Joint Base Charleston
Vol. 2, No. 28
Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Team Charleston's Rodeo Team is ready to compete in Rodeo 2011 By Rose Alexander Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs More than 30 Airmen from the 437th Airlift Wing and 628th Air Base Wing departed today for Joint Base LewisMcChord, Wash., to participate in Rodeo 2011, Air Mobility Command's premier mobility competition. They left amid cheers following a send-off ceremony attended by co-workers, family members and local community leaders. Rodeo 2011 is scheduled to take place July 23-29. The event focuses on building international partnerships through competition. Rodeo features airdrops, aerial refueling and other events showcasing the unique and wide-ranging capabilities of airlift and air-refueling aircrew members, maintenance, aerial port, aeromedical evacuation personnel, financial management, contingency response, flight attendants and military security forces. Charleston's Rodeo Team members have been preparing for this competition for several months and will compete alongside more than 150 teams and 3,000 people from the Air Force, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard, as well as 35 allied nations. "I am pleased with the hard work, time and effort Team Charleston has put into preparing their Rodeo Team for this year's competition," said Col. Erik Hansen, 437th Airlift Wing commander. "I'm looking forward to watching them compete!" Col. Richard McComb, Joint Base Charleston commander, will be attending Rodeo for the first time. He will be joining the team July 26 and accompanying them on their flight back to Charleston July 30. The 437 AW Rodeo Team chief is Lt. Col. Brady Caldwell, operations officer for the 437th Operations Support Squadron. See Rodeo Team, page 7
U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Katie Gieratz
More than 30 Airmen from the 437th Airlift Wing and 628th Air Base Wing departed today for Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., to participate in Rodeo 2011. Charleston's Rodeo Team members have been preparing for this competition for several months and will compete alongside more than 150 teams and 3,000 people from the Air Force, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard, as well as 35 allied nations.
Charleston Airmen at the tip of the spear
Story and photo by Staff Sgt. David Salanitri Air Force Central combat correspondent
Circuit training See page 9
MOVING UP August promotions See page 4
DONATIONS Airmen move humanitarian cargo See page 5
APPEARANCE Updated AF dress instructions See page 10
Charleston, SC Friday, July 22 Mostly Sunny (20% precip)
High 96º Low 79º
Saturday, July 23 Partly Cloudy (20% precip)
High 95º Low 79º
Sunday, July 24 Partly Cloudy (20% precip)
High 96º Low 79º
SOUTHWEST ASIA – Their flight suits are soaked through with sweat, it's 110 degrees outside and the smell in the C-17 Globemaster III resembles a high school locker room - we're 30 minutes into our 15-hour mission. Like the majority of people who like to browse news on the war, I've seen many pictures and videos of supplies and cargo being dropped from an aircraft ... the pallets of supplies float gracefully down and that is that. Never do I see the blood, sweat and tears that go behind getting those pallets to where they need to be. The crew is alerted around 9 a.m. and arrives at the squadron 40 minutes later. They assemble for a highly detailed pre-mission brief that prepares the crew for what they will face during their mission. Once processed through customs, it's time to arm up and head to the plane. Today is my first combat airdrop mission; our location is undisclosed in Southwest Asia. The air is heavy with humidity - you can actually feel the air on your skin. At this point, all we've done is place our bags on the C-17 and already our flight suits are
drenched in sweat. Drops of perspiration are falling off the loadmaster's face. We have 13 hours left in the day. Even in the cargo bay of the massive C-17, room is at a premium. More than 73,000 pounds of JP8 fuel loaded on 40 pallets fill the aircraft from tail to nose, leaving just enough space for us to walk along the sides. The loadmaster's voice comes over the speakers "ready for takeoff." Within seconds our warehouse with wings is in the air. Estimated time over target is two hours. The lights dim and things begin to cool off as we ascend. As we get closer to the drop zone, Staff Sgt. Russ Johnson, 816th Staff Sgt. Russ Johnson, 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron Expeditionary Airlift Squadron load- loadmaster, pushes one of 40 pallets of Meals, Ready to Eat onto a master, signals a 30-minute warning. C-17 Globemaster III at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan July 8, 2011. Throughout the crew's 15-hour mission, they airdropped more My two partners are no strangers to than 73,200 pounds of JP8 fuel and 48,000 pounds of MREs. documenting airdrops, but for me, this is a new experience. pile of puke-bags in case things go south for this guy. I strap myself into a seat in the back by the door. The door opens at about 1,000 feet above the The aircraft dives, dips and dodges its way through ground. I knew Afghanistan was mountainous, but the mountains of Afghanistan - I eye up the closest See story and photos, Page 12
Officials look to reduce strategic airlift inventory By Staff Sgt. Richard A. Williams Jr. Air Force Public Affairs Agency WASHINGTON – Combatant and major command officials provided testimony to members of the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower to propose a reduction of strategic airlift aircraft numbers in a session here July 13. Gen. Raymond Johns, the Air Mobility Command commander, and Gen. Duncan McNabb, the U. S. Transportation Command commander, provided the committee with information supporting an Air Force request to lower the aircraft inventory requirement of 316 C-17 Globemaster III, C-5A Galaxy and C-5M Super Galaxy aircraft to a minimum of 301 strategic airlift aircraft. "AMC is charged with maintaining our strategic airlift fleet and ensuring it has the capability and capacity required by United States Transportation Command and the geographic combatant commander's," Johns said. He added that AMC officials are "keenly aware" of the financial difficulties facing the nation and the command's goal is to fulfill mission requirements in a fiscally responsible manner. The retirement of a portion of older C-5A aircraft would not diminish Air Force airlift capability and potentially save $1.2 billion in taxpayer dollars in
U.S. Air Force photo/Scott M. Ash
Gen. Raymond Johns, the Air Mobility Command commander, reads his opening statement July 13, 2011 during a Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Christine Fox, the Department of Defense Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation director, and Gen. Duncan McNabb, the U.S. Transportation Command commander, also testified before the subcommittee.
future years' defense planning, Johns said. "Our ability to manage the strategic airlift over the coming years will enable us to be more fiscally responsible to our nation," McNabb added. He said the reduction of aircraft would not hinder USTRANSCOM ability to support combatant commanders around the globe.
The requirement to maintain the bottom limit of 316 aircraft is a congressional restriction from the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act, Section 137. With changing requirements and an additional 40 more C-17's in the inventory than anticipated when that study was completed, Johns said, the exact mix of aircraft used in that study is less critical than the mission capability of the newer C-17 airframe. McNabb agreed. "As more capable aircraft like the C-17 and the C-5M enter the inventory, requirements can be maintained with fewer aircraft. The 316 strategic airlift floor requires us to keep unneeded, the less capable C-5A in the inventory." McNabb added the fiscal savings are important but not as important as taking care of the Airmen who fly and maintain the aircraft and the use of manpower is absolutely critical to mission success. "I need to be able to put my best people on my best assets," McNabb said. "Reducing the fleet would reduce the workload on our Airmen," Johns added. Johns said there is no reason for the Air Force to maintain a capability that is not needed and the ultimate goal of both AMC and USTRANSCOM is to maintain the best streamlined, economically sound fleet possible.
Operational Readiness Inspection Countdown: 18 Weeks Joint Base Charleston Facebook Now Live! - Follow Discussions, Connect With Your Base! CYAN-AOOO
BLACK 01/29/08
The Patriot • July 22, 2011
The Army is in Charleston Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot The Joint Base Charleston Patriot is published by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DOD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs offices of both bases reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed to be against DOD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.
Commentary by Lt. Col. Robert Dawson 841st Transportation Battalion commander Since taking Command of the 841st Transportation Battalion last month, I have to say that the reception by Joint Base Charleston personnel and the local community has been terrific. However, as I have made my way around town I have realized that many people still do not know the U. S. Army has an active presence in Charleston. Just last week I was getting a haircut at the Exchange when the barber asked me if I was in town for my annual training. I told him that I was an active duty Army Solider, that I recently moved to town and that I would be working in the Army unit that has been in Charleston for more than 50 years. I was quite surprised when I learned that the barber did not know the unit existed even though he had lived in Charleston his entire life. The 841st Transportation Battalion was originally known as the Charleston Ordnance Depot. During World War II, the Depot was temporarily designated as the Charleston Port of Embarkation and supported the movement of U.S. forces and cargo during the war. It was officially established July 1, 1952 as the Charleston Transportation Corps Marine Depot. From 1962 to 1981, the Depot's mission was the storage and maintenance of Army watercraft and rail cars and was the Army's primary East Coast petroleum storage facility. The Depot also deployed watercraft to support U.S. forces participating in Vietnam. The Depot was re-designated as the 841st
Transportation Battalion July 20, Resistant Ambush Protected 1999. As a subordinate unit of the vehicles. This equates to Military Surface Deployment and approximately 35 percent of Distribution Command, the battalall combat equipment shipped ion is a vital part of the Army to support military operations Service Component Command of in Iraq and Afghanistan. the U.S. Transportation Command. Recognized as the busiest The 841st Transportation Battalion military terminal battalion in is designated as the Department of the U.S. Army, the 841st Defense's single port manager for Transportation Battalion is military cargo shipments here in strategically located to serve Charleston, Savannah, Ga., major combat units including Wilmington and Morehead City, the 3rd Infantry Division at N.C., Norfolk, Va., Baltimore, Md., Fort Stewart, Ga., the 101st Philadelphia, Pa., and New York Airborne Division at Fort and New Jersey. The battalion's Campbell, Ky., the 82nd mission is to command and control Airborne Division at Fort Lt. Col. Robert Dawson the movement and distribution of Bragg, N.C., the 10th Mountain military cargo and equipment via ship, train, conDivision at Fort Drum, N.Y. and the II Marine voy and truck on behalf of Military Surface Expeditionary Forces at Camp Lejeune, N.C. The Distribution Deployment Command through battalion's facilities, located at JB CHS - Weapons Atlantic Ocean ports to destinations around the Station, provide the only deep water port located world. on a military installation used exclusively on a With a staff of just over 60 people, the battaldaily basis to move DoD unit cargo. This makes ion coordinates daily with deploying and redeour location the port of choice for power projecploying units, the Military Sealift Command, the tion on the East Coast. U.S. Coast Guard, local port authorities and local The 841st Transportation Battalion is a small commercial labor and transportation firms to Army unit that provides an invaluable service to expedite the movement of military cargo. our nation. I look forward to my time here in Since the beginning of the Global War on Charleston and working with the Joint Base and Terrorism, the 841st Transportation Battalion has local community. loaded more than 1,300 vessels with more than The next time you see a U.S. Army Soldier and 224,000 pieces of cargo in support of contingency ask him or her where they work, the answer might operations to include more than 15,000 upbe right here in Charleston, on the South Annex at armored humvees and more than 10,000 MineJB CHS - WS. The Army is in Charleston!
Diamond Tip: A good attitude By Master Sgt. Keith Green 437th Maintenance Operations Squadron acting first sergeant
Deadlines The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Patriot staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.
Editorial Content Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Patriot can be reached at: 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, Room 312. Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963-3464 Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd., Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154. E-mail to: All news releases should be sent to this address.
Editorial Staff 628 ABW commander Col. Richard McComb Public Affairs Officer Capt. Frank Hartnett Patriot Editor Eric Sesit
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Important Base Numbers: Commander’s Action Line 963-5581 Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline 963-5550
Weekly Safety Tip Alcohol involvement in fatal crashes peaks at night. For wrecks between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., more than half of the fatally injured drivers had Blood Alcohol Contents at or above 0.08 compared with about 20 percent during other hours.
What is the first thing you notice about a person when you meet them? It could be their looks, what they are wearing, or perhaps it's the way they carry themselves. Remember the old saying, "you can't get a second chance at a first impression?" I distinctively remember meeting my first supervisor as a newly assigned Airman. When I arrived at my first duty station, I was met by this "hardcore" non-commissioned officer. This guy was the epitome of old school. He would be in the office 30 minutes early shining his boots and smiling the entire time. He carried himself very well, spoke with confidence and was always in a great mood. Needless to say, I was truly impressed with his professionalism and especially his way of handling the pressures of everyday life. As time passed, he was not only my supervisor; he became my trainer, mentor and someone who I dearly admired. I once asked him how he could be in such a good mood all of the time. His reply was simple. He said, "Attitude is a choice. You can either choose to be upset or you can choose not to be upset." He went on to say that there are always going to be situations that we as people are going to have to deal with and life isn't always going to be easy. He told me if I only remember one thing that he taught me, it was to always remember that your attitude is everything. If you really stop and think about it, attitude sets your course and prepares you for any situation in your life. Essentially your attitude will make or break you. One of the most important attributes a person can have is their ability to maintain a great attitude. Life is sometimes hard and challenging at times. The mission we do here at Joint Base Charleston and the demands that come with it can be very stressful. We can overcome these feelings by simply "choosing" to have a great attitude.
