Joint Base Charleston
Patriot Vol. 2, No. 39
Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!
Friday, October 7, 2011
A day of fun in the sun
U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt Chrissy Best
Kayla Helferich smiles at her kitty cat face at the Child Find/Exceptional Family Member Program Extravaganza ‘Special Needs Fair’ Oct. 1, at Marrington Plantation, Joint Base CharlestonWeapons Station.The fair is designed to help families with children who have special needs by providing entertainment while keeping them aware of the resource available on and off base. The extravaganza featured fun, food, games, prizes and music provided by more than 20 local resource agencies. Kayla is the daughter of Michelle and Master Sgt. Joe Helferich assigned to the 628th Communications Squadron. See more photos on Page 12.
Denton Program, 437th APS support humanitarian missions Story and photo By Airman 1st Class Jared Trimarchi Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
Dental techs at work See page 16
OMBUDSMEN Celebrating 41 years See page 8
TRICARE Adjusted annual fees See page 17
Charleston, SC Friday, October 7 PM Showers (30% precip)
High 80º Low 61º
Saturday, October 8 Thunder showers (40% precip)
High 77º Low 64º
Sunday, October 9 Scattered Showers (30% precip)
High 79º Low 69º
There are currently 24,800 pounds of humanitarian aid stored at the 437th Aerial Port Squadron waiting to be shipped to Colon, Honduras on Oct. 25. Twenty reverse osmosis water purification systems and two anesthesia machines are being sent to provide clean water and medical supplies to more than 20,000 Hondurans who are in need. There are currently 15 more humanitarian missions just like this one being managed by the Denton Humanitarian Assistance Program. The program was designed to allow private U.S. citizens and organizations to use space available on military cargo planes to transport humanitarian goods, such as food, clothing, medical and education sup- Airman 1st Class Brandon Fritz guides Staff Sgt. Michael Shaw while loading a water purification sysplies, agricultural equipment and vehicles tem onto a pallet Oct. 5, at Joint Base Charleston-Air Base. Humanitarian, aid including 20 reverse osmosis water purification systems and two anesthesia machines, will be sent to Colon, Honduras to countries in need. "The Denton Program was originated by Oct. 25. These supplies will assist more than 20,000 Hondurans in need. Fritz is an air transportation specialist and Shaw is an air transportation journeyman from the 437th Aerial Port Squadron. Jeremiah Denton, who was a former Alabama state-senator, presidential advisor final destination. This includes finding the million pounds of Denton cargo in the form of to President Ronald Reagan on Latin American closest aerial port and an aircraft from active- 260 pallets. affairs, a retired Navy rear admiral and a duty, Reserves or Air National Guard with "Our port is a main hub for humanitarian Prisoner of War during Vietnam," said Jim space available." relief efforts," Lee said. "We are honored to Bailey, Denton Program Logistics manager. Capt. Nick Lee, 437th APS Cargo work with the Denton Program to provide a "During the anti-communist movement of the Operations Flight commander, said, "Aerial humanitarian need to those in poverty." 1980's he spent a lot of time in South America porters play a major role in setting up humaniThe water systems are being sent by Water and recognized the poverty there. tarian aid cargo by loading the materials onto Missions International, a non-profit organiza"He noticed that planes being sent to South pallets and transporting them on an aircraft. tion based out of Charleston, and were made by America usually had extra space for more Airmen from the 437th APS have palletized volunteers, Bailey said. Water Missions cargo which could be used for humanitarian shipments of food, water and supplies to coun- International utilizes the Denton Program three support. He started the Denton Program in tries all over the world for humanitarian aid." to four times a year to transport the water sys1985 to fully utilize aircraft while helping The 437th APS has been palletizing the tems to different countries free of charge. those in poverty in South America." water purification systems and putting them in The Denton Program benefits the U.S. govThe process of shipping humanitarian aid to a storage until a C-5 Galaxy from the 439th ernment, the donors sending the supplies and country in need is regulated by the U.S. Agency Airlift Wing from Westover Reserve Base, the people receiving them, Bailey said. for International Development, the Department Mass. will fly the equipment to Honduras. The "The program supports U.S. government of State and the Department of Defense. 437th APS has 50 pallets and storage space foreign policy objectives and helps those in "When a private organization such as a non- available for the Denton Program and humani- need," he said. "It also ensures we are fully utiprofit organization wants to send humanitarian tarian relief efforts. lizing aircraft cargo capacity. Units who volunaid to a specific country, they must submit an "This port doesn't just support the base," Lee teer and work with the Denton Program proapplication detailing what they are sending," said. "Aerial porters support missions world- vide their Airmen with many training opportuBailey said. "USAID and the Department of wide, from bringing ammo and supplies to nities. The pilots can stay current with their State validate the mission and inspect the ship- troops on the frontline to bringing clean water training requirements and units with small aerment to ensure it is for a good cause and the to those in poverty." ial ports provide their Airmen with real world supplies won't be put on the black market. The Denton Program facilitates movement operations training. All participating units are "After the mission has been cleared, the all over the world and shipped nearly 2 million recognized and their hard work is greatly Denton Program sets up the logistics needed to pounds of humanitarian goods in 2010. The appreciated. We are all humans and we all need find an aircraft which can send the cargo to it's 437th APS has accommodated more than one clean water."
ORI Tip of the Week Operational Readiness Inspection Countdown: 7 weeks
In coordination with the 437th and 628th leadership; all personal electronic devices are to be stowed in personal bags after PAX are complete and are not to be used until arriving in the dorms at Gulfport CRTC.
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The Patriot • October 7, 2011
Being ‘Joint’ isn’t a new concept Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot The Joint Base Charleston Patriot is published by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DoD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs offices of both bases reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed to be against DoD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.
Deadlines The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Patriot staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.
Editorial Content Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Patriot can be reached at: 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, Room 312. Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963-3464 Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd., Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154. E-mail to: All news releases should be sent to this address.
Editorial Staff 628 ABW commander Col. Richard McComb Public Affairs Officer Capt. Frank Hartnett Patriot Editor Eric Sesit
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Important Base Numbers: Commander’s Action Line 963-5581 Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline 963-5550 Inspector General’s Office 963-3553 / 963-3552
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Commentary by Col. Richard McComb Joint Base Charleston commander Although “Joint Basing” is a relatively new term in our military lexicon, the concept of “Joint” especially as it relates to military operations is not. In fact, Joint Operations date back to the time of Alexander the Great, when he realized the need to develop a comprehensive resupply plan. He could no longer rely on his soldiers to forage what they needed along the route to sustain themselves for the entire length of the operation; he needed their focus to remain on the operational tasks at hand. As such, he employed alternative methods, like waterborne resupply, in order to outfit his soldiers with the necessary food, fodder and water for the duration of their military campaign. Alexander probably didn’t know it at the time, but he was laying the framework for Joint Operations. During the Civil War, General Ulysses S. Grant was not only successfully assisted by naval operations, but depended on them during the captures of Fort Donelson, Fort Henry and Vicksburg. Eighty years later, General Douglas MacArthur commanded air and ground Marine Corps and Army personnel and naval gunfire support from the Navy, during World War II. Overtime, the need to utilize Joint Doctrine and employ military forces in a joint fashion became more and more apparent. In 1986, the GoldwaterNichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act was signed into law. It was this law that solidified General Norman Schwarzkopf’s ability to
exercise command not only in our mission to organize, train over all four service and equip our forces for the combatant components during commander, but as we execute quality of Operation DESERT life projects and provide enhanced services STORM in the early at our home installations. Our medical 1990s, which ultimateproviders have mastered this concept ly led to a successful through their delivery of patient-centered campaign. care. Patients are often referred to partnerIn today’s military, ing Military Treatment Facilities in the Joint Operations have event that their primary MTF does not probecome second nature vide the appropriate echelon of care to meet and is evident throughtheir needs. By staying within the military out our National healthcare system, specialists are able to Military Strategy. document and update your electronic Col. Richard McComb Success is dependent health record immediately … a concept Joint Base Charleston commander upon our ability to that is well ahead of the civilian sector. exploit the unique capabilities and skill sets of each These concepts repeat themselves again and again Service component. A great example of this is as we execute the garrison tasks necessary to when Joint Base Charleston personnel helped to complete the mission and care for our personnel collectively deploy more than 22,000 Mineand their families. In short, we no longer just train Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles to the as we fight, but we live as we fight –jointly - at warfighter. The bulk of these vehicles were transthis and other Joint Bases. ported via ship thanks to our Army and Navy Joint Base Charleston has the privilege to be brethren. And, when operations did not afford a one of only 12 Joint Bases in the Department of significant lead time for these vehicles to be delivDefense. The Base Realignment and Closure ered by surface means, Air Force personnel were Commission has estimated that Joint Basing will utilized to airlift MRAPs to those with “boots on save more than $2.3 billion over the next 20 the ground” quickly and efficiently. Collectively, years. Our personnel will be among the few that their efforts afforded thousands of Soldiers, Sailors, have had the opportunity to showcase their innoAirmen and Marines to come home to their famivative ideas and talents that will make this $2.3 lies, because they were protected from the roadside billion a reality for our Nation’s military. Improvised Explosive Device threat. Congratulations on a successful first year as a full Joint Basing builds upon these same themes operational capable Joint Base and leading the and allows us to profit from economies of scale way for the Department of Defense!
