11-01-2013 The Patriot (Joint Base Charleston)

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Joint Base Charleston, S.C.


Vol. 4, No. 40

Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Military Working Dog laid to rest U.S. Air Force photo/ Airman 1st Class Chacarra Neal

The 628th Security Forces Squadron Airmen hold a burial ceremony for military working dog Athos on Oct. 24, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. Athos was born Aug. 1998 and passed away Oct. 2012. Athos served as an explosive detector dog for 11 years. He was returned to JB Charleston where his ashes were buried alongside his fellow military working dogs.

JB Charleston hosts Wounded Warrior Hunt


Staff Sgt. William O’Brien Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

New system offers direct line to top See page 4

DENTON DELIVERY Bringing big smiles to Haiti See page 6

This Saturday Night! Weekend Weather Update

With the help of more than 30 volunteers, Joint Base Charleston held a Wounded Warrior Hunt for local wounded warriors recovering at Beaufort Marine Corps Air Station, S.C. Oct. 24, 25 and 26. The goal of the Wounded Warrior Project is to take a holistic approach when serving warriors and their families to nurture the mind and body, and encourage economic empowerment and engagement. Through a hightouch and interactive approach, the Wounded Warrior Project hopes to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation's history. “Wounded Warrior Hunts go on nationwide,” explained Terrence Larimer, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron natural and cultural resource manager for JB Charleston. “They are recreational events put on for wounded warriors as a way of furthering their rehabilitation. It gives them a break from the rigors of what they’re going through as they try to get well again.” Doing a Wounded Warrior Hunt has been an idea that’s been considered for a few years, but never came to fruition until a few volunteers approach Larimer about the program. Bill Miller, a former marine and participant in several Wounded Warrior Project events and his wife, Airman 1st Class Amy Miller, 628th Security Forces Squadron patrolman, offered to spearhead the effort and through their work and the work of numerous other volunteers from across Joint Base Charleston, the hunt was put together. “It was a strictly volunteer driven event,” said Larimer. “As the Natural resources manager here, I facilitated it within the lines of my normal duties, but I was not the lead organizer. The volunteers made this happen. We had volunteers who were retired, active duty and some civilians. Many of them were also Joint Base Charleston game wardens.” This event allowed for wounded warriors to take a break from the daily rigor of their recovery and take part in a unique event. For many of them this was the first opportunity they’ve ever had to go hunting and several

of the wounded warriors were able to harvest the first white tail deer of their lives. “The feedback we got from the warriors was very good. They said they were wonderfully fed and wonderfully taken care of. They told me they felt very good about the whole experience,” said Larimer. Several said they enjoyed it so much they intended to come back and do more hunting at Joint Base Charleston.” See Wounded Warrior, Page 3

Courtesy photo

Participants from the Wounded Warrior Hunt pose for a photo following a hunt Oct. 25. The hunt was spearheaded by the volunteer efforts of Bill Miller, a former marine and wounded warrior along with his wife, Airman 1st Class Amy Miller, 628th Security Forces Squadron patrolman. This hunt allowed for wounded warriors to take a break from the daily rigor of their recovery and take part in a unique event.

NMC supports MPF mission


Friday, November 1

Afternoon Thunderstorms (50% precip)

High 80º Low 64º

Saturday, November 2

Showers (40% precip)

High 74º Low 49º

Sunday, November 3 Sunny

(0% precip)

High 67º Low 48º

Contractors from the Navy Munitions Command upload munitions onto a freight train Oct. 24, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston Weapons Station, S.C. The NMC's mission is solely in support of the Marine Corps' Maritime Prepositioning Force program. This unique program provides the essential elements needed to support and execute crisis response, global reach, and forward presence.

U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Rasheen Douglas

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BLACK 01/29/08


A maxim on leadership

The Patriot • November 1, 2013

Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot

The Patriot, the official weekly paper of Joint Base Charleston is published every Friday by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DoD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs office reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed against DOD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.


The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Patriot staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.

Editorial Staff

Joint Base Charleston commander Col. Jeffrey DeVore Public Affairs Officer Capt. Frank Hartnett Patriot Editor Chuck Diggle

Editorial Content

Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Patriot can be reached at: 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, Room 312. Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963-3464 Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd., Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154. E-mail to: patriot@charleston.af.mil All news releases should be sent to this address.

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Commentary by Lt. Col. Joseph Meyer Commander, 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron

Oscar Wilde was known for saying, "Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." True, we can learn valuable lessons from our mistakes, but consider the following remark from Benjamin Franklin: "Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other." In other words, there is no substitute for experience, but we can also learn from the experience of others. With that in mind, I would like to relay an approach to leadership that was shared with me by a successful leader based on his experience of nearly 30 years in the military. Brigadier General Wayne Grigsby, then the Commandant of the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), is now the Deputy Commanding General of the First Armored Division located at Fort Bliss, Texas. This is a man whose experience in leadership ranges from small teams to large organizations – in peace and during war. As the Commandant of SAMS, Gen. Grigsby oversaw the graduate education of roughly 100 officers and civilians. He took great interest in each and every student with the aim of developing effective leaders, planners and teammates. One of his favorite activities was running. He would take groups from ten to 100 on four or five mile runs

around the scenic, tree-lined campus of Fort Leavenworth. After one particularly challenging run toward the end of the year, Gen. Grigsby was discussing what we would be doing upon graduation. He asked the question, "What does it take to make an effective leader?" We all stood around catching our breath and looking at each other as if to say, ‘isn't that why we are here?’ Then before anyone could answer, he pointed his finger across the crowd and said, "All this education means nothing if you cannot lead people when you leave here." Then he held up two fingers and continued, "You only need to remember two things to be an effective leader: shoot expert at your weapon and max your PT test!" This sounds rather simplistic, but sometimes the best maxims are. Was this really what had brought this great leader from second lieutenant to Brigadier General? What does this mean to you? It would be easy enough to interpret his remarks literally, but the greater message would be lost. Gen. Grigsby had just put into simple terms what he had demonstrated that morning during the run – and what he had been demonstrating throughout that year – both in and out of the classroom. "Shoot expert at your weapon" speaks to credibility as a leader. If your weapon is the M-4, then sure, shoot expert. The broader

meaning to this remark has to do with being an expert in your given weapon system, trade or duty. Take pride in your craft and be the best at it; whatever that may be. The best supervisors and leaders are those who don't lose touch with the day-to-day realities of those they lead. Second, but equally important to being a leader: "Max your PT test!" Broadly put this is about leading by example; setting and maintaining a standard of excellence. A leader is a visible example of the kind of standard expected of their unit. Hold yourself to the highest of uncompromising standards and those you lead will do the same. This sounds intuitive, but high standards set the foundation for excellence in Airmanship – from the frontline Airman to our Chief of Staff – and everyone in between. High standards are at the core of what it means to be an Airman! Gen. Grigsby has effectively distilled the concept of leadership to two foundational principles. These principles have held true in my experience and I trust they won't lead you wrong. As professional Airmen, we spend a lot of time thinking about leadership, how to develop future leaders, effective leadership styles and how that leadership is received by the Airmen we lead. Take a minute to reflect and apply this maxim to your style of leadership.

Reveille and Retreat: What is my role? By Master Sgt. Wade Bond 17 AS First Sergeant

Reveille and Retreat: Signifying the beginning and end of the duty day, as well as paying respect to the United States flag as it is ceremoniously raised or lowered. What is my role in upholding this custom? MILITARY Reveille: Uniformed military members, to include the Physical Training (or PT) uniform, face the flag or the music and assume the position of parade rest on the first note of music. Upon completion of the sounding of Reveille,

you should assume the position of attention and salute on the first note of "To the Colors." Hold the salute until the last note of the music is played. If in civilian attire, you should place your right hand over your heart in place of the salute. Retreat: Uniformed military members, to include the PT uniform, face the flag or the music and assume the position of parade rest on the first note of retreat. Upon completion, you should assume the position of attention and salute on the first note of the national anthem. Hold the salute until the last note of the music is played. If in civilian attire, you should place your right hand over your heart in place of the salute.

CIVILIAN Reveille: Civilians should halt activity on the first note of Reveille and remain until both Reveille and "To the Colors" have played. Retreat: Civilians should halt activity on the first note of Retreat and place their right hand over their heart on first note of the national anthem until the final note is played If driving during Reveille or Retreat If driving on a military installation, all vehicles in motion should come to a stop at the first note of the music and the occupants should sit quietly until the music ends. (Air Force Pamphlet 36-2241)

Rock solid integrity Commentary by Chaplain (Maj.) Daniel Thompson Joint Base Charleston Wing Chaplain

A military recruiter found a young man who met all of the requirements and was ready to enlist. Once the recruiter explained the importance of being truthful on the document, the applicant began filling out his paperwork. But when he came to the question, "Do you own any foreign property or have any foreign financial interest?" he looked up at the recruiter and sighed with a worried expression. "Well," he confessed, "I do own a Toyota." The young man was enlisted the next day. "Integrity First" is our logo, but is it our life? It was for Abraham Lincoln. After all, how do you suppose he acquired the title "Honest Abe?" Though at age twenty-three, when a business venture imploded, causing him incredible debt, in time Lincoln paid back every penny. When the political environment was fierce, Lincoln rightfully authorized no bargains at the 1860 Republican Convention and advised his constituents to "never add the weight of your character to a charge against a person without knowing it to be true." When his first secretary of war was caught for improprieties in awarding defense contracts and other shady dealings, Lincoln basically fired him. President Lincoln fully understood that honesty is fundamental to a leader's credibility because he knew that if you don't believe in the messenger, you won't believe the message. It follows, then, whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. The public can only stomach mistakes made in poor judgment, though is less forgiving for mistakes in motive. Because his intensions were sincere, Lincoln sincerely led. He was much more than a manager of political and tactical affairs, he was a leader. After all, Lincoln set the example for the

words of Peter Drucker, "Managers do things right. Leaders do the right thing." For all intents and purposes, Lincoln always did the right thing. When there was a person who he knew to be dishonest, Lincoln would simply not deal with him. He would stand with people when they were right, but part with them when they would do wrong. Consequently, his honesty was formed in telling the truth, even when the news was bad. What was the result? Did people then turn on him? The opposite happened! Lincoln gained more respect and support for ideas than those who chose to conceal the truth. Although President Lincoln did have his flaws, the sixteenth president attained success, approbation, and a positive image by upholding his integrity and honesty. As Airmen and Sailors, we can learn from this great Commander in Chief who modeled for us a sense of honesty even in the smallest things like refraining from stealing office supplies or not embellishing on performance reports. Doing the right thing means having a rock solid integrity. This rock solid integrity will guide interactions within relationships on and off base. If you are married or have a "significant other," integrity would be the very reason why you would avoid flirting or develop a romantic companionship with someone else. Rock solid integrity will help ward off temptation from cheating on an exam, fudging on your government travel expenses, or regularly showing up late to work. Ultimately, the texture of a person's rock solid integrity is measured by what he or she does behind closed doors. Behind closed doors you may be robbed of your possessions, your happiness, or your rank. But, there is one thing that no one can take away from you, and that is your integrity. It can only be given away. Never forget integrity first, service before self, and excellence always. Let that foundation be your rock!



