08-20-2010 Airlift Dispatch

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Dispatch AIRLIFT

Vol. 49, No. 33

628th Air Base Wing, Joint Base Charleston, S.C.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Photo by Airman 1st Class Lauren Main

A bridge to success Senior Airman Marvin Richardson, left, and Staff Sgt. Pablo Valdivieso, right, assist in the loading of a Ribbon Bridge onto a C-17 at Joint Base Charleston, S.C., Aug. 18, 2010. The Ribbon Bridge is a modular, aluminum-alloy and continuous floating bridge system consisting of interior and ramp bays that are transported, launched and retrieved by a transporter or launcher vehicle. The bridges are destined for a forward operating base in Afghanistan. Airman Richardson and Sergeant Valdivieso are air transportation specialists assigned to the 437th Aerial Port Squadron. See story & photos Pages 4, 5.



Airman sheds light on 6 months in Afghanistan

Six weeks until JB CHS full operational capability

Worldwide departures Cargo moved (tons) (Jan. 1 to Aug. 19, 2010)

13,422 55,999

Active duty deployed Reservists deployed (As of Aug. 13, 2010)

Page 10

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Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010

We need your help to reverse this terrible trend By Gen. Raymond Johns Jr. Commander of Air Mobility Command

worth repeating

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. – I prepared this commentary to publish during the final week of this month; however, recent events call for immediate action. Over the past two years, the final month of the Critical Days of Summer campaign has seen an alarming spike in fatalities. In 2009, 10 out of 21, and in 2008, 8 out of 17 fatal. Critical Days of Summer off-duty mishaps occurred in the final month of the campaign. This year has been equally hard on our service. Since July 31, the Air Force has lost five Airmen. That's almost half of the 11 fatalities suffered during this year's Critical Days of Summer. Unfortunately, AMC has contributed to this trend by losing one Airman in the month of August. This brings our total to two Mobility Airmen lost during this year's summer campaign.

“As in past summers, the majority of this year's tragedies involved motor vehicle mishaps. We need your help to reverse this horrible trend. I urge you, do not get complacent.” Gen. Raymond Johns Jr. Commander of Air Mobility Command

As in past summers, the majority of this year's tragedies involved motor vehicle mishaps. We need your help to reverse this horrible trend. I urge you, do not get complacent. No matter what you are doing, please take the time to practice proper risk management. Whether you're driving

Command Chief Master Sgt. Terrence Greene 437th Airlift Wing command chief

This week we bid farewell to Command Chief Master Sgt. Mike Ivey and his family. Saying farewell to family and friends at a retirement ceremony reminds us of how much sacrifice and dedication is required for service in the Air Force. A slide show usually captures the lengthy career with funny inserts from the most junior years of service, deployments, various assignments, promotions, wedding celebration and other memorable events. The officiator of the ceremony will also peruse performance reports to glean tidbits of information which capture many accomplishments and major awards earned over the years. I have noticed that a retirement is perhaps the only ceremony were there is a guarantee of extended family such as parents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters in the audience, who are eager to hear, see and celebrate the accomplishments of their loved one in uniform. They are usually awed by the experience.

The Airlift Dispatch is published by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise Air Force newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services. Contents of the Airlift Dispatch are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Air Force.

The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DOD, Air Force or Diggle Publishing, Company, of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office. All photographs are Air Force photographs unless otherwise indicated.

your car, riding your motorcycle, barbequing at home with family and friends, or enjoying water sports, the few seconds it takes to calculate the risks and weigh your options could save your life and possibly someone else's life. Take the time to wear the appropriate safety gear, wear your seatbelt and travel at safe speeds. Do whatever it takes to stay safe. And while you're at it, remind others to do the same. It's also important to take care of your family, your friends and your fellow Airmen. Everyone can use a friendly reminder. Each of you is a valuable member of our AMC and Air Force family, and one life lost is one too many. Accidents will happen, but if we can take a few seconds to think about safety, we can help ensure an enjoyable, safe summer experience. As we look toward the end of the active summer months, I encourage all Mobility Airmen to make safe, smart decisions. Whether we are on duty or off duty, we must always ensure safety is at the forefront of our decision-making processes.

Why wait for the end of a career to provide this opportunity? We should find ways to recognize sacrifices as they are being made and thank our Airmen and their families throughout a career. Serving in the Air Force comes at a high price of service before self. Think of the stress from a permanent change of station move in which children are uprooted and transferred to new school systems, suffering through the trauma of lost friends, new neighborhoods, a different curriculum and many other changes. Spouses lose their jobs and must seek new employment, obtain childcare and settle the family with schools, neighborhood, support network and months of unpacking boxes. Furthermore, deployments, hectic mission schedules, shift work, training classes, temporary duty assignments and countless duty related requirements complicate our lives throughout the years. Indeed, serving in the Air Force is very challenging, even if we grow accustomed to the demands. Let's not wait until the end of an Airman's career to capture and share the accomplishments with family and friends. These loyal wingmen are the ones holding our families together through tough deployments and support us during good times and bad. They have earned the right to be present and celebrate alongside the military member whenever and wherever possible. Let us find ways to encourage, include and insist on family member attendance to events such as promotion ceremonies, graduations, decoration ceremonies, picnics and all occasions at which we have opportunities to recognize accomplishments. These celebrations are important in strengthening the bonds of our extended military family and help to motivate our Airmen to strive for even higher levels of achievement. Please help me in finding ways to bring more families out to share in these accomplishments. Thank you for your military service. Deadlines


The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Airlift Dispatch staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.

Classified and display advertisements may be referred to Diggle Publishing, Co., P.O. Box 2016, Mount Pleasant, S.C., 29465. To place a classified ad or find out display ad rates, go to www.CharlestonMilitary.com. Classifieds may also be emailed. Classified advertisements are free, with the exception of business ads, for active-duty military members and their spouses, retirees and reservists. See the Classified page for details and rules.

Address/Numbers/E-mail Editorial content is provided and edited by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, Room 312. Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963-3464 Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd. Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154 E-mail to: 628ABW.Dispatch@charleston.af.mil

Editorial staff 628 ABW commander: Col. Martha Meeker Public Affairs chief: Mrs. Rose Alexander Airlift Dispatch editor: Staff Sgt. Daniel Bowles Staff writer: Airman 1st Class Ian Hoachlander


Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010


CMSAF shares perspective about readiness, development, resiliency By Tech. Sgt. Amaani Lyle Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs ATLANTA – The Air Force's top NCO spoke at the Air Force Sergeants Association Professional Airmen's Conference Aug. 17, citing readiness, deliberate development and resiliency among Airmen and their families as his main focuses. Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Roy said statistics of 40,000 Airmen deployed and 133,000 in combatant commands across the globe suggest Airmen are not only shaping the battlefield, but more than ever require training and development as they support and defend a nation at war. "Apart from your own preparation and readiness, you also need to ensure your wingman is prepared," Chief Roy said. "We have thousands of Airmen that are forward deployed working with other services outside the wire, and doing that type of business every day." To support Airmen at home and in forward locations, Chief Roy said he'd continue to work closely with the Air Force chief of staff to refine the unit deployment manager's role, increasing UDM training opportunities and giving the position more permanence and prominence in Airmen training cycles. "As an expeditionary Air Force, some of the fundamental things we do are prepare for deployment, deploy and reintegrate," the chief said. "The UDM does all that for us ... but currently as an additional duty." Senior leaders will also focus on Army and Air Force-hosted combat skills training locations such as Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J., and Ft. McCoy, Wis., to maximize their effectiveness to deployers. With total force numbers of about 700,000 in contrast with the same numbers for active duty alone when he enlisted in 1982, Chief Roy said the force needs to be able to still meet the needs of combatant commander with significantly less Airmen. "Why do we deliberately develop Airmen?" he asked the crowd of hundreds. "We're the smallest force we've ever been -- we must have to have the right Airmen at the right place at the right time." He explained that experience, education and training are the three elements of deliberate development, designed to meet the Airman's personal and professional expectations while addressing the service's current and future requirements. The continuum of learning involves not only assessing the service's requirements for current operations, but at the 10-, 15- and 20-year marks, the chief said. "If we're not focused on it, we're going to miss the mark," he added. He conceded a lapse in training milestones can slow professional development, such as the typical timeline between Airman Leadership School and the NCO Academy. "For first line supervisors ... one of the most important positions we have in the United States Air Force, there's a 10 year gap there," Chief Roy said. "We need to close that gap." The chief said he remains a vocal champion of adding courses, offering PME earlier in Airmen's careers and even testifying on Capitol Hill to ensure the system continues in the direction most beneficial to professional development. "For the first time ever, enlisted PME is being looked at by the (Congress); so far they are satisfied with the system in place, but we know more improvements are necessary and will be made." The chief said successful PME measures have included sending more Airmen to joint and coalition senior NCO and leadership courses, working with such organizations as the U.S. Coast Guard and the Singapore Advanced Leadership Course. "Professional relationships are built in these environments," the chief said. The chief closed with a discussion of resiliency, explaining the criticality of each of its four pillars: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. He repeated the importance of the wingman philosophy, providing sobering numbers for the year's suicide rates so far. The chief added relationships and finances, not deployments, are the most reported causes for attempted and completed suicides. "At 64 suicides this year, we have to ask ourselves what's going on," Chief Roy said. "Even one is too many; it's important that we watch over each and every person." The chief said the service's overall success will stem from not only being good wingmen,