General Findley: 'A dream worth living' Commentary by Lt. Gen. Vern M. "Rusty" Findley Air Mobility Command vice commander SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. – "The best dreams happen with your eyes wide open." I once heard an announcer make that statement at a golf tournament in describing his experience in winning one of golf's major tournaments. Well after 35-plus years of active duty military service, Sandy and I have hit the "back nine." I think that analogy is an apt description of the past 35 years -- it has been the best "dream" imaginable to have been blessed with the opportunity to serve our great nation during this time. We leave active duty with a smile on our face and years of gratitude and thanks to so many wonderful people and to this great institution we call the United States Air Force. In so many ways as we look back on our time in the Air Force, we see the reflection of a nation grounded in democratic principles that is a force for good throughout the world. It is indeed a good that comes with imperfections that far too often are highlighted and exaggerated. But when taken on the whole, it's a goodness that projects life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the willingness to engage those who might challenge those tenets, at its core. We are so grateful that in our own small way we've been able to contribute to this goodness. It was during a time when some of those imperfections I referenced were prevalent when this fabulous journey commenced. Our nation was struggling with itself. As a young ROTC cadet at Arizona State University in 1972, I remember being told to minimize the times that I wear my uniform on campus. This was not necessarily a time our nation should be exceptionally proud of its national tenor. Our military, as a result of the national dissent generated by an unpopular war in Vietnam, was in too many cases the unrighteous object of scorn to our citizenry. Fortunately, our nation and our military for that matter, have come a long way since those days. Following college, I was thrust into another historic struggle with a much better result for our nation than our involvement in Vietnam -- the Cold War. As a young Strategic Air Command crewmember posted at various locations over the first 12 years of my career, our SAC team did our duty standing at the ready line as a very credible deterrent force in this epic struggle between two capable military superpowers. In the end, the good in our basic tenets of democracy were validated as our way of life triumphed over the unsustainable model of our adversary. Hints of another struggle were at our national doorstep though shortly after "the Wall" fell in Europe. A brutal dictator swept into a neighboring country in 1990 only to be met with strength and resolve of our nation and its allies. The swift and decisive victory over Saddam Hussein during Desert Storm unfortunately foreshadowed the two decade-long struggle against violent extremism emanating from the Middle East that we find ourselves engaged in today. After Desert Storm, our national historians will likely describe the 1990s as a period marked by a relatively lower level of unease and war in the global environment. It didn't necessarily seem that way to those of us who were stationed on the Korean peninsula when Kim Il Sung brought the world to the brink of war in 1994. Or those of us called to help thwart strife in Bosnia and Kosovo in the middle to late '90s when tyrants once again delivered unmitigated terror and death to citizens of our world that deserved a better fate. Airpower was a key and essential piece of those two Balkan wars and our
U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Stacy Gault
Lt. Gen. Rusty Findley, Air Mobility Command vice commander, addresses Airmen of the 313th Air Expeditionary Wing during his visit to a non-disclosed base in Western Europe on May 4, 2011. The 313th AEW supports Operation Unified Protector, a NATO-led mission in Libya to protect civilian and civilian-populated areas under threat of attack. The 313th AEW provides aerial refueling to U.S. and coalition aircraft with KC-135 Stratotankers and KC-10 Extenders.
Airmen, once again, performed marvelously. I had the distinct pleasure to lead an expeditionary tanker wing during the Kosovo conflict and watched as the ingenuity and professionalism of our Air Mobility Command warriors complimented a significant effort from the air that brought Slobodan Milosevic his due. The level of effort and intensity of the Kosovo campaign -- that some had thought would last just three days -- drug on for more than three months. Our Airmen and their families persevered as they answered the call at the heart of our pledge to serve. But, those three months away at war pale to what was in store for our military warriors and their families just a couple years later with the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001. Sept. 11, 2001, will certainly be the one day that stands out among any other in my 35-plus years of service. Somehow many of us knew right away that what happened that day would color and define our careers of service, and I think in my case like so many others, that is certainly true. As the wing commander of the 437th Airlift Wing, a C-17 wing at (then) Charleston Air Force Base, S.C., we were called to action almost immediately after that fateful day. Young men and women of our wing and, for that matter across our military, answered the call to strike out at the extremists who attacked our country while the Twin Towers still smoldered. Memories of those great young men and women of the 437th, who achieved combat firsts for the C-17 by delivering humanitarian rations to the Afghan people we had no quarrel with on the first night of the strikes against the nefarious terrorists in Afghanistan, will be forever etched in my mind. This same group of young men and women continued this effort for months while also accomplishing another combat first by delivering a unit of brave Marines to a dirt airstrip south of Kandahar in November that fateful fall. While the fine warriors of Charleston were stepping up to every challenge in unprecedented ways during those very difficult days of late 2001, in See General Findley, Page 3
Did you know that . . . The Admiral Mike Boorda Scholarship Program offers need-based grants of up to $2,500 a year to eligible active duty service members accepted for one of the following programs? • Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program • Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program Applications are available on the Society’s website starting December 1st, and must be received by May 1st. Applications must be reviewed and endorsed by the student’s commanding officer.
Helping Today & Tomorrow!
The Patriot • October 7, 2011
AMC continues to ‘power the force – fuel the fight’ for energy efficiency Commentary by Gen. Ray Johns Commander, Air Mobility Command
worth repeating
SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill – "Efficiency promotes effectiveness." That's a creed the Air Mobility Command Fuel Efficiency Office has lived by since its creation in 2008. Since then, they've helped save the Air Force millions of gallons of fuel as well as millions of dollars in the process. The FEO's motto and its efforts are just a part of what Air Mobility Command Airmen are doing to support energy efficiency and conservation across the command. For fiscal year 2012, the Air Force's motto for energy awareness is, "Power the force - fuel the fight." The Air Force, as well as AMC, is working to instill a culture of energy efficiency among all Airmen and their families. In the end, the effort helps us all. Changing our culture on energy use as a military force is critical to driving the new ideas and methodologies essential to achieving increased operational efficiency. We've had a good start at AMC and in the Air Force, but we can do more. We can make efforts similar to those of Lt. Col. Stan Davis, an Air Force Reservist from the 317th Airlift Squadron at Joint Base Charleston, S.C. Davis was a key player in building new approach and descent procedures for aircraft at the joint base where a historic agreement between the Department of Defense and Federal Aviation Administration was made. The agreement establishes procedures for pilots called Optimized Profile Descent, or OPD, which reduces noises, fuel costs and emissions. Colonel Davis notes, "This new procedure allows pilots to fly descent profiles using [the lowest engine power setting] which reduces the amount of fuel consumed." The agreement, worked on by Davis went into effect Aug.
“Do your part to "power the force" with less energy, and continue to "fuel the fight" with new ideas for energy conservation.” Gen. Ray Johns Commander, Air Mobility Command
25 with new guidelines that establish four dedicated corridors of the airspace around Charleston, to allow any pilot the flexibility to descend at any gross weight on a predetermined track, guided by waypoints. Davis spent part of two years in C-17 simulators, inputting data from professors at Georgia Tech University into the test. The data gathered from optimized descents in civilian aircraft was then used in C-17 simulator trials to discover the best way to reduce fuel consumption. Experts from AMC's FEO say specific fuel savings from OPD procedures are hard to determine precisely, but "previous FAA demonstrations at Los Angeles, Miami and Atlanta indicated a fuel savings of approximately 50 gallons or 340 pounds per arrival." Truly this whole effort is efficiency in action. Also, consider the efforts of Michael Miller at Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash. Miller, an Energy Management Control Systems operator with the 92nd Civil Engineer Squadron, was awarded the U.S. Federal Energy Management Program's 2011 Federal Energy and Water Management Award for Exceptional Service earlier in 2011.
Fairchild leaders say that over the past 20 years, Miller has led and overseen the installation and operation of three Energy Management Control Systems. His projects will accrue total lifetime savings of 1,326,000 British Thermal Units, $7.9 million in cost savings and avoid emissions of 70,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide. A truly magnificent success! One more mobility Airman, Staff Sgt. Daniel Morrison of the 60th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron at Travis AFB, Calif., was also a key player in saving energy in AMC when he implemented an energy conservation plan for his unit's facility that saved more than $1,000 a month. After seeing the amount of energy his building was using, Morrison and his fellow maintenance Airmen turned off 50 percent of the aircraft hangar lights that typically remain on. Eventually, his unit "saved enough energy in one month to power another facility of similar size." Before the energy conservation plan was implemented, the monitors displayed 30 kilowatt hours of energy being used. After one month, they read 11 to 15 kilowatt hours. Just like those AMC energy savings leaders at Charleston, Fairchild and Travis, there are people throughout the mobility family doing great things every day to help our command. As we continue down the path of energy conservation and efficiency, I ask that each and every person in AMC to continue to find ways to further this effort. During October Energy Awareness Month, please make an extra effort to look into saving energy and becoming more efficient in your home and workplace. Do your part to "power the force" with less energy, and continue to "fuel the fight" with new ideas for energy conservation. Together through this effort we will be even more efficient while maintaining our unrivaled effectiveness, ready to answer the call of others anywhere in the world.
General Findley: ‘A dream worth living’ - continued from page two November of 2001 it was also a distinct personal honor to be deployed to the Air Operation Center in the Middle East that had the task of coordinating and executing the air war against those extreme Al-Qaida elements that launched the attacks of Sept. 11 from their safe haven in Afghanistan. As the Director of Mobility Forces for the Combined Forces Air Component Commander (in Southwest Asia), I was part of an incredible team that plowed new ground every day in prosecuting the fight against the enemy, and supporting the great young American fighting force that entered this land-locked country to track down this enemy. With new locations like Bagram, Kandahar, Kabul, and Mazar-a-Sharif becoming part of our daily lexicon, I watched as great, selfless Airmen from our command put everything on the line to support our national effort. It was truly a notable time in the history of our command and our Air Force as folks of all walks of life distinguished themselves in combat just as their forefathers had in conflicts of the past. The world "stopped" on Sept. 11, 2001, but before long a new type national rhythm took root. And while the aftermath of Sept. 11 was always, rightfully, a large part of the mosaic we gradually restored pre-9/11 focus to global interests beyond the Middle East. Fortunately we had the pleasure of experiencing and playing a small part in nurturing and growing our
relationships with our Asian and European allies during this period. As the 5th Air Force vice commander in Japan and the Director of Plans and Policy for U.S. Air Forces in Europe during the 2002 to 2005 timeframe, we had the privilege of befriending and working with allies from throughout Asia and Europe to further our valued relationships that are so necessary in a post-9/11 world. Not only did we partner with these great friends to help with the global war on terror, but we also worked hard to strengthen and nurture relationships that went beyond just battling terrorism as together we worked to provide mutual support to support the ideals of democracy throughout the globe. Progress was tangible, but as with every leg of the 35year journey, it's the faces that I will remember -- wonderful young American men and women as well as the many great friends from the sister nations that we had the honor to partner with to try to help make the world a better place for all. The 35-year ride took a turn down a familiar street in 2005. From 2005 to 2008, the Middle East once again became our "world." As the J5 for Multi-National Forces Iraq, I spent a year in Baghdad during the '05-'06 timeframe. From there we went to U.S. Central Command in Tampa (Fla.) as the J5 from '06-'08...which meant that Sandy spent her time in Tampa and I spent the
majority of my time in the CENTCOM area -- Iraq, Afghanistan, Djibouti, Kazakstan, Pakistan and others -- most of you know as the "neighborhood." Difficult? Yes! Satisfying? Most definitely! These three years certainly go a long way in defining the entire 35-year journey. While difficult for friends and family alike, it's hard to put in words the pride that I take from being able to be associated in just a small way with this noble and historic effort. Our nation has embraced the sacrifice and dedication of the men and women of our military in a way that transcends all political or personal allegiances, and rightfully so. These great young men and women have become the symbol of all that is good about the United States of America. Having seen them up close and personal as they sacrifice in this epic struggle between good and evil, I must say that this admiration and respect is not misplaced. The faces I remember from these three years are numerous and they are the best our great country has to offer -heroes indeed in a world constantly in search of heroes. The past three-plus years have completed the dream in a fashion we will forever be grateful. Returning to our roots in the air mobility business as the vice commander of this fabulous command we're part of is the storybook ending we could never have imagined. For more than three years, we've watched as
the extraordinary folks of Air Mobility Command have answered the call time and time again so that others could prevail. This oft underreported element of airpower has indeed proved a game-changer in so many varied and diverse operations over the past three years, and for that matter, for many decades. Whether the young men and women of the command are saving lives, fueling the fight or delivering hope, they have constantly distinguished themselves in a manner that doesn't make headlines but always matters! As we complete this 35-year dream and move to the veranda for a beverage of our choice, we will continue to watch with awe the impact that a command that has a presence around the globe, 24/7/365, has in so many different places and in so many varied ways. It is truly an asymmetric advantage for our nation that has no rival anywhere on this planet. We have lived the "dream with our eyes wide open" for more than 35 years...and we're forever thankful for the chance. And as we leave, I'm reminded of part of a poem from W.B. Yeats that I think captures our thoughts most succinctly, "Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and I say my glory was I had such friends." Sandy and I thank you for the treasure of a lifetime -- 35-plus years of service in our great Air Force.