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963 -


# of Days Since Last JB Charleston DUI - 46 (September 15, 2013 - NWS NPTU) Total # of DUIs for JB Charleston 2013 - 12

Airmen Against Drunk Driving: Wingmen Saving Lives

Joint Base Charleston’s Airmen Against Drunk Driving offers free, confidential rides home. To volunteer, email AADD.charleston@charleston.af.mil

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The Patriot • November 1, 2013



Wounded Warriors Dos and Don'ts of political activity Hunt held at JBC From the 628th Air Base Wing Judge Advocate Office

Continued From Page 1

Because of the success of the event, Larimer said he hopes to make this a regular occurrence. “We’re hoping we can do it again. It’s all volunteer driven, so we’re depending on having volunteers step up and take leadership roles in making it happen, like they did this year,” said Larimer. “If we can continue to get that kind of volunteer support, we’re hoping this can become an annual event.” In addition to all the volunteers who spent hours putting this together, the support of base leadership to allow the event to be held. “The wing commander was very generous in allowing us to host the event on Joint Base Charleston. For events like this the Air Force can’t give money, but they were able to allow us to host the event and they were very supportive in every way they could.” For more information or to participate or volunteer, call Terrence Larimier at 963-7951. For more information about the Wounded Warrior Project or wounded warrior hunts, visit www.woundedwarriorproject.org/ or www.woundedwarriorhunt.com

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Whether you are a federal employee or member of the U.S. military, there are certain restrictions when deciding to become involved in the political process. DoDD 1344.10 and 5 U.S.C Sections 7321-7326 list the restrictions for military members and federal employees regarding partisan and nonpartisan activities. Many of the restrictions involve participation in a partisan election or activity. A partisan election or activity is one where there is party affiliation and endorsement (congressional election), whereas a nonpartisan election or activity does not involve party affiliation (school board election). As a reminder, here are a few of the restrictions regarding political activities for military members and federal employees. Military members may express personal opinions on political candidates and issues, encourage others to vote, join a partisan political club, and write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing personal views on political candidates and issues. However, members must not be in uniform, must not use their official authority to interfere with the outcome of elections, and any letters written must clearly state that the views expressed are those of the individual and not the Department of Defense. Members may also attend partisan and nonpartisan political fundraising activities as a spectator when not in uniform and when no appearance of endorsement can be reasonably drawn. Military members may not march or ride in a partisan political parade (reservists not in a military status may march or ride as long as they are not in uniform and there is no appearance of endorsement), display a large political sign on a private vehicle (as opposed to a bumper sticker), display a partisan political sign at one's on-base residence, regardless of whether it is privatized housing, participate in political fundraising activities, sell tickets or promote partisan political dinners/events, manage campaigns, participate in any radio, television or group discussion as an advocate for or against a partisan political party/candidate/cause, or participate in an organized effort to provide voters with transportation to the polls if the effort is associated with a partisan political party or candidate.

U.S. Air Force Reserve graphic / Michael Dukes

Whether you are a federal employee or member of the U.S. military, there are certain restrictions when deciding to become involved in the political process. DoDD 1344.10 and 5 U.S.C Sections 7321-7326 list the restrictions for military members and federal employees regarding partisan and nonpartisan activities.

Federal employees may run for public office in nonpartisan elections, assist in voter registration drives, contribute money to political organizations, attend fundraising events, attend and participate in political rallies, join and participate in political parties and clubs, and campaign for or against candidates, including making speeches, in partisan elections. Federal employees may not be a candidate for public office in partisan elections, engage in political activity while on duty, in any government office, while using a government vehicle, or while wearing an official uniform. Federal employees also may not wear political buttons while on duty, solicit or discourage political activity of any person who has business before the agency, or use their official authority to influence an election. Finally, employees may not solicit, accept or receive political contributions unless both individuals are members of the same Federal labor organization, it is not done in the workplace or on duty, and the one solicited is not a subordinate. This list is not exhaustive and not intended to replace a legal review. Please consult the legal office at 843-963-5502 with specific questions.

Dept. of Veterans Affairs names Patriots Point regional site for Veterans Day

From Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum

The Veterans Day National Committee of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has selected Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum as a Regional Site for the celebration of Veterans Day 2013. Through the designation, Veterans Affairs provides support for the museum’s activities that day and works to encourage veterans and families to attend. “We spend every day here at Patriots Point honoring the veterans who fought so we could enjoy the freedoms we have today,” Patriots Point Executive Director Mac Burdette, a veteran himself, said. “It’s quite fitting for us to be the go-to for Veterans Day and we appreciate Veterans Affairs recognizing that. The day is planned with educational, entertaining, inspirational and humbling events. We’ve got something for every age to enjoy.” The holiday celebration kicks off at 9:30 am Monday, November 11th in the Smokey Stover Theater on the Hanger Deck of the USS Yorktown. Bernice “Bee” Haydu, a WASP

(Women Airforce Service Pilot) of WWII will be the guest of honor at a symposium hosted by the Patriots Point Institute of History, Science and Technology. Following the symposium at 11 am, the U.S. Naval Academy Women’s Glee Club will perform. The ensemble performs a diverse selection which includes classical, sacred, folk, patriotic, popular, and Broadway music. The celebration will continue when Patriots Point honors the museum’s five volunteers who are age 90 or above. These WWII veterans will be honored with a birthday cake and song. Veterans will be admitted free of charge on the holiday. For more information about the Veterans Day celebration at Patriots Point, please contact Holly Jackson at (843) 881-5984. Patriots Point, on the Charleston Harbor in Mount Pleasant, SC, is home of Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum and a fleet of National Historic Landmark ships, including the USS Yorktown, USS Laffey and USS Clamagore and the only Vietnam Support Base Camp in the U.S. Patriots Point is also headquarters to the Congressional Medal of Honor Society and the agency’s official Medal of Honor Museum.


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The Patriot • November 1, 2013


New inspection system offers Airmen 'direct line' to Pentagon

By Senior Master Sgt. Angie Sarchet Air Mobility Command Public Affairs

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. – In what officials call a successful first-of-itskind event, Air Mobility Command inspectors launched the command's implementation of the new Air Force Inspection System at Little Rock AFB, Ark., the last week of September. Part of that new system included the chance for Airmen and family members to confidentially pass their concerns directly to the Secretary of the Air Force Inspector General at the Pentagon. Coming eventually to every air base, the Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Air Force have approved the new system to be at fulloperational capability by October 2014. Leveraging feedback from the beta-test conducted by United States Air Forces in Europe last year, Air Mobility Command is accelerating implementation of this new way for commanders to assess and maintain the readiness and health of their units. Some of the inspection changes – the largest in decades – are radically changing how things are done. One new twist on the inspection process involves confidential interviews some winglevel Airmen and family members will have with headquarters IG team members--called "Airmen-to-IG sessions." Such interviews are meant to allow new and fresh perspectives that couldn't be obtained under the former IG and functional inspections, said Brig. Gen. Steve Arquiette, AMC's Inspector General. "The feedback from the interviews gives us a different lens to look at things," said Arquiette. "You can really see how there are cross-cutting issues that would either raise the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of a wing, or lower it, but now you can pinpoint exactly what those are and how you can go about addressing those issues. The Airmen and spouse participants were extremely upbeat over having the opportunity to give direct feedback." The inspection team will gather issues learned from Airmen-to-IG session interviews, which are designed to listen to the needs and challenges of Airmen so that the Air Force can gauge the command's overall effectiveness and highlight areas of undetected non-compliance. The top five issues from each wing go directly to the Air Force Inspector General's office. Wing leadership also receives a list of wing-specific issues, officials said.

Little Rock AFB, the 'inaugural run' The19th Airlift Wing's Black Knights volunteered to be the first AMC unit to align under the new system. Over the course of several months, the wing stood-up its Wing Inspection Team and performed required selfassessments, with guidance from the AMC Inspector General team and its functional expert partners throughout the Air Force. "We had very specific objectives going into this first visit, understanding that we [and the wing] were walking through this together," said Col. Christopher Sullivan, from AMC's Inspector General Team. Sullivan led a small team that observed the new process first-hand and documented lessons learned to apply as the command continues to mature this new assessment methodology. "We had to establish some trust with the unit by explaining that the Unit Effectiveness Inspection was much more of a process over time, not just a one-week product," he said. Little Rock Airmen "knew this was a trial run, and kudos to them for being first and leading the way," said Sullivan. "The wing authored a thorough Commander's Inspection Report which provides all wings a very good template to mirror and build upon." The new approach to inspections launched officially Air Force-wide in June 2013. "While the new process of commanders ensuring their units are mission-ready presents some near-term challenges," said



Attention All Airmen: Air Force holds sexual assault offenders accountable, sexual assault convictions are now online By Colonel DeVore, Colonel Hartford, and Colonel Fontanella

Arquiette. "Persistence and patience will ultimately make the inspection system changes very worthwhile. The timing couldn't be better for this program." "This new system provides us the opportunity to be even smarter with how we inspect, how we execute our missions--and for our wings to be as effective, economical, and efficient as possible through the use of the timely feedback they will gain through their selfassessments and self-inspections," the general explained.