Overload: Finding the VA information you need By Kate Hoit U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Our yearlong deployment to Iraq was officially over. I stood at attention with my fellow soldiers for the last time before being thrown back into the civilian world. It was finally time to shed my desert camouflage uniform. It was finally time to trade in my title as combat photographer for college student. It was time to “fall out” and fall into the category of Iraq War Veteran. In late 2005, I realized transition from soldier to Veteran wasn’t going to be easy. My only connection to other soldiers and Vets was through my Army Reserve unit. At that time only a few of us had deployed, and when I showed up to drill with specific questions about the GI Bill and other VA benefits, it turned into a game of phone tag. “Well, Sgt. Smith uses the GI Bill and he needed this and that. But you should ask Specialist Clark because she said she didn’t need that paperwork. And do you have the fax number to the one lady who signs off on that one sheet
of paper? Yeah, you totally need to get in touch with that lady.” By the time I found Smith and Clark, I discovered a magical lady with a fax machine didn’t exist – nor did a Veteran in my unit that could give me correct information. I wasn’t sure who or where to turn to. In an attempt to untangle the web of information I faced, I searched online for “GI Bill.” I clicked around; convinced the answers I needed had to be swirling around the web somewhere. Chapter 30? Chapter 1606? Tuition Assistance? Sites popped up that I had never heard of or that had no connection to VA. Click after click led me to different sites, to different points of view, and to different ways to go about obtaining my benefits. Several of the sites reminded me of Smith and Clark – they just regurgitated inaccurate information. It only took minutes for me to realize, VA sites – admittedly tough to navigate at times – were the best source for information for benefits and programs. Reverting back to VA, I was able to secure my GI Bill
benefits for the fall, along with tuition assistance for my summer classes. Nearly six years later, when I search the web for “GI Bill,” I am hit with millions of results. Websites range from trusted government sites to pages that seem to have more of an interest in advertising space than providing good information. The worst offenders are plastered with advertisements from for-profit schools that have recently faced scrutiny for their sudden interest in
Inspector General’s Office 963-3553 / 963-3552
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Veterans benefits on PBS Frontline. So instead of getting caught in a web of miscommunication, go straight to the source: The Department of Veterans Affairs. ( VA’s web sites should be the first destination for Veterans looking to take advantage of their benefits. This list should point you in the right direction and relieve some of stress sometimes associated with obtaining benefits. I urge you to get started and click around!
The Patriot • July 22, 2011
Fuel tank five back in action Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Jared Trimarchi Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs A small crowd was on hand to witness the reopening of fuel tank five during a ribbon cutting ceremony July 15 at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base. The fuel tank has been under refurbishment since January 2007 due to a faulty floating pan, but is now fully functional. During the ceremony Capt. Melissa Thurman, 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron Fuels Flight commander said it's phenomenal to get fuel tank five back in service. "Fuel tank five holds 60 percent of Joint Base Charleston's fuel capacity and is a major asset to our installation and mission," Thurman said. According to Senior Master Sgt. Nathaniel Hawkins, 628 LRS Fuels flight superintendent, fuel tank five holds 1.8 million gallons of fuel. "Having fuel tank five back in action will help reduce the number of man hours used in our shop," Hawkins said. "When the fuel tank was down for refurbishing, we received fuel five days a week. With fuel tank five's enormous capacity, we will only have to receive fuel once a week, cutting 24 man hours weekly." Having the fuel tank operational is a big leap for the 628 LRS as it will reduce the amount of effort needed to keep C-17s fueled, Hawkins said. "The fuel tank helps Joint Base Charleston become more efficient and directly supports our air mobility mission," he concluded.
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Airman 1st Class Houston Boyd and Cmdr. Charles Phillip cut the ribbon reopening fuel tank five July 15 at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base. The fuel tank has been under refurbishment since January 2007 due to a faulty floating pan, but is now fully functional. Boyd is a 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron Fuel apprentice and Phillip is the 628th Mission Support Group executive officer.
JB CHS – AB lease signing event Courtesy of Forest City Military Communities Residents living in Joint Base Charleston Air Base housing are invited to a lease signing event Aug. 5 from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., at the Charleston Club. No appointment is necessary. Residents will be able to stop by anytime during the day to sign their resident lease for privatized housing and meet their management team. Residents are requested to bring a copy of their most recent Leave and Earnings
Statement, current orders and a picture of their pet for their resident file. To expedite the lease paperwork, all residents are requested to complete and return their service member data sheet to the Air Force Housing office or Forest City Community office at 1258 Batson Drive before Aug. 5. Residents who will be moving out of base housing should bring a copy of their orders, notice to vacate/move-out or proof of home purchase so that Forest City Communities can adjust their lease accordingly. For more information call the Forest City Communities at 552-0600.
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By Cicely McCray Joint Base Charleston school liaison officer Ready, Set, Go to Kindergarten is a workshop for parents of children scheduled to enter kindergarten during the 2011-12 school year. The workshop is scheduled for Aug. 15 at the Child Development Center on Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station from 6 to 7:30 p.m. This free information session is designed to help parents prepare for their child's transition to kindergarten. On-site registration for each session is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Professional and kindergarten staff from Marrington Elementary School will present information about various aspects of kinder-
garten enrollment including requirements, transitions and curriculum and best practices. They will also share information parents can use to help their children prepare for kindergarten. Each family attending will receive a packet containing kindergarten readiness materials and information about Berkeley County Schools. To be eligible for public school kindergarten in South Carolina for the 2011-12 school year a child must be five years of age on or before Sept. 1, 2011. To register in advance for the workshop or for more information about kindergarten or any school-related issues call the School Liaison office at 764-7869 or send an e-mail to
The Patriot • July 22, 2011
Charleston Airmen receive promotions Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs Congratulations to the following Airmen who have been selected for promotion in August. To Airman: 437th Maintenance Squadron: Timothy McCormick, John Snyder 437th Operations Group: Ian Glaves 437th Operations Support Squadron: Meghan Wendel To Airman 1st Class: 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron: Devin Lorenzi, Brady Novian, Maxwell St Germain To Senior Airman: 15th Airlift Squadron: David Deering, Joshua Nelson, Christian Ruhe 17th Airlift Squadron: Laura Bourdlais 437th Aerial Port Squadron: Derrick Gibson, Chad Giddens, Jeffrey Montgomery, Michael Wunderly 437 AMXS: Devin Bable, Luke Duvall, Andrew Fox, Zachary Hughes, Calli Marshall, Christopher Mitchell, Michael Stroud 437th Maintenance Operations Squadron: Kristian Edwards 437 MXS: Carli Briscoe, Vincent Chapman, Michael Hogue, Anthony Rios 437th OG: Keitha McCarthy 628th Communications Squadron: Doyle Fryer, Patrick Smith 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron: Charles Macqueen, Mikel Shrum 628th Medical Support Squadron: Evelyn Wilhems 628th Security Forces Squadron: Matthew Baxter, Jessica Ormston, Brandon Smith To Staff Sergeant: 15 AS: Travis Miller 437 APS: Megan Miles 437 AMXS: Jacob Addington, Terry Coates, Derek Ivester 437 MOS: Jonathan Frazier 437 MXS: Phillip Garland, Ryan Yeager
628th Civil Engineer Squadron: Jeston Freeman 628 CS: Danielle Harvey 628 LRS: Brandon Allen, Jeffrey Griffin 628 MSS: Marybeth Haines 628 SFS: Eric Lawrence To Technical Sergeant: 437 APS: Olatunji Odutola 437 AMXS: Joel Shope, Kevin Stasik 437 MOS: Matthew Smolski 437 MXS: Josette Francis, Michael Ocampo, Benjamin Orgeron, Jerry Peterson 628th Aerospace Medicine Squadron: Steven Hall 628th Air Base Wing: Mitchell McNair 628 CS: Sidney Boyd, Antonio Good 628 MSS: Jessica Dicicco 628 SFS: Marcus Perkins 373rd Training Squadron Det. 5: Carl Newton Det 3 Security Forces: Gemma Arnuco To Master Sergeant: 373 TRS: Paul Lowery, Jason Miller, John Pryhoda 437 APS: Timothy Crowe, Nonglaks Dyer, Serge Ladd 437 AMXS: Travis Bowman, Paul Cavaness, Jeffery Harper, Gregory Milano 437 MXS: Amy Herr, Heath Webster 628 AMS: David Tolson 628 MSS: Anitra Towns 1st Combat Camera: Andrew Rodier, Bernard Wilson To Senior Master Sergeant: 628 MOS: Jason Foster To Chief Master Sergeant: 628th Force Support Squadron: Debra Mosley
Bicycle safety – watch out because they might not Courtesy of 628th Air Base Wing Safety office According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, each year more than 500,000 people in the United States are treated in emergency departments and more than 700 people die as a result of bicycle-related injuries. Although automobiles should always be on the lookout for bicyclists, it is important for bicyclists to remember the following tips to avoid collisions with automobiles and remain safe while riding a bicycle: • Wear a properly fitted bicycle helmet and make sure the bicycle is ready to ride by checking equipment.
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• Avoid busy streets. • Headlights and rear lights are extremely important, especially when riding at night. • Take the whole lane when appropriate. • Signal your turns. • Rethink using portable music players or mobile phones. Stay alert at all times. • Ride with the traffic flow and obey all traffic laws. • Look before turning. • Watch for parked cars. • Never ride on a sidewalk or area that isn't designated for bicycles.
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• Yield to traffic when appropriate. • Be predictable. Ride in a straight line, not in and out of cars. Signal your moves to others. • See and be seen by wearing something bright, even during the day. • Don't ride in an automobile's blind spot. • Ride further left to hold your lane. • Remember that bicycle riders on public roads have the same rights and responsibilitiesas motorists and are subject to the same rules and regulations.
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The Patriot • July 22, 2011
Denton Program benefits needy people around the globe By Maj. Don Traud 2nd Lt. Zachary Anderson and Sandra Pishner, Air Force Reserve Command Video, Photo and Writing Workshop attendees Jim Bailey helps impoverished people around the world by helping to get donated clothing, food and medical supplies delivered to Latin America, Afghanistan and other countries in need. Bailey manages logistics for the Denton Program at Joint Base Charleston. The program allows non-government organizations to transport donated humanitarian goods and equipment on space-available military cargo aircraft. Established in 1985 as an amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act by former Alabama Senator and Vietnam POW Jeremiah Denton, the program strives to assist NGOs in easing human suffering while also supporting U.S. foreign policy. A career-Air Force aerial port specialist who retired from active duty two years ago here, Bailey is well-suited for the job. Before leaving active duty, he provided quality assurance on dozens of humanitarian airlift missions to Latin America and worked closely with local officials and U.S. embassies. "I've worked as the Denton manager [as a contract civilian] since I retired in August 2009," Bailey said. He coordinates logistics with Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard units to deliver donated goods to Charleston. Then, he makes sure the goods are picked up, loaded and delivered to their final destination. The Denton Program keeps Bailey and the 437th Aerial Port Squadron busy. So far this year, more than a half million pounds of humanitarian goods and eight vehicles were delivered around the world. The donated goods come from a variety of sources. For example, an ambulance was donated recently by the Rotary Club from Athens, Ga. and is destined for Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.
AF File Image
Airmen prepare to load a donated firetruck onto a C-17 as part of the Denton program, which allows non-government organizations to transport donated humanitarian goods and equipment on space-available military cargo aircraft.
Other humanitarian items include agricultural products and equipment. Most of the airlift support for the Denton program is provided by Air Force Reserve flying units. The 315th Airlift Wing is scheduled to deliver water purification units and 10 pallets of rice to Honduras in July. It's a long trail from picking up donated goods somewhere in the U.S. and taking them to their delivery destination. The process starts with a request from a donor, Bailey explained. Once the donor is approved, Bailey posts the requests to all airlift units. When a flying unit and aerial port commit to moving the cargo, he coordinates logistics for cargo preparation and delivery. Typically, the processing time takes four to six weeks with cargo transportation and delivery anywhere from AF File Image two weeks to several months Forklifts loaded with donated supplies line up to load a C-17 as part of the Denton program. after that.