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The Patriot • October 7, 2011
Airmen receive October promotions Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs Team Charleston would like to congratulate the following Airmen on their October promotions: To Airman: 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron: Audie Reyes 437th Operations Group: Mathew Anderson To Airman 1st Class: 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron: Edward Devally 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron: Joshua McDaniel To Senior Airman: 628th Aerospace Medicine Squadron: Melinda Burpee, Amy Greer 628th Air Base Wing: Maechelle Shuler 628th Civil Engineer Squadron: Justin Bellamy 628th Comptroller Squadron: David DeMilt 628th Force Support Squadron: Don Coleman 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron: Carrie Armstrong, Donte Hatcher, John Schwartz 628th Medical Operations Squadron: Talisa Bell, Nathan Bozman, Alyssa Dutkiewicz 628th Security Forces Squadron: Jessica Nace 437th Aerial Port Squadron: Kyle Greer 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron: Jordan Moton 437th Maintenance Squadron: Nathaniel Diefenbach 1st Combat Camera Squadron: Daniel Johnson 15th Airlift Squadron: Seth Dunworth To Staff Sergeant: 628th Civil Engineer Squadron: David Ferguson, Donald Nolan 628th Contracting Squadron: Bradley Nicholson 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron: James Servideo 628th Security Forces Squadron: Dominick Pondant 437th Operations Support Squadron: Brandon Avey 1st Combat Camera Squadron: Ashley Reed To Technical Sergeant: 628th Civil Engineer Squadron: Christopher Leonard, Aaron Wade 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron: Jameson Pulliam, Monique Rock 628th Security Forces Squadron: Jonathan Howard, James Lynch, Carl Sole, Anthony Waldon 437th Aerial Port Squadron: Robert Charest 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron: Gene Gentsy, Timmie Manning, Michael Mayfield 437th Maintenance Operations Squadron: Johnathan Livingston 437th Maintenance Squadron: Jonica Parker 17th Airlift Squadron: Joseph York 373rd Training Squadron Detachment 5: Kenneth Glowacki 14th Weather squadron: Ronald Fink, George Zambrana To Master Sergeant: 628th Aerospace Medicine Squadron: Ignacia Florendo 628th Air Base Wing: Kenneethia Kennard 628th Civil Engineer Squadron: Mayco Gil 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron: Richard Richardson, Samuel Strong 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron: Stephen Bonnette, Craig Carpenter, Keith Choate, Rodney Ellis, Matthew Koeln, Rodney Lawless 437th Maintenance Operations Squadron: Ronald Roper 14th Airlift Squadron: Joshua Braune 16th Airlift Squadron: Aaron Avery 1st Combat Camera Squadron: Jonathan Lynch To Senior Master Sergeant: 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron: Donald Sturm 437th Maintenance Group: Daniel Small To Chief Master Sergeant: 628th Communication Squadron: Michael Gibson 1st Combat Camera Squadron: Robert Valenca
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Fire Prevention Week begins Sunday By Tech. Sgt. Kenneth Shockley 628th Civil Engineer Squadron Fire Prevention office National Fire Prevention Week 2011 is October 9 through 15 and the theme this year is "Protect your family from fire." Fire Prevention Week was established in 1925 by President Calvin Coolidge when he became aware that nearly 15,000 people had been lost to fire the previous year. Fire Prevention Week is always observed from the Sunday through Saturday period in which Oct. 9 falls, to honor the anniversary of the Great Chicago fire. It is intended to keep the public informed about the importance of fire prevention. American homes suffer an unwanted fire every 10 seconds and every 60 seconds they suffer a fire serious enough to call the fire department. Every three hours someone is killed in a home fire - that's more than 2,600 people every year. Another 13,000 people are injured in home fires in a typical year. Follow these three simple steps to a safer home. 1. Fire extinguishers can create a pathway to safety. Keep an extinguisher in every part of your home where fire might occur - especially in the kitchen, living room and laundry room. Read the instructions and know how to use your extinguishers before a fire breaks out. The only time a fire extinguisher should be used to fight a fire is when the fire is small, self-contained, not spreading rapidly, the fire department has been notified, there is a clear exit behind the person
using the extinguisher and the extinguisher is used to create a safe pathway out of the home. Respect all fires, regardless of size. Fire extinguishers are one part of a fire response plan. The main objective is safe escape. Inspect your fire extinguisher gauge monthly and replace your extinguisher if the gauge reads empty. Replace any fire extinguisher more than 12 years old regardless of the gauge reading. 2. Smoke alarms provide vital early warning of fire danger. Install a smoke alarm in every room including basements and finished attics, in each bedroom and hallways outside of every sleeping area and at the top and bottom of stairways. Make sure everyone knows what the smoke alarm sounds like. Test your smoke alarms frequently and change the batteries as needed. Replace your smoke alarms every 10 years. 3. Prepare and practice a home escape plan. Practice two ways out of every room to mimic the most difficult fire situation you might encounter. Be sure to practice your escape plan during the day and at night. Assign an adult to wake and assist each child in the house. Also consider lending extra help to family members who are physically challenged or elderly. Identify a meeting place outside the home. Practice, practice, practice - at least twice every year. If you have any questions regarding "Protecting Your Family from Fire," or any other questions and concerns, call 9633121/4284.
Help being offered for military homeowners in financial crisis By Holly Petraeus Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Office of Servicemember Affairs WASHINGTON – Military families throughout the country are not immune to the ongoing housing crisis. On my travels to military bases, I've heard too many distressing stories about servicemembers who are underwater on their mortgage and are faced with military permanent change of station orders that require them to relocate at a time when their home is worth less than what they owe. This problem has forced some military families into the costly and stressful situation of maintaining two households, with the family remaining behind while the service member moves alone. Other servicemembers have had to let their homes be foreclosed on. This situation cannot be addressed by the Service Member's Civil Relief Act, which applies only to pre-service mortgages. The military homeowners affected by PCS orders are on active duty and are likely to have assumed their mortgage after they entered the service. These service members may have been faithfully paying every month but will no longer be able to keep up once they move. They may have a smaller housing allowance at their next duty station and a loss of income as their spouse tries to find new employment. They can't sell their home for enough to pay off the mortgage and they often can't rent it for enough to cover the mortgage payments. So, PCS orders can put service members in a financial bind that is hard to escape. They've told me that when they ask for a short sale or loan modification, their financial institution has answered that they need to be delinquent in order to be considered as having a qualifying financial hardship. Deliberately defaulting on a loan is something no servicemember should be asked to do. This problem has drawn the attention of policymakers, including Representatives Elijah Cummings, Adam Smith and Robert Andrews, who along with other members of Congress sent a letter to several government agencies earlier this week encouraging them to address the issue. The Department of Treasury has just announced updated guidance to its Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program that may help in some circumstances. HAFA pays incentives for a short sale or a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure used to avoid foreclosure when a borrower is financially unable to continue to pay their mortgage. Under the new guidance, service members who cite a PCS order as the basis for their financial hardship when asking for help under HAFA will now be eligible even if their income has not decreased. I applaud this step taken by the Treasury to recognize that military orders to move can trigger a genuine hardship for military homeowners. And I encourage other policymakers and the financial industry to think about what they can do to work together to create commonsense solutions to help service members caught in this situation. For more information, log onto or call 888-995-HOPE.
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The Patriot • October 7, 2011
Diamond Sharp Colonel Richard McComb and Chief Master Sgt. Jose LugoSantiago recognize Airman 1st Class Angela Setliff, Senior Airman Matthew Baxter and Airman 1st Class Alexander Ortiz as Diamond Sharp award winners during a ceremony at the Charleston Club Oct. 4. Diamond Sharp awardees are Airmen chosen by their first sergeants for their excellent performance. McComb is the Joint Base Charleston commander, LugoSantiago is the 628th Air Base Wing command chief, Setliff is from the 1st Combat Camera Squadron, Baxter is from the 628th Security Forces Squadron and Ortiz is from the 628th Medical Group.
U.S. Air Force photo/ Staff Sgt. Nicole Mickle
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The Patriot • October 7, 2011
437th AW explores Strategic Alignment and Deployment By Colonel Erik Hansen 437th Airlift Wing commander Senior 437th Airlift Wing leaders invested significant time this past September to develop a simple, long-term planning method called Strategic Alignment and Deployment. Strategic Alignment and Deployment presents a way to think, plan and assess the potential that lies ahead. It involves getting Airmen at every level to tackle everyday tasks driven by command objectives, measures and critical targets. By design, SA&D orients personnel and focuses efforts on the most important objectives. It drives us to get the things done that make the greatest difference. As a service and as individual Airmen, today's force is busier than ever. We have taken on many new missions while implementing required force reductions. Despite these changes, we must take time to think and plan strategically, developing our forces to meet our desired future state. We must look beyond currently defined missions and responsibilities and focus on the long term. Strategic planning ensures we are calculated and intentional in the way we employ our
Airmen. We owe them nothing less. The eight-step problem solving process represents the core of the SA&D model. It places the necessary rigor and discipline into how we solve command-wide problems. In the coming weeks and months, expect to hear more about the details and methodology associated with this process. While this process possesses great potential, I need your help in turning our SA&D strategy into action. As with all other worldclass organizations, we only succeed if everyone participates. Specifically, I am counting on all Airmen to identify gaps in their ability to get the job done as well as to seek opportunities to be even more effective. Remember, even the smallest increase in productivity or capability impacts the organization. I recognize that smart, innovative and driven Airmen are the foundation of our Wing. I hear you and know you have ideas to improve our team. I ask you to learn this SA&D process and run with it as we plan and innovate for the future. Each of your innovations represents a way to maintain our place as the greatest Air and Space Force in the world.
