09-10-2010 Airlift Dispatch

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Dispatch AIRLIFT

Vol. 49, No. 36

628th Air Base Wing, Joint Base Charleston, S.C.

Thursday, September 10, 2010

Photo by Staff Sgt. Daniel Bowles

Safety ... do it for the family U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Amy Beamesderfer greets motorists exiting the Rivers Avenue Gate on Joint Base Charleston, S.C, Sept. 2, 2010. The sendoff was conducted to remind Team Charleston members embarking on the Labor Day holiday weekend to remain safety-minded. Sergeant Beamesderfer volunteered to participate in the safety sendoff for a one-hour shift, handing out safety whistles painted with the message "Safety ... Do it for the family." Sergeant Beamesderfer is a chaplain's assistant with the 628th Air Base Wing.



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Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010


JB CHS bids farewell to command chief It seems like some things here in Charleston never change. The summers are still hot, Airmen are working hard to accomplish the mission, friends leave and new Airmen and their families arrive. Lt. Col. Susan Ferrera, the director of staff for the 628th Air Base Wing, and Lt. Col. Barb Shestko, the Judge Advocate for 628th Air Base Wing, have moved on, but we welcome their replacements, Lt. Col. Mike Smith and Lt. Col. Robert Burton. Also, we welcome Chief Master Sgt. Stephanie Burroughs, the 628th Medical Group Superintendent, Senior Master Sgt. Paul Cornell, the first sergeant for the 437th Maintenance Squadron, and we'll soon tell Col. Tammy Livingood farewell as she retires from active duty. I wish each of these leaders the best of luck. Recently, some of the chiefs had a chance to enjoy lunch with members of the Team Charleston Honor Guard, and we all agree that these young men and women are doing a great job representing Team Charleston and the United States Air Force wherever they serve. They provide respect to our departed veterans, they showcase our service in the community and they add even more professionalism to our formal ceremonies. Staff Sgt. Chanice Reid and Senior Airman Derrick Gonzales are doing a fantastic job of leading the team, and I look forward to seeing the newest members in action. Also, please congratulate Senior Airman Arthur

Eschenburg from the 437th Maintenance Squadron on his selection to become a member of the United States Honor Guard team. His hard work certainly paid off. Speaking of hard work, it takes a dedicated, year-round effort to maintain the proper fitness level needed to pass our new physical fitness test. We now have to meet minimum standards in all four areas of the test to pass, and quite honestly, our failure rates are disappointing and unacceptable. While our fellow Airmen, commanders, first sergeants and others within our units can help us, each individual has to make the personal choice to get fit. It may not always be a lot of fun, but exercising regularly and eating healthy is the key. Some of our Airmen are taking fitness to the next level. Master Sgt. Chris Greek, the 628th Medical Group first sergeant, is leading a team of medics preparing for the Air Force marathon. I know several more members of Team Charleston will also participate this year, and I look forward to seeing them on the course. It's great to get out and enjoy all Charleston has to offer, and thanks to our Airmen Against Drunk Driving program, we can get home safely. I welcome and thank our newest AADD executive council members for their leadership and for providing such a valuable service for Team Charleston: President, Staff Sgt. Amy Lotspeich; Vice President, Staff Sgt. Stephen Kohn; Secretary, Staff Sgt. Shawna Badillo; and Treasurer, Staff Sgt. Michael Elsik. Please help make

theirs and all of the volunteers' jobs easier by having a plan to get home before you drink. Enjoy your time here at Charleston, but please enjoy it responsibly. - Chief Master Sgt. Mike Ivey

Photo by Senior Airman Katie Gieratz

Chief Master Sgt. Mike Ivey runs down Hill Boulevard during the final leg of a 24-hour vigil run alongside members of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Guard here Sept. 18, 2009. The run included participants from various squadrons on the base and was held to honor prisoners of war and those listed as missing in action. Chief Ivey was the 437th Airlift Wing command chief.

Photo by Senior Airman Katie Gieratz

Chief Master Sgt. Mike Ivey stands at parade rest with other enlisted members of Team Charleston during a special retreat ceremony on Charleston AFB April 24, 2009. The retreat ceremony was a tribute to Col. John "Red" Millander for his final weeks here. Colonel Millander was the 437th Airlift Wing commander and Chief Ivey was the 437th Airlift Wing command chief.

The Airlift Dispatch is published by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise Air Force newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services. Contents of the Airlift Dispatch are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Air Force.

Photo by Senior Airman Katie Gieratz Photo by Airman 1st Class Lauren Main

Chief Master Sgt.Mike Ivey presents the American flag to his daughter Amanda Bowling during his retirement ceremony at the Charleston Club on Joint Base Charleston, S.C., Aug. 20, 2010. Chief Ivey is the 628th Air Base Wing command chief.

The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DOD, Air Force or Diggle Publishing, Company, of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office. All photographs are Air Force photographs unless otherwise indicated.

Col. John Wood, second from left, Col. Don Shaffer, right, and Chief Master Sgt. Mike Ivey, left center, are joined by their teammates during the 7th annual triathlon held here Aug. 22, 2009. Colonel Wood is the 437 AW commander, Colonel Shaffer was the 437 AW vice commander and Chief Ivey was the 437 AW command chief.



The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Airlift Dispatch staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.

Classified and display advertisements may be referred to Diggle Publishing, Co., P.O. Box 2016, Mount Pleasant, S.C., 29465. To place a classified ad or find out display ad rates, go to www.CharlestonMilitary.com. Classifieds may also be emailed. Classified advertisements are free, with the exception of business ads, for active-duty military members and their spouses, retirees and reservists. See the Classified page for details and rules.

Address/Numbers/E-mail Editorial content is provided and edited by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, Room 312. Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963-3464 Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd. Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154 E-mail to: 628ABW.Dispatch@charleston.af.mil

Editorial staff 628 ABW commander: Col. Martha Meeker Public Affairs chief: Mrs. Rose Alexander Airlift Dispatch editor: Staff Sgt. Daniel Bowles Staff writer: Airman 1st Class Ian Hoachlander


Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010


Do the American people care about us anymore? By Maj. Jonathan G. Downing 437th Aircraft Maintenance commander Do you ever wonder if the American people even care about its military members anymore? Does it really matter that we're working so hard to push aircraft and people and cargo into a country like Afghanistan that doesn't seem to hold the American public's interest anymore? We've been in so many surges, and experienced numerous surges to the surge, that the word 'surge' has lost its meaning to most of us in Air Mobility Command, and especially, here at Charleston Air Force Base. Operation Enduring Freedom surge, Operation Iraqi Freedom surge, Haiti Surge, another OEF surge, OEF deployment surge, OIF redeployment surge ... it all blurs together. So who really cares? History demonstrates that after an attack on the United States, the American public is whipped into a patriotic militaristic frenzy and demonstrates what many historians have termed "Rage Militaire," which is defined as a passion for arms. Prime examples of the American public's demonstration of Rage Militaire were toward the British at the onset of the American Revolution after the Battles of Lexington and Concord and toward the Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor at the onset of World War II. The most recent example of Rage Militaire, which we have all personally experienced, was after the Terrorist Attacks of 9/11. Rage Militaire is an extremely powerful force, but history also demonstrates that after the outcome of the war is secure and we no longer feel threatened, and after the American public has satiated their thirst for revenge, they tend to quickly revert to their feelings and beliefs about the military prior to the onset of conflict. Instead of extreme patriotism and support for its military members, law makers and the public begin focusing on more domestic and budget issues and support for the military and its personnel seems to wane. Since the military consumes a large portion of our budget, it's a natural target during difficult economic times and shrinking budgets. After almost nine straight years of combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, Rage Militaire is long gone and you may be tempted to think the American people don't care about us anymore and don't support us like they used to, but let me reassure you, this is not the case. As many of you know, we lost one of our own this past month, when Staff Sgt. Joseph Villasenor was killed in a single vehicle accident near Ladson, S.C. on Aug. 9. I had the privilege of traveling with three other members of my squadron to meet Joe's family in Conroe, Texas,