For example, when a donated vehicle arrives at JB CHS, the process for delivery is just beginning. Aerial porters work behind-the-scenes to ensure it is delivered safely and in working order. Most of the smaller donated supplies are packed onto pallets, making it easier for loading and unloading. A few items, like vehicles, require specialists to prepare them for shipment. "We shipped an ambulance to Haiti. That presented a challenge, because we wanted it to arrive in working order," said Tech. Sgt. Timothy Crowe, a load planner with the 437 APS. Crowe has worked with the Denton Project since 2009 and has overseen shipment of vehicles from fire trucks to tractors. "The ambulance's axels had to be shored up, otherwise they would start bending under the g-forces during flight and break," he said. Although donated goods are packaged onto identical-looking pallets, the precious cargo is anything but ordinary for the Airmen responsible for its safe delivery. "Although they look like a bunch of boxes, I know it's critical that someone a world away receives it," said Staff. Sgt. Duane Olds, a load planner with the 437 APS. Bailey and the aerial porters that plan, load and deliver the donated items realize their efforts often mean life or death for the recipients. "This job is so gratifying to me," he said, "and a daily reminder that the American people are truly the most generous people in the world."
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The Patriot • July 22, 2011
Scholarship awarded to local teen
Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Brannon Deugan
Cmdr. Charles Phillip and Larry Jackson present Bobby O’Brien with a plaque for being one of the winners of the Scholarships for Military Children July 20 at the Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station commissary. The scholarship, provided by the Defense Commissary Agency, Fisher House Foundation and S & K Sales is awarded on the basis of meritorious achievement in academic studies, citizenship, school and community activities, leadership and a 500 word essay. The Scholarships for Military Children program provides needed educational opportunities to the children of military families. Phillip is the 628th Mission Support Group executive officer. Jackson is from S & K sales.
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The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ July 22, 2011
Rodeo team ready to compete - from page one His responsibilities include organizing the five sub-teams â&#x20AC;&#x201C; aircrew, aerial port, maintenance, joint air drop inspectors and fit to fight â&#x20AC;&#x201C; into one competitive team. "I consider this quite an honor to lead such an enthusiastic team who will represent Charleston in this international competition," Caldwell said. The teams have practiced numerous hours for several months, while at the same time, still accomplishing their primary mission. "As a first time attendee, I was not aware of the amount of time, effort and work required to prepare for this competition,â&#x20AC;? Caldwell said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Their efforts and dedication are what I am the most proud of.â&#x20AC;? The Aircrew Team leader and aircraft commander is Capt. Brock Schnute, 14th Airlift Squadron. Team members are pilots, Capt. Justin West, 16th Airlift Squadron, Capt. Ryan Halligan, 15th Airlift Squadron and loadmaster, Tech. Sgt. Keith Hackney, 15 AS The Aircrew Team will compete in the following flying events: airdrop, short field landing and air refueling, plus a non-flying engines running offload event. The Joint Airdrop Inspectors Team leader is Staff Sgt. Ryan Gewinner, 437 OSS. Team mem-
ber is Senior Airman Jason Golec, 437 OSS. The Inspection Team will be graded on their ability to find discrepancies in heavy equipment airdrop platforms and container delivery system bundles. The Maintenance Team leader is Master Sgt. Terrence Spradley, 437th Maintenance Group. Primary team members from the 437th Maintenance Squadron are 1st Lt. Travis Mongeon, Tech. Sgts. Joshua Avelar, Jessy Martin, Allen Minner, Travis Pyle and Eric Ragan; Staff Sgts. Marc Begay, Brandon Padgett and Donald Woytcke and Senior Airman Richard Douglas and from the 437th Maintenance Squadron, Tech. Sgt. Jonathan Smiddy. The maintenance competition evaluates maintainers' ability to keep command aircraft ready to meet operational commitments. They will be evaluated in the following areas: preflight, pre-flight inspection, ground refueling operations and maintenance skills. The Aerial Port Team leader is Staff Sgt. Matthew Lumm. Primary team members, all from the 437th Aerial Port Squadron are Staff Sgts. Luther Franklin, Nic Sansone, Ashley Kelly and Senior Airman Marvin Richardson. Tech. Sgt. Jason Gates is the team coach and
tent manager and Airman 1st Class Joseph Schlank is an alternate and tent manager. Aerial port teams ensure equipment and supplies are loaded safely and quickly for airdrop or transport. The team will compete in the following areas: joint inspection, engines running on and offload, aerial port challenge course, in-transit visibility, 10K driving course and K-loader driving course. The 628th Air Base Wing Rodeo Team chief is Staff Sgt. Adrian Johnson, 628th Comptroller Squadron. His responsibilities are to oversee all preparations for the financial management team. The Financial Management team leader is Tech. Sgt. Clifton Ancrum. Team members are Staff Sgt. Daniel Garrison and Senior Airman Brittney Knowling from the 628 CPTS and will be competing in Rodeoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first-ever financial management competition. Caldwell also serves as the Fit-to-Fight Team leader. Other team members, who were chosen by their respective sub-teams, are Capt Brock Schnute, 14 AS, Tech. Sgt. Allen Minner, 437 MXS, Staff Sgt. Luther Franklin and Senior Airman Marvin Richardson, 437 APS. Their competition events include a 1.5 mile run, sit-ups and push-ups.
The Civic Rodeo Team leader is Cheryl Clark, 437th Airlift Wing Honorary Commander. Team members are Bill Moody, 628th Air Base Wing Honorary Commander, Jim Geffert, 437th Airlift Wing Honorary Vice Commander, James Warner, 628th Air Base Wing Deputy Honorary Commander, Graham Drayton, 628th Air Base Wing Honorary Command Chief, Sean Tracey, 437th Operations Group Honorary Commander, Michelle Kelly, 14th Airlift Squadron Honorary Commander, Tonya Conley, 628th Force Support Squadron Honorary Commander, Karen Elsey, 841st Battalion Honorary Transportation Commander, Dottie Karst, President of the Honorary Commanders Advisory Council, Peter Wertimer, Honorary Commanders Advisory Council and Jason Clark Post & Courier Lead Graphics Designer. The Civic Team is travelling with the Rodeo Team and will serve as observers, provide advice and encouragement, attend competitions and cheer the team on as they compete The last biennial competition took place in July 2009, with Charleston's team from the 437 AW bringing home several trophies.
Retirees: Turning 65 and understanding TRICARE and Medicare By Sharon Foster TRICARE Management Activity A 64-year-old beneficiary is currently receiving TRICARE benefits. When he turns 65, does he need Medicare if he already has TRICARE? Will he personally have to sign-up for Medicare or will TRICARE do this for him? Questions like these are normal for some beneficiaries not sure of their options when turning 65. TRICARE and Medicare are separate programs. Medicare is health insurance for people age 65 or older, as well as for people under age 65 who have qualified for Social Security disability insurance. TRICARE For Life is TRICARE's Medicare-wraparound coverage available to all Medicare-eligible TRICARE beneficiaries, regardless of age or place of residence, provid-
ed they have Medicare Parts A and B. There is no paperwork associated with TFL. Beneficiaries automatically gain coverage when they meet the requirements. Beneficiaries must sign up for Medicare as soon as they become eligible to ensure that they continue to get benefits under TRICARE. Beneficiaries turning 65 receive reminder letters from the Defense Manpower Data Center. For more information regarding Medicare sign-up, beneficiaries can call (800) 633-4227 or go to Beneficiaries are ineligible for TRICARE benefits for any period of time that they have Medicare Part A but not Part B, with several exceptions. For information on these exceptions, beneficiaries can go to or talk with their regional health care contractor.
While Medicare is the primary insurance when a beneficiary turns 65, TRICARE acts as the secondary insurance, minimizing out-of-pocket expenses. TRICARE covers Medicare's coinsurance and deductible. After Medicare pays its part of the claim, TRICARE pays the remaining amount for any TRICARE covered services and the beneficiary pays nothing. As the primary payer, Medicare approves health care services for payment. If a beneficiary has other health insurance, Medicare forwards their claim to their OHI. The beneficiary must then file a paper claim with their TRICARE contractor. If the beneficiary has employer group health plan coverage based on current employment, the employer group
pays first, Medicare pays second and TRICARE pays last. Medicare does not provide coverage outside of the United States and U.S. territories (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands). TRICARE is the primary payer for health care received overseas (except U.S. territories), unless the beneficiary has OHI. Overseas, TFL provides the same coverage as TRICARE Standard and has the same costshares and deductibles. When seeking care from a host nation provider, beneficiaries should be prepared to pay up front for services and submit a claim to the overseas claims processor. Beneficiaries, who have further questions about TRICARE and Medicare coverage, can go to or call Wisconsin Physicians Service at (866) 773-0404.
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The Patriot • July 22, 2011
Circuit training prepares Airmen for ORI
Staff Sgt. Leah Farias practices inserting a nasopharyngeal tube during the Self Aid Buddy Care portion of Circuit Training July 19 at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. The 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron conducts Circuit Training which includes Self Aid Buddy Care, small arms training and chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosives training. The training is designed to prepare Airmen for the upcoming Operational Readiness Inspection. Farias is a loadmaster assigned to the 17th Airlift Squadron. Capt. William McDougall disassembles a Beretta M92 pistol during small arms Circuit Training at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base July 20. McDougall is a pilot with the 17th Airlift Squadron.
Master Sgt. Sabadilla Lloyd conducts small arms training for military members at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base July 20. The weapons training is part of the basewide Circuit Training being conducted to prepare personnel for the upcoming Operation Readiness Inspection. Lloyd is a training superintendent attached to the 628th Security Forces Squad
Staff Sgt. Felicia Williams and Airman 1st Class Daniel Godfrey practice loading a medical mannequin onto a litter during the Self Aid Buddy Care portion of Circuit Training July 19 at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base S.C. Williams is from the 437th Maintenance Group and Godfrey is from the 437th Operations Support Squadron. Staff Sgt.Benjamin Carter practices using an Israeli bandage on Staff Sgt. Leah Farias during the Self Aid Buddy Care portion of Circuit Training July 19 at Joint Base Charleston Air Base, S.C. Farias is a loadmaster from the 17th Airlift Squadron and Carter is assigned to the 315th Maintenance Squadron.
U.S. Air Force photos by
Staff Sgt. Nicole Mickle
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To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit
The Patriot • July 22, 2011
Shinseki: VA Task Force improves care of women Vets By Karen Parrish American Forces Press Service The newly formed VA Task Force on Women Veterans will go a long way in addressing key benefits gaps to female veterans, according to Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki. While support for women veterans has improved, “it has not been enough,” Shinseki said during the 2011 National Training Summit on Women Veterans held here on July 16. The task force’s “near-term mission,” he said, is to develop - in coordination with VA's Advisory Committee on Women Veterans, and in conjunction with the Defense Department - a comprehensive VA action plan that will focus on key issues facing women veterans and the specific actions needed to resolve them. Those issues include obstetric and gynecological care, childcare, military sexual trauma, homelessness, aging and end-of-life issues, among others, the secretary said.
A draft of the plan is due to Shinseki on Jan. 1 and “will set our course for the next four years in everything we do, from planning to programming, to budgeting, to education and training,” he said. The action plan will update and inform VA’s approach to women’s issues within its health care, benefits, and cemetery administrations, as well as the Women's Advisory Report to Congress, due next July, the secretary said. “Other changes are in the pipeline, such as our pilot program to provide child care services,” he said. Beginning this summer, Shinseki said, three new drop-in child care pilot programs for women veterans with VA appointments will open in Northport, N.Y., Buffalo, N.Y., and Tacoma, Wash. Battlefield changes, such as increasingly blurred front lines, has increased VA’s attention on women veterans, Shinseki said. Last month, a 20-year-old Army military policewoman, Spc. Devin Snyder, became the 28th female service member
to die in Afghanistan when her convoy was attacked on a highway in eastern Laghman province, Shinseki said. “Wars, with no clear front lines, put soldiers - all soldiersat risk as never before, blurring the boundaries between combat and other than combat roles,” he said. In recent years, VA has developed women's primary care programs at their health care facilities across the nation, and has hired program managers and coordinators to manage care for women veterans, the secretary said. The department also has accelerated its women's health research in biomedical, clinical sciences, rehabilitation, and health services, he said. Most recently, Shinseki said, the VA launched a women veterans call-in center to directly solicit input into ways the department can improve its services. “I want women veterans and women serving in uniform … to see and know that VA is committed to fulfilling [their] needs,” he said.