Photo by Scott M. Ash

Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Roy speaks to an audience of hundreds attending the Air Force Sergeants Association Professional Airmen's Conference Aug. 17, 2010, in Atlanta. Some of his key points were joint/coalition readiness, deliberate development and resiliency among Airmen and their families.

but the feedback Airmen provide leadership directly impacts programs affecting the force such as the deployment transition center at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, and the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. "As we look at the focus areas of the chief master sergeant of the Air Force, we can tie each of them back to the Air Force's priorities," Chief Roy said.

DIAMOND TIPS By Master Sgt. David Turnage 16th Airlift Squadron first sergeant Self Improvement and Volunteerism I used to think that off-duty education, supporting base organizations and activities, and community service were to be looked at as one setting themselves apart or going above and beyond. When reading Air Force Instruction 36-2618, "The Enlisted Force Structure," however, I realized that not only are those things good, but they are actually responsibilities we must fulfill. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of this AFI list Airman, NCO and senior NCO responsibilities. In AFI 36-2618, paragraphs 3.1.8 and 4.1.8, it reads, "Continue professional development through on- and off-duty education. Join professional organizations (for example, base advisory and enlisted councils) and participate in organization and community events through volunteerism." The first sentence in Chapter 5 dealing with senior NCOs states, "In addition to meeting all NCO responsibilities, SNCOs must ..." So, one can easily see it is mandated by the AFI that we do these things and it applies to all enlisted ranks, not just those preparing for E-8 and E-9 promotion boards.



Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010

Charleston aerial port bridges gap to Afghanistan By Staff Sgt. Daniel Bowles Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs Early August, rolling down miles of interstate highway from Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., shipments of uniquely buoyant military cargo are due for a pit stop in Charleston, S.C. The destination is the 437th Aerial Port Squadron – a transfer point between land and air-based travel. Trucks arrive, the port conducts a handoff and preparations begin like clockwork in the wet summer air of South Carolina. The equipment is large. It’s wide. It’s tall, so the 437 APS unleashes its “port dawgs.” By the yard, foot and inch, sweat pours as Airmen feed it into the carnivorous cargo hold of a C-17. Then it’s three, two, one, liftoff. Wheels cruise down the runway and retract for flight on their way to a dusty Middle Eastern landing strip midafternoon Aug. 17. “I always call us the 911 base,” said Bobby Robinson, veteran “port dawg” and air freight supervisor for the 437 APS. “When you have some big, huge amount of equipment that you need to move, they call on Charleston to get it out.” So, when the Army needed a hand getting deployed forces to walk across water, the 437 APS took the call

to help bridge the gap. The specialized cargo from Missouri, which shipped Aug. 17 was a part of the Improved Float Bridge system, or Ribbon Bridge – a product of Army reverse engineering. The customer in this case is a deployed Army engineering battalion, and the bridge system is planned as an airtight solution for crossing Afghanistan waterways. The Aug. 17 mission was the first of its kind for Charleston, Mr. Robinson said, with a second mission following Aug. 18, and more still to come. Approximately 40 sections of bridge were delivered from Missouri, along with three boats which act as waterborne mooring vehicles. Bridge shipments are expected to continue until the end of the month, supplementing a larger sealift operation. The bridge system operates as an interconnecting system of bridge sections which are transported, launched, moored and retrieved by a transporter vehicle. Carried in a folded position and painted a drab green, each bridge section measures 22 feet long and automatically opens upon entering the water. Each section’s overall size is grossly disproportional to its mass, weighing in at roughly 22,500 pounds. Despite their lighter weight, under certain conditions an assembled bridge can support the weight of an M1 Abrams tank.

At approximately 25 feet long and 11 feet wide, the bridge sections are also too large for normal loading on a C-17, Mr. Robinson said. “They’re kind of unique because of the way we have to load them on the airplane,” he said. “Because they’re so wide we have to back the k-loader [aircraft loading vehicle] in.” Besides the challenges of loading, the initial operation experienced a minor delay. The original shipping date of Aug. 15 was bumped due to maintenance and aircraft availability. With the Afghanistan surge in full swing, Mr. Robinson said port operations have felt the pressure. As carefully as missions are orchestrated, the realities of generating air mobility still pose a challenge, he said. Loads are planned – plans are scraped. New plans are prepared in the midst of weather holds, maintenance delays and aircraft swaps. The juggling act to bridge the gap will continue with the end-of-month deadline looming, but it’s a worthwhile challenge to provide a unique level of support to forces abroad, Mr. Robinson said. “The impact that Charleston’s having on the war on terrorism is with the amount of equipment and specialized equipment that we’re putting into Afghanistan,” he said. “That’s a serious impact … that’s what makes us so unique.” Access all our listings from your mobile phone. Text "code newhome" to 95495.

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Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010


Bridging the gap

Photos by Airman 1st Class Lauren Main

Senior Airman Marvin Richardson, right, and Master Sgt. Randall Pickenpaugh muscle up to the weight of the Improved Float Bridge system shipped from Joint Base Charleston, S.C., Aug. 18, 2010. Approximately 40 sections of bridge were delivered to the 437th Aerial Port Squadron from Missouri, along with three boats which act as waterborne mooring vehicles. Bridge shipments are expected to continue until the end of the month, supplementing a larger sealift operation. Both Sergeant Pickenpaugh and Airman Richardson are with the 437 APS.

Senior Airman Marvin Richardson, right, keeps a watchful eye on loading operations as Airman 1st Class David May backs an aircraft loader into position at the rear of a C-17 bound for Afghanistan Aug. 18, 2010, at Joint Base Charleston, S.C. The Airmen are members of the 437th Aerial Port Squadron and were assigned to take on the second load operation in series of floating bridge shipments to aid deployed U.S. forces in crossing Afghanistan waterways.