just outside of Houston. On Aug. 13, we flew down to Texas to meet with the family a day early to help them grieve as they prepared to meet the casket and remains of Sergeant Villasenor, which were being escorted by another member of my squadron, Staff Sgt. Joel Shope. Saturday morning, we traveled with the immediate family to the Houston International Airport to meet the Delta flight that was carrying Sergeant Shope and the body of Sergeant Villasenor. The efforts the airport authorities went to was amazing. We were escorted on to the ramp by 10 police cars with their lights on. When the plane landed, they had fire engines stationed on either side of the gate and sprayed the plane with water. The Department of Homeland Security had their own color guard there with a U.S. flag. I would estimate there were almost 40 police officers present lined up in formation. Sergeant Shope was allowed to deplane first and came around to the cargo compartment where he removed the carton around the casket. The flag draped casket was then brought down the conveyor and all members rendered salutes. The entire planeload of passengers was held on the jet, and the entire ramp essentially came to a stop as we transported his casket into the awaiting hearse. We were then escorted off the tarmac by the same long procession of police cars with lights flashing. Once we got off the airport property, we were met by four members of the Patriot Guard Riders on motorcycles. The Patriot Guard Riders is an organization that was formed in August 2005 when many veterans were appalled that some extremists were loudly protesting at the funerals of American service members. Their stated mission is to attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. Each mission they undertake has two basic objectives: 1. Show their sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities. 2. Shield the mourning family and their friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors. The Patriot Guard Riders surrounded the hearse with two motorcycles in front and back with huge American flags flying behind their motorcycles. We then were escorted the entire 45 minute drive back to the funeral home by Texas Constables and Police Officers with lights flashing and stopping traffic the entire way. Monday morning was the church service at a small Catholic church in New Waverly, Texas. The Patriot Guard Riders were there again in force with about 40 members standing at parade rest in front of the church with huge American flags. They all came to attention and rendered salutes as the hearse arrived at the church. After

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the service, we were again escorted to the grave site by the Texas Constables with lights flashing and numerous Patriot Guard Riders members on motorcycles surrounding the hearse and funeral procession vehicles. At the grave site, 23 members of the Randolph AFB Honor Guard were waiting for us in Service Dress in the hot summer weather. They transported the flag draped casket to the grave, gave a three-shot volley and a live bugler played Taps. The honor guard then folded the flag and gave it to me. I knelt down and gave it to Sergeant Villasenor's parents and thanked them on behalf of a grateful nation for their son's service. He was very close to his sister, so I also gave a folded flag to her and thanked her for loving and supporting her brother. Looking back on our experience, everyone we came into contact with, including the grieving family, kept saying the same thing: "Thank you for your service to our country and defending our freedom!" It gave me chills to experience so much phenomenal support and I was tremendously proud to be a serving member of our nation's military forces. Throughout the entire weekend, I felt like I was in a movie. If you haven't seen it before, I would highly encourage you to see the HBO movie, Taking Chance, starring Kevin Bacon. It tells the true story of U.S. Marine Lt. Col Mike Strobl, who volunteered to accompany the body of Chance Phelps, a Marine who was killed in Fallujah, from Dover AFB Mortuary to his hometown in Wyoming. It does a great job showing Chance's transport back from the area of responsibility using C-17s, the amazing efforts the Dover Mortuary goes through to prepare his body, uniform, and effects for the family, and the phenomenal support the American military and the American people showed all across the world from Iraq to Ramstein, Germany to Dover, Del., to Philadelphia, to Minneapolis, Minn., to Dubois, Wyo. If you're still wondering if the American people still care about us, the answer is a resounding yes! You should feel proud to be a member of the greatest military the history of the world has ever seen, and you should feel proud about the support we continue to receive from a grateful American public and nation. Although surges seem to have lost their meaning to us and we're extremely tired, the American people appreciate your efforts. If you ever doubt the support we receive from the American public, please remember these encouraging words from the Patriot Guard Riders' mission statement: "To those of you who are currently serving and fighting for the freedoms of others, at home and abroad, please know that we are backing you!"

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Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010

I've also heard an unfortunate attitude from members across the base. Have you heard comments similar to: "I'll promote wing and base functions, I just don't attend them, I'll sponsor an Airman, but I won't go"? When I hear that statement coming from an noncommissioned officer, my jaw always hits the floor. Air Force Instruction 36-2618, chapter 4 - NCO Responsibilities, paragraph 4.1.10 states "Promote organizational esprit de corps and foster good community relations by supporting professional organizations as well as unit, base, and Air Force events. Also, encourage subordinates to do the same." Reading this reveals the disconnect between the statement above and our responsibilities as NCO's. Promoting and supporting are what we do through personal attendance and event committee involvement, not by whom we sponsor or convince to attend. The senior NCO induction ceremony was attended by approximately 10 percent of the base populace. We must do better as an NCO Corps. Not one of us graduated ALS without the demonstration of supporting unit, base and Air Force events. How many of us have said "the Air Force is not the same as when I entered?" Truth be told, the Air Force is what we make it. See you at the next event.

DIAMOND TIPS By Master Sgt. Terry Harrelson 628th Contracting Squadron first sergeant Promoting Esprit de Corps & AF Heritage In an Air Force member's career, they will have many opportunities to attend a Dinning In, Dinning Out or similar formal events. As an airman first class, one of my favorite memories was attending a Combat Dinning In. Members had to arrive armed with a water gun or suffer the consequences. I understood the consequences of not being armed when I saw several field tents were arranged together and knew the war was about to begin. The plan was an all out battle as the event's finale. Surprising everyone, our chief master sergeant was announcing the countdown to begin, when half of the tent walls were raised and the base fire dept essentially ended the battle before it began. Needless to say the chief won the battle. The first Dining Out, as a senior airman, I was "sponsored" by an master sergeant in our unit. It was my introduction to the Grog bowl. And the first Air Force Ball was an inspiring event to attend. While stationed at Charleston AFB I've had the pleasure of attending several of these events, but

Eight Locations In Charleston! Including...

Photo by Airman 1st Class Lauren Main

A long awaited reunion Master Sgt. Jamey Elms and his daughter, Audrey share a joyful, surprise reunion at her school upon Sergeant Elms' return from a four month deployment overseas Sept. 8, 2010. Audrey was on her way to lunch when she spotted her dad just around the corner. After the momentary shock wore off, she flung herself into his arms for a tearful reunion. This was Sergeant Elms' first deployment away from his family but he said the use modern communication eased the separation. Sergeant Elms is a crew chief with the 437th Maintenance Squadron.

