08-28-2015 The Patriot (Joint Base Charleston)

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Joint Base Charleston, S.C.

Vol. 6, No. 32

Patriot Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!

Friday, August 28, 2015

U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class Clayton Cupit

The USNS Lewis and Clark (T-AKE-1) waits for a cargo upload while docked Aug. 25, 2015, at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station Wharf Alpha, S.C. The Lewis and Clark is a replenishment naval vessel. In 2012, USNS Lewis and Clark became one of 12 ships that comprise the United States Marine Corps Maritime Prepositioning Program. Prepositioning ships provides quick and efficient movement of military equipment/supplies between operating areas without reliance on other nations' transportation networks. These ships assure U.S. regional combatant commanders they will have what they need to quickly respond in a crisis - anywhere, anytime. See more photos on Page 7.

AF Senior leaders give State of the Air Force address By Senior Airman Hailey Haux Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs Command Information

allies would like the Air Force to operate with them in multiple types of scenarios. "Being able to train side by side with them and do that kind of training is really important to us," he said. "This is a natural evolution in bringing our best air-to-air capaWASHINGTON – Secretary of the Air Force bility in to train with partners who have been long and Deborah Lee James and Chief of Staff of the Air trusted ones." Force Gen. Mark A. Welsh III held a State of the Air James also discussed the fight against the Islamic State Force address at the Pentagon, Aug. 24. of Iraq and the Levant where the Air Force has executed The first topic of discussion was about Airman 1st nearly 70 percent of the air strikes and flown more than Class Spencer Stone's heroic actions aboard a train in 48,000 sorties supporting operations in Iraq and Syria. France. James briefed that Stone's unit will be nominat"We are now one year into Operation Inherent ing him for the Airman's Medal. Resolve," James said. "We've said from the start this "American Airmen bind themselves to a set of core would be a multi-year fight requiring political, economic, values: integrity first, service before self and excelU.S. Air Force photo / Scott M. Ash lence in all we do," James said. "Airman Stone and Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James provides an update with Air and military actions. We've made good progress with our his friends personified 'service before self.' Their Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III on current Air Force operations strategy of deny, disrupt, and ultimately defeat. Thanks to airpower, we denied their advances and have completely fearlessness, courage, and selflessness inspire us all." during a press briefing in the Pentagon, Aug. 24, 2015. disrupted their tactics, techniques, and procedures." In her opening statement, James pointed out the The secretary went on to say the Air Force is still the greatest on the planet because of its Airmen. many achievements the Air Force has made such as responding to an Ebola outbreak in West "America expects an Air Force that can fly, fight and win against any adversary," James Africa, providing humanitarian relief in Nepal, maintaining ongoing commitments in Afghanistan and in the Pacific, and reassuring allies in Europe in the face of a resurgent Russia. said. "We must continue to give our nation the Air Force capability it needs today and well into James announced an upcoming training exercise that will involve an F-22 Raptor deploy- the future. This will only occur by properly investing in our Airmen and our capabilities." James and Welsh then answered a multitude of questions from media on a wide-range of topics. ment to Europe. Welsh highlighted the advanced aircraft's capabilities saying that European

AF Community Partnership Program JB Charleston Tabletop Exercise


Lt. Col. Ralph Taylor, 628th Mission Support Group deputy commander, and Col. Robert Lyman, Joint Base Charleston commander (inset), begin the Air Force Community Partnership Program Joint Base Charleston Tabletop Exercise, August 26, 2015 at Trident Tech College in North Charleston, S.C. The JB Charleston TTX was the culmination of several planning meetings where a core group of installation and community leaders shared information on existing partnerships, organizational needs and capabilities/resources and identified potential partnering opportunities to reduce operating and service costs or reduce risks, while retaining or enhancing quality. The exercise served as a forum for members of the installation and local communities to engage in focused discussions related to the concept of partnering and clearly identify the next steps required to make the opportunities become reality.

Electrical outage planned for Labor Day


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181 senior Airmen advance


U.S. Air Force photos / Staff Sgt. AJ Hyatt

A Working Group discusses the values, benefits and challenges of a specific topic during the Air Force Community Partnership Program Joint Base Charleston Tabletop Exercise, August 26, 2015 at Trident Tech College in North Charleston, S.C. The purpose of the exercise was to leverage installation and local community capabilities and resources to identify and develop mutually beneficial partnerships to increase efficiency, retain or enhance quality and reduce operating and service costs or reduce risks.

Local talent performs and wins


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WEEKEND WEATHER UPDATE for Joint Base Charleston, SC

Friday, August 28

Scattered T-Storms

Scattered T-Storms

Scattered T-Storms

High 84º Low 72º

High 87º Low 72º

High 86º Low 72º

(60% precip)

Saturday, August 29

(60% precip)

Sunday, August 30

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BLACK 01/29/08

(60% precip)


The Patriot • August 28, 2015

Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot

The Patriot, the official weekly paper of Joint Base Charleston is published every Friday by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DoD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs office reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed against DOD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.


The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Patriot staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.

Editorial Staff

Joint Base Charleston commander Col. Robert Lyman Public Affairs Officer Capt. Christopher Love Patriot Editor Trisha Gallaway

Editorial Content

Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Patriot can be reached at: 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, Room 312. Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963-3464 Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd., Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154. E-mail to: patriot@charleston.af.mil All news releases should be sent to this address.

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Navy and Air Force ranks, not as different you think

By Command Master Chief Joseph Gardner Joint Base Charleston Command Master Chief

For Navy chiefs (E-7) and above the best visual way to tell the difference is the gold lettering on the working uniform. Chiefs will have anchors as collar devices vice officer rank insignia. The difference between chief, senior chief and master chief are demonstrated by stars above the anchors. Senior chief will have one in the middle and master chief will have two on the outer edge. When you hear the word "Chief" for the Navy there is an assumption that it includes all senior enlisted folks. When I travel around JB Charleston, I call a lot of folks sergeant. Similarly, if you use petty officer it will cover the majority of Sailors in the area. While the Air Force and Navy have subtle differences we are all part of JB Charleston.

