03-09-2012 The Patriot (Joint Base Charleston)

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Joint Base Charleston

Patriot Vol. 3, No. 10

Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!

Friday, March 9, 2012

628th SFS tops in AMC

Climbing high

By Staff Sgt. Nicole Mickle Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs Air Mobility Command officials named Joint Base Charleston's 628th Security Forces Squadron the Outstanding Active Duty Large Security Forces Unit in the 2011 Security Forces Unit Awards announced Feb. 29. "Reading the litany of outstanding individual and unit accomplishments in the award submission left no doubt in my mind that this recognition would not pass the 628th SFS Defenders by," said Col. Richard McComb, Joint Base Charleston commander. "Thank you, SFS members, for representing this wing and this installation in such a superb manner." The squadron earned an outstanding rating in AMC during the 2011 Operational Readiness Inspection, the first in more than two years. They prepared for the ORI by participating in three fly-away mobility exercises where they made zero major errors. During the 2011 Joint Base Charleston Air Show, 600 law enforcements officers ensured the safety of more than 80,000 spectators, 20,000 vehicles and $1.5 billion in joint assets. Their efforts were a significant reason the Air Force Thunderbirds awarded JB Charleston the "Best Air Show in 2011." The 628th SFS grew during the Joint Base initiative last year. They successfully implemented a joint mission organization chart that added 491 active duty and civilians as well as an $80 million budget, 20 functions and two locations with a total of 23,000 acres. "Security Forces members have a tradition of persevering through difficult times," said Capt. Matthew Foisy, 628th SFS operations officer. "Over the past year I have been amazed at how our Airmen, Sailors and civilians have adapted to the challenges of joint basing, tougher work schedules and a continued fast paced deployment schedule. With all that was thrown at them, they still managed to stay on target and earn an outstanding rating during the 2011 ORI. The 628th SFS Defenders truly lived up to our motto of "Ready ... Willing ... Able!" The 628th SFS will represent AMC in the up-coming Air Force-level competition.

Air Base housing scheduled for water main flushing Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

U.S. Navy photo / Petty Officer 1st Class Jennifer Hudson

Tech. Sgt. Nathan Swab climbs a radio/cell tower to conduct repairs on the grounding system that was damaged due to lightning at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base March 6. Swab is a 628th Communications Squadron RF transmission systems non-commissioned officer in charge.

The 628th Civil Engineer Squadron will conduct water main flushing in the main base housing and Air Base work facilities at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base from March 19 through May 4. During this time, housing residents may notice a discoloration in their water. This can be corrected by running your bathtub faucet or running your empty washing machine through a cycle. For questions or concerns, contact the 628th CES at 963-2392.

15th Airlift Squadron returns home By Tech. Sgt. Chrissy Best Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs More than 130 Airmen from the 15th Airlift Squadron, 437th Airlift Wing returned home from a 120-day deployment to Southwest Asia when

Weekend Weather Update Charleston, SC Friday, March 9 Mostly Cloudly (0% precip)

High 77º Low 50º

Saturday, March 10 AM Clouds/ PM Sun

U.S. Air Force phot / Airman 1st Class George Goslin

Lisa Rahn, wife of Lt. Col. Curtis Rahn, waits outside the Joint Base Charleston Passenger Terminal for the return of the 15th Airlift Squadron, 437th Airlift Wing March 6. More than 130 Airmen from the 15th AS returned home from their 120-day deployment to Southwest Asia to reunite with their family and friends. Lt. Col. Rahn is the 15th AS assistant flight commander.

(20% precip)

High 64º Low 49º

their aircraft touched down at Joint Base Charleston March 6. “Our squadron did a fantastic job during the deployment and it is such a relief to have everyone back safe and sound,” said Lt. Col. Rebecca Sonkiss, 15th AS commanding officer. “It still amazes me to hear how our families supported us from home, letting our Airmen safely execute the mission downrange”. Family members eagerly anticipated the moment of being reunited with their loved ones as they watched the aircraft taxi to the Passenger Terminal. “It feels great to be welcomed home as a whole group. Usually I deploy by myself,” said Master Sgt. Jadirra Wells, 15th AS first sergeant. “While still on the plane I got really excited because I could see my youngest child moving to the front of the crowd, following his brother and my loving husband.” “I was so excited I didn’t sleep all night,” said Gail Miller wife of Ret. Army Col. Robert Miller. Miller and her husband were at the Passenger Terminal to welcome Staff Sgt. Danny South, a 15th AS loadmaster whose pregnant wife couldn’t make it to the homecoming. “Homecomings have changed so much since Vietnam,” said Miller. “Today, the public welcomes the service members home with open arms and smiles.” While supporting flying operations with the C-17 Globemaster III, the 15th AS Airmen flew nearly 2,300 sorties and logged almost 6,500 combat flying hours. The men and women comprising the deployment team also performed 20 Aeromedical Evacuation Missions, transporting 39 patients. They were also instrumental in transporting 22,300 service members See Welcome Home, Page 3

Sunday, March 11


Partly Cloudly (20% precip)

High 71º Low 54º

CULTURE SWAP DRUG TESTING Service members host exchange students Page 4

DoD expands program Page 5



Short Stay staff saves fisherman

A survivor’s story

Page 6

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BLACK 01/29/08

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The Patriot • March 9, 2012


Learning to Fly – One more leadership lesson Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot The Joint Base Charleston Patriot is published by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DoD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs offices of both bases reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed to be against DoD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.

Deadlines The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Patriot staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.

Editorial Content Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Patriot can be reached at: 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, Room 312. Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963-3464 Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd., Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154. E-mail to: patriot@charleston.af.mil All news releases should be sent to this address.

Editorial Staff 628 ABW commander Col. Richard McComb Public Affairs Officer Capt. Frank Hartnett Patriot Editor Eric Sesit

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Commentary by Chief Master Sergeant Jose LugoSantiago Joint Base Charleston command chief Last year, my wife gave me a gift certificate for my XXth birthday. Today, I went to our JB Charleston Aero Club and cashed the certificate. About time right? I always wanted to take flying lessons, but my work schedule was tough. Well, it's never too late to have some fun! What a fantastic time! Of course, I had some reservations at first, but this experience was a time to discover. There are many parallels between my experience flying and our actual life experiences. As a matter of fact, we even incorporate flying expressions in our daily conversations. For example, "She passed the test with flying colors." Or you may have heard, "He learned on the fly." Or how about, "He landed a great job at Xcompany?" Well, in relation to actual life experiences, this is what I learned today. I have to thank my flight instructor, Jacob Pennington for today's personal leadership lesson. First, do thorough pre-work before takeoff. Jacob inspected the aircraft thoroughly. Then, we went into the aircraft but did not take off. He checked all of the instruments. I asked questions about the gyro system, the altimeter, throttle, and other gauges. He also checked with the control tower availability of runway and several other steps.

I thought about the out of the marker in the gages. Jacob coached importance of the steps me, "Small adjustments are the key...." Jacob took. How can you Here's a good success practice (related to what takeoff if you're not prewe just described above). Once you set your despared? You will put yourtination, find a way to monitor your position. If self in danger. The thought your goal is to improve your fitness, set written here is, "What are the types milestones to know you're on track. Check at of pre-work I have to do to regular intervals, for example, number of times ensure I am successful in per week you're getting to the gym. You may my future?" You may need have to make adjustments; go ahead and do education or other knowlChief Master Sgt. them, but the key to stay on track is to make edge to properly perform Jose LugoSantiago small adjustments. your duties. You may need Lastly, let's experience the thrill of flying: to set your finances appropriately to acquire a bal- landing. Yes, it was time to land. We steered and anced, future lifestyle. were cleared to land. It was a windy day. "That If you're thinking about making a career change landing is not going to be an easy one," I told or other life decision, consider giving this decimyself. sion a 360-degree look. Check your instruments to Jacob focused on his instruments and line of ensure you are prepared to take off. Talk to a sight. He had to compensate for the strength of friend or coach before making the decision. I the winds and stay focused. We made it. (Well, remember Jacob spoke with the control tower sev- otherwise I would not be writing, right?!) eral times before we were properly positioned for I was happy to have landed ... mission success! takeoff. We arrived because we knew our destination and Secondly, don't stand on the sidelines; takeoff learned to compensate for the external environand fly. This action involves taking calculated ment. We experienced strong winds, but we were risks and being able to monitor the journey. Once able to compensate. Of course, we can repeat this we took off, Jacob showed me how I was to mon- in our lives. We have to do the same. itor our altitude. We kept on climbing until we As you approximate achieving your life's arrived at our mandated altitude. dream or goal, stay focused. Whenever you expeOnce we were there, we stayed the course by rience the strong winds, remember that you can keeping track of our position in relation to the and must compensate. Your journey will also be a coordinates of the location we were going. I successful one. I know! steered the aircraft several times, getting us in and Always motivated, Jose LugoSantiago