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Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010


Captain Ward assumes command of NWS Charleston Courtesy of Naval Weapons Station Public Affairs Naval Weapons Station Charleston welcomed a new commander Sept. 9 during a change of command ceremony. Captain Ralph Ward assumed command of NWS from Cmdr. Gary Martin, who will be assuming command of Naval Magazine Indian Island in Washington. His tenure will be short-lived though, as he will become the Deputy Commander of Joint Base Charleston, Oct. 1, 2010. In his capacity as Deputy Commander, he will also be serving as Commanding Officer of Naval Support Activity Charleston, which will stand up Oct. 1. Captain Ward, a native of Los Alamos, N.M., graduated from the United States Naval Academy with distinction in May 1982 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Ocean Engineering. After completing submarine training in April 1984, he reported to USS Pollack (SSN 603) in San Diego, Calif. During this tour, he served in a variety of division officer assignments, completed two Western Pacific deployments and earned his submarine gold dolphins. In July 1987, he was assigned to the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif., where he earned a Master of Science degree in Physics. Captain Ward then reported in June 1990 as Engineer Officer

of the pre-commissioning Unit Boise in Newport News, Va. In July 1993, he was assigned as Material Officer at Submarine Squadron Seventeen in Bangor, Wash. From November 1995 through September 1997, he served as Executive Officer aboard USS Henry M. Jackson (Blue) (SSBN 730), homeported in Bangor. Captain Ward then served as Operations Officer on the Pacific Submarine Force Tactical Readiness Evaluation Team from October 1997 until August 1999. Captain Ward commanded USS Buffalo (SSN 715) between May 2000 and July 2002, homeported in Pearl Harbor, Hi. Under his leadership, Buffalo completed a deployment to the Western Pacific and was awarded the Battle Efficiency “E.� From July 2002 to July 2005, Captain Ward served as Deputy for Operations and Intelligence (N2/3) and then as Chief of Staff at Submarine Group Seven in Yokosuka, Japan. He then reported to the Industrial College of the Armed Forces at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C., where he earned a Master of Science degree in National Resource Strategy in June 2006. In July 2006, Captain Ward assumed command of Naval Nuclear Power Training Unit, Charleston.

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Photo by Senior Airman Timothy Taylor

Capt. Ralph Ward shakes the hand of Master Sgt. Erwin Arguilla during his tour of the 628th Air Base Wing Sept. 8, 2010. Captain Ward assumed command of the Naval Weapons Station Charleston and will become the deputy commander of Joint Base Charleston on Oct. 1.

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Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010

Courtesy photo

NEWS Airmen from the 560th Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineers work together to build houses from the ground up in Gallup, New Mexico. The 560 REDHORSE squadron spent three months aiding the Southwest Indian Foundation building houses for disadvantaged families.

560 REDHORSE trains by lending a hand By 2nd Lt. Susan Carlson Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

One Reserve squadron here on Joint Base Charleston recently participated in a mission of a different kind. For the past three months, Airmen from the 560th Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineers have spent their time aiding the Southwest Indian Foundation in Gallup, New Mexico. Reserve members took part in the daily task of building houses from the bottom up in a little warehouse within the heart of the western city. The SWIF has grants from various places to obtain building materials, and use their warehouse in Gallup to both store the materials and build the houses. Once the materials are acquired, they then source labor from wherever they can, including the Guard, Reserve and even various Veteran associations. "Basically, in the warehouse they build houses, starting with the bottom, they put walls up, then add the roof trusses, run plumbing, electric, install insulation, put dry wall up, etc.," said Col. Daniel Leveille, commander of the 560 REDHORSE squadron, "When they're done the SWIF had the pieces of a house ready to assemble." The finished product is a modular home that can be taken out in two separate pieces designed to fit on a flat bed truck. They are then carted by the SWIF to Navajo Indian Reservations and placed in prepositioned areas where disadvantaged families can afford a home. "Our object was to have three houses in construction simultaneously, that's what the warehouse could fit," Colonel Leveille said, "And our ultimate goal was to complete four houses." While some might say they didn't complete their goal, others would say they went above and beyond. House four was 85 per-

cent complete when they left and house five, which was not even planned for, was more than 75 percent finished. Considering their difficulty ensuring they had the correct materials for building at the right time, this was a substantial accomplishment. Because of the small size of the warehouse, the SWIF can only acquire the material they have allotted space for, thus when a house needs windows, and there are no windows, the builders remain in a stalemate. "I think we did a really good job, we got five houses, four substantially complete, and three out the door hopefully on the reservation now," Colonel Leveille said, "and as an added benefit, part of our success helped the SWIF win more grants." The squadron took part in this almost humanitarian mission as part of their "deployment for training" in order to prepare them for actual deployments in the near future. "Our mission in peacetime is to train to go do that outside the wire mission needed in today's fight," said Colonel Leveille. This was the first deployment training mission for the 560th, as they are a relatively new REDHORSE squadron, and stood up only a few years ago. "We are the construction company of choice in theater for both the Army and the Air Force," said Colonel Leveille, "Because of the demand the Air Force stood up new Reserve squadrons both at Charleston and at Seymour Johnson [in North Carolina]." Despite their young age, it is evident the 560th REDHORSE Squadron is doing great things and will continue to do so. Next year they plan on working in Little Rock, Arkansas building much needed tornado shelters and restroom facilities. "It's not as robust [as this project], but we will still be building," said Colonel Leveille, "We're in a good position, we have the bodies, we just need the training." .

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Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010

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Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010

JB CHS hosting two-day event to honor POW/MIAs Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs Team Charleston will honor all former "Prisoners of War" and those "Missing in Action" during a series of events scheduled to begin Sept. 16 at 3:30 p.m. and concluding, Sept. 17 at 4:30 p.m. on the base. The series of events include: A 24-hour vigil run: More than 100 service members, Department of Defense employees, family members and local Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps cadets will run continuously in 30-minute increments in teams of four, for the entire 24-hour period starting at 3:30 p.m. Sept 16 and concluding at 3:30 p.m. Sept. 17. POW/MIA Recognition Luncheon: More than 200 guests will attend a luncheon at the Charleston Club Sept. 17 honoring former POWs. More than 20 former POWs from throughout the state of South Carolina will be attending as honored guests. Guest speaker for the luncheon is Senior Master Sergeant Kevin Kloeppel, a former AC-130 Gunner

and current 15th Airlift Squadron Superintendent. C-17 static display: At 2:15 p.m., following the luncheon the POW's will tour "The Spirit of American POW/MIA" C-17. POW/MIA retreat ceremony: The retreat ceremony will begin at 3:30 when the POW/MIA flag is delivered by the 437th Air Wing Command Chief Master Sgt. Terrence Greene from the vigil run culminating with a special POW/MIA retreat ceremony at base flag pole. The retreat ceremony will be conducted by the Charleston Navel Weapon Stations Joint Service honor guard and members for the 628th Air Base Wing and 437th Airlift Wing to include: a wreath laying ceremony by the installation commander and the POW commander for the State of South Carolina; reading of the Code of Conduct, retirement of the colors; playing of TAPS; and a 21-gun salute. For more information on this event, contact Tech. Sgt. Steven Thompson at 963-3777. For any other questions, contact Master Sgt. Jeff Faretra at 963-7154.

