08-17-2012 The Patriot (Joint Base Charleston)

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Joint Base Charleston


Vol. 3, No. 33

Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!

Friday, August 17, 2012

New rank, new uniforms

U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class Chacarra Walker

Electronics Technician First Class Petty Officer Sean McKenzie, Nuclear Power Training Unit and chief petty officer selectee, tries on a Navy service dress white uniform, commonly referred to as “choker whites” August 14, 2012, at the Navy Exchange uniform shop at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, S.C., while Master-at-Arms Chief Marvin McDonald, NPTU, ensures he has the proper fit. Selection for promotion to chief petty officer requires selectees to purchase a new "sea bag," of uniforms which includes khaki and service dress uniforms.



Your child wears combat boots! See page 9

AFI 1.1

What it means to you See page 12

HISTORIAN Documenting our legacy See page 5

Weekend Weather Update JB CHS, SC

Friday, August 17

Mostly Sunny

(20% precip)

High 92º Low 74º

Saturday, August 18

Scattered T-Storms (40% precip)

High 90º Low 74º

Sunday, August 19

Scattered T-Storms (60% precip)

High 85º Low 73º

Deputy Director of basing visits JB Charleston

By Airman 1st Class Tom Brading Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

Joint basing is a lot like family. A family, like the military, finds their strength through the loyalty they have for each other. They can also experience growing pains and be tested to overcome obstacles. Nobody knows this more than Col. Charles Perham, Office of Secretary of Defense, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. He is both a family man and works as deputy director of basing, which oversees 12 joint bases throughout the Department of Defense, including Joint Base Charleston. Perham visited JB Charleston Aug. 8 through 10, where he met with Airmen and Sailors from the Air Base and Weapons Station. The highlight of his visit was a presentation to Team Charleston leadership titled 'Joint Basing 101'. Perham first met with Team Charleston leadership Aug. 9, as he visited JB Charleston Weapons Station commands: He toured Wharf Alpha, the Nuclear Power Training Unit, Naval Munitions Command and Army Strategic Logistics Activity Charleston. "Joint basing aims at innovation," said Perham. "It uses indirect and direct practices to hit targets, such as financial and mission efficiency." According to Perham, indirect practices cannot be measured or determined through charts and graphs. However, they are just as important. Indirect practices are found in the day-to-day activities of JB Charleston Airmen and Sailors. One example of this practice could be a Sailor and Airman using their different military backgrounds to overcome one challenge as a team. The direct practices are through manpower and measured performance. JB Charleston supports 53 Department of Defense and federal agencies, along with nearly 80,000 Airmen, Sailors, Soldiers, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, civilians, dependents and retirees. "Although JB Charleston supports every branch of the military, their individual cultures are important to preserve," said Perham. "Communication among the respective services is paramount, but doesn't have to compromise the service's heritage." According to Perham, the goal of joint basing is efficiency. "Change is difficult," said Perham, in regards to joint basing. "Often, there can be growing pains, such as the services having different sets of requirements for things like inspections and policy writing; it's been challenging. However, nearly two years into joint basing here, look at the ground that has been harvested." Perham's expectation for JB Charleston in the future is to become a more bonded 'joint base family.'

U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class Ashlee Galloway

Colonel Charles Perham, Deputy Director of Basing at Office of the Secretary of Defense, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. speaks with Joint Base Charleston leadership Aug. 9, 2012, during his visit to Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. Perham visited several units at JB Charleston Aug. 8 to 10 to discuss joint basing issues.

Although more American bases around the world could become joint installations in the future, there are currently no plans in action. "Joint basing is here to stay," said Perham. "JB Charleston is an excellent example of joint basing, and it's the responsibility of everyone here to educate others, outside of Charleston, on how joint basing works. The Common Output Level Standards performance numbers, required of each joint base, show us at the Pentagon how well JB Charleston is working. It also indicates how well JB Charleston will flourish in the future." COLS performance assessments are measured quarterly and act as a "base report card" showing how well the base operates as a whole. JB Charleston continues to score well

in every category. "The number of tenant units at JB Charleston make joint basing here challenging, but also a unique experience," said Perham. "The men and women here are doing an amazing job at making joint basing work. They should hold their head high in knowing that they're performing ahead of their peers, and their successes are something to be proud of."


Due to ongoing base operations, traffic control measures will be in place on Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station from Aug. 20 - 25. The Grace Hopper Bridge will be closed. This may cause some delays, so please plan accordingly.

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BLACK 01/29/08


To the Airmen of the United States Air Force

The Patriot • August 17, 2012

Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot

The Joint Base Charleston Patriot is published by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DoD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs offices of both bases reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed to be against DoD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.


The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Patriot staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.

Editorial Content

Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Patriot can be reached at: 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, Room 312. Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963-3464 Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd., Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154. E-mail to: patriot@charleston.af.mil All news releases should be sent to this address.

Editorial Staff

628 ABW commander Col. Richard McComb Public Affairs Officer Michaela Judge Patriot Editor Eric Sesit Assistant Editor Senior Airman Anthony Hyatt

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Important Base Numbers:

Commander’s Action Line 963-5581 Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline 963-5550

Inspector General’s Office 963-3553 / 963-3552

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Commentary by Gen. Mark Welsh, III Air Force Chief of Staff

Last week, I was sworn in as the 20th Chief of Staff of our Air Force. It was a pretty humbling experience. Since I haven't met most of you, I thought my first move as CSAF should be to say hi. You'll probably get tired of hearing me say that "every Airman has a story," but it's true, and I'm no different. My story starts with family. My dad, who was the greatest patriot, officer, and leader I've ever known, taught me that no rank or title would ever be as important as the unit patch I wore. Today, I wear the Air Force patch, and my family has grown to 690,000 active, Guard, Reserve, and civilian Airmen, all serving as part of an unbeatable Joint team. YOU are what makes our Air Force the best the world has ever known!

promise you I'll do my very best, every Thank you for your servday, every task.just like you do. ice, your sacrifice, your dediYou need to know that I care about cation and commitment. each of you, your mission, your training, Most of all, thank you for your equipment, your professional develthe privilege of serving opment, your career, and your family. beside you and your famiMy job is to prove it to you. lies. Betty and I are so honI'll get back to you after I've had a ored to represent you and chance to sit down with Secretary Donley will do everything in our and benefit from his wise counsel. I'll let power to do it in a way that you know what my focus areas will be makes you proud. and where I think we're headed. In the From Tooey Spaatz's drive meantime, you take care of the "Fly, and vision in 1947, to Gen. Mark Welsh, III Fight, and Win" part.and I'll ensure that General Norty Schwartz's "Integrity, Service, and Excellence" steady hand and thoughtful aren't just buzz words I use in speeches. leadership over the past four years, our Air Force has benefited from strong Chiefs of Staff throughMARK A. WELSH, III out its rich heritage. I wish I could tell you I General, USAF bring the same IQ and talent level to the job as 20th Chief of Staff they did, but that would be a stretch. So I just

A letter to the 18th Air Force Airmen

Commentary by Lt. Gen. Darren McDew 18th Air Force commander

To the Airmen of our great global mobility enterprise: thank you! Last week I had the honor of becoming your 18th Air Force Commander. I can honestly say there are few experiences more rewarding and humbling than command, and even more so when it is command of our Air Force's largest Numbered Air Force. Although my recent assignments were outside of our enterprise, my heart never left it. I have proudly watched your accomplishments while I was gone, and Evelyn and I are extremely happy to be back with you. We have been, and always will be, a proud Mobility family. Like you, I understand that the important work of our Nation is impossible without the capabilities we bring. We extend a hand of hope to our friends and those in need, a clenched fist to our enemies, and ultimately answer the call that ensures others can prevail. The bottom line is that we are the best at what we do! As highly valued members of the world's greatest joint team, we will remain in demand whatever happens in any one place in our global AOR, whether Iraq, Afghanistan, or elsewhere. In a constantly changing operational environment, the one thing we can count on is an insatiable demand for mobility. In short, we are in a time of completion, execution, and preparation. In that near term that means as our operations in Afghanistan transition into a new phase, we'll execute our retrograde and redeployment and prepare for tomorrow's demands.

None of us have a crystal ball, so I can't tell you exactly what tomorrow holds. However, we do know that resources will be increasingly constrained. Up until now we have lived with tremendous abundance and high operations tempo, but tomorrow will undoubtedly present new challenges. My job, and yours, is to lead the change that will make us more effective and efficient in the face of those challenges. Obviously, I owe you some specific answers on exactly how we will codify, sustain, and strengthen Lt. Gen. McDew our enterprise. But don't forget that shaping the future is our collective responsibility. It will require you to be innovative and to set the conditions for your people to deliver on that innovation. It is my belief that we will be successful based on a strong core of leadership principles that make the mission our number one job, that force us to exemplify and demand the best performance from our people, that ensure we remain safe and disciplined in our operations, and are loyal to our commanders, subordinates, families, and each other. I look forward to hearing from you as I visit each of your units: your innovative ideas, concerns for the future, and thoughts on how we can do better. We have hard work ahead of us, but it is my pledge to you that I will be right there beside you as we do it. Together,we will be successful as we continue to answer the call as we always have. Thank you for you selfless and dedicated service!

