08-31-2012 The Patriot (Joint Base Charleston)

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Joint Base Charleston


Vol. 3, No. 35

Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Training To Contain

Preparing for the worst case scenario U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class George Goslin

Airman 1st Class William Workman, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron emergency manager, communicates with headquarters during training exercise Operation Burnt Spear Aug. 24, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. The emergency managers performed radiological response training for a simulated incident involving a dirty bomb. In the scenario, a mock Federal Bureau of Investigation Joint Task Force requested Air Force Emergency Management assistance to verify and contain any radiation present from the device and establish a communication hotline for incoming responders. See more photos on Page 9.

Town Hall provides forum for tough questions


Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs


Joint Base Charleston Commander Col. Richard McComb recently held a series of Town Hall meetings at the JB Charleston - Weapons Station and Air Base. The following is a transcript of questions and answers at the meetings and submitted via email and Facebook along with addressed responses.

Question: "Why isn't there handicap parking at Bldgs. 174 and 175? Is it possible to have handicap parking marked off? Answer: According to the Civil Engineer Squadron, there are 27 parking spaces, so based on applicable code and regulations, these facilities should have two handicap parking spaces. CES has placed temporary Handicap signs at the facility and will be installing permanent handicap spaces.

14th AS Airmen train Afghans See page 7

The essential Hearing Conservation Program


Visits Joint Base Charleston See page 5

IS IT SAFE? Clean water is their mission See page 6

Weekend Weather Update JB CHS, SC

Friday, August 31

Partly Cloudy

(20% precip)

High 91º Low 73º

Saturday, September 1 Partly Cloudy

(20% precip)

High 90º Low 73º

Sunday, September 2

Isolated T-Storms (30% precip)

High 86º Low 74º

Question: Can an employee file for back pay if their position is upgraded after retirement? Answer: No. U.S. Comptroller General Decision B-232695 dated Dec. 15, 1989, states that federal employees are entitled only to the salary of their appointed positions even when higher level duties may have been performed and that there is no entitlement to back pay in the event of a later re-classification to a higher grade. We are aware of these types of issues and are working through the classification backlog in an orderly manner as quickly as possible. CPS also encourages individuals to file classification appeals if they believe their current position is improperly graded. Guidance on filing appeals is available online at: www.cpms.osd. mil/fas/ classification/class_filing_appeal.aspx See Town Hall Forum, Page 4

By Staff Sgt. Rasheen A. Douglas Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

Hearing, unlike a broken limb, can't be healed with a cast and physical therapy. Once you've experienced hearing loss - it's permanent and irreversible. The U.S. Air Force Hearing Conservation program is designed to help prevent and or minimize noise induced hearing loss to workers assigned to hazardous noise areas. Most Airmen assigned to flying squadrons and squadrons supporting the flying mission, such as maintenance squadrons, are affected by this program, according to Master Sgt. David Tolson, 628th Medical Group Public Health noncommissioned officer in charge. The Hearing Conservation Program is a component of the Air Force Office of Safety and Health program designed to protect workers from the harmful effects of hazardous noise. This requires identifying all areas where workers are exposed to hazardous noise and reducing exposure through engineering or administrative controls, personal protective equipment or worker placement. The 628th Medical Group Public Health staff conducts the audiometric testing program, fits hearing protection devices at initial audiograms, and provides counseling on audiometric results

and monitors audiometric compliance. They also track compliance of follow-up tests and ensure referrals are made to the appropriate Primary Care Manager team and regional audiology or hearing conservation referral center. The 628th MDG Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight performs noise surveys and dosimetry to quantify noise hazards to industrial shops. "They help determine permissible exposure limits for shop personnel exposed to conU.S. Air Force photo / Senior Airman Dennis Sloan tinuous or intermittent exposures and impulse or impact Airman 1st Class Ekaterina Morrissette, 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron crew chief, wears hearing protection as exposures during these surshe marshals in a C-17 Globemaster III Aug. 27, 2012, at Joint Base veys," said Tolson. Charleston - Air Base, S.C. Hearing protection consists of personThe Public Health staff also al protective equipment the Hearing Conservation Program assists in determining the requires Airmen to wear to minimize exposure to hazardous noise. appropriate health surveillance and Air Force HCP requirements said Tolson. for exposed personnel. In addition, the program helps reduce claims It is up to workplace supervisors to help protect the hearing of assigned personnel by ensur- for hearing loss against the Air Force. For more information on the Air Force ing protective engineering controls, administrative controls and personal protective equipment Hearing Conservation Program contact Kevin are used correctly by all workers and to ensure Baker at 963-6974. their workplace complies with all OSHA, DoD

AF senior leaders stress safety over Labor Day weekend WASHINGTON – Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh III and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Roy issued the following message to all Air Force personnel: As our nation pays tribute to American workers during Labor Day weekend, we thank all Airmen for your dedicated service and hard work every day of the year. While many of you enjoy a well-earned break to celebrate the last holiday of the summer season, we urge you to plan your activities with care and to make smart decisions that will keep you, your family, and your friends safe. Safety is a concern for all of us. Sadly, more than 40 Airmen have died in off-duty mishaps this year, including 27 Airmen killed in motor vehicle accidents. Many of these tragic losses may have been preventa-

ble, the result of reckless behavior such as excessive speed, irresponsible alcohol use, failure to use proper safety gear or inattention. Equally alarming, our Air Force family has lost 70 Airmen to suicide this year. Our goal is to eliminate all preventable mishaps, and you can help by setting a standard of zero tolerance for reckless behavior and through awareness of subtle behavioral changes that could indicate heightened levels of stress in yourself or others. Because one lost life is too many, we urge all Airmen to look out for one another and remember that safety requires deliberate forethought. Your family, friends, and fellow Airmen depend on you. Please take time to consider safety as you enjoy Labor Day weekend, and as always, thank you for all you do for our Air Force and our nation.

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BLACK 01/29/08


The Patriot • August 31, 2012

Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot

The Joint Base Charleston Patriot is published by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DoD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs offices of both bases reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed to be against DoD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.


The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Patriot staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.

Editorial Content

Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Patriot can be reached at: 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, Room 312. Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963-3464 Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd., Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154. E-mail to: patriot@charleston.af.mil All news releases should be sent to this address.

Editorial Staff

628 ABW commander Col. Richard McComb Public Affairs Officer Michaela Judge Patriot Editor Eric Sesit Assistant Editor Senior Airman Anthony Hyatt

Publisher / Advertising

Display advertisements are solicited by the publisher and inquiries regarding advertisements should be sent to: Diggle Publishing Company Tel: (843) 412-5861 Fax: (843) 628-3454 Chuck Diggle - Publisher Chuck@CharlestonMilitary.com Sam Diggle - Sales Visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com or search for Diggle Publishing Company on Facebook

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Important Base Numbers:

Commander’s Action Line 963-5581 Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline 963-5550

Inspector General’s Office 963-3553 / 963-3552

To See More Photos & News, Visit www.Charleston.Af.Mil

MCPON Sends 2012 Labor Day message COMMENTARY

WASHINGTON – Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Rick West released the following Labor Day message to the fleet Aug. 27. Shipmates and Navy families, For 130 years, our great nation has celebrated Labor Day, the "working man's holiday" as it was referred to in the 1800s. Labor Day is, in fact, a celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers; those workers whose drive, determination and relentless strength made our nation into what it is today, and those who continue on their path. Labor Day weekend is also seen as the last 'hooyah' before the end of summer ... a long weekend filled with various outdoor activities or one final road trip with the kids before school starts. Whatever your Labor Day plans happen to involve, be sure your holiday weekend includes risk management and preventive measures so it ends on a safe and positive note. In 2011, between Memorial Day and Labor Day, 16 Sailors lost their lives. One in an ATV wreck; two drowned; one during recreational activities;

five in four-wheeled motor vehicles; and seven on motorcycles. This year we have lost 15 Sailors in similar mishaps. Let's not see the number rise this Labor Day weekend. You and your families are important to the Navy and the loss of just one trained and ready Sailor or family member is unacceptable, and in most cases preventable with proper planning. As you enjoy time off with family and friends this holiday weekend, keep in mind our Shipmates who are deployed and in harm's way. Their labor of keeping the watch for the safety and security of our nation is one we all share. It's because of you that Americans can enjoy the freedoms and liberties we all hold so dearly. Thank you, Shipmates, for your continued service and dedication to our great Navy and nation. Stay focused; stay alert; stay safe and let's bring this summer to a close with zero fatalities or injuries. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend and Hooyah! Very Respectfully, MCPON

Children: The true unsung heroes

By Col. Albert Miller 437th Airlift Wing vice commander

I recently attended a course to improve my public presentation skills. In one of the exercises they asked us to give a presentation on a subject we felt passionate about with a call to action. With all the heroes I personally know, there was no doubt in my mind what I would talk about. It was only a two-minute speech, but after I told this class of business managers from multiple companies about these heroes and the debt of gratitude we all owe them, there were only a few dry eyes in the room. So now I write this article hoping to remind you of these unsung heroes and impart that same sense of gratitude to you. The U.S. military is deservedly proud of our outstanding service members - active, guard, Reserve and civilian. We do a good job of recognizing these patriots for their service, achievements, performance and heroics. We conduct big ceremonies marking promotions, retirements, changes of command and redeployments. Many of tour nation's citizens also actively show their sup-

port for those in uniform - sometimes with a simple "thank you," other times by anonymously picking up the tab at a restaurant and then some donate their time or money to organizations which support those in uniform. Unfortunately, we do not do as good of a job recognizing, and more importantly thanking, a group of unsung heroes - our military children. The military child, unlike their parents who volunteered to serve, had no choice in their defacto relationship with the military. Because of their status as dependents, they deal with certain issues and stressors their civilian counterparts encounter far less often. The military child often has to say goodbye to old friends and make new friends as they move from assignment to assignment. These heroes have to reestablish themselves in their schools - deal with varied curriculums and rules, prove themselves worthy of playing or starting on a team sport or sitting first chair in the orchestra. Sometimes their challenges include having to learn new languages and adapt to new cultures. And probably most difficult, during deployments they have to endure long separations from their military

parent, and in some cases, both military parents. For too many reasons, we overlook these military children. There is no medal to recognize these unsung heroes. No quarterly awards category or structure to nominate child candidates exists. The pace of today's military missions makes it difficult to stop to both recognize, and thank, these children for their sacrifices so their parent can perform their duties. Finally, military children typically handle all the previously mentioned issues with tremendous style and grace. So much so, that we take too much for granted and fail to recognize and thank them. We can, and should do better! Let these heroes know we appreciate their sacrifices. If you know or have a military child - tell them "thank you." Talk to them about their experiences and their challenges. You might just find out something you did not already know; you may discover you have the ability to help them - you will probably be inspired by their stories. Perhaps even sit down and read this article with a military child. And if you do, please tell them this author truly means it when I say "thank you, you are my hero."

