asked questions and directions for submitting DPPS questions. The built-in search capability allows you to find information with ease. An additional feature allows you to subscribe to DPPS newsletters and informational products. The navigation menu is also easily accessible. After every move, I highly encourage you to take full advantage of the customer satisfaction survey. The survey is vital - your data provides valuable feedback to help evaluate and enhance the system's performance. Most importantly, it gives us another important tool to use for awarding shipments to transportation service providers who provide the best service. Your feedback will improve the household shipping experience for the entire military and DOD community. My personal goal is to exceed your expectations by providing timely and efficient movement of your personal property. If you have any questions, please visit the DPPS homepage at www.move.mil or contact our Charleston Transportation Management Office at 963-2253.

worth repeating “We should never sacrifice our own standards or integrity because ‘everyone else is doing it.’ We should be setting the example and making those around us better.” Lt. Col. Randy Huiss 14th Airlift Squadron commander



Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010

By 2nd Lt. Lindsay Stonecipher 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron

So, mark the calendar, and keep an eye out for more information in the next few weeks, because on Oct. 1, Joint Base Charleston will be going joint base with style.

Joint Base Charleston will officially become something new and completely different than it has ever been before Oct. 1 - a fully operational joint base. The day will mark the successful combination of two different entities into one military team. Since joint base preparations began, countless hours of hard work have gone into making the concept a reality and many more are in store, but Oct. 1 will be a day of fun for Joint Base Charleston. The week leading up to Oct. 1 is planned to be filled with sports competitions, such as volleyball, basketball, bowling and a golf tournament Sept. 17. So, be on the lookout for sign-ups. Finally, the base is scheduled to host a Team Relay Challenge the morning of Oct. 1, followed by an afternoon celebration and ceremony. Units are encouraged to pick the three best runners, single best biker and two best swimmers to compete in this first-ever Commander's Cup Challenge. Afterward, bring family, friends, loved ones and neighbors to Marrington Plantation on the Naval Weapons Station for an afternoon of entertainment, food and fellowship. Opening remarks and the presentation of the Commander's Cup will begin at 11 a.m. with festivities immediately following.

Schedule of Events: Sept. 17: Golf Tournament Sept. 27 - 30: Sports Tournaments • Volleyball • Basketball • Bowling Oct. 1: Team Relay Challenge • 3 x 5K run, starting at Sports and Fitness Center, 7:30 a.m. • 15 mile bike ride, starting at River's Avenue gate, 9 a.m. • 2 x 200 meter swim, at Naval Weapons Station pool, 9:30 a.m. Oct. 1: Open house at Marrington Plantation, Naval Weapons Station • Greetings and introductions: 11 - 11:30 a.m. • Presentation of Commander's Cup: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • Food, entertainment, fun: 12:30 - 3 p.m.

For Airlift Dispatch stories, photos and archives, visit: http://www.charleston.af.mil PDF version of the entire Airlift Dispatch online each week at http://www.Airlift.sc

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Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010

By Elaine Wilson American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON – The Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts program will resume Oct. 25, but with some significant changes to the popular spouse employment program, a defense official announced July 20. Changes include a reduction in the amount of financial aid, a change in the population eligible to receive that aid – from all military spouses to just spouses of junior servicemembers – and more robust counseling services. These changes bring the program, commonly known as MyCAA, back to its original intent of equipping military spouses of junior servicemembers with portable careers, such as in real estate or health care, said Clifford Stanley, the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness. The program was launched in November 2007 for spouses of junior servicemembers, and was expanded to all pay grades and programs of study in March 2009. "We're trying to empower, to give spouses in particular, an opportunity to be immediately impactful as soon as they get into a community," Mr. Stanley said. "We want to make sure they have opportunities to work when they get to a new duty station." Officials temporarily halted the program Feb. 16, pending a top-to-bottom review, after an enrollment surge overwhelmed the system and caused the program to nearly


reach its budget threshold. In March, with the review still under way, officials resumed the program for the more than 136,000 spouses who already had established an account. The review took time, but officials wanted to ensure they could sustain the program for the long-term, particularly in light of fiscal realities the government is facing, Mr. Stanley said. "We want to help people be employed, but at the same time we have to be cost conscious," he said. The aim is to sustain the program, he said. "We don't want to start it and stop it. This is something we want to continue because it's important to take care of our families and our spouses." The previous program offered all spouses of active duty servicemembers a lifetime benefit of $6,000 to be used for education purposes. Under the new parameters, spouses of junior servicemembers can apply for a maximum financial benefit of $4,000 for up to three years from the start date of the first class, with a $2,000 annual cap, Mr. Stanley explained. Spouses pursuing licenses or certifications requiring an upfront fee of greater than $2,000 may apply for a waiver of the annual cap up to the maximum benefit of $4,000, he added. Financial aid will be limited to spouses of active duty servicemembers in pay grades E-1 to E-5, W1 to W-2 and O-1 to O-2, Mr. Stanley said, as well as the spouses of acti-

vated Guard and Reserve members within those ranks. Spouses of Guard and Reserve members must be able to start and complete their courses while their sponsor is on Title 10 orders, he added. Those spouses eligible to receive aid can use the money to fund associate's degrees, licenses and certification programs, not higher degrees. The program wasn't intended to support bachelor's and master's degrees, Mr. Stanley said. However, he added, spouses pursuing higher degrees can explore a plethora of other education opportunities – such as scholarships, federal grants and the G.I. Bill – with help from Military OneSource consultants. "The counseling piece is probably the most important, and pivotal, part of this program," he said. Spouses currently enrolled in the program can continue their participation through Oct. 21, when MyCAA will ramp down and prepare for the Oct. 25 relaunch. As of Oct. 25, those spouses who fall within the eligible pay grades can continue their program participation. Spouses who no longer are eligible for financial aid still can participate by accessing career and education counseling services, Mr. Stanley said. "There are still opportunities," he said. "This one program is just one small part of the overall equation of taking care of our family members. It's an important part, but it's a small part." See full story at www.charleston.af.mil

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To see the Airlift Dispatch online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.Airlift.sc

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Airlift Dispatch โ ข July 30, 2010

By 2nd Lt. Susan Carlson Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs


missions," Major Nicosia said. The first two interna"I never thought I'd be sitting in the airplane and it'd be tional pilots are currently me and a Bulgarian or Norwegian copilot with loadmas- going through upgrade ters from Sweden or Romania," said Maj. Brian Nicosia training to become aircraft just after his simulator training here at Joint Base commanders, which will Charleston. assist in allowing the HAW Major Nicosia, a United States pilot and chief of tactics U.S. commander and for the Heavy Airlift Wing, is part of the first multination- Swedish Vice Commander al partnership for Strategic Airlift Capability, which was to declare them fully misformally activated one year ago July 27, 2009, at Pรกpa Air sion capable. This will Base, Hungary. This unique partnership between 12 bring the wing closer to the nations, including the United States, involves pilots, load- goal of building a multinamasters and maintainers from every participating country tional team that is able to who all join together to complete the HAW mission. respond quickly to strateTogether they use their three mighty C-17 Globemaster gic airlift taskings. IIIs to support the Europe Union, NATO and UN opera"In the U.S., we have tions as well as national military, peacekeeping and the Tanker Airlift Control humanitarian relief operations. Center function with big Photos by James M. Bowman The intial idea for the Hungarian Airlift Wing began in headquarters that direct U.S. Air Force Maj. Brian Nicosia conducts training in the C-17 simulator on Joint Base 2006 when 17 nations signed a letter of intent to pursue missions, whereas here, we Charleston, S.C., June 21, 2010. Major Nicosia is the chief of tactics with the Heavy Airlift the partnership for SAC. Participating nations wanted the have a small shop, maybe Wing at Pรกpa Air Base, Hungary, and visited JB CHS for quarterly pilot training. The Heavy airlift and movement capabilities of the C-17 but wanted 10 to 15 people that work Airlift Wing stood up approximately one year ago, and Major Nicosia fills a unique position to save money by sharing the capability. After much plan- plans, clearances, flight as a U.S. C-17 pilot assigned to the unit. There are currently three C-17 aircraft assigned to ning, an advance team arrived at Pรกpa Air Base in October grids, notifying crews ... the Heavy Airlift Wing. of 2008 to scope out the facilities. By July of 2009, the everything that TACC does a little bit better, because you get to interact with mission HAW had acquired their first aircraft and became an offi- but here in this tiny little office," he said. cial wing. The entirety of the HAW is in one little building with planners. We actually sit down a couple days before hand Today, one year later, the HAW has logged more than the mission planners on one floor, the flying squadron in and see where there might be a kink," said Major Nicosia. Typically, when U.S., pilots fly they are told where they 1,500 flight hours and has airlifted more than seven mil- the middle and logistics on the top floor, all in the old are going the day of the mission, and while the U.S., syslion pounds of cargo around the world, despite only 33 Hungarian building. percent of the HAW having "seasoned" C-17 strategic air"It's very interesting, because in some aspects it seems tem may be more efficient, this way, the pilots and crew know in advance where they are headed, said Major lift experience and is not yet fully misNicosia. sion capable. The HAW is also unique in that each country can buy "We're partially mission capable, only as many or as few missions and flying hours as they about seven people are qualified aircraft choose, but manpower from every country supports each commanders, and that includes the wing mission. commander, squadron commanders, and "Some nations don't have an aircrew, but they conthe director of operations. We're all basitribute to the mission through the aerial port or other logiscally section chiefs," said Major tics or command and control functions, so we all conNicosia, "Right now, in order for a mistribute to the missions," said Major Nicosia. sion to go out, there has to be a U.S., In this way, all operators are able to remain current, no pilot on [the flight]." matter who is paying for the flight hours. The missions they In order to fly a mission, at least one are running are not much different than those that are sent pilot must be aircraft commander qualifrom here at JB CHS; however, the process and planning of fied, thus limiting the amount of operathat mission is a real eye-opener, said Major Nicosia. tions they are able to complete. All par"The people I've met out there are just great. Everyone's ticipants in the Strategic Airlift really excited about the mission and excited about being Capability Heavy Airlift Wing who have out there and working with people in different countries," not flown the C-17 were required to go he said. to Altus Air Force Base in Oklahoma for See more photos at www.charleston.af.mil Together the 12 countries involved - Bulgaria, Estonia, the C-17 initial qualification training U.S. Air Force Maj. Brian Nicosia discusses details on flight plans with Maj. Finland, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, and upon completion, arrived in Patrick Brady-Lee prior to flying in the C-17 simulator on Joint Base Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden and the United States Hungary last summer. Charleston, S.C., June 21, 2010. Major Nicosia is the chief of tactics with the - with the help of their dedicated service members at Pรกpa "They're all good pilots, but they are Heavy Airlift Wing at Pรกpa Air Base, Hungary, and is visiting JB CHS for Air Base, will continue to expand this wing to shape the new to the C-17, so they don't know all quarterly pilot training. Major Brady-Lee is the assistant director of operabright and endless future of Strategic Airlift Capability. the nuances of the plane and running the tions with the 16th Airlift Squadron.

Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010

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Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010

N EWS Tennis camps in full swing at Youth Programs Marissa Sanders readies her tennis racket for a swing during a weeklong tennis camp hosted by the Youth Programs Center on Joint Base Charleston, S.C., July 23, 2010. Future iterations of the camp are scheduled to be held through the school year during the evening for children ages 6 and older. Marissa is the daughter of Lt. Col. Richard Sanders, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron commander.

See more photos at www.charleston.af.mil

Photo by Airman 1st Class Lauren Main

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Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010

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Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010


Charleston Airmen defeat Story and photos by Staff Sgt. Shane Ellis 315th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Three communication and navigation specialists beat the heat and replaced a very high frequency antenna connector here July 23. With the temperature close to 100 degrees, the Charleston Airmen were able to replace the bad connector and stay cool inside the belly of the C-17 Globemaster III by using a portable air conditioning unit. Using proper technical data, smart equipment, teamwork and good sense, Tech. Sgt. Christopher Shea and Staff Sgt. Charlie Watson, 315th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, worked with Senior Airman Jonathan Kiger, 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, to get the job done in a cool, safe and Staff Sgt. Charlie Watson and Senior Airman Jonathan Kiger work together to connect the air hose of a portable air timely manner.

conditioning unit to supply cool air inside the belly of a C-17 Globemaster III, July 23, 2010, at Charleston Air Force Base, S.C. Sergeant Watson is a communication and navigation specialist with the 315th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron and Senior Airman Watson is a communication and navigation specialist with the 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. Sergeant Watson and Airman Kiger work together and position the air hose of a portable air conditioning unit to supply cool air inside the belly of a C-17.

Sergeant Watson works in the belly of a C-17 Globemaster III and prepares the cable that will connect to a new VHF antenna connector.

Tech. Sgt. Christopher Shea selects the proper tools needed to replace a VHF antenna connector on a C-17 Globemaster III July 23, 2010, at Charleston Air Force Base, S.C. Sergeant Shea is a communication and navigation specialist with the 315th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron.

Sergeant Shea reviews a VHF antenna write up in the maintenance record of a C-17 Globemaster III July 23, 2010, at Charleston Air Force Base, S.C. Sergeant Watson and Airman Kiger wait patiently to begin working the job.

Charleston Club August events include a country karaoke night and a special Monday bingo session worth more than $11,000.

Help Starlifter Lanes be part of breaking a world record for the most games bowled in one day. Everyone gets one free game.

Witness Jaguars football live, tour historical Charleston on two wheels and learn to scuba dive this month, all with Outdoor Rec Center.

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The Scene


628th Force Support Squadron, Joint Base Charleston, S.C.

Supplement to the Airlift Dispatch

August 2010

Local singing talent contest booked for Aug. 11 at Club Charleston’s local performance of Air Mobility Command’s “icon” singing talent contest will be held at the Charleston Club on Wednesday, Aug. 11 at 6 p.m. This is a family-oriented talent contest that showcases some of JB Charleston’s top amateur singing talent. The show is free and open to the base population. The top act will receive $500, and the best active duty singer will represent Charleston in the command competition at Scott AFB, Ill., on Oct. 21. At the AMC competition, the first-place winner will be handed $1,000 and given a special audition/interview opportunity with the USAF Tops in Blue. Contestants for this year’s competition are: Amn. Kaneisha Armstrong, 628th Communications Squadron; Beth Bernards, family member of Capt. Paul Bernards, 16th Airlift Squadron; SrA. Melody Billingsley, 437th Maintenance Squadron; Drake Britton, family member of MSgt. Tammi A.

Sanchez, 315th Airlift Wing; A1C Petrice Brown, 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron; SSgt. Monise S. Butler, 628th Medical Squadron; SrA Grant Carson, 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron; A1C Joy Elaine Clayton, 16th Airlift Squadron; A1C

Ruthlyn Detwiler, 315th Maintenance Squadron; SSgt. Nysiah Fludd, 628th Force Support Squadron; Cynthia Hoffman, family member of A1C Adam Hoffman, 437th MXS; Rachel Idol, family member of SSgt. Jeff Idol, 628th CS; A1C Heather McLain, 628th LRS; 1st Lt. Charles Morton, 628th LRS; SSgt. Melvin Penaflorida, 628th Civil Engineering Squadron; TSgt. Rebecca Rickey, 315th AW MXS; MSgt. Jason Shamis, 315th AW MXS; Jacqueline Stasik, family member of SSgt. Kevin R. Stasik, 437th AMXS; SrA David Verde, 437th Aerial Port Squadron. The Club will be featuring $1 domestic draft beer, $3 margaritas and the Summer Basket Menu before and during the show. For more information on the local “AMC icon” competition, call Beverly McElroy, 628th Force Support Squadron Special Event Coordinator, at 963-3816.

Base youth to star in production Take a “Test Drive” at Wrenwoods, An audition will be held for the Missoula ChildrenÕs Theatre production of ÒAlice in WonderlandÓ on Monday, Aug. 2, at Youth Programs. Approximately 50 roles are available for

The Scene

local students entering grades 1 through 12. Those auditioning must arrive no later than 4 p.m. and should plan to stay for two hours. Some cast members will be asked to stay for a rehearsal immediately following the audition. No advance preparation is necessary. Most students rehearse approximately 4 " hours for the following four days. The actual performance will be in the Base Theater on Saturday, Aug. 7 at 1 p.m. The show is free and open to the base population. ÒAlice in WonderlandÓ is part of the Missoula ChildrenÕs TheatreÕs unique international touring project. It is the nationÕs largest tour childrenÕs theater and has been touring extensively for 37 years from Montana to Japan. Missoula is hosted locally by the 628 th Force Support SquadronÕs Youth Programs. Call 963-5684 for additional details.

drive home with $100 in cool cash During the month of August, all Force Support Squadron golf courses in AMC will be giving out more than $3,000 cash as part of AMCÕs new golf program called ÒTest Drive.Ó Here at Joint Base Charleston, all customers spending $3 or more in August at WrenwoodsÕ Globemaster Grill, the snack bar at Starlifter Lanes Bowling Center and the Charleston Club will receive a free ÒTest DriveÓ card. This card can then be redeemed at the Wrenwoods Golf Shop for a driving range token. Patrons are asked to simply walk over to the ball dispenser and drop in their token. If a specially-marked ball drops into their bucket, they will win $100! Wrenwoods has 31 of these $100 bills

The Scene is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to the Airlift Dispatch. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about the The Scene, call the

to hand out during the month. In addition, the card also entitles patrons to up to 50% off golf lesson packages as well as other local discounts. Stop by the Golf Shop for more details or call 963-1833.

Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at www.jbcharleston.com.


August 2010

The Scene

!"#$%&'!(')*+ 963-5684

Dance Classes begin Sept. 1 Jazz Ballet Pre-ballet Creative Movement Ages 3-17 Classes held weekly on Wednesdays Stop by Youth Programs to register or for more information.

Office: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Summer recreational hours: Monday - Friday, 12 - 8 p.m.; Saturday - 1-8 p.m. School recreational hours: Monday - Friday, 3-7 p.m. Saturday - 12 - 6 p.m.

Before & After School Program registration now underway

Tae Kwon Do

Program open to children ages 5-12 of active duty members, activated Reserves and DoD civilians. Drop-off and pick-up available for several local schools.

Fees per child based on total family income. Call 963-5684 for additional details.

New class season starts Sept. 6 Classes held Mondays & Wednesdays, 5-6:30 p.m. Ages 7-18 $45 monthly All students must have a current physical on file at Youth Programs. Call for more information.