"Is your job fun?" It’s more than that Commentary by Col. Justin Davey 628th Mission Support Group commander

"Is your job fun?" my son asked me one evening. It was an innocuous question that left me speechless, unable to answer succinctly. Fun? ... Generally rewarding, fulfilling and worthwhile, but simultaneously fatiguing, frustrating, and at times, all-consuming. Don't misunderstand me; I love my job and know it's my calling. However, it dawned on me that probably no work set before me has been "fun" since I was allowed to help my mom wash dishes for the first time. We all remember, as kids, how it didn't take long for the fun to wear off of each new chore. Nonetheless, my son's question was before me and has since led to much philosophical discussion in the Davey house. A child's perception of fun and work these days is heavily influenced by the entertainment and advertising industries. Video games stylishly portray virtual combat as a great source of amusement in the comfort of your own home. Hollywood and Madison Ave. entice us to want to live like the stars - rich, good-looking and always smiling. That seems to be how pop culture defines a winner, but it is an illusion based on self-gratifi-

cation. There is more to this life - meaningful endeavors that can't be resolved in an hour, including commercials, or with the press of the reset button. Pop culture depicts fulfillment as a condition devoid of struggles and synonymous with a life of ease. That is a fallacy. I do find my job fulfilling, but it is not easy. Most days are a compilation of struggles of varying intensities. Strangely, that is what makes work attractive to me. The very frustrations, challenges and struggles I manage daily are the seeds that give birth to motivation to strive to make things better - to seek positive change in the product, the process, in others and oneself. To accomplish anything worthwhile, a price must be paid. To do the right thing and do things right takes a sustained effort. This reality is perhaps most evident in the profession-of-arms where we expend blood and resources daily to maintain our nation's security and safeguard the spread of democracy in a hostile world. On the field of battle and in many deployed locations, normally simple tasks become extraordinarily difficult and often dangerous. However, one does not have to be a combat veteran to display the mental toughness and discipline needed to be successful. What is required is the unshakable tenacity to pursue one's goals,

day-in and day-out, in the face of current reality. Such reality may consist of pain, hopelessness, lack of resources, family separation or any other obstacle that causes one to struggle ... to fall. Most assuredly, we will sometimes fall. However, personal success is not gauged on winning every race, but on whether you rise each time you fall, again and again, day after day. It's tenacity that defines the true winners in life, those who run with perseverance the race marked out for them. Who doesn't cheer for the underdog athlete, the single parent or the wounded warrior who refuses to give up in the face of overwhelming odds, even though the struggle seems interminable? They don't push forward for the fun of it, but because they have a commitment to their team, their family, their nation and themselves. So is my job fun? No, it's more than that. I consider it a blessing ... a satisfying avenue to put my abilities to the test in the service of others. How fortunate we all are to live in a country that values that ideal. Cherish your successes, no matter how big or small, but remember fulfillment comes from the process of overcoming adversity. Run with endurance so you can finish the race and honorably complete each task set before you.

Diamond Tips: Be wary of DMAA

Commentary by Master Sgt. Jadirra Walls 437th Maintenance Group first sergeant

If you happen to be taking one of the popular energy and weight loss supplements that contain DMAA, you may have realized these products can't be found on base anymore. That's because there have been reports of products containing DMAA, also known as dimethylamylamine, causing heart attacks. The Department of Defense has pulled the potentially dangerous sup-

plements from base GNC stores pending further investigation. At this time, Air Force and Navy members are currently recommended not to use any items containing DMAA even though they can be legally purchased at off-base locations. As always, before starting any dietary or workout supplements you are encouraged to consult your Primary Care Manager to discuss any potential dangers, plus this will give you an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. We want a fit military to help achieve mission success, but not by risking your personal health taking unsafe supplements. See you at the gym!

To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com Or visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/charlestonmilitary

The Patriot • August 17, 2012



Important news for parents of school children By Christopher Gerry 628th Force Support Squadron School Liaison Officer

tion options. Durham School Services recently toured housing with Forest City and defined current stops as the best options to ensure the safety of our children. As conditions change, keep Forest City and Durham informed. The School Liaison Officer may also be contacted. • Garret Academy and Military Magnet are county-wide magnet schools that only have one stop. They are "Parent Assisted Stops" not "Walk To" stops and may be located up to five miles from a student’s home.

Bus routes on Joint Base Charleston - Air Base are being reviewed due to construction and safety concerns. Routes are now available on the school district webpage: www.ccsdschools.com/families/resources.php. Bell schedules and calendars for the Charleston County School District may also be found on this page.

Local Air Base schools will operate as follows:

School Lambs Elementary Hunley Park Elementary Zucker Middle Stall High School

Arrival 7:10 7:10 8:50 8:05

AM 7:30 7:30 9:10 8:25

PM 2:30 2:30 4:10 3:25

Berkeley County Schools - Weapons Station (843) 899-8600 Visit www.berkeley.k12.sc.us and find the "Parent Information" link. This page provides all of the calendars and schedules you will need to begin the year. Other Important Notes • Foot Traffic: Students traveling to Lambs Elementary on foot or by bike will cross at W. Jackson and Hill Blvd. The crossing guard can assist with additional directions. The route is clear and has sidewalks to the school property entrance. Please be careful and watch out for children. • School bus transportation on the Air Base will be a challenge this year. With construction underway and an increased number of buses, everyone needs to be vigilant and patient as the bus company works with us to provide the best transporta-

Charleston County School District is continuing to work with JB Charleston to provide access to quality educational programs for our children. To clear up any misconceptions, and to help those living on base, the following information is provided for Air Base residents with children in school. Be sure to check transportation availability before making any changes to school assignments. • Lambs Elementary is identified as a "Local Priority" school for this year. As such, you are eligible to request a transfer, or to have your child receive free tutoring services during the year. Transfer requests are due no later than 5 p.m., Aug. 17, to the Department of RTE# Federal Programs, CCSD, 75 Calhoun Street, Charleston, S.C., 29401. 410 • Current residents with children attending Hunley Park may continue to attend Hunley Park Elementary regardless of their location in Air Base housing. 432 • All new residents to the housing community may elect to have their elementary school age children attend either Lambs or Hunley Park Elementary. 573 • There is currently no district transportation provided from the housing area to Hunley Park Elementary. The number of students on the installa407 tion requiring such transportation is being evaluated. • Families with high school age children currently attending Wando or West Ashley under the No Child Left Behind Act will not see any changes in 413 their assignments. • Stall High School is a local priority school this year. You are eligible to request a transfer and tutoring services following the same format as list421 ed above for Lambs Elementary. Stall will have a bus route on the installation. • Air Base residents arriving after December 539 2011, have extended application deadlines for "choice" schools in the district. Contact the School Liaison Office for more information, or look under the "Military Families" link on the CCSD web page for the application.



8:30 a.m. 8:34 a.m.

4:19 p.m. 4:23 p.m.

7:24 a.m.

3:50 p.m.

7:28 a.m. 7:36 a.m. 7:38 a.m.

4:01 p.m. 4:03 p.m. 4:08 p.m.

8:34 a.m. 8:37 a.m. 8:42 a.m.

4:19 p.m. 4:21 p.m. 4:26 p.m.

7:14 a.m. 7:18 a.m.

3:53 p.m. 3:48 p.m.

7:21 a.m.

3:30 p.m.

7:10 a.m.

4:01 p.m.

Office of Transportation Bus routes have individual supervisors you may contact for information. Visit http://berkeley.k12.sc.us/departments.cfm? subpage=91773 for more information. Local Weapons Station schools will operate as follows: School AM PM Goose Creek High School 8:35 3:45 Marrington Middle School 8:00 2:50 7:40 2:10 Marrington Elemenary School

Zucker Middle School S Oneal Ave. @ Touhey Blvd. Frick Ave. @ W Jackson Dr. Reid St. @ Cobb St.

Alaska Ave. @ Lousisan Ave. Maryland Ave. @ New Mexico Ave. North Charleston High School Maryland @ New Mexico Ave. Stall High School S Oneal Ave. @ Tohuey Blvd. Frick Ave. @ W Jackson Dr. Reid St. @ Cobb St.

Maryland Ave. @ New Mexico Ave. Kansas Ave. @ Alaska Ave. Garrett Academy Michigan Ave. @ Oklahoma Ave. Military Magnet Hill Blvd. (Youth Center)

NOTE: North Charleston Creative Arts, West Ashley HS, Wando HS parents are contacted by phone. These stops are not published, students must be on the bus roster to ride these routes.

Dorchester District 2 Schools Visit their newly designed Web pages at www.dorchester2.k12.sc.us/ for information. The "Parent Link" provides policy guidance as well as a brand new "Facts and Fees Online Portal." Office of Transportation (843) 873-6196. Bus information can be found under the "District Operations" link.

First Day Festival

Charleston County Schools is celebrating the 10th anniversary of this important event which is organized by the Mayor's Office for Children, Youth and Families. The festival is part of the "First Day" initiative which encourages parents to take their children to school on the first day. The year's festival will be held Aug. 19 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Liberty Square near the S.C. Aquarium and Charleston Maritime Center. Community partners will be providing school supplies, as well as helpful information for parents. The event is free to the public. Jacquie Kennedy, Executive Director for MOCYF, says, "This is an important event, because it is truly a partnership with the community."

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To see seethe thePatriot Airlift online Dispatch online or adownload PDF ofplease the paper, please visit www.Airlift.sc To or download PDF of thea paper, visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com Find out at the Military Open House, Thursday, 9/20, 5-7 p.m. Free beer, hotdogs and hamburgers.


