06-08-2012 The Patriot (Joint Base Charleston)

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Joint Base Charleston


Vol. 3, No. 23

Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!

Friday, June 8, 2012

628th SFS trains to restrain Staff Sgt. Michael Mattern, 628th Security Forces Squadron and Airman 1st Class Michael Compson, 628th SFS, practice restraint techniques June 5, 2012 at Joint Base Charleston, S.C. Security Forces practice weapon retention, physical apprehension and restraint techniques as an annual training requirement.

See more photos at www.charleston.af.mil

U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class Ashlee Galloway



Hancocks relives Battle of Midway See page 5


There will be blood

See page 8

628th SFS remembers one of their own Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Ashlee Galloway Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

A military working dog was laid to rest during a Memorial Service June 6, 2012 at the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Theater. Waldo, an 11-year old German shepherd and military working dog assigned to the 628th Security Forces Squadron, recently died from an illness. "The service today was nice, but it is always hard to put your best friend to rest, and Waldo was my best friend," said Staff Sgt. Brandon Edwards, 628th SFS military working dog handler. "Waldo always had a laid back attitude about him and loved to have fun, I really think he would have enjoyed this." After he completed training to become a fully certified drug detector/patrol dog at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas, he then arrived at JB Charleston in May 2003. During his career, Waldo completed more than 2, 300 hours of searches and 425 hours of detection training. He also conducted more than 225 demonstrations for the local community and annually visited schools during Red Ribbon Week to raise drug awareness. Waldo also deployed twice in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. After the ceremony, Waldo's cremated remains were laid to rest near the 628th SFS dog kennels. He will never be forgotten.

437 MXS PMEL Calibrates the mission See page 7

Weekend Weather Update Charleston, SC

Friday, June 8

Mostly Sunny

(10% precip)

The empty kennel and overturned bucket serve as a memoir to Waldo, a military working dog, during his memorial service at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. June 6, 2012.

Aircrew Training Center dedicated to Col. Halvorsen By Lt. Col. Joseph Meyer 15th Airlift Squadron Operations officer

High 86º Low 66º

Saturday, June 9

Partly Cloudy

(10% precip)

High 86º Low 68º

Sunday, June 10

Partly Cloudy

(10% precip)

High 84º Low 70º

Staff Sgt. Brandon Edwards, 628th Security Forces dog handler, lays Waldo to rest at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. June 6, 2012. Waldo, a military working dog, was assigned to the 628th Security Forces Squadron and served most of his career here. He was deployed twice to Afghanistan. During his career, Waldo conducted 2,304 hours of searches and completed 425 hours of detection training, leading to safer communities.

June 15, 2012 will be a special day for the 437th Airlift Wing and Joint Base Charleston. Bldg. 108, the C-17 Aircrew Training Center, located on the corner of East Hill Boulevard and Bates Street, will be dedicated after one of our finest mobility legends; (ret.) Col. Gail Halvorsen during a ceremony at 8 a.m. The Halvorsen C-17 Aircrew Training Center will be a timeless reminder of the contributions that Halvorsen made and continues to make on a global scale. During his 1948 assignment supporting the Berlin Airlift otherwise known as Operation Vittles, Lt. Halvorsen instituted Operation "Little" Vittles by dropping small parachutes laden with candy to the children of Berlin after learning of their plight. Lt. Halverson's self-ini-

tiated act of kindness became the humanitarian heart that motivated aircrews and fueled hope for over two million Berliners. Furthermore, it coalesced America's support for the operation and proved to be the tipping point for a hearts and minds campaign that eventually countered Soviet desires to dominate Berlin and the region. The Airmen of Team Charleston's Total Force Team, the 437th Airlift Wing, 628th Air Base Wing and the 315th Airlift Wing proudly serve on the front line of our nation's defense by providing Hope's Global Reach in all core mobility missions. Superbly trained and ready to answer the call, Team Charleston is the backbone of our nation's ability to respond anytime, anywhere; delivering hope to nameless victims in every corner of the globe via airlift, airdrop and special operations. Just as Lt. Halvorsen's signature wing rock and

candy-laden 'parachutes' gave hope to a city under siege, a glimpse of Charleston's distinctive C-17 tail flash provides hope today to warfighters, displaced civilians, and victims of natural disaster Colonel Halvorsen's simple acts of kindness answered the call of an entire city in its darkest hour and established a legacy of selfless service. This is the very same sense of "service before self" that has become a core value for Mobility Airmen across the Air Force. His acts also helped prove the strategic value of airlift as a national military capability. The Halvorsen C-17 Aircrew Training Center will distinctly memorialize the contributions that Col. Gail S. Halvorsen made to our Air Force and the nation, and will forever ground today's Airmen to our proud airlift legacy.

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BLACK 01/29/08


AtHoc Disaster Notification: Are you the Weak Link?

The Patriot • June 8, 2012

Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot

The Joint Base Charleston Patriot is published by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DoD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs offices of both bases reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed to be against DoD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.


The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Patriot staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.

Editorial Content

Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Patriot can be reached at: 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, Room 312. Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963-3464 Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd., Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154. E-mail to: patriot@charleston.af.mil All news releases should be sent to this address.

Editorial Staff

628 ABW commander Col. Richard McComb Public Affairs Officer Michaela Judge Patriot Editor SrA Anthony Hyatt

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Important Base Numbers:


Commentary by Maj. Reid Wynans 628th Air Base Wing Command Post chief

FACT: A major emergency will befall the Lowcountry - it's only a matter of time. In just the last decade, the Charleston area has already stared down 16 tropical depressions, storms and hurricanes. What's less evident is how well we at Joint Base Charleston will react to a major emergency when it does occur. With that in mind, JB Charleston leadership authorized the insightful purchase of a truly state-of-the-art mass-warning notification system that maintains the potential to reach out and touch every single member of our total force joint family, military and civilian alike, throughout the Lowcountry and beyond. At a moment's notice, 24-hours a day, seven days a week, a 628th Air Base Wing Command Post controller can notify every single member of JB Charleston with the touch of a button ... literally! This technology-leveraging marvel calls itself AtHoc, which consists of four elements: Giant Voice for outdoor areas; Indoor Voice for indoor facilities (projected capability); Telephone Alerting System for phone calls or text alerts; and Software-Alert Systems for e-mail and 'pop-up' alerts. However, for all of its revolutionary capabilities, AtHoc suffers from one critical weak link - you and me. AtHoc can only use the contact information that the member - that's you and I manually inputs into its confidential database. While the system automatically creates a member's profile courtesy of our Internet Protocol Addresses, it cannot access our home phone, cell phone, or home e-mail address unless we update this vital information by clicking on the small purple globe icon located in the lower right section of your work's computer screen. From there, select "Access Self Service" and update the applicable information within the "My Info" and "Devices" tabs. If you're a slow typer and clicker like me, it may take you up to three minutes to accomplish. Three minutes drives a pretty good return on investment for the priceless capability to receive a timely warning regarding a threatening storm or other critically important update while you're off duty. Ultimately, JB

Charleston's leadership aims to notify all of Team Charleston's members and their families during times of emergencies that require urgent attention, using multiple channels, to accelerate our threat response within 10 minutes of giving the order. To add motivating fuel to the fire, Col. Richard McComb, JB Charleston commander, issued a directive Jan. 5, 2012 which mandates all personnel assigned to JB Charleston must complete this task by entering at least their work and home phone number. If you're "lucky" enough to warrant a government cell phone, enter that number too. Through painful learning experiences that hardly need introductions 9/11, Katrina, Hugo, Ft. Hood, Deepwater Horizon, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Joplin, etc. - the federal government and, by extension, the Department of Defense understand that a properly and efficiently coordinated prompt response to an existing or impending disaster is absolutely paramount to successfully preventing and mitigating damage. The dedicated professionals at the 628th Civil Engineer Emergency Management flight, the 628th Air Base Wing Command Post and the 437th Operations Support Squadron Weather flight have already made great strides in preparing our joint base as a National Weather Service - certified "Storm Ready." However, emergencies ram headlong into our peaceful daily routine in manners that extend far beyond nature's wrath so we must stand ready for all contingencies. AtHoc accounts for this. Hopefully, we will never get the opportunity to put our emergency response procedures to the test, but to anyone who keeps up on current events, that's just not reality. So, in the meantime, while we wait ... do the responsible thing for yourself and your family and use the next three minutes of your life to register right now for AtHoc. Don't be the weak link. For existing AtHoc-related questions, contact 628abw.athoc.help@us.af.mil. (Some 315th Airlift Wing and Naval Weapons Station personnel are not currently enrolled in the JB Charleston AtHoc system, but are expected to be fully linked in within the coming months.)

Make it a high-five day!

Commentary by Chief Master Sgt. Gigi Manning 315th Airlift Wing command chief

Every day while listening to the news or radio, I hear how the world is changing and not necessarily for the better. Listening to these messages, I wonder what our country and the world will be like in the next 20 years or so. I think about my life and how it will be affected by these changes that are occurring. Next, I consider what I'm doing on a daily basis to try and make things better in my own way. Some days I give myself a high-five and others, not so much. As military men and women, we are fortunate to live in and serve the best nation in the world. It's not perfect by any means, but the freedoms and

opportunities we have are because of those that have gone before us. Our actions today are a direct reflection on the honor that has been bestowed on our armed forces. Each of us, when seen by the general public, is regarded as someone special and deserving of respect. By the same token, anything that one of us does negatively is a direct reflection on the armed forces. By the actions of one member, the entire force gets scrutinized and painted with a broad brush. No squadron wants to be known for the most cases of driving under the influence, Wing for the most suicides, armed service for inhumane treatment of people, or a nation that can't take care of its people. Each one of us makes up all of these things though. So what have you done today to make your world a better place? Is it a high-five day or a not-so-much?

