Joint Base Charleston, S.C.
Vol. 4, No. 30
Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!
Friday, August 23, 2013
New runway opens at Joint Base Charleston Wing commanders leave their mark
U.S. Air Force photos / Tech Sgt. Rasheen Douglas
Col. Darren Hartford, 437th Airlift Wing commander, and Col. James Fontanella, 315th Airlift Wing commander, perform a touch-and-go Aug. 16, 2013, on the newly opened runway at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. (Inset) The first skid marks from a touch-and-go are emprinted on the pavement of the newly opened runway from the C-17 flown by Hartford and Fontanella. The newly constructed runway is 9,000-feet long and 150-feet wide and 18-inches thick at a cost of approximately $40 million. The runways at Joint Base Charleston are part of a dual-use airfield and are shared with the Charleston County Aviation Authority and private industry. The new runway will be capable of supporting Air Force mission requirements and also serve the local community. In addition, the project added high efficiency LED lighting fixtures, improved infrastructure for navigational aids and an updated aircraft arresting system used to safely recover fighter aircraft experiencing mechanical issues.
Teddy’s Child Watch available at 628 MDG
Story and illustration by Airman 1st Class Chacarra Neal Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
INSPIRATION CERT trains local teens See page 4
Hullinger named Care Provider of Year See page 3
UEI COUNTDOWN 102 Days Begins December 2, 2013
Weekend Weather Update
Teddy's Child Watch, a program designed to alleviate the stress of parents and guardians who need child care during medical appointments, is available at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. The current hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Teddy's Watch provides short-term staff supervision to well children ages 6 weeks through 11-years old. Parents must fill out a registration form and supply an updated immunization record. Parents must also provide a beverage, diapers or a change of clothes if their child is potty training. Teddy's staff is not licensed so children are not allowed to have food during their stay. "Having a child's waiting room allows parents and guardians to accomplish medical services while being assured that their child's health, safety and well-being is protected," said Tina Fletcher, 628th Medical One year old Maxwell Shaw, son of Tech. Sgt. Michael Shaw, 437th Aerial Port Squadron cargo processing supervisor, plays at the Joint Base Charleston medical group's Teddy's Child Group Teddy's Child Watch program manager. Teddy's Watch is funded by the Armed Services Watch center while his mom attends a medical appointment Aug. 20, 2013, at Joint Base Young Men's Christian Association, receiving a $25,000 Charleston - Air Base, S.C. Teddy's Child Watch provides short-term staff supervision to well children ages 6 weeks through 11 years old. The purpose of Teddy's Watch is to help allevigrant annually that pays for salaries and supplies. ate the stress of parents and guardians trying to find child care during medical appointments. Teddy's Watch is one of four known programs You can assure that their child's health, safety and well-being are protected. established through the ASYMCA. While the Airman and Family Branch which oversees the child devel"Our program is somewhat unique in that the ASYMCA does not have opment center is not responsible for the program they have been very helpa physical presence in South Carolina," said Fletcher. "So while the ful in offering consultation and advice when needed. ASYMCA actually runs and manages the programs at other installations, The program cares for 30 to 60 children per month, and has cared for here they provide the funding and leave direct oversight to the 628th more than 700 children since debuting in 2012. MDG." Teddy's has two full time staff employees and only three volunteers. Teddy's Watch takes the relevant guidance available for running a child "We are always looking for more volunteers," said Fletcher. "It takes care center and adopts those elements that are applicable, such as the guidabout two months to get you approved." ance for physical facility standards and background checks for staff and The 628th Medical Group provided information for this article. volunteers.
Friday, August 23
Col. McComb hosts last commander's call
Isolated T-Storms (30% precip)
High 90º Low 74º
Saturday, August 24
Scattered T-Storms (50% precip)
High 86º Low 71º
Sunday, August 25
Isolated T-Storms (30% precip)
High 86º Low 68º
U.S. Air Force photos / Tech. Sgt. Rasheen Douglas
Col. Richard McComb, Joint Base Charleston commander, addresses Airmen during his commander's call Aug. 16, 2013, at the Base Theater, on JB Charleston - Air Base, S.C. McComb reviewed the installation strategic plan with the wing and noted progress toward strategic goals. He held his last commander's call to speak on accomplishments made during his tenure, impending changes to be made and challenges to face in the days to come.
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Change of command season
The Patriot • August 23, 2013
Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot
The Joint Base Charleston Patriot is published by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DOD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs offices of both bases reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed to be against DOD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.
The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Patriot staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.
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Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Patriot can be reached at: 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, Room 312. Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963-3464 Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd., Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154. E-mail to: All news releases should be sent to this address.
Editorial Staff
Joint Base Charleston commander Col. Richard McComb Public Affairs Officer Capt. Frank Hartnett Patriot Editor Senior Airman Tom Brading Assistant Editor Eric Sesit
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Commander’s Action Line 963-5581 Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline 963-5550
Inspector General’s Office 963-3553 / 963-3552
Commentary by Lt. Cmdr. Anthony Seifert 841st Transportation Battalion deputy commander
To all Airmen, Sailors and Soldiers, be it known that Summer is traditionally known for two things: hot temperatures and a bevy of change of commands. This is a time of cleaning out your spaces and sprucing up the surroundings to put on a show of how perfect things are at your command. Your old boss is ready to move on to their next challenge. They have worked hard and are coasting down-hill in their final days, so the tensions are likely low at command meetings and social gatherings. You have figured out the daily to monthly schedule or "battle rhythm" and the requirements are usually not much different than what was planned. Command morale is great and
you are thinking of re-enlisting or extending in beautiful, perfect Charleston. Charleston, your new boss says, "is where I am going to make my mark. It is where I am going to ensure I make flag. It is the place where I can make a difference and apply all my skills that I have attained prior to taking command." That means that you are in for some change! Not just any change that you may be use to, but significant change from the once leisurely, comfortable command that you have grown to love and support for the past several years. Days grow longer, requirements get piled on top of requirements, and you start watching your leave build up as you wait for a much needed vacation. The command suddenly needs to be "fixed," the font you use on Power Point is all wrong, the freshly painted buildings need to be
Diamond Tip: Why am I here?