Free, reduced-rate child care programs offer on JB Charleston By Sherian Vickers Family Child Care Program Coordinator Have you heard about the Family Child Care (FCC) program on Joint Base Charleston? There are various aspects of the program that you may not be aware of. Some of these may be of interest to you, whether you are looking to earn an income or finding child care for your child. Being a Licensed provider will allow you to start a business in your home, on or off base. The FCC program has an extensive Resource Center that supplies you with everything you need to offer high-quality child care at a reasonable cost, including toys, car seats, outside play equipment, infant furniture, and much more. You may borrow these items at no cost. Training is also provided to help you plan activities for the children. You can set your own hours and rate of pay. The possibility of making $125-160 per child per week can be very satisfying. You may choose to provide parttime, weekend, evening, full-time or any combination. Anyone providing child care in their home on a regular basis for more than 10 hours per week on base must be licensed by the Mission Support Group Commander.

Applicants off base must be registered with the state of South Carolina to provide child care in their home in order to become affiliated with Joint Base Charleston’s FCC program. If you are interested in becoming a provider, the next licensing class will be Aug. 17-18 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., both days. The program is in urgent need of those individuals who are willing to provide care for children under 2 years old and those with special needs. The FCC Subsidy Program allows parents to pay the same weekly fee to the provider that they would if they were in the Child Development Center. Depending on the total family income, this could possibly save parents between $20 and $80 per week. Another FCC program is the Returning Home Care Program. This program provides 16 hours of free care after returning home from a deployment lasting 30 calendar days. It also provides child care for personnel who routinely deploy on a short-term basis (cumulative of 30 days in a 6month period) in support of contingency operations and members returning for a two-week R&R leave. The 16 hours are to be used within 6-months of returning. Many times, weekly workloads of the military member

call for extended duty hours. This can causes them to exceed the standard 50 hours of care the family has already purchased in their regular child care program. The Extended Duty Care Program can assist families in obtaining the additional child care needed. This is considered the families “back-up plan” for temporary situations. This care must be scheduled through the FCC coordinator and is available at specific FCC homes. The Child Care for PCS Program provides 20 hours of free child care to families who are transferring into and out of JB Charleston. Parents should contact the Airman & Family Readiness Flight for a voucher for the 20 free hours before contacting a provider for availability of care. You will need a copy of your child’s shot record to reserve the space in the FCC home. Interested in volunteering on base? The FCC program participates in the Child Care for Volunteers Program in which base volunteers can receive paid child care while performing their volunteer time. If you are interested in any of the programs offered by Family Child Care or you would like the opportunity to stay home and earn an income, please contact Sherian Vickers at 963-2546 for more details.

The Scene

August 2010

Summer Reading Program Grande Finale Saturday, Aug. 7 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Base Picnic Grounds This will be an island-themed finale with food, fun, games & crafts. Children who completed at least four weeks of the program will receive a prize. Commercial sponsors for the finale include Santee Cooper, Boeing and Carolina One Real Estate. (No federal endorsement is intended or implied.) Call 963-3320 for more information.

Held on Tuesdays, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Aug. 17 Back-to-school craft Sept. 14 Show us your team colors! All Family Craft Night classes are free and advance sign-up is encouraged.

Pottery 101 Classes Held on Thursdays, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. (Each class has two sessions) Aug. 12 & 19 - $20 Sept. 16 & 23 - $20 This class is free for DePLAYment tag holders

Does this look like your SUV?

Learn to fly and take your family on their next vacation in an SUV with wings. Call the Charleston Aero Club at 963-5152 for more details.

re n e’ o ok! W w o no ceb Fa


Monthly Family Craft Nights


203 W. Stewart Ave., Joint Base Charleston, S.C. 29404 (843) 963-4936

Creative Arts Classes

with Natasha Lawrence

Decoupage Journals

Natasha Lawrence is a calligrapher for the Historic Charleston Foundation, a free-lance writer for several publications and an art instructor for the Charleston Museum. All materials are included in the cost of the class and pre-registration is needed for each class. Payment for each class is required at registration.

Tuesday, Aug. 24, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. $20 per person. Class for ages 15 and up Create a useful work of art! Use your imagination to make a themed journal (garden, travel, cooking or diary). All materials included; images, decoupage medium, brushes and embellishments.

Telling your life story….life writing workshop

Framing 101 Classes Held on Thursdays, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. (Each class has two sessions) Aug. 12 & 19 Sept. 16 & 23 Instruction free; students pay for material used

Frame it before it gets forgotten! Diploma Special - 20% off all custom framing of diplomas during the month of August!

Auto Hobby Shop 963-4942

Calligraphy Tuesday, Aug. 3, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. $20 per person. Class for ages 15 and up Learn beautiful lettering for everyday uses – addressing envelopes, scrapbooking journaling, art to frame, wedding invitations and much more. Students receive a study guide and double-nib calligraphy pen to keep. No artistic ability necessary.

Crazy Quilting Tuesday, Aug. 10, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. $20 per person. Class for ages 15 and up Create pieces of art with odd shapes of assorted fabrics. Learn decorative seam cover stitches. Instruction and all materials included – fabric swatches, embellishments, embroidery thread, needles and more. This is not a traditional quilting program.

Back-to-school checkup - You’ll receive 50% off the normal price of an inspection in August. Let our Auto Hobby technicians check everything from your tires and brakes to lights and exhaust system during August before school starts.

Tuesday, Aug. 31, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. $20 per person. Class for adults only Everybody has a story to tell. Learn to write short stories about your life, including family, growing up, best friends, events and more. Leave a legacy for your children and grandchildren. Participants receive a journal, writing guides and instruction.

August highlight It’s back to school this month and there’s dozens of look-alike book bags to add to the hallway, classroom and bus stop chaos. Avoid a mix-up and have the bag embroidered at the Arts & Crafts Center with your child’s initials or name - it will cut out some of the confusion and make it your child’s uniquely personal bag.

Getting to Know your Car Clinic Learn how to change a tire, check oil, check tire pressure and a whole lot more. Free class; great for beginner drivers. Class dates are Aug. 19 & Sept. 16. Call to register.

AC service available - August in the Lowcountry translates to continuous 95-degree-plus daytime temperatures. Don’t have a melt down in your car this month - stop by the Auto Hobby Shop and have your AC inspected and serviced.


The Scene

August 2010

LowCountry Bar & Grille in the Charleston Club

12 HD TVs • Nightly food specials Free WI-FI • Bonanza Bingo every night • Pool • Darts Bar: Monday - Thursday, 4 - 10 p.m. Friday & Saturday, 3 - 11 p.m. Grille: Monday - Thursday, 4 - 8 p.m. Friday & Saturday, 4 - 10 p.m. (All specials dine-in only)

Monday Special: $3 Long Island Teas 35¢ wings

Tuesday Special: Free pool & $1 domestic drafts

Wednesday Dinner buffet 4:30 - 7 p.m. Special: Free pool & $1 domestic drafts

Thursday Special: $3 Long Island Teas $2 Bud & Bud Light 35¢ wings



Karaoke Fridays nights

Aug. 6 & Sept. 10

a little bit country bit e l t t a li araoke k

Starts at 8 p.m. Check out the blackboard for bar & food specials!

No cover Open to everyone

Thursday Aug. 5 - 5 p.m. No RSVP needed. T H E

Charleston Club

LUCKY 54 & Bonus 54 progressive jackpots

Every Wednesday Once a month Mondays Wednesday Bingo Buffet starts at 5 p.m. Enjoy bar menu & Bingo specials during Monday sessions Card sales start at 5:30 p.m. both nights

Monday Big Bucks

Aug. 9 BONANZA BINGO Special Friday nights after 4 p.m. in the LowCountry Bar Six pack pays double!

Junior Members ee! fre eat fr C L U B

Latin Night Friday, Aug.20 9 p.m. 2 a.m.

16 oz. Dollaritas ‘til the well runs dry! Special: 10 free wings with any pitcher of domestic beer!

Saturday Special: $3 Long Island Teas

Special: 10 free wings with any pitcher of domestic beer!

NFL Sunday Ticket and Football Frenzy kick off Sept. 12!





Charleston Club Big Bucks

in the Lowcountry Cafe Monday thru Friday, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Serving breakfast Monday thru Friday, 7 - 10 a.m.

• Cash bar • Dance lessons • Club menu available until 10 p.m. $7 cover Future dates: Sept. 17, Oct 15 & Nov. 19

The Scene

August 2010

Located on Charleston Air Force Base, our meeting facilities can accommodate up to 500 guests for business or pleasure. Our experienced staff members are happy to assist you in the planning and coordination of your special event. (843) 963-3914 ext 203

Services available to active duty, reservists, retirees and eligible CAC holders


Military Reunions ~ Receptions ~ Family Reunions ~ Retirement Ceremonies ~ Banquets ~ Any occasion to celebrate!

Club Pizza Pack Pick-up special for $50!

Five 16” one-topping pies, three two-liter bottles of soda, plates, cups & napkins.

Book your holiday Attention party today! Booster The fall and winter holidays are just around the corner. Now is a great time to book your party at the Charleston Club. Book a Thursday date and get a special buffet price. Don’t forget all Force Support Squadron facilities are tax exempt. Call 963-3914 for more details.


The Charleston Club will meet or beat the competition for your picnic or “burger burn” needs. Show us the other guy’s quote and enjoy the savings. Don’t forget to spend those “FSS Bucks” soon... the end of the fiscal year is nearly here.



The Scene

August 2010

- Thursday, 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Starlifter Lanes Bowling Center & Snack Bar Monday Friday, 6:30 a.m. to midnight 1 p.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, 963-3315

Starlifter Bonus Events Pay to eat, bowl for free Receive two free games of bowling with a same-day purchase of any combo meal. Offer valid Monday - Friday, 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Friday Night Owl Special Bowl as much as you care to from 10 p.m. to midnight and pay only $1 per game - and shoe rental is free!