Diamond Tip: Take ownership Commentary by Master Sgt. Eric Brown 628th Medical Group first sergeant

While assigned to my first duty station, my trainer and first supervisor, Staff Sgt. Harry Reese, would always give me a regulation to read whenever I was not training. Reese made me read the regulations cover to cover and quizzed me on information not found in my career-development courseware. Over time, it became habit to read Air Force Instructions that didn't pertain to my job. I became an expert in my

job and educated in various other programs. Many times I've identified the correct way of doing a task by referencing it to an instruction versus "that's the way we always done it" method. As I progressed in rank and became a trainer, I also employed the same method of teaching. I trained Airmen to know their way around the myriad of instructions, technical orders and they learned not to revert to a "let me ask someone" behavior. I trained them to be experts in their job. I trained them to be professional Airmen. They learned to take ownership in their processes.

Each day, I approach individuals and correct them on dress and appearance standards. Did I miss the part in AFI 36-2903 that says you don't have to wear a cover when you are off base? Or did I recall reading the little blue book that said "do what's right when no one is looking?" Take ownership in your job, take ownership in our Air Force ... be a professional Airman at all times. Thank you retired Master Sgt. Reese for making me be a better professional Airman!

Diamond Tip: Engineering success Commentary by Master Sgt. Jason Soule 15th Airlift Squadron first sergeant

At some point, every Airman will need to accept the fact that they are no longer the new person in the Air Force. If you are reading this, then you have been in the Air Force long enough to make that change and can provide vital information to new people that arrive to your unit. It is important for supervisors to ensure the first impression of Joint Base Charleston is the best possible. A part of that includes eliminating distractions for the new inbound. Questionnaires and forms should have been mailed out in advance to eliminate distractions from the real purpose of the first day on the job which is, getting to know everyone and their way around the office. It will be important for a training buddy to be assigned and for that training buddy to be fully prepared for the responsibility. This person will need to explain everything from working hours to where various base facilities are located. The training buddy will need to place emphasis on the concept of courageous networking as this is a skill that will expedite the time for the new Airmen to achieve full proficiency. Courageous networking means not being afraid to admit when you need

help or have a question. People that are quick to seek assistance from their peers will become proficient quicker. Additionally, it is important for the new Airman to achieve success quickly and to not make any mistakes. Therefore, the buddy will be there to ensure that the new person is successful. This process of mentoring should continue throughout the person's career and modified to ensure continual growth. Next, a training or development plan will need to be established. A development plan is the best way for everyone to understand individual strengths and weaknesses. When people can see a career path for them to follow and feel supported from their new team, they will feel valued. It is important for leadership to keep everyone informed of expectations as well as specific measures of performance to enable individuals to track their progress. Finally, the follow-up is just as important to a new Airman's success as the initial meet and greet. Routine status of training meetings will need to take place to ensure continued progress and eliminate potential problems. The goal is to create a cohesive work environment where people constantly network. The result will be quicker upgrades in proficiency, job satisfaction and improved retention.

Commander’s Action Line 963-5581 Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline 963-5550

Inspector General’s Office 963-3553 / 963-3552

To See More Photos & News, Visit www.Charleston.Af.Mil

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The Patriot • June 8, 2012


18th AF Commander Fleet & Automotive Repair visits JB Charleston Because Where We We Care!

Salute Our Military

By Airman 1st Class Tom Brading Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

Every day, we honor our local military for their service, as well as our military families, who support those who serve in uniform. We are a local, family owned business which has been serving the Lowcountry from the same location for 16 years. We understand that trust has to be earned, and we work hard to build long relationships with loyal customers by exceeding expectations for honesty, value, quality and friendliness on every visit.

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Lt. Gen. Mark Ramsay, 18th Air Force commander, visited Joint Base Charleston, S.C., June 3 and 4 to get a firsthand look at the daily operations of the 437th Airlift Wing and its mission partners, as well as to speak to wing Airmen during an ‘All Call’. During the All Call, which took place in the base theater, Ramsay discussed topics such as force shaping, budget cuts, education, the responsible use of social media and ongoing operations in Southwest Asia. He also reminded Airmen of their importance to the success of the Air Force mission and thanked them for what they bring to the fight. “Thank you,” said Ramsay. “Your jobs are not easy. However, you make them look that way. Joint Base Charleston has remarkable facilities and truly astounding Airmen that expertly carry out the mission and have innovation, enthusiasm and dedication while doing it.” Ramsay said the motivation of young Airmen, like the ones he met at JB Charleston, inspires him in the difficult task of leading the Air Force’s largest Numbered Air Force. One of the main issues on the minds of Airmen at the All Call was how Ramsay saw the future of the Air Force in light of current uncertainties. The general noted that by restructuring the force along the lines outlined in the new Defense Strategic Guidance, the overall capabilities of the Air Force would remain mission ready even with less capacity.


He also encouraged Airmen to take advantage of the resources currently available to enhance their value to the Air Force. “Throughout Air Force history, we’ve experienced multiple changes in strategy or resources,” said Ramsay. “I encourage all Airmen to overwhelm the education office and take advantage of all the educational opportunities we currently offer, deepen yourselves mentally by reading more often and give everything you can to your job within the Air Force.” Another topic addressed by Ramsay was the power of social networking and the need for Airmen to use it responsibly. “I think all Airmen are amazing at what they do and I encourage them to share their Air Force story with the world,” said Ramsay. “However, think before posting an internet blog. Once you hit send, it’s out there, for anyone to read, forever. Airmen wouldn’t go to political events and endorse candidates in uniform, so doing so online isn’t different.” As 18th Air Force commander, Ramsay is in charge of a worldwide operational mission, with responsibility of more than 39,000 active-duty Airmen, Reservists and civilians. In addition, he oversees the operations of approximately 1,300 airlift and air-refueling aircraft. But even with the scope of that responsibility, he was quick to express his admiration for the men and women of Team Charleston. “I am very impressed,” said Ramsay. “Everyone works together to accomplish the mission that is Team Charleston.”

This is the watch Stephen Hollingshead, Jr. was wearing when he encountered a drunk driver. Time of death 6:55pm.

Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk.

Just off Ashley Phosphate, across from O’Reilly Auto Parts (behind the Wash Wizard).

Photo by Michael Mazzeo

To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com Or search for “CharlestonMilitary” on Facebook!

Ref#: 121926


The Patriot • June 8, 2012


Critical days of summer safety campaign

Courtesy of 628th Air Base Wing Safety office

Various safety campaigns are in place during the spring and summer months throughout the Department of Defense. The Army's "Take 5 for Safety", Navy's "Live to Play, Play to Live" and the Air Force's "Safety - It's Personal" are 2012 safety campaign themes. Campaign names and durations vary but the ultimate goal is the same - to reduce or eliminate the number of preventable fatal mishaps and injuries. This year, May 25 through Sept. 4 is designated as the Air Force Safety Center's "Critical Days of Summer" safety campaign. The 15-week campaign, "Safety – It's Personal," is designed to remind us that when it comes to safety, individual decisions can directly impact loved ones, friends, co-workers

and the entire Air Force family. This year's vision is to ensure all members have zero preventable fatal mishaps and an injury-free summer. The objective of the Air Force's Critical Days of Summer Campaign 2012 is to call attention to the loss and/or injury of members during the summer and to make them realize that safety is personal for them, their families, friends and coworkers. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, more Airmen die in off-duty mishaps than at any other time of the year. Since Fiscal Year 2002, the Air Force has experienced 218 fatalities during the Critical Days of Summer; 201 off-duty and 17 onduty. Last summer, off-duty mishaps claimed the lives of 18 Airmen. Seventy-two percent of these fatalities involved pri-

vate motor vehicles and almost half of these fatalities were alcohol related. In some cases, victims did not wear seat belts. Air Force senior leaders remind us, "Because one lost life is too many, we urge all Airmen to look out for one another, especially during the critical days of summer." Proper planning, sound risk management and wise decision making is very important. Smart choices may include steps as simple as starting a trip with proper rest, using personal protective equipment, observing posted speed limits, avoiding driver distractions like cell phones and never drive under the influence of alcohol. These decisions save lives. Safety campaign names and themes change but the bottom line is they're all about safety.

Conducting fall sports physicals

By 1st Lt. William Frechette 628th Medical Group

Participating in team sports is a great way to exercise and have fun. But before doing so, children must receive clearance from a doctor to make sure they are physically fit to play. The physical demands placed on the body during sports can be rigorous, which is why it

is so important to have a sports physical prior to participation in competitive team sports. During the physical, the medical staff will check height, weight, blood pressure, listen to the heart and lungs, look into the ears, nose and throat, check eyesight and finally, test strength and flexibility. The medical staff will also discuss any medical questions or concerns you may have about your child's health

in relation to the sport they want to play. The 628th Medical Group encourages you to plan in advance and to schedule your child's physical soon. By doing so, you ensure your child will be seen prior to the start of their sport. The 628th MDG will make every attempt possible to schedule your child to be seen prior to their sports start date, however, toward the end of summer it can take up to 28 days to be seen.