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The Patriot • August 17, 2012


Naval Health Clinic Charleston aces inspection

Story and photo by Jeff Kelly NHCC Public Affairs

Naval Health Clinic Charleston successfully underwent inspections by the Navy Medical Inspector General and the Joint Commission from Aug. 7 through 9, to ensure the clinic is providing quality health care to all beneficiaries. The Joint Commission surveys health care facilities throughout the nation to ensure safety and quality of care standards are being met, while supporting performance improvement with targeted recommendations. NHCC is assessed every three years and this on-site survey is an important part of the reaccreditation process. "The survey team told us repeatedly how impressed they were with the competence and professionalism of our staff," said Capt. Mary Kim KenneyGutshall, NHCC commanding officer. "The Joint Commission survey is an external evaluation of the quality and safety of care we provide. A positive evaluation is an independent indication of the great work we do every day. We not only met the standards of their inspection, we set benchmarks for the rest of the health care community to follow. We had no major findings which is remarkable. This was an overwhelming success." As part of their survey, the Joint Commission spoke with various staff

members, including administrators and medical providers, and evaluated processes ranging from patient safety goals to complex sterilization procedures. The staff of NHCC also successfully passed their IG inspection. The role of the IG is to review all aspects of the command, including the delivery of health care from the beneficiary's perspective, paying close attention to access to care, patient satisfaction and TRICARE issues. While at the clinic, more than 70 different programs were inspected, Naval Health Clinic Charleston Director for Staff including education and Education and Training, Lt. Cmdr. Yvette Smith-Simon, training, safety metrics, consults with Petty Officer 3rd Class Jimmy Frye to health information man- ensure all staff members have evacuated the clinic during an emergency drill in preparation for the Joint agement, patient privacy Commission and Navy Medical Inspector General and contracting. inspections last week. According to Capt. Celia Horton, the Navy's Medical every day, not just during inspections," Inspector General, "NHCC is the jewel said Joralmon. "The hard work, dedicaof Navy medicine. This is why people tion and delivery of high quality health care that the Joint Commission and IG want to work here." Completing these inspections was a teams saw were a snapshot of what we team effort, according to Capt. Richard do here at NHCC day in and day out. Joralmon, NHCC executive officer. "I This solidifies what we already knew am proud of our staff for all the hard NHCC provides the very best in patient work and dedication that they show and family centered care."


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Updating your DEERS information helps your healthcare team By Maj. Merritt Brockman 628th Medical Group TRICARE Flight commander

Whatever your military status; active duty, Reservist, retired or dependent, your registration in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System is an integral part for many aspects of military life and especially necessary with respect to establishing your TRICARE eligibility. Without your enrollment in DEERS or an enrollment with the correct information, beneficiaries could find their coverage has lapsed, leaving problems with TRICARE claims. But did you know that not updating DEERS hinders your healthcare team's ability to contact you? Our medical information systems are populated from the information in DEERS. So, incorrect addresses and phone numbers can lead to difficulties for your doctors and nurses

in contacting you, to relay important health information, or for our appointment reminder system to work properly. updating Fortunately, DEERS is very easy and subsequent updates to the medical information systems happen almost instantaneously. DEERS updates should be made every time you reenlist, transfer, have a change in your dependents' status (marriage, divorce, or new child), move or change your phone number. In instances where your marital status has changed or you have added a member to your family, visit your local Military Personnel Section with the appropriate paperwork (marriage license, divorce decree, birth certificate/certificate of live birth or adoption certificate). Registering your newborn or newly adopted child is extremely important and should be done prior to the

newborn or adopted child's first medical appointment. Register your new child in DEERS as soon as possible, to prevent potential safety complications in the future. Enrolling children in the medical system before enrolling them in DEERS can cause duplicate electronic medical records and may hinder your child's ability to have one consolidated health record with all of their future pertinent information, i.e. medication allergies or serious health conditions. However, updates from DEERS to the medical systems happen so quickly, you can enroll your new child into TRICARE immediately following your appointment at the MPS. For changes to information like address, e-mail or phone number, service members can go to www. dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect. Additionally, spouses and dependents can make

changes to DEERS in the service member's absence (during a deployment), as long as they have a valid power of attorney (general power of attorney or a special power of attorney specifically for DEERS transactions) with them when they visit the MPS. Updating your DEERS information helps your healthcare team continue to provide the best medical care to all of our past, present and future heroes. If you have any questions regarding registering in DEERS, contact Maj. Merritt Brockman at 963-6708 or email: merritt.brockman@ us.af.mil.

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Airmen, Sailors challenged to “build a boat”

By Gary Grove 628th Force Support Squadron marketing

Since duct tape is the universal fix-all tool, why not use it to build something fun - like a boat. But, you need something else to help shape the boat - so why not use a water-friendly material ... say cardboard? Hey, cardboard started out as wood, so it should float, right? Think you have the ingenuity to make this work? The 628th Force Support Squadron is putting out the challenge to all Joint Base Charleston units and squadrons to build the best "two-sailor" boats possible and have them race-ready for the "Build-A-Boat" competition which will set sail Aug. 31 at 3 p.m. Competition will be held in the Air Base swimming pool and the New Wave Aquatics Center pool on the Weapons Station. Boats will race in four-ship heats through a bracket system. The boat that stays afloat and carries two people 50 meters in the shortest time moves on to the next bracket. Losers get shore duty.

Although this a "shallow water" event, plenty of certified rescue swimmers (lifeguards) will be manning the rails to pull out any shipmates in need of assistance. The challenge will be held rain or shine. All teams must register at their respective Fitness Centers by close-of-business Aug. 28. Teams also can sign-up by sending an email to 2nd Lt. Amanda Wineman, 628th FSS. Squadrons and units may sign up more than one team. After the boating competition, there will be a Cornhole tournament at Rookies at the Charleston Club and also at The Dive at the Weapons Station. Teams from the Build-ABoat races will be given priority placement in this tournament, but it is open to everyone at both venues. Cornhole players are asked to register in advance, but can sign up as late as the day of the tournament. These events are free and open to all units stationed at JB Charleston. For more information contact the challenge director, Capt. Jessica Colman, 628th FSS, at Jessica.colman@us.af.mil or call 963-3815.

To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com or search Facebook for “Diggle Publishing Company”

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The Patriot • August 17, 2012



On the front lines of history, home and abroad

Story and photos by Airman 1st Class Tom Brading Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

From its origin on Sept. 18, 1947, countless chapters of the Air Force story have been filled with brave men and women and their tales of heroism, sacrifice and dedication. They have overcome obstacles in the face of multiple enemies, and even through dire times, they continue to give us hope, inspiration and courage to carry on their legacy. Yet without a historian collecting, documenting and preserving their stories, what would happen to our Airmen's legacy? The pages of Air Force history are preserved by base historians, including Stan Gohl, 437th Airlift Wing historian. However, to Gohl, being a historian is much more than a job, it's a passion. "I am very proud of my service to the Air Force," said Gohl, a 21-year retired Air Force veteran. "My pride in the Air Force makes me a better historian. I had this much pride in honoring Air Force history when I was a senior-enlisted leader years ago." As a historian, Gohl does a variety of things, such as helping people find military records of their loved ones and teaching the importance of history during training courses. "Compared to the Army and Navy, the Air Force is young," said Gohl. "We may not have hundreds of years of culture yet, but our Airmen are on the front lines of their history, leading the world into space and cyberspace. As we continue to find our voice within the military landscape, our logo may have changed, but one thing has remained: the importance of maintaining and knowing our service history." According to Gohl, he has met Airmen that have only glanced at their Air Force history when studying for promotion. "History is worth more than just a couple points on a promotion test," said Gohl. "It's a family heritage you hold onto, its something you're willing to fight or even die for. The more you know about your service history, the more pride you have in it." As a base historian, Gohl does something most other civilians don't. He deploys. In 2010, while deployed to Southeast Asia with the 438th Airlift Wing as a civilian historian, Gohl was requested to document missions from the front lines, regardless of conditions or safety. However, trading in his books and old news-

papers meant picking up an assault rifle and Kevlar vest. To him, it was an even trade. "How can I document our history or tell our Airmen's stories without experiencing it with them?" said Gohl. "I saw more of Afghanistan than most ever will, while either flying over the countryside or driving through the cities on convoys." While on a convoy, the only difference between Gohl and the service members he was deployed with was a nametag. He spoke their language, dressed in their battle gear and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with them during the worst situations. He just simply loved doing the mission. "When they needed me, I was there," said Gohl, thinking back to his deployment. "I'd stand guard and monitor the command post, with my rifle in hand, just as if I was Stan Gohl, 437th Airlift Wing historian, looks through historical documents at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. Gohl has been assigned to JB Charleston - Air Base for five active-duty. Most of the men and years as a civilian and is a retired Air Force master sergeant. women I served with didn't realize I wasn't. I'd do it all over again if I could." Unfortunately for Gohl, the second deployment never came. After his deployment, Gohl traded his Kevlar vest for a collared shirt and returned to his quiet office at JB Charleston Air Base. However, shortly after returning, Gohl was unaware he was about to face the biggest battle of his life – cancer. "The news was devastating," said Gohl. "My dedication to the Air Force has been 24/7 since the day I joined, but my possibilities have been limited due to my health condition." Gohl continues his job duties, no matter what his medical schedule looks like. In the past, he has been known to work from his hospital bed. Not because he has to, but because to him, it's more than "just a job", it's a reason to live. "I eat, sleep and breathe the Air Force. It will always be a part of me," said Gohl. "It's what keeps me alive."


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The Patriot • August 17, 2012

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The Patriot • August 17, 2012


437th AMXS Airman wins Levitow Award

PDF version of the entire Patriot online each week at

ry.com a t i l i M n o t les www.Char

U.S. Air Force illustration / Airman 1st Class Tom Brading

Col. Erik Hansen, 437th Airlift Wing commander and Chief Master Sgt. Larry Williams, 437th AW command chief, present Staff Sgt. Kevin Thomas, 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron integrated avionics system craftsman, the John L. Levitow Award during the Airman Leadership School Class graduation Aug. 9, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. The Levitow Award is given for a student's exemplary demonstration of excellence, both as a leader and scholar.