Diamond Tips: Just do it!

Commentary by Master Sgt. Daniel Perry 628th Contracting Squadron interim superintendent

After receiving an out-of-office reply from the 628th Contracting Squadron superintendent, I learned Airmen from the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs office were hot on my tail for the Diamond Tip of the Week. Many things ran through my head along with the predominant and overwhelming presence of fear. Fear of not only the unknown; but also the consequences of failure. This is something most of us encounter on a daily basis. Allow me to let you in on a little secret that will not only build confidence but posture you for the responsibilities of your next promotion ... "Just do it." All too often in my career, I have given subordinates feedback on things they can do to become even better Airmen and greater assets to the Air Force. Two things I always receive the biggest push-back on are community service and off-duty education. Aside from the typical, "I am too busy," I often receive the "I don't

know whether I like it," "I don't know how to do that" and "I don't know if I have enough time to finish it." While there are a few other factors that can contribute to mission failure, fear is the one factor that keeps an individual from truly excelling. But is that really the end-all, or is it really the beginning. With technology at our fingertips and leaders at our side, is there really an excuse? Try replacing the I don't know with "Let's find out" or better yet, "Let's just do it and iron out the path as we go." No matter what point we may be at in our careers, we should always maintain our focus on "Excellence In All We Do." Making excuses not only lets yourself down, but it shows others that you are not willing to be that shining example our Airmen need. Remember, it is far easier to shut something down with a "no" than it is to utter the word "yes." Next time you are confronted with an opportunity to do something new and unique for yourself, other Airmen or your community, reach deep down inside yourself, muffle the negativity, and say yes. The fear will quickly be replaced with confidence and soon you'll realize that anything is achievable if you just do it.

Restoring the respectability of the NCO corps By Chief Master Sgt. Robert Scarlett 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

Noncommissioned officers, I need your help. I need your help in restoring the NCO corps to the level of respect and prominence it held in the Roman Army when the Centurion was respected not for his rank, but for his demonstrated leadership. Respect for the NCO corps appears, to me, to be at an alltime low, while respect for the SNCO seems to be relegated to those few who have been blessed with chief master sergeant stripes. What role does the NCO play in this perceived change? I have heard NCOs complain that Airmen have lost respect for NCOs. I beg to differ. I believe many NCOs have given away their right to expect respect because some have not held up their part of the bargain. You see, another word for respect is admiration. People tend to respect those they admire. Unfortunately, many NCOs leave little for Airmen to admire. Let me share what I have seen. I have seen NCOs jockeying for position. What are they jockeying for? Some are looking to avoid leadership by riding out their careers in some cushy job; others are jockeying to get the right job, or volunteer opportunity to be seen by the right people. It would be better for our Airmen to see NCOs jockeying for position to correct uniform standards, instead of avoiding a confrontation or worrying you will no longer be seen as "one of the guys." Then they should see NCOs lined up to explain why uniform standards are relevant to the mission. They should see NCOs jockeying for position when we see a young NCO humiliate a subordinate and call it counseling. Then they should see us mentoring that NCO about the importance of counseling and the virtues of positive reinforcement. And they should see NCOs jockeying for position to respectfully tell an officer when their decisions negatively impact the enlisted force, and to offer alternatives that accomplish the mission while meeting the needs of the people. I can tell you from experience, commanders don't wake up in the morning and say, "How can I harm my people today?" Like us, they make the best decisions they can with the information they are given; information that often came from a senior NCO. What does it take for us to be the NCOs we promised we would be when we accepted the NCO charge? It takes our willingness to embrace Air Force core values, not just being able to recite them! Allow me to highlight my favorite aspects of the core values. Let's look at Integrity First, which includes eight principles. I want to quote one of these principles - honesty. In defining honesty, our core values say: "Honesty is the hallmark of the military professional because in the military, our word must be our bond. We don't pencilwhip training reports, we don't cover up tech data violations, we don't write misleading operational readiness messages. The bottom line is we don't lie, and we can't justify any deviation." Now, let's look at ‘Service Before Self,’ which features four principles. I will quote one principle, 'Faith in the System.' "To lose faith in the system is to adopt the view that you know better than those above you in the chain of command what should or should not be done. In other words, to lose faith in the system is to place self before service. Leaders can be very influential in

this regard: if a leader resists the temptation to doubt 'the system,' then subordinates may follow suit." I believe that is self-explanatory! Last, but certainly not least, is 'Excellence In All We Do.' This includes five principles. I will quote the principle 'personal excellence.' "Military professionals must seek out and complete professional military education; stay in physical and mental shape; and continue to refresh their general education backgrounds." Attending PME and off-duty education should not be viewed as filling squares for promotion, but as tools to improve our ability to lead. I believe we can enhance the respectability of the NCO corps by jockeying for position to help our Airmen succeed and by internalizing Air Force Core Values to the full extent of their meaning.


The Patriot • August 31, 2012


Homeward bound

U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class Tom Brading

Harbor tugs guide Moored Training Ship 626 - Daniel Webster (SSBN 626) up the Cooper River towards Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station, Aug. 25, 2012, at Charleston, S.C. An ocean-going tug towed the Moored Training Ship from Portsmouth, Va. to JB Charleston – Weapons Station following a scheduled dry-dock maintenance period at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Norfolk, Va. The ship returned to JB Charleston – Weapons Station to resume its training mission.


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The Patriot • August 31, 2012


Continued from Page 1

Town Hall provides forum for tough questions

Question: Will there be any additional spraying for mosquitoes if they get bad again? Answer: Fogging in the housing areas on the Weapons Station will be accomplished once every week, weather permitting. Additionally, if the mosquito counts warrant, the joint base will request another aerial spraying.

Question: Will Balfour Beatty start sending base housing residents at the Weapons Station a power bill? Answer: Balfour Beatty is beginning the process of monitoring the power usage of residents. Each household will receive a mock bill that will break down usage and show a baseline for their household. Eventually, residents will be responsible for paying the difference. Residents who use less power than their baseline will be compensated. Once the dates and specific details of the program are finalized, a town hall meeting will be held to inform the community.

Question: Can we get more coverage of Navy events in the Patriot newspaper? Answer: This is something I pay very close attention to. We try to get as even a split as possible between the Air Force and Navy ... I would prefer a 50/50 split but that just isn't always possible. The public affairs staff meets with me and other members of my staff, including Navy leaders, every Monday morning and we're briefed on what goes into the paper on a weekly basis, so I have a pretty good idea of the variety of coverage the public affairs staff provides. They have also been making a concerted effort to reach out to all our joint base partners on the Weapons Station so we can help tell their stories. If you have possible story ideas, give the PAO a call at 963-5608. They really welcome your input.

Question: If a family lives outside of Dorchester County, are they allowed to cross county lines to go to a school in another county? Answer: State law states a student must attend a school in the district in which they reside unless the student owns real property (in excess of $300) in the district in which they wish to transfer to. Parents may elect to pay tuition for students to attend an out-of-district school provided there is space for the student in the desired school. Parents can request an exception, but the number of exceptions approved without parents agreeing to pay tuition is unknown. State statute follows: SECTION 59 63 30. Qualifications for attendance: Children within the ages prescribed by Section 59 63 20 shall be entitled to attend the public schools of any school district, without charge, only if qualified under the following provisions of this section: (a) Such child resides with its parent or legal guardian; (b) The parent or legal guardian, with whom the child resides, is a resident of such school district; or (c) The child owns real estate in the district having an assessed value of three hundred dollars or more; and (d) The child has maintained a satisfactory scholastic record in accordance with scholastic standards of achievement

prescribed by the trustees pursuant to Section 59 19 90; and (e) The child has not been guilty of infraction of the rules of conduct promulgated by the trustees of such school district pursuant to Section 59 19 90.

Question: I'm curious as to why the Weapons Station gates, particularly the Remount Road entrance, only have two guards during rush hour. The Air Base seems to have significantly more personnel and open lanes as well. Are there plans to increase officers and lanes at the Weapons Station? Answer: During peak traffic, JB Charleston gates are posted based on traffic demand as determined by Security Force Post validations. In order to provide the best service we can, additional lanes and ID checkers are posted above validation when available manpower supports on both the Air Base and Weapons Stations annexes. This additional manpower can be affected by special operations and or calls for service requiring a security force response. Security Forces recognizes the need to add the necessary manpower at all of our Entry Control Points as a priority and will continue to work towards reducing any delays at all of our entry control points.