Has your child been seen for a well-visit or routine check-up in the past 11 months? If so, you can simply drop off your sports physical form at the clinic front desk and it will be completed and ready for pick up after two duty days. For more information, call the 628th MDG appointment line at 963-6880 or contact 1st Lt. William Frechette at William.frechette.1 @us.af.mil.

JB CHS training helps motorcyclists from becoming a statistic By Senior Airman Ian Hoachlander Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

As summer approaches, the number of motorcyclists from Joint Base Charleston will increase to enjoy the freedom of riding during their daily and recreational activities. Motorcycles are known for their outstanding gas mileage, unique looks and the excitement riders receive when cruising down the road. These two-wheeled vehicles may have some advantages when compared to other vehicles, but are also essentially dangerous to operate without the proper training and safety equipment. Military regulations can often be misinterpreted, and personnel who aren't aware of the requirements or choose to disregard them are putting their lives and career in serious jeopardy. Military members who plan to ride a motorcycle on or off base and civilian personnel who ride a motorcycle while in a duty status must complete an appropriate Department of Defense, Motorcycle Safety Foundation, or state-approved training course.

The Motorcycle Safety Foundation Basic Riders Course 1 is specifically designed as initial training to help develop the skills necessary to recognize and avoid potentially hazardous situations throughout the course of a rider's journey. Students begin the course with a day of in-class instruction where they are introduced to different types of motorcycles, how to operate a motorcycle and what to do before they ride. They are also introduced to a variety of street strategies ranging from what to do when being chased by a dog to what to look out for when coming to up to an intersection. On the second day, students learn the basic functions of a motorcycle and how to operate it safely, to include straightline riding, turning, shifting and stopping. The instructors spend half of the third day teaching students proper cornering, swerving and emergency braking techniques. At the conclusion of the instructional portion of the course the rider coaches give the students a written knowledge test and skill evaluation. Many motorcycle crashes are attributed to the rider's lack of knowledge of their vehicle's capabilities when it comes to braking and cornering; failure to use defensive driving tech-

niques; and failure to follow the speed limit. "If you think motorcycle training is a once in a life time endeavor, you will probably become a statistic," said Gary Gist, 628th Air Base Wing Safety Office ground safety technician. "Training is an ongoing process. Think about it; pilots, racecar drivers and football players all practice and train continuously throughout their careers. Why should your motorcycle riding career be any different other than the fact that your life depends on it? The MSF BRC-1 is the initial step for military members who may even be considering purchasing a motorcycle. The course must be completed before operating a motorcycle on or off base, on or off duty. Joint Base Charleston offers multiple MSF courses based on the skill level and the type of bike of the motorcyclist. New riders who want to participate in the basic riders course or seasoned riders coming up on their five-year retrain mark and want to participate in a more experienced course should contact their Motorcycle Safety Representative. For more information contact the 628th Air Base Wing Safety Office at 764-7037 or 963-5605.

To see seethe thePatriot Airlift online Dispatch online or adownload PDF ofplease the paper, please visit www.Airlift.sc To or download PDF of thea paper, visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com

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The Patriot • June 8, 2012



War hero relives battle 70 years later

By Senior Airman Dennis Sloan Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

On the quiet morning of June 4, 1942, 30 minutes before day break, the Sailors aboard the USS Yorktown (CV-5) were ordered to man their battle stations as Japanese bombers were quickly advancing on their position. The roar of the approaching aircraft engines and the sound of their wings cutting through the morning air filled the Sailors ears. The Battle of Midway had begun. Before the men knew it, Japanese torpedo bombers were flying past the Yorktown at lightning speeds dropping propelled fish destined for destruction into the ocean. Dive bombers were swooping down from the clouds so close to the ship's deck, the men on board could see the deathly stares in the pilot's eyes. Amidst the chaos and carnage was a 17 year-old-man, John Hancock, a Georgia native who had never ventured further than a few miles from his farm. He found himself on the Yorktown seated behind a .50-caliber machine gun in the middle of the Pacific Ocean filling the skies above with bright streaks of light. "I learned to shoot as a kid when I went quail hunting with my father," said Hancock. Hancock was assigned to the .50-caliber rather than .20caliber machine gun, because he had proven to be a proficient shot less than a month prior, during the Battle of Coral Sea. "Even though I was still shooting birds out of the sky during the battle, I had to lead them a little more than the quail back home, since they were moving a lot faster," Hancock jokingly said. Firing overhead, he was unable to shoot down a plane from his position and watched it fly past. He turned to his left to witness his shipmates firing at the same Japanese plane. It was finally hit. The plane, looking like Swiss cheese and spewing smoke and flames from its engines, began to barrel roll. As it fell from the sky, the bomb it was carrying came off and landed directly on the Sailors who had shot it down moments earlier. The bomb from the fallen plane struck the flight deck and the gun stations blowing Hancock from his seat. Barely surviving the explosion, Hancock stood up with a blooddrenched neck from shrapnel wounds and a collapsed lung. He walked over to the men who had been firing behind him. "The gun stations were awash with blood ... arms, legs and heads everywhere," said Hancock. "My best friends, who I had gone through basic training with, were among those gunners. It was hard for me, a young man, to see so much death and destruction." After a second torpedo hit the Yorktown, the crew was ordered to abandon ship. Hancock navigated through the holes and fires on the deck, grabbed his life preserver and jumped overboard. It was still daylight when he hit the water. It wasn't until dark that he was picked up by a U.S. Navy destroyer. Hancock jump off the ship wearing nothing more than his skivvies (underwear) and cover. "As I drifted away from the mangled ship and my fellow Sailors, I looked down at the life preserver and read what was printed on the top; 'floatation device good for up to 24-hours,'" said Hancock. "I never really thought if I was going to die. At that age you just think about what is going on at that moment.

I'll never forget the numbers painted on the side of the ship that rescued me, which read DD 411." Hancock was rescued from the Pacific Ocean when Sailors aboard the U.S. destroyer formed a human chain and lifted him from the water. He was then taken to the ships sick bay to have his wounds evaluated. The Battle of Midway is regarded as the most significant naval battle of the Pacific Campaign during World War II. At its conclusion, the United States claimed an overwhelming victory, sinking four Japanese carriers and one cruiser, U.S. Air Force photo / Senior Airman Dennis Sloan destroying 248 carrier aircraft U.S. Navy Capt. Thomas Bailey, Joint Base Charleston deputy commander, speaks with John and killing 3,057 Japanese Hancock, retired U.S. Navy captain and Battle of Midway survivor, before the Battle of Midway cerforces. In contrast, the U.S. emony on board the USS Yorktown (CV-10), Mount Pleasant, S.C., June 4, 2012. Hancock was on Navy only lost one carrier, board the USS Yorktown (CV-5) during the battle. one destroyer, 150 carrier aircraft and 307 service members. Hancock recovered at home in Georgia for a month or so and returned to the Navy to fight another day. Instead of shooting at aircraft from a ship, Hancock found himself in the cockpit of a fighter jet patrolling the skies he once filled with machine gun rounds. "Since there was a shortage of pilots in the Navy at the time, enlisted Sailors were trained and sent to the air," said Hancock. "Later, all the enlisted pilots were commissioned." Hancock transitioned from active-duty to the Reserves and retired as a Navy captain. Seventy years later, Hancock, weathered from war and time sits in a white chair on a stage aboard the USS Yorktown (CV-10) at Patriots Point in Mount Pleasant S. C., to com- The crowd on board the USS Yorktown (CV-10) applauds John memorate the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Midway. The Hancock June 4, 2012, after he delivered his story describing his actions during the Battle of Midway. Hancock served as a room is filled with family and friends as well Sailors, young machine-gun operator and watched several of his friends die and old. On stage with Hancock is U.S. Navy Capt. Thomas during the battle. He suffered a neck wound and a collapsed lung Bailey, Joint Base Charleston deputy commander, U.S. during the battle. He abandoned ship with the surviving crew Marine Corps Col. Brian Murtah, Marine Corps Air Station and waited to be rescued for hours. commander and David Clark, Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum senior curator. the political cover to continue with his 'Grand Strategy' of The ceremony started with a short video of the battle. Once Europe First, focusing America's efforts and resources toward the video was over, the crowd applauded and the floor was defeating Nazi Germany. I am also thankful to the men like capopened for Hancock to speak. tain Hancock, who gave us that victory at Midway and estab"Battle at sea is like a thunderstorm," said Hancock. "It's as lished the legacy that today's Sailors are privileged to follow." if everything is crashing around you and there is no break, but The Yorktown, which Hancock served on during the Battle of then all of a sudden it is over and you realize you are still alive." Midway, lies three miles under sea halfway buried in the ocean Even though Hancock's voice was faint through the micro- floor. Even though the ship sank 70 years ago, it appears phone, the entire audience listened to his words with great interest. untouched with the barrels of the machine guns still pointing skyBailey spoke following Hancock's remarks. ward as the men who abandoned ship left them. The ship may be "I want to start by saying thank you to everyone who has sunk, but the memory of the men who served upon it lives. joined us today for this special ceremony," said Bailey. "It is "We hold these ceremonies to remind not just those who very important to realize just how crucial this battle was to the were around during the time of the battle, but the youth as overall success of the war. Victory at Midway stopped the well," said Hancock. "They need to know what we did to preJapanese advance in the Pacific and gave President Roosevelt serve this great nation's freedom."