By Senior Master Sgt. Jack Fox 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron first sergeant
Why am I here? Recently, I had to ask myself this question. I had become so caught up in the day-to-day administrative process, work, school, family and personal issues that I lost focus on the reason I am here. Fortunately I am surrounded by the best people in the world, between my outstanding first sergeant peers, members of my squadron and all of my fellow wingman across Joint Base Charleston. From within this group, I received a needed gut check and remembered the reason I am here is to be a servant leader. What is a servant leader? It's really very simple; a servant leader is someone who practices the idea of first serving, then leading people. This philosophy was developed by Robert Greenleaf in the 1970s. He stated, "Servant leaders serve the people he/she leads." This implies that your people are an end in themselves rather than just a means to a finished product, organizational purpose or bottom line.
To remind myself of this, I thought about our second core value: service before self. Then I remembered the term sergeant originated from the Latin term serviēns and literally means to serve. Does "I joined the Air Force to serve my country" ring a bell?" I looked up the definition of service and found Merriam Webster defines it as "the contribution to the welfare of others." I don't think there is a better definition than this one. Now back to Greenleaf's philosophy. He offered 10 keys to servant leadership: 1. Listening: effective communication is critical and receiving the message is the key. 2. Empathy: understanding the feelings of others and being able to feel how other people feel. 3. Healing: a willingness to help other people solve their own problems. 4. Awareness: being observant, perceptive and sensitive to changes. 5. Persuasion: to influence with openness and honesty, not to manipulate in order to get
things done. 6. Conceptualization: seeing the big picture. 7. Foresight: visualizing long term outcomes of current plans and operations. 8. Stewardship: caring for individuals and the job (mission) while simultaneously building a strong team. 9. Commitment: deliberately developing future leaders and assisting them achieve results. 10. Building a community: every individual knows what the goal is and they have an important part in its achievement. This list is not all inclusive. As long as serving people is the outcome it does not matter how you get there. I would recommend taking what you can use from this list and or coming up with your own ideas of serving others. The bottom line resonates in a familiar saying that goes, "take care of the people first, and the people will take care of the mission." To my fellow first sergeants, squadron members and JB Charleston teammates, thanks for the reminder. I needed it.
Navy's training headquarters' civilians part of SAPR 'One Team, One Fight' By Ed Barker Naval Education and Training Command Public Affairs
PENSACOLA, Fla. – As part of the training ensuring every member of the Department of the Navy team understands that Sexual Assault in all forms is unacceptable, civilian staff members from the Naval Education and Training Command is conducting Sexual Assault Prevention and Response training Aug. 20. - Sept. 18. Sexual Assault Prevention: One Team, One Fight is mandatory training for all DON civilians and must be completed before Oct. 1. The training is designed to meet Congressional, Department of Defense and DON requirements as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. Opening the One Team, One Fight training is a video which includes an introduction by Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus: "This important training program is critical to the success of our Department of the Navy as a safe and secure work environment - that's true for all Sailors, Marines and civilians; we're all a team. But there's a problem that affects our safety and our mission readiness and I'm talking about sexual assault. On average, three sexual assaults are reported every single day. And that isn't the whole story, because a lot of sexual assaults go unreported. Sexual assault is real and it is a crime. It violates our military code of conduct and there's
absolutely no place in our Navy and Marine Corps for sexual assault, period. Sexual assault harms team morale. It erodes the trust that binds our organization together, it undermines our operational readiness, and it tarnishes our reputation. It also violates the trust of the families who have placed the well-being and safety of their family members in our hands. As secretary, I'm personally committed to eliminating sexual assault throughout the DON, because we are a family. It's up to all of us to protect each other." Mike Stahl, SAPR program manager for NETC, is coordinating the civilian training at headquarters and throughout the domain. Stahl also serves as one of the facilitators for the headquarters training. "We have more than 4,000 civilians working side-by-side with our military members at NETC activities, so it's vital to include them in this important effort," said Stahl. "Civilians are an integral part of our training and education culture, and they need to be armed with the same type of information which was provided to our service members during the SAPR standdown, SAPR Leadership and Fleet training sessions." The civilian SAPR training is approximately 90-minutes long and consists of 30-minutes of video followed by guided group discussion. Class size is designed to average 30 participants, with multiple classes scheduled to include all civilians. In addition to two facilitators, an area Sexual Assault Response Coordinator or a SAPR Victim
To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit Or search for Diggle Publishing Company on Facebook! DUI CONDITION:
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repainted a different color, the pencils are not sharp enough, blah, blah, blah. Oh yeah - and we must do all of this with a 30 percent budget cut! This is all new, but really the same when you think about it. New boss, new expectations, new missions, new budgets ... CHANGE! That is all we are really talking about. The military is always changing and most of the time, it is for the better. We need change. We need new eyes, new ideas and new opinions. The Marines say it best, "Improvise, adapt and overcome!" "Too easy" my sergeant major tells me. "We've got to rise up and move on." In corporate America, the evolving businesses are the ones that succeed. I guess they figured it out from the military.
