Joint Base Charleston
Vol. 3, No. 31
Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Staff Sgt. Marlyn Daust, 437th Operations Support Squadron Weather Flight weather forecaster, points to an area on a radar screen July 30, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. The radar gives a more accurate look at the weather through the atmosphere and enables the Weather Flight to predict the timing of thunderstorms approaching JB Charleston.
437th OSS Weather Flight provides critical forecasts for JB Charleston Story and photos by Senior Airman Anthony Hyatt Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
New staff and new programs for a new you See page 10
The JB Charleston list of selectees See page 4
Inspection ready
See page 6 Weekend Weather Update JB CHS, SC
Friday, August 3
Afternoon T-Storms (40% precip)
High 91º Low 76º
Saturday, August 4
Isolated T-Storms (30% precip)
High 87º Low 73º
Sunday, August 5
Isolated T-Storms (30% precip)
High 86º Low 75º
In a location where weather can turn severe at a moment's notice, one team remains prepared to keep Team Charleston alert and ready for the always changing conditions around the base. The 437th Operations Support Squadron Weather Flight provides critical, timely and accurate weather intelligence in support of both the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base and Weapons Station. They also provide mission-execution briefings, seasonal climatology briefings and local weather familiarization briefings upon request. The four-man shop consists of three staff sergeants, who are weather forecasters or Air Force Specialty Code 1W0X1s, and the flight chief.
Duties and Responsibilities These 1W0X1s observe, record and disseminate weather data and information. "Essentially, resource protection is what we do on a day-to-day basis," said Staff Sgt. Marlyn Daust, 437th OSS Weather Flight weather forecaster. "The 'lightning within five' or any kind of weather warning you receive is what we provide the base and aircraft. We're able to brief pilots, both on the ground and in the sky, from Georgia through North Carolina. We have
a radio-communication system, or Pilot-to-Metro Service, we use to talk with pilots as they are flying their aircraft. This way we can give them upto-the-minute weather, if they request it." By using satellite and radar imagery, computer-generated graphics and weather-communication equipment and instruments, these weather forecasters can analyze atmospheric and space data and information. "For the most part, we work cooperatively with the National Weather Service, the Federal Aviation Administration observer and tower personnel," said Daust. "We use their real-time radar imagery nearly every day." Also, the Weather Flight issues warnings and advisories to alert users to mission critical weather. The Weather Flight works cooperatively with the regional forecasting office at Barksdale Air Force Base, La. They interact with at least one forecaster to form a better forecast, said Daust. McPherson added, the back-up system allows for coverage 24-hours-aday, seven days a week. "Someone at Barksdale is always keeping an eye on JB Charleston and stands ready to issue any warning or make calls," said McPherson. "We get plenty of calls about the flag condition reminders on your computers ... Weather Flight does not handle that," Daust said. "We send out the warnings for tornadoes, severe winds, severe hail, freezing See Weather Flight (and photos) on Page 3
AFPAAS accounts for Airmen during disasters By Airman 1st Class Tom Brading Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
The date is Aug. 29, 2005, and Hurricane Katrina makes landfall on the Gulf Coast. The Category 4 storm ravages the area, destroying everything in its wake, including the city of New Orleans, La. Thousands of people desperately flee the region, but many are not so lucky. Through the chaos, family members are separated from each other. Many children and elderly were among the nearly 2,000 people who died in that hurricane and subsequent flooding. The nation could only watch in horror as images of lost and scared children, and thousands of newly homeless were replayed on television sets across the country. Staff Sgt. Michael Wise, 628th Force Support Squadron, Air Force Personnel Accountability and Assessment System moderator, was a young Airman stationed at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., during Hurricane Katrina. He spent countless hours volunteering and helping in the clean-up. "One major problem the Department of Defense had during Katrina was accountability for its people," said Wise. "Commanders couldn't get 100 percent accountability of their Airmen and their families. We need accountability for
many reasons; most importantly, safety, but also, if you know who isn't actually accounted for, you can dedicate more time to finding them." Hurricane Katrina is just one example of a recent natural disaster. Other disasters have come and gone throughout the years, requiring the Air Force to develop a system to effectively account for its members and dependents.
One program, AFPAAS, helps keep people in touch during a crisis and Joint Base Charleston, in conjunction with the Air Force, has recently been conducting exercises to test the AFPAAS system. AFPAAS is a web-based application used to account for and assess the needs of the Air Force total force including active-duty Airmen, selected Reserve members, Department of the Air Force and non-appropriated fund civilian employees, Air Force contractors overseas and family members. "In the wake of any manmade or natural disaster, AFPAAS can help provide 100 percent accountability of all personnel and dependents," said Wise. "My job is to ensure 100 percent accountability for all active-duty Air Force
units at JB Charleston. "The program is a wonderful way to account for all Airmen," Wise continued. "During the wildfires in Colorado earlier this year, the Air Force implemented AFPAAS. Within one day of implementation, we are able to account for all Airmen and their dependents on our installation. It's things like AFPAAS that will keep the Air Force safe in the face of whatever incidents come our way." According to Wise, all Airmen are responsible for letting their command know if they have any dependents affected in the crisis area, such as New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Airmen should only account for dependents enrolled in their Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System account. "AFPAAS allows commanders and units to account, assess, manage and monitor the recovery process and wellness of their Airmen and families," said Wise. "Having information available to the command will help keep everything organized, which benefits the safety for all Airmen at JB Charleston and Air Force wide." AFPAAS can be accessed from the Air Force Portal, and the Air Force Personnel Center website ( or visit the myPers website at For Navy personnel, visit the Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System at
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The Patriot • August 3, 2012
Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot
The Joint Base Charleston Patriot is published by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DoD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs offices of both bases reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed to be against DoD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.
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Commentary by Maj. Michael Meridith 18th Air Force public affairs
SCOTT AFB, ILL – "We bring the word 'rapid' to rapid global mobility. We do it for allies, we do it for partners, and we do it for friends. We do it because we have to, because it is what Americans do, and we do it better than anybody," said Lt. Gen. Mark Ramsay when he assumed command of the 18th Air Force here Sept. 23, 2011. Since that time the command's Airmen have continued to embody that creed, answering the call to help others prevail in an often challenging operational environment. During Ramsay's command, the Airmen of the Air Force's largest Numbered Air Force (and Air Mobility Command's only NAF) have excelled in their global mission of strategic airlift and air refueling, flying more than 87,000 airlift sorties; transporting more than 1.5 million passengers, approximately 10,500 patients, and 500,000 tons of cargo; and offloading more than 297 million pounds of fuel in support of commanders worldwide. But these numbers only tell part of the story. "The most important parts of the story of our global mobility enterprise are represented in the lives of the aeromedical evacuation patients that are alive today because of our Airmen, or the troops at remote bases in Afghanistan that were able to accomplish their mission after we airdropped critical supplies, or the air crews that were able to continue and complete their critical missions when we were there to refuel them. We live by a simple premise: nothing happens unless something moves. It is why we exist," Ramsay said. A potent example of the power of that enterprise came early in Ramsay's tenure as he oversaw AMC's efforts to finish support of NATO's Operation Unified Protector over Libya. Through a total force effort of active duty, Air Force
Reserve, and Air National Guard Airmen, 18th Air Force tankers flew nearly 4,700 sorties offloading more than 173 million lbs. of fuel to 12,000 aircraft - by far, the majority of fuel provided for the operation. However, according to Ramsay those numbers pale in comparison to their impact: thousands of innocent civilian lives saved from former Gadhafi regime attrocities. Ramsay's time as commander was also characterized by fiscal uncertainty for the military and the nation. In the midst of those uncertainties, 18th Air Force Airmen once again "did it better", with innovative planning efforts that opened a historic new non-stop northern polar overflight route from the U.S. to Afghanistan last September. By cutting time off of traditional routing the new route not only enhances the ability of air mobility forces to rapidly respond worldwide but supports ongoing Department of Defense efficiency initiatives by providing both an increase in airlift velocity along with a reduction in fuel consumption and our mobility footprint. Another effort enhancing the mobility air forces capability to respond rapidly across the globe was the October 2011 surge of AMC's C-5 Galaxy fleet. This historic "surge" of the nation's largest military airlifters was a total force effort that more than doubled the fleet's normal day-today workload, demonstrating the global mobility enterprise's flexibility and readiness in times of very high demand on its capacity. The flexibility demonstrated by the surge was an important key to the success of other major accomplishments of the mobility enterprise, including last year's massive effort returning more than 34,000 tons of equipment and 95,000 personnel from Iraq at the end of Operation New Dawn; multimodal operations worldwide which partnered air mobility forces with their sea and land counterparts to efficiently and rapidly move Army
Combat Aviation Brigades in and out of Afghanistan; and Mobility Support Advisory missions in South America and Africa that enhanced U.S. relations with partner nations by enhancing those partner's own mobility capabilities. "In what we do, you have to be able to move quickly and adapt to rapidly changing requirements. We can do that thanks to a team of amazing innovative Airmen who look around corners, analyze what they see on the horizon, and set our mobility enterprise for success," said Ramsay. The success of the 18th Air Force team is in part a result of the strength that comes from its diversity, said the general, who praised the command's seamless integration of Air Reserve Component and active duty Airmen. Enhancing that integration has been a continuing focus under Ramsay's tenure, highlighted by a Total Force Integration Summit in April, in which Gen. Norton Schwartz, Chief of Staff of the Air Force noted, "Total Force Integration allows us to leverage Air Reserve Component experience, improve access to aircraft, encourage retention, and increase total force effectiveness." When Gen. Ramsay departs the command on August 6 bound for his next assignment as Director, Joint Staff Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment Directorate, he will take with him a feeling of accomplishment and a great deal of pride in the men and women he says he has been honored to serve with here. "It was a humbling privilege to serve with the amazing Airmen of this command. I am very proud of what we accomplished together - and what the Airmen of the 18th Air Force will continue to do for our nation, Allies and partners. There is nothing more rewarding than answering the call to help others, and by so doing we make America stronger and our fellow citizens safer," Ramsay said.