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Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010

Staff Sgt. Manuel Chacon pushes a pallet of halal meals off a C-17 Globemaster III at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, on Aug. 2, 2010, during a humanitarian relief mission. The meals are some of the 345,000 that were delivered to Pakistani flood victims since July 31, 2010, to the area that's been hard-hit by monsoon rains in recent days. Sergeant Chacon is a loadmaster from Sun Valley, Calif., and is assigned to the 817th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron at the Transit Center at Manas, Kyrgyzstan. He is currently deployed from the 15th Airlift Squadron at Joint Base Charleston, S.C. Photo by Capt. Chris Sukach, Regional Command-East Public Affairs

817 EAS provides humanitarian relief By 2nd Lt. Susan Carlson Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs In the aftermath of devastating Pakistani floods, millions of victims are in dire need of food, water and supplies. In response, Team Charleston's 15th Airlift Squadron took part in a different kind of mission Aug. 2 at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. Deployed as members assigned to the 817th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron, the aircrew teamed up with the Army to deliver pallets full of halal meals. These meals make up the some 345,000 that have been delivered since July 31 to the flood victims in areas that have been hit hard by monsoon rains. "Thanks to the unique capabilities of the C-17, we were able to deliver nearly 150,000 pounds of food on this mission alone," said Capt. Timothy Goodwillie, aircraft commander of the mission. "It's a great feeling to have the opportunity to deliver aid to those who really need it." The mission, tasked to the 817 EAS by the Tanker Airlift Control Center - the primary command and control authority for all C-17 missions - is not the typical mission completed in a deployed environment. "It is not everyday that you get a humanitarian mission, so I feel grateful to have the

opportunity to do it," said Staff Sgt. Manuel Chacon, a loadmaster from the 817 EAS. The unique circumstances of the humanitarian mission offered a few new challenges for the 817 EAS. Although planning for the mission was not much different than any other, on very short notice, the C-17 crew had to fly and land at an airfield they had never been to previously, said Captain Goodwillie. "We were tasked with going from one place to another twice in the same evening, which made for nearly an 18-hour duty day," said Captain Goodwillie. Despite the difficulty, the crew was able to provide relief to just a small portion of the some 20 million Pakistanis affected by the floods ... but every little piece helps. "Because of offloading delays, we pushed through an extremely long day to make sure that the relief aid was getting to those who needed it," said Airman 1st Class Christian Ruhe, a loadmaster from the 817 EAS. According to the latest news sources, to date, the United States has committed more than $87 million in relief aid and plans to give more in the days to come. "This was a great opportunity to help the Pakistani people," said Sergeant Chacon, "and helping others is one of the main reasons why I chose to join the Air Force."

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Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010


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Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010

CAFB members shine in talent contest Master Sgt. Jason Shamis received 2nd place after singing “History In the Making” by Darius Rucker during Air Mobility Command Icon at Joint Base Charleston, S.C., Aug. 11, 2010. Sergeant Shamis won $300 and is a member of the 315th Maintenance Squadron.

Airman 1st Class Joy Clayton wins first place after singing “Natural Woman” by Aretha Franklin during Air Mobility Command Icon at Joint Base Charleston, S.C., Aug. 11, 2010. AMC Icon is based loosely around the TV show, American Idol. AMC Icon is designed to showcase the vocal talents of the AMC communities. The top rated AMC active duty Air Force participant from each base will be that installations representative in the command finals. Airman Clayton won $500 and also received a Millie Lewis Scholarship which is for an eight week Advanced Professional course designed for those who wish to continue their personal development. Airman Clayton is a member of the 16th Airlift Squadron. Senior Airman Grant Carson took 3rd place after singing “The Dance” by Garth Brooks during Air Mobility Command Icon at Joint Base Charleston, S.C., Aug. 11, 2010. The command finals will include representatives from AMC’s 12 major installations and the top AMC affiliate unit participant. Airman Carson won $200 and is a member of the 437 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron.



Photos by James M. Bowman

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Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010


Naval Consolidated Brig adopts canines for veterans program Story and photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jennifer Hudson Naval Weapons Station Charleston Public Affairs Prisoners at the Naval Consolidated Brig Charleston will soon be part of a new program, training rescued dogs to aid disabled veterans as part of the Carolina Canines for Veterans Program, base officials announced Aug. 11. "This program will be a triple win for all involved," said NAVCONBRIG Charleston Commanding Officer Navy Cmdr. Ray Drake. "The wounded warrior gets a highly trained companion to greatly improve their quality of life. The Navy facilitates a useful program employing prisoners productively while helping them develop marketable skills they can use after release and the dogs are rescued from local shelters instead of being euthanized." NAVCONBRIG Charleston can expect to begin the program Aug. 31 with seven dogs. The animals will learn to fetch items like a coin on the floor, a brief case or a dropped cell phone; place clothes in a washing machine; place dishes in a sink; open a refrigerator to retrieve an item; retrieve prosthetic limbs; and even open different types of doors. The program also teaches to help a service member with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The canine is taught to enter a room and break up a crowded area or open a path for the owner to walk, since most PTSD patients often have difficulty in crowded situations.

after core training and the prospec"Our service members tive wounded warrior is identified, deserve the best and that is training can be adjusted to accommowhat we are dedicated to date any special needs the wounded giving them," said Carolina warrior may have. Canines for Service When the dogs are fully trained, President and CEO Rick wounded warriors will be flown to Hairston. "[They] were just Charleston to retrieve them at no doing what we asked them cost. During the stay, new dog ownto do and were injured while ers will have five to seven days to serving their country ... train and learn the dog's special abilnow, it's up to us to take care of them." Commanding Officer Navy Cmdr. Ray Drake, left, ities, after which they are returned Dogs selected for the along with Rick Hairston, president and CEO of home. The first placement of the CCV program go through an Carolina Canines for Veterans, announced that the extensive screening process program expects to begin with seven canines arriv- Program at a military base started at to ensure the future training ing Aug. 31. Since the program's inception in 1996, Marine Corps Base Brig at Camp 10 dogs valued at more than $400,000 have been is invested in dogs capable placed with wounded warriors, allowing disabled Lejeune in January 2008. The program was eventually shut down due of meeting the rigors of the veterans more independence. to impending base closure under the job. Some of the standards base realignment and closure act. for acceptance are based on physical capabilities and temperament. The animals must During its time there, 10 dogs were placed with wounded warriors. also be within the age of 10 to 15 months. "We have been very happy with the support of the Marine Once admitted, the rescued dogs are placed with their respective trainers - prisoners who display exceptional Corps and the success of the Carolina Canines for Veterans behavior and qualities that will enable them to train the dog program at Camp Lejeune," said Mr. Hairston. "The move to - who will then care for and successfully train the dog. The Charleston will enable us to grow the program and serve training regimen can last from 1,800 to 2,000 hours, and more of our deserving veterans."

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Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010

Airman provides insight into 6-month tour in Afghanistan By Senior Airman Dani Shea 315th Airlift Wing Public Affairs On Nov. 7, 2009, Tech. Sgt. Joseph Varney, noncommissioned officer in charge of the Constructing Flight within the 628th Contracting Squadron here at Joint Base Charleston, said goodbye to his wife and their two children, packed his mobility bag and boarded a jet for a six-month deployment to the Middle East. The Holbrook, Mass., native entered the Air Force in 1996 and although he and his family have endured two previous deployments, this was his first trip to the area of responsibility of Afghanistan. "The squadron was confident in the ability of Sergeant Varney to successfully execute his mission requirements once deployed," said Master Sgt. Harrelson, 628 CS superintendents. "He displays classic military professionalism. He's continually observant of the needs of the members within his flight and the squadron, taking direct action or advising leadership when issues warrant. Sergeant Varney is viewed as one of our squadron's leading technical sergeants." Because the career field is so critical and it's also critically manned, members in the contracting field deploy with a one-to-one dwell time. "That means that if we are gone for six months then there is a possibility that we could only be back for six before being sent back out again," Sergeant Varney explained.