# of Days Since Last JB Charleston DUI - 14 (August 2, 2013) Total # of DUIs for JB Charleston 2013 - 8
Airmen Against Drunk Driving: Wingmen Saving Lives
Joint Base Charleston’s Airmen Against Drunk Driving offers free, confidential rides home. To volunteer, email
Advocate is present during the sessions to provide support to any sexual assault survivors in the audience. Anne Ballensinger, SAPR victim advocate from the Naval Air Station Pensacola Fleet and Family Support Center, participated in the training. Ballensinger is often the first one to take the call that a sexual assault has taken place. "This new training is provided to ensure that every member of DON understands that sexist behaviors, sexual harassment, and sexual assault are not tolerated, condoned or ignored," said Ballensinger. "Every member must be treated with dignity and respect; all allegations of inappropriate behavior must be taken very seriously; and victim privacy must be protected while treating them with utmost sensitivity. Additionally, bystanders must be motivated to step in and intervene in a situation that doesn't seem right while we hold offenders accountable for committing these crimes." Additional information and resources to combat sexual assault are available at Sexual assault affects Navy readiness, and the Navy is committed to preventing sexual assault. Join the Navy's conversation about sexual assault on social media and help raise awareness by using #NavySAPR. For additional information about the Naval Education and Training Command, visit or
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Every day, children are sexually solicited online. You don’t know what your kids are saying online. Or who they are saying it to. A lot of times neither do they. So get involved. To protect your kid’s online life or report an incident, call 1-800-THE LOST or visit HDOP: help delete online predators
The Patriot • August 23, 2013
FCC provider of the year named
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U.S. Air Force photo / Sherian Vickers
Lt. Col. Michael Moyles, 628th Mission Support Group deputy commander, presents Amanda Hullinger, wife of Tech. Sgt. John Hullinger, 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, the 2013 Family Child Care Provider of the Year award for Joint Base Charleston. A certified provider for more than two years, Hullinger currently cares for several children ages 7 months through early school age at her private residence through the Air Force Family Child Care Program. For information about FCC on base, call Sherian Vickers, JB Charleston FCC coordinator at 963-2547.
AF announces PT test enhancements to start Oct. 1
By Staff Sgt. David Salinitri Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs
WASHINGTON – Air Force senior leadership announced enhancements to the Air Force’s Physical Fitness Assessment program, to be implemented Oct. 1. In a letter to Airmen Aug. 20, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh III explained the results of the comprehensive review, highlighting the strength of the program and the need for slight improvements. “We have a tremendous program that has fundamentally changed the Air Force’s overall fitness level over the past few years,” Welsh said. “The PFT itself is not going to change. But even the best program can be improved upon, so we are making changes in four different areas to enhance the overall program.”
Of the changes coming Oct. 1, the most significant is to the abdominal circumference portion of the test. The AC assesses an Airman’s body composition. Since the Air Force implemented the newest fitness program guidelines in October 2010, only .03 percent of Airmen have failed the AC portion of the test and passed the other three components with a composite score of 75 or higher. “In the future, if an Airman fails the AC portion of the test, and passes each of the other three components, we’ll measure that Airman using the Body Mass Index taping guidance in DoD instructions,” Welsh said. “If the Airman meets the DoD BMI standard, they pass the PFT.” Because AC measurement is integrated into the testing procedure, the Air Force is currently the only branch of the Department of Defense not required to have a separate weight management program.
The other program modifications include realigning the fitness appeal process back to wing commanders, adjusting passing standards for Airmen who can only test on one component of assessment, and changing and simplifying the walk test. In addition to these efforts, senior leaders are reviewing how fitness performance is documented on performance reports as part of a larger effort to examine the performance report itself. Those results are expected in the near future. Though senior leaders are looking to improve the current fitness program, Welsh said he is proud of the Air Force program, and the physically fit culture it has helped to cultivate. “I believe we have DOD’s best designed, best run fitness program, and as a result, we have a force ready for any mission our nation asks us to execute,” he said. “I’m extremely proud of how far we’ve come with our fitness culture.”
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The Patriot • August 23, 2013
A Beautiful Place On The Ashley River To Honor And Memorialize Veterans
CERT program inspires local teens as first responders By Senior Airman Tom Brading Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
The Teen CERT program is a Community Emergency Response Team. Interested youth ages 14 through 20 years old can become a part of a unique exploration program that prepares and trains for basic disaster response skills (fire safety, light search & rescue, etc.) The organization's message is to train, educate and inform teens in the South Carolina counties of Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester. In addition, their mission is to let local teens (including military) experience the pride and responsibility as serving as a first responder. "This program is a great way to give
back to our younger generation and help them see there are many opportunities to succeed in life and help others doing so," said Staff Sgt. James Sweet, 437th Operations Support Squadron combat crew operations. "I have been part of this group for a short period of time, but since joining as an advisor, there is no better feeling than watching those you mentor making good life decisions." Whether you want to be part of an Emergency Service Career Field or not, this group will benefit teenagers by building leadership skills, social skills and receive important training such as CPR and how to prepare for any natural disaster. "We are really trying to expand our group, both in certified teens and advisors,
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so we can support Charleston PD special events, after school activities (Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester) counties for parents who cannot commit to drive their children everywhere and just build a diverse friendship," said Sweet. Group meetings are held every second and fourth Thursday of every month at 180 Lockwood Boulevard, Charleston, S.C. from 5 to 7 p.m. to discuss news and special events within the group. Right now the organization is getting ready to start up a new Teen CERT course late September to early October. To get a more in depth look on our mission and goals you can go to and/or LIKE our Facebook page 'Teen CERT Explorer Post 911'
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National Guard (in Federal status) and Reserve activations increase
From the U.S. Department of Defense
The, Navy Reserve announced this week a decrease in activated National Guard members and reservists, while the Army National Guard, Army Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, the Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve and the Coast Guard Reserve announced an increase of activated reservists. The net collective result is 194 more activated National Guard members and reservists in comparison to last week. At any given time, services may activate some units and individuals while deactivating others, making it possible for these
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figures to either increase or decrease. The total number currently on active duty from the Army National Guard and Army Reserve is 36,867; Navy Reserve, 4,303; Marine Corps Reserve, 2,349; Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve, 7,161; and the Coast Guard Reserve, 541. This brings the total National Guard and reserve personnel who have been activated to 51,221, including both units and individual augmentees. A cumulative roster of all National Guard and reserve personnel who are currently activated may be found online at
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Trouble sleeping? VA has an app for that By Reynaldo Leal U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Why did the man run around his bed all night? To catch up to his sleep. My son thought this joke was so funny he repeated it for days. Although I chuckled every time he yelled the punch line at me, I couldn’t help but feel he was unconsciously talking about me. Years after the end of my 2006 deployment to Iraq I was still that person frantically trying to “catch up” to the rest I needed. Like an estimated 50-70 million other Americans, and an estimated 75 percent of Veterans, I suffer from occasional bouts of insomnia and have trouble getting enough sleep. While images and thoughts from my time at war seldom invade my thoughts anymore, the pressures of work and family have more
than taken their place. The good thing is that insomnia can be addressed with professional care, exercise and good sleep hygiene. To make sure veterans have the tools they need to improve their quality of rest, VA has set up programs to combat sleep disorders stemming from PTSD or traumatic brain injuries, including sleep clinics located at VA health facilities across the country. What I’ve seen is that as our lives become busier (and more connected) it can be hard to stay on top of our need for good rest. That’s why VA’s National Center for PTSD has partnered with DoD’s National Center for Telehealth and Technology to create the CBT-i Coach app. Designed to help veterans get the right amount of rest, the free app can be used to track daily sleep and set up
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reminders and alarms to change bad bedtime habits. While CBT-i Coach is not a substitute for professional care or therapy, it is a good way to evaluate the way you look at sleep. A feature I find incredibly useful is the guided meditation recordings. Although it may seem somewhat outside the mainstream at first, the narrator’s calming voice leads you through exercises that are a great way to let go of those pesky thoughts telling you to worry about something. I’ve used this feature every day since downloading the app to wind down after a long day. While apps developed by VA can put you on the right track to a good night’s sleep Veterans are encouraged to contact their local VA health facility and inform their doctors of any sleep disorders they’re experiencing.
