Nov. 6 - 19, 2015 - The Patriot (Joint Base Charleston)

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Joint Base Charleston, S.C.

Vol. 6, No. 42

Patriot Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!

Friday, November 6 - 19, 2015

Graphic by Diggle Publishing

Veterans Day is intended to honor and thank all military personnel who served the United States in all wars, particularly living veterans. It is marked by parades and church services and in many places the American flag is flown at half mast. A period of silence lasting two minutes may be held at 11 a.m. Some schools are closed on Veterans Day, while others do not close, but choose to mark the occasion with special assemblies or other activities. Veterans Day is officially observed on November 11. This day is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended the World War I hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany in 1918.

VA works to expand efforts in Lowcountry

From Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs mission is to fulfill President Lincoln's promise, "To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan," by serving and honoring the men and women who are America's veterans. Unfortunately, the VA has been in the news lately for not meeting their mission in some parts of the country. While veterans may have had negative experiences in the past, the VA office in Charleston is working to meet the needs of veterans throughout the Lowcountry. "We must improve the performance of healthcare now," said Robert McDonald, Secretary of Veterans Affairs. "We're looking at ways to restructure and reorganize, combine functions, simplify operations, make process improvements, leverage technology and enhance efficiency and productivity." The Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, opened in 1966, consists of one primary, secondary and tertiary care facility located in downtown Charleston, S.C. It serves over 67,000 veterans in 21 counties, encompassing more than 15,000 square miles. Additionally, the VA opened a Community Resource and Referral Center in North Charleston to assist veterans in a number of ways including: finding housing, clothing and job assistance, etc. To help veterans understand their benefits or to encourage them to return after a negative experience, there are people like Don Morillo who assist those in need. "I'm the director for veteran's affairs for Charleston County" said Morillo. "I'm the overseer for all of the veterans in the Lowcountry and I have found some of the older veterans don't understand the benefits or just don't know about them," said Morillo. "Some may have had a bad experience with getting their benefits and we try to bring them back and let them know how good the VA hospital is here." As part of ongoing efforts to reach out to veterans, on Oct. 30, 2015, the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center partnered with Goodwill Industries of Lower South Carolina and Palmetto Warrior Connection to host its 16th annual Stand Down Against Veteran Homelessness. The event was held at the new CRRC. "We're holding Stand Down here at the CRRC because we wanted to really showcase this new facility that opened in June, " said Hugh Myrick, Chief of Mental health at the Charleston VAMC. "The annual Stand Down events meet a critical need for our homeless veterans but we found it wasn't enough. We needed to do more. This facility helps us meet that goal - to provide

a mini Stand Down every day. Veterans can come here anytime and get connected with those who can help them get back on their feet." A Vietnam War veteran himself, Morillo wants to do all he can to assure his veterans are well taken care of and have their needs met. "I served four years in the U.S. Air Force and spent one year in Vietnam," said Morillo. "Being a veteran myself, we care about our other veterans very much. They are family" "We try our very best to support these veterans in need," said Morillo. "There are so many benefits for the veterans in the Lowcountry," said Morillo. "The downtown VA hospital has dental and medical programs (including flu vaccinations), PTSD assistance and other programs as well." For more information on the VA in Charleston, please visit: Also see Stand Down Against Homelessness, Page 11

The Patriot to publish twice monthly From Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

Starting this month, Joint Base Charleston’s newspaper, the Patriot, will begin publishing the first and third Fridays of every month. The advantages to a twice monthly paper are an increased ability to cover base activities, more lead time for announcements, additional photos and more comprehensive articles. The JB Charleston family is encouraged to continue submitting stories, articles, commentaries, photos and ideas to for inclusion in the paper, as well as the base website. The JB Public Affairs Office will continue to update the JB Charleston website ( with news and information daily.

Halloween 5K starts the Healthy through the Holidays campaign

Members of Joint Base Charleston participate in a costume contest prior to running the annual Halloween 5K at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C., Oct. 20, 2015. This run kicked off the annual “Healthy through the Holidays” campaign sponsored by the fitness center which runs through the months of November and December.


U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Thomas Charlton

Parris Island: 100 Years U.S. Marines: 240 Years


Marrington Elementary takes the pledge


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Joint Base Charleston Calender of Events


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See more photos, Page 11

WEEKEND WEATHER UPDATE for Joint Base Charleston, SC Partly Cloudy

Friday, Nov. 6

(10% precip)

High 79º Low 68º

Sunny Saturday, Nov. 7

(10% precip)

High 80º Low 64º

Extended Forecast

Showers Sunday, Nov. 8

(50% precip)

High 65º Low 58º

Mon. - Nov. 9 - 67°/59° - Showers (60%) Tue. - Nov. 10 - 71°/58° - Mostly Cloudy (20%) Wed. - Nov. 11 - 71°/60° - Mostly Sunny (20%) Thur. - Nov. 12 - 74°/59° - Mostly Sunny (20%) Fri. - Nov. 13 - 69°/54° - Partly Cloudy (20%) Sat. - Nov. 14 - 67°/55° - Partly Cloudy (10%) Sun. - Nov. 15 - 67°/54° - Partly Cloudy (20%) Mon. - Nov. 16 - 66°/52° - Thunderstorms (30%) Tue. - Nov. 17 - 67°/54° - Sunny (0%) Wed. - Nov. 18 - 66°/55° - Mostly Sunny (10%)

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BLACK 01/29/08


The Patriot • Nov. 6-19, 2015

Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot

The Patriot, the official biweekly paper of Joint Base Charleston is published the first and third Friday of every month by Diggle Publishing Company, (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DoD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs office reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed against DOD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.