Rainy Day Special While the rain is coming down, pay only $1 per game and enjoy free shoe rental.

Bowl a free game Aug. 7, 1-8 p.m. Help us be part of an attempt to break the world record for the most games bowled in a single day! After the free game, it’s just $2 per game for adults and $1.50 for kids 17 and under. This is a great family outing - reservations not required.

xXtreme Summer Heat Bowling every Saturday night

International Friendship Day Bring a friend bowling on Sunday, Aug. 1, and enjoy “buy one, get one free” pricing on bowling and shoe rental.

9 -11 p.m.

E-1 - E-4 bowl free All E-1 through E-4 Airmen bowl for free with a $2.50 shoe rental on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays.

Members bowl free Charleston Club Members bowl free every Sunday from 4 to7 p.m.

Sign-up for league fun! Fall and winter league sign-ups are now underway. Register at the front desk. Call 963-3315 for more info.


Beat the heat weekdays

Now through Aug. 14, two hours of bowling, shoe rental, hot music, cool lights and prize drawings!

August Bonanza Bingo Special

Get out of the August heat and into the AC for some great bowling bargains, Monday-Friday, 1-5 p.m. All games during this time are just $1each!

The six pack pays $30 every Monday.

Sensational Snack Bar Meal Deals at Starlifter Lanes Breakfast Specials - Served 6:30 - 10:30 a.m. All specials served with small drink or coffee Monday – English muffin with egg, $1.75 Tuesday – Breakfast taco, $1.50 Wednesday – Biscuits and gravy, $2.45 Thursday – sunrise Platter, $3.25 Friday - Steak and Egg Platter, $5.25

Door Buster Weekday Special Available 10:30 to 11 a.m. Purchase the Special of the Day and get doubled-stamped on your Frequent Participation Rewards card.

National Bowling Week Special, Aug. 1-7 Super delicious hot dogs, $1 ea.

Lunch Specials - Served after 10:30 a.m. Monday - Fish taco with fountain drink, $5.25 Tuesday - Chicken tenders with fried rice, $6.25 Wednesday - Asian Meal (changes every week), $6.25 Thursday - Ribeye steak sandwich, $6.95 Friday - Fish basket, $5.95 or shrimp basket,$5.75

Milk Shake Flavor of the Month Reeses, $3.50

Weekday Social Hour 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Pitcher of margaritas, $11 Pitcher of soda, $3.50 Gin mini bottle, $1 Fried green beans, $3.25

Saturday Night xXtreme Summer Heat Available through Aug. 14, 8-10:30 p.m. Six wings, regular or hot, $4.25 Tuesday Dollar Day Specials 4-piece mini corn dog order, $1 Big pretzel, $1 3-piece onion ring order, $1

The Scene

August 2010

Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 963-1732 or 963-1672

OUTDOOR RECREATION CENTER Please note: Most programs and events advertisted on this page are limited in group size and require advanced registration. Call the ORC for additional details.

Coming through!

Sign up at the Outdoor Recreation Center to travel to Jacksonville for the Oct. 3 Jaguars vs. Indianapolis Colts game, and watch Jags 245 lb. tight end Zach Miller plow his way to the end zone in live NFL Sunday football action. Cost is $98 per person, which includes admission and transportation. Bus leaves the ORC at noon for the 4 p.m. kickoff. Call for more details.

Free Fishing Derby • Base

Pool • Oct. 1-3 • All ages • 200+ catfish • Prizes awards Participants must provide their own fishing gear and bait. Pre-registration not required. Call 963-1732 for more details.

Scuba Scuba Lessons Lessons Special Weekend Class Aug. 28-29

$485 Includes most equipment and certification trip

Call for more info.


101 Scarton Lane Bldg. 647

Upcoming programs at the Base Pool Lifeguard Course scheduled An American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Course will be held at the Base Pool starting on Tuesday, Aug. 3. This two-week class will be from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. Students who successfully complete the course will receive Red Cross certifications in lifeguard training, first aid and CPR with AED use. All participants in the course must be at least 15 years old. They also must be able to swim 300 meters non-stop, along with swimming 20 meters to recover a 10pound object at a depth of 7 to 9 feet, and then return to the shallow end with the object. Cost for the course is $100. Registration is now open at the pool. Call 963-3344 with any questions about the course.

Water Workouts start Aug. 3 If you’re looking for a low impact exercise program to help alleviate joint stress, while strengthening muscles and your cardiovascular system, these water

Master the surf

workout sessions maybe just what the doctor ordered. Each session is four days in length, Tuesday to Friday, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Base Pool. Each weekly session is $10 per person. The session dates are: Session 1, Aug. 3-6; Session 2, Aug. 10-13; Session 3, Aug. 17-20, Session 4, Aug. 24-27; Session 5, Aug. 31 - Sept. 3. Registration is now being accepted at the pool for all sessions. Call 963-3344 for additional details.

Swim Stroke Clinics continue The popular swimming stroke clinics at the Base Pool have been extended. These clinics will help you be more efficient & streamlined in the water and give you an edge if you’re a competitive swimmer. The clinics meeting Tuesday through Friday, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Each clinic covers stroke progression with drills and workouts. The cost is $20 per person for each two-week session. This program is for adults who can already swim. Clinic dates are: Session 2, Aug. 3-13; Session 3, Aug. 24 – Sept. 3. Pre-registration is now being accepted at the pool for each session. Call 963-3344 for more details.

Historical Charleston Bike Tour Oct. 17 $15 per person Price includes transporting you and your bike downtown, and tour guides.

Aug. 29 & Sept. 12 Cost is $40 per person, which includes transportation, parking fees, surfboards, beginner’s instruction, open water safety and equipment maintenance, basic techniques essential for surfing and lots of practice. This program is designed for people ages 16 and older who have basic swimming skills and can tolerate moderate physical activity.

Need a bike? See the ORC staff!


August 2010

The Scene

Bring on the heat!

Fitness & Sports Center Classes Indoor Cycling Schedule Monday



Ann 5 - 6 a.m.

Ann 5 - 6 a.m.

Al 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.

Wednesday Thursday

Marcus 10 - 11 a.m. Starts Aug. 10

Ann 5 - 6 a.m.

Al 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.

Al 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.

All Terrain/ Interval Funk Chiquet 4 - 5 p.m.


Be sure to call 963-3347 before attending any class to ensure availability.

Strength Hill Ride Chiquet 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Aerobic Fitness Schedule Monday


• Open competition • Awards for 1st & 2nd Place and People’s Choice • $5 fee per entry • Register ASAP at Outdoor Recreation Center • Call 963-1732 for more details.


Special Events

On the Course... Twlight Golf Special - Eighteen holes with cart after 2 p.m. weekdays. • E1 - E4, $12 • E5 and up - $16 • Guests - $20 Free practice range, club rental for Airmen - All E1 - E4 Airmen receive complimentary use of the practice range and rental clubs after 4 p.m. weekdays. Attention Annual Pass customers - - Bring three guests in August and your cart ride is absolutely free! Get Golf Ready in 5 Days - $99. Register at www.getgolfready.com. Use Zip code 29404 to find Wrenwoods. First Tee free youth golf instruction - Classes start Aug. 3 and Sept. 1. Four-week program. Open to ages 7-12. Sign-up at Youth Programs.

Golf Shop Sale... Clubs, shoes and shirts Trade-in - Trade in your old clubs, shoes or shirts and receive 10% off the purchase of your new apparel equipment.



Fusion Fitness & Fun (Fx3) Barbara 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Be sure to call 963-3347 before attending any class to ensure availability.

Strength, Balance, Flexibility Jessica 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Yoga for Athletes Jessica 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Saturday, Aug. 7 - 4-6 p.m. Base Pool

Wednesday Thursday

Fusion Fitness & Fun (Fx3) Barbara 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Fusion Fitness & Yoga Fun (Fx3) Jessica Barbara 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Yoga/Pilates Richard 5:45 - 6:45 p.m.

Tuesday Mix Chiquet 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Yoga/Pilates Lora 5:45 - 6:45 p.m.

For more information on Fitness & Sports Center programs and activities, visit their webpage at www.jbcharleston.com.

Golf Shop, 6:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. First tee time is at 7 a.m. Globemaster Grill, 7 a.m. - 2 p.m., daily Golf Shop - 963-1833 Globemaster Grill - 963-1840

Globemaster Grill Open 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily

Mondays Riblet Basket - $5.95 Tuesdays Fried Pork Chop Sandwich - $6.25 Wednesdays Italian Cuisine - $4.95 Thursdays Two-piece Fried Chicken Meal - $6.25 Fridays Chicken Salad on Croissant - $5.50

Food and beverages at the turn! • Visit the Golf Shop for a new selection of Grab-n-Go snacks and ice cream. • No waiting in line at the Grill, just grab-n-go in the Golf Shop! • Available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Fund-raise your organization to freedom • Tournaments with us are fun, great fundraisers, an excellent value and nearly effortless for you. • Visit http://www.jbcharleston.com/recreation/wrenwoods/tourplan.tml for your complete guide on “How to Run a Successful Tournament.”