Healthy competition leads to success for all
Commentary by Cmdr. Patrick Boyce Navy Consolidated Brig Charleston executive officer
Being the best at what we do is a value shared by each of the armed services. The Air Force covers this in its "Excellence in all we do" value, while the Navy covers it in its "Commitment" value. Improvement of individuals and commands is something all the services devote tremendous resources to. Individuals are called upon to further their qualifications, their education and their physical fitness levels. Commands are called upon to have the highest mission completion rates, best inspection results and highest advancement rates. Motivations toward improvement stem from a myriad of incentives, several of which include money, medals, time off, promotions and wider public recognition. The larger the pool of people desiring those achievement incentives, the greater the competition and the better the results should be. Leaders need to be vigilant in our continual quest for success because the demand for high achievement in the military can lead to the following: win/loss strategies, cheating and/or parochialism. Competition to achieve can be a worthy tool that we should employ; however, we need to evaluate milestone progression to ensure it facilitates organizational mission accomplishment and that it ensures it lives up to the top of our core values - "Honor." The quest for achievement often begins with an individual's improvement as the end goal. As one proceeds, it can mature to support an organizational level goal or it can evolve, as Stephen Covey would describe it, to a competitive "I win, you lose" goal. This is an unhealthy method of competition. An example of this might be an Airman or Sailor saying or thinking "I studied all the books about how to fix this engine. I can fix this engine faster and better than my squadron mate, therefore I will get recognized and promoted faster. He should have studied hard too." That second squadron mate sits around fumbling through the books and that second engine does not get fixed until the studious maintainer comes by to fix it himself. Improvement can be personal but it should include others when possible. In this example, the more studious maintainer could have approached the problem by saying, "Work with me on this engine. I'll teach you how to fix it. When we're done with this one, we'll go work on yours. You can fix it while I observe and quality check it." In these examples, one maintainer's gain did not have to equate to another's loss. The second example was win-win for everyone. The studious maintainer got an extra hand to read checklist procedures or simply to hold a flashlight, while the second maintainer learned a skill. This competitive process was elevated from the individual's gain to the whole maintenance department's gain.
The desire to succeed can also lead our service members to cheat. The saying, "If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying," has been used too often and the mere joking of it should be a warning indicator to any leader. Deliberately falsifying a record is clearly cheating, but sometimes it can evolve from distorting the truth to the point that a reasonable third party would not recognize it. Objective metrics should be used in evaluating success; however, we should be aware that statistics show that having objective metrics (as opposed to "fuzzy" metrics) can increase the likelihood of cheating. Two of the most significant indicators of cheating are the importance of success and the lack of time, money or equipment to do a job properly. We often pride ourselves in the military with our ability to excel under pressure. Outstanding performance while operating under tight timelines and scarce resources makes for easy bullets in any award certificate or evaluation. Commands need to be aware of the temptations to cheat or to cut corners as federal budgets tighten, promotion rates slow and operational tempo continues to be high. We are all susceptible to that temptation and we need to keep each other honest. Pride comes to those that whok hard and achieve a high degree of success. That pride sometimes brings about parochialism. There are often many ways to solve a problem. In the end, the best course of action is often not one derived in the first drafts, based on each developer's personal area of expertise. It is often a blend of the best aspects of the varying courses of action. For example, what is the best way to supply a war effort? C-17's? Pre-positioned cargo ships? Local theater contracts? The best answer probably takes advantage of all that each option provides while mitigating their weaknesses. "Sticking to your guns" is often heralded as strength but it should be tempered if it leads your highest organizations to less than optimal solutions. If you have ever served in a joint command, then you may well have seen those individuals who always tout a service parochial solution. Those individuals are usually correct about one-fourth of the time. As leaders, we need to instill pride in ourselves, our commands and our services, but we need to be aware that this pride may serve the needs of lower echelons at the detriment of higher more strategic callings. The current Olympic spirit brings about an increased aura of competition and achievement. National heroes are made. The determination of these athletes is inspiring. We should take advantage of this competitive spirit to rejuvenate our own internal competitive drive. Stronger individuals should serve to make stronger commands, bases, and services. We should have the courage to pursue excellence. We should have the courage to challenge our peers. We should also have the courage to take a deeper examination to ensure that our achievements are honorably serving the best interests of ourselves, our military families and our nation.
My job is prosecuting sexual assault
Commentary by Col. Don Christensen Chief, government trial and appellate counsel
WASHINGTON – Here's a simple truth ... sexual offenders reject our core values of integrity, service and excellence, in favor of following their own base, undisciplined, criminal desires. Most sexual assaults committed by Airmen are "blue on blue," or Airmen victimizing other Airmen. So in addition to rejecting our core values, these undisciplined Airmen reject the Wingman concept that we prize in the Air Force. They represent a direct threat to unit morale, good order, and discipline. They degrade combat readiness but with the combined efforts of command, law enforcement and our team of prosecutors, they will be held accountable. Together, as a team, we will protect other Airmen and protect our strength and combat readiness as the world's greatest Air Force. Detecting and prosecuting sexual assault is our priority. Recently, we posted on the internet sig-
nificant Air Force sexual assault prosecutions. The posting may be found here: ndex.asp. As you can tell from a quick review of this information, we will prosecute sexual offenders anywhere they are found. From reviewing these cases, you can see sexual assault in the Air Force carries substantial penalties. Our partners in AFOSI thoroughly investigate each allegation to provide commanders with timely, accurate, and prosecutable evidence. They pass the ball to commanders, who call upon my team to prosecute the offender to the maximum extent allowed under law. Our team of prosecutors is better than any you will see in the civilian community or on TV. I have 17 highly skilled senior trial prosecutors, who are selected from among hundreds of judge advocates for their top notch trial skills. They have the very best trial skills in the Air Force JAG Corps. They prosecute the Air Force's most serious courts-martial. Seven of my senior trial prose-
cutors have been identified as "Special Victim Unit (SVU)" prosecutors, due to their training and experience in combating sexual assault. They are dedicated to bringing justice to victims of sexual assault and ensuring commanders are able to appropriately hold offenders accountable. In the typical case we prosecute, the accused Airman exploits his victim's intoxicated state to commit the sexual assault. We are very effective in prosecuting these offenders, and the law encourages us to prosecute Airmen who use alcohol to facilitate sexual assault of substantially incapacitated victims. Prosecuting this kind of case is one of our core specialties. The Air Force has done a great job training Airmen about respecting other Airmen and not sexually abusing their fellow Airmen. Training can reach many Airmen who might be tempted to commit this crime. For others, who cannot be persuaded by training, my team, the Senior Trial Prosecutors - Special Victims Unit, stands at the ready to vindicate the victims.
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The Patriot • August 3, 2012
22 nations take part in Rim of the Pacific 2012
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U.S. Navy photo / Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jason Johnston
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A landing craft air cushion delivers personnel and equipment during a training exercise as part of the Rim of the Pacific 2012 exercise. Twenty-two nations, more than 40 ships and submarines, more than 200 aircraft and 25,000 personnel participated in the RIMPAC exercise from June 29 to Aug. 3 in and around the Hawaiian Islands. The world's largest international maritime exercise, RIMPAC provides a unique training opportunity that helps participants foster and sustain the cooperative relationships that are critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world's oceans. RIMPAC 2012 is the 23rd exercise in the series that began in 1971.
Weather Flight forecasts continued from page one Staff Sgt. Marlyn Daust, 437th Operations Support Squadron Weather Flight weather forecaster, observes wind shearing in the clouds July 31, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. Each day, a weather forecaster walks to the flight line to observe the weather to see if conditions are safe for aircraft to take off and land here.
U.S. Air Force photos / Senior Airman Anthony Hyatt
precipitation, measurable snowfall and, of course, lightning and thunderstorms. If you're looking for more information regarding flag conditions, you can contact the 628th Aerospace Medicine Squadron Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight." "The interaction between the pilots and me is what I like most about my job," said Daust. "Providing that one-on-one time to ensure the safety of the pilots and their crews gives me a big sense of self-fulfillment and a pride." The Weather Flight has a typical 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. work day, but this can change as quickly as lightning. "If at any time we receive any severe criteria weather, we can transition to 24-hour support," Daust added. "Severe thunderstorms can mean 50 knot winds, large hail greater than one-half inch or tornadoes. "JB Charleston's weather is so unpredictable," said Daust. "It's really humid and Staff Sgt. Marlyn Daust, 437th Operations Support Squadron hot here, so anything can Weather Flight weather forecaster, operates on one of the 24trigger a thunderstorm. hour Weather Access computers July 30, 2012, at Joint Base There's so much energy Charleston – Air Base, S.C. The Weather Flight has two monaround this place that it can itors that display up-to-date satellite and radar images of the Southeast United States. Aircrews can request weather briefs turn severe at any moment." and check weather at their destinations at this station.
Technical Training All Air Force weather forecasters must complete the eight-month technical training at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss. But, unlike most jobs in the Air Force, assignments for new weather troops are handled a little differently than other careers. "After graduation from technical school, weather troops are assigned to one of the eight major Air Force Weather 'hubs' to undergo intensive on-the-job training for a period of 15 to 24 months," said Daust. "These hubs are major regional weather forecasting stations." The Air Force Weather hub bases are: Barksdale Air Force Base, La., Shaw AFB, S.C., Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., Scott AFB, Ill., Sembach Air Base, Germany and Hickam AFB, Hawaii. "It takes a lot of experience to deal with the weather," said Daust. "These hubs offer Airmen the way to learn so many different types of weather patterns. So, when you get to a weather flight, you have that depth of experience." So, the next time you see or hear, "lightning within five," you'll know where the phrase comes from and how important it is for not only personnel, but also for JB Charleston's aircraft.
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Staff Sgt. David Glowacki, 437th Operations Support Squadron Weather Flight weather forecaster (right), checks the level and direction of the lightning sensor on the Tactical Meteorlogical Observation System or TMQ-53, while Staff Sgt. Marlyn Daust, 437th OSS Weather Flight weather forecaster, checks the precipitation cup for debris July 31, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. The TMQ-53 is a tactical weather sensor used to monitor winds, precipitation, temperature, cloud heights, pressure, visibility and lightning detection.