The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Patriot staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.

Editorial Staff

Joint Base Charleston commander Col. Robert Lyman Public Affairs Officer Capt. Christopher Love Patriot Editor Seamus O’Boyle

Editorial Content

Questions and comments can be directed to the editor. The Patriot can be reached at: 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office, Building 302, Room 312. Phone: (843) 963-5608, Fax: (843) 963-3464 Mail to: 628 ABW/PA, 102 East Hill Blvd., Charleston AFB, SC 29404-5154. E-mail to: All news releases should be sent to this address.

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Important Base Numbers:

Commander’s Action Line 963-5581 Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline 963-5550

Inspector General’s Office 963-3553 / 963-3552

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Have we become an Air Force of distractions?

By Col. Scovill Currin 437 Operations Group commander

All of us had our own reason for joining the Air Force - maybe it was to escape a bad family situation, maybe it was for an education, maybe it was patriotism, perhaps a love of flying or travel, or maybe just an urge to be part of something greater than ourselves. Some of us may have even just stumbled into this business without any real forethought at all. Each of you has your own personal story and reason for serving, and after taking command of the greatest Operations Group in the Air Force three months ago, I've had the privilege of hearing many of those stories first-hand. Despite our varied reasons for serving, I have a hunch that we all agree on one thing: Not one of us joined the Air Force to wrestle with DTS, frantically click through CBTs, stand tall for a waist measurement, attend extraneous training sessions, prepare for another DV visit, fight to get our GTC paid, argue over word choice and formatting on an EPR or OPR, or cobble together a ribbon chart that condenses our value as Airmen down to a series of colored blocks. Don't misunderstand me. Some of the extra training events levied on us are vitally important. Take our sexual assault prevention training and resiliency programs as prime examples. We all want to be part of an organization where people feel safe, where we've methodically fostered an environment where predators cannot thrive. Those efforts are going to continue. We will also continue to seek ways to help our brothers and sisters in arms before they choose to hurt themselves. Nearly one hundred of our fellow Airmen have taken their own lives in 2015. That is simply a devastating and unacceptable statistic. The problem, however, lies in how we view and value the other ancillary training events, CBTs, computer systems, and AFI-mandated programs that have drastically grown in both number and scope over the last decade. I sense an acute frustration among our Airmen that these secondary and tertiary events beyond our primary mission of flying, fighting and winning our nation's wars have received more attention and emphasis from leadership

than our primary duties. In truth, most of these ancillary events are simply "noise and nothing more than the cost of doing business in a large, bureaucratic organization. We face real danger, however, if we begin to value and reward this "noise" over our primary mission and our Airmen's sacrifices in accomplishing that mission. In other words, we are in danger of becoming an Air Force of distractions. If we care more about raising our PT score from an 89 to a 90 for our metrics, the currency of our information assurance CBT, or who volunteered to run the base chili cook-off rather than whether we can stabilize behind a tanker, load an airplane safely, generate a weather forecast, build an intel brief, inspect an oxygen mask or plan a multi-ship formation, then we've done a disservice to ourselves and our nation. And trust me; our Airmen will begin voting with their feet, if they haven't already. My first order of business when taking command of the 437th Operations Group in July was simple: Establish a renewed focus on our primary mission, which ensures our Airmen understand the fantastic work they do, the way they hack the mission, is what we value, what we honor, what we truly care about. We won't disrespect their effort by focusing on and rewarding the wrong things. Again, please don't misunderstand. We cannot start blowing off CBTs and skating out of training we don't deem worthy. We're going to continue to adhere to policy and standards, but we will also insist our Airmen's performance in their primary job is what matters most. We want to ensure the reasons we joined still matter, and when we look back on our time in the Air Force, feel like our work was important and that we were truly part of something special. Since taking command, I have had the privilege of shaking hands with each of our Expeditionary Airlift Squadron deployers as they left the comforts of home and family to fight our nation's battles. As I looked each one of them in the eye, I was struck time and again by the solemn obligation we all share to ensure our Airmen return home safely to their family and friends. The only way to ensure that we fulfill that obligation is a renewed focus on what really matters and avoid becoming an Air Force of distractions.

I know Who, What, When and Where ... but Why? By Tech. Sgt. David W. Hardy Joint Base Charleston Airman Leadership School

Leading by example can be a heavy burden, but it is the burden we choose to carry when we don the uniform each day. As leaders, we should focus on showing others "how" to be an American Airman who embodies the Core Values. We should also explain "why" it matters to serve with the utmost integrity because the "who, what, when and where" will then fall into place. For example, when I was in Ammo, I trained Airmen on upgrade tasks. If I incorrectly showed them how, they would obviously err in their role. However, if I failed to explain why it was important to follow technical orders, for example, the temptation may too great to cut corners in the future. It may also deprive them of pride in mission accomplishment. My negative leader influence could then be contagious and spread to other areas of their job and life. When you show someone how to perform and explain why it is important, you get to the heart of the matter. Airmen do not need more

head knowledge; they need more heart knowledge. Airmen want to perform well and work on high-performing teams.We owe it to them to give them the tools to become outstanding individuals who accomplish incredible things as a team. Show them the importance of wanting to always do things the right way rather than simply doing things the right way when someone is looking. Think about the kitchen fight scene in The Break Up. Jennifer Aniston browbeats Vince Vaughn into helping wash the dishes, but she doesn't like that he is simply giving a hand. No, she states, "I want you to want to do the dishes," which is something he cannot fathom. Many Airmen share these exact sentiments. Maybe you have felt the same way at some point in your career. Our challenge is to get our Airmen to want to do the right thing. If we are going to exhort them, we must first model exemplary behavior. This calls for inner reflection; a sober assessment of ourselves is invaluable. Take a deep look in the proverbial mirror and allow your inner light to provide a visible path for others to follow. Ethical leadership is contagious and it starts with you!