Air Force officials launch new uniform website RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas – Air Force officials launched a new public website this month to help educate and inform Airmen about the service's dress and appearance standards and policies. The new website was developed to be a comprehensive online resource that is available 24/7 for Airmen stationed around the world, said Ruth Ewalt, the Air Force Uniforms and Recognition Branch director. "We wanted to create a place where all Airmen can view any uniform combination in detail," Mrs. Ewalt said. "This eliminates confusing rumors about the latest versions of Air Force uniforms." Airmen also wanted an uncomplicated website that was user friendly and did not require excessive navigation to find information about different combinations of the Air Force uniform, Mrs. Ewalt said. "We needed a website that would not take more than two or three clicks of the mouse to get an answer to a uniform inquiry," she said. Having this information on a public website ensures uniform changes and updates are readily available to the field, rather than waiting for updates to Air Force Instruction 36-2903, which is being revised.




For more information, visit the Air Force Dress and Appearance public website at http://www.afpc.randolph.af. mil/dress/index.asp. (AFNS)

Service chiefs gather to address children's conference NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. – Service chiefs from each branch came together to lend their support to the cause of helping military children July 23. Army Gen. George Casey Jr., Navy Adm. Gary Roughead, Marine Corps Gen. James Cartwright, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Air Force Gen. Norton Schwartz took part in panel and service-specific discussions, as part of The Military Child Education Coalition's 12th annual conference. They were joined by Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Conway, Chief of Staff of the Coast Guard Vice Adm. John Currier, Air National Guard Lt. Gen. Harry Wyatt III and James Shelton III, the assistant deputy secretary of the Education Department. The military's top leaders took turns describing their own experiences of raising military children and, in some cases, being raised as military children. As an "Army brat," General Casey said he has spent all of his 62 years with the military. His mother told her children to "make the best of it" whenever they moved, but attending four high schools in three coun-

Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010


tries was challenging, he said. In today’s Army, General Casey said he is hopeful that Soldiers will begin getting more "dwell" time at home since the military is drawing down from Iraq. Until then, he said, programs to support military families are especially important. Some of the programs the education coalition and other groups provide may seem small, but they add up, General Casey said. Local-level programs in mentoring, homework clubs, and after school sports all are important in giving children smooth transitions and stability between relocations, he said. "The most important things we can give to our children, as parents, are our values and an education," General Casey said. Admiral Roughead said he is concerned that many places Navy families are stationed, are in urban districts with challenged school systems. "We know there are significant challenges in the schools and we need to look at how we balance programs to get the most out of them," the admiral said. General Schwartz said the coalition has crossed a "major milestone" for military children in getting 35 states to sign on to a contract that enables schools to award credit to military children for classes they have taken in other school districts and/or in other states. General Schwartz said he wonders what the next step is in improving the education of military children. He said there are good arguments for reversing the trend of not building schools on military installations. Also, charter schools should be considered for military children in districts where public schools don't meet Defense Department standards, he said. Asked how to prepare children to be tomorrow's leaders, the chiefs again went back to values - an area in which General Conway said industry leaders say today's high school graduates are coming up short. "As role models, you have to be scrupulous," General Schwartz said. "You have to live those values. If your examples fail, the consequences are severe." The chiefs agreed that building resiliency in military children is about setting good examples, instilling core values of honor and integrity and making their home lives as stable as possible. "Your participation in their life has no equal," General Cartwright said. (AFNS)

Air Force Facebook presence gets boost from a top spouse

Photo by Senior Airman Katie Gieratz

Fleet maintenance from afar Tech. Sgt. Allen Minner works to remove a protective covering during preventive maintenance on a Charleston C-17 at an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia July 11, 2010. Sergeant Minner is currently deployed with the 8th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. He is an electrical and environmental craftsman with the 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron.

WASHINGTON – The Air Force Facebook portfolio now features a page hosted by a top spouse in the Air Force. Suzie Schwartz, the wife of Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz, has gone live with her own page geared toward communicating with Air Force families. The Air Force already has an official Facebook page, www.facebook.com/usairforce, and a host of other pages at the major command and base level, but this is the first official personal page for an Air Force senior leader spouse. Her welcome message on the page encourages fans to "use this forum to communicate and meet other spouses on your base and around the world." Mrs. Schwartz's Facebook page can be viewed at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Suzie-Schwartz/ 120997871253763?ref=ts. (AFNS)



Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010

By Mark Diamond Headquarters AMC Public Affairs SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. – During a recent operation in support of the nation's 30,000 troop plus-up in Afghanistan, Air Mobility Command's newest C-5 airlifter got a chance to flex its M-model muscles. And according to those closest to the operation, the results were impressive. Dubbed the C-5M Super Galaxy, the newest C-5 to join the AMC fleet boasts upgraded engines and avionics, enhanced communications, navigation and safety systems, and improved reliability rates. During a recent 30-day mission, 10 C-5 aircraft - two M models and eight legacy A- and B- model C-5s - transported more than 100 U.S. Army helicopters and more than 400,000 pounds of related equipment from Rota Naval Air Station, Spain, to various airfields in Afghanistan, including Bagram and Kandahar. According to AMC officials, although 10 aircraft were used, at any given time only four or five aircraft (including the two C-5M Super Galaxies) were transporting helicopters downrange. Officials said the mission was planned using two C-5Ms and two C-5Bs; however, as the legacy C-5B aircraft went down for maintenance, they were replaced with other A- and B-model C-5s. The pre-staged helicopters and cargo belong to the U.S. Army's Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division. The 2,600-member Fort Hood, Texas, unit is slated to deploy to Afghanistan this month. As part of a U.S. Transportation Command multimodal movement, the Army equipment was initially transported to Rota NAS by ship. From there, AMC Airmen loaded the equipment onto the C-5s and delivered it directly into landlocked Afghanistan. This multimodal operation maximizes available resources by combining the immense carrying capacity of sealift with the swift, "anywhere-anytime" capability of airlift.

Photo by Jason Minto

Master Sgt. Richard Biasi, 512th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, marshals a C-5M Super Galaxy moments before the aircraft’s historical take off. A Team Dover aircrew onboard "The Spirit of Normandy," unofficially set 41 records in a single flight Sept. 13, 2009.

AMC officials said the entire operation was a great example of the services working together under the of umbrella USTRANSCOM to support the joint warfighter, and a perfect example of the capabilities the Defense Department gains from the new C-5M Super Galaxy. Colonel Patrick Cloutier, Rota NAS Stage commander for the operation and vice commander of the 439th Airlift Wing (Westover Air Reserve Base, Mass.), said the upgraded C-5Ms outperformed the A- and B-model C-5s. Because of maintenance issues with the legacy C-5s, Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin he said they employed eight Dubbed the C-5M Super Galaxy, the newest C-5 to join the Air Force fleet boasts upgraded C-5A/Bs to generate 23 mis- engines and avionics, enhanced communications, navigation and safety systems, and sions, while the two C-5Ms improved reliability rates. generated 22 missions. And Another part of the C-5 modernization plan is the although the Super Galaxies flew one less mission, Colonel Reliability Enhancement and Re-engining Program, or Cloutier said they hauled 55 percent of the total cargo. AMC officials said the C-5Ms completed the operation RERP, which includes new General Electric CF6-80C2 with a 96 percent maintenance departure reliability rate vs. an engines, pylons and auxiliary power units, with upgrades to the aircraft skin and frame, landing gear, cockpit and pressur82 percent rate for the A- and B-model C-5s. Even more impressive, according to the colonel, at one ization system. The C-5 aircraft that undergo both the AMP and RERP point during the early days of the operation, he said they were turning a single C-5M every eight hours without "missing a upgrades are designated C-5M, also known as the "Super Galaxy." The Air Force plans to upgrade 52 Galaxies to beat." "In short, the C-5M did what it was designed to do; deliv- "super" status by the end of 2016. Each of the C-5M's CF6 engines produces 50,000 footer cargo more effectively and efficiently than its predecessor," Colonel Cloutier added. "We're just now realizing pounds of thrust; up from the 43,000 pounds generated by the older General Electric TF-39 engines. The 22 percent increase everything this incredible aircraft can do." Captain Cory Damon, a Dover aircrew member involved in thrust results in a 30 percent shorter take-off roll, a 38 perin the operation, added, "[The crew] wore out before the C- cent higher climb rate to initial altitude, a significantly 5M did." He said it was the first time he'd seen this happen increased cargo load, and a longer range between refueling. To put this into perspective, a C-5M with 50,000 pounds during his C-5 career. Colonel Cloutier said that the two factors that make the C- of fuel only needs 1,500 feet of runway to get airborne, while 5M stand out are reliability and performance. In fact, he said the legacy C-5s need between 3,000 to 4,000 feet. the operation ended two days earlier than planned; an Additionally, a C-5M, at an average Takeoff Gross Weight accomplishment he attributes to the C-5M's outstanding reli- above 600,000 lbs, can climb to cruising altitude of 34,000 feet in 18 minutes while legacy C-5s need 33 minutes to ability and performance. reach 25,000 feet. The faster climb saves fuel since less is needed at its cruising altitude. 'Birth' of the Super Galaxy The AMP and RERP modernization programs are expectAMC began an aggressive program to modernize all remaining C-5Bs and C-5Cs and many of the C-5As in its ed to raise the Mission Capable Rate to a minimum wartime inventory. The C-5 Avionics Modernization Program (AMP) goal of 75 percent, at an average procurement unit cost of began in 1998 and included upgraded avionics, improved $119 million per plane, which includes the aircraft and logiscommunications, new flat panel displays, improved naviga- tics support. And the warfighter isn't the only one who benefits from tion and safety equipment, and a new autopilot system. The first flight of the first AMP-modified C-5 (tail number 85- Super Galaxy; the Air Force estimates the C-5M will save taxpayers in excess of $17 billion over the next 40 years. 0004) occurred on Dec. 21, 2002.