Hello again. Let me begin by saying thank you to all the Joint Base Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Soldiers and Coast Guardsmen for what you do every day. It isn't always easy to do our jobs but all of you handle it with grace. I have been at Joint Base Charleston for more than two years and have had this conversation several times. Once again, I want to discuss Navy Rates/Ranks (Coast Guard is the same) versus Air Force Rate/Ranks. The comparison is surprisingly simple. I believe what confuses a lot of folks is the Navy putting their ratings or jobs (Air Force Specialty Code) before their paygrades (i.e. RP1, IT2, YNC, CS3, SH2). To the Navy folks this is simple, indicating a Religious Personnelman, Information Systems Technician, Yeoman, Culinary Specialist and Ships Serviceman) just to name a few. The key to recognizing a Sailor's paygrade is to look at the last character(s). From E-1 to E-3 the best way to Command Master Chief address a sailor is seaman. It is much like airman. From Joseph Gardner E-4 to E-6 it is petty officer, much like in the Air Force it is sergeant. In the Navy, when a Sailor makes chief (E-7), it is a big step for that service member. They change uniforms and add a myriad of extra responsibilities. A second part for those selected for advancement to chief is the frocking/advancement ceremony which takes place on September 16th across the Navy. The Air Force has master sergeant's at this level. The next step in the Navy is senior chief(CS). This promotion means more responsibility and is comparable to an Air Force senior master sergeant. A big difference between the Navy and the other services is the Navy doesn't have an identified first sergeant position. In the Navy, the chiefs and senior chiefs perform some of these duties with the command master chief doing the rest. The last Navy enlisted advancement is to master chief, the same as the Air Force has chief master sergeants. Another somewhat confusing position is the Navy command master chief (CMDCM). Equivalent to the command chief master sergeant, each Navy mission partner has one CDMCM.

Electrical outage scheduled for Air Force Base

The 628th Civil Engineer Squadron has a project underway that expands the Air Base's Main Electrical Substation. As the project nears completion, a major Air Base outage is required to connect the new electrical feeder into the substation. The outage will impact the entire Air Base from about 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The primary date for the outage is Sep. 7, 2015, Labor Day. The holiday was selected to ensure minimum impact to mission facilities. In the event of inclement weather, the outage would then be moved to Oct 12 15, Columbus Day. Housing Residents: If anyone in your household has special needs that requires electrical equipment, please notify

Forest City as soon as possible at 843-552-0600. Power outages are inconvenient, but with a little planning and preparation, you'll be able to minimize the impacts to your family.

Here are a few helpful hints: • Minimize opening the refrigerator and freezer doors. This will keep the cool air from escaping sooner. A full freezer will safely hold food for 48 hours; a half- full freezer will safely hold food for up to 24 hours. • Keep refrigerators and freezers plugged in, and one small light so you'll know when power is restored. Turn off remaining electrical appliances and light switches until power returns. • Do not use gas grills, gas ovens, or anything

that uses gas or propane indoors. These can release carbon monoxide gas and cause suffocation. Never burn/cook anything without proper ventilation. • Generators should only be operated outdoors. Never connect a generator directly to the home power/fuse box. • Plan to have batteries available to operate flashlights and radios if needed. The best advice is to plan activities outside the home that day. This will preclude your dependency on power and help pass the time period that power out. Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please feel free to contact Civil Engineer's Customer Service at 843-963-2392.

Classified ads are free, with the exception of business-related ads, for active-duty military members and their spouses, retirees and reservists. See the Classified page for details and rules. Free classified ads may be placed - and current issue may be viewed online - by visiting www.CharlestonMilitary.com

Important Base Numbers:

Commander’s Action Line 963-5581 Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline 963-5550

Inspector General’s Office 963-3553 / 963-3552

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The Patriot • August 28, 2015


628th CES Natural Resource Office takes home AMC award Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Clayton Cupit 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

(left to right) Keith Thompson, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron conservation program manager, Terrance Larimer, 628th CES natural resources manager and Roger Sparwasser, 628th CES forester pose for a group photo Aug. 24, 2015, at the natural resources office on Joint Base Charleston, S.C. These men are responsible for managing JB Charleston’s natural resources by conserving and protecting them. They recently won the General Thomas D. White Natural Resources Award for the large installation category, Air Mobility Command. The purpose of the General Thomas D. White award competition is to promote excellence in every aspect of Air Force environmental programs. The competition is designed to recognize the efforts of installations and individuals for environmental quality, restoration, pollution prevention, recycling and conversation of natural and cultural resources.

The 628th Civil Engineer Squadron received the General Thomas D. White Natural Resources Award for the large installation category, Air Mobility Command. The award recognized the three-man team responsible for Joint Base Charleston's excellent natural resource management program. The purpose of the General Thomas D. White award competition is to promote excellence in every aspect of Air Force environmental programs. The competition is designed to recognize the efforts of installations and individuals for environmental quality, restoration, pollution prevention, recycling and conversation of natural and cultural resources. "We are in charge of conserving and protecting all of the natural resources on base, as well as integrating that with completion of the mission," said Terrance Larimer, 628th CES natural resources manager. "Any project out here that involves any land clearing impacts on natural resources. We review and minimize any resource impacts and make sure we are complying with all laws and regulations to facilitate getting the projects done." The award is given every other year encompassing a two year time period. According to Larimer, his favorite aspect of his job is being able to provide recreational opportunities to service members, their families and their friends. "We provide many outdoor recreational activities," said Larimer. "We have an

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extensive hunting, fishing program and also one of the best mountain biking trail system in the low country." More than 900 base hunting and fishing permits have been issued and visitors are welcome to apply for a permit to enjoy the program too. Additionally, there are over 24 miles of trails available to explore! The team also operates a wild land fire protection program. According to Larimer, the team devotes significant time and resources conducting controlled burns to reduce the fuel loads in the forest. Thus far, they have treated an astounding 1955 acres of timberland, minimizing wildlife hazard. Aside from operating a fire protection program, the team also manages the woodlands for multiple uses. Through timber management, 400 of 900 surveyed acres have been thinned or enhanced and two large-scale timber harvests on 257 acres have been completed enhancing wildlife habitat and accumulating revenue for the base. After the harvest, the team replanted longleaf seedlings throughout 235 acres, restoring the native longleaf tree ecosystem. Some programs require additional support. Thankfully, there are volunteers who help keep the show running. "We have a tremendous group of volunteers who support both the hunting and fishing programs, as well as the trail program," said Larimer. "The programs couldn't function without the assistance of the volunteers. There's a passionate group of approximately 35 Active-Duty, retired military and civilian volunteers who help us accomplish the mission and this award would not be possible without their help." The Outdoor Adventure Center on the Naval Weapons Station has trail guides and sells joint base and state hunting and fishing licenses. They are located next door to the uniform shop and across the street from The Dive. You may reach them at 843-794-2120.


