03-01-2013 The Patriot (Joint Base Charleston)

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Joint Base Charleston, S.C.


Vol. 4, No. 8

Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Airmen of Steel See photos, Page 9

U.S. Air Force photo / Senior Airman Dennis Sloan

Airman 1st Class Tashma Antoine, 437th Maintenance Squadron aircraft metals apprentice, works with several machines in the shop to fabricate metal. Antoine is assigned to the aircraft metals fabrication shop and is trained to use several different pieces of equipment to bend, cut and combine metals. Antoine is originally from Fort Myers, Fla. See more photos, Page 9.



Healthcare Alliance improves patient care See page 3


Maintaining the aircraft, continuing the mission See page 6


They can see right through you See page 7

Weekend Weather Update

MRTs teach Airmen to become resilient

Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Anthony Hyatt Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

Joint Base Charleston recently received 10 new Master Resilience Trainers when seven Airmen and three civilians completed the Master Resilience Trainer Course at the U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Center at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J. The new MRTs will help achieve Air Mobility Command's Resilience Strategy 2012, which is to produce a command of fit, resilient Airmen, families, civilians and the Total Force, coping effectively in a community that thrives in the face of challenges and bounces back from adversity. Joint Base Charleston's new MRT are: • Capt. Timothy Kniefel, 15th Airlift Squadron • Capt. Christopher Skoutas, 16th Airlift Squadron • 2nd Lt. Elizabeth Johnsen, 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron • Senior Master Sgt. Michelle McMeekin, 628th Forces Support Squadron • Master Sgt. William Lipsett, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron • Master Sgt. Timothy Williams, 16th Airlift Squadron • Master Sgt. Phillip Wilson, 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron • Angela Cottman, 628th Force Support Squadron • Andre Garceau, 628th Air Base Wing • Toby Housey, 628th Air Base Wing Equal Opportunity Master Resilient Trainers serve as an integral component to provide trained and certified members as installation experts for Comprehensive Airman Fitness - Resiliency, said Garceau, 628th Air Base Wing Community Support coordinator. MRTs will provide awareness education and skill development techniques for Airmen and their families to enhance individual resilience across the four pillars of CAF: mental, physical, social and spiritual. “I can understand how the populace could make assumptions about this resiliency training course prior to attending, and seeing it as another mandatory training requirement to combat suicide and negative trends [drinking, DUIs, domestic abuse],” said McMeekin, 628th FSS Career Assistance Advisor and Installation Lead MRT. “This training is not designed to be a program, but a mindset – a cultural shift.” Air Mobility Command mandates that 80 percent of active-duty Airmen will receive the training by Dec. 31, 2013. The 628th Air Base Wing is currently at 31 percent trained, and the 437th Airlift Wing is at 25 percent. “With continued encouragement and support to fill all available/offered


Friday, March 1

Mostly Sunny

(0% precip)

High 59º Low 38º

Saturday, March 2

Partly Cloudy

(10% precip)

High 56º Low 32º

Sunday, March 3

classes, we are on target to reach the 80 percent goal of Joint Base Charleston active-duty Airmen being trained this year,” said McMeekin. “I’ve not had one person say ‘what a waste,’ after attending a class. Usually the responses are ‘I could have used this training years ago,’ ‘why didn’t I get this as an Airman?’ or ‘my family needs this training.’”

Members who want to become an MRT must: • Be in the enlisted grades of E-5 through E-7, officer grades of O-1 through O-4 and Air Force civilian employees in the grades of GS-09 through GS-12 • Have no current record of disciplinary action or history of financial irresponsibility • Enlisted must have a rating of 4 or 5 on last five EPRs; officers must meet standards on last five OPRs; AF civilian employees must have current rating of “Acceptable” • Current PT score must be greater than or equal to 80 (if applicable) • If profile exists, AF Form 422 must be current • Military members must have more than or equal to 24 months retainability • The 10-day training course offered at the Expeditionary Center includes one week of resilience skills training followed by one week of teach-back training. The course also includes 20-25 hours of prerequisite, computer-based training in ADLS.

“I expected the course to be great, but it was super great,” said Housey, new JB Charleston MRT. “We can’t control the winds life throws at us, but we can control how we respond to them.” Joint Base Charleston currently has 18 individuals from the 628th ABW and the 437th Airlift Wing trained as MRT instructors, according to McMeekin. "It's all on our [MRT] instructors," said Chief Master Sgt. Earl Hannon, 628th Air Base Wing command chief. "It's important for our instructors to help others buy into the training. The training is not suicide prevention it's how to handle adversity." Joint Base Charleston offers three open seating Resiliency Training classes a month, seating 25 students each. To register for a class visit the CoP: https://afkm.wpafb.af.mil/community/views/ home.aspx?Filter=OOED-AM-39. Joint Base Charleston leadership stress the importance for their roles as Master Resiliency Trainers during a briefing with the new MRTs, Feb. 22, 2013, at JB Charleston – Air Base, S.C. The MRTs provided feedback to leadership on the Master Resilience Instructor Course at the U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Center at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J. MRT instructors serve as an integral element to provide trained and certified members as installation experts for Comprehensive Airman Fitness.

Mostly Sunny

(10% precip)

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High 53º Low 28º

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An Airman’s narrative

The Patriot • March 1, 2013

Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot

The Joint Base Charleston Patriot is published by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DOD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs offices of both bases reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed to be against DOD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.


The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Patriot staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.

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Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Patriot can be reached at: 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, Room 312. Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963-3464 Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd., Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154. E-mail to: patriot@charleston.af.mil All news releases should be sent to this address.

Editorial Staff

Joint Base Charleston commander Col. Richard McComb Public Affairs Officer Capt. Frank Hartnett Patriot Editor Staff Sgt. Anthony Hyatt Assistant Editor Airman 1st Class Tom Brading

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Commentary by Lt. Col. Joseph Meyer 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron commander

As the youngest military branch in the Department of Defense, the Air Force has moved very rapidly from a fledging flying force born from the Army, to a premier independent Air Force that can bring force or hope to bear in any corner of the globe. Our rapid development since 1947 has also meant that we accept change readily in order to remain relevant. While much change is for the better, we as Airmen can be left looking for a thread that links what we do on a daily basis to some greater purpose, something that sharpens our focus, ties us to our heritage, or provides the intangible drive required to achieve success against adversity. That thread is an Airman's narrative. A narrative is an account or a story that relates events and experiences. Anyone can create a narrative, and in this connected age, anyone can have their narrative disseminated among a broad audience. Why we do what we do, or how we fit into the larger picture can either be clarified or confused through narrative. For this reason it is all the more important that Airmen understand the importance of their narrative. How do we trace our narrative to the squadron level in a manner that provides a sense of mean-

ing to what we do? It begins by understanding that there is a thread that runs from national strategic objectives to squadron level tasks. For the purpose of this article, the discussion begins with the Joint Chiefs of Staff Strategic Direction to the Joint Force. There are four themes that shape the direction of each branch of the military. Those are achieving national objectives in current conflicts, future development of the Joint Force, recommitting to the Profession of Arms, and keeping faith with the military family. Nested within U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh's focus is that of the Air Force. Welsh's vision provides a concise look at Air Force focal points. That focus is first and foremost our Airmen who accomplish the Air Force mission to fly, fight and win. Our Chief of Staff puts great emphasis on human capital and expects us to constantly look for smarter ways of doing business as we execute global reach, vigilance and power. Pulling the thread from the Air Force level to Air Mobility Command, the mission is to provide global mobility ... right effects, right place, right time. In doing that, focal areas for AMC are winning the fight as part of the joint force, enhancing mobility partnerships, developing and caring for Airmen and their families and strengthening nuclear mission support all while sustaining and preparing for tomorrow.