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Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010

Tech. Sgt. Roy "Allen" Foster Jr. 437th Maintenance Squadron Tech. Sgt. Roy "Allen" Foster In his deployed unit, Sergeant Foster worked as a Jr. is a member of the 437th munitions line delivery supervisor. His duties Maintenance Squadron and has included reviewing the daily flying schedule, verifying munitions requirements for each sortie and coorbeen stationed at Joint Base dinating munitions deliveries with weapons load Charleston for more than four teams. His responsibilities included ensuring the years. safe inspection, assembly, handling and transportaHaving recently returned tion of all munitions and to ensure all personnel were from a deployment to the trained and qualified to make the mission happen. Middle East with the 332nd Expeditionary Maintenance "Our mission is to deliver safe and reliable Squadron, Joint Base Balad, bombs, bullets and missiles to our pilots," said Sergeant Foster has rejoined Sergeant Foster. "When working with explosives, Team Charleston as the 437 your first thought must be safety. That never changes ... If I do my job correctly, the impact will leave a MXS Munitions Flight assistant flight chief. smoking hole." Sergeant Foster isn't new to deployed life. His "It is a pleasure to have Courtesy photo previous deployments include Prince Sultan Air Sergeant Foster back home," said Master Sgt. Chad Gowan, flight chief for the 437 MXS Base, Al Kharj, Saudi Arabia, from November 2001 to Munitions Flight. "He worked outside of the flight for two February 2002, as well as Military Ocean Terminal Sunny years prior to this deployment, so it is really nice to have him Point, N.C., to resupply the A1C William H. Pitsenbarger, a back in ammo." prepositioned ammunition and supply ship.


"All deployments bring unique challenges. I am fortunate to have a great family to help me through the difficult times," he said. "At Balad, I was responsible for ensuring the munitions were assembled and delivered on time, every time. Additionally, being deployed gave me an opportunity to see how other bases operate. I try to learn as much as possible from the people around me, then, figure out how we can become better at home." At Joint Base Charleston, as an assistant flight chief, Sergeant Foster is responsible for personnel and production within the Munitions Flight. He works on analyzing and interpreting management data, knowing the unit's contingency and operational plans, reviewing and enforcing standards, and ensuring scheduled and unscheduled maintenance actions are identified and completed in a timely manner. As for his favorite aspect of all his work, it's the people he works with day in and day out, he said. "Nothing beats working hard with great people," Sergeant Foster said. This "warrior of the week" hails from North Charleston, S.C., and enlisted in the Air Force in September 1999, after some coaxing from his wife to look into the opportunity, he said. Currently, Sergeant Fosters' goal is to work on completing his master's degree, with only six classes remaining. With the spare time he has, Sergeant Foster looks forward to spending it with his children, he said. "I have two kids, Ashton, 6 years old, and Arianna, who will be 5 years old July 30 ... Happy Birthday!" Sergeant Foster said.

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News Briefs

To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to 628abw.dispatch@charleston.af.mil. Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.

Specials “Back to School” supply drive: The African American Heritage Council is sponsoring a “Back to School” supply drive for Hunley Park and Midland Park Elementary schools. Donations will be accepted through Aug. 20. Supplies needed include pencils, notebooks, pencil sharpeners and glue. Call Tech. Sgt. Kenneethia Kennard at 963-3662 and Staff Sgt. Stephen Kohn 963-5809 to help make a difference in a child’s education. Blue Star Museums free admission: The National Endowment for the Arts along with the non-profit Blue Star Families has started a new summer program called Blue Star Museums, a partnership with more than 750 museums across America to offer free admission to all active-duty military personnel and their families from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Museums in all 50 states and the District of Columbia are taking part in the Blue Star Museums initiative. In addition to 30 children's museums across the country, participating museums represent a broad range of art, history, science and cultural topics. To obtain a list of participating museums in the area, visit www.arts.gov/bluestarmuseums. Click a state on the map to see a list of museums. 628 MDG conducting fall sports physicals: The 628th Medical Group will be conducting youth physicals on dependents ages 9 to 19 on the afternoons of Aug. 5, 10 and 12 from 1 to 4 p.m. Call the appointment line at 963-6880 to book an appointment for children to be prepared to play sports in the upcoming school season. Additional youth physical appointments will be made available as the demand dictates, and the medical group will advertise accordingly. During the physical, the medical staff will check height, weight, blood pressure, listen to the heart and lungs, look into the ears, nose and throat, check eyesight, and finally, test strength and flexibility. The medical staff will also discuss any medical questions or concerns about a child's health in relation to the sport they wish to play.

and to sign up for child care. Extreme summer heat bowling: Every Saturday night from 9 to 11 p.m., it's okay to get extreme at Starlifting Lanes Bowling Center. During July, the bowling alley gives two hours of bowling, shoe rental, hot music and cool lights for $5. Drawings are held for great prizes each night. No RSVP required. Call 963-3315 for more information. Monday National touring company holds local youth auditions: An audition will be held for the Missoula Children's Theatre production of "Alice in Wonderland" Aug. 2 at Youth Programs. Approximately 50 roles are available for local students entering grades 1 through 12. Those auditioning must arrive no later than 4 p.m. and should plan to stay for two hours. Some cast members will be asked to stay for a rehearsal immediately following the audition. No advance preparation is necessary. The actual performance will be in the base theater Aug. 7 at 1 p.m. The show is free and open to the base community. For additional details, call 963-5684. Tuesday Water Fitness Workouts: If you're looking for a low impact exercise program to help alleviate joint stress, while strengthening muscles and your cardiovascular system, these water workout sessions maybe just what the doctor ordered. Each session is four days in length, Tuesday to Friday, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the base pool. Each weekly session is $10 per person. The session dates are: Session 1, Aug. 3-6; Session 2, Aug. 10-13; Session 3, Aug. 17-20, Session 4, Aug. 24-27; Session 5, Aug. 31 - Sept. 3. Registration is now being accepted at the pool for all sessions. Call 963-3344 for additional details. Aug. 6 Commander's Fitness Challenge: The Commander's Fitness Challenge for August will be held Aug. 6 at the Sports and Fitness Center. The event will be a dodge ball challenge with a minimum of six and a maximum of 10 players per co-ed team. Winners will be determined in a single round, best-of-three game format with a 12minute time limit for each round. Team check-in will be from 7 to 7:15 a.m., with the games starting at 7:30 a.m. Registration deadline for this challenge is July 30. For more information contact Staff Sgt. Kandra Better at 963-3347. Aug. 7 "Bring on the Heat" Chili Cookoff: If it's not hot enough already, the Outdoor Recreation Center wants to kick up the temperature a few more notches by hosting a base-wide chili cookoff Aug. 7. The event site is the Base Pool, with cooking and judging going on from 4 to 6 p.m. Awards will be given for first and second place and a "People's Choice" award will be handed out. Some of the criteria that will be used to judge each dish is aroma, color, consistency, taste and ―after taste. There's a $5 per chili-type entry fee. Registration is now being accepted at the ORC. Call 963-1672 for more information. Help break a Guinness World Record: Want to be part of an historical event? Come to Starlifter Lanes Bowling Center on Aug. 7 and help break the world record for the most games bowled in a sin-

Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010


gle day. Starlifter will start everyone with one free game from 1 to 8 p.m. After the free game, it's just $2 per game for adults and $1.50 for kids 17 and under. You could even just rent a lane for $8 an hour with up to five bowlers on a lane. Make this a family outing and bring the whole gang - just show up, bowl, have fun and change history. The final tally for the day from Starlifter Lanes and other bowling centers around the world will be e-mailed to the Bowling Proprietors Association of America for submission to Guinness. Call 963-3315 for more details. Aug. 13 Special Needs Information and Activities Fair: The Air Force Aid Society in conjunction with Charleston Air Force Base Integrated Delivery System is sponsoring an Information and Activities Fair at the base picnic grounds Aug. 13 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for families enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program. This event is designed to highlight the different resources available and bring families with Special Needs together. Events planned include pony rides, face painting and lunch with hot dogs, hamburgers, cotton candy and snow cones. If planning to attend, call 963-4406 no later than Aug. 6. Sept. 9 Third Annual Welcome Home Event: All veterans and their family members are cordially invited to attend the Third Annual Welcome Home Event for returning combat veterans, sponsored by the Ralph Johnson Veterans Affairs Medical Hospital. The free event will be held Sept. 9 on the USS Yorktown at Patriots Point in Mount Pleasant from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Information and services will include VA enrollment, eligibility and benefits information, readjustment services, health screenings, women's health services, health and education benefits information. For more information, contact Jan Bolger at 789-7373 or Patrick O'Leary at 789-6648.