Question: I am an Army veteran and Department of Defense employee and I am unable to purchase items from the commissary and Shoppette (Express). Is there any policy that will allow me to shop at these facilities? Answer: Only those personnel approved by the House Armed Services Committee and authorized by Department of Defense directives may shop in Exchange facilities. DoD civilians as well as others who are doing work on the installation such as contractors are allowed to purchase "perishable" items that can be consumed at one time during a meal period. DoD civilians with limited exchange privileges are not allowed to purchase tobacco or alcohol. If an individual is a veteran but only has a veteran's I.D. card to allow them to receive medical services, they are not entitled to Exchange privileges.

Question: When was the last time we have had a military furlough and what are your thoughts of one in the future? Answer: The last military furlough occurred during the Clinton administration. In my opinion, with the very tough fiscal environment that the federal government will be facing, to include sequestration ... it's possible that we'll hear something about a potential furlough again, but in the end, I believe that we'll be able to avoid having to follow-through with any furlough planning. Of course that could change if the issue of sequestration is not resolved. Leadership is doing everything they can to make sure it doesn't happen.

Question: If there is civilian job downgrading, what does that mean for stop release? Answer: What you would see happen is a period of grade retention, over a period of two-years, where you get one hundred percent of your pay, followed by a pay retention that takes a snapshot of your salary at that point, carries that for-

ward with entitlements by 50 percent with any annual increases on the general schedule or F.W.S. system. During the twoyear grade retention, you are put on a local priority list as well as put into the DoD priority replacement system to try and get you back into a position at the grade-level in which you left.

Question: If there are jobs for civilians that need to be filled by next summer; will they be advertised, and if it's all through reprocess, is everyone (Air Force and Navy) entitled to the same priority? Answer: All vacancies will be posted on USAJobs (http://www.usajobs.gov) unless the job is filled by an individual dislocated because of their job being eliminated by RMD 703 or with a similar placement entitlement. The most reliable way to find our vacancy announcements is to click the Advanced Search link on the USA Jobs main page, select "All South Carolina" under Location Search, "All Department of Defense - Dept. of the Air Force" under Agency Search, and select "Yes" under Applicant Eligibility. Each announcement will include instructions on how to apply. All current permanent General Schedule (GS) and Federal Wage System (FWSWS/WL/WG) employees, as well as our Non-Appropriated Fund and AAFES employees who have served continuously for at least one year in a NAFI or AAFES position under appointments without time limitation, are eligible to apply for our GS and FWS positions and, if found to be qualified, will be given full and fair consideration.

Question: I was wondering why there isn't a parent's night out provided by the Child Development Center for Navy personnel. I've been told the only base that offers it is the Air Force Base. Since we are a joint base can they also allow Navy families to use the parent's night out services? Answer: There are currently two separate programs on the Air Base ... "Parents Night Out" is offered monthly at the Air Base Youth Program for youth 5-12 years of age, is open to all personnel assigned to Joint Base Charleston, and receives no external funding. "Give Parents a Break" is a referral-based program, offered at the Air Base Child Development Center to active duty Airmen assigned to Joint Base Charleston, for children six weeks to five years of age, and is partially funded by the Air Force Aid Society. The Air Force Aid Society and the Navy Relief Society are private charities and each has a unique mission statement. Both societies provide emergency relief to military members without regard to military affiliation. However, in their community outreach programs they provide targeted programs in line with their charters focused on their respective services. This is one example where both societies are focused on different community needs. Regardless, we recognize the benefits of providing this program for our Navy families and are currently working both locally and with Headquarters Air Force to determine alternative Department of Defense funding options that will allow us to provide the same level of service to both stations.

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The Patriot • August 31, 2012



S.C. Military Base Task Force team visits JB Charleston

By Senior Airman Anthony Hyatt Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

Ten members from the South Carolina Military Base Task Force visited Joint Base Charleston - Air Base and Weapons Station Aug. 21 - 22. Ian Headley, Kelly Long and Lydia Morgan-Westlake, representatives from U.S. Senator Jim DeMint's office, Scott Jaillette and Jessica Phillips-Tyson, representatives from U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham's office, Jennifer DeCasper, representative from U.S. Representative Tim Scott's office, Larry Ward, representative from U.S. Representative Jim Clyburn's office, Josh Dix, representative from U.S. Representative Trey Gowdy's office, Eric Bedingfield, representative from U.S. Representative Mick Mulvaney's office and Brian Flynn, representative from U.S. Representative Joe Wilson's office, received a tour of the Air Base and Weapons Station, along with Team Charleston leadership. The Task Force's visit began with a mission and vision brief conducted at the JB Charleston headquarters by Col. Richard McComb, Joint Base Charleston commander, and Col. Erik Hansen, 437th Airlift Wing commander. A windshield tour of the Air Base followed the mission brief. The Task Force observed the 628th Civil Engineer Squadron complex, the 628th CES Fire Station One, the Flight line Support Facility, the 15/33 Runway Project and a C-17 Globemaster III static display. The tour also brought the visitors to the Weapons Station to receive mission briefs at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic, Air Traffic Control, Vehicular Integrated Solutions Facility, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and the Interagency Operations Center. "When you see a C-17 Globemaster III fly overhead, you are reminded of the air mobility mission here in Charleston, but because our other mission partners are less visible, it is easy to overlook their unique and vital contributions, including, but not limited to nuclear training, research and development, munitions, land and sea transport," said Capt. Thomas Bailey, Joint Base Charleston deputy commander. "Today's tour of both the Air Base and Weapons Station sides of the Joint Base gave us a chance to explain to our congressional staffers what happens at our various commands and the importance of Joint Base Charleston to both the Lowcountry economy and to our nation's security." The S.C. Military Base Task Force looks for ways to enhance the value of military installations and facilities and the quality of life for military personnel located in South Carolina. The Task Force assists military communities with value enhancement, addresses the various incentives to military personnel assigned to South Carolina, coordinates the efforts of the military communities and provides other methods and incentives to accomplish these purposes, according to Executive Order 2011-21 Executive Order 2011-21 also states that the Task Force coordinates efforts among the public and the private sectors to maintain a significant U.S. Department of Defense presence in South Carolina. The Task Force also advises S.C. Governor Nikki Haley on any issues and strategies related to military base closures, realignments and mission changes.

U.S. Air Force photos / Airman 1st Class Chacarra Walker

Lieutenant junior grade Andy Daum (right), Coast Guard Cutter Yellowfin commanding officer, Cmdr. Jason Merriweather (center), U.S. Coast Guard Sector Charleston deputy commander, Chief Warrant Officer 3 John Wilson, 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron Port Operations officer, and Cmdr. Brian LeFebvre (left), U.S.C.G Sector Charleston response chief, make preparations before the South Carolina Military Task Force arrival Aug. 22, 2012 at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, S.C. The S.C. Military Base Task Force’s purpose is to enhance the value of military installations and facilities and the quality of life for military personnel located in South Carolina.

"The S.C. Military Task Force works collectively, as a state, on military issues to ensure that the community is supporting our local military installations," said Mary Graham, Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce senior vice president business advocacy. "Many of these Washington-based congressional staffers have never visited South Carolina's military installations. And because they oftentimes are working issues related to our base, this visit was especially important since it not only gave them the opportunity to tour the base firsthand but also to gain a better understanding of the various missions at Joint Base Charleston."

Lieutenant junior grade Andy Daum (right), Coast Guard Cutter Yellowfin commanding officer, briefs members of the South Carolina Military Base Task Force and base leadership Aug. 22, 2012, on the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Yellowfin at Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station, S.C. Commander Brian LeFebvre, United States Coast Guard Sector Charleston response chief, speaks with Col. Richard McComb, Joint Base Charleston commander, Aug. 22, 2012, on the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Yellowfin at Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station, S.C.


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The Patriot • August 31, 2012


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in Bldg. 631, is responsible for testing all the three samples are taken within 24 hours of water used at JB Charleston facilities. If the finding a positive sample. water tests positive for harmful bacteria or If a test sample comes back positive for E. does not meet Air Force standards, serious ill- coli, Bioenvironmental Engineering contacts James ness can occur. the 628th CES Operations Flight Water and John’s "At Bioenvironmental Engineering, we Island Fuel System Maintenance to flush the pipes Island take samples of the water from 27 different and issue a 'boil water' notice that is in effect locations on base, including the Air Base, until two consecutive negative samples are Weapons Station and the North Auxiliary taken 24 hours apart. Field,” said Staff Sgt. Jessica McFelia, 628th "We work alongside the 628th CES Kiawah Island Aerospace Medicine Squadron Bioenviron- Operations Flight Water and Fuel System mental Engineering flight noncommissioned Maintenance," said McFelia. "They dig, fix officer in charge of the Environmental and flush the pipes after a repair to remove the Protection Element. “Each week we take dirty water before putting the system back about six or seven samples until all 27 sites into service. That is when 628th CES calls have been sampled for the month." Bioenvironmental Engineering to take a samBioenvironmental Engineering Airmen test ple of the water and verify the water is safe to for chlorine and coliform bacteria. The drink and free of harmful contaminants." Airmen also check the Potential Hydrogen "Not only is the Drinking Water Surveillance balances. program implemented to maintain compliance, When testing for chlorine, Bioenviron- but it is also important in protecting the health mental engineers collect 10 milliliters of of the base population by ensuring the water is water from the tap and add a packet of media safe to drink, which directly affects the quality to the sample, to determine if the chlorine and efficiency of the installation's mission,” level is acceptable. said Capt. Richard Yon, 628th Aerospace A media packet consists of powders that Medicine Squadron Bioenvironmental react with water by changing colors to deter- Engineering Flight commander. mine if there are any dangerous chemicals in For more information on Joint Base the water. The sample turns yellow if positive Charleston’s drinking water surveillance, for coliform bacteria or a blue color if it is contact the 628th Aerospace Medicine positive for E. coli bacteria. Squadron Bioenvironmental Engineering To test for coliform bacteria, engineers flight at 963-6289.