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The Patriot • August 23, 2013
Leadership recognizes Navy augmentees
U.S. Navy photo / Petty Officer 1st Class Chad Hallford
Col. Richard McComb, Joint Base Charleston commander, Master Chief Joseph Gardner Naval Support Activity Charleston command master chief and Chief Master Sgt. Earl Hannon, 628th Air Base Wing command chief commend 23 members of the auxiliary security forces during an all hands call at Storm Pointe Conference Center Aug. 16, 2013 at JB Charleston – Weapons Station, S.C. The 23 Sailors, from Naval Nuclear Power Training Command, augmented the 628th Security Forces Squadron’s ability to provide coverage and control at the gate access points throughout JBC for the past two months.
Joint Base Charleston Exchange shoppers invited to 'Sound Off'
By Joe Puryear Army & Air Force Exchange Service Public Affairs
The Army & Air Force Exchange Service is constantly seeking opportunities to improve on the Exchange benefit. As part of this effort, the Department of Defense's oldest and largest Exchange service relies on an ongoing Customer Satisfaction Index to provide localized, real time snapshots of the job Exchange facilities are doing to improve the value of the support provided to military members and their families.
The survey, which addresses customer service, pricing, sales associate availability, merchandise assortment and many more key issues, is administered at half of Exchange main stores twice a year. JB Charleston shoppers' opportunity to participate in the 2013 Customer Satisfaction Index is Aug. 31 through Sept. 21. During this time, troops and their families are encouraged to visit the Exchange to provide feedback on locally available services. Beyond improving the Exchange benefit, shoppers who participate will also receive a coupon worth $5 off their
next purchase at the Exchange. "We want to hear from as many JB Charleston shoppers as possible," said Mary Anderson-Taylor, the Exchange's assistant store manager. "Efforts like the CSI are critical to not only improving the shopping experience, but also bolstering the dividend the Exchange annually delivers to the community as healthy exchange operations produce greater returns for Air Force quality of life programs."
the mid-air incident. On Aug. 14, the MDSU 2 ASP found and recovered aircraft debris using a remote operated vehicle. With the crash site located, the ASP turned over the operation to Navy Divers from Mobile Diving and Salvage Company 2 - 4 who arrived on Grasp after a small-boat transfer. The MDS Company 2 - 4 divers began surface-supplied diving operations Aug. 16, and recovered part of the aircraft from the ocean floor by using a basket to raise large pieces of the jet from a depth of 107 feet. The next day, the divers recovered the flight data recorder, commonly referred to as the "black box." Diving operations ended Aug. 19, after recovering key debris. The remnants of the aircraft and the flight data recorder are being transferred to Joint Base Andrews for examination by the Air Force's Safety Investigation Board. "I'd like to thank the Sailors, Navy Divers and civilian mariners for their cooperation and expertise at locating and recovering the aircraft, including the flight data recorder," said Brig. Gen. Marc Sasseville, commander, 113th Wing,
D.C. Air National Guard. "These key items will help us to understand what happened and what we can do to prevent a similar occurrence." MDSU 2 is an expeditionary mobile unit homeported at Joint Expeditionary Base, Little Creek-Ft. Story in Virginia Beach, Va., and has successfully conducted salvage operations to support TWA Flight 800, Swiss Air Flight 111, the space shuttles Challenger and Columbia, the I-35W Mississippi River bridge collapse in Minnesota, the Civil War ironclad USS Monitor, and recovery of a down military jet off the coast of Italy. USNS Grasp is crewed by U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command , which operates approximately 110 noncombatant, U.S. Navy civilian-crewed ships that replenish U.S. Navy ships, conduct specialized missions, strategically preposition combat cargo at sea around the world, and move military cargo and supplies used by deployed U.S. forces and coalition partners. For more news from Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2, visit
Navy Sailors, divers find and salvage downed F-16C From Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2 Public Affairs
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – Navy Sailors and Divers from Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit 2, embarked aboard the Navy's rescue and salvage ship USNS Grasp, found and salvaged a downed F-16 aircraft off the coast of Virginia, Aug. 6-20. The downed aircraft was one of two F-16 fighter jets from the 113th Wing, D.C. Air National Guard that clipped wings mid-air during a routine training mission 35 miles southeast of Chincoteague, Va., Aug. 1. The other aircraft involved in the incident was able to fly back to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland without further incident. The MDSU 2 Area Search Platoon 201 departed Virginia Beach, Aug. 6, and began seven days of search operations to find the aircraft. Staging out of Chincoteague Island, Va., the team of six Navy Sailors, led by Chief Petty Officer William Earp, conducted both towed and autonomous side-scan sonar searches of more than 10 square miles of ocean bottom, before locating the F-16 approximately three miles from the point of
The Patriot • August 23, 2013
Judge sentences Manning to 35 years of confinement From a Military District of Washington News Release
FORT MEADE, Md. – Army Pfc. Bradley Manning was sentenced Aug. 21, 2013, to 35 years of confinement, reduction to the lowest enlisted rank, a dishonorable discharge and forfeiture of all pay and allowances for his July 30 conviction on a variety of charges related to publication of government information on the WikiLeaks website. Army Col. Denise Lind, the presiding judge in Manning’s general court-martial, granted credit for time served of 1,182
days for pretrial confinement and 112 days of additional pretrial confinement credit. Manning was tried and sentenced by military judge alone by his request. He pleaded guilty to 10 separate offenses, but ultimately was found guilty of 20 offenses, including seven specifications of wrongful possession and transmission of national defense information, five specifications of theft of government information, two specifications of unauthorized access to a government computer and wrongful possession and transmission of protected government information, five
specifications of violation of lawful regulations related to his computer use and storage of classified information, and one specification of wrongful publication of U.S. intelligence information. The court-martial now is in the post-trial and appellate phase, in which the government will compile a complete and accurate record of the trial and review the findings and sentence, officials said. Manning has the right to petition the convening authority for clemency during the post-trial phase, they added.