As the force generator and warfighting arm of AMC, 18th Air Force's focus is most simply captured in the vision, delivering the promise of global reach to America's warfighters. Bringing the mission closer to home; the 437th Airlift Wing's mission is to safely provide precise, reliable airlift ... worldwide. The vision is to be the nation's airlift wing of choice; leading through excellence and innovation. To take this thought to its logical conclusion the squadron mission and vision should be nested and focused as well. The 14th Airlift Squadron is committed to making rapid global mobility a reality always striving for Excellence in Airmanship. Learn your squadron's mission, internalize it, and tie the thread back to our broader shared mission. This is the Airman's narrative. From the purposefully broad strategic direction of the Joint Chief of Staff of the Air Force to the narrow focus of the squadron, there are a few elements common to every organizational level. Those elements are the Airmen and the mission. This is the essence of our narrative: simply, Airmen getting the mission done. Everything else builds on that; from turning wrenches, to protecting the network, to operating a weapon system. Be proud of who you are, look to the mission to find your sense of purpose and build on the Airman's narrative every day.

Self-Mastery - victory over ourselves

Commentary by Chief Master Sgt. Gigi Manning 315th Airlift Wing command chief

Aristotle once said, "The hardest victory is over self." How many times have you procrastinated over an issue because you "just didn't feel like it," didn't complete career development in a timely manner, or maintain or attain fitness? I'm sure we've all done some of these things at some point in time. Now ask yourself, of those times in which you fell short, did you end up with a negative result for yourself or your customer, for example a supervisor, peer, spouse, child, or friend? We all value our time, but do we always use it wisely? How often do we end up going down rabbit holes on the internet that have zero to do with a subject we're researching, or getting caught up in a conversation in the hallway or on the flightline when we could be finishing a project? These are examples of how we don't effectively use our time. We look around and the week or weekend is gone and we haven't

accomplished the goals we set non-negotiable and a condition of for ourselves. The task list conemployment in the military. We tinues to grow and we begin priare an all-volunteer force. Some oritizing things from the week have to work harder than others before that wouldn't be on the to maintain the standards, but list if we had completed them as maintain the standards we must, scheduled. and everyone should be held to When it comes to professional the standards regardless of status. development, be it career field When there is even a hint of specific, professional military inequity, morale is affected and education or civilian education, leadership is questioned. do we get out of our own way? Everyone is responsible for their One of the things I stress to my own individual fitness and no one Chief Master Sgt. Gigi Manning newcomers and the command should attempt to put anyone else 315th Airlift Wing chiefs brief at Airman in a position to have their integricommand chief Leadership School is 'don't be ty questioned. your own hold-up.' The point I All of these areas ... procrastiam stressing is that fantastic opportunities don't nation, time management, career choices and come along every day, and if you're not ready fitness ... are victories we have to win over ourfor them, they will pass you by. If you haven't selves. Some will win more than others, but the done the work, the person next to you or behind ultimate goal is to strive for those small victoyou will pass you by and you can't blame anyries and not look outside of ourselves to make one except yourself. them happen. The larger victories will be that Thinking of fit to fight, everyone has an much sweeter! opinion on the program, but we all know it is

Diamond Tips: The biggest impression

Commentary by Master Sgt. Mark Peters 1st Combat Camera Squadron first sergeant

for the 61st anniversary, the chief called me and told me the trip was mine. We only had three days to get there, prepare the A while back, I was sitting with a group of aircraft, accomplish the mission and get home. young Airmen and one of them asked me, "What Time was definitely a factor. In the end, we overone thing made the biggest impression on you came the time constraints and experienced all we during your career?" could while accomplishing the misI thought for a moment, but sion without a hitch. From St. Mere truth be told, I was stumped. Eglise, the first town to be liberated; Instead, I asked the Airmen to to the pill boxes of Utah Beach; to the let me think about it and I crater laden grounds of Point Du Hoc, would make it the subject of the history in Normandy is everythis article. where you look. The local residents It is difficult for me to choose are a big part of that history. It just one moment from a 23-year amazed me how much the French career, but if I had to, I would loved and respected Americans in unisay my TDY to Normandy, form. It was as if we'd just liberated France. the region that day! They lined up to While stationed at Ramstein have their pictures taken with us and Air Base, Germany, the unit I get our autographs. They refused to Master Sgt. Mark Peters 1st Combat Camera was assigned to participated in take our money and showered us with Squadron first sergeant the Normandy Invasion rehand-made trinkets and mementos. It enactment every year. I missed was all very overwhelming, but their the 60th anniversary in 2004 and my chief knew I reaction to our presence made me think of the was disappointed. When the time came to prepare sacrifices made by all those that came before us.

The highlight of the trip came when my crew went to the American Cemetery at Colleville-surMer, and Omaha Beach . While standing on this now peaceful spot, trying to imagine the chaos of that day in 1944, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was a gray haired man wearing a blue jacket that read: William Walsh, 2nd Ranger Battalion. He invited us across the street to a little café to join him and a group of D-Day Vets for lunch. We sat and talked for hours about that day in history and what they went through. No scripts, no rehearsals, no time constraints. Just service members separated by generations, but bonded together by a love for their country. It was quite an honor to be a part of that experience! It is one I will never forget and forever cherish. So what did I take away from this experience? In a nutshell, we must never take for granted the sacrifices made by those who filled the boots before us. It is their blood, sweat, and tears that guarantees the freedom we enjoy today. As Airmen in the United States Air Force, it is our duty to fight the good fight with integrity, service and excellence; and guarantee the same freedom for generations to come.

Commentary by Karen Parrish American Forces Press Service

ing for forces that will soon deploy, and [notify] 186,000 of our civilians of a possible furlough." "We've lost $600 million in February because of ... just lost opportunities," the Navy's top officer said. "Through the month of March, if we don't have that opportunity to reallocate funds, it would be another $1.2 billion, and it just continues to grow and cascade as we go through the summer." Greenert told the panel an appropriations bill for this fiscal year is necessary to allow the department to distribute resources in a deliberate manner. The Army chief said he started his career in a hollow Army, and he doesn't want to end it there. "We simply cannot take the readiness of our force for granted," he said. "If we do not have the resources to train and equip the force, our soldiers – our young men and women – are the ones who will pay the price, potentially with their lives."

CSAF discusses impact of sequester America's military superiority is founded on training and readiness, and the fiscal crisis facing the country threatens to strip away that edge, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told Congress Feb. 26. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh III, along with Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos and National Guard Bureau Chief Army Gen. Frank Grass, testified before the House Appropriations Committee's defense subcommittee on fiscal challenges facing the Department of Defense. The chiefs discussed the effects of sequester – $47 billion in across-the-board 2013 defense spending cuts that will take effect March 1 if Congress doesn't act – and the continuing resolution, which guides government spending in the absence of an approved budget.

If sequestration occurs, "it will significantly undermine your Air Force's readiness and responsiveness today," Welsh said. "It will significantly impact our civilian workforce in the coming months. And its impact on modernization will clearly affect our future capability." Welsh said two-thirds of Air Force combat units will curtail flying training starting in March. "They'll drop below acceptable readiness levels, by our definitions, by mid-May," he added. "Most will be completely non-mission-capable as a unit by July." If a 2014 budget is in place by October, he said, it will take the Air Force six months to regain its present level of training. The chiefs asked for Congress' help in giving them some spending flexibility if the continuing resolution remains. Authority to move funds between accounts could help prevent the current unavoidable waste Greenert decried in the Navy. The shortfall created by the continuing resolution, he said, "has compelled us to cancel ship and aircraft maintenance, reduce operations, curtail train-

(Staff Sgt. David Salanitri, Air Force Public Affairs Agency, contributed to this story.)