Fundraising within the U.S. Air Force

From 628 ABW / 315 AW Judge Advocate

Anyone who is an active participant in a registered private organization with the 628 Force Support Squadron is aware that POs are permitted to have two fundraising events per quarter, that the fundraiser cannot occur in the workplace, and that PO members participating in the fundraiser must be on leave and out of uniform. When it comes to advertising PO fundraisers, PO members are permitted to place pre-approved advertising material in public areas in accordance with the facility manager and are permitted to advertise the fundraiser in the base bulletin and on the base's Facebook page. Use of government email is not authorized to advertise fundraisers. The Air Force conducts two annual fundraisers every year, where fundraising is allowed in the workplace: Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and Air Force Assistance Fund (AFAF). Key workers are identified within every unit, and the goal is to contact 100% of personnel, notifying them of the opportunity to contribute to approved

organizations and charities. We are currently in the middle of the CFC campaign. The legal office often receives questions as to what is permitted during the CFC and AFAF. This article provides guidance to address frequently asked questions. 1. CFC and AFAF project officers are permitted to conduct promotional events during the campaign period. The event needs to be routed through the legal office for a review and needs to be approved by the installation commander. 2. During the promotional events, the project officer must allow donors to designate their money to any of the approved organizations or to advise donors that their donation will be counted as an "undesignated contribution." 3. Project officers are not permitted to conduct special events for specific organizations or charities. 4. PO fundraisers in the workplace for local internal programs are not allowed during CFC or AFAF (i.e., unit Christmas party, benefit for a fellow employee, going away gift fundraiser). 5. PO fundraisers away from the workplace for local internal programs are allowed during the

CFC or AFAF as long as the installation commander determines the fundraiser will not detract from the CFC or AFAF. 6. Soliciting for a local external organization (i.e., fundraisers or collection boxes for a local community organization) is not authorized during the CFC or AFAF. 7. If a PO wants to raise money for a specific organization that is named in the CFC brochure, the PO can seek authorization after the CFC has concluded. As the adage goes, "It's better to give than receive." However, when donating to a charity, it is recommended that donors look at the operating costs of each charity to discover how much of the donation is being used for the charitable purpose versus salaries, etc. That information is located in the CFC Guidebook after each organizational name and is listed as a percentage. For more information on fundraising within the Air Force, see AFI 34-223, AFI 36-3101, and the Joint Ethics Regulation. As always, this article is not intended to replace legal advice or further legal review by the legal office.

P-5 Deployment Tempo at JB Charleston

By Tech. Sgt. Renae Pittman Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

Beginning in Fiscal Year 2014, the Air Force changed the Aerospace Expeditionary Forces (AEF) teaming construct window. This affects how often mission support personnel are vulnerable to deploy. The AEF is divided into six windows, covering a 24-month period. Joint Base Charleston support personnel are affected mainly in the P-2 and P-5 windows. Each period lasts for six months and Airmen assigned to a particular window must be able to deploy at any time during their assigned window. Enablers, the other main type of deployment tasking, fall under a different construct and are deployable at all times. "The P-2 vulnerability window (the less taxing of the two) ended on September 30 and will start again next July. Until then, however, JB Charleston moves into its largest vulnerability period – the P-5 which lasts from now until April 1, 2016," said Mr. Robert Degregorio, 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron installation deployment officer. Although the overall number of deployed personnel will remain relatively consistent at around 200, certain squadrons will be impacted more than others over the next several months. The Civil Engineer Squadron, the Logistics Readiness Squadron and the Force Support Squadron are the hardest hit with the current number of deployments. "The impact of P5 on the Mission Support Group and our ability to support the Joint Base mission is minimal. All service and support organizations will

continue to meet mission requirements. However, there may be some minor delays in service from those organizations that have members deploying from one or two person deep shops," said Col. Richard Mathews, 628th Mission Support Group commander. "We only had one function, Logistics Plans (628 LRS), that was impacted enough to cause us to look for back fill personnel. That support was provided from the 315th Logistics Readiness Squadron. Regardless of the impact of P5 or any deployment cycle, we will ensure that the MSG continues to support and meet any and all mission requirements within the 628th ABW as well as our mission partners," Mathews added. There are numerous support programs to assist deployers and their families. These services, including the Key Spouse and Ombudsmen programs, are critical links to support families of deployed members. The Airman Family Readiness center and the Fleet and Family Support Center offer deployment support services that can be used by all military members and their families: - Quarterly Deployed Spouse/Family Dinners - Car Care Because We Care (1 Free oil change voucher >30 day deployment) - Free Child Care through the FCC office (16 hrs. for pre-deployment/16 hrs. during deployment/16 hrs. post-deployment) - Little Hero Ceremony (Run biannually at the A&FRC) "Making sure the deploying spouse completes the 'Deployed Support Application' at the A&FRC with their spouse's information is important so they can know all the services we have available," said Technical Sgt. Kathryn Wood, NCOIC of the A&FRC.