The next step for the new system "We need people to have some 'buy-in' or some faith that this is the right idea, and we need their best effort," said Sullivan. "Developing relationships with Wing Inspection Team members at Little Rock, ensuring they understood the new system and ensuring they were comfortable asking questions represented keys to the assessment's success." The successes seen at the Little Rock inspection gives Arquiette great confidence that AMC, and the Air Force as a whole, is on the right path, the general said. As all major commands implement the new process, his team says they intend to keep moving forward aggressively and share their developed techniques and best practices to help shape the new system for the rest of the Air Force. For example, the team's newly developed SharePoint-based Planning and Evaluation Tool, used to gather inspector observations of the wing's performance, greatly increased the speed and accuracy of unit effectiveness inspection information flow. The general is telling his team "let's innovate, take this framework, apply it to AMC, tweak it to make sure it also works for our Guard and Reserve partners, and in the end we're all going to be much better off," Arquiette said. "Leading through the uncertainly of significant change brings its share of headaches and growing pains, but it's worth it. Providing commanders the ability to ensure their mission readiness will benefit Total Force Airmen and families everywhere," he said. Looking forward, the inspector general team must smartly tailor the new system to work for the many different types of wings and unit constructs in AMC, he said. Throughout the upcoming year, the IG team has scheduled one of each unique mission set-for each wing, joint base, joint partner, and Reserve and Guard partners. In December, AMC will partner with the Air Force Reserve to conduct a Unit Effectiveness Inspection at Joint Base Charleston followed next by teaming with the Air National Guard to inspect the classicassociation at Fairchild AFB, Wash., in February. Learning as they go from the unit-level inspectors is something AMC plans to continue through future inspections, officials said. The goal is to accomplish "precision inspections," Arquiette said. By analyzing and applying the data they've gathered, inspectors know exactly where to look and can make informed decisions on how to conduct smarter inspections, he said. The vision is ultimately, leaders will be able to make data-driven decisions to change policy, resourcing and guidance that bolster wings' mission effectiveness.

You should know that the Air Force now publishes sexual assault convictions on-line. Anyone can go to this website and review more than 100 sexual assault convictions from across the Air Force, to include viewing them by base. Regrettably, the deviant actions of Joint Base Charleston members are also documented there. After a few minutes of reviewing the facts of these cases, you will soon see many cases are very similar – they involve: 1) the use of alcohol, 2) the absence of personal respect for the victim and 3) the absence of the victims’ consent. You will also quickly see that Airmen, who are convicted of sexual assault, can be held accountable by military judges and courtmartial panels with punishments that often include jail time, rank reductions and punitive discharges. A number of these cases involve Airmen assaulting fellow Airmen. Many times these victims were co-workers and former friends – people who trusted their assailant. The offenders elected to violate that trust and were punished accordingly. As required by many state laws, convicted Airmen must also register in their jurisdic-

tion’s sexual assault registry. These sex offender lists include the names and addresses of convicted sex offenders, and are publicly available on-line. Effective two months ago, Airmen who commit a sexual assault will have administrative discharge proceedings initiated against them and may be retained only if they meet a cumulative multi-part test. For Airmen at this base, only the 628 ABW/CC, 437 AW/CC, or 315 AW/CC can waive this requirement for their respective units and only after concluding that the Airman meets the same multi-part retention test. I encourage all Airmen to visit the below website and review the facts of the cases, which resulted in these Airmen being convicted of sexual offenses. Then educate and warn fellow Airmen about the consequences of committing these crimes. When you see a situation that isn’t right, be a good wingman; intervene, and insist your fellow Airman treat others with respect. You will regret being a passive bystander when a few words of intervention can forever positively change the lives of Airmen around you. Now go visit the website: http://www.afjag.af.mil/sexualassault prosecution/index.asp.

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The Patriot • November 1, 2013



JB Charleston holds memorial service for PA team member

South Carolina Patriot Guard members open the doors to the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base Chapel during the memorial service of retired Master Sgt. Dave Williams Oct. 30, 2013.

U.S. Air Force photos / Senior Airman Dennis Sloan

South Carolina Patriot Guard members hold American Flags outside the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base Chapel during the memorial service of retired Master Sgt. Dave Williams Oct. 30, 2013. Williams served as the Base Multimedia Manager and Chief of Internal. The Patriot Guard members stood outside the memorial service holding their flags until the last person left the service. Military members, friends and family of retired Master Sgt. Dave Williams attend his memorial Oct. 30, 2013 at the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base Chapel.

Joint Base Charleston Honor Guard members fold the American Flag during the memorial service of retired Master Sgt. Dave Williams Oct. 30, 2013. The Honor Guard members handed the flag to Williams’s family members.


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The Patriot • November 1, 2013


Latest Denton delivery brings big smiles to Haiti children By Michael Dukes 315th Public Affairs Office

JUBILEE, HAITI – One of the most rewarding missions the 315th Airlift Wing has is its participation in the Denton Cargo program to deliver humanitarian supplies to those in need. But not everybody sees the most rewarding part – the thankful people whose lives are directly touched by these acts. Members of the 317th Airlift Squadron delivered 88,000 lbs (14 Pallets) of cargo to the impoverished village of Jubilee in Haiti Oct. 26, 2013. "This shipment included some bulk food, minus the rice, and some modified packing equipment-so they can pack their own-they are going to purchase local Haitian rice to add to it, to try and stimulate their local economy," said Karen Freeman, Kids Against Hunger Arizona. "It's significant for our aircrews being able to support humanitarian missions for those in need," said Kenneth Hundemer, Denton Program, Joint Base Charleston director of operations, "Also, this is a great opportunity to maximize training, currency, and proficiency for 315AW aircrews." The Denton Program allows private U.S. citizens and organizations to use space available on U.S. military cargo planes to transport humanitarian goods to countries in need, including: agricultural equipment, clothing, educational supplies, food, medical supplies and vehicles. Through the Denton program, over 5.6 million lbs. of humanitarian supplies has been sent to 50 countries since 1998.

Courtesy photos

Members of the 317th Airlift Squadron delivered 88,000 pounds of humanitarian cargo to Haiti this past weekend as part of the of the Denton Program. The Denton Program allows private U.S. citizens and organizations to use space available on U.S. military cargo planes to transport humanitarian goods to countries in need, including: agricultural equipment, clothing, educational supplies, food, medical supplies and vehicles.

These school kids in the impoverished Haiti village of Jubilee are some of the beneficiaries of humanitarian supplies delivered by members of the 315th Airlift Wing Oct. 26. The wing's latest Denton mission to Haiti delivered 88,000 pounds of humanitarian cargo.

Leaders advise against merging Guard, Reserve By Col. Bob Thompson Air Force Reserve Public Affairs

WASHINGTON – Air Force Reserve leaders told members of the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force that merging the Air Force Reserve with the Air National Guard would create little value and cause numerous adverse impacts - detracting from the broader goal of improving the Air Force structure. Appointed by the fiscal 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, the commissioners listened to testimony Oct. 24-25. They are looking at the Air Force's structure to determine if and how it should be changed to meet future missions and funding challenges. Their report and recommendations are due to the president by Feb. 1, 2014. "I believe the nation benefits from the synergistic value of a three-component Air Force consisting of the Active Duty, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard," said Lt. Gen. James F. Jackson, chief of Air Force Reserve and commander of Air Force Reserve Command, during his testimony on Oct. 24. Members of the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force interviewed senior leaders - from past and present, active duty, guard and reserve - to review proposals to integrate the Air Force Reserve and the Air National Guard into one reserve component. "I do not believe combining the AFR and ANG is benefi-

cial or value-added to our nation," Jackson told the commission. "A merger of the (two components) has been discussed many times during the 65 years of our history, yet has never materialized." The commissioners also met with the top enlisted leaders of each of the three components and asked about strengths, capabilities, improvements, shortfalls, resiliency, participation, recruiting, retention and morale. "We have met our recruiting goal for the 13th consecutive year," said Chief Master Sgt. Cameron B. Kirksey, AFRC command chief, during his testimony to the commission Oct. 25. "Our retention rate has averaged 88 percent for the past seven years. Morale continues to be high, and our Airmen want to serve more than ever. "We are concerned with the current budget environment and the effects of sequestration," he said. "From furloughs and paycheck losses, to the stress caused by financial uncertainty, the resiliency of the force is being tested, with the long-term impacts yet to be fully understood." Regular Air Force, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve Airmen work together around the world as a team in air, space and cyberspace. Today's Total Force consists of about 327,600 active-duty Airmen in the Regular Air Force along with 105,400 Air National Guardsmen and 70,880 Air Force Reserve Airmen actively serving in the Selected Reserve as designated by the FY13 National Defense

Authorization Act. The Air Force Reserve also maintains a strategic depth of more than 790,000 stand-by or non-participating reservists and retirees who can be called up for national emergencies. "We deliver our diverse portfolio of capability through air, space and cyberspace as a federal reserve, always in Title 10 status, whether at home or abroad," Kirksey said. "The Air Force Reserve always serves in Title 10 status as the federal member of the Air Reserve Component," said Jackson. This is the third time Jackson has spoken to the commission. In previous testimony, he told the commission about an analytical simulation tool called the "Individual Cost Assessment Model," which can determine an Airman's overall life-cycle cost, in all three components. Leveraging the cost-effectiveness, capability and capacity of the reserve and guard during this time of fiscal austerity is of keen interest to the commission. Led by the Honorable Dennis M. McCarthy, a retired Marine Corps lieutenant general and the previous assistant secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs at the Pentagon, the commission has visited and interviewed Airmen across the country. The vice chair is the Honorable Erin Conaton, a former undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness and previous under secretary of the Air Force.