Air Force leaders issue Energy Awareness message WASHINGTON – Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz send the following message regarding energy awareness month to the Airmen of the U.S. Air Force and their families: Global Vigilance, Reach, and Power at home and abroad require vast amounts of energy whether it is fuel for our aircraft, gas for our vehicles, or electricity for our space and cyberspace efforts. As the largest energy user in the federal government, the Air Force must find ways to reduce our energy consumption, especially given the current economic environment. To ensure Airmen always have reliable, secure access to energy when and where the mission requires, we will pursue an energy posture that is resilient, robust, and ready to support our global missions. Improving our energy posture requires us to be smart about how we consume energy in the air and U.S. Air Force graphic on the ground. October is Energy Awareness Month and the Air Force remains committed to promoting energy awareness through education and action. Our theme for Energy Awareness Month this year is "Power the Force - Fuel the Fight." This theme seeks to highlight energy as a critical resource to our capabilities and reminds us to focus on the impact our day-to-day energy decisions have on the mission. Energy awareness strengthens our capabilities and reinforces the pillars of the Air Force Energy Strategy: Reduce Demand, Increase Supply, and Change Culture. Achieving our energy goals is everyone's responsibility. It requires sustained efforts, firm leadership, and disciplined Airmen who make smart, energy-conscious decisions. We challenge you to consider energy use in everything you do: embrace energy awareness concepts, seek energy efficient alternatives, and exercise a spirit of energy awareness throughout the year. Saving electricity or fuel can be done through simple acts, such as turning off unattended lights and equipment, driving fuel efficient routes and speeds, and walking to close destinations. Together, we can decrease costs, expand operational capabilities, and project more effective combat power. Our success depends on you to "Power the Force - Fuel the Fight!"
Sexual Assault Survey closes Sept. 30 Courtesy of the Department of the Navy Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office WASHINGTON – The Department of the Navy's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office reminds all Sailors, Marines and DoN civilians to participate in an online survey. The confidential and anonymous survey, which will end Sept. 30, is part of a Secretary of the Navy-directed tasking for DoN SAPRO to assess the functionality and effectiveness of the SAPR program, and to determine the scope of sexual assaults within the DoN. Participation in the survey is voluntary and can be found at mil/survey.html. "The Secretary [of the Navy] and I are committed to preventing sexual assaults in our Navy and Marine Corps," said Jill Loftus, director, DON SAPRO. "This means reducing their frequency, if not eliminating them entirely." The anonymous, voluntary, online survey is the best tool for tracking where the Department stands, and will establish a baseline for comparison to move forward. "It is important that as many Sailors and Marines as possible provide us their thoughts and opinions on our ongoing efforts to combat sexual assault," said Rear Adm. Martha Herb, director, Personal Readiness and Community Support Branch. "The survey responses will help us gauge our progress and serve to guide our program adjustments for increased effectiveness at combating sexual assault Department-wide."
Brig. Gen. Robert Hedelund, director of Marine and Family Programs Division, echoed Loftus and Herb. "Sexual assault is not tolerated in the Marine Corps, this is a clear message from our Commandant," said Hedelund. "The Marine Corps has worked diligently to highlight the importance of this message. The results of this survey will help us measure our program effectiveness and ultimately strengthen our sexual assault prevention efforts." Prior studies show that one percent of Navy women are raped each year, and another three to four percent experience some form of sexual assault. Junior female Sailors are most at risk, however male Sailors are also victims of sexual assault. Their percentage risks are lower than those of females, but they still translate into way too many victims, said Loftus. "Our cumulative sexual assault victim intervention/prevention and response program efforts do not appear to have changed these risks. Our core values demand that we find new ways to do better. This will not be easy or quick, and there is no tried-and-true formula for success," said Loftus. All Navy message 042/11 states that in order to achieve maximum participation of as many Sailors and Marines possible, "Commanders will encourage participation of Sailors and Marines under [their] command to support this goal." ALNAV 042/11 can be viewed at N2011/ALN11042.txt. For more news, visit
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Courtesy photo
Colonel Erik Hansen discusses Strategic Alignment and Deployment with other senior 437th Airlift Wing leaders this past September. SA&D is a long-term planning method that enables Airmen at every level to tackle tasks driven by command objectives, measures and critical targets. Hansen is the 437th AW commander.
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The Patriot • October 7, 2011
Charleston civic leaders take to the skies
U.S. Air Force photo/Michaela Judge
Capt. Merritt Brockman talks with Rod Rutledge during a flight aboard a C-17 Globemaster III Sept. 27, traveling to Holloman Air Force Base, N.M. The flight was part of a two-day civic leader tour, which brought more than 30 local community members to visit other Air Force bases in order to showcase unique military missions. The group also made stops to the Air Force Academy and Shriever Air Force Base, Colo. Brockman is a 628th Air Base Wing executive officer and Rutledge is the CEO of Sea Island Comprehensive Health Care Corporation.
U.S. Air Force photo/Michaela Judge
Local community leaders and military personnel from Charleston, S.C. receive an introduction to remotely piloted aircraft during a visit to Holloman Air Force Base, N.M., as part of a two day civic leader tour Sept. 26 and 27. The group also made stops to the U.S. Air Force Academy and Schriever Air Force Base, Colo. Other tour highlights included an orientation to one of the Air Force’s commissioning sources and an introduction to military satellite systems. Civic leader tours are designed to showcase unique, yet important mission areas in order to provide the local community with a better understanding of Air Force operations.
U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Veronica Stamps
More than 35 local community leaders and military personnel from Charleston, S.C. visit Holloman AFB, N.M. as part of a two day civic leader tour Sept. 26 and 27. The group also made stops to the U.S. Air Force Academy and Schriever Air Force Base, Colo. Some of the tour highlights included an orientation to one of the Air Force’s commissioning sources and an introduction to military satellite systems and remotely piloted aircraft. Civic leader tours are designed to showcase unique, yet important mission areas in order to provide the local community with a better understanding of Air Force operations.
U.S. Air Force photo/Michaela Judge
More than 35 local community leaders and military personnel depart Joint Base Charleston on a C-17 Globemaster III to visit the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colo., Schriever Air Force Base, Colo., and Holloman AFB, N.M. as part of a two day civic leader tour Sept. 26 and 27. Some of the tour highlights included an orientation to one of the Air Force’s commissioning sources and an introduction to military satellite systems and remotely piloted aircraft.
The Patriot • October 7, 2011
Ombudsmen honored during 41st anniversary By Petty Officer 1st Class Jennifer Hudson Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs Joint Base Charleston-Weapons Station celebrated the 41st anniversary of the Navy-wide Ombudsman program, recognizing each command's Ombudsman for their hard work and dedication during an appreciation luncheon held at the Red Bank Club, Sept. 28. Much like the Air Force's Key Spouse program, the Ombudsman program was established to improve mission readiness through family readiness. Ombudsmen are command-appointed volunteers who play a vital role in establishing and maintaining a strong line of communication between a command and its Sailor's families. "It is absolutely essential that each command takes the time to honor their Ombudsman. They are the Navy's selfless volunteers who create and maintain a communication line between families and the command leadership," said Master Chief Petty Officer Billy Cady, JB Charleston - WS command master chief. "Being an Ombudsman is not an easy job; it takes a lot of hard work, training and dedication to be an effective ombudsman. "Their primary concern is a Sailor's family while he or she is deployed. They are trained to help with any problem or concern that a family may have and bring it to the attention of the chain of command if necessary," he continued. While the responsibilities of morale, health, welfare and the efficiency of a command fall solely on the commanding officer, an Ombudsman will be able to relay information to the command that may improve certain qualities of life. "The way an Ombudsman supports the command mission is to take care of the families so the service members are able to focus on their job. Ombudsmen disseminate information, assist with crisis management and provide social and recreational opportunities for families," said Kim Brown, JB Charleston - WS Ombudsman coordinator. "They are considered to be 'network specialists' and often find themselves taking on the role of mother, mentor, friend and confidante. An Ombudsman is a 24-hour, seven-days a week job which carries no paycheck, but offers great rewards to those who heed the call."
"Being in the Navy is hard on all families in more ways than one," Brown continued. "It is important to have someone families can go to, someone to help them work through the challenges of Navy life." Originally introduced to the Navy in 1970 by Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Elmo Zumwalt, the primary focus of the Ombudsman program remains the same even though the program has grown and adapted to the ever-changing challenges of the Navy and its Sailors. "As a Navy spouse, I watched the Navy's Ombudsman program grow. The program is stronger than U.S. Navy photo/Kim Brown ever thanks to the program Local area Ombudsmen pose for a group photo during the Ombudsman Appreciation Luncheon managers and an amazing, held Sept. 29 at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station. The Ombudsmen were celebrating 41 global network of volun- years of the program which provides a vital link between a servicemember's family and their comteers," said Brown. "They mand. are doing extraordinary work in extraordinary times. I am proud of their service and their amount of support. But, after attending this luncheon and seeing the support shown from everyone around the base and passion for Navy families." There are currently more than 15 professionally trained other Ombudsmen, well I'm just amazed," she concluded. Ombudsmen serving in the JB Charleston area. For Michelle "These luncheons remind all of us just how much we are Taylor, an Ombudsman from the Naval Consolidated Brig respected by our commands which make it all worth it in the Charleston, the job is demanding but it gives her a great deal end." "Family readiness equals operational readiness and a comof pleasure to serve. "Being an Ombudsman is a challenging job, but I feel it is mand Ombudsman is going to make sure each family is taken one of the most rewarding jobs I have ever done. I think fam- care of while a Sailor is deployed," said Cady. "This also helps ily is a very important element of a Sailor's career and for me in making sure a Sailor is not stressing about any issues at to be able to make a Sailor's life a little bit easier and less home and can concentrate on the job at hand." "The Ombudsman is a key factor to the success of the comstressful by taking care of their loved ones is a very humbling mand," he concluded. "They are an essential piece of the puzexperience," said Taylor. "From day one, my command has always shown me a great zle and without them we couldn't operate smoothly."