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The Patriot • Nov. 6-19, 2015


Parris Island celebrates 100 Years of making Marines

Story and photo by Sgt. Melissa Karnath DVIDS / Third Army/U.S. Army Central (ARCENT)

PARRIS ISLAND, S.C. – Thousands of visitors flooded Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island to attend special events in celebration of the depot's centennial Oct. 14-16, 2015. The depot was transferred from the Navy to the Marine Corps Nov. 1, 1915. The depot was known as Marine Barracks, Port Royal, and later as Marine Barracks, Paris Island, before becoming Parris Island in 1919. New Marines from Charlie Company, 1st Recruit Training Battalion, and Oscar Company, 4th Recruit Training Battalion, graduated from recruit training during the depot's centennial celebration Oct. 16, 2015, and were nicknamed centennial Marines. "Being a Marine is something I always wanted to do but never could," said Dashell Tout, whose son, Pvt. Austin Tout, from New Paris, Ohio, graduated with Platoon 1086. "Austin being a centennial Marine just makes his graduation and accomplishments even more special." During the three days of celebration, Marine veterans as well as family members and friends of graduating Marines flocked to the depot for the events. Leading off the special events Oct. 14 was a motivational run for permanent personnel of the depot led by Brig. Gen. Terry Williams, commanding general of the depot, and Sgt. Maj. Angela Maness, sergeant major of the depot. A second run led by the leadership of the depot and the Recruit Training Regiment took place the following morning for the new Marines graduating from recruit training Oct. 16, 2015.

Special events continued with the rededication of monuments and statues around the depot. The Iron Mike Monument, dedicated to Marines who died in World War I, was rededicated Oct. 15 by Col. John Peck, commanding officer of Headquarters and Service Battalion. The Drill Instructor Monument was rededicated Oct. 16 by Sgt. Maj. Nicholas Deabreu, sergeant major of Recruit Training Regiment. The Molly Marine Statue was also rededicated Oct. 16 by Sgt. Maj. Donna Dunbar, the sergeant major of 4th Recruit Training Battalion. "Iron Mike embodies the warrior ethos instilled in all Marines," said Peck. "Our illustrious heritage is preserved by passing on our traits, customs, courtesies and traditions. We strengthen our legacy for the next generation of Marines by rededicating this monument and honoring the history Iron Mike represents." Events continued with a morning colors ceremony followed by the graduation ceremony of the centennial Marines, attended by Gen. Robert Neller, commandant of the Marine Corps, and Sgt. Maj. Ronald Green, sergeant major of the Marine Corps. Neller served as the parade reviewing official at the graduation before a crowd who filled the bleachers with red and burgundy attire representing 1st and 4th Recruit Training Battalions respectively, cheering and clapping throughout the ceremony. "It feels amazing to be a centennial Marine and a part of living history," said PFC Emily Harris, who graduated with Platoon 4034. Special events continued with the dedication of new exhibits at the Parris Island Museum and guest speakers at the base the-

240 Years!

Sgt Maj. Angela Maness, left, and Brig. Gen. Terry Williams, right, the sergeant major and commanding general of Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, S.C., stand at parade rest during a morning colors ceremony at the depot, Oct. 16, 2015. Gen. Robert Neller, commandant of the Marine Corps, and Sgt. Maj. Ronald Green, sergeant major of the Marine Corps, also attended the ceremony.

atre to teach visitors and Marines about Parris Island's history. The last day of celebration concluded with a performance by the Parris Island Marine Band before a crowd of hundreds of Marines, family members and veterans. The crowd applauded and cheered during the following performances by the Silent Drill Platoon and the Commandant's Own United States Marine Drum and Bugle Corps. "The centennial offers a rare opportunity to take a look back [at our history]," said Sgt Maj. Donna Dunbar, sergeant major of 4th Recruit Training Battalion. "It's an amazing celebration, and I'm happy to be a part of it."

Veterans Day Parade to salute Lowcountry Veterans From Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center

The Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center will host its annual Veterans Day Parade on Saturday, Nov. 10, 2015, starting at 10:30 a.m. The parade will include multiple marching bands, historic military vehicles, motorcycle groups, and Veterans service organization floats. The parade is to honor and thank Lowcountry heroes of every generation, who selflessly served in our nation’s military during times of peace or times of war. This parade is but a small token of the community’s gratitude and appreciation. This year’s grand marshal is Colonel James W. Shumard III, a 32 year Air Force Veteran. He is an avid volunteer for activities that aid and assist military veterans. He is an active member of Star Touring and Riding Association Chapter 264, the motorcycle group that has led the parade for the last 10

years with the 50 state display. Recently, Col. Shumard was in a motorcycle accident and is now unable to head up that display. From his hospital bed, he coordinated the event for this year’s parade to ensure the parade was not lacking. Being unable to ride now, he is being honored for his contributions to the Veterans Day Parade. The parade will take place in downtown Charleston in the Charleston Market District. The parade begins at Concord and Market Streets, continues west on Market Street to East Bay Street, then south on East Bay Street to Broad Street, and continues west down Broad Street until it ends at Colonial Lake. The parade will be followed by a VetStory presentation to William Brinton at the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center. More more information contact the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center at 843-7897699 or email

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The Patriot • Nov. 6-19, 2015













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The Patriot • Nov. 6-19, 2015



Make a difference, change a life Charleston leaders tour By Senior Master Sgt. Shawn Brugh 437th Maintenance Group

The 2015 Combined Federal Campaign will come to a close on Nov. 13. Now is your chance to make a difference. It's not too late. I believe we have a responsibility to the community where we live and work. Our community is what we make it or what we fail to make it. The choice is ours. The CFC is a huge part of that, for more than just our community. This is our chance as a Joint Base to show how much we care about our work, about our community and about each other. Squadron POC's are working diligently to contact everyone in their squadrons. If you haven't been contacted to give, please locate your squadron POC. To identify your squadron POC, please contact your wing POC's: MSgt Sandra Coleman, 628 ABW POC and Capt Stephen Smith, 437 AW POC. CFC is convenient. Most federal employees elect to pledge thru payroll deduction; pledging a specific amount to be withheld regularly from their pay beginning in January and continuing through December. One-time gifts are also possible.