While deployed, Sergeant Varney served as a services contracting officer. "I was responsible for the whole lifecycle of services contracting," said Sergeant Varney. "I worked with the local Afghanis to procure non-tactical vehicles, heavy equipment leases for reconstruction on the base and new construction on the base. I also handled basic service contracts, like janitorial services and dining facility attendant services, things like that." During his deployment, he had the opportunity to travel "outside the wire" on two separate occasions for necessary contracting training. "We did some training at a forward operating base about two hours north of where I was stationed so we had to take a convoy with a military police company," said Sergeant Varney. Although, the environment can be stressful, Sergeant Varney explained that "you get used to it." "There were times when I was a bit concerned," said Sergeant Varney. "We had a lot of rocket attacks on the base while I was over there - a couple that weren't that far away from where we were, so it rattles you a little bit. But after a while, you just shake it off and go on about your business. Eventually, you just get a bit numb to it." Deploying for 193 days with no days off, Sergeant Varney often found himself working from sunup until well after sundown. However, he gratefully accepted the tradeoff of having such a busy schedule because it helped him

not think about what he was missing back home. "I would go through phases where I wouldn't think about it a whole lot because I was just so engrossed in work," said Sergeant Varney. "But then when I was lying in my bed at night and I'd finally have a chance to slow down it was pretty difficult, especially when you have little ones at home who don't really understand why you're gone. I missed a bunch of stuff being away during the holidays but I guess that's why you have pictures." Although the whole Varney family endured the hardship of the six-month separation, Sergeant Varney is proud of his part in the mission in Afghanistan and has commented to his supervisors on how this deployment opened his eyes on the roll contracting fulfills both deployed and at home station. "Seeing how the military is helping the people of Afghanistan rebuild their country - pumping money into their economy, helping them rebuild their infrastructure, their banking systems - seeing that and getting to interact with the locals was so rewarding for me," said Sergeant Varney. Tech. Sgt. Joseph Varney returned home to his family here in Charleston, S.C., and his unit at the 628 CS in May of this year with six months of valuable experience in Afghanistan under his belt, pride in the work he accomplished while over there as well as a Joint Service Commendation Medal and a Joint Service Achievement Medal.

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Airlift AirliftDispatch Dispatch• •August August20, 20,2010 2010

Night Owl Special Tonight

Latin Night

Tonight, 9 p.m. - 2 a.m.

10 p.m. to midnight

• Cash bar • Dance lessons • Club menu available until 10 p.m. $ 7 cover

Bowl as much as you want for only $1 per game. Shoe rental is free!

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9-11 p.m.

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Year of the Air Force Family Finale Saturday, Aug. 28 Base Pool 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Free food & interactive entertainment for children a magician & pirate, games, face painting, balloons, jump castle and free swimming. No RSVP needed. Call 963-3812 for more details.

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Members - $6.50 All others - $8.50

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Wrenwoods offering Water Workout Classes 50% off golf lessons Base Pool Redeem your “Test Drive” card this month for 50% off a golf lessons package at Wrenwoods Golf Course. Cards are available with any $3 food purchase at the Globemaster Grill, Starlifter Lanes Bowling Center Snack Bar and the Charleston Club. Call 963-1833 for more information.

the Scene

11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Next four-day session starts Aug. 24 • $10 per session • Final session for the season begins Aug. 31 • Call 963-3344 to register or for more information.


The Scene is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to the Airlift Dispatch. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about the The Scene, call the Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at www.JBCharleston.com.


Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010


Fun in the sun for exceptional families

Jack Kordenbrock braces himself to get his face painted at the Exceptional Family Members Fair Aug. 13, 2010. The EFM Fair was held at the base picnic grounds to help military families with special needs children network and talk about the struggles they face on a daily basis. The fair was funded by a grant from the Air Force Aid Society and was comprised of numerous activities and information booths for families that have special needs dependents. Jack is the son of Tiffany Kordenbrock and Airman 1st Class Nicholas Kordenbrock.

Logan Mills tosses a ball at the dunk tank target at the Exceptional Family Members Fair held at Joint Base Charleston. Logan is the son of Master Sgt. Scott Mills, a loadmaster with the 16th Airlift Squadron.

Arianna and Kamryn Skonieczny milk a wooden cow at the Exceptional Family Members Fair on Joint Base Charleston. Arianna and Kamryn are the daughters of Staff Sgt. Beau Skonieczny, a communication navigation specialist with the 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. Mary-Kate Montrose holds on to her dad, Master Sgt. Mark Montrose for stability before walking into the arms of a family friend, Master Sgt. Ricky Smith at the Exceptional Family Members Fair Aug. 13, 2010. Mary-Kate attended the fair with her parents and two brothers. Sergeant Smith and Sergeant Montrose are both with the 628th Force Support Squadron.

Photos by Airman 1st Class Lauren Main

Zyquan Coles and Gary Godley pet Peanut the shetland pony from Blissful Dreams Stardust Horse Farm at the base picnic grounds on Joint Base Charleston. Blissful Dreams uses the bond between humans and animals to serve as a therapeutic experience for children and adults to build balance, confidence and muscle while riding and caring for the horses. Zyquan was a guest of Gary, who is the son of Tech. Sgt. David Godley who is a communication navigation maintenance instructor with the 437th Maintenance Operations Squadron.

AROUND AAFES officials working to correct inadvertent charges DALLAS – A processing error resulted in duplicate charges on credit and debit card transactions for some customers at Army Air Force Exchange Service stores. "Shoppers who swiped their cards anytime between Aug. 7 and Aug. 9 at an AAFES facility are strongly encouraged to review their statements to see if they are impacted by this issue," said AAFES' Chief of Staff Col. Virgil Williams. Scores of associates from AAFES' Information Technology and Finance and Accounting teams are working around the clock to remedy any and all erroneous charges created as a result of the processing error. "We're putting all the resources we have toward doing the right thing for customers affected by this unfortunate turn of events" Colonel Williams said. "If there is an overdraft fee as result of a duplicate charge, we're going to fix it. Our priority is to take corrective action as quickly as possible and return customers' accounts to the exact state they were prior to this glitch."


The processing error that produced duplicate charges affected AAFES locations worldwide. Depending on the type of card used, corrective action could be visible to the customer anywhere from 24 hours to a couple of weeks. Shoppers whose credit cards were double charged and, as a result, suffered overdraft fees, can simply bring documentation, such as an overdraft notice or online statement, to their nearest exchange for a full refund of the fees. "We promised to do the right thing for our customers that were affected by this unfortunate glitch and we are honoring that promise," said AAFES' Senior Enlisted Advisor Chief Jeffry Helm. "We regret any inconvenience this may have caused and want to reimburse them as quickly as possible." (AFNS)

Modernization ahead for Defense Department schools WASHINGTON – A program to improve Defense Department schools and ensure 21st century learning environments for military children is set to begin in October, department officials said Aug. 12. Officials from the Department of Defense


Education Activity will address some $3.7 billion in construction and renovation needs worldwide over the next five years. "We're ecstatic to have the resources we need to improve the conditions of our school facilities," said Russ Roberts, the chief logistician for the activity. "It's important for us that we can continue to deliver the quality education our military children deserve." Of the department's 191 schools, 134 are considered below standard, he noted. Improvements will include new heating and air conditioning systems, plumbing, ventilation, electrical and structural repairs. Some schools will be replaced entirely, with new facilities constructed in their place, he said. According to a statement released by the activity Aug. 11, 70 percent of the activity's schools are below the Defense Department's quality standard. "We have schools that were built in the 1950s and '60s that weren't even built to be schools," said Kevin Kelly, the activity's associate director for finance and business operations. "A lot of our schools have one electrical outlet in each room, and we can't put computers in the classrooms, because we're overload-

Good under pressure Airman 1st Class Corey Moreau performs an operational check on a main landing gear retract actuator at the hydraulics shop Aug. 17, 2010, on Joint Base Charleston, S.C. The hydraulics shop rebuilds damaged parts and tests their integrity before sending them back to be used in the aircraft. The hydraulics shop also performs inspections on aircraft to help identify parts that are damaged or close to failure. Airman Moreau is an aircraft hydraulics journeyman with the 437th Maintenance Squadron. Photo by Senior Airman Timothy Taylor

Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010


ing our electrical systems." Also, the department is going "green" with its schools. Some of the newer schools, mainly overseas, Mr. Roberts said, have green roofs. This has made heating and electrical systems much more efficient, he added. All of the newly constructed schools will have similar plans, he said. "Our whole design process and standards have focused on begin green and more ecology friendly," he said. Despite the positive impact and benefits the program may have, Mr. Roberts said improving department schools does not stop when the program ends. It's about ensuring the children receive a quality education, he added. "It's all about the children," he said. "Their parents sacrifice so much for our nation, and we owe their children a quality education." (AFNS)