The Patriot • August 3, 2012
Chiefs! – Sailors at JB Charleston promoted
Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
The Navy's Bureau of Personnel recently released the names of the Sailors selected for promotion to chief petty officer. Bravo Zulu to all the new chiefs at Joint Base Charleston on your selection! Naval Nuclear Power Training Command MM1 Jeremy Abbott ET1 Martin Anderson EM1 Jerrod Barton Yeoman 1st Class Tyler Beggs MM1 Brandon Birch EM1 Eric Clark MM1 Derick Cross MM1 Charles Frey MM1 Bruce Fullmer MM1 Scott Henry EM1 Joshua Heigiler YN1 Craig Hill ET1 Kyle Hurt YN1 Nathan Greiner ET1 Jeremy Jackson
EM1 Nathan Glowacki EM1 Joshua Gomez EM1 Chase Griest ET1 Sean McKenzie MM1 Corey Murphy ET1 Daniel Rucky ET1 Steven Rush
MM1 John Kafka MM1 Gary Kalapinski EM1 Anthony Katen EM1 Allen Kleaving MM1 Gregory Kursa ET1 James Le ET1 Jason Nordin MM1 Nathanial Piazza MM1 Jason Pierson MM1 Eric Pines MM1 Alexander Randle ET1 Zachary Scott MM1 Scott Sickler ET1 Scott Vandeyacht MM1 Keith Wallace
Naval Support Activity MA1 Jacob Moore
Naval Munitions Command Mineman 1st Class Michael Lynch
Naval Consolidated Brig Charleston Interior Communications Electrician Christopher Cawthon MM1 Jeremy Price
Navy Power Training Unit Electrician's Mate 1st Class George Argiro III Electronic's Technician 1st Class Herbert Baltrip Machinist's Mate 1st Class Glenn Cleveland Jr. MM1 Ian Cross ET1 Seth Gleason Master at Arms 1st Class Jermaine Glover
Naval Health Clinic Charleston Hospital Corpsman 1st Class David Farque IT1 Jason Loveland Information Systems Technician 1st Class Eric Young
Active Duty FY13 CPO results show six percent increase over FY12
Courtesy of Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs
MILLINGTON, Tenn. – Results from the Fiscal Year 13 Active Duty E7 Board were released July 31, and show Navy's force management initiatives are having positive effects. Advancement opportunity for the FY13 board increased to 23.96 percent, nearly 6 percent more than FY12 as approximately 4,400 Sailors were selected from a pool nearly 19,000 candidates. Notable opportunity this cycle included Logistics Specialist (Submarine) (LS grp 1) with 100 percent opportunity and 22 quotas. Also showing strong opportunity was Yeoman (Submarine) (YN Grp 1) at 55.77 percent and 29 quotas from 33.93 with 19 quotas in FY12. "While it is a high point for those Sailors selected for chief petty officer, the active and Reserve board's typically review records of more than 19,000 first class petty officers, which means a lot of Sailors will not be select-
ed, and that is very disappointing to some Sailors," said Navy Personnel Command Force Master Chief Jon Port. "The chain of command must communicate with those Sailors who did not get selected." According to Port, command leadership should assist Sailors not selected by conducting a career development board. A CDB provides Sailors the opportunity to discuss their career progression, the health of their rating, and their short and long-term goals for the future. "If we are straightforward yet supportive with our Sailors, they stand a much greater chance of following the advice given by their chain of command and ultimately attaining that next pay grade," he said. NPC conducts almost 150 promotion and selection boards annually. Each board receives the official military records of personnel deemed eligible for consideration. For a complete list of names read NAVADMIN 232/12 at
U.S. Navy photo / Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Matthew Ebarb
Chief petty officer covers await their new owners at a pinning ceremony aboard the forwarddeployed amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD 2), September 16, 2011.
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The Patriot • August 3, 2012
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The Patriot • August 3, 2012
NHCC preps for major inspection Story and photo by Jeff Kelly Naval Health Clinic Charleston public affairs officer
Naval Health Clinic Charleston is scheduled to undergo a rigorous on-site survey from the Joint Commission between Aug. 7 and Aug. 9, 2012. A team of Joint Commission expert surveyors will evaluate NHCC for compliance with standards of care specific to the needs of patients, including infection prevention and control, leadership and medication management. The Joint Commission is an accrediting agency that certifies hospitals and clinics as being safe and meeting important patient care standards. The commission evaluates and accredits nearly 15,000 health care organizations and programs in the U.S. The inspection is conducted every three years at U.S. Navy medical treatment facilities. "Their findings will determine if our clinic will once again be accredited - a status that is important to our ability to attract patients and instill confidence in the services that we provide," said Capt. Mary Kim Kenney-Gutshall, NHCC commanding officer. "Meeting national standards strengthens public perception and communicates confidence in our ability to provide safe, quality, compassionate, patient and family centered care." The Joint Commission's ambulatory care standards address
important functions relating to the care of patients and the management of an ambulatory care organization. The standards are developed in consultation with health care experts, providers, measurement experts and patients. "Joint Commission accreditation is the gold seal for providing high quality patient care," said David Sartori, NHCC Quality Management director. "Achieving accreditation from the Joint Commission once again will be a team effort that will bring confidence to our patients and give us a framework to provide the best care possible. We have prepared as a team and I am confident that we will pass this inspection as a team. We are ready for this inspection and excited for the opportunity to show what we can do." If you are a NHCC patron, we would like your input. In order for us to better serve your needs, please take the time to complete the following brief survey before 6 p.m., Aug. 6, 2012. No personal identifiers are included in this survey and all responses will remain anonymous. This survey should only take a few minutes of your time and can be found at: If you would like to speak with a member of the Medical Inspector General team, please contact us at 1-800-637-6175, DSN 295-9019, or at
Naval Health Clinic Charleston Commanding Officer, Capt. Mary Kim Kenney-Gutshall announces the inspection dates of an upcoming Joint Commission inspection to the staff of NHCC at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, S.C., while displaying the accreditation seals awarded by the Joint Commission following their previous visit.
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The Patriot • August 3, 2012
EVENT Dan Ryan Communities
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U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class George Goslin
Chief Master Sgt. Damian Fox, 16th Airlift Squadron Operations Group superintendent, 437th Airlift Wing, is greeted by his father, retired Chief Master Sgt. Ronald Fox, and his brother, Tech. Sgt. Fred Fox, 317th Airlift Squadron loadmaster, 315th Airlift Wing, after a "fini" flight July 25, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. Fox is a second generation chief master sergeant loadmaster who followed in his father’s footsteps.
26 e rch Do
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Naval Weapons Station
Goose Creek
Mt. Pleasant
West Ashley
Isle of Palms
Charleston James Island
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By Airman 1st Class Tom Brading Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
special operations, into places such as Grenada and Panama was very rewarding. The big payoff though, was being able to live For the last four decades, many things have the mission and see the results." changed throughout Joint Base Charleston One of the most rewarding missions of Air Base. Commanders have come and gone, Damian's career came a few years later when missions have deployed countless times all he was selected to aid in a dignified transfer over the world and our Air Force family has of fallen service members. In 1989, a United extended into joint basing. However, one States Marine Corps helicopter in South thing has always seemed to remain constant; Korea crashed during a routine exercise, until now. killing 22 Marines. Since 1975, a member of the Fox family "It was my duty to ensure the caskets were has been stationed in Charleston as an active- properly aligned and taken from the aircraft," duty loadmaster. The retirement of Chief said Damian. "There was a lot of sadness for Master Sgt. Damian Fox, 437th Airlift Wing, them during the mission, but I was proud to 16th Airlift Squadron operations supervisor, properly bring them back to their loved ones marks an end of the illustrious Fox era here. with dignity." "I've always considered Charleston my As Damian was rising through the ranks home," said Fox. "I grew up here, went to and conducting flying missions all around the school here and spent my summers swimming globe, his father, Ron, was part of a team of and mowing yards here ... so, what better loadmasters that aided designers in developplace to retire?" ing the next generation's cargo aircraft, the CFox may have spent most of his childhood 17 Globemaster III. and military career in the Lowcountry; how"Being able to assist in making the C-17 ever, the legacy begins with his father, the safer and more efficient for loadmasters was original Fox loadmaster, Ret. Chief Master incredible, but the best part was making it safer Sgt. Ron Fox. and more efficient for my sons," said Ron. It was Ron's guidance that not only aided Damian was one of the first JB Charleston Damian, but Damian's younger brother Fred, Airmen to take part in missions aboard the Cto follow in their father's footsteps as active- 17. He refers to the aircraft as the 'Cadillac of Danloadmasters. Ryan Communitiescargo planes' mainly due to the design of the duty Air Force "I encouraged both my boys to think long back half, which kept loadmasters in mind 1. Bridlewood Farms (843) 851-6565 range," said Ron, in regards to his sons' mili- during the design process, unlike many of the 2. College Village (843) 572-0303 tary future. "The AirPark Force gave me so much planes predecessors. 3. Magnolia Cane and I wanted them to at have the Bay samePlantation opportu"My career has taken me all over the 628-1534 like seeing the world and having world," said Damian. "Foreign countries are nities I had,(843) a career to proud of."Country Club great. But, my favorite place to be is in the 4. be Pine Forest In 1982,(843) Damian quit his job unloading United States. It has everything to offer here 875-1355 trucks at 5. Radio Shack, enlistedNorth into the U.S. and protecting the U.S. and its people motiReserve at Colony left for797-0840 basic training and never vates the mission that much more." Air Force, (843) looked back. He was the first of the brothers Damian added that he is very optimistic 6. River Birch (843) 628-1637 to raise his right hand to defend the United about the future of mobility airlift and looks States. 7. Stoney Creek (843) 628-1640 forward to seeing where tomorrow's loadmasAlthough Ron was proud (843) of his 471-1180 son's deci- ters will be taking the Air Force. 8. Sophia Landing sion, he didn't want either son to (843) immediately 9. Foxbank Plantation 482-0670 "Loadmasters have made leaps and bounds return to Charleston to serve under him. since the day I enlisted," said Damian. "It was important that my boys could stand "Aircraft have made technological advances on their own feet in the Air Force," said Ron. that have permitted less aircrew flying at "Damian has always been an excellent load- once. The Airmen flying are knowledgeable master, which is exactly how I thought he of their mission and constantly evolving withwould be." in the career field." Damian's ability to excel as a loadmaster Today, Damian's younger brother, Tech. early in his career opened doors professionally Sgt. Fred Fox, a C-17 loadmaster with the as well. In 1983, on his first mission as a qual- 315th Airlift Wing, carries the family name as ified loadmaster, Damian played a role in the a member of Team Charleston. The Fox famInvasion of Grenada, codenamed Operation ily has been an essential element in mobility Urgent Fury, as a C-141 loadmaster. airlift for 37 years, and although that chapter "The mission into Grenada made me nerv- of their lives is behind Damian and Ron, the ous, mainly because I didn't know what to impact they've made on mobility airlift will expect," said Damian. "Being selected for last forever.