Don’t pollute: Keep storm drains toxin free

By Earle Folger 628th Civil Engineer Squadron environmental engineer

Pushing trash and garbage into a storm sewer is a costly practice. Allowing trash to runoff into storm sewers is costly to cities, neighborhoods and to wildlife. When storm drains get clogged, storm water collects in the streets and can become a traffic hazard. Yes, they are fun to splash in, but they can be dangerous to drive through and local governments have to send out crews to unclog the storm drains, costing money that could otherwise be used to buy playground equipment, fire trucks, or perhaps to hire extra policemen. Almost anything you can think of has probably ended up in a storm drain. Soccer balls, beverage cans, bottles, plastic grocery bags, grease from the backyard grill, motor oil, paint and any garbage we leave lying around can get blown or washed

out of the yard and lodged in a storm drain. Putting chemicals into the storm drain is particularly unhealthy for the environment. Solid items like garbage bags and lawn furniture usually get stuck before they get to the end of the storm drain, but chemicals flow all the way to the rivers and lakes. When that happens, wildlife and people suffer due to the exposure to the chemicals. It's easy to think that what you flush down the a storm drain is such a small amount, nobody will notice. Although it is illegal and you may not get caught, there is still an impact on the environment. Storm sewers that smell like chemicals can be dangerous to children that play nearby and some can even be life threatening. There were two deaths in Summerville, S.C., a few years ago caused by deadly gases building up in a storm drain. Certain chemicals are dangerous to fish even in small amounts. This can easily become dangerous to people that eat

the fish. There are already certain places in the greater Charleston area where anglers must limit the number of fish they eat because of unsafe levels of water pollution. Other household chemicals should not be dumped into the garbage or storm drain. Completely use the chemical or bring the chemical to a recycling center that will properly dispose of it. Examples of household chemicals that should never be disposed in a storm drain include: window cleaners, motor oil, antifreeze, drain clog removers, toilet bowl cleaners, air fresheners, bug killers, pool chemicals, fertilizers and gasoline. All of these household products are safe when used as directed, but when misused or inappropriately disposed, they can be dangerous to people and wildlife. The bottom line is: dumping chemicals or other garbage into a storm drain, a storm ditch or a storm drop is inappropriate, illegal and creates a danger for other people.

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The Patriot • August 17, 2012


Forest City Communities announces August Yard of the Month winners

Courtesy photo

Courtesy photo

Forest City Communities recently announced the August Yard of the Month winners at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base. This yard belongs to Staff Sgt. Bradley Nicholson from the 628th Contracting Squadron. Yard of the Month winners receive a gift card from a local home improvement store.

Forest City Communities recently announced the August Yard of the Month winners at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base. This yard belongs to Senior Airman James Abbott from the 437th Maintenance Squadron.

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The Patriot • August 17, 2012


Camp teaches children about their parents’ deployment

By Senior Airman Anthony Hyatt Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

More than 40 children of Joint Base Charleston military members learned about their parents' deployments during the Children's Deployment Camp 2012, held at the JB Charleston - Air Base and Weapons Station Aug. 14 and 15. The Children's Deployment Camp, hosted by the Airman and Family Readiness Center, offered children, age five to 14 whose parents have recently returned from deployment, are currently deployed or are scheduled to deploy within the next six months, the opportunity to experience many of the same things their parents have to go through to prepare for a deployment.

Day 1 "These children received detailed briefings similar to what their parents receive before they deploy," said Master Sgt. David Godley, 628th Force Support Squadron Airman and Family Readiness Center noncommissioned officer. "Their briefing came from the Airman and Family Readiness Center, the intel office, public health, legal and finance." To make the deployment line as real as possible, this Children's Deployment Camp simulated deploying the young troops to South Africa for "Operation Elephant Lift," according to Godley. After the briefings, the deployers went through a deployment-processing line similar to what their parents go through. 628th Comptroller Squadron, A&FRC, 628th Medical Group and 628th Air Base Wing Staff Judge Advocate Airmen lined up, handed out important documents and processed the children through the line. Later during the Deployment Camp, the children received a tour of a C-17 Globemaster III. "This is my third year volunteering for the Children's Deployment camp," said Senior Airman Maechelle Shuler, 628th Air Base Wing Civil Law paralegal. "I love working with the children. I love watching their faces light up when they go out to the C-17." Their tour at the Air Base ended with a Military Working Dog demonstration at the 628th Security Forces Squadron kennels and a robot demo with the 628th Civil Engineer Squadron Explosive Ordnance Disposal shop.

Day 2 The second day of the Children's Deployment Camp focused on the JB Charleston - Weapons Station. Military and Family Life Counselors coordinated activities for the children centering on coping with deployments. They later visited Patriots Point, in Mount Pleasant, S.C., which is the home of Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum and a fleet of National Historic Landmark ships, including the USS Yorktown, the Cold War Memorial and the only Vietnam Support Base Camp in the U.S. "The Deployment Camp went great and the kids seemed to enjoy it," said Shannon Norris, Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Youth Center director. "They were able to get the best of both worlds - the Air Force side and Navy side."

U.S. Air Force photo / Senior Airman Anthony Hyatt

Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station Youth Center children pose with loadmasters and pilots from the 15th and 16th Airlift Squadrons, 437th Airlift Wing, during the Children’s Deployment Camp, Aug. 14, at JB Charleston – Air Base, S.C. The camp included a tour of a C-17 Globemaster III, briefs from different agencies throughout the base and a military working dog demonstration. Colonel Erik Hansen, 437th Airlift Wing commander, briefs Joint Base Charleston Air Base Youth Center children during the Children’s Deployment Camp, Aug. 14, 2012, at JB Charleston – Air Base, S.C. The Children’s Deployment Camp, hosted by the Airman and Family Readiness Center, offered children age five to 14 whose parents have recently returned from deployment, are currently deployed or are scheduled to deploy within the next six months, the opportunity to experience many of the same things their parents have to go through to prepare for a deployment.

U.S. Air Force photo / Senior Airman Anthony Hyatt

Children and their parents go through a deployment line during the Children's Deployment Camp, Aug. 14, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C.

To See More Photos & News, Visit www.Charleston.Af.Mil U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class George Goslin

U.S. Air Force photo / Senior Airman Anthony Hyatt

Taylor Kolbe, daughter of 437th Aerial Port Squadron load planner Tech. Sgt. Robert Kolbe, gets her face painted by Staff Sgt. Carey Grant, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron electrical system journeyman, during the Children’s Deployment Camp, August 14, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C.

U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class George Goslin

2nd Lt. Andrea Gehrman, 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron assistant aircraft maintenance unit officer-in-charge, applies face paint to Dalton Perry, step-son of Tech. Sgt. David Leininger, 437th Operations Support Squadron intelligence analyst, during the Children's Deployment Camp, Aug. 14, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C.

U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class George Goslin

Canteens sit on a table to be distributed to participants of the Children's Deployment Camp, Aug. 14, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C.

U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class George Goslin

Airman 1st Class Christopher Ferrand, 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron individual protective equipment journeyman, shows a mobility bag and its contents to participants of the Children's Deployment Camp, Aug. 14, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C.

U.S. Air Force photo / Senior Airman Anthony Hyatt

Children line up to go through the deployment-processing line during the Children’s Deployment Camp, Aug. 14, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. 628th Comptroller Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness Center, 628th Medical Group and 628th Air Base Wing Staff Judge Advocate Airmen volunteered to process the children through the line and pass out books and candy.


The Patriot • August 17, 2012


JB Charleston’s “Youth of the Year” receives award at Pentagon By Senior Airman Anthony Hyatt Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

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One of Joint Base Charleston's youths was recently recognized during the 2012 Air Force Boys and Girls Clubs of America Youth of the Year Award ceremony June 22, at the Pentagon auditorium Now in Washington, D.C. Fifteen-year old Kimberly King, daughter Selling! of Frenchi King, a former JB Charleston Family Support Weapons Station Fleet and !# Center personal financial educator, was presented a plaque acknowledging her accom%&Air plishments by Maj. Gen. Darren McDew, Force District of Washington commander, U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class George Goslin Summerville her trip to the Pentagon. during Kimberly King, 15, was recognized during the This annual event recognized 26 more than 50 41 Force Boys and Girls Clubs of 2012 Air Naval Air Force youths from Air Force bases around Weapons America Youth of the Year Award ceremony !" for their contributions to Goose their June 22,Station the world 2012, at the Pentagon auditorium in st Creek installations' youth programs, families, er Washington, D.C. King was presented an Rd schools and communities. . award by Maj. Gen. Darren McDew, Air Force King, a sophomore at Goose Creek High District of Washington commander, during # Mt. 526 to the Pentagon. This annual event School, S.C., was chosen as Joint Base her trip Pleasant Charleston's - Weapons Station Youth of the recognized more than 50 Air Force youths West Air Force for their conYear. She attends Ashley the JB Charleston - from bases across the !$ tributions to their installations youth proWeapons Station Youth Center and is the hisIsle of Palms grams, families, schools and communities. ! torian of the Keystone Club. King is also active in the community and volunteers at her local church. driven individual and is very goal-oriented." As part of the package for the award, teens During her trip to the capitol, King particihad to write essays about what the youth cen- pated in events at the National 4-H Youth ter means to them and why post-education is James Conference Center in Chevy Chase, Md, John’s important. They also had to submit recom- Island including an Air Force Teen Council presenmendation letters from Island family members and tation and leadership and public speaking teachers. training. Additionally, the teens began devel"I got to meet so many new people [during oping Air Force-wide projects to reach out to the trip to Washington, D.C.]," said King. "I other Air Force teens in order to get them Kiawah Island was one of the youngest teens there, so I got a more involved with their local communities. lot of advice from the older teens." Lauryssa Davis, 18-year old daughter of JB King's goal is to attend the University of Charleston - Air Base Youth Center employee Texas and to study biology. She is currently Alicia Davis, was named the Air Base’s Youth enrolled in the Berkeley Center for the Arts, of the Year. Davis also attended the award which offers students in grades nine through ceremony and plans to attend Trident 12, a pre-professional program of study in the Technical School in Charleston in the fall. areas of creative writing, dance, strings, theAir Force Youth Programs offer high qualater, visual arts, voice, winds and percussion. ity educational, recreational and social activi"Kimberly is a mature, young woman," ties for youth and teens at Air Force installasaid Lamar Moorehead, 628th Force Support tions worldwide. For more information, visit Squadron, JB Charleston - Weapons Station www.afyouthprograms.com or stop by a local Youth Center teen coordinator. "She is a self- installation youth center.


