Joint Base Charleston
Patriot Vol. 1, No. 1
Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Photo illustration by David Williams
Air Force, Navy reach full operational capability on JB CHS By Staff Sgt. Daniel Bowles Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs Come hail or high water, there’s no stopping this train. Amidst a week of preparation, perspiration and rain, Joint Base Charleston will officially achieve its long-awaited full operational capability today. At fourth and goal, the final week was a long way from initial operating capability, which began in January 2010 with stand up of the 628th Air Base Wing. Countdown complete, JB CHS has arrived at FOC ready to enter the new fiscal year as a fully operational joint base. The inaugural day signifies a new chapter in Lowcountry military history at a time when senior U.S. military officials have said more is being asked of members of the Department of Defense than ever. Home to heroes of the wars of the 20th century and with history dating back to the Revolutionary War, the seeds of the change fell on fertile ground in Charleston and have taken root. JB CHS combines two historic bases into a single joint installation to support both Air Force and Navy missions, along with tenant commands, and all
service members and their families. Capitalizing on best practices of both services, the base will continue to capture identified efficiencies, enhance warfighting readiness and maximize delivery of installation support services throughout the joint base. Deservingly, inaugural day may come with sigh of relief for some, as a day to celebrate or a welcome opportunity to reflect on past accomplishments. However the men and women of JB CHS choose to greet the day, one man in particular sees possibilities beyond what is past or present. He calls the vision “continuous improvement.” Years from now, FOC celebrations long gone, what will be the greatest result of the joint basing venture is the people who’ve come and gone who can say they are better from it, and it from them, said Joint Basing Coordinator Lt. Col. Kevin Riley. His beat on the joint base scene began early on in May 2007, and he has observed nearly every challenge leading up to FOC. In his eyes, which have seen their fair share, the narrow road to that “true measure of success” parallels the path of continuous improvement for all of Joint Team Charleston.
Welcome to your new base paper Commentary by Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs Thank you for picking up a copy of the Patriot. It hasn't been easy, combining the Shoreline and the Airlift Dispatch. Each paper served its own unique audiences. But through hours of meetings and discussions, we have put together a publication that we hope will become a weekly reading habit for you. The purpose of a military newspaper is to provide information to our internal audience: military members and their families, retirees and our civilian workforce. It is a primary tool for
the commanding officer to get you the information deemed important. You are our audience, and with this in mind, the Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs staff will continue to provide you with the news you need to know to stay safe, advance your career and entertain your families. We'll also keep you informed about Air Force and Navy news worldwide that is of interest or can have an impact on us locally. Air Force and Navy Public Affairs have strict guidelines as to what goes into a base paper. Often times, it's a juggling act trying to decide which story will capture the most peoples' inter-
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est. Our job is to provide you with the news that you need to know, and hopefully, provide it in a way that you will look forward to reading, while at the same time, adhering to Air Force and Navy regulations. Although there are hundreds of events that happen on our joint base every week that are extremely noteworthy, only some can ultimately be considered newsworthy outside the small group of individuals they impact. As much as we would like to provide for every request we receive, it just isn't possible. If you have a question as to the type of events we cover, please don't hesitate to give us a call at 963-5608.
Active shooter exercise steps up emergency response readiness See page 8
CELEBRATION JB CHS inaugural events at Redbank Club See page 3
JB CHS pilot prepares for tough competition See page 14
DECALS No vehicles decals at Weapons Station See page 5
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The Patriot • October 1, 2010
Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot The Joint Base Charleston Patriot is published by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DOD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs offices of both bases reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed to be against DOD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.
Deadlines The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Patriot staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.
Editorial Content Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Patriot can be reached at: 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, Room 312. Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963-3464 Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd., Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154. E-mail to: All news releases should be sent to this address.
Editorial Staff 628 ABW commander Col. Martha Meeker Public Affairs Officer Scott Bassett Patriot Editor Staff Sgt. Daniel Bowles
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Col. Martha Meeker 628th Air Base Wing commander
Today marks the full operational capability for our joint base as Naval Weapons Station Charleston stands down and 636 civilians and 55 Sailors join more than 1,700 Air Force teammates as part of the 628 Air Base Wing. In addition to changing personnel, you'll also start to notice a few other changes as we look to standardize installation management across our Air Base and our Weapons Station. Some of these, such as eliminating the requirement for vehicle decals at the Weapons Station and a combined base newspaper, begin today, but others will take a bit longer as we work budgets and policy. In the end though, each change is designed to either streamline operations or improve service as we take the best practices from each location. This will also mean change for many of our civilians as well as some of our Sailors and Airmen as they take on new responsibilities, but the opportunities are exciting. For example, Erika Figueroa is doing fantastic work as she transfers from serving as the NWS commander's secretary to joining our amazing wing protocol team led by Kathy Knichel and 1st Lt Lauren Wilson. Lt. Col. Stevan Kaighen, 628 Logistics Readiness Squadron commander is also broadening his horizon as he recently found himself with others
of his logistics readiness squadron standing at the Weapons Station waterfront. Each was observing crane and ship operations as the 628 LRS prepares to take on oversight of our sea ports with the help of their new teammates like Navy Lt. Marvin Robinson and Chief Warrant Officer 3 John Wilson. Marie Roberson has definitely made a difference in our commercial data and voice services as she and the entire NWS Information Technology team have led the way on ensuring continued connectivity to more than 40 Navy, Army and Marine partners and now join our Air Force communications squadron. Finally, Selwyn Stephens and the 628 Medical Group has been outstanding as they take on oversight for drug demand reduction testing for all of the 53 tenant organizations who call Joint Base Charleston home. Your base is changing as we bring "Joint-ness" from the battle front to home front and the talented men and women of this joint base will make it a success. To give you an example of what talent and dedication can achieve, let me pass along a true story about another superb team of professionals who made the most of their own personnel ... Vince Lombardi's Green Bay Packers. In 1957, the Green Bay Packers drafted Heisman winner, Paul Hornung from Notre Dame. What some might not remember though was he was a quarterback for Notre Dame, not the runner and kicker that got him into the Hall of Fame. However, when Green Bay drafted him, they already had a great quarterback in Bart Starr. So, for a couple of years, Green Bay had a Heismanwinning quarterback riding the bench. But when Vince Lombardi arrived in 1959, he knew Hornung was too talented not to play, so he began to look for options. Lombardi knew Hornung was big and he found out that not only could Hornung pass, he could run with the ball as well as kick. Hornung's main assignment from then on was not a quarterback but as running back and place kicker and the results were dramatic. In 1960 and '61, Hornung was named the National Football League's Most Valuable Player and Green Bay was on its way to four championships. Some of our greatest achievements are based on people doing things they never considered before.
Shape your life with values By Capt. Matthew Foisy 628th Security Forces Squadron acting commander Take a minute and reminisce back to the day when you first put on your military uniform. For many it was probably Basic Training, Reserve Officer Training Corps or the Academy. Can you recall the sense of pride you felt at the time? As I often recall, it was a feeling of pride, honor, commitment, an overwhelming sense of patriotism; it was being part of something bigger, not just another organization. Soon, the indoctrination began. For weeks we drilled and trained in the customs and courtesies, history and teachings of our respective services. We were "blued" and ready to go out and make a difference serving our great nation. One of the best aspects of my job is seeing the face of a new one striper or butter bar fresh out of school and having the opportunity to sit down with them and provide expectations, direction and encouragement. We all typically hit the ground running with a strong desire to succeed and make a difference. Over time we all learn the lessons of life, the job, and often times we are quickly faced with challenges and adversity. These are defining moments in our career which everyone will learn to deal with differently. I entered the service at a time when our nation was at war, a time that is arguably the most challenging our military has faced since Vietnam. The strain which deployments, highops tempos and numerous competing demands place on our Airmen, Sailors, Soldiers, Marines and their families are immeasurable. It is something only understood by those of us who have experienced it, and it is in this environment we are most tested and tried. For most, it will be these times that help us grow into better leaders and make us stronger. Our respective services provide us with sets of core values developed to guide us in our every action. The importance of integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do defines the United States Air Force and I make it a point to consider these values in every
decision I make. They help guide me through the tough decisions. The Security Forces Apprentice Course at Lackland Air Force base took the Air Force Core Values a step further. The acronym by which we remember our Security Forces Core Values is SHIELD. Designed after the device we proudly wear on our left front pocket, which distinguishes us as law enforcement officials, the acronym also defines the values I expect every one of our Defenders to uphold. Service: Service before self reminds us of our commitment to the United States Air Force, always putting the mission first, and of the sacrifice we and our families must make to continue keeping our Air Force safe and secure. Honor: To remind us what an honor it is to be able to serve our great nation, to have the distinction of being a law enforcement official, to wear the badge and beret and to serve the base populous in this capacity; but most importantly to honor all the core values. Integrity: As a law enforcement official integrity is paramount, people look to us to be the example and do what is right all the time. Without integrity our word means nothing. Excellence: We strive for excellence at all times and to be the example, we are the first and the last Airmen any patron transiting our installation will see, we must leave them with an impression of excellence. Leadership: Every defender must be a leader, whether they are controlling entry to the base or leading a convoy, they are expected to make decisions which impact the lives of others. Discipline: We strive for discipline in everything we do, not only must we meet the standards but we also enforce them. I make it a point to catch every member entering the 628th Security Forces Squadron prior to putting them to work in order to reinforce these values. Core values must be the bedrock which defines our character. Without family, personal, or service oriented values we would be undisciplined. You need not look far within your organizations to see those who
embrace the values to their fullest. I am reminded daily of their impact as I come through the base gates and am greeted by a professional like Tech. Sgt. Brian Saylors, who I receive daily compliments on for his professionalism, or when I read about Senior Airman Samuel Siewert from the 628th Civil Engineer Squadron being recognized as one of the Air Force 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year. On the contrary, there are a few amongst our ranks who have lost focus on our core values. Just last year Charleston AFB issued 61 Article 15s and we have already exceeded that number this year with three calendar months left. We are also challenged with an unacceptable rate of physical fitness failures to a standard which is not overly challenging. Lastly, although a small minority, we have a population that has lost focus on basic customs and courtesies expected of us within the profession of arms. This is unacceptable and I am sure if you fall into one of these categories it is the last place you thought you would be when you entered the service. Many of my Defenders have heard me say time after time, "Discipline yourself so that others won't have to." The worst part of any commander's day is having to discipline a member of their unit because they failed to embrace or follow the core values. I challenge all of you who have taken the time to read this article to reaffirm what your respective core values mean to you. Challenge yourself to consider them in your every day decision making process. Remember the sense of pride you felt when you put the uniform on for the first time ... don't lose focus. If you see others around you struggling, remind them to have a Wingman, call a friend if they have been drinking, put down that double quarter pounder with cheese if know they will not pass their PT test, and remind them to stand up when a senior member enters the room. If you do not exemplify and embrace these values then it is probably time for you to move on but remember, even McDonald's has core values for their employees; in fact they have seven and not just three.
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The Patriot • October 1, 2010
Team Charleston, Come out to the Redbank Club on the Weapons Station Friday, Oct. 1 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and celebrate the beginning of Joint Base Charleston at the Inaugural Open House! Events kick off at 11 a.m. with introductions by your Joint Base Commander, and at 1 p.m. the winner of the Commander’s Cup will be announced and the trophy will be presented. Live entertainment will be provided by the U.S. Air Force Blue Aces as well as a local reggae band. Free food, beverages and Military displays will also be provided for your enjoyment and will continue until 3 p.m. Family and friends are welcome! Transportation will be provided to and from both the Air Base and Weapons Station. Buses will pick up at the Base Theater on the Air Base and drop off at the Redbank Club on the Weapons Station. Morning pick up times will be from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and afternoon shuttles back to the Air Base run from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. It is highly encouraged that everyone use the buses for transportation, however, if you decide to drive, keep in mind parking is very limited. The Joint Base commander has declared this as an alternate duty location for 628th Air Base Wing civilians and a half-day for 628 ABW military. The alternate duty location is not approved for 437th or 315th Airlift Wing personnel. 628 ABW personnel are required to either be at the celebration or at work, in addition, civilian clothes are authorized for the afternoon. Please join the celebration, have some fun and be part of this historical event!