How do you choose mentors? Commentary by Lt. Col. Aaron Burgstein 1st Combat Camera Squadron "A mentor is not someone who walks ahead of you to show you how they did it. A mentor walks alongside you to show you what you can do" - Simon Sinek So, how exactly does one choose a mentor? What even makes someone a mentor? Is it by rank? Experience? Does being a boss automatically make you a mentor? Google provided nearly 29 million hits when I typed in that question. And you know if it's on the internet, it has to be true. But still, 29 million is a bit much. So, instead of giving you a summary of those 29 million hits, I'll tell you what I look for in a mentor. I don't go by age, rank or career field. Heck, I'm not even 100 percent the product of military mentors, although the majority of my mentors have spent some time in the service. Here are some of the things I use as guidelines: First, here's what is not important: Age, rank or level of experience: These may seem odd. Don't you want a wizened, distinguished mentor? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I have mentors of all ranks, ages, specialties and

more. Just because you're a higher rank doesn't mean you have all the answers or know the latest and greatest. Moreover, just because you're young and junior doesn't mean you don't have great ideas or aren't skilled. Everybody has different experience and brings something new to the fight. A hugely untapped resource is your peers. They're in the same boat and can often offer valuable insight. I consider most of my friends to be both friends and mentors. Official titles: What is meant here is that a mentor does not have to be labeled as such. As stated above, many of my friends are mentors of one form or another. What do I call them? Friends. And, as she will be reading this, I must add that my wife also acts as my mentor (hi honey!). A mentormentee relationship does not have to be formal and officially established. Many of my mentors don't even know I consider them as such. Good working relationship: This one probably seems odd, but you can learn just as much, if not more, from a bad work relationship than from a good one. Think back about the worst boss you've had. Learn anything from that experience? What would you do differently? Here is what is important: Trust: You have to be able to trust your men-

tor. Trust that person to give you good, solid advice and have your best interests at heart. Competence: This should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway. A mentor needs to be good at his or her job but more importantly, they have to be good at what they're advising. If not, what's the point of going to him or her for advice? Rapport: I know I said a good working relationship is not important, but if your mentor is someone you're going to go back to again and again, it's nice if you actually do get along with them. Rapport is important for the long-term mentor-mentee relationships. Caring: Your mentor needs to care about you and your future. This is fairly vague and ambiguous mentorship guidance. Then again, so is the nature of the mentorship business. Not every good leader makes a good mentor. However, you can learn something from every leader. Figure out what you're looking for and start looking for people, friends, family members, coworkers and leaders who you respect and can help guide you. It doesn't have to be formal. When you find those people, talk to them. That's the best way this mentorship thing works. And, when someone comes to you for advice and counsel, be there for them. It's what mentors do.

Diamond Tips: Being successful vs. unsuccessful … it’s a choice Commentary by Master Sgt. Nicole Bishop 628th Comptroller Squadron acting first sergeant Success is desired by most people but not always achieved. Is it just that some people are destined to be successful and others are destined to be unsuccessful? I think not! Success is a life-long marathon and before you can reach the finish line, you have to know where to start. Achieving success starts with how you define success. Every person has their own definition of success and motivators that lead them to strive for success. Some may define success as attaining wealth, a top-level position or recognition. For others, success may be more personal such as helping an Airman through a tough situation or being the best Airman, leader and wingman they can be. Any person that desires success can achieve it with a little guidance and self examination. There are countless books available that can teach you what to "do" to be successful but a self-inspection is also needed to see if there are any behaviors that could hinder your progress. There are specific traits of successful versus unsuccessful people that set the foundation for

whether you achieve success: Successful Unsuccessful Vision No vision Take responsibility Blame others They learn from their mistakes They repeat mistakes They go after what they want They think it will come to them Passion No passion They work hard and smart They complain about their circumstances Work on improving themselves Tolerate their shortcomings Creative problem-solver See themselves as limited Encouraging Discouraging They look for things to do They wait to be told what to do There is really no secret formula that guarantees success, but displaying the above successful traits will get you started in the right direction. As military members, we are often held to a higher standard so we owe it to ourselves, our unit and community to make every attempt to be successful in everything we strive to achieve. Nevertheless, success is an individual choice that each person has to purposefully strive for. Make the right choice ... choose to be SUCCESSFUL!

Lessons of a mess dress warrior: Two new resolutions for 2012 Commentary by Lt. Col. Corey Simmons 62nd Operations Support Squadron commander JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash. – At the first of every year, Airmen stand in front of the mirror and make resolutions to have a better, more focused year. Perhaps it is to lose weight, better physical fitness scores, work hard on their master's or bachelor's degrees or study a little harder to earn that next stripe. I too made resolutions for 2012, but on Feb. 22 at our very own "Stars of McChord" Annual Awards dinner, I made two more. Like many others in our wing, I reached into my closet and pulled out the old mess dress uniform, still in the dry cleaning plastic from when I wore it last year. Unfortunately, the buttons on the shirt and pants seemed to be malfunctioning, fitting a wee bit tighter than they did a year ago. I

put on the jacket, snapped on the cuff links and made my way to the club. As I walked in I began to ask myself, "Why in the world do we go through all of this pomp and circumstance for an annual awards event?" Limos, red carpet, an interview stand, more than 300 people dressed to the nines – is all of this worth it? I sat down at my table, looked around the room, and it all became very clear. It is absolutely worth it! In fact, we should do more to recognize our Airmen, they deserve every trophy, every certificate and every "thank you" we as supervisors can muster. In that ballroom, I saw a senior airman award winner walking tall with his bride on his arm hopping out of a limo beaming from ear to ear. I listened to a deployed spouse of a senior master sergeant gloat over how proud she was of her husband's award nomination. I even talked to the

father of one of our award winning company grade officers. It was the first time anyone had ever told him how fantastic his son was at his profession. You tell me, supervisors. From staff sergeant to colonel, did you spend enough time recognizing your people in 2011? Did you spend enough time on those quarterly and annual award packages? I thought I did, but now I want to do more. After watching the reactions of the winners this year, I can guarantee you I will work harder to make sure our Airmen know how much we appreciate them. Statistics say that 95 percent of New Year's resolutions will be broken. This year I have two that won't. My mess dress will fit better next year, and I will strive to be the strongest advocate of recognizing our Airmen. I hope you will join me!

To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com Or “like” us on Facebook by searching for “Charleston Military”


The Patriot • March 9, 2012


373rd TRS Det. 5 honored with John F. Entrican award Story and photos by Airman 1st Class Jared Trimarchi Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs The 373rd Training Squadron Detachment 5 at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base was awarded the John F. Entrican award Dec. 14 for the second time since 2003. The John F. Entrican award is named for one of the first non-commissioned officers-in-charge of the Department of Field Training and the award recognizes the efforts of those who have contributed to the success and advancement of the field training mission. Each year, the John F. Entrican award is presented to the most outstanding detachment in the 982nd Training Group. The 373rd TRS detachment's mission is to provide aircraft maintenance training to the Department of Defense and its allies in mission-critical needs. There are more than 60 Airmen, including 42 instructors who make the detachment's mission possible. "I couldn't be more proud to work with such highly motivated and skilled NCOs and senior NCOs," said Capt. Kipp Williams, 373rd TRS Det. 5 commander. "It's a tough competition. Earning this award is a reflection of the professionalism we put in our jobs and life as service members every day. "In the past year alone we have produced nearly 34,000 training hours which is an astonishing accomplishment," Williams said. "We taught 275 courses to Airmen from around the world. Airmen who are going through tech school, Airmen who cross trained into aircraft maintenance careers and even airmen from foreign countries. Before a student gets a chance to maintain a C-17 Globemaster III or similar airframe, they must first learn the book and training simulators." More than 900 students process through the detachment each year to learn aircraft maintenance and more than 150 of

them are technical school students who are new to the Air Force. "To ensure our young Airmen are mission ready, they must graduate our 10week course to complete training," technical Williams said. "Our military training leaders not only teach these young Airmen how to do their jobs, they also groom and shape these Airmen for their future in the Air Force." Staff Sgt. Matthew Members of the 373rd Training Squadron Detachment 5 pose for a group photo March 7 at Joint Westad, 373rd TRS Det. 5 Base Charleston - Air Base after receiving the John F. Entrican award as the detachment of the trainer said, "Besides year. Each year, the John F. Entrican award is presented to one of the 47 detachments in the teaching students on air- 982nd Training Group. craft maintenance and our additional duties, we have put most of our free time into volunteering. One of our most memorable volunteer activities included running a base-wide Prisoner of War and Missing in Action run for 24 hours." Detachment 5 also won two other awards; Williams was named the Detachment Commander of the Year and Master Sgt. Julius Walker, 373rd TRS Det. 5 chief, was named Detachment Chief of the year. "Every sport has a championship; The Super Bowl, The NBA Finals, The World Series. We won what I like to call the 'Tour de Maintenance,'" Williams said. "Our staff is dedicated and hard working, it's nice to see their accomplishment are shared with their peers."

Welcome home - from page one and distinguished visitors throughout the combat theater. While deployed, the 15th AS served as the 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron. The 816th EAS is responsible for airlift, airdrop and aeromedical evacuations, all of which directly support the combatant commander. Its sister unit, the 817th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron, operates out of several detachments throughout Eurasia and the Middle East. Since 2006, Charleston airlift squadrons have traditionally deployed as the 816th and 817th EASs. “The sacrifices that have been made are steady, constant and very demanding, not only at JB-Charleston and in the airlift community, but also for the families,” said Sonkiss. “Joint Base Charleston has been supporting this deployment cycle for six years and we will continue supporting operations overseas and the warfighters downrange. I could not be any

Swing under the Silver Wings with TCSC Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

U.S. Air Force phot / Airman 1st Class George Goslin

Capt. Frank Cope hugs his wife Adriane outside the Joint Base Charleston Passenger Terminal after returning from deployment March 6. More than 130 airmen from the 15th Airlift Squadron, 437th Airlift Wing, returned home from their 120-day deployment to Southwest Asia to reunite with their family and friends. Cope, a pilot, is a 15th AS C-17A readiness officer.

prouder of my Airmen and their families.”