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The Patriot • June 8, 2012


Physical Therapy Clinic offers running analysis

By Maj. Lee Warlick 628th Medical Group Physical Therapy flight commander

The 628th Medical Group Physical Therapy Clinic is expanding its services to include a Running Analysis Clinic beginning

June 19, 2012 in room 103 of Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Health and Wellness Center, with a goal to reduce the high volume of overuse injuries associated with running. This service will be offered on the third Tuesday afternoon of each month. Through this program, running patterns

will be accessed in order to make recommendations on running shoes and provide education on injury prevention and proper running progression. This service is available to all TRICARE Prime and Standard Beneficiaries. Although no referral is needed to benefit from this serv-

ice, an appointment is required and can be scheduled by calling the 628th MDG Appointment Line at 963-6880. To cancel or reschedule an appointment, clients should call the Appointment Line at least 24 hours in advance. Clients must wear shorts and running shoes for this appointment.

CCAF Graduation at JB Charleston

U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class George Goslin

Community College of the Air Force graduates pose for a group photo at the Education Center on Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C., May 31, 2012. Forty-eight Airmen attended the graduation for their diplomas, however more than 150 Airmen graduated and received their CCAF degree.

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The Patriot • June 8, 2012


437th MXS PMELs attention to detail impacts all JB Charleston

By Senior Airman Anthony Hyatt Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

All equipment used in the military, from the smallest of screws to precision-guided weapons, depend on accurate measurements to properly function. The 437th Maintenance Squadron Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory, located in the Test, Diagnostic and Measurement Equipment flight in Bldg. 707, is an 18-man shop with technicians who are responsible for the repair, calibration and modification of measurement equipment here at Joint Base Charleston. They provide support to the 437th Airlift Wing, the 628th Air Base Wing and the 315th Airlift Wing, along with Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic and Joint Base Charleston's Weapons Station. "The Air Force uses all sorts of test equipment; electronic and physical," said Staff Sgt. Jordan Fiebelkorn, 437th MXS PMEL physical-dimensional section supervisor. "We make sure that one inch is one inch all the way across the Air Force and also ensure traceability [to Air Force Reference Standards]." Some of the most common equipment the PMEL Airmen work on here are torque wrenches and pressure gauges. But they also work on linear, voltage, frequency and Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment, according to Fiebelkorn. "We inspect TMDE for preventive maintenance, cleanliness and safety requirements in addition to checking for accuracy," Fiebelkorn said. "To describe our job say 'you buy a watch.' Presumably there is 60 seconds on that watch, but how do you know that is true? Our job would be to verify that there is 60 seconds on that watch and every second is a true second." JB Charleston's PMEL is broken up into two sections electronics and physical dimensional. On the electronics side of the laboratory, technicians supervise the process and use of TMDE to perform AC/DC voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, inductance, phase, frequency,

U.S. Air Force photos / Airman 1st Class Chacarra Walker

Airman 1st Class Herschell Miller, 437th Maintenance Squadron Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory technician out of Joint Base Charleston, S.C., calibrates a dial caliper, May 29, 2012. PMEL Airmen perform and manage repair, calibration of test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment.

power/attenuation and vibration tests. The physical-dimensional side consists of technicians who are skilled on calibrations involving mass, linear, angular, torque, force, tension, rotary motion, temperature, vacuum and pressure. "All of these functions are performed in a strictly controlled laboratory environment where the temperature and humidity are constantly monitored," said Master Sgt. Kevin LeMere, 437th MXS TMDE flight chief. Not to be mistaken for aircraft maintainers, PMEL Airmen do not work on the planes themselves. Instead, they work on the equipment Airman Miller calibrates a tripod-jack gauge, May 29, 2012. PMEL Airmen perform and manage that aircraft maintenance per- repair, calibration of test, measurement and diagnostic equipment. sonnel use to accomplish their plete a seven-month technical training at Keesler Air Force jobs. "For instance, we calibrate altitude test sets that notify the Base, Miss. After technical school, each Airman must complete 12 months of on-the-job training along with four volpilots how high they are flying," said Fiebelkorn. "Our job is extremely important because our equipment is umes of Career Development Courses. "PMEL stays behind the curtains," said Fiebelkorn. "We used on all aircraft and weapons systems and any small miscalculation can be the difference in a mission accomplished operate on many things around base that people don't necesor mission failed or even the loss of lives," the physical- sarily see. We set the standard for one inch. Every measurement on dimension section supervisor said. Furthermore, PMEL can be held criminally liable if they base is based off of the work of a skilled airman first class," added Fiebelkorn. "We take pride in that." don't calibrate an instrument accurately. As the Air Force continues to change and adapt, JB "Our goal is to ensure quality equipment leaves our facility and is readily available for today's global mission," Charleston PMEL Airmen are constantly sharpening their skills and abilities to keep equipment running accurately, safeAirman Miller calibrates a tire-inflator kit, May 29, 2012. The tire- LeMere added. inflator kit is used to inflate aircraft tires. To become certified in all PMEL areas, Airmen must com- ly and efficiently. One Hour Lab!

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The Patriot • June 8, 2012


There will be blood ... at the health clinic

Lea Shoup, a medical lab technician with the Naval Health Clinic out of Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station, reviews liquid specimens underneath a medical microscope in the Hematology Laboratory June 1, 2012. Shoup is a seven-year veteran of the Hematology Laboratory. The medical microscopes have an additional microscope attached for training purposes that are able to detect various items, depending on the liquid being magnified, within the specimen.

U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class Tom Brading

U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class Tom Brading

Petty Officer 3rd Class Matthew Hampton, a hospital corpsman with the Naval Health Clinic out of JB Charleston – Weapons Station, gets his blood drawn by Seaman Jonathan Torres, a hospital corpsman with the Naval Health Clinic during a routine training exercise June 1, 2012. Petty Officer 3rd Class Jesus Pena, a hospital corpsman with the Naval Health Clinic out of Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station, checks to see if the activating blood agent causes clotting to a test specimen June 1, 2012.

U.S. Air Force photo / Senior Airman Dennis Sloan

Petty Officer 3rd Class Jesus Pena, a hospital corpsman with the Naval Health Clinic out of Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station, S.C., applies a single drop of activation agent into a test tube in preparation of blood clot testing June 1, 2012. All donated blood is thoroughly tested at the clinic to ensure the blood is able to be used in the future.

U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class Tom Brading

To See More Photos & News, Visit www.Charleston.Af.Mil

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The Patriot • June 8, 2012


U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham visits JB Charleston

Colonel Russell Fingar (right), 315th Airlift Wing commander, Col. Erik Hansen (center), 437th Airlift Wing commander and Col. Richard McComb (left), Joint Base Charleston commander, greet U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham from South Carolina upon his arrival May 29, 2012 to JB Charleston, S.C. Graham visited the base to have an open forum with JB Charleston leadership.

Airman 1st Class Rodrick Defreitas, 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron, meets U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham from South Carolina upon his arrival May 29, 2012 to JB Charleston, S.C.

To See More Photos & News, Visit www.Charleston.Af.Mil

Colonel Erik Hansen, 437th Airlift Wing commander, speaks with U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham from South Carolina aboard a C-17 Globemaster III upon his arrival May 29, 2012 to JB Charleston, S.C.

Colonel Richard McComb, Joint Base Charleston commander, speaks with U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham from South Carolina upon his arrival May 29, 2012 to JB Charleston, S.C.

U.S. Air Force photos by Airman 1st Class Ashlee Galloway

Staff Sgt. William Hooper, 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, meets U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham from South Carolina senator, upon his arrival May 29, 2012 to JB Charleston, S.C.


The Patriot • June 8, 2012

To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com Or “like” us on Facebook by searching for “Charleston Military”


Navy Marine Corps Relief Society receives check

The Patriot • June 8, 2012


June Diamond Sharp

U.S. Air Force photo / Staff Sgt. Katie Gieratz

U.S. Navy photo / Petty Officer 1st Class Jennifer Hudson

Captain Thomas Bailey, Joint Base Charleston deputy commander, presents a check to David Hastings, Navy Marine Corps Relief Society director. The check came from the proceeds of Naval Exchange Customer Support’s fund drive for the 2012 Navy Marine Corps Relief Society at the NEX at JB Charleston – Weapons Station, June 1, 2012. The exchange’s top sellers for the fund drive were Mary Helen White and Christine Reyes. Christine Finkler, not pictured, was also a top seller.

Colonel Richard McComb (left), Joint Base Charleston commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Avery Jones (right), 628th Mission Support Group superintendent, recognize June's Diamond Sharp winners at the Charleston Club at JB Charleston – Air Base, June 5, 2012. The Diamond Sharp recipients are (front row from left) Airman 1st Class Dariely Velazquez, 628th Communications Squadron, Airman 1st Class Kevonda Harrell 628th Force Support Squadron, and Airman 1st Class Kurt Davis, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron. Pictured with the Diamond Sharp winners are Master Sgt. David Turnage, 628th CS, Master Sgt. John Ward, 628 FSS and Master Sgt. Keith Bishop, 628th CE. Diamond Sharp awardees are Airmen chosen by their first sergeants for their excellent performance.

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The Patriot • June 8, 2012

Dodge Ball!


Master Sgt. Brenda McLain, 628th Force Support Squadron Fitness Center section chief out of Joint Base Charleston, S.C., explains dodge ball rules, June 1, 2012.

Airmen compete in a dodge ball game, June 1, 2012 at the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Fitness Center, S.C.