Lightning safety

If in the mountains, the following actions may reduce your risk of being struck by lightning: - Avoid open fields, the top of a hill or a ridge top. - Stay away from tall, isolated trees or other tall objects. If you are in a forest, stay near a lower stand of trees. - If you are camping in an open area, set up camp in a valley, ravine or other low area. Remember, a tent offers no protection from lightning. - Stay away from water, wet items (such as ropes) and metal objects (such as fences and poles). Water and metal are excellent conductors of electricity. The current from a lightning flash will easily travel for long distances. If you're participating in an outdoor sporting event, get everyone into their vehicles or the restrooms. Do not stay in the dugouts; they are not safe during lightning activity. Once in a safe place, wait 30 minutes after hearing the last rumble of thunder before going back and resuming play. One final reminder, if you're heading outdoors, listen to the weather forecast for the outdoor area you plan to visit. The forecast may be very different from the one near your home. If there is a high chance of thunderstorms, stay inside. (Information was taken from the National Weather Service's web page, which can be viewed at www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov/outdoors.htm#near.)



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26 e rch Do

As part of the continuing Critical Days of Summer Safety Campaign, we are again highlighting outdoor safety. This week we're targeting lightning strike risk reduction. What is the correct thing to do when a lightning storm approaches? The best option is to go indoors. Go to a safe building - one that is fully enclosed with a roof, walls and floor and has plumbing or wiring. Once inside, stay away from showers, sinks, bath tubs and electronic equipment. The next best option, if a safe building is unavailable, is a safe vehicle - any fully enclosed metal-topped vehicle such as a hardtopped car, minivan, bus, truck, etc. While inside a safe vehicle, do not use electronic devices such as radio communications during a thunderstorm. If you drive into a thunderstorm, slow down and use extra caution. If possible, pull off the road into a safe area. Do not leave the vehicle during a thunderstorm. However, there are times when neither a safe building nor vehicle is going to be an option, such as if you're in the middle of the lake fishing or hiking in the mountains. What do you do then? If you are caught in a thunderstorm on a small boat, drop anchor and get as low as possible. Large boats with cabins, especially those with properly installed lightning protection systems or metal marine vessels are relatively safe. Remember to stay inside the cabin and away from any metal surfaces.

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The Patriot • August 17, 2012


Simplified language to help novice investors understand the purpose of the TSP, whether it's a good choice, strategies to use when investing in the TSP and more.

NOTICE: The Fleet and Family Support Center, Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, Bldg. 755, now has two consultants who are available for scheduling individual appointments for member/spouse employment assistance. Whether your needs are resume basics/review, interviewing skills/practice, or job search strategies, please call F and FSC at 843-764-7480 to schedule your oneon-one appointment!

August 28 / A Field-Grade Officer Notification Training class will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. This class is training for FGOs in the notification process for casualties.


All classes or events will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center unless otherwise specified. For more information, call 963-4406.

August 18 / A free Newcomer's tour will be held from 8:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This guided tour of Charleston's Historic district including the Citadel Military College, the market (downtown), and Patriots Point. Lunch will be on your own. Tour bus departs from and returns to the Airman and Family Readiness Center.

August 21 / An investing made easy class will be held from 8 to 11 a.m. Learn how to get started, make a financial plan, and overview financial markets and fraud.

August 23 / A 10-steps to a federal job (resume) class will be held from 9 a.m. to noon. Learn the process for landing a federal job. / A deployed spouse dinner will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. All spouses of deployed members are encouraged to come out and join use for a great fellowship, support, activities and good food ... all on us and bring the children along because we will entertain and astound them August 24 / A Workshop for VA Disability Claims class will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. A VA representative will cover the VA claims and filing process. Members must sign-up at the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Clinic medical records section no later than the Monday prior to the workshop. / The Satisfaction Survey Kickoff Party will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Picnic Grounds adjacent to the Outdoor Recreation Center. Fill out a survey upon arrival and enjoy live music by The Average Savage and food, catered by Jim-N-Nicks Barbeque.

August 25 / A heart link will be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Military spouses learn about the Air Force mission, culture, traditions, military languages, and benefits and services while making new friends, Childcare issues will be addressed at time of registration.

August 27 / A Making Sense of the TSP, Civilian and Military, class will be held from 1 to 2 p.m.

August 29 / A Smooth Move class will be held from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Learn from experts on how to PCS smoothly.

August 30 / An Exceptional Family Member Program Support Group will be held from 6 to 8 p.m.

August 31 / Workshop for VA Disability Claims class will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. A VA representative will cover the VA claims and filing process. Members must sign-up at the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Clinic medical records section no later than the Monday prior to the workshop. / A Deciphering the Career-Status Bonus class will be held from 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Individuals must select between two retirement systems, between their 14 ½ and 15-year mark. This workshop explains the financial impact of both

Tuesdays in August / The Air Base Library Care Day is a free reading program for children at 9 a.m., followed by Toddler Story Time, held at 10 a.m. Reservations can be made by calling 963-3329.


Special Announcements


All classes or workshops will be held at the Fleet and Family Support Center, Bldg. 755, at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station unless otherwise specified. For more information, call 764-7480. August 17 / An informative workshop over rent is scheduled to be held from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. 'Renting 101' will provide complete and unbiased information for perspective military renters. To register, please call the Fleet and Family Support Center, Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, Bldg. 7555, at 843-764-7480 August 20 / A car buying workshop will be held from 9 to 10 a.m. Those in attendance can learn the techniques and information for getting the best deal on a vehicle. To register, please call the Fleet and Family Support Center, Joint Base Charleston Weapons Station, Bldg. 755, or call 843-764-7480

August 21 / Education and scholarship opportunities are here and information on colleges, scholarships and Special Announcements grants are available for military spouses are avail/ Girl Scouting: Girls in kindergarten through able. Jump start on your planning for the spring eighth grade are invited to join Girl Scout Troop 895 semester and your college education. To register, at the Chapel Annex on the second and fourth please call the Fleet and Family Support Center, Tuesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Contact Patti Donahue Bldg. 755, Joint Base Charleston - Weapons at 618-363-5230 or pdonahue@sc.rr.com for more Station, Bldg. 755, or call 843-764-7480 information. August 22 / Story Hours at the Library: The Base Library has two fun story hours every week. Mondays at 10 / Joint Base Charleston 101 will be held from a.m., is the home day care story hour. Please call 2 to 3:15 p.m. The class is an introduction to joint ahead each week to sign-up your group for this day. basing course that specifically addresses what joint Tuesdays is the toddler open story and craft hour basing is, why it happened here and what it means starting at 10 a.m. Reservations are not required for to you. The class will be held at the Storm this session. Both sessions are free. Call 963-3320 to Conference Center at the Joint Base Charleston sign up. Weapons Station. Please contact Sandy Dorothy at / Tennis Lessons: Lessons are held at the Outdoor 963-2624 for more information. Recreation tennis courts. Children six through 17 and / A "Ten Steps to a Federal Job" resume buildadults can enroll for one-hour sessions, twice a week ing workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to noon. for $80 per month. Lessons are held on Tuesday, Learn to navigate through the Federal Job process Wednesday and Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m. and 3 to and building your resume into USAJOBS.gov, to 6 p.m. increase your chances of getting a federal job. To / Spouse Introduction to Joint Base Charleston: register, please call the Fleet and Family Support Held the first and third Wednesday of each month, Center, Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, this is a fun and fast-paced introduction to JB Bldg. 755, or call 843-764-7480 Charleston for all military spouses who have recently August 23 moved here. Meet other newly-arrived spouses, connect with your sponsor's unit Key Spouse and learn / An informative workshop titled, "Smooth where to shop, dine and play in the Lowcountry. Get Move" will be held 9 a.m. to noon, to help service the information you need to make this your family's members PCS smoothly. To register, please call the best assignment ever. Call the A&FRC at 963-4406 Fleet and Family Support Center, Joint Base to register. Charleston - Weapons Station, Bldg. 755, at 843764-7480. •

• •


/ Coupon Exchange: The FFSC has a coupon exchange station in Bldg. 755 and is open to all military and family members. Bring in unused coupons between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and help yourself to coupons for your family. Call the FFSC at 764-7480 for more information. / Birthday bowling parties: Looking for something different to do for your next birthday party? Marrington Bowling Center has birthday bowling parties that are great for kids of any age. Call the bowling center for party options and availability. / Stroller Rollers offers "Fitness for Mom, fun for baby!" Attention new mothers, now there is a way to get fit while spending quality time with your baby. With the Stroller Rollers program, you'll shape up with a power walk and body sculpting while strolling with your baby. It's a great chance to interact with other new moms. Classes meet at the Naval Support Activity gymnasium on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. Classes are free. Materials are provided. For more information, call MWR Fitness Director Nancy Haynsworth at 764-4067. / Personal Financial Management: Let an FFSC certified financial specialists assist you in accessing and explaining your credit report. They can provide the tools and information to improve your score and make the right decisions about collections and debt. Call FFSC at 764-7480 for more information. / Free on-line tutoring service: Tutor.com for Military Families is the Defense Department's official, online, on-demand tutoring and homework help service for military members and their families. The site, http://www.tutor.com/military offers round-the-clock professional tutors who can assist with homework, studying, test preparation, proof-reading and more. Active-duty military members and National Guard, Reserve personnel and Defense Department civilians on active duty in a deployed status and their family members are eligible to participate. Tutor.com's network includes more than 2,500 professional tutors who have delivered more than six million, one-on-one tutoring sessions since 2001. Each tutor is certified through the site, and all sessions are recorded for quality control. The program can also be accessed through a free app for the iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad.