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The Patriot • August 28, 2015


181 senior airmen selected for promotion

From Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

Selection for promotion to the rank of staff sergeant was announced by the Air Force Aug. 20, 2015 and 181 Joint Base Charleston senior airmen made the list. In all, the Air Force selected 13,269 for promotion to staff sergeant out of 39,260 considered during the 2015 E5 cycle, for a 33.8 percent selection rate. This is the first staff sergeant promotion cycle to incorporate the Weighted Airman Promotion System changes, such as minimum promotion fitness examination and skills knowledge test scores, as well as lower time-in-service and timein-grade. Selectees will be promoted according to their promotion sequence number. Sequence or line numbers are updated on or around the 15th of each month on the enlisted promotion line numbers page. For more information about Air Force personnel programs, go to the myPers website. Individuals who do not have a myPers account can request one by following the instructions on the Air Force Retirees Services website. The senior airmen selected for promotion are: 1st Combat Camera Squadron Gregory Cerny Jacob Day Rion Ehrman Valerie Lloyd John McRell Bryan Poole Christopher Reel

14th Airlift Squadron Cory Brashear Cole Lane James Moss Aaron Soto Kody Young

15th Airlift Squadron Evan Austin Kevin Dominick Kenneth Geier Foster Halcomb Todd Hanggeli Brandi Lopez Katherine Stanton Garrett Tollar

16th Airlift Squadron Brian Loomis Robert Verlie

437th Aerial Port Squadron Jonathan Chamberlain Melvin Hamilton Garrett Hampton Melissa Howerton Andrew Jones Joshua Orphan Ryan Pennington Timothy Riddle

Koy Sauer William Schwarz Wade Stephens Jonathan Wax Chase Wood Quanecia Worthy

437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Shon Acheson Brian Austerman Zachary Bohach Richard Bouillon Michael Bowker John Burke Kyle Busby David Carlson Thomas Carrieri Sean Conlan Jaren Cornell Otto Garcia Eric Gauweiler Richard Goerge Matthew Graziano Wade Griffith Eric Halchak Tayler Hatfield Lawrence Helms Nathaniel Hermanson Justin Higginbotham Benjamin Hoag Beau Howard Zachary Hughes John Jenkins Johnny Johnson Robert Kolencik Carol Laslow Joshua McDaniel Jared Morgan Heath Moyes Austin Overbaugh Myren Richardson Justin Robinett Andrew Slavin Chad Stock Joshua Ward Christopher Weikert Erin Winkler Charles Winter William Young Abner Zeledon

437th Maintenance Group Tamir Brooks

437th Maintenance Squadron Kristopher Bursell Charles Cannon Patrick DeGrange John Ellisor Diego Goncalves Sean Quaintance Joe Raya Jr. Bennie Rizzo Thomas Rogers Alex Stoll Michael Sulima Jason Willerscheidt Danetta Woods

437th Operations Group Jesse Galgano Amos Hommel

437th Operation Support Squadron Salomon Caicedo Nathan Earl Mark Halter Lance Hayes Michael Jeffries

U.S. Air Force photos / Airman 1st Class Clayton Cupit

Col. Robert Lyman, Joint Base Charleston commander (left) and Chief Master Sgt. Mark Bronson, 628th Air Base Wing command chief (right), stand with Staff Sgt. selects from the 628th ABW Aug. 20, 2015, at the Charleston Club on Joint Base Charleston, S.C. The purpose of the event was to highlight the achievement, acknowledge the selectees and give them an opportunity to celebrate and socialize with other selectees, friends and family.

Col. Jimmy Canlas, 437th Airlift Wing vice commander (left) and Chief Master Sgt. Kristopher Berg, 437th AW command chief (right), stand with Staff Sgt. selects from the 437th AW Aug. 20, 2015, at the Charleston Club on Joint Base Charleston, S.C. Hannah Kinman Kathryn Raethel Shelby Redman Brian Spears 628th Air Base Wing Luther Bernard Dustin Davis George Goslin Lazaro Lazabal Jason Treffry Jared Trimarchi Zachary Woodard

628th Civil Engineer Squadron Ian Barone Andrew Bradley Christian Burt German Cubero Troy Debroske Sean Douglas Michael Ford Ryan Galbreith Gerald Jamison John Lee Paul Manning Ryan Mathesius Jeremy Neubauer Joseph Schmitt Christopher Scott Feliks Shangin Christopher Spann Thomas Stanley Andrew Szoke

Tyler Wood Joel Woodhall

628th Communications Squadron Justin Acord Jasmine Briggs Steven Keddie Ian Rose Jennie Short Dustin Wehrung Jesalyn Willis

628th Contracting Squadron Randy Brittingham Alex Cahail

628th Force Support Squadron Matthew Lewis Jose Valdez

628th Logistics Readiness Squadron Khayruddi Bancroft James Benvenuto Patvia Brice Joseph Campbell Dylan Churby Valentino Coward Patrick Esmerado Michael Johnson Benjamin Kingston Roberto Ladino Rios Matthew Trevino

628th Medical Group Samantha Bryce Amanda Cartwright Eathain Duwe Kayla Ferguson Amber Sheperd Brittany Slonim