The Patriot • March 1, 2013


Lowcountry Federal Healthcare Alliance improves patient care

Story and photos by Petty Officer 1st Class Chad Hallford Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

The Lowcountry Federal Healthcare Alliance has been developing health care sharing opportunities and enhanced patient care for Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs beneficiaries throughout the greater Charleston area since 2006. The collaborative efforts among the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, the Naval Health Clinic Charleston at Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station, the 628th Medical Group at JB Charleston – Air Base, and the Naval Hospital Beaufort, are expanding patient access to care and services, enhancing continuity and quality of care for active-duty service members, DOD and VA beneficiaries, while effectively managing health care resources of the LFHA. The bottom line for healthcare consumers: patients may be seen in clinics where VA and DOD staff work side-by-side to deliver care, and because of shared services, patients may be seen in clinics closer to home. “I think that during the past seven years we have learned each organization has much to bring to the table,” said Ray Segers, Department of Veterans Affairs liaison. “One of our biggest challenges is providing a seamless health care system that is transparent to our active-duty service members and our veterans,” said Segers. “We are able to do that through collaboration with our subject matter experts and by sharing our resources.” With funding provided by the DOD and VA, LFHA provides improved technologies for medical diagnoses, including cardiology and radiology services, mobile Magnetic Resonance Imaging, hematology, urology and pharmacy services. Since funding does not allow purchases for additional medical equipment, sharing services becomes an even more important factor in improved patient care. “For example, the joint-incentive funded MRIs at NHCC and Naval Hospital Beaufort would not be possible without the LFHA,” said Sharon Winkler, NHCC Director of Health Care Business. “And, through the picture archiving and communication system, VA patients can have the imaging procedure performed here [at NHCC] and have it electronically sent downtown to Ralph Johnson, entered into VA records and read by VA radiologists.” “Likewise, for our coastal-Georgia VA patients, the Beaufort MRI provides a convenient, time-saving and costeffective location to have these procedures done, minimizing the burden of driving excessive distances for many of our patients,” said Segers. Prior to the alliance, outsourcing of many of these procedures to civilian facilities increased the cost of health care and resulted in delays in entering test results into medical records, delaying diagnosis and treatment. “It’s a lifelong process to provide quality care for people,” said Navy Capt. Mary Kenney-Gutshall, NHCC commanding officer and LFHA director. “The partnership with our col-

Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class John Betts, hospital corpsman, prepares to draw blood from veteran John Newton at Naval Health Clinic Charleston at Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station, Feb. 22, 2013. Betts provides healthcare for both Department of Navy and Veterans Affairs patients under the Lowcountry Federal Healthcare Alliance.

leagues … is critical for Navy medicine and the Military Health System to sustain health care as we move forward … as our active-duty service members become veterans, it is truly a partnership. “It’s a blended staff … our voluntary structure as a business has become the gold standard, the chartered alliance-joint venture is a unique, win-win scenario,” said Kenney-Gutshell. For any questions regarding capabilities within the LFHA, contact your primary medical provider or 794-6000. Eric Lundy, Department of Veterans Affairs Phlebotomist, prepares to draw blood from Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Garrett Stoll at Naval Health Clinic Charleston at Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station, Feb. 22, 2013.


The Patriot • March 1, 2013


Navy - Marine Corps Relief Society fund drive kicks off

Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

The annual Navy - Marine Corps Relief Society fund drive kicks off March 1, and is scheduled to run through March 31, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston with a goal of raising $250,000 this year. NMCRS is a non-profit, charitable organization sponsored by the Department of the Navy and operates nearly 250 offices ashore and afloat at Navy and Marine Corps bases. The NMCRS mission is to provide, in partnership with the Navy and Marine Corps, financial, educational and other assistance to members of the naval services of the United States and their family members and survivors when in need. According to David Hastings, JB Charleston - Weapons Station NMCRS director, “Last year’s fund drive enabled the local NMCRS office to provide $325,519 in zero interest loans and grants to local service members eligible

and in need.” "The NMCRS is a charity specifically geared for supporting Sailors and Marines in need," said Lt. j.g. Alex Handley, Naval Support Activity Charleston NMCRS Fund Drive coordinator. "Contributing to the NMCRS is an easy and effective way to be a genuine ‘Shipmate’ and help each other through stressful financial times.” "There is a strong history of Sailors and Marines taking care of their own," said Hastings. "The NMCRS has played a vital role in keeping that tradition alive for more than 100 years and with the success we've had at JB Charleston, we'll be taking care of our own for many years to come." Unit representatives are responsible for making 100 percent contact with all Sailors and Marines in regards to the NMCRS fund drive. Service members may make monthly allotments, or make a cash or check contribution, and, according to Hastings, something new this year is the ability to

donate directly through the NMCRS website at www.nmcrsfunddrive.org. For more information, call the JB Charleston - Weapons Station NMCRS office at 764-7662, visit 1004 Jefferson Avenue, Building 717, on the Weapons Station; or visit the NMCRS website at www.nmcrs.org

Hagel takes office as 24th Secretary of Defense

By Cheryl Pellerin American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON – Just before his private swearing-in ceremony as the 24th secretary of defense, Chuck Hagel and his wife, Lilibet, arrived at the Pentagon Feb. 27, 2013, and were greeted by Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Thomas Waldhauser, military assistant to the secretary of defense. Hagel said hello to waiting members of the Pentagon press corps as he hurried up the steps of the Pentagon's river entrance. From there, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little and other defense officials accompanied him into the building. Family members and his immediate office staff attended the ceremony, during which Hagel was sworn in by Director of Administration and Management Michael Rhodes. Hagel then hosted the daily senior staff update meeting attended by DOD civilian and military leaders. In a statement released after Hagel's Senate confirmation, Feb. 26, 2013, Little said the new secretary received congratulatory phone calls from his predecessor, Leon Panetta, congressional leaders, and Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki. In his conversation with Secretary Shinseki, Little added, Hagel "indicated his desire to meet as soon as possible to continue and deepen the strong partnership between the

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DOD photo / U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Chad McNeeley

Chuck Hagel is sworn into office as the 24th defense secretary by Michael Rhodes, the Defense Department's director of administration and management, as Hagel's wife, Lilibet, holds a Bible at the Pentagon, Feb. 27, 2013.

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The Patriot • March 1, 2013



Gen. Selva visits JB Charleston for three-day tour By Airman 1st Class Tom Brading Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

General Paul Selva, Air Mobility Command commander, arrived at Joint Base Charleston, Feb. 13, 2013, for a threeday visit, kicking-off a series of extended tours of AMC units and installations. Accompanying Selva was his wife, Ricki, and Chief Master Sgt. Richard Kaiser, AMC command chief. The visit included an opportunity for the general to witness JB Charleston's Total Force program in action. He met with active duty and Reserve Airmen, as well as service members from every branch of the armed forces, who work together at various units throughout the Air Base and Weapons Station. "The intent of my visit, along with my wife and Chief Kaiser, was to take a good hard look at how we're taking care of the Airmen, Sailors, Soldiers and Marines right here at Charleston," said Selva. "I'm just getting my feet on the ground as the AMC commander. JB Charleston is the first of a series of longer installation visits to meet some of the most talented men and women of the Air Force ." Selva assumed command of AMC in Nov. 2012, and has had the opportunity to briefly visit AMC bases introducing himself and his expectations and priorities. His top priority as commander is ensuring Airmen are resourced, equipped and trained to do the mission. According to Selva, he was most impressed with the teamwork at JB Charleston ... not just the teamwork within leadership ... but also the younger service members pulling together to make the joint base concept successful. "It's not about one service branch in joint basing," said Selva. "It's about multiple branches working together for one mission, and JB Charleston has really impressed me with how well they work together and accomplish their mission on a daily basis. It is evident that it's the hard working service members, both active duty and Reserve, that make JB Charleston successful." One reason for that success is that commanders are training, leading and respecting Airmen so they can get the mission done. Since assuming command of AMC, Selva has conNavy CAPT Tom Bailey, Joint Base Charleston deputy commander, discusses ammo loading operations with Gen. Paul Selva, Air Mobility Command commander Feb. 13, 2013, at JB Charleston – Weapons Station, S.C. The visit enabled the general to witness the Total Force Concept of JB Charleston in action. He met with active duty and Reserve Airmen on the flight line, as well as service members from every branch of the armed forces at various units throughout the Air Base and Weapons Station.