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The Patriot • August 3, 2012
Dabney assumes command of 437th Maintenance Group
Colonel Erik Hansen, 437th Airlift Wing commander, presents the Legion of Merit to Col. James Clavenna, 437th MXG outgoing commander, during the 437th MXG Change of Command ceremony July 27, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. The medal is awarded for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements.
U.S. Air Force photos / Airman 1st Class Ashlee Galloway
Colonel Erik Hansen, 437th Airlift Wing commander, passes the 437th Maintenance Group guidon to Col. Dennis Dabney, incoming 437th MXG commander, during the 437th MXG Change of Command ceremony July 27, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. The passing of the guidon symbolizes the changing of a command.
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The Patriot • August 3, 2012
Col. Richard McComb, Joint Base Charleston commander (left), and Chief Master Sgt. Earl Hannon, JB Charleston command chief (right), congratulate the 628th Air Base Wing Second Quarter Award Winners after a ceremony at the Charleston Club at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base July 31, 2012 at JB Charleston, S.C. (Left to right) Paul Harrison, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron Civilian of the Quarter Category I; 2nd Lt. Merry Miller, 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Junior Company Grade Officer of the Quarter; Senior Airman Felicia May, 628th Communications Squadron, Volunteer of the Quarter; Airman 1st Class Robert Wessinger, 628th CS, Honor Guard Member of the Quarter; Senior Airman Reco Webb, 628th Medical Operations Squadron, Airman of the Quarter; Michael Heckendorn, 628th CS, Civilian Category II of the Quarter and Master Sgt. Ricky Smith, 628th Force Support Squadron, Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Quarter. Not pictured is Staff Sgt. Jessica McFelia, 628th Aeromedical Squadron, Noncommissioned Officer of the Quarter. The winners were nominated by their supervisors for superior performance and hard work.
628th ABW announces quarterly award winners
U.S. Air Force photo / Staff Sgt. Nicole Mickle
USAF Initiates voluntary limited loadmaster recall
By Debbie Gildea Air Force Personnel Center
JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO - RANDOLPH, Texas – Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard loadmasters may be eligible to apply for a limited period recall to extended active duty, Air Force Personnel Center officials announced here. The loadmaster career field is chronically undermanned, said Senior Master Sgt. Marvin Daugherty, the AFPC accessions branch superintendent. Initiatives are underway to increase loadmaster manning levels from 82 to 95 percent by fiscal year 2014, he explained. "While those initiatives are designed to address long-term loadmaster manning, this recall will help us address immediate combatant commander needs," he said. "We expect to bring a total of 110 ARC loadmasters on extended active duty during FY12 and FY13. They'll serve in active duty flying bil-
lets until manning initiatives mature." Eligible applicants must be master sergeants or below, be current and qualified on their major weapon system, have less than 16 years of total active federal military service by the end of their extended active duty period, and have a current qualifying flying class III physical, said Daugherty. Tours will be one or two years, during which time members will be eligible for deployment. While on extended active duty, ANG members will remain affiliated with their unit and will return to that unit when their active duty assignment ends. AFR members who want to return to the Air Force Reserve will be able to enroll in the AFRC Clearinghouse, enabling command officials to see their intention to return to the Reserve. That will enable organizations that need to fill a position to see members' qualifications, Reserve officials said. AFR members must have Air Force Reserve command operations director approval before coming on active duty, Daugherty said. In addition, ANG members may not be
AF leaders accepting visionary leadership award nominations
By Gloria Kwizera Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs
JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO - RANDOLPH, Texas – Air Force officials are accepting nominations for the 2013 General Wilma Vaught Visionary Leadership Award. Named in honor of Brig. Gen. Wilma Vaught, the award recognizes service members and civilians who have exhibited innovation, commitment and a selfless spirit of service to others while inspiring others and significantly improving the integration of and opportunities for women in the Air Force. Officers, enlisted service members and
civilians from any career field or occupational series are eligible. The award is based on contributions that occur Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2012. Organizations and base-level personnel must contact their major command, field operating agency, direct reporting unit, or major command equivalent for applicable suspense dates and additional information regarding nomination procedures. For more information on Air Force recognition programs and other personnel issues, visit the myPers website at
ordered to active duty without their governor's consent and a written endorsement from their adjutant general or commanding general. AFR and ANG loadmasters may apply for the program through Oct. 31, 2013. All application packages must include the appropriate approval memorandum and/or applicable endorsements based on the individual component; a flying hour summary; AF Form 942, Flight Evaluation History; AF Forms 8, certificate of aircrew qualification (last two qualifications and last two mission evaluations); flight record summary, and the flying class III physical. The specific application requirements are provided on the Air Force Personnel Services website. Interested AFR and ANG loadmasters should contact their local military personnel section for guidance on preparing and submitting the application package. For more information about the program and other personnel issues, visit the myPers website at
AF officials seek 2013 Verne Orr award nominees
By Gloria Kwizera Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs
resources. The award is open to all Air Force units and organizations regardless of size. Organizations and base-level personnel must contact their major command, field operating agency or direct reporting unit for applicable suspense dates and additional information regarding nomination procedures. Each MAJCOM, FOA and DRU may submit one nomination. Completed nomination packages are due to the Air Force Personnel Center by Jan. 7, 2013. For more information on Air Force recognition programs and other personnel issues, the myPers website at visit
JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO - RANDOLPH, Texas – Air Force officials are seeking nominations for the 2013 Verne Orr Award. The Air Force Association established this award in honor of former Secretary of the Air Force Verne Orr to recognize mission-oriented unit accomplishments and achievements that used personnel to their full potential in order to accomplish the mission. The Verne Orr Award recognizes an Air Force unit's effective use of human
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HAWC: New staff makes for a full house The Patriot • August 3, 2012
Story and photos by Senior Airman Dennis Sloan Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
weeks at a time. "We truly have something for everyone," said Hastings. Interested in eating healthier, losing a few pounds, running "Our workout DVDs range more efficiently or just checking your blood pressure? The from the newest P90-X Joint Base Charleston Health and Wellness Center has it all. videos to Zumba. We even The HAWC's mission is to cultivate a fit and healthy force. have workout videos for They achieve this through classes and services that address children to burn off some nutrition, exercise, tobacco cessation wellness and relaxation. energy during the day." To fulfill this mission, the HAWC recently added two new If a customer is looking to staff members to their team. get a body-fat analysis, the Wendy Wyatt, HAWC dietitian, and Betsy Wagner, HAWC HAWC has a machine called exercise physiologist, joined the team making the HAWC the "Bod Pod" that can do fully staffed for the first time in more than a year. just that. "Now that we have an exercise physiologist and dietician "The Bod Pod is not just we have the subject matter experts to help our Airmen and for those who are overtheir families stay healthy and reach their fitness and nutri- weight or struggling with tional goals," said Capt. Stephanie White, 628th Medical maintaining a certain Group chief of public health operations. weight," said Hastings. Nutritional services offered include: meal planning for a "The machine is also availhealthy heart, weight management, diabetes prevention and able for those who are look- Wendy Wyatt, Health and Wellness Center dietitian, compares five pounds of fat to five management, nutrition for athletes and healthy cooking. ing to lose a little weight by pounds of muscle. Behind Wyatt is a healthy eating display she uses when teaching nutrition"We don't just sit in a classroom and talk about nutrition, showing them areas they al classes. Wyatt is a registered dietitian who recently joined the HAWC team. The HAWC’s we do hands-on activities and have group discussions," said need to concentrate on dur- mission is to cultivate a fit and healthy force. Wyatt. ing their workout." With funding provided by the Comprehensive Airman Runners can also benefit from the HAWC's gait analysis, Fitness and Sports Center in Building 225. Their hours of Fitness program to address healthy eating practices, the which helps determine which running shoe is best for them by operation are Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. HAWC hosts a cooking class at the Trident Technical College being videotaped on a treadmill and then reviewing it. There Call 963-4087 for more information. culinary school with local chef Ken Immer once a quarter. are also several running clinics held throughout the year. "When we first started this class at TTC, we were worried The HAWC even has a standalone blood pressure screenwe wouldn't have many participants," said Staff Sgt. Amanda ing table that can be used on a walk-in basis. Hastings, HAWC office manager and 628th MDG technician. The HAWC also offers wellness and relaxation classes "We couldn't have been any more wrong. We now have a and even offers DVDs and CDs that have relaxing music for waiting list that continues to grow for this class." sleeping or meditating in a relaxation room with a massage The HAWC also offers several exercise services as well as chair. a wide selection of workout DVDs that can be checked out for "The relaxation room has mood lighting, relaxing music and a massage chair where an Airman can take a few minutes to relax and reflect on their day," said Hastings. "We've had Airmen come in during their lunch break and sit in the chair for 30 minutes just to take a little mental break from work. It's a great resource and we hope more people will use it." Smokers are also one of the HAWC's priorities and they offer a tobacco cessation program that includes: classes, pamphlets, support groups, nicotine gum and medication. Contact the HAWC for more information on how to Staff Sgt. Amanda Hastings, Health and Wellness Center office manager and 628th Medical Group medical technician, enroll in the program. demonstrates the massage chair in the relaxation room at the Massage therapy is also HAWC July 31 at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. The The Joint Base Charleston’s Health and Wellness Center displays a jar of tar and pam- offered at the HAWC, but it does relaxation room consists of mood lighting, relaxing music phlets near their front desk to show HAWC patrons the dangers of smoking. The HAWC’s require a fee for service. and a massage chair that Airmen can take a few minutes to The HAWC is located behind relax and reflect on their day. The HAWC’s mission is to cultimission is to cultivate a fit and healthy force. They achieve this through classes and services such as nutritional, exercise, tobacco cessation as well as wellness and relaxation. the JB Charleston - Air Base vate a fit and healthy force.