Air Force Civilian Service website reveals depth, innovation to federal employment RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas – Jobseekers unfamiliar with civilian employment opportunities within the Air Force now have a new online resource that defines the numerous career fields and outlines many of the benefits of being a federal employee. The site, www.afciviliancareers.com, was designed for those interested in applying for a federal job within the Air Force Civilian Service. The site contains practical information on various hiring authorities, base locations, career field descriptions, employee benefits and application procedures. "The Air Force has always relied on the civilian workforce to meet the mission. With new organizations standing up and an overall net gain in civilian positions, we hope more people will look at all the benefits we have to offer and consider applying with us," said Michelle LoweSolis, the director of civilian force integration at the Air Force Personnel Center. One of the highlights of the website is a job match machine. By entering educational background or specific skills, the job match machine will generate a list of possible career choices. "People are often unaware of the breadth of Air Force Civilian Service careers, and we're hoping this will aid them in their job search," said Mike Brosnan at AFPC. For more information, Air Force employees may call the Total Force Service Center at 800-525-0102. (AFNS)


Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010

Spouses ice cream social to be held August 24 Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs The Team Charleston Spouses’ Club (TCSC) will be hosting an Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, Aug. 24 at 5:00 p.m. at the Base Picnic Grounds Pavilion. The grounds are located across the street from the base Consignment Shop. Come connect with other spouses of Joint Base Charleston and learn about upcoming events that the TCSC will be sponsoring. Children are welcome to join. Come out for a night of fellowship and a chance to win some great prizes! To find out more about the Team Charleston Spouses’ Club, please visit their website at www.teamcharlestonspousesclub.com or e-mail Shannon Heiling, TCSC president, at shannonheiling@gmail.com. You can also find TCSC on Facebook by searching for “Team Charleston Spouses’ Club.”

NEWS 437th Airlift Wing and AMC now live on social media! Visit the 437th Airlift Wing official Facebook page and post your thoughts! This is your personal invitation to directly communicate with the team that makes up the 437th Airlift Wing. Look for us by searching for the 437th Airlift Wing using the Facebook search engine and look for the C-17! The Air Mobility Command commander is also online! Join Gen. Raymond Johns Jr. in telling the great story of air mobility ... your story! Point your Web browser to http://amc.dodlive.mil.

For display advertising information, visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com. For classified ad information, see page 23.

315 AW website currently under construction Courtesy of 315th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Office The 315th Airlift Wing website, http://www.315aw. afrc.af.mil, is currently undergoing a few changes. The site is still live, and browsers may see changes that look out of place temporarily. The 315 AW Public Affairs Office offers thanks to readers for their patience and will update base personnel when all changes have been completed.

For Airlift Dispatch stories, photos and archives, visit: http://www.charleston.af.mil To see the entire paper (and back issues) online, visit: http://www.CharlestonMilitary.com

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Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010


Spotlight on sponsorship: Lending a helping hand By Elsa Summers Airman and Family Readiness Center When Staff Sgt. Jason Mark exited the highway in his 26-foot moving truck after dropping off his wife and 10month-old baby at his in-laws house, he did not expect to see them for a couple of weeks. He had just driven down from Watertown, N.Y., where the family had lived the last four years while he worked as an Air Force recruiter. Now, with less than four weeks' notice, he was reporting for work at the 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron at Joint Base Charleston. "With a 10-month-old around you can't do much. We thought it would be easier to get things done if I came first," Sergeant Mark said. Moving is part of a military lifestyle. On average, a military family moves every 2.9 years. A good sponsor

can make the difference between a smooth move and a nightmare move. Not only does that impact the military family, but it also impacts the mission. "My sponsor got in touch with me very quickly [after I received my assignment to Charleston.] He verified arrival dates, asked if I was married, if I had kids, even asked their names," said Staff Sgt. Mark of his sponsor Tech. Sgt. Jose Guzman from the 437 AMXS. "When I arrived, he met me at the interstate exit and guided me to the base and to the housing office." But Sergeant Guzman went even further and recruited co-workers to help unload household goods from the moving truck. "We probably had the truck unloaded in two hours. It would have taken me a good two days. Because of the extra help I was able to pick up my wife and child a week early and bring them down here," Sergeant Mark said.

Sergeant Guzman, who had never had a sponsor or been a sponsor, spent the next two days helping Sergeant Mark in-process. "I was just trying to be helpful," Sergeant Guzman said. "Try to be considerate, ask what they need and try to help with whatever is needed." Sergeants Mark and Guzman exchanged information "very quickly" and agreed that two-way communication is very important. Each step of the way, Sergeant Guzman stayed in close contact, assuring Sergeant Mark was on track to becoming part of Team Charleston. For more information and tips on being a good sponsor attend a Sponsor Training Class held the first Wednesday of every month from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Airman and Family Readiness Center or go online at www.militaryhomefront.dod.mil for online sponsor training.

For information on display advertising, please visit www.DigglePub.com or call 412-5861. Information on classified ads can be found on Page 19 Dr. Amy K. Cooper Cooper Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, PA

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Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010

To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to 628abw.dispatch@charleston.af.mil. Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.

Special Announcements Appointment of Summary Court Officer: 2nd Lt. Travis Mongeon, 437 AMXS, is detailed as Summary Court Officer to secure and make proper disposition of the personal effects of Staff Sgt. Joseph Villasenor, 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. Anyone having knowledge of claim for or against the deceased estate may contact Lieutenant Mongeon at his office by calling 9637685, on his cell phone by calling 843-568-4374 or e-mail travis.mongeon@charleston.af.mil. "Back to School" supply drive: The African American Heritage Council is sponsoring a "Back to School" supply drive for Hunley Park and Midland Park Elementary schools. Donations will be accepted through Aug. 20. Supplies needed include pencils, notebooks, pencil sharpeners and glue. Call Tech. Sgt. Kenneethia Kennard at 963-3662 and Staff Sgt. Stephen Kohn 963-5809 to help make a difference in a child's education. Blue Star Museums free admission: The National Endowment for the Arts along with the non-profit Blue Star Families has started a new summer program called Blue Star Museums, a partnership with more than 750 museums across America to offer free admission to all active-duty military personnel and their families from Memorial Day through Labor Day. To obtain a list of participating museums in the area, visit www.arts.gov/bluestarmuseums. Click a state on the map to see a list of museums.

Events Friday Friday night bowling special: Military and family members can bowl as much as they want every Friday night in August from 10 p.m. to midnight for $1 a game during Starlifter Lanes' "Friday Night Owl Special." Shoe rental is free. For more information call the Starlifter Lanes at 963-3315. Latin Night at the Club: Looking for an evening out with great music and a dance style which encourages you to hold onto your dance partner? Come to Latin Night at the Charleston Club Aug. 20, at 9 p.m. and have fun dancing to a rhythmic Latin beat. If you don't know how to salsa or Cha Cha Cha, dance lessons will be offered at the beginning of the evening to give all attendees some pointers. Music will be provided by the area's top Latin DJ, Luigi Bravo of Latin Groove. There is a $7 per person cover for the night. The kitchen will stay open until 10 p.m., and there's drink service until 2 a.m. No RSVP needed. Call 963-3914 if additional information is needed. Wednesday The career status bonus: If you joined the military Aug. 1, 1986 or later, you must make a choice between two retirement plans between your 14.5 and 15 year mark in the military. The Airman and