Photo by Airman 1st Class Lauren Main

A heaping plate of leadership for lunch Chief Master Sgt. Terrence Greene and Col. John Wood serve lunch to Staff Sgt. Donald Robinson at the Gaylor Dining Facility on Joint Base Charleston, S.C., Sept. 1, 2010. The 437th command chief and commander sat down with 18 Airmen from various squadrons from the 437th Airlift Wing to discuss topics that concerned Airmen. The Airmen were also given a chance to ask their senior leadership questions during the quarterly luncheon. Chief Greene is the 437 AS command chief, Colonel Wood is the 437 AS commander and Sergeant Robinson is a medical administrator with the 315th Airlift Squadron.

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Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010


2010 Combined Federal Campaign kicks off Sept. 9 By Trisha Gallaway Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs On your mark, get set, give! The 2010 Combined Federal Campaign kicked off for Joint Base Charleston Sept. 9 with the start of the CFC Commander's Challenge Run at the fitness center Sept. 9. While Joint Base Charleston has not set a monetary goal, it's important to make sure everyone has the opportunity to give. "We are pushing for new goals as this year is the inaugural Joint Base Charleston effort," said Maj. Bill Skinner, the JB CHS project officer for this year's CFC campaign. "The [current] economic conditions make it all the more vital that we find a way to give back to the community." Each year, thousands of non-profit human health and welfare charities benefit from the millions of dollars that have been given through CFC. "Every year the CFC provides service members and civilians with the opportunity to give back to the communities they live in," said Col. Martha Meeker, Joint Base Charleston commander. "Last year alone, our Charleston

military and federal agencies contributed more than $1.5M nationally with more than $580,000 going directly to local agencies. This level of commitment speaks loudly to the heart of all these great Americans as we join with our communities to help those in need." Since the campaign is the only authorized solicitation of employees within the federal workplace, the CFC stresses that donors determine how their money will be used. This is an opportunity for those donors to decide which charities will receive their gift. "It's amazing to see how many charities the CFC supports each and every year," said Col. John Wood, 437th Airlift Wing commander. "I think it's important to remember that even the smallest of donations can make a big difference in our local communities and in communities across the nation." This year there are more than 2,600 different charities to choose from. The CFC has a guidebook listing all of the charities with background information about each one. There is also an online option as well. "I like to read about the charitable organizations online

at www.coastalcarolinacfc.org because it's easy to get all the information you need about the campaign right at your fingertips," said Major Skinner. The CFC is the largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign, with more than 300 CFC campaigns held worldwide to help raise millions of dollars each year. "It is important for us to recognize that the contributions we make to CFC pay big dividends and make a real difference in our community," said Col. Steven Chapman, 315th Airlift Wing commander. "This is the opportunity for us to give back to the community we all live in." To make a donation, donors can make a one-time contribution or set up a payroll deduction. "The CFC gives me the extreme convenience of being able to set up a contribution," said Major Skinner. "The money comes out of my paycheck, goes straight to the charity of my choice and is recorded properly for tax purposes. I get to donate to the charity I want without any hassle." Each group and squadron within JB CHS will have designated CFC unit representatives. The 2010 CFC campaign will wrap up Oct. 15.

For Airlift Dispatch stories, photos and archives, visit: http://www.charleston.af.mil PDF version of the entire Airlift Dispatch online each week at http://www.CharlestonMilitary.com


Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010


Aircrew Flight Equipment: Inspect, Correct, Protect

U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Daniel Clarke places an aircrew member's chemical warfare flight suit into his respective locker after inspection Sept. 1, 2010, on Joint Base Charleston, S.C. The aircrew flight equipment shop houses more than 1,400 individual lockers for aircrew members from the 1st Combat Camera Squadron to the 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron. Aircrew chemical gear is inspected every 18 months to ensure materials and devices still maintain safe functionality. Airman Clarke is an aircrew flight equipment technician with the 437th Operations Support Squadron.

Senior Airman James McMillan runs through a spot and defects check on a pair of night vision goggles Sept. 1, 2010, on Joint Base Charleston. Checking for defects and spots in the NVGs is just as important as making sure they function in low-light situations. Night vision devices were first used in World War II and came into wide use during the Vietnam War. Airman McMillan is a NVG technician with the 437th Operations Support Squadron.

Senior Airman James McMillan replaces the seal on a pair of night vision goggles after replacing the nitrogen during an inspection Sept. 1, 2010, on Joint Base Charleston. The nitrogen helps amplify any available light allowing Airmen to operate or fly in extremely low light environments. Airman McMillan is a NVG technician with the 437th Operations Support Squadron.

Isreal Middleton stitches together a cover for a C-17 Globemaster III pilot chair headrest Sept. 1, 2010, on Joint Base Charleston. The fabric shop makes many diverse products for the base as well as repairs and maintains equipment which can save a great deal on replacements. Mr. Middleton is a fabric worker with the 437th Operations Support Squadron.

U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Amber Engelhart tests a hush kit ear cups on an aircrew member's helmet Sept. 1, 2010, on Joint Base Charleston, S.C. Technicians test the communication systems in the helmets by connecting an external intercom unit. The external unit simulates an aircraft's communication system, allowing the technician to test both transmitting and receiving capabilities. Helmet communication tests are performed after every flight or every 90 days. Airman Engelhart is an aircrew flight equipment technician with 437th Operations Support Squadron.

Photos by Senior Airman Timothy Taylor

Staff Sgt. Rico Kones stands with life preservers surrounded by floatation equipment Sept. 1, 2010, on Joint Base Charleston. All floatation devices are put through a six-hour leaks check, ensuring all rafts and personal life preservers are ready to be packed and used. Sergeant Kones is an aircrew flight equipment craftsman with the 437th Operations Support Squadron.

AROUND Fitness testing begins for deployed Airmen U.S. Air Forces Central Command – Airmen deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility will roll physical fitness testing into their wartime responsibilities starting Oct. 1. Lt. Gen. Mike Hostage, the U.S. Air Forces Central Command commander, recently approved a policy authorizing fitness testing in the AOR for permanent party Airmen and those on one-year deployments. "It is paramount for our Airmen to maintain peak physical condition, not just at home, but also while deployed in the AOR," General Hostage said. "Therefore, to align with the chief of staff of the Air Force's vision, we are implementing a vigorous fitness program to include (physical training) testing in the AOR." Airmen must have a current fitness score prior to deployment, according to the new fitness program Air Force Instruction 36-2905. The new AFI also permits fitness assessments in the AOR at locations that meet the criteria. Viable locations must have an approved running and walking course, local medical support, trained physical training leaders and a health screening process. Several deployed locations already meet these standards and are ready to begin fitness testing; however, a comprehensive list is not yet available.