Education and Training

Lifeguard Training Course: An American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Course will be held at the Base Pool starting Aug. 3. This two-week class will be from 8 a.m. to noon., Tuesday through Saturday. Students who successfully complete the course will receive Red Cross certifications. All participants in the course must be at least 15 years old. They also must be able to swim 300 meters non-stop, along with swimming 20 meters to recover a 10-pound object at a depth of seven to nine feet, and then return to the shallow end with the object. Cost for the course is $100. Pre-registration is now open at the pool. Call 963-3344 for more information. Funding change to testing: Effective Nov. 20, Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) will only fund a military member's initial examination fee for each subject College Level Examination Program (CLEP), DSST (previously known as the DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) and Excelsior College Examinations (ECE) exams. Due to the change, all military members taking CLEP, DSST or ECE examination on or after May 20 will be informed they will not be allowed to retest with DANTES funding, on that specific exam, if they do not obtain their desired passing score. However, re-testing will continue to be available on a personally-funded basis. Individuals who took a test prior to May 20 must retest prior to Dec. 11. For additional background and details, call 963-4579. Records management training: Records management training is scheduled the last Tuesday of every month in the conference room of the 2nd floor in Building 302 from 8:30 298 to 9:30 a.m. Members can sign up on the Enterprise saved Information Management website. For any questions or 963-2233 this year concerns, contact Airman 1st Class Francisco Bastian or Airman 1st Class Miguel Batista at 963-8270. Joint Base Charleston’s Airmen

Airmen Against Drunk Driving: Wingmen Saving Lives

Events Saturday Southern Savers extreme couponing sessions: Learn how to dramatically increase your buying power by using "extreme couponing." Two sessions will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center July 31 from 10 a.m. to noon and 2 to 4 p.m. Children will not be permitted in the classroom. Some childcare for 15-month-olds and up is available. Call 963-4404 for registration

Last incident: June 27 2010 Total: 12 2009 Total: 16 2008 Total: 14 2007 Total: 8 To volunteer, e-mail AADD.charleston@charleston.af.mil. Members receiving a Driving Under the Influence must report to the wing commander the following duty day in full service dress accompanied by their supervisor, first sergeant and squadron commander.

Against Drunk Driving offers free, confidential rides home.

Please see more briefs at www.charleston.af.mil


Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010

By Bruce Miller Resource Efficiency Manager


Everyone uses energy every day, but how many people think twice when flipping a light switch or turning a key to start a car? Does anyone ever think where that energy comes from and how everyday activities became so intertwined with fossil fuels? Man first harvested natural energy sources though burning wood and inventing devices to tap into the power of wind and water. The Industrialization Age of the 19th century began to shift the use of natural energy to the newly discovered resources of fossil fuels and the 20th century created technologies to harness these new fuel sources at an unprecedented speed. The world now moves on coal, natural gas, petroleum, hydroelectric and nuclear power without a thought about how it all came about.

In this modern world, we have become reliant on the technologies these discoveries provided, and now conservation of these fuel sources is at the forefront. Billions of dollars and valuable natural resources are wasted each year through simply not thinking or not knowing how much energy is used during everyday activities. Test your energy awareness savvy by answering the following true or false questions, then compare your answers. Think about making some of these conservation ideas a part of your daily routine. Energy quiz: True or False 1. Buildings cool down faster by setting the thermostat lower than the desired temperature.

2. Freezers are more efficient when filled to capacity. 3. Fluorescent and incandescent bulbs of the same wattage produce the same amount of light. 4. Always use cold water when running a garbage disposal. 5. Driving faster uses less fuel since the car is running for a shorter period of time. 6. Always preheat the oven for broiling or roasting. 7. Never turn on the oven and open the door for a quick warm-up of a cold kitchen. 8. Leave computers and monitors on continually since it takes more energy to power up than to leave on. 9. Opening the refrigerator door costs money and energy. 10. The federal government is the largest consumer of energy in the world.

Answers: 1. False: Setting the thermostat lower than the desired temperature does not cool the house down quicker. The inside temperature will cool down just as quickly with the desired thermostat setting. 2. True: Freezers operate better when filled. 3. False: Fluorescent lights produce 3.5 times more light than incandescent bulbs of the same wattage. 4. True: Garbage disposals are designed to operate with cold

water. Letting the water run until it gets hot wastes both the water and the energy it takes to heat the water. 5. False: The higher the speed, the more fuel is burned regardless of how long the trip takes. 6. False: Broiling and roasting do not require preheating. 7. True: Using the oven is a costly way to heat the kitchen. 8. False: When on, computers and monitors use energy constantly. Turning off and powering down is much more energy efficient.

9. True: Every time the refrigerator door is opened, cold air escapes and the compressor has to work to keep the temperature constant. 10. True: Up until recent reports that China has now surpassed us, the United States has been the largest user of energy in the world, accounting for about 35 percent of the world's total energy consumption. The federal government is far and away the largest consumer of American energy, and the Department of Defense is the largest user within the federal government.

BASE INFORMATION First 6 volunteer opportunities can make the most of your career By Airman 1st Class Michael Thorndike Membership Officer for the First 6

The Joint Base Charleston First 6 is a professional organization which focuses on providing junior enlisted service members a forum for making the most of their military careers. The organization is open to all pay grades from E-1 through E-6. The next First 6 meeting is scheduled for August 26 at 11 a.m. in the First Term Airmen Center classroom. The volunteer opportunities listed below are just a few of many the First 6 supports and are available to all members of Joint Team Charleston. Points of contact are listed for each event, as well as links to websites to make an informed decision on which to volunteer for. In an effort to highlight base members actively volunteering, the First 6 will be tracking hours worked by volunteers. Contact the First 6 at 963-8278 to be counted in the running or e-mail michael.thorndike@charleston.af.mil. Trident United Way: The Benefit Bank is an innovative network system for delivering benefits and enhancing anti-poverty efforts. The goal is to create a sustained, multiyear antipoverty campaign which brings together faith based, community based and other organizations to serve people forced to live in poverty. Hundreds of volunteers are needed. Scheduling is very flexible at many sites across the area. To volunteer, contact Cathy Easley at 7409000, ext. 243 or by e-mail at ceasley@tuw.org. My Sisters House seeking Spanishspeaking interpreters: Family violence reaches across all cultures, ages and socioeconomic levels. Volunteers who can interpret Spanish are needed to help victims of domestic violence. The organization's need is an ongoing opportunity. To volunteer, please contact Sarah Baird at 747-4069 or by e-mail at hope@mysistershouse.com. Fields to Families: The gleaning season has begun full force and volunteers are needed to help - sometimes on very short notice. To help an organization committed to ending hunger, visit the website at www.fieldstofamilies.org and choose "Volunteer" to check out upcoming opportunities. For more information, contact Christina Lor at 388-2487 or by e-mail at christina@fieldstofamilies.org.

Good Neighbor Center: "Breaking the cycle of homelessness" provides transitional housing for homeless veterans. Volunteers will be preparing meals, landscaping or assisting in the office. To volunteer, contact Faye Parker at 566-9344 or visit www.thegoodneighborcenter.com. Lowcountry Orphan Relief: The Lowcountry Orphan Relief is looking for volunteers to help at their office in North Charleston. The LOR is a non-profit organization which provides support and services to local children and their families. Volunteers would be asked to assist at their facility with sorting, organizing and preparing clothing and school supplies to be given to local children. To volunteer, contact Cathy Keagy at 747-4099 or e-mail her at cathy@clfl670.org. You can also check out the website at www.lowcountryorphanrelief.com. March of Dimes: The local division of March of Dimes is looking for volunteers. The March of Dimes' mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects and infant mortality. They carry out this mission through community service education, advocacy and research. They hold a number of large events annually and are constantly involved in the community. Volunteers could be asked to do anything from administrative work at their office, to helping with auctions at black tie events. To volunteer, contact Meredith Repik at 5711776 or e-mail her at mrepik@marchofdimes.com. For more information, visit the March of Dimes website at www.marchofdimes.org. Susan G. Komen for the Cure: The Lowcountry Susan G. Komen for the Cure division is always in need of volunteers. They need help with administrative work and various events throughout the year. To find out what you can do to help with the fight against breast cancer, contact Taffy Tamblyn at 556-8011 or e-mail her at taffy@komenlowcountry.org. To find out more details on the opportunities, visit their website at www.komenlowcountry.org. Beach Day: Volunteer with the Lowcountry Orphan Relief for "Beach Day" August 7 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Volunteers will enjoy a fun day of playing with children of all ages at the beach and have an opportunity to have lunch with them. To volunteer, contact Cathy Keagy with Orphan Relief at 843-747-4009 or email her at cathy@clf1670.org.

Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010


Chapel Schedule

107 Arthur Dr. Office: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Phone: 963-2536. After duty hours, call the command post at 963-8400, emergencies only. Catholic Services: Daily Mass is now offered Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; Saturday - 4:15 p.m. Reconciliation; Mass; 5 p.m.; Sunday - 9:30 a.m. Children’s Church. Protestant Services: Sunday - 8 a.m. Inspirational Gospel Worship Service; 11 a.m. Traditional Worship Service with Children’s Church. Thursday - 7 p.m. Truth Seekers Bible Study, Chapel Annex. For information on other faith groups, call the Base Chapel at 963-2536.