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The Patriot • November 1, 2013


New enhancements to deal with BUPERS on-line outages DOD


From Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

WASHINGTON – Many Internet-based applications that support personnel actions associated with Navy Personnel Command continue to experience downtime while the Navy works to enhance its network reliability and security, officials said Oct. 28, 2013. These actions include BUPERS Online access and applications for selection boards, record maintenance, retirements and fleet processing among others. reserve Workarounds for some BOL applications are in place while the enhancements are ongoing. BOL has switched to CAC-only access, and currently the Physical Readiness Information Management System (PRIMS) is the only application that is accessible. The exact timeline for the restoration of other offline applications is still being determined, but Sailors should be aware that it could take until the end of the calendar year. Commands are reminded that they still must continue to track Individual Personnel Tempo, and that workarounds for reporting ITEMPO were provided directly to the commands. Those impacted by these system outages may contact the NPC Customer Service Center

Official U.S. Navy file photo

at 1-866-U-ASK-NPC (1-866-827-5672) or CSCemail@navy.mil for hands-on assistance. Sailors and commands accustomed to spending only a few moments on a personnel task will need to allow more time.





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The Patriot • November 1, 2013

JB CHS NEWS © 1999, National Crime Prevention Council

Trunk or Treat! Military family members gather for a group photo at the Trunk or Treat Haunted Trail Oct. 25, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston Air Base, S.C. More than 300 people attended the event which included a Trunk or Treat line, Jump Castle and Haunted Trail. A Trunk or Treat event was also held on the Weapons Station side of the base.

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In most cases warming up before exercise is good By Mike Ray Tinker Public Affairs

TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. – Scientific research provides conclusive evidence that Airmen preparing for vigorous exercise such as the 1.5-mile run in their annual fitness test would perform better if they did not "warm up" with static stretching. The study was performed by retired Chief Master Sgt. Ralph Humphrey. The chief worked in the Tinker AFB Fitness Assessment Cell during the two years civilians directed the testing. "This is where I saw the preparation problem for the 1.5-mile run test and wanted to help make a change," he said. Humphrey retired from the Air Force in 2009 after a career that spanned more than 30 years, and now is the Air Force Junior ROTC Instructor at Carl Albert High School. In collaboration with the Air Force Research Lab, Humphrey performed a study at Tinker AFB on "The Negative Effects of Static Stretching on Sprint Repeats." The study was performed using volunteer Airmen. "A persistent misunderstanding across Air Force physical fitness activities and education is the belief that static stretching has a beneficial effect on athletic performance," Humphrey wrote in his final report. His study provided "statistically significant" evidence that static stretching before the

30-meter sprint repeats resulted in slower times "when compared to the no-static stretching sprint repeat times..." "Simply put, the muscles become compliant and are less efficient when put into service, hence reduced performance," he explained. The study "cast a broad impact beyond elite athletes into the arena of Airmen, a first of its kind military study," he wrote. Airmen are known to use static stretching as a form of preparation directly prior to their 1.5-mile fitness assessment run, Humphrey related. Although static stretching is widely accepted as "an essential component of the warm-up," research data indicates otherwise, he noted. His study subjects were 25 active-duty Airmen (18 men and seven women) who are required to take an annual Air Force physical fitness assessment test that includes cardio and strength elements. The volunteers ranged in age from 18 to 30 and had scored satisfactory or excellent on their most recent fitness assessment test. Stretching before sprinting had a negative effect on the Airmen's performance, Humphrey concluded Other researchers suggest that "mechanical mechanism, a neurological mechanism, or a combination of the two, could be responsible" for the longer sprint performance times after a static stretching protocol, he said. "The static stretching pro-

tocol increased muscle compliance, potentially slowing contraction and neural response time," he continued. "This study suggests static stretching reduces optimal stretching-shortening cycle performance and creates electromechanical delay." "Use of the term 'prepare-to-move' in lieu of stretching or warm-up is an alternate preparation instruction to change deleterious static stretching behavior in fitness preparation," Humphrey advised. Humphrey said the academic background research on his study was completed during the last half of 2010. "During early 2011 I worked the approval process through the Air Force Research Lab" and recruited the 25 volunteers. The subject testing was performed from November 2011 through February 2012. The test subjects completed two entire cycles (four test dates) to reduce any variables from just one comparison, Humphrey said. Each subject was required to complete a training day followed by four testing dates that completed two rounds of static stretching and no static stretching, he said. "My biggest problem was weather and wind, to make sure this variable was minimized." Data analysis and final research reported were submitted to the Air Force Research Lab "around the July 2012 time frame," he said. The AFRL officially closed out the study in August 2012.




The Patriot • November 1, 2013


Official stresses value of saving for emergencies

By Terri Moon Cronk American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON – Tucking away money in savings accounts for emergencies is as critical to service members' financial readiness as establishing retirement accounts, the director of the Defense Department's office of family policy and children and youth said. DOD officials encourages troops and their families to have emergency savings funds for unforeseen contingencies, such as when a car needs mechanical work, a washing machine breaks down, or when out-of-pocket money is needed during a household move, Barbara Thompson said in an interview with American Forces Press Service and the Pentagon Channel. "You want to make sure you have at least $500 in emergency funds so you don't have to look for financial assistance or a long-term loan to cover your daily expenses," Thompson advised service members and their families. Troops and families also are encouraged to have six months' worth of salary earnings put away in case something disastrous happens, such as if a spouse loses his or her job, Thompson said. "If anything catastrophic happens, you want to have enough savings to pay your mortgage and your big bills, because those are your life investments, and you don't want to see any of them in jeopardy," she advised. "The more costs you have, the more savings should be in

your plan," Thompson added. The plan, she added, should account for ongoing expenses such as monthly car payments and for occasional extra costs, such as putting a deposit down on an apartment during a move. Just as important to a savings plan, Thompson said, is living within one's means. And, an important question that should spring to mind when making purchases, she said, is: Do I need it, or do I just want it? "If the answer is you only want it, [you should consider] putting that money into a savings account," Thompson said. By examining spending habits, living within a budget and saving for emergencies and unforeseen circumstances, service members gain another benefit: becoming financially resilient and prepared when they get out of the military and enter the civilian workplace, where they can be bombarded with spending lures such as attractive credit card offers, Thompson said. "We're hoping to stem the tide at DOD by getting in front of a financial crisis before it happens," she said of the department's effort to provide financial training to service members as early in their military careers as basic training. Budgeting and saving requires discipline and the ability to stick to established plans, Thompson said. "It's important for couples to be on the same page [based] on what they want for their future," she added, "and how to eliminate some of the luxuries they may not need to live a happy lifestyle."

U.S. Air Force Reserve graphic / Michael Dukes

DOD officials encourages troops and their families to have emergency savings funds for unforeseen contingencies, such as when a car needs mechanical work, a washing machine breaks down, or when out-of-pocket money is needed during a household move, Barbara Thompson said in an interview with American Forces Press Service and the Pentagon Channel.

Face of Defense: Husband takes place of redeploying wife

By Air Force Tech. Sgt. Rob Hazlett 455th Air Expeditionary Wing

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – The 455th Air Expeditionary Wing finance management office provides financial customer service and plays an important role in the wing’s mission by executing the budget to fund all mission requirements. It’s also the setting for a husband deploying to succeed his wife, who is preparing to return to their home station. Rather than having a reunion at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Air Force Staff Sgts. Ariel Hunsuckle and Margaret Prokop, are working together for a short handoff of wing budget technician duties before separating again. The couple acknowledged that no one wants to be away from their spouse for a year, but they said it comes with being in the military and that they’re making the best of it. “It's an incredible experience to be able to see my wife after the long months she's been here, and I feel I am lucky enough to be with

her, as others aren't as fortunate,” said Hunsuckle, an eight-year Air Force veteran from Yigo, Guam. Although they work in the same unit at Nellis, they have different offices, and their jobs are quite different. “Professionally, it's great to be able to train Ariel on the things I've been doing for the last several months,” said Prokop, a five year Air Force veteran from Bolton, Conn. “He's already made improvements to the program, and all I can say is, ‘Wow! Why didn't I think of that?’” she said. “Even though the allotted turnover for the position was only a few days, we’re lucky with how everything worked out, especially since our flights aligned to give us a few extra days together.” Hunsuckle said he has some great boots to fill, but he didn't expect anything less. “The turnover was definitely a learning experience, and working with her professionally was easier than I imagined,” he said. “And the best thing about our working relationship is I can literally call home for help.”

U.S. Air Force photo / Tech. Sgt. Rob Hazlett

Air Force Staff Sgt. Margaret Prokop hands off her duties to her husband, Air Force Staff Sgt. Ariel Hunsuckle, at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, Oct. 28, 2013.

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The Patriot • November 1, 2013




AF leaders describe future force under sequestration WASHINGTON – Two senior Air Force leaders testified before Congress Oct. 23, 2013, along with their Army and Navy counterparts on the impact of the continuing resolution and sequestration on the service's acquisition and modernization programs. Dr. William LaPlante, the principal deputy to the secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, and Lt. Gen. Michael Moeller, the Air Force deputy chief of staff for strategic plans and programs, both testified on the significant impacts of the continuing resolution and sequestration to the House Armed Services Committee's Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces. LaPlante, along with the other acquisition chiefs, said sequestration will cost the Defense Department more than it saves. Cuts to development programs will drive up unit costs and are already delaying testing, he said. Under the continuing resolution, the services are not permitted to change how funds are appropriated from one year to the next; leaving some accounts with excess cash while others are underfunded. In fiscal 2013, Congress authorized the transfer of some funds between accounts, but that flexibility has not been renewed for fiscal 2014. The inflexible funding means the Air Force is likely to have to cut the number of aircraft it buys this year, LaPlante said, singling out the F-35 Lightning II program as an example. "We'll lose somewhere between four and five airplanes in '14," he said. Since sequestration started, people have been seriously affected. Thousands of Air Force civilians were furloughed without pay earlier in the year, and flying units stood down for a period of time, degrading readiness. As sequestration continues to take hold, Air Force leaders said cuts need to be made, in addition to those made already. "We had to look everywhere in order to get billions in dollars of savings," Moeller said.