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The Patriot • October 7, 2011
Annual fair prepares military families for emergencies Story and photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Brannon Deugan Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs The Joint Base Charleston Emergency Management team worked hand-in-hand with local community organizations to host the annual Emergency Preparedness Fair, teaching service members and their families how to prepare for natural disasters at JB Charleston - Weapons Station, Sept. 29. The fair is designed to provide educational tips and information for such disasters, ensuring the safety of each Airman, Sailor and their loved ones. "The emergency management team is always looking for new fun ways to provide information about how to prepare for a natural disaster," said Steven Gottula, an emergency manager. "We wanted to provide a funfilled atmosphere that would attract the whole family where they could enjoy themselves while learning." For Ensign Aaron Sponseller, from Naval Nuclear Power Training Command, planning for natural disasters is something new and through personal experiences, he has learned
first-hand the reality of not being thoroughly prepared. "A few months ago my wife and I learned the importance of preparing for an emergency," Sponseller said. "We were living in Maryland when Hurricane Irene hit and we lost power for four days causing us to not have any food or water. So, we ended up relying on our friends to help us. "We came out to this fair tonight because we don't want to be unprepared again," he continued. "There is so much information on how to prepare an emergency kit, an emergency plan and on generator safety, so this has been not only fun but very informative for my family." One of the biggest areas of concern the emergency management team provided information on was family emergency plans and emergency supply kits. When a family develops an emergency plan and practices it on a regular basis, dealing with the aftermath of a disaster can help ease how stressful that situation can be. The fair provided children with activities such as an inflatable jump castle, sumo wrestling and also provided parents the
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Staff Sgt. Nicholas Altgilbers, Joint Base Charleston Emergency Management team member, teaches Navy spouse Katie Ayala about the basic necessities to consider when preparing for a natural disaster during the Emergency Preparedness Fair at JB Charleston - Weapons Station, Sept. 29. The fair provided advice and information on preparing an emergency supply kit, a family emergency plan and how to safely operate items such as generators and chainsaws.
opportunity to have their children's fingerprints taken for children identification program. Children were also able to experience a smokehouse provided by local fire departments. The smoke house gave participants first-hand experience on how to maneuver through a smoke filled atmosphere to safety. "It is very important that children are involved in the family emergency plan," said Gottula. "A lot of times when children witness a disaster, they tend to get scared. We want to help ready and educate parents so that should a disaster hit, they will be able to provide a more calming environment especially for children." Other exhibits focused on generator safety. A generator can help preserve food and provide vital electricity to help keep TVs and radios going, ensuring updated and relevant information is received. However, users need to ensure the generator is not overloaded and is being safely operated in accordance with the manufacturers’ guidelines. "When researching a generator, shoppers need to establish what they want to remain powered-on in the event of a loss of power and find the correct generator to meet their needs," said Gary Gist, 628th Air Base Wing Safety office ground safety specialist. "You don't want to overload the generator so be sure to research the manufactures and FEMA websites about the safety precautions before use." "Most of the time people try to utilize generators to maintain and protect their lifestyles while forgetting about the carbon monoxide
that is produced by the generator," said Gist. "Even small generators put out enough carbon monoxide that when placed near a door, window or on the porch, the carbon monoxide can leak back into the home creating a dangerous situation for everyone in the home." After a hurricane, tornado or other natural disaster, many people find themselves using tools to clean fallen debris from roadways and yards when they have limited experience using tools such as chainsaws. "During a disaster individuals get caught up in the moment and forget about wearing personal protective equipment," said Gist. "When dealing with chainsaws, most people have limited experience. After a disaster everything changes; they need to be aware of fallen cables and wires before using a chainsaw and to be cautious of their surroundings." The fair provided numerous brochures, pamphlets and advice to better prepare for emergencies in order to protect the whole family including exceptional family members and even pets. "We wanted people to leave the Emergency Preparedness Fair knowing how to build a family emergency plan, build an emergency supply kit and where to take their pets in case of an emergency," said Gottula. "We suggest people should be able to provide for themselves with the basic needs of food and shelter for at least a week. A natural disaster doesn't wait, be prepared before it's too late."
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The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ October 7, 2011
315thâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Troop Talk is back By Capt. Wayne Capps 315th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Troop Talk, the military news/talk cable television show, had a great two-year run before going on hiatus. Now it is back. The resurrected Troop Talk is now a quarterly, news-style military television show produced by the 315th AW Public Affairs and will start airing this weekend on WCSC's Live 5 Plus. However, it not only highlights the 315th AW; it also spotlights other military units across the Lowcountry. This continues to provide a service to Charleston residents that did not exist before the show's inception. "Troop Talk is a great outlet to give the Charleston community a peek behind the gates," said Michael Dukes, Troop Talk producer and member of the 315th Public Affairs office. "It lets us tell our message without having a minute-and-a-half sound bite that we might otherwise get on the news."
Troop Talk aired for two years on Comcast C2 and recently, Live 5 News approached the 315th AW about possibly bringing back the program on their new high definition channel, Live 5 Plus. "This is the next step for Troop Talk," said 2nd Lt. Jeff Kelly, one of the reporters on the show. "We will have access to technology we didn't have before and there are a lot of benefits to partnering with a CBS affiliate." Troop Talk will air news stories from various units and missions at Joint Base Charleston as well as feature news from other military or military affiliated organizations from around the Lowcountry. "There's a huge military presence here in Charleston," Dukes said. "Troop Talk is a great way to keep those people informed." The first episode will air this weekend and feature stories from a humanitarian mission to Honduras, a feature on the day-in-the-life of a Reservist, a Coast Guard profile and more.
Courtesy photo
The new set of the Troop Talk TV show, now shot in high definition, brings a crisp, new look to a very popular Lowcountry show.
Troop Talk can be seen Sunday nights at 6:30 p.m. Live 5 Plus can be found on the digital channel 5.2 and on Comcast 212, Knology 146, Time Warner 111 and Home Telecom 116.
The Patriot • October 7, 2011
Eagle Eyes enlists your help to report suspicious activity By 315th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The Air Force has an anti-terrorism program called Eagle Eyes - an initiative that enlists the eyes and ears of Air Force members and citizens in the war on terror. Eagle eyes teaches people about the typical activities terrorists engage in to plan their attacks. Armed with this information, anyone can recognize elements of potential terror planning when they see it. The program provides a network of local, 24-hour phone numbers to call whenever a suspicious activity is observed. You and your family are encouraged to learn the categories of suspicious behavior and stay attuned to your surroundings. If you observe something suspicious, send your input using this "Crimebusters" link, or alert local authorities. Here are categories of suspicious behavior you should be vigilant for: Surveillance: Someone recording or monitoring activities. This may include the use of cameras (either still or video), note taking, drawing diagrams, annotating on maps or using binoculars or other vision-enhancing devices. Elicitation: People or organizations attempting to gain information about military operations, capabilities, or people. Elicitation attempts may be made by mail, fax, telephone, or
in person. Examples could include being approached at a gas station (or mall or airport or library, etc) and asked about what's happening at the base; getting a fax (or an e-mail or a telephone call, etc) asking for troop strength numbers ... or the number of airplanes on base ... deployment procedures ... how a trashcollection truck gets on base ... the location of the HQ building ... or how many people live in a certain dorm ... where the commander lives ... how many people hang out at the officers/enlisted club at night ... which nightclubs/restaurants off base are highly frequented by military people ... or the workings of the base's network firewall, etc. Tests of security: Any attempts to measure reaction times to security breaches or to penetrate physical security barriers or procedures in order to assess strengths and weaknesses. Examples: a person grabs the base fence and shakes it and sees how long it takes for police to respond; a driver approaches the front gate (without ID and/or car sticker) and pretends to be lost or to have taken a wrong term, just to learn the procedures of how he is dealt with and how far into the
gate he can get before being turned around; a person places a "smoke bomb" near the fence or throws it over the fence, just to learn how quickly police respond and what effect that has on front-gate operations, etc. Acquiring supplies: Purchasing or stealing explosives, weapons, ammunition, detonators, timers, etc. Also includes acquiring military uniforms, decals, flight manuals, passes or badges (or the equipment to manufacture such items) or any other controlled items. Suspicious persons out of place: People who don't seem to belong in the workplace, neighborhood, business establishment, or anywhere else. Includes suspicious border crossings and stowaways aboard ship or people jumping ship in port. This category is hard to define, but the point is that people know what looks right and what doesn't look right in their neighborhoods, office spaces, commutes, etc, and if a person just doesn't seem like he or she belongs, there's probably a reason for that. Dry run: Putting people into position and moving them around according to their plan without actually committing the terrorist act. This is especially true when planning a kidnapping, but it can also pertain to bombings. An element of this activity could also include mapping out routes and determining the timing of traffic lights and flow. Take note of people moving around from place to place without any apparent purpose and doing it, perhaps, many times. The appropriate example here is the Sept. 11 hijackers, who are now known to have actually flown on those exact flights several times before Sept. 11. Their purpose was to practice getting their people into position, working out arrival times, parking, ticketing, going through security, boarding, etc. By taking note of everything around them, in one sense they were conducting surveillance and testing security, but they were also doing a dry run of the actual activity. Deploying assets: People and supplies getting into position to commit the act. This is a person's last chance to alert authorities before the terrorist act occurs. Look for people loading up vehicles with weaponry/explosives, etc, and/or parking that vehicle somewhere, or people in military uniforms (who don't look right) approaching an installation or getting into a vehicle, or people who seem out of place standing by at a certain location as if waiting for something to happen. One fairly good example of this is the attack on the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. When the explosives-laden truck pulled up to the fence line (which was the "deploying assets" step) and the driver jumped out and ran away, that was seen by a spotter on the roof of the dormitory, who recognized this as suspicious activity. He then sprinted down stairs and began pounding on doors, rousting people out of bed and getting them out of the building. Because of that, he saved many, many lives, and it's all because he recognized the "deploying assets" element.
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The Patriot • October 7, 2011
EFMP fair held at Marrington Plantation: a day of fun in the sun
Garynn Napiter gets her hands painted for a decorative art project with help from her mother Blasia at the Child Find/Exceptional Family Member Program Extravaganza Special Needs Fair Oct. 1, at Marrington Plantation, Joint Base Charleston-Weapons Station. Garynn is the daughter of Blasia and her husband, a Navy Seaman assigned to NNPTC. Lucas Helferich takes a swing at the Slap Shot game at the Child Find/Exceptional Family Member Program Extravaganza Special Needs Fair Oct. 1, at Marrington Plantation, Joint Base CharlestonWeapons Station. Lucas is the son of Michelle and Master Sgt. Joe Helferich assigned to the 628th Communications Squadron.
Winston Frechette milks a wooden cow at the Child Find/Exceptional Family Member Program Extravaganza Special Needs Fair Oct. 1, at Marrington Plantation, Joint Base Charleston Weapons Station. The fair is designed to help families with children who have special needs by providing entertainment while keeping them aware of the resources available on and off base. The extravaganza featured fun, food, games, prizes and music provided by more than 20 local resource agencies. Winston is the son of Susan and 1st Lt. William Frechette, assigned to 628th Medical Group.