The Team Charleston Spouses Club will host their 2012 Annual Silver Wings Scholarship Dinner and Auction at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, Nose Dock 1, Bldg. 519, March 24. The program's theme is "An Evening of Swing under the Silver Wings" and begins at 6 p.m. Dinner will feature southern cuisine and there will be an open bar, music, dancing and the annual silent auction. All proceeds from the evening's events aid military dependents seeking higher education. Tickets are available at the JB Charleston - Air Base Consignment Store or from TCSC board members.

To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com or search Facebook for “Diggle Publishing Company”

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The Patriot • March 9, 2012

JB Charleston families share culture and home with foreign exchange students Story and photos by Petty Officer 2nd Class Brannon Deugan Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs Office Three families from the Joint Base Charleston community are providing a safe home environment for four foreign exchange students during the current school year. The families and students were connected through Cultural Homestay International, a program that allows students a chance to study abroad while being fully emerged in the culture of the United States. “CHI is a non-profit organization dedicated to bridging the gap between countries with people-to-people exchanges,” said Meighan Schexnayder, academic coordinator for CHI. “CHI allows students the opportunity to learn beyond a textbook or someone else’s story because they can learn by living and that is what makes this program important.” Petty Officer 1st Class Grant Gallimore, a machinist’s mate and instructor assigned to the Nuclear Power Training Unit at Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station and his wife Emma are hosting their first foreign exchange student, Masumi Inamine, from Okinawa, Japan. This was an ideal match for the couple since they were stationed in Yokosuka, Japan, and have a strong interest in the Japanese culture. “It is so rewarding to share your everyday life with someone and to see them so excited about it,” said Emma. “We lived in Japan for two years and I learned more from Masumi in one week about the Japanese culture than the entire time we lived in Japan.”

“To bring a 17 year old into our home deployment easier. and have them just so engrossed in “Having the two girls around helps every aspect of our life is an amazing during my husband’s deployment experience,” she continued. “Running because I’m not home alone,” said Mrs. errands, like I do on a daily basis, is a Jensen. “The girls keep me involved and big adventure and something new for active in the community because one is a her. I think the best thing I have learned cheerleader and the other one plays for from Masumi is the way I look at our the school’s softball team.” lives and American culture.” “The girls and I have developed a According to Inamine, living in the strong friendship even with the differUnited States is a new and exciting ence in our ages,” she continued. “These experience for her thanks to her host friendships last a lifetime. I’m still close family. with the students that I have hosted in "Knowing that my host family has the past.” been to Japan has made it easier for me Emma Gallimore assists Masumi Inamine According to Schexnayder, military to adjust to living here," she explained. in preparing Indian white rice at their home families that host foreign students offer in Goose Creek Mar. 7. The Gallimore's are "They have helped me understand host parents for Inamine who is a foreign a unique chance for the exchange stuwhat is going on around me and they exchange student from Okinawa, Japan dents to encounter different cultures. have helped me with understanding the Military families have often experilanguage." enced the culture shock of being in a Sarah Jensen is currently hosting foreign exchange students different country and are well equipped to help young Sara Fernandez-Quintanilla from Madrid, Spain and Ruby exchange students overcome the homesickness and differFairweather from Hervey Bay, Australia, the fifth and sixth ences of being in a strange land. exchange students she has hosted. Her husband, Capt. Kyle “These students are exposed not just to a new country but Jensen is a pilot assigned to the 16th Airlift Squadron, 437th to the military culture which is an entirely different environAirlift Wing and is currently deployed. The friendship and ment as well,” said Schexnayder. “This also paints a positive involvement in the community that Mrs. Jensen has shared picture in the students’ minds regarding the U.S. military that with the two girls has made coping with her husband’s they can take home and share with their families.”

Sailors participate in the E-5 Navy advancement examination at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic Conference Center at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station Mar. 8. More than 1,700 third class petty officers at JB Charleston took the exam in hopes of advancing to the next paygrade.

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Navy wide exam

U.S. Navy photo / Petty Officer 2nd Class Brannon Deugan

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The Patriot • March 9, 2012

PDF version of the entire Patriot online each week at www. CharlestonMilitary .com


NEX tops $30 million Cmdr. Charles Phillip presents a Superior Accomplishment Recognition Award to Josefina Gaza as Master Chief Petty Officer Billy Cady and Beth Munoz congratulate her during a Navy Exchange luncheon at Joint Base Charleston Weapons Station Mar. 6. The NEX luncheon celebrated the stores fiscal year 2011 sales of more than $30 million and recognized the individual contributions of NEX employees in achieving this milestone. Phillip is the 628th Mission Support Group deputy commander, Gaza is an NEX employee, Cady is the JB Charleston – Weapons Station command master chief and Munoz is the Charleston NEX general manager.

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U.S. Navy photo / Petty Officer 2nd Class Brannon Deugan

AF expands drug testing program to include abused prescription drugs By Jon Stock Air Force Surgeon General Public Affairs WASHINGTON – The Air Force and other military services will expand their drug testing to include testing for commonly abused prescription drugs beginning May 1. On Jan. 31, 2012, the Secretary of Defense gave a 90-day advance notice of the drug testing expansion which aims to counter the nation's growing epidemic and encourage those abusing prescription medications to seek treatment before official testing begins. "Abuse of prescription drugs is the fastest growing drug problem in the United States, and unfortunately, this trend is reflected in the military services," said Maj. Gen. Thomas Travis, Deputy Air Force Surgeon General. "While pain medications are highly effective in alleviating suffering from injuries, they are dangerous and potentially addictive when used outside medical supervision." Taking controlled medications in a manner other than how they were prescribed poses a risk to the person's health and safety and can put others at risk as well. Prescription medications should be taken only for the purposes for which they were prescribed and at the dose and frequency prescribed. Additionally, Airmen are reminded never to take a medication prescribed to someone else. "Members who need help discontinuing use of these drugs are encouraged to seek care at a military treatment facility immediately," said Travis. The policy being addressed is not new to Air Force personnel. In accordance with Air Force guidance and existing law, the knowing use of any prescription or over-the-counter medications in a manner contrary to their intended medical purpose or in excess of the prescribed dosage may have negative health consequences and may also violate the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Air Force Instruction 44-121, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program provides limited protections under certain circumstances for voluntary disclosure of

stances among high school seniors are prescription drugs; 20 percent of high school students have taken prescription medications without a prescription. - Military data also suggests increases in prescription drug misuse. The DoD Health Behaviors Survey shows self reported misuse of pain meds for non-medical purposes by service members (all Services) increased from 2 percent in 2002 to 7 percent in 2005 to 17 percent in 2008. How to dispose of prescription drugs "Patients are encouraged to dispose of prescribed medications once they are no longer needed for their prescribed purpose," said Lt. Col. Oordt. "The Drug Enforcement Administration prohibits pharmacies from taking back controlled U.S. Air Force graphic / Sylvia Saab substances. However, the Services collaborate with law enforcement agencies in the DEA drug take prior drug use or possession to unit commanders, first sergeants, a substance abuse evaluator or a military medical pro- back days which occur several times each year in most comfessional. Once an Airman has been ordered to provide a urine munities." For more information on drug take back days visit sample as part of the drug testing program, any disclosure is http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drug_disposal/takeback/ not considered to be voluntary. The Food and Drug Administration also offers guidance on "There are no changes to procedures that will directly affect drug testing collection sites and military members who disposal of prescription drugs before consumers throw them are selected for testing," said Lt. Col. Mark Oordt, Chief, in the garbage. - Take the medication out of their original containers and Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment and Drug Demand Reduction. "The changes will occur at the Drug mix them with an undesirable substance, such as coffee Testing Labs where the standard panel of substances each grounds or kitty litter. The medication will be less appealing to children and pets and unrecognizable to people who may specimen is tested for will be expanded." intentionally go through your trash. - Put medications in a sealable bag, empty can or other conThe scope of the problem - The Centers for Disease Control report 52 million tainer to prevent the medication from leaking or breaking out Americans age 12 and older had used prescription meds non- of a garbage bag. - Visit the following site for more information on how to propmedically in 2009, with 7 million Americans having done so erly dispose of medications: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/ routinely. - Prescription medications appear to be replacing marijua- Drugs/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/BuyingUsingMedicineSaf na as the top "gateway drug." Six of the top 10 abused sub- ely/UnderstandingOver-the-CounterMedicines/ucm107163.pdf.