People deployed for less than a year will have an opportunity to test at approved locations on a voluntary basis. However, permanent party Airmen and those on year-long deployments will be required to do so, per the new USAFCENT fitness policy. "Implementing fitness testing in the AOR is a policy we've been formulating for several months with the guidance of Air Staff, said Lt. Col. Susan Airola-Skully, the USAFCENT Manpower, Personnel and Services deputy director. "We want to ensure the needs of the deployed commanders are met by providing fit to fight Airmen. This policy helps ensure consistency of fitness levels and standards from ingarrison bases to combat zone bases. Now the expectation for fit Airmen remains seamless from home station to deployed location." The new policy enables deployed commanders to implement physical training programs, and it provides them the flexibility to evaluate Airmen's fitness levels. It also gives commanders the chance to offer deployed Airmen with unsatisfactory scores an opportunity to retest. Deployed commanders can also conduct unofficial, practice assessments to give Airmen a chance to gauge their progress and compliance with Air Force fitness standards. Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines undergo fitness tests twice a year in garrison. Like Airmen, deployed Soldiers and Sailors also test at approved locations in the AOR.


Marines do not currently test while deployed. The new USAFCENT fitness policy will be available soon on AEF Online at https://aef.afpc.randolph.af.mil.

Final F-15 departs Langley, 71st FS prepares to inactivate LANGLEY AFB, Va. – The last two operational F-15 Eagles left Sept. 1 for Portland, Ore. The 71st Fighter Squadron is scheduled to be inactivated Sept. 30. The 71st FS, also referred to as the Ironmen, generated more than 4,000 sorties and logged more than 5,400 flight hours annually. "When the last wheels of the venerable (F15) Eagle leave the tarmac, it takes with it 34 years of airpower and an overwhelming record of 104 enemy fighters destroyed to zero F-15s lost," said Col. Matthew Molloy, the 1st Fighter Wing commander . "Without a doubt, the F-15s of Langley Air Force Base have left little question as to which aircraft is the combat proven, preeminent air superiority fighter." The F-15s are being sent to active-duty bases within the U.S., overseas and National Guard bases. Like the aircraft, the majority of the pilots and maintenance personnel are being allocated to various bases. "It's pretty somber for all the personnel in the 71st," said Maj. Greg Voelkel, the 71st FS director of operations. "The 71st has a great

AGE works to keep aircraft moving on the ground Senior Airman Alexander Ewing and Staff Sgt. Matthew Adelman inspect an universal aircraft tow bar for elongation and metal distortion during a biannual inspection on Joint Base Charleston, S.C., Sept. 2, 2010. The tow bar is used to tow almost all different types of transient aircraft that land at JB CHS around the flight line. Airman Ewing and Sergeant Adelman are aerospace ground equipment journeyman with the 437 AGE.

Photo by Airman 1st Class Lauren Main

Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010


history. Everyone is pretty proud to serve and be part of the squadron." Reassignment teams have come to Langley to place Airmen in locations where their expertise could best be utilized. "We have a few guys that will stay here and work on the Raptors at Langley, but 90 percent have been reassigned to stateside bases," said Chief Master Sgt. Carlos Taylor, the 71st Aircraft Maintenance Unit superintendent. Not only are the maintenance Airmen being reassigned, but the majority of the pilots have been given new assignments, Major Voelkel said. "With the departure of the F-15s, the air superiority torch will be passed to the next generation of Air Force aircraft - the mighty F-22 Raptor," Colonel Molloy said. "It is understood that the F-22 is still unproven in actual combat, but all indicators from our local training sorties to the Air Expeditionary Force deployments point to phenomenal potential. "The 1st Fighter Wing stands ready to employ this aircraft in the same 'first and finest' standard as the F-15 Eagle," he said.

Officials release A-10C accident report LANGLEY AFB, Va. – Human error caused an A-10C Thunderbolt II aircraft to depart the runway during an aborted takeoff May 10 at Moody Air Force Base, Ga., according to an Air Combat Command Accident Investigation Board report released Sept. 2. The aircraft was assigned to the 75th Fighter Squadron from the 23rd Wing at Moody AFB. The pilot sustained minor injuries after ejecting when the aircraft left the runway. The aircraft continued traveling over uneven grassland until the nose gear collapsed. The right main landing gear and aircraft nose became lodged into the ground causing a catastrophic fuselage failure. The aircraft was engulfed in fire due to a ruptured forward main fuel tank and was subsequently destroyed. According to the report, the cause of the mishap was specifically attributed to the pilot's initial decision not to abort the takeoff. After deciding to abort, the pilot applied an inappropriate braking procedure based on his perception of being at a lower airspeed. Additionally, pilot-static system blockage, task misprioritization, distraction and procedural error were all substantially contributing factors to the mishap. The loss associated with the mishap is valued at $17,306,077, including $52,095 in environmental cleanup on Moody AFB.



Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010

Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010

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The Scene is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to the Airlift Dispatch. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about the The Scene, call the Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at www.JBCharleston.com.

Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010

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To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to 628abw.dispatch@charleston.af.mil. Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.

Special Announcements

ers and enjoy some good food. Library material will not be able to be checked out at this event. Prior registration is required to attend. Stop by or call the Library at 963-3320 to sign up. Saturday Youth League Coordinator Needed: The upcoming Bowling Youth League that starts Sept. 11 is in need of two responsible youth coordinators. The league will meet at 10:30 every Saturday. Duties include assisting children with lane assignments, scoring, awards, prize fun payment and track lineage. Please contact Dave Muse at 963-3315 for more information or if interested. Tuesday Little heroes ceremony: A special medal presentation designed for children age 4-12 who have experienced a parent's deployment will be held Sept. 14 from 6 to 7 p.m. Registration required. Call 963-4406 to sign up. Educational opportunities counseling: Meet monthly one-onone with an expert who will help you reach your educational goals. Consultations will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center. Call 963-4406 for an individual appointment. Wednesday Pinch your pennies: Learn how you can have a good quality of life on a budget during a class Sept. 15 from noon to 1 p.m. Call 963-4406 to reserve your seat. CSB redux: Learn the pros and cons of the retirement choice by attending this briefing Sept. 15 from 1 to 1:45 p.m. If you joined the military Aug. 1 1986, or later, a decision must be made between the two retirement plans between the 14.5- and 15- year mark in the military. Briefing will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center. Call 963-4406 to reserve your seat. Time management class: This class is geared for teens and young adults, but anyone can benefit from the information and techniques presented Sept. 15 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. This fun-filled interactive class covers tips for maximizing time, identifying time stealers and wasters, and identifying and establishing priorities. Call the 9634406 to register. Thursday POW/MIA 24-hour run, luncheon and retreat: Joint Base Charleston is hosting a Prisoner of War/Missing in Action 24-hour run, luncheon and retreat. The 24-hour run will start Sept. 16 at 3:30 at the base track. Please contact Senior Master Sgt. Jenny King at 963-2904 to register your team. On Sept. 17 from noon to 2 p.m., members can eat lunch with a former POW. The cost is $16 for nonmembers and $14 for members. Please contact Master Sgt. Donny Leydig at 963-2768 to sign up. That afternoon, there will be a Retreat Ceremony starting at 3:30 p.m. at the base flag pole. For more information on this event, contact Tech. Sgt. Steven Thompson at 963-3777. For any other questions contact Master Sgt. Jeff Faretra at 963-7154. Troops to teachers: A briefing will be held Thursday from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. for counseling and assistance regarding certification requirements, routes to state certification and employment leads in an effort to help eligible military members to transition to a new career as public school teachers in targeted schools.