The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ August 3, 2012
Troopsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; investment in the JB Charleston Exchange pays off for entire community
Courtesy of the Army & Air Force Exchange Public Affairs
The JB Charleston Exchange is paying dividends in more ways than one as military members exercising their benefit by dining and shopping on base last year generated a dividend of $ 451,847.25. These funds are critical to the Air Force Service's ability to enhance local programs and facilities including the JB Charleston - Air Base Aero Club, the Gaylor Dining Facility and Starlifter Lanes. "Historically, roughly two-thirds of Exchange earnings are paid to Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs while the other third is used to build new stores or renovate existing facilities," said Common Orris, Charleston's Army and Air Force Exchange general manager. "As a result, authorized shoppers are essentially investing in a benefit that generates a healthy return by directly improving Air Force quality of life efforts."
With a mission to provide quality goods and services at competitively low prices and generate earnings to support quality of life efforts, the dual benefit the Exchange provides goes far beyond the clothes, electronics and snacks on shelves. Shoppers who visit the Exchange, either online, at or in person here at JB Charleston, actually help make the military community a better place to live and work. In fact, purchases made at Exchange operations in the past 10 years have provided more than $2.4 billion to military programs such as Youth Services, post functions, gyms and aquatic centers.
Exchange shoppers invited to 'Sound Off' Aug. 4 - 25
Courtesy of the Army & Air Force Exchange Public Affairs
The Army & Air Force Exchange Service is constantly seeking opportunities to improve on the Exchange benefit. As part of this effort, the Department of Defense's oldest and largest Exchange service relies on an ongoing Customer Satisfaction Index to provide localized, real-time snapshots of how Exchange facilities are improving the value of the support provided to military and their families. The survey, which addresses customer service, pricing, sales associate availability, merchandise assortment and many more key issues, is administered at one-fourth of Exchange main stores twice a year. JB Charleston shoppers' opportunity to participate in the 2012 Customer Satisfaction
Index is coming to the Exchange Aug. 4 through 25. During this time, troops and their families are encouraged to visit the Exchange to provide feedback on locally available services. Beyond improving the Exchange benefit, shoppers who participate will also receive a coupon worth $5 off their next purchase at the Exchange. "We want to hear from as many JB Charleston shoppers as possible," said Common Orris, Charleston's Army & Air Force Exchange general manager. "Efforts like the CSI are critical to not only improving the shopping experience, but also bolstering the dividend the Exchange annually delivers to the community as healthy exchange operations produce greater returns for military quality of life programs."
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The Patriot • August 3, 2012
CPO early return to sea to provide Fleet with needed senior enlisted leaders Courtesy of the Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs
WASHINGTON – In order to ensure high priority senior enlisted leadership positions are manned in the Fleet, the Navy is updating E-7 to E-9 detailing business rules, officials announced in NAVADMIN 230/12, released July 26. The CPO Early Return to Sea program is part of the Navy's coordinated effort to aggressively address gaps at sea and place Sailors with the right experience levels and skill sets into high-priority Fleet billets. Under the program, the Navy will curtail the shore duty of selected senior enlisted Sailors of ranks E-7 to E-9, and detail them back to sea to fill operational billets that cannot be filled by rotating Sailors. This program is an update to the previous CPO to Sea program, and is designed to ensure high-priority, senior leadership positions at sea are manned for operational readiness. "Our Fleet needs senior Sailors who have the right skills and leadership experience to meet our critical at-sea missions," said Rear Adm. Tony Kurta, director of Military Plans and Policy. "The CPO Early Return to Sea program will help us ensure critical senior enlisted leadership is where we need it most."
Low Country Coin Club Summer Coin Show
Except to meet the most critical operational requirements, only Sailors who have completed at least 24 months of shore duty at the time of transfer will be considered for early return to sea. The Navy will only involuntarily curtail a Sailor's shore duty orders to fill a needed requirement when there are no available chief petty officers in the projected rotation date window and there are no excess personnel on sea duty within the geographic area that can be reassigned. To minimize the number of CPOs impacted, detailers will fill as many high priority sea duty billets as possible by fully utilizing the authorized transfer window, including moving Sailors three months prior to, or four months beyond their PRD month. Candidates will be selected based on various factors including length of time on shore; recent advancement; fleet experience; NEC/skills held; type of previous sea duty; and remaining OBLISERV. Impact on the shore duty command's mission will also be evaluated. E8 and E9 Sailors may be chosen to fill vacant E-7, E-8 or E-9 billets, and E-7 Sailors may be chosen to fill vacant E-8 billets. As detailers will attempt to fill all billets using voluntary measures first, CPOs should consider applying for the
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Voluntary Sea Duty Program, which provides several incentives, including geographic choice or stability and High Year Tenure waiver consideration. Also, depending on rating, paygrade and skills, sea duty incentive pay may also be available. "We understand that the force management decisions we make directly affect the careers and lives of our Sailors and their families," said Kurta. "Our goal is to cause the least amount of disruption to the careers of our Sailors and their families, while ensuring the Fleet has the manning required to remain mission-ready. Fleet readiness requirements will ultimately be the guiding factor in Sailor assignments." Commands will have the opportunity to request a Flag review if there are extenuating circumstances that preclude execution of the sea duty assignment. According to the NAVADMIN, requests to retire (transfer to the fleet reserve) from CPOs selected for Early Return to Sea may be disapproved. For more information on the CPO Early Return to Sea program, and to read the NAVADMIN, visit For more information, visit,, or For more news from Chief of Naval Personnel, visit
Crossword answers to puzzle on page 17
The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ August 3, 2012
10:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. We experience stress every day; through the holidays, it goes up a notch or two. Learn techniques to slow down, take a deep breath, prioritize, and relax. Learn to bounce back, enjoy your holidays and keep stress at a manageable level. To register, call the Fleet and Family Support Center, Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, Bldg. 755, at 843-764-7480.
August 14-17 / A Transition Assistance Program workshop will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Learn how to transition from the military to the civilian life with ease.
August 14 / An Educational Opportunities Counseling half hour appointments will be held from 10 a.m. to noon. Meet one-on-one with an expert who will help individuals reach their educational goals.
All classes or events will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center unless otherwise specified. For more information, call 963-4406.
August 7 / An Interviewing Techniques' class will be held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Learn to interview by practicing with expert coaching. / An Unleashing the Power of a Budget will be held from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Learn to create a budget and how it can help you accomplish your financial goals.
August 8 / A My New Space class will be held from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. This mandatory workshop is a prerequisite for individuals moving out of the dorm that addresses tips for financial success. / A Spouse employment and scholarship orientation will be held from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Learn about free available resources and services such as employment, resumes, the local job market, scholarships and other job searching issues. / A Workforce (Job referral) Specialist meets one-on-one half hour appointments from 10 a.m. to noon with individuals. Meet with a workforce specialist who will provide job referrals, resume and interview assistance. This is available to activeduty, retirees and their dependents and Department of Defense civilians.
August 10 / A Workshop for VA Disability Claims class will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. A VA representative will cover the VA claims and filing process. Members must sign-up at the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Clinic medical records section no later than the Monday prior to the workshop. / An initial Key Spouse Training will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. This event is for newly appointed Key Spouses. For more information, please contact Kaitlyn Zito at 963-8873.
August 14-15 / A Deployment Camp will be held from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Children between the ages of 7 to 14 will have the chance to "experience" what it is like to deploy firsthand, while enjoying the camaraderie of their peers. Your child will deploy out of JB Charleston Air Base and return to the JB Charleston - Weapons Station. There will be giveaways, C -17 and Patriots Point tour, personalized dog tags, and more!
August 15 / A Spouse Introduction to JB Charleston - Air Base class will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. This is a fun and fast-paced introduction to JB Charleston AB for military spouses who have recently moved here. Meet other newly-arrived spouses, connect with your sponsor's unit Key Spouse and learn where to shop, dine and play in the Lowcountry. / An All You Need to Know about Building, Maintaining and Repairing Credit class will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m. Whether you want to build, maintain or fix your credit and score, this class will cover every aspect of credit report and credit scoring.
Special Announcements
/ Girl Scouting: Girls in kindergarten through eighth grade are invited to join Girl Scout Troop 895 at the Chapel Annex on the second and fourth Tuesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Contact Patti Donahue at 618-363-5230 or for more information. / Story Hours at the Library: The Base Library has two fun story hours every week. Mondays at 10 a.m., is the home day care story hour. Please call ahead each week to sign-up your group for this day. Tuesdays is the toddler open story and craft hour starting at 10 a.m. Reservations are not required for this session. Both sessions are free. Call 963-3320 to sign up. / Tennis Lessons: Lessons are held at the Outdoor Recreation tennis courts. Children six through 17 and adults can enroll for one-hour sessions, twice a week for $80 per month. Lessons are held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m. / Spouse Introduction to Joint Base Charleston: Held the first and third Wednesday of each month, this is a fun and fast-paced introduction to JB Charleston for all military spouses who have recently moved here. Meet other newly-arrived spouses, connect with your sponsor's unit Key Spouse and learn where to shop, dine and play in the Lowcountry. Get the information you need to make this your family's best assignment ever. Call the A&FRC at 963-4406 to register.