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The Patriot • March 9, 2012


Two rescued by Short Stay staff and Sailors Story and photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Brannon Deugan Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs Office On a cold January afternoon, four Sailors from the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command helped save the lives of two local fishermen whose boat had overturned in Lake Moultrie near the Short Stay Navy Outdoor Recreation Area outside of Moncks Corner. It was Jan. 17 when Richard Hahn, the Short Stay assistant manager noticed an overturned boat approximately one mile off of the recreation area's shoreline. At first glance it appeared to be one of the Morale Welfare and Recreation sailboats available for rent at Short Stay. But all of the MWR sailboats were accounted for. "I grabbed my binoculars," said Hahn. "I could see there was one person hanging onto the hull of a boat. At that time I didn't know there was a second person in the water." Understanding that he needed to act quickly, Hahn called Matt Vacher, the Short Stay Marina sailing director. Both men decided to take one of the MWR power boats to get the individual out of the water and see if they could right the overturned boat. Vacher ran to the boat house to get some equipment they would need and he noticed four Sailors who were finishing their lunch; Petty officers Chandler Mazure, Justin Keene, Sharon Duncan and Juan Avelar, all students from the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command. They were working at Short Stay while waiting on orders to their next assignments. "I asked the Sailors if they wanted to go for a boat ride and it was a good thing I did." said Vacher. "As we approached the boat we saw a second man in the water and without the four Sailors assistance, Richard and I would have never been able to pull the second guy out." With one elderly man on top of the overturned boat and one man in the water, the rescue crew had to act quickly to save them both. Neither man was wearing a life jacket. Hahn positioned the boat as close as possible to the overturned boat as Keene threw life vests to each man. "When we got to the boat, Mr. Hahn and Mr. Vacher basically told us what to do and we followed their instructions

without hesitating," said Duncan. "I supported the head of the man who was in the water and Avelar and Mazure pulled him into our boat by his belt loops." The men had been in the water for almost two hours and they were showing signs of hypothermia. The Sailors provided some of their own dry clothing to the men to help them warm up. "It really didn't hit me for a little while that we were actually out there and that we had helped them," said Duncan. "It's easy to recall it now but everything was a blur then Left, Richard Hahn, Matt Vacher, Petty Officer 3rd Class Sharon Duncan, Petty Officer 3rd Class Juan because of the different Avelar, Col. Richard McComb and Petty Officer 3rd Class Chandler Mazure take a moment to pose emotions. We were just for a photograph after McComb presented each of them with a command coin at Short Stay Navy going through the motions Outdoor Recreation Area at Lake Moultrie in Moncks Corner, S.C., Mar. 7. The staff members and Sailors were directly involved with rescuing the lives of two elderly gentlemen whose boat overas we were instructed." "I coordinated with the turned in Lake Moultrie near Short Stay Jan. 17. McComb is the Joint Base Charleston commander, Hahn is the Short Stay assistant manager, Vacher is the Short Stay sailing director, Duncan is an Short Stay staff to get electronics technician assigned to Naval Nuclear Power Training Command, Avelar is a machinist’s Emergency Medical mate assigned to NNPTC and Mazure is a machinist’s mate assigned to Nuclear Power Training Unit. and the A fourth Sailor, Petty Officer Justin Keene also assisted in the rescue but has already transferred to Services Department of Natural his next assignment at the Nuclear Power Training Unit in Ballston, Spa, N.Y. Resources to the boat landing," said Hahn. "The EMS technicians told me that it Base Charleston commander travelled to Short Stay to show was a good thing that we got to them when we did because the his appreciation for the heroic efforts of Hahn and Vacher and two men's core body temperature was at 95 degrees and they the Sailors by presenting them with his command coin. "I'm glad we were able to stay level-headed throughout the would not have made it much longer." Ten days after the accident, the four Sailors were recog- whole thing and overcome our own fears and nerves because nized by their NNPTC chain of command and were awarded we were able to help these gentlemen get to safety," said the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal for their life- Mazure. saving efforts. On March 7, Col. Richard McComb, Joint

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The Patriot • March 9, 2012


Shipmates Forever: Vietnam vet tells his story, mentors young Airmen By Airman 1st Class Tom Brading Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

order to help injured shipmates. Without hesitation, they reacted to the situation by running toward to the flames and accepted the likelihood of dying as It's the summer of 1967 and deadly race riots are breaking they tried to save their ship and shipmates. out across the United States, The Beatles are revolutionizing Darkness consumed the engine room where music and young men from every U.S. state are being drafted Kirton was stationed during General Quarters and to fight a war thousands of miles away from home. communication to the rest of the ship was out. He Meanwhile, at Yankee Station, 130 miles off the coast of spent his afternoon sweating below decks, desperVietnam, proudly fighting the war was business as usual for ately trying to locate his Sailors. He could hear Chief Petty Officer Samuel Kirton, assigned to the engine multiple explosions and objects falling topside, room of the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal (CV-59). Kirton's yet, he had very little knowledge of the cause of the job was making sure fresh water and electricity was sent chaos around him. throughout the carrier. "Sailors were throwing ammunition overboard," It was July 27, 1967 and just another day of launching air said Kirton. "It was safer to get rid of explosives strikes into North Vietnam for the Sailors aboard the Forrestal, than letting them cook off. One hundred thirtywhen around 10:50 a.m. (local time), an electrical malfunc- pound men were lifting 250-pound explosives and tion discharged an Mk-32 "Zuni" rocket from under the wing throwing them overboard. It's amazing what people of an F-4 Phantom II on the flight-deck. After the initial rock- are capable of when their back is against the wall." et explosion, a chain-reaction of explosions followed. The fire took the lives of more than 130 Sailors, The events that unfolded in the hours after the blast have injured more than 160 and the damages exceeded engrained themselves deeply into Kirton's mind for the rest of more than $72 million including the damages to his life. aircraft, the equivalent to $474 million today. "All I remember is running as fast as I could to the engine Causalities of the carrier fire were the worst room after the general alarm started going off," said Kirton, since World War II. U.S. Air Force Photo / Airman 1st Class Ashlee Galloway thinking back on his experience aboard the carrier. "Sailors all "I traveled the world with those men," said (Ret.) Master Chief Petty Officer Samuel Kirton dedicated more than 20around me were trying to get to their battle stations and even Kirton. "We saw Brazil, parts of Africa, Asia and years to the U.S. Navy. Kirton circled the Equator, the Atlantic Ocean, the though we all knew something bad was happening, none of us dozens of other countries together. Some of the Arctic Circle and thousands of miles of deep blue seas numerous times. He knew how bad it was." best moments of my life, I shared with the Sailors currently works in the heating, venting and air conditioning shop at Joint As Kirton raced to his general quarters station, the fire was on the Forrestal. It doesn't matter what war you Base Charleston - Air Base. being battled above his head on the flight deck. Hospital engage in or what branch you serve in, when you corpsmen and other Sailors, many without firefighting equip- lose someone in battle, it's becomes your duty to units at JB Charleston - Air Base and living up to his promise ment or experience, desperately tried fighting the flames and always remember them." he made to his fallen comrades and the sacrifices they made. tending to the injured on the flight-deck. As they bravely After the dust settled from the chaos, the somber reality of This July marks the 45th anniversary of the Forrestal fire helped their shipmates, in the back of their minds, they knew the devastating fire presented itself to Kirton. and even though the world around him has changed, every it was only a matter of time before more bombs exploded "The smell is still haunting," said Kirton. "It was a burnt July 27, Kirton's mind goes back to the fire and the 134 names from the fire. singe from the fire. We had to unzip every body bag to check etched into the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington Sailors of the Forrestal bravely sacrificed themselves in for dental records. More than a hundred bodies were lying on D.C. the flight deck and each one made the burning smell more Kirton has spent more than 40 years traveling the country overwhelming. However, those men were heroes that died and meeting with other survivors of the fire, including the preserving the freedoms of our country." Forrestal's most famous survivor, Sen. John McCain, for one In the ensuing years, the reality of the disaster didn't just reason; to remember. He attends reunions with other survivors change Kirton, it also changed the way the U.S. Navy oper- and every few years he visits the graves of 18 Forrestal shipated. They began training all Sailors in firefighting. Today, mates at the Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va. a large portion of basic training for Sailors incorporates However, remembering the sacrifice his shipmates made in firefighting and fire prevention tactics. the Gulf of Tonkin that day is only the beginning. Kirton also In addition, The Farrier Fire Fighting School Learning volunteers his time to educate and mentor young Airmen from Site in Norfolk, Va. is named for Chief Aviation JB Charleston - Air Base. Boatswain's Mate Gerald W. Farrier, the Sailor who died in "It's important to bring the young Airmen with me to the the initial explosion as he attempted to extinguish the fire memorials," said Kirton, who has organized Airmen from JB with a single potassium bicarbonate extinguisher. Charleston to attend multiple events, including a Pearl Harbor "Those men on the Forrestal were like my brothers," Memorial at Patriots Point and Naval Maritime Museum in said Kirton. "Our friendships may have only been for a Charleston. "They are today's leaders and it's an honor for me short time, however, shipmates are forever. I'll always to pass my experience along to them." U.S. Air Force Photo / Staff Sgt. Nicole Mickle Kirton is confident the young men and women he works (Ret.) Master Chief Petty Officer Samuel Kirton takes Airmen from honor them." dedicated more than 20 years to the U.S. Navy and Kirton with at JB Charleston are carrying the military torch brightly Joint Base Charleston - Air Base to Patriots Point and Naval Maritime Museum in Charleston for the arrival of the USS went on to become a master chief petty officer (E-9). Today, into the future while remembering the rich history that Normandy (CG-60) Feb. 24. Kirton works in the heating, venting he spends his military retirement keeping up with his old brought them, as members of a larger joint military, to where and air conditioning shop at JB Charleston - Air Base. shipmates, working on heating, venting and air conditioning they are today.