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The Patriot • August 31, 2012



14th AS loadmaster trains Afghan military, assists with draw down

By Senior Airman Dennis Sloan Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

More than a decade after the start of Operation Enduring Freedom, the war in Afghanistan is starting to draw down, but the task of training the Afghan military is in full swing. Master Sgt. Erin Manley, 14th Airlift Squadron, 437th Airlift Wing loadmaster instructor, recently returned from a 365-day tour in Afghanistan ... her ninth. Manley's mission was different this deployment. Instead of contributing to the fight by moving supplies and troops in and out of the country, she was assigned to the 538th Air Expeditionary Advisory Squadron in Kabul, Afghanistan, tasked with the job of training the newly formed Afghan air force airmen to become loadmasters. Manley was the first female flyer to be sent to this location to train Afghan military members. "I was given very short notice for this deployment, but I felt honored to have been chosen to complete this mission," said Manley. "I wouldn't say I was scared," said Manley. "But I was worried about how difficult it would be to complete my task when I'm teaching individuals whose culture doesn't allow women to hold positions of authority." Besides cultural differences, Manley also had to learn a completely new air frame. The Afghan air force uses the C-27A Spartan, an Italian-built aircraft. "I am used to flying and operating out of the C-17 Globemaster III, which has four jet engines," said Manley. "The C-27 was much smaller and instead of jet engines, it was powered by prop engines." Manley attended a 40-day course in Naples, Italy, with Italian speaking instructors who taught her the ins and outs of the aircraft. The course also included five training flights. "This course was very challenging, but I can say I learned a lot and saw some of the Master Sgt. Erin Manley, 14th Airlift Squadron, 437th Airlift Wing loadmaster instructor, displays her desert patch Aug. 27, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. Manley was assigned to the 538th Air Expeditionary Advisory Squadron in Kabul, Afghanistan, July 2011, for a 365-day tour.

most beautiful sites flying around Naples," said Manley. Once her training was complete, Manley was ready to tackle the difficult task of training more than 20 Afghan military members. Fortunately, Manley was not the only Team Charleston Airman going on the deployment. Lt. Col. Kenneth Norris from the 437th Operations Support Squadron would also be deploying. "We left the same day and both served the full 365-day tour," said Norris. "Our positions were different, but we both knew our purpose was the same - train, advise and mentor the Afghans." Norris was assigned as the 438th Air Expeditionary Advisory Group deputy commander, overseeing several squadrons including the squadron Manley was serving in, Courtesy photo the 538th AEAS. Master Sgt. Erin Manley, 14th Airlift Squadron loadmaster instructor, 437th Airlift Wing, and Lt. Col. Kenneth "We both met challenges there," Norris, 437th Operations Support Squadron, stand in front of a C-17 Globemaster III Aug. 27, 2012, at Joint said Norris. "We quickly realized Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. Manley and Norris both recently returned from a 365-day tour in Kabul, we needed to understand the Afghanistan. Manley was tasked with training Afghan military members from the newly formed Afghan air Afghans' culture and earn their force to become loadmasters. Norris filled the position of 438th Air Expeditionary Advisory Group deputy respect before we could even start commander, where he oversaw several squadrons including the squadron Manley served in, the 538th Air Expeditionary Advisory Squadron. to train or mentor them." Manley and the other advisors immersed themselves in the Afghan culture air force is less than five years old, so things Afghans to be self-sufficient and we achieved so they could work hand and hand with them like customs and courtesies that are and have that," said Manley. "With the two instructors, been set in place for years in the United States they can now begin to train one another on a daily basis. "We worked 'shohna ba shohna' (shoulder Air Force aren't there for them," said Manley. which will lessen our need to be there." Manley would teach the Afghan airmen "How I thought it was going to be and how to shoulder) - a NATO training mission Afghanistan motto," said Manley. "To be suc- their core competencies for becoming a load- it really turned out were completely differcessful in a flying squadron all the members master and in between, she would discuss ent," said Manley. "I was actually sad to be customs and courtesies and everyday military leaving the Afghans I had trained and have to work closely." befriended. This deployment was my proud"Learning their culture was paramount to interactions. "We were given military members who est and favorite moment in my military success and picking up a few of their words really showed them respect," said Manley. had no operating instructions or professional career." Manley was nominated for the Air "Once the Afghans knew I respected them, development guides to rely on," said Manley. Mobility Command Lance P. Sijan Award, in they started to come around and respect me." "We had to start from scratch." The training approach Manley and her the senior noncommissioned officer category, Once the Afghans warmed up to Manley, team members used to teach the Afghans was, for her efforts on the deployment. She is curthe real training began. "You have to understand that the Afghan "for them, with them and by them." The advi- rently awaiting results on the award. sors would first perform the task of loading cargo while the Afghans watched. They would then perform the task with them. Once the Afghans had an understanding of the task, the advisors would sit back and watch them perform it on their own. "It was very satisfying watching each of the Afghans learn and start to perform loadmaster tasks with little to no assistance," said Manley. At the end of Manley's 365Master Sgt. Erin Manley, 14th Airlift Squadron, day tour, she had trained the 20437th Airlift Wing loadmaster instructor, and other plus Afghans to be loadmasters members of the 538th Air Expeditionary Advisory and helped to train the first two Squadron pose for a photo in front of a C-27A Afghan loadmaster instructors. Spartan in Kabul, Afghanistan, during a 365-day "Our goal was to train the tour.

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The Patriot • August 31, 2012


U.S. Air Force photo / Staff Sgt. Rasheen Douglas

To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com

Chief Petty Officer selectee Jeremy Price, Navy Consolidated Brig Charleston, Bravo Unit 1 manager, ensures Senior Chief Petty Officer Kelly Richardson, Navy Health Clinic Charleston command senior chief, gets his golf ball back during the Chief Petty Officer Selectee golf tournament Aug. 24, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station. The chief selectees serve as caddies for the chief petty officers, enabling the selectees to meet and interact with their future Chief’s Mess.

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The Patriot • August 31, 2012


628th CES emergency managers train to contain

Staff Sgt. Brandon Barnes, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron emergency manager, briefs Senior Airman Nathan Pringle, Airman 1st Class William Workman and Michelle Bates, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron emergency managers, during training exercise Operation Burnt Spear Aug. 24, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. The emergency managers conducted radiological response training for a simulated incident involving a dirty bomb. In the scenario, a mock Federal Bureau of Investigation Joint Task Force requested Air Force Emergency Management assistance to verify and contain any radiation present from the device and establish a communication hotline for incoming responders.

U.S. Air Force photos by Airman 1st Class George Goslin

Senior Airman Nathan Pringle, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron emergency manager, checks for radiation during training exercise Operation Burnt Spear Aug. 24, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C.

Michelle Bates, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron emergency manager, tapes down the mask of Senior Airman Nathan Pringle, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron emergency manager during training exercise Operation Burnt Spear Aug. 24, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C.

Senior Airman Nathan Pringle, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron emergency manager, checks for radiation during training exercise Operation Burnt Spear Aug. 24, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C.

Senior Airman Nathan Pringle, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron emergency manager, operates a Radeco air sampler during training exercise Operation Burnt Spear Aug. 24, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C.

Senior Airman Nathan Pringle and Airman 1st Class William Workman, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron emergency managers, simulate scanning for radiation during training exercise Operation Burnt Spear Aug. 24, 2012, at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C.

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The Patriot • August 31, 2012


DATE CHANGE: VA Stand-Down Against Homelessness Oct. 18 & 19 Courtesy of the 315th Airlift Wing Chaplain Service

The dates for the 2012 Department of Veterans Affairs Stand-Down Against Homelessness have been changed to Oct. 18 and 19 at Armory Park in North Charleston, located just off East Montague Ave. on Mixon Dr. Since 1999, the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, Charleston, and Goodwill Industries have team up to conduct an annual "Stand-Down Against Homelessness." The annual Stand Down provides area homeless with a brief rest from the daily struggles associated with being homeless. Services traditionally offered to the homeless during the event include medical screenings, haircuts, job placement and clothing vouchers from Goodwill Industries. A variety of other services are also available, including light breakfast, a noon meal and scheduled entertainment. Homeless men, women and children from the tri-county area benefit from the event. The VA Chaplain Service coordinates the donation of hygiene items and has asked that organizations in our community consider contributing to this project. The overall goal for this year is to make 2,000 hygiene packs. This estimate is based on the number of persons who attended the event last year. Supplies can be bought in bulk in advance and then assembled into packs as a group project or individual items can be donated and these will be built into packs by other volunteers. If you have additional questions or would like information concerning kit contents or purchasing pre-packaged kits, contact Chaplain John Painter at john.painter@va.gov (789-7235) or john.painter@charleston.af.mil (963-3653).