628th Security Forces Squadron Jarred Alford Alan Barker Derek Barton Marrisa Cobb Laprince Conyers James Cuoco Alexander Elder Sameerah Epps Darrell Hampton James Hensley Joshua Howard Martin Jackson Desmond Johnson Jesse Nicodemus Justin Olson Emily Simmons Jose Soto Cheyannemarie Thoma Ronald Wcela Eric Weitzel Jordan Williamson Ethan Willson

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The Patriot • August 28, 2015


Airmen take part in Wingman Day

U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class Clayton Cupit)

Joint Base Charleston Airmen get involved in a teambuilding exercise during a Wingman Day resiliency briefing Aug. 21, 2015, at the base theater on JB Charleston, S.C. JB Charleston held Wingman Day to highlight the four pillars of wellness; which are physical, mental, social and spiritual fitness. The Comprehensive Airman Fitness program was designed to help create additional positive behaviors in the Air Force and help Airmen, civilians and their family members become more resilient through holistic health. Wingman days are a pause in the day-to-day routine allowing Airmen to participate in the CAF program, strengthening unit health. Also part of Wingman Day, is a program called Wingman University, which offered a variety of classes to Airmen including dealing with stress in the workplace or managing a healthy lifestyle.

Know your rights, protection under USERRA By Maj. Erin Z. Dixon 315th Airlift Wing Judge Advocate

Are you a reservist or guard member who has an employer who is upset with your absence due to military service? The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) found at 10 U.S.C. § 4301-

4335 and 20 C.F.R. § 1002, protects people who are absent from their civilian jobs due to military service. Discrimination includes refusing to hire a person because of military service, denying benefits because of absence due to military service, or terminating employment because of military service. Although USERRA

applies to veterans and to active duty members who left civilian jobs to serve on active duty for four years, this article will focus on the law’s protections for reserve and guard service members. USERRA protects reserve and guard members from employment discrimination and termination due to their voluntary or involuntary fed-

eral military service as long as they meet certain conditions of eligibility. First, the civilian employment can either be full-time, part-time, or contractual. Temporary or brief, nonrecurring jobs are not protected under USERRA. Second, notice must be given to the employer either orally or in writing before leaving to complete military Although, the service. amount of notice is not specified under the law, it is recommended to provide adequate notice (when possible) so that your employer can prepare for your absence. It is also recommended that you provide written notice so that there is proof that you followed the rules. Third, unless an exception applies, the military service must not exceed a total of five years for the entire duration that you are employed by the same employer. Fourth, the service characterization for your military service must be under honorable conditions. Finally, there must be a timely return to your civilian job after your service obligation ends. The requirements for timely reporting back to civilian employment after completing military service depend upon the number of days served. If the military service was less than 30 days, you must return to your civilian job the first full regularly scheduled work period after the first calendar day of your return home and eight hours of rest. If your military service was 31-180 days, you must notify your employer of your application for reemployment within 14 days after completion of service. If your military service exceeds 180 days, you must apply for reemployment no later than 90 days after completion of service. Although your employer may not require you to provide a copy of your orders prior to your absence, your employer may request a copy of your orders, the characterization of your service, and proof that your application for reemployment was timely, if your military service was over 30 days. Anyone meeting the qualifications of reemployment under USERRA is entitled to receive prompt reinstatement, with any accrued seniority, status, rate of pay or pension vesting that would have occurred had he/she never left, and any training required to be able to perform the job. Additionally, if the military service was 31 to 180 days, the person cannot be terminated except for cause for 180 days after his/her reemployment. If the military service was over one year, the person cannot be terminated except for cause for one year after his/her reemployment. If you feel you have suffered a USERRA rights violation, please make an appointment with the legal office to discuss your options

for filing a complaint with the U.S. Department of Labor. Legal Assistance appointments are available at the Air Base on Tuesdays from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Walkin legal assistance is available at the Weapons Station on Mondays from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. (please arrive by 10:30). Appointments are available at the Weapons Station

on Fridays from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. All appointments can be made by calling 843-9635502 or 843-794-7500. Reserve members can make appointments to receive legal assistance from the 315 Airlift Wing’s Judge Advocate office on Saturday and Sunday afternoons during Unit Training Assembly weekends by calling 843-963-5564.


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The Patriot • August 28, 2015


Important things to know about the RelayHealth (MiCare) Secure Messaging System

From the 628th Medical Group

Do you want to communicate with your healthcare team without dealing with annoying telephone trees or scheduling an appointment? If so, MiCare is the solution! MiCare is an online secure messaging service that allows patients to communicate with their healthcare team at the 628th Medical Group or the Naval Health Clinic Charleston located at the Weapons Station on Joint Base Charleston. MiCare offers safe and secure communication between patients and their healthcare team from the privacy and convenience of home or office even while traveling abroad. MiCare allows patients to: • Request your next appointment • Request medication renewals • Receive lab and test results • Communicate with your healthcare team about non-urgent issues • Request a copy of your immunization records • Access a large library of education and self-help materials

MiCare also allows patients to receive a wide variety of messages including responses to inquiries, messages from providers and appointment reminders. Plus, MiCare has been implemented by the Air Force worldwide. Once registered, patients remain in the MiCare system no matter where the Air Force takes them. Registering for MiCare is easy. Patients can enroll online at www.relayhealth.com or at

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http://www.airforcemedicine.af.mil/micare/. Or, enroll in person at the 628th Medical Group's Family Health Clinic check-in counter. Just show your military identification card and provide some basic information to get started. Whichever method chosen, patients will receive a RelayHealth email message to complete registration. Keep in mind that a response to this email is a MUST to complete registration. This includes opening the email and agreeing to the terms of MiCare service. Once done, access is granted to all the benefits of MiCare! Finally, healthcare teams are dedicated to responding to patient messages in a timely manner, usually within 24 hours (1 business day). Just remember, urgent messages should not be communicated via secure messaging. For any questions or technical difficulties, the RelayHealth Customer Service telephone number is 866-735-2963, Option #1. The MiCare point of contact at Joint Base Charleston is Capt. John C. Kramer, 628th Medical Group.