They went as far as to say the service is looking at cutting entire fleets of aircraft, and under sequestration, the service will need to reduce the force by as many as approximately 25,000 Airmen. "If sequestration is fully implemented over the next 10 years, it will be a struggle to meet tomorrow's challenges," Moeller said. "The Air Force will be forced to cut thousands of total force Airmen and hundreds of platforms." With assessments ranging from "sobering" to "painful," representatives from the other service branches described the devastation being wreaked by sequestration and the continuing resolution. Citing halted development programs, hiring freezes, and narrowing technological advantages, the acquisitions chiefs warned committee members that the ongoing budget uncertainty is putting the nation at risk. "Maintaining current readiness and forward presence to the extent possible under sequestration comes at expense to our investment in future readiness," said Sean Stackley, the assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition. "In fiscal year 2014 alone, absent congressional action or mitigating circumstances, the continuing resolution and sequestration would cause cancelled procurements of up to three major warships and 25 aircraft," Heidi Shyu, the assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology, pointed to stability's central role in guaranteeing successful acquisitions programs. "Our capacity to maintain expertise in science and technology, engineering, contracting, cost estimation (and) logistics are all at risk because one of the most attractive benefits to the government employee - the stability - has been undermined," she said. "Every major development suffers delay, or reduction, or cancellation in this budget environment where uncertainty seemingly guides every decision," Stackley said. As Moeller concluded his

Navy announces new holiday stress navigation campaign, "Thrive During the Holidays"

From Chief of Naval Personnel

Suicide Prevention website, www.suicide. navy.mil. Follow Navy Operational Stress Control on Twitter and Facebook @NavStress for the latest updates to help you and your family "Thrive During the Holidays." For more news from Chief of Naval Personnel, visit www.navy.mil/local/cnp/.

MILLINGTON, Tenn. – With the holiday season approaching, Navy officials announced the launch of its annual holiday stress navigation campaign Nov. 1, 2013. This year's campaign, "Thrive During the Holidays," will provide Sailors and families proactive resources to get ahead of holiday chaos while focusing on building resilience for the New Year. "For many of us, 'the most wonderful time of the year' is as demanding as it is joyous," said Capt. Kurt Scott, Navy resilience chief. "Our Sailors and families are operating under more stress and uncertainty than ever this year, and planning for the holidays can be overwhelming. Our annual campaign will address everything from financial preparations to maintaining diet and fitness goals, so that we can help everyone stay in the holiday spirit and position themselves to thrive in the New Year." Navy Operational Stress Control's 2013 "Thrive During the Holidays" campaign will include collaboration between Navy's 21st Century Sailor programs and * other readiness programs to offer resources on topics such as responsible alcohol use during holiday celebra* tions; planning and time management; budgeting; incorporating physical fitness into busy schedules; healthy eating tips; spirituality and relationship fitness; and more. "Our focus is helping Sailors and families proactively identify these sources of stress before things start to pile up on them, so that they can truly enjoy their holidays and do so responsibly," said Scott. "Continuing our effort to promote a sense of community, we really have something for everyone this year from families navigating the holidays with a loved one on deployment to helping Navy kids 'Track Santa.'" Engagement with the North American Aerospace Defense Command's annual "NORAD Tracks Santa" promotion is a new initiative for the OPNAV N171 annual holiday campaign this year, part of an expanded effort to reach out to Navy kids. The "Thrive During the Holidays" campaign will continue through early January *Some restrictions may apply. 2014. Releases can be found on Navy Operational Stress Control's blog, www.navynavstress.com, and the Navy

remarks, he stated Air Force leadership's collective opinion of sequestration. "The bottom line after sequestration, the Air Force is going to be significantly smaller, less capable, less flexible and less ready," Moeller said. "Most importantly, it will make it very difficult to meet the challenges we will face in the future." (Claudette Roulo of American Forces Press Service contributed to this report.)

Answers to the puzzle on Page 13

By Staff Sgt. David Salanitri Air Force Public Affairs Agency



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Rec Review

Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at www.JBCharleston.com.

The Patriot • November 1, 2013



The Patriot • November 1, 2013


/ Department of Veterans Affairs Benefits Briefers are available to assist all service members, veterans, and family members who may have questions about VA benefits and services they are eligible to receive. Appointments are available in one hour blocks from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and walk-ins are welcome. The Joint Base Charleston - Air Base office is located in building 503, room 106, and the number is 963-8224. The JB Charleston - Weapons Station office is located in building 302, room 108, and the number is 794-4304.


/ VA Appointments Available (Every Thursday) - Attendees receive information on disability benefits and medical records review. To make an appointment or register for any of the workshops featured this month, please call the Fleet & Family Support Center, Joint Base Charleston-NWS, Bldg. 755, at 843-794-7480. / Relocation Assistance (RAP) - The Fleet and Family Support Center offers assistance to transferring service members and their


/ Youth Basketball and Cheerleading Coaches Needed Youth Sports/Programs is in need of Youth Basketball and Cheerleading Coaches for the upcoming season. Coaches applications can be picked up at the AB or WS Youth Centers. For more information please contact Lee Smith at 963-8326 or jbcyouthsports@yahoo.com This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / SAI Yoga - Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:15 to 2:15 pm. Get all stretchy at the Air Base Fitness Center every Tuesday and Thursday with SAI! Practice ancient techniques of balance and meditation that will make you instantly more attractive and better at concentrating. It's FREE!! This event is geared toward single Airmen and Sailors 18-25yrs but open to all. / Active Duty Military Free Entry to Your National Parks! Active duty military members and their dependents can pick up a free annual pass at any national park that charges an entry fee. The annual military pass also provides free entry to 2,000 additional Federal recreation sites across the country. Visit www.nps.gov for information about the military pass and to plan your visit to one of America's 398 national parks. Download a National Parks Military Pass Flyer! Check out nearby national parks with a smartphone app at http://www.nps.gov/nama. Thank you for your service. Please come celebrate America! / On-line yard sale - Have you ever heard of the term "saling," as in "let's go saling?" Saling refers to that age-old, time-honored tradition of getting the girls together (mothers, daughters, friends, neighbors) early on a Saturday morning and spending the whole day hopping from one yard sale to another. Hence the term saling. JBCharleston.com has cranked the saling concept up a notch. We've

gone electronic (bam!).JBCharleston.com is hosting its own e-saling site of sorts. Here you can post your own items for sale, provide seller information, name your price, and upload photos of your items. Buyers can peruse the photos and contact you, the seller, directly. For more info please see our About Esaling Page at www.JBCharleston.com

families by providing information on their next assignment via Military Home Front. We also provide assistance in getting settled via a resource room with job listings, a telephone, a fax machine, copier, and internet access. We maintain a relocation computer system called Military Home Front that provides up-to-date information on most military duty stations and communities - plus we can provide additional information and personalized service). / Youth Basketball and Cheerleading Coaches Needed Youth Sports/Programs is in need of Youth Basketball and Cheerleading Coaches for the upcoming season. Coaches applications can be picked up at the AB or WS Youth Centers. For more information please contact Lee Smith at 963-8326 or jbcyouthsports@yahoo.com This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / Movie Nights at LIBERTY - Enjoy a LIBERTY movie night the second and fourth Tuesday of the month starting at 6:30 pm in the Liberty Game Room. We provide the food and drinks and feature some oldie (but goodie) movies and some new in-theaters-now movies! Check out which movies we will be playing on the Liberty Calendar posted in the Liberty Lounge! This event is free and geared toward unaccompanied Sailors and Airmen E1-E6 and geo-bachelors; CAC is required for sign-up. For more information please call: 843.296.3942 or facebook at Liberty NWS. / Active Duty Military Free Entry to Your National Parks! Active duty military members and their dependents can pick up a

free annual pass at any national park that charges an entry fee. The annual military pass also provides free entry to 2,000 additional Federal recreation sites across the country. Visit www.nps.gov for information about the military pass and to plan your visit to one of America's 398 national parks. Download a National Parks Military Pass Flyer! Check out nearby national parks with a smartphone app at http://www.nps.gov/nama. Thank you for your service. Please come celebrate America! / On-line yard sale - Have you ever heard of the term "saling," as in "let's go saling?" Saling refers to that age-old, time-honored tradition of getting the girls together (mothers, daughters, friends, neighbors) early on a Saturday morning and spending the whole day hopping from one yard sale to another. Hence the term saling. JBCharleston.com has cranked the saling concept up a notch. We've gone electronic (bam!).JBCharleston.com is hosting its own e-saling site of sorts. Here you can post your own items for sale, provide seller information, name your price, and upload photos of your items. Buyers can peruse the photos and contact you, the seller, directly. For more info please visit www.JBCharleston.com.

Patriots Patriots Point Point Veterans Veterans Day Day event event

Retired Sam Kirton Kirton invites invites all allmilitary militarymemmemRetired Master Master Chief Chief Sam bers family members to attend a celebration at Patriots bersand andtheir their family members to attend a celebration at Point on Point November 11, 2013 in of honor Veterans Day. TheDay. celePatriots on November 11,honor 2013 in of Veterans bration begins at 9:30 amatin 9:30 the Smokey TheaterStover on the The celebration begins am in Stover the Smokey USS Yorktown symposium featuring Bee Haydu, a WWII Theater on the with USS aYorktown with a symposium featuring Bee Women Service Airforce Pilot. TheService WASPPilot. program was created a WWII Women The WASP proHaydu, Airforce in 1942was to free up male pilots they fly combat missions. gram created in 1942 to so free up could male pilots so they could Also part of the symposium, Moynihan, aCapt. 315th fly combat missions. Also Capt. part Lyndsey of the symposium, Airlift Squadron C-17 Globemaster pilot, will talk about the Lyndsey Moynihan, a 315th Airlift Squadron C-17 strides female aviators have taken since WWII. Veterans and Globemaster pilot, will talk about the strides female aviators their will be admitted free ofand charge throughout the day have families taken since WWII. Veterans their families will be Patriotsfree Point. at admitted of charge throughout the day at Patriots Point.