Balfour Beatty announces CEL Survey winners

Courtesy photos

Captain Thomas Bailey, Joint Base Charleston deputy commander, Bob Ladue (right), Naval Support Activity dorm manager, and Patti Stanley (second from right) presented prizes to the winners of Balfour Beatty's CEL Survey early bird drawing. The winners are Justin McCorkle (left photo), The Ham Family (center photo) and the Rush family.

To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com Or “like” us on Facebook by searching for “Charleston Military”

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The Patriot • August 31, 2012


Forum brings senior leaders together Story and photos by Staff Sgt. Shane Ellis 315th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

A senior leadership training conference for the 315th Airlift Wing took place Aug. 26 and 27, at the Crown Plaza Hotel in North Charleston, S.C. The conference provided a forum for senior leaders to focus on current U.S. Air Force changes and key issues which directly impact day-to-day operations. Col. Russell Fingar, 315th AW commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Gigi Manning, 315th AW command chief, opened the conference by welcoming more than 250 senior officers and noncommissioned officers who attended the event. "The goal of this conference is for us to educate each other and walk away with the tools we need to conquer the challenges of today's Air Force," said Manning. "We will share our experiences, exchange new ideas and discuss lessons we have learned throughout our careers. Our Airmen are valuable and we must continue to provide them with the necessary resources for successful Air Force careers." Conference attendees participated in briefings from the 315th AW, numbered Air Force and headquarters speakers. Participants also consulted each other during breakout sessions and listened to subject matter experts during open-forum panel discussions. Topics covered during the conference included: legal, force generation, fitness, evaluations, medical, force development, combat readiness and deployment entitlements. Col. James Fontanella, 315th AW incoming commander, closed out the conference by introducing himself and complementing the senior leaders on the reputation of the 315th AW.

Members from the 315th Airlift Wing at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, S.C. attend a breakout session during the senior leadership training conference Aug. 26 and 27, at the Crown Plaza Hotel in North Charleston, S.C. The conference provided a forum for senior leaders to focus on current U.S. Air Force changes and key issues which directly impact their day-to-day operations.

Navy announces Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Courtesy of Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs

MILLINGTON, Tenn. – September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and the Navy is using the month as a launch pad to focus on Navy's ongoing suicide prevention efforts, officials announced in NAVADMIN 259/12 released Aug. 27. During each week of the month resources will be available to guide discussion on stress navigation and suicide prevention concepts. The weekly concepts to be explored are: building resilience, navigating stress, encouraging bystander intervention to A-C-T (Ask Care Treat),


and reducing barriers for seeking support through counseling. The tools and resources are available on www.suicide.navy.mil and www.navynavstress. com. These tools emphasize the themes of dedication, optimism, determination and humor. Additionally, the winner of the Suicide Prevention Public Service Announcement Contest will be announced Sept. 28. The winning video will be available year-round online and will be broadcast regularly on Direct-to-Sailor television, the American Forces Network and Pentagon channel. "Our people are our greatest asset," said Capt. Kurt Scott, Behavioral Health Programs director, Bureau of Naval Personnel. "We're promoting a lifestyle of total fitness - physically, mentally, socially and spiritually - to ensure our Sailors are best able to meet the challenges they will face in today's Navy. These efforts reinforce the Secretary of the Navy's 21st Century Sailor and Marine initiative, as well as support the Chief of Naval Operation's directions. Most importantly, focusing on total fitness puts us on a path to prevent suicides." For more information about suicide prevention visit www.suicide.navy.mil and www.navynavstress.com. For more news from Navy Personnel Command, visit www.navy.mil/local/npc/.


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The Patriot • August 31, 2012


Navy Warfare Development Command publishes 'The Innovator's Guide'

Courtesy of Navy Warfare Development Command Public Affairs

NORFOLK, Va. – Navy Warfare Development Command has published "The Innovator's Guide," Aug. 29, to help innovators of all ages - but particularly the Navy's junior leaders become more innovative and facilitate the transformation of good ideas into real warfighting capabilities. As the Navy Center for Innovation, NWDC is spearheading a campaign to reinvigorate a culture of innovation within the Navy, and the guide is an important component of that endeavor. In addition to defining innovation and why it is important, the guide provides advice on how to identify and define problems that need solving, proven techniques for finding creative solutions, and how to move these ideas through a large organization to drive towards implementation. "Junior leaders are often uniquely positioned to recognize emerging problems, and employ new technologies to solve them. It's up to us to give them the tools and the open channels to be successful," said Rear Adm. Terry Kraft, commander, NWDC. In his introduction, Kraft challenges the junior leaders to think deeply, question continuously, debate vigorously, read broadly, write boldly and never give up on a good idea. To download The Innovator's Guide, visit https://www.nwdc.navy.mil/default.aspx. Videos and transcripts from NWDC's Maritime Innovation Symposium and Junior Leader Innovation Symposium are also available at the website. For more news from Navy Warfare Development Command, visit www.navy.mil/local/nwdc/.

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The Patriot • August 31, 2012


Football Frenzy strikes Rookies Wednesday in the Charleston Club

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Everyone is eligible to win weekly prizes including caps, T-shirts, insulated mugs and mini footballs.

NFL Sunday Ticket viewing starts Sept. 9

Rec Review

Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at www.JBCharleston.com.


The Patriot • August 31, 2012


All classes or events will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center unless otherwise specified. For more information, call 963-4406.

September 4 / An Unleashing the Power of a Budget class will be held from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Learn to create a budget and how it can help you accomplish your financial goals.

September 5 / A Resume I and Cover Letter class will be held from 9 a.m. to noon. Learn the basics of writing a resume and cover letter. / A Spouse Introduction to JB Charleston - Air Base class will be held from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. This is a fun and fast-paced introduction to JB Charleston AB for military spouses who have recently moved here. Meet other newly-arrived spouses, connect with your sponsor's unit Key Spouse and learn where to shop, dine and play in the Lowcountry. / A Professional Style Dress for Women class will be held from noon to 2 p.m. You will learn your personality of style, the theory of color and how to dress for your body type. / A Professional Style Dress for Men class will be held from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. You will learn the levels of professional dress, the proper clothes and proper fit.

September 6 / A Newcomer's Tour will be held from 8:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This is a free guided tour of Charleston's Historic district including the Citadel Military College, the market (downtown), and Patriots Point. Lunch will be on your own. Tour bus departs from and returns to the Airman & Family Readiness Center.

September 7 / A Workshop for VA Disability Claims class will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. A VA representative will cover the VA claims and filing process. Members must sign-up at the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Clinic medical records section no later than the Monday prior to the workshop. September 10 / There will be a road closure on the section of


North Davis Drive from W. Stewart Avenue to Long Street and will no longer be used for general traffic and thoroughfare. Approximately 430 feet of N. Davis Drive will become part of the new Civil Engineering Complex access road, which will have security gates on either end for entry/exit. Please be advised. Email any questions or comments to jerald.roper@us.af.mil.

September Notices / The 628th Medical Group, Flight Medicine Clinic hours will be changed effective Sept. 1, 2012. Their new hours of operation will be from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Wednesday. The clinic is closed for training every Wednesday at noon, however an on-call flight surgeon will continue to be available by phone. / Joint Base Charleston Veterinary Treatment Facility will be offering limited services during the month of September. Appointments are on a "firstcome, first-served" basis. They will be staffed to perform routine boosters and healthy annuals. The VTF will remain open for over-the-counter sales during normal business hours. The VTF staff encourages our clients to consult with off-post veterinary clinics during this period for all of their pets' healthcare needs. We can provide our clients with information regarding their local veterinary clinics, as well as directing our service members to the nearest military installation for PCS requirements. We expect to return to scheduling appointments regularly by mid-October 2012. We apologize to all of our clients for the inconvenience, and appreciate your patience during this time.

Special Announcements

/ In the mornings, the Lambs Elementary gate will be open from 0645 to 0730. In the afternoon it will be open from 1415 to 1500. / Girl Scouting: Girls in kindergarten through eighth grade are invited to join Girl Scout Troop 895 at the Chapel Annex on the second and fourth Tuesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Contact Patti Donahue at 618-363-5230 or pdonahue@sc.rr.com for more information. / Story Hours at the Library: The Base Library has two fun story hours every week. Mondays at 10 a.m., is the home day care story hour. Please call ahead each week to sign-up your group for this day. Tuesdays is the toddler open story and craft hour starting at 10 a.m. Reservations are not required for this session. Both sessions are free. Call 963-3320 to sign up. / Tennis Lessons: Lessons are held at the Outdoor Recreation tennis courts. Children six through 17 and adults can enroll for one-hour sessions, twice a week for $80 per month. Lessons are held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m.

See more briefs at www.charleston.af.mil To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to patriot@charleston.af.mil. Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.


All classes or workshops will be held at the Fleet and Family Support Center, Bldg. 755, at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station unless otherwise specified. For more information, call 764-7480. September 4 / "Operation Clip and Save" is scheduled from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The course will teach participants to learn how to save money by shopping on a budget. Please call the Fleet and Family Support Center, JB Charleston - Weapons Station, Bldg. 755, at (843) 764-7480 to register. September 5 / A retirement planning workshop is scheduled from 9 to 10:30 a.m. The course will help participants to plan early for their retirement. To register, call the Fleet and Family Support Center, JB Charleston - Weapons Station, Bldg. 755, at (843) 764-7480.


/ The Fleet and Family Support Center, Bldg 755, JB Charleston - Weapons Station, is happy to announce that they now have two consultants who are available for scheduling individual appointments for service member and spouse employment assistance. Whether your needs are resume basics and review, interviewing skills, or job search strategies, please call the Fleet and Family Support Center at (843) 764-7480 to schedule your one-onone appointment.