See more briefs at www.charleston.af.mil


To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to patriot@charleston.af.mil. Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication. ••


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The Patriot • August 17, 2012


New instruction puts spotlight on standards, culture

By Tech. Sgt. Shawn J. Jones Air Force Public Affairs Agency

JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md. – When referencing fundamental standards, Airmen now have a single source: Air Force Instruction 1-1, Air Force Standards. As one of the capstone acts of his 39-year career, Gen. Norton Schwartz, Air Force chief of staff, put his signature on the brand new instruction, which communicates in one document the required standards of conduct, performance and discipline expected of every uniformed Airman. The instruction – the first and only to be signed and certified by the chief of staff – was preceded by Air Force Policy Directive 1, Air Force Culture, in which the secretary of the Air Force directed the chief of staff to develop and execute policy related to standards. The new instruction is particularly noteworthy not because it offers many new standards, but because it consolidates many of the standards that had been spread among many separate instructions, officials said. In a single document, the instruction conveniently summarizes the expected standards of conduct for uniformed Airmen. The intention for the instruction is to serve as a compass, providing a convenient overview of standards while directing Airmen to other instructions where more detailed information may be found, officials said. Having a one-stop shop for standards-related guidelines, while not unprecedented, has long been absent in the Air Force. In fact, the vast majority of the new instruction's initial content and structure were borrowed from the now outdated Air Force Regulation 30-1, Air Force Standards, which was not replaced in the early 1990s when Air Force instructions replaced Air Force regulations. In December 2011, Schwartz directed the Air Staff to develop the new instruction. Much of the heavy lifting related to coordinating and drafting the instruction was performed by Scott Martin, a legal advisor on Schwartz's senior air staff

counsel. "We needed to capture and consolidate the existing Air Force standards," said Martin, a 23-year veteran who retired as a colonel in 2010. From cover to cover, the instruction counts 27 pages, broken into three chapters. The first chapter, the Air Force environment, focuses on topics such as core values, customs and courtesies, force structure and diversity. According to the chapter overview, the Air Force environment "encompasses the actions, values and standards we live by each and every day." The second chapter focusU.S. Air Force graphic / Sylvia Saab es on standards of conduct, Air Force Instruction 1-1, Air Force Standards, was signed and certified recently. In a single including sections on profes- document, the instruction conveniently summarizes the expected standards of conduct for sional relationships, ethics, uniformed Airmen. drug and alcohol abuse, and resiliency, sexual assault prevention and response, tattoos and government neutrality regarding religion. The instruction's final chapter addresses standards related body piercing, and the Joint Ethics Regulation. Martin said he expected the instruction to become a valuto dress and appearance, physical fitness and government able resource for educating today's Airmen. housing. "If you have a young Airman who's not quite getting it, this Martin said that while he borrowed a lot from the old regulation, it was incomplete for today's Air Force since so much will be a great tool for a mentoring session," he said. "Every Airman should periodically review these standards of conduct had changed in the past two decades. "We updated it and brought it up to the 21st century to to assure he is living up to what the Air Force expects of him every day." address contemporary challenges that Airmen face," he said. Some of those 21st century updates include standards relat- (Editor's note: AFI 1-1, Air Force Standards, and AFPD 1, Air ed to relationships on social media, the wingman concept, Force Culture, can be found on www.e-publishing.af.mil. )

Crossword answers to puzzle on page 15

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The Patriot • August 17, 2012


Everything you wanted to know about college football rules, but didn’t know who to ask!

College Football 101 Friday, Aug. 24 - 7 p.m. Air Base Chapel Annex Special guest speaker:

Doug Rhoads Football Officiating Coordinator of the Atlantic Coast Conference

Topics include: Role of TV in repla3 5 +.( ' . (+ ' replay 5 Insights into the $/-- + * 5 -/ $' + . 5 +% */$' * - game 5 NCAA rule changes 5 And much more! current Also, a special “You Make the Call� segment and highlights from the past ACC season. Highlights

Free progr * 5 Free program 5 Free food Open to everyone Hosted by the Air Base Chapel and the Single Airman Initiative


Friday, Aug. 24 7-10 p.m. AB Youth Center Ages 5-12 #( ood & ( un

$10 YC Members $15 Nonmembers Registration deadline: Aug. 22

AB Youth Programs 963-5684

Rec Review

Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at www.JBCharleston.com.


The Patriot • August 17, 2012


FUNancial Camp for military children held at Weapons Station

Left, Navy volunteers and a group of campers pose during one of their workshops at the Fleet and Family Support Center Personal Financial Management and Life Skill Education summer camp. The annual camp was held Aug. 1 through

Courtesy photos

Healthcare Advisory Council meeting scheduled

By Maj. Merritt Brockman 628th Medical Group TRICARE Operations Flight commander

This year's Healthcare Advisory Council meeting will be held Aug. 23, at 1 p.m. in the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Theater. The briefing will provide current information regarding clinic services, TRICARE, pharmacy, dental and health promotions. The council is committed to broadening beneficiaries' awareness about updates on healthcare benefits and services. The meeting is open to anyone eligible for military healthcare. For more information, call the TRICARE Flight commander, Maj. Merritt Brockman at 963-6708.

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Come Join the Fun at CafeMoms.com.... info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC" Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more http://www.meetup.com/military-moms/

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) For Moms with kids birth through kindergarten. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Old Fort Baptist Church, 10505 Dorchester RD. Summerville, SC 29485. Contact Heather Hansen 873-2283 for more information.

VISION OF ELVIS - The La Femmes of Cabane 1067 of American Legion Post 166, Goose Creek proudly presents “VISIONS OF ELVIS: with Danny Stirling along with his Vegas Dancers on Saturday, August 25th. Advance tickets for the show are just $15.00 and are now on sale. Tickets will also be available at the door. Doors open at 6:00PM and show starts at 7:00PM.Opening for Danny is the one and only Michael Viljac aka Tom Jones. Hors d’ oeuvres will be severed between 6 & 7. For your refreshment, there will be a cash bar. This night of song and fun is open to the public with all proceeds going toward the La Femmes and their many community projects. Only 100 tickets will be sold and are on a first come, first served basis. This show will sell out. For information call the Post at 553-5454.



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Washer dryer sets $250/$350, stacker wash/dryer $400; kitchen dining sets $50/$200; dressers/chest drawers $50/$250. Call 452-2229

12” Thick Pillowtop mattress Set. Never opened, still in plastic. Must sell ASAP. Was $600, Sell $245. Call Keith, 843-375-5908. For Sale for $175 dollars: electric Maytag Clothes dryer with temperature selection and automatic moisture monitor. For info, call (843) 553-7229

4pc Living Room Suit - color: Eggplant $600. Excellent condition (1 Couch, 2 love seats, and 1 ottamon)Call 843-200-1698. KITCHEN CABINETS Beautiful. Never Installed. Cost $4800, Sell $1650. Call 843-856-4680.

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www.charlestonmilitary.com 843-412-5861 • fax 843-628-3454 Diggle Publishing, PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465 Diggle Publishing accepts free three-line personal* classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. Each line is roughly approximately 45-55 letters and spaces. The amount depends upon the number of capitals, punctuation, etc. Three lines is roughly 150-160 total letters and spaces. One ad per military family per issue. Military may re-submit ad each week. Only personal ads qualify to run for free (ie: garage sales, home rentals, pets, autos, furniture, etc.) Business-related ads (even if a home business) do not qualify to run for free and must be paid. (See information below.*) We DO NOT accept “work at home” or “multi-level-marketing” ads. Ads which do not adhere to submission guidelines may be rejected without notice.

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CLUES DOWN 1. Formerly the ECM 2. A native nursemaid in India 3. Ribosomal ribonucleic acid 4. Ironies 5. Peaceable 6. Between 7. Cessation of activity 8. “Little House” actor Merlin 9. Lying in one plane 10. Joins the military 11. Knock out 12. British School 13. Puts on clothing 21. Radioactivity unit 22. Helps little firms 25. Podetiums 26. Fluid accumulation in tissues 27. Backed seat for one 29. From farm state 30. Speak 31. Gurus 37. Deluged 38. In addition to 40. Oldest Yoruba town 41. A place to shelter cars 42. __ and Delilah 43. Toothpaste tube cover 45. __ and Juliet 46. Mussel beards 252080A02 47. Prevents harm to creatures 48. Gorse genus 49. A method of doing 50. Young Scottish woman 51. Latticework lead bar 52. Invests in little enterprises

The “I’ll Just Have One More” Martini 3 oz. gin or vodka 1/2 oz. dry vermouth 3 olives 1 automobile 1 long day 1 diminishing attention span 1 too many Combine ingredients. Drink. Repeat. Mix with sharp turn, telephone pole.