Naval Health Clinic

In addition to the 2,200+ charities in the local campaign charity booklet, beginning in 2014, donors may make a pledge to any of the 22,000+ charities that applied for and were approved to participate in their respective CFC Regions. This is referred to as Universal Giving. You can search through an online list of all charities available at Those who donate $600 - $999 become an Eagle club member and receive an Eagle challenge coin and wooden display. Those who donate more than $1,000 are recognized as Keeper of the Light members and receive a butcher block cutting board with the CFC logo laser etched in it.

U.S. Navy photo/Kris Patterson

Capt. Elizabeth Maley (right), Naval Health Clinic Charleston commanding officer, highlights various healthcare services available at NHCC during a tour for Leadership Charleston at Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station, Oct. 15, 2015. Leadership Charleston is a 10-month long program offered by the Chamber of Commerce to provide local professionals an intensive, up-close look at various issues impacting the Lowcountry.

Members of Leadership Charleston met with the command staff of Naval Health Clinic Charleston at Joint Base Charleston – Weapons Station, Oct. 15, 2015 during a tour of the clinic. The 50-member class divided into groups to visit various medical facilities in the area, including NHCC, to get a better understanding of the healthcare services that are available to our military and veteran populations.

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The Patriot • Nov. 6-19, 2015


JB Charleston members earn their CCAF degrees

U.S. Air Force photo / Airman 1st Class Thomas T. Charlton

Combat Arms Range Trespass Notice

The base firing ranges are located adjacent to the Rivers Avenue entry gate to Joint Base Charleston, between the Explosive Ordinance Disposal ranges, munitions storage site and the Cross County Road gravel pit at 125 Range Road. Trespassing is illegal and extremely dangerous because weapon’s training is conducted daily, including weekends. Ranges are not available for personal use. Individuals with a valid need for entry should contact the Combat Arms NCOIC at 963-1121 or the Combat Arms Instructor office at 963-1122.

The new graduates of the Community College of the Air Force from the 628th Air Base Wing and the 437th Airlift Wing pose for a photo at the theater on Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C., Nov. 4, 2015. These graduates are from all career fields spanning the entire Joint Base, to include numerous squadrons, ranks and missions.

AFB crossing guard moves

Effective 2 November, the Air Base School Crossing Guard will move from Hill Blvd and Jackson to Hill Blvd and Touhey. This move was necessary for the safety of the crossing guard and children that utilize the crosswalk. This move was coordinated through the Wing Safety Office, Charleston County Sheriff's Office, Forest City Housing and the Mission Support Group. If you have any questions the Security Forces POC is Mr. Randy Watts, his number is 963-3630.

See the Patriot online (and back issues) at





NORTH CHARLESTON 7250 Rivers Ave • (843) 261-9464






Not valid with any other specials, promotions or offers. Present coupon at the time of purchase. Valid only at participating location. Expires 12/31/15.

Not valid with any other specials, promotions or offers. Present coupon at the time of purchase. Valid only at participating location. Expires 12/31/15.

One coupon per customer visit.

One coupon per customer visit.


Take the Lead Master of Science in Project Management Students using the GI Bill and Tuition Assistance welcome!

Inquire Today at

The Patriot • Nov. 6-19, 2015


Vaccinating one leader at a time..

U.S. Air Force photo / Tech. Sgt. Renae Pittman

Staff Sgt. Talisa Bell (left) and Staff Sgt. Abigail Johannesson (right), 628th Medical Operations Squadron immunizations technicians, vaccinate Chief Master Sgt. Mark Bronson, 628th Air Base Wing command chief, and Naval Support Activity Command Master Chief Joseph Gardner at the headquarters building on Joint Base Charleston Air Base, S.C., Nov. 3, 2015. Receiving an annual flu shot satisfies this component of their Individual Mobility Readiness requirements.

Marrington Elementary pledges to be drug free

U.S. Air Force photos / Airman 1st Class Thomas Charlton

Staff Sgt. Kyle Shaugnessy, 628th Security Forces Squadron military working dog instructor, speaks to Dee Donnahoo’s pre-school class about the dangers of drugs during Red Ribbon Week at Marrington Elementary School on Joint Base Charleston –Weapons Station, S.C., on Oct. 29, 2015. Shaugnessy has been with the military working dog program for four years.

Design the Future

Senior Airman Jonathan Calo, 628th Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler, gives his dog Ttilly a treat after she did a good job showing her listening skills at Marrington Elementary School on Joint Base Charleston –Weapons Station, S.C., on Oct. 29, 2015. The 628th SFS traveled to MES to raise awareness of the danger of drugs during this year’s Red Ribbon Week.

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The Patriot • Nov. 6-19, 2015


Chaplain’s Corner Hope and Renewed Mercy By Chaplain, Maj. Aaron Meadows 315th AW Chaplain

On the wall of my daughters’ room is a verse from the Bible that has brought my family and me, great comfort: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are made new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness.” My family has known great joys and happiness but has also suffered through great tragedies and

periods of trial. Sometimes those difficult times were brought about by bad choices one of us made while other times by our poor decisions. Either way, it was a comfort to know that there was a promise of hope, grace and forgiveness regardless of our circumstance. What source of love and never ending faithfulness sustains you during tough times? Remember, your chapel staff is here to help you find renewed hope in the midst of life’s challenges.