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Vice President Biden and Dr. Jill Biden surprise photojournalist

Airman 1st Class Thomas Charlton, a 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs photojournalist, gets to experience being on the other side of the camera with Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden. The Biden’s departed Joint Base Charleston Aug. 8, 2015 after being in the area on leisure.

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The Patriot • August 28, 2015



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U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class Thomas T. Charlton

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Naval Munitions Command uploads cargo to USNS Lewis and Clark

This beautiful 4 BR, 2.5 BA, 2,287 sqft home in the Oak Forest section of Wescott Plantation is like brand new, with new paint, new carpet and new stainless appliances. Fabulous master suite with dual sinks. Hardwood floors downstairs, formal dining room, large kitchen with tons of storage, gas fireplace. Large screened porch, fenced backyard. Just $235,900! Call Today!

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U.S. Air Force photos /Airman 1st Class Clayton Cupit

Sailors, Marines and civilians with the Navy Munitions Command Unit Charleston and Marine Corps Systems Command upload cargo to the USNS Lewis and Clark (TAKE-1) Aug. 25, 2015, at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station Wharf Alpha, S.C. The Lewis and Clark is a replenishment naval vessel. In 2012, USNS Lewis and Clark became one of 12 ships that comprise the United States Marine Corps Maritime Prepositioning Program. Prepositioning ships provides quick and efficient movement of military equipment/supplies between operating areas without reliance on other nations' transportation networks. These ships assure U.S. regional combatant commanders they will have what they need to quickly respond in a crisis - anywhere, anytime.

WHEN TO GO TO THE ER Making the right choice could save your life. 12 MONTHS & UNDER


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Loss of consciousness


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Crushing/persistent chest pain

Severe burns

CHILDREN Severe abdominal pain

Extreme pain

Ingested toxic chemical or medications

SIGNS OF A STROKE (FAST) Face drooping on one side Arm weakness on one side

Broken bones through skin or severe deformity

Speech slurred Weakness or paralysis

Time – call 9-1-1 immediately

Severe difficulty breathing or asthma attack

CALL 9-1-1

Head trauma with loss of consciousness


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The Patriot • August 28, 2015


Justice Files: Article 15's (July 2015) at JB Charleston From Joint Base Charleston Legal Office

The below Airmen of Joint Base Charleston were offered and accepted nonjudicial punishment pursuant to Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice in the month of July. Airmen offered NJP by their commander may either accept the NJP, and be judged by their commander as to their guilt or innocence as well as the appropriate punishment, or decline the NJP and demand a trial by court martial. The punishments that can be imposed as a part of NJP depend on the rank of the accused airman and the commander who will impose punishment, but can be as much as a reduction in rank to E1, 30 days correctional

custody, forfeiture of half of one month's pay per month for two months, 60 days restriction, 45 days extra duties, and a reprimand. 473th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron An airman received non-judicial punishment for a violation of Article 134, drunk and disorderly, Article 95, resisting apprehension, and Article 108, damage to military property over $500. Punishment consisted of reduction to forfeiture of $867 pay per month for two months suspended under the condition that the member complete payment of $1,487 to the Air Force by Jan. 15, 2016, 30 days extra duty, and a reprimand. 15th Airlift Squadron An airman first class received non-judicial punishment for violation of Article 134,

SAPR Corner Air Base Victim Advocates 1st Lt. Jessica Jenkins - 628th WSA, SARC Civ Shelia Bacon - 628th WSA, SAVA SrA Janelle Allen - 628th ABW SSgt. Rachel Bublitz - 628th TSgt. Dana Alderete - 437 MXS SSgt. Stephanie Bandy - 628th LRS SrA Patvia Brice - 628th LRS TSgt. Tarha Burchell - 628th CONS TSgt. Shawna Drivers - 437 OSS TSgt. Amine El Iahiai - 628th MDSS

TSgt. Toccara Evans - 628th LRS SSgt. Adrienne Forth - 437th OSS Civ Joy Franklin - 628th CES TSgt. Chiquita Frazier - 628th LRS SSgt. Lakia Hamlin - 437th OSS 2nd Lt. Ariel Saltin - 437th APS TSgt. Samantha Thompson - 437th OSS SSgt. Lakin Trahan - 628th MDG SSgt. Shemerica Washington - 628th FSS TSgt. Melynda Winter - 628th CES

underage drinking. Punishment consisted of reduction to the rank of airman suspended, restriction to Joint Base Charleston for 30 days (15 days suspended), and a reprimand. 628th Aerospace Medicine Squadron An airman first class received non-judicial punishment for violation of Article 92, negligent dereliction. Member failed to check the emergency equipment carts, as it was his duty to do so. Punishment consisted of reduction in rank to airman, forfeiture of $867 pay per month for two months suspended, and a reprimand. 628th Medical Support Squadron An airman received non-judicial punishment for violation of Article 112a, wrongful use of amphetamine. Punishment consisted of reduction in rank to airman basic, forfeiture of $750 pay, and a reprimand. 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron A senior airman received non-judicial pun-

ishment for violation of Article 92, failure to go. Punishment consisted of reduction to Airman First Class, forfeiture of $1,027.00 pay suspended, 15 days extra duty, and a reprimand. An airman first class received non-judicial punishment for violation of Article 112a, wrongful use of marijuana. Punishment consisted of reduction in rank to airman first class, with reduction to airman suspended, forfeiture of $867 pay suspended, 15 days extra duty, and a reprimand. 628th Medical Operation Squadron A senior airman received non-judicial punishment for violation of Article 92, willful dereliction, Article 134, violation of a federal law. Member brought a person who was ordered not to re-enter Joint Base Charleston, S.C., and allowed him to reside with her. Punishment consisted of reduction to airman first class suspended, and a reprimand.