U.S. Air Force photo / Staff Sgt. Rasheen Douglas

General Paul Selva, Air Mobility Command commander, speaks to Airmen Leadership graduates and audience members at the ALS graduation ceremony at the Charleston Club, Feb. 14, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. Selva and Chief Master Sgt. Richard Kaiser, AMC command chief, were the guest speakers for the ceremony.

sistently communicated the importance of a professional work environment that respects all Airmen and focuses on mission readiness. "Chief Kaiser and I, as a leadership team at AMC, are interested in innovation and imagination of our youngest Airmen," said Selva. "They are all part of the team and every one of them is important to make the Air Force a better place." AMC's mission is to provide rapid, global mobility and

U.S. Air Force photo / Senior Airman Dennis Sloan

sustainment for America's armed forces. The command also plays a crucial role in providing humanitarian support at home and around the world. AMC is made up of 135,000 Total Force Airmen - Active, Guard, Reserve, and Civilian who provide aerial refueling, airlift, special air mission and aeromedical evacuation capabilities who provide global support to joint partners, allied nations and fellow Americans in need.

U.S. Air Force photo / Senior Airman Dennis Sloan

General Paul Selva, Air Mobility Command commander, reaches into a computer operated drill to look at a piece of metal fabricated at the 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Metals Technology shop during a tour Feb. 13, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. Selva and Chief Master Sgt. Richard Kaiser, AMC command chief, arrived at JB Charleston, Feb. 13, 2013, for a three-day visit of extended tours of AMC units and installations JB Charleston.

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The Patriot • March 1, 2013


437th AMXS Airmen keep aircraft flying

Airman 1st Class Mitchell Hogue, 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron crew chief, performs suspension maintenance during a post-flight inspection Feb. 26, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. Members of the 437th AMXS inspect, service and maintain C-17A aircraft to enable them to perform assigned global airlift missions ranging from combat support operations and humanitarian relief to aeromedical evacuations.

Airman 1st Class Minh Pham and Airman Cory Parks, 437th AMXS crew chiefs, move a B-1 stand into position during a post flight inspection Feb. 26, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C.

U.S. Air Force photos by Senior Airman George Goslin

Airman 1st Class Ian Azinger and Pham, 437th AMXS crew chiefs, complete a post flight inspection Feb. 26, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C.

Pham and Parks service the oil on a Globemaster III C-17 aircraft engine during a post-flight inspection Feb. 26, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C.

Airmen from the 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron check gear during a post-flight inspection Feb. 26, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C.

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The Patriot • March 1, 2013


X-ray technicians: they see right through you



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U.S. Air Force photos / Airman 1st Class Tom Brading

Staff Sgt. Carl Doan, 628th Medical Group diagnostic imaging craftsman, prepares to administer an X-ray examination Feb. 27, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. As a diagnostic imaging specialist, Doan is trained to take X-rays of the entire body and has an extensive knowledge of human anatomy.


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Doan practices administering an X-ray Feb. 27, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that use the physical properties of the ray to create an image that can be developed for a radiologist.

Doan practices administering an X-ray of Staff Sgt. John Bartlett, 628th MDG medical technician Feb. 27, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. Bartlett is simulating a facial trauma patient with injuries to the jaw, face, nose and eyes. Doan practices administering an X-ray of Bartlett Feb. 27, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. Bartlett is receiving a chest radiograph, used to diagnose conditions affecting the chest, its contents and nearby structures.

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The Patriot • March 1, 2013


JB CHS celebrates Black History Month


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Airmen and Sailors gather for the Black History Month Luncheon Feb. 22, 2013, at the Charleston Club at JB Charleston – Air Base, S.C. The luncheon included a saxophone performance, poem reading and remarks from Representative Robert Williams, South Carolina Congressional District 62.

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Devone Gary enterains the crowd with jazz during the Black History Month Luncheon Feb. 22, 2013, at the Charleston Club at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C.

PDF version of the entire Patriot online each week at


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The Patriot • March 1, 2013


Airman of Steel: 437th MXS metals tech

Airman 1st Class Tashma Antoine, 437th Maintenance Squadron aircraft metals apprentice, performs an inert gas weld Feb. 26, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. In inert gas welding, an arc is struck between an electrode and the sheet metal to be welded. Antoine is assigned to the aircraft metals fabrication shop and is trained to use several different pieces of equipment to bend, cut and combine metals. Antoine is originally from Fort Myers, Fla.

Antoine uses a lathe to reduce the diameter of a metal rod Feb. 26, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C.

Antoine uses the shop computer to lay out a design plan for a metals project Feb. 26, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C.

U.S. Air Force photos by Senior Airman Dennis Sloan

Antoine cuts a steel rod with an abrasive saw Feb. 26, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C.

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The Patriot • March 1, 2013


Airmen train for combat aeromedical evacuation

Senior Airman Joshua Jones, 628th Medical Group, Joint Base Charleston, S.C., and Staff Sgt. Kenneth Benavides, 18th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, Kadena Air Base, Japan, both medical technicians, load simulated patient Pfc. Bryan Ryder, infantryman, 1st Infantry Division, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment, Fort Knox, Ky., onto a C-130 Hercules aircraft in Alexandria, La., Feb. 22, 2013, in support of Joint Readiness Training Center aeromedical evacuation training. Service members at JRTC 13-04 are educated in combat patient care and aeromedical evacuation in a simulated combat environment.

U.S. Air Force photos by Tech. Sgt. John R. Nimmo Sr.

Salle stays by the side of Munton, a simulated wounded Airman at Joint Readiness Training Center, Fort Polk, La., Feb. 23, 2013.

Capt. Kaitlyn Salle, nurse, 86th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, Ramstein Air Base, Germany, stays by the side of Staff Sgt. David Munton, aerospace medical technician, 628th Medical Group, Joint Base Charleston, S.C., a simulated wounded Airman at Joint Readiness Training Center, Fort Polk, La., Feb. 23, 2013.

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Navy Individual Augmentees honored during luncheon The Patriot • March 1, 2013


U.S. Navy photos / Petty Officer 1st Class Chad Hallford

"Boots on Ground" command coins are displayed prior to being presented to returning Navy Individual Augmentees during the inaugural IA Appreciation Luncheon Feb. 15, 2013, at the Redbank Club at JB Charleston – Weapons Station, S.C.

Tanya Bradfield, Fleet and Family Support Center representative, addresses the audience at the inaugural Joint Base Charleston Individual Augmentee Appreciation Luncheon Feb. 15, 2013, at the Redbank Club at JB Charleston – Weapons Station, S.C. as Naval Support Activity Charleston Command Master Chief Billy Cady listens. Bradfield shared her perspective on Individual Augmentees and the impact the deployments have on families.

Crossword answers to puzzle on page 15

Joint Base Charleston Navy Sailors gather during the inaugural JB Charleston Individual Augmentee Appreciation Luncheon, Feb. 15, 2013, at the Redbank Club at JB Charleston – Weapons Station, S.C. Individual Augmentees perform duties outside of standard Navy platforms alongside Soldiers, Marines and Airmen world-wide.

To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com Or search for Diggle Publishing Company on Facebook!


The Patriot • March 1, 2013

Brooke Shields visits Joint Base Charleston

Colonel Richard McComb, 628th Air Base Wing commander (left), Col. Trevor Nitz, 437th Operations Group commander, and Col. Darren Hartford, 437th Airlift Wing commander (right), welcome actress Brooke Shields to Joint Base Charleston- Air Base, S.C., during her visit Feb. 22, 2013.

U.S. Air Force photos / Staff Sgt. Rasheen Douglas

Actress Brooke Shields takes the pilot’s seat as Capt. Michael Busse, 16th Airlift Squadron pilot, explains the crew’s responsibilities in the cockpit of a C-17 Globemaster III Feb. 22, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston-Air Base, S.C. Shields was at JB Charleston preparing for her upcoming role on the TV series Army Wives.

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Rec Review

Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at www.JBCharleston.com.

The Patriot • March 1, 2013



The Patriot • March 1, 2013


All classes or events will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center unless otherwise specified. For more information, call 963-4406.