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The Patriot • March 9, 2012

U.S. Air Force photo / Staff Sgt. Katie Gieratz

Tech. Sgt. Lawrence Williams reviews Army Lt. Col. Kevin Wissel's paperwork prior to preparing his taxes at the Joint Base Charleston Air Base Volunteer Income Tax Assistance office Mar. 7. The VITA office provides free tax preparation services at JB Charleston - Air Base from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday and is available by appointment only. The JB Charleston - Weapons Station VITA office offers walk-in service from 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Williams is the VITA site coordinator for the JB Charleston - Air Base tax office and Wissel is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Charleston District deputy district engineer.

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The Patriot • March 9, 2012

Airmen let loose, read books by Dr. Seuss By Airman 1st Class Tom Brading Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

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As a thank you to our troops, we would like to extend a 10% DISCOUNT*.

One candle, two candles, three candles. FOUR! All lit on a birthday cake, along with 98 more! That's 108 candles if you're keeping score. To celebrate the birthday of a man named Theodor. Theodor is still adored as the doctor named Seuss, so cozy up with a book or just dance and let loose. National Education Association's Read Across America Day is a reading celebration and is the nation's largest reading event, occuring each year on or near the birthday of Dr. Seuss. This year, more than 30 Airmen from Joint Base Charleston - Air Base volunteered their time to read Dr. Seuss books to local children from kindergarten through fifth grade at St. Andrews Elementary School in Charleston. "This experience was very inspiring," said Senior Airman Maroun Arnaout, 437th Maintenance Squadron, 437th Airlift Wing. "It was amazing to see how smart kindergarten children are and how excited they were to see military members." Another person who will remember the success of Read Across America is Leslie Cooper, St. Andrews Elementary School library media specialist. "When the Airmen stood up with the children for the Pledge of Allegiance," said Cooper with tears in her eyes, "It was the most rewarding moment of my education career." According to Cooper, the volunteer opportunity to read to the children at St. Andrews generated an overwhelming response. Cooper received more than 80 requests from JB Charleston - Airmen.



Dorchester Rd

Located minutes from the Charleston Air Force Base, off of Dorchester Road, behind the library.

U.S. Air Force Graphic / Airman 1st Class Tom Brading

"The response was overwhelming," said Cooper. "I had no idea so many Airmen would volunteer. I was blown away by the number of service members that wanted to volunteer their time to make a difference in a child's life." Cooper plans on organizing future events so any Airmen who weren't able to participate in this event will have a chance to help out in the future. Read Across America Day may only be celebrated once a year, but sharing the joys of reading is something we can do every day. According to the NEA, you're never too old, too whacky or too wild to pick up a book and read with a child.

*Offer provides a discount off of rack rate tuition for children ages 2-12 years, and is valid on a space-available basis. Proof of active military is required to receive corporate discount. Discount offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other coupon or discount offer, and is not redeemable or refundable for cash. Limit one offer per child. Offer not valid for Learning Care Group employees or their immediate families. Offer valid only at participating locations. LPA directors: please code offer according to LCG POS corporate discount guidelines. La Petite Academy® is an equal opportunity provider. Programs vary by school. See school for details.

Senior Airman Maroun Arnaout reads "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss to a kindergarten class at St. Andrews elementary school, March 2, 2012, while wearing the classic red and white hat made famous by the Dr. Seuss character, Cat in the Hat. Arnaout is from the 437th Maintenance Squadron, 437th Airlift Wing.

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The Patriot • March 9, 2012

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The Patriot • March 9, 2012


Two SPAWAR employees named 2012 Modern-Day Technology Leaders By Petty Officer 1st Class Jennifer Hudson Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

mand as a whole." Reese and Priester's continuous contributions and their technical expertise in making the Navy's vision of information Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic employdominance a reality has led to SPAWAR's continued success. ees Brian Reese and Marquita Priester were named this year's "It always gives me great pride to see our folks being 2012 Modern-Day Technology Leaders at the 26th annual rewarded for the great jobs they do delivering capability to Black Engineer of the Year Award Science, Technology, our warfighters, serving as positive role models and making a Engineering and Mathematics Conference Awards held in difference in the community," said Capt. Mark Glover SSC Philadelphia, Feb. 16 through 18. Atlantic commanding officer. The three-day BEYA conference, sponsored by Aerotek There are approximately 3,600 federal civil service and Career Communications Group, attracts thousands of top employees, 127 military personnel and 13,000 industry partblack professionals in the STEM fields to honor their achieveners located at the center's headquarters in Charleston and at ments. The conference also serves as a learning tool for chilother Southeastern U.S. locations. SSC Atlantic's operations dren and young adults interested in pursuing professions in in Charleston had a total economic impact of $2.6 billion on the science, mathematic, technology and engithe state of South Carolina in 2008. neering fields. SSC Atlantic makes IT count for the Reese leads a team of engineers in support warfighter and the nation. The SSC of SSC Atlantic's Military Health System's Atlantic team rapidly delivers and supnew Healthcare Artifact and Imaging ports solutions that enable information Management Solutions project. HAIMS mandominance for naval, joint, national and ages Healthcare Artifacts and Images for the coalition warfighters. SSC Atlantic develU.S. Navy and all other military hospitals and ops, acquires and provides life cycle supclinics around the world, including those in for Command, Control, port Afghanistan and Iraq. Communications, Computer, Intelligence, "I was excited when I heard the news," said Surveillance and Reconnaissance systems, Reese. "I've received some small awards here Information Technology and Space for the projects I've done but nothing as big as Capabilities. SSC Atlantic is a leading this. I am honored to be named the MDTL of edge Navy engineering center that the year and I look forward to continuing my designs, builds, tests, fields and supports work at SPAWAR and hopefully reach out to many of the finest frontline C4ISR systhe community and get some kids interested in tems in use today, and those being planned the engineering and technology field as well." for the future. The STEM program encourages SPAWAR Total obligation authority for SSC employees to become involved with the comAtlantic for 2011 was $4.9 billion. SSC munity to get children more interested in Atlantic has more than 1,450 customers Courtesy photo math, science, technology and engineering by Capt. Mark Glover is pictured with Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic employees around the globe. Approximately 67 pershowing how much fun and important it can Brian Reese and Marquita Priester who were named 2012 Modern-Day Technology Leaders by cent of them are Navy and Marine Corps be. Reese volunteers at local high schools the Black Engineer of the Year Award Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics commands, 25 percent are joint commands developing plans to help keep children inter- organization. Glover is the SSC Atlantic commanding officer. and eight percent are federal agencies. ested in those fields. Priester works in SSC Atlantic's Information Assurance area, providing technical and program management support for system-level, software-level and data-level testing, analysis and documentation of IA requirements and communications policies. Her support of the biometrics program directly affects the success of warfighters in Afghanistan. "Receiving this award has been very humbling to me," said Priester. "I didn't realize that my day-to-day efforts were making that much of an impact on the mission we do here. Receiving this award has helped me see just how important my job is here. It makes me want to keep doing what I am doing and push harder. I will keep striving toward doing excellent work that will better aide the warfighter and com-

Annual Motorcycle Safety Rodeo slated for March 23 By Chris Anderson 628th Air Base Wing chief of safety With the arrival of spring, the 2012 motorcycle riding season is upon us. The 628th Air Base Wing Traffic Safety team and the Green Knights Motorcycle Club, Chapter 37, are kicking off this year's season in style with a two-day motorcycle safety rodeo. The event begins March 23 at 8:30 with an annual motorcycle safety briefing at the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Theater. After the briefing, riders will go to the North Charleston Civic Center for the Palmetto Police Rodeo. When the rodeo is complete, riders will proceed to the Short Stay Outdoor Recreation area for a burger burn sponsored by the Green Knights,

and then return to the FLETC at JB Charleston - Weapons Station at 3 p.m. On March 24, riders will meet at the Joint Base Charleston - Naval Weapons Theater at 11 a.m. and then proceed to the North Charleston Civic Center for the Palmetto Police Rodeo and then ride to the FLETC for another burger burn, again sponsored by the Green Knights. The Friday event is geared for Air Force personnel and supported unit riders on the Air Base and Saturday's event is offered mainly for supported unit riders on the Weapons Station. However, both events are open to all riders. These events will count for Air Force personnel annual refresher training. For more information, contact the JB Charleston Wing Safety office at 764-7037.

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The Patriot • March 9, 2012

Family Craft Night Wednesday, Mar. 14

Finally, a tournament for underachievers!

5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Free event

Pottery 101 Class

Low Ball Tournament

Adult Beginner’s Pottery Two-part class - March 22 & 29 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. $20 per student Advance registration required.

Saturday, March 10 - 6 p.m.

Starlifter Lanes Bowling Center 963-3315

Twilight 3D Archery Shoot Tuesday, March 20 4:30 p.m. Two classes: Hunter’s and Ladies 1st & 2nd place prizes in each class Registration deadline: March 16 Outdoor Recreation Center 963-1732 ww.JBCharleston.com

Huge framing sale now through March 16! Save up to 30% on custom framing

Arts & Crafts Center

203 W. Stewart Ave. On the Air Base 963-4936

Taste of the Emerald Isle Wednesday, March 14

Lunch 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Dinner 5-7:30 p.m. ‘Corned beef and several traditional sides ‘Salad & soup stations ‘Everyone welcome! No RSVP needed

Charleston Club




On the Air Base 963-1732

Rec Review

Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at www.JBCharleston.com.