See more briefs at www.charleston.af.mil

To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to Patriot@charleston.af.mil. Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.

See more briefs at www.charleston.af.mil

To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to Patriot@charleston.af.mil. Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.

To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com Or “like” us on Facebook by searching for “Charleston Military”

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The Patriot • November 1, 2013

MARKETPLACE Queen Pillowtop Mattress Set w/ warranty. $150! King for $225. Can Deliver $150 843-696-5712

Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To www.CharlestonMilitary.com


HOLIDAY SHOPPING EVENT - FREE ADMISSION! Sat, Nov. 2 - Wescott Farm Amenity Center (Red Barn on Patriot Blvd). 12pm - 4:00pm. SANTA will be there for the kids!

NCMA Charleston Chapter Monthly Meeting, Tuesday, 12 November 2013, 11:30-12:30pm (Please bring your own brown bag lunch; water and tea will be provided). Goodwill Industries of Lower South Carolina, Main Lobby Meeting Hall, 2150 Eagle Dr., Building 100, North Charleston, SC 29406. Topic: Contract Closeout. Guest Speakers: Helena Tirone, Fluor Director, Supply Chain Management & Dawn Moore Fluor Technical Director Subsea. All Monthly Meetings are open to members and nonmembers. Info: (865) 963-5625 Cell. Cammy.king@ baesystems.com or visit http://resources.ncmahq. org/chapters/charleston_sc/default.aspx


2br/2ba W/2x Gar., Lg Porch And Sunrm, Shade Trees, Irrigation, Gated Community 208 Patchwork Dr. Ladson, Can Fish From Backyard! $119k Negot. Info: 843-364-2066


Roommate needed to share a very nice home in Wescott Plantation, Summerville. 12mins from the AFB. $650 a month, call Will @ 843-259-4878.

Liberty Hall 2B/2.5ba TH for rent $950/mo, W/D inc. 1365 sqft, bdrms each have pvt bath, covered patio. Open floorplan, pvt parking (2), community pool. Flexible lease for military. Call Gloria 843 270 8954


1986 Honda CN250 Helix scooter. Daily driver. Looking to trade for older Ninja 250 or other standard motorcycle or $1000. email kg4kpg@gmail.com for pics.

08 Kawasaki KFX 700 ATV. less than 75 hours of use. limited edition black/white paint scheme! $4200 or best. 843-200-5271 1997 Ford Explorer XLT, $2,900, 107,000 gentle miles, Mary Poirier W-843-963-5155 C-843-2097012


Washer dryer sets $250/$350, stacker wash/dryer $400; kitchen dining sets $50/$200; dressers/chest drawers $50/$250. Call 452-2229

Console piano; cherry finish; needs tuning. Asking $950 or best offer. Please call 843-571-5432 5 Pc Dinette $148, New in Box. Coffee & End Tables $99, All New! Can Deliver if needed, 843-696-5212

Extra TV, 20" Color, very good picture. Great for kids room or used for spare. $30 Call now, 843-7970410 Not a flat screen. KITCHEN CABINETS Beautiful. Never Installed. Cost $4800, Sell $1650. Call 843-856-4680. MATTRESS SETS 11'' THICK PILLOWTOPS Brand New, With Warranties. QUEEN $285, KING $395 Twins & Fulls Available Can Deliver. 843-225-2011

Pair Peavy SP3G 15" 3 Way Speakers. 350 watts/per speaker, 8 ohms. One handle is cracked, but still works. Asking $450. For details call 843-452-4398.

$395 Sofa & Love Seat, New in Plastic. Delivery Available, must Sell! 843-696-5712 6 Pc. Cherry Bedroom Set with Mattress set, Still in the Box! $350! Delivery Available 843-696-5212

See the Patriot online (and back issues) at



www.CharlestonMilitary.com • 843-412-5861 fax 843-628-3454 • info@CharlestonMilitary.com Diggle Publishing, PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465

Diggle Publishing accepts free three-line personal* classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. Each line is roughly approximately 45-55 letters and spaces. The amount depends upon the number of capitals, punctuation, etc. Three lines is roughly 150-160 total letters and spaces.

One ad per military family per issue. Military may re-submit ad each week. Only personal ads qualify to run for free (ie: garage sales, home rentals, pets, autos, furniture, etc.) Business-related ads (even if a home business) do not qualify to run for free and must be paid. (See information below.*) We DO NOT accept “work at home” or “multi-level-marketing” ads. Ads which do not adhere to submission guidelines may be rejected without notice. The Best Way To Submit A Free Classified Ad Is With Our Online Form At www.CharlestonMilitary.com We do not take ads by phone. Please do not call us to confirm receipt of your free ad.

* Ads from non-military or business-related ads (even home businesses) cost $3 per line (45-55 letters and spaces per line). Additional lines (over the 3 free) for personal ads may be purchased for $3 per line as well. To pay for an ad or additional lines, please submit your credit card number and expiration date - as well as the name of the cardholder - with your ad via fax, email, or by phone.

Deadline to submit an ad is 9 a.m. Wednesday morning. Ads printed on a first come-first serve, space available basis.

Crossword of the Week

CLUES ACROSS 1. Type of health plan 4. Atmospheric haze 7. A period of time 10. Auricle 11. Copycat 12. Manpower 13. Delicate fern genus 15. Diego, Francisco or Anselmo 16. Zanzibar copal 19. Jackie’s 2nd husband 22. Calcified tooth tissue 23. Conjoined twins 24. Mythological birds 25. This (Spanish) 26. Lowest hereditary title 29. Pre-transplant plot 33. Fiddler crab genus 34. Professional legal organization 35. Most thick 40. Sleeve indicator of mourning 44. Far East housemaid 45. Hmong 46. With three uneven sides 49. Tempts

See the Answers, Page 10


53. Jewelry finding 55. Showed intense anger 56. Black tropical American cuckoo 57. Sculpture with a head 58. A single entity 59. What part of (abbr.) 60. Before 61. Confined condition (abbr.) 62. Hurrah 63. Transport faster than sound

CLUES DOWN 1. Sorli’s Tale hero 2. A musical master 3. Speech 4. Swiftest 5. Opaque gem 6. Origins 7. Proceed from a source 8. Rechristened 9. Liquorice flavored seed 13. Small amount 14. Mineral aggregate 17. Prefix for wrong 18. Point midway between E and SE

20. A single instance 21. French river 26. Undeveloped blossom 27. One pip domino 28. Fled on foot 30. Sheep bleat 31. One point N of due E 32. Father 36. A projecting part 37. Improved by editing 38. Made melodious sounds 39. Treatment 40. Agreeableness 41. Bell sound 42. Tennis contests 43. Furnace vessels 46. Sirius Satellite Radio (abbr.) 47. Licensed accountant 48. Crude potassium bitartrate 50. Insert mark 51. Election Stock Market (abbr.) 52. A health resort 54. So. Am. Indian people

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Tosee seethe thePatriot Airlift online Dispatch online or adownload PDF ofplease the paper, please visit www.Airlift.sc To or download PDF of thea paper, visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com

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- % *# $ 3 - (& (8& Loaded, runs and looks 4x4, loaded, extra clean, 1 owner 5 speed, sunroof, extra clean V8, auto, 4x4, extra Auto, loaded, moonroof, like new Leather, moonroof, 1 owner, like new Loaded, auto, one owner 63( 93- $ & *-" . $

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0 ! C )6 D6 =5: .' 0.?!4:* ,! D6 0 '! ( 4'!4 04 40@. * :04* 0 '! 1%DD 0 '! 4!@ D% D/ !4 =4B *, . D7 1%D * D6E7 04 =5: .' !,=A! 63( .* ! (&3-($ 93- $ & 3 # - %((&-(( $( 2/& 5/* " $ &$ &4$ * 2/& 93- 5/* " $ &$ &4$ * 2/& (&4 * (! 5/* " $ 2/& (&4 * (! 5/* " $ ( 93- $ & %6.3 . Auto, ( 93- $ & $(8 %"$ . 5/* " $ (*93- /&%"$ . + "" "& 5/* " $ & 2/& & 5/* " $ (* /&like + ""new 63( 2/& "& 5/* " $ 2/& &&* #&&$*&& "& 5/* " $ 2/& &&* #&&$*&& "& 5/* clean " $ &$3) 0.* $( $"# & 8 & 8 $(8 %"$ . & 5/* " $ &$ &4$ * 5/* " $ &$ &4$ * & 63( 93- $ & 63( $( & &$ &4$ * ""! $ 4 ( (& (8& - 93- $ & &$3) & &$ (8& - &4$ * ! $ & $ 4 63( 63( .* ! (&3-($ 93- $ & 3 - %((&-(( $( - "& ""93- ! $ 4 - "& ! $(8 $ 4 - $"# $ & & 8 ( 93- $ & *-" 3( . $ - %"6% 63( $ 3 - $"# & 8 ( 93- $ & %6.3 . ( 93- $ & $(8 %"$ . 63( .* ! (&3-($ 93- $ & 3 - %((&-(( $( ( 93- $ & ( 8"3 $$(*3"(&. )(8& - (&$:)/#%"$ . 0.* $( $"# & 8 $(8 %"$ . ( $ & %6.3 . ( 93- $ & $(8 %"$ . 3rd row, extra clean one owner, diesel, loaded extra clean loaded, one owner loaded, low miles, extra loaded, one owner Moonroof, Powerstroke Loaded, Moonroof, Auto, 63( 93- $ & $( $"# & 8 93- 3 - $( $ & 3 - $( 93- $ & 93- $ &

- % 9

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- %"6%

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- % *# $ 3 - (& (8& ((&-(( $( 0 63( 93- $ & ! !! !$! !$! !$! !$! ! $! $!! $ $!