CATHOLIC SERVICES Daily Mass Wednesdays @ 11:30 a.m. - Air Base (AB) Chapel Thursdays @ 11:30 a.m. - Weapon Station (WS) Chapel The Blessed Sacrament Chapel is open for prayer between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Mon-Fri. Sunday- Mass 9 a.m. - AB Chapel • 11:30 a.m. - WS Chapel

SAPR Corner Air Base Victim Advocates CIV Christine Adcox - 628th WSA, SARC TSgt Stephanie Bandy - 628th LRS SrA Janelle Allen - 628th ABW SSgt Rachel Bublitz - 628th LRS TSgt Dana Alderete - 437th MXS SrA Patvia Brice - 628th LRS TSgt Tarha Burchell - 628th CONS TSgt Shawna Drivers - 628th OSS TSgt Amine El Iahiai - 628th MDSS SrA Marian Magtoto - 628th CS TSgt Toccara Evans - 628th LRS

PROTESTANT SERVICES SUNDAY 10 a.m. - WS Traditional Service - With Children’s Church 10:30 a.m. - AB Evangelical Protestant Service - With Children’s Church

To see thethank Airlift Dispatch online or download a PDFsupport of the paper, Please our advertisers for their of please YOURvisit base paper! DUI CONDITION:


963 -


# of Days Since Last JB Charleston DUI - 62 (Last: Sept. 5, 2015 - NPTC)

Total # of DUIs for JB Charleston 2015 - 14

SSgt Adrienne Forth - 437th OSS CIV Joy Franklin - 628th CES SSgt Lakia Hamlin - 437th APS 2nd Lt Ariel Saltin - 437th APS SSgt Lakin Trahan - 628th MDG SSgt Shemerica Washington - 628th FSS 1st Lt Megumi Voight - 1 CTCS TSgt Melynda Winter - 628th CES/CEOIE CIV Judy Driggers - 628th OB SSgt Jarid Hasty-Milton - 437th AMXS

NWS Charleston Victim Advocates CS2 Danyel Coleman - NAVCONBRIG CS1 Naomi Jackson - NAVCONBRIG LNC Andrea Navarro - NAVCONBRIG LS1 Mark Nash - NAVCONBRIG OS1 Anthony Strowder - NAVCONBRIG AO2 Mel Sweeting - NAVCONBRIG RP1 Tina Clevenger - NSA SH3 Ed Dingle - NSA MA1 Ethan Holland - NSA MA1 Jessica Thurber - NSA HM3 Laquisha Byrd - NHCC HM2 Michelle Coltrane - NHCC HM2 Francis Edquid - NHCC HM3 Nicole Johnson - NHCC HN Melissa King - NHCC HM3 Choloe Wyatt - NHCC MMCS Brett Baldwin - NNPTC ETC Tom Chase - NNPTC LTJG Maddie Clark - NNPTC ETC Clair Dopson - NNPTC MMC Dave Giuliano - NNPTC

ETC Tom Marsland - NNPTC STS2 Jonathan Martinez - NNPTC MC3 Jason Pastrick - NNPTC MMC Erika Dopson - NNPTC EM1 Perry Ball - NPTU EM1 Jeremy Calhoun - NPTU ET2 Mike Daigle - NPTU ET2 Desaree Edwards - NPTU MM3 Toni Lombardi - NPTU MM1 Ashley Pruitt - NPTU MM2 Travis Ritter - NPTU MM2 Bob Satterfield - NPTU MM2 Alecz Sitton - NPTU ET2 CJ Stangl - NPTU MNCS Brandi Jimenez - NMC ETC Kyle Wright - NMC HM2 James Rivas - NOSC Charleston PS2 Maureen Tate - NOSC Charelston YN2 David Gates - SPAWAR LT James Turnwall - The Citadel, NROTC

Air Base 24-Hour Response Hotline 843-963-SARC (7272) Air Base Civilian Victim Advocate 843-327-7369 Air Base SARC 843-817-8397

Airmen Against Drunk Driving: Wingmen Saving Lives

Joint Base Charleston’s Airmen Against Drunk Driving offers free, confidential rides home.

Weapons Station 24-hour Response Hotline 843-478-8615 Weapons Station Civilian Victim Advocate 843-834-4527 Weapons Station SARC 843-276-9855

DOD Safe Helpline 877-995-5247

To volunteer, email The JB Charleston DUI Battle Plan:

Veterans Day Celebration Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To


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VFW Post 10624 in Mt Pleasant is looking for new members. Interested Veterans please contact us at or


VETERANS DAY OBSERVANCE 2015 - American Legion Post 166, Goose Creek will be conducting its Annual Veterans Day Observance at Carolina Memorial Gardens, 7113 Rivers Ave, North Charleston on Wednesday, November 11th 2015. The ceremony will be held at the “GARDEN OF VALOR” commencing promptly at 11AM. For more info, (843) 553-5454 or

Veterans, Families & Friends, PTSD Support Group. Free anonymous, self help for the above. Not Therapy. 1400 Trolley Rd Summerville, SC. POC 843.637.6463

STOP, don't throw away your old BDUs! Cadets of the Civil Air Patrol can use them. Please donate them by dropping them off at Bldg 246, third floor or calling 767-9484 or 843-607-4039 for pick up.

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Trident Technical College The community is invited to join us in honoring all who have served.

Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2015 10:30 a.m. Speaker: Colonel Jimmy “Vegas” Canlas Vice Commander, 437th Airlift Wing, Joint Base Charleston, SC Following the program, please remain for a reception and enjoy the American Military Exhibit, featuring uniforms throughout the years. TTC’s Main Campus 7000 Rivers Ave., North Charleston College Center (Bldg. 920) Please RSVP: 843.574.6421 For more information: 843.574.6347.