Charleston Concert Association: The CCA is offering activeduty military and their families 50 percent discount on classical music shows this concert season. Performances are held at the Gaillard auditorium in downtown Charleston. To obtain tickets, active-duty military members must call 727-1216 and offer the discount code, 20101001. For more information, visit www.charlestonconcerts.org. Joint Base Charleston exercise: A joint base exercise is planned for Sept. 22, 2010. Expect traffic delays on and off both Charleston Air Force Base and Naval Weapons Station Charleston. Free golf clinic: Kiawah Island Golf Resort is pleased to announce a series of complimentary golf clinics as a thank you for military service. Each clinic will be available to the first 10 activeduty members to register. The clinics will be from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 28, Oct. 26 and Nov. 30 at Turtle Point Golf Club. To register, contact Josh Wagaman at 266-4054 or e-mail at josh_wagaman@ kiawahresort.com before noon the Monday prior to the clinic. Airman Leadership School instructor position opening: The Charleston Airman Leadership School has an opening for a Professional Military Education Instructor in January 2011. Are you highly motivated and dedicated staff sergeant with a Community College of the Air Force degree? Can you multi-task? If so, this could be the job for you! ALS Flight Instructors provide the Air Force's future leaders with the skills necessary to fulfill their supervisory responsibilities within the enlisted force structure and lead our Airmen of tomorrow. This is a 4-year controlled tour which will allow you the stability to reach your professional and personal goals. Please contact the ALS Commandant, Master Sgt. Joe Adams at 963-4074 for application instructions. He also be reached via e-mail at joseph.adams.2 @charleston.af.mil Deadline to submit packages is Sept. 15. Miracle League Military Appreciation Day: The Summerville Miracle League is non-profit organization that provides opportunities for children with disabilities to play Miracle League baseball, regardless of their disabilities. The league will be hosting a military appreciation day along with their fall season opening day Saturday, Sept. 11. For more information on the event, contact Master Sgt. Mark Last incident: August 10 Montrose at 963-4406. 2010 Total: 15 2009 Total: 16

Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010


Sept. 19 The Hurt Locker Charity Golf Tournament 2010: The Navy and Marine Corps Explosive Ordnance Disposal Association Charleston Chapter Six is hosting a Charity Golf Tournament Sept. 19 beginning at 8 a.m. at the Redbank Golf Course on the Naval Weapons Station. Cost is $65 per player and the tournament will be open to the first 25 teams of four players. Proceeds will go to the EOD Memorial Foundation and Wounded EOD Warrior Foundation. For more information, contact Tuck LaBree at eodtuck@aol.com. Sept. 20 Personnel office hours change: The Military Personnel Section in Building 503 will change customer service hours starting Sept. 20. The new hours will be 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily. It will no longer close at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesdays for training. The new hours are standardized to allow daily consistency and customer convenience, as opposed to different hours on different days. This is a growing trend across the Air Force as MPS's have sustained a 40 percent manning cut Air Force wide. For more information, call the MPS at 963-0677. Sept. 23 Spouse Appreciation Dinner: Joint Base Charleston will host its Quarterly Spouse Appreciation Dinner for spouses of deployed members Sept. 23 at the base chapel annex from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The night will be free for spouses to take a night off and join for fellowship, networking, support and food. Call 963-4406 to sign up. Top 3 Association Scholarship Program: Air Force members between the ranks of airman basic to technical sergeant can now pick up and submit application packages to the Education Center for the Top 3 Association Scholarship Program by Sept. 23. Winners and their sponsoring senior noncommissioned officers will be requested to attend the Top 3 meeting in October for the presentations. For further information, please contact Master Sgt. Evelyn Serafica-Beam at 963-6885. Oct. 1 Clinic closure: The 628th Medical Group will be closed Oct. 1 for the Joint Base Charleston Inaugural Ceremony. The clinic will resume normal business hours Oct. 4.

Meetings and Registrations

Ohio State football: The Ohio State Alumni Club of Charleston would like to invite all Ohio State Alumni and fans to join this season for Ohio State football. The club meets on game days at The Three Lion's Pub located in Blackbaud Stadium, 1990 Daniel Island Dr., Charleston. The next game is Saturday, Sept. 11 versus Miami University. Join us to cheer on the Buckeyes. Call Barry Thomas at 963-8241for more details. After school care: Registration is now underway for the 2010 through 2011 After School Program at the Youth Center. Transportation for the after school care will be provided from Hunley Park, Riverbends, Lambs, For Dorchester, Eagles Nest and Oakbrook elementary schools. The program is open to children ages 5 (and in kindergarten) to 12. Shot records with current H1N1 vaccination and LES/pay statements must be available at time of registration. Call 963-5684 for additional details. Healthy Thinking Workshop registration: Do you find yourself feeling angry or stressed more often than you would like or regret how you act when you are upset? Do you wish you could express yourself more clearly and be more assertive? Consider registering for the Healthy 328 Thinking Workshop. The workshop is divided into saved four 90 minute sessions held on consecutive 963-2233 this year Wednesdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m., with a new group beginning the first Wednesday of every Joint Base Charleston’s Airmen month. To sign up or for more information, contact Against Drunk Driving offers Family Advocacy at 963-6972. free, confidential rides home.

Airmen Against Drunk Driving: Wingmen Saving Lives

Events Friday Teens take over library: Calling all teens! The Base Library will open its doors on a Friday night just for you! Join us, Sept. 10 from 6 to 10 p.m. for an opportunity to play video games, board games, use the Library's comput-

2008 Total: 14 2007 Total: 8 To volunteer, e-mail AADD.charleston@charleston.af.mil. Members receiving a Driving Under the Influence must report to the wing commander the following duty day in full service dress accompanied by their supervisor, first sergeant and squadron commander.

Please see more briefs at www.charleston.af.mil


Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010


Airman 1st Class Matthew Baxter 628th Security Forces Squadron Airman 1st Class Matthew Baxter is a member of the 628th Security Forces Squadron and has been stationed at Joint Base Charleston for one year. He is currently serving in the Middle East with the 405th Security Forces Squadron on his first deployment. In his deployed unit, Airman Baxter works as a security forces armorer, who is responsible for the accountability of more than 300 weapons, more than 23,000 rounds and $640,000 in Air Force assets. "I support the mission by providing our security forces defenders with the proper means of fulfilling the mission in our area of responsibility," said Airman Baxter. "The United States Military saves an upward of $1.2 billion annually because of the impact my fellow Airmen and I have accomplished in this AOR." While stationed at Joint Base Charleston, Airman Baxter serves as an entry control officer for points around Charleston Air Force Base. His duties include maintaining and controlling

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all personnel desiring access to the installation. This role requires a keen sense of intuition along with military bearing, professionalism, tact and an understanding of the installations laws and procedures. "Life away from Charleston is filled daily with manageable challenges and memorable occurrences," explained Airman Baxter. "Just because there is sand, Courtesy photo does not mean it is a vacation; rules and code of conduct applies just like Charleston. For the most part, the deployment has been what others have said it to be. Of course, one truly never knows until setting foot on ground for oneself." This "warrior of the week" hails from a town located in Columbus, Ohio, called Groveport and enlisted in the Air Force in February of 2009.