Naval Academy accepting enlisted applications for Class of 2016 Courtesy of U.S. Naval Academy Public Affairs The Navy announced July 12 the U.S. Naval Academy's admissions cycle for the class of 2016, entering in July 2012, is open to enlisted Sailors. Top enlisted performers who possess strong leadership potential, have been recognized as Junior Sailors or Bluejackets of the Quarter or who graduated in the top 20 percent in their "A" and "C" schools are encouraged to apply by Jan. 31, 2012. To be eligible, top quality Sailors and Marines must meet competitive standards based on academic, military and physical performance. Academically, applicants must possess strong high school grade point averages and SAT scores, and have completed four years of mathematics and English and one year of chemistry. Applicants must be physically fit with no record of disciplinary action within three years preceding application. They must not have passed their 23rd birthday by July 1, 2012, and cannot be married, pregnant or have incurred obligations of parenthood. The deadline for initial application to the
class of 2016 is Jan. 31. All completed applications and recommendations must be received by March 1 to be considered. The Naval Academy, located in Annapolis, Md., provides approximately 1,000 officers to the Navy and Marine Corps every year, with many entering as prior enlisted men and women from the regular and reserve components of the Navy and Marine Corps. Students at the academy are designated midshipmen and receive midshipman pay plus tuition, room and board. Upon graduation, they receive a Bachelor of Science degree and a commission in the Navy or Marine Corps. The Naval Academy offers 23 academic majors in engineering, science, mathematics, social sciences and the humanities. In addition to the academic curriculum, students also take military professional courses in navigation, naval engineering, weapons, leadership, naval history and law. More information on enlisted applications to the Naval Academy can be found in ALNAV 046/11 at The U.S. Naval Academy is the United States' sea service academy responsible for developing future naval officers morally,
U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Chad Runge
Plebes from the U.S. Naval Academy Class of 2015 wait to be officially sworn in at the conclusion of Induction Day, marking the beginning of Plebe Summer, six-weeks of training intended to transition the students from civilian to military life.
mentally and physically. For more information about the U.S. Naval
Academy enlisted admissions process, visit
Air Force releases updated dress and appearance instructions By Eric M. Grill Air Force Personnel, Services and Manpower Public Affairs The Air Force's instruction on dress and personal appearance recently received an appearance upgrade with the release of the updated instruction July 18. Air Force Instruction 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance, received the facelift after several years of interim updates as uniform items were introduced and phased out. The last revision to the AFI was in 2006, prior to the release of the Airman Battle Uniform, which replaces the Battle Dress Uniform and Desert Camouflage Uniform Nov. 1, 2011. Most of the changes to the AFI are more about mechanics and clarification than new policy, said Ruth Ewalt, the Air Force Uniform Programs and Policies chief at the Air Staff. They are intended to make the AFI more user-friendly. "The changes are a result of Airmen in the field requesting clarification, leadership approving more specific policy, and the need to integrate information from the 98th virtual uniform board and other wear policy approved since 2006," Ewalt said. "We added the ABU, green fleece, and physical fitness uniform information not in the previous AFI and corrected instances of conflicting information."
For clarity and ease of reading, the chapters were rearranged and sections were made inclusive to eliminate turning back and forth to configure a single uniform, she said. The difference in the old and new AFI is that the tables are now integrated into the text. Each uniform has its own section, starting with the most formal through the utility, PT, and distinctive uniforms. One thing Airmen might notice is the amount of pictures incorporated into the revised AFI. "Individuals learn and retain information differently," Ewalt said. "For some, a photo is a better tool than volumes of text or audio. We wanted to make this AFI as 'user-friendly' as possible. It covers every Airman -- from the first-day recruit in Basic Military Training to the 30-plus-year career Airman." Sections are also inclusive, listing all items that may and must be worn with each particular uniform with the exception of outer garments which are covered in their own section. The first three chapters cover the basic philosophy, appropriate circumstances to wear uniform items, how and where to purchase them, roles and responsibilities, and grooming and appearance standards. Chapters four through seven cover uniforms worn and maintained by all Air Force members: dress, utility, and physical training uniforms. Chapters four and five include the dress and utility
This week in Navy history Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs July 17, 1975 - The U.S. Apollo 18 and Soviet Soyuz 19 spacecrafts docked in space. This was the first manned space flight conducted jointly by the two nations. Former naval aviator Vance Brand was the Apollo Command Module pilot. The Apollo craft was in space for nine days and seven and a half hours and was recovered by USS New Orleans (LPH-11). July 18, 1973 - Task Force 78, Mine Countermeasures Force, departed the waters of North Vietnam after completing their minesweeping operations of 1,992 tow hours at a cost of $20,394,000. July 19, 1897 - Lt. Robert Peary departed on a year-long arctic expedition which made many important discoveries, including one of the largest meteorites.
July 20, 1960 - In first launch of a Polaris missile, USS George Washington (SSBN 598) successfully fired two operational Polaris missiles while submerged off Florida. July 21, 1823 - After a pirate attack, Lt. David Farragut led a landing party to destroy a pirate stronghold in Cuba. July 22, 1964 - Four Navy Divers, Lt. Cmdr. Robert Thompson, Gunners Mate First Class Lester Anderson, Chief Quartermaster Robert Barth and Chief Hospital Corpsman Sanders Manning submerged in Sealab I for 10 days at a depth of 192 feet, 39 miles off Hamilton, Bermuda. They surfaced July 31. July 23, 1948 - USS Putnum (DD-757) evacuated United Nations team from Haifa, Israel and became first U.S. Navy ship to fly the U.N. flag.
uniforms. Chapter six explains outer garments, headgear, rank insignia and accessories, and chapter seven covers the physical training uniform. The remaining chapters "customize" the uniforms of unique populations and discuss badges, awards and decorations unique to individual Airmen. The final chapter contains instructions for recommending changes to dress and personal appearance policy or uniform designs. The revised AFI also added a tattoo measurement tool to standardize the process for Airmen and commanders to determine if a tattoo meets standards. "There is also a form to document tattoos that are borderline excessive or require a commander-approved waiver," Ewalt said. "The policy regarding what constitutes an excessive tattoo has not changed. The standard is still not more than 25 percent of the exposed body part." The revision involved input from individuals of all ranks and components of the Air Force, including Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard members. For online dress and appearance information, go to the dress and appearance webpage on the Air Force Personnel Center's website at
This week in Air Force history Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
Tranquility, where Armstrong took the first step on the moon.
July 17, 1990 - The 60th Military Airlift Wing, 62nd MAW and the 374th Tactical Airlift Wing delivered 582 tons of relief supplies and moved 2,475 passengers to Clark Air Base, Philippines after a 7.7 earthquake devastated the village of Baguio.
July 21, 1972 - Pacific Air Forces airlifted 2,000 tons of food, medical supplies and other relief supplies to Luzon through Aug. 15 for flood victims in the Philippines. C-130s, and H-3 and H-43 helicopters airlifted more than 1,500 passengers, disaster relief teams and medical evacuees.
July 18, 1967 - For the first time, an HH-3E Jolly Green Giant helicopter was refueled by an HC-130 during a rescue mission. July 19, 1941 - Capt. Benjamin Davis reported to the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama with 12 black aviation cadets to begin flight training. July 20, 1969 - Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin Jr flew the lunar module Eagle to the Sea of
July 22, 1948 - Military Air Transportation Service deployed men and equipment to establish an Airlift Task Force in Germany to relieve Berlin. Maj. Gen. William Tunner commanded the Task Force operations under U.S. Air Forces in Europe's operational control. July 23, 1956 - At Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., Lt. Col. Frank "Pete" Everest flew the Bell-X-2 at a record speed of Mach 2.87, over 1,900 mph.
Events July 26 ❏ Interviewing Techniques: Learn how to successfully interview for a job through guidance & practice July 26 from 9 a.m. to noon. Call 9634406 to register. July 27 ❏ Smooth Move Workshop: Learn how to ease through a Permanent Change of Station move and receive valuable take-a-ways July 27 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Call 963-4406 to register. July 29 ❏ Resume I and Cover Letter: Learn the basics of writing a resume & cover letter July 29 from 9 a.m. to noon and snag that interview. Call AFRC at 963-4406 to register. ❏ Key Spouse Initial Training: Indoctrination for newly appointed Key Spouses is July 29 from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Aug. 1 ❏ Investing Demystified: This class, August 1 from 10 to 11 a.m. explains the most common types of investments and simplifies terminology for a better understanding of investing and is ideal for the first time investor. Call the AFRC at 9634406 to sign up. Aug. 3 ❏ Thrift Savings Plan Simplified: Learn about enrolling in the TSP, what it can do to help supplement your retirement income and how to invest based on the lifecycle financial planning concept. The class is Aug. 3 from 8 to 9 a.m. and is for both military and civilian members eligible to enroll in the TSP. Call AFRC at 963-4406 to sign up. Aug. 4 ❏ Newcomer's Tour: Join other Joint Base Charleston newcomers Aug. 4 from 8:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for this fun and free bus tour of downtown Charleston and the surrounding area. The bus departs from the AFRC, Bldg. 500. Call 963-4406 to reserve your seat. Aug. 20 ❏ Introduction to Phlebotomy and advanced Phlebotomy techniques: Classes are Aug. 20 and 27 and Sept. 3, 10, 17 and 24. Participants must register for the entire block (six consecutive Saturdays), not individual classes. Learn to become a practicing phlebotomist at no cost. Classes are free to spouses of active duty personnel assigned to the 628th Air Base Wing, 437th Airlift Wing and 315 ALW. No children are allowed and childcare is not available. Call the AFRC at 963-4406 to register.
Aug. 25 ❏ Local Singing Talent Contest: Would you like to take your karaoke or shower opera performances to a new level? Is it worth getting paid up to $500 for giving it a shot and the opportunity to perform with a live band, sing to a national audience and win an additional $1,000? If so, it's time to sign on the dotted line and step up to the microphone because Charleston's version of Air Mobility Command's "Icon" talent competition is set for Aug. 25. All participants are eligible to win the base-level contest however, only AMC active duty Air Force members, including AMC affiliate units (Guard and Reserves) can represent JB CHS in the command finals. Sign-up deadline is Aug 5. For more information on "AMC Icon" and to download an entry form for the local competition, log on to and click on the "Icon" logo.
July 26 ❏ Basic Resume Writing: Making your first resume can be difficult so come to the Basic Resume Writing workshop to receive guidance on content, format, grammar and punctuation to develop your first resume. Join us July 26 from 10 to 11 a.m. at Special Announcements Fleet & Family Support Center, Bldg. 755. Call 764❏ Workforce Specialist: A workforce specialist 7480 to register or for more information. is now available by appointment on Tuesdays from July 27 1 to 4 p.m. and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to noon. ❏ Free Kids Financial Summer Camp: If you The specialist can help with job referrals, resume have children ages five to 12, sign them up for a day and interview assistance and provide information camp, July 27 and 28 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the about educational opportunities for active duty, FFSC, Bldg. 755. They will learn and explore in the retirees, dependents, and Department of Defense fields of entrepreneurship, finance, savings and being civilians. Call 963-4406 to schedule an appointwise consumers. Call 764-7480 to register. ment. July 28 ❏ Spouse Orientation to JB CHS: Spouses are ❏ Job Fair Etiquette Workshop: Are you prepared invited to this orientation the first and third for the next job fair? Join us at FFSC, Bldg. 755 July Wednesdays of each month from 9:30 to 11:30 28 from 10 to 11:30 a.m., for tips and techniques to a.m. Call 963-4406 to register. help you make the most professional, desirable and ❏ Base pools open: Both the Joint Base memorable impression at a job fair. Registration is Charleston - Air Base pool and the New Wave required. Call us at 764-7480. Aquatic Center on JB CHS - Weapons Station are now open for the season. All military E-1 through Special Announcements E-4 are admitted free any time during open, recre❏ Base pools open: Both the Joint Base ational swimming. The daily individual fee for all others is $2.50. A seasonal pool pass with unlimit- Charleston - Air Base pool and the New Wave ed access during open swimming is $30. Family Aquatic Center on JB CHS - Weapons Station will passes for up to four people are $50. Each addi- open for the season May 28. All military E-1 tional family member after four is $20 per person, through E-4 are admitted free any time during with a maximum of $100 per family. Visit open, recreational swimming. The daily individual for hours of operation and fee for all others is $2.50. A seasonal pool pass with unlimited access during open swimming is more information. ❏ Coupon exchange: The AFRC has a coupon $30. Family passes for up to four people are $50. exchange that is open to all ranks. Bring in your Each additional family member after four is $20 unused coupons between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., per person, with a maximum of $100 per family. Monday through Friday and help yourself to Visit for hours of operation coupons for you and your family. For more infor- and more information. ❏ Personal Financial Management: Let an mation on the coupon exchange, call 963-4408. ❏ Stress coping workshops: Learn how to cope FFSC certified financial specialists assist you in with life's stresses without pulling your hair out. accessing and explaining your credit report. They Workshops meet the second Wednesday of every can provide the tools and information to improve month from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Health and your score and make the right decisions about colWellness Center classroom and are open to every- lections and debt. Call FFSC at 764-7480 for more information. one. Call 963-4007 to sign up. ❏ Wise credit Choices: Did you know that your ❏ Sleep habits: Learn effective sleep habits and how to get your best z's during this workshop credit score is a huge deciding factor for interest which meets the fourth Wednesday of every month rates, mortgages, insurance costs, employability, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the HAWC classroom. loans, deposits, etc.? Call a personal financial manThis class is open to everyone. Call 963-4007 to ager at the FFSC for an appointment at 764-7480. ❏ Women's personal training offered: The sign up. Weapons Station fitness program is offering
See more briefs at
Family Events is dedicated to family activities. To submit an activity, send an e-mail to patriot@ Make the subject line "Family Events." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.