NEWS BRIEFS Family Readiness Center is holding a briefing Aug. 25 from 1 to 1:45 p.m. to help explain what options are open to you. Call 9634406 to reserve your seat. Credit repair solutions: Learn about credit scores, building credit and how to protect your credit on your own without spending a dime Aug. 25 from 8 to 9 p.m. Separate fact from fiction and how to avoid scams that offer empty promises. Class will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center. Call 963-4406 to sign up. Thursday Mandatory safety briefing: All military personnel are required to attend one of the mandatory safety briefings Aug. 26 at either 8 a.m. or 2 p.m. in the Charleston Air Force Base Theater. This briefing, hosted by comedian Steve Verret, is designed to promote safe driving, traffic safety awareness in an enthusiastic and relaxed setting. This is not your typical safety briefing. Aug. 29 Learn to ride the waves: Learn to ride the waves with this nostress beginners surfing class Aug. 29. Cost is $40 per person, which includes transportation, parking fees, surfboards, instruction, open water safety and equipment maintenance. This program is designed for people ages 16 and older who have basic swimming skills and can tolerate moderate physical activity. Class size is limited. Call 963-1732 for more information. Open Ocean Surf Kayaking Class: Looking for something a little different in the way of water sports? Why not try surfing the ocean waves in a kayak? The Outdoor Recreation Center is offereing an ocean surf kayak class Aug. 29. Attendees will learn surf kayaking concepts and basic techniques, as well as how to read the current weather, how tides and currents affect the waves, along with beach and waterfront safety. The $40 per person cost includes transportation, kayaks, paddles, safety gear and instruction. This program is designed for people ages 16 and older who have basic swimming skills and can tolerate moderate physical activity. Optional wet suits are available for rent at the ORC. Class size is limited. Call 9631732 for more information. Sept. 1 Youth Dance Classes: Registration is now underway at Youth Programs for the next session of dance classes which start Sept. 1. Types of dances available for this 12-week session include creative movement, pre-ballet, ballet and jazz. Class ages range from 3 to 17. Dance classes are held on Wednesdays at the Youth Center and prices are according to the type of dance program taken. The cost per student is $40 for Youth Programs' members and $50 for nonmembers. Stop by to register or call 963-5684 for more details. Sept. 2 Top 3 Golf Tournament: The Charleston AFB Top 3 is hosting a Golf Tournament Sept. 2, at Wrenwoods Golf Course. What is better than starting off a long weekend with a round of golf? The tournament cost is $40, which includes a hot lunch after completing the course. The tournament will begin at 8 a.m., with free range balls starting at 7 a.m. Contact Master Sgt. Donny Leydig at Donald.Leydig@ charleston.af.mil with your team of four. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact any of the Top 3 Council Officers.

Sept. 8 Youth Tae kwon Do Classes: A new season of Tae Kwon Do will begin Sept. 8 at Youth Programs. Classes are held on Mondays and Wednesday from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Boys and girls ages 7 to 18 are welcome to attend. The cost of the class is $45 per month and all students are required to be Youth Programs members and have a current physical exam on file. Drop by the Youth Center to register or call 963-5684 for additional information. Sept. 9 Third Annual Welcome Home Event: All veterans and their family members are cordially invited to attend the Third Annual Welcome Home Event for returning combat veterans, sponsored by the Ralph Johnson Veterans Affairs Medical Hospital. The free event will be held Sept. 9 on the USS Yorktown at Patriots Point in Mount Pleasant from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Information and services will include Veterans Affairs enrollment, eligibility and benefits information, readjustment services, health screenings, women's health services, health and education benefits information. For more information, contact Jan Bolger at 789-7373 or Patrick O'Leary at 789-6648. Sept. 23 Top 3 Association Scholarship Program: Air Force members between the ranks of airman basic to technical sergeant can now pick up and submit application packages to the Education Center for the Top 3 Association Scholarship Program by Sept. 23. Winners and their sponsoring senior noncommissioned officers will be requested to attend the Top 3 meeting in October for the presentations. For further information, please contact Master Sgt. Evelyn Serafica-Beam at 963-6885.

Education and Training

EIM site owner training: There will be an EIM Site Owner Training Course Aug. 24 and 25 at Building 501 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The sign-up sheet can be found at: https://eim.amc.af.mil/org/ 628cs/RecordsManagement/default.aspx. For more information or to answer any questions, please contact Airman 1st Class Ashley Huskey at 963-4437. Attention Unit Security Managers: There will be a Security Managers training class held Aug. 24 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Building 246 in the first floor of the Equal Opportunity conference room. All security managers who have no completed the Initial Formal Training class must attend within 90 days of being appointed this additional duty. Those trained security managers who require refresher training can also attend. Information which is going to be covered includes Information Security, Personnel Security, Restricted Area Badges and more. Contact Andrew Gancarz at 9633621 or e-mail him at Andrew.gancarz@charleston.af.mil if you are going to attend the training. Funding change to testing: Effective Nov. 20, Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) will only fund a military member's initial examination fee for each subject College Level Examination Program (CLEP), DSST (previously known as the DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) and Excelsior College Examinations (ECE) exams. Due to the change, all military members taking CLEP, DSST or ECE examination on or after May 20 will be informed they will not be allowed to retest with DANTES funding, on that specific exam, if they do not obtain their desired 310 passing score. However, re-testing will saved continue to be available on a personal963-2233 this year ly-funded basis. Individuals who took a test prior to May 20 must retest prior to Joint Base Charleston’s Airmen Dec. 11. For additional background and Against Drunk Driving offers details, call 963-4579. free, confidential rides home.

Airmen Against Drunk Driving: Wingmen Saving Lives Last incident: August 1 2010 Total: 14 2009 Total: 16 2008 Total: 14 2007 Total: 8 To volunteer, e-mail AADD.charleston@charleston.af.mil. Members receiving a Driving Under the Influence must report to the wing commander the following duty day in full service dress accompanied by their supervisor, first sergeant and squadron commander.

Please see more briefs at www.charleston.af.mil


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Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010


JB CHS Commander’s Cup Schedule of Events Note: Golf participants need to register on the registration form and with Capt. Jessica Colman: jessica.colman@ charleston.af.mil or 963-3815 Registration forms are available at www.jbcharleston.com, CAFB Fitness Center and NWS Fitness Center Completed registration forms should be turned into CAFB or NWS Fitness Centers no later than Sept. 13 All Commander’s Cup questions can be directed to Steve Parrish at 963-3349 or Greg Lutz at 764-7530.

Sept. 17: Golf Tournament Location: CAFB Golf Course Time: 8 a.m. Shotgun Start Register NLT: Sept. 10 Sept. 27 – 30: Basketball Tournament Location: CAFB & NWS Fitness Centers Register NLT: Sept. 13 Sept. 27 – 30: Volleyball Tournament Location: CAFB Fitness Center Register NLT: Sept. 13 Sept. 28: Bowling Tournament Location: NWS Bowling Center Time: 6 p.m. Register NLT: Sept. 13 Oct. 1: Team Relay Challenge 7:30 a.m. – 5K run (CAFB) 9:00 a.m. – 13.1 mile bike ride (CAFB – NWS) 9:30 a.m. – 400 meter swim (NWS) Register NLT: Sept. 13

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Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010


Airman 1st Class Joshua Cox 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron Airman 1st Class Joshua Cox is a member of the 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron and has been stationed at Joint Base Charleston since the spring of 2009. He is currently serving in the Middle East with the 451st Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron on his first deployment. Airman Cox performs deployed duties as a journeyman in the supply career field and works in a multifunctional section, consisting of an aircraft parts store, flight service center, and inventory and inspection office. "We support weapon systems here that are engaged in daily combat sorties," said Airman Cox. "Without supply assets the aircraft could not fly." His responsibilities include retrieving assets from the inventory, performing inventory counts on warehouse

assets to ensure proper accountability and turning in bad assets from maintenance for repair or condemnation. As an additional duty, Airman Cox is also his work section's vehicle control officer. He maintains inspection documentation for six vehicles assigned to the section and completes daily functional checks to ensure they're mechanically sound. "It is much different here than in Charleston," Airman Cox said. "The operations tempo is higher than home station. The hours are longer, and we work under a lot of different situations." At Charleston, Airman Cox works in the Flight Service Center, which processes all unserviceable aircraft assets for repair. The same process performed in his deployed unit is constantly a challenge, he said, due to having one fifth of the personnel as home station.