Movie Schedule Ticket office normally opens at 7 p.m. Showtime at 7:30 p.m. Admission: Adults - $4 (12 years and older) / Children - $2 (6-11 years old). / “G” Rated Movies: Children - $2 (3-11 years old). Schedule subject to change without notice. For information, call 963-3333. For further information on movie date and times visit http://www.aafes.com/ems/conus/ charleston.htm. Friday, July 30, 7:30 p.m. – JONAH HEX – Josh Brolin, John Malkovich – Jonah Hex is a bounty hunter of last resort, a battle-hardened gunslinger who can track down anyone…and anything. Having survived death, Jonah’s violent history is steeped in myth and legend, and has left him with one foot in the natural world and one on the “other side.” A man fated to wander alone, his sole human connection is with Lilah, whose life in a brothel has left her with scars of her own. Jonah’s past is about to catch up with him when the U.S. military makes him an offer he can’t refuse: in exchange for freedom from the warrants on his head, me must track down and stop the sinister terrorist Quentin Turnbull, the man who killed Hex’s family and mutilated his face with a branding iron. Turnbull, who is gathering an army and preparing to unleash Hell, is also Jonah’s oldest enemy and will stop at nothing until Jonah is dead. Rated PG-13. Saturday, July 31, 2:00 p.m. – TOY STORY 3 – Tom Hanks, Tim Allen – Woody, Buzz, and the whole gang back to the big screen as Andy prepares to depart for college and his loyal toys find themselves in daycare! These untamed tots with their sticky little fingers do not play nice, so it’s all for one and one for all as plans for the Great Escape gets underway. A few new faces some plastic and some plush join the adventure. Rated G. For more movie schedules, visit: http://www.aafes.com/ ems/conus/charleston.htm


Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010


Legal guidelines for scratching the political itch Courtesy of the 628th Air Base Wing Legal Office When it comes to the democratic process, everyone is encouraged to register to vote, study the issues and candidates, and ultimately vote as part of their civic obligations. Beyond these basic actions, as primary and general elections approach, military members and Department of Defense civilian employees may start feeling the itch become more active in the political process. When feeling that urge, it's important to understand the rules governing federal employee participation in political activities. What is a political activity? A political activity is an activity directed toward the success or failure of a political party, candidate for partisan political office, or a partisan political group. There are two partisan political activities: partisan and nonpartisan. Partisan activities relate to candidates or issues of national or state

political parties. Candidacy for national or state office is considered partisan, even if the candidate is not affiliated with a national or state political party. Partisan activities are more restricted than nonpartisan activities. Nonpartisan activities are not associated with a national or state political party but involve "stand alone" political issues, such as constitutional amendments, municipal ordinances, etc. Employees have more leeway with nonpartisan activities so long as they refrain from using government facilities and/or resources and so long as the employee avoids any implication that the Air Force endorses or supports their activity. The DOD has established guidelines and policies that restrict both types of political activities by military members and federal employees. Listed below are a few political activity guidelines: Military members may: • Register, vote, and express their opinions on political candidates (but not as

representing the military) • Make monetary contributions to a political organization • Attend partisan and non-partisan political meetings or rallies as a spectator when not in uniform • Display a political sticker on a privately owned vehicle Military members may not: • Use his or her official authority or influence to interfere with an election • Participate in partisan political management, campaigns, or conventions • Make campaign contributions to another member of the military or an employee of the federal government • Solicit or receive a campaign contributions from another member of the military • Display a large political sign, banner, or poster on the top or side of a private vehicle • March or ride in a partisan political parade Civilian federal employees may: • Be a candidate for public office in nonpartisan elections • Assist in voter registration drives, drive voters to a polling place, and act as

Hurricane season will continue through November, with the highest probability of a major hurricane occurring between midAugust and October. Due to a hurricane's capacity for damage, preparation is the key. Weekly hurricane tips provide need-to-know information for staying ahead of the weather. This week's hurricane tip is:

a recorder, watcher or challenger at a polling place • Serve as election judge or clerk • Make campaign speeches for candidates in partisan elections' • Distribute campaign literature in partisan elections Civilian federal employees should avoid: • Soliciting, accepting or receiving political contributions unless both individuals are members of the same federal labor organization or employee organization, and the one solicited is not subordinate • Knowingly soliciting or discouraging the political activity of any person who has business before the agency • Engaging in political activity while on duty • Engaging in political activity while in any government office • Hosting or sponsoring a political fundraiser (although you may attend it, and your spouse may host the fundraiser.) For any other questions, or more detailed information, contact the Legal Office at 963-5502.

Be aware that the calm "eye" of the storm is deceptive; the storm is not over. The worst part of the storm will happen once the eye passes over and the winds begin to blow from the opposite direction. Trees, shrubs, buildings, and other objects damaged by the first winds can be broken or destroyed by the second winds.

To see the Airlift Dispatch online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com

YOU MUST READ THIS BEFORE SUBMITTING AN AD! Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To www.CharlestonMilitary.com

www.CharlestonMilitary.com • Info@CharlestonMilitary.com • fax 856-0358 Diggle Publishing - PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465 • 843-412-5861 Diggle Publishing Company, the private contract publisher of the Airlift Dispatch (weekly) and the Navy Shoreline (twice monthly), accepts free personal classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. Ads which do not adhere to submission guidelines may be rejected without notice.


obo crate included, call Brian @3209 843-298-2933 6 Bdm 3.5Ba 3107 Sft Brick Home Come Join the Fun at $360,000 irrigate sys pvt pond hard F ull CafeMoms.com.... info, playdates & blooded 8 month old cock wood fls tankless water htr Cedar DEADLINE: 9 A.M. MONDAY MORNING - NO EXCEPTIONS! - FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS erspaniel. Friendly, potty trained meet other Moms on the base! (858) 449-5774 and very loving. Sale for $300. Grove Or (This means ads submitted Friday or Saturday definitely make it in, while ads group "Moms on the NWS in best offer. Call 843-532-3597 submitted at 8:30 a.m. Mon. may or may not make it in, depending on available space.) Charleston SC" Two acres of land, three bedroom ✔ The Best✔Way ToBest Submit A Free Ad Is With OurAd Online FormOur At www.CharlestonMilitary.com The Way To Submit A Free Is With Online Form At mobile home cabin, $50,000. CPT Military Mommies Group for JB Sam Gethers, (843) 214Charleston. Visit our website for www.CharlestonMilitary.com • Info@CharlestonMilitary.com 6750,Email: gsampreach@aol.com playdates and more ✔ Free Ads Can Be Emailed (No Attachments, Please) or They Can Be Faxed. http://www.meetup.com/military-Beautiful 3BR, 2BA, TH Wescott We Cannot Take Free Ads By Phone - Do Not Call To Confirm Your FREE Ad Was Received moms/ Dorch II Schools FP, HW floors, min


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ALL?MILITARY - $0 DOWN! NO CREDIT CHECK! House for rent. 4 BR/2.5 BA, 2 Car www.MyAutoChoice.com - 843873-5656 Triple Military Discount - Freegrg, 2 story home in Indigo OVER 150 CARS ONLINE! Move In Truck 1 Free month, Field.$1295/mo,1900 SQ ft, avail August 1st , 3 mil to AFB, Dor II rules may apply 76 Triumph Spitfire. Red. All Safe Storage 3674 Ladson schls, call 573-7980 or 277-4573. AM/FM/Cass. Completely restored. Road Ladson, (843) 871-5151 4bd home in Summerville. Engine rebuilt. 4 Speed. $16,500 and All Safe Storage * Business-related ads cost $3 per line (42 letters and spaces per line). Additional lines $1000/mt. Large Mstr Bedroom w/ Negotiable. Call Bobby, 843-7601025 Baconsbridge Road (over the 3 free) for personal ads may be purchased for $3 per line as well. To pay for an seperate study. Mstr Bth w/ garden 1001. Summerville ad or additional lines, please submit your credit card number and expiration date - as well Tub. Dor Dst 2 Schools. Brian 803(843) 873-0083 as the name of the cardholder - with your ad via fax, email, or by phone (412-5861). 406-0325 0% Down *SIGN-N-DRIVE* www.allsafestoragesc.com Easy financing through NFCU and USAA GEM LAWN CARE, CAFB/local area I’m renting a room out, $425/mo. Utilities paid, includes use of Chiefs Wholesale Autos.Regional 367-5473 kitchen & laundry machines, nonQuality Award Winner. Chief is on YOUR In-Home Child Care DSS Reg. smoker, Ph 832-4442 side! 6:30 - 6:00 Meals & Snacks Apples to Apples, Save on thou Boeing Welcome-3 br. 1 ba. brick, Drop-In’s $4.00 hr. First hr. free sands! during July. 5 mins from AFB lg. yard, applinces, new carpet & 843-568-9856 paint. conv. to AFB, mall. I-26. No call 843-552-5360 pets. $ 725+dep. (843)767-0112 2002 VW GTI 1.8T, Auto, Black, 86K mi. New Rims, Tires, Brakes, Rotors Yard work needed? Call Ron at Summerville Home for Rent-Marsh & Sound Sys KBB $10560, Asking 478-3960 $8945(neg) Call 324-0079 Hall. 3BR,2BA,FM,DR,3 mls to base, 1650 sf. Dor II Sch Dist, Irr&Sec sys, Home Day Care 6wks-4yrs 2004 Dodge NSRT-4 - Black, 71k full/part time/wkends/eves/hol.$1200,2969201 mi, Stg 1 PCM Stg 2 WGA, 3" off Ashley Phos. Rd. call 568Goose Creek, 3bdr, 1 1/2 bath, exhaust w/ addtl o2 bung. 255lph 8609 / 364-4140 large yard, $900. 843-810-7060 fuel pump, asking $9k obo. 8433231309 Charleston Auto Storage 843 767-0112 Short/Long Term Parking. Cars, boats, bikes, RVs and ATVs. Special Military Rates. Near E-MAIL HOME SEARCH AFB and Navy Base Automated daily e-mail system




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Airlift Dispatch • July 30, 2010


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139 per permo. mo. 209



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167per permo. mo. 203

PontiacEquinox G6 GT LT 07 09 Chevrolet SP3856AEP3824 AWD, CD/MP3

187 219 per permo. mo.


08 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 04 Ford Mustang Coupe

Jeep Wrangler 0605Nissan Maxima SE

EP3764 5 CD/MP3 P3827A spd. stick

06Mitsubish GMC Sierra Z71 08 Eclipse

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All payments are after $3,000 cash or trade. +++ Payments based on 6.5% APR at 84 mos, WAC. *See sales person for details. ** Vehicles prices in ad include military discount.

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