Movie Schedule: Weapons Station Movie Theater: Call 764-7516 for show times. Admission is free. Doors open 30 minutes prior to each showing. ❏ Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Roderick Rules: July 22, 7:30 p.m., Rated PG ❏ Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Roderick Rules: July 23, 5 p.m., Rated PG ❏ Adjustment Bureau: July 23, 7:30 p.m., Rated PG-13 ❏ Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Roderick Rules: July 24, 2 p.m., Rated PG ❏ Justin Beiber: Never Say Never: July 25, 1 p.m., Rated G ❏ Ramona & Beezus: July 27, 1 p.m., Rated G ❏ Paul: July 28, 7:30 p.m., Rated R
Movie Schedule: Air Base Movie Theater: Call 963-3333 for individual show times. Admission is $4.50 for adults, 12 years and older, and $2.25 for children 6-11 years old. “G” rated movies are $2.25 for children 3-11 years old. Visit for full movie schedules. ❏ Green Lantern: July 22, 7:30 p.m., Rated PG-13 ❏ X-Men: First Class: July 23, 7:30 p.m., Rated PG-13
Joint Base Charleston - Air Base July 31 ❏ Youth Soccer Registration: Youth soccer registration for JB CHS - AB is going on now to July 31. The league is for boys and girls ages four to 12. The cost for the 2011 season is: four-year olds, $25; five to 12 year- olds, $30 for members, $40 for non-members. Physicals are mandatory for all ages and current, completed physical forms must be submitted at time of registration. Practice starts in August. For more information, call Lee Smith, youth sports director at 963-8326 or the Youth Center at 9635684. Aug. 10 ❏ Hurricane Preparedness Lunch: Join Live 5 News meteorologist Bill Wash for lunch and a briefing on preparing for hurricanes, Aug. 10 at noon at the AFRC, Bldg. 500 at JB CHS - AB. Bring a sack lunch or enjoy the light snacks provided. Call to register by Aug. 9. Aug. 11 ❏ Spouse Appreciation Dinner: If your spouse is deployed, let us give you a night off as we'll prepare dinner for you and your family, Aug. 11 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Chapel Annex on JB CHS AB. Call 963-4406 to sign up. ❏ Youth Golf Lessons: Register now for this summer's youth golf lessons. Each session includes eight hours over five days with a 10 to one student-to-instructor ratio. The cost of $49 includes the use of junior clubs, practice balls, instruction and a booklet on rules and etiquette. Classes start July 11. To register, go to or call the Golf Shop at 963-1833 for more details. ❏ Summer swim lessons: Summer swim lessons registration is now ongoing at the Outdoor
The Patriot • July 22, 2011
women's small group personal training free of charge at Sam's Gym. The service is offered Monday-Friday from noon to 1 p.m. and 5 to 6 p.m., and focuses on muscular strength, endurance and increased functionality of gross body movements. This program is offered to all fitness levels. Call 764-4173 for more information. ❏ Developing your spending plan: Let a financial education specialist at the FFSC on Joint Base Charleston-Weapons Station provide you the tools and resources needed to develop a financial plan of your dreams. The purpose of a financial plan is for you to determine where you are now, where you want to go and how you plan to get there by starting today. Contact the FFSC 764-7480 for more information.
Updates and Notices ❏ Volunteer needed for pre-schooler's program: Do you have a couple of hours per week to spend volunteering at the library for our pre-school program? This program is designed for pre-schoolers with story time, crafts and a lot in interaction. Parent or guardian must attend. The program meets on Thursday mornings from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. For more information, call 764-7900. ❏ NSA Library is a computer "Hotspot:" The Naval Support Activity Library offers free wireless for wireless-ready laptop work and surfing the web from a patron's personal computer. Come equipped with a network card, find yourself a seat anywhere in the building, and go to work. ❏ MWR's Recycling Department calling for all metal: Containers for empty aluminum cans are located throughout the Naval Support Activity. Aluminum cans are the mainstay of the recycling program; however, all types of metal are accepted. If you have heavy metal products that need to be picked up, call the Recycling Department at 7430510. All recycling proceeds go towards enhancing your Morale, Welfare, Recreation facilities and programs. ❏ DVD drop: Do you have DVDs you have viewed that are just gathering dust? Why not donate them to the library so others can enjoy them? Drop them by the library or use the afterhours book drop box. ❏ Become a Family Child Care Provider: Do you like children? Need extra cash? The Family Child Care program offers you a chance to provide childcare in your home. The options available to Family Child Care providers are numerous and include: · Before/after school care · Parttime/drop-in care · Full-time care for infants, toddlers or pre-school ages · Evening and weekend care. As an FCC provider, you determine your fees and hours. Although the Navy determines the maximum childcare ratios, you can choose and interview families that have children fitting the hours and ages you are looking for. If interested or for more information, please call 764-7347. To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.
Recreation Center, Bldg. 647. All classes will be at the Joint Base Charleston Air Base pool. The cost is $35 per participant. Summer 2011 Learn-to-Swim class schedule is as follows: · Session III July 19 - 29 · The 45 minute lessons will be held during each session from 9 to 9:45 a.m., 10 to 10:45 a.m. and 6 to 6:45 p.m. · The Parent & Infant (Mom & Tots) class will be from 6 to 6:30 p.m. during Session III, July 19 to 29. ❏ Tennis Lessons: Lessons are held at the Outdoor Recreation tennis courts. Children six through 17 and adults can enroll for one-hour sessions, twice a week for $80 per month. Lessons are held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m. ❏ Daycare story & craft hour: Join us every Monday at 10 a.m. on Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, where we will be reading the same stories and doing the same crafts as the regular story time on Tuesdays, just on a different day. Due to limited seating re-registration is required by the Monday before day care story hour. Call 963-3320 to sign up. ❏ Girl Scouting: Girls in kindergarten through eighth grade are invited to join Girl Scout Troop 895 at the Chapel Annex on the second and fourth Tuesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Contact Patti Donahue at 618-363-5230 or for more information.
Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station ❏ Stroller Rollers offers "Fitness for Mom, fun for baby!" "Fitness for Mom, fun for baby!" Attention new mothers, now there is a way to get fit while spending quality time with your baby. With the Stroller Rollers program, you'll shape up with a power walk and body sculpting while strolling with your baby. It's a great chance to interact with other new moms. Classes meet at the Naval Support Activity gymnasium on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. Classes are free. Materials are provided. For more information, call MWR Fitness Director Nancy Haynsworth at 7644067. ❏ Make your next party a movie party at Cinema One: Looking for a unique idea for your next group party? Why not make it a movie party? Cinema One offers private showings of your favorite feature films. Cinema One movie parties are perfect for birthday celebrations, command socials, class trips, youth groups and lots more. Movie parties are free to groups of 40 or more (with concessions purchase) and are $25 to groups of less than 40 people. Call theater manager, Teresa Stuckey, at 764-4107 for reservation information. ❏ Birthday bowling parties: Looking for something different to do for your next birthday party? Marrington Bowling Center has birthday bowling parties that are great for kids of any age. Call the bowling center for party options and availability. ❏ Free on-line tutoring service: for Military Families is the Defense Department's official, online, on-demand tutoring and homework help service for military members and their families. The site, offers round-the-clock professional tutors who can assist with homework, studying, test preparation, proof-reading and more. Active-duty military members and National Guard, Reserve personnel and Defense Department civilians on active duty in a deployed status and their family members are eligible to participate.'s network includes more than 2,500 professional tutors who have delivered more than six million, one-on-one tutoring sessions since 2001. Each tutor is certified through the site, and all sessions are recorded for quality control. The program can also be accessed through a free app for the iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad.
Public invited to free Emergency Preparedness Expo July 30 By Jennie Davis Flinn Charleston County Public Information Officer On July 30 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m, Charleston County Government’s Emergency Management Department and Lowcountry CERT is holding its Fourth Annual Ready Lowcountry, Hurricane and Emergency Preparedness Expo.
This year, the free event will be hosted by Lowe’s at the company’s North Charleston store located at 7555 Northwoods Boulevard. First-responders, volunteer organizations and local businesses will offer valuable survival tips, information and resources to help citizens learn how to prepare for any disaster. Topics will cover preparedness, earthquake safety, fire, evacuation, home safety and busi-
ness preparedness. Informative as well as interactive displays from agencies from all levels of government, volunteer organizations and local business will include: Information for families, businesses and children on how to prepare for any emergency. Interactive kids area to demonstrate fire
safety and other preventative tips. Displays from federal, county and municipal governments, volunteer organizations and local businesses to include rescue boats, fire trucks, etc. For more information on emergency preparedness, click on the Ready Lowcountry icon on the Charleston County website at
To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit:
The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ July 22, 2011
816 EAS ... at the tip of the spear - from page one I couldn't have been prepared for what I saw. The mountains are high and the aircraft is low. It feels as though I could reach out and touch the mountaintops - I wasn't too far off. It's game time. Red light ... yellow light ... green light. Within two seconds, 36,500 pounds of JP8 fuel violently races past me and out the aircraft, floating down to coalition troops on the ground. Our second pass drops another load. Gearing up for our third drop, a stop is made at Bagram Airfield to refuel and load up another 48,000 pounds of Meals, Ready to Eat. As we park on the ramp, the doors open and the tail goes down. Two loadmasters take the opportunity to enjoy the sunset on what appears to be a peaceful evening. With one pallet left to load on the plane, sirens go off. The peaceful moment disappears as the crew loading the plane runs for cover because, make no mistake about it, we are at war. The news team and aircrew shelter in place on the aircraft. The sirens disappear and a new noise is heard. A pair of fighter jets and helicopters takes to the sky. We all agree, someone is about to have a bad day. More than an hour passes before the last pallet is finally loaded. The sun is down and the sky is dark. Red lights illuminate the cargo area of the plane. In preparation for the last drop of the mission, the lights dim. Looking through the viewfinder of my camera is difficult as visibility is close to nonexistent. We're effectively an invisible flying Wal-Mart under the night sky. In a matter of 10 seconds, the doors open, the MREs blast out the door and we are on our way home. Fifteen hours for about 15 seconds of actual action. Action that will keep my brothers and sisters fed and their vehicles working. The men and women of the 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron from Joint Base Charleston are game changers. They allow coalition forces to sustain operations in some of the most austere locations on Earth. They are force multipliers.
U.S. Air Force photo/Master Sgt. Jeffrey Allen
Staff Sgts. Russell Johnson (right) and Stephen Adams, 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron loadmasters, watch as 20 bundles of JP8 fuel barrels are airdropped to ground forces from a C-17 Globemaster III July 8, 2011. The crew airdropped a total of 73,200 pounds of fuel to resupply forces on the ground in Afghanistan. It was one of two re-supply airdrop missions flown by the crew that day.
U.S. Air Force photo/Master Sgt. Jeffrey Allen
Staff Sgts. Stephen Adams and Steven Holman, 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron loadmasters, discuss the load plan for an airdrop resupply mission on a C-17 Globemaster III July 8, 2011. Later, the C-17 crew airdropped a total of 73,200 pounds of fuel to resupply forces on the ground in Afghanistan. It was one of two re-supply airdrop missions flown by the crew that day.