See more briefs at To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.
Special Announcements
All classes or workshops will be held at the Fleet and Family Support Center, Bldg. 755, at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station unless otherwise specified. For more information, call 764-7480. August 7 / "Operation Clip and Save" is a class over saving money and is scheduled to be held from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Learn how a penny-pinching shopper saves hundreds of dollars each month! Call the Fleet & Family Support Center, Joint Base Charleston-Weapons Station, Bldg. 755, at 843764-7480 to register.
August 10 / "Interviewing for Success" will be held from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. Learn the interviewing process and how to respond positively! To register, call the Fleet & Family Support Center, Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, Bldg. 755, at 843764-7480.
August 13 / A military TSA education courses will be held from 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. Learn about TSP, its purpose, and how it can help fund your retirement. To register, call the Fleet and Family Support Center, Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, Bldg. 755, at 843-764-7480.
August 14 / Are you a military spouse who needs an orientation into military life? "Military Spouse 101" is a class that may help and is scheduled to be held 9:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Learn military culture, such as jargon, rates/ranks, chain of command, and core values. Understand the mobile lifestyle. Get your military checklist. To register, call the Fleet and Family Support Center, Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, Bldg. 755, at 843-764-7480.
August 14 / A budgeting and goal setting class is scheduled to be held from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. See how living on a budget can help you set and meet your financial goals. To register, call the Fleet and Family Support Center, Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, Bldg. 755, at 843-764-7480.
August 15 / "Navigating Operational Stress" is a stress management course scheduled to be held from â&#x20AC;˘
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
/ Coupon Exchange: The FFSC has a coupon exchange station in Bldg. 755 and is open to all military and family members. Bring in unused coupons between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and help yourself to coupons for your family. Call the FFSC at 764-7480 for more information. / Birthday bowling parties: Looking for something different to do for your next birthday party? Marrington Bowling Center has birthday bowling parties that are great for kids of any age. Call the bowling center for party options and availability. / Stroller Rollers offers "Fitness for Mom, fun for baby!" Attention new mothers, now there is a way to get fit while spending quality time with your baby. With the Stroller Rollers program, you'll shape up with a power walk and body sculpting while strolling with your baby. It's a great chance to interact with other new moms. Classes meet at the Naval Support Activity gymnasium on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. Classes are free. Materials are provided. For more information, call MWR Fitness Director Nancy Haynsworth at 764-4067. / Personal Financial Management: Let an FFSC certified financial specialists assist you in accessing and explaining your credit report. They can provide the tools and information to improve your score and make the right decisions about collections and debt. Call FFSC at 764-7480 for more information. / Free on-line tutoring service: for Military Families is the Defense Department's official, online, on-demand tutoring and homework help service for military members and their families. The site, offers round-the-clock professional tutors who can assist with homework, studying, test preparation, proof-reading and more. Active-duty military members and National Guard, Reserve personnel and Defense Department civilians on active duty in a deployed status and their family members are eligible to participate.'s network includes more than 2,500 professional tutors who have delivered more than six million, one-on-one tutoring sessions since 2001. Each tutor is certified through the site, and all sessions are recorded for quality control. The program can also be accessed through a free app for the iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad.
To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication. â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘
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James C. Andrews, DMD â&#x20AC;˘ 1720 Old Trolley Rd, Summerville (Less than 3 minutes from Summerville Medical Center)
The Patriot • August 3, 2012
She helps connect and share data services !"#$%&!'(&)*%$&$ +,-$'#./ NATIONAL SECURIT Y Khristie Hoge’s engineering and technical expertise helps keep SAIC’s systems development and integration services on the cutting-edge. She and her team !"#$%&'()&'!&*+$!&%'("",-.'/0"1,&%2&.'30%'-/$,,-'("'4"00&4('"+!'13!52)(&!-'1$()' the information they need, when they need it. Khristie is one of 40,000 smart, %&%$43(&%' &" ,&'1)"')3#&'()&'%&& &-('+0%&!-(30%$02'"6'"+!'5&,%-'30%'3' 3--$"0'6"!'50%$02'()&'!$2)('-",+($"07'893!(' &" ,&'-",#$02')3!%' !":,&9-7 Visit us online:
!"#$ !%&'()*+#",&&-&&( (+.,&/&( 0#+$ 1( "&&-&&2(!%"2&&-&&),3(+'()*+#",
© SAIC. All rights reserved.
Missoula Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Theatre presents...
The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ August 3, 2012
Big Buck Bingo Special Monday Night Edition Aug. - &!, & ' '( &t at 6:15 p.m. Total pay$)( "$& ( # #$( # !) # (+o %&$ & '' * %$(' + ( " # ")" % y$)(' - % # ($ * &y$# - &ee " '' $# ($ !) " &' - !! $( &' - $$ ' %$&(' & !! $% # $& # #
Asian lunch buffet special thursdays aug. 9 & 23
& $ + !*!%$) +g. &.m. !( ) Y%+* Ce$* ( 0 ) 0 tors * $! " $ )+&&%(t y%+* $ 0 % .& (! $ ( '+!( 0 () ") +g. 0 %- * +g. & # !( ) * r 0 %- !) ( $ %& $ *% ,ery%$
Y%+* Pr% ( #) Pro f Inst ession a ruc tion l
#$ % ( &) ' $( 3 ! +) )&$ 3 #+$'* !+$ +$ 3 - ' +$ 3 -$+ !+1 / " - & , 3 *+$(" +)&&, 3 + ' 3 ).* , & +, ' +,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; *+$ e, 3 && )-# +,, $8.50 Served 11 a.m. - 1 p
Rookies Weekend Specials +/ *.m.
#.+, 1 .+" + + !- +, $6 +$ 1 0$(", *$22 ,&$ e, $6 -.+ 1 )2 *+$' +$ % ,*. / ""$ , +)&&
Charleston Club
Intermediate Golf Lessons Next class begins Monday, Aug. 13 4 '%&/ &+0-. +$ %-+0, '*./-0!/'+* 1'/& a /# !&'*% ,-+$essional 4 ( .. )##/. " '(3 , ) Aug. 4 *(3 ,#- ,#-.+* 4 #%'./#- / .# /&e '- .# ', !+"# +$ /+ (+! /# /&# .'%* 0, -+./#- (( /&# +($ &+, /
$+- )+-# '*$+-) /'+*
Wrenwoods +($ +0-.#
Whitewater rafting...and more! U.S. National Whitewater Park Charlotte, N.C. Whitewater raf+"& / "( $"& Kayak"& / + & ,( ( $ ' ) */ '( * c',)* / & %, ! %')
( ) ( )*'&
* /&# '- .# 3
Aug. 19 "*+)ation deadline: Aug. 13
,+ '') ) +"'& Center 963-1732
Rec Review
Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the Marketing Office
( -# $+ , 3
000 # +& ,-)( )'
at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at
The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ August 3, 2012
U.S. Air Force photos / Airman 1st Class Chacarra Walker
Above, Nathan Thomas, 628th Force Support Squadron lifeguard catches a student during a swimming lesson July 24, 2012, at the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base pool, S.C.
Left, 628th Force Support Squadron lifeguards Jimmy Bardsley and Nathan Thomas instruct young swimmers on basic swim techniques at the JB Charleston pool July 24, 2012.
U.S. Air Force photos / Staff Sgt. Katie Gieratz
For more information on the JB Charleston Air Base and Naval Weapons Station pools' schedules call the Air Base pool at 963-3344 or the Weapons Station pool at 764-7156.
get more
for BANG your BAH Joint Base CharlestonWeapons today!
Now Available for Immediate Moveâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;in On Base: Furnished* 3 Br Home with 3 Roommates - Only $494 each Which means you will pocket $466! Furnished* 4 Br Home with 4 Roommates - Only $401 each Which means you pocket $559!
AMENITIES No Security Deposit No Application Fees All Utilities Included* Washer and Dryer Pest Control Service Free Lawn Maintenance Carport Resident Activities Pet Friendly*
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For more information call 866-980-7953!
*Some restrictions may apply.
The Patriot • August 3, 2012
MARKETPLACE Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To
*REWARD* MISSING MALE GOLDEN RETRIEVER APPROX 90lbs. LAST SEEN ON 27 JULY 2012 IN CROWFIELD PLANTATION. PLEASE CALL(706)-338-3787 Come Join the Fun at info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC" Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) For Moms with kids birth through kindergarten. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Old Fort Baptist Church, 10505 Dorchester RD. Summerville, SC 29485. Contact Heather Hansen 873-2283 for more information. Want to buy small TV (14-20 inch) for garage. call 763-6516
Saturday,August 4th,ESTATE SALE,Open House, look around and shop,100 Hunters Wood Drive, Summerville,SC 29485:llam -4pm entertainment center,stereo/speakers,etc
Parrots for Sale: Sun Conure w/lg.cage $400; Green-Cheek Conure w/cage $400; Quaker parrot w/lg. cage $350. Call 843-851-8570
New Lawyer, CAFB Vet. Low rates & discount for military. Landlord-tenant, traffic offenses, consumer law, business startups. (843) 603-1441
Daycare Ladson Tall Pines; State reg. & licensed thru Air Force FCC; M-F 0600 to 1800; Flexible for TDYs; ph: 843-834-4301
Rental Bridges of Summverille 4bd/2.5ba, 2853sqft,cul-de-sac,protected wetlands, shed. $1650/mo Avail Sept. Call for appt(843)345-8122
2BR/1.5BA newly renovated town home on the marsh. 5 minutes from the base with available military discount. $725 call 843-278-5454 FRoG available for rent in Wescott. Rent includes all utilities, pool, garage access. $550 monthly. Mike (C) 843-3678604
2001 Yamaha YZFR1 $8600.00 Excellent bike, never dropped, garage kept, 4695 miles. Call Christopher at 843-670-6419.
'96 Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic. 41,294 miles. Extras Incl Cover/2nd seat/and more. Same owner since '97. $8,000 OBO. Call/text 843-822-1633 Harley Davidson chrome sprocket cover new still in box $50.00 handlebars new $35.00 bought for a 2003 883 sportster. 843-821-5348
2000 Cobra R Pin on Hood for 99-04 Mustang Gel Coat white $140. Wet Nitrous kit for 96-04 4.6 Mustang. $360. Call/text 8432913005 Brock
BakFlip G2 Tonneau cover (flip style) for Dodge Ram. Will fit 6.5ft beds. 09+, also will fit 02-08. $350 Mike 843-3678604
1985 fishing boat w/trailer, 55 hp motor, trolling motor, anchors, fish finder, oars, etc. $2500 or offer - 843-860-3499
TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD 843-412-5861 • fax 843-628-3454 Diggle Publishing, PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465
Plaid Love Seat $75 Red Blue and Tan Call/Text 8432913005 Brock
Canon 35mm zoom lenses. 28-90mm, EF90300mm. Never used 150.00 for both. Nascar Fans 1992 Action Packed cards mint cond. #7 Alan Kulwicki, #42 Kyle Petty, #28 Davey Allison $75.00 each. ask about others. 843-821-5348
Diggle Publishing accepts free three-line personal* classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. Each line is roughly approximately 45-55 letters and spaces. The amount depends upon the number of capitals, punctuation, etc. Three lines is roughly 150-160 total letters and spaces.