Defense Business Board member visits JB Charleston

NWS Charleston Victim Advocates CS2 Danyel Coleman - NAVCONBRIG CS1 Naomi Jackson - NAVCONBRIG LNC Andrea Navarro - NAVCONBRIG LS1 Mark Nash - NAVCONBRIG AO2 Mel Sweeting - NAVCONBRIG RP1 Tina Clevenger - NSA SH3 Ed Dingle - NSA MA1 Ethan Holland - NSA MA1 Jessica Thurber - NSA HM2 John Betts - NHCC HM3 Laquisha Byrd - NHCC HM2 Michelle Coltrane - NHCC HM2 Francis Edquid - NHCC HM3 Nicole Johnson - NHCC HN Melissa King - NHCC ET1 Brandon Allphin - NNPTC MMCS Brett Baldwin - NNPTC ETC Tom Chase - NNPTC LTJG Maddie Clark - NNPTC

ET1 Clair Dopson - NNPTC MM1 Gary Dankovchik - NNPTC MMC Dave Giuliano - NNPTC ETC Tom Marsland - NNPTC STS2 Jonathan Martinez - NNPTC MC3 Jason Pastrick - NNPTC MMC Erika Dopson - NNPTC LTJG Brian West - NNPTC EM1 Perry Ball - NPTU MM1 Ashley Pruitt - NPTU MM2 Travis Ritter - NPTU ET2 CJ Stangl - NPTU MNCS Brandi Jimenez - NMC ETC Kyle Wright - NMC HM2 James Rivas - NOSC Charleston YN2 David Gates - SPAWAR LT James Turnwall - The Citadel, NROTC Ruby Godley - Sexual Assault Response Coordinator

Air Base 24-Hour Response Hotline 843-963-SARC (7272) Air Base Civilian Victim Advocate 843-327-7369 Air Base SARC 843-817-8397

U.S. Air Force photo / Staff Sgt. AJ Hyatt

(Middle) Kevin Walker, Defense Business Board member, receives a brief from Joint Base Charleston leadership, August 20, 2015 at JB Charleston – Air Base, S.C. The Defense Business Board provides the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense, as well as other senior leaders, trusted independent and objective advice reflecting a private sector perspective on proven and effective best business practices for potential application to the Department.

Weapons Station 24-hour Response Hotline 843-478-8615 Weapons Station Civilian Victim Advocate 843-834-4527 Weapons Station SARC 843-276-9855

DOD Safe Helpline 877-995-5247

ToPlease see thethank Airlift Dispatch online or download a PDFsupport of the paper, www.Airlift.sc our advertisers for their of please YOURvisit base paper! DUI CONDITION:


963 -


# of Days Since Last JB Charleston DUI - 21 (Last: August 7, 2015 - NPTC)

Total # of DUIs for JB Charleston 2015 - 9

Airmen Against Drunk Driving: Wingmen Saving Lives

Joint Base Charleston’s Airmen Against Drunk Driving offers free, confidential rides home. To volunteer, email AADD.charleston@charleston.af.mil The JB Charleston DUI Battle Plan: https://eim.amc.af.mil/org/628ABW/JBCharlestonDUIBattlePlan/default.aspx

Chaplain’s Corner Preparing for the Storm

By Chaplain Lt. Daniel Ashland, U.S. Navy Joint Base Charleston chaplain

It is hurricane season in Charleston and there is a plan in place to respond to a storm. When you think about it, there are really many crisis and disaster response plans you are made aware of for all types of things that might happen. These plans detail all the steps and actions to take if implemented. But what about a personal response plan for when we have some challenging circumstances or some type of crisis? Do we have a planned response for when our lives suddenly

become more difficult? Perhaps our plan should include some significant passage from a book or some scripture that encourages, renews our hope, or refocuses our perspective. Also know who we are going to contact, so that we can immediately reach out to someone when facing a personal crisis. Maybe it is a friend, a family member or, perhaps, a Chaplain. Knowing the first few steps we are going to take when suddenly finding ourselves in some difficult or unforeseen circumstance can help us to become better prepared for and respond to the crises of life.

CATHOLIC SERVICES Daily Mass Wednesdays @ 11:30 a.m. - Air Base (AB) Chapel Thursdays @ 11:30 a.m. - Weapon Station (WS) Chapel The Blessed Sacrament Chapel is open for prayer between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Mon-Fri. Sunday- Mass 9 a.m. - AB Chapel • 11:30 a.m. - WS Chapel PROTESTANT SERVICES SUNDAY 10 a.m. - WS Traditional Service - With Children’s Church 10:30 a.m. - AB Evangelical Protestant Service - With Children’s Church


843-412-5861 • fax 843-628-3454 • CharlestonMilitary.com Diggle Publishing, PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465

Diggle Publishing accepts free three-line personal* classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. Each line is roughly approximately 45-55 letters and spaces. The amount depends upon the number of capitals, punctuation, etc. Three lines is roughly 150-160 total letters and spaces. The Best Way To Submit A Free Classified Ad Is With Our Online Form At www.CharlestonMilitary.com. We do not take ads by phone.

Officer needed for JROTC funding program JROTC Fundraising-based company looking for qualified JROTC Facilitator that would be able to meet with the JROTC Command Center to promote a funding program for JROTC schools. This program rewards JROTC schools with funding and scholarships. Knowledge of JROTC programs and understanding the duties of cadets enrolled in the JROTC program are a must. This is an excellent opportunity for retired officers or for an individual looking to make a difference in JROTC school funding while assisting in literacy scholarships, cash and prizes for cadets.

Relocation not required to Charleston area for job position.

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Looking for a babysitter M-F from 5:15am to 7:15 am to get the kids ready and take them to school. Must have reliable transportation!! Serious Applicants only. Part time exterior painting-flexible hours-materials provided. 10.00 hour or full job price. Must have own transportation. For info call GD at 843 276 6666


Solid Wood Dining Room and Bedroom Set. Very well maintained. Call Ed at 843-553-0606 or 843-732-2712. 7.5hp Riding Lawn Mower and 18" rear tine Craftsman garden tiller both lightly used $400 each 843 442 5767


Westcott Plantation/ 5-BR/3-BA – 2769 SF ~ Must See ($1750/mo). Lots of amenities and features; walking distance to schools, stores, Boeing. 15 min away from USC campus, Navy/AFB, Trident Tech, Hospital. 2-car garage/ Screened porch and patio/ Private fence/ Huge Kitchen Requirements: Deposit; Income statement; Credit Score; No foreclosures; No evictions or convictions; No Pets and No smoking. Sam: 714-724-9352


Family Moving Overseas. Needs to Give Dog a Good Home. Black Lab, 65 lbs. GREAT with kids, loves to play fetch. Contact 210-387-8946 for details.