U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. David Salanitri
Staff Sgts. Steven Holman and Stephen Adams, 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron loadmasters, take a moment to enjoy a sunset outside of their C-17 Globemaster III at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan July 8, 2011. During the crew's 15-hour mission, they airdropped more than 73,000 pounds of JP8 fuel and 43,000 pounds of food. The sergeants are from Joint Base Charleston. Staff Sgt. Stephen Adams, 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron loadmaster, releases 48,000 pounds of Meals, Ready to Eat out of a C-17 Globemaster III July 8, 2011 over Afghanistan while concealed by the night sky. The crews also airdropped more than 73,000 pounds of JP8 fuel during their mission.
U.S. Air Force photo/Master Sgt. Jeffrey Allen
Staff Sgt. Russell Johnson, 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron loadmaster, marshals a K-loader with bundles of Meals, Ready to Eat in place behind a C-17 Globemaster III July 8, 2011. Later, the C-17 crew airdropped a total of 48,000 pounds of MREs to resupply forces on the ground in Afghanistan. It was one of two re-supply airdrop missions flown by the crew that day.
U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. David Salanitri
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Aug 1-5
Sep 6-9 (8a-5p)
Aug 8-12
Sep 12-16
A+ Part 2 of 2
Jul 18-22
Aug 15-19
Jul 25-29
Aug 22-26
Network +
Jul 11-15
Sep 12-16
Aug 22-26
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Nov 28-Dec 1 Nov 14-18
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On the Air Base
Rec Review
Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at
The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ July 22, 2011
The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ July 22, 2011
Hours of Operation Movie Theater: Call 963-3333 for individual show times. Admission is $4.50 for adults, 12 years and older, and $2.25 for children 6-11 years old. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Gâ&#x20AC;? rated movies are $2.25 for children 3-11 years old. Visit for full movie schedules. Family Practice Medical Clinic: Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Friday 7:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fitness and Sports Center: Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Friday: 4:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. / Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Sunday: 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Outdoor Recreation: Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Shoppette: Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Friday: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. / Saturday: 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. / Sunday: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Base Veterinarian: Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Commissary: Monday: Closed / Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Saturday: 9 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 7 p.m. / Sunday: 11 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Doors open for disabled patrons 30 minutes early. Health and Wellness Center: Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Provides nutritional counseling, tobacco cessation, Bod Pod testing, blood pressure screening, wellness information, jogging strollers, massage, relaxation room
BASE INFORMATION Base Exchange/Mall: â&#x20AC;˘ Main store: Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Saturday: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. / Sunday: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Burger King: Mondays - Saturdays: 7 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. / Sundays: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Charleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Grilled Subs: Mondays - Saturdays: 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. / Sundays: Closed â&#x20AC;˘ Anthonyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pizza: Mondays - Saturdays: 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. / Sundays: Closed â&#x20AC;˘ Barber Shop: Mondays - Saturdays: 9 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6 p.m. / Sundays: Closed â&#x20AC;˘ Beauty Shop: Mondays - Saturdays: 9 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6 p.m. / Sundays: Closed â&#x20AC;˘ GNC: Mondays - Saturdays: 9 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6 p.m. / Sundays: 11 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Laundry/Dry Cleaners: Mondays â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Fridays: 9 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6 p.m. / Saturdays: 9 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4 p.m. / Sundays: Closed â&#x20AC;˘ Stripes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; alterations shop: Mondays â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Fridays: 9 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6 p.m., Saturdays: 9 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4 p.m., Sundays: Closed Chapel: Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Friday: 7:30 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4:30 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Catholic Services - Weekday Mass: 11 a.m. Wednesday & Friday. / Saturday Reconciliation: 4:15 p.m. / Saturday Mass: 5 p.m. / Sunday Mass: 9:30 a.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Protestant Services - Inspirational Gospel: 8 a.m. Sunday / Traditional Worship (with Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church): 11 a.m. Sunday â&#x20AC;˘ Bible Study - Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC): 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Tuesday / Alpha Course: 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Chapel Annex. Dinner prior at 6 p.m. / Truth Seekers BS: 7 p.m. Thursday, Home of Dex & Patriece For information on other faith groups, call the Base Chapel.
Frequently Called Numbers â&#x20AC;˘ Emergency (On and Off Base): 911 â&#x20AC;˘ Medical Appointment Line: 963-6880 Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Sunday: 9:30 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6 p.m. The commissary doors open for disabled patrons at 9 a.m. Chapel: Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Thursday: 8 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4 p.m. / Friday: 8 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Sunday Catholic Mass: 8 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Sunday Protestant Services: 10 a.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Catholic Weekday Services: 11 a.m. Tuesday & Thursday
Frequently Called Numbers
Hours of Operation Movie Theater: Call 764-7516 for individual show times. Admission is free. Doors open 30 minutes prior to each showing. Base Exchange: â&#x20AC;˘ Main store: Monday â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Saturday: 9 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 p.m. / Sunday: 9 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Barber Shop: Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Friday: 8 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6 p.m. / Saturday: 8 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4 p.m. / Sunday: Closed â&#x20AC;˘ Mini Mart: Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Saturday: 9 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Uniform Center: Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Friday: 9 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 p.m. / Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Sunday: 10 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 p.m. Commissary: Monday: Closed / Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Friday: 9:30 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 7 p.m. /
â&#x20AC;˘ Emergency (On and Off Base): 911 â&#x20AC;˘ American Red Cross: 764-2323 â&#x20AC;˘ Bachelor Housing: 764-7646 â&#x20AC;˘ Chaplainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office: 764-7222/7912 â&#x20AC;˘ Commissary: 764-2020 â&#x20AC;˘ Military and Family Readiness Center: 764-7480 â&#x20AC;˘ Morale, Welfare and Recreation: 764-7601 â&#x20AC;˘ Navy College: 764-4493 â&#x20AC;˘ Navy Exchange: 764-7042 â&#x20AC;˘ Navy Marine Corps Relief Society: 764-7662 â&#x20AC;˘ Pass & Badge Office (Auto Registration): 764-4231 â&#x20AC;˘ Personal Support Detachment: 764-7431/7432 Health Clinic: Information Central Appointments Public Affairs Officer Red Cross TRICARE Information Pharmacy
794-6000 794-6221 794-6213 794-6220 794-6030 794-6100
PDF version of the entire Patriot online each week at www. CharlestonMilitary .com
â&#x20AC;˘ American Red Cross: 764-2323 â&#x20AC;˘ Base Chapel: 963-2536 â&#x20AC;˘ Military Family Housing: 963-3859/ 963-3858 â&#x20AC;˘ Inns of Charleston: 963-3806 â&#x20AC;˘ Golf Course: 963-1833 â&#x20AC;˘ Health and Wellness Center: 963-4007 â&#x20AC;˘ Unaccompanied Housing: 963-3859 â&#x20AC;˘ Commissary: 963-5695 â&#x20AC;˘ Military and Family Readiness Center: 963-4406 â&#x20AC;˘ Education Office: 963-4575 â&#x20AC;˘ Base Exchange: 552-5000 â&#x20AC;˘ Visitorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Center: 963-5729 â&#x20AC;˘ Military Personnel - ID Cards, Separations, Awards & Decorations, etc.: 963-0677
Helpful Websites Joint Base Charleston â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Air Base â&#x20AC;˘ Official Base Web Site: â&#x20AC;˘ 628th Force Support Squadron - MWR, Readiness, Fitness, Jobs, Lodging, Dining, Recreation, Education, Veterinary Clinic: â&#x20AC;˘ CAC and I.D. card appointments: http://appointments.cac. Medical Support â&#x20AC;˘ Base Clinic: â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Search â&#x20AC;&#x153;628th Medical Operations Squadronâ&#x20AC;? for clinic factsheets â&#x20AC;˘ TRICARE: â&#x20AC;˘ TRICARE Dental Plan: Relocation Information â&#x20AC;˘ Military One Source: â&#x20AC;˘ Automated Housing Referral Network: â&#x20AC;˘ DoD Installations/Relocation Information: â&#x20AC;˘ Household Goods Shipment: â&#x20AC;˘ Military Spouse Employment:
Helpful Websites Joint Base Charleston â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Weapons Station â&#x20AC;˘ Official Base Web Site: â&#x20AC;˘ On-Base Housing: â&#x20AC;˘ Morale, Welfare and Recreation: â&#x20AC;˘ Naval Nuclear Power Training Command: â&#x20AC;˘ Navy Region Southeast: â&#x20AC;˘ CAC and I.D. card appointments: http://appointments.cac. Navy Medical Support, Charleston â&#x20AC;˘ Naval Health Clinic Charleston: â&#x20AC;˘ Charleston Naval Pharmacies: â&#x20AC;˘ TRICARE: â&#x20AC;˘ TRICARE Dental Plan: Relocation Information â&#x20AC;˘ Military One Source: â&#x20AC;˘ DoD Installations/Relocation Information: â&#x20AC;˘ Household Goods Shipment: Defense Personal Property System (DPS) - â&#x20AC;˘ Military Spouse Employment: â&#x20AC;˘ Navy College Program:
Donate Your Real Estate... You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to donate a kidney to save a life. !!"#!$%&&!'((#)*!'+,!*,)# !!!!-.!)/-)#/*,0! !!1223!*'4!5#56(*%7&#0 !!!8'*(9%+:;-+-/<0(-= !!!!%<!'!>21?@!+-+)/-.%*! !!!!-/:'+%A'*%-+0 ! !!!1223!-.!*9#!)/-(##5< !!!!!$%&&!:-!*-!9#&)!<'B%+:! !!!!!*9#!&%B#<!-.!)#-)&#! !!!!!+##5%+:!-/:'+ !!!!!*/'+<)&'+*<0
Call us at 1.800.385.0422 Or donate on line at:
Donate Your Real Estate... You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to donate a kidney to save a life. !!"#!$%&&!'((#)*!'+,!*,)#! !!!!-.!)/-)#/*,0 !!1223!*'4!5#56(*%7&#0 !!!8'*(9%+:;-+-/<0(-= !!!!%<!'!>21?@!+-+)/-.%*! !!!!-/:'+%A'*%-+0 ! !!!1223!-.!*9#!)/-(##5< !!!!!$%&&!:-!*-!9#&)!<'B%+:! !!!!!*9#!&%B#<!-.!)#-)&#! !!!!!+##5%+:!-/:'+ !!!!!*/'+<)&'+*<0
Screenings save livesâ&#x20AC;Śand early detection could save yours. Colleton Medical Center is pleased to offer a quick and comprehensive prostate screening at NO CHARGE to men who meet the following criteria: t .BMFT BOE PWFS t "GSJDBO "NFSJDBO NBMFT PWFS t "OZ NBMF PWFS XJUI B GBNJMZ IJTUPSZ of prostate or breast cancer
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The Patriot • July 22, 2011
Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To
Hensel Phelps Construction Co. has an opening for an administrative assistant. Successful applicants will have previous construction industry experience, notary, proficiency with computers, phones, invoices, filing, security access/badging, and certified payroll. Must be detail oriented, organized, and capable of multi-tasking. Hensel Phelps is an EOE. Pre-employment drug screening is required. 1600 West Jackson Drive Joint Base Charleston, SC 29404
3BR+large FROG, 2.5BA, 2460 sq.ft. Screen porch. 10 min base, Hardwood, Wescott Plantation. On golf course, $1550/mo, 630.306.1716
2005 19" Fleetwood Pop-Up Camper/Dusl pwr Shower/toilet/stove/Refridgeator sleeps 8. microwave/AM/FM/CD Stereo $9K negotiable. 843278-5658
MISC nOTICeS Come Join the Fun at info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC" Post 166 will be hosting the State American Legion Baseball Tournament starting with a welcome banquet this Friday at the Post for the 8 teams that are participating. Games will be played at CSU and Goose Creek High ball fields starting Saturday. If you would like to cover this terrific event you are more than welcome. For more information please visit our web site at: AmericanLegion or contact Tony Dixon, Bill Benson or Post Cmdr. at 553-5454. Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) For Moms with kids birth through kindergarten. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Old Fort Baptist Church, 10505 Dorchester RD. Summerville, SC 29485. Contact Heather Hansen 873-2283 for more information. Lowcountry Senior Softball Association now forming teams for the men's fall league. Eligible players must be at least 50 years, or turn 50 during calendar year 2012. Games are played Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights at 6:45 and 8:00 pm at Cook Field,(corner of Remount and North Rhett)North Charleston. Fee is $35.00 per individual. Anyone interested in our league can contact Richard at (843)312-4222 or e-mail: If you use e-mail please use Senior Softball in the subject line.