6. Follow Redbank road for more than 5 miles when you will see the entrance onto the Weapons Station. 7. Go about a half mile until you see the Naval Exchange parking lot on your left. Or for alternate parking, continue on Redbank to the Dive, on your left. Park at either location and shuttles will take you to the Redbank Club. Address of Redbank Club 2316 Red Bank Rd. • Goose Creek, SC. 29445-8600
To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit:
Directions to Redbank Club 1. Exit via the back gate of Charleston Air Force Base onto Air Base Boulevard. 2. Turn Left onto Aviation Avenue. 3. Turn Left onto Rivers Avenue. 4. Travel approximately nine miles on Rivers Avenue. Keep left on Rivers, follow signs to Weapons Station until you hit Redbank Road. 5. Turn right onto Redbank Rd.
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The Patriot • October 1, 2010
NSA Sailors get ready for fall PFA By Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jennifer R. Hudson Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs While Sailors throughout the United States Navy prepare for their bi-annual Physical Fitness Assessment, Lowcountry Sailors at Naval Support Activity Charleston raised their own standards, training vigorously as they prepare for their fall PFA scheduled on Oct. 19 to Oct. 29. "We have been doing a lot more strength and conditioning training, as well as circuit training in order to help Sailors better themselves," said Master-at-Arms 2nd Class Nick Green, assistant command fitness leader. "We want to help improve a Sailor's score, but our ultimate goal is to improve a Sailor's overall health." According to MA2 Green, giving NSA Sailors a more vigorous workout not only gives them an all around full-body workout but improves their stamina so that during their test day, the Sailor will pass with flying colors. This fall's PFA, just like the past spring PFA, will include the option of completing a 1.5mile run, a 500-yard swim or a 12-minute-fixed-time test on an elliptical trainer or stationary bike. Sailors must also do a set number of push-ups and sit-ups based upon age and gender. Weigh-ins will be conducted Oct. 18-20 at Sam's Gym, from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. and again from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. All participants are required to arrive at Sam's Gym at 6:45 a.m. for a 7 a.m. start time; dates are as follows:
• 1.5-mile run: Oct. 21 and 22 - Oct.25 will be the make-up day for the run. • 500-yard swim: Oct. 26 - Oct. 27 will be the make-up for the swim. • Bike/Elliptical: Oct. 28 - Oct. 29 will be the make-up for the Bike/Elliptical. To make the assessment even more stringent, a new PFA regulation will be effective Jan. 1, 2011. The regulation will require those Sailors who take the option to use the stationary bike for their testing to use a tougher calorie conversion equation according to Naval Administrative Message 256/10. In accordance with the message "The revised equation will more accurately calculate outstanding performance and will require the participant to burn more calories to achieve a probationary or satisfactory score than under the current equation." "I agree with how the Navy is tightening the belt on physical standards and readiness," said Master-at-Arms 1st Class Jake Moore, command fitness leader. "We are in the military and should look as such when in uniform. The training that we under-go is helping each and every one of us to better our overall health."
Navy uniform guidance shift to winter uniform Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs It’s time to prepare those winter uniforms. Per instruction, a shift to winter uniform of the day for all stations and ships within the Navy Region Southeast area of responsibility will take effect as follows: In the states of Georgia and South Carolina beginning Nov.
1 and for the states of Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana and Florida on Dec. 6, the uniform of the day will be: • For both male and female officers and chief petty officers, the prescribed uniform of service dress blue or service khaki and an alternate uniform of winter blue. • For Sailors E-1 through E-6, the prescribed uniform of service dress blue and alternate uniform of winter blue.
The uniform of the day for the southern portion of Florida extending south from Cedar Key in the west, to Ocala and over to Ormond Beach in the east is summer white all year. Requests for exceptions to wearing prescribed uniforms for a specific event can be submitted to Commander, Navy Region Southeast for approval.
CNO Navy birthday video available for local celebrations WASHINGTON – The U.S. Navy released a video message from the chief of naval operations (CNO) Sept. 29 for the Navy's upcoming 235th birthday. "As the Navy celebrates 235 years of service to the nation, it is important to reflect on the vital work our Sailors do and how seapower of our Navy protects our
way of life and provides for security and prosperity around the world," said CNO Adm. Gary Roughead. CNO spoke about the accomplishments of the Navy and the important role it plays in the nation's history. "Time and again, the U.S. Navy has seized opportunities in times of great chal-
lenge and risen to great achievements in peace and war," said Roughead. Roughead thanked every Sailor for their personal sacrifice and commitment to defending their nation. "Yours is the calling and the opportunity to serve our nation and it is a calling that not everyone can have," said Roughead.
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The Patriot • October 1, 2010
Texting and chatting while driving? Think twice By Eric Sesit Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
The first offense will result in an Armed Forces Traffic Ticket, three driving record points for cell phone infractions, four Despite numerous public awareness points for seat belts and an 18-calendar campaigns, many base personnel continue day suspension of driving privileges on to insist on driving while texting or talking any installation. on cell phones, and despite statistics showA second offense will cost an additional ing seatbelts save lives, many drivers are AFTT four-point ticket and a 90-day susstill flexing their personal freedom by not pension of driving privileges. wearing proper seatbelt restraints. If the first two punishments don't get a In order to combat this disturbing trend, person's attention and they are caught a Joint Base Charleston will be implement- third time, the individual will be hit with ing a new policy dealing with offenders, an AFTT five-point ticket and a full oneNov. 1, 2010. year suspension of driving privileges on If caught driving on Joint Base any installation. Charleston, either the Navy or Air Force If at any time an individual is found to be side, without a seatbelt, or while texting or operating a vehicle while under suspension, using a cell phone without a hands-free an automatic two-year revocation of driving device, the consequences will be severe. privileges on any installation will immediately be invoked. These measures are instituted to emphasize the importance of the law and the safety of all JB CHS military and civilian members. The policy goes into effect Nov. 1, and applies to everyone entering the installations. Avoid the hassle and humiliation of not being able to drive on base. Buckle-up and remember to use a proper restraint device for children. If you have to text or talk on the phone, pull over or invest in a hands-free device. U.S. Air Force photo illustration
U.S. Air Force graphic
No vehicle decals required at Weapons Station, effective Oct. 1 By order of the Joint Base Charleston commander, vehicle decals will no longer be required to gain entry to the Weapons Station. Effective Oct. 1, 2010, access to both sides of Joint Base Charleston will require drivers to present a valid Department of Defense identification card. Additionally, all Air Base motorcyclists are reminded of the mandate to apply for a motorcycle identification card to ensure continued base access. Applications for cards are submitted through the 628th Air Base Wing Safety Office.
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The Patriot • October 1, 2010
Fifty-three Airmen to receive October promotions Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs Joint Team Charleston would like to congratulate the following 53 Airmen on their October promotions: To Airman: 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron: Devin Lorenzi, Brady Novian and Maxwell St. Germain To Airman 1st Class: 628th Communications Squadron: Cody Edwards 437 AMXS: Mark Ciccotto 437th Maintenance Squadron: Timothy Hetherington To Senior Airman: 628th Civil Engineer Squadron: Colleen McDevitt, Jared Palmer and Isaiah Thompson 628th Comptroller Squadron: Brittani Valencia-Espinoza 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron: Rachel Bublitz, Jonathon Buncak and James Frazier 628th Medical Support Squadron: Jasmine Frazier 628th Security Forces Squadron: Robert Badger, David Corter, Ryan Merriman and Zachariah Spaulding 437 AMXS: William McDevitt and Travis Tyler 437th Aerial Port Squadron: Wayne
Ellis and David Moody 437 MXS: Devon Brown, Brent Cole, Tayler Lindsey, Matthew Malenic, Corey Pfantz and Michael A. Todd 437th Operations Group: Joi Simpson 437th Operations Support Squadron: Amber Engelhart To Staff Sergeant: 628 CES: Darell Wallace 628 LRS: Bryan Barnhart 437 AMXS: John Coleman 437 APS: James Pratt 437 OSS: David Methvin and Joseph Truesdale Security Forces, Detachment 3: Ronnie Jones To Technical Sergeant: 628th Force Support Squadron: Erica Hightower 628 LRS: Lun Fox and Michael Harkness 437th Maintenance Group: Terry Marrow 437 AMXS: Bernard Gurski 437 APS: Ryan Moyer 437 MXS: Justin Thomas 437 OG: Adam Pearsoll 437 OSS: Maria Murray
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To Master Sergeant: 628 CES: Michael Minnick 437 AMXS: John Herald, Johnnie Landram, Gary Murdock, Michael Nagy and Steven Weiss 437 MXS: Kevin Lemere
By Master Sgt. Lisa Peele 14th Airlift Squadron first sergeant
The weather is starting to get cooler as we head into the fall. For those Airmen who perform physical training in the morning, here are some things to remember when wearing cold weather accessories with the PT uniform and improved PTU: • Cold weather accessories may be worn outdoors only. • Knit watch cap will be plain, solid black, dark blue or sage green without logos. Bandanas and other similar headscarves or headgear are not authorized unless due to medical waiver condition. • Gloves will be plain, solid black or dark blue without logos. • Scarf and earmuffs will be solid black or dark blue. Earmuffs may wrap around either the top or rear of the head. • Green or black fleece is not authorized to be worn with the PTU or IPTU. • Do not mix or match the current PTU running suit jacket and running suit pants with the IPTU jacket and pants. All other combinations authorized. • Long sleeve undershirts are not authorized with the short sleeve PT shirt. If you want your arms covered, you may wear the long sleeve PTU shirt, sweatshirt or PTU/IPTU jacket.
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The Patriot • October 1, 2010
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The Patriot • October 1, 2010
JB CHS SFS ready for takedown Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs If you were alarmed by the men and women running around with guns on both the Air Base and Weapons Station, don’t be. Joint Base Charleston held its first full joint exercise Sept. 22, to include the leadership from both services. Personnel from both the Weapons Station and Air Base acted as role players to conduct mock 'attacks' designed to hone emergency response skills on both sides of the interstate. The Joint Base Commander's Action Team was activated to direct the response through two separate Emergency Operations Centers, one on the Air Base and one on the Weapons Station. The overall outcome of the exercise provided valuable feedback for all involved, but specifically for JB CHS leadership. Information gathered and problems discovered will better aid JB CHS in making necessary corrections or changes to emergency response procedures. From every lesson learned from this exercise as well as those in the future, JB CHS will be able to further improve its ability to respond to any type of emergency.
Photo by James Bowman
Members of the 628th Security Forces Squadron respond to an aggressor during a mock hostile situation during the active shooter training exercise on Joint Base Charleston, S.C., Sept. 22, 2010. The AST exercise prepares first responders on how to react to a hostile situation.
Photo by James Bowman
Members of the 628th Security Forces Squadron move through the hallway looking for an aggressor during a mock hostile situation during the active shooter training exercise on Joint Base Charleston, S.C., Sept. 22, 2010. The AST exercise was a joint operation between both Air Force and Navy personnel and tested the deployment of rapid intervention techniques. Photo by James Bowman
Patrolman Benjamin Mcswain, right, from Gastonia, NC, and partner Master-at-Arms 2nd Class Sherman Widbee from Richmond, Va., respond as the first on scene during a base-wide active shooter exercise on Naval Weapons Station Charleston Sept. 22, 2010. Both Patrolman Mcswain and Master-at-Arms Widbee are with the Naval Weapons Station Charleston security department.
Officer John Kimbler subdues an aggressor during a mock hostile situation during the active shooter training exercise on Joint Base Charleston, S.C., Sept. 22, 2010. Mr. Kimbler is a security forces officer with the 628th Security Forces Squadron.
To See More Photos & News, Visit www.Charleston.Af.Mil Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jennifer R. Hudson
Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jennifer R. Hudson
Seaman Richard Contant from Falls Church, Va., simulates emergency first aid on Seaman Recruit Will McKenzaie from Clovis, Calif., who was a victim of an active shooter during a basewide exercise on Naval Weapons Station Charleston Sept. 22, 2010.