Intermediate chess player looking for a chess opponent to play once or twice a week. Contact Vita @ 928-785-7811 if interested. RESEARCH STUDY MALE SPOUSAL PARTICIPANTS NEEDED Male spousal participants are needed for this brief online survey study, which will add to the scientific knowledge on combat Post Tramatic Stress (PTS) symptoms and secondary stress symptoms in Veteran families of combat exposed female veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. You assistance is needed to help in understanding secondary stress symptoms in combat exposed female Veteran families, with children. There is a random drawing for a $50 gift card for those who complete the survey. To participate, visit: https://www.psychdata.com/s.asp?SID=166977 Questions? Contact Tonya Green via email at tgreene.phdcandidate@outlook.com or my research supervisor, Dr. David Sarnoff at david.sarnoff@capella.edu

Lowcountry Bulldogs golf tourney August 22 at Pine Forest Country Club. Golfers and sponsors welcomed. Lunch and goodies. 843-697-5761 for info.

Come join us a member of the United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Charleston Base. Past or present. We meet the second Thursday of each month at The Fleet Reserve Home, 99 Wisteria Dr, Goose Creek, SC. Social Hour starts at 6pm, Base Meeting 7pm. Ussvicb.Org Or Call 843-568-2148.

Veterans, Families & Friends, PTSD Support Group. Free anonymous, self help for the above. Not Therapy. 1400 Trolley Rd Summerville, SC. POC 843.637.6463 STOP, don't throw away your old BDUs! Cadets of the Civil Air Patrol can use them. Please donate them by dropping them off at Bldg 246, third floor or calling 767-9484 or 843-607-4039 for pick up. VFW Post 10624 in Mt Pleasant is looking for new members. Interested Veterans please contact us at vfwpost10624.org or holsclaw_robert@yahoo.com

RED HORSE (RH) and Prime BEEF (PB) 50th Anniversary Celebration: Attention all USAF, USAFR, and ANG RH & PB members past and present . REUNION - Oct12-16, 2015 at Ft Walton Beach , Fl . Contact Dick Aldinger at (407) 8597436 or famdinger@aol.com or www.rhassn.us


The Patriot • August 28, 2015


2015 AMC Icon winners at JB Charleston Whitney Griffin, a Navy family member, took first place at the baselevel AMC Icon competition. Eight Joint Base Charleston members competed in signing competition held at the Charleston Club, Aug. 20. AMC Icon is loosely based on American Idol where service members, Department of Defense civilians and family members ages 18 and older compete for cash prizes. Griffin performed "Young and Beautiful" by Lana del Rey.

Courtesy photo / Jessica Donnelly, 628th Force Support Squadron

Courtesy photo / Maj. Julie Johnson, 628 Medical Group

Toby Housey, a member of the 628th Air Base Wing Equal Opportunity Office took second place at the base-level AMC Icon competition. Housey performed "Thinking Outloud" by Ed Sheeran.

Courtesy photo / Jessica Donnelly, 628th Force Support Squadron

Technical Sgt. Andrew Silvis, 920th Maintenance Squadron took third place at the base-level AMC Icon competition. Silvis performed "Ordinary People" by John Legend.

Courtesy photo / Maj. Julie Johnson, 628 Medical Group

Senior Airman Calvin Johnson, 628th Security Force Squadron will move onto the AMC-level competition of AMC Icon after placing as the highest scored active duty Air Force participant. Johnson performed "Unbreakable" by Alicia Keys.

Rear Adm. Bono visits NHCC at JB Charleston

Navy photo / Hospitalman Mark Simon

Hospitalman Dalton Terrell, pharmacy technician, Naval Health Clinic Charleston, describes the daily operations of and services provided at NHCC's pharmacy, for Rear Adm. Raquel Bono, chief, Navy Medical Corps and director, National Capital Region Medical Directorate, Aug. 21, 2015 during Bono's visit to NHCC. Bono also met with NHCC command leadership, visited various departments throughout the clinic, and spoke with staff members about the future of Navy medicine and what's on the horizon for military health care through the collaboration of joint service operations.

JUST LISTED! LEGEND OAKS! $339,900 212 Carolinian Drive Summerville, SC 29485

5BR, 3.5BA 3,147 sq. ft. on 0.23 acres TWO master suites. Downstairs distressed hardwood floor and an immense kitchen featuring eat-in area and tons of storage space. Stainless appliances and dark cherry cabinets are highlighted by a custom mixed tile backsplash and gleaming granite countertops. The family room has soaring 20 ft ceilings and gas fireplace with granite hearth.

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The Patriot • August 28, 2015


Appointments are available in one hour blocks from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and walk-ins are welcome. To schedule an appointment or request more information, please call 843-963-8224 for the Air Base (AB) office and 843-794-4304 for the Weapons Station (WS) office. For walk-in appointments, please visit the AB office in building 503, room 106 and the WS office in building 708.


All classes or events will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center (Building 500) unless otherwise specified. For more information, call A&FRC 963-4406 or just register at https://booknow.appointment-plus.com/6yqzqrn0/


/ Volunteers needed for the Airman's Attic: The Airman's Attic is in urgent need of volunteers to assist the coordinator with assembling workshop packets, maintaining inventory and assisting with loan locker check-outs and returns. This is an awesome opportunity to learn, network, and gain experience to add to your resume! Additionally, volunteer drivers are needed. If you drive a truck, like to help others and are willing to donate just a few hours a month - we work around your schedule - the Airman's Attic is the volunteer opportunity for you. We are in need of volunteer drivers to pick up donations! If interested, please call the Airman and Family Readiness Center at 963-4406 (628 FSS/FSFR). / VA Benefits Advisors Available for Assistance: Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits Advisors are available to assist all Service members, Veterans, and family members who may have questions about VA benefits and services they are eligible to receive.