U.S. Air Force photos / Airman 1st Class Chacarra Walker

The 628th Civil Engineer Squadron's team poses for a photo after winning a dodge ball tournament, June 1, 2012 at the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Fitness Center, S.C. In the past 10 years, it is estimated more than 66,000 Airmen have participated in the Fitness/Sports Challenge.

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Peace of mind is knowing that our (behind colds Atlanta Bread on Hwy 78) • Coughs, and soreCo. throats we promise you peace of all mind. HOMEGROWN physicians § Quality medical care for ages !6**/.%5/' Dr. Stuart Dawson, On-site labs and X-rays III • Broken bones, sprains and strains We promise to keep appointments. Peace of mind is knowing that our !63+#75-,*!4,5-!8!-,$'/, have been serving the Summerville !9/&:+.,05#• Allergies To answer all your questions. HOMEGROWN physicians Lowcountry for over 10 years. §§ On-site labs and X-rays Dr. Stuart Dawson, III All TRICARE Plans Accepted !;4#.0'!./*,0/+!5-<$.5/' To talk less and listen more. have been serving the • Abdominal pain & nausea Open Everyday until 11:00PM! Summerville With over importantly, 25for convenient locations !;4#.0'!,-+!6--$,*!=&:'5),*' But Lowcountry over years. • Dehydration § Allmost TRICARE Plans10 Accepted and a state-of-the-art care center, we promise you peace of all mind. • Sports related injuries § Quality medical careurgent for ages much more! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and With over 25 convenient locations Palmetto Primary Care Physicians Peace of mind is knowing that our • Sports and Annual Physicals and a state-of-the-art urgent care center, promises to beand HOMEGROWN physicians § On-site labs X-rays Dr. Stuart Dawson, III Palmetto Primary Physicians YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD. have been serving Care the IN Summerville promises to be Lowcountry for over years. § All TRICARE Plans10 Accepted YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD. CARElocations CENTER With overURGENT 25 convenient 2550 Elms Center and a state-of-the-art urgent Road care center, Charleston, SC 29406 PalmettoNorth Primary Care Physicians Dr. Hogue (behind Bread Co. on Hwy 78) Moncks Corner promises to Atlanta be YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD.Dr. Hogue

and much more!

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Dr. Hogue

Moncks Corner

The Patriot • June 8, 2012


Free Family Craft Night


Every Friday in June is...

Wingman/Shipmate Day

From 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., bring your Wingman or Shipmate to Starlifter Lanes and enjoy the buy one, get one free bo bowling offer!

Wednesday June 13 5:30 p.m. CENTER

Join the Arts and Crafts staff for an hour of family fun and creativity. This class is held monthly and features a new, take-home craft.

Saturday, June 9

JB Charleston Arts & Crafts Center On the Air Base @ 203 Stewart Ave. 963-1936

Final Nine-pin, No-tap Tournament for the season

Father’s Day Sale

Buy one item in the Golf Shop and get a second of equal or lesser value at 50% off

June 14-17

Golf Shop is open 6:30 a.m. 7 p.m. daily

Wrenwoods Golf Course

On the Air Base 963-1833

Paddleboard Classes

Action star starts at 6 p.m. All bowlers ar are welcome! payout based on Prize payouts number of sign-ups. Entry fee is $20. R Registration opens at 1 p.m. on Saturday.

x xtreme

bowling Every Saturday night, 8-10 p.m.

Two hours of bowling, shoe rental, hot music and cool lights for $5 per person.

Learn to go from kneeling water starts to riding small surf.

Summer Bowling Hours

Cost: $55 pp Includes all gear and instruction Advance reservations required.

Outdoor Recreation Center

On the Air Base 963-1732

For more information, call the pool at 764-7156 or e-mail nancy.haynsworth.1@us.af.mil

Rec Review

Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at www.JBCharleston.com.

Monday - Thursday, 10:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday, 10:30 a.m. - 11 p.m. Saturday, 1 - 11 p.m. Sunday, 1-7 p.m.

Starlifter Lanes Bowling Center On the Air Base 963-3315


The Patriot • June 8, 2012


All classes or events will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center unless otherwise specified. For more information, call 963-4406.

June 12 / An Educational Opportunities Counseling class will be held from 10 a.m. to noon. Meet oneon-one with an expert who will help individuals reach their educational goals.

June 13 / A Workforce (Job referral) Specialist class will be held from 10 a.m. to noon. Meet with a workforce specialist who will provide job referrals, resume and interview assistance. This is available to active-duty, retirees and their dependents and Department of Defense civilians. / A Spouse employment/scholarship orientation will be held from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Learn about free available resources and services such as employment, resumes, the local job market, scholarships and other job searching issues. / A Summer Activities for School Age Children class will be held from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Discover ideas for keeping children engaged in learning during the summer while having fun. / A Coping with Grief and Loss class will be held from noon to 2 p.m. Learn the meaning of grief and loss, symptoms and stages of grief and taget ways to cope and how to help children with the grieving process.

June 15 / A Workshop for VA Disability Claims class will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. A VA representative will cover the VA claims and filing process. Members must sign-up at the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Clinic medical records section no later than the Monday prior to the workshop.


June 19-22 / A Transition Assistance Program workshop will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Learn how to transition from the military to the civilian life with ease. June 20 / A Spouse Introduction to JB Charleston - Air Base class will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. This is a fun and fast-paced introduction to JB Charleston AB for military spouses who have recently moved here. Meet other newly-arrived spouses, connect with your sponsor's unit Key Spouse and learn where to shop, dine and play in the Lowcountry.

June 21 / A Resume II class will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon. Receive professional feedback as you work on your draft resume. / A Troops to Teachers class will be held from 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. Receive counseling and assistance to help eligible veterans and their spouses transition into a new career.

June 26 / A Field-Grade Officer Notification Training class will be held from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

June 27 / A Smooth Move class will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Learn from experts on how to PCS smoothly. / An All You Need to Know about Building, Maintaining and Repairing Credit class will be held from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Whether you want to build, maintain or fix your credit and score, this class will cover every aspect of credit report and credit scoring. / A Making Sense of the TSP, Civilian and Military, class will be held from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

June 28 / An Exceptional Family Member Program Support Group will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

June 29 / A Deciphering the Career-Status Bonus class will be held from 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Individuals must select between two retirement systems, between their 14 ½ and 15-year mark. This workshop explains the financial impact of both.

See more briefs at www.charleston.af.mil To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to patriot@charleston.af.mil. Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.

for spouses. To register, call the FFSC at 764-7480.

June 15 / A Renting 101 class will be held from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. June 15 at Bldg. 755. Learn how to find the right rental that fits your needs, likes and budget. To register, call FFSC at 764-7480.


June 8 / An Interviewing For Success class will be held at 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. June 8 at Bldg. 755. Learn the interviewing process and how to come out shining above the rest. To register, call the FFSC at 764-7480.

June 11 / A TSP Simplified class, military and civilian, will be held from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. June 11 at Bldg. 755. Learn about the TSP, its purpose and how it can help fund your retirement. To register, call the FFSC at 764-7480.

June 12 / An Educational/Scholarship Opportunities class will be held from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Bldg. 755. Let a Navy College Office representative educate you on how you can further your education today. To register call the FFSC at 7647480. / A Budgeting/Goal Setting class will be held from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. June 12 at Bldg. 755. See how living on a budget can help you set and meet your goals. To register, call the FFSC at 764-7480.

June 13 / A Navigating Operational Stress class will be held from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. June 13 at Bldg. 755. Learn how to positively get through stressful times and keep stress at a manageable level. To register, call the FFSC at 764-7480.

June 14 / A Smooth Move Workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to noon June 14 at Bldg. 755. Learn from the experts how to make this your smoothest move ever. To register call the FFSC at 764-7480. / A Spouse INDOC class will be held at 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. June 14 at Bldg. 755. Join us for this fun, fast paced orientation on the military lifestyle

June 18 / A Car Buying class will be held from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. June 18 at Bldg. 755. Learn the basics of buying the right car for you and your budget. To register, call 764-7480.

June 20 / A Matri-Money class will be held from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. June 20 at Bldg. 755. This is an interactive class for couples to build a strong financial foundation in budgeting, saving and planning short and long-term goals. To register, call 764-7480.

June 20-21 / An Ombudsmen Basic Training class will be held from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This basic training is required and provides the foundational information necessary for Ombudsmen to properly execute their duties. For more information, call Frenchi King at 764-7478. June 21 / A small business workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Bldg. 755. Learn from experts about the "ins and outs" about franchising or starting your own business. To register, call 764-7480.

Special Announcements

/ Coupon Exchange: The FFSC has a coupon exchange station in Bldg. 755 and is open to all military and family members. Bring in unused coupons between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and help yourself to coupons for your family. Call the FFSC at 764-7480 for more information. / Stepping Stones Pre-school Story Time: Parents and pre-school children learn together through stories, songs, arts & crafts and play time with the "Stepping Stones" Pre-school Story Time program at the Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station Branch Library. Children must be preschool age and accompanied by a parent or guardian. This free program is every Thursday morning at 9:30 a.m. To register call 764-7900.

See more briefs at www.charleston.af.mil

To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com Or “like” us on Facebook by searching for “Charleston Military”


Bedroom set, king size, heavy wood, 5 pieces, white kitchen table with 4 chairs/leaf $100, heavy wood dining set with 6 chairs/leaf $200, Gold cross that is painted, heavy hang on wall $75, 3 bridesmaid's dress, $30, computer hutch,wood,shelves, $150, Have pictures of everything. 843-452-2005

Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To www.CharlestonMilitary.com


Come Join the Fun at CafeMoms.com.... info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC" Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more http://www.meetup.com/military-moms/

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) For Moms with kids birth through kindergarten. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Old Fort Baptist Church, 10505 Dorchester RD. Summerville, SC 29485. Contact Heather Hansen 873-2283 for more information.