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The Patriot • October 1, 2010
Voting Assistance Program launches online tools for absentee voters American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON – With all U.S. House of Representatives and some U.S. Senate seats at stake during the mid-term elections Nov. 2, the department's Federal Voting Assistance Program has launched a new set of tools to quickly and easily connect voters with their state election processes. These new tools are presented at critical time for military voters. The Department of Defense announced Absentee Voting Week on Sept. 27, and is scheduled to last until Oct. 4. With the new tools in place, military voters serving outside their home states will have more opportunities than ever to make their votes count. Bob Carey, Federal Voting Assistance Program director, said the tools are part of a system designed to ensure voters get the appropriate ballot and can submit it before deadline. FVAP's voting support program, launched this year, offers precinct-specific online ballots and submission instructions for the 19 states so far participating. Participating states include: Virginia, Utah, Montana, New Jersey, Nevada, Kansas, Mississippi, Washington, New Mexico, Indiana, Nebraska, Missouri, New York, Delaware, West Virginia, Idaho, Arkansas, Colorado and Tennessee. Through the online program at, users get a direct link to a state's ballot delivery system, Mr. Carey said. "Or if your state doesn't happen to have that, then we have
an online ballot that has all your federal candidates. You can select online and print out the ballot online. It will give you a pre-addressed envelope and complete instructions about how to get the ballot back home," he said. Carey said FVAP also is using social networking tools to reach potential voters. "FVAP is on Facebook, and we have a tool, an invitation for people to send to all their friends to say, 'Hey, here's how you can get your ballot now.' And if they go to the Federal Voting Assistance Program Facebook page, they can find out all that as well," said Mr. Carey. Some states allow ballots to be returned by fax or online, but the military postal service will express-mail any ballots military members or their spouses submit from overseas, said Mr. Carey. "So Bear County, Texas, has already gotten back two ballots from Korea that were sent back by the express mail," said Mr. Carey. "E-mailed out on Friday, and the voter got it, put it right in the mail, it got express-mailed back, was back in San Antonio's hands on that Tuesday. Four-day turnaround." FVAP also relies on unit commanders and voting assistance officers worldwide to help troops and civilians get their ballots back on time. "We have over 9,500 voting assistance officers in the military," Mr. Carey said. "They're doing a good job; they got the military registered at a higher rate than the general pop-
ulation. What we're finding, though, is that while 91 percent of the absentee ballots in the general population are returned, only 63 percent of the military ballots were returned [during the last election cycle]." In the past, ballots were sent by mail, which slowed the voting process and meant some absentee ballots weren't received before voting deadlines, Mr. Carey said. "Now they're being sent by e-mail or being posted online. We've taken a 30-day transmission process and reduced it to 30 milliseconds," said Mr. Carey. "Hopefully that's going to be one of the biggest things we can get out there - let people know they don't have to wait." For troops deployed to remote locations where computers and printers aren't generally available, units may need to make special arrangements, Mr. Carey said. "What we're urging all the units to do during Absentee Voting Week [is] to maybe set up one day where they have a computer available that has a printer available so anyone can come on in and at least get their ballot printed out if it's being delivered by e-mail or online delivery," said Mr. Carey. The program's goal is to make the FVAP Web site the only tool that Defense Department absentee voters need, he said. "The experience of a California voter may be very different than the experience a New York voter has, because of the technology used. But hopefully, the experience in terms of the ease of voting is the same," he said.
DOD provides continued support for military children American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON – Department of Defense Education Activity officials are keeping on the cutting-edge of sharing resources and training tools with public schools supporting military families, a Washington education official said. "Our goal is to reach military children who attend public schools," Kathy Facon, the activity's chief of educational partnership, said in an American Forces Press Service interview. "We want to make sure that what's good for our students is good for them too." Aimed at cooperation with public schools, the education activity serves as an ex officio member of the Interstate Compact on Education Opportunity for Military Children Commission. The compact is an agreement among states to ensure the smooth transition of military children between schools. The compact works to ease issues surrounding records transfer, graduation requirements and course sequencing, among others. So far, 35 states have signed the compact, including South Carolina. June 11 the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children in South Carolina was passed. According to the Compact information paper, the new legislation "allows for the uniform treatment, at the state and local district level, of military children transferring between school districts and states." The Interstate Compact had been in the works for two years, and was initially brought to the table in July of 2008 when 10 states agreed to sign the legislation making it law. South Carolina became the 32nd state to sign the Compact, thus affecting more than 2,100 school-age children that are military dependents on JB CHS. With programs in place like the Interstate Compact, activity officials are working to develop training and marketing materials to help states and school districts implement compact guidelines. Most recently, officials offered up their latest special education training tools to public schools supporting military children after receiving rave reviews from their own teachers. The program includes 16 training modules developed in cooperation with top experts in the special education field, David
Butler, an education data specialist, explained. The modules cover a broad spectrum of topics including mediation and conflict resolution, classroom behavior management strategies and effective strategies for students with math difficulties, as well as a module on autism spectrum disorders. Teachers can self-pace through the modules, or a facilitator can use the guide to present to several teachers. The modules also can be modified for specific needs or specialties. "The modules were developed so they could be used on a widespread basis," Ms. Facon said. "Much of the information can be applied to any teachers, not just those in special education." These efforts in the DOD are complementary to similar local pursuits at Charleston. JB CHS's Military and Family Readiness Center has recently made vast improvements to their support program with the Exceptional Family Member program. Additionally, the center is currently in the hiring process for a dedicated EFMP manager - an initiative which was spearheaded under the Year of the Air Force Family campaign. These key areas of support within the gates represent the DOD's commitment to military children, and in further support outside the base gates, a robust grant program to school districts across the nation is also offered by the DOD Education Activity. In the past two years, the activity has awarded $96 million in grants to about 80 school districts, Ms. Facon said. Officials have reached out to districts that have been affected by deployments or are in locations where education options are more limited for military families, she explained. Most of the grants are focused on academics to improve student achievement, but also include resources for additional counseling support, virtual learning opportunities and professional development for the teaching staff. Ms. Facon also highlighted an online resource called "Students at the Center" that benefits both military families and the schools they attend. For military parents, the resource offers tips on navigating the public education system, as well as information on report cards, school performance and district achievement levels. For school leaders, it offers informa-
tion on military families, particularly in regard to education and readiness, and how they can facilitate a safe and stable environment for military students. And military leaders can, for instance, find information on providing outreach to school boards. "We're very proud of this resource," Ms. Facon said. "We've brought information that was available in many different formats into one location." For help via the web for students, the Department of Defense is also currently funding an online tutoring program for military children provided by Eligible service members and their families connect
to expert tutors online for help with homework, test preparation and academic skills in all core subjects at no charge. Since 2001, the network of more than 1,800 professional tutors and career specialists have delivered more than 5 million one-on-one tutoring and career sessions. Now, service members and their families have access to the resources through a Department of Defense funded contract. For more information on the education activity's training and products, visit (Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs Office contributed to this story)
Photo by Airman 1st Class Lauren Main
Charleston scholar wins $1,000 award from Air Force Clubs Navy Capt. Ralph Ward presents Brandon Jones with a scholarship check for $1,000 toward his college education during the Wing Stand-Up meeting on Joint Base Charleston, Sept. 27, 2010. Brandon graduated in the top 10 percent of his class from Fort Dorchester High School and recently began higher education at the College of Charleston. The scholarship was sponsored by the Air Force Clubs. This is the 14th year in a row that the Club has awarded scholarships totaling $25,000. Brandon won his scholarship with an essay titled, “What the Air Force family means to me.” Twenty-five winners were selected from 130 entries submitted by numerous installations. Brandon hails from a family that is rich with Air Force heritage. Brandon's parents, Brian and Lisa Jones are both civilian employees on JB CHS and his brother, Airman 1st Class Brian Jones Jr. is a loadmaster with the 315th Airlift Squadron. Captain Ward is the Joint Base Charleston deputy commander.
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The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ October 1, 2010
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The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ October 1, 2010
NPC keeps Sailors moving with JB CHS stands up combined additional funding: 10,000 orders legal assistance department to release by Sept. 30 Courtesy of Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs MILLINGTON, Tenn. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; After congressional approval for a Department of the Navy re-programming request, Navy Personnel Command received additional permanent change of station funding the week of Sept. 27. The approval is important news for many Sailors detaching as far out as March 2011, according to NPC leaders. "We received additional PCS funding, which will significantly aid our transition into fiscal year 2011," said Rear Adm. Mike Shoemaker, NPC assistant commander for Career Management. "Based on the amount of funds received and planned execution, we expect to be able to release approximately 10,000 orders by Sept. 30." PCS funding became a major concern last year due to a policy change made in 2008 called the PCS Obligation Policy Change. Under the policy change, which was implemented across the services and came into effect in fiscal year 2009, funding must be provided at the time the PCS orders are written. Previously, the Navy could issue orders immediately after a PCS move was negotiated with the Sailor and then supply funding when the move occurred. "We are working to release as many orders as possible before the end of the fiscal year, including some orders as far out as March 2011," said Admiral Shoemaker. "By comparison, in early fiscal year 2010,
we had nearly 10,000 Sailors detaching in the first quarter who did not receive orders until after Oct. 1." While the release of orders will be good news to many, Admiral Shoemaker cautions that, "independent of funding, there are many factors that may contribute to short lead times for Sailor's orders. These issues include [performed to serve] approvals, overseas and other screening requirements, timing of officer slating processes, orders re-negotiations, emergent requirements, awaiting school graduation dates, nominative billets, medical fall-outs, etc. Bottom line, there will always be some Sailors, even with unlimited funding, who will get their orders with less than optimal lead times." There is still an emphasis on priority billets even while writing orders for moves through spring 2011. "Emphasis remains on overseas contingency operations support assignment rotations, career milestone billets and critical readiness fills, minimizing manning gaps at sea for deployed units and those working up to deployment and keeping the training pipelines moving," Admiral Shoemaker said. NPC spends more than $600 million annually on PCS moves. In FY09, NPC issued approximately 72,600 funded PCS orders with an average cost of $8,556 per move. For more information, contact the NPC Customer Service Center at 866-827-5672. For more news from Navy Personnel Command, visit
By Navy Lt. Patrick Jackson Judge Advocate General Corps
In the spirit of joint basing and in an effort to streamline and maximize services for all, Naval Legal Service Office Southeast is being combined with the U.S. Air Force to form a new legal assistance office that will better serve the greater Joint Base Charleston community. The NLSO SE Branch Office at the Naval Weapons Station is being closed and the remaining elements folded into the Air Force's legal department. The mission of this new office is to provide prompt, courteous and professional legal assistance to all eligible active duty, Reserve and retired military members and their families. Beginning Oct. 1, the new combined legal assistance department will be operated by the Air Force's 628th Air Base Wing Legal Office. If you are stationed onboard Naval Weapons Station, you will still have access to legal assistance. A full time paralegal will be located in Building 84 of Naval Support Activity. The paralegal will be available for power of attorney and notary functions Mondays through Fridays. Beginning Oct. 18, an attorney and paralegal will be available every Monday for more complicated legal matters. The assistance provided by the 628 ABW Legal Office will include legal advice, counseling and occasional document preparation in the following
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areas: â&#x20AC;˘ Divorce, Dissolution and Separation â&#x20AC;˘ Spouse and child support â&#x20AC;˘ Complaints on non-support â&#x20AC;˘ Former Spouse Protection Act â&#x20AC;˘ Involuntary allotments â&#x20AC;˘ Landlord - tenant issues â&#x20AC;˘ Tax relief and intercept programs â&#x20AC;˘ Landlord and tenant disputes â&#x20AC;˘ Debt collections â&#x20AC;˘ Fair credit practices and credit denial â&#x20AC;˘ Consumer disputes with merchants â&#x20AC;˘ Insurance (auto, house, life, health and property) â&#x20AC;˘ Correction of military records â&#x20AC;˘ Civil suits and judgments â&#x20AC;˘ Small Claims court â&#x20AC;˘ Drivers licenses and vehicle regis tration â&#x20AC;˘ Domicile rules â&#x20AC;˘ Taxes (state and federal) â&#x20AC;˘ Civilian misdemeanor charges â&#x20AC;˘ Wills, Living Wills and Durable Powers of Attorney The 628 ABW Legal Office can be reached at 963-5502, and is located at 102 E. Hill Blvd., Building 1600, Room 135. Call ahead to arrange an appointment and to inform the office of the nature of a legal issue.