Never underestimate ‘just a few.’ Buzzed driving is drunk driving.

See the Answers, Page 12

CLUES ACROSS 1. Auricles 5. Sharpening strap 10. Supplemented with difficulty 14. Jaguarundi 15. “7 Year Itch” Tom 16. European defense organization 17. Camber 18. Kittiwake genus 19. 3rd largest French city 20. Used for instant long locks 23. Harangue 24. Grabs 25. Formally withdraw membership 28. Magnitude relations 32. El Dorado High School 33. Porzana carolina 34. Earl Grey or green 35. Dog’s tail action 36. Friends (French) 38. Lessen the force of 39. Dermaptera 42. Views 44. From a distance 46. Bleats 47. London Games 2012 53. Let the body fall heavily 54. Collect a large group 55. Aba ____ Honeymoon 57. Give over 58. Glue & plaster painting prep 59. Middle East chieftain 60. Removed ruthlessly 61. AKA bromeosin 62. A dissenting clique

The Patriot • August 17, 2012


The Patriot • August 17, 2012





Starting Startingat at

2003 VW Passat GL Loaded, pwr package, extra clean $

$$ 6,995


2007 Toyota Yaris Auto, looks & runs great, xtra clean $



38 38 MPG MPG


2001 Lincoln Towncar Signature series, loaded $

1999 Ford Cobra One owner, loaded, new tires $



Auto, Auto,air, air,AM/FM/CD/MP3, AM/FM/CD/MP3,power power package, package,tire tirepressure pressuremonitor monitor &&much muchmore. more.

MSRP MSRP$17,365. $17,365.Includes Includes$3500 $3500Rebate, Rebate,$500 $500 Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade

Starting Startingat at 2003 Ford F-250 ExCab

2007 KIA Sportage LX Auto, special wheels, extra clean $

2007 Chevy Colorado LT Ext. cab, loaded, 1 owner, like new $



$ 11,995$

15,956 $

4X4, leather, diesel

MSRP MSRP$16,865. $16,865.Includes Includes$500 $500rebate, rebate,$500 $500 Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade


2007 Dodge Ram 1500 Crewcab, V8, loaded $

Starting at Starting at Ford Fusion SEL 2007 Ford F-150 2009 Auto, one owner, extra clean Moonroof, one owner, leather $ $




V6, V6,Auto, Auto,Power PowerPkg, Pkg,Tilt, Tilt, Cruise, Cruise,AM/FM/CD/MP3, AM/FM/CD/MP3,&& much muchmore. more.Pre-Owned, Pre-Owned, Low miles. Lowmiles.

MSRP MSRP$21,295. $21,295.Includes Includes$2000 $2000rebate, rebate, $500 $500Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade

2007 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer 2010 Toyota Corolla LE Leather, moonroof, extra clean at Starting Starting at Auto, power package, loaded $ $





Stk# Stk#F5141 F5141

2011 Nissan Cube Auto, loaded, low miles $

NEW FORD F-150 CREW CAB NEW 2010 2010 FORD F-150 CREW CAB XLT 2005 Nissan Frontier SE 2008 Suzuki XL-7XLT



4x4 Crewcab, loaded $

2006 Jeep Wrangler Sport V6, 4x4, lots of extras and chome $


97 97Cadillac CadillacDeVille DeVille

3,995 3,995



02 02Ford FordFocus Focus

3,995 3,995

2008 Toyota RAV4 Limited Moonroof, loaded, extra clean $

V8, V8,auto, auto,11owner owner

Auto, Auto,very verylow lowmiles, miles,xtra xtraclean clean



6,995 6,995


4,995 4,995

2010 Ford Mustang Leather, loaded $

2008 Buick LaCrosse CXL Leather, loaded, one owner $

04 04Dodge DodgeDurango DurangoSLT SLT 05 03 Limited 05Jeep JeepGrand GrandCherokee CherokeeLtd Ltd 17,995 03Ford FordExcursion Excursion17,995 Limited 17,995 Lthr,Lthr, Loaded, Leather, loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,just justserviced serviced

05 05Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS Leather, Leather,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean


9,995 9,995

08 08Jeep JeepPatriot Patriot



13,995 13,995

07 07Pontiac PontiacTorrent Torrent

12,995 12,995

10 10Nissan NissanVersa Versa

Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,low lowmiles miles

13,995 13,995

2011 Ford Ranger XLT Supercab, 4x4, V-6, 7k miles $


06 06Mercedes MercedesC230 C230

10 10Toyota ToyotaCorolla CorollaLE LE


06 06Nissan NissanAltima Altima2.5S 2.5S $$

13,995 13,995

14,995 14,995

13,995 13,995


Auto, Auto,like likenew, new,save savebig! big!


Auto, Auto,only only6k6kmiles miles


2004 Ford Lighting Loaded, 40K miles, extra clean $

10 10Nissan NissanCube Cube

Moonroof, Moonroof,loaded loaded

Auto, Auto,air, air,power powerpkg, pkg,one oneowner owner

04 04Acura Acura3.2TL 3.2TL

$$ package, like new Loaded, power

11,995 11,995 $

Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner


13,995 13,995



2011 Ford Mustang Conv. Leater, auto $


06 06Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS

$$ loaded AWD moonroof, leather,

11,995 11,995 $

08 08Kia KiaSorento Sorento Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean

V6, like V6,auto, auto, likenew newNissan Rogue Leather, package, xtra clean, Leather,power power package,xtra xtraclean clean 2008Loaded, Loaded, xtra clean,must mustsee see Ford Edge 2009 SL

06 06Suzuki SuzukiGrand GrandVitara VitaraSport Sport

11,995 11,995

9,995 9,995

9,995 9,995

9,995 9,995

Loaded, see Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,must must see Suzuki Grand Vitara 2010 $$ $$ Auto, leather, loaded $





14,995 14,995

08 08Suzuki SuzukiGrand GrandVitara Vitara

Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner


14,995 14,995

2010 Ford Edge Limited 2012 Dodge Caravan Crew 2010 Honda CRV EX V6, Leather, CD/MP3 Loaded, extra clean Leather, moonroof, one owner 06 Nissan Murano 09 Mercury Milan 08 09 Mercury$Milan 08 08Mazda MazdaCX-7 CX-7 08Chrysler ChryslerSebring SebringConv. Conv.Ltd Ltd $ $06 Nissan Murano


Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,like likenew new


15,995 15,995

10 10Dodge DodgeJourney Journey


16,995 16,995 Loaded, extra clean $

10 10Ford FordE350 E350Van Van

12-passenger, 12-passenger,XLT XLTpkg, pkg,loaded loaded


18,995 18,995

10 10Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS

07 07Ford FordF150 F150Crew CrewCab Cab XLT XLTpkg, pkg,V8, V8,auto auto

19,995 19,995

10 10Honda HondaAccord Accord Only Only3k3kmiles, miles,auto, auto,like likenew new

21,995 21,995

17,995 17,995

V6, V6,auto, auto,loaded loaded


08 08Nissan NissanPathfinder Pathfinder Auto, Auto,3rd 3rdseat, seat,xtra xtraclean clean

21,995 21,995

07 07VW VWTouareg Touareg

Loaded, Loaded,must mustsee, see,priced pricedtotosell sell

19,995 19,995

2008 Infiniti G37 Coupe Loaded, leather, NAV., moonroof $




19,995 19,995

2012 GMC Terrain SLT V6, leather, moonroof, like new $

10 10Jeep JeepGrand GrandCherokee Cherokee


10 10Chevy ChevyCamaro CamaroLTLT

4x4, 4x4,loaded, loaded,priced pricedtotogo! go!


21,995 21,995

Auto, Auto,xtra xtraclean clean


22,995 22,995

2011 Lexus IS 250 2012 Dodge Charger R/T 2012 Ford Explorer Loaded, only Leather, loaded, Nav., extra1010 clean warranty 10 Ford SEL Lincoln 10 FordFlex Flex SEL5K miles LincolnMKZ MKZ Loaded, factory 08 Pilot 08 Rover 08Honda Honda PilotEX-L EX-L 08Land Land RoverLR3 LR3 Loaded, New Loaded,moonroof, moonroof,lthr, lthr,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean Newtires, tires,loaded, loaded,priced pricedtotosteal! steal! Leather, Loaded, Leather, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean Loaded,factory factorywarranty, warranty,like likenew new $ loaded, $ $

30,995 24,995 24,995


$$ $$ 30,995 25,995 24,995 25,995 25,995 31,995 24,995 25,995


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02 02Mazda MazdaMillennia Millennia Leather, Leather,sunroof, sunroof,only only50k 50kmiles miles


7,995 7,995

2012 Toyota Tacoma Loaded, extra clean, 3k miles $


02 02Acura AcuraMDX MDX

Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,xtra xtraclean clean

10,995 10,995

05 05Dodge DodgeRam Ram1500 1500SLT SLT


13,995 13,995

2012 Mitsubishi Spyder Convertible, loaded, like new $

20,995 06 06Cadillac CadillacCTS CTS

10 10Toyota ToyotaTacoma Tacoma

Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,must mustsee see

Auto, Auto,air, air,only only10k 10kmiles, miles,like likenew new


14,995 14,995

Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean 22,995

07 07Nissan NissanQuest Quest

07 07Ford FordEdge EdgeSE SE

Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,low lowmiles miles

18,995 18,995 Auto, loaded


06 06Dodge DodgeRam Ram2500 2500Crew CrewCab Cab 4x4, 4x4,only only34k 34kmiles, miles,like likenew new