ServICeS Home Day Care 6wks-4yrs full/part time/wkends/eves/hol. off Ashley Phos. Rd. call 568-8609 / 364-4140
IMMACULATE home in Whitehall -4BR,2.5BA, LR,DR, FR,2 car gar,Dor II Sch Dist,2500sf,irr sys, pool , $1650, 4 mls to Base, Kevin 296-9201 1/2Duplex, N.Charleston near CAFB, NWS & I-26, 2BR suites, 2.5Ba, W/D Pool priveleges. $750/Month, Call Charles @ 843-764-4506 Hanahan. 3 br 1 1/2 ba huge mh fenced private yard.appliances, partially furnished. No pets. $650. + dep. 843 767 0112
HOMeS FOr SAle Brookhaven (Ladson)3br 2.5ba, 2car, FROG, Fenced yard. All app incld front load W/D. Close to everything $149,900 (843) 693-5451 Summerville, Briarwood SD 3/2 brick ranch. Newer Heat Pump, ceiling fans in all rooms. Fenced, MLS 1110912, $159,500, 906-5747
AUTOMOTIve ALL MILITARY - $0 DOWN! NO CREDIT CHECK! - 843-873-5656 OVER 150 CARS ONLINE! Retired Naval Chief Says : * 0 Down with 'Sign N Drive" * Easy Financing Through NFCU and USAA *Rates as low as 1.9 wac * No Credit - Slow Credit Everybody Rides at Chiefs * And Remember nobody treats the Military Better Than The Chief! call 843 568 9856 to take deleivery of your new car today 2003 Mustang GT wht w/tan leather int. 77k miles Great condition inside and out. Lots upgrades. $10,500 843-330-3660 Weathertech front floor liners for 2008 Honda Odyssey (or similar). Tan. Less than half price. 843225-7711 2000 Ford Mustang 35th Anniversary. Black in color 5 speed V6 great condition. $4800 or obo. Call 843693-2604 $1,400 - 1993 Buick Century Special. 136,000 Miles, power windows/locks. Runs Great! Call (810) 300-9693
2007, 23ft toyhauler, slps 6,4000kw generator ac,shower/toilet,refrigerator,microwave,stove. 13K, OBO call Jim 843-860-1076
MOTOrCYCleS 09 Yamaha R6, black w/t gold rims, 11k miles, after market exhaust/ integrated tail lights. Needs nothing, $7000, -843-469-3069
MISC ITeMS FOr SAle Washer dryer sets $250/$350, stack wash/dryer $425; sofas and sofa sleepers $75/$125, 40 dressers & chest drwrs $40/$200, kitchen & dinette sets $50/$200. Call 452-2229
to see how americans are supporting our troops log on to
53" Hitachi floor model TV, $100, 2- 27" Sylvania TV's, $50 each, 27" Sharp TV, $50. Please call Theresa @ 697-0474 Cleveland carry golf bag $20 771-2749. Size 9 Nike wom. golf shoes $20 worn 3 times. Calloway X-16sand & alt. wedge $5 each Hot Tub-Blue Ridge Spa, 9 Jets, 3 seater. Ideal for small deck. 30Hx63Wx87L. Exc. Cond. $1,500. 843-225-7711 12” Thick Pillowtop mattress Set. Never opened, still in plastic. Must sell ASAP. Was $600, Sell $245. Call Keith, 843-375-5908. White Whirlpool washer and dryer set. Both work great. Asking $200 (firm). Call Mike @ 771-1498 or email at HOT TUB - 2011 model. 5 person. 31 jets with full warranty. Never set up. Was $9000. Asking $4200. Call 843-375-5908. Amazing NEW Queen P-top Mattress $95! Delivery Available. 843-696-5712 6 Pc. Cherry Bedroom Set with Mattress set, Still in the Box! $350! Delivery Available 843696-5212 Microfiber Sectional $495 with Military Discount. NEW IN BOX Delivery Available 843637-6360 5 Pc Solid Wood Dinette $250,Coffee & End Tables $99. All New! Delivery Available. 843-696-5212
YOU MUST READ THIS BEFORE SUBMITTING AN AD! • • fax 856-0358 Diggle Publishing - PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465 • 843-972-2356 Diggle Publishing Company, the private contract publisher of the Joint Base PATRIOT (formerly the Airlift Dispatch & Navy Shoreline), accepts free personal classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. Ads which do not adhere to submission guidelines may be rejected without notice.
DeADlIne: 5 P.M. TUeSDAY -
nO exCePTIOnS!
(This means ads submitted Monday should make it in, for instance, while ads submitted at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday may or may not make it in, depending on available space.)
✔ The Best✔ Way ToBest Submit A Free Ad Is With OurAd Online Form At The Way To Submit A Free Is With Our Online Form At • ¥ Free Ads Can Be emailed (no Attachments, Please) or They Can Be Faxed. We Cannot Take Free Ads By Phone - Do Not Call To Confirm Your FREE Ad Was Received ¥ Free Ads Can Only Be 3 lines (42 letters & Spaces per line) * ¥ Only One Free Ad Per Family Per Issue * ¥ Free Ads MUST Be For Personal Use (garage sale, selling your furniture or car, etc - *** Business related Ads (daycare, babysitting, yard work, etc.) Are nOT Free *** ¥ Free Ads MUST Be Accompanied By name, rank and Duty Station/Home Phone of Sponsoring Military Personnel ¥ Ads Submitted in All CAPS Will not Be run ¥ Ads Will Only run One Issue Per Submittal - To rerun Your Ad, You Must resubmit It * Business-related ads cost $4 per line (42 letters and spaces per line). Additional lines (over the 3 free) for personal ads may be purchased for $4 per line as well. To pay for an ad or additional lines, please submit your credit card number and expiration date - as well as the name of the cardholder - with your ad via fax, email, or by phone (972-2356).
Crossword of the Week
CLUES ACROSS 1. Live in a tent 5. Capital of W. Samoa 9. Seer’s prop 12. Household God (Roman) 14. Leavened rum cakes 15. Swiss river 18. Deepsea fishing line 21. “Taming of the Shrew” city 23. Tapioca source 25. Stems used for wickerwork 26. Very bad in degree or extent 28. 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme 29. Enfeebles 31. Pops 32. Not a convenient time 38. Estimates 39. Making easier 41. Finished a skirt edge 42. Leprosy sufferers 44. Hasidic spiritual leader 45. Wife of Abraham 46. Runner used for gliding over snow 47. Not plain 52. Airport code for Gaborone 53. A mother’s summoning words 58. London Modern Art Museum 59. Motorcar CLUES DOWN 1. Atomic #24 2. Pharaoh 1323-1319 BC 3. Mutual savings bank 4. Community school assoc. 5. Winglike part 6. NPR TV equivalent 7. Farm state 8. Atomic #13
Dr. Amy K. Cooper, DMD Cooper Cosmetic & Family Dentristy, PA 4515 Spruill Avenue, North Charleston, SC 29405 843-2258718
Office Hours
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9. Extended neck for a better view 10. Blood group 11. And gentlemen 12. Your store of remembered information (abbr.) 13. Father of Araethyrea 16. Your father’s sister 17. A scrap of cloth 19. Take as a wife 20. Killers Leopold & ___ 21. Breathe rapidly 22. ____ Frank’s diary 24. Made dry and brittle 25. Not inland 27. Ladyfish genus 28. Look at with fixed eyes 30. Wedding vow 32. Shakespeare’s pentameter 33. Deprived of feeling 34. Double curve 35. Employees 36. Type of palm or grass 37. Forceful exertion 38. Oddball computer expert 40. Grasp suddenly 41. Time units (abbr.) 43. Refers to a female 47. Federal excise tax 48. Ingested 49. Not yes 50. Awards org. for country music 51. Not me 54. Overtime 55. 1/1000 of an ampere 56. Montana 57. Atomic #42 See the Answers, Page 7
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The Patriot • July 22, 2011
2000 Cadillac DeVille Nicest and cleanest in town! $
1995 Toyota 4Runner SR5 Auto, looks and runs great! $
Starting Startingat at
$$ 6,995
38 38 MPG MPG
2003 Ford Avalon XLS Auto, one owner, like new $
2000 BMW 740iL Mint cond., must see and drive $
MSRP MSRP$16,865. $16,865.Includes Includes$500 $500rebate, rebate,$500 $500 Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade
at Starting at Nissan 350Z Coupe 2004 2003 Ford Expedition Starting 6 spd, loaded, extra clean Eddie Bauer, loaded, must see $ $
2008 Chrysler Sebring Touring Convertible, V6, xtra clean $
MSRP MSRP$21,295. $21,295.Includes Includes$2000 $2000rebate, rebate, $500 $500Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade
2003 Lincoln Navigator 1998 Ford Mustang SVT Cobra Startingat at Leather, moonroof, extra clean Leather, loaded, must Starting see $ $
17,759 12,995
12,995 $ $
Stk# Stk#F5141 F5141
2007 Ford F-150 XL Auto, V6, 27k miles $
NEW F-150 CAB XLT NEW 2010 2010 FORD F-150 CREW CREW CAB XLT 2006 Ford Mustang 2003 FORD BMW X5 3.0i Convertible, Leather, Auto, V6 Moonroof, Loaded, xtra clean Starting Startingat at $ $
2004 Nissan Armada LE Leather, moonroof, DVD $
97 CadillacDeVille DeVille 97Cadillac
02 02Ford FordFocus Focus
3,995 3,995
3,995 3,995
08 08Kia KiaSorento Sorento
07 07Pontiac PontiacTorrent Torrent
06 MercedesC230 C230 06Mercedes
10 10Toyota ToyotaCorolla CorollaLE LE
15,995 15,995
15,995 15,995
xtra Loaded, xtraclean, clean,SAVE SAVEBIG BIG Passat Loaded, 2009 Volkswagen $$ Komfort model, loaded, 1 owner$$ $
Leather, Leather,full fullpower power 2008
14,995 14,995
17,995 17,995
10 10Ford FordE350 E350Van Van
XLT pkg,V8, V8,auto auto XLTpkg,
19,995 19,995
18,995 18,995
10 10Toyota ToyotaCamry CamryLE LE
17,995 17,995
07 07Ford FordF150 F150Crew CrewCab Cab
12-passenger, 12-passenger,XLT XLTpkg, pkg,loaded loaded
08 08Nissan NissanPathfinder Pathfinder Auto, Auto,3rd 3rdseat, seat,xtra xtraclean clean
21,995 21,995
08 GMCCanyon CanyonSLT SLT 08GMC
17,995 17,995
10 10Ford FordEscape EscapeXLT XLT V6, auto,loaded loaded V6,auto,
19,995 19,995
16,995 16,995
2010 Nissan Frontier V6, auto, loaded, extra clean $
2006 Cadillac Escalade Loaded, like new $
Auto, powerpkg, pkg,priced pricedtotosell sell2008 Cadillac Auto,power Crew Z85 CrewCab Cab Z85 Ford Edge SRX $ $$ Loaded, power package,$like new Leather, loaded, one owner $ $
10 10Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS
16,995 16,995
08 08Suzuki SuzukiGrand GrandVitara Vitara
Leather, moonroof,11owner owner Leather,moonroof,
2008 Jeep Wrangler X Auto, 4x4, one owner $
15,995 15,995
24,995 24,995
14,995 14,995
09 MercuryMilan Milan 09Mercury
2008 Mercury Milan Leather, moonroof, 100k mi wrnty $
07 07VW VWTouareg Touareg
Loaded, Loaded,must mustsee, see,priced pricedtotosell sell
19,995 19,995
2008 Toyota Highlander One owner, limited edition, loaded $
10 10Jeep JeepGrand GrandCherokee Cherokee
10 10Chevy ChevyCamaro CamaroLTLT
4x4, 4x4,loaded, loaded,priced pricedtotogo! go!
21,995 21,995
Auto, Auto,xtra xtraclean clean
22,995 22,995
2010 Lincoln MKT 2011 Infiniti G37 (2) Glass roof, navigation, loaded Save big, 2 to choose from 10 10Lincoln LincolnMKZ MKZ 08 08Land LandRover RoverLR3 LR3 $ $ Loaded, New Loaded,moonroof, moonroof,lthr, lthr,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean Newtires, tires,loaded, loaded,priced pricedtotosteal! steal! Loaded, Loaded,factory factorywarranty, warranty,like likenew new 08 08Honda HondaPilot PilotEX-L EX-L
31,995 31,995 $$ $$ 25,995 25,995
24,995 24,995
OP OPEN EN24 24/7 /7 36 3655DA DAYS YS!!