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The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ October 1, 2010
U.S. Air Force Capt. Jamie Turner rides her bike in preparation for the Ironman World Championship while at Wando, S.C., Sept. 5, 2010. During a peak training week Captain Turner bikes 12 hours, a total distance of 220 miles. She has been preparing for the Ironman for the last six months. During the competition Oct. 9, 2010, she will endure a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride and a 26.2 mile run at Kona, Hawaii. Captain Turner is a C-17 pilot with the 317th Air Force Reserve Command at Joint Base Charleston, S.C.
Ready for takeoff Capt. Jamie Turner flies a route training mission from Joint Base Charleston, S.C., Sept. 15, 2010. Captain Turner was selected as one of 1,800 Iroman World Championship competitors. She will test her physical and mental endurance against one of the biggest challenges the sports world has to offer. The competition is scheduled to be held Oct. 9, 2010, in Kona, Hawaii.
Capt. Jamie Turner swims in Charleston, S.C., Sept. 15, 2010, in preparation for the Ironman World Championship.
U.S. Air Force Capt. Jamie Turner rides her bike in preparation for the Ironman World Championship while at Wando, S.C., Sept. 5, 2010.
Photos by James M. Bowman
U.S. Air Force Capt. Jamie Turner runs in preparation for the Ironman World Championship at Joint Base Charleston, S.C., Sept. 21, 2010.
AROUND U.S., South Korea plan antisubmarine exercise YONGSAN GARRISON, SOUTH KOREA – South Korean and U.S. forces will complete an anti-submarine warfare exercise Oct. 1 which began Sept. 27 in the waters west of the Korean peninsula. The exercise is part of a series of combined naval training events that are defensive in nature and enhance interoperability, officials said. The exercises also are designed to send a clear message of deterrence to North Korea, they added, while improving the overall anti-submarine warfare capabilities of the U.S.-South Korean alliance. Participating units from the U.S. Navy include the guided missile destroyers USS John S. McCain and USS Fitzgerald and the ocean surveillance ship USNS Victorious. Assets also include a fast attack submarine and P-3C Orion aircraft from Patrol Squadron 9. The USS John S. McCain and USS Fitzgerald are forward-deployed to Yokosuka, Japan, and Patrol Squadron 9 is home-ported at Kaneohoe Marine Corps Base, Hawaii. Participating units from the South Korean navy include two destroyers, a fast frigate, a patrol craft, P-3C aircraft from Carrier Air Wing 6 and a submarine. The exercise will focus on anti-submarine warfare tactics, techniques, and procedures, officials said. The first exercise in this series, Combined Naval and Air Readiness Exercise Invincible Spirit, was conducted in the seas east of the Korean peninsula in July. The exercise was originally scheduled to occur Sept. 5-9, officials said, but was delayed for safety reasons related to Typhoon Malou arriving in Korean waters.
Shinseki: Evidence led to new Agent Orange presumptions WASHINGTON – Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki recently defended his decision to add heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, and leukemia to the conditions Veterans Affairs officials can presume in Vietnam War veterans to be caused by Agent Orange exposure. Speaking before the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Secretary Shinseki said he made the recent decision based on the findings of the National Academy’s Institute of Medicine and numerous medical, legal, and program experts’ opinions. U.S. forces used the chemical herbicide Agent Orange during the Vietnam War to deny enemy fighters cover by defoliating forested areas. The institute’s most recent report, issued in July 2009, found sufficient evidence of a positive association between exposure to the Agent Orange herbicide and B-cell leukemia – the most common cancer of white blood cells – as well as Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, and hypertension. The evidence of a causal link to hypertension was less compelling, Secretary Shinseki said, so he did not include it in his determination of VA “presumptions.” The secretary said his decision is in accordance with the Agent Orange Act of 1991, which directs VA to establish presumptions of service connection for any disease discussed in the Institute of Medicine’s biennial reports to VA for which the evidence shows a positive association.
expected to compete. The All-Military Wilderness Challenge brings together the best athletes in the armed forces in a series of five outdoor adventure races designed to enhance camaraderie, competition and team spirit between all five branches of the military. Teams of four will compete in an 8-kilometer mountain run, a 14-mile mountain bike race, a 14-mile forced hike through the mountains, a 13-mile whitewater raft race and a 7-mile kayak race. Among this year's competitors are three returning All-Military Wilderness Challenge champions and two Wounded Warrior teams, comprised of military personnel injured in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Air Force Medal of Honor recipient joins Hall of Heroes WASHINGTON – The nation’s latest Medal of Honor recipient was inducted into the Pentagon’s Hall of Heroes during a ceremony in Washington recently. Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Roy welcomed the brother, sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Richard Etchberger, who was posthumously awarded the medal during a White House ceremony. Adding Etchberger’s name to the Hall of Heroes, where the names of all Medal of Honor recipients are inscribed, marks two firsts, Roy said. Etchberger is the first combat support Airman and the first service member in the top enlisted grade to receive the Medal of Honor. “Since Congress created the E-8 and E-9 pay grades in 1958, no other E-9, in any of our military services, has ever been awarded the Medal of Honor,” Chief Roy said. “Chief Etchberger is the first.” Chief Roy summarized the 1968 events for which Chief Etchberger received the nation’s highest award for military valor 42 years later. While he was serving as a ground radar superintendent for a secret installation in Laos as part of a covert CIA-
The Patriot • October 1, 2010
Air Force operation, Chief Etchberger and his unit came under attack. With two of his four-member crew dead and the two others injured, Chief Etchberger single-handedly held off the enemy from the men’s precarious perch on a cliffside ledge while calling for air strikes and air rescue throughout the night. The next morning, a rescue helicopter arrived. Chief Etchberger braved heavy enemy fire to load his wounded compatriots and another surviving airman into slings dangling from a rescue helicopter. As the helicopter prepared to leave, Chief Etchberger was shot, and he died while in flight. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz said Chief Etchberger’s legend will inspire generations of airmen. “Valor has no expiration date,” he said. “Courage is timeless. And the discovery of truth, no matter how long it is delayed, sets the record straight.”
Navy seeks advances in biomedical research WASHINGTON – Navy researchers throughout the fleet are supporting today’s warfighter with new advances in biomedical research and development. “Medical research and development activity provides the inspiration for discovery and further development of new ideas, new concepts, new drugs or surgical interventions,” Dr. Wayman Cheatham, special assistant for medical research to the Navy surgeon general and director of the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery’s Navy Medicine Research and Development Center, said during a “DOD Live” bloggers roundtable recently. Dr. Cheatham said Navy Surgeon General Vice Adm. (Dr.) Adam Robinson Jr. has established five areas of priority in terms of strategic research to support the Defense Department as a whole as well as those under the care of Navy Health. Those priorities are: traumatic brain injury and psychological health, medical system support for maritime and expedi-
tionary operations, wound and injury management throughout the continuum of care, hearing restoration and protection and undersea medicine. To support these efforts, the Navy has medical research and clinical investigation operations on five continents, as well as among the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Dr. Cheatham said one of the Navy’s latest developments in research has been trying to determine the best agent to stop bleeding in people wounded on the battlefield. Through a collaborative effort with the Army, researchers developed QuikClot combat gauze, a wrap for wounds that seems to be more effective in controlling bleeding. He said the latest technologies in wound and injury management are providing the greatest degree of survival and return of individuals to functionality following injury in any conflict. “Greater than 95 percent of individuals now who are injured on the battlefield, when reached and found to be alive, survive their injuries through a long continuum of care,” he said, calling that survival rate “astounding and historical.” The Navy also is researching the use of hyperbaric oxygen chambers in treating traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress, he said. Monitoring the long-term effects of service on submarines to determine whether unanticipated situations develop or health concerns emerge is another area of ongoing research, Dr. Cheatham said, and Navy researchers also are working with agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization in vaccine development. “Navy laboratories have been integral to the process of investigation and vaccine development by means of their being deployed around the world,” he said. “They have an opportunity to actually be first on hand to sample outbreaks of infection or illness and determine the actual type of virus that might be involved. So Navy serves as a very, very important link in the worldwide surveillance and intervention process.”
History in hand Electrician's Mate 3rd Class John Asija polishes an antique Engine Order Telegraph, or EOT, Sept. 27, 2010, that will be presented to the 628th Air Base Wing upon completion of standing up Joint Base Charleston. The EOT was used in earlier vessels from the 1800s to the mid-1900s. This device was used to power a vessel at a certain desired speed. The EOT used electronic light and sound signals, so when an order was made, the dial would be put in position and then ring in the engine room for
All-Military Wilderness Challenge 2010 kicks off
acknowledgment. Electrician's Mate
YORKTOWN, Pa. – Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic's Morale, Welfare and Recreation Department is scheduled to hold its 10th annual AllMilitary Wilderness Challenge Oct. 7–9 in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains and on the New and the Gauley Rivers in West Virginia. More than 300 military personnel representing 60 teams from around the world are
Support Activity Charleston.
Asija is attached to the Department of Transient Personnel, Naval
Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jennifer R. Hudson
The Patriot • October 1, 2010
First 6 volunteer opportunities can make the most of your career By Airman 1st Class Michael Thorndike Membership Officer for the First 6 The Joint Base Charleston First 6 is a professional organization which focuses on providing junior enlisted service members a forum for making the most of their military careers. The organization extends the invitation to all service members in pay grades from E-1 through E-6 to join. First 6 meetings, which include free food, are held the fourth Thursday of each month at 11 a.m. on the second floor of Building 246 in the First Term Airmen Center classroom on JB CHS-AB. The volunteer opportunities listed below are just a few of many the First 6 supports and are available to all members of Joint Team Charleston. Points of contact are listed for each event, as well as links to websites to make an informed decision on which to volunteer for. In an effort to highlight base members actively volunteering, the First 6 will be tracking hours worked by volunteers. Contact the First 6 at 963-8278 to be counted in the running or e-mail March of Dimes: The local division of March of Dimes is looking for volunteers for the upcoming Signature Chefs Auction on Thursday, Oct 14. The organization is in need of help during the day starting at 10:30 a.m. at the Embassy Suites Charleston Area Convention Center, Ballroom A. The March of Dimes' mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects and infant mortality. They carry out this mission through community service education, advocacy and research. They hold a number of large events annually and are constantly involved in the community. Volunteers could be asked to do anything from administrative work at their office, to helping with auctions at black tie events. To volunteer, contact Erin Herrmann at 614.3357 or by e-mail at EHerrmann@marchofdimes. com. For more information, visit the March of Dimes website at South Carolina Oyster Restoration and Enhancement Project: The purpose of the SCORE program is to restore and enhance oyster habitat by planting recycled oyster shells in the intertidal environment to form new, self-sustaining oyster reefs all with the help of volunteers. This community-based habitat restoration project is an important endeavor because oysters play a significant ecologic and economic role in South Carolina; however, oyster populations are declining. It is important for the community to understand how oysters improve water quality, control erosion, and provide habitat for other commerciallyimportant shellfish and fish species by learning about their biology and the human activities that can influence their well being. The shell bagging Volunteer opportunity will be on Oct. 12 from 1 to 3 p.m. Call 953-9841 or 953-9241 for more information, or visit Kid Stock: James Island County Park
has 20 volunteer positions available Oct. 22 from 9:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Contact Erin Guerrero at or 962-8053 for further information. • Assist with bus unload and loading, supervising inflatables, group games, and other various jobs. • Lunch is provided. • Volunteers should enjoy working with children, being outdoors, and able to stand for extended periods of time. • Must be 13 years and older to volunteer. Home Works of America Home Works Blitz: Home Works will be repairing several homes in the Charleston area Oct. 16 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. All repairs are done with volunteer labor, and while experience is welcome, none is required! Contact: Hank Chardos at 803-781-4536 or by e-mail at Visit the website at Magdalene House of Charleston: Magdalene House is a non-profit transitional/recovery aftercare facility for homeless, disadvantaged women that are recovering from substance abuse, and recently released from prison or a treatment center. We offer the critical undergirding to these women as they seek jobs and logistical support, that ultimately mainstream them into acceptable, social and legal norms. We offer safe, secure transitional housing with daily counseling in spiritual and life skills, self-esteem, jobs skills and maximum independence. Magdalene House of Charleston seeks female drivers to drive residents to various appointments and errands. If interested in volunteering, contact Freda Lewis at 724-9292 or by e-mail at Charleston Habitat for Humanity: Through the end of the year, Charleston Habitat for Humanity is looking for help every day. Volunteers are needed to help the box truck driver make donation pickups throughout the Charleston area and all aspects of running the ReStore, which includes cleaning, pricing, arranging, customer service, inventory and online sales. To volunteer, contact Laurel Prichard at 722-7145 or by e-mail at Check out the website for more information at Second Annual AIDS Walk - Nov. 13 at Hampton Park: This event is in need of 50 volunteers to help stuff registration bags, setup for the walk, direct walkers to parking areas, serve water and other activities. Volunteers will need to attend a volunteer meeting prior to event. To find out more or volunteer, contact Ella Fleming at 402-1096. Increasing H.O.P.E.: Increasing H.O.P.E. has impacted the lives of many other people in the community through partnerships with local churches, prisons, women's centers, local businesses, other nonprofit organizations and individuals in transitional programs, as well as through holding classes open to the public. There is an ongoing need for volunteers to facilitate classes, support community events and act as volunteer coordinators. The entire organization is 100 percent volunteer driven, so volunteers are always needed. To volunteer, contact Dorothea Bernique at 225-4343 or by e-mail at To see more opportunites, visit
Courtesy photo
Ten spouses of Joint Base Charleston active-duty members recently completed a free phlebotomy course funded by the Air Force Aid Society in collaboration with Trident Technical College's Division of Continuing Education and Economic Development. The investment has provided the spouses a skill which can provide an earning potential of approximately $23,000 annually.