"I have adapted to the faster pace here and feel it has helped me learn more aspects of my job and has made me a more rounded individual," he said. "My career field is very versatile, and everything I do directly affects the mission. It's good to know you're doing something to help and is meaningful." This "warrior of the week" hails from Hemingway, S.C., and enlisted in the Air Force in 2008 to serve his country, travel and pursue higher education, he said. His current goal is to attend college and complete his Community College of the Air Force degree. According to Staff Sgt. Stuart Austin, NCO in charge of inventory with the 451 ELRS, Airman Cox possesses a rare work ethic and is the go-to Airman in the supply shop. "Airman Cox is a highly motivated individual. He is constantly on the move and always looks for the next task," said Sergeant Austin. "He pays close attention to detail, takes pride in himself and his assigned duties. Even under pressure and extreme circumstances, his motivation never ceases and he moves forward to complete the mission. Every squadron would be lucky to have 100 of him assigned."

For Airlift Dispatch stories, photos and archives, visit: http://www.charleston.af.mil PDF version of the entire Airlift Dispatch online each week at http://www.CharlestonMilitary.com


Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010


Photo by Senior Airman Nicole Mickle

MXG welcomes new commander Aug. 12 Col. John Wood passes the 437th Maintenance Group guideon to Col. Tony Clavenna at Nose Dock 2 on Joint Base Charleston, S.C., during the the 437 MXG change of command ceremony Aug. 12, 2010. Command of the group was relinquished from Col. Tammy Livingood, who took command in June 2007 and will retire from active military service. Colonel Clavenna comes to Charleston after his previous assignment with the Air Force Fellows Program at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Garmisch, Germany. Colonel Wood is the 437th Airlift Wing commander.

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AirliftDispatch.indd 1

MSC: 400/425

2/23/10 12:03:08 PM

Col. Martha Meeker, left, and Chief Master Sgt. Lance Gomes, right, present Staff Sgt. Wesley Spring with the John L. Levitow Award during the Airman Leadership School Class 10-F graduation at the Charleston Club here Aug. 12. The award is given for a student's exemplary demonstration of excellence both as a leader and a scholar. Approximately 30 Airmen graduated from the class and will now embark on the next phase of their enlisted careers as supervisors. Colonel Meeker is the Joint Base Charleston commander, Chief Gomes is the 628th Force Support Squadron superintendent and Sergeant Spring is a loadmaster with the 15th Airlift Squadron.


Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010


Rewards issued for military pets in shopping sprees and prizes Courtesy of Army & Air Force Exchange Service Public Affairs DALLAS – The Army & Air Force Exchange Service is "throwing a bone" to military pets and their owners in the "Patriot Pet Just Say Treat" photo contest. From Aug. 1 through Sept. 30, authorized exchange shoppers can submit a photo of their pet along with a short description of their four-legged friend. "Based on the success of our last pet photo contest, with more than 800 entries received, it's apparent that pets play a huge role in the lives of military families," said AAFES' Senior Enlisted Advisor Chief Jeffry Helm. "I expect this competition to be even more 'dog eat dog' than the last." Submissions will be judged on creativi-

ty, uniqueness, quality and effectiveness in conveying the loyalty and companionship of pets belonging to military members. The grand prize winner will "fetch" a $1,000 AAFES shopping spree. Additional prizes include a $500 shopping spree for first place and eight runners up will receive either an aquarium, pet bed, pet's view eye cam, pet gate or a portable pet crate. To participate in the Patriot Pet contest, military shoppers can send entries to PatriotFamily@aafes.com with "Patriot Family Pet" in the subject line. Entries must include name, address, phone number, rank/occupation and pet's information (name, breed or type of pet) as well as a brief description. Additional details are available at www.aafes.com.

The AirliftD ispatch is published by Diggle Publishing Company P.O. Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29465 843-412-5861 • www.charlestonmilitary.com

BASE INFORMATION Chapel Schedule 107 Arthur Dr. Office: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Phone: 963-2536. After duty hours, call the command post at 963-8400, emergencies only. Catholic Services: Daily Mass is now offered Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; Saturday - 4:15 p.m. Reconciliation; Mass; 5 p.m.; Sunday 9:30 a.m. Children’s Church. Protestant Services: Sunday - 8 a.m. Inspirational Gospel Worship Service; 11 a.m. Traditional Worship Service with

Children’s Church. Thursday - 7 p.m. Truth Seekers Bible Study, Chapel Annex. For information on other faith groups, call the Base Chapel at 963-2536.

Movie Schedule Ticket office normally opens at 7 p.m. Showtime at 7:30 p.m. Admission: Adults - $4 (12 years and older) / Children - $2 (6-11 years old). / “G” Rated Movies: Children - $2 (3-11 years old). Schedule subject to change without notice. For information, call 963-3333. For further information on movie date and times visit

Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010


http://www.aafes.com/ems/conus/ charleston.htm. Friday, August 20, 7:30 p.m. – THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE – Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson – Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger as Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob – knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bellas is confronted with the most important decision of her life. Rated PG-13. Saturday, August 21, 7:30 p.m. – INCEPTION – Leonardo DiCaprio, Marion Cotillard – Dom Cobb is a skilled thief, the absolute best in the dangerous art of extraction, stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state, when the mind is at its most vulnerable. Cobb’s rare ability has made him a coveted player in this treacherous new world of corporate espionage, but it has also made him an an international fugitive and cost him everything he has ever loved. Now Cobb is being offered a chance at redemption. One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish the impossible inception. Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse: their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one. If they succeed, it could be the perfect crime. But no amount of careful planning or expertise can prepare the team for the dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move. An enemy that only Cobb could have seen coming. This summer, your mind is the scene of the crime. Rated PG-13. Friday, August 27, 7:30 p.m. – PREDATORS – Adrien Brody, Alice Braga – Royce, a mercenary, reluctantly leads a group of elite warriors who come to realize they’ve been brought together on an alien planet…as prey. With the notable exception of a disgraced physician, they are all cold-blooded killers – mercenaries, Yakuza, convicts, death squad members – human “predators” that are now being systemically hunted and eliminated by a new breed of alien Predators. Rated R. Saturday, August 28, 2:00 p.m. – DESPICABLE ME – In a happy suburban neighborhood sits a black house with a dead lawn. Unbeknownst to the neighbors, hidden beneath this home is a vast secret hideout. Surrounded by a small army of minions, we discover Gru, planning the biggest heist in the history of the world. He is going to steal the moon. (Yes, the moon!) Gru delights in all things wicked. Until the day he encounters the immense will of three little orphaned girls who look at him and see something that no one else has ever seen: a potential Dad. Rated PG. For more movie schedules, visit: http://www.aafes.com/ ems/conus/charleston.htm

Hurricane Tip of the Week Hurricane season will continue through November, with the highest probability of a major hurricane occurring between mid-August and October. Due to a hurricane's capacity for damage, preparation is the key. Weekly hurricane tips provide need-to-know information for staying ahead of the weather. This week's hurricane tip is: In the event of hurricane, insurance claims may need to be filed for damages due to wind and flooding. Keep a household inventory up to date and store it in a safe place away from the home. Also, if purchasing flood insurance, companies may impose a waiting period of up to 30 days before the policy takes effect. For wind and hail coverage, there can be a 15-day waiting period.


Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010


Tech. Sgt. J. Scott Wilcox and Gina Wilcox were recognized with the Home of the Month award for July on Joint Base Charleston, S.C. The couple has had a streak of good luck for two consecutive years in their home. Last year, they received their first Home of the Month award in September, making them two for two after a second year stationed at Joint Base Charleston. Sergeant Wilcox is a broadcaster with the 1st Combat Camera Squadron.

Couple wins double-dose awards for Home of the Month

Tech. Sgt. J. Scott Wilcox and his wife Gina began working on their front yard appeal in February and have enjoyed watching it progress through the spring and summer months. Highlights of their curb appeal include their trimmed, green lawn and shrubs, a colorful array of flowing plants, the patriotic flying of the U.S. flag and a display of "Lone Star State" pride at the doorway.