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1<11 B=. 1D 0. 04 )

11 Toyota Prius *55 . A*- D6 *55 . ;%D

0=4.!B 11 04 04 5 2! *55 . :!44 &A& 1< 04 =4=5

04 A2,04!4 11 04 ;%D 1; (!?B 3=*.0A .$*.*:* ;% 11D/ *55 . 0B0: 4*=5 A*- D6 =+0. !,=A! D" *,, 11 04 5 2! *55 . :!44 &A& D7 1%D 1%D *.' . ( =2!4 4!@ D" .$*.*:* ;% D" C )6 D608 =5: .' 0.?!4:* ,! 11 04 0B0: -4B

D/ 12 1< ,*25! 2B !4 1D 002!4 11 0B0: -4B

1D ,*25! 2B !4 D6 =--!4 ; Ford Fusion SE D7 Toyota Highlander Chevy Silverado LS 08D" Mazda CX9 Touring 12 Toyota Camry SE 13 Chevy Impala LTZ D/ D/ *55 . A*- * :04* D/ !4 =4B *, . & 1D *55 . :!44 &A& D" .$*.*:* ;% 11 0B0: 4*=5 *.' . ( =2!4 4!@ D6 =5: .' *.' . ( =2!4 4!@ D6 *55 . ;%D 04 1%D !'=, 4 D6 =+0. D" *,, 002!4 11 0B0: -4B

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=, 4 42! ; 4'!4

- $ & (8 %"$ . $ & )/# %"$ .

/% /%

1% //% 17 //% 16 //% 11 //%

,! !4 =2!4 4!@

1D 0. )

04 ;%D D/11 *55 . A*- 1D 04 002!4

2& 00& 13,995 1% //% 11 //% 17 //% 1" //% 1; //%

16 //% 1" //% 1% //% <D //%

28 00& 17,995 16 //% 17 //% 16 //% 1% //% 1; //% 1/ //%

1< 04 =4=5 &A& 1; 0 '!

0=4.!B D7 1< 04 =4=5 1D 04 A2,04!4 1; 0 '!

0=4.!B D7 +66 / -;+. 2< +66 / -;+. 1>3" 1< 04 =4=5 B=. * 04 ;%D 2< 1 ("

1>5/"C 2< +1/ ; 2< C>/ + 1/ ; 2< 1 (" 0. :

1>5/"C 2< +1/ ;

2< C>/ + 4!@ 1/ ; 1;11 (!?B 3=*.0A 1; =5: .' 0.?!4:* ,! 122< Jeep Commander Ltd 1< 11 Mini Cooper Countrymen 13 Scion TC Coupe D6 *55 . ;%D 1>3" 11 04 5 2! 1D *55 . :!44 &A& 0B0: 4*=5 D" .$*.*:* ;% 11 0B0: -4B

1< ,*25! 2B !4 D6 =--!4 ; *-*:! 1< !!:,! 1D 0. 04 )

1%D *.' . ( =2!4 4!@ 11 04 5 2! 1D *55 . :!44

Leather, loaded, - 93- $ & ) !* .. & 7 & 93- 93- $ & 63( $( (&$: )4# 63( $$(*3"(&. )(8& - (&$:)/#%"$ . %((&-(( $ & 2/& "& ' ! ##%"$ " + 2/& "& &$"6 ' ! " + $"# & 8 63( %((&-(( (&$: )/# %"$ . (& (8& - (&$:&$"6 54#low %"$ . $"# & 8 ( 93- $ & %6.3 . ( 0.* $"# & 8 $(8miles %"$ . 93- $ & - $"# & 8 ( 8"3 &$: 4#$( %"$ . (& (8& - $"# & 8

/% /% /%

28 00& 16 //% 17,995 16 //% 1% //% 1" //% 1< //%

2& 00& 16 //% 16,995 1% //% 1< //% 1" //%

18,995 2# 00& <; //% 1% //% 1/ //% 16 //%


17,995 16 //% 27 00& 16 //% 1/ //% 17 //% 16 //% 1% //%

1D 04 A2,04!4 11 04 ;%D 1D 04 A2,04!4 E0 +66 / B+. E0 +66 / B+. 1;

!!2 4 .',!4 204: 13 Honda CR-Z Coupe D/ *55 . A*-

27 00& 16 //% 17,995 1/ //% 16 //% 1" //% 17 //% 17 //%

1" //% 27 00& 1" //% <D //% 17,995 18,995 1" //% <; //% 1/ < 1" //% 2# 00& 1" //% 1/ 1" //% 1" //% <D //% 1/ //% 1" //% 17 //% 17 //%

B=. * 0. :

*-*:! 04 ;%D 4!@ 0. :

*-*:! 11 04 ;%D 1; (!?B 3=*.0A =5: 04 4!@ 1<1<1< B=. * 0. :

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+/ 1-/ 2< 1/ 3=*.0A * C 5+ 2E

+/ 1-/ 2< 1/ * C 5+ 1;11 (4B5,!4 0@. 0=.:4B Chevy Camaro LT 1< B=. * 13 Nissan Xterra 13 ;%D Fiat 500 4 ? . Abarth 11 0B0: 4*=5

D/ *55 . A*- D" .$*.*:* ;% 11 0B0: 4*=5 1%D *.' . ( =2!4 4!@ 0 63( $( 0 63( $( " . $ 9 $( 0 63( $( 9 $( ( (&$: 54# %"$ . 93- $ & D7 ( ) !* .. & 7 & 93- $ & 63( $( (&$: )4# %"$ & 2/& &$"6 ! ##owner, & 2/& &$"6 ! " + (&$: 54# %"$ . 93- 8 -- &3: $ & ) !* .. & 7 & %"$ . 93- $ & 63( $( (&$: )4# %"$ " . $ 9 $( - * &(- %" * &(- %" (&$: )4# %"$ . 0 63( $( $ & 63( $( (&$: 54# 93- $ & ) !* .. & 7 & 93- $ & Auto, one extra clean Loaded, only 4k'-! miles auto, only 5k miles Auto, racing stripes, one Auto, loaded, only 11k Hatchback, only 4k loaded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miles 1%! & &$"6 '1! ##" + " $ 63( (& (8& - 93- $ & & &$"6 '1! " + 5/* " $ 3 3 - $( * &(- %" -(( (&$: )4# %"$ . - %((&-(( 93- $ & (& (8& - (&$: 54# %"$ . $"# " + & 8 3 / * 0 63( $( 3(-: ( 93- owner, $ & $(8 %"$ . 63( 93- $ & 63( $( $"# & 8 ( 8"3 $$(*3"(&. )(8& - (&$:)/#%"$ . ((&-(( $( (& (8& - $"# & 8 63( %((&-(( 93- $ & 63( %((&-(( (&$: )/# 63( $( (& (8& - 93- $ & 3Hybrid, - %((&-(( 93- $ & ( (& (8& - 54#miles, %"$ . $"# & 8 ((&-(( $( (& (8& - $"# & 8

!<D //% !1/ //% <; //% 2# 00& 1" //% 17 //% 16 //%

1/ //% 18,995 1/ //% 2# 00& <; //% 17 //% 1" //% 16 //%

18,995 1/ //% <; //% 17 //% 2# 00& 16 //%

$ !!

$ !!

$ !! <D //% <D //% 20,995 2# 00& 1" //% <D //% <; //% 1" //%

!!$ <; //% 20,995 =E 00& <; //% <D //% <D //% 1/ //% 1" //%

$ $ !! !! <; //% <; //% <; //% 20,995 <; //% 20,995 <; //% <; <; //% <; //% <; //% < == 00& <; //% == 00& <% //% <; <; //% <& //% 1" //% 1/ //%

13 Mustang Convertible B55!B ) 1<1D 11

*. 0,. 0. B55!B 0 '! 4 . 4 ? . 8 !4 ! !5) !.C ;DD 1; (!?B - 40

0. *,0: ) 04 1%D 4!@ 1D 0. B55!B )

!!2 4 .',!4 204: 2! *-*:! 1<1; B=. * 0. :

*-*:! 1;D/ (4B5,!4 0@. <7 0=.:4B 1<1< 0 '! 4 ? . 8 !4 ! !5) !.C ;DD 1;1; (!?B - 40

04 1%D 4!@ 0 '! 4 . 4 ? . 8 111D 1D !4 ! !5) !.C ;DD (!?B - 40 11 04 1%D 4!@ <EE 04 ;%D 4!@ &A& D7 04 ;%D 4!@ )

1D 1;

!!2 4 .',!4 204: 11 0B0: & =..!4 % .!B 1<D7 1< *55 . 04 =4=5 1D 04 A2,04!4 11 *.' 04 ;%D 1; =5: .' 0.?!4:* ,! 1; (!?B 3=*.0A 1; =5: .' 0.?!4:* ,! 5!B )

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2E 1/ C66"C *

0 '! 4 . 4 ? . 8 2E 1D ;DD 1; (!?B - 40

1D 11 0. *,0: )

111; 04 1%D 4!@ 12 2<

""3 5 /(-"5 315; 2<

""3 5 /(-"5 315; 22 >5 2E "5 " "6* "/D 2E /%+/+;+ 2< )"@C 4>+/1B 2< >6; /( 1/@"5;+ -" 22 >5 2E "5 " "6* "/D <EE 2E /%+/+;+ <7 2< )"@C 4>+/1B 2<1< >6; /( 1/@"5;+ -" Jeep Wrangler Sport Chrysler Town and Country 10 Honda Odyssey EX-L 10 Honda Odyssey EX-L 13 Ford 13 Nissan Frontier Crew Cab 11 Acura TSX *55 . A*- 1D :!44 D" .$*.*:* ;% 11 0B0: 4*=5 1< B=. * 0. :

*-*:! D7 04 4!@ 11 1 (" 2&EE 5"A 2E1; 1 !4 ! !5) !.C (" . . 2&EE 5"A D713 0 '!