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"I, like some, came from a family with a rich military background," Airman Baxter said. "My father served 24 years in the United States Army, retiring with the rank of first sergeant. Through my childhood years I had become fascinated with the military way of life. When the time came to make a decision on which path to take in life, I chose the Air Force." Currently, Airman Baxter's goal is to enjoy an extensive career in the Air Force, as well as further his dedication and live a lifestyle that his family would be proud of. Airman Baxter contributes to Team Charleston's mobility mission by maintaining a positive attitude and a sense of readiness to accomplish any task presented to him. "Aside from my duty, I have accepted a wide range of volunteer opportunities expanding from community volunteering and helping out at animal shelters, to more squadron related opportunities, such as flying relief effort to Haiti," explained Airman Baxter. "It would be safe to say that not a month has gone by that I have not volunteered for something." Adjusting to a culture and a lifestyle on the other side of the world has been difficult, but something Airman Baxter has been able to overcome. "While performing an outstanding job, Airman Baxter has almost completed his 5-level security forces craftsman career development courses, is a key member to the first established Defender's Council and plays intramural soccer for the squadron against our host nation counterparts, which has helped create a great working relationship," said Staff Sgt. Chainey Moates, 405 ESFS armory noncommissioned officer in charge.

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Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010


Chapel Schedule 107 Arthur Dr. Office: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Phone: 963-2536. After duty hours, call the command post at 963-8400, emergencies only. Catholic Services: Daily Mass is now offered Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; Saturday - 4:15 p.m. Reconciliation; Mass; 5 p.m.; Sunday - 9:30 a.m. Children’s Church. Protestant Services: Sunday - 8 a.m. Inspirational Gospel Worship Service; 11 a.m. Traditional Worship Service with Children’s Church. Thursday - 7 p.m. Truth Seekers Bible Study, Chapel Annex. For information on other faith groups, call the Base Chapel at 963-2536.

Movie Schedule

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Ticket office normally opens at 7 p.m. Showtime at 7:30 p.m. Admission: Adults - $4 (12 years and older) / Children - $2 (6-11 years old). / “G” Rated Movies: Children - $2 (3-11 years old). Schedule subject to change without notice. For information, call 963-3333. For further information on movie date and times visit http://www.aafes.com/ems/conus/ charleston.htm. Friday, September 10, 7:30 p.m. – CHARLIE ST. CLOUD – Zac Efron, Charlie Tahan – Accomplished sailor Charlie St. Cloud has the adoration of his mother Claire and his little brother Sam, as well as a college scholarship that will lead him far from his sleepy Pacific Northwest hometown. But his bright future is cut short when a tragedy strikes and takes his dreams with it. After his high-school classmate Tess returns home unexpectedly, Charlie grows torn between honoring a promise he made four years earlier and moving forward with newfound love. And as he finds the courage to let go of the past for good, Charlie discovers the soul most worth saving is his own. Rated PG-13. Saturday, September 11, 7:30 p.m. – CATS & DOGS: THE REVENGE OF KITTY GALORE – Christina Applegate, Michael Clarke Duncan – In the age-old battle between cats and dogs, one crazed feline has taken things a paw too far. Kitty Galore, formerly an agent for cat spy organization MEOWS, has gone rogue and hatched a diabolical plan to not only bring her canine enemies to heel, but take down her former kitty comrades and make the world her scratching post. Faced with this unprecedented threat, cats and dogs will be forced to join forces for the first time in history in an unlikely alliance to save themselves – and their humans. Rated PG. Friday, September 17, 7:30 p.m. – DINNER FOR SCHMUCKS – Steve Carell, Paul Rudd – Tim, is an up-and-coming executive who has just received his first invitation to the “dinner for idiots,” a monthly event hosted by his boss that promises bragging rights to the exec that shows up with the biggest buffoon. Tim’s fiancée, Julie, finds it distasteful and Tim agrees to skip the dinner, until he bumps into Barry-an IRS employee who devotes his spare time to building elaborate taxidermy mouse dioramas—and quickly realizes he’s struck idiot gold. Tim can’t resist, and invites Barry, whose blundering good intentions soon sends Tim’s life into a frenzied downward spiral and a series of misadventures, threatening a major business deal, bringing crazy stalker ex-girlfriend, Darla, back into Tim’s life and driving Julie into the arms of another man. Rated PG-13. Saturday, September 18, 7:30 p.m. – THE OTHER GUYS – Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg – Detective Allen Gamble is a forensic accountant who’s more interested in paperwork than hitting the streets. Detective Terry Hoitz is a tough guy who has been stuck with Allen as his partner ever since an unfortunate run-in with Derek Jeter. Allen and Terry idolize the city’s top cops, Danson and Highsmith, but when an opportunity arises for the Other Guys to step up, things don’t quite go as planned. Rated PG-13. For more movie schedules, visit: http://www.aafes.com/ ems/conus/charleston.htm

Hurricane Tip of the Week Hurricane season will continue through November, with the highest probability of a major hurricane occurring between midAugust and October. Due to a hurricane's capacity for damage, preparation is the key. Weekly hurricane tips provide need-to-know information for staying ahead of the weather. This week's hurricane tip is: Familiarize yourself with the terms used to identify a hurricane. Basic distinction between

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TESC2867-17_AF_Stripes_AirliftDispatch.indd 1

8/31/10 5:30:32 PM

the two types of warning is that a hurricane watch means a hurricane is possible in your area, while a hurricane warning is when a hurricane is expected in your area. When it is time to evacuate, grab your “ToGo Bag” and be aware that hurricanes can also cause floods, mudslides, landslides and many other types of disasters. When evacuating, be cautious of the other drivers on the road.


Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010


437 AMXS claims intramural volleyball championship title

2nd lieutenant Benjamin Bressler returns the ball after a serve during the Joint Base Charleston intramural volleyball championship game between the 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron and the 628th Civil Engineering Squadron at the Fitness and Sports Center Sept. 8, 2010, on Joint Base Charleston, S.C. Lieutenant Bressler is a power production technician with the 628th Civil Engineer Squadron. At left: Conrad lopez, left, spikes the ball over the net at 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin Bressler during the Joint Base Charleston intramural volleyball championship game between the 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron and the 628th Civil Engineer Squadron at the Fitness and Sports Center Sept. 8, 2010, on Joint Base Charleston, S.C. The game lasted two sets ending with the 437 AMXS as the overall victors for the intramural volleyball season. Mr. Lopez is a family member of Airman 1st Class Sebastiana Solis Lopez and Lieutenant Bressler is an asset manager for the 628th Civil Engineering Squadron.

Photos by Airman 1st Class Timothy Taylor

Right: The 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron volleyball team poses after winning the title of Joint Base Charleston intramural volleyball champions at the Joint Base Charleston intramural volleyball championship game between the 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron and the 628th Civil Engineer Squadron Sept. 8, 2010.