Air Force Aid provides free phlebotomy training for active-duty spouses By Amanda Ambrose Airman and Family Readiness community readiness consultant Recent funding from the Air Force Aid Society in collaboration with Trident Technical College's Division of Continuing Education and Economic Development provided an opportunity for Joint Base Charleston active-duty spouses to learn vocational skills in phlebotomy. Along with support from the Air Force base chapel staff who provided space in their new annex for the training site, eager-to-learn students were able to attend a series of successful training sessions over the course of several weeks. By the course's end, 10 students earned certificates of completion. The investment has provided a skill which can be used wherever a military lifestyle may roam and can provide an earning potential of approximately $23,000 annually. Additionally, phlebotomy is a needed stand-alone vocation as well as a foundational skill for careers as a nurse, medical assistant, emergency medical technician, laboratory technician, certified nursing assis-
tant, paramedical examiner, etc. The students were instructed in subjects of anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, circulatory system, infection control, blood-borne pathogens, phlebotomy procedures, Health Insurance and Accountability Act, and hematology. Students were required to perform "waived" testing such as, blood typing, finger-stick blood sugar testing, urinalysis and pregnancy testing. Practice live sticks were performed by the students beginning on a mannequin and then on one another. Each student successfully completed 25 live sticks to meet the requirements of the training to earn their certificates which were presented at the completion of classes on Saturday, Sept. 25. The graduating students are now eligible to challenge the National Registry. This exam does not have to be taken to work as a phlebotomist, but having the credentials will make getting a job easier. Once the students successfully pass the test, they can be called Nationally Certified Phlebotomy Technicians and certification remains current as long as dues are paid.
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The Patriot • October 1, 2010
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The Patriot • October 1, 2010
games. Learn to sing and dance like a pirate, and watch a sword-duel demonstration. If you're brave enough, run the "it's-a-pirate's-life-for-me" obstacle course. Games and prizes will be available for all age groups and free grilled hamburgers and beverages will be provided. Dress in your finest pirate gear, or the costume of your choice. The "Port of Pirates" will open at Bldg 178 (APS warehouse) at 6 p.m. and the "Best Dressed" costume contest will begin at 8 p.m.
To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.
Special Announcements JB CHS Inaugural Open House: Joint Base Charleston will officially become something new and completely different than it has ever been before Oct. 1. Bring family, friends, loved ones and neighbors to the Redbank Club on the Naval Weapons Station for an afternoon of entertainment, food and fellowship. Opening remarks and the presentation of the Commander's Cup will begin at 11 a.m. with festivities immediately following. Redbank Club Events 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. - Introductions/Remarks/Open House 1 - 1:30 p.m. - Presentation of Commander's Cup 1:30 - 3 p.m. - Open House/Food/ Entertainment • Medal of Honor Tent • Live music • Sponsors • Military Displays (EOD, Working Dogs, Ravens, MRAPs, etc.) • Educational Displays
Clinic closure: The 628th Medical Group will be closed Oct. 1 for the Joint Base Charleston Inaugural Ceremony. The clinic will resume normal business hours Oct. 4. Charleston Concert Association: The CCA is offering active-duty military and their families 50 percent discount on classical music shows this concert season. Performances are held at the Gaillard auditorium in downtown Charleston. To obtain tickets, active-duty military members must call 727-1216 and offer the discount code, 20101001. For more information, visit Disney on Ice: Disney On Ice Princess Wishes will be performing at the North Charleston Coliseum, Oct. 21 through Oct. 24. Military Personnel and family members can save up 50 percent on full price tickets for five performances when purchasing tickets in person, online and by phone. In addition, there is a preshow tour of Disney Princess gowns and treasures that is free to ticket holders. The tour is hosted by one of the Princesses. For additional information, call Group Tickets USA at 888-7701876, Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free golf clinic: Kiawah Island Golf Resort is pleased to announce a series of complimentary golf clinics as a thank you for military service. Each clinic will be available to the first 10 active-duty members to register. The clinics will be from 5 to 6 p.m. Oct. 26 and Nov. 30 at Turtle Point Golf Club. To register, contact Josh Wagaman at 266-4054 or e-mail at before noon the Monday prior to the clinic. First Term Airmen Center NCOIC Position Opening: Joint Base Charleston's Professional Enhancement Center is seeking a highly motivated Staff Sergeant or Technical Sergeant to fill the FTAC NCOIC. Applicant must: Be a volunteer and have commander's recommendation; at least a staff sergeant with 12 months time in grade with a minimum of five years time in service or a technical sergeant (master sergeant selects will not be considered for FTAC duties); Graduate of Airmen Leadership School; Be outstanding in appearance, military bearing and conduct both on/off duty; Meet Air Force Fitness Standards having a passing score of 75 or higher; Have a rating of no less than five on the last three EPRs; Ability to speak distinctly and communicate well with others; Meet all Air Force standards and other quality factors. This is a two-year, controlled tour. Contact the FTAC NCO in charge, Tech. Sgt. John Busco at 963-2896 or by email at for application instructions. Deadline to submit package is Oct. 13, 2010. Port of Pirates: The 437th APS presents, "Port of Pirates" on Oct 29. Family members of Active Duty military, Reserve, and DoD civilians can climb aboard the haunted pirate ship, The S.S. Port Dawg. Tour the shipyard and market, try your luck at "sink the ship," "man overboard," "pirate-pirate-scallywag" and other
Events Friday Retirement ceremony: A retirement ceremony for Master Sgt. Maria Gunther will be held Oct. 1 at 2 p.m. in the base education center. For more information, contact Senior Master Sgt. Allan Perry at 963-3773. Saturday Fishing derby postponed: The free fishing derby at the Air Base Pool scheduled for this weekend has been postponed. It has been tentatively rescheduled for November. FMP Support group social: A social gathering at "Chuckie Cheeze" for families with special needs members will be held Oct. 21 at 3 p.m. Chief Master Sgt. Futrell Farewell 5K: Come out Oct. 2 for a farewell 5K, free massage therapy, health screenings and education by Trident Health Systems, clinics on diet, running, biking and strength training, treadmill gait analysis and the Bod Pod. There will also be a first sergeants push-up contest at 2 p.m. with a $100 prize. The 5K starts at 3 p.m. with age group awards. Armed Forces blood drive, bone marrow registration drive: Armed Forces Donor Program supplies critically low blood directly to our deployed troops. Come out to donate from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. While there, register on the Department of Defense bone marrow donor list. This event is open to all reservists, active duty, DOD civilians, retirees and families. The event will be held at the Fitness and Sports Center. This will be designated as an alternate duty location from 2 to 4 p.m. by the 315th Airlift Wing commander. For more information, contact Master Sgt. Mike Bunting at 963-4633. Citadel Military Appreciation Day: Join the Citadel Bulldogs for Military Appreciation Day as they take on the Western Carolina Catamounts Oct. 2 at Johnson Hagood Stadium. Kickoff time is scheduled for 1 p.m. The Army's 28nd Airborne is scheduled to parachute in the game ball and there will be a giveaway to the first 1,000 fans through the gate. For discounted group tickets, please contact Jeremy Helms at 843-953-6812. Sunday Chapel-sponsored Ecumenical picnic: The Chapel invites Joint Base Charleston adults, children, and youth to the base picnic grounds on Sunday, Oct. 3 at noon for an afternoon of fun, food, fellowship and games. If there is inclement weather festivities will be held at the base chapel. For more information, contact Tech. Sgt. Tansa Ayazgok at 963-2536. Monday Freshstart tobacco cessation class: Tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the United States. The American Cancer Society Freshstart class can help you quit smoking once and for all Oct 4 and 6 from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m.. Call the HAWC at 963-4007 to register. Tuesday Understanding the TSP for Military: Learn the pros, tax advantages, and how participating in the Thrift Savings Plan can help supplement your retirement income Oct. 5 from 8 to 9 a.m. Briefing will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center, Bldg. 500. Call 963-4406 to sign up. Heart Link: Learn Air Force culture, traditions, military language, benefits, services and mission while making friends! Childcare issues will be addressed at time of registration. This orientation is held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center, Bldg. 500, Oct. 5 from 8:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. RSVP at 963-4406. Wednesday 1st time homebuyer workshop: Interested in buying a home but intimidated by the whole process? This 2-hour workshop, Oct. 6 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. is packed with information and will take you through every phase of home-buying by explaining terminology, forms, whether you are ready to buy a home, the closing, lending, and much, much more! Briefing will be held at the Airman & Family Readiness Center, Bldg. 500. Call 963-4406 to reserve your seat.
Please see more briefs at
Special Announcements JB CHS Inaugural Open House: (See information in AFB Briefs) South Carolina Stingrays Military Appreciation Night: A military appreciation night on Friday, Nov. 5 will be hosted by the Stingrays ice hockey team for their season opener. Special military only pricing for this event will be in effect for a groups of 10 or more. Pricing includes a lower level ticket close to the ice, all you can eat buffet, a Stingrays hat, the group's name in lights during the game on the stadium video board, as well as a welcome announcement over the public address system. For ticket sales, call 744-2248. Annual retiree appreciation and information fair: The fair is scheduled for Saturday, Nov.6 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Air Base's Charleston Club. For more information, call the retiree activities office at 963-2228. Halloween Poster Contest: Hey kids ages 314...Get ready for the NSA's Library's Halloween Poster Contest! Pick up a poster at Marrington school libraries or the base library beginning Oct. 1. Color and decorate the poster, then return the finished poster to the library by Oct. 19. Posters will be judged in the different age groups and winners announced on Oct. 22.
Events Career Connection: Transitioning from the military? Is your spouse seeking employment? Or, are you just looking to change your career? Check out the Career Connection workshops offered at Military and Family Readiness Center (MFRC), bldg. 755, JB Charleston-WS. Register today to reserve your seat. Call 843-764-7480. • Job search strategies: Oct. 5 from 10 -11 a.m. • Find the right career: Oct. 12 from 10 - 11 a.m. • Job search Strategies: Oct. 19 from 10 - 11 a.m. • Basic resume writing: Oct. 26 from 10 -11 a.m. • Interviewing tips: Oct. 27 from 9 - 10 a.m. • Job Fair etiquette: Oct. 27 from 10 - 11 a.m.