Ruby Castillo paints with the Spin Painter at the Child Find/Exceptional Family Member Program Extravaganza Special Needs Fair Oct. 1, at Marrington Plantation, Joint Base Charleston-Weapons Station. The extravaganza featured fun, food, games, prizes and music provided by more than 20 local resource agencies. Ruby is the daughter of Nicole and Staff Sgt. Michael Castillo, assigned to the 437th Maintenance Operations Squadron.
Kayla Helferich throws a football into the Quarterback toss game at the Child Find/Exceptional Family Member Program Extravaganza Special Needs Fair Oct. 1, at Marrington Plantation, Joint Base Charleston-Weapons Station. Kayla is the daughter of Michelle and Master Sgt. Joe Helferich assigned to the 628th Communications Squadron. Jack Kordenbrock creates bubbles with a bubble ring at the Child Find/Exceptional Family Member Program Extravaganza Special Needs Fair Oct. 1 at Marrington Plantation, Joint Base Charleston-Weapons Station. Jack is the son of Tiffany and Senior Airman Nicholas Kordenbrock, assigned to the 437th Maintenance Operations Squadron.
Tiana Lopez throws a baseball through the baseball toss game, while her sister Gaby and her mother Carolina watch at the Child Find/Exceptional Family Member Program Extravaganza ‘Special Needs Fair’ Oct. 1 at Marrington Plantation, Joint Base Charleston-Weapons Station. Tiana is the daughter of Carolina and Tech. Sgt. Jose Lopez assigned to 437th Maintenance Squadron.
U.S. Air Force photos by Tech. Sgt Chrissy Best
The Patriot • October 7, 2011
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The Patriot • October 7, 2011
Reaching out through photography
Urgent Care Center U.S. Air Force photos / Staff Sgt. Nicole Mickle
Technical Sgt. DeNoris Mickle looks through a yearbook with elementary school students Sept. 27 at Charles Towne Montessori School in Charleston. Two photographers from the 1st Combat Camera Squadron volunteered to teach a group of six upper elementary school students basic photography skills. The students' will be taking photos for their yearbook. Mickle is a photographer from the 1CTCS.
Staff Sgt. Michael Zimmerman shows elementary school students a photo he took Sept. 27 at Charles Towne Montessori School in Charleston. The students will be taking photos for their yearbook. Zimmerman is a photographer from the 1CTCS.
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Events Oct. 11 â?? Credit Repair Solutions: Learn what it takes to improve your credit score without paying a service to do it for you, Oct. 11 from 10 to 11 a.m. Call the AFRC at 963-4406 to reserve your seat. Oct. 12 â?? Spouse Employment/Scholarship Orientation: Learn about free available resources and employment services, resumes, the local job market, scholarships and other job search issues, Oct. 12 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Call the AFRC at 9634406 to sign up. â?? Red Cross Blood Drive: Joint Base Charleston is hosting a Red Cross blood drive, Oct. 12 from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the base gym. The need for blood is constant and you can help save the lives of many ranging from the elderly to newborns. Oct. 13 â?? Resume II: Receive professional feedback as you work on your draft resume and walk away with a completed product, Oct. 13 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to noon. Call the AFRC at 963-4406 to register. â?? Making a Good Marriage Better: Do you already have a good marriage? Have fun learning how to improve it, Oct. 13 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Call the AFRC at 963-4406 to register. â?? Ready, Set, Parent: Join us for this interactive workshop and discover the hardest job you will ever love: parenting, Oct. 13 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Topics include: WIC, baby budgeting, TRICARE, bonding basics, baby playtime, baby massage and more. Call the AFRC at 963-4406 to register. Oct. 14 â?? Clinic Closure: The 628th Air Base Medical Clinic will close Oct. 14 at 2 p.m. and will re-open Oct. 17 at 7:30 a.m. â?? Transition Assistance Program Workshop (TAP): Learn how to transition from the military to civilian life with ease, Oct. 18 to 21. The first three days are from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and the fourth day is from 7:30 am. To 1:30 p.m. Call the AFRC at 963-4406 to sign up today.
Special Announcements â?? Over Pricing (ZOP) Program: Per Air Mobility Command, everyone that orders parts through the Department of Defense stock system is requested to file a report when large discrepancies in prices exist for parts received. An example would be a $5 part that costs $500. All personnel
should contact the 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron Customer Service office to file a complaint. For questions, concerns or further instruction on ZOP, contact Staff Sgt. Charles Brown at 963-4831. â?? Workforce Specialist: A workforce specialist is now available by appointment on Tuesdays from 1 to 4 p.m. and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to noon. The specialist can help with job referrals, resume and interview assistance and provide information about educational opportunities for active duty, retirees, dependents, and Department of Defense civilians. Call 963-4406 to schedule an appointment. â?? Spouse Orientation to JB CHS: Spouses are invited to this orientation the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Call 963-4406 to register. â?? Coupon exchange: The AFRC has a coupon exchange that is open to all ranks. Bring in your unused coupons between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Monday through Friday and help yourself to coupons for you and your family. For more information on the coupon exchange, call 963-4408. â?? Stress coping workshops: Learn how to cope with life's stresses without pulling your hair out. Workshops meet the second Wednesday of every month from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Health and Wellness Center classroom and are open to everyone. Call 963-4007 to sign up. â?? Sleep habits: Learn effective sleep habits and how to get your best z's during this workshop which meets the fourth Wednesday of every month from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the HAWC classroom. This class is open to everyone. Call 963-4007 to sign up.
Meetings and Registrations â?? Healthy Thinking Workshop registration: Do you find yourself feeling angry or stressed more often than you would like, or regret how you act when you are upset? Do you wish you could express yourself more clearly and be more assertive? Consider registering for the Healthy Thinking Workshop. The workshop is divided into four, 90 minute sessions held on consecutive Wednesdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m., with a new group beginning the first Wednesday of every month. To sign up or for more information, contact Family Advocacy at 963-6972. â?? Palace Chase, Palace Front briefings: The inservice recruiter, Master Sgt. Robert Denehy, will be conducting Palace Chase and Palace Front briefings at 9 a.m. on the first and third Tuesday of every month in Bldg. 503, Room 201. Air Force Instruction 36-3205 mandates eligible Airmen who are separating to be informed about the benefits and opportunities available to them within the Reserve, such as cross training, continued service, retirement, education, medical insurance and promotion. For more information, contact Sergeant Denehy at 963-4499.
Movie Schedule: Weapons Station Movie Theater: Call 764-7516 for show times. Admission is free. Doors open 30 minutes prior to each showing. â?? Transformers: Dark of the Moon: Oct. 7, 7:30 p.m, Rated PG-13 â?? Monte Carlo: Oct. 8, 5 p.m., Rated PG â?? Transformers: Dark of the Moon: Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m., Rated PG-13 â?? Monte Carlo: Oct. 9, 2 p.m., Rated PG â?? Bad Teacher: Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m., Rated R
Movie Schedule: Air Base Movie Theater: Call 963-3333 for show times. Admission is $4.50 for adults 12 years and older, and $2.25 for children 6-11 years old. Movies rated "G" are $2.25 for children 3-11 years old. Visit for full movie schedules. â?? Fright Night: Oct. 7, 7:30 p.m., Rated R â?? The Smurfs: Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m, Rated G
Events â?? Oct. 15 - Mutt Strut: Joint us for a free dog-friendly walk and run, Oct. 15 at 9 a.m at the Quad outside of Sam's Fitness Center at JB CHS - Weapons Station. The event is open to all JB CHS patrons and no registration is required. Dress your dog in a costume for a chance to win a prize. Walkers and runners without pets are also welcome. Call Edie Foley at 866-0472 for more information.
Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station â?? Birthday bowling parties: Looking for something different to do for your next birthday party? Marrington Bowling Center has birthday bowling parties that are great for kids of any age. Call the bowling center for party options and availability. â?? Stroller Rollers offers "Fitness for Mom, fun for baby!" Attention new mothers, now there is a way to get fit while spending quality time with your baby. With the Stroller Rollers program, you'll
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Events Oct. 11 â?? Career Connection: If you are transitioning from the military or your spouse is seeking employment check out the Career Connection workshops offered at the FFSC, Bldg. 755. Find the Right Career is Oct. 11 from 10 to11 a.m. Call 764-7480 to register. Oct. 13 â?? Financial Bright Holiday: Learn how to develop a holiday spending plan with a gift list and an overall survival plan that will assist you in enjoying a less stressful holiday season. Join us at the FFSC, Bldg. 755, Oct. 13 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Call 764-7480 to register. Oct. 29 â?? March of Dimes Golf Tournament: Members of the Naval Health Clinic Charleston and the March of Dimes are hosting a golf tournament, Oct. 29 at Shadow Moss Plantation Golf Course. It will be a 4-person, best-ball format. Contact Petty Officer 1st Class David Tinoco at 794-6701 for more information. Nov. 14 â?? Transition Assistance Program: Learn how to transition from the military to civilian life with ease at this workshop Nov.14-17, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the FFSC, Bldg. 755. Call 764-7480 to preregister today.
Special Announcements
â?? Budget for Baby: The Navy Marine Corps Relief Society offers a basic budgeting class for expecting mothers. Class is held the every second Thursday of the month from 9:30 a.m. to noon. After completing the class, each mom will receive a Layette filled with free baby items such as crib sheets, onesies and a homemade blanket. Call 7647662 or come in to sign up for the class. Our temporary office is located in Bldg. 301 (PSD), Room 212. â?? Work & Family Life Specialists: Work & Family Life specialists are available by appointment. Get help with job referrals, resume and interview assistance, first move and information about educational opportunities for active duty, retirees, See more briefs at family members and Department of Defense civilians. Call the FFSC at 764-7480 for an appointment. To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to patriâ?? Personal Financial Management: Let an FFSC Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than certified financial specialists assist you in accessing and explaining your credit report. They can provide close of business the Friday prior to publication.
Family Events is dedicated to family activities. To submit an activity, send an e-mail to patriot@ Make the subject line "Family Events." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.
MASTERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DEGREES
The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ October 7, 2011
2/9/11 8:13:14 AM
the tools and information to improve your score and make the right decisions about collections and debt. Call FFSC at 764-7480 for more information. â?? Wise credit Choices: Did you know that your credit score is a huge deciding factor for interest rates, mortgages, insurance costs, employability, loans, deposits, etc.? Call a personal financial manager at the FFSC for an appointment at 764-7480. â?? Developing your spending plan: Let a financial education specialist at the FFSC on Joint Base Charleston-Weapons Station provide you the tools and resources needed to develop a financial plan of your dreams. The purpose of a financial plan is for you to determine where you are now, where you want to go and how you plan to get there by starting today. Contact the FFSC 764-7480 for more information.