September 1 / My New Space: This mandatory workshop from 9 to 10:30 a.m., is a prerequisite for individuals moving out of the dorm that addresses tips for financial success. September 2 / Unleash The Power Of A Spending Plan: A budget can set you on the course to financial independence. Walk away with a personalized spending plan/budget of your own. This will be held from 9 to 10:30 a.m. / Mandatory TAP Preseparation Briefings: From 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., retiring service members can receive pre-separation counseling up to 24 months prior to DOS. And a separating service member can receive pre-separation counseling up to 12 months prior to DOS. This is the first step in the process to making you “career ready” to leave the service; and this briefing/counseling is required prior to attending the Transition GPS Workshop. September 8 / Entrepreneur Training Track: From 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., learn to identify a business opportunity, draft a plan, launch their enterprise, and an eight week on-line course providing instruction and coverage of the principles of accounting, finance, market analysis, planning,

business operations, sales, and more. This class is held Sept. 8-9. / Troops to Teachers: Receive counseling and assistance to help eligible veterans and their spouses transition into a new teaching career. NOTE: This class will be held at the Education Center, Bldg. 221, Rm.138 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. September 9 / Ready, set, parent: This course provides useful tips for expectant parents, while helping them to understand the importance of budgeting for their new addition. Additionally, parents receive a FREE bundle for each expected baby! This class will be held from 5:30 to 8 p.m. September 11 / VA Disability Claims Workshop: From 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., a VA representative will cover the VA claims and filing process. Members (who do not have a copy of their medical records) must sign an authorization letter at the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base Clinic’s Medical Records section. This letter must be signed NLT the Monday prior to the week’s Friday workshop that you plan to attend. September 14 / Transition Goals, Plans, Success (GPS) Workshop: This mandated 5-day workshop prepares service members for transition to civilian life. Spouses are welcome to attend all sessions on a space available basis. This class will be held from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. September 15 / Appreciation Dinner For Spouses Of Deployed Members: Join us from 6 to 7:30 p.m., for good food, fellowship, and fun – all on us! This dinner will be held at the Chapel Annex and is for family members of deployed team Charleston. September 16 / Spouse Introduction to JB Charleston: Join us from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., for this fun, fast-paced introduction to JB Charleston for military spouses who have recently moved here. Meet other newlyarrived spouses, connect, learn about base resources, and learn where to shop, dine and play in the Lowcountry!

See More Briefs and Events at www.charleston.af.mil

To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to Patriot@charleston.af.mil. Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.


All classes or events will be held at the Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC)-NWS (Building 755) JB Charleston, Weapons Station, unless otherwise specified. For more information, call FFSC at 794-7480 or just register at https://booknow.appointmentplus.com/6yqzqrn0/

August 28 / Joint Base 101 Class: 28 Aug, 1000-1100, JB CHS-AB, Bldg. 16000, 1st Floor, 628 ABW Conference Room. This class is offered to everyone who works at Joint Base Charleston (JB CHS), including all 628 ABW personnel and all Joint Base Mission Partner personnel (every command/agency at JB CHS). It is an introduction to Joint Basing, what

it is, why it happened, what it means, how we operate, what is our guidance, what are our successes and how to survive and thrive in a joint base environment. It also includes general information on the many important missions at JB CHS and what's planned for the future. Please contact 628 ABW/OB, S. Dorothy at 963-2624 or sandra.dorothy@ us.af.mil if you would like to attend and for a head count. You can also register at https://booknow. appointment-plus.com/6yqzqrn0. August 31 / Transition Goals, Plans, Success (GPS) Workshop: This mandated 5-day workshop held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., prepares service members for transition to civilian life. Spouses are welcome to attend all sessions on a space available basis. September 3 / VA Disability Claim Workshop: This workshop is broken down into two sections: From 8 to 9:30 a.m., the VA representative will provide a Disability Briefing to participants. From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., a Medical Records Review/turn-in will take place. Members are welcomed to attend either sessions or the session most relevant to their current situation. September 8 / Your New Wheels: From 3 to 4:30 p.m., learn how to determine what you can afford, plan for the various expenditures of a car, and learn to get the best deal on the purchase. September 10 / Slay The Debt Dragon (Webinar): Tired of being in debt? Explore debt’s history, what undermines our need to stay out of debt, and how to stay out of debt! This class will be held from 2 to 3:30 p.m. September 14 / Home Buying: From 2:30 to 4 p.m., learn the process of buying property.

September 16 / Service Member’s Civil Relief Act (SCRA): In Depth: Do you have a right to invoke your RIGHTS under SCRA? Once you know your rights, do you know what topics your rights cover? Come to class to get all your questions answered to get started with enforcing your rights. This class will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. / Five Love Languages: What makes you feel loved? People express love for one another in various ways. It is essential for couples to identify how to communicate their love to one another so they can improve their relationship. From 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., come and discover your love language. September 17 / Smooth Move: Relocating soon? If so, learn from the experts on how to PCS smoothly to your new location. You do not need orders to attend. This class will be held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. / 4 Lenses: From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., participants will learn about certain qualities of each personality type, including values, personal strengths, needs, and approaches in problem solving. Applications of these principles will improve the ability to effectively lead and interact with others. / VA Disability Claim Workshop: This workshop is broken down into two sections: From 8 to 9:30 a.m., the VA representative will provide a Disability Briefing to participants. From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., a Medical Records Review/turn-in will take place. Members are welcomed to attend either sessions or the session most relevant to their current situation. September 18 / Good Credit – I Want That: Whether trying to build, fix, or maintain good credit, learn what it takes to reach a great score. This class will be held from 1 to 2:30 p.m.

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Rec Review

Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at www.JBCharleston.com.

The Patriot • August 28, 2015



The Patriot • August 28, 2015

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