Continue to serve through conversion
By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Andrea Perez Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs
MILLINGTON, Tenn. – Conversion programs allow Sailors from all walks of life to make a major job change and continue their Navy careers, officials said Aug. 21. Several Continuum of Service conversion programs that apply to eligible officer and enlisted Sailors who are currently serving on active duty or in the Reserves are outlined in NAVADMIN 198/13. To date, thousands of Sailors have converted to different ratings, allowing the Navy to keep Sailors who are committed to a career in the Navy. According to a new conversion status report on the Active Duty Conversions Web Page on, more than half of active duty conversion requests in 2013 have already been approved.
Applications for conversion can be submitted by detailers, command career counselors or anyone with prior access to FleetRIDE through the new Career Waypoint information technology system. A NAVPERS 5239/8 (SAAR Addendum) is required to access C-WAY. Active-duty enlisted Sailors, in conjunction with reenlistment applications submitted via the C-WAY-Reenlistment process, can voluntarily request to change ratings. Reserve Sailors, working with their CCC, can view and apply for a rating conversion through C-WAY-Conversion. Active-duty and Reserve officers interested in conversion can request a voluntary designator change. Requests for Reserve designator changes are considered continuously, while requests for AC designator changes are decided by a lateral transfer board twice a year. Per MILPERSMAN 1440-010, requests for conversion into ratings that are properly
U.S. Navy photo / Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Apprentice Edward Guttierrez III
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manned, will only be considered on a caseby-case basis and requests for conversion to overmanned ratings will not be considered. For more information, visit www.npc.
Seaman Tyler Todd plots a course for the amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) on the ship's bridge. Bonhomme Richard is the flagship of the Bonhomme Richard Amphibious Ready Group and, with the embarked 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, is conducting routine joint-force operations in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility. or www.npc. Career WaypointSystem.aspx.
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Retired Air Force Gen. David C. Jones, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who was also a chief of staff of the Air Force, passed away at age 92 on Aug. 10, 2013, at the Falcon’s Landing military retirement community in Potomac Falls, Va.
The Patriot • August 23, 2013
Capt. Sparks speaks with cadets
U.S. Navy photo / Petty Officer 1st Class Chad Hallford
U.S. Air Force photo
Joint Base Charleston Deputy Commander, Navy Capt. Timothy Sparks, speaks with 25 members of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadets, Hunley-Yorktown Division at the Good Shepherd Chapel at JB Charleston –Weapons Station, Aug. 10, 2013. The U.S. Navy provides mentors for the sea cadets, ages 10-17, and develops their skills by training in seagoing skills and instills values of patriotism, courage, self-reliance and other kindred virtues.
Former JCS Chairman, Air Force leader passes away From the Air Force News Service
community in Potomac Falls, Va. Jones served as the Air Force’s chief of WASHINGTON – Retired Air Force Gen. staff from 1974 to 1978 until he was appointDavid C. Jones, a former chairman of the ed as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Chiefs of Staff who was also a chief of where he served as the military’s top officer staff of the Air Force, passed away at age 92 until 1982. on Aug. 10 at the Falcon’s Landing military Jones was assigned to a bombardment retirement community in Potomac Falls, Va. squadron during the Korean War and he accuRetired Air Force Gen. David C. Jones, a mulated more than 300 hours on missions former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff over North Korea. who was also a chief of staff of the Air Force, In 1969, Jones served in Vietnam as deputy passed away at age 92 on Aug. 10, 2013, at commander for operations and then as vice the Falcon’s Landing military retirement commander of the Seventh Air Force. A graduate of the National War College, the general was awarded an honorary doctorate of humane letters degree from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 1974, Our Listed Price with This Ad! an honorary doctorate of laws AND Receive a 12 Month Nationwide Warranty. degree from Louisiana Tech Big Dealer Quality doesn’t have to cost you EXTRA University in 1975, and an for their 30 million dollar building and their 100 employees. honorary doctorate of humane YOU CAN get big dealer quality with little dealer prices at letters degree from Minot State College, Minot, N.D., in 1979. Jones was born in Aberdeen, S.D., and graduat615 Redbank Road, Goose Creek, SC 29445. ed from high school in Minot, 6 TIME REGIONAL QUALITY AWARD Winner. N.D., in 1939. He attended the University Every vehicle pre-inspected by ASE Certified mechanics prior of North Dakota and Minot to arriving at the lot for sale. A+ Better Business Bureau rating. Nationwide Warranty and Roadside assistance State College until the outsold at Cost for every vehicle. break of World War II. At that time, he entered the Army Air Lender approved: CPM, USAA, Navy Federal Credit Union, Corps, beginning aviation South Carolina Federal Credit Union, Security National, cadet training in April 1942. Chase, Ally (formally GMAC) and many more. Jones received his commisWe try to get everyone the best rates available. sion and pilot’s wings in We became dealers only because we were tired February 1943. of our military getting fleeced. Come see us today! At the time of his death, Jones was battling Parkinson’s disease. WWW.CHIEFSWHOLESALEAUTOS.COM Jones retired from the Air (843) 568-9856 • Open 7 Days a Week! Force on July 1, 1982.