Washer dryer sets $250/$350, stacker wash/dryer $400; kitchen dining sets $50/$200; dressers/chest drawers $50/$250. Call 452-2229
One ad per military family per issue. Military may re-submit ad each week. Only personal ads qualify to run for free (ie: garage sales, home rentals, pets, autos, furniture, etc.) Business-related ads (even if a home business) do not qualify to run for free and must be paid. (See information below.*) We DO NOT accept “work at home” or “multi-level-marketing” ads. Ads which do not adhere to submission guidelines may be rejected without notice.
12” Thick Pillowtop mattress Set. Never opened, still in plastic. Must sell ASAP. Was $600, Sell $245. Call Keith, 843-375-5908. KITCHEN CABINETS Beautiful. Never Installed. Cost $4800, Sell $1650. Call 843-856-4680.
The Best Way To Submit A Free Classified Ad Is With Our Online Form At We do not take ads by phone. Please do not call us to confirm receipt of your free ad.
Queen Pillowtop Mattress Set w/ warranty. $150! King for $225. Can Deliver $150 843-696-5712
* Ads from non-military or business-related ads (even home businesses) cost $4 per line (45-55 letters and spaces per line). Additional lines (over the 3 free) for personal ads may be purchased for $4 per line as well.
6 Pc. Cherry Bedroom Set with Mattress set, Still in the Box! $350! Delivery Available 843-696-5212
To pay for an ad or additional lines, please submit your credit card number and expiration date - as well as the name of the cardholder - with your ad via fax, email, or by phone.
$395 Sofa & Love Seat, New in Plastic. Delivery Available, must Sell! 843-696-5712
Deadline to submit an ad is 9 a.m. Wednesday morning. Ads printed on a first come-first serve, space available basis.
5 Pc Dinette $148, New in Box. Coffee & End Tables $99, All New! Can Deliver if needed, 843-696-5212
DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADS Ads may be placed with a photo (see this week’s “Homes For Sale” ad) or graphics for $10/column inch. $20 minimum. A typical ad, like the example noted, will be $20-$25. The size (and cost) will depend upon the amount of text and size of photo. You can call 843-412-5861 or email with your ad content for a free cost quote.
Summerville Brick 3 br 1.5 bath.On dead end street. Clean modern home w/stove, fridge & central heat/ air. pets ok mil-discounts $825 mo 843 442 5767
Crossword of the Week
CLUES DOWN 1. Fish of the genus Alosa 2. Rock singer Turner
3. Muslim weight from 1 to 5 pounds 4. Turkish unit of weight 5. Bovine genus 6. Popular shade tree 7. The principal foundation of 8. La ___ Tar Pits 9. Spanish hero soldier 10. Brains egg-shaped grey matter 11. Fundamental 12. Bast 13. Small angels 16. Not or 17. S Pacific island group 19. Ad ___: impromptu 22. Gen. ___ DeGaulle 23. Hasidic spiritual leader 24. Aluminum 25. Considerate and solicitous care 28. Popular Canadian phrase 29. Consumed food 30. Hayfields 31. About Andes 34. Secondary School Certificate 35. Pen maker Castell 37. Brand of clear wrap 39. Past tense of bid 40. Resort city on Lake Biwa 41. Big Bear was chief 42. A group of cattle 43. The bill in a restaurant 44. People of the Dali region of Yunnan 45. One point S of due E 46. Pig genus
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See the Answers, Page 12
CLUES ACROSS 1. Disco light 7. London radio station 10. Aerospace Co. Morton ___ 11. Capital of Puglia, Italy 12. A phantom or apparition 13. Packed wine 14. The ocean below 6000 meters 15. 1st dynasty: AKA Xia 16. Every 17. Six (Spanish) 18. His ark 20. Segment or a circle 21. Pres. Johnson or Obama 26. 12th Greek letter 27. The First Lady 32. A blood group 33. Takes to task 35. Prints money (abbr.) 36. Airbus manufacturer 37. A instance of selling 38. 12th month (abbr.) 39. Baseball’s Ruth 40. 1959 Nobel biochemist Severo 43. Weights deducted to obtain net 44. To lie scattered over 47. 6th Jewish month 48. Physical maltreators 49. Founder Franklin 50. Published
The Patriot • August 3, 2012
Starting Startingat at
2004 Hyundai Elantra GT Auto, power package, extra clean $
2003 VW Passat GL Loaded, pwr package, extra clean $
$$ 5,995
38 38 MPG MPG
2006 Ford Crown Vic LX Leather, extra clean, loaded $
Starting Startingat at
2006 Crown Vic LX One owner, low miles, like new $
MSRP MSRP$17,365. $17,365.Includes Includes$3500 $3500Rebate, Rebate,$500 $500 Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade
2007 Chevy Colorado LT Ext. cab, loaded, 1 owner, like new $
Starting Startingat at 2003 GMC Yukon XL SLT
$ 11,995$
15,956 $
Loaded, leather
MSRP MSRP$16,865. $16,865.Includes Includes$500 $500rebate, rebate,$500 $500 Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade
Startingat at 2007 Ford F-150 2008 Toyota Camry LE Starting Auto, one owner, extra clean Auto, power package, one owner $ $
2002 Ford F-150 KingRanch Crew cab, moonroof, loaded $
V6, V6,Auto, Auto,Power PowerPkg, Pkg,Tilt, Tilt, Cruise, Cruise,AM/FM/CD/MP3, AM/FM/CD/MP3,&& much muchmore. more.Pre-Owned, Pre-Owned, Low Lowmiles. miles.
MSRP MSRP$21,295. $21,295.Includes Includes$2000 $2000rebate, rebate, $500 $500Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade
2006 Ford Mustang GT 2010 Toyota Corolla LE Loaded, extra clean, like new Starting at Starting at Auto, power package, loaded $ $
13,995$ $
Stk# F5141 Stk#F5141
2007 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Leather, moonroof, extra clean $
NEW F-150 CAB NEW 2010 2010 FORD F-150 CREW CREW CAB XLT Nissan Cube Focus XLT 2011 FORD 2011 Ford
Auto, loaded, low miles $
2008 Suzuki XL-7 AWD, moonroof, leather, 1 owner $
2008 Ford Mustang V6 Deluxe Coupe $
97 97Cadillac CadillacDeVille DeVille
02 02Ford FordFocus Focus
3,995 3,995
2012 Nissan Altima 2.5S Auto, pwr package, only 10k miles $
4,995 4,995
2011 Ford Fusion SE Loaded, auto, leather, extra clean $
V8, V8,auto, auto,11owner owner
6,995 6,995
2008 Buick LaCrosse CXL Leather, loaded, one owner $
04 04Dodge DodgeDurango DurangoSLT SLT 05 03 Limited 05Jeep JeepGrand GrandCherokee CherokeeLtd Ltd 17,995 03Ford FordExcursion Excursion17,995 Limited 16,995Lthr,Lthr, Loaded, Leather, loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,just justserviced serviced
05 05Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS Leather, Leather,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean
9,995 9,995
11,995 11,995 $
07 07Pontiac PontiacTorrent Torrent
2011 Ford Mustang V6, auto, loaded $
13,995 13,995
13,995 13,995
12,995 12,995
10 10Nissan NissanVersa Versa
06 06Mercedes MercedesC230 C230
Auto, Auto,like likenew, new,save savebig! big!
14,995 14,995
13,995 13,995
10 10Nissan NissanCube Cube
Moonroof, Moonroof,loaded loaded
Auto, Auto,only only6k6kmiles miles
2011 Ford Mustang Conv. Leater, auto $
Auto, Auto,air, air,power powerpkg, pkg,one oneowner owner
04 04Acura Acura3.2TL 3.2TL
Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,low lowmiles miles
2011 Ford Ranger XLT Supercab, 4x4, V-6, 7k miles $
10 10Toyota ToyotaCorolla CorollaLE LE
11,995 11,995
13,995 13,995
13,995 13,995
9,995 9,995
06 06Nissan NissanAltima Altima2.5S 2.5S
Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner
06 06Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS
11,995 11,995
08 08Kia KiaSorento Sorento Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean
Leather, package, Leather,power power package,xtra xtraclean clean2011 Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,must mustsee see Mazda CX-7 Escape XLT $$ Loaded, extra$$clean, fac. warranty V6, Auto, Loaded $ $
V6, like V6,auto, auto, likenew newFord 2010
06 06Suzuki SuzukiGrand GrandVitara VitaraSport Sport
$$ $$ Series, moonroof, low miles Sig.