Friday Go to the extreme with Xtreme bowling! Xtreme bowling at Marrington Lanes is held every Friday and Saturday from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. The features include a fabulous light show with glow-in-the-dark bowling balls and pins, fog machines, music, and dancing. The cost is $10 per person. Family Night Xtreme Bowling is held every Saturday from 6 to 9 p.m. Family Night features country music, oldies and rock 'n' roll (you can even bring your own favorite CD's if you want). Tuesday Library book club: Do you love to read? Join the book club and share your reading experiences while making new friends. The book club meets once a month on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. to discuss many exciting and stimulating book titles. If you are interested in participating, we'd love to have you! Contact the library at 7647900. Oct. 8 Free Columbus Day Coloring Books: In honor of Columbus Day, Friday, Oct. 8, the Naval Support Activity Library will give away free Columbus Day coloring books, informational and activity sheets every day until the holiday arrives. These are great tools for learning about our heritage, so stop by and grab yourself one. Oct. 13 Developing Your Spending Plan: Would you like to increase your cash surplus? Do you have any extra money at the end of the month? Let a Financial Education Specialist at the Military and Family Readiness Center, JB CharlestonWeapons Station show you how to develop a financial plan and give you the tools/resources you need to achieve your dreams during the upcoming class Savy car buying scheduled for Oct. 13 at 9 a.m. The purpose of a financial plan is for you to determine where you are now, where you want to go, and how you plan to get there by starting today! You may contact Military and Family Readiness Center at 7647480 for more information. Oct. 21 Developing Your Spending Plan: Contact the JB CHS-WS Military and Family Readiness
Center at 764-7480 for more information on the upcoming class Financially bright holidays scheduled for Oct. 21 at 3 p.m. Oct. 20 Military Spouse 101 Workshop: During this workshop new spouses are introduced to the many aspects of the military, i.e. the culture, the mobile lifestyle, rates/ranks, Chain of Command, core values, etc. Benefits and resources that are available to spouses are also explored, i.e. educational opportunities, financial aid assistance, job search, resume writing, volunteer opportunities, etc. The workshop is interactive and it's fun! Not only are the spouses getting great information, they network to build support systems and friendships that can last a lifetime! Come to Military and Family Readiness Center, bldg. 755 JB Charleston-WS on Wed., Oct. 20, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and get your military checklist. To register or for more information, call Becky Bowers, MFRC Educator and Ombudsmen Coordinator, at 764-7443. Oct. 29 MWR Halloween event offers fundraising opportunities: Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) is offering your command or affiliated organization an excellent fundraising opportunity by participating in our Halloween Carnival & Haunted Hayride at Marrington Plantation, Oct. 29 from 5 to 9 p.m. This community event will feature a Haunted Hayride, "Trunk or Treat" candy give-aways, games, costume contests, and lots more! Commands and affiliated organizations are invited to participate in the areas of food concessions, game booth operations or haunted house and hayride operations at one of MWR's most popular events. This is one of few authorized fundraising opportunities per year offered to commands and affiliated organizations so don't miss out! Space is limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis. Decorate your booth and join the Halloween fun! Call event coordinator, Amanda Young at (843) 200-5904 to register your organization or e-mail her at "Trunk or Treat" at Halloween Festival: What is "Trunk or Treat"? It's a unique way to provide a safe family environment for Treat or Treaters. Participants decorate their cars, trunks, or truck beds and are parked in a designated spot to prepare to hand out candy to the "Trunk or Treaters." Participants can decorate with a Halloween theme such as spiders, pumpkins, etc., or select a unique theme that suits their personality. As part of this year's Halloween Carnival, MWR is sponsoring a "Trunk or Treat" activity to be held at Marrington Plantation on Oct. 29, beginning at 5 p.m. Participants will be asked to provide enough candy for all Trunk or Treaters. All candy must be individually wrapped. To register or for more information, call 764-2120.
Updates and Notices Volunteer needed for pre-schooler's program: Do you have a couple of hours per week to spend volunteering at the library for our preschool program? This program is designed for pre-schoolers with story time, crafts and a lot in interaction. Parent or guardian must attend. The program meets on Thursday mornings, 10:3011:30 a.m. For more information call 764-7900. NSA Library is a computer "Hotspot:" The NSA Library is a computer "hotspot" for wireless-ready laptop work and surfing the web from a patron's personal computer. Some service providers charge for this convenience; it's free at the Library. Just show up with your wireless-ready laptop, equipped with a network card, find yourself a seat anywhere in the building, and go to work! MWR's Recycling Department calling for all metal: Containers for empty aluminum cans are located throughout the NSA. Aluminum cans are the mainstay of the recycling program, however, all types of metal are accepted. If you have heavy metal products that need to be picked up, the Recycling Department at 7430510. Remember, all recycling proceeds go towards enhancing your MWR facilities and programs! DVDs wanted: Do you have DVDs you have viewed that are just setting around gathering dust? Why not donate them to the library so others can enjoy them. Drop them by the library or use the after- hours book drop box. Parents...need a night out?: The Child Development Homes program has certified providers available for Friday night child care. Call the CDH office for a list of available providers at 764-7347.
Please see more briefs at
The Patriot • October 1, 2010
Google Technology Seminar for DoD Date: Thursday, October 14th
Time: 8:00AM – 12:00PM
Location: Sheraton Charleston Airport Hotel
Cost: Free (continental breakfast included)
Register Today
featuring a free concert to honor our men and women currently serving and to show support for the troops who have been severely injured since 9/11. Come out and join the heroes! date
8:00 PM
Arrive early!
THE 2010 LT DAN INDEPENDENCE 5K “The Heroes are coming”
We’d Like To Thank You For Your Service
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Join our Heroes on October 2nd, 2010
Sponsored by Main Street Beaufort, USA, the Lt. Dan Independence 5K is a fully supported event designed to honor and support some of the most severely injured veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Lt. Dan Independence 5K will start and finish in historic downtown Beaufort. To register visit:
All proceeds from the Lt. Dan Ride will benefit the Independence Fund and the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. For more information visit: and
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The Patriot • October 1, 2010
Senior Airman Ryan Yeager 437th Maintenance Squadron Name: Senior Airman Ryan Yeager Hometown: Hemet, Ca. Squadron and job title: 437th Maintenance Squadron Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory journeyman Time in Air Force: two years, six months Time in Honor Guard: one year, six months What inspired you to join the Honor Guard? Watching the Air Force Honor Guard perform at base functions and seeing how much impact they have on the families of former military members. What is your favorite aspect of the Honor Guard? I love being on Color Guard teams. It is an honor to bear our nation's flag. What have you learned most as an Honor Guard
member? I have learned to be a leader amongst my peers and to be an example to those who are new to the program. What are your future career goals? I would like to supervise and mentor younger Airmen as an NCO and eventually earn a commission in the Air Force. Who is your role model and why? My father is definitely my role model for inspiring me never to quit something that I have started. He was very supportive in my decision to join the Air Force as well. What is your single most memorable moment in Honor Guard? I, without a doubt, would say the full military honors ceremony for a former Charleston Air Force Base commander and retired brigadier general that we performed in downtown Charleston. It was an honor to pall bear his casket at the ceremony.
U.S. Air Force photo
38th Aerial Port members welcomed home By Capt. Wayne Capps 315th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Fourteen Airmen assigned to the 38th Aerial Port Squadron, Charleston Air Force Base, S.C., returned to Charleston Sept. 23 after a four month deployment to locations in Southwest Asia. The 14 Airmen are part of nearly 111 deployed Charleston reservists who are scheduled to return home this month. While deployed, the Air Force Reserve Aerial Port members were responsible for cargo and passenger operations. Their duties included loading and unloading cargo and managing troop movements in and out of the surrounding countries. This year alone, the 315th Airlift Wing has deployed 219 Airmen.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Shane Ellis
Tech. Sgt. Jorge Figueroa embraces his wife Nicole Sept. 23, 2010 upon returning to Charleston, S.C. after a four month deployment to locations in Southwest Asia. Sergeant Figueroa is with the 38th Aerial Port Squadron, Charleston Air Force Base.
Saturday, October 2nd, 2010
Health and wellness fair – a healthier life for today and tomorrow By Master Sgt. Michael J. Bunting 315th Arilift Wing Maintenance Squadron The 315th Airlift Wing will host a free health and wellness fair this Saturday, Oct. 2, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Charleston Air Force base, S.C., Charleston Fitness and Sports Center. The health and wellness fair is open to all reservists, active duty, DOD civilians, retirees and their families. Need a reason to attend? Please consider the following: • Free health screening provided by
Trident Health Systems will evaluate diabetic and cardio vascular health. • The Armed Forces Blood Donor Program. (Fee $30.00 T-shirt and travel mug) • C.W. Bill Young DOD Bone Marrow Program will be registering bone marrow donors. It's simple, painless and can be done with an oral swab. People 18 - 60 years old are welcome. Come out and join the festivities starting at 11 a.m. at the base Fitness Center. For additional information please contact Master Sgt. Mike Bunting at 9634633.
The Patriot is published by Diggle Publishing Company P.O. Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29465 843-412-5861 •
Photo by 2nd Lt. Joe Simms
Master Sgt. George Counts, a loadmaster with the 317th Airlift Squadron, Charleston Air Force Base S.C., expains the features of the C-17 Globemaster III to a member of the Africa Aerospace and Defense Youth Development Program at Ysterplaat Air Force Base, Cape Town, South Africa. The program, which focuses on getting young people the tools they need to excel in South Africa's aviation and defense industries, coincided with the five day air and trade show Sept 21-25.
315th Airlift Wing inspires youth of Africa Reservists from the 317th Airlift Squadron, Charleston Air Force Base, S.C., gave tours of a C-17 Globemaster III to children who participated in the Africa Aerospace and Defense Youth Development Program in Cape Town, South Africa Sept. 21-25. The program is designed to introduce students to positions available in South Africa's aviation and defense industries and opportunities to further their education. The Youth Development Program
brought students out during the first three days of the air expo. During their adventure, they were able to tour the C17, ask question, and hear from experts in aviation and technology from members of the Air Force Reserve. For more information on the 315th Airlift Wing's involvement with the AADE Youth Development Program, check out Senior Master Sgt. Dean Carter's interview at:
The Patriot • October 1, 2010
Hurricane Tip of the Week
Hurricane season will continue through November, with the highest probability of a major hurricane occurring between midAugust and October. Due to a hurricane's capacity for damage, preparation is the key. Weekly hurricane tips provide needto-know information for staying ahead of the weather. This week's hurricane tip is: The Air Force currently utilizes the Air Force Personnel Accountability and Assessment System to help leaders take care of Airmen and their families affected
by any natural disaster or crisis. Implemented in April 2009, AFPAAS aligns Air Force reporting with Department of Defense requirements for total force personnel accountability, including active-duty Airmen and their families, Reserve, guardsmen, civilians and contractors overseas. There are 19 areas of assistance members can request using AFPAAS including medical, financial, temporary housing and childcare. Members also assign a level of assistance ranging from "no needs/not affected" to "immediate needs." Ensure you understand the reporting system by visiting the AFPAAS website for more information at or by calling 800435-9941. In addition to AFPAAS, personal preparation is always your first line of defense. To help prepare, the 2010 South Carolina Hurricane Guide is available for download at
To see the thePatriot Airlift online Dispatch online or To see or download a download PDF of the a paper, PDF of the paper, please visit please visit 45653#222673$289
Photo courtesy of U.S. Navy without endorsement.
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The Patriot • October 1, 2010
Support the Troops; Rock Out with ‘Lieutenant Dan’ By Cathy Carter Harley The Beaufort Gazette & the Island Packet Fifty veterans severely injured while serving in Iraq and Afghanistan will be honored, given a chance to feel independent and entertained during a four-day holiday to Beaufort during the Beaufort Shrimp Festival in October. Steve Danyluk, a Marine Corps reservist who served in Iraq from 2004 to 2005, is making it happen through the Independence Fund. Danyluk has obtained the support of actor Gary Sinise, star of the CBS television show "CSI: NY" and the 1994 film "Forrest Gump," who will bring his Lt. Dan Band to the festival for a free concert to support the troops. While the group's $65,000 goal has almost been met, Danyluk is still trying to contact a $10,000 corporate sponsor to cover the meals for the 50 veterans and their caregivers, as well as a group or business who wants its sponsorship on the Tshirts to be given away and sold. "For me, what is really rewarding is how supportive the regular citizens of Beaufort are," Danyluk said. "It makes sense because it is a military town and we are getting tremendous support of people buying wristbands, T-shirts and sending in donations ... but we are not getting as much support from the larger, big-name area businesses." MORE THAN FUN The veterans will get more than a good time in Beaufort during the Shrimp Festival. When they arrive Sept. 29, the Sun City Veterans Association will pick them up from area airports and a welcoming supper will be provided by members of the Carteret Street United Methodist Church in Beaufort.