Photos by Senior Airman Nicole Mickle

Mrs. Wilcox enjoys gardening and yard work, keeping her yard in its well-manicured condition by working a little each day. She and her husband have been stationed at Joint Base Charleston for approximately two and a half years and were previously stationed at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.

Tech. Sgt. J. Scott Wilcox and his wife were presented the Home of the Month award by 628th Mission Support Group Commander Col. Ben Wham and 628th Air Base Wing Command Chief Master Sgt. Mike Ivey in early August for their well-kept front yard. Monthly winners are chosen from weekly nominees selected throughout the month.

Sofa and Loveseat. New in package Must Sell $350. Call 696-5712 Can Deliver.

Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To www.CharlestonMilitary.com

MISC NOTICES Come Join the Fun at CafeMoms.com.... info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC" Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more http://www.meetup.com/military-moms/

Rambo is a chihuahua/hound mix, 10 month old pup. He is available for adoption thru FRW SPCA. Call (843) 771-0737 for more info.

2002 Mazda Miata, excellent cond, 5 spd convertible, 59,000mi Tinted window, very clean car. $7600 obo Call 843-693-2604


76 Triumph Spitfire. Red. AM/FM/Cass. Completely restored. Engine rebuilt. 4 Speed. $16,500 Negotiable. Call Bobby, 843-760-1001.

4011B and 4013A Michigan Ave. Hunley Park. Saturday 8 to 2. Possibly Sunday. Furniture and misc items.

SERVICES Triple Military Discount - Free Move In Truck 1 Free month, rules may apply All Safe Storage 3674 Ladson Road Ladson, (843) 871-5151 and All Safe Storage 1025 Baconsbridge Road Summerville (843) 873-0083 www.allsafestoragesc.com

Fully furnished 20 min to base at legend oaks cc. 2br/2bath 1600sqft call Bill at 821-2940. $1000 neg.

Home Day Care 6wks-4yrs full/part time/wkends/eves/hol. off Ashley Phos. Rd. call 568-8609 / 364-4140

Roommate is PCSing in November! Need female to help with rent Approx $550 includes internet/cable/trash/util. 8436098779 WAshley

GEM LAWN CARE, CAFB/local area 367-5473

furnished waterfront, reverie on the ashley, new and very nice 3b 2 b call mjs to view at 943 345 0662

HOMES/APTS FOR RENT Goose Creek 3bd 1.5 bath. lg yard w/ privacy fence, hardwood floors, $900. 843-810-7060

In-Home Child Care DSS Reg. 6:30 - 6:00 Meals & Snacks Drop-In's $4.00 hr. First hr. free during July. 5 mins from AFB call 843-552-5360

Boeing Welcome-3 br. 1 ba. brick, lg. yard, applinces, new carpet & paint. conv. to AFB, mall. I-26. No pets. $ 725+dep. (843)767-0112

Charleston Auto Storage 843 767-0112 Short/Long Term Parking. Cars, boats, bikes, RVs and ATVs. Special Military Rates. Near AFB and Navy Base


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WANTED Looking for Crew for 43' J-130 Raceboat. Charleston Harbor/off-shore racing. Contact Noel at Noel@sterrettinc.com

PETS 5 Siberian Husky Puppies, CKC Reg., UTD Shots, Parents on site, Ready to go home. Call 843-327-2025 or 327-1896 8 month black labe male, registered with pedigree papers asking 150-200 large kennel included if interested contact Kayla 330-3107 Two piece plastic kennel for large dog. Retails for over $90.00. Asking $40.00 OBE. Call: 3641973 anytime 2.5 ft male ball python. Easy to take care of, loves to be held, $100 includes ALL needed equip/access. 210-867-1362 AKC reg American Bulldog 1yr old male house & crate trained $300 obo crate included, call Brian @ 843-298-2933 1 yr old Yorkie poo for sale, just had shots, kennel and misc assesories included. $600 or b/o, call 843-760-6994.

1995 Ford Bronco Eddie Bauer Black/Tan, 4x4, 5.0 V8, Goodrich Tires, Tow Package, Keyless Entry, CD player, 143K mi, $3900, 576-9804 2002 VW GTI 1.8T, Auto, Black, 86K mi. New Rims, Tires, Brakes, Rotors & Sound Sys. KBB $10560, Asking $8499 Call 843-324-0079

BOATS/RECREATION 2000 Yamaha SUV Jet Ski/pitch/trim & trailer. Pulls/holds skis for 2, fishin poles & gear. Call or email A. B. = price is $ 3,000. 843-821-0821

MISC ITEMS FOR SALE Washer dryer sets $250/$350, sofas and sofa sleepers $60/$200, dressers & chest drwrs $40/$250, kitchen & dinette sets $50/$200. Call 452-2229

Archdale - 4BR/2BA Home. 5 minutes to AF Base, move-in ready. $163,000. Call Henry Cerceo - 843-860-5530

Blue BeBe pod infant sit and tray EC for $25. Brand new infant tub for 6m-24months for $15. Call Tara @ 478-951-0085

3 bdr 2 bth, 1600 Sq SFH, $150,000, N. Chas, 3 mi frm front gate. Open flr pln, fenced bck yd, LR vaulted ceiling & FP, AJ 843-696-3209

Oak Gun Cabinet. Holds 6 rifles. $500. Contact Charles at 843-552-5935

3br w/garage screen-patio, 3.5 Bath,TW cable, 3 walkin closets, fully furnishd, pool, For Sale $123,500 or Rent $1150mo. /Shar 277-7744

AUTOMOTIVE ALL MILITARY - $0 DOWN! NO CREDIT CHECK! www.MyAutoChoice.com - 843-873-5656 OVER 150 CARS ONLINE! 0% Down *SIGN-N-DRIVE* Easy financing through NFCU and USAA Chiefs Wholesale Autos.Regional Quality Award Winner. Chief is on YOUR side! Apples to Apples, Save on thousands! 843-568-9856

Amana Side by Side Fridge/White/ Like New Filtered Water/Ice $550 OBO. 229-834-1084

07 Colorado, single cab, 47,xxx miles, new tires, bedliner, 4 cylinder, great on gas, white, asking $10000, call 843-469-3069

Carolina One Real Estate (843) 224-5747

Two acres of land, three bedroom mobile home cabin, List Price: 50,000. CPT Sam Gethers, (843) 214-6750,Email: gsampreach@aol.com

Kayak - Prijon Rockit $150, Scrollsaw - Delta 40-150 $30, kids rock & roll bigwheel $15. Can email pics, 843-819-3226

2004 Chevy silverado, 4x4 tow package Great condition, Ext cab 4 door, 91,000mi $12,200 obo Title in hand, Call 843-693-2604

Couch w/slip covers-$300. BR set w/mattress/ box(Q)-$400. Coffee & end table,$20-$40. Email for pix paula.pringle@yahoo.com. Call 797-1133

Sponsored by Julie Mulligan of

Queen P-top Matt. and Box Set NEW in Plastic. $125…Full also available. 696-5712 Can deliver

For Sale Nice 4-Shelf Oak Glass Curio. Was $500 Will Sale at $350. Call Kat (843) 670-4864 7-pc LIving Rooms set. Good condition for $500. obo, 27" TV for $200., VCR for $35. Call 5520989 or 327-7051 A must see. Furnish your entire house: Bedroom set with mattress, Dining room set and living room set $1400 (includes military disc.) All new box/plastic with warranty. Call Todd @ 725-8563. Delivery available Small Children's Futon, good for sleepover, unfinshed wood, blue cushion, $40 obo. Call Dan 737-5971 A 6 Piece Cherry Bedroom Set w/matt & box. Never used. Can Del $350. 696-5212 Little Tikes Kitchen for sale - $30. Have pictures can email. Cooking area, fridge, no dishes though. 737-5971

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Airlift Dispatch • August 20, 2010

1016 North Main Street Summerville








07 Pontiac Solstice

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All payments are after 25% cash or trade. +++ Payments based on 3.99% APR at 75 mos, WAC. *See sales person for details. ** Vehicles prices in ad include military discount.


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