2008 Pontiac G6 GT Auto, leather, moonroof $
05 05Suzuki SuzukiVerona Verona Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,low lowmiles miles
2008 Honda Accord 2.4 EX Auto, loaded $
07 ChryslerPT PTCruiser Cruiser 07Chrysler
02 02Mazda MazdaMillennia Millennia
Touring, Touring,auto, auto,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean
Leather, sunroof,only only50k 50kmiles miles Leather,sunroof,
7,995 7,995
6,995 6,995 2010 Mazda 3 Auto, loaded
7,995 7,995
2009 Dodge Journey SXT Leather, V6, loaded, one owner $
08 08Suzuki SuzukiReno Reno
Low miles,one oneowner owner Lowmiles,
7,995 7,995
2010 VW New Beetle Hatchback, Leather, Low miles $
16,995 16,995 06 HondaAccord AccordEX-L EX-L 06Honda 05 05Ford FordF150 F150Crew CrewCab Cab
02 02Acura AcuraMDX MDX
05 ChryslerCrossfire CrossfireLtd Ltd 05Chrysler
Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,xtra xtraclean clean
10,995 10,995
10,995 10,995
04 04Chevy ChevySilverado Silverado2500 2500HD HDLS LS
12,995 12,995
12,995 12,995
10,995 10,995
12,995 12,995
13,995 13,995
13,995 13,995
18,995 06 06Cadillac CadillacCTS CTS
10 10Toyota ToyotaTacoma Tacoma
Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,must mustsee see
Auto, Auto,air, air,only only10k 10kmiles, miles,like likenew new
14,995 14,995
14,995 14,995
19,995 Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean
13,995 13,995
2008 Nissan Pathfinder Auto, 3rd seat, xtra clean $
07 07Mazda MazdaRX8 RX8Coupe Coupe
07 07Toyota ToyotaCamry Camry
6spd, 6spd,loaded, loaded,one oneowner owner
Leather, Leather,sunroof, sunroof,28k 28kmiles miles
15,995 15,995
2010 Ford Escape XLT V6, Auto, Loaded $
2007 Jeep Wrangler Sahara V6, 4x4, Extra clean $Ford 05 FordMustang MustangRoush Roush 05
Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean
Only 28kmiles, miles,xtra xtraclean clean Only28k
2010 Ford F-150 XL Auto, only 2k miles, extra clean $
2010 Ford Fusion SEL V6, leather, sunroof $
12,995 12,995
06 06VW VWBeetle BeetleConvertible Convertible
07 MINICooper Cooper 07MINI
Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,xtra xtraclean clean
13,995 13,995
10,995 10,995
05 05Lincoln LincolnTown TownCar CarSignature SignatureLtd Ltd
05 05Toyota ToyotaSienna SiennaLE LE
08 08Ford FordEscape Escape
06 06VW VWPassat Passat
Loaded, xtraclean, clean,like likenew new Loaded,xtra
Ford Edge Camry LE Moonroof, lthr, like garage Loaded, xtra Moonroof, lthr, likenew, new,SE garagekept kept Loaded, xtraclean, clean,11owner owner 2007 $$ clean, low miles Loaded, xtra Power package, auto,$$loaded $ $
2011 Auto, Auto,xtra xtraclean clean Toyota
Auto, Auto,xtra xtraclean, clean,one oneowner owner 2010 Toyota Tacoma $$ Auto, 5k miles $
Loaded, Loaded,leather, leather,moonroof moonroof
V8, V8,auto, auto,xtra xtraclean clean
Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean
05 DodgeRam Ram1500 1500SLT SLT 05Dodge
MSRP MSRP$34,000. $34,000.Includes Includes$4500 $4500Rebate Rebate$1,000 $1,000FMC FMCdealer, dealer, $500 $500military militaryrebate, rebate,$2000 $2000cash/trade, cash/trade,$1,000 $1,000trade tradeasst. asst.
Auto, loaded,sunroof, sunroof,xtra xtraclean clean Auto,loaded,
13,995 13,995
08 08 MazdaCX-7 CX-7 08Mazda 08Chrysler ChryslerSebring SebringConv. Conv.Ltd Ltd 18,995 18,995 V6, auto,loaded, loaded,better betterthan thannew new V6,auto, Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,xtra xtraclean clean
06 NissanMurano Murano 06Nissan
Auto, loaded,like likenew new Auto,loaded,
2008 Chevrolet Malibu LTZ Leather, moonroof, loaded $
2010 Dodge Dakota Big Horn ext. cab, loaded, like new $
2010 BMW 328i Loaded, extra clean $ Leather, Leather,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean
Auto, likenew, new,save savebig! big! Auto,like
14,995 14,995
13,995 13,995
Auto, Auto,only only6k6kmiles miles
10 10Nissan NissanCube Cube
Moonroof, Moonroof,loaded loaded
10 10Nissan NissanVersa Versa $$
2010 Chrysler Sebring Touring V6, Convertible, extra clean $
Auto, air,power powerpkg, pkg,one oneowner owner Auto,air,
10 10Ford FordFlex FlexSEL SEL
13,995 13,995
2006 Toyota Tacoma SR5 V6, Ext.Cab., Loaded $
12,995 12,995
Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,low lowmiles miles
13,995 13,995
2008 VW Beetle Convertible, leather, one owner $
11,995 11,995
04 Acura3.2TL 3.2TL 04Acura
06 06Nissan NissanAltima Altima2.5S 2.5S
Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner
13,995 13,995
9,995 9,995
06 MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS 06Mercury
Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean
2008 Mazda Tribute Mazda 2 package, Leather, Loaded, clean, Leather,power power package,xtra xtraclean clean Loaded,xtra xtra clean,must mustsee see $$ $$ V6, auto, loaded, like new Loaded, fun to drive! $ $
2011 V6, like V6,auto, auto, likenew newMazda
11,995 11,995
Auto, powerpkg, pkg,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean Auto,power
21,995 21,995
9,995 9,995
06 06Suzuki SuzukiGrand GrandVitara VitaraSport Sport
10 10Honda HondaAccord Accord
2008 Mazda MX5 6 Speed, Leather, Extra Clean $
9,995 9,995
11,995 11,995
Only Only3k3kmiles, miles,auto, auto,like likenew new
6,995 6,995
Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner
2004 Ford F-350 Loaded, must Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean, mustsee see Lariat $$ diesel, looks/runs great $$ Dually $
V8, auto,11owner owner V8,auto,
16,995 16,995 04 04Dodge DodgeDurango DurangoSLT SLT 05 05Jeep JeepGrand GrandCherokee CherokeeLtd Ltd
03 03Ford FordExcursion ExcursionLimited Limited
9,995 9,995
10 10Dodge DodgeJourney Journey
4,995 4,995
Lthr, Lthr,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,just justserviced serviced
08 JeepPatriot Patriot 08Jeep
2008 Saturn VUE XR V6, Auto, 30K Miles $
2010 Honda Civic Auto, Power Pkg, Loaded $
Auto, Auto,very verylow lowmiles, miles,xtra xtraclean clean
V8, V8,auto, auto,power powerseats, seats,power power locks, locks,AM/FM/CD, AM/FM/CD,driver’s driver’spackage, package, SYNC, SYNC,&&trailer trailertow, tow,&&much muchmore. more.
00 00Ford FordF150 F150Ext ExtCab Cab
00 00Saturn SaturnSL1 SL1
Auto, air,xtra xtraclean clean Auto,air,
Leather, Leather,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean
Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,must mustsee see
05 05Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS
2007 Ford Ranger FX4 Ext. Cab, 4x4, V6, 30K Miles $
2006 Acura RSX Coupe S Loaded, low miles, extra clean $
Auto, Auto,cruise/tilt, cruise/tilt,air, air,power powerpackage, package, AM/FM/CD, AM/FM/CD,Mykey Mykey&&much muchmore. more. MSRP MSRP$22,995. $22,995.Incldues Incldues$2000 $2000rebate, rebate,$500 $500 Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade
V6, V6,Auto, Auto,Power PowerPkg, Pkg,Tilt, Tilt, Cruise, Cruise,AM/FM/CD/MP3, AM/FM/CD/MP3,&& much muchmore. more.Pre-Owned, Pre-Owned, Low Lowmiles. miles.
Auto, Auto,air, air,power powerpackage, package, tilt, tilt,Mykey Mykey&&much muchmore. more.
2005 Chevy Suburban Z71 4x4, leather, extra clean $
Auto, Auto,air, air,AM/FM/CD/MP3, AM/FM/CD/MP3,power power package, package,tire tirepressure pressuremonitor monitor &&much muchmore. more.
MSRP MSRP$17,365. $17,365.Includes Includes$3500 $3500Rebate, Rebate,$500 $500 Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade
at Starting at 2005 Chevrolet TrailBlazer 2005 Honda CivicStarting EX Moonroof, 4x4, extra clean Auto, moonroof, extra clean $ $
Air AirConditioning, Conditioning,tilt tiltsteering steeringwheel, wheel,power power doorlocks/remote doorlocks/remotekeyless, keyless,ABS ABSbrakes brakes
2002 Ford Mustang GT Showroom condition, extra clean $
2004 Ford Mustang One owner, extra clean $
Starting Startingat at
15,995 15,995
2008 GMC Sierra SLE Ext. Cab, V8, auto, loaded $
07 07Jeep JeepWrangler WranglerXX 19,995 19,995 06 06Pontiac PontiacSolstice Solstice Auto, air,one oneowner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean Auto,air, Only Only21k 21kmiles, miles,loaded, loaded,11owner owner
08 HondaCRV CRV 08Honda
Auto, Auto,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean
16,995 16,995
16,995 16,995
16,995 16,995
16,995 16,995
Power Loaded, 3rd sidedoors, doors,loaded loaded xtraclean, clean,low lowmiles miles seats,dual dualpower powerdoors, doors,loaded loaded seat,11owner owner Powerside Loaded,xtra Captainseats, 3rdseat, 2008 2007 Ford FX2Captain Ext.Cab 2008 Nissan $$ Toyota Tundra SR5 $$ $$ $$ Maxima 3.5 XE V8, 20 inch wheels, one owner Crew cab, TRR Off Road, loaded, V8 Auto, moonroof, loaded $ $ $
07 07Nissan NissanQuest Quest
07 07Ford FordEdge EdgeSE SE
18,995 18,995
18,995 18,995
10 10Ford FordMustang MustangConvertible Convertible
10 10Dodge DodgeGrand GrandCaravan CaravanSXT SXT
18,995 18,995
06 06Dodge DodgeRam Ram2500 2500Crew CrewCab Cab 4x4, 4x4,only only34k 34kmiles, miles,like likenew new
Auto, Auto,Extra ExtraClean, Clean,11Owner Owner
20,995 20,995
19,995 19,995
10 10Nissan NissanMaxima Maxima3.5 3.5
09 09Ford FordF150 F150Super SuperCab Cab
Moonroof, Moonroof,auto, auto,xtra xtraclean clean
XLT, XLT,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean
22,995 22,995
22,995 22,995
09 09Honda HondaAccord AccordEX EX
Auto, Auto,V8, V8,only only12K 12Kmiles miles
Loaded, Loaded,11owner owner
20,995 20,995
18,995 18,995
09 09Nissan NissanTitan TitanCrew CrewCab Cab
2010 Ford Edge Limited V6, Leather, CD/MP3 $
2009 Acura TSX Nav. ,loaded, 25k mi, one owner $
08 08Ford FordExplorer ExplorerXLT XLT
20,995 20,995
2010 Ford Edge Limited Loaded, leather, extra clean $
08 08Wrangler WranglerUnlimited UnlimitedSahara Sahara
08 08GMC GMCSierra Sierra1500 1500Crew CrewCab Cab
4x4, 4x4,Auto, Auto,hardtop, hardtop,must mustsee see
4X4, 4X4,Loaded, Loaded,one oneowner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean
24,995 24,995
24,995 24,995
2010 Chevy Camaro SS 2009 Chevy Avalanche LTZ 2009 Ford F-150 King Rancher Only 9k miles,07 loaded Leather, Auto, Sunroof Navigation, DVD, extra clean 07 11 10 07Chevy ChevyAvalanche AvalancheLTLT 11Chevy ChevyCamaro CamaroLTLT 07Dodge DodgeRam Ram2500 2500Laramie Laramie 10Lincoln LincolnMKS MKS $ $ Leather, Sunroof, Mega Dual Leather,only only14k 14kmiles miles Sunroof,only only400 400miles miles MegaCab, Cab,only only19k 19kmi, mi,11owner owner Dualmoonroof, moonroof,loaded, loaded,only only16k 16kmimi $$
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