Actor Gary Sinise will be headlining the 2010 Beaufort Shrimp Festival in October with his Lt. Dan Band.
On Sept. 30, the veterans will be educated and informed with a series of seminars by experts on pain management, post traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse, and briefs about the latest changes in Veterans Affairs policies. Meanwhile, their caregivers will get a fun day off hosted by Angel Flewelling from the Exchange Club of Beaufort. That evening, the Charles Street Gallery will feature the "Veterans Art Exhibit," which has artwork created by veterans, as well as the "Battle Dress Exhibit," brought by Jerry Kykisz, the curator of the National Veterans Art Museum in Chicago. On Oct. 1, an activity day is planned to include a golf tournament, deep sea fishing trip, kayaking and more. The Lt. Dan Band concert will conclude
the evening, along with a private visit from Sinise, who portrayed a double amputee Vietnam veteran in "Forrest Gump," which was partially filmed in Beaufort in 1993. Sinise waived his personal fee for coming to Beaufort, but the fund will still have to cover the cost of the 15-piece band's trip from Chicago to Beaufort.
grants for veterans and the seed money necessary to begin planning the Beaufort event. The VGI inmates, many Vietnam Veterans, are motivated to help prevent the current generation of warriors from making some of the same decisions that resulted in their own incarcerations, according to
CUTTING DOWN THE WALLS An 11-mile Independence Ride cycle ride around Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort is planned for Oct. 2 to help the injured and healing vets break down psychological barriers, as well as physical ones. Civilians are invited onto the base to participate in the ride and to cheer on the cyclists. "It shows (the veterans) they are not forgotten by the military," Danyluk said. "MCAS is opening their gate for a safe environment. It is very unusual that a military base would open its doors like that." Those with traumatic brain injuries, amputees and paraplegics who don't have cycles, will be able to take off in about a dozen special cycles donated by the local chapter of the National Ambucs' Little Red Dog Foundation, founded by Anne Guthrie of Beaufort.
IF YOU GO A four-day event for severely injured military veterans and caregivers is planned Sept. 29-Oct. 2 in Beaufort. The event highlight is a free concert at 8:30 p.m. Oct. 1 performed by Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band during Beaufort's 16th Annual Shrimp Festival. Upcoming events and fundraisers for the Independence Fund: Family 5K run/walk through historic downtown Beaufort: 8 a.m. Oct. 2 in Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park, 1015 Bay St., Beaufort; registration required by Sept. 1. Cost is $10 for all military and dependents. The Independence Ride for wounded vets: 8 a.m. Oct. 2, Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort; families and individuals who sign up now to ride can help raise money to cover the expenses for transporting the out-of-town wounded veterans; cost is $25 through Aug. 31; $30 through Oct. 1; and $35 Oct. 2. Veterans with a 30 percent or greater disability rating and Purple Heart recipients who use the Independence Fund website will have their registration fees waived for the ride or the 5K. Details: independencefund@gmail. com,;, 434-409-0506,
HOW IT GOT STARTED The weekend of activities in Beaufort is partly due to the support and dedication of the inmates who make up Veterans Group Ironwood, a veterans organization of inmates and guards in the California penal system. The group was started by James White, a decorated Marine and former Army Helicopter pilot who served multiple tours in Vietnam. By selling pizzas in the prison canteen and recycling aluminum cans, VGI raised $15,000 which allowed the Independence Fund to provide numerous
Reprinted with permission by the Beaufort Gazette and the Island Packet. Visit
THE 2010 LT DAN INDEPENDENCE RIDE “The Heroes are coming”
Join our Heroes on October 2nd, 2010
Sponsored by Lowcountry Velo, the Lt. Dan Independence Ride is a fully supported ride designed to honor and support some of the most severely injured veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Lt. Dan Independence Ride will start and finish at the Marine Corps Air Station, Beaufort. To register visit: 434-409-0506
All proceeds from the Lt. Dan Ride will benefit the Independence Fund and the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. For more information visit: and
BASE INFORMATION 4:30 p.m. Provides nutritional counseling, tobacco cessation, Bod Pod testing, blood pressure screening, wellness information, jogging strollers, massage, relaxation room
Hours of Operation Movie Theater: Call 963-3333 for individual show times. Admission is $4 for adults, 12 years and older, and $2 for children 6-11 years old. “G” rated movies are $2 for children 3-11 years old. Family Practice Medical Clinic: Monday–Friday 7:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fitness and Sports Center: Monday–Friday: 4:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. / Saturday–Sunday: 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Outdoor Recreation: Monday–Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Shoppette: Monday—Friday: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. / Saturday: 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. / Sunday: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Base Veterinarian: Monday–Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Commissary: Monday: Closed / Tuesday—Saturday: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. / Sunday: 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. • The Commissary doors open for disabled patrons 30 minutes early. Health and Wellness Center: Monday—Friday: 7:30 a.m. to
Base Exchange/Mall: • Main store: Monday–Saturday: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. / Sunday: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Burger King: Mondays - Saturdays: 7 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. / Sundays: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Charley’s Grilled Subs: Mondays - Saturdays: 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. / Sundays: Closed • Anthony’s Pizza: Mondays - Saturdays: 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. / Sundays: Closed • Barber Shop: Mondays - Saturdays: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. / Sundays: Closed • Beauty Shop: Mondays - Saturdays: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. / Sundays: Closed • GNC: Mondays - Saturdays: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. / Sundays: 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. • Laundry/Dry Cleaners: Mondays – Fridays: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. / Saturdays: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. / Sundays: Closed • Stripes – alterations shop: Mondays – Fridays: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Saturdays: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sundays: Closed Chapel: Monday—Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. • Catholic Services: Daily mass is offered Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Saturday Reconciliation is held at 4:15 p.m. and Mass at 5 p.m. Children’s Church is held Sunday at 9:30 a.m. • Protestant Services: Inspirational Gospel Worship Service is held Sunday at 8 a.m. Traditional Worship Service with Children’s Church is held Sunday at 11 a.m. Truth Seekers Bible Study is held Thursday at the Chapel Annex at 7 p.m. For information on other faith groups, call the Base Chapel.
• Uniform Center: Monday—Friday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. / Saturday—Sunday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Chapel: Monday—Thursday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. / Friday: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. • Sunday Catholic Mass: 8:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. • Sunday Protestant Services: 10 a.m. • Catholic services during week: Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and first Friday of each month at 11 a.m. Commissary: Monday: Closed / Tuesday—Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. / Saturday—Sunday: 9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. The commissary doors open for disabled patrons at 9 a.m.
Frequently Called Numbers Hours of Operation Movie Theater: Call 764-7516 for individual show times. Admission is free. Doors open 30 minutes prior to each showing. Base Exchange: • Main store: Monday –Saturday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. / Sunday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. • Barber Shop: Monday—Friday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. / Saturday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. / Sunday: Closed • Mini Mart: Monday—Saturday: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m.
FOX CHIROPRACTIC • Headaches • Back Pain • Neck Pain • Leg/Arm Pain
• Emergency (On and Off Base): 911 • American Red Cross: 764-2323 • Bachelor Housing: 764-7646 • Chaplain’s Office: 764-7222/7912 • Commissary: 764-2020 • Military and Family Readiness Center: 764-7294/7480 • Morale, Welfare and Recreation: 764-7601 • Navy College: 764-4493 • Navy Exchange: 764-7042 • Navy Marine Corps Relief Society: 764-7662 • Pass & Badge Office (Auto Registration): 764-4231 • Personal Support Detachment: 764-7431/7432
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Frequently Called Numbers • Emergency (On and Off Base): 911 • Medical Appointment Line: xxx-xxxx • American Red Cross: 963-3377 • Base Chapel: 963-2536 • Military Family Housing: 963-3859/ 963-3858 • Inns of Charleston: 963-3806 • Golf Course: 963-1833 • Health and Wellness Center: 963-4007 • Unaccompanied Housing: 963-3859 • Commissary: 963-5695 • Military and Family Readiness Center: 963-4406 • Education Office: 963-4575 • Base Exchange: 552-5000 • Visitor’s Center: 963-5729 • Military Personnel - ID Cards, Separations, Awards & Decorations, etc.: 963-0677
Helpful Websites Joint Base Charleston – Air Base • Official Base Web Site: • 628th Force Support Squadron - MWR, Readiness, Fitness, Jobs, Lodging, Dining, Recreation, Education, Veterinary Clinic: Medical Support • Base Clinic: – Search “628th Medical Operations Squadron” for clinic factsheets • TRICARE: • TRICARE Dental Plan: Relocation Information • Military One Source: • Automated Housing Referral Network: • DoD Installations/Relocation Information: • Household Goods Shipment: • Military Spouse Employment:
Helpful Websites Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station • Official Base Web Site: • On-Base Housing: • Morale, Welfare and Recreation: • Naval Nuclear Power Training Command: • Navy Region Southeast: Navy Medical Support, Charleston • Naval Health Clinic Charleston: • NWS Branch Medical Clinic: • Charleston Naval Pharmacies: • TRICARE: • TRICARE Dental Plan: Relocation Information • Military One Source: • DoD Installations/Relocation Information: • Household Goods Shipment: • Military Spouse Employment: • Navy College Program:
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Tosee seethe thePatriot Airlift online Dispatch online or adownload PDF ofplease the paper, please visit To or download PDF of thea paper, visit
The Patriot • October 1, 2010
Powering America: little changes, big savings By Bruce Miller 628th Civil Engineer Squadron resource efficiency manager As the largest consumer of energy in the federal government the Air Force will place special attention on energy conservation during October's Energy Awareness Month campaign. The Air Force theme this year is "A New Culture: Energy as an Operations Enabler." This theme is intended to highlight the importance of energy to our overall mission to fly, fight and win, and supports our energy strategy to "Reduce Demand, Increase Supply and Change the Culture." Heading into this month of energy awareness, the Air Force will collectively focus on the responsibility to reduce consumption and support the Department of Defense and Presidential directives for greater energy independence, which in turn supports national security. Here at Joint Base Charleston, the base has decreased overall energy consumption by 28 percent from the 2003 baseline and improved energy security by making the base more efficient. The fact is, little changes have added up to big savings for Joint Base Charleston, and it is an impact that is recognized by joint base leadership. JB CHS is host to a very active Energy Management Steering Group, which is led by JB CHS Commander Col. Martha Meeker. Key participants include group commanders plus representatives from all major units on base, where the focus is to share energy information and ideas. Still, when reading articles about saving resources, it is
easy to ignore the advice believing that one person cannot make a difference. What difference does it make when we shut off a light? How much energy is really saved? A single 100-watt incandescent bulb uses 1 kilowatt hour of electricity for every 10 hours of operation, or roughly 365 kilowatt hours per year. Multiply that by the approximately 7,600 people working on base and then consider what would happen if each person turned off a single light. The base would actually save 2,774,000 kilowatt hours or $249,660 per year. And what about water? Running water flows at approximately 2.5 gallons per minute from an ordinary tap. If each person on base runs water one minute less per day, the base would save 912 gallons per person, per year for a total of 6.9 million gallons or $38,122 base-wide annually. Consider the impact a single individual can make. Simple actions go a long way to saving energy, water and money. Below are little changes you can make to be
part of the greater impact on energy savings. • Turn off lights when leaving an area for an extended period of time. • Turn off lights near windows or skylights. - In areas with sufficient daylight, turn off lights - Adjust blinds to reduce glare • Use task lighting and turn off general lighting, when feasible. • Turn off display and decorative lighting. • Turn off exterior lights during daylight hours. - Insure exterior lighting controls are operating correctly. • Clean and maintain light fixtures. • Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents. • Turn off lights in unoccupied areas. • Use partial lighting when building is not fully occupied. • Remove unneeded lamps or fixtures. • Dress for the season and keep thermostats set between 76-78 degrees for air-conditioned spaces in the summer and between 68-70 degrees in the winter. • Do not use space heaters- the base space heater policy can be found on the 628th Air Base Wing Enterprise Information Management site under the policy letters tab.