March 5 / A "My New Space" class will be held from 8 to 9:30 a.m. This mandatory workshop is a prerequisite for individuals moving out of the dorm that addresses tips for financial success. / An "Explore Employment and Scholarship Services for Spouses" workshop will be held from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Learn about free available resources and services such as employment, resumes, the local job market, scholarships and more! / Educational Opportunities Counseling halfhour appointments will be held from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Meet one-on-one for 30 minutes with an expert who will help you reach your educational goals. March 6 / A "Heart Link - Charleston Spouse Orientation to the USAF" will be held on Wednesday, from 8:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is an excellent way for Military spouses to learn about the Air Force mission, culture, traditions, military language, and benefits/services while making new friends! / A "Start Your Resume" (Part I) class will be held from 9 a.m. to noon. Learn the basics on writing a resume and cover letters.


March 7 / A free "Explore Charleston/Newcomer's Tour" will be held from 8:15 a.m. to 3 p.m. Enjoy a guided tour of Charleston's Historic district including the Citadel Military College, the market (downtown), and Patriots Point! Lunch is on your own. Tour bus departs from and returns to the Airman & Family Readiness Center. / A mandatory TAP pre-separation briefings are provided every Thursday (separatees from 8 to 11 a.m. and Retirees from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.) According to Public Law 107-103, in the case of anticipated retirement, retiring service members can receive pre-separation counseling up to 24 months prior to DOS. And, a separating service member can receive pre-separation counseling up to 12 months prior to DOS. This is the first step in the process to making you "career ready" to leave the service; and this briefing/counseling is required prior to attending the TAP GPS Workshop. March 8 / A Workshop for Department of Veteran Affairs Disability Claims will be held from 8 a.m. to noon the VA representative will cover the VA claims and filing process. "VA One-on-One Disability Claims Assistance" will be provided from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Members (who do not have a copy of their medical records) must sign an authorization letter (authorizing the VA representative to obtain your medical records) at the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Clinic's Family Practice section. This letter is already prepared, but must be signed no later than the Monday prior to that week's Friday VA One-on-One Assistance with Disability Claims that you plan to attend.

See more briefs at www.charleston.af.mil To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to patriot@charleston.af.mil. Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.


All classes or workshops will be held at the Fleet and Family Support Center, Building 755, at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station unless otherwise specified. For more information, call 764-7480.

March 4 - 8 / A Transition Assistance Program Workshop is scheduled for 8 a.m. till 4:30 p.m., March 4 to 8, 2013 at Fleet and Family Support Center at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, S.C. Learn how to transition from military to civilian life with ease. Classes include: Skills assessment/resume writing/networking/job search strategies/interviewing techniques/veterans' benefits/entitlements and more. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend. March 5 / A Volunteer Orientation is scheduled for 10 to 11 a.m., March 5, 2013 at the Fleet and Family Support Center at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, S.C. Are you new to the area? Have too much time on your hands? Come join us and become a volunteer for our Active Duty and Retired Service Members and their families. Meet new friends, network, develop new skills or sharpen old ones. March 7 / A Savings and Investing class is scheduled for 10 to 11 a.m., March 7, 2013 at the Fleet and

CARGO LIFT Sailors clear the area as an MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter picks up cargo from the flight deck of the Military Sealift Command fast combat support ship USNS Bridge during a replenishment-atsea with the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility, Feb. 21, 2013.

Family Support Center at Joint Base Charleston Weapons Station, S.C. Gain insight on the basics of investing. This workshop is intended for beginner investors only. March 9 / An Operation Clip and Save class is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., March 9, 2013 at the Fleet and Family Support Center at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, S.C. Learn how a penny-pinching shopper saves hundreds of dollars each month using coupons.

Special Announcements

/ Free on-line tutoring service: Tutor.com for Military Families is the Defense Department's official, online, on-demand tutoring and homework help service for military members and their families. The site, http://www.tutor.com/military offers round-the-clock professional tutors who can assist with homework, studying, test preparation, proofreading and more. Tutor.com's network includes more than 2,500 professional tutors who have delivered more than six million, one-on-one tutoring sessions since 2001. Each tutor is certified through the site, and all sessions are recorded for quality control. The program can also be accessed through a free app for the iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad. / Join the Redbank Plantation Golf Association: The Redbank Plantation Golf Association invites you to become a member at a cost of only $20 per year. Benefits of the Golf Association membership include: USGA Handicap, participation in monthly tournaments, participation in Association Club Championship and participation in the Association Blitz. Membership is open to all military and civilian golf patrons. For more information, contact Tournament Chairman Tina Bohannon at tinab@sc.rr.com or call the Pro Shop at 764-7802.

See more briefs at www.charleston.af.mil

U.S. Navy photo / Petty Officer 1st Class James Evans

U.S. Navy photo / Petty Officer 2nd Class Kenneth Abbate

SHALL WE DANCE? - Servicemen and their daughters hit the dance floor during "A Night in the Spotlight," the San Diego Armed Services YMCA Father and Daughter Dance in San Diego, Feb. 16, 2013. More than 450 military fathers attended the 7th annual event.

You receive it on Graduation Day. But it’s never handed to you. Because when it’s a degree from Columbia College, it’s a degree that demands effort and rewards hard work. That’s a notion our students at 18 campuses on military bases truly understand.

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The Patriot • March 1, 2013


Come Join the Fun at CafeMoms.com.... info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC" Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more http://www.meetup.com/military-moms/

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) For Moms with kids birth through kindergarten. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Old Fort Baptist Church, 10505 Dorchester RD. Summerville, SC 29485. Contact Heather Hansen 873-2283 for more information.

The Scottish American Military Society meets the second Saturday at 0900 Hrs at the VFW on Bell Wright RD Summerville if you are of Scottish heritage and are prior Military, active duty Reserve, retires and Coast guard are invited , For More info go to S-A-M-S.org


Daniel Island Community Garage Sale! Sat., Mar 9, 7a - 1p, 5019 Despestre St. Furniture, electronics, clothing, appliances - PCSing so everything must go!


Home Day Care 6wks-4yrs full/part time/wkends/eves/hol. off Ashley Phos. Rd. call 568-8609 / 364-4140 REMODEL & REPAIR A&E Construction, LLC Specialty Tile, Backsplash, Floors, Counters, Bathroom Showers, Etc. Licensed & Insured. Warranties Call Eric or Andrea. 843-224-9164


CROWFIELD PLANTATION (Goose Creek) - 4 Br. 2.5 Bath, 2,160 sq. ft. Available mid-February. Short drive to Naval Weapons Station, Joint Base Charleston and Boeing. Open foyer, formal living with hardwood floors. Large master bedroom with walk-in closet. Nice size backyard, quiet street. Community pool, tennis, golf, walking trails. Monthly Rent $ 1,800 Military Appreciation Discount - $150 $1,650 For additional information call 843-425-6061.


KITCHEN CABINETS Beautiful. Never Installed. Cost $4800, Sell $1650. Call 843-856-4680.

Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To www.CharlestonMilitary.com

Summerville 2 yr new 2 BR 2B , 1400 sq ft townhome gated community. Spacious rooms, kitchen w/all appliances. Storage under stairs & 2nd floor laundry has W/D. Lease & security deposit required. Inquiries email:jlvarner53@gmail.com Summerville 2 yr new 2 BR 2B , 1400 sq ft townhome gated community. Spacious rooms, kitchen w/all appliances. Storage under stairs & 2nd floor laundry has W/D. Lease & security deposit required. Inquiries email:jlvarner53@gmail.com 1200 Sqft Condo. 2br, 2ba, 5min from AFB in gated comm. $850 covers HOA. Avail 1 May, variable contracts. Hodgesj21@gmail.com


2009 Hyundai Santa Fe SE 2WD. Excellent Condition. non-smoker. $1000 below NADA 36K miles $17,500 OBO Call 843-327-5911


Washer dryer sets $250/$350, stacker wash/dryer $400; kitchen dining sets $50/$200; dressers/chest drawers $50/$250. Call 452-2229 5 Pc Dinette $148, New in Box. Coffee & End Tables $99, All New! Can Deliver if needed, 843-696-5212


Queen Pillowtop Mattress Set w/ warranty. $150! King for $225. Can Deliver $150 843-696-5712

Dining Rm table/6 chairs, matching China cabinet/hutch $750obo. Cherry finish. Moving. Call/text (843)754-4801 for details. Gold's gym XR 7.9 work out bench. Includes bar with 5, 10, and 25 lb. plates. Call 571-7752. 6 Pc. Cherry Bedroom Set with Mattress set, Still in the Box! $350! Delivery Available 843-696-5212

Used for only 1 month, Whirlpool AMP 7.2 refrigerator for sale $550 OBO! Call Seo at: 843-259-7656 LG-Window Air Cond-Brand New still under warranty 12,000 BTU $590.00, Sell $380.00 Cash only. Ladson, SC ( Call Betty at 843-425-3077) Anytime $395 Sofa & Love Seat, New in Plastic. Delivery Available, must Sell! 843-696-5712

www.charlestonmilitary.com • 843-412-5861 fax 843-628-3454 Diggle Publishing, PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465

Diggle Publishing accepts free three-line personal* classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. Each line is roughly approximately 45-55 letters and spaces. The amount depends upon the number of capitals, punctuation, etc. Three lines is roughly 150-160 total letters and spaces. One ad per military family per issue. Military may re-submit ad each week. Only personal ads qualify to run for free (ie: garage sales, home rentals, pets, autos, furniture, etc.) Business-related ads (even if a home business) do not qualify to run for free and must be paid. (See information below.*) We DO NOT accept “work at home” or “multi-level-marketing” ads. Ads which do not adhere to submission guidelines may be rejected without notice. The Best Way To Submit A Free Classified Ad Is With Our Online Form At www.CharlestonMilitary.com We do not take ads by phone. Please do not call us to confirm receipt of your free ad.

* Ads from non-military or business-related ads (even home businesses) cost $4 per line (45-55 letters and spaces per line). Additional lines (over the 3 free) for personal ads may be purchased for $4 per line as well. To pay for an ad or additional lines, please submit your credit card number and expiration date - as well as the name of the cardholder - with your ad via fax, email, or by phone.

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Deadline to submit an ad is 9 a.m. Wednesday morning. Ads printed on a first come-first serve, space available basis.

Crossword of the Week

See the Answers, Page 11

CLUES ACROSS 1. Something curved in shape 4. Tattoo (slang) 7. Therapeutic resort 10. His ark 12. Organized crime heads 14. Actor Connery 15. Free from danger 16. Honey badger 17. Part of a deck 18. Cause to run off the tracks 20. Classical music form 22. Defensive nuclear weapon 23. Volt-ampere 24. “Socrate” composer Erik 26. Keep up 29. Foot raced 30. The 44th President 35. Aboriginal (abbr.) 36. Wedding vow 37. 21st Hebrew letter 38. “Little Man Tate” director 44. Teletype (Computers) 45. Discovered alternating current 46. Tears down (alt. sp.) 48. Resinlike substance in shellac 49. Military mailbox

50. Smoothed wood 53. Old Testament book 56. Japanese lake with marimo 57. Card, dining or coffee 59. Checks 61. Telephone exchange (abbr.) 62. Greek covered walks or colonnades 63. Pigmented eye membrane 64. No. French river 65. Airborne (abbr.) 66. Shock therapy CLUES DOWN 1. Autonomic nervous system 2. Highway 3. Eating house 4. Afrikaans 5. Likely 6. Foot digits 7. Place to sit 8. For in Spanish 9. Also or including 11. N W Afghan city 12. Black Sea peninsula 13. Language of Slovakia 14. Divine Egyptian beetle 19. What a baby wears to eat

Celebrate Spring and Easter with a Smile 44 Portrait Package Only $16.99 Including FREE Tote Bag and 2–10x13 Wall Portraits

21. River of NE Ecuador & N Peru 24. European wooden shoe 25. Positive pole 27. Hereditary social class (Hindu) 28. Utters 29. British rule over India 31. ___ de Janeiro 32. Promotional materials 33. Narrow collapsible bed 34. Whatsoever 39. Land surrounded by water 40. Ardor 41. Aspects 42. Removes writing 43. __ Nui, Easter Island 47. Conductor Sir Georg 50. Landscaped road (abbr.) 51. Research workplaces 52. Organized factual information 53. A scheme or program 54. Female horse or zebra 55. Invests in little enterprises 56. Signing 58. Robert’s nickname 60. Very fast airplane

FREE Tote Bag




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Receive one FREE Portrait Tote Bag with your favorite pose with purchase of the $16.99 Portrait Special while supplies last. Applies to in-studio orders only.

Coupon must be presented at the beginning of your session February 18 through April 7, 2013.

Free Custom Envelopes 10% off Military Discount with valid Military ID

Save Up To 70% on these Gift Products with many Money-Saving Collections plus FREE Shipping! All gift products are designed in studio and professionally packaged for convenient gift giving. Hard Cover and Soft Cover Portrait Books

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Sessions Book Quickly. Hurry, Call for an Appointment Today!

or session, Monday, February 18 through Sunday, April 7, 2013. Offer may not be combined with any other promotion and is not valid for business purposes, individual adult subjects or unaccompanied minors. Offer applies to in-studio orders only and is subject to change at any time.

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100% Satisfaction Guaranteed



Studio Hours: Tuesday–Sunday, 9 am – 6 pm

Appointments Highly Recommended. Walk-ins are welcome but may be limited based on availability. No subject fees or additional charges. Only one $16.99 Portrait Special of your favorite pose per family, group


Mount Pleasant Town Center 1113 Market Center Boulevard, Bldg A, Suite A Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 | 843.216.1040



The Patriot • March 1, 2013





2002 Buick Sentry V6, auto, extra clean $

2005 Chevy Impala LS Loaded, chrome wheels, extra clean $


2007 KIA Sedona Looks and runs GREAT $

$$ 5,995



38 38 MPG MPG


2007 Mitsubishi Galant Leather, moonroof, 1 owner $

Starting Startingat at

2006 Acura RSX Coupe Auto, sunroof, extra clean $



MSRP $17,365.Includes Includes$3500 $3500Rebate, Rebate,$500 $500 MSRP$17,365. Military, $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade Military,$2000

2000 Lexus RX300 Leather, moonroof, one owner $

2004 Ford Mustang GT Convertible, auto, loaded, 50k mi $

2005 Honda CRV 4x4, moonroof, like new $

Starting Startingat at


$ 9,995 $



MSRP MSRP$16,865. $16,865.Includes Includes$500 $500rebate, rebate,$500 $500 Military, $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade Military,$2000


2004 Honda Odyssey EX Leather, moonroof, DVD $

Starting at Starting2008 at Scion TC Coupe 2004 Jeep Wrangler Sport V6, 4x4, auto, low miles Moonroof, loaded, extra clean $ $



V6, V6,Auto, Auto,Power PowerPkg, Pkg,Tilt, Tilt, Cruise, Cruise,AM/FM/CD/MP3, AM/FM/CD/MP3,&& much muchmore. more.Pre-Owned, Pre-Owned, Low Lowmiles. miles.