Special Announcements

/ Coupon Exchange: The FFSC has a coupon exchange station in Bldg. 755 and is open to all military and family members. Bring in unused coupons between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and help yourself to coupons for your family. Call the FFSC at 764-7480 for more information. / Stepping Stones Pre-school Story Time: Parents and pre-school children learn together through stories, songs, arts & crafts and play time with the "Stepping Stones" Pre-school Story Time program at the Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station Branch Library. Children must be preschool age and accompanied by a parent or guardian. This free program is every Thursday morning at 9:30 a.m. To register call 764-7900.

/ Birthday bowling parties: Looking for something different to do for your next birthday party? Marrington Bowling Center has birthday bowling parties that are great for kids of any age. Call the bowling center for party options and availability. / Stroller Rollers offers "Fitness for Mom, fun for baby!" Attention new mothers, now there is a way to get fit while spending quality time with your baby. With the Stroller Rollers program, you'll shape up with a power walk and body sculpting while strolling with your baby. It's a great chance to interact with other new moms. Classes meet at the Naval Support Activity gymnasium on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. Classes are free. Materials are provided. For more information, call MWR Fitness Director Nancy Haynsworth at 764-4067. / Free on-line tutoring service: Tutor.com for Military Families is the Defense Department's official, online, on-demand tutoring and homework help service for military members and their families. The site, http://www.tutor.com/military offers round-the-clock professional tutors who can assist with homework, studying, test preparation, proofreading and more. Active-duty military members and National Guard, Reserve personnel and Defense Department civilians on active duty in a deployed status and their family members are eligible to participate. Tutor.com's network includes more than 2,500 professional tutors who have delivered more than six million, one-on-one tutoring sessions since 2001. Each tutor is certified through the site, and all sessions are recorded for quality control. The program can also be accessed through a free app for the iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad.

Meetings and Registrations

/ Join the Redbank Plantation Golf Association: The Redbank Plantation Golf Association invites you to become a member at a cost of only $20 per year. Benefits of the Golf Association membership include: USGA Handicap, participation in monthly tournaments, participation in Association Club Championship and participation in the Association Blitz. Membership is open to all military and civilian golf patrons. Membership applications are available in the golf course club house. Applications and payment may be placed in the silver locked box near the Pro Shop. For more information, contact Tournament Chairman Tina Bohannon at tinab@sc.rr.com or call the Pro Shop at 764-7802.

Education and Training

/ Judo & Jujitsu classes: Get in shape, build self confidence and learn self defense with Judo and Jujitsu classes. Classes are held in the group exercise room Bldg. 725 and are free to active duty military and $2 per class for all others. Judo classes are offered Monday and Wednesday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Jujitsu classes are offered on the first Friday of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon. For more information, contact Nancy Haynsworth at 764-4067.

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Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To www.CharlestonMilitary.com


Come Join the Fun at CafeMoms.com.... info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC" Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more http://www.meetup.com/military-moms/

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) For Moms with kids birth through kindergarten. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Old Fort Baptist Church, 10505 Dorchester RD. Summerville, SC 29485. Contact Heather Hansen 873-2283 for more information. 9-11 FLAG DISPOSAL CEREMONY American Legion Post 166, Goose Creek will be hosting it’s 11th Annual FLAG DISPOSAL CEREMONY/ 9-11 MEMORIAL SERVICE on Tuesday, September 11th at 6PM. This is a very dignified ceremony, which disposes torn, soiled and worn out AMERICAN FLAGS. If you have a flag at home or work in this condition, please bring them to the Post for proper disposal. This ceremony is open to the public and we encourage any scout troop, Junior ROTC Unit to attend. American Legion Post 166 is located at 116 Howe Hall Road, right off Redbank Road in Goose Creek. For more information please call the Post at 553-5454 or visit our web site at AmericanLegionPost166sc.com

Trek 2013 Bicycle Demo Event - Free bike test rides - Saturday, September 1, 2012 - Wannamaker North Reservoir Trail, Wannamaker County Park in Goose Creek, SC - POC Nate 843-743-4547 - More info @ Facebook/Lowcountry.Biking


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CLUES ACROSS 1. Bulla 5. Former Egyptian Pres. Anwar 10. Identical 14. Military assistant 15. True heath 16. Indonesian phenomenon 17. Japanese social networking 18. Bring banquet food 19. Front of the head 20. Jean Paul __, author 22. Movie settings 24. Incline from vertical 26. Bleats 27. One who sings carols 30. Any high mountain 31. Mutual savings bank 34. Tequila plant 35. One point N of due E 37. Not large 39. Khoikhoin people 40. Soccer player Hamm 41. European owl genus 42. Palio race city 44. Hostelry 45. Outer ear eminences 46. Explosive 47. Illuminated 49. Musical pieces in slow tempo 51. Not crazy 52. Star Trek helm officer 53. Gave the axe 56. Make a mental connection 60. City founded by Xenophanes 61. Extremely angry 65. Wild Eurasian mountain goat 66. Voyage on water 67. Comforts 68. Otherwise 69. Young herrings in Norway 70. Weapon discharges 71. Prepares a dining table

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Deadline to submit an ad is 9 a.m. Wednesday morning. Ads printed on a first come-first serve, space available basis.

DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADS Ads may be placed with a photo (see this week’s “Homes For Sale� ad) or graphics for $10/column inch. $20 minimum. A typical ad, like the example noted, will be $20-$25. The size (and cost) will depend upon the amount of text and size of photo. You can call 843-412-5861 or email info@CharlestonMilitary.com with your ad content for a free cost quote.

CLUES DOWN 1. Shopping pouches 2. Old Italian money 3. Central German river 4. Composer Ludwig van 5. A way to withdraw 6. Macaws 7. Radiotelegraphic signal 8. Highest card 9. Any bone of the tarsus 10. Places to store valuables 11. Actor Ladd 12. Nutmeg seed covering 13. Vision organs 21. Abnormal breathing 23. Crownworks 25. Religious recluse 26. Fruits of the genus Musa 27. Thou __ do it 28. Repeatedly 29. Plant of a clone 31. African tribe 32. No. Irish borough & bay 33. French Chateau Royal 36. Bulk storage container 38. “Good Wife� Actress Julianna 43. Assoc. of Licensed Aircraft Engineers 45. An account of events 48. West __, archipelago 50. Coercion 51. Ancient Scand. bard 53. Leaves of the hemp plant 54. Jai __, sport 55. Designer Chapman 57. Having the skill to do something 58. Exam 59. Prior wives 62. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! 63. Volcanic mountain in Japan 64. Vietnamese offensive


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205 Caveson Dr. Huntington Farms/ S’ville 5 BR, 3.5 BA $484,000

Contemporary one story on 5 tranquil acres! One-of-a-kind home updated throughout. Formal LR, DR, masonry FP, family room w/built-ins & gourmet island kitchen. Versatile floor plan offers 2 master suites, detached garage w/finished room & full bath above, sauna, rear screened porch & more!

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Graduate and Undergraduate Completion Degrees

All brick 4 bedroom on large corner lot. Floor plan features family room, formal dining room and sunny breakfast nook. Kitchen has been updated with new cabinets. Rear yard boasts mature shade trees and detached storage building.

136 Pageland Place Carolina Bay East/ Ridgeville 5 BR, 4.5 BA $519,0000

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This Week’s Home Listings

4464 Garwood Dr. Woodside Manor/ Ladson 4 BR, 1.5 BA $74,900

One ad per military family per issue. Military may re-submit ad each week. Only personal ads qualify to run for free (ie: garage sales, home rentals, pets, autos, furniture, etc.) Business-related ads (even if a home business) do not qualify to run for free and must be paid. (See information below.*) We DO NOT accept “work at home� or “multi-level-marketing� ads. Ads which do not adhere to submission guidelines may be rejected without notice.

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5 Pc Dinette $148, New in Box. Coffee & End Tables $99, All New! Can Deliver if needed, 843-696-5212

Crossword of the Week

Successfully selling the Low Country with an average of 1 home sold every 5 days in 2011! Call us today and put our team and the strength of Prudential to work for you!

Diggle Publishing accepts free three-line personal* classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. Each line is roughly approximately 45-55 letters and spaces. The amount depends upon the number of capitals, punctuation, etc. Three lines is roughly 150-160 total letters and spaces.

Email Chuck@CharlestonMilitary.com or call 843-412-5861 for more information.

Queen Pillowtop Mattress Set w/ warranty. $150! King for $225. Can Deliver $150 843-696-5712

KITCHEN CABINETS Beautiful. Never Installed. Cost $4800, Sell $1650. Call 843-856-4680.

www.charlestonmilitary.com 843-412-5861 • fax 843-628-3454 Diggle Publishing, PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465

Advertiser your home, car, service, etc and add a photo or logo, starting at just $20!

12� Thick Pillowtop mattress Set. Never opened, still in plastic. Must sell ASAP. Was $600, Sell $245. Call Keith, 843-375-5908.

Renovated 1200sq ft. 2BR/2BA condo for rent. $725 per month includes water. Curt 843-278-5454


Low Cost Display Ads To The Local Military Audience!

It’s the easiest way to sell your “stuff� to the local military audience!


The Patriot • August 31, 2012


Charleston Metropolitan Campus 5300 International Blvd. North Charleston, SC 29418 s WEBSTER EDU CH Webster University is a participant in the US Department of Veteran’s Affairs Yellow Ribbon Program and was named to the 2010 list of Military Friendly Schools by G.I. Jobs.