The quick Q & A of the Combined Federal Campaign By Thomas Kistler Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs The Combined Federal Campaign has been in progress for a few weeks now. To ensure all of Team Charleston completely understands what CFC is, this informative question and answer synopsis will tell everything needed to know. Q: What is CFC? A: C, F and C are three letters from the standard English alphabet, the third, sixth and third letters to be exact. They are pronounced, "see," "eff" and "see." Q: No. I mean what is the CFC on the sign by the gate with the giant thermometer? A: Oh, sorry. That stands for the Combined Federal Campaign. Q: Um, okay. Then what is the Combined Federal Campaign? A: The Combined Federal Campaign is the only authorized solicitation of federal employees in their workplaces on behalf of approved charitable organizations. The CFC began in the early 1960s to coordinate the fundraising efforts of various charitable organizations so that the federal donor would only be solicited once in the workplace and have the opportunity to make charitable contributions through payroll deduction. Federal employees continue to make the CFC the largest
and most successful workplace philanthropic fundraiser in the world. Continuing a long-standing tradition of selfless giving, in 2009, federal employees raised more than $282 million for charitable causes around the world. Q: That sounds great. Can I get in on that? A: Sure. What's the problem? I'm sure there's a CFC nonprofit agency that can help you. Q: Oh no. I mean can I contribute to CFC? A: Yes. Which charity do you wish to help? Q: I'm not sure. Do you have a list? A: Of course. Your unit representative has guidebooks that list all of the charities in the CFC. You can also go online to view the list at Q: Some of these charities seem interesting. How can I know they're legit? A: The Office of Personnel Management has vetted all of the charities in the CFC. They maintain strict eligibility and public accountability criteria that all participating CFC charities must meet. For details, see CFC Regulations in 5 CFR Part 950 at A local committee checks out and clears the local charities. In addition, each entry shows the percentage of donations that go to administrative costs rather than to helping people. Q: Wow! That's a lot of charities. Did you say there were local ones?
A: Yes. There are over 70 local Charleston charities. They're on pages 85-87 of the guidebook. Q: Okay. I'm ready to contribute, but I'm a little short of cash right now. What should I do? A: That's alright. I can loan you a few dollars. Q: Um, no offense, but is there another way to contribute? A: I suppose. Your unit POC has the sign up form that allows you to give a one-time donation or designate a certain amount to be deducted from your pay every month. Q: That's a great idea. Who's my unit representative? A: Don't worry. Your unit representative will hunt you down . . . actually, I mean your unit representative will contact you individually in the very near future and will be glad to help and answer any additional questions. Q: Thanks very much. You've been very informative. This CFC is really something, isn't it? A: You're welcome, but are you sure I can't loan you some money? I charge very low interest.
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Charleston Club on the Air Base
First Class Band Pop Contemporary Soul
Monday Big Bucks featuring
The Patriot • October 1, 2010 25 The Patriot • October 1, 2010
LUCKY 54 & Bonus 54
Tonight & Saturday 8 p.m. No cover or minimum
progressive jackpots
Oct. 4
Everyone welcome! Kitchen stays open until 10 p.m. on live band nights.
Enjoy bar menu & Bingo specials beginning at 5 p.m. Card sales start at 5:30 p.m.
Car Show
Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Air Base Picnic Grounds Free admission Trophies will be awarded in several categories and classes including Mustang, Corvette, truck, motorcycle, import and street rod.
Air Base Senior Invitational Tournament Oct. 20-21 36-hole, individual stroke play championship event Senior Division (55-64) Super Senior Division (65+) Entry fee: $75, Wrenwoods Annual Greens fee players; $95 all others. Commerical sponsors for this event include Boeing & Roper St. Francis. Register in the Wrenwoods Golf Shop by Oct. 8.
Nine-pin, No-Tap Tournament Saturday - 7 p.m.
Chimney Rocks Hiking Excursion Chimney Rock, North Carolina Nov. 13-14
$95 per person includes lodging, transportation & park entry fees. Reduced rates for 3rd and 4th person in same rooom. Call the Outdoor Recreation Center at 963-1732 for more details.
Hosted by the Air Base Auto Hobby Shop
Open to all bowlers ages 18 and older. Cost is $20 per bowler. Prize money based on number of entries. Sign up on day of tournament. Call Starlifter Lanes on the Air Base at 963-3315 for more information.
203 W. Stewart Ave., on the Air Base (843) 963-4936
Sit & Sew
intro to...
Oct. 12 & 14 Sewing for the beginner “The Basics”
Oct. 26 & 28 Apply your new skill to a simple project. Each two-part class is $20, plus $10 for suplies. Advance sign-up required.
digital photography Two-part workshop. Learn the fundmentals of exposure, shutter speed, framing, lenses and much more. Cost is $50. Each student should have their own digital SLR camera. Advance registration required.
Next beginners sewing class starts Nov. 2
Rec Review
Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office on the Air Base as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the Marketing
Oct. 14 & 21
Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at
The Patriot • October 26 Patriot • October 1, 20101, 2010 26 The
For your Command or Private Organization
The MWR Dept. at JB Charleston - WS is offering an opportunity for your command or affiliated organization to raise funds while participating in one of our most popular annual events...
Halloween Carnival & Haunted Hayride at Marrington Plantation Friday, Oct. 29 5-10 p.m. Fund raising opportunities are available in: • Food concessions sales • Game Booth operations • Haunted House & Hayride operations For more information, call Amanda Young at (843) 200-5904 or email
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Building Relationships not just Smiles!
The Patriot • October 1, 2010 1990 300zx red t-top, 17 in racing rims, runs great, custom exhaust, very fast, $3,900 (843)312-4744
Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To
Come Join the Fun at info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC"
1 Yr old female Yorkiepoo shots updated in AUG food & accessories included. Was asking $600 now $300. Call 843 870-9363
Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more
CKC American Bulldog 1yr old male, house & crate trained crate included, $200 obo call Brian @ 843-298-2933
E-MAIL HOME SEARCH Automated daily e-mail system provides you details on all homes for sale in the MLS as they hit the market!
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) For Moms with kids birth through kindergarten. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Old Fort Baptist Church, 10505 Dorchester RD. Summerville, SC 29485. Contact Heather Hansen 873-2283 for more information.
ServICeS Triple Military Discount - Free Move In Truck 1 Free month, rules may apply All Safe Storage 3674 Ladson Road Ladson, (843) 871-5151 and All Safe Storage 1025 Baconsbridge Road Summerville (843) 873-0083 GUARANTEED, WARRANTEED COMPLETE HOME INSPECTIONS MILITARY DISCOUNT 843 849 0455 Charleston Auto Storage 843 767-0112 Short/Long Term Parking. Cars, boats, bikes, RVs and ATVs. Special Military Rates. Near AFB and Navy Base
gArAge/YArD SAleS Garage Sale 2 October from 0700-1100. Bridges of Summerville, 116 Creek Bend Dr. Multi-family, furniture, clothes, kids stuff
HOMeS/APTS FOr reNT VERY NEAR BASE: Nice 3 Bedroom Home; Spacious Great Room, Kitchen & Dining Room; Atrium Ceilings; Large Master Bedroom and Bath; Private Back Yard; Military Appreciation Discounted Rent of $1175; call 860 639 1270 3BR w/garage screen-patio, 3.5 Bath,TW cable, 3 walkin closets, For Sale $123,500 or Rent $1195mo. Shar 277-7744 Moncks Crnr-203 California Ave, 4 BD 4 BA. Spacious-Kit, LR, DR, Den, Fam Rm, laund. $1,400 mth, sec dep reqd, 843-819-1302 4Br/2Ba/2Car Garage $1100/mo. in Summerville. Carriage Lane Community; Easy access to I26. Avail Oct. 15; No pets;Call Nathan 8434370051 For rent 5419 Blufton Ct $1150 (325)651-3923
eMPlOYMeNT 100 OPENINGS in North Charleston, SC. Aircraft Assemblers 5yrs aircraft production assembly experience on structural and mechanical sub assemblies, working with composite structures, ability to drill, and assemble composite structural components and sub assemblies & knowledge of fastener installation and removal. Call Steve Douglas, 1-800-820-6811 email resume to: Substantial income opportunity available. Let us show you how to supplement your income. Conact TSgt Gil Brown: 843-514-6715
Boeing Welcome-3 br. 1 ba. brick, lg. yard, applinces, new carpet & paint. conv. to AFB, mall. I-26. No pets. $ 725+dep. (843)767-0112 Condo for rent close to CAFB. 2BR/2BA. Pool, tennis, clubhouse, in gated comm. $850/month + dep. (904) 563-4144
SHAre reNTAl Share rental of a 4 BR home in Mt Pleasant! $800/mo utils included. Call 253-820-8727. See ad at
2007 Honda Accord EX-L V6, leather, 61,000 mi tinted window, good condition, red $16000 OBO Call #843-302-6981 1995 GMC Sonoma ext cab, $1900 runs perfect, black, tool box, bed liner, tow hitch, 4 cyl, great on gas 843-312-4744 $1900 obo 2006 Honda Civic 4dr EX, well maintained & clean, new tires/brakes/tinted win, 47K mi, Blue, $13,000 OBO Call AJ 843-696-3209
Sponsored by Julie Mulligan of Carolina One Real Estate (843) 224-5747
2 acres of land, three bedroom mobile home cabin, $50,000.00 CPT Sam Gethers, (843) 214-6750,Email: PROFESSIONAL, EXPERIENCED THOROUGH HOME INSPECTIONS MILITARY DISCOUNT 843 849 0455
AUTOMOTIve ALL MILITARY - $0 DOWN! NO CREDIT CHECK! - 843-873-5656 OVER 150 CARS ONLINE! 0% Down *SIGN-N-DRIVE* Easy financing through NFCU and USAA. Regional Quality Award Winner, Chiefs Wholesale Autos. ALL cars eligible for mechanical bumper to bumper four year warranty! Chief is on YOUR side! Apples to Apples, our cars are in better condition AND cost less. All military families eligible to receive up to $500 off! Call for details; 843-568-9856 76 Triumph Spitfire. Red. AM/FM/Cass. Completely restored. Engine rebuilt. 4 Speed. $16,500 Negotiable. Call Bobby, 843-760-1001. 2002 Mazda Miata MX-5 Convertible 5 spd. Excellent Condition,great AC and Heat. 60,000 miles $7500obo call 843-693-2604 2007 SATURN AURA-exceptionally clean, blue w/tan int, 59k mls, zero mech problems, $12,500, KEVIN 296-9201 2007257867C02 Honda Accord EX-L V6, 28450 miles. Manual Trans., Pwr Windows, Tint, Multi-CD. Exc cond.. $16,150. Make an offer! 819-9648
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MISC ITeMS FOr SAle Washer dryer sets $250/$350, sofas and sofa sleepers $60/$200, dressers & chest drwrs $40/$250, kitchen & dinette sets $50/$200. Call 452-2229 Beautiful dining room set: $850. Expandable table, 6 chairs, China cabinet. 552-9232 / Safe Pet Wireless Dog Fence with 2 collars. Please call 607-3277 Mastertow Car Dolly good condition. Tire straps included. Asking $500. 873-5466 55" SAMSUNG TV. Premium condition. Thin, but flatscreen- Rarely used. GREAT DEAL!!! $550. Anthony 843) 754-8298, can deliver local. Lighting bug LED's be bright and seen at Night make your bike unique! LED'S in many Colors installation at its best! 860-1076 Lincoln Pro Core 125 Welder With Cart, Gloves & Auto Darkening Helmet; Bought New At
Lowes $600+, <1 y/o Asking $390 Firm; Call 324-0079 13" Magnavox TV w/VCR-30. Sony Home Theatre System-225. Serta Twin Box-spring; new-45. Email or 797-1133
A 6 Piece Cherry Bedroom Set w/matt & box. Never used. Can Del $350. 696-5212 A must see. Furnish your entire house: Bedroom set with mattress, Dining room set and living room set $1400 (includes military disc.) All new box/plastic with warranty. Call Todd @ 725-8563. Delivery available
Sofa and Loveseat. New in package Must Sell $350. Call 696-5712 Can Deliver. Queen P-top Matt. and Box Set NEW in Plastic. $125…Full also available. 696-5712 Can deliver
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The Patriot • October 1, 2010
1016 North Main Street Summerville
2005 Chevrolet Impala
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