MSRP MSRP$21,295. $21,295.Includes Includes$2000 $2000rebate, rebate, $500 $500Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade

2008 Ford Excape XLT at Starting at Auto, loaded, price toStarting sell $



11,995$ $


Auto, loaded, one owner $


Stk# Stk#F5141 F5141

NEW FORD CAB NEW 2010 2010 FORD F-150 F-150 CREW CREW CAB XLT XLT 2006 Chevy Trailblazer 2006 Audi TT

2005 VW Beetle GLS Turbo, conv., leather, only 16K mi $



2007 Toyota RAV4 4x4 Auto, extra clean, one owner $




97 97Cadillac CadillacDeVille DeVille

02 FordFocus Focus 02Ford

V8, V8,auto, auto,power powerseats, seats,power power locks, locks,AM/FM/CD, AM/FM/CD,driver’s driver’spackage, package, SYNC, trailertow, tow,&&much muchmore. more. SYNC,&&trailer

Auto, Auto,very verylow lowmiles, miles,xtra xtraclean clean



3,995 3,995

3,995 3,995


4,995 4,995

2008 Honda Accord 3.5 EX-L Auto, leather, sunroof, low miles $

2011 Chysler 200 Auto, loaded, 1 owner, only 15k mi $

V8, auto,11owner owner V8,auto,


6,995 6,995

2007 Toyota Camry XLE Sunroof, extra clean, auto, leather $

04 04Dodge DodgeDurango DurangoSLT SLT 05 03 Limited 05Jeep JeepGrand GrandCherokee CherokeeLtd Ltd 14,995 03Ford FordExcursion Excursion14,995 Limited 14,995 Lthr,Lthr, Loaded, Leather, loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,just justserviced serviced

05 05Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS Leather, Leather,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean


9,995 9,995


13,995 13,995

07 07Pontiac PontiacTorrent Torrent

13,995 13,995

13,995 13,995


06 06Mercedes MercedesC230 C230

10 10Toyota ToyotaCorolla CorollaLE LE

04 04Acura Acura3.2TL 3.2TL


12,995 12,995

10 10Nissan NissanVersa Versa

Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,low lowmiles miles

2012 Nissan Altima Coupe Auto, loaded, low miles $

14,995 14,995

13,995 13,995


Auto, likenew, new,save savebig! big! Auto,like


Auto, Auto,only only6k6kmiles miles


2008 Toyota Tacoma XRunner Ext. cab, loaded, extras only 28K mi $

10 10Nissan NissanCube Cube

Moonroof, loaded Moonroof,loaded

Auto, air,power powerpkg, pkg,one oneowner owner Auto,air,


11,995 11,995


13,995 13,995


9,995 9,995

06 06Nissan NissanAltima Altima2.5S 2.5S

Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner


2009 Toyota Highlander Auto, loaded, one owner $

06 06Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS


11,995 11,995

08 08Kia KiaSorento Sorento $$


Leather, clean see Leather,power power package,xtra xtra clean Jeep Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,must must see 2009 Commander Sport Accord LXpackage, $$ $$ Dual sunroofs, loaded, must see Auto, loaded, extra clean $ $

V6, like V6,auto, auto, likenew new Honda 2010

06 SuzukiGrand GrandVitara VitaraSport Sport 06Suzuki

11,995 11,995

Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean

9,995 9,995

9,995 9,995

xtra must see Loaded, Loaded, xtraclean, clean, must see SEL 2007 Ford Edge $$ $$ Leather, chrome wheels, 1 owner $

08 08Jeep JeepPatriot Patriot




14,995 14,995

08 08Suzuki SuzukiGrand GrandVitara Vitara

Leather, moonroof,11owner owner Leather,moonroof,


14,995 14,995

2011 Nissan Maxima 2013 Scion TC 2012 Nissan Quest Loaded, only 8k miles Only 4k mi, extra clean, glass roof Loaded, like new 06 09 Milan 08 06Nissan NissanMurano Murano 09Mercury Mercury Milan 08 08Mazda MazdaCX-7 CX-7 08Chrysler ChryslerSebring SebringConv. Conv.Ltd Ltd $ $ $


Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,like likenew new


15,995 15,995

10 10Dodge DodgeJourney Journey

10 MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS 10Mercury



10 10Ford FordE350 E350Van Van


18,995 18,995

07 07Ford FordF150 F150Crew CrewCab Cab XLT XLTpkg, pkg,V8, V8,auto auto

19,995 19,995


10 10Honda HondaAccord Accord Only Only3k3kmiles, miles,auto, auto,like likenew new


21,995 21,995

17,995 17,995

V6, V6,auto, auto,loaded loaded

Auto, Auto,3rd 3rdseat, seat,xtra xtraclean clean

21,995 21,995

Crew CrewCab CabZ85 Z85


17,995 17,995

07 07VW VWTouareg Touareg

Loaded, Loaded,must mustsee, see,priced pricedtotosell sell

19,995 19,995


08 08Nissan NissanPathfinder Pathfinder

08 08GMC GMCCanyon CanyonSLT SLT

10 10Ford FordEscape EscapeXLT XLT $$

2012 Toyota Avalon Leather, moonroof, loaded $


16,995 16,995

$$ Odyssey EX-L 2010 Honda Leather, moonroof, one owner $

Auto, powerpkg, pkg,priced pricedtotosell sell Auto,power



2012 Chevy Silverado LT V8, only 6k miles, extended cab $

10 10Toyota ToyotaCamry CamryLELE

$$ SEL 2013 Ford Edge Loaded, Factory Warrant $

Leather, Leather,full fullpower power

16,995 16,995 17,995 Crew cab, V8, auto, one owner 17,995

12-passenger, XLTpkg, pkg,loaded loaded 12-passenger,XLT

15,995 15,995

15,995 15,995

$$ 2011 GMC Serria SL $$ Loaded, xtraclean, clean,SAVE SAVEBIG BIG Loaded,xtra

V6, auto,loaded, loaded,better betterthan thannew new 22,995 V6,auto, Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,xtra xtraclean clean 21,995 $$ $$

Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,sunroof, sunroof,xtra xtraclean clean



19,995 19,995

2012 Honda Ridgeline Loaded, 4x4, 1 owner, low miles $


10 10Jeep JeepGrand GrandCherokee Cherokee

10 10Chevy ChevyCamaro CamaroLTLT

4x4, 4x4,loaded, loaded,priced pricedtotogo! go!


21,995 21,995

Auto, Auto,xtra xtraclean clean


22,995 22,995

2012 Dodge Charger R/T 2011 Lexus IS250 2011 Dodge Ram 1500 Laramie Leather, loaded, Nav., extra1010 clean Leather, moonroof, NAV., 1 owner Leather, moonroof, 10 Flex Lincoln 10Ford Ford FlexSEL SEL Nav., Hemi 08 LincolnMKZ MKZ Pilot 08 LR3 08Honda Honda PilotEX-L EX-L 08Land LandRover Rover LR3 Loaded, New Loaded,moonroof, moonroof,lthr, lthr,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean Newtires, tires,loaded, loaded,priced pricedtotosteal! steal! Leather, Loaded, Leather, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean Loaded,factory factorywarranty, warranty,like likenew new $ $ $ loaded,

28,995 24,995 24,995


$$ $$ 28,995 25,995 24,995 25,995 25,995 29,995 24,995 25,995


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MSRP MSRP$34,000. $34,000.Includes Includes$4500 $4500Rebate Rebate$1,000 $1,000FMC FMCdealer, dealer, $500 $500military militaryrebate, rebate,$2000 $2000cash/trade, cash/trade,$1,000 $1,000trade tradeasst. asst.

2010 Ford Mustang Conv., premium pkg, leather, auto $

2004 Nissan 350Z 6 spd., loaded, 1 owner, like new $


00 00Ford FordF150 F150Ext ExtCab Cab

00 SaturnSL1 SL1 00Saturn

Auto, air,xtra xtraclean clean Auto,air,

Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,must mustsee see



MSRP $22,995.Incldues Incldues$2000 $2000rebate, rebate,$500 $500 MSRP$22,995. Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade

2008 Dodge Caliber SRT4 Leather, moonroof, lots of extras $


Leather, loaded, like new Starting Loaded, at Starting at 1 owner, 50k mi, like new $ $

Auto, Auto,cruise/tilt, cruise/tilt,air, air,power powerpackage, package, AM/FM/CD, AM/FM/CD,Mykey Mykey&&much muchmore. more. 2009 Honda Civic Auto, only 25k miles, one owner $




Auto, Auto,air, air,power powerpackage, package, tilt, tilt,Mykey Mykey&&much muchmore. more.

2007 Ford F-150 1 owner, extra clean, only 40k mi $



Auto, Auto,air, air,AM/FM/CD/MP3, AM/FM/CD/MP3,power power package, tirepressure pressuremonitor monitor package,tire &&much muchmore. more.