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The Patriot • August 23, 2013
Answering the call: refueling the Spirit
U.S. Air Force photos / Airman 1st Class John Linzmeier
A B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber approaches the rear of a KC-135 Stratotanker in preparation to refuel during a training mission over Midwestern skies, Aug. 1, 2013. The B-2’s unique design has enabled it to travel into enemy territory without being detected by their radar to deploy ordinance. It is one of many aircraft for which McConnell’s tankers provide fuel. Capt. Kyle Cole, 334th Air Refueling Squadron instructor pilot, and Capt. Greg Barry, 349th Air Refueling Squadron instructor pilot descend a KC-135 Stratotanker for a “touch-andgo” landing. Touch-and-goes are landings executed with the immediate takeoff after landing to help pilots retain their flying proficiency.
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The Patriot â&#x20AC;¢ August 23, 2013
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The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ August 23, 2013
SAPR training held for leaders at NWS Charleston
U.S. Navy photo / Petty Officer 1st Class Chad Hallford
Stephen Thompson, associate professor and sexual aggression services director at Central Michigan University presents â&#x20AC;&#x153;No Zebras, No Excusesâ&#x20AC;? training to Joint Base Charlestonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Navy tenant commandsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; leadership at the Good Shepherd chapel, Aug. 7, 2013, at JB Charleston â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Weapons Station, S.C. This training, sponsored by the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office, takes a different perspective, utilizing the behavior of the Zebras as an overarching theme for this bystander education. In the wild, Zebras scatter when they are under attack and fail to defend the herd. The training event reminded all members of their duties to look after one another.
Petty Officer Selectee Leadership courses updated
By Susan Henson Center for Personal and Professional Development Public Affairs
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Updated versions of the Petty Officer Selectee Leadership courses have been released, said the courses' manager at the Center for Personal and Professional Development Aug. 20. Chief Aviation Boatswain's Mate Handling James Priest, manager of the courses, said that the changes were announced in Naval Administrative message 207/13 and applies to Petty Officer Selectee Leadership Course, Petty Officer Second Class Selectee Leadership Course, and Petty Officer First Class Selectee Leadership Course. "As the NAVADMIN said, we added Sexual Assault Prevention and Response and Combat/Operational Stress Control modules to the courses, per Chief of Naval Operations the Defense Department instructions, as well as the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012," he said. "Commands must update their curricula to ensure they are teaching the correct version of these courses to newly selected E-4 to E-6 petty officers." The NAVADMIN references the instructions, which directed the military services to include Sexual Assault Prevention and Response training and education in all leadership training and also that the training be tailored for each leadership level. The services
were additionally directed to ensure leaders serving at all levels understand Combat/Operational Stress Control Policy and management strategies. "Commands will need to go to NKO to download the updated courses, then follow the directions in the change letters to make the required changes to integrate the new content into the printed leadership course materials they already have. Or they can download the entire revised courses with the changes already made," Priest said. Capt. John Newcomer, CPPD's commanding officer, said the course revisions were a top priority for the CPPD curricula development team. "Our Training Directorate team members worked hard to deliver this revised content as soon as possible for fleet use," he said. "SAPR and OSC are both timely issues for the Navy to address. Completing these necessary course updates supports CPPD's goal to provide training that will equip Sailors to think critically, act responsibly and lead proactively to meet the ever changing global challenges our Navy faces every day." For more information about the Center for Personal and Professional Development (CPPD), visit,, and on Twitter @CENPERSPROFDEV.
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Rec Review
Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the
Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at
The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ August 23, 2013
The Patriot • August 23, 2013
August 23 / A "VA Benefits Briefing" will be held from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Learn about all your VA benefits in this briefing! If you are exempt from the TAP GPS Workshop, you will need this. Open to all Active Duty.
August 27 / A "Good Credit - I Want That!" class will be held from 1 to 2 p.m. Join us whether you are trying to build, fix, or maintain good credit. Learn what it takes to reach a great score.
All classes or events will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center (Building 500) unless otherwise specified. For more information, or to register for a class or event, please call 963-4406.
August 28 / A "Ten Steps to a Federal Job (Resume)" class will be held from 9 to 11 a.m. Learn to navigate the system and land your federal job! / A "Smooth Move" workshop will be held from 9:30 to11:30 a.m. Learn from experts how to prepare and PCS smoothly. / Two "Dress for Success: Professional Style" workshops will be held from noon to 2 p.m. for women, and from 2:15 to 3:45 p.m. for men. Learn your personality of style, the theory of color, how to dress for your body type, the levels of professional dress, the proper clothes and the proper fit.
August 29 / MANDATORY TAP Preseparation Briefings will be provided for Separatees from 8 to 11 a.m. and for Retirees from 11 a.m. to 2
August 27 / A Cooking on a Budget class is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Learn about your personal budgets and how to cook on a budget.
All classes or events will be held at the Fleet and Family Support Center at Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station (Building 755) unless otherwise specified. To register for a class or event, please call 764-7480.
/ Department of Veterans Affairs Benefits Briefers are available to assist all service members, veterans, and family members who may have questions about VA benefits and services they are eligible to receive. Appointments are available in one hour blocks from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and walk-ins are welcome. The Joint Base Charleston - Air Base office is located in building 503, room 106, and the number is 963-8224. The JB Charleston - Weapons Station office is located in building 302, room 108, and the number is 794-4304. / Transition GPS Week - Are you within 24 months of retirement? If so, it's time to sign up for a series of Transition GPS classes. The new curriculum allows retiring participants to attend all the workshops or just a select few. Separatees are still required to attend the first five days of the GPS workshop. Spouses are welcome to attend any or all workshops, subject to availability. / Free on-line tutoring service: for Military Families is the
DoD Camera
REALISTIC EXERCISE A airman walks down a hallway towards the flames during training at the Suffolk County Fire Academy in Yaphank, N.Y., Aug. 6, 2013. The airman is a firefighter assigned to the New York Air National Guard's 106th Rescue Wing on Gabreski Air National Guard Base in Westhampton Beach, NY. The firefighters reviewed basic skills in a realistic training environment under the eye of civilian firefighter trainers. LIGHTNING TEST An F-35B Lightning II aircraft prepares to take off from the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp during an F-35 developmental test event in the Atlantic Ocean, Aug. 14, 2013. The F-35B is the Marine Corps variant of the Joint Strike Fighter and is undergoing testing aboard the Wasp.