EC-2178 Patriot.indd 1

3/5/12 8:13 AM


The Patriot • August 31, 2012





2000 VW GLS Moonroof, leather, one owner $

2007 KIA Sportage LX Auto, special wheels, extra clean $

$$ 10,995


2007 VW Jetta Wolfsburg Leather, moonroof, one owner $




38 38 MPG MPG

2007 Ford F-150 Auto, one owner, extra clean $


$$ 13,995

MSRP MSRP$17,365. $17,365.Includes Includes$3500 $3500Rebate, Rebate,$500 $500 Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade


Starting Startingat at 2011 Nissan Cube 2008 Suzuki XL-7 Auto, loaded, low miles AWD, moonroof, leather, 1 owner $ $


$ 13,995$



MSRP MSRP$16,865. $16,865.Includes Includes$500 $500rebate, rebate,$500 $500 Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade


2005 Nissan Frontier SE 4x4 Crewcab, loaded $

Starting Startingat at 2011 Mazda 3 2009 Jeep Patriot Auto, moonroof, one owner Auto, 4x4, 26k miles $ $



V6, V6,Auto, Auto,Power PowerPkg, Pkg,Tilt, Tilt, Cruise, Cruise,AM/FM/CD/MP3, AM/FM/CD/MP3,&& much muchmore. more.Pre-Owned, Pre-Owned, Low Lowmiles. miles.

MSRP MSRP$21,295. $21,295.Includes Includes$2000 $2000rebate, rebate, $500 $500Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade

2011 Nissan Sentra SR NEW ESCAPE XLS NEW 2011 2011 FORD FORD ESCAPE XLS Loaded, auto,15k miles

2008 Toyota RAV4 Limited Moonroof, loaded, extraStarting clean at Starting at $


16,995$ $

Priced to sell



Stk# Stk#F5141 F5141

2009 Nissan Frontier SE Crewcab, V6, auto, like new $

NEW 2010 FORD F-150 CREW NEW 2007 2010 FORD F-150 CREW CAB CAB XLT XLT Nissan Armada LE Ltd 2011 Ford Fusion SE





97 97Cadillac CadillacDeVille DeVille

02 02Ford FordFocus Focus

3,995 3,995

3,995 3,995


4,995 4,995

2008 Ford Edge Loaded, power package, like new $

2009 Nissan Rogue SL AWD moonroof, leather, loaded $

V8, V8,auto, auto,11owner owner


6,995 6,995

2012 Mitsubishi Spyder Convertible, loaded, like new $

04 04Dodge DodgeDurango DurangoSLT SLT 05 03 Limited 05Jeep JeepGrand GrandCherokee CherokeeLtd Ltd 18,995 03Ford FordExcursion Excursion18,995 Limited 18,995 Lthr,Lthr, Loaded, Leather, loaded, xtraclean clean Loaded,xtra Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,just justserviced serviced

05 05Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS Leather, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean Leather,loaded,


9,995 9,995

Loaded, xtra must see Loaded, xtraclean, clean, mustLighting see 2004 Ford

08 08Jeep JeepPatriot Patriot


07 07Pontiac PontiacTorrent Torrent

06 06Mercedes MercedesC230 C230

10 10Toyota ToyotaCorolla CorollaLE LE

2011 Toyota Sienna Loaded, extra clean 06 06Nissan NissanMurano Murano $

10 10Dodge DodgeJourney Journey


16,995 16,995 Auto, loaded $

10 10Ford FordE350 E350Van Van

12-passenger, XLTpkg, pkg,loaded loaded 12-passenger,XLT


18,995 18,995

10 10Honda HondaAccord Accord

21,995 21,995


14,995 14,995

08 08Suzuki SuzukiGrand GrandVitara Vitara

Leather, Leather,moonroof, moonroof,11owner owner


14,995 14,995

V6, auto,loaded, loaded,better betterthan thannew new 24,995 V6,auto, Leather, 24,995 Leather,moonroof, moonroof,xtra xtraclean clean $$ $$

15,995 15,995

15,995 15,995

10 10Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS

10 10Toyota ToyotaCamry CamryLELE

$ 2010 Ford Sports $ Trac XLT Leather, moonroof, 25k miles $

Leather, Leather,full fullpower power

07 07Ford FordF150 F150Crew CrewCab Cab XLT XLTpkg, pkg,V8, V8,auto auto


19,995 19,995

17,995 17,995

V6, V6,auto, auto,loaded loaded

Auto, Auto,3rd 3rdseat, seat,xtra xtraclean clean

21,995 21,995

Crew CabZ85 Z85 CrewCab


17,995 17,995

07 07VW VWTouareg Touareg

Loaded, mustsee, see,priced pricedtotosell sell Loaded,must

19,995 19,995


08 08Nissan NissanPathfinder Pathfinder

08 08GMC GMCCanyon CanyonSLT SLT

10 10Ford FordEscape EscapeXLT XLT $$

2010 Camaro SS Leather, moonroof, one owner $


16,995 16,995

$$ 2008 Infiniti G37 Coupe Loaded, leather, NAV., moonroof $

Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,priced pricedtotosell sell


17,995 17,995


Only Only3k3kmiles, miles,auto, auto,like likenew new

13,995 13,995

Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,sunroof, sunroof,xtra xtraclean clean


2012 Volvo XC70 Auto, leather, moonroof $


Auto, only6k6kmiles miles Auto,only

2011 Nissan Titan SV 2012 Ford Flex SEL Crewcab, auto, loaded, one owner Loaded, only 13k miles 09 Milan 08 09Mercury Mercury Milan 08 08Mazda MazdaCX-7 CX-7 08Chrysler ChryslerSebring SebringConv. Conv.Ltd Ltd $ $

$$2011 Ford F-150 XLT $$ Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,SAVE SAVEBIG BIG

10 10Nissan NissanVersa Versa $$


Auto, Auto,like likenew, new,save savebig! big!

14,995 14,995

13,995 13,995

12,995 12,995

2009 Chrysler Aspen Moonroof, nav., one owner $

10 10Nissan NissanCube Cube

Moonroof, Moonroof,loaded loaded




13,995 13,995


Auto, Auto,air, air,power powerpkg, pkg,one oneowner owner


Auto, powerpkg, pkg,low lowmiles miles Auto,power

2012 Ford Taurus SEL Loaded, like new $


04 04Acura Acura3.2TL 3.2TL

06 06Nissan NissanAltima Altima2.5S 2.5S $$

13,995 13,995

2012 Hyndai Veloster Nav, rear camera, 6k miles $

Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,like likenew new

11,995 11,995

Leather, moonroof,11owner owner Leather,moonroof,

13,995 13,995

06 06Mercury MercuryGrand GrandMarquis MarquisLS LS




15,995 15,995

Leather, Loaded, clean, powerpackage, package,xtra xtraclean clean xtra clean,must mustsee see Leather,power Loaded,xtra Charger 2012 Dodge Ford Mustang $$ $$priced to sell Loaded, Auto, leather, loaded $ $

11,995 11,995

08 08Kia KiaSorento Sorento Auto, powerpkg, pkg,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean Auto,power


V6, new V6,auto, auto,like like new 2012

06 06Suzuki SuzukiGrand GrandVitara VitaraSport Sport

11,995 11,995 $

9,995 9,995

9,995 9,995

9,995 9,995

$$ Loaded, 40K miles, extra clean$$





19,995 19,995

2012 Ford Explorer XLT Loaded, like new $

10 10Jeep JeepGrand GrandCherokee Cherokee


10 10Chevy ChevyCamaro CamaroLTLT

4x4, 4x4,loaded, loaded,priced pricedtotogo! go!


21,995 21,995

Auto, Auto,xtra xtraclean clean


22,995 22,995

2011 Ford F-150 Lariat 2011 Ford F-150 FX4 Crew 2012 Ford Explorer Loaded, one owner Loaded, factory 10 SEL 10 10Ford FordFlex Flex SEL warranty 10Lincoln LincolnMKZ MKZ 08 Pilot 08 Rover 08Honda HondaSupercab, PilotEX-L EX-L 4x4, leather, loaded 08Land Land RoverLR3 LR3 Loaded, New Loaded,moonroof, moonroof,lthr, lthr,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean Newtires, tires,loaded, loaded,priced pricedtotosteal! steal! Leather, Loaded, Leather, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean Loaded,factory factorywarranty, warranty,like likenew new $ $ $ loaded,

32,995 $$ $$ 31,995 $$24,995 24,995 25,995 25,995 24,995 25,995 33,995 24,995 25,995


OP OPEN EN24 24/7/7 36 3655DA DAYS YS!!

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MSRP MSRP$34,000. $34,000.Includes Includes$4500 $4500Rebate Rebate$1,000 $1,000FMC FMCdealer, dealer, $500 $1,000trade tradeasst. asst. $500military militaryrebate, rebate,$2000 $2000cash/trade, cash/trade,$1,000

2011 Mazda CX-7 Loaded, extra clean, fac. warranty $

2010 Ford Escape XLT V6, Auto, Loaded $



00 00Ford FordF150 F150Ext ExtCab Cab

Auto, verylow lowmiles, miles,xtra xtraclean clean Auto,very




00 00Saturn SaturnSL1 SL1

Auto, Auto,air, air,xtra xtraclean clean

Loaded, xtraclean, clean,must mustsee see Loaded,xtra

2012 Toyota Tacoma Loaded, extra clean, 3k miles $



V8, V8,auto, auto,power powerseats, seats,power power locks, locks,AM/FM/CD, AM/FM/CD,driver’s driver’spackage, package, SYNC, SYNC,&&trailer trailertow, tow,&&much muchmore. more.