Sat. 6/9/12. 8am - ? 104 Millbrook Circle, Kings Grant subdivision. A bit of everything. Cancel if rain.

Huge 3 Family Yard Sale Sat Jun 9 7-? 4046 A Michigan Ave Baby Boy & Toddler Items, Toys, ball pit w/balls,train table, appliances, etc.

Townhome for rent! 2bed/2.5 bath/1 car garage Summerville, Summerwood neighborhood, 975 mo 843-425-4259,Many upgrades,pool,Mil owned!


2001 Honda Shadow Sabre 1100. $2875 Extremely Nice. 843-377-8844

Garage Sale June 16th, 7:30 - 1:00. 3 Fieldfare Way. Household goods, misc items. Men's & women's clothes, shoes, accessories.

Home Day Care 6wks-4yrs full/part time/wkends/eves/hol. off Ashley Phos. Rd. call 568-8609 / 364-4140


ON TIDAL CREEK-Kayak to the Ashley! 3Br/1.5+Den, 2 Car Det Gar, Fenced-in Yard, Huge Kitchen, 15 min to CAFB, $1,095/mo, Rent To Own Possible 278-5454



Washer dryer sets $250/$350, stacker wash/dryer $400; kitchen dining sets $50/$200; dressers/chest drawers $50/$250. Call 452-2229

Msn style dining set, 6 chairs, solid oak, $150; 4 bar stools, 24 in., solid oak, $50. Call cell, 757-8104774.

Kenmore Elite Frig. Works great, $250. Call Josh at 316-250-9987 to make offer.

Crossword of the Week

info@charlestonmilitary.com fax 628-3454 Diggle Publishing PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465. 843-412-5861

12� Thick Pillowtop mattress Set. Never opened, still in plastic. Must sell ASAP. Was $600, Sell $245. Call Keith, 843-375-5908.

Diggle Publishing Company accepts free three-line personal* classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. One ad per military family per issue.

KITCHEN CABINETS Beautiful. Never Installed. Cost $4800, Sell $1650. Call 843-856-4680.

We do not take ads by phone.

Queen Pillowtop Mattress Set w/ warranty. $150! King for $225. Can Deliver $150 843-696-5712

* Business-related ads (even home businesses) cost $3 per line (42 letters and spaces per line). Additional lines (over the 3 free) for personal ads may be purchased for $3 per line as well. To pay for an ad or additional lines, please submit your credit card number and expiration date - as well as the name of the cardholder - with your ad via fax, email, or by phone.

6 Pc. Cherry Bedroom Set with Mattress set, Still in the Box! $350! Delivery Available 843-696-5212

$395 Sofa & Love Seat, New in Plastic. Delivery Available, must Sell! 843-696-5712 5 Pc Dinette $148, New in Box. Coffee & End Tables $99, All New! Can Deliver if needed, 843-696-5212


PDF version of the entire Patriot online each week at

The Patriot • June 8, 2012


.com y r a t i l i M n sto e l r a h C . w ww

Deadline to submit an ad is noon Wednesday - no exceptions.

CLUES ACROSS 1. Disrespectful talk 5. Capital of Yemen 9. Identifying tag 14. Stare impertinently 15. Cain and __ 16. Old saying of a general truth 17. A beloved person 18. Job or chore 19. Fuse 20. Allergy medications 23. Grant life-time employment 24. Local area network 25. Conducted 26. In an angry way 31. Vast plains of N. Argentina 35. Teeter-totter 36. Independent ruler 37. Pig meat (alt. sp.) 38. Birchbark and dugout 41. Loss of coordination 43. 74801 OK 45. Highest playing card 46. Scottish cap 47. Molten rocks 51. Meissner effect machine 56. Wraps hay or cotton 57. One of the Greats 58. Carbonated soft drink 59. Forearm bones 60. Esau’s descendants (Bible) 61. Small integers 62. A man’s facial hair 63. Finished 64. Affirmative! (slang) See the Answers, Page 11

CLUES DOWN 1. Pop 2. Keeps records or accounts 3. List of candidates 4. Small European finch 5. Scorns through ridicule 6. Degraded 7. Bird shelter 8. Opposite of acid 9. Layered pieces 10. Arabian Gulf 11. Naked 12. Scrambled or poached 13. The sheltered side 21. Hawaiian dance 22. 4th planet from the sun 27. C6H12N3OP insect sterilant 28. Pickerel genus 29. Georgian monetary unit 30. Urban gym 31. Large muscles of the chest 32. Indian wet nurse 33. 1/60 of an ancient talent 34. Ship’s bow 39. Went into 40. Scorch the surface 41. The academic world 42. Tupinambis nigropunctatus 44. A master of ceremonies 45. Bird’s embryonic sac 48. Hatfield’s enemy 49. Turn away from sin 50. European sole genus 51. Selling at reduced prices 52. Longest forearm bone 53. Anjou or bartlett 54. Annual mass calendar 55. Skin inflammation 56. Guy (slang)

This Week’s Home Listings

8373 Waltham Rd. The Lakes/ N. Charleston 3 BR, 2.5 BA $149,900

Beautiful 2 story overlooking neighborhood pond! Large formal dining area, warm wood floors, family room with FP, 1540+ SF & king-sized master suite with tray ceiling. Rear patio overlooks fenced rear yard with lovely water views.

2847 Wire Rd. St. George/ Dorchester County 3 BR, 2 BA $124,900

Quiet country living offers this adorable 1500+ SF one story nestled on 1.69 acres. Gleaming hardwood floors, wood burning fireplace & upgraded kitchen. Raised rear deck offers private views of mature lawn and acreage.

110 Ethanhill St. The Hamlets/ Goose Creek 4 BR, 2.5 BA $238,000

To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com Graduate and Undergraduate Completion Degrees

Successfully selling the Low Country with an average of 1 home sold every 5 days in 2011! Call us today and put our team and the strength of Prudential to work for you!

Lisa Maynor

Carrie Hickam

Karen Taylor

Featured Property!


MASTER’S DEGREES Master of Arts Degrees:

UĂŠ ÂœĂ•Â˜ĂƒiÂ?ˆ˜}ĂŠ­ÂœvviĂ€i`ĂŠÂœÂ˜ĂŠĂœiiiÂŽi˜`ĂƒÂŽĂŠUĂŠ Ă•Ăƒ°ĂŠEĂŠ"Ă€}°ĂŠ-iVĂ•Ă€ÂˆĂŒĂžĂŠ >˜>}i“iÂ˜ĂŒĂŠI UĂŠ Փ>Â˜ĂŠ,iĂƒÂœĂ•Ă€ViĂƒĂŠ iĂ›iÂ?ÂœÂŤÂ“iÂ˜ĂŒĂŠUĂŠ Փ>Â˜ĂŠ,iĂƒÂœĂ•Ă€ViĂƒĂŠ >˜>}i“iÂ˜ĂŒ UĂŠ ˜vÂœĂ€Â“>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ĂŠ/iV…˜œÂ?Âœ}ÞÊ >˜>}i“iÂ˜ĂŒĂŠUĂŠ >˜>}i“iÂ˜ĂŒĂŠ>˜`ĂŠ i>`iĂ€ĂƒÂ…ÂˆÂŤ (Completion)



Proudly serving the entire military community since 1970 I ÂˆĂƒVÂœĂ•Â˜ĂŒi`ĂŠVÂˆĂ›ÂˆÂ?ˆ>Â˜ĂŠĂ€>ĂŒiĂƒĂŠ>ÂŤÂŤÂ?ĂžĂŠĂŒÂœĂŠV>Â“ÂŤĂ•ĂƒiĂƒĂŠÂ?ÂœV>ĂŒi`ĂŠÂœÂ˜ĂŠ>ĂŠÂ“ÂˆÂ?ÂˆĂŒ>Ă€ĂžĂŠÂˆÂ˜ĂƒĂŒ>Â?Â?>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜

Charleston Metropolitan Campus 5300 International Blvd. North Charleston, SC 29418 s WEBSTER EDU CH Webster University is a participant in the US Department of Veteran’s Affairs Yellow Ribbon Program and was named to the 2010 list of Military Friendly Schools by G.I. Jobs.

EC-2178 Patriot.indd 1

108 Sylvan Terrace Quail Arbor V/ Summerville 4 BR, 3.5 BA $195,900

Large cul-de-sac lot! Sunny family room, wood laminate flooring, 2600+ SF & updated kitchen w/ custom cabinets. In-law suite / game room is complete with mini-kitchen & full bath. Fenced rear yard with workshop, wood deck, hot tub & wooded views.

810 Travelers Blvd. Commercial Office Space/ S’ville 2 Units Available, $79,900 each

Master of Business Administration


Lovely brick front two story overlooking the golf course! 2200+ SF, formal dining room, private family room with fireplace, large island kitchen & HW floors throughout first level. Wood deck is great for outdoor barbecues.

3/5/12 8:13 AM

205 Caveson Dr. Huntington Farms/ Summerville 5 BR, 3.5 BA $489,000

Contemporary home on 5 acres! 4250+ square feet offers open living/dining area, family room with buit-ins & gourmet kitchen with center island & high end appliances. Dual master suites, detached garage with bonus room & screened porch overlooking woods.