U.S. Air Force photo / Senior Airman Christopher S. Muncy
U.S. Navy photo / Andy Wolfe
p.m. DID YOU KNOW...per Public Law 107-103, in the case of anticipated retirement, retiring service members can receive pre-separation counseling up to 24 months prior to DOS? And a separating service member can receive pre-separation counseling up to 12 months prior to DOS. This is the first step in the process to making you "career ready" to leave the service; and this briefing/counseling is required prior to attending the TAP GPS Workshop.
August 30 / A Workshop for VA Disability Claims will be held from 8 a.m. to noon The VA representative will cover the VA claims and filing process. VA One-on-One Disability Claims Assistance will be provided from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. NOTE: Members (who do not have a copy of their medical records) must sign an authorization letter (authorizing the VA representative to obtain your medical records) at the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Clinic's Family Practice section. This letter must be signed NLT the Monday prior to the week's Friday VA One-on-One Assistance with Disability Claims that you plan to attend.
See more briefs at
To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.
Defense Department's official, online, on-demand tutoring and homework help service for military members and their families. The site, offers round-the-clock professional tutors who can assist with homework, studying, test preparation, proof-reading and more.'s network includes more than 2,500 professional tutors who have delivered more than six million, one-on-one tutoring sessions since 2001. Each tutor is certified through the site, and all sessions are recorded for quality control. The program can also be accessed through a free app for the iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad.
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/ Free on-line tutoring service: for Military Families is the Defense Department's official, online, on-demand tutoring and homework help service for military members and their families. The site, offers round-the-clock professional tutors who can assist with homework, studying, test preparation, proof-reading and more.'s network includes more than 2,500 professional tutors who have delivered more than six million, one-on-one tutoring sessions since 2001. Each tutor is certified through the site, and all sessions are recorded for quality control. The program can also be accessed through a free app for the iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad. HOMECOMING EMBRACE - Navy Lt. Cmdr. Charles Harris embraces his daughter during a homecoming celebration at Naval Air Station North Island in San Diego, Aug. 7, 2013. Harris is the Gold crew operations officer for the littoral combat ship USS Freedom. The ship's Blue crew relieved its Gold crew midway through the ship’s maiden deployment to the AsiaPacific region.
U.S. Navy photo / Petty Officer 2nd Class Daniel M. Young
U.S. Marine Corps photo / Cpl. Joseph Scanlan
ANTIARMOR TRAINING Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Pablo Ruiz, center, engages a target with an antiarmor weapon on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif., Aug. 12, 2013. Ruiz, a rifleman, is assigned to Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment. The company conducted platoon attacks, reinforced by a combined antiarmor team, mortar fire and machine gun fire. The exercise was as one of their last before deploying to support the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit.
Innovative programs keep MWR relevant
By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON – Military fitness centers, swimming pools, lodging facilities and outdoor recreation offices might sound to some like a footnote among competing budget requirements. But Ed Miles, DOD’s MWR policy director, and his counterparts across the military services see a close connection to military readiness. “We have a direct impact on the readiness and retention and resilience of the troops and their families,” Miles told American Forces Press Service. “When you have a healthy and fit force, it has absolute national security implications -- in terms of stress reduction, physical and emotional health and esprit de corps. Congress has long agreed, authorizing funds since 1989 to cover 85 percent of programs with the most direct link to readiness: fitness centers, community centers and library programs, among them, Miles explained. Amenities such as arts-and-crafts centers, outdoor recreation centers and youth programs that are less directly tied to readiness receive a lower authorization of 65 percent. Meanwhile, “nice-to-have” offerings such as military golf courses, bowling alleys, campgrounds, food and beverage services and similar services generally must be self-supporting, with user fees covering all costs and overhead. A variety of factors has thrown this formula off kilter, Miles said. With increased privatization, almost three-quarters of military families now live off installations and tap services and programs in their communities. Many, like their civilian neighbors, have fewer spare dollars to spend on recreation. And with sequestration putting a big dent in already-reduced MWR budgets, the military services find themselves struggling to provide quality-of-life programs and services to their members. The Air Force, along with the other services, are looking at other ways to keep MWR programs viable. They’re beginning to scale back operating hours at fitness centers to the Defense Department-mandated 90 hours per week. Patrons increasingly find themselves being asked to pay nominal fees for aerobics and other fitness classes taught by paid staffers. Library hours at many installations have been reduced to 40 hours a week. Most bases now operate just one pool to reduce lifeguard salaries and other overhead costs.