Air AirConditioning, Conditioning,tilt tiltsteering steeringwheel, wheel,power power doorlocks/remote doorlocks/remotekeyless, keyless,ABS ABSbrakes brakes


2006 KIA Sedona EX Moonroof, DVD, leather, loaded $


05 05Suzuki SuzukiVerona Verona Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,low lowmiles miles


07 07Chrysler ChryslerPT PTCruiser Cruiser

02 02Mazda MazdaMillennia Millennia Leather, sunroof,only only50k 50kmiles miles Leather,sunroof,


7,995 7,995

6,995 6,995

2007 Mazda CX9 Leather, moonroof, 1 owner, 30k mi $


02 02Acura AcuraMDX MDX

Auto, xtra Auto,2011 xtraclean cleanDodge

04 04Chevy ChevySilverado Silverado2500 2500HD HDLS LS

12,995 12,995

13,995 13,995

2011 Toyota Tacoma 4x4, only 12k miles $

06 06Cadillac CadillacCTS CTS

10 10Toyota ToyotaTacoma Tacoma

Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,must mustsee see

Auto, Auto,air, air,only only10k 10kmiles, miles,like likenew new


14,995 14,995

14,995 14,995

2011 Chevy Silverado LT Extended cab V8, auto, loaded 05 05 FordMustang MustangRoush Roush $Ford Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean 22,995

07 07Nissan NissanQuest Quest

$$Toyota Tacoma PreRunner $$ 2011 Ext. cab, V6, auto, only 14k miles $

07 07Ford FordEdge EdgeSE SE

18,995 18,995

06 06Dodge DodgeRam Ram2500 2500Crew CrewCab Cab 4x4, 4x4,only only34k 34kmiles, miles,like likenew new

Auto, Auto,Extra ExtraClean, Clean,11Owner Owner


20,995 20,995

19,995 19,995

2013 Chevy Camaro Convertible Auto, loaded, like new $ 10 10Nissan NissanMaxima Maxima3.5 3.5

XLT, XLT,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean


22,995 22,995

22,995 22,995

2009 Mercedes ML 350 4matic, like new,LTloaded 07 07Chevy ChevyAvalanche Avalanche LT Leather,only only14k 14kmiles miles $Leather,

29,995 26,995 26,995


Sales: M-F 8:30AM 8PM Sat 8:30AM 7PM Sales: Sales: M-F M-F 8:30AM 8:30AM --- 8PM 8PM ••• Sat Sat 8:30AM 8:30AM --- 7PM 7PM Service: M-F 7AM 6PM Sat 8AM 3PM Service: Service: M-F M-F 7AM 7AM --- 6PM 6PM ••• Sat Sat 8AM 8AM --- 3PM 3PM

2010 Honda CRV EX Leather, moonroof, one owner $


07 07Mazda MazdaRX8 RX8Coupe Coupe

07 07Toyota ToyotaCamry Camry

6spd, loaded,one oneowner owner 6spd,loaded,


15,995 15,995

15,995 15,995

2011 GMC Sierra Crewcab V8, auto, one owner 07 07Jeep JeepWrangler WranglerXX $ 06 06Pontiac PontiacSolstice Solstice

16,995 16,995

16,995 16,995

10 10Dodge DodgeGrand GrandCaravan CaravanSXT SXT

08 08Ford FordExplorer ExplorerXLT XLT

$$Silverado LTZ 2010 Chevy 4x4, crew cab, sunroof, leather $

Captain Captainseats, seats,dual dualpower powerdoors, doors,loaded loaded

18,995 18,995

3rd 3rdseat, seat,11owner owner


18,995 18,995

09 09Nissan NissanTitan TitanCrew CrewCab Cab

09 09Honda HondaAccord AccordEX EX

Auto, Auto,V8, V8,only only12K 12Kmiles miles

Loaded, Loaded,11owner owner



20,995 20,995

20,995 20,995

2012 Ford Explorer XLT Loaded, like new $


08 08Wrangler WranglerUnlimited UnlimitedSahara Sahara

08 08GMC GMCSierra Sierra1500 1500Crew CrewCab Cab

4x4, 4x4,Auto, Auto,hardtop, hardtop,must mustsee see

4X4, 4X4,Loaded, Loaded,one oneowner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean


24,995 24,995

2010 Nismo 370Z


24,995 24,995

2011 Ford F-150 Harley Davidson

14k miles. $ Call $$ $ for a price! 32,995 26,995 27,995 29,995 26,995 27,995 29,995 Sunroof, Sunroof,only only 400miles miles $400

Loaded, 16K cond. 11 Camaro LTLTmi, showroom 07 Ram 10 MKS 11Chevy Chevy Camaro 07Dodge Dodge Ram2500 2500Laramie Laramie 10Lincoln Lincoln MKS 4x4, Nav., moonroof, one owner Mega MegaCab, Cab,only only19k 19kmi, mi,11owner owner

Dual Dualmoonroof, moonroof,loaded, loaded,only only16k 16kmimi




$ $

13,995 13,995

Leather, Leather,sunroof, sunroof,28k 28kmiles miles


09 09Ford FordF150 F150Super SuperCab Cab

Moonroof, Moonroof,auto, auto,xtra xtraclean clean



2010 Lexus IS250 Loaded, only 30k miles $



Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean

13,995 13,995


18,995 18,995


06 06VW VWBeetle BeetleConvertible Convertible

Only Only28k 28kmiles, miles,xtra xtraclean clean

$$ 8i 2011 BMW 320 Loaded, auto, low mles, like new $

Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,low lowmiles miles


12,995 12,995

Auto, Auto,air, air,one oneowner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean 23,995 23,995 Only Only21k 21kmiles, miles,loaded, loaded,11owner owner $$ $$

08 08Honda Honda CRV $CRV

Auto, Auto,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean

16,995 16,995

Power Powerside sidedoors, doors,loaded loaded


2012 Ford Flex Leather, loaded


16,995 16,995

05 05Lincoln LincolnTown TownCar CarSignature SignatureLtd Ltd





12,995 12,995

2008 Ford Mustang GT California pkg, loaded, 1 owner $


843-873-3550 843-873-3550 843-873-3550

05 ToyotaSienna SiennaLE LE 05Toyota

07 07MINI MINICooper Cooper

Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,xtra xtraclean clean


13,995 13,995

10,995 10,995

10,995 10,995

08 08Ford FordEscape Escape

06 06VW VWPassat Passat

Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,like likenew new




12,995 12,995


FORD • MERCURY FORD•MERCURY FORD•MERCURY FORD•MERCURY Your Lowcountry Headquarters Your Truck Your Lowcountry Lowcountry Truck Truck Headquarters Headquarters

2010 Suzuki Grand Vitara Auto, leather, loaded $

like garage xtra Moonroof,lthr, lthr, likenew, new, garagekept kept xtraclean, clean,11owner owner Loaded, 2011 Moonroof, Honda CRV LX NitroLoaded, Heat $$ one owner $$ Auto, loaded, Loaded, only 29k miles $ $

Auto, owner Auto,xtra xtraclean, clean,one one owner 2008 Chevy Silverado LT $$ $$ V8, loaded, 1 owner, extended cab $


7,995 7,995

06 06Honda HondaAccord AccordEX-L EX-L 15,995 05 05Ford FordF150 F150Crew CrewCab Cab 15,995 Loaded, Loaded,leather, leather,moonroof moonroof V8, V8,auto, auto,xtra xtraclean clean

10,995 10,995

10 10Ford FordMustang MustangConvertible Convertible


Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean

10,995 10,995


7,995 7,995

2008 GMC Envoy SLT Leather, loaded $



08 08Suzuki SuzukiReno Reno

Low Lowmiles, miles,one oneowner owner


05 05Chrysler ChryslerCrossfire CrossfireLtd Ltd

Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,xtra xtraclean clean

05 05Dodge DodgeRam Ram1500 1500SLT SLT


Touring, Touring,auto, auto,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean



2008 Honda Pilot EX-L 4x4, auto, loaded $



C01-450145 C01-450145

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