Diggle Publishing accepts free three-line personal* classified ads from active duty, reserve and retired military personnel and their dependents. Each line is roughly approximately 45-55 letters and spaces. The amount depends upon the number of capitals, punctuation, etc. Three lines is roughly 150-160 total letters and spaces. The Best Way To Submit A Free Classified Ad Is With Our Online Form At We do not take ads by phone.

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The Patriot • Nov. 6-19, 2015


To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit Or “like” us on Facebook by searching for “Charleston Military”

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The Patriot • Nov. 6-19, 2015




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The Patriot • Nov. 6-19, 2015



16th Annual Stand Down Against Homelessness Story and photos by James Arrowood Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center

Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center in partnership with Goodwill Industries of Lower South Carolina and Palmetto Warrior Connection held its 16th Annual Stand Down Against Homelessness Friday, Oct. 30 at the VA Community Resource and Referral Center, 2424 City Hall Lane, North Charleston, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The event included a Veteran Listening Forum with the VA director from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. The event offered medical screenings and assistance, clothing, food, haircuts and legal counseling for hundreds of homeless veterans in the greater Charleston area. Job assistance and opportunities to speak with local employers Homeless Veterans wait in line for registration during the Veteran Stand Down at the VA Community Resource and Referral Center on Friday, Oct. 30, 2015. The event offered medical screenings and assistance, clothing, food, haircuts and legal counseling for hundreds of homeless veterans in the greater Charleston area.

were available for those seeking work. The event focused on veterans who are living on the streets or close to it. The goal is to get veterans the resources they need to get back on their feet. "This year we decided to move the location of our Annual Veteran Stand Down Against Homelessness to our new VA Community Resource and Referral Center," said Stand Down Chairman Dr. Hugh Myrick, Chief of Mental Health at the Charleston VA Medical Center. "This center opened in June 2015 and serves our homeless veterans and veterans who are at risk of homelessness throughout the year. Events like our Veteran Stand Down are wonderful and serve our community members in need. However, it is important to remember that these veterans need our help every day and this center helps us accomplish that goal."

Crazy D’s Food & Spirits

Samuel Davis, a Veteran of the United States Air Force, gets his hair and beard trimmed by Tina, a barber with Howard’s Barber & Styling College, during the Veteran Stand Down at the VA Community Resource and Referral Center on Friday, Oct. 30, 2015. Joint Base Charleston Honor Guard presents the colors at the Veteran Stand Down at the VA Community Resource and Referral Center on Friday, Oct. 30, 2015.

Veterans Stand Down Chairman Dr. Hugh Myrick, Chief of Mental Health at the Charleston VA Medical Center, welcomes the attendees and thanks them for volunteering during the Veteran Stand Down at the VA Community Resource and Referral Center on Friday, Oct. 30, 2015.

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U.S. Air Force photos / Airman 1st Class Thomas Charlton

First Lt. John Montes, 437th Aerial Port Squadron section commander, and Airman 1st Class Tanya McKenzie, 628th Medical Group public health technician, stand together as the fastest man and woman for the Halloween 5K at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C., on Oct. 30, 2015. Montes had a run time of 16:24 run time and McKenzie’s completion time was 24:06.

Staff Sgt. Carl Ellis, 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron quality assurance evaluator, poses for a photo with his daughter, Hannah, after the Halloween 5K at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C., on Oct. 30, 2015. Hannah, was the youngest person to participate in this year’s run which was a kickoff event for the fitness center’s “Healthy through the Holidays” campaign.


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The Patriot • Nov. 6-19, 2015


All classes or events will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center (Building 500) unless otherwise specified. For more information, call A&FRC 963-4406 or just register at https://booknow.

November 7 / Heart Link – Orientation For USAF Spouses New To JB Charleston: Nov. 7 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Military spouses learn about the Air Force mission, culture, traditions, military language, and benefits/services while making new friends! November 10 / Troops to Teachers: Nov. 10, 10 a.m. - noon. Receive counseling and assistance to help eligible veterans and their spouses transition into a new teaching career. November 16-20 / Transition Goals, Plans, Success (GPS) Workshop: Nov. 16-20,


8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. This mandated 5-day workshop prepares service members for transition to civilian life. Spouses are welcome to attend all sessions on a space-available-basis. November 18 / Ready, set, parent: Nov. 18, 9-11:30 a.m. This course provides useful tips for expectant parents, while helping them to understand the importance of budgeting for their new addition. Additionally, parents receive a FREE bundle for each expected baby! / Educational Opportunities Counseling: Nov. 18, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Meet one-on-one for 30 minutes with an expert who will help you reach your educational goals. / Good Credit – I Want That: Nov. 18, 1-2 p.m. Whether trying to build, fix, or maintain good credit, learn what it takes to reach a great score. November 20 / VA Benefits Briefing: Nov. 20, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Learn about all your VA benefits in this briefing! If you are exempt from the Transition GPS Workshop, you will still need this. Open to all Active Duty. / Enrolled In the TSP? Your Next Move…: Nov. 20, 8 - 9 a.m. Learn the basics, purpose, how to enroll/maintain your account, strategies and more. / 1st Combat Camera Golf Tournament: Friday, November 20, 2015 at Wrenwoods Golf Course, JB Charleston - Air Force Base, S.C. 7 a.m. breakfast, 8 a.m. tee-time. Format : 3 - 4 players, Captain’s Choice. Entry fee $40-45. For more information, contact MSgt Shawn Gambill, 963-5057, or email November 25 / PCS-Moving Made Easy: Nov. 25, 9:30 - 11 a.m. Learn from experts how to prepare and PCS smoothly. November 23-27 / 628th Medical Group Thanksgiving Week Clinic Closure: The 628th MDG main clinic building will be closed for renovations 2327 November 2015. The following clinics will be closed: Dental, Family Health, Flight Medicine, Immunizations, Optometry, Pediatrics, and Physical Therapy. Limited appointments for Active