0=4.!B 1< 04 =4=5

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1111 0. *55 0.

&(- %" -(( $( (&$: )5# 9 (8& - $( " . $ 9 $( 3 - 63( $( 63( $( 5#)4# %"$ . - $( (&$: ) # %"$ . (&7 -3" $ 63( $( $(8 %"$ . 3 3 - $( ((.3 $( (& (8& %"$ . 3 - * &(- %" $( (&$: ) # %"$ . (&7 -3" $ 63( $( $(8 %"$ .%"$ . - 8 - ( (&$: 4;# %"$ . ((.3 $( (& (8& ( 93- $ & $(8 %"$ . ( (&$: 54# %"$ . 93- ) !* .. & 93- $ & Auto, 22k miles only 20k miles, one owner Loaded, moonroof, leather, 1 owner 3 Leather, moonroof, MCA package, loaded, only 9k&4$ * miles ( Auto, loaded, only 13k miles 63( $( (&$: %"$ ( ;; %"$ . ! 3" $( 93- $ & 3 $( 3 - $( ( (& (8& - (&$: 5/# %"$ . Lth., moonroof, 1 owner, 22k ( (&$: 4;# %"$ . ( (&$: 4;# %"$ . #&&$*&& " / * &$ & #&&$*&& " / * &$ &4$ * 2/& "& 1! # " + 3 2/& - 3 * &(- %" -(( (&$: )4# %"$ . - 3 - " . $ $( (&$: ) # (&7 -3" $ $( $(8 %"$ . - - $( 93- $ & 2/& "& 1! #loaded " + ( ((.3 $( (& (8& 0 63( $( 3(-: 8 -- &3: 0 63( 3(-: 8 -- &3: & &$ &4$ * &$"6 11! ##" +

2$*&& &$ &4$ * 5/* " $ "& &$"6 '0! # " + & &$ loaded, &4$ * &$"6 11! " + Loaded,

2$*&& &$ &4$ * 5/* " $ 2/& "& &$"6 '0! # " +miles ( (&$: 4;#93- %"$ . 63( %((&-(( 93- $ & & &$"6 07! # " + 2/& "& /&*6 4 ** $/6 & &$"6 07! #8 -- &3: " + - 2/& "& /&*6 4 ** $/6 0 63( $( 63( $( (& 93- %"$ . $ & 3 ( - 3 %((&-(( $ & (& (8& - (&$: 54# %"$ . $"# & 8 " . $ 9 $( ( (&$: 54# %"$ . 93- $ & ( ) !* .. & 7 & 93- $ & 63( $( (&$: )4# %"$ (! &$ "&4 ## $ & " +

(! 3 &$ &4$ * "&4 " + ((&-(( 3 - -(( (&$: )4# %"$ . & (&$: )5#&4$ * %"$ . 93- $ & 0 ( 63( $( 3(-: $( (& 7 & (8& - $"# & 8

- )/# (& (8& &$: )4# $ & %"$ . 93- %"$ .

1/ //% <; //% 16 //% <& //%

/% /%

21,995 <D //% <; //% <% //% =< 00& 1" //% 1/ //%


<; //% 22,995 <; //% <; //% 1" //% =< 00& <% //% <D //%

22,995 <; //% <% //% <D //% =< 00& 1/ //% 1" //%

22,995 <; //% <; //% =< 00& <7 //% 1/ //% <D //%


$! !

$ !!

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!$ !22,995 !!$23,995 <% //% <% //% <; //% <% //% <& //% =< 00& <& //% <6 //% <6 //% <% //% =< 00& <; //%

<&86 ;7% #

+ '+ + 0

$ ! ! </ //% 23,995 <% //% <% //% <% //% <6 //% <% //% <% //% =< 00& <7 //% <; //%

</ <7 <7

& +0 * +0 ' 11 1; 0,?0 7D 1; !!21; 4 . (!40+!! 11 *55 . *: . )& 11

*. 0,. 7D 4 . 1111 *55 . *: . )& 0B0: & =..!4 % D/ !4 ! !5 ;%D 1< 0 '! ( 4'!4 8 8 D7 11

*. 0,. 1; 0,?0 7D 1;

!!2 4 . (!40+!!

: 11 0,?0 7D 11 *55 . )& 11

*. 0,. 9 1; 0,?0 0,?0 7D : 1;1; !!2

!!2 4 *55 . *: . )& 0B0: & =..!4 % 1D 0. B55!B ) 1< 10 Mercedes Benz C300 D/ !4 ! !5 ;%D 1< 0 '! 8 1; 11 0,?0 7D (!?B - 40

2< 11 0. *,0: )

1<1; B=. * 0 '! 4 . 4 ? . 1D2< !4 ! !5) !.C ;DD 1; (!?B - 40

11 11 *. 0,. 0. *,0: )

@!4 11 11 04 1%D 4!@ 204: 0B0: % 0. :

*-*:! 11 0B0: & =..!4 % ;%D 1;1; (4B5,!4 0@. 0=.:4B D/ !4 ! !5 ;%D 04 ;%D 4!@ 11(" 0,?0 7D 4!4 11 04 & =..!4 ;%D 1; (!?B 3=*.0A 0.?!4:* ,! 12 Toyota Tacoma 1A/ 1>/;5C 2< )5C6-"5 1A/ 1>/;5C 22 1/ *: . +-1; *

1/ ( 4'!4 * 2< +66 / ;)%+/ "5 2= 1 . 2&EE 22 1C1; +()- / "5 2= 1. 5" >//"5 1 ) 5("5 22 1/ 0@. +-1; *

2< 1/ * 2< +66 / ;)%+/ "5 2= =5: .' 1 (" . 2&EE 22 1C1; +()- / "5 2= 1. 5" >//"5 2= 1 (" * ) 5("5 9 13 Ford Flex SEL 12 Lincoln MKZ 11 Nissan Murano LE 08 Lincoln Navigator 13 Nissan Pathfinder 1D 0. B55!B )

%- ' 2= ( (" + 1< 0 '! 4 . 4 ? . 8 11 ( 1D !4 ! !5) !.C ;DD (!?B - 40

&(- %" 11 9 0. *,0: ) &(- %" 11 04 1%D 4!@ 1; )5C6-"5

!!2 4 .',!4 204: (4B5,!4 0=.:4B -(( $( $"# &$"6 & 8 -(( $ 3 - -(( (&$: )0# %"$ . $"# 93- $"# $ & - 8 1; 9

.6&-(( $( !. !, *%/$& " !%

&(- %" -(( $( & 8

&(- %" -(( -((

$ 3 - 8

.6&-(( $(

&(- %" -(( $( (&$: )5# %"$ . 93- $ & $(8 %"$ .

&(- %" -(( $( (&$: )5# %"$ . ( ;; %"$ . ! 3" $( 93- $ &

&(- %" -(( $( $"# & 8

&(- %" -((

$ 3 - (&$: )0# %"$ . 93- $ & ( (& (8& - (&$: 5/# %"$ . - 8 9

.6&-(( $( ( 93- $ & $(8 %"$ .

&(- %" $( & 8

&(- %" - 8 9

.6&-(( $( ( %((&-(( $ 3 - (& (8& ( ;; %"$ . ! 3" $( 93- $ & ( (& (8& - (&$: 5/# %"$ . -(( $( (&$: )5# %"$ . Loaded, only 30k miles %"$ . 63( $( %"$ . &(- %" 3 - $( 93- $ & 3 - $( (&$: ) # %"$ . (&7 -3" $ 63( $( $(8 %"$ . 3 - $( 93- $ & Automatic, V6, double cab (8& ( ((.3 $( (& (8& &(- %" -(( $( (&$: )5# %"$ . ( $(8 %"$ . " . $ 9 $( $ & 393- - $ & $( ( 93- $ & $(8 %"$ . %"$ . ! 3" $( 93- $ & ( (&$: 4;# %"$ . ( (& (8& - (&$: 5/# %"$ . . 93- $ & (&7 -3" $ ) !* .. & 7 & 93- $(8 $ & Loaded, leather, only 13k miles Loaded w/options, factory warranty AWD, loaded, one owner Loaded, with every option available, Auto, loaded, one owner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

%++ "

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<7 //% 23,995 </ //% <; //% <& //% =' 00& <; //%

</ //% <; //% <7 //% =' 00&

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! ! !

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Crew cab, leather, moonroof, navi ( 93- $ & %"$ . ( ((.3 $( (& $(8

2$*&& &$"6 '0! ##(8& " +

2$*&& &$"6 '0! " +

One owner, extra clean (&7 -3" $ 63( &$"6 $( $(8 %"$ . & '0! " + & &$"6 '0! # # " +

Moonroof, leather, DVD, new 3

- 93- $( 93- $ &

$&* # *&& "& "like !

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( (8& - (&$: (&$:) # 5/# %"$ . %"$ . 3 - (& $( ( ;; %"$ . ! 3" $( 93- $ & ( (& (8& - (&$: 5/# %"$ . %++ "

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2 2 !

&(- %" -(( $( $"# & 8

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$ 3 - (&$: )0# %"$ . 93- $ & Loaded, leather, factory warranty Crew cab, Powerstroke diesel, 4x4 Loaded, one owner, 4 Matic, like%"$ . new "& 5/* / "& &$ &4$ * 5/* 93- " $ " $ $( $"# ##& 8

&(- %" -((

loaded, $ 3&$ - &4$ * (&$: )0# $ &

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!!2 4 . (!40+!!

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13 Ford Mustang GT 12 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT 13 Ford Explorer XLT 132= Ford Expedition Ltd 13 +66 / Ford F-250 Duty 1;12 12 Chevy Tahoe LT % 1< 0 '! 4 . 4 ? . 8 1D1< !4 ! !5) !.C ;DD 1; (!?B - 40 11 0. )

112= 04 1%D 4!@ 7D 12 *. 0,. Volvo XC90 Mercedes ML 350 : 2< 1C1; ' >//"5 2= "5 " <&E

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