20,995 20,995

19,995 19,995

2012 Ford Edge limited Loaded, leather, chrome wheels $ 10 10Nissan NissanMaxima Maxima3.5 3.5

XLT, XLT,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean


22,995 22,995

22,995 22,995

2011 Ford F-150 Lariat Supercab, leather, 07 Avalanche LTLT loaded 07Chevy Chevy4x4, Avalanche Leather,only only14k 14kmiles miles $Leather,

32,995 26,995 26,995



07 07Mazda MazdaRX8 RX8Coupe Coupe 6spd, 6spd,loaded, loaded,one oneowner owner


15,995 15,995

15,995 15,995

16,995 16,995

16,995 16,995


10 10Dodge DodgeGrand GrandCaravan CaravanSXT SXT

08 08Ford FordExplorer ExplorerXLT XLT

$$ Silverado LT 2012 Chevy Ext cab, like new $

Captain Captainseats, seats,dual dualpower powerdoors, doors,loaded loaded

18,995 18,995

3rd 3rdseat, seat,11owner owner


18,995 18,995

09 09Nissan NissanTitan TitanCrew CrewCab Cab

09 09Honda HondaAccord AccordEX EX

Auto, Auto,V8, V8,only only12K 12Kmiles miles

Loaded, Loaded,11owner owner



20,995 20,995

20,995 20,995

2012 Volvo XC70 Auto, leather, moonroof $


08 08Wrangler WranglerUnlimited UnlimitedSahara Sahara

08 08GMC GMCSierra Sierra1500 1500Crew CrewCab Cab

4x4, 4x4,Auto, Auto,hardtop, hardtop,must mustsee see

4X4, 4X4,Loaded, Loaded,one oneowner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean


24,995 24,995

2012 Chevy Tahoa LT


24,995 24,995

2011 Toyota Highlander Ltd

Sunroof, Mega Dual Sunroof,only only 400miles miles MegaCab, Cab,only only19k 19kmi, mi,11owner owner Dualmoonroof, moonroof,loaded, loaded,only only16k 16kmimi $ $400 $$ $$ 34,995 26,995 27,995 29,995 26,995 27,995 38,995 29,995

Extra clean, 10 11K miles DVD, leather, Moonroof 11 LTLT 07 MKS 11Chevy ChevyCamaro Camaro 07Dodge DodgeRam Ram2500 2500Laramie Laramie 10Lincoln Lincoln MKS




$ $

2012 Dodge Charger Loaded, priced to sell $

07 07Toyota ToyotaCamry Camry


09 09Ford FordF150 F150Super SuperCab Cab

Moonroof, Moonroof,auto, auto,xtra xtraclean clean

13,995 13,995

Leather, Leather,sunroof, sunroof,28k 28kmiles miles

2011 BMW 320 8i Loaded, auto, low mles, like new $






18,995 18,995

Auto, Auto,Extra ExtraClean, Clean,11Owner Owner

Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean

13,995 13,995

$ 2011 Mazda CX-9 $Touring Leather, loaded, V6 $

Power Powerside sidedoors, doors,loaded loaded


06 06VW VWBeetle BeetleConvertible Convertible

Only Only28k 28kmiles, miles,xtra xtraclean clean


Auto, Auto,air, air,one oneowner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean 23,995 22,995 Only Only21k 21kmiles, miles,loaded, loaded,11owner owner $$ $

16,995 16,995


12,995 12,995

Auto, Auto,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean


16,995 16,995


2012 Ford Taurus SEL 2008 Ford F-150 Lariat Loaded, like new Crew Cab, leather, one owner 08 08Honda Honda CRV 07 $CRV 07Jeep JeepWrangler WranglerXX $ 06 06Pontiac PontiacSolstice Solstice

2012 Hyndai Veloster Nav, rear camera, 6k miles 05 05 FordMustang MustangRoush Roush $Ford

Sales: M-F 8:30AM 8PM Sat 8:30AM 7PM Sales: Sales: M-F M-F 8:30AM 8:30AM --- 8PM 8PM ••• Sat Sat 8:30AM 8:30AM --- 7PM 7PM Service: M-F 7AM 6PM Sat 8AM 3PM Service: Service: M-F M-F 7AM 7AM --- 6PM 6PM ••• Sat Sat 8AM 8AM --- 3PM 3PM

12,995 12,995


14,995 14,995

05 05Lincoln LincolnTown TownCar CarSignature SignatureLtd Ltd

05 05Toyota ToyotaSienna SiennaLE LE

2012 Chevy Colorado LT Z-85 Crew cab auto, loaded $


10,995 10,995

10,995 10,995

07 07MINI MINICooper Cooper

Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,xtra xtraclean clean


13,995 13,995



08 08Ford FordEscape Escape

06 06VW VWPassat Passat

Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,like likenew new


2011 Mazda CX-7 Loaded, extra clean, fac. warranty $


12,995 12,995 $


843-873-3550 843-873-3550 843-873-3550

7,995 7,995

Loaded, xtra Moonroof,lthr, lthr,like likenew, new,garage garagekept kept Loaded, xtraclean, clean,11owner owner Journey SXT 2009 Moonroof, Mini Cooper S $$ 3rd row, loaded$$ Moonroof, loaded, 15k miles $

Auto, xtra Auto, xtraclean clean 2012 Dodge

04 04Chevy ChevySilverado Silverado2500 2500HD HDLS LS

12,995 12,995

FORD • MERCURY FORD•MERCURY FORD•MERCURY FORD•MERCURY Your Lowcountry Headquarters Your Truck Your Lowcountry Lowcountry Truck Truck Headquarters Headquarters


06 06Honda HondaAccord AccordEX-L EX-L 18,995 05 05Ford FordF150 F150Crew CrewCab Cab 18,995 Loaded, Loaded,leather, leather,moonroof moonroof V8, V8,auto, auto,xtra xtraclean clean

05 05Chrysler ChryslerCrossfire CrossfireLtd Ltd

Auto, clean, Auto,xtra xtraToyota clean,one oneowner owner 2009 Tacoma $$ $$ Prerunner SR5 V6 $


7,995 7,995

2010 Ford Escape XLT V6, Auto, Loaded $


10 10Ford FordMustang MustangConvertible Convertible

08 08Suzuki SuzukiReno Reno

Low Lowmiles, miles,one oneowner owner


Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean

10,995 10,995



07 07Chrysler ChryslerPT PTCruiser Cruiser

6,995 6,995


2011 Ford Fusion SE Loaded, auto, leather, extra clean $

Touring, Touring,auto, auto,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean


$ $ 2011 Ford F-150 XLT

10 10Ford FordEscape EscapeXLT XLT $$

05 05Suzuki SuzukiVerona Verona Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,low lowmiles miles

08 08GMC GMCCanyon CanyonSLT SLT

17,995 17,995

2012 Nissan Altima 2.5S Auto, pwr package, only 10k miles $



Crew CrewCab CabZ85 Z85

MSRP MSRP$34,000. $34,000.Includes Includes$4500 $4500Rebate Rebate$1,000 $1,000FMC FMCdealer, dealer, $500 $1,000trade tradeasst. asst. $500military militaryrebate, rebate,$2000 $2000cash/trade, cash/trade,$1,000

2011 Nissan Sentra SR Loaded, auto,15k miles $

16,995 16,995

2009 $ Infiniti G37 $ Leather, moonroof, one owner $

Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,priced pricedtotosell sell




10 10Toyota ToyotaCamry CamryLELE

$$ 2011 Nissan Maxima Loaded, only 8k miles $

Leather, Leather,full fullpower power

17,995 17,995

2010 Ford Sports Trac XLT Leather, moonroof, 25k miles $


15,995 15,995

15,995 15,995

$$2011 Toyota Sienna $$ Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,SAVE SAVEBIG BIG

V6, V6,auto, auto,loaded, loaded,better betterthan thannew new 22,995 Leather, 21,995 Leather,moonroof, moonroof,xtra xtraclean clean $$ $$

Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,sunroof, sunroof,xtra xtraclean clean




V8, V8,auto, auto,power powerseats, seats,power power locks, locks,AM/FM/CD, AM/FM/CD,driver’s driver’spackage, package, SYNC, SYNC,&&trailer trailertow, tow,&&much muchmore. more.

00 00Ford FordF150 F150Ext ExtCab Cab

00 00Saturn SaturnSL1 SL1

Auto, Auto,air, air,xtra xtraclean clean

Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,must mustsee see


2011 Toyota Corolla Auto, loaded, 4k miles $

2007 Chrysler 300C Leather, pwr pkg, moonroof $



AWD, Starting at at moonroof, leather, 1 owner Starting

Auto, Auto,cruise/tilt, cruise/tilt,air, air,power powerpackage, package, AM/FM/CD, AM/FM/CD,Mykey Mykey&&much muchmore. more. MSRP MSRP$22,995. $22,995.Incldues Incldues$2000 $2000rebate, rebate,$500 $500 Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade



Auto, Auto,air, air,power powerpackage, package, tilt, Mykey&&much muchmore. more. tilt,Mykey

2008 Ford Mustang V6 Deluxe Coupe $




Air AirConditioning, Conditioning,tilt tiltsteering steeringwheel, wheel,power power doorlocks/remote doorlocks/remotekeyless, keyless,ABS ABSbrakes brakes


2004 Chevy Avalanche Z66 Leather, moonroof, extra clean $

Starting Startingat at



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