Duty personnel will be offered for urgent medical needs only. The Mental Health Clinic, Family Advocacy, ADAPT, HAWC and Bioenvironmental Engineering will remain open on a reduced schedule. Laboratory and radiology services will be offered at the Naval Health Clinic Charleston. Pharmacy services will be limited and new prescriptions will need to be filled at the Naval Health Clinic Charleston. The 628th MDG Appointment Line (1-843-963-6880) will continue to operate and assist you in meeting your healthcare needs. In addition, the Nurse Advice Line (1-800-TRICARE) is available to assist you in accessing medical care. Please check the 628th MDG homepage and 628th MDG FaceBook page for up to date guidance and other important notices.

Classes range from Interest Profiler, Career Exploration, Job Search, Applications & Cover Letters, and Resume Writing to Navigating USA Jobs! Register for the classes that you need. November 16 / Home Buying: Nov. 16, 2:30 - 4 p.m. Learn the process of buying property. November 18 / Five Love Languages: Nov. 18, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. What makes you feel loved? People express love for one another in various ways. It is essential for couples to identify how to communicate their love to one another so they can improve their relationship. Come and discover your love language. November 19 / VA Disability Claim Workshop: Nov. 19, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. This workshop is broken down into two sections: From 8 - 9:30 a.m., the VA representative will provide a Disability Briefing to participants. From 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., a Medical Records Review/turn-in will take place. Members are welcomed to attend either sessions or the session most relevant to their current situation. / Smooth Move: Nov. 19, 9 - 11:30 a.m. Relocating soon? If so, learn from the experts on how to PCS smoothly to your new location. You do not need orders to attend. / Interpersonal Problem Solving: Nov. 19, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Learn to resolve conflict and overcome barriers and make healthy choices. Become more aware of the role that conflict plays and gain tools to address and manage it daily. / 4 Lenses: Nov. 19, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Participants learn about certain qualities of each personality type, including values, personal strengths, needs, and approaches in problem solving. Applications of these principles will improve the ability to effectively lead and interact with others.

November 23-24 / Career Technical Training Track: Nov. 23-24, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Learn to define technical career goals and identify required credentials and training opportunities. November 25 / Smart Sea Cents: Nov. 25, 1 - 2:30 p.m. Sea Duty means more pay, right? How will your pay change with orders to sea duty? What impact could deployment have on your finances? Learn some financial tips for success to help you prepare for Sea Duty.


/ Baseketball Coaches Needed: Registration for the 2016 Youth Basketball Season is going on through 13 November 2015. Registration forms can be picked up at the Air Base or Weapons Station Youth Centers. All youth will need physicals prior to the start of the season; the season will run January-February 2016. Start Smart 4 year old Basketball will be held at the Weapons Station only, cost $25. 5-10 year old basketball will be held at the AB and WS, cost $45; COACHES ARE NEEDED FOR THESE TEAMS... Coach applications can be picked up at the Youth Centers as well. For more information contact the AB Youth Center at 963-5684 or the WS Youth Center at 794-7809. / Volunteers needed for the Airman's Attic: The Airman's Attic is in urgent need of volunteers to assist the coordinator with assembling workshop packets, maintaining inventory and assisting with loan locker check-outs and returns. This is an awesome opportunity to learn, network, and gain experience to add to your resume! Additionally, volunteer drivers are needed. If you drive a truck, like to help others and are willing to donate just a few hours a month - we work around your schedule - the Airman's Attic is the volunteer opportunity for you. We are in need of volunteer drivers to pick up donations! If interested, please call the Airman and Family Readiness Center at 963-4406 (628 FSS/FSFR).

To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.


All classes or events will be held at the Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC)-NWS (Building 755) JB Charleston, Weapons Station, unless otherwise specified. For more information, call FFSC at 794-7480 or just register at

November 9 / Your Career, Your Clearance: Nov. 9, 10-11:30 a.m. Learn about how your finances can affect your security clearance and your career in the military. / Operation Employment (OPR EMPL): Nov. 9-13, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. These hour-long classes are designed to help job-seekers improve their employability in today's challenging job market.


/ CAPSTONE: Capstone is a congressionally mandated culminating activity to verify service members have met their Career Readiness Standards, as identified on the Service Member Career Readiness Standards/ Individual Transition Plan Checklist, DD Form 2958. The checklist, in conjunction with the ITP, will be used by the A&FRC, FFSC, and Commanders (or commander’s designee) to verify status of CRS completion. To schedule your Capstone appointment, call the Fleet & Family Support Center, Joint Base Charleston-NWS at 794-7480. / Attention all college-goers and college hopefuls! The Logistics Officer Association Charleston Low Country Chapter is offering two generous scholarships of $750 a piece to JB CHS' active duty members and their dependents. All that's required is to fill out an application form and write a small essay outlined in the scholarship guidance. Simply email your request for the guidance to and you're well on your way to earning $750! The Logistics Officer Association (LOA) is comprised of nearly 80 active chapters and a membership base of 3,000+ military officers and civilians in the logistics field around the world. The purpose of the LOA is to enhance the military logistics profession and to strengthen logistics in the national security environment.

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This is a summary of the features for the 2015 Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan. Before making a final decision, please read the plan’s federal brochure (RI 71-005). All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the federal brochure.


The Patriot • Nov. 6-19, 2015

Rec Review


Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at


The Patriot • Nov. 6-19, 2015

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