Owner financing! Central Summerville location, reception areas, 4-6 office spaces, kitchenettes & bathroom. New HVAC, property has been re-plumbed and interior updated with fresh paint, crown molding, CAT5 wiring & more.

176 Hammock St. Clemson Terrace/ S’ville .50 Acre Lot $18,500

Wooded lot in Dorchester 2 School District. Water, sewer and electric are available at site plus the property is partially fenced. This lot is ready to build and mobile homes are welcome!

112 W. Doty St., Suite C, Summerville, S.C. 29483

(843) 261-JANA • www.JanaBantz.com - Jana@JanaBantz.com


The Patriot • June 8, 2012





2013 Ford Shelby 650 Horsepower!

2003 Dodge Ram 1500 V8, Auto, looks and runs great $

Starting Startingat at

3 to Choose From




Come See, only one in town

38 38 MPG MPG


2007 Toyota Yaris Auto, looks & runs great, xtra clean $

2002 Toyota RAV4 L Auto, power package, extra clean $



Auto, Auto,air, air,AM/FM/CD/MP3, AM/FM/CD/MP3,power power package, package,tire tirepressure pressuremonitor monitor &&much muchmore. more.

MSRP MSRP$17,365. $17,365.Includes Includes$3500 $3500Rebate, Rebate,$500 $500 Military, $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade Military,$2000

2003 Ford F-150 Supercrew V8, loaded, showroom condition $

at Starting at 2002 Toyota Solara Coupe 2006 Ford F-150Starting STX Flaresides, V8, auto,extra clean One owner, like new $ $


$ 9,995 $



MSRP MSRP$16,865. $16,865.Includes Includes$500 $500rebate, rebate,$500 $500 Military, $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade Military,$2000


2008 Mercury Mariner Pwr pkg, lth., moonroof, 1 owner, V6 $

Startingat at 2004 Ford F-150 XLT Starting 2007 Ford F-150 FX4 package, loaded, like new Auto, one owner, extra clean $ $



V6, V6,Auto, Auto,Power PowerPkg, Pkg,Tilt, Tilt, Cruise, Cruise,AM/FM/CD/MP3, AM/FM/CD/MP3,&& much muchmore. more.Pre-Owned, Pre-Owned, Low Lowmiles. miles.

MSRP MSRP$21,295. $21,295.Includes Includes$2000 $2000rebate, rebate, $500 $500Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade

2010 Toyota Corolla LE Auto, power package, Starting loaded Startingat at $



13,995$ $


Auto, power package, loaded $


Stk# Stk#F5141 F5141

2006 Ford Mustang GT Loaded, extra clean, like new $

NEW 2010 CREW CAB XLT NEW 2008 2010 FORD F-1502010 CREW CAB XLT Honda Fit Sport Chevy FORD HHR Special F-150 Edition



2007 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Leather, moonroof, extra clean $

2005 Chevy Silverado CrewCab V8, loaded, one owner, extra clean $


97 97Cadillac CadillacDeVille DeVille

02 02Ford FordFocus Focus

3,995 3,995

3,995 3,995

2010 Honda Accord LX Auto, power package, extra clean $


4,995 4,995

V8, V8,auto, auto,11owner owner


6,995 6,995

2011 Nissan Sentra SR Loaded, auto,15k miles $

2008 Dodge Nitro SLT Auto, leather, 1 owner, chome wheels $

04 04Dodge DodgeDurango DurangoSLT SLT 05 03 Limited 05Jeep JeepGrand GrandCherokee CherokeeLtd Ltd 16,995 03Ford FordExcursion Excursion15,995 Limited 15,995Lthr,Lthr, Loaded, Leather, loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,just justserviced serviced

05 05Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS Leather, Leather,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean


9,995 9,995

08 08Jeep JeepPatriot Patriot


08 08Kia KiaSorento Sorento

07 07Pontiac PontiacTorrent Torrent



Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,like likenew new

15,995 15,995

10 10Dodge DodgeJourney Journey

$$ 2009 Lincoln MKS Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,SAVE SAVEBIG BIG


16,995 16,995 Loaded, only 10k miles $

10 10Ford FordE350 E350Van Van

12-passenger, 12-passenger,XLT XLTpkg, pkg,loaded loaded


18,995 18,995

10 10Honda HondaAccord Accord

21,995 21,995

2010 Cadillac SRX

12,995 12,995

10 10Nissan NissanVersa Versa Auto, Auto,only only6k6kmiles miles


13,995 13,995

2011 Ford Ranger XLT Supercab, 4x4, V-6, 7k miles $



10 10Nissan NissanCube Cube

Auto, likenew, new,save savebig! big! Auto,like

14,995 14,995


14,995 14,995

08 08Suzuki SuzukiGrand GrandVitara Vitara

Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner


14,995 14,995

2009 Ford Mustang Bullet 2012 Mitsubishi Spyder One owner, loaded, extra clean Convertible, loaded, like new 09 Milan 08 Mercury$ Milan 09Mercury 08 08Mazda MazdaCX-7 CX-7 08Chrysler ChryslerSebring SebringConv. Conv.Ltd Ltd $

V6, auto,loaded, loaded,better betterthan thannew new 21,995 V6,auto, Leather, 21,995 Leather,moonroof, moonroof,xtra xtraclean clean $$ $$

Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,sunroof, sunroof,xtra xtraclean clean


15,995 15,995

15,995 15,995

10 10Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS

10 10Toyota ToyotaCamry CamryLELE

$$ 2012 Toyota Tacoma Prerunner SR5 Loaded, only 3k milesr $

Leather, Leather,full fullpower power


07 07Ford FordF150 F150Crew CrewCab Cab XLT XLTpkg, pkg,V8, V8,auto auto


19,995 19,995

17,995 17,995

V6, V6,auto, auto,loaded loaded


08 08Nissan NissanPathfinder Pathfinder Auto, Auto,3rd 3rdseat, seat,xtra xtraclean clean


21,995 21,995


17,995 17,995

07 07VW VWTouareg Touareg


19,995 19,995

2010 Toyota Tundra SR-5 4x4, TRD pkg, loaded, 1 owner $


10 10Jeep JeepGrand GrandCherokee Cherokee

10 10Chevy ChevyCamaro CamaroLTLT

4x4, 4x4,loaded, loaded,priced pricedtotogo! go!


21,995 21,995

2008 Corvette

Auto, Auto,xtra xtraclean clean


22,995 22,995

2010 Lincoln Navigator

New Loaded,moonroof, moonroof,lthr, lthr,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean Newtires, tires,loaded, loaded,priced pricedtotosteal! steal! Loaded, Loaded,factory factorywarranty, warranty,like likenew new $ $ 31,995Loaded, 31,995 $$ $$ $$ 24,995 25,995 24,995 25,995 24,995 25,995 33,995 24,995 25,995

Leather, Leather, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean $ loaded,

Nav., 10 Ford Flex 10 FordMoonroof, FlexSEL SEL loaded

6 speed, price toLR3 sell 10 10Lincoln LincolnMKZ MKZLoaded, extra clean, 08 EX-L 08 Rover 08Honda HondaPilot Pilot EX-L showroom cond. 08Land Land Rover LR3


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02 02Mazda MazdaMillennia Millennia Leather, Leather,sunroof, sunroof,only only50k 50kmiles miles

7,995 7,995

2008 Toyota RAV4 Limited Moonroof, loaded, extra clean $


02 02Acura AcuraMDX MDX

10,995 10,995

Auto, xtra Auto, xtraclean cleanNissan 2009

Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,xtra xtraclean clean


13,995 13,995

2011 Ford Mustang V6, auto, loaded $

12,995 12,995

06 CadillacCTS CTS 06Cadillac

10 ToyotaTacoma Tacoma 10Toyota

Loaded, xtraclean, clean,must mustsee see Loaded,xtra

Auto, air,only only10k 10kmiles, miles,like likenew new Auto,air,


14,995 14,995

14,995 14,995

2011 Ford Mustang Conv. Leater, auto 05 05 FordMustang MustangRoush Roush $Ford Loaded, 21,995 Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean

07 07Nissan NissanQuest Quest

07 07Ford FordEdge EdgeSE SE



4x4, 4x4,only only34k 34kmiles, miles,like likenew new


20,995 20,995

19,995 19,995

2012 GMC Terrain SLT V6, leather, moonroof, like new $ 10 10Nissan NissanMaxima Maxima3.5 3.5

XLT, XLT,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean


22,995 22,995

22,995 22,995

2012 Dodge Charger R/T Nav., moonroof, 2k mi, 07 Chevy LTLT1 owner 07 ChevyAvalanche Avalanche Leather,only only14k 14kmiles miles $Leather,

33,995 26,995 26,995


15,995 15,995

16,995 16,995

16,995 16,995


10 10Dodge DodgeGrand GrandCaravan CaravanSXT SXT

08 08Ford FordExplorer ExplorerXLT XLT

$$ F-150 XLT 2011 Ford Auto, loaded $

Captain seats,dual dualpower powerdoors, doors,loaded loaded Captainseats,

18,995 18,995

3rd seat,11owner owner 3rdseat,


18,995 18,995

09 09Nissan NissanTitan TitanCrew CrewCab Cab

09 09Honda HondaAccord AccordEX EX

Auto, Auto,V8, V8,only only12K 12Kmiles miles

Loaded, Loaded,11owner owner



20,995 20,995

20,995 20,995

2011 Toyota Highlander 4WD, 3rd row, loaded, 16k miles $


08 08Wrangler WranglerUnlimited UnlimitedSahara Sahara

08 08GMC GMCSierra Sierra1500 1500Crew CrewCab Cab

4x4, 4x4,Auto, Auto,hardtop, hardtop,must mustsee see

4X4, 4X4,Loaded, Loaded,one oneowner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean


24,995 24,995

2012 Volvo XC90


24,995 24,995

2012 Chevy Suburban LT

Sunroof, Mega Dual Sunroof,only only400 400miles miles MegaCab, Cab,only only19k 19kmi, mi,11owner owner Dualmoonroof, moonroof,loaded, loaded,only only16k 16kmimi $ $ 34,995 $$ $$ 26,995 27,995 29,995 26,995 27,995 38,995 29,995

Moonroof, best in town Leather, moonroof, DVD 11 Camaro 10 MKS 11Chevy Chevy CamaroLT LT price07 07Dodge DodgeRam Ram2500 2500Laramie Laramie 10Lincoln Lincoln MKS




$ $

6spd, loaded,one oneowner owner 6spd,loaded,


15,995 15,995


09 09Ford FordF150 F150Super SuperCab Cab

Moonroof, Moonroof,auto, auto,xtra xtraclean clean

07 07Mazda MazdaRX8 RX8Coupe Coupe

07 ToyotaCamry Camry 07Toyota Leather, sunroof,28k 28kmiles miles Leather,sunroof,


2012 Ford Edge limited Loaded, leather, chrome wheels $



13,995 13,995



06 06Dodge DodgeRam Ram2500 2500Crew CrewCab Cab

Auto, Auto,Extra ExtraClean, Clean,11Owner Owner


2009 Mini Cooper S Moonroof, loaded, 15k miles $

$$ 2010 Ford Mustang Racing strips, scoop hood $

18,995 18,995 18,995 Loaded, extra clean, fact. warranty 18,995


Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean

13,995 13,995

Auto, Auto,air, air,one oneowner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean 22,995 21,995 Only 21kmiles, miles,loaded, loaded,11owner owner Only21k $$ $

Loaded, xtraclean, clean,low lowmiles miles Loaded,xtra


06 06VW VWBeetle BeetleConvertible Convertible

Auto, Auto,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean

16,995 16,995

Power sidedoors, doors,loaded loaded Powerside

12,995 12,995

2012 Dodge Journey SXT 2010 Ford Edge Limited 3rd row, loaded V6, Leather, CD/MP3 08 08Honda Honda CRV 07 $CRV 07Jeep JeepWrangler WranglerXX $ 06 06Pontiac PontiacSolstice Solstice


16,995 16,995


Only Only28k 28kmiles, miles,xtra xtraclean clean



05 05Lincoln LincolnTown TownCar CarSignature SignatureLtd Ltd


2012 Chevy Colorado LT Z-85 Crew cab auto, loaded $


Sales: M-F 8:30AM 8PM Sat 8:30AM 7PM Sales: Sales: M-F M-F 8:30AM 8:30AM --- 8PM 8PM ••• Sat Sat 8:30AM 8:30AM --- 7PM 7PM Service: M-F 7AM 6PM Sat 8AM 3PM Service: Service: M-F M-F 7AM 7AM --- 6PM 6PM ••• Sat Sat 8AM 8AM --- 3PM 3PM

05 05Toyota ToyotaSienna SiennaLELE

07 07MINI MINICooper Cooper

Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,like likenew new

13,995 13,995

10,995 10,995

10,995 10,995

08 08Ford FordEscape Escape

06 06VW VWPassat Passat




12,995 12,995



2008 Pontiac Solstice Loaded, showroom, 20k mi $

lthr, xtra Loaded, lthr,like likenew, new,garage garagekept kept Moonroof, Loaded, xtraclean, clean,11owner owner2007Moonroof, Rogue SL Hummer H3 $$ loaded, extras $$loaded AWD moonroof, leather, Moonroof, lth., $ $

04 04Chevy ChevySilverado Silverado2500 2500HD HDLS LS

12,995 12,995

843-873-3550 843-873-3550 843-873-3550

7,995 7,995

06 06Honda HondaAccord AccordEX-L EX-L 17,995 05 05Ford FordF150 F150Crew CrewCab Cab 17,995 Loaded, Loaded,leather, leather,moonroof moonroof V8, V8,auto, auto,xtra xtraclean clean

xtra one Auto, xtraclean, clean, oneowner owner Auto, 2008 Ford Edge $$ power package, like new $$ Loaded, $

FORD • MERCURY FORD•MERCURY FORD•MERCURY FORD•MERCURY Your Lowcountry Headquarters Your Truck Your Lowcountry Lowcountry Truck Truck Headquarters Headquarters


Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean

10,995 10,995


7,995 7,995

2011 Toyota Camry LE Auto, power packge, one owner $


10 10Ford FordMustang MustangConvertible Convertible

08 08Suzuki SuzukiReno Reno

Low miles,one oneowner owner Lowmiles,


05 05Chrysler ChryslerCrossfire CrossfireLtd Ltd

Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,xtra xtraclean clean



07 07Chrysler ChryslerPT PTCruiser Cruiser

6,995 6,995

05 05Dodge DodgeRam Ram1500 1500SLT SLT

2008 Suzuki XL-7 AWD, moonroof, leather, 1 owner $

Touring, Touring,auto, auto,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean


$$ 2012 Ford Flex

Loaded, Loaded,must mustsee, see,priced pricedtotosell sell

19,995 19,995

05 05Suzuki SuzukiVerona Verona $$


MSRP MSRP$34,000. $34,000.Includes Includes$4500 $4500Rebate Rebate$1,000 $1,000FMC FMCdealer, dealer, $500 militaryrebate, rebate,$2000 $2000cash/trade, cash/trade,$1,000 $500military tradeasst. asst. $1,000trade


Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,low lowmiles miles

08 08GMC GMCCanyon CanyonSLT SLT Crew CrewCab CabZ85 Z85

2011 Toyota Corolla Auto, loaded, 4k miles $



10 10Ford FordEscape EscapeXLT XLT $$

2011 Nissan Maxima Loaded, only 8k miles $

2011 Nissan Cube Auto, loaded, low miles $

16,995 16,995

2011 Nissan $$ Frontier SV Only 8k mi, loaded, like new toolbox $

Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,priced pricedtotosell sell


17,995 17,995


Only Only3k3kmiles, miles,auto, auto,like likenew new

2006 Ford F-250 Lariat Supercab, 4x4, diesel, 1 owner $

Moonroof, loaded Moonroof,loaded

2009 Honda Odyssey EX-L 22k miles, extra clean loaded $


13,995 13,995


2012 Dodge Charger Loaded, priced to sell 06 NissanMurano Murano 06Nissan $


Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,low lowmiles miles

06 06Mercedes MercedesC230 C230

10 10Toyota ToyotaCorolla CorollaLELE

Auto, air,power powerpkg, pkg,one oneowner owner Auto,air,

04 04Acura Acura3.2TL 3.2TL

06 06Nissan NissanAltima Altima2.5S 2.5S $$

13,995 13,995

2011 Mazda CX-7 Loaded, extra clean, fac. warranty $


11,995 11,995

Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner

13,995 13,995

06 06Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS




13,995 13,995

power package, xtra see Loaded, power package,xtra xtraclean clean xtraclean, clean,must must see Leather, Loaded, SportsLeather, Track Ltd 2010 Ford Escape XLT $$ $$ Leather, loaded V6, Auto, Loaded $ $

11,995 11,995

Auto, powerpkg, pkg,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean Auto,power


V6, auto,like likenew new V6,auto, Ford 2008

06 06Suzuki SuzukiGrand GrandVitara VitaraSport Sport

11,995 11,995

9,995 9,995

9,995 9,995

9,995 9,995

Loaded, see Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,must must see 2012 Nissan Altima 2.5S $$ $$ pwr package, only 10k miles Auto, $






V8, V8,auto, auto,power powerseats, seats,power power locks, locks,AM/FM/CD, AM/FM/CD,driver’s driver’spackage, package, SYNC, trailertow, tow,&&much muchmore. more. SYNC,&&trailer

00 00Ford FordF150 F150Ext ExtCab Cab

00 00Saturn SaturnSL1 SL1

Auto, verylow lowmiles, miles,xtra xtraclean clean Auto,very





Auto, Auto,air, air,xtra xtraclean clean

Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,must mustsee see

2011 Ford Focus Auto, power package, extra clean $


Auto, one ownerr, like new Moonroof, leather, low milesStarting Startingat at $ $

Auto, Auto,cruise/tilt, cruise/tilt,air, air,power powerpackage, package, AM/FM/CD, AM/FM/CD,Mykey Mykey&&much muchmore. more. MSRP $22,995.Incldues Incldues$2000 $2000rebate, rebate,$500 $500 MSRP$22,995. Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade




Auto, Auto,air, air,power powerpackage, package, tilt, tilt,Mykey Mykey&&much muchmore. more.

2007 Mercedes C280 Loaded, garage kept, extra clean $




Air AirConditioning, Conditioning,tilt tiltsteering steeringwheel, wheel,power power doorlocks/remote doorlocks/remotekeyless, keyless,ABS ABSbrakes brakes


2003 Chevy Sierra SLE V8, auto, one owner, 60K miles $

Starting Startingat at



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