Updates and Notices â?? Stepping Stones Pre-School storytime: Parents and pre-school children learn together through stories, songs, arts & crafts and play time with the Stepping Stones Pre-school Story Time program at the JB CHS - Weapons Station Branch Library. Children must be pre-school age and accompanied by a parent or guardian. This free program is Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. To register, call 764-7900. â?? MWR's Recycling Department calling for all metal: Containers for empty aluminum cans are located throughout the Naval Support Activity. Aluminum cans are the mainstay of the recycling program; however, all types of metal are accepted. If you have heavy metal products that need to be picked up, call the Recycling Department at 743-0510. All recycling proceeds go towards enhancing your Morale, Welfare, Recreation facilities and programs. â?? Become a Family Child Care Provider: Do you like children? Need extra cash? The Family Child Care program offers you a chance to provide childcare in your home. The options available to Family Child Care providers are numerous and include: ¡ Before/after school care ¡ Parttime/drop-in care ¡ Full-time care for infants, toddlers or pre-school ages ¡ Evening and weekend care. As an FCC provider, you determine your fees and hours. Although the Navy determines the maximum childcare ratios, you can choose and interview families that have children fitting the hours and ages you are looking for. If interested or for more information, please call 764-7347. â?? Parents, need a night out? The Child Development Homes program has certified providers available for Friday night child care. Call the CDH office for a list of available providers at 764-7347. â?? Resale vehicle lot: Selling a car, truck, camper, boat or motorcycle? MWR's "Hot Deals on Wheels" used vehicle lot offers the only authorized place to display vehicles for sale on Naval Support Activity. The lot is located near Red Bank Road in the New Wave Pool parking lot. The cost is $8 per week for military and immediate family and $10 per week for retirees and DoD civilians. Reservations and payment are accepted at the Information, Tickets and Tours Office. Call 7642120 for more information.
shape up with a power walk and body sculpting while strolling with your baby. It's a great chance to interact with other new moms. Classes meet at the Naval Support Activity gymnasium on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. Classes are free. Materials are provided. For more information, call MWR Fitness Director Nancy Haynsworth at 764-4067. â?? Make your next party a movie party at Cinema One: Looking for a unique idea for your next group party? Why not make it a movie party? Cinema One offers private showings of your favorite feature films. Cinema One movie parties are perfect for birthday celebrations, command socials, class trips, youth groups and lots more. Movie parties are free to groups of 40 or more (with concessions purchase) and are $25 to groups of less than 40 people. Call theater manager, Teresa Stuckey, at 764-4107 for reservation information. â?? Free on-line tutoring service: for Military Families is the Defense Department's official, online, on-demand tutoring and homework help service for military members and their families. The site, offers round-the-clock professional tutors who can assist with homework, studying, test preparation, proof-reading and more. Active-duty military members and National Guard, Reserve personnel and Defense Department civilians on active duty in a deployed status and their family members are eligible to participate.'s network includes more than 2,500 professional tutors who have delivered more than six million, one-on-one tutoring sessions since 2001. Each tutor is certified through the site, and all sessions are recorded for quality control. The program can also be accessed through a free app for the iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad.
Joint Base Charleston - Air Base â?? Girl Scouting: Girls in kindergarten through eighth grade are invited to join Girl Scout Troop 895 at the Chapel Annex on the second and fourth Tuesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Contact Patti Donahue at 618-363-5230 or for more information. â?? Story Hours at the Library: The Base Library has two fun story hours every week. Mondays at 10 a.m., is the home day care story hour. Please call ahead each week to sign-up your group for this day. Tuesdays is the toddler open story and craft hour starting at 10 a.m. Reservations are not required for this session. Both sessions are free. Call 963-3320 to sign up. â?? Tennis Lessons: Lessons are held at the Outdoor Recreation tennis courts. Children six through 17 and adults can enroll for one-hour sessions, twice a week for $80 per month. Lessons are held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m.
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The Patriot • October 7, 2011
Dental technicians can make your smile
Technical Sergeant Joshuwa Steel adds die spacer to the model work before making a crown Sept. 22 at the Dental Lab at Joint Base Charleston-Air Base. Die spacer is added before making the crown so the Dentist has room to cement the tooth when it is complete. Steel is a dental lab technician with the 628th Medical Group.
Senior Airman Meghan Mayhew polishes a gold crown at the Dental Lab Sept. 22 at Joint Base Charleston-Air Base. Dental Lab technicians fabricate all dental prosthesis, including making retainers, maxillary/mandible expanders, model work for pilots custom flight masks, sports guards, night guards, crowns, bridges and implants. Mayhew is a dental lab technician with the 628th Medical Group. Technical Sergeant Joshuwa Steel holds together a mold of a patients mouth at the Dental Lab Sept. 22 at Joint Base Charleston-Air Base. Wooden sticks are glued to the mold to hold it in place.
Senior Airman Meghan Mayhew polishes a gold crown at the Dental Lab Sept. 22 at Joint Base Charleston-Air Base.
U.S. Air Force photos by Airman 1st Class Ashlee Galloway
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Tosee seethe thePatriot Airlift online Dispatch online or adownload PDF ofplease the paper, please visit To or download PDF of thea paper, visit To see the our Airlift Dispatchfor online download a PDF the paper, Thank advertisers theiror support of your baseofpaper. Say, “Iplease Saw It visit In Patriot!”
The Patriot • October 7, 2011
New TRICARE Prime enrollees pay adjusted annual fees Courtesy of Department of Defense In accordance with changes authorized in February 2011, the Department of Defense announced today military retirees enrolling in TRICARE® Prime after Oct. 1, 2011, will begin paying an additional $2.50 per month for individual members and $5 per month for members and family. This change does not affect any retiree currently enrolled and only affects future enrollees. Active duty service members will continue to receive health care with no out of pocket costs. “We are committed to offering the best possible health care system for our entire military family,” said Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Dr. Jonathan Woodson. “This
This week in Air Force history
Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
Oct. 2, 1993 - Major earthquakes rolled through central India. Afterwards, C-5s airlifted 1,000 rolls of plastic sheeting, 950 tents, 18,550 five-gallon water containers, 22 pallets of blankets and other relief supplies to Bombay through Oct. 4.
Oct. 5, 1905 - At Dayton, Ohio, Orville Wright flew the Wright III, the first practical airplane, to a world distance and duration record of 24.2 miles in 38 minutes three seconds. Oct. 6, 1969 - With the inactivation of the 8th Tactical Bombing Squadron, its B-57 light bombers were ferried to the U.S. for storage. The first aircraft left Phan Rang, South Vietnam.
Oct. 3, 1995 - An Air Mobility Command contracted DC-8 left Robins Air Force Base, Ga. for Hanoi with 28 tons of medical supplies for hospitals in Vietnam on the first on the first humanitarian mission to the country since the war.
Oct. 7, 1950 - The U.S. Air Force dropped food to a group of 150 former prisoners of war, who had escaped during the North Korean retreat.
Oct. 4, 1983 - Four CH-3 helicopters from the 302nd Special Operations Squadron rescued 57 residents from flood waters around Maricopa, Ariz. through Oct. 5.
Oct. 8, 1956 - Since 1948, Military Air Transport Service and DOD aircraft made over 100,000 ocean crossings to carry 400,000 passengers and 700,000 tons of mail and freight to overseas bases.
This week in Navy history
Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs Oct. 2, 1799 - The Washington Navy Yard was established. Oct. 3, 1921 - USS Olympia sailed for France to bring home the Unknown Soldier from World War I. Oct. 4, 1943 - Aircraft from USS Ranger sank five German ships and damaged three in Operation Leader, the only U.S. Navy carrier operation in northern European waters during World War II.
Oct. 5, 1957 - Minitrack, a satellite tracking net developed by the Naval Research Laboratory, became operational. This network, with stations from Maine to Chile, tracked the Vangard satellite. Oct. 6, 1962 - The first nuclear-powered frigate, USS Bainbridge (DLGN25), was commissioned. Oct. 7, 2001 - Operation Enduring Freedom began with carrier air strikes and ship and submarine Tomahawk strikes. Oct. 8, 1950 - 1st Marine Division commenced embarkation at Inchon for landings at Wonsan, Korea.
modest annual fee increase allows us to responsibly manage our costs in line with other secretary of defense initiatives announced earlier this year.” The change was authorized by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in February 2011 as part of his effort to responsibly manage military healthcare costs. Since 1995, the secretary of defense has been permitted by law to set a premium, deductible, copayment, or other charge for health care, including enrollment fees. The TRICARE benefit is among the nation’s most affordable health care plans. All service members, military retirees and their eligible family members have TRICARE benefits regardless of prior health conditions. The fiscal 2012 fee change amounts to a slightly higher annual fee of $260 for members and $520 for members and family. Annual fees for retirees enrolled in TRICARE Prime prior to Oct. 1, 2011, will remain at $230 and $460 until Oct. 1, 2012. Retirees in TRICARE Prime have a catastrophic cap of $3,000 and there are no changes to low TRICARE Prime co-pays. Survivors of active duty deceased sponsors and medically retired services members and their dependents will be exempt from the increase, effective from the time they renew their enrollment or first enroll in Prime. “The department is committed to maintaining the same unique health care protection we have always offered our warriors, both current and retired,” said Woodson. “To sustain our military health system we are working hard to streamline, become more efficient, and achieve cost savings. Together we can manage our costs responsibly and continue to provide care for our service members, retirees and their families.” Information about TRICARE Prime enrollment fees can be found at .
Fire Scout completes first Navy unmanned flight on biofuel PATUXENT RIVER, Md. – The Navy reached a milestone in its quest to gain energy independence today, when an MQ-8B Fire Scout successfully flew the first unmanned biofueled flight at Webster Field in St. Inigoes, Md. The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Test Directorate piloted the helicopter fueled with a combination of JP-5 aviation fuel and plantbased camelina. The biofuel blend reduces carbon dioxide output by 75 percent when compared to conventional aviation fuel. "Today's flight marks a significant milestone with Fire Scout being the Navy's first unmanned aircraft to use biofuel technology," said Rear Adm. Bill Shannon, program executive officer for Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons. "I am very pleased we can add MQ8B to the list of successful bioflights completed at Pax River this year, bringing us one step closer to achieving the Navy's energy goals." The MQ-8B Fire Scout Vertical Take-Off and Landing Tactical Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle provides critical situational awareness, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR), and targeting data to the forward deployed warfighter. Fire Scout is designed to operate from all air capable ships and is currently providing ISR support during its firstland based deployment in U.S. Central Command area of responsibility. Fire Scout is the seventh aircraft to demonstrate the versatility of biofuel through its use in all facets of naval aviation. The completion of aircraft biofuel testing at Pax River is another example of the Navy's determination in achieving its goal of launching the "Great Green Fleet." This initiative is one of many throughout the Navy and Marine Corps which will enable the Department of the Navy to achieve the Secretary Ray Mabus' energy goals to improve our energy security and efficiency afloat and ashore, increase our energy independence, and help lead the nation toward a clean energy economy.