The Patriot • March 9, 2012



The Patriot • March 9, 2012

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau taking complaints on checking accounts Courtesy of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau began accepting consumer complaints about bank accounts, including checking accounts, savings accounts, CDs and related services March 1. "Deposit accounts play a critical role in the lives of most Americans, but these products and the laws governing them are complicated," said CFPB Director Richard Cordray. "Consumers need someone on their side to keep banks and credit unions accountable - that is our job." Almost nine out of 10 American households have at least one checking account, and many also maintain a savings account. Yet, despite the fact that they are commonplace, bank accounts can be complex and confusing. Consumers can file a bank account complaint with the CFPB using the Bureau's website or by mail, fax or telephone. The CFPB's U.S.-based call centers handle calls with little or no wait times, provide services for the hearing - and speechimpaired and have the ability to assist the public in 187 languages.

The CFPB recently redesigned its website to provide a more seamless customer experience when filing a complaint or checking the status of an existing complaint. In addition, the consumerfinance.gov homepage prominently features the work the bureau is doing to make the costs and risks of financial products clear to consumers. A new navigation bar makes it easier for all of the site's visitors - consumers, financial institutions and others - to access the information and tools available online. The bureau expects banks to respond to complaints within 15 days and seeks to close all complaints within 60 days. Consumers are given a tracking number after submitting a complaint. They are then able to log in to the CFPB website at any time and check the status of their case. Each complaint will be processed individually and consumers will have the option to dispute a bank's resolution. The CFPB began taking credit card inquiries and complaints when it launched July 21, 2011. In December, the bureau began handling complaints on mortgages and other home loans. Today's announcement represents the third phase of the Bureau's Consumer Response complaints program.

The Bureau's Consumer Response team has already received and resolved thousands of complaints on mortgages and credit cards. As of Feb. 22, the Bureau had received more than 20,000 complaints, including nearly 7,000 on mortgages and almost 12,000 on credit cards. The bureau has seen three major issue areas with respect to credit cards: consumer confusion, third-party fraud and factual disputes between the consumer and the card issuer. For mortgages, the biggest complaint source has been foreclosures and the majority of those complaints have been sent to companies for review and response. On the topic of banking accounts, the bureau anticipates receiving complaints in five categories: - Account opening, closing and management; - Deposits and withdrawals; - Using a debit or ATM card; - Making or receiving payments and sending money to others; - Problems related to low account funds. aConsumers with complaints on bank accounts, credit cards and mortgages should contact the Bureau at ConsumerFinance.gov or call 1-855-411-CFPB.

AF officials announce manpower force structure changes Courtesy of the Secretary of the Air Force for Public Affairs WASHINGTON, D.C. – Air Force officials released force structure changes and resulting manpower impacts from the new DoD strategic guidance and fiscal 2013 President's Budget Mar. 6. The fiscal 2013 President's Budget adjusts Air Force military end strength to 501,000, with net reductions of 3,900 Active Duty, 5,100 Air National Guard and 900 Air Force Reserve billets. According to the Air Force Chief of Staff, the Air Force's strategy is to apply resources to the people, programs, and systems that will best contribute to the new DoD strategic guidance. "Working with our Guard and Reserve leaders, we used a balanced approach to adjust our Total Force end strength while maintaining the ability to execute strategic guidance," Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz said. "Our Total Force programmed reductions follow detailed assessments of future conflict scenarios and rotational requirements consistent with the new strategic guidance." The Air Force is also announcing manpower changes on unit manpower documents resulting from the previously announced force structure reduction of 227 aircraft as well as additional adjustments not tied to aircraft. These changes pri-

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marily include the inactivation of a combat communications group and several air control squadrons, as well as right-sizing Air Force bands. "We made a deliberate decision to avoid a 'hollow force' by prioritizing readiness over force structure," Schwartz said. "A smaller, ready force is preferable to a larger force that is illprepared because it lacks adequate resources." Achieving the right Active and Reserve Component manpower balance became a priority under the new strategic guidelines for the Air Force's future. Since then, the governors have been given an opportunity to provide input to the plan as Reserve Component force structure reductions directly or indirectly impact all 54 states and territories. "Our collaborative process with the Guard and Reserve yields a force with the most effective posture for surge capability and steady-state operational employment," Schwartz said. "Achieving the right active and reserve forces mix is critical for meeting our forward presence, rapid response, and high rotational demands with a smaller force." "The realignment of military positions will improve our combat capability and ensure we are able to maintain our rapid response requirements as defined in Titles 10 and 32," Neal said. "Although we will retain fewer units available to deploy, we will maintain overall capacity and sustain com-



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mand and control structure." "To prepare for the FY13 end strength reductions, the Air Force is evaluating the entire suite of currently authorized force management programs to determine which ones will best size and shape the force to support force structure changes," explained William Booth, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Force Management Integration. "We plan to announce additional FY12 programs for the active component in the coming weeks, but neither the Air National Guard nor Air Force Reserve currently has force management programs scheduled for FY12 implementation." Booth said all components are exploring force management options for fiscal 2013. "As the Air Force takes steps to reduce our end strength, we will offer support programs to help separating Airmen translate their military skills into the private sector and facilitate the transition in a way that capitalizes on the tremendous experience in technical fields and leadership that they develop while serving," Booth said. Schwartz emphasized the tough decisions required in the fiscal 2013 President's Budget request. "Finding the proper balance between force structure, readiness, activity levels and modernization was essential," Schwartz said.


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The Patriot • March 9, 2012

Events March 13 ❏ Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Workshop: Learn how to transition from the military to civilian life with ease, March 13 to 15. The first three days are from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., the fourth day is from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Call 9634406 to sign up. ❏ Educational Opportunities Counseling: Information and assistance on educational opportunities are available March 13. Schedule a half hour appointment between 10 and 11:30 a.m. Call the A&FRC at 963-4406 to schedule an appointment. March 14 ❏ Spouse Employment / Scholarship Orientation: Learn about free available resources, services, employment, resumes, the local job market, scholarships and other job search issues March 14 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Call 963-4406 to sign up. ❏ Workforce Specialist: Learn about job referrals, resume and interview assistance and information about educational opportunities for active duty, retirees, dependents and DoD civilians March 14 from 10 a.m. to noon by appointment only. Call the A&FRC at 963-4406 to schedule your appointment. ❏ All You Need to Know About Building, Maintaining and Repairing Your Credit: Whether you want to build, maintain or fix your credit and score, this class will cover every aspect of the credit report and credit scoring, March 14 from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Call the A&FRC at 963-4406 to sign up. March 21 ❏ Spouse Introduction to JB Charleston: A fun, fast paced introduction to JB Charleston for all military spouses who have recently moved to the area. Meet other newly-arrived spouses, connect with your unit Key Spouse and learn where to shop, dine and play in the Lowcountry March 21 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Call the A&FRC at 9634406 to sign up. ❏ Caring for an Aging Parent - Eldercare: Learn to navigate the Eldercare system from the experts, agencies, resources and services identified in our community March 21 from noon to 2 p.m. Call the A&FRC at 963-4406 to register. March 22 ❏ Resume II: Professional feedback provided as you work on your draft resume, March 22 from 9 to 10:30 a.m and 10:30 to noon. Walk away with a completed resume. Call the A&FRC at 963-4406 to register. March 26 ❏ Making Sense of the TSP (Civilian and Military: Simplified language to help even the novice investor understand the purpose of the TSP, whether the TSP is a good choice for you, strategies to use when investing in the TSP and much more, March 26 from 1 to 2 p.m. Call the A&FRC at 963-4406 to register.

March 27 ❏ Learn How to Adopt/Foster: Learn to navigate the Adoption and Fostering system from the experts, March 27 from noon to 2 p.m. Call the A&FRC at 963-4406 to register. March 28 ❏ Smooth Move Workshop: Learn from the experts how to PCS smoothly, March 28 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Call the A&FRC at 963-4406. March 29 ❏ Exceptional Family Member Program: Join us for this Support Group for families enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program, March 29 from 6 to 8 p.m. Call the A&FRC at 963-4406 to reserve your seat.