Above, Airman 1st Class Sebastiana Solis Lopez leaps upward to serve during the Joint Base Charleston intramural volleyball championship game between the 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron and the 628th Civil Engineer Squadron at the Fitness and Sports Center Sept. 8, 2010, on Joint Base Charleston, S.C. Eleven teams competed for the title of intramural volleyball champions, a total of 110 games were played, with only two teams left to compete for the trophy, 437th AMXS and 628th CES. Airman Solis Lopez is a crew chief with the 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron.

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HaulMark enclosed trailer 6x10 ft. Great Cond has rear cargo ramp and 1 side door. Call for more info 843-714-0198 1900.00 OBO MUST SELL Timeshare, Chalet. 3bd 3bath Gatlinburg Tenn on maintain. Overlooks the City, $12,500 OBO RICK 729-7110

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MISC nOTICeS Come Join the Fun at CafeMoms.com.... info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC" Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more http://www.meetup.com/military-moms/ MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) For Moms with kids birth through kindergarten. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Old Fort Baptist Church, 10505 Dorchester RD. Summerville, SC 29485. Contact Heather Hansen 873-2283 for more information.

ServICeS Triple Military Discount - Free Move In Truck 1 Free month, rules may apply All Safe Storage 3674 Ladson Road Ladson, (843) 871-5151 and All Safe Storage 1025 Baconsbridge Road Summerville (843) 873-0083 www.allsafestoragesc.com Home Day Care 6wks-4yrs full/part time/wkends/eves/hol. off Ashley Phos. Rd. call 568-8609 / 364-4140 GEM LAWN CARE, CAFB/local area 367-5473 In-Home Child Care DSS Reg. 6:30 - 6:00 Meals & Snacks Drop-In's $4.00 hr. First hr. free during July. 5 mins from AFB call 843-552-5360

Home Daycare 6 wks - 5yrs, meals & snacks. 5 mins from AFB, Forest Hills, Subd. ABC vouchers accepted. Call Yvette @ 552-5360 Charleston Auto Storage 843 767-0112 Short/Long Term Parking. Cars, boats, bikes, RVs and ATVs. Special Military Rates. Near AFB and Navy Base Lighting bug LED's be bright and seen at Night make your bike unique! LED'S in many Colors installation at its best! 860-1076


HOMeS/APTS FOr renT 3000 Nantucket Ave. North Charleston Minutes from work Central Location in Nice Neighborhood. Newer 3 Bedroom 1657 sq. ft Home. Expansive Great Room & Kitchen, Atrium Ceilings, Separate Dining Room, Huge Master Bedroom with Windows to Woods. Master Bath with Separate Shower, Bath, Double Sinks; All Bed Rooms are Large; Back Yard Wooded; Two Car Garage. Rent $1,400 Military appreciation discount monthly of $200 $1200 Call 860-859-0139

5 Siberian Husky Puppies, CKC, UTD Shots, Parents on location, $500, ready to go, Call 843327-2025 or 327-1896 for more info

4 bd 2.5 bth 2300 sq ft home for rent/sale, Westscott Plantation $1400 rent/$210,000 sale. Poc B Smalls 843-345-8875/ask about free rent

2.5 ft male ball python, gentle, loves to be handled, easy to take care of. $50 includes 20 gal aquarium and night/day heat lamps. Price negotiable, deploying MUST SELL! 210-867-1362

Roommate wanted to share new 3br 2.5ba in Ladson off Dorch rd.10mi from AFB/NWS. Avail now.$500/mo all util. incl.270-8879

CKC registered american bulldog 1yr old male house & crated trained white w/ black & brown brindle $275 obo call Brian @ 843-298-2933

gArAge/yArD SALeS Sept. 11th 7am-12pm 1311 Hitchock Ave CAFB Drums, Lamps, Xbox & Games, kids toys, misc.. Moving soon so all must go!

3BR w/garage screen-patio, 3.5 Bath,TW cable, 3 walkin closets, For Sale $123,500 or Rent $1150mo. Shar 277-7744 4Br/2Ba/2Car Garage $1200/mo. in S’ville, Carriage Lane Community; Easy access to I26, Avail Oct. 15; No pets;Call Nathan 8434370051 6 Homes for Rent or Sale with Owner Financing 4-West Ashley, 1-N. Chs, 1 Mobile home-G.Crek Military Member Owned: Curt 843-278-5454 Ladson 15 Min to CAFB/NWS brick 3bedroom. 1 bath, large fenced yard, pets nego, fresh paint, stove & fridge 795mo 843 442 5767

YOU MUST READ THIS BEFORE SUBMITTING AN AD! www.CharlestonMilitary.com • Info@CharlestonMilitary.com • fax 856-0358 Diggle Publishing - PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465 • 843-412-5861 Diggle Publishing Company, the private contract publisher of the Airlift Dispatch (weekly) and the Navy Shoreline (twice monthly), accepts free personal classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. Ads which do not adhere to submission guidelines may be rejected without notice.

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Carolina One Real Estate (843) 224-5747

Archdale - 4BR/2BA Home. 5 minutes to AF Base, move-in ready. $163,000. Call Henry Cerceo - 843-860-5530 Beautiful 4bd/2.5ba Whitehall sub. Priv fence. 2441 Sq Ft. ADT security, 2 car garage, shed. $249,900 OBO. 850-543-3048 or 850-549-8447 Summerville townhouse, close to everything. 2 masterbed rm 2.5 ba, pool access, water, Wash/dryer, Lawncare incl. $1200, 8438706532 For Sale, two acres of land, three bedroom mobile home cabin, List Price: 50,000.00 Contact Person: CPT Sam Gethers, (843) 2146750, Email: gsampreach@aol.com

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MOTOrCyCLeS 2006 Sportster 1200C blue/silver paint, 1,500 mi! drag bars, screaming eagle pipes, saddle bags and sissy bar. $7,000 843-991-4966 FOR SALE - Red 05 Yamaha YZF-R6 Sport Bike. Apprx 7Kmiles. 1 owner. Yoshimura exhaust. $6,000 OBO. Call 442-5090. Harley Sportster, Must sell! $5200. 3K Miles, many accesories 843 810 0251

MISC ITeMS FOr SALe Couches: Set of full sized reclining sofa and loveseat. Off-white. 1 full sized dark green sofa. $175/piece. (304)320-3105 Oak bar stool-$20. Coffee table-$35.,Oak TV table-$35,Bakers Rack-$20.Wood Cart $20. Lighting $20 to $50. 569-7140 Large two-piece plastic dog house for sale. Retails for over $90.00. Asking $40.00 OBE. Call: 437-5802 anytime

Lighting bug LED's be bright and seen at Night make your bike unique! LED'S in many Colors installation at its best! 860-1076 A 6 Piece Cherry Bedroom Set w/matt & box. Never used. Can Del $350. 696-5212

46’ Sony Bravia LCD Digital Color TV. Excellent condition, like new $750. Call 843-478-3620. A must see. Furnish your entire house: Bedroom set with mattress, Dining room set and living room set $1400 (includes military disc.) All new box/plastic with warranty. Call Todd @ 725-8563. Delivery available

Sofa and Loveseat. New in package Must Sell $350. Call 696-5712 Can Deliver. Queen P-top Matt. and Box Set NEW in Plastic. $125…Full also available. 696-5712 Can deliver


Airlift Dispatch • September 10, 2010

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