9,995 9,995
9,995 9,995
Loaded, clean, Loaded,xtra xtra clean,must mustsee see 2007 Lincoln Towncar
08 08Jeep JeepPatriot Patriot
14,995 14,995
08 08Suzuki SuzukiGrand GrandVitara Vitara
Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner
14,995 14,995
2012 Dodge Charger 2010 Ford Edge Limited 2012 Chevy Colorado LT Z-85 Loaded, priced to sell V6, Leather, CD/MP3 Crew cab auto, loaded 06 09 Milan 08 06Nissan NissanMurano Murano 09Mercury Mercury Milan 08 08Mazda MazdaCX-7 CX-7 08Chrysler ChryslerSebring SebringConv. Conv.Ltd Ltd $ $ $
Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,like likenew new
15,995 15,995
10 10Dodge DodgeJourney Journey
16,995 16,995 Loaded, extra clean $
10 10Ford FordE350 E350Van Van
12-passenger, 12-passenger,XLT XLTpkg, pkg,loaded loaded
18,995 18,995
10 10Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS
07 07Ford FordF150 F150Crew CrewCab Cab XLT XLTpkg, pkg,V8, V8,auto auto
19,995 19,995
10 10Honda HondaAccord Accord Only Only3k3kmiles, miles,auto, auto,like likenew new
21,995 21,995
17,995 17,995
V6, V6,auto, auto,loaded loaded
08 08Nissan NissanPathfinder Pathfinder Auto, Auto,3rd 3rdseat, seat,xtra xtraclean clean
21,995 21,995
17,995 17,995
07 07VW VWTouareg Touareg
19,995 19,995
10 10Chevy ChevyCamaro CamaroLTLT
4x4, 4x4,loaded, loaded,priced pricedtotogo! go!
21,995 21,995
05 05Suzuki SuzukiVerona Verona Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,low lowmiles miles
02 02Mazda MazdaMillennia Millennia Leather, Leather,sunroof, sunroof,only only50k 50kmiles miles
7,995 7,995
6,995 6,995
2012 Toyota Tacoma Loaded, extra clean, 3k miles $
02 02Acura AcuraMDX MDX
Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,xtra xtraclean clean
Auto, Auto,xtra xtraclean clean
22,995 22,995
7,995 7,995
7,995 7,995
2008 Toyota RAV4 Limited Moonroof, loaded, extra clean $
06 06Honda HondaAccord AccordEX-L EX-L 17,995 05 05Ford FordF150 F150Crew CrewCab Cab 17,995 Loaded, Loaded,leather, leather,moonroof moonroof V8, V8,auto, auto,xtra xtraclean clean
05 05Chrysler ChryslerCrossfire CrossfireLtd Ltd
10,995 10,995
Auto, xtra Auto, xtraclean cleanNissan 2009
12,995 12,995
12,995 12,995
13,995 13,995
2009 Mini Cooper S Moonroof, loaded, 15k miles $
06 06Cadillac CadillacCTS CTS
10 10Toyota ToyotaTacoma Tacoma Auto, Auto,air, air,only only10k 10kmiles, miles,like likenew new
14,995 14,995
14,995 14,995
Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean 22,995
07 07Ford FordEdge EdgeSE SE
18,995 18,995
06 06Dodge DodgeRam Ram2500 2500Crew CrewCab Cab 4x4, 4x4,only only34k 34kmiles, miles,like likenew new
Auto, Auto,Extra ExtraClean, Clean,11Owner Owner
20,995 20,995
19,995 19,995
2012 Ford Edge limited Loaded, leather, chrome wheels $ 10 10Nissan NissanMaxima Maxima3.5 3.5
XLT, XLT,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean
22,995 22,995
6spd, 6spd,loaded, loaded,one oneowner owner
15,995 15,995
15,995 15,995
16,995 16,995
22,995 22,995
16,995 16,995
10 10Dodge DodgeGrand GrandCaravan CaravanSXT SXT
08 08Ford FordExplorer ExplorerXLT XLT
$$ F-150 XLT 2011 Ford Auto, loaded $
Captain Captainseats, seats,dual dualpower powerdoors, doors,loaded loaded
18,995 18,995
3rd 3rdseat, seat,11owner owner
18,995 18,995
09 09Nissan NissanTitan TitanCrew CrewCab Cab
09 09Honda HondaAccord AccordEX EX
Auto, Auto,V8, V8,only only12K 12Kmiles miles
Loaded, Loaded,11owner owner
20,995 20,995
09 09Ford FordF150 F150Super SuperCab Cab
Moonroof, Moonroof,auto, auto,xtra xtraclean clean
07 07Mazda MazdaRX8 RX8Coupe Coupe
07 07Toyota ToyotaCamry Camry Leather, Leather,sunroof, sunroof,28k 28kmiles miles
2011 BMW 320 8i Loaded, auto, low mles, like new $
18,995 18,995
2012 Mitsubishi Spyder Convertible, loaded, like new $
2009 Volvo XC$$90 Loaded, leather, moonroof $
Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,low lowmiles miles
13,995 13,995
Auto, Auto,air, air,one oneowner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean 23,995 23,995 Only Only21k 21kmiles, miles,loaded, loaded,11owner owner $$ $
16,995 16,995
07 07Nissan NissanQuest Quest
Auto, Auto,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean
Power Powerside sidedoors, doors,loaded loaded
Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean
13,995 13,995
2011 Nissan Frontier SV 2010 Toyota Sienna XLE Only 8k mi, loaded, like new toolbox Leather, DVD 08 08Honda Honda CRV 07 $CRV 07Jeep JeepWrangler WranglerXX $ 06 06Pontiac PontiacSolstice Solstice
2012 Hyndai Veloster Nav, rear camera, 6k miles 05 05 FordMustang MustangRoush Roush $Ford
16,995 16,995
06 06VW VWBeetle BeetleConvertible Convertible
Only Only28k 28kmiles, miles,xtra xtraclean clean
Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,must mustsee see
12,995 12,995
2012 Dodge Journey SXT 3rd row, loaded $
07 07MINI MINICooper Cooper
Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,xtra xtraclean clean
13,995 13,995
05 05Lincoln LincolnTown TownCar CarSignature SignatureLtd Ltd
05 05Toyota ToyotaSienna SiennaLE LE
08 08Ford FordEscape Escape
06 06VW VWPassat Passat
Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,like likenew new
10,995 10,995
10,995 10,995
12,995 12,995
Moonroof, lthr, garage Loaded, xtra owner Moonroof, lthr,like likenew, new, garagekept kept Loaded, xtraclean, clean,112010 owner Suzuki Rogue SL Grand Vitara $$ $$loaded AWD moonroof, leather, Auto, leather, loaded $ $
04 04Chevy ChevySilverado Silverado2500 2500HD HDLS LS
$$ power package, like new $$ Loaded,
10 10Ford FordMustang MustangConvertible Convertible
Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean
10,995 10,995
08 08Suzuki SuzukiReno Reno
Low Lowmiles, miles,one oneowner owner
2010 Ford Mustang Leather, loaded $
Auto, xtra one Auto, xtraclean, clean, oneowner owner Ford Edge 2008
07 07Chrysler ChryslerPT PTCruiser Cruiser $$
05 05Dodge DodgeRam Ram1500 1500SLT SLT
2011 Nissan Sentra SR Loaded, auto,15k miles $
Touring, Touring,auto, auto,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean
MSRP MSRP$34,000. $34,000.Includes Includes$4500 $4500Rebate Rebate$1,000 $1,000FMC FMCdealer, dealer, $500 $500military militaryrebate, rebate,$2000 $2000cash/trade, cash/trade,$1,000 $1,000trade tradeasst. asst.
$$ 2011 Nissan Maxima $$ Loaded, only 8k miles $
Crew CrewCab CabZ85 Z85
2012 GMC Terrain SLT V6, leather, moonroof, like new $
10 10Jeep JeepGrand GrandCherokee Cherokee $$
08 08GMC GMCCanyon CanyonSLT SLT
Loaded, Loaded,must mustsee, see,priced pricedtotosell sell
19,995 19,995
2007 Chrysler 300C Leather, pwr pkg, moonroof $
10 10Ford FordEscape EscapeXLT XLT $$
2008 Infiniti G37 Loaded, leather, NAV., moonroof $
2011 Toyota Corolla Auto, loaded, 4k miles $
16,995 16,995
2009 Honda $$ Odyssey EX-L 22k miles, extra clean loaded $
Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,priced pricedtotosell sell
10 10Toyota ToyotaCamry CamryLELE
2011 Mazda CX-9$$Touring Leather, loaded, V6 $
Leather, Leather,full fullpower power
17,995 17,995
2010 Toyota Tundra SR-5 4x4, TRD pkg, loaded, 1 owner $
15,995 15,995
15,995 15,995
$$2011 Toyota Sienna $$ Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,SAVE SAVEBIG BIG
V6, V6,auto, auto,loaded, loaded,better betterthan thannew new 22,995 Leather, 21,995 Leather,moonroof, moonroof,xtra xtraclean clean $$ $$
Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,sunroof, sunroof,xtra xtraclean clean
V8, V8,auto, auto,power powerseats, seats,power power locks, locks,AM/FM/CD, AM/FM/CD,driver’s driver’spackage, package, SYNC, SYNC,&&trailer trailertow, tow,&&much muchmore. more.
00 00Ford FordF150 F150Ext ExtCab Cab
Auto, Auto,very verylow lowmiles, miles,xtra xtraclean clean
3,995 3,995
00 00Saturn SaturnSL1 SL1
Auto, Auto,air, air,xtra xtraclean clean
Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,must mustsee see
2011 Honda Civic LX Auto, power package, extra clean $
Auto, Starting at Starting at power package, extra clean
Auto, Auto,cruise/tilt, cruise/tilt,air, air,power powerpackage, package, AM/FM/CD, AM/FM/CD,Mykey Mykey&&much muchmore. more. MSRP MSRP$22,995. $22,995.Incldues Incldues$2000 $2000rebate, rebate,$500 $500 Military, $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade Military,$2000
Auto, Auto,air, air,power powerpackage, package, tilt, tilt,Mykey Mykey&&much muchmore. more.
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