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The Patriot • October 7, 2011
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The Patriot • October 7, 2011
Wednesday, Oct. 19 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. & 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Live music by “Talk of the Town” Polka ∙ Swing ∙ Down-home, toe-tapping music Autumn beer samplings Lunch & dinner buffet Members - $7.50 All others add $2 Sauerbraten in sweet and sour sauce, steamed knockwurst with sauerkraut, red cabbage with apples, Brussels sprouts with ham, parsley buttered potatoes, hot German potato salad, dark Bavarian bread and Britches, along with homemade apple strudel.
Charleston Club 203 W. Stewart Ave. On the Air Base 963-4936
INTRO TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Two-part workshop Oct. 11 & Oct. 18
Pottery 101 Class Adult Beginner’s Pottery Two-part class - Oct. 13 & 20 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. $20 per student Advance registration required.
Family y Craft Night g
Wednesday, esday, Oct. 12
Pre-registration required.
5:30 6:30 p.m.
Call the Center of Photography at 720-3105 to sign up or for more details.
Free event
On the Air Base 963-3914
Framing Sale Save up to 30% on all custom framing Your choice of: Mat color Specialty frame Decorative design
“Friend Us” for additional savings!
Hurry! Sale ends Oct. 14
Rec Review
Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at
The Patriot â&#x20AC;˘ October 7, 2011
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MARKETPLACE Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To
MIsC NoTICes Come Join the Fun at info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC" Military Mommies Group for JB Charleston. Visit our website for playdates and more MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) For Moms with kids birth through kindergarten. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Old Fort Baptist Church, 10505 Dorchester RD. Summerville, SC 29485. Contact Heather Hansen 873-2283 for more information.
Free to good home 3 yr old Black Lab. Very loving & fully trained. Good with all ages. Unable to keep. Call 843-412-0881 adorable bichon puppies for sale. first shots included. will be ready late Oct. Please call 8433675608/8595521226 for info
GARAGe/YARd sAles YARD SALE: Saturday October 8 (730-?) Many varies items-large and small. 116 Howe Hall Road Goose Creek
Wando Woods 3 BR, 1 1/2BA, 1 car gar. lg. screen porch. W/D conn very close to I-526. $995 mo Craig & Co. 763-3939 Grand Oaks, Ladson 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, 1 car gar., LR & Den, eat in kit. Pool in area. $1000 mo Craig & Co. 763-3939 Ashley Villa 2 BR, 1 1/2 BA, TH, close to Air Base, nice yard, end unit. $725 mo. Craig & Co. 763-3939
The Patriot • October 7, 2011
HoMes FoR sAle
Tired Of Renting To Rent? Rent To Own Your Home NOW! Build Equity & Repair Credit Credit Issues? NO PROBLEM. Call me 843.410.4177 ext 411 (24/7 rec msg)
2007 Kawasaki Jet Ski Ultra 250 with trailer. Rides excellent, new battery, new electrical. $6200, call to see in N. Chas 8508141272
AuToMoTIve NEED A NEW RIDE? We'll Pick You Up! Ours Are Better! Cost Less Too!! Chief's Wholesale Autos 843-568-9856
MIsC ITeMs FoR sAle Queen Size Sleeper Sofa by Rowe. Color is Oatmeal. $150. Call 843-821-0169 (If no answer, please leave message.) Washer dryer sets $250/$350, stack wash/dryer $425; sofas and sofa sleepers $75/$125, 40 dressers & chest drwrs $40/$200, kitchen & dinette sets $50/$200. Call 452-2229
HeAlTH We buy unused, unopened, and unexpired diabetic test strips. $5 bx of 50 $10 for 100. Call 800 2131371
seRvICes Value Plumber--Licensed & Insured Super rates for Military and Retirees Call for free estimates (843) 437-3418 Home Day Care 6wks-4yrs full/part time/wkends/eves/hol. off Ashley Phos. Rd. call 568-8609 / 364-4140
PeTs 3 Siberian Huskies Puppies for Sale. DOB: 8/27/11, $350 taking payments, Go Home: 10/22/11, CKC, Call 843-327-2025
HoMes/APTs FoR ReNT 3000 Nantucket Ave. North Charleston Minutes from work Central Location in Nice Neighborhood. New 3 Bedroom 1657 sq. ft Home, Expansive Great Room & Kitchen, Atrium Ceilings, Separate Dining Room, Huge Master Bedroom with Windows to Woods. Master Bath with Separate Shower, Bath, Double Sinks, All Bed Rooms are Large; Back Yard Wooded; Two Car Garage. Rent $1,400 Military appreciation discount monthly of $225 $1175 Call 860-859-0139
Need To Sell Your House Really Fast? I’ll Buy It Tomorrow! No Equity? NO PROBLEM. Call me 843.376.1629 ext 311 (24/7 rec msg)
Roomates needed now 550mo+100 utilities. Beautiful 2 Story 3 BR home in Summerville. Avail. NOW! Call Donald @ 8033781682 3br, 1 1/2 ba, brk house, lg fenced yd. near AFB, I26, mall, new carpet/paint., military discount 750 mo. 767-0112 no pets. 7871 Sandida Court/5 min from CAFB. 2bd/2.5 bath Townhouse/Fireplace/Wet Bar. $725/Pets ok/wavierable deposit. 478-955-6684 2Br/1Ba, N.Chs, 10 minutes from base/Boeing, Renovated! NEW: appl., window, AC, paint, carpet, etc. $595/mo., Call 843-278-5454 Wescott 3BR,2.5BA 1585 sqft townhome/w loft Minutes to CAFB/Boeing,many upgrades,all appliances. $1050/mo Bruce 8438600736
Crossword of the Week
KITCHEN CABINETS- Beautiful. Never Installed. Cost $4800, Sell $1650. Call 843-856-4680. Amazing NEW Queen P-top Mattress $95! Delivery Available. 843-696-5712 6 Pc. Cherry Bedroom Set with Mattress set, Still in the Box! $350! Delivery Available 843696-5212 Microfiber Sectional $495 with Military Discount. NEW IN BOX Delivery Available 843637-6360 5 Pc Solid Wood Dinette $250,Coffee & End Tables $99. All New! Delivery Available. 843-696-5212
12” Thick Pillowtop mattress Set. Never opened, still in plastic. Must sell ASAP. Was $600, Sell $245. Call Keith, 843-375-5908.
Don’t Get Ripped Off! Call, Log On, Or Come By To See For Yourself
"Chief's On Your Side!" Goose Creek 4 BR, 2 1/2 BA, 2 car gar. 2300+ sf, fenced yard. $1490 mo. Craig & Co. 763-3939
STSC/SS Sam Pennington, Owner Chief's Wholesale Autos Open 7 Days A Week Guaranteed Financing! 843-568-9856 Nationwide Warranty Regional Quality Award Winner
Where Can You Get A Perfect, Serviced, And Inspected $25,000 Vehicle For Only $15,000? ONLY At Chief's Wholesale Autos We Finance 7 Days A Week Just For You! 843-568-9856
00 Ford Mustang great condition, black 5spd 6, great a/c & heat, asking $4300 obo Title in hand. On JBC resale lot call 843-693-2604
(This means ads submitted Monday should make it in, for instance, while ads submitted at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday may or may not make it in, depending on available space.)
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CLUES ACROSS 1. Head coverings 5. Most eaten avocado 9. Harry: the boy who lived 11. Traveled on water 13. Revolves 15. Spanish saloon 16. Popular nail lacquer 17. Conditions of balance 19. Pharaohs’ cobra 20. Being dried & withered 22. Seamen 23. Distress signal 24. 1st state (abbr.) 25. Female sheep 26. Dutch colonist 28. Dress belts 31. Autos 32. Paper-thin tin plate 33. Husk of wheat 34. Airplanes 35. Campaigns 37. Manufactured 38. An association of criminals 39. Radioactivity unit 41. Big London clock 42. Indian dress 43. Original cosmogony matter 45. A single unit 46. Picture taker 49. In the past 50. Marks of shame 53. Tall cactus 55. Someone from Seoul 56. Exaggerated a role 57. College army 58. Scrape or shave
CLUES DOWN 1. Enclosed 2. Dresses up 3. School organization 4. Units of tennis play 5. Principle Chinese ethnic group 6. Little island (British) 7. AKA’s 8. Detector 9. Paid athletes 10. A way to soak 11. Impudence 12. Dips lightly 14. Satiny cotton fabric 15. Fleshy covering on a birds’ beak 18. Wood cutting tools 21. Full of high-spirited delight 26. Bleats 27. Cantankerous 29. Satiate 30. Not hers 31. Superior grade wine 33. Young children 34. Rio de ___ 35. Crocus bulb 36. Eastern greetings 37. Teacher & guide 38. Dutch name for Meuse 40. Temperature measure 41. Small wooded area 42. Glance over 44. A prevailing attitude 47. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! 48. Used as a gelling agent in foods 51. Obtain 52. A waterproof raincoat 54. Actress Thurman See the Answers, Page 17
The Patriot • October 7, 2011
2006 Jeep Wrangler SE
2004 Chevy Trailblazer EXT LT
2010 Chrysler 300 Touring
2007 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad SLT
2003 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer
• Over 40 Years of Experience! • We Finance All Credit!
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2006 Ford Mustang GT
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Coach Says Sign & Drive!
2010 Ford Edge SEL
2003 Lexus ES 300
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137 St. James Ave., Goose Creek • 843-724-9247 $1,888
2001 Crown Vic Police Interceptor
2006 Volkswagen Passat 2.0t LUX
2005 Chevy Colorado
2009 Chevy HHR LS
2008 VW Beetle S
2010 Hyundai Elantra GLS
2005 Toyota Tacoma
2008 Scion TC
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2010 Chevy HHR 1LT
2005 BMW X3 3.0
2006 Hyundia Tucson GLS
Free Online Vehicle Locator @ $12,888
2006 Toyota Solara SLE
2008 Infiniti G35 AWD
1998 Chevy C3500
2007 VW Beetle convertible
2004 GMC Sierre C1500
2007 VW Beetle 2.5L
Prices subject to change without notice. Financing subject to job and income verification. W.A.C. excludes tax, tags and title.
2010 Chevy Silverado C1500
2005 Chevy Impala