MSRP MSRP$22,995. $22,995.Incldues Incldues$2000 $2000rebate, rebate,$500 $500 Military, Military,$2000 $2000Cash/Trade Cash/Trade

2008 Buick LaCrosse CXL Leather, loaded, one owner $


4x4, loaded, nav., one ownerStarting Loaded, at Starting at auto, leather, extra clean $ $

Auto, Auto,cruise/tilt, cruise/tilt,air, air,power powerpackage, package, AM/FM/CD, AM/FM/CD,Mykey Mykey&&much muchmore. more. 2010 Ford Mustang Leather, loaded $




Auto, Auto,air, air,power powerpackage, package, tilt, tilt,Mykey Mykey&&much muchmore. more.

2010 Honda Civic LX Power pkg, extra clean, low miles



Auto, Auto,air, air,AM/FM/CD/MP3, AM/FM/CD/MP3,power power package, package,tire tirepressure pressuremonitor monitor &&much muchmore. more.

Air AirConditioning, Conditioning,tilt tiltsteering steeringwheel, wheel,power power doorlocks/remote doorlocks/remotekeyless, keyless,ABS ABSbrakes brakes

2010 Toyota Corolla LE Auto, power package, loaded $

2009 Ford Fusion SEL Moonroof, one owner, leather $

Starting Startingat at

2007 Saturn Outlook XE Leather, moonroof, extra clean $

05 05Suzuki SuzukiVerona Verona Auto, Auto,power powerpkg, pkg,low lowmiles miles

07 07Chrysler ChryslerPT PTCruiser Cruiser

02 02Mazda MazdaMillennia Millennia Leather, Leather,sunroof, sunroof,only only50k 50kmiles miles


7,995 7,995

6,995 6,995

2009 Mini Cooper S Moonroof, loaded, 15k miles $


02 02Acura AcuraMDX MDX

Leather, moonroof,xtra xtraclean clean Leather,moonroof,

10,995 10,995

13,995 13,995

2008 Ford F-150 Lariat Crew Cab, leather, one owner $

06 06Cadillac CadillacCTS CTS

10 10Toyota ToyotaTacoma Tacoma Auto, air,only only10k 10kmiles, miles,like likenew new Auto,air,


14,995 14,995

14,995 14,995

2011 Toyota Sienna Loaded, power sidedoors 05 05 FordMustang MustangRoush Roush $Ford Loaded, 24,995 Loaded,xtra xtraclean clean

Loaded, xtraclean clean Loaded,xtra

13,995 13,995


13,995 13,995

2009 Infiniti G37 Leather, moonroof, one owner $


07 07Mazda MazdaRX8 RX8Coupe Coupe

07 07Toyota ToyotaCamry Camry

6spd, 6spd,loaded, loaded,one oneowner owner

Leather, sunroof,28k 28kmiles miles Leather,sunroof,


15,995 15,995


15,995 15,995

Auto, Auto,air, air,one oneowner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean 24,995 24,995 Only Only21k 21kmiles, miles,loaded, loaded,11owner owner $$ $$

16,995 16,995

07 07Nissan NissanQuest Quest

Power Powerside sidedoors, doors,loaded loaded

07 07Ford FordEdge EdgeSE SE


06 06Dodge DodgeRam Ram2500 2500Crew CrewCab Cab 4x4, 4x4,only only34k 34kmiles, miles,like likenew new

Auto, Auto,Extra ExtraClean, Clean,11Owner Owner


20,995 20,995

19,995 19,995

2009 Mercedes ML 350 4matic, like new, loaded $ 10 10Nissan NissanMaxima Maxima3.5 3.5

XLT, XLT,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean


22,995 22,995

22,995 22,995

2012 Chevy Tahoa LT DVD, leather, Moonroof 07 Avalanche LTLT 07Chevy Chevy Avalanche Leather,only only14k 14kmiles miles $Leather,

34,995 26,995 26,995


09 09Honda HondaAccord AccordEX EX

Auto, Auto,V8, V8,only only12K 12Kmiles miles

Loaded, Loaded,11owner owner



20,995 20,995

20,995 20,995

2012 Dodge Charger R/T Leather, loaded, Nav., extra clean $


08 08Wrangler WranglerUnlimited UnlimitedSahara Sahara

08 08GMC GMCSierra Sierra1500 1500Crew CrewCab Cab

4x4, 4x4,Auto, Auto,hardtop, hardtop,must mustsee see

4X4, 4X4,Loaded, Loaded,one oneowner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean


24,995 24,995


24,995 24,995

2013 Ford Mustang Boss 302

Mega MegaCab, Cab,only only19k 19kmi, mi,11owner owner 38,995 $$ 26,995 27,995 26,995 27,995

10 10Lincoln LincolnMKS MKS MustDual Come moonroof, loaded, Dual moonroof,See! loaded,only only16k 16kmimi

Extra LT clean, 11K0707 miles 11 Dodge 11Chevy ChevyCamaro Camaro LT DodgeRam Ram2500 2500Laramie Laramie



29,995 29,995



$ $

18,995 18,995

09 09Nissan NissanTitan TitanCrew CrewCab Cab

2011 Toyota Highlander Ltd

Sunroof, Sunroof,only only 400miles miles $400

3rd 3rdseat, seat,11owner owner


18,995 18,995


09 09Ford FordF150 F150Super SuperCab Cab

Moonroof, Moonroof,auto, auto,xtra xtraclean clean


08 08Ford FordExplorer ExplorerXLT XLT

$$ 2011 BMW 320 8i Loaded, auto, low mles, like new $

Captain Captainseats, seats,dual dualpower powerdoors, doors,loaded loaded

2011 Lexus IS 250 Loaded, only 5K miles $


16,995 16,995

10 10Dodge DodgeGrand GrandCaravan CaravanSXT SXT


18,995 18,995


16,995 16,995

$ 2012 Ford Edge $limited Loaded, leather, chrome wheels $

Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,low lowmiles miles

18,995 18,995

Sales: M-F 8:30AM 8PM Sat 8:30AM 7PM Sales: Sales: M-F M-F 8:30AM 8:30AM --- 8PM 8PM ••• Sat Sat 8:30AM 8:30AM --- 7PM 7PM Service: M-F 7AM 6PM Sat 8AM 3PM Service: Service: M-F M-F 7AM 7AM --- 6PM 6PM ••• Sat Sat 8AM 8AM --- 3PM 3PM

06 06VW VWBeetle BeetleConvertible Convertible

Only 28kmiles, miles,xtra xtraclean clean Only28k

Auto, Auto,11owner, owner,xtra xtraclean clean


$$ 2012 GMC Terrain SLT $$ V6, leather, moonroof, like new $


12,995 12,995

2012 Chevy Silverado LT 2008 Volvo XC90 3.2 V8, Ext cab, like new Moonroof, one owner, leather 08 08Honda Honda CRV 07 07Jeep JeepWrangler WranglerXX $ 06 $CRV 06Pontiac PontiacSolstice Solstice

16,995 16,995

843-873-3550 843-873-3550 843-873-3550




Loaded, xtraclean, clean,must mustsee see Loaded,xtra

FORD • MERCURY FORD•MERCURY FORD•MERCURY FORD•MERCURY Your Lowcountry Headquarters Your Truck Your Lowcountry Lowcountry Truck Truck Headquarters Headquarters

12,995 12,995

2011 Nissan Maxima Loaded, only 8k miles $



05 05Lincoln LincolnTown TownCar CarSignature SignatureLtd Ltd

05 05Toyota ToyotaSienna SiennaLE LE

07 07MINI MINICooper Cooper

Auto, powerpkg, pkg,xtra xtraclean clean Auto,power


13,995 13,995

10,995 10,995

10,995 10,995

08 08Ford FordEscape Escape

06 06VW VWPassat Passat

Loaded, Loaded,xtra xtraclean, clean,like likenew new




12,995 12,995



2011 Ford Mustang Conv. Leater, auto $

lthr, new, Moonroof, Loaded, lthr,like like new,garage garagekept kept Moonroof, xtraclean, clean,11owner owner Loaded, 2010 Ford Edge Limited Honda CRV EXxtra $$ CD/MP3 $$owner V6, Leather, Leather, moonroof, one $ $

Auto, Auto,xtra xtraclean clean 2010

04 04Chevy ChevySilverado Silverado2500 2500HD HDLS LS

12,995 12,995

10 10Ford FordMustang MustangConvertible Convertible

7,995 7,995

06 06Honda HondaAccord AccordEX-L EX-L 19,995 05 05Ford FordF150 F150Crew CrewCab Cab 20,995 Loaded, Loaded,leather, leather,moonroof moonroof V8, V8,auto, auto,xtra xtraclean clean

05 05Chrysler ChryslerCrossfire CrossfireLtd Ltd

Auto, xtra xtraclean, clean,one oneowner owner Auto,Dodge 2012 Caravan Crew $$ Loaded, extra clean $$ $


7,995 7,995


Auto, Auto,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean

10,995 10,995


08 08Suzuki SuzukiReno Reno

Low Lowmiles, miles,one oneowner owner


2009 Toyota Tacoma Prerunner SR5 V6 $


05 05Dodge DodgeRam Ram1500 1500SLT SLT


Touring, auto,loaded, loaded,xtra xtraclean clean Touring,auto,



2010 Suzuki Grand Vitara Auto, leather, loaded $



C01-450145 C01-450145

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