March 13 ❏ Accepting and Navigating Change with Life Special Announcements and Work: During these times of employment ❏ Stratford High School Class of 1987 is holduncertainty and life in general, learn how to maxiing its reunion July 13 through 15, 2012 and is mize your potential. Explore the Best Seller, "Who looking to locate classmates. If you graduated in Moved My Cheese?" by Dr. Spencer Johnson. The 1987 and are interested in attending contact Kara next class is March 13 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Call Nicholas Reeves at 843-714-0862 or /karathe FFSC at 764-7480 to register. reeves35@yahoo.com or Deirdre Clerkin Hartzog March 20 at @ 803-596-2762/dclerkinh@yahoo.com ❏ Navigating Operational Stress: Learn tech❏ Clinic Announcement: The Health and niques to slow down, take a deep breath, prioritize, Wellness Center has changed phone numbers. To and relax. Our next class is March 20 from 10 to contact the HAWC, call 843-963-4087. 11:30 a.m. To register or for more information call ❏ LEAN Awareness Class: Learn how to create the FFSC at 764-7480. a more efficient and effective environment in the March 21 workplace and learn proven techniques and meth❏ Matri-Money: This financial class for couods to eliminate waste in processes. The Lean ples discusses the differences in thinking about Awareness Class is held every Tuesday in Bldg. money situations. The next classes are March 21 16,000, Mission Support Group Conference Room and 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. For more information call from 8 to 11 a.m. Call George McDowell at 469the FFSC at 764-7480. 8378 for more information. ❏ Federal Resume Writing: The Federal ❏ Over Pricing (ZOP) Program: Per Air Resume writing workshops are offered to assist Mobility Command, everyone that orders parts attendees in fine-tuning their federal resumes prothrough the Department of Defense stock system is viding them with the best tool possible in their fedrequested to file a report when large discrepancies in eral job search. The next class is March 21 from, 9 prices exist for parts received. An example would be to 11 a.m. For more information call the FFSC at a $5 part that costs $500. All personnel should con764-7480. tact the 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron March 22 Customer Service office to file a complaint. For ❏ Smooth Move: This workshop addresses questions, concerns or further instruction on ZOP, move-related topics such as who pays what for contact Staff Sgt. Charles Brown at 963-4831. your move, how to ship your personal property and ❏ Workforce Specialist: A workforce specialist is what the sponsorship program is. The next class is now available by appointment on Tuesdays from 1 March 22 from 9 a.m. to noon. Call the FFSC at to 4 p.m. and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to noon. The 764-7480. specialist can help with job referrals, resume and March 27 interview assistance and provide information about ❏ Basic Resume Writing: Learn how to comeducational opportunities for active duty, retirees, pose a professional looking resume March 27 from dependents and Department of Defense civilians. 10 to 11 a.m. Call the FFSC at 764-7480. Call 963-4406 to schedule an appointment. ❏ Spouse Introduction to Joint Base Special Announcements Charleston: Held the first and third Wednesday of ❏ LEAN Awareness Class: Learn how to create each month, this is a fun and fast-paced introducmore efficient and effective environment in the a tion to JB Charleston for all military spouses who workplace and learn proven techniques and methhave recently moved here. Meet other newlyarrived spouses, connect with your sponsor's unit ods to eliminate waste in processes. The Lean Key Spouse and learn where to shop, dine and play Awareness Class is held every Tuesday in Bldg. in the Lowcountry. Get the information you need 16,000, Mission Support Group Conference Room to make this your family's best assignment ever. from 8 to 11 a.m. Call George McDowell at 4698378 for more information. Call the A&FRC at 963-4406 to register. ❏ Coupon Exchange: The FFSC has a coupon ❏ Coupon exchange: The AFRC has a coupon station in Bldg. 755 and is open to all exchange exchange that is open to all ranks. Bring in your unused coupons between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., military and family members. Bring in unused Monday through Friday and help yourself to coupons between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday coupons for you and your family. For more infor- through Friday and help yourself to coupons for your family. Call the FFSC at 764-7480 for more mation on the coupon exchange, call 963-4408. information. See more briefs at www.charleston.af.mil ❏ Budget for Baby: The Navy Marine Corps To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to Relief Society offers a basic budgeting class for patriot@charleston.af.mil. Make the subject line "NEWS expecting mothers. Class is held the every second BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than Thursday of the month from 9:30 a.m. to noon. close of business the Friday prior to publication. After completing the class, each mom will receive

Family Events is dedicated to family activities. To submit an activity, send an e-mail to patriot@ charleston.af.mil. Make the subject line "Family Events." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.

Movie Schedule: Weapons Station Movie Theater: Call 764-7516 for show times. Admission is free. Doors open 30 minutes prior to each showing. ❏ Tower Heist: March 9, 7:30 p.m., Rated PG-13 ❏ Alvin & the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked: March 10, 5 p.m., Rated G ❏ Tower Heist: March 10, 7:30 p.m., Rated PG-13 ❏ Alvin & the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked: March 11, 2 p.m., Rated G

Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station ❏ Birthday bowling parties: Looking for something different to do for your next birthday party? Marrington Bowling Center has birthday bowling parties that are great for kids of any age. Call the bowling center for party options and availability. ❏ Stroller Rollers offers "Fitness for Mom, fun for baby!" Attention new mothers, now there is a way to get fit while spending quality time with your baby. With the Stroller Rollers program, you'll shape up with a power walk and body sculpting while strolling with your baby. It's a great chance to interact with other new moms. Classes meet at the Naval Support Activity gymnasium on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. Classes are free. Materials are provided. For more information, call MWR Fitness Director Nancy Haynsworth at 764-4067. ❏ Free on-line tutoring service: Tutor.com for Military Families is the Defense Department's official, online, on-demand tutoring and homework help service for military members and their families. The site, http://www.tutor.com/military offers round-the-clock professional tutors who can assist with homework, studying, test preparation, proof-reading and more. Active-duty military members and

a Layette filled with free baby items such as crib sheets, onesies and a homemade blanket. Call 7647662 or come in to sign up for the class. Our temporary office is located in Bldg. 301 (PSD), Room 212. ❏ Work & Family Life Specialists: Work & Family Life specialists are available by appointment. Get help with job referrals, resume and interview assistance, first move and information about educational opportunities for active duty, retirees, family members and Department of Defense civilians. Call the FFSC at 764-7480 for an appointment. ❏ Personal Financial Management: Let an FFSC certified financial specialists assist you in accessing and explaining your credit report. They can provide the tools and information to improve your score and make the right decisions about collections and debt. Call FFSC at 764-7480 for more information. ❏ Wise Credit Choices: Did you know that your credit score is a huge deciding factor for interest rates, mortgages, insurance costs, employability, loans, deposits, etc.? Call a personal financial manager at the FFSC for an appointment at 764-7480. ❏ Developing your spending plan: Let a financial education specialist at the FFSC on Joint Base Charleston-Weapons Station provide you the tools and resources needed to develop a financial plan of your dreams. The purpose of a financial plan is for you to determine where you are now, where you want to go and how you plan to get there by starting today. Contact the FFSC 764-7480 for more information.

Updates and Notices ❏ Stepping Stones Pre-School storytime: Parents and pre-school children learn together through stories, songs, arts & crafts and play time with the Stepping Stones Pre-school Story Time program at the JB CHS - Weapons Station Branch Library. Children must be pre-school age and accompanied by a parent or guardian. This free program is Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. To register, call 764-7900. ❏ MWR's Recycling Department calling for all metal: Containers for empty aluminum cans are located throughout the Naval Support Activity. Aluminum cans are the mainstay of the recycling program; however, all types of metal are accepted. If you have heavy metal products that need to be picked up, call the Recycling Department at 7430510. All recycling proceeds go towards enhancing your Morale, Welfare, Recreation facilities and programs. ❏ Resale vehicle lot: Selling a car, truck, camper, boat or motorcycle? MWR's "Hot Deals on Wheels" used vehicle lot offers the only authorized place to display vehicles for sale on Naval Support Activity. The lot is located near Red Bank Road in the New Wave Pool parking lot. The cost is $8 per week for military and immediate family and $10 per week for retirees and DoD civilians. Reservations and payment are accepted at the Information, Tickets and Tours Office. Call 7642120 for more information. ❏ Parents, need a night out? The Child Development Homes program has certified providers available for Friday night child care. Call the CDH office for a list of available providers at 764-7347.

See more briefs at www.charleston.af.mil To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to patriot@charleston.af.mil. Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.

National Guard, Reserve personnel and Defense Department civilians on active duty in a deployed status and their family members are eligible to participate. Tutor.com's network includes more than 2,500 professional tutors who have delivered more than six million, one-on-one tutoring sessions since 2001. Each tutor is certified through the site, and all sessions are recorded for quality control. The program can also be accessed through a free app for the iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad. ❏ Make your next party a movie party at Cinema One: Looking for a unique idea for your next group party? Why not make it a movie party? Cinema One offers private showings of your favorite feature films. Cinema One movie parties are perfect for birthday celebrations, command socials, class trips, youth groups and lots more. Movie parties are free to groups of 40 or more (with concessions purchase) and are $40 to groups of less than 40 people. Call theater manager, Teresa Stuckey, at 764-4107 for reservation information.

Joint Base Charleston - Air Base ❏ Girl Scouting: Girls in kindergarten through eighth grade are invited to join Girl Scout Troop 895 at the Chapel Annex on the second and fourth Tuesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Contact Patti Donahue at 618-363-5230 or pdonahue@sc.rr.com for more information. ❏ Story Hours at the Library: The Base Library has two fun story hours every week. Mondays at 10 a.m., is the home day care story hour. Please call ahead each week to sign-up your group for this day. Tuesdays is the toddler open story and craft hour starting at 10 a.m. Reservations are not required for this session. Both sessions are free. Call 963-3320 to sign up. ❏ Tennis Lessons: Lessons are held at the Outdoor Recreation tennis courts. Children six through 17 and adults can enroll for one-hour sessions, twice a week for $80 per month. Lessons are held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m.

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The Patriot • March 9, 2012

Don’t Get Ripped Off! Call, Log On, Or Come By To See For Yourself

"Chief's On Your Side!"

Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To www.CharlestonMilitary.com

SErvICES Home Day Care 6wks-4yrs full/part time/wkends/eves/hol. off Ashley Phos. Rd. call 568-8609 / 364-4140 Divine Redeemer Catholic School (grades K4-8) Providing Academic Excellence in Hanahan 2012-2013 Registration Call 553-1521

MISC NOTICES The Knight of Columbus is having a golf tournament at Crowfield Golf and Country Club on Sunday April 15. The purpose to raise money for church roof repair. The tournament will be a shotgun start at 1:00 pm. The cost is $65.00 per player. Format is four man captians choice and we will accept single players. Contact point is Frank Strunk Home phone 843.797.8268 - Email is frankifox@bellsouth.net JB CHS NATIONAL PRAYER SERVICE: Please join the JB Weapons Station Chapel for the National Prayer Service on Tuesday, 20 Mar at 0745 at the WS Chapel. The guest speaker will be Chaplain, Captain (Ret) Roscoe Rector, USN. Please call the WS Chapel at 764-7222 for more information. JB CHS NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST: Please join us at the National Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday, 21 Mar at 0730 in the Charleston Club. The guest speaker will be Chaplain, Major General (Ret) Charles Baldwin, USAF. Tickets are $6.00 and can be purchased through the First Sergeants or the AF Chapel starting 5 Mar until 15 Mar. Please call the AF Chapel at 963-2536 for info.

Come Join the Fun at CafeMoms.com.... info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC"

New 2 BR, 2.5 Bath, 1 car garage townhouse in Grand Oaks subdivision of West Ashley w/ comm Pool avail for $1250/mo rent. Call 8433504567

Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more http://www.meetup.com/military-moms/

2 Story Furnished Home in Legend Oaks. 3 Bed 2.5 Bath, all kitchen appliances, W/D, Line3 - fireplace, backyard, patio, porch, $1500/mo. 630-297-1610

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) For Moms with kids birth through kindergarten. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Old Fort Baptist Church, 10505 Dorchester RD. Summerville, SC 29485. Contact Heather Hansen 873-2283 for more information.

Immacculate Wescot Home-3BR, 2BA, DR, LR, Sunroom, Garage.1600sf. Pool, Dor II School, Dist. 10 min to base. $1250/mo. Call 870-3889

HOMES/APTS FOr rENT Townhouse for Rent: 3BR/2.5BA, garage, 1790 sq feet, 2/dryer, dock. Available now. Dorch II schools. Ellen 437-0001 2br 2.5 ba Townhouse Summerville. $975 month Call 843-568-4795 Rooms for rent. Large house. Devin 843-834-4189 3br, 1 1/2 ba, brk house, lg fenced yd. near AFB, I-26, mall, new carpet/paint. $ 950 +dep, military discount $ 750 mo. 767-0112 no pets. Roomate needed move in now! 650mo (covers all utilities) 2story 3bdrm home in summerville, highwoods plantation subdiv donald 8033781682 Furnished Condo for rent: 1 mile from AFB. 1brLr/dr-kitchen-full bath - pool. $575. month. Remodeled. Call 443 847 7858

HOMES FOr SALE 4Br/2Ba Fixer Upper Home: Owner Will Finance! G. Creek, Fenced Yard, Firepl., Bad Credit OK. $99K Fixed up, Make Offer As-is, 843-278-5454 Nice 2br-2ba semi furnished half duplex, 1150 sft, near air base, 4 ceiling fans, new, roof, screen porch. $66,500. 843 767 8902


STSC/SS Sam Pennington, Owner Chief's Wholesale Autos Open 7 Days A Week $0 DOWN, GUARANTEED FINANCING THRU USAA, NFCU AND SNAAC. 843-568-9856 Nationwide Warranty Regional Quality Award Winner 2006 Nissan Xterra Blk/blk 118k miles. Very well maintained! Pls call/text for more info 843-345-2298 $9900 OBO

MISC ITEMS FOr SALE Twin size futon chair folds into a bed, solid oak $125, call 572-4199, lv msg, you transport, excellent cond 12” Thick Pillowtop mattress Set. Never opened, still in plastic. Must sell ASAP. Was $600, Sell $245. Call Keith, 843-375-5908.


• MatchingDonors.com is a 501C3 nonprofit organization.

Crossword of the Week

Solid Oak Twin Size Futon Chair that Opens into a twin bed, $175 OBO, you haul Call 572-4199, lv msg if no answer

KITCHEN CABINETS- Beautiful. Never Installed. Cost $4800, Sell $1650. Call 843-856-4680. Amazing NEW Queen P-top Mattress $95! Delivery Available. 843-696-5712 6 Pc. Cherry Bedroom Set with Mattress set, Still in the Box! $350! Delivery Available 843-696-5212 Microfiber Sectional $495 with Military Discount. NEW IN BOX Delivery Available 843637-6360 5 Pc Solid Wood Dinette $250,Coffee & End Tables $99. All New! Delivery Available. 843-696-5212

You don’t have to donate a kidney to save a life. • We will accept any auto - running or not.

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Misc items 4sale, fence, entertainment center. Grill/ smoker, outside furniture, lawn stones. Lawn equip, shed and more call Nic 8163771364

Donate Your Car, Boat, RV or Real Estate

AWESOME BIKE! 04 Honda CBR600 09152 miles. Great condition, black/ blue in sunlight, runs like new! Asking $3500 Call 843-614-0315


Chain link fence for sale. Base housing size $150 obo. Call Nic 816-377-1364

• 100% tax deductible.

• 100% of the proceeds will go to help saving the lives of people needing organ transplants.

Call us at 1.800.385.0422 Or donate on line at



TO PLACE AN AD CharlestonMilitary.com fax 856-0358 Diggle Publishing PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465 843-412-5861 Diggle Publishing Company, accepts free three-line personal* classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. One ad per military family per issue. Ads that do not adhere to submission guidelines may be rejected without notice.

The Best Way To Submit A Free Ad Is With Our Online Form At CharlestonMilitary.com We do not take ads by phone. Please do not call to confirm your free ad was received. * Business-related ads (even home businesses) cost $3 per line (42 letters and spaces per line). Additional lines (over the 3 free) for personal ads may be purchased for $3 per line as well. To pay for an ad or additional lines, please submit your credit card number and expiration date - as well as the name of the cardholder - with your ad via fax, email or by phone.

Deadline to submit an ad is 4 p.m. Tuesday - no exceptions ads printed on a space available basis

CLUES DOWN ACROSS DonateCLUES Your Car, Boat, RV or Real Estate 1. Steeped beverage 1. Scarlett’s home have to donate a kidney to save a life. You don’tconfection 2. Pier, side of porch 5. Mideast 3. College army 10. Mutual savings bank • We will accept any 4. Spurious wing 13. auto Organic compound - running or not. 5. Care program for the terminally ill 14. The Hunter constellation • 100% tax deductible. 6. Protects the wearer’s body 15. Kindred Readily, willingly Tip of the Aleutians 7. 17. • MatchingDonors.com 8. Measures electric currents 18. is Melt to separate a 501C3 nonprofit metals 9. Hymns 19. organization. Fr. Riviera city 10. 1929 Nobel literature laureate 20. Severe storm sound • 100% of the proceeds Call us at 1.800.385.0422 ruler (alt. sp.) 11. 23 ___: go away! 23. Arabian will go to help saving Or donate on line at the livesof of people 12. Upper arm mucles 24. 1/100 a yen needing organ MatchingDonors.com 16. Filippo __, Saint 25. Office of Public Information transplants. 21. Doctors’ group 26. Radioactivity unit 22. Freshwater mussel genus 29. Symbol for actinium 26. A male sheep 30. Chinese ethnic group w/ 27. Yoruba colorful clothes 28. Former VP Quayle 32. Alias 31. Am. Nurses Assoc. (abbr.) 33. Ralph Waldo __ 34. ___ Zedong 37. Tough Asiatic grass 35. Grey sea eagle 39. Macaws 36. Beam out 40. Swiss river 38. Sci-Fi writer Koke 44. Word formed from initial letters 41. Goat and camel hair fabric 48. Long fluffy scarf 42. Steal 49. Blighia sapida 43. Cologne 51. Anno Domini 45. Give over 53. __ Dhabi, Arabian capital 46. Motives for an action 54. Patti Hearst’s captors 47. White toy dog 55. Cony 49. Alloy used to make magnets 57. Divulge a secret 50. Take a siesta 59. One of the finalists 52. Dekaliter 64. Drunk (slang) 54. Plants seeds 65. But goodie 56. An awkward person (Yiddish) 66. Whale ship captain 57. Groom’s partner 68. Take the place of work of 58. Flat crusty-bottomed onion roll someone on strike 60. Goblins (Br.) 69. What is required 61. River into The Baltic Sea 70. ____ & Stitch 62. Islamic sect 71. Wife of Saturn 63. Baby powder mineral 72. Brief carefree shopping 67. Derek __, Harvard 73. Noisy chatter



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To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit: http://www.CharlestonMilitary.com

See the Answers, Page 12



AAI Corporation located in Charleston South Carolina is looking for highly qualified C-17 Instructors to fill positions at our Maintenance Training facility and as part of our Mobile Training Team in support of International Training Contracts.

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The Patriot • March 9, 2012

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Stokes is not responsible for any price discrepancies, statements of condition, or incorrect equipment listed on any preowned vehicle. Car may have minor road chips, light scratches, wheel scuffs, etc. Depending on the age of the vehicle, normal wear and tear should be anticipated. We may or may not have all the keys and floor mats. We will be happy to obtain extra ones for you at our dealer cost. Unless the vehicle has a remaining factory warranty, all sales are "AS-IS" with no warranty. Excludes tax, tag, registration and title and includes 299.50 - Administration Fee.

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