Outdoor recreation centers are considering charging rental fees for skis and other equipment, rather than the smaller maintenance fee charged in the past. Concerts and other special entertainment have been scaled back or cancelled altogether. Volunteers, long the backbone of many MWR services and programs, are putting in more time in fitness centers, family support centers and libraries as well as on intramural fields to cover personnel shortfalls. “It would be a lot tougher for our staff to deliver the quantity and quality of programs they do without those volunteers,” Miles said. “And with sequestration, we find that we are depending on them more than ever. Without our volunteers, we would be in a world of hurt.” Committed to preserving quality-of-life offerings despite ever-tighter budgets, military morale, welfare and recreation officials are scaling back in some areas as they introduce innovative approaches to delivering services and programs. Based on extensive surveys, the Air Force identified fitness, appropriated-fund dining facilities, youth and child care services, outdoor programs and libraries as its most important offerings, said Michael Bensen, the Air Force Personnel Center’s deputy director of services. In some cases, the services are trying new innovations to keep popular programs running. The Air Force, for example, is testing a pilot program at six bases that gives qualified users 24/7 access to fitness centers, even after the paid staff has left for the day. Based on the results, the initiative could be expanded to more bases, Bensen explained. The Navy is revamping its community recreation program to bundle services and programs at one location. A waterfront recreational area at Naval Base San Diego serves as a model, combining outdoor recreation services and the ticket booth for local tours and attractions under one roof, served by a central front desk. Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, initiated a similar concept, consolidating MWR activities under one overall manager. New partnerships are helping to keep services going despite budget cuts. In some cases, military patrons now get free or low-cost access to community or commercial services and programs that their installations no longer offer. For example, Joint Base Andrews in Maryland established
a partnership with a popular private-sector company that teaches rappelling, kayaking and other outdoor activities to military patrons. That saves the Air Force the cost of hiring its own instructors while ensuring “a quality experience at a reduced cost,” Bensen said. That mindset must continue to sustain morale, welfare and recreation programs through the current budget crunch, officials said. The result, they said, will have a direct impact on military readiness.
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The Patriot • August 23, 2013
Come Join the Fun at info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC" Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) For Moms with kids birth through kindergarten. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Old Fort Baptist Church, 10505 Dorchester RD. Summerville, SC 29485. Contact Heather Hansen 873-2283 for more information.
Hunting Season is here. Hunt Club memberships available for Big Ocean Hunt Club. Deer, during season, pig year round. Near McClellanville Club stands with feeders available or establish your own stand sites (3). Call Sid at 813-2672 or John at LINE-X 607-7200 .
See the Answers, Page 8
Home Day Care 6wks-4yrs full/part time/wkends/eves/hol. off Ashley Phos. Rd. call 568-8609 / 364-4140
3br/2ba home with an open FROG. Award-winning schools. Minutes from Boeing, Bosch, Joint Base Charleston. The backyard is huge,with lg deck. Call 843-718-7578
4BR 2BA RTO in Windsor Hill. Low down payment, tons of upgrades! $1195/mo. Curt 843-278-5454
MISC ITEMS FOR SALE Queen Pillowtop Mattress Set w/ warranty. $150! King for $225. Can Deliver $150 843-696-5712
Washer dryer sets $250/$350, stacker wash/dryer $400; kitchen dining sets $50/$200; dressers/chest drawers $50/$250. Call 452-2229 $395 Sofa & Love Seat, New in Plastic. Delivery Available, must Sell! 843-696-5712
Must Sell my gun collection. For a complete list, email Sell must conform to SC laws. 6 Pc. Cherry Bedroom Set with Mattress set, Still in the Box! $350! Delivery Available 843-696-5212
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KITCHEN CABINETS Beautiful. Never Installed. Cost $4800, Sell $1650. Call 843-856-4680. 5 Pc Dinette $148, New in Box. Coffee & End Tables $99, All New! Can Deliver if needed, 843-696-5212
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Crossword of the Week
CLUES ACROSS 1. Cape near Lisbon 5. Chew the fat 9. Time of the 90th meridian 12. 1982 planned city in Israel 13. Vehicle carrying passengers 14. Expression of surprise 15. Long range nuclear weapon 16. 2nd largest Muslim denomination 17. Mad Men’s Draper 18. Spanish artist Salvador 19. S.F. murdered mayor 20. Baby talk fathers 22. Religious discourse 24. Poet Dickinson 25. Emblem stamps 26. Competes 27. 40th state 28. Expects 31. In an ageless way 33. A person in religious orders 34. Pa’s partner 35. Two considered as a unit 36. NE 68770
9. Golf attendants 10. Large school of fish 11. Tanacetum vulgare 13. Lower jaw fronts 16. Burn without a flame 21. Cordiality 23. PBS drama theater 28. Mandela’s party 29. 42nd state 30. One who distributes alms 31. 20th C. playwright T.S. 32. Smallest state 33. Turn into lime 35. Spanish seafood dish 36. Language synonym Bura 37. Large-grained or rough to the touch 38. Understood by only a few 39. Thickened meat juices 40. Anjou and bartlett 41. Declare invalid 43. Molten metals surface scum 45. Bird reproductive bodies 48. Chronicles (abbr.)
39. Duple time dance 40. Greek myth’s 1st woman 42. Word element meaning right 43. Point that is one point E of SE 44. Common teen skin disease 46. 4th Caliph of Islam 47. Oblong cream puff 49. Phoned 50. Very low frequency 51. Guild Wars creatures 52. Cozy 53. Hooray! 54. Work units 55. Soft-finned fishes
CLUES DOWN 1. Foray 2 Killer whales 3. Television systems 4. Marvel at 5. Connected spirals 6. Moroccan outer garment 7. Play a role 8. ____ Daniel Webster
T: 4.625 in
T: 10 in
the doctor will hear you now
want better health care? start asking more questions. to your doctor. to your pharmacist. to your nurse. what are the test results? what about side effects? don’t fully understand your prescriptions? don’t leave confused. because the most important question is the one you should have asked. go to or call 1-800-931-AHRQ (2477) for the 10 questions every patient should ask. questions are the answer.
360 West Maple Road Birmingham, MI 48009 248-203-8000 Client: ad council
Job #: PROB ADCO 2M 70145
Ad #: 70145C
Ad Description: better health care? “the doctor will hear you now” MAGAZINE
Unit: thin vertical Colors: 4c Safety (Live): None Bleed Size: None Non-Bleed Size: 4.625 in x 10 in
Art Director: M. Limbert Copywriter: M. Soldan
Line Screen: 133 Engraver: McGraphics
Publication(s) & Insertion Date(s): —
Route #: 1 Studio Designer: Rex.Gustafson Print/Export Time: 3/8/07 6:32 PM Last Save Time: 2/22/07 1:37 PM Document Name: 70145C.indd
Account Coordinator: B. Charette Production: T. Burland
Font Family: Helvetica Neue
Links: AYP0705216_stethoscope_CMYK3c_Final.eps, horizontalcolBW_V1.eps, AClogo_blk.eps
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